Research Article |
Corresponding author: Urban Bogataj ( ) Academic editor: Stefano Taiti
© 2018 Urban Bogataj, Monika Praznik, Polona Mrak, Jasna Štrus, Magda Tušek-Žnidarič, Nada Žnidaršič.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Bogataj U, Praznik M, Mrak P, Štrus J, Tušek-Žnidarič M, Žnidaršič N (2018) Comparative ultrastructure of cells and cuticle in the anterior chamber and papillate region of Porcellio scaber (Crustacea, Isopoda) hindgut. In: Hornung E, Taiti S, Szlavecz K (Eds) Isopods in a Changing World. ZooKeys 801: 427-458.
Isopod hindgut consists of two anatomical and functional parts, the anterior chamber, and the papillate region. This study provides a detailed ultrastructural comparison of epithelial cells in the anterior chamber and the papillate region with focus on cuticle ultrastructure, apical and basal plasma membrane labyrinths, and cell junctions. Na+/K+-ATPase activity in the hindgut epithelial cells was demonstrated by cytochemical localisation. The main difference in cuticle ultrastructure is in the thickness of epicuticle which is almost as thick as the procuticle in the papillate region and only about one sixth of the thickness of procuticle in the anterior chamber. The apical plasma membrane in both hindgut regions forms an apical plasma membrane labyrinth of cytoplasmic strands and extracellular spaces. In the papillate region the membranous infoldings are deeper and the extracellular spaces are wider. The basal plasma membrane is extensively infolded and associated with numerous mitochondria in the papillate region, while it forms relatively scarce basal infoldings in the anterior chamber. The junctional complex in both hindgut regions consists of adherens and septate junctions. Septate junctions are more extensive in the papillate region. Na+/K+-ATPase was located mostly in the apical plasma membranes in both hindgut regions. The ultrastructural features of hindgut cuticle are discussed in comparison to exoskeletal cuticle and to cuticles of other arthropod transporting epithelia from the perspective of their mechanical properties and permeability. The morphology of apical and basal plasma membranes and localisation of Na+/K+-ATPase are compared with other arthropod-transporting epithelia according to different functions of the anterior chamber and the papillate region.
cell junctions, digestive system, extracellular matrix, ion transporting epithelium, plasma membrane labyrinth
The digestive system in terrestrial isopods is composed of a foregut, hindgut, and hepatopancreas (midgut glands). The foregut and hindgut are of ectodermal origin and form the entire alimentary canal, thus the blind-ending tubules of hepatopancreas connected to the foregut represent the only endodermal part of digestive system (
The hindgut epithelium is mono-layered and lined by a chitinous cuticle on the luminal side. Basal parts of the epithelial cells are supported by a basal lamina and are exposed to haemolymph. The hindgut cuticle is thin and consists of two distinct layers, the electron dense epicuticle facing the lumen and the electron lucent procuticle beneath. Posteriorly directed cuticular spines are present at the surface of epicuticle (
Notwithstanding the presence of apical chitinous cuticle, the ultrastructural characteristics indicate that the hindgut epithelium is involved in various transport processes. The epithelium of the anterior chamber was reported to function in the absorption of food material in addition to the hepatopancreas, which represents the main site of food absorption (
The aim of the present study is ultrastructural characterisation, quantification of the selected characters and comparison of the hindgut epithelial cells in the anterior chamber and the papillate region of terrestrial isopod Porcellio scaber to upgrade previous knowledge and to get additional insight into the hindgut functional morphology. The selected ultrastructural features for a detailed analysis were: (i) cuticle, (ii) apical and basal plasma membrane labyrinths, and (iii) cell junctions. A comparative investigation of the selected ultrastructural features in the anterior chamber and papillate region epithelium is presented, including quantitative evaluation of the selected morphological characteristics, and the possible functional implications are discussed. A method for cytochemical localisation of Na+/K+-ATPase activity in the hindgut of strictly terrestrial isopod P. scaber was used to demonstrate ion fluxes in the hindgut epithelium of intermoult and postmoult specimens.
