Research Article |
Corresponding author: David H. Kavanaugh ( ) Academic editor: Terry Erwin
© 2014 Igor M. Sokolov, David H. Kavanaugh.
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Sokolov I, Kavanaugh D (2014) The integripennis species group of Geocharidius Jeannel, 1963 (Carabidae, Bembidiini, Anillina) from Nuclear Central America: a taxonomic review with notes about biogeography and speciation. ZooKeys 443: 61-118.
Our review recognizes 15 species of the integripennis species group of Geocharidius from Nuclear Central America, include three species previously described (G. gimlii Erwin, G. integripennis (Bates) and G. zullinii Vigna Taglianti) and 12 described here as new. They are: G. andersoni sp. n. (type locality: Chiapas, Chiapas Highlands, Cerro Huitepec) and G. vignatagliantii sp. n. (type locality: Chiapas, Motozintla, Sierra Madre de Chiapas, Benito Juárez) from Mexico; G. antigua sp. n. (type locality: Sacatepéquez, 5 km SE of Antigua), G. balini sp. n. (type locality: Suchitepéquez, 4 km S of Volcan Atitlán), G. erwini sp. n. (type locality: Quiché Department, 7 km NE of Los Encuentros), G. jalapensis sp. n. (type locality: Jalapa Department, 4 km E of Mataquescuintla), G. longinoi, sp. n. (type locality: El Progreso Department, Cerro Pinalón), and G. minimus sp. n. (type locality: Sacatepéquez Department, 5 km SE of Antigua) from Guatemala; and G. celaquensis sp. n. (type locality: Lempira Department, Celaque National Park), G. comayaguanus sp. n. (type locality: Comayagua Department, 18 km ENE of Comayagua), G. disjunctus sp. n. (type locality: Francisco Morazán, La Tigra National Park), and G. lencanus sp. n. (type locality: Lempira Department, Celaque National Park) from Honduras. For all members of the group, adult structural characters, including male and female genitalia, are described, and a taxonomic key for all members of the integripennis species group is presented based on these characters. Behavioral and biogeographical aspects of speciation in the group are discussed, based on the morphological analysis. In all cases of sympatry, pairs of closely related species show greater differences in sizes than pairs of more remotely related species. Integripennis group species occupy six different montane areas at elevations above 1300m, with no species shared among them. Major faunal barriers in the region limiting present species distributions include the Motagua Fault Zone and a gap between the Guatemalan Cordillera volcanic chain and the Honduran Interior Highlands no higher than 900m in elevation. Highest species diversity is in the Guatematan Cordillera (six species), second highest in the Honduran Interior Highlands area (four species).
Coleoptera , Adephaga , Carabidae , Bembidiini , Anillina , Geocharidius , new species, Nuclear Central America, Motagua Fault Zone, biogeography, sympatric speciation
Geocharidius Jeannel, 1963 was established for a Guatemalan species, G. integripennis (Bates), described in “Biologia Centralia-Americana” (
From 2008 to 2011, the “Leaf Litter Arthropods of Mesoamerica” (LLAMA) project ( generated the first significant samples of the leaf litter invertebrate fauna of Mesoamerica (including southern Mexico). This project focused on sampling ants and weevils from the litter layer of the tropical forest floor, but it also sampled many different non-target taxa, including many litter anillines. By 2012, the second author (DHK) had assembled on loan most available material representing Mesoamerican Anillina at the California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco. Several hundred specimens of the subtribe were borrowed from the collections of the six institutions noted below. This material served as the basis of and inspiration for the current report. In this paper, we present the results of a taxonomic study of one intrageneric group of species of Geocharidius, the integripennis species group.
This study is based on examination of 455 specimens belonging to the integripennis group of species of Geocharidius, which includes 15 species. Material was borrowed from and/or is deposited in the following institutions, identified in the text by the following associated codens:
CAS California Academy of Sciences, 55 Music Concourse Drive, San Francisco, California 94118 (D. H. Kavanaugh, Curator)
CMNC Canadian Museum of Nature, Entomology, P.O. Box 3443, Station D, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1P 6P4 (R. S. Anderson, Curator)
CMNH Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. 15213 (R. L. Davidson, Collections Manager)
KUNHM University of Kansas Natural History Museum, 1345 Jayhawk Blvd., Lawrence, Kansas, 66045-7593USA (Z. Falin, Collection Manager)
MNHN Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle de Paris, 57 Rue Cuvier, Paris, 75005, France (T. Deuve and A. Taghavian)
NMNH Department of Entomology, United States National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C., U.S.A. 20013-7012 (T. L. Erwin, Curator)
Verbatim label data are given for type specimens of all newly described taxa, with label breaks indicated by a slash (“\”). For a series of KUNHM specimens with the same geographical labels but differing in various barcode numbers only, these numbers were replaced in the text by periods of ellipsis (“…”).
Measurements. All specimens were measured electronically using a Leica M420 macroscope equipped with a Syncroscopy AutoMontage photomicroscopy system (SYNCROSCOPY, Synoptics Ltd.). Measurements for various body parts are encoded as follows: LH = length of head, measured along midline from anterior margin of labrum to a virtual line connecting posterior supraorbital setae; WH = width of head, at level of anterior supraorbital setae; WPm = maximum width across pronotum; WPa = width across anterior angles of pronotum; WPp = width across posterior angles of pronotum; LP = length of pronotum from base to apex along midline; WE = width of elytra, at level of 4th umbilicate setae; LE = length of the elytra, from apex of scutellum to apex of left elytron; SBL = standardized body length, a sum of LH, LP and LE. Measurements of SBL are given in millimeters; others are presented as eight ratios: mean widths-WH/WPm and WPm/WE and body parts-WPa/WPp, WPm/WPp, WPm/LP, WE/LE, LE/SBL and WE/SBL. All values are given as mean ± standard deviation.
Illustrations. Digital photographs of the dorsal habitus of new species were taken with the AutoMontage system using a Leica M420 macroscope. Line drawings of selected body parts were made using grids on a Labomed Lx400 compound microscope. Scanning electron micrographs were made with coating on a LEO 1450VP SEM. Diagrams were prepared using Statistica 6.0. (StatSoft Inc.).
Dissections. Dissections were made using standard techniques. Genitalia were dissected from abdomens of specimens previously softened in boiling water for 20–30 minutes. Contents of the abdomen were cleared using boiling 10% KOH for 2-3 minutes to remove internal tissues, and then washed in hot water before examination. After examination, genitalia were mounted on plastic transparent boards in dimethylhydantoin formaldehyde resin (DMHF) and pinned beneath the specimen. In some species, investigation of body parts was undertaken in the following way. The whole specimen was cleared using boiling 10% KOH for ~5 minutes, then washed and dissected. Disassembled body parts from a single specimen were placed on plastic transparent cardboard, properly oriented, mounted in DMHF and pinned together with the specimen labels.
Type material. The authors had no opportunity to investigate type material of the Mexican species of Anillina described by A. Vigna Taglianti. The identification of Geocharidius zullinii was made only on the basis of the original description of the species (
Terms. Terms used in the paper are largely of general use and follow the literature (
Species ranking. Species recognition is in accordance with our previous approach (
Arrangement of taxa in the text. Taxonomic treatments of species are arranged separately by country for the region (i.e. Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras) consistent with the geographical distinctions made in our key to species. For each country, species treatments are arranged in alphabetical order..
Descriptions. The scheme of description generally follows that of
Map. The map (Fig.
Geocharidius Jeannel, 1963: 107 (type species Anillus integripennis Bates, 1882, by original designation)
The members of this genus are distinguished from those of the other North and Central American Anillina by the following combination of characters: frontal area of head with small median tubercle; maxillary palps with palpomere 4 shorter than 1/4 that of palpomere 3; labial ligula without paraglossae, mentum and submentum separated by mental-submental suture; pronotum convex, with short vestiture throughout, including the areas forward of the lateral setae; elytra without fixed discal setae and with the 7th and the 8th and the 8th and the 9th pores of the umbilicate series separated by equal distances; metendoventrite linear without lateral arms; and intercoxal process between the hind legs widely triangular (
The species of Geocharidius, as treated at present (
Recognition. Members of this group are distinguished from the other representatives of the genus by the following combination of external characters: head totally covered with microlines, microsculpture mesh pattern isodiametric (Figs
Description.Size. SBL range 1.15-1.61 mm.
Habitus. Body form slightly to moderately convex, subparallel or slightly ovoid.
Color. Body monocolorous, brunneorufous or rufotestaceous, appendages testaceous.
Microsculpture. Dorsal surface with polygonal sculpticells present on head in all species, also on elytra except in G. andersoni members with smooth elytra (Fig.
Luster. Body surface shiny.
Macrosculpture. Body surface sparsely and finely punctate.
Vestiture. Body surface covered with sparse yellow setae of moderate and more or less equal length throughout.
Fixed setae. Primary head setae include one pair of clypeal, one pair of frontal and two pairs of supraorbital setae. Mentum (Fig.
Head (Fig.
Eyes. Absent.
Antennae. Submoniliform, with 11antennomeres, extended to about posterior margin of pronotum. Antennomeres 1 and 2 elongate, of approximately equal length and 1.4-1.5 times longer than antennomere 3, which is only slightly elongate and 1.1-1.2 times longer than antennomere 4. Antennomere 4 the shortest and 1.1.-1.2 times shorter than antennomere 5. Antennomeres 5 to 10 globose, antennomere 11 conical and 1.6-1.7 times longer than antennomere 10.
Labrum (Fig.
Mandibles (Fig.
Maxillae. Cardo trianguloid, stipes with dorsal and ventral lobes, galea dimerous, lacinia standard for bembidiines. Palpus (Fig.
Labium (Fig.
Prothorax. Pronotum cordiform, of moderate length (LP/SBL varied from 0.23 to 0.24 among species, LP/LE varied from 0.38 to 0.42 among species), moderately convex, not sinuate posteriorly. Basal margin of pronotum with slightly protruding medial portion. Anterior angles indistinct, broadly rounded. Posterior angles denticulate, with two or three small denticles anterior to angles. Prosternum (Fig.
