Research Article |
Corresponding author: Stéphane Boissinot ( ) Academic editor: Angelica Crottini
© 2021 Jacobo Reyes-Velasco, Sandra Goutte, Xenia Freilich, Stéphane Boissinot.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Reyes-Velasco J, Goutte S, Freilich X, Boissinot S (2021) Mitogenomics of historical type specimens clarifies the taxonomy of Ethiopian Ptychadena Boulenger, 1917 (Anura, Ptychadenidae). ZooKeys 1070: 135-149.
The taxonomy of the Ptychadena neumanni species complex, a radiation of grass frogs inhabiting the Ethiopian highlands, has puzzled scientists for decades because of the morphological resemblance among its members. Whilst molecular phylogenetic methods allowed the discovery of several species in recent years, assigning pre-existing and new names to clades was challenged by the unavailability of molecular data for century-old type specimens. We used Illumina short reads to sequence the mitochondrial DNA of type specimens in this group, as well as ddRAD-seq analyses to resolve taxonomic uncertainties surrounding the P. neumanni species complex. The phylogenetic reconstruction revealed recurrent confusion between Ptychadena erlangeri (Ahl, 1924) and P. neumanni (Ahl, 1924) in the literature. The phylogeny also established that P. largeni Perret, 1994 represents a junior synonym of P. erlangeri (Ahl, 1924) and distinguished between two small species, P. nana Perret, 1994, restricted to the Arussi Plateau, and P. robeensis Goutte, Reyes-Velasco, Freilich, Kassie & Boissinot, 2021, which inhabits the Bale Mountains. The phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial DNA from type specimens also corroborate the validity of seven recently described species within the group. Our study shows how modern molecular tools applied to historical type specimens can help resolve long-standing taxonomic issues in cryptic species complexes.
Grass frogs, Historical DNA, Ptychadena, taxonomy, type specimens
In the highlands of Ethiopia, frogs of the genus Ptychadena Boulenger, 1917 form a monophyletic radiation known as the Ptychadena neumanni species complex (
Several authors found substantial morphological variation among populations of P. neumanni, which led them to suggest that this taxon consisted of multiple species (
Species | Author, year | Largen, 2001 |
Smith et al. 2017 |
P. neumanni | Ahl, 1924 | P. neumanni / P. erlangeri | P. erlangeri | P. erlangeri | P. erlangeri | P. neumanni |
P. erlangeri | Ahl, 1924 | P. neumanni / P. erlangeri | P. cf. neumanni 2 | P. largeni | P. cf. neumanni 2 | P. erlangeri |
P. cooperi | Parker, 1930 | P. cooperi | P. cooperi | P. cooperi | P. cooperi | P. cooperi |
P. nana | Perret, 1980 | P. nana | - | - | P. cf. Mt. Gugu | P. nana |
P. largeni | Perret, 1994 | P. neumanni | P. cf. neumanni 2 | P. largeni | P. cf. neumanni 2 | P. erlangeri |
P. harenna | Largen, 1997 | P. harenna | P. harenna | P. harenna | P. harenna | P. harenna |
P. levenorum |
P. neumanni | P. cf. neumanni 3 | P. levenorum | P. cf. neumanni 3 | P. levenorum |
P. goweri |
P. erlangeri | P. cf. neumanni 4 | P. goweri | P. cf. neumanni 4 | P. goweri |
P. amharensis |
P. neumanni / P. erlangeri | P. cf. neumanni 5 | P. amharensis | P. cf. neumanni 5 | P. amharensis |
P. beka |
P. neumanni / P. erlangeri | P. cf. neumanni 1 | P. neumanni | P. cf. neumanni 1 | P. beka |
P. delphina |
- | P. erlangeri | P. erlangeri | P. cf. erlangeri Metu | P. delphina |
P. doro |
- | P. erlangeri | P. erlangeri | P. cf. erlangeri Gecha | P. doro |
P. robeensis |
- | P. nana | P. nana | P. nana | P. robeensis |
In order to resolve the taxonomy and systematics of the group, we extracted DNA from formalin or spirit-fixed type specimens of the species from which only morphological data was available (P. erlangeri, P. largeni, P. nana and P. neumanni) and reconstructed partial mitochondrial genomes. These sequences were included in a molecular phylogeny, along with mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from more recently collected material included in
Map of Ethiopia showing localities of individuals in the Ptychadena neumanni species complex used in this study. Samples with genetic data are represented by different colored circles (P. neumanni species group) or triangles (P. erlangeri species group). Stars depict the approximate type localities of P. neumanni (red), P. erlangeri (grey), and P. nana (white). A black star represents Addis Ababa, the type locality of P. largeni, a junior synonym of P. erlangeri. The approximate route of Oscar Neumann and Carlo von Erlanger’s 1900 expedition in Abyssinia, during which the type specimens of all the above species were collected (except for P. largeni) is represented by a dashed line. Black arrow indicates the likely correct type locality for P. erlangeri as suggested by the authors (see Discussion).
