Research Article |
Corresponding author: Valentin Moser ( ) Corresponding author: Hannes Baur ( ) Academic editor: Tony Robillard
© 2021 Valentin Moser, Hannes Baur, Arne W. Lehmann, Gerlind U. C. Lehmann.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Moser V, Baur H, Lehmann AW, Lehmann GUC (2021) Two species? – Limits of the species concepts in the pygmy grasshoppers of the Tetrix bipunctata complex (Orthoptera, Tetrigidae). ZooKeys 1043: 33-59.
Today, integrative taxonomy is often considered the gold standard when it comes to species recognition and delimitation. Using the Tetrix bipunctata complex, we here present a case where even integrative taxonomy may reach its limits. The Tetrix bipunctata complex consists of two morphs, bipunctata and kraussi, which are easily distinguished by a single character, the length of the hind wing. Both morphs are widely distributed in Europe and reported to occur over a large area in sympatry, where they occasionally may live also in syntopy. The pattern has led to disparate classifications, as on the one extreme, the morphs were treated merely as forms or subspecies of a single species, on the other, as separate species. For this paper, we re-visited the morphology by using multivariate ratio analysis (MRA) of 17 distance measurements, checked the distributional data based on verified specimens and examined micro-habitat use. We were able to confirm that hind wing length is, indeed, the only morphological difference between bipunctata and kraussi. We were also able to exclude a mere allometric scaling. The morphs are, furthermore, largely sympatrically distributed, with syntopy occurring regularly. However, a microhabitat niche difference can be observed. Ecological measurements in a shared habitat confirm that kraussi prefers a drier and hotter microhabitat, which possibly also explains the generally lower altitudinal distribution. Based on these results, we can exclude classification as subspecies, but the taxonomic classification as species remains unclear. Even with different approaches to classify the Tetrix bipunctata complex, this case is, therefore, not settled. We recommend continuing to record kraussi and bipunctata separately.
Allometry, integrative taxonomy, morphometry, Orthoptera, species delimitation, Tetrigidae, Tetrix
Species concepts shape the way we see an individual from a given population. Species are the fundamental unit in evolutionary biology (
The Tetrix bipunctata complex is an intriguing case: T. bipunctata (Linnaeus, 1758) and T. kraussi Saulcy, 1888 (see
The status of the two morphs has always been controversial.
Some authors have suggested that there are further morphological characters besides the hind wing that would allow us to distinguish the two morphs. Koch and Meineke (in
No genetic differences have been found so far, as the two morphs form a single cluster when compared using COI barcoding (
In this study, we examine the morphs bipunctata and kraussi and discuss their status, based on new data from: (1) multivariate morphometry, (2) biogeography in Central Europe and (3) microhabitat niche use in syntopy.
Due to the uncertain taxonomic situation, the distribution is far from settled, as many authors have not differentiated between bipunctata and kraussi. Furthermore, a substantial number of misidentifications have been published for Tetrigidae (own results, compare
The segregated distribution of bipunctata and kraussi is interpreted as an ecological separation (
Below, we consistently refer to the morphs as “bipunctata” and “kraussi” and treat them in the sense of operational taxonomic units. For the assignment of specimens to morphs, we adopted the identifications found on the labels in the Swiss collections. This was mainly the case for specimens in Nadig’s collection, also with respect to what he considered as intermediate specimens. In all other instances we followed current practice (
We measured 20 characters from all over the body to cover the most relevant variation in size and shape between bipunctata and kraussi. The selection of characters was based on
Abbreviation, name, definition and magnification (on Keyence digital microscope) of the 20 measurements used for the morphometric analyses of Tetrix bipunctata complex females. General morphology follows
No. | Abbrev. | Character name | Character definition | Magnification |
1 | bt3.l | Basitarsus length | Length of basitarsus of hind tarsus, from proximal expansion to apex, outer aspect along ventral side | 150 |
2 | eye.b | Eye breadth | Greatest breadth of eye, lateral view | 150 |
3 | eye.h | Eye height | Greatest height of eye, lateral view | 150 |
