Research Article |
Corresponding author: Yongying Ruan ( ) Academic editor: Aaron Smith
© 2020 Yongying Ruan, Hume B. Douglas, Lu Qiu, Xiaoqin Chen, Shihong Jiang.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication.
Ruan Y, Douglas HB, Qiu L, Chen X, Jiang S (2020) Revision of Chinese Phorocardius species (Coleoptera, Elateridae, Cardiophorinae). ZooKeys 993: 47-120.
The Chinese species of Phorocardius Fleutiaux, 1931 have been studied and six species are described as new: P. alterlineatus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov.; P. flavistriolatus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov.; P. minutus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov.; P. rufiposterus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov.; P. yunnanensis Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov.; and P. zhiweii Ruan, Douglas & Qiu, sp. nov. Lectotypes are designated for Cardiophorus comptus Candèze, 1860, Cardiophorus contemptus Candèze, 1860, Phorocardius magnus Fleutiaux, 1931, and Cardiophorus manuleatus Candèze, 1888. The holotype is identified for Cardiophorus yanagiharae Miwa, 1927. Phorocardius florentini (Fleutiaux, 1895) and P. manuleatus (Candèze, 1888) are newly reported from China; P. comptus (Candèze, 1860) is excluded from the Chinese fauna. A key to the 11 Phorocardius species known from China is given. Phorocardius is newly recorded from deep within the Palearctic Region. The procoxal cavities of P. rufiposterus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov. are closed, which is different from all other species of Phorocardius. An annotated checklist of the 21 Phorocardius species of the world is provided. Additionally, Phorocardius contemptus (Candèze, 1860), comb. nov. is transferred from Cardiophorus to Phorocardius; four species are transferred from Phorocardius to Displatynychus: Displatynychus bombycinus (Candèze, 1895), comb. nov., Displatynychus pakistanicus (Platia & Ahmed, 2016), comb. nov., Displatynychus sobrinus (Laporte, 1840), comb. nov., and Displatynychus tibialis (Platia & Ahmed, 2016), comb. nov.
Cardiophorus, checklist, click beetles, Displatynychus, diversity, elaterid, new species, review
Phorocardius Fleutiaux, 1931 is a small Asian genus of elaterids with 15 species known previously (
Previously, Phorocardius included a second subgenus: Diocarphus Fleutiaux, 1947. Diocarphus was recognized by the reduced ventral apex of the tarsal claw and more pronounced pronotal lateral carina “sutures inferieures” in comparison to subgenus Phorocardius. However,
With only three species previously known (
Observations of the habitus and diagnostic characters were made using a NIKON SMZ645 stereo microscope and a NIKON E100 optical microscope. Digital images were taken using a CANNON D800 camera attached to a CANNON MP-E 65 mm Lens or NIKON E100 microscope. Before dissection, dry specimens were submerged in hot water for 10 minutes. Male genitalia were subsequently dissected and glued to card papers pinned under the specimens. Female genitalia were submerged in hot 10% NaOH solution for approximately 1 minute, surrounding tissues were cleared, mounted in glycerin on slides for photography, and then glued to card papers pinned under the specimens. Specimen measurements were made as shown in Fig.
Explanation of measurement and terminology. A male habitus (AL: antenna length; BL: body length; BW: body width; EL: elytron length; EW: elytron width; PL: pronotum length; PW: pronotum width) B postero-lateral part of pronotum C tarsomeres I to V (TML: tarsomere length), with inset showing bifid claw D posterior part of prosternum, showing prosternal process, arrows showing its dorsal and ventral margins (PCL: procoxal cavity length; PPL: prosternal process length) E proximal sclerite of bursa copulatrix, showing internal surface: with a concavity on basal edge, large spines on mesal edge and minute ones on disc F head, frontal view (DBE: distance between eyes; WOE: width of eye) G aedeagus, ventral view (BSL: basal strut length; MLL: median lobe length; PML: paramere length), inset showing apical part of paramere H aedeagus, lateral view, inset showing apical part of paramere.
Specimens were identified using species identification keys (e.g.,
Morphological terminology and the generic concept of Phorocardius follow
Definition of Oriental and Palearctic Regions mainly follows
LQCC Lu Qiu Personal Collection, Chongqing, China.
MNHN Museum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, France.
Phorocardius Fleutiaux, 1931: 308. Type species: Cardiophorus florentini Fleutiaux, 1895.
Oriental and southeast Palearctic Regions: China (Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi, Henan, Sichuan, Hubei, Guizhou, Yunnan, Guangxi, Taiwan, Hainan), Myanmar, India, Laos, Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Maldives (doubtful).
Body length 5–13.9 mm. Width 1.6–4.5 mm. Integument black, brown, yellow and/or red, some with spots or stripes on pronotum or elytra. Body with yellow to yellow-grey pubescence (brown setae present on disc of pronotum in P. florentini and P. zhiweii Ruan Douglas & Qiu, sp. nov.).
Head. Hypognathous. Frons and vertex convex, flat or weakly concave; frontal carina (joined supraantennal carinae, raised above labrum) convex or straight in dorsal view; carina smooth and glabrous; supraantennal carinae forked near junctures with compound eyes (Fig.
Prothorax. Pronotum in dorsal view with sides straight, convex, or sinuate near posterior fourth. Pronotum with punctures circular or oval on dorsal surface, punctures larger and deeper on disc and anterad, sparser and smaller posterad; sublateral incisions and carinae present (with carinae obsolete, see Fig.
Pterothorax. Scutellar shield heart-symbol shaped, with anterior edge emarginate (Fig.
Legs. Tarsi simple; tarsomere V longest; tarsal claws each with two apices, apices separated in apical half of claw, with ventral surface of claw sinuate basad of ventral apex, ventral apex much smaller than to almost as large as dorsal apex. Metacoxal plate large, covering 1/2–2/3 of metatrochanter with legs withdrawn.
Abdomen. Lateral edges of visible abdominal ventrites I–V (i.e., urosternites III–VII) with or without minute serrations.
Male genitalia. Urosternite VIII straight to anteriorly pointed, with two lateral posterior lobes, without median posterior lobe; abdominal segment IX with tergite and sternites articulated at sides. Aedeagus: paramere, with or without preapical lateral expansion (Fig.
Female. Body of same or different color as male, some slightly longer and wider than male. Antennae of some shorter than in male. Apex of abdominal ventrite V arcuate to truncate, with deep to shallow incision on each side (Figs
1. Phorocardius alterlineatus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov. (details under species treatment)
2. Phorocardius astutus (Candèze, 1888)
Cardiophorus astutus Candèze, 1888: 681. Type locality: “Teinzò”, Myanmar.
Phorocardius astutus:
Cambodia (
Cotype specimens examined (
3. Phorocardius bifidus (Fleutiaux, 1918)
Cardiophorus bifidus Fleutiaux, 1918: 222. Type locality: Bangkok, Thailand.
Phorocardius bifidus:
Thailand (
Remarks. Type specimen examined (MNHN). Body brown-black with red-brown appendages; and yellow pubescence. Aedeagus with median lobe parallel-sided, with rounded apex, parameres narrowed to a point without preapical expansions.
4. Phorocardius comptus (Candèze, 1860) (details under species treatment)
(Candèze, 1860) comb. nov.
Cardiophorus contemptus Candèze, 1860: 202. Type locality: “Hindoustan meridional; Pondichery et Mysore” (India: Pudicherry; Karnataka, Mysore). Lectotype designated here.
India (
Only a single female syntype was discovered in
The examination of the lectotype shows that it resembles P. comptus
Type material.
6. Phorocardius erythronotus (Candèze, 1860)
Cardiophorus erythronotus Candèze, 1860: 212. Type locality: India: Patna, Dinapur.
Phorocardius erythronotus:
India (
Type material examined (
7. Phorocardius flavistriolatus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov. (details under species treatment)
8. Phorocardius florentini (Fleutiaux, 1895) (details under species treatment)
9. Phorocardius magnus Fleutiaux, 1931 (details under species treatment)
10. Phorocardius maldivianus Platia, 2015
Phorocardius maldivianus Platia, 2015: 184. Type locality: “Maldives, Meemu Atoll, Kureli Island”.
Maldives (
Remarks. This species is unlikely to truly belong to Phorocardius because the pronotal lateral carina diverges from the hind angle carina. The distinctive arcuate parameres with bulbous apices distinguish this species from those of any Phorocardius examined by the authors. However, P. maldivianus was not transferred outside Phorocardius because we were unable to make a well-supported generic placement without data from female morphology or DNA.
11. Phorocardius manuleatus (Candèze, 1888) (details under species treatment)
12. Phorocardius melanopterus (Candèze, 1878)
Cardiophorus melanopterus Candèze, 1878: 38. Type locality: Cambodia.
Phorocardius melanopterus:
Cambodia (
Type material examined (
13. Phorocardius minutus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov. (details under species treatment)
14. Phorocardius moorii (Candèze, 1860)
Cardiophorus moorii Candèze, 1860: 206. Type locality: “Madras” (India).
Phorocardius moorii:
Phorocardius moorii:
India (
Body black, with four round yellow spots on its elytra. This species is probably a junior synonym of Elater tetraspilotus Hope (syntypes of E. tetraspilotus and C. moorii housed in
15. Phorocardius rufiposterus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov. (details under species treatment)
16. Phorocardius systenus (Candèze, 1860)
Cardiophorus systenus Candèze, 1860: 210. Type locality: “Hindoustan” (India).
Platynychus systenus:
Phorocardius systenus: Ôhira, 1978: 96 (distribution, photograph of habitus, and diagnostic characters).
India (
Type examined (
17. Phorocardius unguicularis Fleutiaux, 1918 (details under species treatment)
18. Phorocardius vicinus (Kollar, 1848)
Cardiophorus vicinus Kollar, 1848: 507. Type locality: Kashmir.
Phorocardius vicinus:
Distribution. India: Kashmir (Cate 2007).
Type specimen examined by photographs (
19. Phorocardius yanagiharae (Miwa, 1927) (details under species treatment)
20. Phorocardius yunnanensis Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov. (details under species treatment)
21. Phorocardius zhiweii Ruan, Douglas & Qiu, sp. nov. (details under species treatment)
The following Phorocardius species are shown, in their original publications (or in the examined type specimens) to have the diagnostic characters of Displatynychus and not Phorocardius. While these species have Phorocardius-like claws, they are shown to have the following diagnostic characters of Displatynychus: pronotal lateral carina distinct from hind-angle carina and hidden in dorsal view by overhanging edge of upper part of pronotum; and female bursa copulatrix with base of spermathecal gland duct sclerotized into complex tube-like structure.