A laboratory culture of P. scaber was maintained in a glass terrarium with a ground cover of soil and leaf litter. Animals were bred at 25 °C, in high humidity and a 12h light/12h dark cycle. In this study the hindgut samples of seven adult intermoult animals were analysed at the levels of light and electron microscopy. Three animals were anesthetised by cooling and dissected in a physiological solution (0.9% NaCl). The hindguts were isolated and fixed in 2.5 % glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M HEPES buffer (pH 7.2). Four animals were anesthetised with diethyl ether, dissected in a solution of 2 % paraformaldehyde and 2.5% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M HEPES buffer (pH 7.2) and isolated hindguts were fixed in the same fixative solution. After fixation, all samples were rinsed with 0.1 M HEPES buffer and post-fixed in 1 % OsO4. Subsequently the samples were rinsed again with 0.1 M HEPES buffer. Before the embedding samples were dehydrated in a graded series of ethanol (50 %, 70 %, 80 %, 90 %, and 100 % ethanol) and transferred to absolute acetone. After the dehydration, samples were infiltrated and embedded in Agar 100 resin. Resin-embedded samples were polymerised in embedding moulds for 48 h at 60 °C. Semithin and ultrathin sections were cut with glass and diamond knives on Reichert Ultracut S ultramicrotome (Leica). Semithin sections were stained with Azure II – Methylene Blue and imaged with AxioImager Z.1 light microscope (Zeiss). Microscopic images were acquired with a HRc Axiocam camera using Axiovision software. Ultrathin sections were contrasted with 4 % uranyl acetate and 10 % lead citrate and examined with a Philips CM100 transmission electron microscope. Microscopic images were acquired with Bioscan 792 and Orius 200 (Gatan) cameras using Digital Micrograph software.
Measurements of cell size and cell nuclei diameter, cuticle and basal lamina thicknesses, depth of membrane labyrinths and spatial density of membrane infoldings were carried out with Fiji/ImageJ software for processing and analysis of digital micrographs. Cell height and width and largest cell nucleus diameter were measured on light micrographs with a straight-line tool in Fiji (Fig.
Measurements in ImageJ/Fiji. A Measurements of cell width (line a), height (line b) and nucleus diameter (line c) B Measurements of cuticle and basal lamina thickness. Cuticle and basal lamina thickness (yellow lines) were measured at intersections of grid lines (blue grid) with cuticle/basal lamina surface C Measurements of membrane labyrinths depth. Membrane labyrinth depths (yellow lines) were measured at intersections of grid lines (blue grid) with the outline of membrane labyrinth edge (red line) D Measurements of spatial density of membrane infoldings. The length of apical/basal surface outline (red line) was measured and the infoldings along the outline (yellow points) were counted.
Ultracytochemical localisation of ouabain-sensitive Na+/K+-ATPase activity (K+-NPPase) in the hindgut of P. scaber was performed in postmoult and intermoult adults, using the method of
Cells forming the ventral and lateral hindgut wall of anterior chamber are isodiametric and dome-shaped, their apical parts protruding into the lumen of the anterior chamber (Fig.
Our measurements of cell width, cell height and cell nuclei size do not reveal difference in the size of the cells and their nuclei between the two hindgut regions (Fig.
Histological structure of the hindgut epithelium in the anterior chamber and papillate region. A Ventral-lateral epithelium in the anterior chamber B Apical parts of ventral and lateral epithelial cells are bulging into the hindgut lumen C Dorsal epithelium in the anterior chamber forms typhlosole (T) and two typhlosole channels (TC) D Epithelial cell of typhlosole E Epithelial cell of typhlosole channel F Hindgut epithelium in the papillate region G Basal parts of epithelial cells in the papillate region are bulging into haemocoel. Abbreviations: M – muscles, N – cell nucleus.
Cell width, cell height and cell nucleus diameter in the two hindgut regions. Scatter plot depicting median values of cell width, cell height and cell nucleus diameter in the anterior chamber against median values of same parameters in the papillate region of seven specimens. The central line is the line of equality. Points lying on the line indicate that the median value of measured parameter is equal in both hindgut regions. Points below the line indicate that the median value of measured parameter is larger in the anterior chamber than in the papillate region. Points above the line indicate that the median value of measured parameter is larger in the papillate region than in the anterior chamber.
The apical side of the epithelium in both hindgut regions is lined by a cuticle, which consists of an outer electron dense epicuticle and an inner electron lucent procuticle (Fig.
In the papillate region of one specimen, bacteria were observed near the cuticle or directly attached to the fuzzy layer at the cuticle surface (Fig.