We aimed to extract mtDNA from type specimens for which molecular data was unavailable. The types of Ptychadena cooperi and P. harenna were not sequenced, as these two species are easily distinguishable morphologically and there is no ambiguity regarding their taxonomic status (
Although we could not find information about the mode of preservation used at the time of collection, it is likely that the type specimens had been fixed in formalin or some form of spirit, which renders the extraction of DNA challenging and requires a different protocol than when using fresh tissue. We followed the protocol described by
DNA concentration was measured using a high sensitivity kit in a Qubit fluorometer (Life Technologies) and DNA fragment size distribution and concentration was estimated using a Bioanalyzer 7500 high sensitivity DNA chip (Agilent, Santa Clara, CA, USA). A NEBNext FFPE DNA Repair Mix (New England Biolabs) was used to repair damaged bases prior to library preparation, which was carried out with a NEB library preparation kit. The shredding step was skipped because of the fragmented nature of historical DNA. All libraries were pooled and sequenced on an Illumina NextSeq 550 (75 bp paired-end) at the Genome Core Facility of New York University Abu Dhabi, UAE. The FASTx Toolkit (
Whole mitochondrial genomes of the type specimens were assembled from the Illumina reads using MITObim (
We reconstructed phylogenetic relationships within the Ptychadena neumanni species complex using three different datasets. First, all 13 mitochondrial protein-coding genes and the rRNA 12S and 16S genes were used. No stop codon was found in the protein-coding sequences. We excluded tRNAs because in some cases these were not complete or were difficult to align. Because we did not have the complete mitochondrial genome for all species, we used a subset of genes which was obtained for all species as a second dataset. This dataset included the 12S and 16S rRNA, as well as the protein-coding gene cytochrome c oxidase I (cox1). In the last dataset, we included only the rRNA 16S, in order to be able to include as many individuals as possible. Alignments at each gene were performed in MAFFT v. 7 (
The best-fit model of nucleotide evolution for each gene was selected using the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) in PartitionFinder v. 1.1.1 (
For both datasets, the BI analyses consisted of four runs of 107 generations, sampling every 1000th generation, with four chains (three heated and one cold). Convergence between the runs was assessed by visually inspecting overlap in likelihood and parameter estimates between the runs, as well as effective sample sizes and potential scale reduction factor (PSRF) value estimates for each run using Tracer v. 1.6 (
In a previous study (
Individuals of the Ptychadena neumanni species complex were collected in the highlands of Ethiopia between 2011 and 2018. Tissue samples were extracted and stored in RNAlater or 95% ethanol. Genomic DNA was extracted with one of the following methods: with the use of a DNeasy blood and tissue kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA), with the use of Serapure beads (
Ipyrad 0.6.17 (
DNA was successfully extracted from the type specimens of Ptychadena neumanni, P. erlangeri, P. largeni and P. nana. After quality filtering, a total of ~1.1 billion reads were retained, with highly variable coverage across individuals (49–359 million reads; Suppl. material
As the assignment of species names to genetic lineages was based on mitochondrial sequences, we first verified that the assignment of individuals to genetic lineages using mitochondrial markers was congruent with that obtained using genome-wide loci from ddRAD-seq (Fig.
Comparisons of the topologies of the mitochondrial rRNA 16S (left) and ddRAD-seq (right) for members of the Ptychadena neumanni species complex. Type specimens are indicated in red in the 16S phylogeny. Red lines indicate clades that differ in their placement between 16S and ddRAD-seq, however, the assignment of individuals to a particular species is identical between datasets. Numbers at nodes represent posterior support (pp), while black dots represent nodes with posterior support of 1.
Our phylogenetic analysis based on three mitochondrial genes (Fig.
Phylogenetic inference of members of the Ptychadena neumanni species complex based on mtDNA and ddRAD-seq data A unrooted UPGMA tree of members of the P. neumanni species complex based on 2182 SNPs obtained with ddRAD-sequencing B unrooted Bayesian phylogenetic inference based on the complete mitochondrial genomes of members of the group C bayesian phylogenetic inference based on the concatenated sequences of the 12S and 16S rRNA and cox1. Black circles represent nodes with a posterior support of 1. Names in bold indicate type specimens, while stars indicate historical type specimens sequenced here and are color-coded as in Figure
The holotype of Ptychadena nana (ZMB26878) did not group with individuals from the Bale Mountains identified as P. nana by previous authors (
In this study, we used historical DNA from century-old type specimens to resolve the convoluted taxonomy of the Ptychadena neumanni species complex. Our results established the correspondence between genetic lineages and species originally described on morphological characters only. This allowed us to correct recurrent taxonomic errors made by multiple authors since the descriptions of the first species of the group, and to define which lineages correspond to new species. In addition, we were able to confirm the validity of some recently described taxa (P. goweri, P. amaharensis, P. levenorum, P. robeensis, P. delphina, P. doro and P. beka) and to synonymize others (P. largeni).
We thank curators and collection managers from multiple institutions, including Bezawork Afework Bogale and M. Ketema, Natural History Collection, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia; Jeff Streicher, Natural History Museum, London; Andreas Schmitz, Museum d’Histoire Naturelle, Genève; Mark-Oliver Rödel and Frank Tillack, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin. Multiple undergraduate students and postdoctoral researchers helped with fieldwork. Kyle O’connell provided useful tips for the extraction of DNA from museum material. Yann Bourgeois assisted with the use of MITObim. Yann Bourgeois and Joseph Manthey provided helpful suggestions on an earlier version of this manuscript. We are in debt with Marc Arnoux and Nizar Drou, from the Genome Core Facility and the Bioinformatics group at NYUAD. This research was carried out on the High-Performance Computing resources at New York University Abu Dhabi. We also thank Simon Maddock and Loïs Rancilhac for reviewing an earlier version of this manuscript, which helped improve the article.This project was funded by NYUAD Grant AD180 to SB. The NYUAD Sequencing Core is supported by NYUAD Research Institute grant G1205A to the NYUAD Center for Genomics and Systems Biology.
Detailed guidelines for the DNA extraction from museum specimens used in this study
Data type: guidelines
Table S1
Data type: molecular data
Explanation note: Number of raw reads that passed quality filtering, average read length and number of reads that mapped to the mitochondrial genome for the type specimens sequen.