Recently described Phorocardius species from south Asia (P. maldivianus Platia, 2015; P. pakistanicus Platia & Ahmed, 2016; P. tibialis Platia & Ahmed, 2016) could be distinguished from all Chinese Phorocardius species using the species descriptions. We recommend the transfer of P. pakistanicus and P. tibialis to Displatynychus Ôhira, 1987. However, we do not recommend the transfer of P. maldivianus outside Phorocardius because we were unable to make a well-supported generic placement without data from female morphology or DNA.
1. Displatynychus bombycinus (Candèze, 1895) comb. nov.
Cardiophorus bombycinus Candèze, 1895: 46. Type locality: “Darjeeling” (India).
Phorocardius bombycinus:
India: west Bengal (
This species matches Displatynychus and not Phorocardius in two key diagnostic characters listed above. Type specimen examined (
2. Displatynychus pakistanicus (Platia & Ahmed, 2016) comb. nov.
Phorocardius pakistanicus Platia & Ahmed, 2016: 16. Type locality: “Pakistan, Thar”.
Pakistan (
3. Displatynychus sobrinus (Laporte, 1840) comb. nov.
Caloderus sobrinus Laporte, 1840: 250. Type locality: “Hindoustan” (south Asia).
Cardiophorus sobrinus:
Dicronychus sobrinus:
Phorocardius sobrinus:
Phorocardius sobrinus:
India (
This species matches Displatynychus and not Phorocardius in two key diagnostic characters mentioned above. Type material was not examined (probably in MNHN), but non-type specimens at
4. Displatynychus tibialis (Platia & Ahmed, 2016) comb. nov.
Phorocardius tibialis Platia & Ahmed, 2016: 17. Type locality: “Pakistan, Chakri, Islamabad”.
Pakistan (
1 | Procoxal cavities closed (Fig. |
P. rufiposterus sp. nov. |
– | Procoxal cavities open (e.g., Fig. |
2 |
2 | Body length less than 7.0 mm; scutellar shield with antero-lateral edge evenly convex and posterior apex narrowly rounded; tarsal claw with ventral apex much smaller than dorsal one (Fig. |
P. minutus sp. nov. |
– | Body length greater than 7.0 mm; scutellar shield with antero-lateral edge sinuate and posterior apex pointed; tarsal claw with ventral apex as large as dorsal one (Figs |
3 |
3 | Elytra with metallic luster; pronotum and hypomeron entirely red except posterior edge red-brown or black | 4 |
– | Elytra without metallic luster; pronotum and hypomeron black, brown or with longitudinal midline black and remainder red | 5 |
4 | Elytra black, with metallic blue to purple luster; paramere with preapical lateral expansion in ventral view, (Fig. |
P. florentini (Fleutiaux, 1895) |
– | Elytra metallic green; paramere of aedeagus without preapical lateral expansion, with apical mesal callus (Fig. |
P. zhiweii sp. nov. |
5 | Dorsum bicolored, with yellow to red maculation; if dorsum unicolor, apex of median lobe of aedeagus dilated in ventral view (Figs |
6 |
– | Dorsum unicolored, without maculation; in ventral view, apex of median lobe of aedeagus not dilated | 8 |
6 | Body dark brown, elytra with longitudinal yellow stripes; ventral surface of prosternal process not strongly narrowed posterad in ventral view, with apex truncate to slightly convex (Fig. |
7 |
– | Body entirely black, yellow or mixed with both yellow and black (Fig. |
P. manuleatus (Candèze, 1888) |
7 | Each elytron with three separate slender longitudinal yellow stripes on interstriae III, V and VII (Fig. |
P. alterlineatus sp. nov. |
– | Each elytron with a single longitudinal yellow stripe covering basal half of interstria IV and interstriae V to VII. (Fig. |
P. flavistriolatus sp. nov. |
8 | Head with frontal carina convex in frontal view (Fig. |
P. unguicularis (Fleutiaux, 1918) |
– | Head with frontal carina straight in frontal view. Pronotum with interspaces between punctures 1–3 × average puncture diameter. Elytral length to pronotal length ratio 2.5–2.7. Paramere of aedeagus not needle-like at apex, with preapical lateral expansion | 9 |
9 | Posterior angle of pronotum with lateral edge convex, strongly bulged laterally in dorsal view (Fig. |
P. yanagiharae (Miwa, 1927) |
– | Posterior angle of pronotum with lateral edge straight to slightly convex, not strongly bulged in dorsal view. Median lobe of aedeagus with apex dilated (Fig. |
10 |
10 | Dorsum matt, brown to red-brown. Aedeagus with apex of median lobe bent abruptly dorsad in lateral view (Fig. |
P. magnus Fleutiaux, 1931 |
– | Dorsum entirely black and shiny. Aedeagus with apex of median lobe not bent dorsad in lateral view (Fig. |
P. yunnanensis sp. nov. |
Shaanxi Prov., Yan-an (36.622°N, 109.457°E, alt. 993 m).
The name of this species refers to the alternating longitudinal maculation on elytra.
China (Shaanxi, Hubei, Sichuan, Guangxi).
Body length greater than 7.0 mm; integument dark brown (non-metallic), each elytron with three separate yellow stripes along interstriae III, V, and VII. Prothorax: procoxal cavities open. Prosternal process not strongly narrowed posterad to ventral apex in ventral view, with apex truncate to slightly rounded. Pterothorax: scutellar shield with posterior apex pointed. Tarsal claw with ventral apex not smaller than dorsal apex. Male genitalia: paramere without preapical lateral expansion or apical mesal callus. Female: apex of last abdominal ventrite (ventrite V) simple, not emarginate at apex.
This species is unique in Phorocardius in its alternating dark and yellow stripes on the elytra, the aedeagus is also unique due to its simple shape: without any preapical lateral expansion (but with ventral hook-like expansion).
Phorocardius alterlineatus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov. resembles P. flavistriolatus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov. and P. comptus (Candèze, 1860) in having longitudinal yellow maculation on the elytron, but it could be distinguished from the latter two species by the following characters. In P. alterlineatus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov., aedeagus gradually narrowed from base to apex in lateral view; apex of median lobe narrowly rounded in ventral view; and each elytron with three slender longitudinal stripes present separately on interstriae III, V, and VII, which partly merged near base and apex; while in P. flavistriolatus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov., in lateral view, aedeagus with equal breadth from base to apical fifth, only slightly narrowed at apical fifth; apex of median lobe truncate to broadly rounded in ventral view; and each elytron with a single broad stripe covering basal half of interstria IV and interstriae V–VII.
In Phorocardius alterlineatus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov., the parameres of the aedeagus have apical lateral expansions in dorsal view and lack preapical ventral expansions in lateral view; body brown-black; and each elytron with three slender longitudinal stripes present separately on interstriae III, V, and VII, with pale stripes partly joined near base and apex; while in P. comptus (Candèze, 1860), the parameres lack apical lateral expansions in dorsal view and have preapical ventral expansions in lateral view; body black; and a single broad longitudinal stripe covering four interstriae (interstriae V–VIII).
(Based on all type specimens) Body brown-black. Each elytron with three separate longitudinal yellow stripes along interstriae III, V, and VII, partly joined near base and apex; stripes on mid-length of elytron absent or reduced in some females. Elytral stripes pale yellow in most males, orange in females. Antenna brown to dark brown, with first two antennomeres paler. Legs yellow-brown to brown, darker on tarsomere V and tibial apex. Body with yellow pubescence.
(based on all type specimens) Male body length 7.3–9.2 mm, width 2.3–3.0 mm. Female body length 8.2–10.6 mm, width 2.7–3.7 mm. Body length to width ratio 2.7–3.0. Pronotal width to length ratio 1.1–1.2. Pronotal width to body width ratio 0.83–0.90. Elytral length to pronotal length ratio 2.6–2.8; elytron length to width ratio 4.0–4.2.
Head. Frons and vertex with interspaces between punctures 0.5–1.0 × average puncture diameter; punctures slightly sparser at centre of vertex. Frontal carina convex in frontal view. Distance between eyes to width of eye ratio 4.2–4.5. Antenna with last antennomere entirely reaching beyond posterior angle of pronotum in male, only reaching to posterior angle in female. Antenna length to body length ratio, in male 0.39–0.41; in female 0.35–0.37. Proportions of antennomere lengths (male): 100 (scape); 53–58; 75–81; 82–83; 81–85; 83–88; 84–86; 85–90; 85–90; 85–90; 100–130.
Prothorax. Pronotum in dorsal view: sides evenly convex from anterior edge to constriction near posterior fourth, widest near mid-length; posterior angles with lateral sides almost straight, not bulged; surface with deep punctures, interspaces between punctures 0.5–1.0 × average puncture diameter. In ventral view, ventral surface of prosternal process with sides carinate and slightly and gradually narrow from anterior to posterior end, with apex almost truncate (Fig.
Legs. Length ratio of metatarsomeres I–V (excluding claws): 100; 68–74; 66–70; 51–53; 125–128. Claw with ventral apex almost as large as dorsal apex.
Abdomen. Lateral edges of visible abdominal ventrites I–V with minute serrations.
Male genitalia. Robust in dorsal view (Fig.
Phorocardius alterlineatus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov. A male habitus, paratype (Shaanxi, Zha-shui County, Niu-bei-liang), dorsal view B female habitus, paratype (Shaanxi, Shan-luo, Zha-shui County, Ying-pan township), dorsal view C female habitus, paratype (same individual as in inset B), ventral view D female abdominal sternite VIII E ovipositor, dorsal view (paratype), arrow indicating coxites F distal (upper side) and proximal sclerites of bursa copulatrix (the two proximal sclerites are viewed from different angles, resulting in different shapes shown above) G aedeagus, dorsal view (paratype, dry), arrow indicating apex of paramere H aedeagus, lateral view (paratype, dry), arrow indicating apex of paramere. I aedeagus (mounted in glycerin), dorsal view (paratype).
Female. Body color slightly blacker than male (Fig.
Holotype. ♂ (
(100♂, 136♀). 3♀ (
Specimens examined were from low to middle elevations (0–2500 m), temperate to subtropical mountain evergreen forests in central and south China. Specimens of this species were collected at different environments using variable collecting methods, including flight interception trap (in forests), malaise trap (in forests), sweeping (on shrubs), and light trap (near a hill in suburbs of a city). Specimens came to light traps, or were caught by sweep-netting vegetation in daylight. This suggests that this species is nocturnal and diurnal. This species is known from central China (i.e., the boundary between the Palearctic and Oriental Regions), only one specimen examined is from south China (Oriental Region).
