Research Article |
Corresponding author: Diána Csonka ( ) Academic editor: Jasna Štrus
© 2015 Diána Csonka, Katalin Halasy, Elisabeth Hornung.
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Csonka D, Halasy K, Hornung E (2015) Histological studies on the marsupium of two terrestrial isopods (Crustacea, Isopoda, Oniscidea). In: Taiti S, Hornung E, Štrus J, Bouchon D (Eds) Trends in Terrestrial Isopod Biology. ZooKeys 515: 81–92.
The marsupium, a brood pouch in peracarid crustaceans (Crustacea, Malacostraca) has evolved in terrestrial environment for providing nutrition and optimal conditions for embryogenesis. In the present study we give details on the histology and ultrastructure of its constituting elements such as oostegites and cotyledons. Marsupia of two different eco-morphological types of woodlice, namely the non-conglobating species Trachelipus rathkii Brandt, 1833 and the conglobating species Cylisticus convexus De Geer, 1778 were investigated. Light microscopic (LM) studies showed some differences in the main structure of the two species’ brood pouch: in T. rathkii, a ‘clinger’ type woodlice, the oostegites bend outwards during brood incubation as growing offspring require more space, while in C. convexus, a ‘roller’ type isopod, the sternites arch into the body cavity to ensure space for developing offspring and still allowing conglobation of the gravid females. The quantitative analysis of the oostegites’ cuticle proved that the outer part is about 2.5 - 3 times thicker compared to the inner part in both species. Electron microscopic (TEM) examinations show only small histological differences in the oostegites and cotyledon structure of the two species. Cellular elements and moderately electron dense fleecy precipitate are found in the hemolymph space between the two cuticles of oostegites. The cells contain PAS positive polysaccharide areas. TEM studies revealed some differences in the cotyledon ultrastructure of the two species. Cotyledons of T. rathkii consist of cells with cristate mitochondria and granular endoplasmic reticulum with cisterns. Cotyledons of C. convexus consist of cells with densely cristate mitochondria and ribosomes attached to vesicular membrane structures. In both species cells with electron dense bodies were observed. We conclude that - besides the differences in marsupial shapes - the fine structure of the oostegites and cotyledons is hardly affected by the eco-morphological type, specifically the conglobating or non-conglobating character of the studied species.
Oniscidea , oostegite, cotyledon, light microscopy, electron microscopy, eco-morphological type
During evolutionary land adaptation Oniscidea have developed various morphological, physiological and behavioral solutions to cope with the challenges of terrestrial life (e.g. desiccation, respiration and reproduction), such as pleopodal lungs, water-resistant cuticle and water conducting system. Concerning reproduction they show an extended parental care (XPC), which is a widespread phenomenon in crustaceans. In the majority of peracarid taxa with XPC, offspring are carried in the female’s body, developing from egg to manca larval stage in a temporal brood pouch (marsupium) (
The brood pouch originally evolved for mechanical protection of eggs and developing embryos under water conditions (
Five pairs of oostegites cover the marsupium, which is tightly sealed ventrally and laterally. Oostegites are leaf-like, overlapping appendages, basally fused with the pereomeres (
The inner structure of the marsupium also differs among woodlice, depending on the phylogenetic position of the species. In some - more developed - species it is divided by segmental cotyledons, which are responsible for nutrition and oxygenation of the offspring (
In species belonging to the ‘roller’ eco-morphological type (
The objective of the present paper was to compare the brood pouches of two basically different eco-morphological types (
The two investigated species were the non-conglobating ’clinger’ type Trachelipus rathkii Brandt, 1833 and the conglobating ’roller’ type Cylisticus convexus De Geer, 1778. According to
The ovigerous females of the examined species were hand collected in a deciduous forest (Querco petraeae – Carpinetum) of the Buda-mountains, near Budapest, Hungary, during their reproductive period (from May to June) in 2014.
For light microscopic investigations (LM) two nearly same sized ovigerous females per species, in the identical marsupial stage, were fixed in an aqueous solution containing 4 % paraformaldehyde, 2 % glutaraldehyde and 0.1 M phosphate buffer (PB) for 48 hours, followed by rinsing in PB. After fixation, tissues were postfixed in 2% osmium tetroxide in 0.1 M PB for 6 hours. The samples were dehydrated through a graded series of ethanol (50% – 30 min, 70% – 3 h, 90% – 1 h, 100% – 1 day). After dehydration the samples were kept in propylene oxide for 1 day, followed by infiltration in propylene oxide : Durcupan resin (1:1) overnight. Samples were infiltrated with Durcupan for 24 hours and embedded afterwards. Histological sections (1 µm) were cut with a Reichert ultramicrotome and stained with toluidine blue. Several samples from the oostegite were stained with periodic acid-Schiff reagent (PAS) to detect polysaccharides such as glycogen in tissues (2 specimen/species, 10 samples/specimen). The sections were photographed with a Leica microscope.
For transmission electron microscopic (TEM) studies two ovigerous females (same size, identical stage) from both species were injected under the tergite with 12.5% glutaraldehyde (in 0.1 M cacodylate buffer). Dissected oostegites and cotyledons with some eggs were fixed in a solution containing 2.5% glutaraldehyde, 2% paraformaldehyde in 0.1 M cacodylate buffer (2 h) and postfixed in 1 % osmium tetroxide and 0.8% potassium ferricyanide. The samples were dehydrated in a graded series of ethanol (30% – 1 h, 50% – 1 h, 70% – 3 h, 90% – 1 h, 100% – 1 day). They were pre-embedded in the mixture of EPON and 100% aceton (1:1). Finally the pieces were embedded in 100 % EPON for 24 hours. Ultrathin sections (60 nm) were cut with a Reichert Ultracut ultramicrotome, studied and photographed with a JEOL 100 C electron microscope.
