Research Article
Research Article
Redescription of Monacha pantanellii (De Stefani, 1879), a species endemic to the central Apennines, Italy (Gastropoda, Eupulmonata, Hygromiidae) by an integrative molecular and morphological approach
expand article infoJoanna R. Pieńkowska, Giuseppe Manganelli§, Folco Giusti§, Debora Barbato§, Ewa Kosicka, Alessandro Hallgass§, Andrzej Lesicki
‡ Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poznań, Poland
§ Università di Siena, Siena, Italy
Open Access


Specimens obtained from ten populations of a Monacha species from the central Apennines were compared with six molecular lineages of Monacha cantiana s. l. (CAN-1, CAN-2, CAN-3, CAN-4, CAN-5, CAN-6) and two other Monacha species (M. cartusiana and M. parumcincta), treated as outgroup, by molecular (nucleotide sequences of two mitochondrial COI and 16S rDNA as well as two nuclear ITS2 and H3 gene fragments) and morphological (shell and genital anatomy) analysis. The results strongly suggest that these populations represent a separate species for which two names are available: the older Helix pantanellii De Stefani, 1879 and the junior M. ruffoi Giusti, 1973. The nucleotide sequences created well separated clades on each phylogenetic tree. Genital anatomy included several distinctive features concerning vaginal appendix, penis, penial papilla and flagellum; instead, shell characters only enabled them to be distinguished from M. cartusiana and M. parumcincta. Remarkably, populations of M. pantanellii show high morphological variability. Shell variability mainly concerns size, some populations having very small dimensions. Genital variability shows a more intricate pattern of all anatomical parts, being higher as regards the vagina and vaginal appendix. Despite this morphological variability, the K2P distance range of COI sequences between populations is narrow (0.2–4.5%), if we consider all but three of the 53 sequences obtained. This research confirmed that the species of Monacha and their molecularly distinguished lineages can only occasionally be recognised morphologically and that they have significant inter- and intra-population variability. The possibility of using an overall approach, including shell, genital and molecular evidence, was taken in order to establish a reliable taxonomic setting.


16S rDNA, COI, H3, ITS2, molecular features, shell and genital structure, species distribution


Land snail fauna of the central and southern Apennines of Italy includes many common, widespread and diversified helicoideans, such as the geomitrids Candidula Kobelt, 1871 and Xerogyra Monterosato, 1892, the hygromiid Monacha Fitzinger, 1833, the helicids Marmorana Hartmann, 1844 and Helix Linnaeus, 1758. Despite this, their taxonomy, systematics and phylogenetics have been challenging since the early studies exclusively based on shell features. Taxonomic revisions of the second half of the 20th century (e.g., Forcart 1965; Giusti 1973) lumped many of the earliest described taxa on the basis of a similar gross genital morphology. However, more recent investigations using protein electrophoresis/allozymes (Marmorana: Oliverio et al. 1993) and mitochondrial and nuclear gene sequences (Marmorana: Fiorentino et al. 2010; Helix: Fiorentino et al. 2016) shed new light on these variable species and radiation may explain the relationship between the lineages or clades distinguished in the Apennines.

Continuing work on the hygromiid Monacha (Pieńkowska et al. 2015, 2016, 2018a, 2018b, 2019a, 2019b), we studied species living in the mountain grasslands of the central Apennines, whence came reports of three species, the widespread M. cantiana (Montagu, 1803) and the endemic M. orsini (Villa & Villa, 1841) and M. ruffoi Giusti, 1973, and a number of taxa with uncertain taxonomic status (Alzona 1971; Manganelli et al. 1995). We conducted a joint molecular and morphological study of many populations, finding many different species or their molecular lineages. However, it was difficult to draw reliable nomenclatural and taxonomic conclusions because the identity of the earliest taxa, established in the past, were often based on non-diagnostic shell characters of specimens without any precise collecting record.

A first result of our research corroborated the specific distinctness of Monacha ruffoi Giusti, 1973, of which we discovered an overlooked senior synonym: Helix pantanellii De Stefani, 1879.

The aim of the present research was: 1) to investigate phylogenetic relationships of Monacha pantanellii with other Monacha species or their molecular lineages; 2) to evaluate its morphological variability; 3) to redescribe the species.

Materials and methods

Taxonomic sampling

Ten populations of Monacha pantanellii (Table 1, Fig. 1) were considered in our analysis of their molecular and morphological (shell and genitalia structure) variability, and compared with the M. cantiana s. l. lineages (Pieńkowska et al. 2018a, 2019b). The sequences deposited in GenBank were also considered for the molecular analysis (Table 2). Two other Monacha species were used for morphological and molecular comparison: M. cartusiana (Müller, 1774) and M. parumcincta (Rossmässler, 1834). Another 23 populations of M. pantanellii were studied on a qualitative morphological basis (they were not included in the statistical analysis) (Table 3).

Table 1.

List of localities of populations of Monacha pantanellii used for molecular and morphological research. A question mark before the geographical coordinates of the locality no. 3 denotes that the georeferencing was done a posteriori on the basis of the available information.

No. Localities Clade Popu-lation COI 16S rDNA ITS2 H3 Figs
Coordinates (Lat & Long / UTM references) Country and site Collector / date / no. of specimens (collection) New haplotype (no. spcms.) GenBank ## New haplotype (no. spcms.) GenBank ## New common sequence (no. spcms) GenBank ## New common sequence (no. spcms) GenBank ##
1 42°40.35'N, 12°46.29'E 33TUH12 Italy, Umbria, Monte Fionchi, summit (Spoleto, Perugia), 1340 m a.s.l. G. Manganelli & L. Manganelli / 12.09.1999 / 5 (FGC 8140) PAN Fio1 COI 1 (2) MT380011 16S 1 (3) MT376031 H3 1 (1) MT385776 5, 6, 37–40
MT380012 MT376032 H3 2 (3) MT385777
COI 2 (1) MT380013 MT376033 ITS2 1 (1) MT376088 MT385778
16S 2 (1) MT376034 ITS2 2 (1) MT376089 MT385779
H3 3 (1) MT385780
2 42°40.05'N, 12°44.53'E 33TUH12 Italy, Umbria, Monte Fionchi, 900 NE di Torrecola (Spoleto, Perugia), 680 m a.s.l. A. Hallgass / 2010 / 5 (FGC 38944) PAN Fio2 COI 3 (1) MT380014 16S 3 (1) MT376035 ITS2 2 (2) MT376090 H3 2 (2) MT385781 7, 41–44
COI 4 (1) MT380015 16S 4 (1) MT376036 MT376091 MT385782
COI 5 (1) MT380016 16S 5 (1) MT376037 ITS2 3 (1) MT376092 H3 4 (1) MT385783
COI 6 (2) MT380017 16S 2 (2) MT376038 ITS2 2 (2) MT376093 H3 5 (1) MT385784
MT380018 MT376039 MT376094 H3 2 (1) MT385785
3 ? 42°31.13'N, ? 12°58.63'E 33TUH30 Italy, Vallonina (Monti Reatini, Lazio) F. Giusti / 03.08.1966 / 5 (FGC 10883, 25345) PAN Val COI 7 (1) MT380019 16S 6 (5) MT376040 H3 6 (2) MT385786 21–22, 45–48
MT376041 MT385787
MT376042 H3 2 (1) MT385788
MT376043 H3 7 (1) MT385789
COI 8 (1) MT380020 MT376044 H3 6 (1) MT385790
4 42°16.74'N, 12°50.28'E 33TUG28 Italy, Latium, road to Montenero Sabino, 800 m W of Ornaro Alto (Montenero Sabino, Rieti), 670 m a.s.l. A. Hallgass / 10.2013 / 5 (FGC 41552) PAN Sab COI 9 (1) MT380021 16S 7 (1) MT376045 H3 8 (1) MT385791 8–10, 63
COI 10 (1) MT380022 16S 8 (3) MT376046 ITS2 4 (1) MT376095 H3 9 (1) MT385792
COI 11 (1) MT380023 MT376047 ITS2 5 (1) MT376096 H3 1 (1) MT385793
COI 12 (1) MT380024 MT376048 ITS2 6 (2) MT376097 H3 10 (1) MT385794
COI 13 (1) MT380025 16S 9 (1) MT376049 MT376098 H3 9 (1) MT385795
5 42°16.51'N, 12°50.70'E 33TUG28 Italy, Latium, Via Salaria, 500 m WSW of Ornaro Alto (Torricella in Sabina, Rieti), 520 m a.s.l. A. Hallgass / 10.2013 / 6 (FGC 41553) PAN Alt COI 14 (1) MT380026 16S 8 (1) MT376050 ITS2 7 (1) MT376099 H3 2 (1) MT385796 18–20, 61
COI 15 (1) MT380027 16S 10 (4) MT376051 ITS2 3 (1) MT376100 H3 9 (1) MT385797
COI 16 (2) MT380028 MT376052 ITS2 7 (1) MT376101 H3 11 (1) MT385798
MT380029 MT376053 ITS2 8 (1) MT376102 H3 9 (1) MT385799
COI 17 (1) MT380030 MT376054 H3 6 (1) MT385800
COI 18 (1) MT380031 16S 11 (1) MT376055 ITS2 5 (1) MT376103 H3 12 (1) MT385801
6 42°15.38'N, 12°50.32'E 33TUG28 Italy, Latium, Via Salaria, 650 m NW of Poggio San Lorenzo (Poggio San Lorenzo, Rieti), 400 m a.s.l. A. Hallgass / 10.2013 / 6 (FGC 41551) PAN Lor COI 19 (1) MT380032 16S 8 (2) MT376056 ITS2 9 (1) MT376104 H3 6 (1) MT385802 23–25
COI 20 (1) MT380033 MT376057 ITS2 5 (2) MT376105 H3 9 (1) MT385803
COI 21 (4) MT380034 16S 10 (4) MT376058 MT376106 H3 1 (1) MT385804
MT380035 MT376059 ITS2 9 (1) MT376107 H3 11 (1) MT385805
MT380036 MT376060 ITS2 3 (1) MT376108 H3 1 (1) MT385806
MT380037 MT376061 ITS2 9 (1) MT376109 H3 6 (1) MT385807
7 42°12.81'N, 12°57.80'E 33TUG37 Italy, Latium, near the bridge on Lago del Turano (Castel di Tora, Rieti), 260 m a.s.l. A. Hallgass / 04.11.2013 / 7 (FGC 41654) PAN Tur2 COI 22 (1) MT380038 16S 12 (2) MT376062 ITS2 10 (1) MT376110 H3 13 (1) MT385808 15–17, 57–59
COI 23 (1) MT380039 MT376063 H3 14 (1) MT385809
COI 24 (3) MT380040 16S 13 (3) MT376064 ITS2 2 (2) MT376111 H3 1 (2) MT385810
MT380041 MT376065 MT376112 MT385811
MT380042 MT376066 ITS2 5 (1) MT376113 H3 9 (2) MT385812
COI 25 (1) MT380043 16S 14 (1) MT376067 ITS2 11 (1) MT376114 MT385813
COI 26 (1) MT380044 16S 15 (1) MT376068 ITS2 5 (1) MT376115 H3 1 (1) MT385814
8 42°07.88'N, 13°01.67'E 33TUG36 Italy, Latium, Valle del Turano, 1,6 km ESE di Turania (Turania, Rieti), 570 m a.s.l. A. Hallgass / 04.11.2013 / 7 (FGC 42971) PAN Tur1 COI 27 (3) MT380045 16S 16 (3) MT376069 ITS2 12 (1) MT376116 H3 10 (1) MT385815 11–14, 62
MT380046 MT376070 ITS2 11 (1) MT376117 H3 9 (2) MT385816
MT380047 MT376071 MT385817
COI 28 (1) MT380048 16S 17 (1) MT376072 ITS2 2 (1) MT376118 H3 1 (3) MT385818
COI 29 (1) MT380049 16S 18 (1) MT376073 ITS2 11 (3) MT376119 MT385819
COI 22 (1) MT380050 16S 12 (1) MT376074 MT376120 MT385820
COI 30 (1) MT380051 16S 19 (1) MT376075 MT376121 H3 9 (1) MT385821
9 42°05.74'N, 13°03.56'E 33TUG36 Italy, Abruzzi, Carsoli, industrial area (Carsoli, L’Aquila), 600 m a.s.l. A. Hallgass / 04.11.2013 / 5 (FGC 41651) PAN Car COI 19 (1) MT380052 16S 8 (1) MT376076 H3 9 (4) MT385822 30–31, 53–56
COI 31 (1) MT380053 16S 20 (1) MT376077 ITS2 11 (1) MT376122 MT385823
COI 32 (1) MT380054 16S 21 (1) MT376078 MT385824
COI 8 (2) MT380055 16S 22 (1) MT376079 ITS2 5 (2) MT376123
MT380056 16S 19 (1) MT376080 MT376124 MT385825
10 42°02.85'N, 12°54.33'E 33TUG25 Italy, Latium, Valle dell’Aniene, 600 m ESE of Roccagiovine (Roccagiovine, Rome), 380 m a.s.l. A. Hallgass / 10.2013 / 7 (FGC 42974) PAN Ani COI 33 (2) MT380057 16S 23 (2) MT376081 ITS2 5 (2) MT376125 H3 6 (1) MT385826 26–29, 49–52, 60
MT380058 MT376082 H3 9 (1) MT385827
COI 34 (1) MT380059 16S 16 (1) MT376083 MT376126 H3 1 (1) MT385828
COI 35 (1) MT380060 16S 24 (1) MT376084 ITS2 13 (1) MT376127 H3 15 (1) MT385829
COI 36 (3) MT380061 16S 25 (3) MT376085 ITS2 14 (1) MT376128 H3 9 (1) MT385830
MT380062 MT376086 ITS2 15 (1) MT376129 H3 14 (1) MT385831
MT380063 MT376087 ITS2 7 (1) MT376130 H3 9 (1) MT385832
Figure 1. 