In the field, this beetle was spotted running on multiple plants. We have observed one live adult in the field with an aphid in its mouthparts. However, individuals taken back to containers in the laboratory were not observed to feed on live aphids presented there. Further evidence is required to learn the adult and larval feeding habits of this species.
Some of the paratype specimens of P. alterlineatus sp. nov. Ruan & Douglas were previously misidentified and used for distributional records as P. comptus in
Phorocardius alterlineatus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov. A male head, frontal view (paratype) B male pronotum, dorsal view (paratype) C male on foliage (indoors; holotype) D female head, frontal view (paratype) E female pronotum, dorsal view (paratype) F female on foliage (indoors; paratype; collected from Shaanxi, Yan-an).
China: Henan Prov., Nan-Yang City, Bao-tian-man National Nature Reserve.
The name of this species is derived from the yellow stripes on its elytra.
Central China (Henan, Shaanxi, Sichuan).
Body length 7.0–12 mm; integument dark brown (non-metallic), each elytron with a longitudinal yellow stripe covering basal half of interstria IV and interstriae V to VII. Prothorax: procoxal cavities open; prosternal process not strongly narrowed from anterior base posterad to ventral apex in ventral view, ventral apex straight to slightly concave. Pterothorax: scutellar shield with posterior apex pointed. Tarsal claw with ventral apex not smaller than dorsal apex. Male genitalia: paramere without preapical lateral expansion, with apical mesal callus present. Female: apex of last abdominal ventrite (ventrite V) simple, not emarginate at apex.
This species is unique in its longitudinal yellow elytral maculation, aedeagus with apical fourth of paramere compressed and gradually narrowing towards apex, and with apical mesal part of paramere turned ventrad (Fig.
Phorocardius flavistriolatus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov. resembles P. comptus in having a longitudinal yellow stripe on each elytron. They can be separated by the following combination of characters: in P. flavistriolatus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov., each elytron with a longitudinal yellow stripe covering basal half of interstria IV and interstriae V–VII, interstria VIII is entirely brown-black; female with pronotum not strongly enlarged, sides of pronotum only gently convex, width of pronotum to elytra ratio ca. 0.83–0.85, and proximal sclerites of bursa copulatrix with deep basal emargination; while in P. comptus, each elytron with a longitudinal yellow stripe covering interstriae V–VIII, interstria IV is entirely black; female with pronotum strongly enlarged, sides of pronotum strongly convex, width of pronotum to elytra ratio ca. 0.90–0.92 (measured in two specimens), and proximal sclerites of bursa copulatrix without basal emargination or with emargination narrower than 1/3 width of sclerite. The aedeagus of P. flavistriolatus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov. has parameres with no apical or preapical expansion, with apical mesal callus present; while P. comptus has acute apical lateral expansions, without apical mesal callus.
Phorocardius flavistriolatus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov. is similar to P. alterlineatus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov. in having yellow stripes on the elytra. However, they can be separated by the following characters: in P. flavistriolatus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov., in lateral view, aedeagus with equal breadth from base to apical fifth, only slightly narrowed at apical fifth; apex of median lobe truncate to broadly rounded in ventral view; and each elytron with a single broad stripe covering basal half of interstria IV and interstriae V–VII; while in P. alterlineatus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov., aedeagus gradually narrowed from base to apex in lateral view; apex of median lobe narrowly rounded in ventral view; and each elytron with three slender longitudinal stripes present separately on interstriae III, V, and VII, which partly merged near base and apex.
(based on all type specimens) Body brown-black, matt; antennae and legs paler, brown to yellow-brown. Head brown-black. Pronotum brown-black, with posterior edge brown. Scutellar shield brown-black. Elytra brown-black, each elytron with a longitudinal yellow stripe covering basal half of interstria IV and interstriae V to VII, epipleura orange at base, dark orange on remainder. Ventral surface entirely brown-black. Body with yellow-grey pubescence.
(based on all type specimens) Male body length 7.1–9.6 mm, width 2.2–2.9 mm. Female body length 8.0–11.0 mm, width 2.7–3.7 mm. Body length to width ratio 2.9–3.0. Pronotal width to length ratio 1.1–1.2. Pronotal width to body width ratio 0.82–0.85. Elytral length to pronotal length ratio 2.6–2.7; elytron length to width ratio 3.9–4.2.
Head. Frons and vertex punctures with interspaces 0.5–1.0 × average puncture diameter; punctures sparser at centre of vertex. Frontal carina in frontal view convex, not straight. Distance between eyes to width of eye ratio 3.6–3.9. Antenna barely extending beyond posterior angle of pronotum. Antenna length to body length ratio, in male 0.39–0.41, in female 0.36–0.38. Proportions of antennomere lengths: 100 (scape); 52–60; 71–73; 71–73; 72–76; 72–76; 72–76; 73–78; 73–78; 73–78; 90–100.
Prothorax. Pronotum in dorsal view: sides evenly convex from anterior edge to constriction near posterior fourth, nearly straight at posterior fourth, widest near posterior third; posterior angles with lateral sides almost straight, not bulged; surface with interspaces between punctures 1–2 × average puncture diameter. In ventral view, ventral surface of prosternal process with sides carinate and slightly and gradually narrow from anterior to mid-length, parallel from mid-length to apex, with apex slightly convex to almost straight. In lateral view, prosternal process with ventral surface curved slightly dorsad; posterior end weakly concave or not (Fig.
Legs. Length ratio of metatarsomeres I–V (excluding claws): 100; 77–81; 65–69; 48–60; 121–123. Claw with ventral apex almost as large as dorsal apex.
Abdomen. Lateral edges of visible abdominal ventrites I–V with minute serrations.
Male genitalia
Phorocardius flavistriolatus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov. A habitus of holotype, male, dorsal view, arrow indicating claw B habitus of holotype, male, ventral view C female habitus, dorsal view (paratype; Sichuan, Bao-xing County, Feng-tong-zai National Nature Reserve) D ovipositor, dorsal view (paratype) E female abdominal sternite VIII, dorsal view (paratype) F aedeagus of holotype, ventral view G–N ventral or lateral view of aedeagi of paratype specimens from different localities, indicating variations in shape [collecting information as follows G, H Sichuan Prov., Shi-mian, Li-zi-ping National Nature Reserve, Zi-ma reserve station, VII-27-2016 I Sichuan, Lu-ding County, Xin-xing township, 2000 m, 2009.VII.2–7 J, K Sichuan Prov., Lu-ding County, Mo-xi township, 1500 m–1600 m,1983.VI.17–19 L Shaanxi Prov., Fo-ping County, alt. 843 m, 2007.VIII.16 M, N Shaanxi Prov., Ning-shan County, Shi-ba-zhang-pu-bu Scenic Spot, 15.VIII.2013], arrow indicating apex of paramere O apical part of aedeagus of holotype, ventral view P apex of aedeagus of paratype, lateral view Q distal (upper side) and proximal sclerites of bursa copulatrix (paratype).
Female. Color pattern like male. Apex of abdominal ventrite V convex (Fig.
. male (
(16♂, 11♀). 2♂ (
Although there are variations in the shape of aedeagi, all the male specimens are identical in color patterns and other external structures. Females are stable in both external characters and the shape of sclerites of bursa copulatrix. Variations are found even in the specimens collected at the same place and time. For instance, Fig.
Phorocardius flavistriolatus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov. A pronotum, dorsal view (holotype) B posterior edge of pronotum, left side, arrow indicating sublateral incisions C punctation on centre of vertex of head D head, frontal view E left metacoxal plate, ventral view F punctation on disc of pronotum.
Variation of the shape of aedeagus: in some cases, the base of the aedeagus is much narrower (e.g., Fig.
Shape variation due to rotation of paramere in Phorocardius flavistriolatus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov. A aedeagus, ventral view B–E ventral view of paramere, showing variation; the mesal side of apical part of paramere rotated ventrad to increasing degrees, resulting in different observed shapes in ventral view, apex of paramere are shown in upper insets.
Most specimens of this species were collected from low to middle elevations (ca. 500–2500 m) in central China on the boundary of the Oriental Palearctic Regions. Based on collecting information, it inhabits mountainous areas with evergreen forest and temperate to subtropical climate. Specimens were collected at light traps, indicating nocturnal activity. Specimens collected by sweep-netting indicate their presence on vegetation during daylight.
Cardiophorus florentini Fleutiaux, 1895: 687. Type locality: “Tonkin: Lang-son”, interpreted as Vietnam: Lạng Sơn Province.
Phorocardius florentini:
China (Guizhou, new record); Vietnam (
Body length greater than 7.0 mm; pronotum and hypomeron red, elytra black with metallic blue to purple luster. Prothorax: procoxal cavities open; prosternal process not strongly narrowed from anterior base posterad to ventral apex in ventral view, with apex convex. Pterothorax: scutellar shield elongate, with posterior apex pointed. Tarsal claw with ventral apex not smaller than dorsal apex. Male genitalia: paramere with preapical lateral expansion present, apical mesal callus absent. Female: apex of last abdominal ventrite (ventrite V) simple, not emarginate at apex.
This species is distinctive for its elytral color: black with metallic blue to purple luster.
Phorocardius florentini (Fleutiaux, 1895) resembles P. zhiweii Ruan, Douglas & Qiu, sp. nov. in its entirely red pronotum and metallic elytra. P. florentini (Fleutiaux, 1895) can be easily separated from P. zhiweii Ruan, Douglas & Qiu, sp. nov. by the following characters. In P. florentini (Fleutiaux, 1895): aedeagus strongly narrowed from mid-length to apex in lateral view; in dorsal view, paramere with preapical lateral expansion minute, acute to rounded, facing laterally, with apical mesal callus absent; scutellar shield elongate (width to length ratio: 0.81–0.86); and elytra black, with metallic blue to purple luster; while in P. zhiweii Ruan, Douglas & Qiu, sp. nov., the aedeagus is only slightly narrowed from mid-length to apex in lateral view; in dorsal view, paramere with preapical lateral expansion absent, apical mesal callus present, apex narrow and slightly bent laterad; scutellar shield not elongate (width to length ratio: 1.0); and elytra metallic green with slight purple luster.
(Based on holotype and three non-type specimens examined) Body black, red and metallic blue-purple (Fig.