Scutellum. Externally visible, triangular, with rounded apex.
Elytra. Moderate in length (LE/SBL varied from 0.57 to 0.60 among species), without visible interneurs. Basal margination varied (long in some species, extended halfway between humeral angle and scutellar pore (Fig.
Hind wings. Absent.
Pterothoracic venter (Fig.
Legs. Moderate in length, not elongate. Prothoracic legs of males with 1st protarsomere not dilated, but with varied setal pattern. In some species (Fig.
Abdominal ventrites. Five visible abdominal ventrites: 2nd ventrite longest, more than 3 times longer than 3rd or 4th, 3rd and 4th equal in length; the last, 5th, approximately 1.5 times longer than 4th. Intercoxal process (ipa) of 2nd ventrite broad (Fig.
Male genitalia. Median lobe of aedeagus anopic, elongate, arcuate and twisted. Internal sac with dorsal copulatory sclerites only, which are long, longer than half of length of the median lobe, except in G. comayaguanus male in which they are rather short (Fig.
Ovipositor. Gonocoxite 1 asetose. Gonocoxite 2 triangular, 1.8–2.0 times longer than its basal width, slightly to moderately curved, with lateral and medial ensiform and two apical nematiform setae. Ensiform setae of similar length and shape. Laterotergite with 5-7 setae.
Female internal genitalia. Spermatheca simple (Figs
Included taxa. The integripennis species group includes three previously described species: G. integripennis (Bates), G. zullinii Vigna Taglianti, G. gimlii Erwin, and twelve new species, described below: G. andersoni, sp. n., G. vignatagliantii, sp. n., G. erwini, sp. n., G. minimus, sp. n., G. jalapensis, sp. n., G. balini, sp. n., G. longinoi, sp. n., G. antigua, sp. n., G. lencanus, sp. n., G. celaquensis, sp. n., G. comayaguanus, sp. n. and G. disjunctus, sp. n.
Geographical distribution. The species of this group now are known from mountain ranges of southern Mexico (state of Chiapas), Guatemala and Honduras (Fig.
Way of life. According to label information, specimens of this group were collected from leaf litter within the 2050–2950 m elevation range in the mountains of southern Mexico, within the 1600–3200 m range in the mountains of Guatemala, and within the 1300–2500 m range in the mountains of Honduras. Beetles were extracted from litter in oak, pine, pine-oak, mixed hardwood (without oaks), cloud and lower and upper montane forests. Months of collection include May through September and November.
Relationships. The position of the integripennis group species within the genus is unclear at present and awaits further morphological study of the globose representatives of Geocharidius and a molecular phylogenetic analysis of all species.
SEM illustrations of structural features of body parts of Geocharidius species. A–C head, dorsal aspect: A G. balini B G. zullinii CG. andersoni.D–F right half of pronotum, dorsal aspect: D G. balini E G. zullinii F G. andersoni. G–I basal part of right elytron: G G. balini H G. zullinii I G. andersoni Legend: bm – basal margin; cl – clypeus; ft – frontal tubercle; lb – labrum; mp3 – maxillary palpomere 3; mp4 – maxillary palpomere 4. Scale = 0.05mm.
SEM illustrations of structural features of body parts of Geocharidius species. A–C prothorax, ventral aspect: A G. zullinii B G. erwini C G. comayaguanus. D–F pterothorax, ventral aspect: D G. jalapensis E G. minimus F G. comayaguanus. G–I abdominal ventrites 3-5: G G. minimus, male H G. jalapensis, male I G. jalapensis female. Legend: asts – abdominal sternal terminal seta; ipa –intercoxal process of abdominal ventrite 2; mscx – mesocoxa; msp – mesosternal process; mtcx – metacoxa; mtp – metasternal process; mtv – metaventrite; pas – prosternal ambulatory seta; pep – proepipleuron; pes – proepisternum; prcx – procoxa; ps – prosternum; psp – prosternal process; v3-v5 – abdominal ventrites 3-5. Scale = 0.05mm.
SEM illustrations of structural features of mandibles of Geocharidius species. A–B G. zullinii: dorsal aspect of left and right mandibles, respectively C–D G. jalapensis: dorsal aspect of left and right mandibles, respectively E–F G. zullinii:–ventral aspect of left and right mandibles, respectively G–H G. jalapensis: ventral aspect of left and right mandibles, respectively (right mandible with Λ-shaped crack apically from retinacular ridge). Legend: art – anterior retinacular tooth; bemr – molar ridge, basal extension; it – incisor tooth; mr – molar ridge; mt – molar tooth; pog – posterior occlusal grove; prt – posterior retinacular tooth; rr – retinacular ridge; tr – terebral ridge; tt – terebral tooth; vg – ventral groove; vm – microtrichia. Scale = 0.05mm.
SEM illustrations of structural features of labial complex of Geocharidius species. A G. erwini B G. balini C G. lencanus D G. zullinii E G. longinoi F G. minimus. Legend: gsc – glossal sclerite; lms – lateral mental seta; lss – lateral submental seta; m – mentum; mss – medial submental seta; pms – paramedial mental seta; prss – primary basal submental seta; sm – submentum. Scale = 0.05mm.
SEM illustrations of structural features of front legs of Geocharidius species. A–E protarsi, ventral aspect: A right protarsus of G. jalapensis, male B left protarsus of G. jalapensis, female C right protarsus of G. erwini, male D right protarsus of G. minimus, female E left protarsus of G. minimus, male F–I protibia: F right protibia of G. andersoni, dorso-lateral aspect G left protibia of G. lencanus, lateral aspect H left protibia of G. comayaguanus, ventral aspect I right protibia of G. erwini, ventral aspect. Legend: ac – antenna cleaner; as – adhesive seta; asp – anterior spur; asr – anterior setal row; cls – clip seta; psp – posterior spur; psr – posterior setal row; sb – setal band; ta1-ta4 – tarsomeres 1-4. Scale = 0.05mm.
SEM illustrations of structural features of meso- and metatibia of Geocharidius species, various aspects. A–D mesotibia: A right mesotibia of G. jalapensis, ventral aspect B left mesotibia of G. minimus, medial aspect C left mesotibia of G. longinoi, ventral aspect D left mesotibia of G. comayaguanus, medial aspect E–H metatibia: E right metatibia of G. zullinii, medial aspect F left metatibia of G. balini, medial aspect G left metatibia of G. longinoi, ventral aspect H right metatibia of G. comayaguanus, ventral aspect. Legend: msb – mesotibial brush; msms – mesotibial modified seta; mss – mesotibial spur; msta1 – mesotarsus 1; mtb – metatibial brush; mtms – metatibial modified seta; mts – metatibial spur; mtta1 – metatarsus 1. Scale = 0.02mm.
The following key includes all known members of the integripennis species group. The key makes use of distributional information because each of the three countries mentioned has its own Geocharidius assemblage, the ranges of which are non-overlapping with those of neighboring countries. Our current information on species distributions may prove to be incomplete with additional sampling, so dissection and examination of genitalia should be used for confirmation wherever possible.
1 | Body form slightly to moderately convex (Fig. |
2 |
– | Body forms globose, with markedly convex elytra (Fig. |
other groups of Geocharidius |
2 | Specimen from Mexico | 3 |
– | Specimen from Guatemala | 5 |
– | Specimen from Honduras | 12 |
3 | Specimen larger (SBL range 1.40–1.61 mm). Habitus as in Fig. |
G. andersoni sp. n. |
– | Specimen smaller (SBL range 1.18–1.40 mm). Habitus as in Fig. |
4 |
4 | Specimen from the Chiapas Highlands. Male with shaft of median lobe of male aedeagus (Fig. |
G. zullinii Vigna Taglianti |
– | Specimen from the Sierra Madre de Chiapas. Male with shaft of median lobe of aedeagus (Fig. |
G. vignatagliantii sp. n. |
5 | Elongate (Fig. |
G. minimus sp. n. |
– | Elongate ovoid (Fig. |
6 |
6 | Pronotum wider basally, width between posterior angles greater than between anterior angles (Wm/Wp<0.97) | 7 |
– | Pronotum with narrower basal margin, width between posterior angles equal to that of anterior angles (0.97<Wm/Wp<1.03) | 8 |
7 | Specimen smaller (SBL range 1.26–1.29 mm). Habitus as in Fig. |
G. antigua sp. n. |
– | Specimen larger (SBL range 1.34–1.51 mm). Habitus as in Fig. |
G. longinoi sp. n. |
8 | Pronotum smooth (as in Fig. |
9 |
– | Pronotum covered with microsculpture (Fig. |
11 |
9. | Specimen smaller on average (SBL range 1.16–1.31 mm). Habitus as in Fig. |
G. erwini sp. n. |
– | Specimen larger on average (SBL range 1.33–1.43 mm). Habitus as in Fig. |
10 |
10. | Body form broad, ovoid (Fig. |
G. gimlii Erwin |
– | Body form narrow, elongate ovoid (Fig. |
G. integripennis (Bates) |
11. | Specimen smaller on average (SBL range 1.22–1.34 mm). Habitus as in Fig. |
G. balini, sp. n. |
– | Specimen larger on average (SBL range 1.33–1.57 mm). Habitus as in Fig. |
G. jalapensis sp. n. |
12. | Pronotum and proepisternum covered with microsculpture. Male with dorsal sclerites of internal sac long, only slightly widened basally (Fig. |
13 |
– | Pronotum and proepisternum smooth, without evident microsculpture. Male with dorsal sclerites of internal sac EITHER short (Fig. |
14 |
13. | Specimen larger (SBL range 1.30–1.47 mm). Habitus as in Fig. |
G. lencanus sp. n. |
– | Specimen smaller (SBL range 1.15–1.20 mm). Habitus as in Fig. |
G. celaquensis sp. n. |
14. | Male with dorsal sclerites of internal sac short (Figs |
G. comayaguanus sp. n. |
– | Male with dorsal sclerites of internal sac long (Figs |
G. disjunctus sp. n. |
HOLOTYPE, a male, in CMNH, point-mounted, dissected, labeled: \ MEXICO: Chiapas, Cerro Huitepec (Pico), ca. 5km W San Cristobal, 2750m, 15 IX 1991, R. Anderson,#91-101, ex: cloud forest litter \ CMNH \ HOLOTYPE Geocharidius andersoni Sokolov and Kavanaugh 2014 [red label] \. PARATYPES: A total of 4 specimens (1 male and 1 female were dissected), deposited in CAS and CMNH, labeled same as holotype except for one female, which has an additional label \ Anillinus sp. det. D. Shpeley 1997 \.