Localities of Monacha pantanellii and M. cartusiana populations listed in Tables 1, 3 (M. pantanellii black circles Table 1, grey circles Table 3). Details of localities of other Monacha species and their molecular lineages were provided in previous papers (Pieńkowska et al. 2015, 2018a, 2018b, 2019b).

Material examined

New material examined is listed as follows, when possible: geographic coordinates (Lat & Long and UTM references) of locality, locality (country, region, site, municipality and province), collector(s), date, number of specimens (sh/s shell/shells; spcm/spcms specimen/specimens), and collection where material is kept in parenthesis (Tables 1, 3). The material is kept in the F. Giusti collection (FGC; Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche, della Terra e dell’Ambiente, Università di Siena, Italy). The material used for comparison has already been described (see Pieńkowska et al. 2018a: table 1, 2019b: table 1).

Molecular study

Fifty-eight specimens representing ten population of Monacha pantanellii were used for molecular analysis (Table 1). DNA extraction, amplification and sequencing methods are described in detail in our previous paper (Pieńkowska et al. 2018a).

Two mitochondrial and two nuclear gene fragments were analysed, namely cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (COI), 16S ribosomal DNA (16S rDNA), an internal transcribed spacer of rDNA (ITS2) and histone 3 (H3), respectively. All new sequences were deposited in GenBank (Table 1). The COI, 16S rDNA, ITS2 and H3 sequences obtained from GenBank for comparison are listed in Table 2.

Table 2.

GenBank sequences used for molecular analysis comparisons.

Species COI 16S rDNA ITS2 H3 References
CAN-1 (Monacha cantiana s. s.) MG208884MG208924 MG208960MG208995 MH137963MH137978 MG209031MG209039 Pieńkowska et al. (2018a)
MG209041MG209048 Pieńkowska et al. (2018a)
CAN-2 (Monacha cantiana s. s.) MG208925MG208932 MG208996MG209004 MH137979MH137981 MG209049MG209052 Pieńkowska et al. (2018a)
MK067000 Pieńkowska et al. (2019b)
CAN-3 (Monacha sp.) MG208933MG208938 MG209005MG209010 MH137982MH137983 MG209040 Pieńkowska et al. (2018a)
MG209053MG209057 Pieńkowska et al. (2018a)
MK067001MK067002 Pieńkowska et al. (2019b)
CAN-4 (Monacha cemenelea) MG208939MG208943 MG209011MG209015 MH137984 MG209058MG209060 Pieńkowska et al. (2018a)
MK067003MK067004 Pieńkowska et al. (2019b)
CAN-5 (Monacha sp.) MK066929MK066941 MK066947MK066959 MK066981MK066994 MK066965MK066977 Pieńkowska et al. (2019b)
CAN-6 (Monacha sp.) MK066942MK066946 MK066960MK066964 MK066995MK066999 MK066978MK066980 Pieńkowska et al. (2019b)
PAR (Monacha parumcincta) MG208944MG208959 MG209016MG209030 MH137985MH137992 MG209061MG209071 Pieńkowska et al. (2018a)
MK067005 Pieńkowska et al. (2019b)
CAR (Monacha cartusiana) KM247376 KM247391 Pieńkowska et al. (2015)
MH137993 MG209072 Pieńkowska et al. (2018a)
MH203998 MH204081 Pieńkowska et al. (2018b)
Table 3.

Populations and materials of Monacha cartusiana (CAR) and Monacha pantanellii (PAN) not listed in Table 1 because they were not included in the molecular and statistical morphological analysis (apart from additional morphological analysis of M. cartusiana). A question mark before the geographical coordinates of some localities denotes that the georeferencing was done a posteriori on the basis of the available information.