4 | fl5.b | 5th flagellomere breadth | Greatest breadth of 5th flagellomere, dorsal (inner) aspect | 150 |
5 | fl5.l | 5th flagellomere length | Greatest length of 5th flagellomere, dorsal (inner) aspect | 150 |
6 | fm2.b | Mid-femur breadth | Greatest breadth of mid-femur, lateral view | 100 |
7 | fm2.l | Mid-femur length | Length of mid-femur, from proximal emargination of trochanter to emargination of knee, lateral view | 100 |
8 | fm3.b | Hind femur breadth | Greatest breadth of hind femur, lateral view | 30 |
9 | fm3.l | Hind femur length | Length of hind femur, from proximal edge to tip of knee disc, lateral view | 30 |
10 | fro.h | Frons height | Height of frons, from lower margin of clypeus to lower margin of eye orbit, frontal view | 100 |
11 | hea.b | Head breadth | Greatest breadth of head, dorsal view | 100 |
12 | hwi.l | Hind wing length | Length of hind wing, from proximal edge of tegmen to tip of hind wing, in situ. Remark: Very often, only the part protruding below the tegmen has been considered. Unfortunately, the measurement is then critically dependent on the position of the tegmen, which is often displaced relative to the hind wing. We, therefore, preferred the entire hind wing length, which can be measured rather more reliably | 30 |
13 | prn.b | Pronotum breadth | Greatest breadth of pronotum, dorsal view | 30 |
14* | prn.h | Pronotum height | Greatest height of pronotum, from carina humeralis at level of proximal edge of tegmen to highest point of carina medialis, exact lateral view | 30 |
15 | prn.l | Pronotum length | Length of pronotum, from anterior margin to the tip of the posterior pronotal process, dorsal view along carina medialis | 30 |
16* | pu2.l | 2nd pulvillus length | Length of 2nd pulvillus on basitarsus of hind tarsus, from its proximal notch to distal notch, outer aspect | 150 |
17* | pu3.l | 3rd pulvillus length | Length of 3rd pulvillus on basitarsus of hind tarsus, from its proximal notch to distal notch, outer aspect | 150 |
18 | teg.b | Tegmen breadth | Greatest breadth of sclerotised part of tegmen, outer aspect | 100 |
19 | teg.l | Tegmen length | Length of fore wing, from proximal edge of tegmen to tip of fore wing, outer aspect | 100 |
20 | vrt.b | Vertex breadth | Shortest breadth of vertex, dorsal view. Together with head breath, this covers also potential differences in eye breath. | 100 |
Overview on Tetrix bipunctata complex populations (females only) included in the morphometric analyses. Most specimens are from the Nadig collection in
Country | Population |
AT | Kärnten |
CH | BE Beatenberg |
CH | BE/JU Jura |
CH | GR Oberengadin |
CH | GR Schams |
CH | GR Unterengadin |
CH | UR Urnerboden |
DE | S-Bayern |
DE | Schwarzwald |
IT | Chiavenna |
IT | Como |
IT | Gardasee |
IT | S-Tirol E/Mittenwald |
IT | Trentino |
Each character was photographed with a Keyence VHX 2000 digital microscope and a VH-Z20R/W zoom lens at different magnification, depending on the size of the body part (see Table
For the data analysis, we applied multivariate ratio analysis (MRA) (
Very often shape correlates with size, which corresponds to the well-known phenomenon of allometry. In the case of specimens belonging to the same stage, in our case adults, we are talking of static allometry (
For a sensible interpretation of morphometric results, it is therefore essential to consider allometric variation. In many studies, such variation is simply removed from the data by various “correction” procedures (
We first performed a series of shape PCAs to see how well the morphs were supported by variation in shape. A shape PCA shows in very few axes (usually just the first one or two shape PCs are important) the unconstrained pattern of variation in the data. A PCA type of analysis is convenient here, as it does not require a priori assignment of specimens to a particular group, but assumes that all belong to a single group. We could thus avoid bias with respect to groupings (
We, furthermore, employed the PCA ratio spectrum that allows an easy interpretation of shape PCs in terms of body ratios. In a PCA ratio spectrum, the eigenvector coefficients of all variables are arranged along a vertical line. Ratios calculated from variables lying at the opposite ends of the spectrum have the largest influence on a particular shape PCA; ratios from variables lying close to each other or in the middle of the graph are negligible (
The situation changes once we specifically ask for differences between groups. For this question, we use a method where the groups are specified a priori. In the morphometry of distance measurements, such methods are usually based on linear discriminant analysis (LDA) (e.g.
