Research Article |
Corresponding author: Cheng-Wang Huang ( ) Academic editor: Wanda M. Weiner
© 2020 Mikhail Potapov, Cheng-Wang Huang, Ayuna Gulgenova, Yun-Xia Luan.
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Potapov M, Huang C-W, Gulgenova A, Luan Y-X (2020) New and little known Isotomidae (Collembola) from the shore of Lake Baikal and saline lakes of continental Asia. ZooKeys 935: 1-24.
Collembola of the family Isotomidae from the shores of Lake Baikal and from six saline lake catenas of the Buryat Republic (Russia) and Inner Mongolia Province (China) were studied. Pseudanurophorus barathrum Potapov & Gulgenova, sp. nov. and Parisotoma baicalica Potapov & Gulgenova, sp. nov. from Baikal and Ephemerotoma buryatica Potapov, Huang & Gulgenova, sp. nov. and Folsomia mongolica Huang & Potapov, sp. nov. from saline lakes are described here. A morphological description of epitokous males of Scutisotoma acorrelata Potapov, Babenko & Fjellberg, 2006 is given. A list of 23 species of the family Isotomidae found in the shores of studied lakes is provided based on literature sources and newly collected material.
arid zone, endemism, fauna, sexual dimorphism, shingly beach, springtails
The springtail fauna of lake shores in Asia is poorly known. Some data is available from lakes of western Siberia (
Approximately 10–20 million years old Lake Baikal, a huge ancient reservoir of fresh water at the centrum of Asia, has exceptionally high faunal diversity and endemism (
In the present paper we describe four new species, two from saline lakes and two from Baikal, and provide a list of springtails of the family Isotomidae recorded from the surveyed lakes.
Collembola were sampled in catenas of six saline lakes in 2014 and 2015. Shores of the following lakes were studied: Alginskoye (53.633°N, 109.936°E), Nukhe-Nuur (54.027°N, 110.277°E) (Barguzin Valley, N Buryatia: Russia), Verkhneye Beloye (50.634°N, 105.720°E), Selenginskoye (51.356°N, 106.558°E) (Selenga Valley, SW Buryatia: Russia), Bayin Chagan Nuori (48.38°N, 118.71°E), and Hujiri Nuo Ergacha (48.30°N, 118.56°E) (E Inner Mongolia Province: China) (Fig.
A, B, C, D, E papillae of labial palp;
Abd. abdominal segments;
alt altitude;
Ant antennal segments;
AO antennal organ;
bms basal ms on antennal segments;
e-guards supplementary setae for E-papilla of labium;
G, H ocelli G and H;
ms micro s-seta(e) (= microsensillum(a) auct.);
p-row of setae setae of posterior row;
PAO postantennal organ;
s in the text and figures macro s-seta or s-setae (= macrosensillum(a) or sensillum(a) auct.);
SEM Shanghai Entomological Museum;
SMNG Senckenberg Museum of Natural History Görlitz;
Th thoracic segments;
Ti tibiotarsi;
U3 inner edge of unguis.
Types of new species are deposited in Moscow State Pedagogical University (Russia), Senckenberg Museum of Natural History Görlitz (Germany), Shanghai Entomological Museum (China), Banzarov Buryat State University (Russia). Cavity slides with Gisin’s liquid and flat slides with Hoyer’s medium were used to mount the specimens.
Notation of elements of labial palp follow
: female. Buryat Republic, Severo-Baykalskiy District, ~ 30 km N Severobaykalsk, near Slyudanskoye Lake, 55.4627°N, 109.1698°E, shingly beach of Baikal, 17.VIII.2013, coll. M. Potapov and A. Gulgenova. 5 paratypes from the same place (Holotype and 2 paratypes deposited in
Irkutskaya Region, Slyudyanskiy District, Angasolskaya, shore of Lake Baikal, 51.7314°N, 103.8280°E, in shingle, 09.VIII.2015, coll. G. Efanov; Irkutskaya Region, Irkutskiy District, shore of Baikal, Primorskiy Range, Pribaikal’skiy Nat. Park, Khargino, 52.320°N, 105.776°E, stony beach, near water edge (by aspirator), 17.VIII.2013, coll. A. Babenko; Irkutskaya Region, Olkhonskiy District, Primorskiy Range, Kuyada, mouth of Talovka River, 52.553°N, 106.136°E, stony beach, under stones, 15.VII.2013, coll. A. Babenko; Buryat Republic, Kabansky District, Posolskiy Sor Bay, near Baykalskiy Priboy, 51.91216°N, 106.13954°E, seaweed debris near water, 23.VII.2011, coll. A. Chimitova and L. Vanyavina; Buryat Republic, Barguzinskiy District, 53.29645°N, 108.6213°E, floatation of shingle at water edge, 03.VIII.2014, coll. M. Potapov and A. Gulgenova. The materials are deposited in
Size 1.0–1.5 mm. Body broad, with long legs (Fig.