Phorocardius florentini (Fleutiaux, 1895). A male habitus, dorsal view B female habitus, dorsal view, arrow indicating claw C female habitus, ventral view, arrow indicating last visible ventrite D female habitus, lateral view E aedeagus, ventral view, arrow indicating preapical lateral expansion F aedeagus, dorsal view, arrow indicating preapical lateral expansion G aedeagus, lateral view, arrow indicating preapical ventral expansion H last visible ventrite of female, ventral view I head, frontal view J distal sclerites of bursa copulatrix K proximal sclerites of bursa copulatrix.
(based on type and non-type specimens) Male body length 9.0–11.5 mm, width 3.3–3.8 mm. Female body length 10.0–13.0 mm, width 3.7–4.0 mm. Body length to width ratio 2.6–2.8. Pronotal width to length ratio 1.1–1.2, Pronotal width to body width ratio 0.86–0.91. Elytral length to pronotal length ratio 2.3–2.5; elytron length to width ratio 3.7–3.9.
Head. Frons and vertex punctures with interspaces 0.5–1 × average puncture diameter; punctures sparser at centre of vertex, with interspaces 1.5–2 × average puncture diameter. Frontal carina in frontal view convex, not straight (Fig.
Prothorax. Pronotum in dorsal view: sides evenly convex from anterior edge to constriction near posterior end, widest near mid-length; posterior angles with lateral sides almost straight, not bulged; surface with interspaces between punctures 1–2 × average puncture diameter. In ventral view, ventral surface of prosternal process with sides carinate and slightly and gradually narrow from anterior to mid-length, parallel from mid-length to posterior end, with apex convex. In lateral view, prosternal process with ventral surface curved slightly dorsad, posterior end somewhat concave or not (Fig.
Legs. Length ratio of metatarsomeres I–V (excluding claws): 100; 80–85; 70–75; 50–55; 135–140. Claw with ventral apex almost as large as dorsal apex.
Abdomen. Lateral edges of visible abdominal ventrites I–V with minute serrations.
Male genitalia
Female. Body color like male (Fig.
Lectotype . ♀ (MNHN), labels: 1) Tonkin Florentin; 2) Type [red label]; 3) Museum Paris Coll. E. Fleutiaux; 4) Cardiophorus florentini Fleut. Type; 5) Fleut Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr., 1894. P. 687, Collection Fleutiaux; 6) C. florentini Fleut., type, Collection Fleutiaux; 7) Lectotype Cardiophorus florentini Fleutiaux desig. Douglas 2015.
2♂1♀ (
Based on examined material, this species inhabits low to middle elevations (0–2000 m) in south China and north Vietnam. Recent Chinese specimens were collected in daylight in a mountainous area with evergreen forest and subtropical climate. Known from the Oriental Region only.
Phorocardius magnus Fleutiaux, 1931: 310. Type locality: Vietnam (Hanoi). Lectotype designated here.
China (Yunnan, Hainan), Vietnam (
Body length greater than 7.0 mm; integument entirely red-brown to brown throughout. Prothorax: procoxal cavities open; prosternal process gradually narrowed posterad to ventral apex in ventral view, with apex narrowly rounded. Pterothorax: scutellar shield with posterior apex pointed. Tarsal claw with ventral apex not smaller than dorsal apex. Male genitalia: paramere with preapical lateral expansion and secondary lateral bulge present, apical mesal callus absent. Female: apex of last abdominal ventrite (ventrite V) tri-lobed, emarginate between middle and lateral lobes.
Phorocardius magnus Fleutiaux, 1931 resembles P. unguicularis (Fleutiaux, 1918) in body color and size. They can be separated by the following combination of characters: in P. magnus Fleutiaux, 1931, aedeagus robust in lateral view (more than 4 × thicker at mid-length than at apical 1/5 of parameres); in ventral view, paramere slightly narrowed from base to apical fourth, apical fourth abruptly narrowed to 1/4 width at mid-length, with hook-like preapical lateral expansion; pronotum with shallow punctures, interspaces between punctures 1–2.5 × average puncture diameter; and head with frontal carina straight in frontal view; while P. unguicularis (Fleutiaux, 1918) has aedeagus slender in lateral view, in ventral view paramere slightly widened from base to mid-length, gradually narrowed from mid-length to apex, apex pointed and without preapical lateral expansion; pronotum with deep punctures, interspaces between punctures 0.3–1 × average puncture diameter; and head with frontal carina convex in frontal view.
(based on photographs of eight type specimens and four non-type specimens) Body robust. Color entirely red-brown to brown throughout, including legs and antennae; pronotum slightly darker than remainder. Integument matt, with yellow pubescence.
(based on lectotype and examined specimens) Male body length 9.5–12.0 mm, width 3.0–4.1 mm. Female body length 11.0–13.9 mm, width 3.9–4.5 mm. Body length to width ratio 2.9–3.2. Pronotal width to length ratio 1.0–1.2. Pronotal width to body width ratio 0.90–0.97. Elytral length to pronotal length ratio 2.5–2.7; elytron length to width ratio 3.9–4.1.
Head. Frons and vertex with interspaces between punctures 0.3–1 × average puncture diameter (Fig.
Prothorax. Pronotum in dorsal view: robust, comparatively larger than other Chinese Phorocardius species, with sides evenly convex, widest near mid-length, straighter posterad; posterior angles with lateral sides straight to slightly convex, not bulged; surface with shallow punctures, interspaces between punctures 1–2.5 × average puncture diameter. In ventral view, ventral surface of prosternal process with sides carinate and gradually narrow from anterior to posterior end, with apex narrowly rounded. In lateral view, prosternal process with ventral surface curved slightly dorsad, posterior end somewhat concave (Fig.
Legs. Length ratio of metatarsomeres I–V (excluding claws): 100; 90–98; 70–79; 61–75; 145–152. Claw with ventral apex almost as large as dorsal apex.
Abdomen. Lateral edges of visible abdominal ventrites I–V with minute serrations. Male genitalia. Robust from ventral and lateral views (Fig.
Phorocardius magnus Fleutiaux, 1931. A lectotype, male, from Hanoi, Vietnam, dorsal view (photograph: Dr Antoine Mantilleri, MNHN), arrow indicating specimen labels B paralectotype, female, from Vung Tau, Vietnam, dorsal view (photograph: Dr Antoine Mantilleri, MNHN), arrow indicating specimen labels C the same female as B, ventral view (photograph: Dr Antoine Mantilleri, MNHN), arrows indicating specimen labels and last visible ventrite D aedeagus of lectotype, dorsal view (photograph: Dr Antoine Mantilleri, MNHN), arrows indicating specimen labels and apex of paramere E aedeagus of non-type specimen, individual-1 (Yunnan, Xi-shuang-ban-na, Meng-zhe), dorsal view, arrow indicating apex of paramere F aedeagus of non-type specimen (Yunnan, Jing-dong, Dong-jia-feng), individual-2, dorsal view, arrow indicating apex of paramere G aedeagus, individual-2, lateral view, arrow indicating apex of paramere H aedeagus, individual-2, ventral view I distal (upper side) and proximal sclerites of bursa copulatrix, non-type specimen.
Female. Color like male. Apex of abdominal ventrite V tri-lobed; with shape of middle lobe semicircular to longitudinal with apex rounded; deeply to gently incised between middle and lateral lobes (Fig.
Phorocardius magnus Fleutiaux, 1931. A pronotum of lectotype, dorsal view (photograph: Dr Antoine Mantilleri, MNHN) B head of paralectotype, frontal view (photograph: Dr Antoine Mantilleri, MNHN) C head, frontal view, hand drawing, arrow indicating straight frontal carina D, E apex of last visible abdominal ventrite (ventrite V) of female, ventral view, paralectotype (photograph: Dr Antoine Mantilleri, MNHN) F apex of last visible abdominal ventrite (ventrite V) of female, dorsal view, non-type specimen G a model of last visible abdominal ventrite (ventrite V) of female, ventral view, hand drawing, arrow indicating tri-lobed apex H apex of last visible abdominal tergite (tergite VII) of female, dorsal view, non-type specimen I a model of last visible abdominal tergite (tergite VII) of female, dorsal view, hand drawing, arrow indicating concave apex.
(all in MNHN) (photographs provided by Dr Antoine Mantilleri). Lectotype. ♂, labels: 1) Hanoi; 2) 3778; 3) Collection E. Fleutiaux; 4) Syntype [red label]; 5) Syntype Phorocardius magnus Fleutiaux, 1931; 6) MNHN EC9225; 7) Lectotype, Phorocardius magnus Fleutiaux, 1931, Des. Ruan & Douglas, 2019.
1♀, labels: 1) Cochinchine, Cap St. Jacques, Collection E Cordier; 2) Phorocardius magnus Fleut., type, Collection Fleutiaux; 3) Collection E. Fleutiaux; 4) Syntype [red label]; 5) Syntype Phorocardius magnus Fleutiaux, 1931; 6) MNHN EC9218; 7) Paralectotype, Phorocardius magnus Fleutiaux, 1931, Des. Ruan & Douglas, 2020. • 1♀, labels: 1) Cochinchine, Cap St. Jacques, Collection E Cordier; 2) Collection E. Fleutiaux; 3) Syntype [red label]; 4) Syntype Phorocardius magnus Fleutiaux, 1931; 5) MNHN EC9219; 6) Paralectotype, Phorocardius magnus Fleutiaux, 1931, Des. Ruan & Douglas, 2020. • 1 (sex unknown), labels: 1) Cochinchine, Cap St. Jacques, Collection E Cordier; 2) Collection E. Fleutiaux; 3) Syntype [red label]; 4) Syntype Phorocardius magnus Fleutiaux, 1931; 5) MNHN EC9220; 6) Paralectotype, Phorocardius magnus Fleutiaux, 1931, Des. Ruan & Douglas, 2020. • 1 (sex unknown), labels: 1) Cochinchine, Cap St. Jacques, Collection E Cordier; 2) Collection E. Fleutiaux; 3) Syntype [red label]; 4) Syntype Phorocardius magnus Fleutiaux, 1931; 5) MNHN EC9221; 6) Paralectotype, Phorocardius magnus Fleutiaux, 1931, Des. Ruan & Douglas, 2020. • 1♀, labels: 1) Cochinchine, Cap St. Jacques, Collection E Cordier; 2) type, ……[characters illegible] Collection Fleutiaux; 3) Collection E. Fleutiaux; 4) ex Coll Fleut., Phorocardius magnus. 5) Syntype [red label]; 6) Syntype Phorocardius magnus Fleutiaux, 1931; 6) MNHN EC9222; 7) ♀ genitalia See slide Coll No. 105; 8) Paralectotype, Phorocardius magnus Fleutiaux, 1931, Des. Ruan & Douglas, 2020. • 1 (sex unknown), labels: 1) Dap Cau, 1 au 9. 7. 06 [= 1 to 9 July, 1906]; 2) Collection E. Fleutiaux; 3) Phorocardius magnus Fleut., Collection E. Fleutiaux; 4) Syntype [red label]; 5) Syntype Phorocardius magnus Fleutiaux, 1931; 6) MNHN EC9223; 7) Paralectotype, Phorocardius magnus Fleutiaux, 1931, Des. Ruan & Douglas, 2020. • 1 (sex unknown), label: 1) Dap Cau, 1 au 9. 7. 06’ [= 1 to 9 July, 1906]; 2) Collection E. Fleutiaux; 3) Syntype [red label]; 4) Syntype Phorocardius magnus Fleutiaux, 1931; 5) MNHN EC9224; 6) Paralectotype, Phorocardius magnus Fleutiaux, 1931, Des. Ruan & Douglas, 2020.
