Research Article |
Corresponding author: Hiroaki Abe ( ) Academic editor: Andrey Frolov
© 2019 Wataru Ichiishi, Shinpei Shimada, Takashi Motobayashi, Hiroaki Abe.
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Ichiishi W, Shimada S, Motobayashi T, Abe H (2019) Completely engaged three-dimensional mandibular gear-like structures in the adult horned beetles: reconsideration of bark-carving behaviors (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Dynastinae). ZooKeys 813: 89-110.
Adult horned beetles (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Dynastinae) such as Trypoxylus dichotomus (Linnaeus, 1771) exhibit bark-carving behaviors to feed on tree sap, in part by using small projections of the clypeus. However, in the present experiments, adult horned beetles (T. dichotomus and Dynastes hercules (Linnaeus, 1758)) used their mandibles and not the projections of the clypeus to carve bark. Our findings show the presence of completely engaged mandibular interlocking, gear-like surface structures in molar areas that guide mandible opening and closure, and lead to completely synchronous movements of adult horned beetle mandibles. Three-dimensional shapes of these mandibular gear-like structures are complex and remained in contact after the death of a beetle. Moreover, adult horned beetles often performed bark-carving behaviors using only the mandible of one side, suggesting that the primary role of the mandibular gear-like structure is to prevent breakage of the mandible by transmitting load from one mandible to the other. Among the 22 Dynastinae and 16 other beetle species examined (not Dynastinae), the gear-like structure was found in all the Dynastinae species and in no other species.
beetle, bark-carving behavior, gear-like structure, horned beetle, mandible
Horned beetles (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Dynastinae), including those of the genera Dynastes (Linnaeus, 1758), Megasoma (Linnaeus, 1758), Chalcosoma (Linnaeus, 1758), Eupatorus (Hope, 1831), and Trypoxylus (Linnaeus, 1771), are mostly large insects. Adults are typically sexually dimorphic and males have long horns extending from the head and thorax, whereas females have no horns. The largest Dynastes hercules (Linnaeus, 1758) male adults measure more than 160 mm from the tip of the thoracic horn to the end of the abdomen (
The horned beetle species Trypoxylus dichotomus (Linnaeus, 1771) is very common in Japan (Suppl. material
Diagrams of the mouthparts of adult horned beetles. A from an oblique anterior side of a Trypoxylus dichotomus male B from an oblique anterior side of a T. dichotomus female; names of mouthparts were omitted C View from an oblique ventral side of T. dichotomus male D diagram of two types of adult mandible tips; left, the tip of the left mandible of a T. dichotomus male from the left side; this tip does not branch off; right, the tip of a left mandible of a Dynastes hercules male from the left side; this tip branches off and is forked.
Under rearing conditions, when the small plastic food cup becomes empty, beetles exhibit bark-carving behavior to obtain more sap (in this case, jelly). These activities have been observed in nature, as telecast by Nippon Hoso Kyokai (NHK) in their 5 August 2007 telecast “Darwin has come! The king of beetles! Hercules”. In their televised animation, adult D. hercules reportedly start by biting the bark with the mandibles to soften the tree and then use the spatula-like projection of the clypeus to carve the softened bark.
Mouthpart forms vary greatly between insect species and are related to the diet but are classified into two basic types: one adapted for biting and chewing solid food (mandibulate) and the other adapted for sucking fluids (suctorial or haustellate) (
Mouthparts of adult T. dichotomus horned beetles are illustrated in Fig.
Herein, we used video footage to study the relationship between bark-carving behaviors and structures of mouthparts of horned beetles, particularly those of T. dichotomus and D. hercules. In field experiments, angles and directions of video footage are restricted from dorsal or lateral sides because adult T. dichotomus and D. hercules hold on to the tree. Moreover, these beetles bury their head into the wounds of trees, precluding detailed filming of the mouthparts during bark-carving. Because T. dichotomus behaviors were analyzed in a seminal study (
Our observations indicated that T. dichotomus and D. hercules use their mandibles like a chisel to carve bark and do not use the projection of the clypeus (Suppl. materials
Among twenty-two horned beetle species three were maintained at the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology: Trypoxylus dichotomus (adult male length, 40–80 mm; adult female length, 40–60 mm (
Dynastes hercules are naturally found in the Neotropical region of southern Mexico to Bolivia and Trinidad, Guadeloupe, and Dominica in the West Indies (
All larvae of horned beetles were fed on breeding fermentation mats (DEBURO Pro) that were purchased from Fujikon Co., Ltd. ( All adults were fed on breeding jelly (DORCUS JELLY) containing animal protein, trehalose, collagen, and banana flavor (Fujikon Co., Ltd).