Mexico, Chiapas, Chiapas Highlands, Cerro Huitepec.
The specific epithet is a Latinized eponym in the genitive case, and is based on the surname of Robert S. Anderson, Curator of Entomology at the Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Canada, the collector of the type series of this species.
Adults of this new species are distinguished from those of other members of the integripennis species group by the following combination of external characters: size large, elytra wide and smooth (without microsculpture); and males are further distinguished by the size and structure of the median lobe (Figs
Size. Large for genus (SBL range 1.40–1.61 mm, mean 1.51±0.077 mm, n=5).
Habitus. Body form (Fig.
Color. Body rufotestaceous, appendages testaceous.
Microsculpture. Mesh pattern of irregularly isodiametric sculpticells distinctly present over dorsal surface of head only. Pronotum, elytra and proepisternum smooth (without evident microsculpture).
Head, dorsal aspect (Fig.
Prothorax. Pronotum (Fig.
Elytra (Fig.
Legs. Protibia (Fig.
Male genitalia. Median lobe (Fig.
Female internal genitalia. Spermatheca unsclerotized, fusiform, arcuate, with cornu long and subparallel and nodulus short and tapered basally (Fig.
This species is known only from the type locality in the mountains of the Cerro Huitepec, part of the Chiapas Highlands, State of Chiapas, Mexico (Fig.
Specimens were extracted from cloud forest litter at an elevation of 2750 m.
The shape of the spermatheca of females (Fig.
Line drawings of aedeagus of Mexican Geocharidius species. G. zullinii (MEXICO, Chiapas, Guadalupe Shankala): A median lobe, right lateral aspect B left paramere, left lateral aspect C right paramere, right lateral aspect. G. zullinii (MEXICO, Chiapas, Reserva Huitepec): D part of median lobe, right lateral aspect. G. vignatagliantii (MEXICO, Chiapas, Motozintla), paratype: E median lobe, right lateral aspect F left paramere, left lateral aspect G right paramere, right lateral aspect. G. andersoni (MEXICO, Chiapas, Cerro Huitepec), holotype: H median lobe, right lateral aspect I left paramere, left lateral aspect J right paramere, right lateral aspect. Legend: ds – dorsal sclerites. Scale = 0.05mm.
Line drawings of ring sclerite of Mexican Geocharidius species, male genitalia, dorsal aspect. A G. zullinii (MEXICO, Chiapas, Reserva Huitepec) B G. vignatagliantii (MEXICO, Chiapas, Motozintla), paratype C G. andersoni (MEXICO, Chiapas, Cerro Huitepec), holotype. Legend: hd – handle of ring sclerite. Scale = 0.1mm.
Line drawings of spermatheca of Mexican Geocharidius species. A G. zullinii (MEXICO, Chiapas, Reserva Huitepec) B G. vignatagliantii (MEXICO, Chiapas, Motozintla), paratype C G. andersoni (MEXICO, Chiapas, Cerro Huitepec), paratype. Legend: c – cornu; n – nodulus; sd – spermathecal duct; sg – spermathecal gland; sp – spermatheca. Scale = 0.05mm.
HOLOTYPE, a male, in CMNC, point-mounted, labeled: \ MEXICO: Chiapas: Mpio: Motozintla, Benito Juarez, 2050m, 15°22.1'00"N, 92°19'07"W, 28.VII.2005, R. Anderson, oak/pine forest litter 2005-013C \ CMNC \ HOLOTYPE Geocharidius vignatagliantii Sokolov and Kavanaugh 2014 [red label] \. PARATYPES: A total of 14 specimens (2 males and 4 females were dissected), deposited in CAS, CMNC and KUNHM; 3 specimens labeled same as holotype; 4 specimens labeled: \ MEXICO: Chiapas: Mpio: Motozintla, Benito Juarez, 2050m, 15°22.1'00"N, 92°19'07"W, 28.VII.2005, R. Anderson, oak/pine forest litter 2005-013A \ CMNC \; 7 specimens labeled: \ MEXICO: Chiapas: Mpio, Motozintla, Benito Juarez 15°22.017'N, 92°19.117'W, 2050m, 28.VII.2005, R. Anderson, oak/pine forest litter MEX 1A05-013 \ SM0711461 KUNHM-ENT \.
Mexico, Chiapas, Motozintla, Sierra Madre de Chiapas, Benito Juárez.
The specific epithet is a Latinized eponym in the genitive case, and is based on the surname of Prof. Augusto Vigna Taglianti, Director of the Museum of Zoology at the Sapienza University of Rome, Roma, Italia, the first reviser of the species of Geocharidius.
Adults of this new species are practically indistinguishable externally from those of G. zullinii but can be distinguished from the latter and from the other members of the integripennis species group by the structure of the median lobe of males and the shape of spermatheca of females.
Size. Medium for genus (SBL range 1.27–1.40 mm, mean 1.32±0.038 mm, n=5).
Habitus. Body form (Fig.
Color. Body brunneorufous, appendages testaceous.
Microsculpture. Present over all dorsal surfaces of head and elytra. Pronotum and proepisternum smooth.
Prothorax. Pronotum moderately transverse (WPm/LP 1.26±0.021), with lateral margins moderately constricted posteriorly (WPm/WPp 1.32±0.020). Posterior angles obtuse (110–120°). Widths between anterior and posterior angles of equal length (WPa/WPp 0.99±0.020).
Elytra. Moderately convex, slightly depressed along suture, moderately wide (WE/LE 0.68±0.016), without traces of striae. Humeri broadly rounded, in outline forming right angle with longitudinal axis of body. Lateral margins convex, evenly divergent at basal third, evenly rounded to apex in apical third.
Male genitalia. Median lobe of aedeagus (Fig.
Female internal genitalia. Spermatheca sclerotized, bean-shaped, arcuate, with cornu short and nodulus long (Fig.
This species is known only from the type locality in the mountains of the Sierra Madre de Chiapas, located in the municipality of Motozintla, State of Chiapas, Mexico (Fig.
Specimens were collected by sifting oak/pine forest litter at an elevation of 2050 m.
Adults of this species closely resemble those of G. zullinii from the Chiapas Highlands externally and in the shape of dorsal sclerites of the internal sac (Fig.
A male, dissected, deposited in A. Vigna Taglianti’s private collection [not examined]. Type locality: Mexico, Chiapas, Chiapas Highlands, Comitàn, S of Agostin (Fig.
Adults of this species (Fig.
The original description provides a thorough accounting of external features of this species and is absolutely sufficient for species characterization. Below, we add references to illustrations of structural features presented here and descriptions of genitalia, which, for females, has not been done previously.
Head, dorsal aspect (Fig.
Mouthparts. Mandibles (Figs
Prothorax. Ventral aspect (Fig.
Elytra. Lateral margin (Fig.
Legs. Metatibia (Fig.
Male genitalia. Median lobe (Fig.
Female internal genitalia. Spermatheca unsclerotized, fusiform, arcuate, with cornu long and subparallel and nodulus short and basally tapered (Fig.
This species is widely distributed across the Chiapas Highlands, State of Chiapas, Mexico (Fig.
Specimens were sifted from litter in a wide range of different forest types (hardwood without oaks, oak, pine and cloud forests) at elevations of 2350–2600 m.
The shape of spermatheca (Fig.
HOLOTYPE, a male, in KUNHM, point-mounted, dissected, labeled: \ GUATEMALA: Sacatepéquez: 5km SE Antigua, 14.52779 -90.68971±200m, 2350m, 10-VI-2009, ex. sifted leaf litter, oak forest LLAMA09 Wm-B-08-2-all \ KUNHM \ HOLOTYPE Geocharidius antigua Sokolov and Kavanaugh 2014 [red label] \. PARATYPES: 1 female, dissected, labeled same as holotype (deposited in KUNHM).
Guatemala, Sacatepéquez, 5 km SE of Antigua.
The specific epithet is a noun in apposition and refers to the city in the vicinity of which the type series was collected.
Adults of this new species are practically indistinguishable in body shape from those of other Guatemalan species of Geocharidius with small body size; but the smooth pronotum and presence of microsculpture on the proepisternum form a basis for distinguishing adults of G. antigua from those of sympatric G. minimus and allopatric G. balini, described below. Males and females of G. antigua are distinguished from those of the other members of the integripennis species group by the structure of the median lobe and the shape of spermatheca, respectively.
Size. Medium for genus (SBL range 1.26–1.29 mm, mean 1.28±0.019 mm, n=2).
Habitus. Body form (Fig.
Color. Body brunneorufous, appendages testaceous.
Microsculpture. Mesh pattern of irregularly isodiametric sculpticells present over all dorsal surfaces of head and elytra. Pronotum smooth. Proepisternum with evident microsculpture.
Prothorax. Pronotum moderately wide (WPm/LP 1.28±0.011), with lateral margins slightly constricted posteriorly (WPm/WPp 1.29±0.004). Posterior angles slightly obtuse (100–110°). Width between posterior angles greater than between anterior angles (WPa/WPp 0.95±0.022).
Elytra. Moderately convex, slightly depressed along suture, moderately wide (WE/LE 0.67±0.015), without traces of striae. Humeri broadly rounded, in outline forming right angle with longitudinal axis of body. Lateral margins convex, evenly divergent at basal third, evenly rounded to apex in apical third.