No. Species Coordinates (Lat & Long / UTM
Country and site (municipality and province in parenthesis) Collector / Date / No. of specimens (collection) Remarks
11 CAR 43°18.45'N, 11°28.88'E 32TQN09 Italy, Tuscany, Stazione di Castelnuovo Berardenga (Asciano, Siena) G. Manganelli / 01.11.1981 / spcm (FGC 3430)
12 CAR ? 42°28.85'N, 12°50.84'E 33TUH20 Italy, Latium, Lago Lungo (Rieti, Rieti) F. Giusti / 14.08.1966 / spcm (FGC 23875)
13 PAN ? 43°15.67'N, 12°48.83'E 33TUH29 Italy, Umbria, Val Sorda (Gualdo Tadino, Perugia), 1,050 m a.s.l. A. Minelli / 03.08.1969 / 6 spcms (FGC 25350)
14 PAN ? 43°13.72'N, 12°48.02'E 33TUH28 Italy, Umbria, Gualdo Tadino (Gualdo Tadino, Perugia) F. Giusti / 26.10.1967 / 4 shs (FGC636); 2 spcms (FGC 25352)
15 PAN 43°13.72'N, 12°48.02'E 33TUH28 Italy, Umbria, La Rocchetta (Gualdo Tadino, Perugia) F. Giusti & G. Manganelli / 13.12.1984 / 1 spcm (FGC 6371) / L. Favilli & G. Manganelli / 01.10.1992 / 4 spcms (FGC 6370)
16 PAN 42°55.83'N, 12°45.83'E 33TUH15 Italy, Umbria, 600 m a E di Roviglieto (Foligno, Perugia), 510 m a.s.l. A. Hallgass / 25.09.2010 /
17 PAN 42°49.92'N, 13°10.87'E 33TUH54 Italy, Umbria, Monti Sibillini, Valle Canatra (Norcia, Perugia) F. Giusti & G. Manganelli / 13.09.1988 / 6 shs and 3 spcms (FG 25360)
18 PAN 42°47.33'N, 12°58.55'E 33TUH33 Italy, Umbria, Gole di Biselli (Norcia, Perugia) A. Hallgass / 07.10.2011 /
19 PAN 42°46.00'N, 13°10.90'E 33TUH53 Italy, Umbria, Monti Sibillini, Costa Precino (Norcia, Perugia), 1,500 m a.s.l. A. Benocci, M. Bianchi & G. Manganelli / 29.06.2014 / 2 spcms (FGC 42293)
20 PAN 42°42.52'N, 12°51.98'E 33TUH23 Italy, Umbria, 750 m E of Caso (Sant’Anatolia di Narco, Perugia), 800 m a.s.l. A. Hallgass / 18.09.2010 /
21 PAN 42°38.14'N, 12°57.04'E 33TUH32 Italy, Umbria, 1 km SSW of Ruscio (Monteleone di Spoleto, Perugia) A. Vannozzi / 22.08.2010 /
22 PAN 42°33.85'N, 12°54.17'E 3TUH21 Italy, Latium, Monti Reatini, Strada regionale 521 di Morro (Leonessa, Rieti), 1,050 m a.s.l. A. Hallgass / 13.09.2009 /
23 PAN ? 42°33.75'N, 12°57.63'E 33TUH31 Italy, Latium, Monti Reatini, Leonessa (Leonessa, Rieti), 1,000 m a.s.l. F. Giusti / 04.08.1966 / 1 sh and 1 spcm (FGC 25348) Paratypes of Monacha ruffoi Giusti, 1973
24 PAN ? 42°33.72'N, 12°56.27'E 33TUH31 Italy, Latium, Monti Reatini, Monte Tilia (Leonessa, Rieti), 1,600 m a.s.l. F. Giusti / 06.08.1966 / 11 shs and 3 spcms (FGC 25337) Material collected by F. Giusti in 1966 in part published (3 spcms) and in part not published (11 shs). Unfortunately the 3 spcms, constituting paratypes of Monacha ruffoi Giusti, 1973, have been lost.
25 PAN ? 42°33.58'N, 12°56.25'E 33TUH31 Italy, Latium, Monti Reatini, Monte Tilia (Leonessa, Rieti), 1,600-1,700 m a.s.l. F. Giusti / 12.08.1966 / 3 shs (FGC 25338) Material collected by F. Giusti in 1966 but not published.
26 PAN ? 42°32.58'N, 12°55.65'E 33TUH21 Italy, Latium, Monti Reatini, Monte Corno (Leonessa, Rieti), 1,600 m a.s.l. F. Giusti / 12.08.1966 / 6 spcms, 2 of which dissected (FGC 25342) / 16 shs (FGC 25340) / 5 shs (FGC 25341) Paratypes of Monacha ruffoi Giusti, 1973
27 PAN ? 42°31.93'N, 12°56.45'E 33TUH31 Italy, Latium, Monti Reatini, Rio Fuggio (Leonessa, Rieti), 1,300 m a.s.l. F. Giusti / 05.08.1966 / 5 spcms (FGC 25351) Paratypes of Monacha ruffoi Giusti, 1973
28 PAN ? 42°31.13'N, 12°58.63'E 33TUH30 Italy, Latium, Monti Reatini, Vallonina (Leonessa, Rieti), 1,100 m a.s.l. F. Giusti / 03.08.1966 / 1 spcm (FGC 25343) / 12 shs and 21 spcms (FGC 25344) / 21 spcms, 3 of which dissected (FGC 25345) Holotype (FGC 25343) and paratypes (FGC 25344 and 25345) of Monacha ruffoi Giusti, 1973. Other 5 paratypes from this site have been subject to molecular and morphological study (see Table 1, no. 3)
Italy, Latium, Monti Reatini, Vallonina (Leonessa, Rieti), 1,100 m a.s.l., along Fiume Corno F. Giusti / 03.08.1966 / 5 shs (FGC 25347) Material collected by F. Giusti in 1966 but not published.
29 PAN ? 42°30.63'N, 13°03.85'E 33TUH40 Italy, Latium, Monti Reatini, Monte Cavalli (Posta, Rieti) F. Giusti / 15.08.1966 / 1 spcm dissected and drawn (FGC) Material collected by F. Giusti in 1966 but not published and lost.
30 PAN ? 42°30.30'N, 12°58.82'E 33TUH30 Italy, Latium, Monti Reatini, pathway to Monte Sassetelli (Cantalice, Rieti), 1,500 m a.s.l. F. Giusti / 13.08.1966 / 3 spcms (FGC 25355) Paratypes of Monacha ruffoi Giusti, 1973
31 PAN ? 42°30.12'N, 12°58.77'E 33TUH30 Italy, Latium, Monti Reatini, pathway to Monte Sassetelli (Cantalice, Rieti), 1,550 m a.s.l. F. Giusti / 13.08.1966 / 3 spcms (FGC 25354) Material collected by F. Giusti in 1966 but not published.
32 PAN ? 42°29.63'N, 12°58.67'E 33TUH30 Italy, Latium, Monti Reatini, pathway to Monte Sassetelli (Cantalice, Rieti), 1,550-1,750 m a.s.l. F. Giusti / 13.08.1966 / 3 shs (FGC 25349) Material collected by F. Giusti in 1966 but not published.
33 PAN ? 42°26.70'N, 12°55.77'E 33TUH20 Italy, Latium, Monti Reatini, above Lisciano (Rieti, Rieti), 800 m a.s.l. F. Giusti / 6.08.1966 / 14 shs and 2 spcms, 1 of which dissected and drawn (FGC 10890) Paratypes of Monacha ruffoi Giusti, 1973; dissected specimen lost
34 PAN ? 42°26.09'N, 12°54.86'E 33TUH20 Italy, Latium, Monti Reatini, Vazia (Rieti, Rieti), 400 m a.s.l. F. Giusti / 11.08.1966 / 1 spcm dissected and drawn (FGC) Material collected by F. Giusti in 1966 but not published and lost.
35 PAN ? 42°25.90'N, 12°58.45'E 33TUG39 Italy, Latium, Monti Reatini, Pian di Stura (Cittaducale, Rieti) F. Giusti / 07.08.1966 / 1 spcm dissected and drawn (FGC) Material collected by F. Giusti in 1966 but not published and lost.

The sequences were edited by eye using the programme BioEdit, version 7.2.6 (Hall 1999, BioEdit 2017). Alignments were performed using CLUSTALW (Thompson et al. 1994) implemented in MEGA7 (Kumar et al. 2016). The COI and H3 sequences were aligned according to the translated amino acid sequences. The ends of all sequences were trimmed. The lengths of the sequences after trimming were 592 bp for COI, 286 positions for 16S rDNA, 501 positions for ITS2 and 279 bp for H3. The sequences were collapsed to haplotypes (COI and 16S rDNA) and to common sequences (ITS2 and H3) using the programme ALTER (Alignment Transformation EnviRonment) (Glez-Peña et al. 2010). Gaps and ambiguous positions were removed from alignments prior to phylogenetic analysis. Mitochondrial (COI and 16S rDNA) and nuclear (ITS2 and H3) sequences were concatenated (Table 4) before phylogenetic analysis. Finally, the sequences of COI, 16S rDNA, ITS2 and H3 were concatenated (Table 4) for Maximum Likelihood (ML) and Bayesian Inference (BI).

Table 4.

Concatenated sequences of COI+16S rDNA and ITS2+H3 for ML analysis (Figs 2, 3) and COI+16S rDNA+ITS2+H3 for Bayesian analysis (Fig. 4).

