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Corresponding author: Hui-Lin Han ( ) Academic editor: James Adams
© 2020 Jun Wu, Chun-Sheng Wu, Hui-Lin Han.
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Wu J, Wu C-S, Han H-L (2020) A new species of the genus Caissa Hering, 1931 from Yunnan, China (Lepidoptera, Limacodidae). ZooKeys 951: 83-89.
A new species, Caissa yunnana sp. nov. is described from Yunnan Prov., China. The new species is illustrated with images of the adult habitus and male genitalia, and compared with the similar species C. caissa Hering, 1931. A world checklist of the genus Caissa Hering, 1931 is provided
Caissa, China, Lepidoptera, Limacodidae, new species
The genus Caissa Hering, 1931, a member of the family Limacodidae, is based on the type species C. caissa Hering, 1931.
The features common to the genus are filiform male antennae, labial palpus somewhat appressed and upcurved, not quite reaching the vertex. The forewing has an obvious dark medial band, and the hindwing has a dark tornal spot. The species of the genus are diverse in external morphological characters, in wing venation, and in male genitalia. According to
The second group includes C. fasciatum, C. gambita, C. longisaccula, C. aurea and C. bezverkhovi. This group is characterized as follows: the forewing ground color is pale yellow, with an oblique pale medial line, which is embedded in the black-brown medial band, running from 1/2 costal margin to 1/3 inner margin; the postmedial line is very indistinct or almost absent; there are 1 or 2 small black spots near the apex of the terminal line and a dark spot near the base of vein CuP; in the male genitalia, the cucullus is round; the sacculus is significantly inflated, about half the length of the valva; the broad bifurcation of the sacculus process is triangular blade shaped or finger-like; the phallus is curved, and the coecum is short.
The third group includes C. medialis, C. parenti, C. caii, C. staurognatha and C. kangdinga. This group is characterized as follows: the forewing medial band is black or brown, without an embedded pale medial line; the inner border of the medial band runs from 1/3 the distance from the wing base on the costal margin, to 2/5 from the wing base on the inner margin, and the outer border runs from 2/5 from the wing base on the costal margin, to 3/5 from the wing base on the inner margin; the arcuate postmedial line is distinct; in the male genitalia, the gnathos is varied, well developed or reduced; the terminal part of the juxta has a distinct elongation; the inflated part of the sacculus is short, about 1/3 length of the valva; the sacculus process is not forked; the phallus is straight, and the coecum is rather longer than in the other two groups, over 1/3 length of the phallus.
Here we describe a new species from Yunnan Province in southwest China. Based on the features of the forewing with unequal-sized white patches, the white terminal area forming a nearly right triangle, and the terminal part of juxta strongly sclerotized, U-like, with dense black spurs, it is assigned to the first group. The genus now includes 11 species, six of which are distributed in China.
The specimens were collected at 220 V/450 W mercury light and DC black light in Yunnan Province, China. Standard methods for dissection and preparing of the genitalia slides were used (described by
Caissa Hering, 1931, in Seitz, Macrolep. World, 10: 670, 700. Type species: Caissa caissa Hering, 1931 [India: Khasis Hills].
♂, China, Yunnan Province, Lvchun County, Mt. Huanglian, 27–31.VII.2018, leg. HL. Han, J. Wu, MR. Li [NEFU], genit. prep. WuJ-069-1.
3♂, same data as holotype [NEFU], genit. prep. for one dissected paratype WuJ-068-1.
Adult (Fig.
Caissa spp., adults: 1 C. yunnana sp. nov., male, holotype 2 C. caissa Hering, 1931, male, holotype (after
Male genitalia (Fig.
Female genitalia. Unknown.
The new species is similar in appearance to C. caissa (Fig.
In the male genitalia, the new species clearly differs from C. caissa (Fig.
China (Yunnan Province: Mt. Huanglian) (Fig.
The species is named for its type locality in Yunnan Province, China.
The moths fly in July. The specimens were collected with a light trap close to a broad-leaved forest with ferns and shrubs (Fig.
C. caissa Hering, 1931 (India: Khasis Hills)
C. yunnana Wu, Wu & Han, sp. nov. (China: Yunnan)
C. fasciatum (Hampson, 1893) (India: Nágas)
C. longisaccula Wu & Fang, 2008 (China: Fujian)
C. gambita Hering, 1931 (India: Travancore)
C. aurea Solovyev & Witt, 2009 (Vietnam: Lao Cai)
C. bezverkhovi Solovyev & Witt, 2009 (Vietnam: Nghe An)
C. kangdinga Solovyev & Saldaitis, 2013 (China: Sichuan)
C. caii Wu & Fang, 2008 (China: Shaanxi)
C. parenti Orhant, 2000 (Myanmar: Maymyo)
C. medialis Yoshimoto, 1994 (Nepal: Kathmandu)
C. staurognatha Wu, 2011 (China: Sichuan)
The present study was supported by the National Nature Science Foundation of China (No. 31872261, 31572294), and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (No. 2572019CP11). We also thank the staff of Huanglianshan Nature Reserve in Yunnan for their support in our collection work.