We used the R language and environment for statistical computing for data analysis, version 4.0.3 (R Core Team 2020). For MRA, we employed the R-scripts provided by
Raw data in millimetres and the complete set of photographs with measurements, as well as the R-scripts used for the analyses, are available in a data repository on Zenodo (
Given the high level of erroneous Tetrigidae determinations in collections, we refrain from incorporating published records. Instead, we concentrate on specimens studied by ourselves from several European Museums and private collections (Table
List of Museums and private collections with material of bipunctata and kraussi studied for the biogeography pattern. Museum codes are unified using the NCBI database (, see also
Code | Institution |
Senckenberg Deutsches Entomologisches Institut |
Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Geneva |
Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle (Paris) |
Naturhistorisches Museum Bern |
NHMV | Müritzeum / Naturhistorische Landessammlungen für Mecklenburg-Vorpommern |
Naturhistorisches Museum Wien |
NKML | Naturkundemuseum Leipzig |
Senckenberg Museum für Naturkunde Görlitz |
Universiteit van Amsterdam, Zoologisch Museum |
Museum für Naturkunde Berlin |
Zoologische Staatssammlung München |
Collectio Gatz | Katharina Gatz, Berlin, Germany |
Collectio Gomboc | Stanislav Gomboc, Kranj,Slovenia |
Collectio Hochkirch | Prof. Axel Hochkirch, Trier, Germany |
Collectio Karle-Fendt | Alfred Karle-Fendt, Sonthofen, Germany |
Collectio Landeck | Ingmar Landeck, Finsterwalde, Germany |
Collectio Lehmann | Dr. Arne Lehmann, Stahnsdorf, Germany |
Collectio Muth | Martin Muth, Kempten, Germany |
Specimens were assigned to each morph by calculating the standard ratio (see above). After eliminating erroneous determinations by our precursors, nymphs and a single specimen of the f. macroptera which cannot be associated with either bipunctata or kraussi so far, we were able to include 660 specimens from the six Central Europe countries Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, Italy and Slovenia (Suppl. material
For the generation of the map, we used QGis 3.10.13-A Coruna and the Natural Earth Data (,, OpenStreetMap contributors).
In a syntopic population in Brandenburg (2.5 km E of Theisa 51.542°N, 13.503°E), the microhabitat use was studied for four months from May to August 2015 by Katharina Gatz, supervised by G.U.C. Lehmann. By slowly walking through the habitat, individuals were located either sitting or jumping from a retraceable spot. At the point of origin, a little flag was placed and the animal afterwards caught with the help of a 200 ml plastic vial (Greiner BioOne) (Fig.
We first performed a series of shape PCAs to see how well the morphs were supported by variation in shape and which body ratios were responsible for separation (Fig.
Shape principal component analysis (shape PCA) of 273 females of Tetrix bipunctata and kraussi A analysis including 17 variables, scatterplot of first against second shape PC; in parentheses the variance explained by each shape PC B PCA ratio spectrum for first shape PC C PCA ratio spectrum for second shape PC. Horizontal bars in the ratio spectra represent 68% bootstrap confidence intervals, based on 1000 replicates; only the most important characters are indicated in ratio spectra.
In the scatterplot of the first against second shape PC, the individuals were almost perfectly separated along the first shape PC, but entirely overlapping along the second (Fig.
With respect to the second shape PC, the situation is quite different as there is broad overlap between bipunctata and kraussi. According to its PCA ratio spectrum (Fig.
Plotting isosize against the first shape PC revealed that intraspecific allometry was weak in bipunctata and moderate in kraussi (Fig.
The LDA ratio extractor found hind wing length to mid-femur length as the best ratio for separating bipunctata from kraussi. This ratio was indeed more powerful than the standard ratio (compare Fig.
Boxplots of body ratios of 273 females of Tetrix bipunctata and kraussi A hind wing length to mid-femur length, the ratio selected by the LDA ratio extractor as the best ratio for separating the morphs B hind wing length to tegmen length, the standard ratio used for discrimination C tegmen length to hind femur length, the second best ratio found by the LDA ratio extractor (actually the best ratio when hind wing length is omitted). Means in all plots significantly different (ANOVA, p < 0.001).
The specimens considered as “Nadig intermediates” (“Zwischenformen”) are found in both groups. In the plot with the best ratio (Fig.
Scatterplots of isosize against body ratios of 273 females of Tetrix bipunctata and kraussi, showing the position of intermediate specimens A isosize against ratio of hind wing length to mid-femur length, the best ratio for separation of morphs B isosize against ratio of hind wing length to tegmen length, the standard ratio for discrimination (see Fig.
In total, 660 specimens from 286 localities could be included into our biogeographic analysis (Suppl. material
Distribution of 260 localities with records of Tetrix bipunctata (green dots), kraussi (orange dots) and syntopic populations (purple dots), mapped for six central European countries. Map generated using Natural Earth Data
Altitudinal distribution (mean ± SD) of 286 populations of Tetrix bipunctata (green) and kraussi (orange) segmented for five Central European countries and eight Federal States in Germany. Regions are grouped along the north-south axis, NL = The Netherlands, DE = Germany: DE MV = Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, DE BB = Brandenburg, DE ST = Sachsen-Anhalt, DE SN = Sachsen, DE TH = Thüringen, DE HE = Hessen, DE BW = Baden-Württemberg, DE BY = Bayern, AT = Austria, CH = Switzerland, IT = Italy, SL = Slovenia.