Male genitalia. Median lobe of aedeagus (Fig.
Female internal genitalia. Spermatheca sclerotized, bulb-shaped, straight, and very wide, with cornu short and nodulus swollen (Fig.
This species is known only from the type locality, situated on the northern slopes of volcano Agua in the volcanic chain of the Guatemalan Cordillera (Fig.
Specimens were collected by sifting oak forest litter at an elevation of 2350 m.
The shape of dorsal sclerites of the internal sac (Fig.
Digital images of habitus of Guatemalan Geocharidius species. A G. gimlii (GUATEMALA, Huehuetenango, San Juan Ixcoy), holotype B G. integripennis (GUATEMALA, Totonicapán, “Totonicapam”), lectotype C G. longinoi (GUATEMALA, El Progreso, Cerro Pinalón), paratype D G. jalapensis (GUATEMALA, Jalapa, Mataquescuintla), paratype E G. erwini (GUATEMALA, Quiché, Los Encuentros), paratype F G. balini (GUATEMALA, Suchitepéquez, Volcano Atitlán), paratype G G. antigua (GUATEMALA, Sacatepéquez, Antigua), paratype H G. minimus (GUATEMALA, Sacatepéquez, Antigua), paratype. Scale = 0.5mm.
Line drawings of aedeagus of Guatemalan Geocharidius species. A–C G. gimlii (GUATEMALA, Huehuetenango, San Juan Ixcoy), holotype: A median lobe with internal sac and dorsal sclerites, right lateral aspect B left paramere, left lateral aspect C right paramere, right lateral aspect D–F G. erwini (GUATEMALA, Quiché, Los Encuentros), paratype: D median lobe with internal sac and dorsal sclerites, right lateral aspect E left paramere, left lateral aspect F right paramere, right lateral aspect G–J G. minimus (GUATEMALA, Sacatepéquez, Antigua), paratype: G median lobe with internal sac and dorsal sclerites, right lateral aspect H dorsal sclerite of median lobe, dorsal aspect I left paramere, left lateral aspect J right paramere, right lateral aspect K–N G. jalapensis (GUATEMALA, Jalapa, Mataquescuintla), paratype: K median lobe with internal sac and dorsal sclerites, right lateral aspect L dorsal sclerite of median lobe, dorsal aspect M left paramere, left lateral aspect N right paramere, right lateral aspect O–Q G. balini (GUATEMALA, Suchitepéquez, Volcano Atitlán), paratype: O median lobe with internal sac and dorsal sclerites, right lateral aspect P left paramere, left lateral aspect Q right paramere, right lateral aspect R–T G. longinoi (GUATEMALA, El Progreso, Cerro Pinalón), paratype: R median lobe with internal sac and dorsal sclerites, right lateral aspect S left paramere, left lateral aspect T right paramere, right lateral aspect. Scale = 0.05mm.
HOLOTYPE, a male, in KUNHM, point-mounted, labeled: \ GUATEMALA: Suchitepéquez: 4km S Vol. Atitlán, 14.54915- 91.19055 ±200m, 1625m, 15-VI-2009 ex sifted leaf litter, cloud forest, LLAMA09 Wa-B-09-1-all \ KUNHM \ HOLOTYPE Geocharidius balini Sokolov and Kavanaugh 2014 [red label] \. PARATYPES: A total of 117 specimens (3 males and 2 females were dissected), deposited in CAS and KUNHM; 99 specimens labeled same as holotype; 10 specimens labeled: \ GUATEMALA: Suchitepéquez: 4km S Vol. Atitlán, 14.55103- 91.19350 ±306m, 1750m, 15-VI-2009 ex sifted leaf litter, cloud forest, LLAMA09 Wm-B-09-2-01 \ KUNHM \; 7 specimens labeled: \ GUATEMALA: Suchitepéquez: 4km S Vol. Atitlán, 14.55311- 91.19337 ±35m, 1750m, 15-VI-2009 ex sifted leaf litter, cloud forest, LLAMA09 Wm-B-09-2-02 \ KUNHM \; 1 specimen labeled: \ GUATEMALA: Jalapa: 4km E Mataquescuintla, 14.53257 -90.15253 ±200m, 2400m, 1-VI-2009, ex. sifted leaf litter, cloud forest, LLAMA09 Wa-B-07-2-all \ KUNHM \.
Guatemala, Suchitepéquez, 4 km S of Volcan Atitlán.
The specific epithet is a Latinized eponym in the genitive case, and is based on the given name of the dwarf Balin, a refounder of the underground kingdom of Moria, one of Thorin Oakenshield’s Company of Dwarves who had accompanied Bilbo Baggins on the Quest of Erebor in the book “The Hobbit, or There and Back Again” by J.R.R.Tolkien.
Adults of this new species are distinguished from those of other members of the integripennis species group externally by their small size and the presence of microsculpture on the pronotum and internally by the structure of the median lobe of males and the shape of spermatheca of females.
Size. Small to medium for genus (SBL range 1.22–1.34 mm, mean 1.27±0.040 mm, n=26).
Habitus. Body form (Fig.
Color. Body brunneorufous, appendages testaceous.
Microsculpture. Mesh pattern of irregularly isodiametric sculpticells present over all dorsal surfaces of head, pronotum and elytra. Proepisternum with evident microsculpture.
Head (Fig.
Mouthparts. Maxillae and labium (Fig.
Prothorax. Pronotum (Fig.
Elytra (Fig.
Legs. Metatibia (Fig.
Male genitalia. Median lobe (Fig.
Female internal genitalia. Spermatheca sclerotized, fusiform with apical bulb enlargement, straight, with cornu long and nodulus short (Fig.
This species is known only from two localities remote from each other: one situated on the southern slopes of volcano Agua in the Suchitepéquez Department, and the other situated on the northern slopes of a former twinned volcano, remains of which form the caldera of Laguna de Ayarza, in Jalapa Department. Both localities are in the volcanic chain of the Guatemalan Cordillera (Fig.
Specimens were collected by sifting cloud forest litter at middle (1600–1750 m) to high elevations (2400 m).
The shapes of handle of ring sclerite (Fig.
Geocharidius integripennis, Sokolov, 2013:53
HOLOTYPE, a male, in NMNH, glued on cardboard, labeled: \ Guatemala: QUICHÉ, 7km NE Los Encuentros, 2400m, 18.XI.1991 leg. R.Baranowski \ sifting litter under bushes at roadside pine forest \ Loan from USNMNH 2051867 \ HOLOTYPE Geocharidius erwini Sokolov and Kavanaugh 2014 [red label] \. PARATYPES: A total of 45 specimens (4 males and 4 females were dissected), deposited in CAS, CMNC, NMNH; 23 specimens labeled same as holotype; 10 specimens labeled: \ Guatemala: QUICHÉ, 7km NE Los Encuentros, 2400m, 14.XI.1991 leg. R.Baranowski \ sifting litter under bushes at roadside pine forest \ Loan from USNMNH 2051867 \; 8 specimens labeled: \ Guatemala QUICHÉ, 6km S Chichicastenango, 2140m. 16.XI.1991 leg. R.Baranowski \ sifting litter, pine-oak forest \ Loan from USNMNH 2051867 \; 4 specimens labeled: \ Guatemala: QUICHÉ, 5km S Chichicastenango, 2000m. 18.XI.1991 leg. R.Baranowski \ sifting litter, pine-oak forest \ Loan from USNMNH 2051867 \; 1 specimen labeled: \ Guat.: QUEZALTEN. 12km S.E. Zunil, Fuentes Georginas, 2460m, 21.VI.1993, R. Anderson, cloud for. litter 93-10A\ CMNC \; 1 specimen labeled: \ Guat.: QUEZALTEN. 12km S.E. Zunil, Fuentes Georginas, 2460m, 21.VI.1993, R. Anderson, cloud for. litter 93-10E\ CMNC \; 1 specimen labeled: \ Guat.: QUEZALTEN. 12km S.E. Zunil, Fuentes Georginas, 2450m, 19.VI.1993, R. Anderson, cloud for. litter 93-5CC \ CMNC \; 1 specimen labeled: \ Guat.: QUEZALTEN. 12km S.E. Zunil, N.W.face Cerro Zunil, 2700m, 20.VI.1993, R. Anderson, hardwood for. litter 93-8F \ CMNC \; 1 specimenslabeled: \ Guat.: QUEZALTENANGO: 12km SE Zunil, NW face Cerro Zunil, hardwd.for.litter, 2700–2760m, R. Anderson 91-30 28.V.1991. \ CMNC \.
Guatemala, Quiché Department, 7 km NE of Los Encuentros.
The specific epithet is a Latinized eponym in the genitive case and is based on the surname of Terry L. Erwin, Curator of Entomology at the Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D. C., U.S.A., the first reviser of the Guatemalan Anillina.
Adults of this new species are practically indistinguishable from those of other the Guatemalan species of Geocharidius with small body size. Males and females of G. erwini are distinguished from those of the other members of the integripennis species group by the structure of the median lobe of males and the shape of spermatheca of females, respectively.
Size. Small to medium for genus (SBL range 1.16–1.31 mm, mean 1.23±0.057 mm, n=30).
Habitus. Body form (Fig.
Color. Body rufotestaceous, appendages testaceous.
Microsculpture. Mesh pattern of irregularly isodiametric sculpticells present over all dorsal surfaces of head and elytra. Pronotum smooth. Proepisternum with evident microsculpture.
Mouthparts. Labium (Fig.
Prothorax. Pronotum moderately transverse (WPm/LP 1.26±0.019), with lateral margins slightly constricted posteriorly (WPm/WPp 1.31±0.025). Posterior angles slightly obtuse (100–110°). Widths between anterior and posterior angles of equal length (WPa/WPp 1.01±0.025). Ventral aspect (Fig.
Elytra (Fig.
Legs. Protibia (Fig.