Pseudanurophorus barathrum sp. nov. 1 appearance of dark coloured specimen 2 labrum, maxillary outer lobe and hypostomal setae, lateral view 3 labrum and maxillary outer lobe, fronto-ventral and ventral views 4 labium, ventral view 5 maxillary head. Abbreviations: A, B, C, D, E-papillae of labial palp, H, h1, h2–hypostomal setae, mo, m1, m2, p1, p2, p3–setae of m – and p-row of labrum, mx.ol-maxillary outer lobe, cap., 1–6–capitulum and lamellae 1–6 of maxillary head, a1, b1, b2, b3, b4, e7–labial guards, l.p.–lateral processes. Characters of greater value encircled.
Body with numerous smooth short setae. Dorsal axial setal pattern asymmetric, can approximately be described as: 12–14,11–14/9–10,9–10,9–10,12–14 (Th.II–Abd.IV). Macrosetae not differentiated. S-setae on tergites weakly differentiated, subequal to common setae (Fig.
Pseudanurophorus barathrum sp. nov. 6, 7 s-setae on body in one variant 8 PAO and Ant.1, lateral view 9 Ant.3 (only sockets shown for setae, additional s-setae on inner side of segment not shown), lateral view 10 apex of Ant.4 (pin-seta, organite, and subapical ms shown) 11 apical part of Leg 2. Abbreviations: bms-basal micro s-seta, sms-subapical micro s-seta, org-organite, pin-pin-seta, s-s-seta, ms-micro s-seta, PAO-postantennal organ, is, ls, os-inner, lateral, and outer s-setae of antennal organ.
Unguis rather slender, without teeth (Fig.
This remarkable species is characterised by two (more rarely one) additional setae on labrum that is so far unknown in Pseudanurophorus Stach, 1922 and other Collembola as well. Labral formula 5,5,4 (vs. 5,5,5–6 in P. barathrum sp. nov.) is invariable in Isotomidae and it is clear that the character is often omitted although being implied in the descriptions. Other mouth parts are also strongly modified: labral edge is reduced; two anterior setal rows and the sublobal hairs form a basket surrounding the mouth; hypostomal setae and lateral process are enlarged; guard a1 is integrated with papilla B; guards b2, b3, b4 set on lateral expansion of B; maxillary head has slender capitulum and expanded lamella. Unusually high number of setae on tibiotarsi and ventral tube and the dense and short abdominal hair cover is an apparent adaptation to live in close contact with water, as in many other littoral species.
The new species belongs to the “boerneri” group due to three prelabral, 4+4 or more postlabial setae, simple maxillary palp and other characters (for details see
Several records from the littoral zone of the shore of Lake Baikal, none found inland. It is one of the common species in shingly beaches.
It is named after the specific mouth parts (barathrum – a glutton in Latin, among other translations).
37 specimens. Russia, Buryat Republic, Eravninsky District, coast of Bolshaya Eravna Lake, 06.VI.2008, coll. A. Gulgenova; Buryat Republic, Kabansky District, shore of Lake Baikal, Posolskiy Sor Bay, near Baykalskiy Priboy, 51.91216°N, 106.13954°E, seaweed debris near water, 23.VIII.2011, coll. A. Chimitova and L. Vanyavina; Buryat Republic, Barguzin Valley, Alginskoye Lake, floatation of wet coarse sand and shingle at water edge, 03.VIII.2014, coll. M. Potapov, C.W. Huang, and A. Gulgenova.
Size ca. 1.2 mm, subequal to adult females. Macrosetae erect, slightly serrated, well developed on all body tergites and head. Three first segments of antennae with thickened setae (Fig.
Scutisotoma acorrelata 14, 16 appearance of adult female (14) and adult male in reproductive stage (16) (pigmentation not shown) 15 Ant.1–3 in adult male in reproductive stage, lateral view 17 macrosetae on Abd.IV in adult male of S. acorrelata 18 common arrangement of macrosetae on Abd.IV in Anurophorinae. Abbreviations: bms-basal micro s-seta, de-ductus ejaculatorius, s-s-seta, is, ls, os-inner, lateral, and outer s-setae of antennal organ, sp-spiny setae, vt-ventral trichobothrium, msp-male spurs, Md, Mdl, Mp, Ml-macrosetae of Abd.IV.