Ultrastructure of the cuticle in the anterior chamber and the papillate region. A The cuticle in the anterior chamber consists of thin epicuticle (EPI) and thick procuticle (PRO) with distinct sublayers. Between the epicuticule and the procuticle, a thin layer of intermediate electron density is present (arrow) B Cuticle in the papillate region consists of epicuticle (EPI) which is proportionally thicker according to the procuticle (PRO). Procuticle sublayers are less pronounced than in the anterior chamber. Between the epicuticle and the procuticle a thin layer of intermediate electron density is present (arrow) C, D The outer part of the epicuticle (EPI) in the anterior chamber (C) and in the papillate region (D) is three-layered (arrow) and covered with a fuzzy layer (arrowhead) E Procuticle (PRO) in the papillate region can be of approximately the same thickness as epicuticle (EPI) and without apparent sublayers.
Ultrastructure of junctions between cuticle and apical plasma membrane. A Junctions between cuticle and apical plasma membrane in the anterior chamber visible as electron dense structures (arrows), from which fibers (arrowheads) extend into the procuticle B Junctions between cuticle and apical plasma membrane in the papillate region (arrowheads) associated with abundant bundles of microtubules inside the cell (arrow) C, D Higher resolution images of bundles of microtubules (MTB) associated with junctions between cuticle and apical plasma membrane. Image D displays the area denoted on image C (red rectangle) where individual microtubules (arrows) can be discerned.
Bacteria associated with hindgut cuticle in the papillate region of one specimen. A bacteria are visible near or at the cuticle (C) surface. Bacterial cells are connected to each other with thin filamentous structures (arrow) B bacteria are connected to the fuzzy layer of epicuticle (arrow) by thin filamentous structures (arrowheads).
The general characteristic of the apical and basal plasma membranes of epithelial cells in both hindgut regions is that they are infolded, and form apical and basal plasma membrane labyrinths. However, considerable differences between the two hindgut regions were observed in the depth of the membrane infoldings, in the spatial density of membrane infoldings and in the abundance of mitochondria associated with membrane infoldings. The apical plasma membrane in cells of both hindgut regions forms extensive and complex labyrinth of cytoplasmic strands and extracellular spaces. Numerous mitochondria are present inside the cytoplasmic strands (Figs
The differences in the basal membrane labyrinths of epithelial cells in the two hindgut regions are even more prominent. The basal plasma membrane in the anterior chamber forms relatively sparse narrow infoldings which are accompanied by scant mitochondria (Fig.
Measurements of the membrane labyrinths depth suggest that the apical and the basal labyrinths are both deeper in the papillate region in comparison to the anterior chamber and that in both hindgut regions the apical membrane labyrinth is slightly deeper than the basal membrane labyrinth (Fig.
Ultrastructure of the apical plasma membrane labyrinth in the anterior chamber and the papillate region. A Apical membrane labyrinth (AL) in the anterior chamber. In the cytoplasmic strands mitochondria (arrowheads) are present B A tubular appearance of cytoplasmic strands is evident in certain sections (arrow) C Apical membrane labyrinth (AL) in the papillate region. Key: arrowheads – mitochondria, CUT – cuticle.
Ultrastructure of the basal plasma membrane labyrinth in the anterior chamber and the papillate region. A Basal plasma membrane in the anterior chamber forms sparse narrow infoldings (arrows) B Extensive basal membrane labyrinth (BL) in the papillate region is associated with numerous mitochondria (arrowheads) C Basal lamina in the anterior chamber. Hemidesmosome-like junctions are visible as small electron dense plaques (arrowheads) D Basal lamina in the papillate region. Hemidesmosome-like junctions are visible as small electron dense plaques (arrowheads). Abbreviation: M – muscle.
Apical and basal labyrinth depth and density of membrane infoldings in the two hindgut regions. Scatter plots depict: A Median values of apical labyrinth depth versus the median values of basal labyrinth depth in cells from the anterior chamber (blue) and the papillate region (red) of three specimens B Median values of apical infoldings density against the median values of basal infoldings density in cells from the anterior chamber (blue) and the papillate region (red) of three specimens. The central line in both plots is the line of equality. Points lying on the line indicate that median value of depth/density is equal, apically and basally. Points below the line indicate that the median value of depth/density is larger apically than basally. Points above the line indicate that the median value is larger basally than apically.
