Research Article |
Corresponding author: Polona Mrak ( ) Academic editor: Didier Bouchon
© 2015 Polona Mrak, Urban Bogataj, Jasna Štrus, Nada Žnidaršič.
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Mrak P, Bogataj U, Štrus J, Žnidaršič N (2015) Formation of the hindgut cuticular lining during embryonic development of Porcellio scaber (Crustacea, Isopoda). In: Taiti S, Hornung E, Štrus J, Bouchon D (Eds) Trends in Terrestrial Isopod Biology. ZooKeys 515: 93–109.
The hindgut and foregut in terrestrial isopod crustaceans are ectodermal parts of the digestive system and are lined by cuticle, an apical extracellular matrix secreted by epithelial cells. Morphogenesis of the digestive system was reported in previous studies, but differentiation of the gut cuticle was not followed in detail. This study is focused on ultrastructural analyses of hindgut apical matrices and cuticle in selected intramarsupial developmental stages of the terrestrial isopod Porcellio scaber in comparison to adult animals to obtain data on the hindgut cuticular lining differentiation. Our results show that in late embryos of stages 16 and 18 the apical matrix in the hindgut consists of loose material overlaid by a thin intensely ruffled electron dense lamina facing the lumen. The ultrastructural resemblance to the embryonic epidermal matrices described in several arthropods suggests a common principle in chitinous matrix differentiation. The hindgut matrix in the prehatching embryo of stage 19 shows characteristics of the hindgut cuticle, specifically alignment to the apical epithelial surface and a prominent electron dense layer of epicuticle. In the preceding embryonic stage – stage 18 – an electron dense lamina, closely apposed to the apical cell membrane, is evident and is considered as the first epicuticle formation. In marsupial mancae the advanced features of the hindgut cuticle and epithelium are evident: a more prominent epicuticular layer, formation of cuticular spines and an extensive apical labyrinth. In comparison to the hindgut cuticle of adults, the hindgut cuticle of marsupial manca and in particular the electron dense epicuticular layer are much thinner and the difference between cuticle architecture in the anterior chamber and in the papillate region is not yet distinguishable. Differences from the hindgut cuticle in adults imply not fully developed structure and function of the hindgut cuticle in marsupial manca, possibly related also to different environments, as mancae develop in marsupial fluid. Bacteria, evenly distributed within the homogenous electron dense material in the hindgut lumen, were observed only in one specimen of early marsupial manca. The morphological features of gut cuticle renewal are evident in the late marsupial mancae, and are similar to those observed in the exoskeleton.
Development, digestive system, cuticle, extracellular matrix, embryo
Epidermal body surfaces and ectodermal parts of the digestive system in crustaceans are covered by cuticle. The exoskeletal cuticle and the digestive tract cuticle are both chitin-based apical matrices, but differ in ultrastructural organization and functions. Exoskeletal cuticle in terrestrial isopod crustaceans is organized in three principal horizontal regions: epicuticle, exocuticle and endocuticle, that differ in the ultrastructural architecture and composition (
The structure, composition and formation of the cuticle in the digestive system of crustaceans have not been precisely characterized. The digestive system of isopod crustaceans consists of the ectodermal foregut and hindgut and endodermal digestive glands, named also hepatopancreas or midgut glands (
Differentiation of the gut cuticle during embryonic development is a poorly understood issue. Embryos of terrestrial isopods develop in the aqueous environment of the marsupium, a fluid-filled brood pouch on the ventral side of the female body. Intramarsupial development of P. scaber lasts about 35 days under laboratory conditions and includes embryonic development, from fertilized egg to the early-stage embryo, the mid-stage embryo and the late-stage embryo, and development of the marsupial larva manca until release to the external environment (
In our study, ultrastructure of the hindgut cuticular lining in P. scaber embryos and marsupial mancae was characterized and compared to the hindgut cuticular lining of adults. We report on the hindgut cuticle differentiation from the structural viewpoint and discuss the results with respect to the differentiation of exoskeletal cuticle during intramarsupial development. Our aim was to describe the details of cuticle formation in different embryonic stages and to establish whether the hindgut cuticle of the emerging mancae is already fully developed.
Specimens of Porcellio scaber Latreille, 1804 (Crustacea: Isopoda) were maintained and bred in a laboratory culture, in soil and leaf litter, at 25 °C, high relative humidity and at 12-h light/12-h dark cycle. Three adult animals without any external signs of molting were selected from the culture and anaesthetized by cooling. The guts were isolated, rinsed in physiological solution (0.9% NaCl), cleaned and divided transversely into three portions. Samples were fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M Hepes buffer (pH 7.2). After washing with 0.1 M Hepes buffer, the samples were postfixed in 1% osmium tetroxide for 2 h and washed again in the buffer.