Male genitalia. Median lobe (Fig.
Female internal genitalia. Spermatheca sclerotized, fusiform with bulb enlargement apically, twice bent rectangularly in opposite directions, with cornu long and nodulus short (Fig.
This species is known from a few scattered localities in the Quiché and Quetzaltenango Departments of Guatemala (Fig.
Specimens were collected by sifting litter from different habitats: cloud, hardwood, pine and pine-oak forests at elevations of 2140-2760 m.
Geocharidius gimlii Erwin, 1982: 488.
A male, deposited in NMNH, point-mounted, dissected, labeled (Fig.
Males of this species are distinguished from those of other members of the integripennis species group by the following combination of characters: pronotum small, transverse, elytra comparatively wide and structure of median lobe of male as in Fig.
Size. Medium for genus (SBL 1.42 mm).
Habitus. Body form (Fig.
Color. Body rufotestaceous, appendages testaceous.
Microsculpture. Mesh pattern of irregularly isodiametric sculpticells present over all dorsal surfaces of head and elytra. Pronotum smooth (without evident microsculpture). Proepisternum with microsculpture.
Prothorax. Pronotum transverse (WPm/LP 1.32), with lateral margins markedly constricted posteriorly (WPm/WPp 1.38). Posterior angles obtuse (112°). Widths between anterior and posterior angles equal (WPa/WPp 1.01).
Elytra. Moderately convex, slightly depressed along suture, markedly wide (WE/LE 0.70), without traces of striae. Humeri broadly rounded, in outline forming slightly obtuse angle with longitudinal axis of body. Lateral margins convex, evenly divergent at basal half, evenly rounded to apex in apical half.
Male genitalia. Median lobe of aedeagus (Fig.
Female internal genitalia. Females unknown.
This species is known only from the type locality in the mountains of the Sierra de los Cuchumatanes, located in the Huehuetenango Department of Guatemala (Fig.
The unique type specimen was sifted from leaf litter in Lower Montane Wet Forest (
The shape of the median lobe in the holotype of G. gimlii (Fig.
Schematic line drawings of median lobe and dorsal sclerites of internal sac of two previously described Guatemalan Geocharidius species. A G. integripennis (GUATEMALA, Totonicapán, “Totonicapam”), holotype B G. gimlii (GUATEMALA, Huehuetenango, San Juan Ixcoy), holotype, both left lateral aspect.
Line drawings of ring sclerite of Guatemalan Geocharidius species, male genitalia, dorsal aspect. A G. gimlii (GUATEMALA, Huehuetenango, San Juan Ixcoy), holotype B G. erwini (GUATEMALA, Quiché, Los Encuentros), paratype C G. minimus (GUATEMALA, Sacatepéquez, Antigua), paratype D G. jalapensis (GUATEMALA, Jalapa, Mataquescuintla), paratype E G. balini (GUATEMALA, Suchitepéquez, Volcano Atitlán), paratype F G. longinoi (GUATEMALA, El Progreso, Cerro Pinalón), paratype. Scale = 0.1mm.
Anillus integripennis Bates, 1882: 145.
A male, deposited in MNHN, glued on cardboard, dissected, labeled (Fig.
Geocharidius tagliantii Erwin, 1982: 494; synonymized by
Males and females of this species are distinguished from those of other members of the integripennis species group (except G. gimlii, see Relationships above) by the structure of the median lobe of males and the spermatheca of females. Adults of G. gimlii have proportionately much wider elytra than those of G. integripennis.
Size. Medium for genus (SBL range 1.33–1.43 mm, mean 1.38±0.070 mm, n=2).).
Habitus. Body form (Fig.
Color. Body rufotestaceous, appendages testaceous.
Microsculpture. Mesh pattern of irregularly isodiametric sculpticells present over all dorsal surfaces of head and elytra. Pronotum smooth. Proepisternum with microsculpture.
Prothorax. Pronotum slightly transverse (WPm/LP 1.25±0.009), with lateral margins moderately constricted posteriorly (WPm/WPp 1.33±0.002). Posterior angles slightly obtuse (100-110°). Widths between anterior and posterior angles of equal length (WPa/WPp 0.99±0.018).
Elytra. Moderately convex, slightly depressed along suture, moderately wide (WE/LE 0.67±0.005), without traces of striae. Humeri rounded, in outline forming right angle with longitudinal axis of body. Lateral margins convex, evenly divergent at basal fourth, evenly rounded to apex in apical third.
Male genitalia. Male genitalia of the lectotype are mounted in old gum, covered now with a network of numerous cracks, making the objects inside hard to see. Hence, we could examine only general shape of the median lobe and could not discern details of the inner sac or of the parameres or the round sclerite. Based on what we could see, the median lobe of the aedeagus (Fig.
Female internal genitalia. Spermatheca of the paralectotype sclerotized, bean-shaped, with apical constriction, almost straight, cornu short and nodulus long (Fig.
Precise locality at which the type series of this species was collected is unknown. Presumably, the material that was collected by Champion and served as the basis for the Bates’ description came from the Cerro Maria Tecún mountains in the Totonicapán Department of Guatemala (Fig.
The type specimens were collected at an elevation of “10,500 ft.” (= 3200 m).
Without doubt, the closest relative of G. integripennis is G. gimlii. In view of the similarity in the shape of the median lobes (Fig.
HOLOTYPE, a male, in KUNHM, point-mounted, labeled: \ GUATEMALA: Jalapa: 4km E Mataquescuintla, 14.52943 -90.14775 ±105m, 2620m, 2-VI-2009, ex. sifted leaf litter, cloud forest, LLAMA09 Wm-B-07-1-06 \ KUNHM \ HOLOTYPE Geocharidius jalapensis Sokolov and Kavanaugh 2014 [red label] \. PARATYPES: A total of 78 specimens (4 males and 4 females were dissected), deposited in CAS and KUNHM; 10 specimens labeled same as holotype; 2 specimens labeled: \ GUATEMALA: Jalapa: 4km E Mataquescuintla, 14.53409 -90.15290 ±28m, 2325m, 3-VI-2009, ex. sifted leaf litter, cloud forest, LLAMA09 Wm-B-07-1-10 \ KUNHM \; 1 specimen labeled: \ GUATEMALA: Jalapa: 4km E Mataquescuintla, 14.52950 -90.14802 ±254m, 2600m, 1-VI-2009, ex. sifted leaf litter, cloud forest, LLAMA09 Wm-B-07-1-01 \ KUNHM \; 20 specimens labeled: \ GUATEMALA: Jalapa: 4km E Mataquescuintla, 14.53257 -90.15253 ±200m, 2400m, 1-VI-2009, ex. sifted leaf litter, cloud forest, LLAMA09 Wa-B-07-2-all \ KUNHM \; 23 specimens labeled: \ GUATEMALA: Jalapa: 4km E Mataquescuintla, 14.52780 -90.14671 ±105m, 2655m, 2-VI-2009, ex. sifted leaf litter, cloud forest, LLAMA09 Wm-B-07-1-04 \ KUNHM \; 16 specimens labeled: \ GUATEMALA: Jalapa: 4km E Mataquescuintla, 14.52987 -90.14908 ±200m, 2600m, 1-VI-2009, ex. sifted leaf litter, cloud forest on ridge top, LLAMA09 Wa-B-07-1-all \ KUNHM \; 6 specimens labeled: \ GUATEMALA: Jalapa: 4km E Mataquescuintla, 14.52705 -90.14671 ±105m, 2660m, 2-VI-2009, ex. sifted leaf litter, cloud forest, LLAMA09 Wm-B-07-1-05 \ KUNHM \.
Guatemala, Jalapa Department, 4 km E of Mataquescuintla.
The specific epithet is a Latinized adjective in the masculine form based on the name Jalapa, the Department of Guatemala in which the type series was collected.
Adults of this new species are distinguished from those of other members of the integripennis species group by the following combination of external characters: size large and pronotum transverse and fully covered with microsculpture. Males and female of G. jalapensis are distinguished from those of other members of the integripennis species group by the structure of the median lobe and the shape of spermatheca, respectively.
Size. Medium to large for genus (SBL range 1.33–1.57 mm, mean 1.46±0.081mm, n=25).
Habitus. Body form (Fig.
Color. Body brunneorufous, appendages testaceous.
Microsculpture. Mesh pattern of irregularly isodiametric sculpticells present over all dorsal surfaces of head, pronotum and elytra. Proepisternum with evident microsculpture.
Mouthparts. Mandibles (Figs
Prothorax. Pronotum markedly transverse (WPm/LP 1.30±0.026), with lateral margins moderately constricted posteriorly (WPm/WPp 1.33±0.029). Posterior angles obtuse (110–120°). Widths between anterior and posterior angles of equal length (WPa/WPp 0.99±0.023).
Pterothorax (Fig.
Elytra (Fig.
Legs. Mesotibia (Fig.
Abdomen. Ventrites 3-5 (Fig.
Male genitalia. Median lobe (Fig.
Female internal genitalia. Spermatheca sclerotized, fusiform with apical bulb enlargement, straight, with long cornu and short nodulus (Fig.
This species is known only from type locality, situated on the northern slopes of the former twinned volcano, remains of which form the caldera now filled with the waters of Laguna de Ayarza (Jalapa Department). Physiographically, the region is part of the volcanic chain of the Guatemalan Cordillera (Fig.
Specimens were collected by sifting cloud forest litter at elevations of 2325–2620 m.
The shapes of handle of the ring sclerite (Fig.