The junctional complexes between epithelial cells in both hindgut regions consist of subapically located adherens junctions and septate junctions which are located beneath the adherens junctions (Fig.
Septate junctions in both hindgut regions occupy considerable portions of the lateral membranes. In the papillate region the membrane area with septate junctions is intensely convoluted and the overall length of septate junctions is larger than that of the anterior chamber (Fig.
Ultrastructure of cell junctions in the anterior chamber and the papillate region. A The junctional complex in the anterior chamber consists of subapically located adherens junctions (AJ) and septate junctions (SJ) located beneath the adherens junctions B The junctional complex in the papillate region consists of subapically located adherens junctions (AJ) and extremely long and convoluted septate junctions (SJ) located beneath the adherens junctions C Adherens junctions consist of two electron dense plaques (arrowheads) at the cytoplasmic sides of lateral plasma membranes of two neighbouring cells and electron dense material in the intercellular space between the membranes D Septate junctions are visible as electron dense septa arranged in strings (arrow). Dilated intercellular spaces are visible where septate junctions are locally interrupted (arrowhead). Abbreviations: C – cuticle, AI – apical infoldings, SJ – septate junction.
Lateral parts of epithelial cells in the anterior chamber and the papillate region. A Two neighbouring cells in the anterior chamber B Two neighbouring cells in the papillate region. Abbreviations: LID – area of lateral interdigitations, AL – apical labyrinth, BL – basal labyrinth, M – muscle.
Na+/K+-ATPase activity was localised indirectly through lead phosphate deposits, which were present in the procuticle and along apical membranous invaginations of the anterior hindgut in postmoult and intermoult animals. The deposits were observed in tubular and dilated vacuolar infoldings (Fig.
Localization of Na+/K+-ATPase activity in hindguts of intermoult and postmoult animals. A Na+/K+-ATPase activity in the anterior chamber of intermoult P. scaber. Electron dense deposits are present along tubular (arrowheads) and dilated (arrows) apical membranous infoldings and in the procuticle (PRO) B Na+/K+-ATPase activity in the papillate region of postmoult P. scaber. Abundant deposits are present along the apical infoldings (arrowheads) and in the procuticle (PRO) C Control section in the anterior chamber of intermoult animal where K+ ions were replaced by Na+ ions. No reaction product is present along apical infoldings (AI) or in the cuticle (C) D Control section in the papillate region of postmoult animal treated with ouabain. Some deposits (arrowheads) are present along the apical infoldings. Abbreviations: C – cuticle.
The present study complements and upgrades the previous knowledge of the hindgut epithelial cell ultrastructure in isopods by providing a detailed description and quantification of ultrastructural characters of these cells and their comparison between the main two hindgut regions. We also report on connections between the epithelial cells and the hindgut cuticle, which were not described in previous works. Our results show clear evidence of prominent ultrastructural differences between the epithelia in the anterior chamber and in the papillate region. Cuticle structure and the thickness of epicuticle and procuticle differ significantly between the two hindgut regions, which suggests different mechanical and functional aspects of the cuticle, such as permeability, stiffness, and compactness. Another feature that differentiates epithelial cells in the two hindgut regions is the intensity of apical and basal membrane infolding. This is likely related to transport of nutrients, water and ions through epithelia between the hindgut lumen and haemocoel. Epithelial cells differ also in the extent of septate junctions and the interdigitations of lateral plasma membranes, which are important for the epithelial paracellular permeability in the two hindgut regions.
Epithelial cells in the hindgut of P. scaber are in general columnar to isodiametric and large, measuring between 40 and 100 µm in diameter. We consider that the cell width and height varies also due to contractions of an extensive neuromuscular network and due to distension of epithelium in guts filled with food. Measured epithelial cells in the papillate region were flatter since the papillate region in majority of specimens was completely full and epithelium was more distended.