Synchronous movements and gear-like structures were characterized and compared between adult beetles and adults of various other insect species. Experiments were performed with five males and five females of T. dichotomus and D. hercules, and comparisons were made with single adult males of all other horned beetle species. Sixteen adult specimens of other beetle species (not Dynastinae) were collected from the field or purchased from insect-dealers. Sexes of these non-horned beetles were not recorded. Mouthparts of insect specimens were softened by immersion in water all day prior to observations of the synchronous movements and the gear-like structures of mandibles.
To observe the adductor and abductor muscles of the mandible, adult T. dichotomus specimens were fixed and preserved in 90% alcohol. Heads were dissected carefully using a file (Bkong YWE-B pencil type router; Yanase Corp., Hyogo, Japan) and tweezers. Mandible muscles were observed using binocular microscopy (Stemi 2000-C; Carl Zeiss Microscopy Co., Ltd.). We compared apparent volume of photographed adductor and abductor muscles. Ratios of adductor and abductor muscles in T. dichotomus biting type mandibles were compared with those of adult Locusta migratoria (Linnaeus, 1758) (Orthoptera: Acrididae).
Initially, horned heads were separated from dead male T. dichotomus specimens and were soaked in tap water overnight to soften the hardened articulations, and the labium and maxillae were then removed carefully using a file and tweezers. The average length from the tip of the horn to bottom of the head was 29.3 mm (Suppl. material
If horned beetles use mandibles to carve bark, the tips of the mandibles must be in contact with the tree surface earlier than the projections of the clypeus when the beetle takes the posture for bark carving. Therefore, we determined whether the tips of the mandibles or the projections of the clypeus touch the tree surface first. To this end, paraffin (solidification point about 51–53 °C) was melted, and a small piece of black crayon was melted and mixed in the plastic container to color the paraffin (Sterile No. 2 Square Schale; Eiken Kizai Co., Ltd. Tokyo, Japan), and was then cooled until it hardened. Initially, we determined whether tips of mandibles or the projections of clypeus made pits in the paraffin surface first. But pits on the paraffin were harder to see than scratches on the paraffin. Thus, heads of horned beetles of several genera were manually held at various forward angles (from 0°to 60°) between the horn and paraffin and were used to scratch the paraffin surface. Heads were also placed in the back position and the scars were photographed (Fig.
Videos of bark-carving behaviors and actions of mandibles were recorded using a Sony Handycam HDR-PJ590V digital HD video recorder (Sony Corp., Tokyo, Japan). Perches comprised rotten wood and plates of jelly, which were made from logs that were used for cultivation of mushrooms, and were purchased from Fujikon Co., Ltd. We assumed that the bark-carving behavior observed in laboratory conditions on wood logs is similar to that observed on tree barks in the wild. Videos of bark-carving behaviors were recorded using adult D. hercules and T. dichotomus. The carving behavior of an adult male T. dichotomus was also recorded in a plastic green insect cage. To obtain specimens with broken gear-like structures between mandibles but no damage to articulation, gear regions of mandibles were disabled using a file (Bkong YWE-B pencil type router; Yanase Corp., Hyogo, Japan). The router bit was made from a nail and acrylic resin was used to bind mandibles. All materials were purchased from Fujikon Co., Ltd. ( as an insect specimen kit.