One female and two males. 1♀ (
This species has the largest body size in Chinese Phorocardius species, with females up to 13.9 mm long and 4.5 mm wide.
Based on specimen information, this species inhabits low to middle elevations (0–1700 m) in south China and throughout Vietnam. It inhabits mountainous areas with subtropical to tropical climates and much rainfall. One specimen was collected in or near to tropical rain forest (“Xi-shuang-ban-na tropical rain forest”). Known from the Oriental Region only.
Cardiophorus manuleatus
Candèze, 1888: 681. Type locality: “Thagatà, Tenasserim”, interpreted as Myanmar, Kayin State, mountains east of Kyaikdon using
Phorocardius melanopterus manuleatus:
Phorocardius manuleatus:
Body length greater than 7.0 mm; integument shiny, black with yellow in most, entirely black to black-brown in some. Prothorax: procoxal cavities open; prosternal process strongly narrowed posterad to ventral apex in ventral view, with apex acute. Pterothorax: scutellar shield with posterior apex pointed. Tarsal claw with ventral apex not smaller than dorsal apex. Male genitalia: paramere with preapical lateral expansion present, without apical mesal callus. Female: apex of last abdominal ventrite (ventrite V) simple, not emarginate at apex.
Phorocardius manuleatus (Candèze, 1888) is unique among Chinese Phorocardius species for its variable color pattern. Some individuals are entirely black to black-brown throughout body, resembling P. yanagiharae (Miwa, 1927) and P. yunnanensis sp. nov.
This species can be differentiated from P. yanagiharae by the following combination of characters. In P. manuleatus: in ventral view, parameres of aedeagus with sides gently narrowed from mid-length to apex (not abruptly narrowed from apical third to near apex), with width 1.5–2 × that of median lobe (measured at apical fourth); and in dorsal view, pronotum with lateral sides of posterior angles almost straight, slightly convex (bulged) at posterior half in a few cases (e.g., in Fig.
This species can be differentiated from P. yunnanensis Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov. by the following combination of characters. In P. manuleatus, in ventral view, paramere of aedeagus narrow and slender near apex, with width to that of median lobe ratio 0.5–0.7 (measured at the area posterior of preapical lateral expansion); legs darker in apical half, not unicolor yellow-brown to brown; while in P. yunnanensis Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov., in ventral view, paramere of aedeagus wide and strong near apex, with width to that of median lobe ratio 1.0–1.2 (measured at the area posterior of preapical lateral expansion); and legs unicolor, entirely yellow-brown.
China (Yunnan, new record), Myanmar (
(based on lectotype and 24 non-type specimens) Integument shiny, black with yellow in most, or entirely black to black-brown. Pronotum entirely black or orange with variable median black stripe (Fig.
(based on lectotype and examined specimens) Male body length 7.2–9.6 mm, width 2.2–2.6 mm. Female body length 8.5–9.7 mm, width 2.5–2.9 mm. Body length to width ratio 3.0–3.1. Pronotal width to length ratio 1.1–1.2. Pronotum narrower than elytra, pronotal width to body width ratio 0.87–0.90. Elytral length to pronotal length ratio 2.4–2.6; elytron length to width ratio 4.1–4.2.
Head. Frons and vertex with interspaces between punctures 2.5–6 × average diameter of puncture (Fig.
Prothorax. Pronotum in dorsal view: sides convex near mid-length, nearly straight at ends, widest near mid-length; posterior angles with lateral sides almost straight, slightly convex (bulged) at basal half in a few cases (e.g., Fig.
Legs. Length ratio of metatarsomeres I–V: 100; 82–92; 67–75; 60–70; 155–180. Claw with ventral apex almost as large as dorsal apex.
Abdomen. Serrations on lateral edges of visible abdominal ventrites I–V absent.
Male genitalia. Robust in ventral view, slender in lateral view. Median lobe in ventral view gradually narrowing from base to near apex, then dilated to rounded apex. Median lobe in lateral view curved ventrad at base, straight from basal third to apex; apex broadly rounded. Paramere in ventral view: robust, width 3–4 × median lobe width (measured at mid-length of paramere and median lobe respectively), widest near mid-length; apical fourth gradually narrowing towards apex, with mesal side bent and turned ventrad in varying degree, result in slightly different shapes in ventral view; apex of paramere slender and sharp, with preapical lateral expansion acute, hook-like to rounded, facing laterally (Figs
Phorocardius manuleatus Candèze, 1888. A male habitus, dorsal view B male habitus, ventral view, arrow indicating claws C female habitus, dorsal view D aedeagus, ventral view (immersed in glycerin) E aedeagus, lateral view, arrow indicating apex of paramere F aedeagus, dorsal view (immersed in glycerin), arrow indicating apex of paramere G ovipositor, dorsal view H female abdominal sternite VIII, dorsal view (near type locality) I distal (top) and proximal sclerites of bursa copulatrix.
Female. Body color like male. Apex of abdominal ventrite V convex, somewhat angulate (Fig.
. ♂ (
1♂ (
3♂1♀ (
This species is unusual for its extensively varied body color. The following three main patterns were found in examined specimens. Color pattern 1 (Fig.
Phorocardius manuleatus
The aedeagus slightly varied in the apex shapes of the median lobe and parameres. In rare cases, the sides of the pronotum are dramatically wider and more robust (e.g., Fig.
Based on specimens from Yunnan, this species inhabits low to middle elevations (ca. 500–1200 m). Yunnan is mountainous, rainy, subtropical to tropical, with subtropical evergreen broad-leaf forest or tropical rain forest. Some of our specimens are collected from Xi-shuang-ban-na tropical rain forest. Known from Oriental Region only.
This species was treated as a subspecies of Phorocardius melanopterus (Candèze, 1878) by
Inner Mongolia: Da-yin-zi, Linxi County (“Ta-Yngtse, Linsisien”).
This species is named for its small body size.
China (Inner Mongolia).
Body length 5–7 mm. Prothorax: procoxal cavities open; prosternal process gradually narrowed posterad to ventral apex in ventral view, with apex narrowly rounded. Pterothorax: scutellar shield with posterior apex narrowly rounded. Tarsal claw with ventral apex smaller than dorsal apex. Male genitalia: paramere with apex pointed and bent laterad and ventrad, without preapical lateral expansion or apical mesal callus. Female unknown.
Phorocardius minutus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov. is distinct for its small body size, color, and more robust appendages compared to other Chinese species. Its partly yellow elytra resemble P. flavistriolatus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov., and P. comptus (Candèze, 1860).
This species can be differentiated from P. flavistriolatus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov. by the following characters: in P. minutus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov., aedeagus with paramere apex claw-like, produced laterally; males are less than 6.3 mm in body length; and body brown, elytra yellow, with suture and lateral-basal edges near epipleura brown; while in P. flavistriolatus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov., aedeagus with apex of paramere not claw like or produced laterally; males are longer than 7 mm; body black-brown; and elytra black-brown with two longitudinal yellow stripes.
P. minutus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov. can be differentiated from P. comptus by the following characters: in P. minutus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov., males are less than 6.3 mm in body length; and body brown, elytra yellow, with suture and lateral-basal edges near epipleura brown; while in P. comptus, males are longer than 7 mm; and body black, elytra black with two longitudinal yellow stripes.
(Based on all type specimens) Dorsum matt. Head brown, with mouthparts red-brown to pale brown. Antennae pale brown. Pronotum brown, with posterior edge dark brown. Scutellar shield brown. Elytra yellow, with suture and lateral-basal edges near epipleura brown. Ventral surfaces brown, including hypomera. Epipleura brown. Legs pale brown to brown. Body with yellow pubescence.
(based on all type specimens) Male body length 5.2–6.3 mm, width 1.6–2.2 mm. Body length to width ratio 2.9–3.2. Pronotal width to length ratio 1.1–1.2. Pronotum slightly narrower than elytra, Pronotal width to body width ratio 0.86–0.87. Elytral length to pronotal length ratio 2.7–2.9; elytron length to width ratio 3.9–4.3.
Phorocardius minutus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov. A holotype, habitus, dorsal view, arrow indicating claw B paratype, habitus, ventral view, arrow indicating hypomeral hind edges C antennae of holotype, showing triangular antennomeres III–IV D–F aedeagus of holotype D dorsal view E ventral view, arrows indicating apices of parameres F lateral view, arrow indicating apices of parameres G, H aedeagus of paratype collected from Da-qing-gou, Inner Mongolia, ventral and lateral views I, J aedeagus of paratype collected from Ke-you-zhong-qi, Inner Mongolia, ventral and lateral views, arrows indicating apices of parameres.
Head. Frons and vertex with interspaces between punctures 1–3 × average puncture diameter. In frontal view, edge of frontal carina convex. Antenna with apex extending slightly over posterior angle of pronotum. Distance between eyes to width of eye ratio 4.1–4.5. Antenna length to body length ratio 0.40–0.45; proportions of antennomere length as follows: 100 (scape); 66–70; 98–100; 88–95; 97–107; 97–110; 108–112; 110–115; 109–120; 104–110; 139–142.
Prothorax. Pronotum in dorsal view (Fig.
Phorocardius minutus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov. A pronotum of holotype, dorsal view B head of holotype, dorsal-frontal view C posterior edge of pronotum of holotype, left side, dorsal view, arrows indicating sublateral incisions D scutellar shield of holotype, dorsal view E metacoxal plate of paratype, ventral view.
Legs. Femora and tibiae thick. Length ratio of metatarsomeres I–V (excluding claws): 100; 66–76; 60–63; 45–48; 110–120. Claw with ventral apex much smaller than dorsal apex.
Abdomen. Lateral edges of visible abdominal ventrites I–V with minute serrations.