Embryos and mancae were isolated from the marsupia of gravid P. scaber females and the stages of embryos were identified according to the existing staging system (
All samples were then dehydrated using ethanol and/or absolute acetone and were embedded in Agar 100 or Spurr's resin. Polymerization of the resin was performed at 60 °C for 48 h in embedding molds. Semithin and ultrathin sections were made with a Reichert Ultracut S ultramicrotome (Leica), using a glass or a diamond knife, respectively. Semithin sections were stained with Azure II – Methylene Blue and imaged with a Zeiss AxioImager Z.1 light microscope, equipped with a HRC Axiocam camera using Axiovision software. Ultrathin sections were contrasted with 4% uranyl acetate and 10% lead citrate and examined with a Philips CM100 transmission electron microscope. Images were recorded with BioScan 792 and Orius 200 (Gatan) cameras using Digital Micrograph software.
The hindgut epithelium consists of large cells, apically covered with cuticular matrix and subtended by muscle cells (Fig.
Hindgut epithelium and cuticle in P. scaber adults. A Semithin section of the hindgut anterior chamber. Gut cells protrude apically into the gut lumen. The apical membrane forms an apical labyrinth (AL), that is covered with the cuticle (C). N – nucleus of gut cell B Semithin section of the hindgut papillate region. Gut cells bulge basally into the hemocoel. Apical and basal labyrinths (AL, BL) are evident. Cuticle covers apical cell surface (C). N – nucleus of gut cell C, D Ultrastructure of the cuticle in anterior chamber. The cuticle is composed of thin electron dense epicuticle (EPI) and much thicker ''lamellated'' electron lucent procuticle (PRO). Several thin sublayers are discernible in the outermost part of the epicuticle (D inset - white →). A layer of medium electron density is visible between the epi- and procuticle (D - black →). A cuticular spine is present on the cuticle surface E, F Ultrastructure of the gut cuticle in papillate region. Epicuticle (EPI) and procuticle (PRO) are about the same thickness. Both are composed of morphologically homogenous matrix. Abundant mitochondria are observed closely to the membranes of the apical labyrinth (AL) F Several thin sublayers in the outermost region of the epicuticle are visible.
The apical matrix of the hindgut cells in stage 16 late embryos consists of intensely ruffled electron dense lamina and more lucent homogenous material underneath. The apical surface of the epithelial cells frequently forms irregularly arranged membrane protrusions with electron dense plaques (Fig.
Apical matrices in the hindgut of P. scaber late embryos. EC - epithelial cell A The hindgut cells (EC) in stage 16 embryos are covered by a substantial apical matrix with intensely ruffled surface (AM). The matrix consists of an electron dense lamina (black →) and underlying more electron lucent homogenous material. The apical membrane displays irregularly arranged protrusions (white →) B, C, D In the stage 18 embryos the apical matrix of the hindgut (AM) is extensive. The surface lamina covers the matrix, which displays a distal region of medium density and a proximal lucent region. The lamina of this matrix is trilayered (B inset). A new electron dense lamina (B, D - black →) is evident above the apical membrane protrusions (B, D - white →). The new lamina is mostly continuous, though in some regions it still appears in fragments (C - black →) E, F In the prehatching embryo of stage 19 the hindgut apical matrix consists of a distal trilayered lamina (black →), an electron dense material, accumulating underneath the lamina (F - white →) and underlying lucent material (E - *). Microvilli-like protrusions of the apical plasma membrane are evident (E - white →). The gut lumen is filled with homogenous material.
In embryos of the stage 18 the hindgut apical matrix consists of an intensely ruffled thin lamina on the surface and matrix underneath, which is more dense in comparison to stage 16 embryos (Fig.
In prehatching late embryos of stage 19, the apical matrix does not display a ruffled outline, but in general follows the apical gut surface. In some regions detachment of the matrix from the epithelium was observed. The hindgut matrix in this stage is composed of an electron dense lamina facing the hindgut lumen and underlying lucent material. The lamina is thicker in this stage than in the previous embryonic stages and consists of three layers (Fig.
The luminal side of the hindgut epithelium of marsupial mancae is covered with cuticle, aligned to the surface of cells (Fig.
Cuticle in the hindgut of P. scaber marsupial mancae. EC - epithelial cell, PRO – procuticle, EPI – epicuticle, AL – apical labyrinth. A, B, C The hindgut cuticle (C) in early marsupial manca with the outer epicuticle and the inner procuticle. The epicuticle (EPI) consists of the outermost trilayered lamina (B, C - black →) and electron dense material underneath (C - white →). The procuticle (PRO) contains homogenous electron lucent material. Bulges of the cuticle are observed, some include electron dense material (B white →). Apical plasma membrane is intensely invaginated (B, C – ►) and forms apical labyrinth (AL) D, E The hindgut cuticle in late marsupial manca in the anterior chamber (D) and in the papillate region (E). Electron dense material is prominent under the trilayered lamina of the epicuticle. Cuticular spines are evident (black →) F Hindgut cuticle renewal in late marsupial manca - degradation and detachment of the old cuticle (DC) and formation of the new cuticle (NC) on the plasma membrane protrusions (white →). The new cuticle consists of an electron dense lamina (►), an electron dense material accumulating underneath (∆) and an inner electron lucent homogenous procuticle (PRO) F inset: Protrusions of the apical plasma membrane (white →) display electron dense tips – plaques – and are covered with an electron dense material.