To compare and quantify thickness of the oostegites’ outer and inner cuticles, 60 measurements (2 specimen, 3 sections, 10 measurements/section) of each investigated species were taken using the TEM micrographs (ImageJ and MS Excel software) (
The schematic drawings about the structural elements were made with the Inkscape vector graphics editor software.
The LM cross sections show several similarities but also some differences between the compared marsupial structures of the two eco-morphological types. In the ‘clinger’ T. rathkii the oostegites bend outwards (Fig.
Cross sections of marsupium. A Schematic drawing of the brood pouch B Marsupium with developing mancas in the non-conglobating Trachelipus rathkii C Marsupium of conglobating Cylisticus convexus in the same stage. Note arching sternites (arrowheads) D Higher magnification image of the proximal part of the cotyledon in C. convexus. The cells are filled with darkly stained lipid droplets. Insert: Higher magnification reveals that along the longitudinal axis of cotyledon a beadlike array of lipid droplets lines up. Legends: c – cotyledon, e – egg, f – maternal fat body, g – gut, h – hepatopancreas, m – manca, o – oostegite, s – sternite, t – tergite.
Both species have five pairs of oostegites (on thoracic segments 1-5), that have the same structure. TEM micrographs show that the outer cuticle of the oostegites is 2.5–3 times thicker compared to the inner one in both species (Fig.
The structure of the oostegite. A Schematic drawing of the cross -sectioned oostegite B Semithin section after PAS staining with positive cytoplasm in the cells of the oostegite C An electron micrograph of the break between cells of Trachelipus rathkii oostegite. Note scale-like protrusion of the inner cuticle (arrow) D Identical detail in Cylisticus convexus. No protrusion was found E Cell in the oostegite of T. rathkii below a scale-like protrusion of the inner cuticle (arrow) F Cell in the oostegite of C. convexus. Note the membrane-bound electron dense inclusions. Legends: ce – cellular elements, f – fleecy precipitate, hs – hemolymph space, ic – inner cuticle, n – nucleus, oc – outer cuticle.
The mean thickness (nm) with standard deviation (SD) of the oostegites’ outer (oc) and inner cuticle (ic) layer.
Mean (oc) | SD (oc) | Mean (ic) | SD (ic) | |
T. rathkii 1 | 1828,3 | ± 233.6 | 724,76 | ± 241.3 |
T. rathkii 2 | 2001,6 | ± 183.2 | 697,5 | ± 212.3 |
C. convexus 1 | 2092,2 | ± 178.9 | 671,5 | ± 102.3 |
C. convexus 2 | 1997,3 | ± 189.6 | 699,4 | ± 199.1 |
In both species the space between the inner and outer cuticle consists of cellular elements and hemolymph space (Fig.
Cotyledons appear in the marsupium among developing offspring in both species. The maternal fat body and the cells of hepatopancreas contain densely stained lipid inclusions, similarly to the proximal part of the cotyledon, whereas along its longitudinal axis these line up in a bead-like array (Fig.
The electron micrographs (TEM) show cotyledons covered by an extremely thin cuticle (Fig.
Electron micrographs of the cotyledon. A Fine structure of a cell from the medial portion of the cotyledon in Trachelipus rathkii. The most abundant cell organelles are mitochondria and rough endoplasmic reticulum B In the medial portion of the cotyledon the cells contain vesiculated rough endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria (C. convexus) C Higher magnified detail of the cotyledon in T. rathkii. D High power micrograph of the cotyledon in Cylisticus convexus. Note the densely cristate mitochondria E Rounded ending of the cotyledon with electron dense vesicles (T. rathkii) F A cell with large vesicles containing moderately electron dense material (C. convexus) G Cotyledon ending of T. rathkii covered by a thin cuticle H Bundles of striated muscle fibers located at the base of cotyledon (C. convexus). Legends: c – cuticle, co – cotyledon, er – rough endoplasmic reticulum, m – mitochondria, n – nucleus, sm – striated muscle, v – vesicle.
We found cells in the cotyledon of both species with cytoplasm mainly characterized by the presence of several electron dense vesicles (Figs
We examined the structure of the marsupium in two different eco-morphological types of woodlice: non-conglobating (T. rathkii) and conglobating (C. convexus). We predicted that differences between the two eco-morphological types are reflected in idiosyncratic morphological features of their brood pouches.
Light microscopic results here concurred with the statements of
It is noteworthy that striated muscle fibers are present at the base of cotyledons. We suppose that they play an important role in the fixation of the cotyledons’ basal part and they allow a certain degree of mobility.
We found only small histological differences in the oostegite and cotyledon structures of the two species with different eco-morphological background. Since both species belong to the same lineage of Oniscidea, these differences probably reflect to the physiological state of the animal, rather than the eco-morphological type. Further investigations are needed to compare several other species with different phylogenetic position in the future to make general statements.
Our findings show that the gross anatomy of the brood pouch in the examined species’ agrees with that of species studied earlier. The main structure of the oostegites is similar in both species. Small protrusions of the oostegites’ inner cuticle are recognizable only in T. rathkii. In the case of cotyledon the electron micrographs show differences in the two investigated species concerning the structure of the mitochondria and the endoplasmic reticulum, but these features can be related to their physiological state. The proximal part of the cotyledon contains dark vacuoles. These are lipid inclusions which might represent an energy storage site.
This work was supported by a PhD grant (D.Cs.) from the Faculty of Veterinary Science, Szent István University. The authors would like to thank Tünde Magyar and Anikó Keszőcze for their help in microscopic preparations. This paper was supported by the 9877-3/2015/FEKUT grant of the Hungarian Ministry of Human Resources.