Male genitalia. Slender in ventral and lateral views. Median lobe in ventral view gradually narrowed from base to rounded apex. Median lobe in lateral view gently curved ventrad, apex rounded. Paramere in ventral view: wide, width 2–2.5 × median lobe width (measured across the mid-length of paramere and median lobe respectively), widest near apical third, abruptly narrowed near apex; apex pointed, bent laterally; preapical lateral expansion and apical mesal callus absent. Paramere in lateral view: robust, almost straight from base to mid-length; bent ventrad from mid-length to apex; apex pointed and facing ventrad, claw-like, but not hooked.
Female. Unknown.
. ♂ (
(3♂). 1♂ (
The aedeagus of one paratype collected from ‘Ke-you-zhong-qi, Inner mongolia’ is slightly different from that of the holotype by being slender in ventral and lateral views (Fig.
Previously, the genus Phorocardius was only known from the Oriental Region. The discovery of P. minutus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov. from the Palearctic Region indicates that the members of this genus can survive in areas with freezing winter temperatures (in Ke-you-zhong-qi, Inner Mongolia, the minimum temperature is approximately –20 °C in January). Examination of female genitalia or phylogenetic studies would be useful to see how closely this species is related to other Phorocardius. The thick tibiae and ascendant prosternal process of this species are similar to many fossorial elaterids (
Phorocardius minutus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov. is like Diocarphus solitarius (Fleutiaux, 1931) in the ventral apex of the tarsal claw is much smaller than the dorsal apex. However, P. minutus can be easily separated from Diocarphus by its open procoxal cavities and the pronotum without pronotal lateral carina.
Based on specimen information, this species inhabits low elevation areas (ca. 0–500 m) in Inner Mongolia, north China. This area is arid with temperate grassland and shrubland and cold winters. Known only from the Palearctic Region.
Yunnan, Xi-shuang-ban-na, Xiao-meng-yang.
This species is named after the red-brown color of the posterior half of the body.
China (Yunnan).
Body length greater than 7.0 mm; integument black (non-metallic) anteriorly, fading to red-brown or yellow-brown on posterior half. Prothorax: procoxal cavities closed (narrowly open in a few); prosternal process not strongly narrowed posterad from base to ventral apex in ventral view, ventral apex almost truncate. Male genitalia: paramere acute beyond preapical lateral expansion; with preapical lateral expansion present, without apical mesal callus. Female: apex of last abdominal ventrite (ventrite V) with longitudinal slender blade-shaped projection at middle, deeply emarginate at sides.
This species is unique for its closed procoxal cavities.
It resembles Phorocardius magnus Fleutiaux, 1931 in the general body shape and the lighter color on the posterior half of body. They can be distinguished by the following characters: in P. rufiposterus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov., aedeagus with apex of paramere robust (sides convex in dorsal view before large preapical expansion), apex spear-shaped in ventral view with acute tip and triangular preapical lateral expansion; head with frontal carina convex in frontal view; and female with ventrite V deeply emarginate, a slender blade-shaped projection present at middle (Fig.
(based on all type specimens) Body black anteriorly, fading to red-brown or yellow-brown on posterior half. Dorsum glabrous and shiny. Head black, with mouthparts red-brown to dark brown. Antennae brown. Pronotum black, with anterior and posterior edge brown. Elytra black to dark red-brown anteriorly, fading to red-brown or yellow-brown posteriorly. Venter black to dark red-brown on anterior half, fading to red-brown or yellow-brown on posterior half. Epipleura red-brown. Legs red-brown to dark red-brown. Body surface covered with yellow-grey pubescence.
(based on all type specimens) Male body length 8.2–10.2 mm, width 2.6–3.2 mm. Female body length 8.5–10.6 mm, width 3.0–3.5 mm. Body length to width ratio 3.0–3.2. Pronotal width to length ratio 1.0–1.1. Pronotal width to body width ratio 0.87–0.90. Elytral length to pronotal length ratio 2.3–2.4; elytron length to width ratio 4.1–4.2.
Head. Frons and vertex with interspaces between punctures 1.5–4 × average puncture diameter, sparsest at centre of frons. Frontal carina in frontal view convex, not straight. Antenna with apex not reaching beyond posterior angle of pronotum. Distance between eyes to width of eye ratio in frontal view 3.0–3.2. Antenna length to body length ratio, in male 0.36–0.37, in female 0.33–0.34; proportions of antennomere length (male) as follows: 100 (scape); 51–59; 75–80; 71–76; 75–80; 73–80; 68–78; 67–75; 73–80; 78–80; 92–99.
Prothorax. Pronotum in dorsal view (Fig.
Phorocardius rufiposterus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov. A holotype, habitus, dorsal view, arrow indicating claws B holotype, habitus, ventral view C female abdominal sternite VIII, dorsal view (paratype) D ovipositor, dorsal view (paratype) E aedeagus, ventral view (paratype) F aedeagus, lateral view (paratype), arrow indicating apex of paramere and median lobe G aedeagus, dorsal view (paratype), arrow indicating apex of paramere H distal (upper side) and proximal sclerites of bursa copulatrix.
Legs. Length ratio of metatarsomeres I–V (excluding claws): 100; 80–90; 65–75; 57–62; 137–155. Claw with ventral apex almost as large as dorsal apex.
Abdomen. Lateral edges of visible abdominal ventrites I–V with minute serrations.
Male genitalia. Robust in ventral and lateral views. Median lobe in ventral view gradually narrowed from base to near apex, apex rounded to apically flattened. Median lobe in lateral view curved ventrad, with apex dilated and recurved dorsad. Paramere in ventral view: wide, width 2.5–3.5 × median lobe width (measured at mid-length of paramere and median lobe respectively); widest near mid-length, gradually narrowed and with outer sides evenly convex towards apex; apex spear-shaped, with acute tip and triangular preapical lateral expansion, apical mesal callus absent. Paramere in lateral view: robust, almost straight from base to apical third, gradually narrowed and bent ventrad from apical third to apex; apex slightly recurved dorsad, preapical ventral expansion absent, with an angulate structure near apex (see Fig.
Female. Body color like male. Ventrite V deeply emarginate at apex, with longitudinal slender blade-shaped projection at midline (Fig.
Phorocardius rufiposterus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov. A pronotum and scutellar shield of holotype, dorsal view B head, frontal view C last abdominal ventrite (ventrite V) of female, dorsal view, arrow indicating blade-like projection D posterior edge of pronotum, left side, dorsal view, arrows indicating sublateral incisions E procoxa, lateral-ventral view, arrow indicating closed procoxal cavity.
. ♂ (
(23♂, 11♀). 1♂ (
This species is unique for its closed procoxal cavities, which has not been reported in other Phorocardius species. However, other aspects of this species are consistent with generic traits of Phorocardius. These are: characteristic claws and female and male genitalia.
Integument color varies slightly between individuals. However, the gradual change of color from anterior to posterior end of the body can be observed in all specimens.
Based on specimen information, this species inhabits low to middle elevations (ca. 500–1500 m) in Yunnan Prov., south China. Yunnan is rainy, subtropical to tropical, with evergreen broad-leaf forest or tropical rain forest. This species is distributed only in the Oriental Region.
Cardiophorus unguicularis Fleutiaux, 1918: 222. Type locality: “Tonkin: Région de Lao-Kay et de Ho-Khéou, frontière de Chine”, interpreted as Vietnam: the area near frontier of Lao-Cai city (Vietnam) and He-Kou city (China).
Phorocardius unguicularis: Fleutiaux 1913: 311.
China: Yunnan (
Body length greater than 7.0 mm; integument brown to dark brown. Prothorax: procoxal cavities open; prosternal process gradually and only slightly narrowed posterad to ventral apex in ventral view, with apex almost truncate. Pterothorax: scutellar shield with posterior apex pointed. Tarsal claw with ventral apex not smaller than dorsal apex. Male genitalia: paramere without preapical lateral expansion or apical mesal callus in any view. Female: apex of last abdominal ventrite (ventrite V) simple, not emarginate at apex.
This species is unique among Chinese Phorocardius species by having extremely dense pronotal punctation (interspaces between pronotal punctures 0.3–1 × average puncture diameter).
Phorocardius unguicularis (Fleutiaux, 1918) resembles P. magnus Fleutiaux, 1931 in body color and size. They can be separated by the following combination of characters: in P. unguicularis (Fleutiaux, 1918), aedeagus slender in lateral view (paramere maximum thickness 1/5 paramere length), in ventral view paramere widened from base to mid-length, narrowed from mid-length to apex, apex pointed and without preapical lateral expansion; pronotum with deep punctures, interspaces between punctures 0.3–1 × average puncture diameter; and head with frontal carina convex at middle in frontal view; while in P. magnus Fleutiaux, 1931, aedeagus robust in lateral view (paramere maximum thickness 1/3 paramere length); in ventral view, paramere slightly widened from base to apical fourth, apical fourth abruptly narrowed, with hook-like preapical lateral expansion; pronotum with interspaces between punctures 1–2.5 × average puncture diameter; and head with frontal carina straight in frontal view.
Phorocardius unguicularis (Fleutiaux, 1918) resembles P. yanagiharae (Miwa, 1927) in body color. They can be separated by the following combination of characters. In P. unguicularis (Fleutiaux, 1918), in ventral view, aedeagus with paramere gradually narrowed from mid-length to apex, apex pointed and without preapical lateral expansion; pronotum with deep punctures, interspaces between punctures 0.3–1 × average puncture diameter; and head with frontal carina convex in frontal view; while in P. yanagiharae (Miwa, 1927), in ventral view, aedeagus with paramere, abruptly narrowed from apical third to apex, apex with hook-like preapical lateral expansion; pronotum with shallow punctures, interspaces between punctures 1–2 × average puncture diameter; and head with frontal carina straight in frontal view.
Phorocardius unguicularis is also similar to P. astutus (Candèze, 1888), it differs from the latter based on the following characters: body brown to dark-brown with yellow-brown appendages; legs yellow-brown throughout; proximal sclerites of copulatrix kidney-shaped with slight basal concavity; and parameres of aedeagus without pre-apical lateral expansions. In P. astutus: body brown-black with dark appendages; legs with red-brown joints; proximal sclerites of copulatrix oval, not kidney-shaped, without basal concavity; and parameres wedge-like with pre-apical lateral expansions. Additionally, P. unguicularis has narrower pronotum and body, and larger body length. Further study of these two species would be important to verify their status.
(Based on photographs of the holotype and all examined specimens) Body brown to dark brown (brown-black in a few); legs and antennae brown; pronotum slightly darker than rest (Fig.