Concatenated sequence COI haplotype 16S rDNA haplotype Concatenated sequence ITS2 common sequence H3 common sequence Concatenated sequence COI haplotype 16S rDNA haplotype ITS2 common sequence H3 common sequence Locality / population
Monacha pantanellii PAN
COI16S 1 COI 33 16S 23 ITS2H3 1 ITS2 5 H3 6 CS 1 COI 33 16S 23 ITS2 5 H3 6 IT, Latium, Valle dell’Aniene [Ani]
COI16S 2 COI 34 16S 16 ITS2H3 2 ITS2 5 H3 1 CS 2 COI 34 16S 16 ITS2 5 H3 1 IT, Latium, Valle dell’Aniene
COI16S 3 COI 36 16S 25 ITS2H3 3 ITS2 14 H3 9 CS 3 COI 36 16S 25 ITS2 14 H3 9 IT, Latium, Valle dell’Aniene
ITS2H3 4 ITS2 15 H3 14 CS 4 COI 36 16S 25 ITS2 15 H3 14 IT, Latium, Valle dell’Aniene
ITS2H3 5 ITS2 7 H3 9 CS 5 COI 36 16S 25 ITS2 7 H3 9 IT, Latium, Valle dell’Aniene
COI16S 4 COI 35 16S 24 ITS2H3 6 ITS2 13 H3 15 CS 6 COI 35 16S 24 ITS2 13 H3 15 IT, Latium, Valle dell’Aniene
COI16S 5 COI 9 16S 7 IT, Latium, Ornaro Alto, Montenero Sabino [Sab]
COI16S 6 COI 11 16S 8 CS 7 COI 11 16S 8 ITS2 5 H3 1 IT, Latium, Ornaro Alto, Montenero Sabino
COI16S 7 COI 12 16S 8 ITS2H3 7 ITS2 6 H3 10 CS 8 COI 12 16S 8 ITS2 6 H3 10 IT, Latium, Ornaro Alto, Montenero Sabino
COI16S 8 COI 13 16S 9 ITS2H3 8 ITS2 6 H3 9 CS 9 COI 13 16S 9 ITS2 6 H3 9 IT, Latium, Ornaro Alto, Montenero Sabino
COI16S 9 COI 10 16S 8 ITS2H3 9 ITS2 4 H3 9 CS 10 COI 10 16S 8 ITS2 4 H3 9 IT, Latium, Ornaro Alto, Montenero Sabino
COI16S 10 COI 19 16S 8 IT, Abruzzi, Carsoli [Car]
COI16S 11 COI 31 16S 20 ITS2H3 10 ITS2 11 H3 9 CS 11 COI 31 16S 20 ITS2 11 H3 9 IT, Abruzzi, Carsoli
COI16S 12 COI 32 16S 21 IT, Abruzzi, Carsoli
COI16S 13 COI 8 16S 22 IT, Abruzzi, Carsoli
COI16S 14 COI 8 16S 19 ITS2H3 11 ITS2 5 H3 9 CS 12 COI 8 16S 19 ITS2 5 H3 9 IT, Abruzzi, Carsoli
COI16S 15 COI 25 16S 14 CS 13 COI 25 16S 14 ITS2 11 H3 9 IT, Latium, Lago del Turano (Castel di Tora, Rieti) [Tur2]
COI16S 16 COI 24 16S 13 CS 14 COI 24 16S 13 ITS2 5 H3 9 IT, Latium, Lago del Turano (Castel di Tora, Rieti)
COI16S 17 COI 26 16S 15 CS 15 COI 26 16S 15 ITS2 5 H3 1 IT, Latium, Lago del Turano (Castel di Tora, Rieti)
COI16S 18 COI 20 16S 8 CS 16 COI 20 16S 8 ITS2 5 H3 9 IT, Latium, Poggio San Lorenzo [Lor]
COI16S 19 COI 21 16S 10 CS 17 COI 21 16S 10 ITS2 5 H3 1 IT, Latium, Poggio San Lorenzo
CS 18 COI 19 16S 8 ITS2 9 H3 6 IT, Latium, Poggio San Lorenzo
ITS2H3 12 ITS2 9 H3 6 CS 19 COI 21 16S 10 ITS2 9 H3 6 IT, Latium, Poggio San Lorenzo
ITS2H3 13 ITS2 9 H3 11 CS 20 COI 21 16S 10 ITS2 9 H3 11 IT, Latium, Poggio San Lorenzo
ITS2H3 14 ITS2 3 H3 1 CS 21 COI 21 16S 10 ITS2 3 H3 1 IT, Latium, Poggio San Lorenzo
COI16S 20 COI 14 16S 8 ITS2H3 15 ITS2 7 H3 2 CS 22 COI 14 16S 8 ITS2 7 H3 2 IT, Latium, Ornaro Alto, Torricella in Sabina [Alt]
COI16S 21 COI 15 16S 10 ITS2H3 16 ITS2 3 H3 9 CS 23 COI 15 16S 10 ITS2 3 H3 9 IT, Latium, Ornaro Alto, Torricella in Sabina
COI16S 22 COI 16 16S 10 ITS2H3 17 ITS2 7 H3 11 CS 24 COI 16 16S 10 ITS2 7 H3 11 IT, Latium, Ornaro Alto, Torricella in Sabina
ITS2H3 18 ITS2 8 H3 9 CS 25 COI 16 16S 10 ITS2 8 H3 9 IT, Latium, Ornaro Alto, Torricella in Sabina
COI16S 23 COI 18 16S 11 ITS2H3 19 ITS2 5 H3 12 CS 26 COI 18 16S 11 ITS2 5 H3 12 IT, Latium, Ornaro Alto, Torricella in Sabina
COI16S 24 COI 17 16S 10 IT, Latium, Ornaro Alto, Torricella in Sabina
COI16S 25 COI 30 16S 19 CS 27 COI 30 16S 19 ITS2 11 H3 9 IT, Latium, Valle del Turano (Turania, Rieti) [Tur1]
COI16S 26 COI 27 16S 16 CS 28 COI 27 16S 16 ITS2 11 H3 9 IT, Latium, Valle del Turano (Turania, Rieti)
ITS2H3 20 ITS2 12 H3 10 CS 29 COI 27 16S 16 ITS2 12 H3 10 IT, Latium, Valle del Turano (Turania, Rieti)
COI16S 27 COI 28 16S 17 ITS2H3 21 ITS2 2 H3 1 CS 30 COI 28 16S 17 ITS2 2 H3 1 IT, Latium, Valle del Turano (Turania, Rieti)
ITS2H3 22 ITS2 11 H3 1 CS 31 COI 22 16S 12 ITS2 11 H3 1 IT, Latium, Valle del Turano (Turania, Rieti)
COI16S 28 COI 29 16S 18 CS 32 COI 29 16S 18 ITS2 11 H3 1 IT, Latium, Valle del Turano (Turania, Rieti)
CS 33 COI 24 16S 13 ITS2 2 H3 1 IT, Latium, Lago del Turano (Castel di Tora, Rieti) [Tur2]
COI16S 29 COI 22 16S 12 ITS2H3 23 ITS2 10 H3 13 CS 34 COI 22 16S 12 ITS2 10 H3 13 IT, Latium, Lago del Turano (Castel di Tora, Rieti)
COI16S 30 COI 23 16S 12 IT, Latium, Lago del Turano (Castel di Tora, Rieti)
COI16S 31 COI 8 16S 6 IT, Vallonina, Monti Reatini [Val]
COI16S 32 COI 7 16S 6 IT, Vallonina, Monti Reatini
COI16S 33 COI 4 16S 4 ITS2H3 24 ITS2 2 H3 2 CS 35 COI 4 16S 4 ITS2 2 H3 2 IT, Umbria, Monte Fionchi (680 m) [Fio2]
CS 36 COI 6 16S 2 ITS2 2 H3 2 IT, Umbria, Monte Fionchi (680 m)
COI16S 34 COI 5 16S 5 ITS2H3 25 ITS2 3 H3 4 CS 37 COI 5 16S 5 ITS2 3 H3 4 IT, Umbria, Monte Fionchi (680 m)
COI16S 35 COI 6 16S 2 ITS2H3 26 ITS2 2 H3 5 CS 38 COI 6 16S 2 ITS2 2 H3 5 IT, Umbria, Monte Fionchi (680 m)
COI16S 36 COI 3 16S 3 CS 39 COI 3 16S 3 ITS2 2 H3 2 IT, Umbria, Monte Fionchi (680 m)
COI16S 37 COI 2 16S 1 ITS2H3 27 ITS2 1 H3 2 CS 40 COI 2 16S 1 ITS2 1 H3 2 IT, Umbria, Monte Fionchi (summit [Fio1]
COI16S 38 COI 1 16S 1 IT, Umbria, Monte Fionghi (summit)
Monacha cantiana CAN-1
CAN-1 MG208916 MG208987 CAN-1 MH137974 MG209046 CS 41 MG208916 MG208987 MH137974 MG209046 IT, Latium, Valle dell’Aniene, Rome
MG208915 MG208985 MH137973 MG209045 CS 42 MG208915 MG208985 MH137973 MG209045 IT, Latium, Valle dell’Aniene, Rome
MG208917 MG208989 MH137975 MG209047 CS 43 MG208917 MG208989 MH137975 MG209047 IT, Latium, Valle dell’Aniene, Rome
MG208905 MG208977 CS 44 MG208905 MG208977 MH137972 MG209039 IT, Latium, Gole del Velino
MG208906 MG208979 IT, Latium, Gole del Velino
MG208910 MG208978 IT, Latium, Gole del Velino
MG208921 MG208990 CS 45 MG208921 MG208990 MH137976 MG209043 IT, Latium, Valle del Tronto
MG208923 MG208994 MH137978 MG209048 CS 46 MG208923 MG208994 MH137978 MG209048 IT, Latium, Valle del Turano
MG208884 MG208966 CS 47 MG208884 MG208966 MH137963 MG209031 UK, Barrow near Barnsley
MG208899 MG208976 MH137971 MG209038 CS 48 MG208899 MG208976 MH137971 MG209038 UK, Rotherham
MG208893 MG208960 UK, Rotherham
MG208898 MG208975 MH137969 MG209037 CS 49 MG208898 MG208975 MH137969 MG209037 UK, Sheffield
MG208904 MG208971 UK, Sheffield
MG208891 MG208972 UK, Cambridge
Monacha cantiana CAN-2
CAN-2 MG208925 MG208996 CAN-2 MK067000 MG209050 IT, Venetum, Sorga
MG208926 MG209001 IT, Venetum, Sorga
MG208928 MG208998 IT, Venetum, Sorga
MG208932 MG209003 MH137981 MG209052 CS 50 MG208932 MG209003 MH137981 MG209052 IT, Lombardy, Rezzato
Monacha cantiana s. l. CAN-3 (Monacha sp.)
CAN-3 MG208936 MG209009 CAN-3 MH137983 MG209055 CS 51 MG208936 MG209009 MH137983 MG209055 AU, Breitenlee
MG208938 MG209008 AU, Breitenlee
MG208933 MG209007 MH137982 MG209054 CS 52 MG208933 MG209007 MH137982 MG209054 IT, Emilia Romagna, Fiume Setta
MG208934 MG209005 IT, Emilia Romagna, Fiume Setta
MG208935 MG209006 IT, Emilia Romagna, Fiume Setta
Monacha cantiana s. l. CAN-4 (Monacha cemenelea)
CAN-4 MG208939 MG209011 CAN-4 MH137984 MG209058 CS 53 MG208939 MG209011 MH137984 MG209058 FR, Alpes-Maritimes, Sainte Thecle
MG208940 MG209012 FR, Alpes-Maritimes, Sainte Thecle
MG208941 MG209013 FR, Alpes-Maritimes, Sainte Thecle
MK067003 MG209059 FR, Alpes-Maritimes, Sainte Thecle
Monacha cantiana s. l. CAN-5 (Monacha sp.)
CAN-5 MK066929 MK066947 CAN-5 IT, Tuscany, Foce di Pianza
MK066933 MK066951 IT, Tuscany, Foce di Pianza
CS 54 MK066931 MK066949 MK066982 MK066967 IT, Tuscany, Foce di Pianza
MK066981 MK066966 CS 55 MK066930 MK066948 MK066981 MK066966 IT, Tuscany, Foce di Pianza
MK066983 MK066968 CS 56 MK066932 MK066950 MK066983 MK066968 IT, Tuscany, Foce di Pianza
MK066935 MK066954 MK066987 MK066972 CS 57 MK066935 MK066954 MK066987 MK066972 IT, Tuscany, Campo Cecina
MK066937 MK066956 MK066989 MK066974 CS 58 MK066937 MK066956 MK066989 MK066974 IT, Tuscany, Campo Cecina
MK066934 MK066952 MK066985 MK066970 CS 59 MK066934 MK066952 MK066985 MK066970 IT, Tuscany, Campo Cecina
MK066936 MK066955 MK066988 MK066973 CS 60 MK066936 MK066955 MK066988 MK066973 IT, Tuscany, Campo Cecina
MK066938 MK066957 MK066991 MK066976 CS 61 MK066938 MK066957 MK066991 MK066976 IT, Piastra
MK066939 MK066958 IT, Piastra
MK066941 MK066959 IT, Piastra
Monacha cantiana s. l. CAN-6 (Monacha sp.)
CAN-6 MK066942 MK066960 CAN-6 IT, Tuscany, Campagrina
MK066943 MK066961 IT, Tuscany, Campagrina
MK066944 MK066962 CS 62 MK066944 MK066962 MK066997 MK066978 IT, Tuscany, Campagrina
MK066945 MK066963 IT, Tuscany, Campagrina
MK066999 MK066980 CS 63 MK066946 MK066964 MK066999 MK066980 IT, Tuscany, Campagrina
Monacha parumcincta PAR
PAR MG208946 MG209019 PAR IT, Basilicata, Moliterno to Fontana d’Eboli
MG208947 MG209016 IT, Basilicata, Moliterno to Fontana d’Eboli
MK067005 MG209061 CS 64 MG208944 MG209017 MK067005 MG209061 IT, Basilicata, Moliterno to Fontana d’Eboli
MH137992 MG209064 IT, Basilicata, Moliterno to Fontana d’Eboli
MG208949 MG209020 MH137987 MG209067 CS 65 MG208949 MG209020 MH137987 MG209067 IT, Tuscany, Nievole
MG208953 MG209021 IT, Tuscany, Nievole & Arezzo
MG208950 MG209028 IT, Tuscany, Arezzo
MH137989 MG209068 IT, Tuscany, Arezzo
MG208956 MG209025 MH137990 MG209070 CS 66 MG208956 MG209025 MH137990 MG209070 IT, Tuscany, Arezzo
MG209959 MG209030 MH137986 MG209062 CS 67 MG208959 MG209030 MJ137986 MG209062 IT, Tuscany, Arezzo & La Casella
Monacha cartusiana CAR
CAR MH203998 MH204081 CAR DE, Lower Saxony, Hannover, Sehnde
MH137993 MG209072 CS 68 KM247376 KM247391 MH137993 MG209072 HU, Kis-Balaton

Estimates of evolutionary divergence between the sequences of COI obtained in this study and other sequences from GenBank were conducted with MEGA7 using the Kimura two-parameter model (K2P) (Kimura 1980). The analysis involved 83 nucleotide sequences. All positions containing gaps and missing data were eliminated. There was a total of 615 positions in the final dataset.