HOLOTYPE, a male, in KUNHM, point-mounted, labeled: \ GUATEMALA: El Progreso: Cerro Pinalón, 15.08392-89.93013 ±55m, 2750m, 1-V-2009 ex. sifted leaf litter, cloud forest, LLAMA09 Wm-B-01-1-04 \ KUNHM \ HOLOTYPE Geocharidius longinoi Sokolov and Kavanaugh 2014 [red label] \. PARATYPES: A total of 13 specimens (2 males and 1 female were dissected), deposited in CAS, CMNC and KUNHM; 5 specimens labeled same as holotype; 7 specimens labeled: \ GUATEMALA: El Progreso: Cerro Pinalón, 15.08411-89.93239 ±57m, 2715m, 1-V-2009 ex. sifted leaf litter, cloud forest, LLAMA09 Wm-B-01-1-05 \ KUNHM \; 1 specimen labeled: \ GUAT.: EL PROGRESO: 19.6km.N.Estancia de la Virgen, 2000m, Finca la Illuciones, 24.VI.1993, R.Anderson, cloud for. litter, 93-13C \ CMNC \.
Guatemala, El Progreso Department, Cerro Pinalón.
The specific epithet is a Latinized eponym in the genitive case, and is based on the surname of John T. (Jack) Longino, Professor of the Biology Department of the University of Utah, and one of Co-PI’s of the LLAMA project, which provided the material on which the description of this species is based.
Adults of this new species are distinguished from those of other members of the integripennis species group by the large size, distinctive shape of the pronotum with very wide basal margin, and the proepisternum with evident microsculpture. Males and females of G. longinoi are distinguished from those of other members of the integripennis species group by the structure of the median lobe and the shape of spermatheca, respectively.
Size. Medium to large for genus (SBL range 1.34–1.51 mm, mean 1.41±0.071mm, n=12).
Habitus. Body form (Fig.
Color. Body brunneorufous, appendages testaceous.
Microsculpture. Mesh pattern of irregularly isodiametric sculpticells present over all dorsal surfaces of head and elytra. Pronotum smooth (without evident microsculpture). Proepisternum with evident microsculpture.
Mouthparts. Maxillae and labium (Fig.
Prothorax. Pronotum slightly transverse (WPm/LP 1.25±0.019), with lateral margins slightly constricted posteriorly (WPm/WPp 1.29±0.018). Posterior angles slightly obtuse (100–110°). Width between posterior angles greater than between anterior angles (WPa/WPp 0.94±0.020).
Elytra. Moderately convex, slightly depressed along suture, moderately wide (WE/LE 0.66±0.020), without traces of striae. Humeri rounded, in outline forming right angle with longitudinal axis of body. Lateral margins convex, evenly divergent at basal forth, evenly rounded to apex in apical third.
Legs. Mesotibia (Fig.
Male genitalia. Median lobe (Fig.
Female internal genitalia. Spermatheca sclerotized, elongate, subparallel, almost straight, with long cornu and short nodulus (Fig.
This species is known only from Cerro Pinalón, part of the Sierra de las Minas range of Guatemala (Fig.
Specimens were extracted from cloud forest litter at elevations of 2000–2750 m.
The shape of handle of the ring sclerite (Fig.
HOLOTYPE, a male, in KUNHM, glued on cardboard, labeled: \ GUATEMALA: Sacatepéquez: 5km SE Antigua, 14.53577 -90.69428±200m, 2150m, 10-VI-2009, ex. sifted leaf litter, hardwood forest LLAMA09 Wa-B-08-1-all \ KUNHM \ HOLOTYPE Geocharidius minimus Sokolov and Kavanaugh 2014 [red label] \. PARATYPES: A total of 121 specimens (6 males and 4 females were dissected), deposited in CAS and KUNHM; 53 specimens labeled same as holotype; 11 specimens labeled: \ GUATEMALA: Sacatepéquez: 5km SE Antigua, 14.53439 -90.69340±36m, 2175m, 11-VI-2009, ex. sifted leaf litter, hardwood forest LLAMA09 Wm-B-08-2-08 \ KUNHM \; 1 specimen labeled: \ GUATEMALA: Sacatepéquez: 5km SE Antigua, 14.53666 -90.69491±255m, 2140m, 10-VI-2009, ex. sifted leaf litter, hardwood forest LLAMA09 Wm-B-08-1-07 \ SEMC0896573 KUNHM-ENT \; 48 specimens labeled: \ GUATEMALA: Sacatepéquez: 5km SE Antigua, 14.53482-90.69398±33m, 2175m, 10-VI-2009, ex. sifted leaf litter, hardwood forest LLAMA09 Wm-B-08-1-04 \ SEMC0888829 KUNHM-ENT \; 4 specimens labeled: \ GUATEMALA: Suchitepéquez: 4km S Vol. Atitlán, 14.55311- 91.19337 ±35m, 1750m, 15-VI-2009 ex sifted leaf litter, cloud forest, LLAMA09 Wm-B-09-2-02 1 \ KUNHM \; 2 specimens labeled: GUATEMALA: Suchitepéquez: 4km S Vol. Atitlán, 14.54915- 91.19055 ±200m, 1625m, 15-VI-2009 ex sifted leaf litter, cloud forest, LLAMA09 Wa-B-09-1-all \ SEMC0889856 KUNHM-ENT \; 2 specimens labeled: \ GUATEMALA: Suchitepéquez: 4km S Vol. Atitlán, 14.55972- 91.18951 ±27m, 2164m, 17-VI-2009 ex sifted leaf litter, cloud forest, LLAMA09 Wm-B-09-2-06 \ SEMC0896573 KUNHM-ENT \.
Guatemala, Sacatepéquez Department, 5 km SE of Antigua.
The specific epithet is a Latin adjective, minimus (superlative of parvus), in the masculine form, meaning “smallest”.
Adults of this new species are distinguished from those of other members of the integripennis species group by the combination of small size, elongate habitus and smooth proepisternum. Males and females of G. minimus are distinguished from those of other members of the integripennis species group by the structure of the median lobe and the shape of spermatheca, respectively.
Size. Small for genus (SBL range 1.11–1.24 mm, mean 1.18±0.041 mm, n=26).
Habitus. Body form (Fig.
Color. Body rufotestaceous, appendages testaceous.
Microsculpture. Mesh pattern of irregularly isodiametric sculpticells present over all dorsal surfaces of head and elytra. Pronotum and proepisternum smooth (without evident microscupture).
Mouthparts. Maxillae and labium (Fig.
Prothorax. Pronotum moderately narrow (WPm/LP 1.24±0.027), with lateral margins markedly constricted posteriorly (WPm/WPp 1.35±0.022). Posterior angles obtuse (110–120°). Width between anterior angles greater than between posterior angles (WPa/WPp 1.06±0.024).
Pterothorax (Fig.
Elytra. Moderately convex, slightly depressed along suture, moderately narrow (WE/LE 0.64±0.017), without traces of striae. Humeri rounded, in outline forming right angle with longitudinal axis of body. Lateral margins subparallel, evenly divergent at basal fifth, evenly rounded to apex in apical fourth.
Legs. Mesotibia (Fig, 7B). Protarsus (Figs
Abdomen. Ventrites 3-5 (Fig.
Male genitalia. Median lobe (Fig.
Female internal genitalia. Spermatheca sclerotized, fusiform, only slightly dilated apically, straight, with cornu and nodulus of approximately equal length (Fig.
This species is known from the slopes of two volcanos, Agua and Atitlán, in Sacatepéquez and Suchitepéquez Departments of Guatemala, respectively (Fig.
Specimens were collected by sifting litter in hardwood and cloud forests at middle and high elevations of 1600 and 2200 m, respectively.
The shape of dorsal sclerites of the internal sac (Fig.
HOLOTYPE, a male, in CMNC, point-mounted, dissected, labeled: \ HONDURAS: Lempira Dept., P.N. Celaque, nr. Gracias, Campamiento Naranjo, 2500m, 14°32.7'N, 88°39.7'W, 12–13.V.2002, cloud forest litter R. Anderson, 2002-020C \ CMNC \ HOLOTYPE Geocharidius celaquensis Sokolov and Kavanaugh 2014 [red label] \. PARATYPES: A total of 2 females (both were dissected), deposited in CAS and KUNHM; labeled same as holotype, except label of the holder: SEMC0… KUNHM-ENT \.
Honduras, Lempira Department, Celaque National Park.
The specific epithet is a Latinized adjective in the masculine form based on the name of Celaque National Park, from which the new species is described.
Adults of this new species are distinguished from those of other members of the integripennis species group by their small size, fully microsculptured dorsal body surface and pronotum with wide basal margin. Males and females of G. celaquensis are distinguished from those of the other members of the integripennis species group by the structure of the median lobe and the shape of spermatheca, respectively.
Size. Small for genus (SBL range 1.15–1.20 mm, mean 1.18±0.023mm, n=3).
Habitus. Body form (Fig.
Color. Body rufotestaceous, appendages testaceous.
Microsculpture. Mesh pattern of irregularly isodiametric sculpticells present over all dorsal surfaces of head, pronotum and elytra. Proepisternum also with evident microsculpture.
Prothorax. Pronotum markedly transverse (WPm/LP 1.32±0.025), with lateral margins markedly constricted posteriorly (WPm/WPp 1.35±0.002). Posterior angles obtuse (110–120°). Width between posterior angles slightly greater than between anterior angles (WPa/WPp 1.04±0.004).
Elytra. Moderately convex, slightly depressed along suture, moderately wide (WE/LE 0.68±0.015), without traces of striae. Humeri rounded, in outline forming right angle with longitudinal axis of body. Lateral margins convex, evenly divergent at basal third, evenly rounded to apex in apical third.
Male genitalia. Median lobe (Fig.
Female internal genitalia. Spermatheca sclerotized, fusiform, slightly dilated apically, straight, with short cornu and long nodulus (Fig.
This species is known only from Celaque National Park, part of the Cerro las Minas range of Honduras (Fig.
Specimens were extracted from cloud forest litter at an elevation of 2500 m.
The shape of dorsal sclerites of the internal sac (Fig.
Line drawings of spermatheca of Guatemalan Geocharidius species. A G. integripennis (GUATEMALA, Totonicapán, “Totonicapam”), holotype B G. erwini (GUATEMALA, Quiché, Los Encuentros), paratype C G. minimus (GUATEMALA, Sacatepéquez, Antigua), paratype D G. jalapensis (GUATEMALA, Jalapa, Mataquescuintla), paratype E G. balini (GUATEMALA, Suchitepéquez, Volcano Atitlán), paratype F G. longinoi (GUATEMALA, El Progreso, Cerro Pinalón), paratype. Scale = 0.05mm.