In early marsupial mancae the electron dense material under the trilayered lamina of the epicuticle is slightly more abundant than in stage 19 prehatching embryo (Fig.
In some examined specimens the gut lumen was empty, although in most marsupial mancae homogenous gut contents were observed (Fig.
A, B The gut lumen contents in the early marsupial manca of P. scaber includes homogenous material with evenly distributed bacteria (white →). A higher magnification of the squared area in the image A is shown in the image BBacteria are rod-shaped, contain electron dense cytoplasm and are surrounded by lucent spaces. C, D Empty gut lumen, observed in the late marsupial manca. The cuticle is in most regions considerably detached from the epithelium (DC). The epithelial cells are ventrally more prismatic and dorsally more isodiametric. A higher magnification of the ventral gut cells in the image D reveals basally accumulated lipid droplets (black →).
Morphogenesis of the digestive system was previously studied in isopod crustacean Porcellio scaber (
The hindgut cuticular lining in adults of P. scaber is approximately ten times thinner than the exoskeletal cuticle. We show here that in the anterior chamber of the hindgut the procuticle is much thicker than the epicuticle, the ratio of the thicknesses being approximately 5:1. In the hindgut papillate region the epicuticle is about the same thickness as the procuticle and several times thicker than the epicuticle in the anterior chamber. The procuticle of the anterior chamber displays ''lamellae'' similar to those in the exoskeletal cuticle that appear due to the helicoidally arranged chitin-protein fibers. In contrast, the procuticle in the papillate region is morphologically homogenous. Two hindgut regions, anterior chamber and papillate region, are known to perform specific functions (
The apical matrix secreted by hindgut cells in late embryos of stages 16 and 18 consists of loose material overlaid by an intensely ruffled electron dense lamina and thus resembles the epidermal precuticular matrix that is formed prior to exoskeletal cuticle during embryonic development (
The hindgut matrix in prehatching stage 19 embryos consists of a trilayered electron dense lamina, subjacent electron dense material and the innermost lucent layer. We consider this matrix a hindgut cuticle as it strictly follows the apical epithelial surface and includes a prominent layer of electron dense material below the lamina, characterizing the gut epicuticle. The apical membrane protrusions in some regions suggest the secretion of the procuticle components. In this stage the procuticle in the hindgut is not sublayered as it is in fully formed cuticle, while the exoskeletal cuticle already displays ultrastructure similar to that in adults (
The hindgut cuticular lining in marsupial manca, with the electron lucent procuticle and overlying electron dense epicuticle, shows more similarities to the hindgut cuticle in adults. Advanced differentiation is evidenced by more prominent electron dense layer of the epicuticle and formation of cuticular spines. Extensive invaginations of the apical plasma membrane, forming a prominent apical labyrinth, suggest that hindgut epithelium is involved in transportive processes in mancae. The morphology of hindgut epithelium and cuticle in marsupial mancae implies that the specific functions of the hindgut in feeding are more developed. We have observed that in most examined mancae the gut lumen is filled with homogenous contents.
Ultrastructural characteristics of the hindgut cuticular lining and epithelium, according to the examined developmental stages of P. scaber and in comparison to the hindgut of adults, are shown in a schematic representation in Figure
A schematic representation showing the ultrastructural characteristics of the hindgut apical matrices and epithelium during late intramarsupial development and in comparison to the hindgut cuticular lining of adult animals in P. scaber. The axis represents the successive developmental stages and the percentage of embryonic development. The vertical dashed lines indicate the transition from embryonic to larval development and from larval development to adult stage. The thick horizontal lines represent presence of the individual feature in the certain stages. The specific features of the cuticle are indicated by the thin lines.
In the advanced intramarsupial stages the hindgut cuticle is structurally more similar to the hindgut cuticle in adults, suggesting it progressively assumes its specific functions in protection and food processing. In the stage 19 prehatching embryo a hindgut cuticle is evident, characterized by alignment to the epithelial surface and a prominent electron dense layer of the epicuticle. An electron dense lamina in the preceding embryonic stage - stage 18 - is evident, considered as the first epicuticle formation. This is the same stage, in which the first exoskeletal cuticle formation has been observed.
In marsupial mancae further gut cuticle differentiation is evident, as formation of the cuticular spines and a conspicuous electron dense epicuticular layer. Compared to the gut cuticular lining of adults, the cuticle of marsupial mancae is thinner, the ultrastructure is not different along the length of the hindgut, the procuticle in the anterior chamber does not yet show any lamellae associated with chitin helicoids, and the electron dense layer of the epicuticle is thinner. These differences imply that the function of the hindgut cuticle in marsupial manca is not fully developed, possibly related also to different environments, as mancae develop in marsupial fluid. Synthesis of new cuticle prior to ecdysis is evident in both the exoskeleton and hindgut cuticle of late marsupial mancae.
This work was financed by the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS), grant No. P1-0184 and 1000-11-310087. We are very grateful to the reviewers and to dr. Bill Milne for improving the manuscript by their constructive suggestions and grammatical corrections.