Maximum Likelihood (ML) analyses were then performed with MEGA7. Monacha cartusiana and Monacha parumcincta were added as outgroup species in each analysis. For ML analysis of concatenated sequences, the following best nucleotide substitution models were specified according to the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC): HKY+G+I (Hasegawa et al. 1985, Kumar et al. 2016) for COI and 16S rDNA concatenated sequences of 878 positions (592 COI + 286 16S rDNA), T92+G+I (Tamura 1992, Kumar et al. 2016) for ITS2+H3 concatenated sequences of 780 positions (501 ITS2 + 279 H3), and T92+G+I for COI+16S rDNA+ITS2+H3 concatenated sequences with a total length of 1658 positions (592 COI + 286 16S rDNA + 501 ITS2 + 279 H3). Bayesian analysis was conducted with MrBayes 3.1.2 (Ronquist and Huelsenbeck 2003) using the evolution model already used for ML calculation. Four Monte Carlo Markov chains were run for one million generations, sampling every 100 generations (the first 250,000 trees were discarded as ‘burn-in’). This gave us a 50% majority rule consensus tree. In parallel, Maximum Likelihood (ML) analysis was performed with MEGA7 (Kumar et al. 2016) and calculated bootstrap values were mapped on the 50% majority rule consensus Bayesian tree.

Morphological study

One hundred and thirty-four specimens representing M. pantanellii, M. cantiana s. l., M. parumcincta and M. cartusiana were considered to investigate shell variability between these four species (including six molecular lineages of M. cantiana s. l.) (see Table 1 and Pieńkowska et al. 2018a, 2019b); the 43 specimens of nine populations of M. pantanellii (Fio1, Val, Sab, Alt, Lor, Tur2, Tur1, Car and Ani, see Table 1) were also considered to investigate shell variability between specimens of these populations. Shell variability was analysed randomly choosing five adult specimens from each population, when possible. Twelve shell variables were measured to the nearest 0.1 mm using Adobe Photoshop 7.0.1 on digital images of apertural and umbilical standard views taken with a Canon EF 100 mm 1:2.8 L IS USM macro lens mounted on a Canon F6 camera: AH aperture height, AW aperture width, LWfW last whorl final width, LWmW last whorl medial width, LWaH height of adapical sector of last whorl, LWmH height of medial sector of last whorl, PWH penultimate whorl height, PWfW penultimate whorl final width, PWmW penultimate whorl medial width, SD shell diameter, SH shell height, and UD umbilicus diameter (Pieńkowska et al. 2018a: fig. 1).

One hundred and thirty-five specimens of M. pantanellii, M. cantiana s. l. (with its six molecular lineages), M. parumcincta and M. cartusiana were analysed to examine anatomical variability between species; the 50 specimens of ten populations of M. pantanellii were also considered to investigate genital variability between populations of this species (see Table 1 and Pieńkowska et al. 2018a, 2019b). Snail bodies were dissected under the light microscope (Wild M5A or Zeiss SteREO Lumar V12). Anatomical details were drawn using a Wild camera lucida. Acronyms: BC bursa copulatrix, BW body wall, DBC duct of bursa copulatrix, DG digitiform glands (also known as mucous glands), E epiphallus (from base of flagellum to beginning of penial sheath), F flagellum, FO free oviduct, GA genital atrium, GAR genital atrium retractor, OSD ovispermiduct, P penis, PP penial papilla (also known as glans), V vagina, VA vaginal appendix (also known as appendicula), VAS vaginal appendix basal sac, VS vaginal sac (only present in M. cartusiana; see Pieńkowska et al. 2015: figs 11, 12), VD vas deferens. Seven anatomical variables (DBC, E, F, P, V, VS, VA) were measured under a light microscope (0.01 mm) using callipers (see: Pieńkowska et al. 2018a: fig. 2).

Detailed methods of multivariate ordination by Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Redundancy Analysis (RDA), performed on the original shell and genitalia matrices as well as on the shape-related Z-matrices, are described in a previous paper (Pieńkowska et al. 2018a).

Differences between species for each shell and genital character were assessed through box-plots and descriptive statistics. Overall significance of differences was obtained using the Kruskal-Wallis test; when the test proved significant, multiple comparisons between pairs of species were performed using Dunn’s test. In order to control the false discovery rate (FDR), the Benjamini-Hochberg correction was used to adjust P-values for multiple comparisons. The dunn.test function with the altp = TRUE option and α = 0.01 in the dunn.test R package were used for analysis (Dinno 2017).


Molecular study

DNA sequencing resulted in 53 and 57 sequences of mitochondrial COI and 16S rDNA as well as 43 and 57 sequences of nuclear ITS2 and H3 gene fragments, respectively. They were all deposited in GenBank as MT380011MT380063 (COI), MT376031MT376087 (16S rDNA), MT376088MT376130 (ITS2) and MT385776MT385832 (H3) (Table 1). Thirty-six COI (COI 1–COI 36) and 25 16S rDNA (16S 1–16S 25) haplotypes, as well as 15 ITS2 (ITS2 1–ITS2 15) and 15 H3 (H3 1–H3 15) common sequences were recognised among them (Table 1). They were used for phylogenetic analysis with appropriate sequences representing M. parumcincta (PAR) and M. cartusiana (CAR), as well as six molecular lineages of M. cantiana s. l. (CAN-1–CAN-6) obtained from GenBank (Table 2). ML trees for concatenated sequences of mitochondrial COI and 16S rDNA (Fig. 2, Table 4) and of nuclear ITS2 and H3 (Fig. 3, Table 4) gene fragments, as well as the Bayesian Inference (BI) phylogenetic tree of concatenated sequences of COI+16S rDNA+ITS2+H3 gene fragments (Fig. 4, Table 4) clustered the concatenated sequences in one clade (PAN) separated from all other clades hitherto recognised for M. cantiana s. l. (CAN-1, CAN-2, CAN-3, CAN-4, CAN-5, CAN-6), M. parumcincta (PAR) and M. cartusiana (CAR) populations (Pieńkowska et al. 2018a, 2018b, 2019b).

Figure 2. 

Maximum Likelihood (ML) tree of concatenated COI and 16S rDNA haplotypes of Monacha pantanellii (see Table 4). New COI and 16S rDNA sequences of M. pantanellii (Table 1) were compared with COI and 16S rDNA sequences of M. cantiana s. l. and M. parumcincta obtained from GenBank (Tables 2, 4). Numbers next to branches indicate bootstrap support above 50% calculated on 1000 replicates (Felsenstein 1985). The tree was rooted with M. cartusiana concatenated sequences obtained from GenBank (Table 2).

K2P genetic distances between COI haplotypes are summarised in Table 5. Differences in COI haplotypes of M. pantanellii are rather small (up to 4.5%). Three varied somewhat more (COI 8 from populations from Vallonina [Val] and Carsoli [Car], COI 30 from Valle del Turano [Tur1] and COI 32 from Carsoli [Car]), bringing the mean for all populations to 0.2–6.7%. It was not possible to differentiate one population from the others. It is noteworthy that haplotypes of M. pantanellii are very different (15.5–22.0%) from the others representing M. cantiana s. l. (i.e., M. cantiana CAN-1–CAN-3, M. cemenelea (Risso, 1826) CAN-4, and M. sp. CAN-5–CAN-6) as well as from M. parumcincta (18.1–21.4%) and M. cartusiana (16.6–18.3%) (Pieńkowska et al. 2018a, 2019b).

Table 5.

Ranges of K2P genetic distances between analysed COI sequences.

Comparison COI (%)
Within M. pantanellii PAN 0.2–6.7
Between M. pantanellii PAN and M. cantiana CAN-1 17.2–21.2
Between M. pantanellii PAN and M. cantiana CAN-2 19.1–22.0
Between M. pantanellii PAN and M. cantiana s. l. CAN-3 (M. sp.) 16.8–18.9
Between M. pantanellii PAN and M. cantiana s. l. CAN-4 (M. cemenelea) 15.5–17.4
Between M. pantanellii PAN and M. cantiana s. l. CAN-5 (M. sp.) 17.1–19.9
Between M. pantanellii PAN and M. cantiana s. l. CAN-6 (M. sp.) 15.5–18.6
Between M. pantanellii PAN and M. parumcincta PAR 18.1–21.4
Between M. pantanellii PAN and M. cartusiana CAR 16.6–18.3
Figure 3. 

Maximum Likelihood (ML) tree of concatenated ITS2 and H3 common sequences of Monacha pantanellii (see Table 4). New ITS2 and H3 sequences of M. pantanellii (Table 1) were compared with ITS2 and H3 sequences of M. cantiana s. l. and M. parumcincta obtained from GenBank (Tables 2, 4). Numbers next to branches indicate bootstrap support above 50% calculated on 1000 replicates (Felsenstein 1985). The tree was rooted with M. cartusiana concatenated sequences obtained from GenBank (Table 2).

Figure 4. 

Bayesian 50% majority-rule consensus tree of the concatenated data set of COI and 16S rDNA haplotypes, and ITS2 and H3 common sequences (see Table 4). Sequences of M. pantanellii were compared with appropriate sequences of M. cantiana s. l. and M. parumcincta obtained from GenBank (Tables 2, 4). Posterior probabilities (left) and bootstrap support above 50% from ML analysis (right) are indicated next to the branches. Bootstrap analysis was run with 1000 replicates (Felsenstein 1985). The tree was rooted with M. cartusiana concatenated sequences obtained from GenBank (Table 2).

