Jose Ricardo M. Mermudes, a new subject editor for the Coleoptera families

The ZooKeys team welcomes Jose Ricardo M. Mermudes as a subject editor in Coleoptera.
"As a professor and researcher at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, my work focuses on scientific research and outreach related to beetles in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil. I collaborate with students at all levels, emphasizing the training of other researchers, in different families of Coleoptera. The study of the beetle fauna (adult and mainly immature) occurring in the Neotropical region is still very incipient for several families. I have been coordinating research since 1997, which has encouraged publications with neglected families in Brazil, such as Polyphaga: Anthribidae, Belidae, Buprestidae, Brentidae, Cerambycidae, Chrysomelidae, Curculionidae, Lampyridae, Passalidae, Phengodidae, and Adephaga: Cicindelidae. Now, I have just joined the editorial team of ZooKeys as a subject editor for the Coleoptera families Anthribidae, Belidae, Buprestidae, Brentidae, Cerambycidae, Chrysomelidae, Curculionidae, Lampyridae, and Cicindelidae," he says.