Mandibles of adult horned beetles are present on both sides of the head (Figs
Mandibles of T. dichotomus adults. A A male adult viewed from the left side with a ruler B lateral view of the head from the left side; the clypeus and mandible are indicated by arrows. Antenna and maxillary palp parts were removed to expose the mandible C diagram of the head; the mandible is indicated by a stipple D a head before removing the mandible E a head after removing the mandible F the left side mandible was dissected from the cranium G diagram showing the double articulation of the mandible; the right side diagram is of the cranium H a left side mandible of T. dichotomus with attached muscles. Abbreviations: add = adductor muscle; abd = abductor muscle; d = dorsal articulation (socket); v = ventral articulation (condyle). Scale bar: 1 mm.
Engagement of gear-like structures on mandibles of D. hercules during opening and closing; engaged regions of mandibles were exposed using a file. A Lateral view of the head from the left side; dotted lines indicate the position of the transverse section B interior view of the head from the ventral side C diagram of the engagement region; gear-like structures are emphasized by stipple. Abbreviations: R = right compound eye; L = left compound eye. Scale bar: 7 mm.
In further experiments, both mandibles of adult horned beetles moved in complete synchrony. Specifically, manual opening and closing of the right mandible of living adult T. dichotomus and D. hercules beetles were accompanied by synchronous opening and closing of the left mandible. Similarly, movements to the left and right were precisely synchronous in both mandibles, and simultaneous mandible movements were also observed in dead insects (Suppl. material
To investigate mechanical connections between left and right mandibles, we dissected the heads of T. dichotomus and D. hercules and observed mandible structures under a stereomicroscope. Mandibles of adult T. dichotomus and D. hercules are single, heavily sclerotized pieces with a dicondylic articulation. The ventral condyle of the mandible is a ball-like structure that fits into a socket like the acetabulum of the cranium, and the dorsal condyle of the cranium fits into an acetabulum of the mandible (Fig.
The three-dimensional shape of the mandible gear-like structure is very complicated (Fig.
Gear-like structures on mandibles of adult horned beetles. To show the mandibular gear-like structure, the head was split along the anterior midline, and the mandibles were laid out and viewed from the inside. A Mandibles of a T. dichotomus male adult B diagram of structures in Fig.
In further analyses, we observed gear-like structures of mandibles in adults of 20 other species of horned beetle, suggesting that the gear-like structure of mandibles is common to all adult horned beetles (Suppl. material
Many insects have asymmetric mandibles during the larval or adult stages (
To investigate the roles of the mandible gear-like structures, we measured the break-resistance strengths of mandibles from dead adult T. dichotomus under load. Preliminarily, we noticed that considerable force was necessary to dislocate single sides of intact and engaged mandibles from the cranium using tweezers. Moreover, although two articulations remained in the mandibles, these could be dislocated easily. However, there was a possibility that initial loading may damage the remaining mandibles and its articulations. Therefore to exclude this possibility, we used one intact specimen for only one side mandible dislocation experiments (Fig.
Load strengths of mandibles from a T. dichotomus adult male. Abbreviations: Right = right mandible; Left = left mandible. Intact = right and left mandibles in the intact state; Broken = the gear-like structure was broken before the measurement. Vertical bars indicate standard errors of the mean (SE). Significant differences between mandible break-resistance strengths are indicated by different letters (a, b; Tukey, p < 0.05).
Adult T. dichotomus beetles exhibit bark-carving behaviors, and it is widely believed that small projections of the clypeus are involved in the process (
Because mandible articulations of adult T. dichotomus and D. hercules beetles are placed under a considerable load during bark carving, this gear-like structure may primarily prevent the breakage of the mandibles. Accordingly, adult D. hercules exhibited bark-carving behaviors using only the mandible of one side, suggesting that the gear-like structure transmits the load from one mandible to the other, thus reducing the load on the mandible in use.
Although synchronous movements of both mandibles may enhance break resistance strength, this is likely an insufficient explanation for the evolutionary conservation of moving functions in adult horned beetles. In addition to carving, mandibles of T. dichotomus and D. hercules are likely to facilitate sucking of sap as indicated by the narrow mouth cavity. After closing both mandibles, the inside regions with orange hair form a thick sandwich with projections from the labium into the mouth cavity (Suppl. material
Mandibles and labium of D. hercules; engaged regions of mandibles were exposed using a file. A Interior view of the male head from the dorsal side; arrows indicate projections from the labium into the mouth cavity B lateral view of labium from the left side; arrows indicate projections into the mouth cavity.
