1-1229 issues matching your criteria:
ZooKeys 1110 (2022)
Papers published: 7
| Total pages: 218
Helicarionidae (1),
Geoplanidae (1),
Streptaxidae (1),
Platyhelminthes (1),
Spongillidae (1),
Stylommatophora (1),
Mollusca (1),
Rissoidae (1),
Gastropoda (1),
Braconidae (1),
Porifera (1),
Phylliidae (1),
Phasmida (1),
Tricladida (1),
Phyllioidea (1)
ZooKeys 1109 (2022)
Papers published: 7
| Total pages: 192
Invertebrata (2),
Rhaphidophoridae (1),
Animalia (2),
Polyphaga (1),
Orthoptera (2),
Insecta (2),
Tetrigidae (1),
Araneae (1),
Stenopelmatidea (1),
Ensifera (1),
Coleoptera (2),
Chelicerata (1),
Tenebrionoidea (2),
Arachnida (1),
Hydrophilidae (1),
Caelifera (1),
Hexapoda (2),
Meloidae (2),
Aves (1),
Theridiosomatidae (1),
Arthropoda (3)
ZooKeys 1108 (2022)
Papers published: 10
| Total pages: 208
Myriapoda (1),
Arthropoda (2),
Sarcophagidae (1),
Actinopterygii (1),
Spirostreptida (1),
Invertebrata (3),
Araneae (1),
Corbiculidae (1),
Plecoptera (1),
Arachnida (1),
Staphylinidae (1),
Erebidae (1),
Calyptratae (1),
Glomeridae (1),
Rhacophoridae (1),
Diplopoda (1),
Animalia (2),
Bivalvia (1),
Gnaphosidae (1)
ZooKeys 1106 (2022)
Papers published: 8
| Total pages: 212
Animalia (3),
Aphididae (1),
Arthropoda (3),
Chrysopidae (2),
Hemiptera (1),
Invertebrata (2),
Plexauridae (1),
Chaetognatha (1),
Hemerobiiformia (2),
Neuroptera (2),
Psychodidae (1),
Aphidoidea (1),
Insecta (3),
Sternorrhyncha (1),
Hemerobioidea (2),
Corophiidae (1),
Hexapoda (3),
Xystodesmidae (1)
Europe (1),
Central Asia (3),
Africa (1),
Atlantic Ocean (1),
Spain (1),
USA and Canada (1),
Balearics (1),
China Seas (1),
Korea (1),
Asia (3),
Japan (1),
China (3)
ZooKeys 1105 (2022)
Papers published: 3
| Total pages: 208
Asia (2),
South America (1),
Middle East (1),
Eastern Europe (1),
Southern Europe and Mediterranean (1),
Western Europe (1),
North America (1),
Turkey (1),
Central America and the Caribbean (1),
Europe (1),
Central Europe (1)
ZooKeys 1104 (2022)
Papers published: 10
| Total pages: 226
Coleoptera (1),
Mollusca (1),
Lampyridae (1),
Pulmonata (1),
Formicidae (1),
Decapoda (1),
Arthropoda (1),
Microhylidae (1),
Liphistiidae (1),
Diptera (1),
Hygromiidae (1),
Reduviidae (2),
Atyidae (1),
Chironomidae (1),
Anura (1),
Invertebrata (2),
Culicomorpha (1),
Animalia (4),
Hexapoda (2),
Amphibia (1),
Gastropoda (1),
Insecta (1),
Nematocera (1)
Panama (1),
West Africa (1),
Africa (1),
Central America and the Caribbean (1),
French Guyana/Guyane (1),
North America (1),
Europe (2),
Central Europe (1),
Madagascar (1),
Central Asia (1),
Guyana (1),
Mexico (1),
World (1),
Central Africa (1),
Asia (3),
Paraguay (1),
South America (1),
Brazil (1),
Switzerland (1)
ZooKeys 1103 (2022)
Papers published: 10
| Total pages: 210
Gelechiidae (1),
Pisces (1),
Ephemeroptera (1),
Squamata (1),
Invertebrata (1),
Reptilia (1),
Animalia (1),
Gelechioidea (1),
Cicadellidae (1),
Insecta (1),
Chordata (1),
Hexapoda (1),
Lepidoptera (1),
Pseudoscorpiones (1),
Braconidae (1),
Cnidaria (1),
Eulophidae (1),
Arthropoda (1),
Elateridae (1),