In the syntopic population in Brandenburg, adults of bipunctata and kraussi show separated microhabitat niche use. While bipunctata adults preferentially inhabit denser vegetation with higher plants (Fig.
Microhabitats of bipunctata had a mean vegetation cover of 70 ± 18%, nearly twice as dense as the vegetation at kraussi spots (40 ± 7%) (Fig.
The vegetation at sites inhabited by bipunctata adults was on average 27 cm ± 12 cm tall, nearly twice as high as the plants at patches with kraussi occurrence (16 cm ± 4 cm) (Fig.
The morphometric analyses revealed that the morphs are merely separated by hind wing length or hind wing length in combination with any other character as a shape ratio. It was thus, by far, the most important character (Figs
Isometric size between the morphs is widely overlapping with bipunctata being slightly larger on average (Fig.
In conclusion, we did find clear morphometric differences between bipunctata and kraussi only in hind wing length and all ratios including this variable. This is in agreement with results by
Our analyis shows that the specimens from the Engadin, determined as intermediates (“Zwischenformen”) by
Based on his observation,
The morphs show a preference for slightly different habitats, with kraussi preferring shorter and less dense vegetation cover (Fig.
The question whether kraussi and bipunctata represent different species or should be interpreted as infraspecific morphs is still open. The lack of genetic differentiation (see
More research is needed to distinguish between the two possibilities that bipunctata and kraussi are genetically young species or infraspecific ecomorphs. However, this is a prime example how even modern species concepts can reach their limits. What we can exclude is their status as subspecies. Missing evidence concerns the genetic and developmental mechanisms behind the wing length. Crossing experiments could, furthermore, be informative to study reproductive barriers and hybrid disadvantage. We recommend that bipunctata and kraussi are considered as separate units until the species question can be answered more precisely.
We thank Elsa Obrecht (
Identification and removal of unreliable characters.
As mentioned under Materials and methods, we omitted three characters from all morphometric analyses presented in the results. In the following, we briefly describe the procedure that led to their removal.
Initially, we started with a shape PCA, based on all 20 characters (see Suppl. material
It is well known that a high quality of measurements is crucial in morphometric data, as low reliability may cause serious problems for multivariate data analysis (
Table S1
Data type: table
Explanation note: Records of 660 specimen of Tetrix bipunctata and T. kraussi, based on our surveys in European Museums and private collections, see Table
The 17 rows coloured represent syntopic occurrences of Tetrix bipunctata and T. kraussi.
Species: z = Zwischenformen, specimen supposed to be intermediates by
Date: Collection date as reported on labels, in square brackets we added the unreported centuries [18] or [19] deduced from our knowledge of collectors biographies.
State: English name of the governmental province.
Bundesland / Kanton: German name of the governmental province.
Geographic coordinates and altitudes: extracted with the help of open mapping tools (,
Comments: Additional information given on labels.
First and second determination: Identifications based on label information.
Authors’ determination: Identifications based on the standard ratio of the full hind wing length to tegmen length: ≥ 2.5 = bipunctata, < 2.5 = kraussi (corresponding to the ratio of the protruding part of hind wing length to tegmen length of ≥ 1.5 and < 1.5, respectively).
Collectio: Abbreviations of European Museums and private collections with material studied. Museum codes are unified using the NCBI database (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih. gov/biocollections/), see also
Collection number: Individual codes assigned by the Collectio Lehmann [CL], the Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Geneva (MHNG) or Naturhistorisches Museum Bern (NMBE).
Figure S1
Data type: (measurement/occurrence/multimedia/etc.)
Explanation note: Shape principal component analysis (shape PCA) of 273 females of Tetrix bipunctata and kraussi. A: analysis including 20 variables, scatterplot of first against second shape PC. B: PCA ratio spectrum for first shape PC. C: PCA ratio spectrum for second shape PC. Horizontal bars in the ratio spectra represent 68% bootstrap confidence intervals based on 1000 replicates.
Figure S2
Data type: (measurement/occurrence/multimedia/etc.)
Explanation note: Variation in pronotum shape (lateral view) of some Tetrix females included in the morphometric analyses. A–D: bipunctata; E–H: kraussi. The position where pronotum height was measured is indicated by a magenta line.