Both the hindgut epithelium and the epidermis in crustaceans are of ectodermal origin and are apically lined by a chitinous cuticle. A structural comparison between these two different cuticles in the same species is helpful in the evaluation of the observed cuticle characteristics in relation to their specific functions. While the epidermis with the mineralised exoskeleton provides protection against predators, infections and desiccation, communicates with external environment and provides mechanical support of the body crucial for locomotion, the hindgut epithelium is involved in transport of nutrients, water and ions (
The hindgut epicuticle of P. scaber structurally resembles the homogenous inner and trilayered outer epicuticle of the animals’ exoskeleton. The detailed description of the outer epicuticle in isopod exoskeletons revealed that it usually consists of several thin layers (
The procuticle in the hindgut displays distinctive sublayers, which are more obvious in the anterior chamber. The hindgut cuticle has thinner procuticle relative to the entire cuticle thickness, and structurally displays less pronounced organisation of the chitin-protein lamellae than the exoskeletal cuticle. The lamellar organisation contributes to exoskeletal cuticle stiffness and mechanical resistance as a consequence of the complex hierarchical structure at all levels of organisation, from molecules to helicoidally stacked chitin-protein planes (
Infolded plasma membranes associated with mitochondria, as reported here for the hindgut epithelium, are a general characteristic of transporting epithelial cells. The infolded apical, lateral or basal plasma membranes enlarge the surface across which the transport can take place and provide enclosed extracellular spaces, where ion gradients can build up. This in turn can drive secondary transport and the flow of water. Associated mitochondria are important in providing energy for the active transport of ions (
Epithelial cells in the anterior chamber of P. scaber have their apical surfaces amplified by apical membrane infoldings. More commonly, the absorptive cells in digestive systems of arthropods are of endodermal origin and have apical surfaces amplified by brush border of microvilli (
Two important ion pumps in ion transporting epithelia are the Na+/K+-ATPase and the vacuolar H+-ATPase (
The outstanding ultrastructural hallmarks of the hindgut epithelium are extensive septate junctions (SJ) located basal to adherens junctions. In different arthropod epithelia, two types of septate junctions have been described: pleated SJ and smooth SJ, which both typically form circumferential belts around the apicolateral regions of epithelial cells (
The basal lamina beneath the basal plasma membrane of epithelial cells in both hindgut regions is outstandingly thick (100 – 300 nm). The typical thickness of basal laminae in vertebrates is between 50 and 100 µm (
Epithelial cells in both hindgut regions have ultrastructural features typical of transporting epithelia. The observed ultrastructural differences indicate different transport roles in the two hindgut regions and are consistent with the proposed nutrient absorptive function of anterior chamber and transepithelial ion and water fluxes of the papillate region.
Thicker procuticle with more numerous thinner lamellae implies higher stiffness of cuticle in the anterior chamber in comparison to the papillate region. This could be linked to the intensive food processing in the anterior chamber by the contraction of the surrounding muscle layers.
The hindgut cuticle is connected to individual epithelial cells by anchoring junctions on the apical plasma membrane and fibres that protrude into the cuticular matrix, which is a similar architecture as reported for exoskeletal cuticle connections to tendon cells.
Epithelial cells in the anterior chamber have an extended apical surface in particular. This indicates extensive exchange of material between cells and the hindgut lumen, which supports the proposed nutrient absorptive function of the anterior chamber. In the papillate region, both the apical and the basal surfaces are greatly increased. This indicates extensive exchange of material with both the hindgut lumen and haemocoel, which is consistent with transepithelial transport of ions and water in the papillate region involved in osmoregulation.
The intense Na+/K+-ATPase activity at infoldings of apical plasma membrane may represent the driving force for transepithelial transport of ions and water in the papillate region.
Extensive septate junctions in P. scaber hindgut indicate that the paracellular transport is tightly regulated in the entire hindgut and especially in the papillate region.
The basal lamina is relatively thick in comparison to basal laminae in other tissues and probably provides mechanical support for the hindgut epithelium.
We are very grateful to Dr. Andrej Blejec for suggestions and help with the analysis and presentation of quantitative data. We also thank Dr. Bill Milne for grammatical corrections. This work was financed by the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS), programme Integrative Zoology and Speleobiology P1-0184.
SI Figure 1. Boxplots depicting individual measurements of cell size and cell nuclei diameter
SI Figure 2. Boxplots depicting individual measurements of cuticle thickness
SI Figure 3. Boxplots depicting individual measurements of basal lamina thickness
SI Figure 4. Boxplots depicting individual measurements of apical membrane labyrinth depth
SI Figure 5. Boxplots depicting individual measurements of basal membrane labyrinth depth
SI Figure 6. Stripcharts depicting individual measurements of the spatial density of apical membrane infoldings
SI Figure 7. Stripcharts depicting individual measurements of the spatial density of basal membrane infoldings