Considering the dimorphic species S. muriphila (Grinbergs, 1968) and S. stepposa (Martynova, 1975) (for details see
The species was described from shore of Lake Baikal (
: female. Russia, south-western part of Buryat Republic, Gusinoozerskaya Basin, 0.5 km SW from Tokhoy, 51.356417°N, 106.558733°E, 590 m alt., southern shore of Sul’phatnoye (= Selenginskoye) Lake, grassland with Caragana sp., Achnatherum splendens, Atriplex sp., Leymus sp., 18.X.2015, coll. M. Potapov and A. Gulgenova. 24 paratypes (sub-adult and adult males and females) from the same place. Holotype and 10 paratypes deposited in
From the type locality dated 02.V.2015 and 25.VII.2015.
Size 0.6–0.9 mm. Body as common for Anurophorinae with short furca (Fig.
Ephemerotoma buryatica sp. nov. 19 s-, ms-setae, macrosetae, and p-rows of setae on body tergites 20 chaetotaxy of Abd.III–VI 21 labial papilla E 22 Ant.3, dorso-lateral view 23 ommatidia and Ant.1 24–26 apex of Ant.4, lateral (24), dorsal (25), and ventro-lateral (26) views. Abbreviations: bms-basal micro s-seta, ab-apical bulb, ms-micro s-seta, org-organite, s-s-seta, is, ls, os-inner, lateral, and outer s-setae of antennal organ.
Body with smooth and rather short setae. Dorsal axial setal pattern of Th.II–Abd.IV: 7–8,6–7/5,5,5,7–8. Th.I and II without ventral setae, Th.III with 3–5+3–5 (usually 4+4) ventral axial setae (Fig.
Unguis of unusual shape, expanded at the middle, without teeth. Empodial appendage slender, without lamellae. Ti.1 and Ti.2 without additional setae (21), Ti.3 usually with 25 setae. B-row of setae on Ti.1–2 complete (B4 and B5 present). Male spurs (x and B5 on Ti.3) in adult males thin, stick-like. Tibiotarsal tenent setae pointed (Fig.
The species belongs to recently described genus Ephemerotoma Potapov, Kahrarian, Deharveng & Shayanmehr, 2015 due to simple maxillary palp, reduced number (four) of guards on labial papilla E, two prelabral setae, complete set of ms-setae on tergites (11/111), and tergal s-setae on abdomen set in front of p-row. Ephemerotoma buryatica sp. nov. does not share a significant character of the genus, the “two transverse rows” pattern of s-setae on Abd.V. The sexual dimorphism common for the genus Ephemerotoma [E. porcella (Ellis, 1976), E. skarzynskii Potapov, Kahrarian, Deharveng & Shayanmehr, 2015, E. huadongensis (Chen, 1985)] is not observed in the new species. Small and rather slender body, short furca, shape of unguis, and absence of sexual dimorphism indicate a preference for deeper edaphic habitat than in its congeners.
Regarding all genera of the Proisotoma complex, a peculiarity of the new species is the bilobed apical bulb on Ant.4, which is otherwise known only in Proisotoma bulba Christiansen & Bellinger, 1980 (California, U.S.A.). The generic position of P. bulba is obscure because of lack of information on mouth parts and s-setae on body. In other characters, E. buryatica sp. nov. differs from P. bulba by fewer setae on dens (3/4 vs. 4–5/5–6), shorter dens (dens : mucro = 9 : 1 in bulba), teeth on tenaculum (3+3 vs. 4+4) and characters of unguis and tibiotarsi (bulba has inner tooth on unguis and a clavate tenent hair). In Proisotoma complex, a similar furca is shown, for example, for Weberacantha echinodermata Potapov, Babenko & Fjellberg, 2006 and Scutisotoma robustodens Huang & Potapov, 2012, which belong to other genera. Mouth parts (two prelabral setae, simple maxillary palp and reduced number of e-guards) of E. buryatica sp. nov. resemble the “asiatica” group of the genus Subisotoma but several other characters of great value are different (e.g., presence/absence of anterior setae on manubrium).
Known only from one locality in SW Buryatia where it inhabits soil of dry steppe at upper part of a salt-lake catena. The species probably occurs in all seasons since it was recorded in May, July and October in the type locality. It was highly aggregated in October which that suggests a resemblance to the “ephemeral” species of the genus Ephemerotoma.