Phorocardius unguicularis (Fleutiaux, 1918). A holotype habitus, dorsal view (photograph: Dr Antoine Mantilleri, MNHN) B holotype habitus, ventral view with specimen labels (photograph: Dr Antoine Mantilleri, MNHN) C head of holotype, frontal view D pronotum (non-type specimen) E aedeagus, dorsal view (non-type specimen), arrow indicating apex of paramere F aedeagus, ventral view (non-type specimen) G aedeagus, lateral view (non-type specimen), arrow indicating apices of parameres H distal (left side) and proximal sclerites of bursa copulatrix (inner view, non-type specimen).
(based on the type and non-type specimens) Male body length 8.6–11.2 mm, width 2.2–3.2 mm. Female body length 9.6–12.8 mm, width 3.0–4.0 mm. Body length to width ratio 2.9–3.1. Pronotal width to length ratio 1.1–1.2. Pronotal width to body width ratio 0.76–0.81. Elytral length to pronotal length ratio 2.7–3.1; elytron length to width ratio 4.4–4.7.
Head. Frons and vertex with interspaces between punctures 0.5–1.5 × average puncture diameter. Frontal carina in frontal view convex, not straight. Antenna with apex slightly extending over base of elytron, slightly varied long in different individuals. Distance between eyes to width of eye ratio 3.6–3.8. Antenna length to body length ratio, in male 0.39–0.42, in female 0.37–0.39. Proportions of antennomere lengths (male): 100 (scape); 60–65; 80–85; 95–99; 95–99; 91–95; 94–104; 92–95; 86–90; 73–83; 100–105.
Prothorax. Pronotum in dorsal view: sides evenly convex, widest near mid-length (Fig.
Legs. Length ratio of metatarsomeres I–V (excluding claws): 100; 78–85; 70–78; 50–57; 125–134. Claw with ventral apex almost as large as dorsal apex.
Abdomen. Lateral edges of visible abdominal ventrites I–V with minute serrations.
Male genitalia. Robust from ventral and dorsal views, slender in lateral view. Median lobe in ventral view gradually narrowing from base to near mid-length, apical half elongate with sides parallel-sided to slightly convex, apex narrowly rounded. Median lobe in lateral view almost straight, apex narrowly rounded. Paramere in ventral view: robust, width 3–4 × median lobe width (measured at mid-length of paramere and median lobe respectively), widest near mid-length; gradually narrowing from mid-length to apex, apex elongate and needle-like, without preapical lateral expansion or apical mesal callus (Fig.
Female. Body color like male. Apex of abdominal ventrite V slightly sinuate (Fig.
Holotype (sex unknown, in MNHN, photographs of holotype provided by Dr Antoine Mantilleri), labels: 1) Museum Paris, Frontière Chine-Tonkin, Region De Lao-Kay, Et Ho-Kheou, Ch. Dupont; 2) Cardiophorus unguicularis Fleut., type, Fleutiaux det.; 3) Collection E. Fleutiaux; 4) Holotype [red label]; 5) Holotype, Phorocardius unguicularis (Fleutiaux, 1918); 6) MNHN EC9217.
1♀ (
Based on specimen information, this species inhabits low to high elevations in south China and north Vietnam. The highest elevation record for this species is around 2750 m. Some specimens were collected at the foot of Yu-long-shan Mountain (also known as Yu-long Snow Mountain), whose main peak is 5596 m, and with snowfall all the year-round above 3500 m. South China and north Vietnam are rainy, with subtropical to tropical climates, with subtropical evergreen broad-leaf forest or tropical rain forest. This species is known only from the Oriental Region.
Cardiophorus yanagiharae Miwa, 1927: 109. Type locality: Taiwan, Tainan (China).
Phorocardius yanagiharae:
China: Taiwan (
Body length greater than 7.0 mm; integument red-brown to brown throughout. Prothorax: procoxal cavities open. Pterothorax: scutellar shield with posterior edge pointed. Tarsal claw with ventral apex not smaller than dorsal apex. Male genitalia: paramere with preapical lateral expansion present, without apical mesal callus. Female unknown.
Phorocardius yanagiharae (Miwa, 1927) resembles P. magnus Fleutiaux, 1931 in general body color and shape. They can be separated by the following combination of characters. In P. yanagiharae (Miwa, 1927), in lateral view, aedeagus with median lobe straight at apex, with paramere slender and ca. 1/2 as wide as median lobe (measured near middle part); pronotum narrower than in P. magnus, pronotal width to body width ratio 0.86; and in dorsal view, pronotum with sides of posterior angles strongly bulged and convex (Fig.
Phorocardius yanagiharae (Miwa, 1927) also resembles P. unguicularis (Fleutiaux, 1918) in body color. They can be separated by the following combination of characters. In P. yanagiharae (Miwa, 1927), in ventral view, aedeagus with paramere, abruptly narrowed from apical third to apex, apex with hook-like preapical lateral expansion; pronotum with shallow punctures, interspaces between punctures 1–2 × average puncture diameter; and head with frontal carina straight in frontal view; while in P. unguicularis (Fleutiaux, 1918), in ventral view, aedeagus with paramere gradually narrowed from mid-length to apex, apex pointed and without preapical lateral expansion; pronotum with deep punctures, interspaces between punctures 0.3–1 × average puncture diameter; and head with frontal carina convex in frontal view.
(based on holotype) Color entirely red-brown to brown throughout, with legs and antennae yellow-brown to brown; pronotum and venter slightly darker than elytra. Integument matt, with light yellow pubescence.
(based on holotype) Body length 9.4 mm. Body width 3.3 mm. Body length to width ratio 2.9. Pronotal width to length ratio 1.1. Pronotal width to body width ratio 0.86. Elytral length to pronotal length ratio 2.6; elytron length to width ratio 4.3.
Head. Frons and vertex with interspaces between punctures 1–3 × average puncture diameter. Frontal carina in frontal view transversely straight. Antenna with apex extending to posterior angle of pronotum. Distance between eyes to width of eye ratio 3.0. Antenna length to body length ratio 0.36.
Prothorax. Pronotum in dorsal view (Fig.
Pterothorax. Projections on posterior edge of mesosternum: in lateral view present, acute, (Fig.
Phorocardius yanagiharae (Miwa, 1927). A holotype, habitus, dorsal view B holotype, habitus, ventral view C holotype, habitus, lateral view with specimen labels D claw of holotype E apical part of aedeagus of holotype, ventral view F apical part of aedeagus of holotype, dorsal view G apical part of aedeagus of holotype, lateral view.
Legs. Length ratio of metatarsomeres I–V (excluding claws): 100; 66; 61; 47; 122. Claw with ventral apex almost as large as dorsal apex.
Abdomen. Lateral edges of visible abdominal ventrites I–V with minute serrations.
Male genitalia
(only apical third observed in current study, see Fig.
Female. Unknown.
. male (
We have investigated the
We believe Miwa had incorrectly reported the sex of the type as female. Moreover, Miwa implied the collecting date is “21/IV, 1926”. However, according to our examination, the date on the label is “27/IV, 1926”.
The previous record of Phorocardius yanagiharae from Sichuan province (
Based on specimen information, this species inhabits low elevations (below 100 m) in south Taiwan island. The area is rainy, with subtropical to tropical climate. This species is currently considered endemic to Taiwan.
Yunnan Prov., Xi-shuang-ban-na, Meng-a (alt. 1050–1080 m).
The name of this species refers to the type locality.
China (currently endemic to Yunnan).
Body length greater than 7.0 mm; integument black and shiny (non-metallic), elytron without yellow stripes, appendages yellow-brown. Prothorax: procoxal cavities narrowly open; prosternal process not strongly narrowed posterad to ventral apex in ventral view, with apex truncate to slightly rounded. Pterothorax: scutellar shield with posterior apex pointed. Tarsal claw with ventral apex not smaller than dorsal apex. Male genitalia: paramere acute in ventral view with small, acute preapical lateral expansion, without apical mesal callus. Female: apex of last abdominal ventrite (ventrite V) truncate to slightly convex, bent dorsad, each side with an incision.
This species is distinctive for having the dorsum entirely black and shiny and legs entirely yellow-brown (except for brown-black coxae).
Phorocardius yunnanensis Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov. is close to P. vicinus in brown-black body color, but distinguishable by the following. In P. yunnanensis Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov., pronotum longer with length of pronotum to elytra ratio 0.37–0.40 (excluding posterior angle) or ca. 0.43 (including posterior angle); antennae, palpi of mouthparts and legs yellow-brown to brown; and proximal sclerites of bursa copulatrix with basal edge concave. According to Kollar (1848) and type material (
(based on all type specimens (25♂, 24♀)) Dorsum black and shiny, venter brown-black with last 2–3 ventrites yellow-brown. Antennae brown to yellow-brown, with first two antennomeres slightly lighter in color. Legs entirely yellow-brown (except coxae brown-black). Surface of body with yellow pubescence.
(based on all type specimens) Male body length 7.3–8.6 mm, width 2.6–3.3 mm. Female body length 7.3–10.4 mm, width 2.8–3.8 mm. Body length to width ratio 2.6–2.9. Pronotal width to length ratio 1.1–1.2. Pronotal width to body width ratio 0.84–0.91. Elytral length to pronotal length ratio 2.5–2.7; elytron length to width ratio 3.6–3.9.
Head. Frons and vertex with interspaces between punctures 1–2 × average puncture diameter; punctures slightly sparser at centre of vertex. Frontal carina in frontal view straight at middle, curved dorsally at sides. Distance between eyes to width of eye ratio 3.4–4.1. Antenna with apex reaching to or slightly reaching beyond posterior angle of pronotum in male, not reaching to posterior angle in female. Antenna length to body length ratio, in male 0.34–0.39; in female 0.32–0.36. Proportions of antennomere lengths (male): 100 (scape); 57–65; 73–79; 78–80; 77–84; 78–89; 74–89; 77–89; 75–79; 73–83; 105–116.
Prothorax. Pronotum in dorsal view: sides evenly convex from anterior edge to constriction near posterior fifth, widest near mid-length; posterior angles with lateral sides almost straight, not bulged; surface with small punctures, interspaces between punctures 1.5–3 × average puncture diameter. In ventral view, ventral surface of prosternal process with sides carinate and gradually narrow from anterior to posterior end, with apex rounded. In lateral view, prosternal process with ventral surface curved slightly dorsad, posterior end concave (Fig.
Legs . Length ratio of metatarsomeres I–V (excluding claws): 100; 73–79; 65–79; 45–54; 138–154. Claw with ventral apex almost as large as dorsal apex.