Morphological study: shell

Monacha pantanellii has a globose to sub-globose shell, variable in size, colour, and presence of paler subsutural and peripheral bands, with roundish to oval slightly descending aperture, a brownish peristome and a very small to small umbilicus (Figs 531).

Figures 5–14. 

Shell variability in Monacha pantanellii from Monte Fionchi, summit [Fio1] (FGC 8140) (5, 6), Monte Fionchi, Torrecola [Fio2] (FGC 38944) (7), road to Montenero Sabino [Sab] (FGC 41552) (8–10) and Turania [Tur1] (FGC 42971) (11–14).

Figures 15–22. 

Shell variability in Monacha pantanellii from Lago del Turano [Tur2] (FGC 41654) (15–17), Via Salaria, Ornaro Alto [Alt] (FGC 41553) (18–20) and Vallonina [Val] (FGC 25345) (21, 22).

Figures 23–31. 

Shell variability in Monacha pantanellii from Via Salaria, Poggio San Lorenzo [Lor] (FGC 41551) (23–25), Valle dell’Aniene, Roccagiovine [Ani] (FGC 42974) (26–29) and Carsoli [Car] (FGC 41651(30, 31).

RDA with species or molecular lineage constraint on the shape and size matrix (Fig. 32) showed that RDA 1 (33%, P < 0.001) separated all the species or molecular lineages from PAR. The preliminary classic PCA revealed size as the first major source of morphological variation, since PC1 (70%) was a positive combination of all variables. On the contrary, RDA 2 (7.3%, P < 0.001) slightly separated CAN-1, CAN-2 and CAN-3 from CAN-4, CAN-5, CAN-6 and PAN with PAR in intermediate position. In this regard, PC2 (13%) mostly accounted for contrast between LWmH vs. LWaH and PWH.

RDA on the shape (Z) matrix (Fig. 33) showed a hazier separation of species or molecular lineages, confirming that size is a major source of morphological variation, although both RDA axes proved to be significant. In particular, RDA 1 separated CAR, CAN-5, CAN-6 from PAR, CAN-1 and CAN-3, with the other groups in a more or less intermediate position. Conversely, RDA 2 separated PAR and CAR from all the other species or molecular lineages. Shape-related PCA indicated that SH, LWaH and PWH vs. LWfW were the principal shape determinants on PC1 and PWmW, AH and AD vs. UD on PC2.

Figures 32, 33. 

Principal component analysis (PCA) and Redundancy analysis (RDA) with species or molecular lineage constraint applied to the original shell matrix (32) and shape-related Z-matrix (33).

Box plots (Fig. 34) proved that the shell characters only have discriminating value in distinguishing Monacha pantanellii from other species or molecular lineages in a few cases. In fact, according to Dunn’s test with Benjamini-Hochberg adjustment (α = 0.01), no character significantly distinguished PAN from CAN-1, CAN-2 and CAN-4, only one distinguished it from CAN-5 (UD), only two from CAR (LWah, PWH), four from CAN-6 (SD, LWmW, LWfW, UD), six from CAN-3 (SH, AH, SD, AD, LWmW, PWmW) and eight from PAR (SH, AH, SD, AD, LWmW, PWfW, LWfW, UD) (Table 6).

Table 6.

Results of Dunn’s test with Benjamini-Hochberg correction (α = 0.01) for shell and genital characters (in bold P ≤ 0.01).

PAN vs. CAN-1 0.0956 0.1431 0.3784 0.0134 0.1993 0.2703
PAN vs. CAN-2 0.2257 0.0763 0.9541 0.8128 0.9275 0.0517
PAN vs. CAN-3 0.0075 0.0039 0.7552 0.1309 0.6223 0.0063
PAN vs. CAN-4 0.1428 0.4689 0.3232 0.0750 0.0467 0.1496
PAN vs. CAN-5 0.8439 0.4087 0.8724 0.1396 0.8163 0.3364
PAN vs. CAN-6 0.0514 0.0895 0.1007 0.8442 0.3559 0.0039
PAN vs. CAR 0.0468 0.0330 0.1163 0.0009 0.0026 0.7972
PAN vs. PAR 0.0022 0.0003 0.7724 0.0110 0.0227 0.0044
PAN vs. CAN-1 0.1792 0.5046 0.0468 0.4863 0.8655 0.9405
PAN vs. CAN-2 0.0488 0.0189 0.0434 0.1789 0.0826 0.5901
PAN vs. CAN-3 0.0054 0.0046 0.0085 0.0265 0.0711 0.5962
PAN vs. CAN-4 0.3094 0.1947 0.1515 0.1979 0.3344 0.1765
PAN vs. CAN-5 0.8931 0.2051 0.7961 0.8167 0.3478 0.0015
PAN vs. CAN-6 0.0330 0.0043 0.0434 0.0249 0.0030 0.0029
PAN vs. CAR 1.0000 0.9480 0.4609 0.4984 0.1652 0.1370
PAN vs. PAR 0.0046 0.0028 0.0365 0.0054 0.0008 0.0000
PAN vs. CAN-1 0.3802 0.0992 0.0000 0.0072 0.0001 0.0000 1.0000
PAN vs. CAN-2 0.0808 0.1870 0.0001 0.0003 0.5535 0.0000 1.0000
PAN vs. CAN-3 0.9561 0.4778 0.0000 0.0057 0.5350 0.0000 1.0000
PAN vs. CAN-4 0.3528 0.9287 0.0708 0.9913 0.0001 0.0013 1.0000
PAN vs. CAN-5 0.0813 0.1862 0.6815 0.0002 0.0006 0.0001 1.0000
PAN vs. CAN-6 0.1163 0.3350 0.7574 0.0328 0.0101 0.0001 1.0000
PAN vs. CAR 0.0009 0.2609 0.0000 0.0122 0.0000 0.6581 0.0000
PAN vs. PAR 0.0430 0.0000 0.0000 0.1266 0.0000 0.5918 1.0000
Figure 34. 

Box plots for shell characters of the nine Monacha species or molecular lineages investigated. The lower and upper limits of the rectangular boxes indicate the 25th to 75th percentile range, and the horizontal line within the boxes is the median (50th percentile).

RDA with population constraint on the shape and size matrix (Fig. 35) showed that RDA 1 (53.6%, P < 0.001) separated them into two groups, the first, including populations from Via Salaria, Ornaro Alto [Alt], Valle dell’Aniene, Roccagiovine [Ani], Monte Fionchi, summit [Fio1], Via Salaria, Poggio San Lorenzo [Lor], Montero Sabino [Sab] and Lago del Turano [Tur2] was separate from the second consisting of populations from Carsoli [Car], Turania [Tur1] and Vallonina [Val]. On the contrary, RDA 2 (4.0%, P > 0.05) showed no significant separation of populations. The preliminary classic PCA revealed size as the first major source of morphological variation, since PC1 (67.0%) was a negative combination of all variables.

RDA on the shape (Z) matrix (Fig. 36) showed no significant separation between populations, again confirming that size is a major source of morphological variation. Shape-related PCA indicated that LWaH and PWH vs. LWfW were the two principal shape determinants on PC1 and AH vs. LWmH on PC2.

Figures 35, 36. 

Principal component analysis (PCA) and Redundancy analysis (RDA) with population constraint applied to the original shell matrix (35) and shape-related Z-matrix (36) of specimens of Monacha pantanellii.

Morphological study: anatomy

Monacha pantanellii has distal genitalia very similar to those of the Monacha cantiana group. The most remarkable features are the usually short vaginal appendix with mid or proximal vaginal insertion, the long flagellum and the penial papilla with thick external wall bordering a central duct without strips joining it to the external wall and with a lumen filled by many variably sized pleats (Figs 3763).

Figures 37–40. 

Genitalia (proximal parts excluded) (37), internal structure of distal genitalia (38), transverse sections of medial epiphallus (39) and apical penial papilla (40) of Monacha pantanellii from Monte Fionchi summit [Fio1] (FGC 8140).

Figures 41–44. 

Genitalia (proximal parts excluded) (41), internal structure of distal genitalia (42), transverse sections of medial epiphallus (43) and apical penial papilla (44) of Monacha pantanellii from Monte Fionchi, Torrecola [Fio2] (FGC 38944).

Figures 45–48. 

Genitalia (proximal parts excluded) (45), internal structure of distal genitalia (46), transverse sections of medial epiphallus (47) and apical penial papilla (48) of Monacha pantanellii from Vallonina [Val] (FGC 25345).

Figures 49–52. 

Genitalia (proximal parts excluded) (49), internal structure of distal genitalia (50), transverse sections of medial epiphallus (51) and apical penial papilla (52) of Monacha pantanellii from Valle dell’Aniene, Roccagiovine [Ani] (FGC 42974).

Figures 53–56. 

Genitalia (proximal parts excluded) (53), internal structure of distal genitalia (54), transverse sections of medial epiphallus (55) and apical penial papilla (56) of Monacha pantanellii from Carsoli [Car] (FGC 41651).

Figures 57–59. 

Genitalia (proximal parts excluded) (57), internal structure of distal genitalia (58) and transverse section of apical penial papilla (59) of Monacha pantanellii from Lago del Turano [Tur2] (FGC 41654).

Figures 60–63. 

Internal structure of distal genitalia of Monacha pantanellii from Valle dell’Aniene, Roccagiovine [Ani] (FGC 42974) (60), Via Salaria, Ornaro Alto [Alt] (FGC 41553) (61), Turania [Tur1] (FGC 42971) (62) and road to Montenero Sabino [Sab] (FGC 41552) (63).

RDA with species or molecular lineage constraint on the shape and size matrix (Fig. 64) showed that RDA 1 (27%, P < 0.001) separated M. cantiana s. l. (CAN-1, CAN-2, CAN-3, CAN-4, CAN-5 and CAN-6) from PAN, PAR and CAR. The preliminary classic PCA revealed size as the first major source of morphological variation, since PC1 (43%) accounted for VS vs. all the other variables. On the contrary, RDA 2 (22%, P < 0.001) separated CAN-5, CAN-6 and PAN from CAR and PAR. The group CAN-1, CAN-2, CAN-3 and CAN-4 was in intermediate position. In that regard, PC2 (20%) accounted for a contrast between E and VA vs. F, P, V and VS.