It is named after the type locality.
: female. NE China, E Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Hulun Buir, New Barag Zuoqi, Xinbaoligexi Sumu, Bayin Chagan Nuori Lake, at shore of the saline lake, 48.38°N, 118.71°E, 669 m alt., 09.VIII.2014, coll. C.W. Huang and M. Potapov. 20 paratypes from the same place. Holotype and 10 paratypes deposited in SEM, 5 – in
NW China, E Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Hulun Buir, New Barag Zuoqi, Xinbaoligexi Sumu, Hujiri Nuo Ergacha Lake, at shore of the saline lake, 48.30°N, 118.56°E, 649 m alt., 09.VIII.2014, coll. C.W. Huang and M. Potapov. China, W Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Helan Mts., near Halawu, mixed sample from broadleaved bush and coniferous trees, 2325 m alt., 08.VIII.2010, coll. C.W. Huang and Y. Bu.
Size 1.0–1.3 mm. Body of normal shape (Fig.
Macrosetae smooth and short, 1,1/3,3,3 in number (Fig.
Unguis of normal shape, without lateral and inner teeth. Empodial appendage about half as long as unguis. Tibiotarsi with few additional setae on Legs 1 and 2 (23–25 setae), Leg 3 more polychaetotic. Tibiotarsal tenent setae pointed. VT with 4+4 (3+3 in small juveniles) laterodistal and six posterior setae, no anterior setae (Fig.
Folsomia mongolica sp. nov. 32 appearance 33 pigmention of eye areas (two different specimens) 34 dens and distal part of manubrium, anterior view 35, 37 dens, posterior (35) and lateral (37) views 36 distal part of dens and mucro, another specimen, posterior view 38 ommatidia, PAO, and Ant.1 39 manubrium, posterior view. Abbreviations: s-s-seta.
The species belongs to “heterocellata” group due to simple maxillary palp. F. mongolica sp. nov. is very similar to two other species inhabiting arid landscapes of continental Asia: F. pseudodecemoculata Stebaeva, 1971 and F. heterocellata Stebaeva & Potapov, 1997. All three forms have no body pigmentation and share several important characters: structure of furca, body chaetotaxy, number of s-setae on antennae. The only sharp difference is number of ocelli on each side of the head: two in F. mongolica sp. nov., four in F. heterocellata, and five in F. pseudodecemoculata. The last species has shorter PAO than in the new species. F. montana Martynova, 1971 (1971b) (high mountains plateaus of Kirghisia) also belongs to “heterocellata” group and has 2+2 ocelli, but differs by three basal setae on posterior side of dens (vs. four in F. mongolica sp. nov.), 3+3 (vs. 4+4) laterobasal setae on posterior side of manubrium, and shorter PAO.
The species is probably distributed in Inner Mongolia (China). This halophilic species is abundant on saline lands but also inhabits dry forest slopes.
It is named after the location of type place (Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region).
: female. Russia, East Siberia, Irkutskaya Region, Slyudyanka District, Angasolskaya, shore of Lake Baikal, 51.7314°N, 103.8280°E, in shingle, 09.VIII.2015, coll. G. Efanov (deposited in
Body length from 0,7 to 0,9 mm. Pale with diffuse greyish pigment on body, eye spot less marked than in most species of Parisotoma with one ocellus (Fig.
Macrosetae differentiated, on last abdominal segments with few cilia (Fig.
Parisotoma baicalica sp. nov. (44–50), (52–55) and P. reducta (51, 56) 44 s-, ms-setae, and macrosetae on body 45 macroseta of Abd.V 46 PAO and ocellus 47 Ant.1, lateral view (s and ms shown) 48, 49 postlabial setae, variation 50, 51 papilla E of labial palp, lateral view 52 papilla B, ventral view 53 mucro 54 ventral tube, lateral view 55 apical part of Leg 3 56, 57 posterior side of dens. Abbreviations: s-s-seta, ms-micro s-seta, bms-basal micro s-seta, l.p.–lateral processes, b.p.–basal processes, B, E-papillae of labium, int, ext-internal and external setae of posterior side of dens.
Due to posterior position of accp4 s-setae on Abd.IV the species, as expected, belongs to Palearctic branch of species of the genus Parisotoma (
Slender claw, polychaetosis, short macrosetae, and expanded lateral process of papilla E indicate adaptation to live in contact to fresh water. The combination of 3+3 laterodistal setae on ventral tube and only one outer seta on lower subcoxa of Leg 1 indicate the formal similarity with the eurytopic species P. notabilis (rare at Lake Baikal) but P. baicalica sp. nov. differs by all “littoral” characters mentioned above.