Abdomen . Lateral edges of visible abdominal ventrites I–V with minute serrations.
Male genitalia
Phorocardius yunnanensis Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov. A holotype, male, dorsal view B paratype, female, dorsal view C paratype, female (Yunnan, Xi-shuan-ban-na, Meng-zhe), ventral view D aedeagus of holotype, dorsal view E aedeagus of holotype, ventral view, arrow indicating apex of paramere F aedeagus of holotype, lateral view G female abdominal sternite VIII, dorsal view (paratype) H ovipositor of paratype, dorsal view I distal (upper side) and proximal sclerites of bursa copulatrix (paratype).
Female. Body length slightly larger than male (Fig.
Phorocardius yunnanensis Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov. A pronotum and scutellum of holotype, dorsal view B posterior edge of pronotum, left side, dorsal view, arrows showing sublateral incisions C head of holotype, frontal view D apex of last abdominal ventrite (ventrite V) of male and female, ventral view (paratypes), arrow showing apical lateral incisions E paratype, ventral view of pro- and mesothorax; indicating shapes of prosternal process, mesepisternum (upper, green arrow on antero-mesal angle) and projections on posterior edge of mesosternum (lower, red arrow).
. ♂ (
(34♂42♀). 1♂1♀ (
Based on specimen information, this species is currently only known from mountainous southwest Yunnan, China. It inhabits mainly middle elevations (ca. 650–1400 m). Southwest Yunnan is rainy and humid, subtropical to tropical with subtropical evergreen broad-leaf forest or tropical rain forest. Specimens were collected by sweep-netting and light traps, indicating both diurnal and nocturnal activity.
Yunnan: Long-chuan county, Hu-sa township, Gun-bang-jian-shan [i.e., Bang-gun-jian-shan邦棍尖山].
This species is named after its collector, Mr Zhiwei Dong, who generously provided specimens for this study.
China (Yunnan).
Body length greater than 7.0 mm; pronotum with integument red, elytra metallic green. Prothorax: procoxal cavities open; prosternal process not strongly narrowed posterad to ventral apex in ventral view, with ventral apex rounded. Pterothorax: scutellar shield with posterior edge pointed. Tarsal claw with ventral apex not smaller than dorsal apex. Male genitalia: paramere without preapical lateral expansion, but with apical mesal callus. Female unknown.
This species is distinct among Phorocardius in its entirely metallic green elytra and red pronotum. It is the second species having metallic color on elytra, as the type species of the genus (i.e., P. florentini (Fleutiaux, 1895)) also has slight blue metallic luster on elytra.
Phorocardius zhiweii Ruan, Douglas & Qiu, sp. nov. resembles P. manuleatus most in body shape and color of leg and prothorax. They can be easily separated by elytral color and aedeagus shape. In P. zhiweii Ruan, Douglas & Qiu, sp. nov., elytra are metallic green with slight purple luster; in ventral view, the aedeagus has apical fourth slightly narrowed, robust in both ventral and lateral views; and the paramere has preapical lateral expansion absent, apical mesal callus present; while in P. manuleatus, elytra are black to yellow, without metallic color; and the aedeagus in ventral view has the apical fourth greatly narrowed. The aedeagus is slender in both ventral and lateral views with parameres lacking acute preapical lateral expansions or apical mesal calli.
(based on holotype) Dorsum shiny. Head black, with mouthparts red-brown to brown. Antennae brown. Pronotum orange, with posterior edge dark brown (Fig.
(based on holotype) Body length 8.0 mm, width 2.8 mm. Body length to width ratio 2.9. Pronotal width to length ratio 1.1. Pronotal width to body width ratio 0.80. Elytral length to pronotal length ratio 2.5; elytron length to width ratio 3.8.
Head. Frons and vertex with interspaces between punctures 1–3 × average puncture diameter (Fig.
Prothorax. Pronotum in dorsal view (Fig.
Legs. Length ratio of metatarsomeres I–V (excluding claws): 100; 71; 53; 50; 120. Claw with ventral apex almost as large as dorsal apex.
Abdomen. Lateral edges of visible abdominal ventrites I–V with minute serrations.
Male genitalia. Robust in ventral and lateral views. Median lobe in ventral view with sides nearly parallel, slightly narrowed near apex; apex broadly rounded (Fig.
Phorocardius zhiweii Ruan, Douglas & Qiu, sp. nov., holotype, male. A habitus, dorsal view. B habitus, ventral view C habitus, lateral view D aedeagus ventral view, arrow indicating apex and apical mesal callus of paramere E aedeagus, dorsal view F aedeagus, lateral view, arrow indicating apices of paramere and median lobe G tergite 7, dorsal view, hand drawing, arrow indicating posterior concavity.
Female. Unknown.
. male (
Phorocardius zhiweii Ruan, Douglas & Qiu, sp. nov. A pronotum and scutellar shield, dorsal view B left posterior edge of pronotum, showing sublateral incision (arrow) C head, frontal view D metacoxal plate, ventral view E tarsal claws F male abdominal tergites IX–X, dorsal view G male abdominal sternite IX, dorsal view.
Shape of supraantennal carina of Chinese Phorocardius species. Arrows indicating supraantennal carina forked near eye. A P. alterlineatus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov. B P. flavistriolatus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov. C P. florentini. D P. magnus. E P. manuleatus. F P. minutus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov. G P. rufiposterus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov. H P. unguicularis. I P. yunnanensis Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov. J P. zhiweii Ruan, Douglas & Qiu, sp. nov. K head, frontal-lateral view, arrows indicating forked supraantennal carina.
This species inhabits middle elevations (around 1500 m) in Yunnan Prov., south China. This area is rainy, subtropical to tropical, with subtropical evergreen broad-leaf forest or tropical rain forest. This species is known only from the Oriental Region.
Lateral view of prosternal process and mesosternum of Chinese Phorocardius species. Upper green arrows indicating shape of posterior end of prosternal process; lower red arrows indicating projections (absent or present) on posterior edge of mesosternum (i.e., on anteroventral angle of mesosternal fossa according to
Ventral view of pro- and mesothorax of Chinese Phorocardius species. Showing shape of ventral surface of prosternal process (upper, yellow dashed line), mesepisternum (middle, green arrow and dashed line) and projections on posterior edge of mesosternum (lower, red arrow and solid line) middle, green arrows indicating anterior-mesal angle of mesepisternum. A P. alterlineatus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov. B P. flavistriolatus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov. C P. florentini. D P. magnus. E P. manuleatus. F P. minutus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov. G P. rufiposterus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov. H P. unguicularis. I P. zhiweii Ruan, Douglas & Qiu, sp. nov.
There are two undetermined female specimens (
Female abdominal ventrite V in Chinese Phorocardius species (ventral view). A P. alterlineatus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov. B P. flavistriolatus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov. C P. florentini. D P. magnus. E P. manuleatus F P. rufiposterus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov. G P. unguicularis H P. yunnanensis Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov, arrows showing incisions near apex.
A distribution map of Chinese Phorocardius species. 1 P. alterlineatus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov. 2 P. flavistriolatus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov. 3 P. florentini 4 P. magnus 5 P. manuleatus 6 P. minutus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov. 7 P. rufiposterus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov. 8 P. unguicularis 9 P. yanagiharae 10 P. yunnanensis Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov. 11 P. zhiweii Ruan, Douglas & Qiu, sp. nov.
Cardiophorus comptus Candèze, 1860: 202. Type locality: Hindoustan méridional, Mysore (interpreted as India, Karnataka, Mysuru). Lectotype designated here.
Phorocardius comptus:
Dicronychus comptus:
Phorocardius comptus:
Phorocardius comptus:
India (
Phorocardius comptus was recorded from Taiwan by
Phorocardius comptus (Candèze, 1860) (insets A, B, E, G–I are provided by Ms Karine Savard, Agriculture and Agri-food Canada; insets C, D are provided by Dr Yijie Tong,
Phorocardius comptus was previously recorded by
Phorocardius contemptus (Candèze, 1860) (images are provided by Ms Karine Savard, Agriculture and Agri-food Canada). A lectotype, female, dorsal view B ovipositor, dorsal view C head, frontal view (lectotype) D distal sclerite of bursa copulatrix (lectotype; only one sclerite is shown) E proximal sclerites of bursa copulatrix (lectotype).
Three specimens (
of Cardiophorus comptus Candèze, 1860: ♂ (
of Cardiophorus comptus Candèze, 1860: 1♂ (
The specimen that was used as a distributional record by
The specimens that were misidentified as P. comptus and used as a distributional record by
No new Phorocardius species were described between 1931 and 2015, and only three Phorocardius species were documented from China since 1931. Our study shows that the species richness of Phorocardius is greater than previously known, particularly in China. Southwest China (especially the Heng-duan Mountains) is renowned as a global biodiversity hot spot (
The northernmost specimens of Phorocardius are of P. minutus Ruan & Douglas, sp. nov., collected from Ke-you-zhong-qi, Inner Mongolia, with minimum January temperatures near –20 °C. If monophyletic with other Phorocardius, this shows that Phorocardius species can inhabit not only humid tropical rain forest, but also arid and freezing grassland areas. This finding also suggests that at least some species of Phorocardius may not require forest soils, hollow trees, or decaying wood for larval development. The discovery of P. minutus expands the collective distributional records for the genus Phorocardius deep into the Palearctic Region for the first time.
According to specimen records, the highest elevation for Chinese Phorocardius species is 2750 m at the foot of Yu-long-shan Mountain (also know as Yu-long Snow Mountain), with snow present year-round above 3500 m, while the lowest elevation is around 50 m. The strongly sclerotized ovipositors of all Phorocardius species examined here suggests that they can oviposit in dense substrates, such as soils that are not sandy.
Phorocardius zhiweii is the second species described in the genus with metallic coloration on the elytra, with P. florentini also having a slight blue metallic luster on the elytra. There may be additional undescribed metallic species, as we have examined three other undetermined specimens with metallic blue elytra.
We found that using the open procoxal cavities as a generic character, as in
The shape of the male genitalia illustrated in this study is highly variable in some species, especially in P. flavistriolatus, P. manuleatus and P. minutus. This may be due to one or more of the following reasons:
This study also first documents that the shape of the apex of abdominal ventrite V in females is highly variable (arcuate, with arcuate median indentation, or with elongate invagination containing slender blade-like projection) between species (see Fig.
We are greatly indebted to Dr Antoine Mantilleri (MNHN), Dr Yijie Tong (
This research was supported by grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China to Shihong Jiang (Grant No. 31772511) and Yongying Ruan (Grant No. 31802004).