RDA with species or molecular lineage constraint on the shape (Z) matrix (Fig. 65) showed that RDA 1 (43%, P < 0.001) separated PAN from the group CAN-1, CAN-2, CAN-3, CAN-4 and CAN-6, with CAN-5, PAR and CAR in intermediate position, and that RDA 2 (20%, P < 0.001) separated CAR from all the others. Shape-related PCA indicated that VA and E vs. V and P were the principal shape determinants on PC1 and VS and V vs. DBC and F on PC2. In the latter case, removing the size effect altered the overall relationship patterns.

Figures 64, 65. 

Principal component analysis (PCA) and Redundancy analysis (RDA) with species or molecular lineage constraint applied to the original genital matrix (64) and shape-related Z-matrix (65).

Box plots (Fig. 66) for anatomical characters showed that VA, F and P have the best discriminating value in distinguishing PAN: they distinguished 6 (VA) and 5 (F and P) species or molecular lineage pairs, respectively, according to Dunn’s test with Benjamini-Hochberg adjustment (α = 0.01), followed by E and V with four and three species or molecular lineage pairs, respectively (Table 6). The most recognisable pairs were PAN vs. CAR and PAN vs. CAN-1 (four significant characters), PAN vs. CAN-2, PAN vs. CAN-3, PAN vs. CAN-5 and PAN vs. PAR (3 significant characters). Only two characters significantly distinguished PAN vs. CAN-4 and only one PAN vs. CAN-6 (Table 6). Anatomical characters have high discriminating value as testified by very low p values after Dunn’s test: in most cases (19 of 22) P < 0.001 (Table 6).

Figure 66. 

Box plots for genital characters of the ten Monacha species or molecular lineages investigated. The lower and upper limits of the rectangular boxes indicate the 25th to 75th percentile range, and the horizontal line within the boxes is the median (50th percentile).

RDA with population constraint on the shape and size matrix (Fig. 67) showed that RDA 1 (64%, P < 0.001) separated populations Carsoli [Car], Monte Fionchi, Torrecola [Fio2], Turania [Tur1] and Vallonina [Val] from populations Via Salaria, Ornaro Alto [Alt], Valle dell’Aniene [Ani], Via Salaria, Poggio San Lorenzo [Lor] and Lago del Turano [Tur2], with Monte Fionchi, summit [Fio1] and Montero Sabino [Sab] in intermediate position. The preliminary classic PCA revealed size as the first major source of morphological variation, since PC1 (65%) was a positive combination of all variables. On the contrary, RDA 2 (13%, P < 0.001) separated population Val from populations Sab and Fio1, with all the other populations (Car, Fio2, Tur1, Alt, Ani, Lor and Tur2) in intermediate position. In that regard, PC2 (16.5%) accounted for a contrast between V and VA vs. F and DBC.

RDA on the shape (Z) matrix (Fig. 68) showed a less clear separation between populations. RDA 1 (43%, P < 0.001) separated the population Sab from the group of populations Tur2, Val, Alt and Lor, with Ani, Fio1, Fio2 and Car in intermediate position. Shape-related PCA indicated that V vs. F were the two principal shape determinants on PC1 (39.5%). RDA 2 (14%, P < 0.001) separated Tur2 from Alt, Lor and Fio1, with all the other populations in a more or less intermediate position. In that regard, PC2 (24.5%) accounted for a contrast between PD and VA.

Figures 67, 68. 

Principal component analysis (PCA) and Redundancy analysis (RDA) with population constraint applied to the original genital matrix (67) and shape-related Z-matrix (68) of specimens of Monacha pantanellii.


Molecular analysis of nucleotide sequences obtained from specimens originating from ten populations occurring in the grasslands of the central Apennines suggests that these populations represent a different species from other Italian M. cantiana s. l. lineages (CAN-1, CAN-2, CAN-3, CAN-5, CAN-6) and Monacha species (M. cartusiana and M. parumcincta), populations of which were previously subject to molecular analysis (Pieńkowska et al. 2018a, 2019a, 2019b). In each of the phylogenetic trees, i.e., ML of concatenated sequences for mitochondrial COI+16S rDNA (Fig. 2) and nuclear ITS2+H3 (Fig. 3) gene fragments as well as the BI tree of concatenated sequences COI+16S rDNA+ITS2+H3 (Fig. 4), sequences from these ten populations created well separated monophyletic clades. Two of these populations represent species described in the past: Monte Fionchi, Summit [Fio1]: Helix pantanellii De Stefani, 1879; Vallonina [Val]: Monacha ruffoi Giusti, 1973. Molecular analysis confirmed the validity of the species described by Giusti (1973) from the Reatini Mountains, although an older discarded name, introduced by De Stefani (1879), turned out to be available for it.

The range of K2P genetic distances between COI sequences obtained from the ten populations of M. pantanellii was 0.2–6.7% (Table 5). We previously found a similar range of K2P distances within populations of M. cantiana s. l. CAN-1/CAN-2 (0.2–5.3%; Pieńkowska et al. 2018a, 2019b), M. cartusiana (0.0–3.3%; Pieńkowska et al. 2015, 2016, 2018b), M. parumcincta (0.2–4.6%; Pieńkowska et al. 2018a, 2019b) and M. claustralis (0.0–5.7%; Pieńkowska et al. 2015, 2016, 2018b). It is worth noting that this K2P distance range was even narrower (0.2–4.5%) if we considered all but three of 53 the COI sequences obtained from M. pantanellii specimens. The three COI sequences excluded were found in single (one or two) specimens of populations from Carsoli [Car], Valle del Turano [Tur1] and Vallonina [Val], however COI sequences obtained from the other specimens of these populations were more similar to others found in M. pantanellii. This suggests higher intra-population variation within these three populations, which may prove speciation seen in a rapidly evolving mitochondrial genome (Thomaz et al. 1996; Remigio and Hebert 2003).

The conclusion that ten populations from the central Apennines form a different species is supported by the analysis of K2P genetic distances of COI sequences (Table 5). Although the utility of the 3% barcode threshold as a marker for species distinction, applied in the so-called “barcode method” based on COI sequences (Hebert et al. 2003a, 2003b, 2018; Pentinsaari et al. 2020), is disputable (Davison et al. 2009; Sauer and Hausdorf 2010, 2012; Köhler and Johnson 2012; Batomalaque et al. 2019; Koch et al. 2020), COI sequences have been used to analyse taxonomic problems in different gastropod families (e.g., Remigio and Hebert 2003; Elejalde et al. 2008; Duda et al. 2011; Breugelmans et al. 2013; Proćków et al. 2013, 2019; Čandek and Kuntner 2015; Walther et al. 2016; Kruckenhauser et al. 2017; Galan et al. 2018; Gladstone et al. 2019; Harl et al. 2019; Kneubühler et al. 2019; Bamberger et al. 2020). They were also useful in our previous studies on Monacha species (Pieńkowska et al. 2015, 2018a, 2019a, 2019b). Indeed, we have always emphasised that phylogenetic analysis cannot be based on a single gene locus but should combine several mitochondrial and nuclear genes (Pieńkowska et al. 2015, 2018a, 2019a, 2019b). Note that the conclusion that ten populations are distinct from other Monacha species at species level is not only supported by the analysis of COI sequences, but also of 16S rDNA, ITS2, and H3.

Moreover, we have always stressed (Pieńkowska et al. 2015, 2018a, 2019a, 2019b) that molecular features alone are insufficient to define species but need to be supported by morphological (shell and anatomy) features. Inconsistency between molecular and morphological features may occur among snail populations or species (Cameron 1992; Cameron et al. 1996; Sauer and Hausdorf 2012; Falniowski et al. 2020), because according to the concept of morphostatic evolution (Gittenberger 1991; Davis 1992; Koch et al. 2020) speciation may be reflected earlier in molecular than in morphological features.

It is not possible to distinguish M. pantanellii from the lineages of the M. cantiana group on the basis of shell characters, perhaps with the exception of CAN-6 (see Figs 3234; Table 6). However, this may be biased by the fact that only one population of this lineage was available for study (Pieńkowska et al. 2019b). With regard to the other two species examined by comparison, M. cartusiana and M. parumcincta, the analysis found that distinguishing M. pantanellii from the former is difficult (only two characters have discriminating value), but from the latter is easy (eight characters have discriminating value). Anyway, these species are readily distinguished by colour pattern. M. cartusiana has a smoother more glossy shell, usually whitish, often with sharp milky-white subsutural and peripheral bands, intensely reddish-brown peristome, externally bordered by a ring of bright milky white. M. parumcincta has a shell similar to that of M. pantanellii, but less glossy and more opaque, sometimes with paler peripheral and subsutural bands and brownish peristome, externally bordered by a pale whitish ring.

The distinction of M. pantanellii based on anatomical characters is clear from the lineages of the M. cantiana group and the other two species examined by comparison, M. cartusiana and M. parumcincta. However, contrary to the situation with shell characters, CAN-6 is the lineage least distinct from M. pantanellii: again, the few specimens available may have biased the result. The analysis confirmed the high discriminating value of the vaginal appendix which distinguishes M. pantanellii from all the lineages of the M. cantiana group and M. cartusiana. The penis and flagellum are also important because they significantly distinguish M. pantanellii from five other species or molecular lineages (Table 6).

Other anatomical features that distinguish M. pantanellii from the M. cantiana group, M. cartusiana and M. parumcincta were not included in the analysis, since it is impossible to quantify them. They are the insertion of the vaginal appendix, the shape of the vaginal appendix, and the section of the penial papilla (Table 7).

Table 7.

Other anatomical features distinguishing Monacha species.