The value of basal process on labial papilla B (Fig.
Known only from two distant localities on the Baikal shore. A littoral species.
It is named after the location of the type locality.
Folsomia uniramia Potapov & Gulgenova, 2013: Buryat Republic, SE shore of Lake Baikal, at Ust’-Barguzin, 53.4086°N, 108.9879°E, floatation of sand at 5 m distance from water edge, 05.VIII.2014, coll. M. Potapov and A. Gulgenova.
Scutisotoma baica Potapov, Babenko & Fjellberg, 2006: Buryat Republic, SE shore of Lake Baikal, at Ust’-Barguzin, 53.4086°N, 108.9879°E, floatation of wet sand at water edge, 05.VIII.2014, coll. M. Potapov and A. Gulgenova.
Isotomurus stuxbergi (Tullberg, 1876): Buryat Republic, SE shore of Lake Baikal, 5 km N from Turka, 14.V.2017, coll. A. Gulgenova and S. Gulgenov.
Other new records of species concern shores of saline lakes and therefore are given in the Table of Appendix
Three ecological groups can be recognised among the recorded species:
We would like to express our sincere thanks to A. Babenko, M. Babykina, W.J. Chen, S. Dmitriev, G. Efanov, S. Gulgenov, V. Kadnikov, A.M. Liu, Y. Ma, N. Makeeva, and L. Vanyavina for kindly providing material on Collembola or for field assistance. We are also indebted to P. Greenslade for linguistic corrections, as well as to L’ubomír Kováĉ and an anonymous reviewer for critical remarks, and to M. Kulikovskiy for kind advice. The study was supported by funds of Chinese-Russia Research Cooperative Program of RFBR (No. 14-04-91169 GFEN) for M. Potapov, National Natural Sciences Foundation of China: 31471958 for Y.X. Luan, and project 12-04-90827-mol-RF-nr-RFBR for A. Gulgenova.
List of species of Isotomidae found at Lake Baikal shore and catenas of saline lakes of Buryatia and Inner Mongolia (Russia and China), based on literature data and new records.
Species* | Lake Baikal | saline lakes of Buryatia | Saline lakes of Inner Mongolia | Source | ||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | |||
Anurophorus mongolicus Dunger, 1982 (W) | + | + | p.p. | |||||
Pseudanurophorus barathrum sp. nov. (L) | + | p.p. | ||||||
Proisotoma minima (Absolon, 1901) (W) | + | p.p. | ||||||
Proisotoma minuta (Tullberg, 1871) (W) | + | + | p.p. | |||||
Scutisotoma acorrelata Potapov, Babenko & Fjellberg, 2006 (L) | + | + |
Scutisotoma baica Potapov, Babenko & Fjellberg, 2006 (L) | + |
Scutisotoma fjellbergi (Dunger, 1982) (W) | + | p.p. | ||||||
Scutisotoma robustodens Huang & Potapov, 2012 (L) | + |
Scutisotoma stepposa (Martynova, 1975) (W) | + | p.p. | ||||||
Ephemerotoma buryatica sp. nov. (L) | + | p.p. | ||||||
Appendisotoma stebayevae (Grinbergs, 1962) (W) | + | + | + | + |
Folsomides parvulus Stach, 1922 (W) | + | + | + | p.p. | ||||
Folsomides aridoviator Potapov & Stebaeva, 1997 (W) | + | p.p. | ||||||
Folsomia mongolica sp. nov. (W) | + | + | p.p. | |||||
Folsomia pseudodecemoculata Stebaeva, 1971 (W) | + | + | + | + | p.p. | |||
Folsomia paoinflata Potapov & Stebaeva, 2006 (W) | + |
Folsomia quadrioculata (Tullberg, 1871) (W) | + | + |
Folsomia uniramia Potapov & Gulgenova, 2013 (L) | + |
Isotomurus stuxbergi (Tullberg, 1876) (H) | + | + | + | p.p. | ||||
Parisotoma appressopilosa Potapov, 1991 (L) | + | + |
Parisotoma baicalica sp. nov. (L) | + | p.p. | ||||||
Parisotoma reducta Rusek, 1984 (W) | + | + | p.p. | |||||
Parisotoma notabilis (Schäffer, 1896) (W) | + | p.p. |