Digital images of habitus of Honduran Geocharidius species. A G. celaquensis (HONDURAS, Lempira, Celaque National Park), paratype B G. lencanus (HONDURAS, Lempira, Celaque National Park), paratype C G. comayaguanus (HONDURAS, Comayagua, Comayagua), paratype D G. disjunctus (HONDURAS, Francisco Morazán, La Tigra National Park), holotype. Scale = 0.5mm.
HOLOTYPE, a male, in CMNC, point-mounted, dissected, labeled: \ HONDURAS: Comayagua, 18km ENE Comayagua, 1950m, 20.VIII.1994, S. & J. Peck, wet oak-pine forest litter, S&JPeck 1994-52 \ CMNC \ HOLOTYPE Geocharidius comayaguanus Sokolov and Kavanaugh 2014 [red label] \. PARATYPES: A total of 23 specimens (6 males and 2 females were dissected), deposited in CAS, CMNC and KUNHM; 4 specimens labeled same as holotype; 5 specimens labeled: \ HONDURAS: Comayagua, Comayagua (18km E.N.E.), 1950m, 20.VIII.1994, S. Peck wet oak-pine forest litter, SBP 94-52 \ CMNC \; 8 specimens labeled: HONDURAS: La Paz Dept. Tutule, Res. Biol. Guajiquiro, 14°10'N, 87°50'W, 2130m, 7-V-2002, R.Anderson, cloud forest litter, RSA2002-010 \ SM0… KUNHM-ENT \; 1 specimen labeled: HONDURAS: LA PAZ: Tutule, Res. Biol. Guajiquiro, 14°10'N, 87°50'W, 2130m, 7.V.2002, R.Anderson, cloud forest litter, 2002-010H \ CMNC \; 1 specimen labeled: \ HONDURAS: LA PAZ: Tutule, Res. Biol. Guajiquiro, 14°10'N, 87°50'W, 2130m, 7.V.2002, R.Anderson, cloud forest litter, 2002-010D \ CMNC \; 1 specimen labeled: \ HONDURAS: LA PAZ: Tutule, Res. Biol. Guajiquiro, 14°10'N, 87°50'W, 2130m, 7.V.2002, R.Anderson, cloud forest litter, 2002-010E \ CMNC \; 2 specimens labeled: \ HONDURAS: LA PAZ: Tutule, Res. Biol. Guajiquiro, 14°10', N87°50'W, 2130m, 7.V.2002, R.Anderson, cloud forest litter, 2002-010I \ CMNC \; 1 specimen labeled: \ HONDURAS: Yoro Dept., P.N. Pico Pijol, 1300m, 15°09.4', N87°37.6'W, 11.V.2002, R. Anderson, upper montane forest litter, 2002-017A\ CMNC.
Honduras, Comayagua Department, 18 km ENE of Comayagua.
The specific epithet is a Latinized adjective in the masculine form based on the name of the city of Comayagua, from the vicinity of which the new species is described.
Adults of this species are practically indistinguishable externally from those of G. disjunctus, described below, and are distinguished from the latter, as from those of the other members of the integripennis species group, by the structure of the male median lobe and the shape of spermatheca in females.
Size. Small to medium for genus (SBL range 1.19–1.34 mm, mean 1.28±0.072mm, n=20).
Habitus. Body form (Fig.
Color. Body brunneorufous, appendages testaceous.
Microsculpture. Mesh pattern of irregularly isodiametric sculpticells present over all dorsal surfaces of head and elytra. Pronotum and proepisternum smooth (without evident microsculpture).
Prothorax. Pronotum moderately transverse (WPm/LP 1.29±0.024), with lateral margins markedly constricted posteriorly (WPm/WPp 1.35±0.027). Posterior angles obtuse (110–120°). Width between posterior angles equal to the width between anterior angles (WPa/WPp 1.02±0.026). Ventral aspect (Fig.
Pterothorax (Fig.
Elytra (Fig.
Legs. Protibia (Fig.
Male genitalia. Median lobe (Fig.
Female internal genitalia. Spermatheca sclerotized, fusiform, slightly tapered apically, straight, with cornu and nodulus of equal length (Fig.
This species is known from La Paz, Comayagua and Yoro Departments, thus having a range that crosses nearly the entire Honduran Interior Highlands from the Pacific to the Antlantic slope (Fig.
Specimens were collected in litter samples from cloud, upper montane and wet oak-pine forests at middle and high elevations of 1300 and 2130 m, respectively.
This species is unique within the integripennis species group in the shape of dorsal sclerites of the internal sac (Fig.
Line drawings of aedeagus of Guatemalan and Honduran Geocharidius species. A–D G. antigua (GUATEMALA, Sacatepéquez, Antigua), holotype: A median lobe with internal sac and dorsal sclerites, right lateral aspect B dorsal sclerite of median lobe, dorsal aspect C left paramere, left lateral aspect D right paramere, right lateral aspect E–G G. celaquensis (HONDURAS, Lempira, Celaque National Park), holotype: E median lobe with internal sac and dorsal sclerites, right lateral aspect F left paramere, left lateral aspect G right paramere, right lateral aspect H–J G. lencanus (HONDURAS, Lempira, Celaque National Park), paratype: H median lobe with internal sac and dorsal sclerites, right lateral aspect I left paramere, left lateral aspect J right paramere, right lateral aspect K–N G. comayaguanus (HONDURAS, Comayagua, Comayagua), paratype: K median lobe with internal sac and dorsal sclerites, right lateral aspect L variation in a shape of dorsal sclerite of internal sac, right lateral aspect M left paramere, left lateral aspect N right paramere, right lateral aspect O–P G. comayaguanus (HONDURAS, La Paz, Guajicuiro): variations in a shape of dorsal sclerite of internal sac, right lateral aspect Q–S G. disjunctus (HONDURAS, Francisco Morazán, La Tigra National Park), holotype: Q median lobe with internal sac and dorsal sclerites, right lateral aspect R left paramere, left lateral aspect S right paramere, right lateral aspect. T G. disjunctus (HONDURAS, Yoro, Pico Pijol National Park): shape of dorsal sclerite of median lobe, right lateral aspect. Scale = 0.05mm.
Line drawings of ring sclerite of Guatemalan and Honduran Geocharidius species, male genitalia, dorsal aspect. A G. antigua (GUATEMALA, Sacatepéquez, Antigua), holotype B G. celaquensis (HONDURAS, Lempira, Celaque National Park), holotype C G. lencanus (HONDURAS, Lempira, Celaque National Park), paratype D G. comayaguanus (HONDURAS, Comayagua, Comayagua), paratype E G. disjunctus (HONDURAS, Francisco Morazán, La Tigra National Park), holotype. Scale = 0.1mm.
HOLOTYPE, a male, in CMNC, point-mounted, dissected, labeled: \ HONDURAS: FRANC. MOR: P.N. La Tigra, 23.2km N Tegucigalpa, 15.VIII.1994-201A, 2100m, R.Anderson, cloud forest litter berlese \ CMNC \ HOLOTYPE Geocharidius disjunctus Sokolov and Kavanaugh 2014 [red label] \. PARATYPES: A total of 2 specimens (both were dissected), deposited in CAS and CMNC; 1 male labeled: \ HONDURAS: Yoro Dept., P.N. Pico Pijol, 1400m, 15°09.4'N87°37.6'W, 11.V.2002, R. Anderson, upper montane forest litter, 2002-016C\ CMNC \; 1 female labeled: \ HONDURAS: Yoro Dept., P.N. Pico Pijol, 1300m, 15°09.4'N87°37.6'W, 11.V.2002, R. Anderson, upper montane forest litter, 2002-017A \ CMNC \.
Honduras, Francisco Morazán, La Tigra National Park.
The specific epithet is a Latin adjective, disjunctus, in the masculine form, meaning “separated”, and refers to the species distinctness from the sympatric G. comayaguanus, described above.
Adults of this new species are practically indistinguishable from those of the sympatric G. comayaguanus in body shape. Males and females of G. disjunctus are distinguished from those of the other members of the integripennis species group by the structure of the median lobe and the shape of spermatheca, respectively.
Size. Small to medium for genus (SBL range 1.17–1.36 mm, mean 1.28±0.101 mm, n=3).
Habitus. Body form (Fig.
Color. Body brunneorufous, appendages testaceous.
Microsculpture. Mesh pattern of irregularly isodiametric sculpticells present over all dorsal surfaces of head and elytra. Pronotum and proepisternum smooth (without evident microsculpture).
Prothorax. Pronotum moderately transverse (WPm/LP 1.28±0.010), with lateral margins moderately constricted posteriorly (WPm/WPp 1.33±0.004). Posterior angles slightly obtuse (100–110°). Width between posterior angles equal to width between anterior angles (WPa/WPp 1.00±0.022).
Elytra. Moderately convex, slightly depressed along suture, moderately wide (WE/LE 0.65±0.015), without traces of striae. Humeri broadly rounded, in outline forming right angle with longitudinal axis of body. Lateral margins convex, evenly divergent at basal third, evenly rounded to apex in apical third.
Male genitalia. Median lobe of aedeagus (Fig.
Female internal genitalia. Spermatheca sclerotized, fusiform, almost straight, tapered basally, with cornu and nodulus of approximately equal length (Fig.
This species is known only from two remote localities in the Honduran Interior Highlands, situated in Yoro and Francisco Morazán Departments.(Fig.
Specimens were collected by sifting cloud and upper montane forest litter at middle to high elevations (1300–2100 m).
The shape of dorsal sclerites of the internal sac (Fig.