Among very few studies of mandible movements in insects, investigations of the desert locust Schistocerca gregaria (Orthoptera: Acrididae) showed that the mandibles of the two sides predominantly move together due to the synchronized activities of the adductor muscles shown in analyses of the sensory inputs required to maintain and change mandibular activities (
Currently, approximately 1,700 species of horned beetles have been identified in forests globally and most of these are in Southeast Asia and South America (
Functional gears are found rarely in animals, and in the single (Hemiptera: Issidae) previous report, nymphs of the planthopper Issus coleoptratus had tiny rows of cuticular gear teeth (15–30 μm high) around curved medial surfaces of their two hindleg trochantera (
Multiple insect species are considered pests of living and dead or dying trees, and most bark beetles, such as Pseudohylesinus nebulosusu and Dendroctonus ponderosae (Curculionidae), excavate egg galleries in fresh phloem. The locust borer Megacyllene robiniae (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) is a phloem wood insect that attacks living trees (
We are grateful to two anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments. We also thank Enago ( for the English language review.
Horned beetles
Data type: Movie
Explanation note: Dynastes hercules adult male and female and Trypoxylus dichotomus male.
Bark-carving behaviors of D. hercules, adult males mainly from lateral side
Data type: Movie
Bark-carving behaviors of D. hercules, adult males mainly from anterior
Data type: Movie
Measurements of T. dichotomus mandible break resistance strengths under load
Data type: Measurement
Diagram of the direction (from the top to the bottom) of the load on mandible. View from the anterior
Data type: Figure
Determination of the presence or absence of gear-like structures on mandibles and types of tips in horned beetles and other insects
Data type: Table
Explanation note: a) +, presence; -, absence of gear-like structures. b) There was an individual variation. c) The chip of mandible was flat. d) The chip of mandible turned inward.
Bark-carving behaviors of D. hercules adult females and a Trypoxylus dichotomus adult male
Data type: Movie
Explanation note: Horned beetles did not use the projection of clypeus but did use mandibles for bark carving.
Synchronous movements of adult D. hercules mandibles
Data type: Movie
Explanation note: Movements of an intact head, a head after stripping the labium and maxillae, and a head after exposure of the gear structure; the gear-like structure was filed gradually to demonstrate the engagement point. Scenes were filmed from the ventral side.
Comparison mandible muscles between Trypoxylus dichotomus horned beetles and the typical biting type insect Locusta migratoria
Data type: Figure
Explanation note: A anterior view of L. migratoria B anterior view of male T. dichotomus C L. migratoria D T. dichotomus. To expose the mandible and its muscles the wall of the left half of the face was removed. Isolated mandibles with adductor and abductor muscles of L. migratoria (E) and T. dichotomus (F) Abbreviations: ad=adductor muscle; ab=abductor muscle. Scale bar 1 mm.
The mouthparts of Trypoxylus dichotomus larva
Data type: Figure
Explanation note: A ventral view; B To expose the posterior regions of mandibles, the labium and maxillae were removed. When the mandibles were open, the hind regions of mandibles did not engage and no gear-like structure was observed.Abbreviations: Ant = antenna; Mx = maxilla; Lb = labium; Md = mandible; mol = molar lobe. Scale bar 2 mm.
Movements of larval Dynastes hercules mandibles
Data type: Movie
Explanation note: When the larva bites a toothpick, both mandibles move synchronously, whereas manual closing of the left larval mandible was not accompanied by synchronous closing of the right mandible.
Movements of adult D. hercules mandibles following breakage of gear-like structural regions
Data type: Movie
Explanation note: The mandibular gear region was broken using a file and mechanical synchronous movements were abolished.
Synchronous movements of adult D. hercules mandibles
Data type: Movie
Explanation note: To expose the mandibles, the male head horn was removed and the cranium was filed as much as possible. Footage was filmed from the dorsal side.