Characters M. pantanellii M. cantiana group M. cartusiana M. parumcincta
insertion of VA vaginal atrial vaginal atrial
shape of VA usually short and slender, calibre almost constant; however, in two populations it is long or very long with proximal portion (ca. half its length or more) very enlarged and distal portion slender long or very long, not slender nor enlarged, calibre initially large then progressively tapered; sometimes with variably evident basal sac long or very long with proximal portion (ca. half its length or less) enlarged and distal portion slender usually short and enlarged, calibre almost constant
PP with thick external walls and narrow space between external walls and central duct; central duct circular in transverse section, usually rather small in diameter, not joined by strips to external walls and with its lumen almost totally filled by large pleats with thick external walls, and narrow to wide space between external walls and central duct; central duct circular in transverse section, usually rather large in diameter, joined by strips to external walls and with its lumen not filled by large pleats with thick external walls and narrow to wide space between external walls and circular central duct; central duct circular in transverse section, usually medium-sized in diameter, not joined by strips to external walls and with its lumen almost totally filled by large pleats with thin external walls and narrow space between external walls and central duct; central duct horseshoe-shaped in transverse section, large in diameter, not joined by strips to external walls and with its lumen apparently not filled by pleats
References Giusti (1973: figs 26A, B), this paper (Figs 3864) Pieńkowska et al. (2018a: figs 20–50; 2019a: figs 2–3; 2019b: figs 19–41) Giusti and Manganelli (1987: figs 1A–G), Pieńkowska et al. (2015: figs 11–12, 15–16, 18–21) Pieńkowska et al. (2018a: figs 51–59)

Intraspecific variability in M. pantanellii is high and concerns both shell and genitalia. Inter-population shell variability mainly affects the size features: some populations are distinguished by reduced size, notably the one from Carsoli [Car] (Figs 30, 31) and the slightly larger populations from Turania [Tur1] (Figs 11–14) and Vallonina [Val] (Figs 21, 22). This pattern was confirmed by RDA on the original shell matrix (Fig. 32) and by its disappearance when the size effect was removed (Fig. 33). Anatomically, these populations agree very well with the characters typical of the species (e.g., VA, PD, F) suggesting that shell size has no phylogenetic signal and cannot be used to support taxonomic distinctions. We can hypothesize that it depends on local conditions of drought, food availability and lack of refuges.

Intra-population shell variability is smaller, but the variation of UD from Via Salaria, Ornaro Alto [Alt] is notable (0.9–2.4 mm) including almost the extremes of the range (Figs 18–20).

Inter-population genital variability is more intricate although the size effect is again evident: RDA 1 (Fig. 35) separates the populations of smaller size, i.e., those from Carsoli [Car], Monte Fionchi, Torrecola [Fio2], Turania [Tur1] and Vallonina [Val], from those of larger size, namely Via Salaria, Ornaro Alto [Alt], Valle dell’Aniene, Roccagiovine [Ani], Via Salaria, Poggio San Lorenzo (Lor] and Lago del Turano [Tur2]. When the size effect is removed (Fig. 36) some patterns persist, albeit less clear because conflicting variables are involved. Inter-population genital variability concerns all anatomical sections but is higher in V and VA (as shown by PCA). The former (V) is very short in Montenero Sabino [Sab] (Fig. 63), Monte Fionchi, Torrecola [Fio2] (Fig. 41) and Carsoli [Car] populations (Fig. 53) and long in those from Via Salaria, Ornaro Alto [Alt] (Fig. 61), Via Salaria, Poggio San Lorenzo [Lor] (not shown), Valle dell’Aniene, Roccagiovine [Ani] (Fig. 49) and Lago del Turano [Tur2] (Fig. 57). The latter (VA) is usually short but is long in Valle dell’Aniene, Roccagiovine [Ani] (Fig. 49) and very long in Lago del Turano [Tur2] populations (Fig. 57), where however intra-population range is wide.

According to RDA on the shape (Z) matrix, some of the most divergent populations are those from Montenero Sabino [Sab] and Lago del Turano [Tur2], which fall at the extremes of the ordination figure (Fig. 68).

This revision is the first result of research on the Monacha species living in the mountain grasslands of the central Apennines. It confirms the validity of the species described by Giusti (1973) from the Reatini Mountains, though an older discarded name, introduced by De Stefani (1879), turned out to be available for it.

It is evident from the above discussion that the species of Monacha and the lineages of M. cantiana s. l. can only occasionally be recognised morphologically and are also subject to significant inter- and intra-population variability. In this situation, revision based on type material consisting of shells may be not decisive. We therefore took an overall approach that considers shell, genital and molecular evidence to establish a reliable taxonomic setting. Only a multidisciplinary investigation of populations from the type locality, matching type specimens, can clarify the identity of old established Monacha taxa. This what we tried to do, although it was made difficult by the fact that the type locality was not always reported in a detailed way. Luckily this was not the case of the species described by De Stefani (1879). Thus, the investigation of specimens from the type locality, the summit of Monte Fionchi near Spoleto in Umbria, enabled us to ascertain that they have the same anatomical features as M. ruffoi. Conspecificity of the topotypical populations of M. pantanellii and M. ruffoi is also strongly supported by molecular analysis. Consequently, the latter has to be regarded as a junior synonym of De Stefani’s species.

Since M. pantanellii is a Monacha species with distinctive anatomical features, we checked all the material accessible to us. This enabled us to find other populations of the species, some from the Reatini Mountains, where they were collected by one of us in the 1960s during field work, some from other more northern mountain ranges (Table 3).

Regarding relationships of M. pantanellii with other taxa described or reported from the central Apennines, research is underway. So far we can only reveal that they belong to lineages different from this species and the M. cantiana group.

Redescription of Monacha pantanellii (De Stefani, 1879)

Monacha pantanellii (De Stefani, 1879)

Figures 5–14, 15–22, 23–31, 37–40, 41–44, 45–48, 49–52, 53–56, 57–59, 60–63

Helix pantanellii De Stefani, 1879: 40–41.

Monacha ruffoi Giusti, 1973: 533–537, pl. 6.


A species of Monacha (s. str.) (according to the subgeneric division proposed by Neiber and Hausdorf 2017) with vaginal appendix usually short and slender (having shape and size of a digitiform gland) inserted at mid vagina; proximal vaginal sac absent; penial flagellum long to very long; penial papilla with narrow space between external walls and central duct; central duct circular in transverse section, usually rather small in diameter, not joined by strips to external walls and with its lumen almost totally filled by large pleats.


Shell (Figs 531) dextral, sub-globose to globose, small to medium in size, variable in colour, sometimes (when colour is brownish yellow) with paler subsutural and peripheral bands, with 5¼–6 slightly convex whorls separated by superficial sutures; aperture slightly prosocline, round to oval; peristome not reflected, thickened, with variably evident whitish callous rim lining the outer margin; umbilicus open, very small to small; protoconch and teleoconch smooth, with very faint scattered collabral growth lines. Shell dimensions: H: 10.3 ± 1.5 mm; D: 16.2 ± 2.3 mm (n = 45).

Radula not examined.

Female distal genitalia (Figs 37, 38, 41, 42, 45, 46, 49, 50, 53, 54, 57, 58, 60–63; Table 7) include free oviduct, bursa copulatrix and its duct, digitiform glands, vagina and vaginal appendix. Free oviduct short and variably wide. Bursa copulatrix bean-like or pyriform with long wide duct. Vagina short to long and wide. Digitiform glands disposed on opposite sides of vagina in two groups of 1–3 tufts, each with 1–3 units. Vaginal appendix usually short (having shape and size of a digitiform gland) and inserted approximately half-way along the vagina.

Male distal genitalia (Figs 3763, Table 7) include vas deferens, flagellum, epiphallus and penis. Vas deferens very long and very slender. Flagellum long to very long and slender. Epiphallus long to very long and wide. Penis short and wide, enveloped by thin sheath, consisting of proximal portion (from start of penial sheath to base of penial papilla) and distal portion (from base of penial papilla to genital atrium). Penial papilla variable in shape (perhaps due to pre-mortem stress or spirit fixation), with apical opening, thick external walls and narrow space between external walls and central duct; central duct circular in section, usually rather small in diameter, not joined by strips to external walls of penial papilla and with its lumen almost totally filled with large pleats.

Genital atrium large, receiving vagina and penis, internally smooth or with variably developed longitudinal pleats.

Type locality

“Sulla cima del Monte Fionghi al sud di Spoleto a circa mille metri sul livello del mare “, i.e., on the summit of Monte Fionchi, south of Spoleto, at an altitude of ca. 1000 m (municipality of Spoleto, province of Perugia), UTM references 32T UH 1726, Lat and Long: 42°40.455'N, 12°46.340'E.

Type material

Probably lost.

Topotype sequences

Sequences obtained from individuals from the type locality of M. pantanellii are designated as typical for this species: COIMT380011MT380018, 16S rDNAMT376031MT376039, ITS2MT376088MT376094, H3MT385776MT385785.


Named after Dante Pantanelli (1844–1913), Italian palaeontologist and geologist at the University of Modena. He published many papers on Miocene and Pliocene molluscs, some of which were co-authored by his friend Carlo De Stefani (1851–1924). He was also the secretary of the Italian Malacological Society and the editor of the Bullettino della Società Malacologica Italiana for many years (Manganelli et al. 2017, with references).

Giusti’s species was named after Sandro Ruffo (1915–2010), a major Italian twentieth-century zoologist and director of the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona for many years (Latella 2011).


Endemic to Umbria-Marche Apennines and Latium Sub-Apennines. It occurs from the Apennines of Gualdo Tadino in the north to the Aniene and Turano valleys in the south.


Mesophile species living among grass in open habitats such as grasslands, pastures, forest edges and clearings in hill and mountain areas.


Apparently common and widespread species within its range, but in some sites (e.g., Vallonina) it was no longer found during a field survey in the summer of 2019. Like other mesophilic species it could be sensitive to global warming.


This species was distinguished from Monacha cantiana on the basis of a few shell characters (“more depressed, more fragile and paler shell, with fine growth lines, less rounded opening and deeper umbilicus”) and was disregarded by its author as an “extreme variety” of the former. Subsequently it was only reported in two catalogues by Westerlund (1889: 95) and Pilsbry (1895: 266) so that when Alzona prepared the catalogue of Italian non-marine malacofauna, they included it as a doubtful species (Alzona 1971: 183).

On the contrary, our analysis showed that it matches a valid species, currently known as Monacha ruffoi, described from the Reatini mountains by Giusti (1973) as a Monacha species with a shell resembling that of cantiana, but with a much smaller vaginal appendix.

This is an unexpected result: indeed, De Stefani’s species is one of thousands of mollusc species established since the second half of the nineteenth century on the basis of very few shell features of no diagnostic value due to dramatic intra- and inter-population variability. In describing thousands of species and varieties, past authors hit on some that remained valid.


We thank Helen Ampt (Siena, Italy) for revising the English, Giovanni Cappelli (Siena, Italy) for taking photographs of the shells, Jarosław Bogucki (Poznań, Poland) for drawing a map (Fig. 1), Alexis Dunno (Portland State University, USA) for precious statistical advice about the use of the R package “dunn.test”. We are very grateful to Bernhard Hausdorf (University of Hamburg, Germany) and to Eike Neubert (Naturhistorisches Museum, Bern, Switzerland) for their valuable comments on the manuscript.


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