Line drawings of spermatheca of Guatemalan and Honduran Geocharidius species. A G. antigua (GUATEMALA, Sacatepéquez, Antigua), paratype B G. celaquensis (HONDURAS, Lempira, Celaque National Park), paratype C G. lencanus (HONDURAS, Lempira, Celaque National Park), paratype D G. comayaguanus (HONDURAS, Comayagua, Comayagua), paratype E G. disjunctus (HONDURAS, Yoro, Pico Pijol National Park). Scale = 0.05mm.
HOLOTYPE, a male, in KUNHM, point-mounted, dissected, labeled: \ HONDURAS: Lempira Dept., P.N. Celaque, nr. Gracias, Campamiento Naranjo, 14°32.7'N, 88°39.7'W, 2500m, 12-13-V-2002, cloud forest litter R. Anderson, RSA2002-020 \ SM0… KUNHM-ENT \ HOLOTYPE Geocharidius lencanus Sokolov and Kavanaugh 2014 [red label] \. PARATYPES: A total of 6 specimens (3 males and 2 females were dissected), deposited in CAS, CMNC and KUNHM; 4 specimens labeled same as holotype; 2 specimens labeled: \ HONDURAS: Lempira Dept., P.N. Celaque, nr. Gracias, Campamiento Naranjo, 2500m, 14°32.7', N88°39.7'W, 12–13.V.2002, cloud forest litter R. Anderson, 2002-020E \ CMNC \.
Honduras, Lempira Department, Celaque National Park.
The specific epithet is a Latinized adjective in the masculine form based on the name of the indigenous people, the Lenca, living in the territory of Celaque National Park during historic times.
Externally, members of this species represent a larger version of G. celaquensis adults, described above. Adults of G. lencanus are distinguished from those of other members of the integripennis species group by the following combination of external characters: medium to large size, rather wide habitus and fully microsculptured dorsal body surface. Males and females of G. lencanus are distinguished from those of the other members of the integripennis species group by the structure of the median lobe and the shape of spermatheca, respectively.
Size. Medium to large for genus (SBL range 1.30–1.47 mm, mean 1.39±0.091mm, n=4).
Habitus. Body form (Fig.
Color. Body rufotestaceous, appendages testaceous.
Microsculpture. Mesh pattern of irregularly isodiametric sculpticells present over all dorsal surfaces of head, pronotum and elytra. Proepisternum also with evident microsculpture.
Mouthparts. Maxillae and labium (Fig.
Prothorax. Pronotum moderately transverse (WPm/LP 1.28±0.009), with lateral margins moderately constricted posteriorly (WPm/WPp 1.34±0.019). Posterior angles slightly obtuse (100–110°). Width between posterior angles nearly equal to the width between anterior angles (WPa/WPp 1.01±0.012).
Legs. Protibia (Fig.
Elytra. Moderately convex, slightly depressed along suture, markedly wide (WE/LE 0.69±0.013), without traces of striae. Humeri rounded, in outline forming right angle with longitudinal axis of body. Lateral margins convex, evenly divergent in basal fourth, evenly rounded to apex in apical third.
Male genitalia. Median lobe (Fig.
Female internal genitalia. Spermatheca sclerotized, fusiform, slightly dilated and rectangularly bent apically, with short cornu and long nodulus (Fig.
This species is known only from Celaque National Park, in the Cerro las Minas range of Honduras (Fig.
Specimens were collected by sifting cloud forest litter at an elevation of 2500 m.
The rectangular shape of the handle of the ring sclerite (Fig.
Map of southern Mexico, Guatemala and adjacent part of Honduras, showing positions of locality records for the species of Geocharidius: white diamond, G. andersoni; white circles (black point in a circle shows “terra typica” for the species), G. zullinii; white squares, G. vignatagliantii; white triangle, G. gimlii; black and white triangle, G. integripennis; green squares, G. longinoi; green circles, G. erwini; green flowers, G. minimus; green diamonds, G. balini; green triangle, G. jalapensis; yellow quadrangle, G. antigua; yellow diamond, G. lencanus; yellow flower, G. celaquensis; yellow triangles, G. disjunctus; yellow circles, G. comayaguanus. Physiographic features: CH, Chiapas Highlands; GC, Guatemalan Cordillera; HIH, Honduran Interior Highlands; MTZ, Motagua Fault Zone; SC, Sierra de los Cuchumatanes; SMC, Sierra Madre de Chiapas. Elevation scale bar is given in meters.
Diagrams illustrating size variation for sympatric pairs of closely and remotely related species of the integripennis group at different geographical localities of Nuclear Central America. Closely related pairs (for shared characters see subchapters on Relationships in the text for corresponding species): A Chiapas Highlands, Mexico B Mataquescuintla, Guatemala C Celaque National Park, Honduras. Remotely related species: D Volcano Agua, Guatemala E Volcano Atitlan, Guatemala F Pico Pijol National Park, Honduras. Legend: black dot – median; box – 25–75% range of values; whiskers – non-outlier range of values; b – coefficient of regression.
A comprehensive phylogenetic and biogeographic analysis of Geocharidius is postponed until a thorough revision of all species of the genus has been completed. Below we discuss only a few biogeographical and evolutionary issues, raised during our morphological and distributional studies of the integripennis group species.
Distributional records of the integripennis species group to date are represented in Table
Each of the six montane areas has its own unique assemblage of Geocharidius species, ranging in number from one to six species; and none of these species are shared between montane areas. Consequently, any faunal connections between them are through sister species rather than through conspecific populations; and this pattern has implications for the timing of past dispersal and vicariance events (i.e., suggesting somewhat greater antiquity for such events). As mentioned above, the Motagua Fault Zone is a major physiographic barrier limiting the present distributions of integripennis group species. A second evidently strong barrier is one between the faunas of the Guatemalan Cordillera and the Honduran Interior Highlands, separating the ranges of six and four species endemic to each of these regions, respectively. The headwater valleys of the Rio Paz to the south and Rio Motagua/Rio Shutague to the north, respectively, are linked by gaps in the intervening uplands that do not exceed 900m in elevation, creating a continuous break across these highlands that is 400m lower than the lowest elevations at which any intergripennis species in the region has been recorded.
Among integripennis group members, six species have quite wide ranges within their own montane area, while the other nine species are known from only one locality or from two very close localities (G. longinoi) within their area. Within-group diversity varies markedly between different parts of the region. Four of the six montane areas are inhabited by one or two species, the Honduran Interior Highlands by four species, and the Guatemalan Cordillera volcanic chain (Fig.
Within the range of the integripennis species group, the Guatemalan Cordillera occupies a special place and can be characterized by the highest number of the species in total, the highest number of species with wide ranges and the highest number of localities in which sympatry has been recorded. This combination of parameters may indicate that, historically, this region played an important role as a staging area for immigrants and as an intersection of dispersal routes of integripennis group species dispersing between different areas.
Two cases of evident similarities in morphology of male and female genitalia between species inhabiting the Cordillera and their relatives outside the region seem to support the above mentioned assertion. The similarity in median lobe structure between the eastern Guatemalan G. antigua (Fig.
Further, certain morphological similarities can be found between the west Guatemalan pair of species, G. gimlii, and G. integripennis, and among the Mexican trio of species, G. andersoni, G. zullinii andG. vignatagliantii. Males of all three Mexican species share a similar shape of the dorsal sclerites of the median lobe (Fig.
These examples suggest that the Sierra de los Cuchumatanes (Fig.
Searching for concordant taxon-area relationships in other taxa reveals other carabids with similar distribution patterns. The distribution pattern for species of the pterostichine subgenus Percolaus Bates, as described by
Montane areas in Nuclear Central America occupied by the species of the Geocharidius integripennis species group.
Species | Montane areas | Elevation range (in meters) | Number of localities | |||||
CH | SMC | SC | MTZ | GC | HIH | |||
G. andersoni | X | 2750 | 1 | |||||
G. zullinii | X | 2350–2600 | 6 | |||||
G. vignataglianti | X | 2050 | 1 | |||||
G. gimlii | X | 2780 | 1 | |||||
G. longinoi | X | 2000–2750 | 2 | |||||
G. integripennis | X | 3200 | 1 | |||||
G. balini | X | 1625–2400 | 2 | |||||
G. jalapensis | X | 2325–2660 | 1 | |||||
G. erwini | X | 2140–2760 | 4 | |||||
G. minimus | X | 1625–2175 | 2 | |||||
G. antigua | X | 2350 | 1 | |||||
G. disjunctus | X | 1300–2100 | 2 | |||||
G. celaquensis | X | 2500 | 1 | |||||
G. lencanus | X | 2500 | 1 | |||||
G. comayaguanus | X | 1300–2130 | 3 | |||||
TOTAL SPP. | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 6 | 4 |
One common evolutionary trend among Anillina is syntopic miniaturization, a type of sympatric speciation that produces a number of related species differing in size and descendant from a common ancestor (
At least in some cases, sympatry among anillines is a result of the dispersal of formerly allopatric taxa, typically in response to historical geological events and/or climate change. Interestingly, difference in sizes between a “larger” and a “smaller” species is evidently greater in pairs of more closely related species than in the pairs of more remotely related species. This difference can be seen visually in the slopes of regression lines and the means of the regression coefficients of these lines (Fig.
Important loans were received from the University of Kansas Natural History Museum, Canadian Museum National Collection, Carnegie Museum of Natural History and the U.S. National Museum of Natural History, through the help of Zachary H. Falin (Collections Manager), Robert S. Anderson (Curator), Robert L. Davidson (Collections Manager), and Terry L. Erwin (Curator) at those institutions, respectively. We thank Terry Erwin (NMHH), Thierry Deuve and Azadekh Taghavian (MNHN) for the loan of types and other specimens under their care. This paper is based in part on material obtained through sampling supported by the National Science Foundation through grant DEB-0640015 (J.T. Longino, R.S. Anderson, P.S. Ward, Principal Investigators). The first author acknowledges the Evert I. Schlinger Foundation for the Schlinger Postdoctoral Fellowship at the California Academy of Sciences in 2012–2014.