Gekkonidae (1),
Actiniaria (1),
Sauria (1)
ZooKeys 1102 (2022)
Papers published: 10
| Total pages: 202
Chrysidoidea (1),
Polychaeta (1),
Arachnida (1),
Katiannoidea (1),
Vertebrata (2),
Hexapoda (1),
Bethylidae (1),
Mammalia (1),
Insecta (1),
Invertebrata (2),
Chelicerata (1),
Symphypleona (1),
Cnidaria (1),
Bufonidae (1),
Chordata (2),
Megachilidae (1),
Anura (1),
Hymenoptera (1),
Araneae (1),
Collembola (1),
Araneidae (1),
Capitellidae (1),
Aves (1),
Arthropoda (2),
Arrhopalitidae (1),
Amphibia (1),
Salticidae (1),
Animalia (4),
Scleractinia (1)
Oceans (1),
North America (1),
Guatemala (1),
Americas (2),
Central America (1),
Australia (1),
China (2),
Vietnam (1),
Central Asia (2),
Asia (5),
Europe (1),
Far East (1),
Mexico (1),
Pacific (2),
Central America and the Caribbean (1)
ZooKeys 1101 (2022)
Facets of Terrestrial Isopod Biology
Pallieter De Smedt, Stefano Taiti, Spyros Sfenthourakis, Ivanklin Soares Campos-Filho
Conference name:
11th International Symposium on Terrestrial Isopod Biology
This special issue will accept submissions of papers presented at the 11th International Symposium on Terrestrial Isopod Biology (
https://spinicornis.be/istib2021/) but is open to other papers on all aspects of terrestrial isopod biology as well. The issue aims to give an overview of the current state of the art on the broad field of terrestrial isopod research.
This special issue will accept submissions of papers presented at the 11th International Symposium on Terrestrial Isopod Biology (
https://spinicornis.be/istib2021/) but is open to other papers on all aspects of terrestrial isopod biology as well. The issue aims to give an overview of the current sta ...
Papers published: 13
| Total pages: 212
Armadillidiidae (2),
Peracarida (2),
Porcellionidae (3),
Malacostraca (2),
Eumalacostraca (1),
Styloniscidae (1),
Arthropoda (1),
Invertebrata (2),
Oniscidae (3),
Isopoda (9),
Crustacea (1),
Animalia (1)
Habitats, Ecosystems & Natural Spaces (1),
Systematics (1),
Data analysis & Modelling (1),
Species Inventories (1),
Evolutionary biology (4),
Taxonomy (1),
Conservation Biology (1),
Ecology & Environmental sciences (4),
Agriculture and Forestry (1),
General ecology (1),
Biogeography (1),
Biodiversity & Conservation (2),
Genetics (1),
Urban ecology (2)
ZooKeys 1100 (2022)
Papers published: 9
| Total pages: 206
Arachnida (1),
Araneae (1),
Lepidoptera (1),
Staphylinidae (1),
Chelicerata (1),
Spionidae (1),
Coleoptera (1),
Neobisiidae (1),
Neobisioidea (1),
Animalia (1),
Annelida (1),
Serpulidae (1),
Limacodidae (1),
Invertebrata (1),
Euscorpiidae (1),
Arthropoda (1),
Curculionidae (1),
Tenebrionidae (1),
Scorpiones (1),
Pseudoscorpiones (1),
Polychaeta (2)
ZooKeys 1099 (2022)
Papers published: 9
| Total pages: 202
Rhacophoridae (1),
Limacodidae (1),
Crustacea (1),
Echinodermata (1),
Talitridae (1),
Lepidoptera (1),
Platyhelminthes (1),
Polyplacophora (1),
Zygaenoidea (1),
Ophiacanthidae (1),
Clitellata (1),
Moniligastridae (1),
Anura (1),
Gelechiidae (1),
Ophiurida (1),
Amphipoda (1),
Braconidae (1)