Review Article |
Corresponding author: Arne Köhler ( ) Academic editor: Netta Dorchin
© 2020 Frank Menzel, Øivind Gammelmo, Kjell Magne Olsen, Arne Köhler.
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Menzel F, Gammelmo Ø, Olsen KM, Köhler A (2020) The Black Fungus Gnats (Diptera, Sciaridae) of Norway – Part I: species records published until December 2019, with an updated checklist. ZooKeys 957: 17-104.
Black Fungus Gnats (Sciaridae) are a megadiverse, cosmopoliltan family of bibionomorph Diptera. Even in Europe, the continent with the longest tradition in sciarid taxonomy, numerous taxonomic issues remain unresolved and countless species await discovery and description. The fauna of Norway is in these respects no exception. Recognising considerable knowledge gaps, the Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centre provided substantial funding for a detailed inventory of the Sciaridae species occurring in Norway, which was realised in 2014–2018. The results of this project will be published in a series of papers, of which the first is presented here, summarising available data on the taxonomy, faunistics, and autecology of Norwegian Sciaridae beginning with Zetterstedt’s pioneering work in 1838 and ending with 31 December 2019 as the cut-off date. All published records from that period were analysed. The result is a list of 143 species and four unplaced names. Following a consistent scheme, verified locality details are provide including alternative spellings, habitats, and flight times of adults in Norway, literature citations for the faunistic records, and general taxonomic references for classification or identification. A checklist of the sciarid fauna of Norway and a complete list of the relevant literature are also presented.
armyworm, diversity, Europe, faunistics, habitats, literature review, localities, phenology, Scandinavia, Sciaroidea
The Sciaridae is one of the largest families of Diptera, rich in both species and individuals, and plays a significant role in natural ecosystems (summarised in
Often sciarids are one of the most dominant Diptera families in ecological studies (e.g.,
The Black Fungus Gnats (Figs
Compared to most other Diptera in Norway, Sciaridae have previously attracted little attention from entomologists. Notorious for their uniformity and small body size, adult sciarids are largely the domain of taxonomic specialists, while larvae of most species remain undiscovered. The earliest mention of Black Fungus Gnats in Norway was by
In 2014 the Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centre (NBIC) granted the project ‘Sørgemygg i Norge’ (Sciaridae of Norway) funding for the period 2014–2016. Later NBIC also granted funding for the project ‘Sørgemygg i norske skoger’ (Sciaridae in Norwegian forests), which is effectively the second phase of our research work. This ran from January 2017 to December 2018. Our study collates the records published between 1735 and 2019 and provides many corrected locality data for the Norwegian sciarid fauna. The revised nomenclature and the evaluation of faunistic records at species level form the basis for an updated checklist. For the first time, information is also summarised on the identified habitats and the phenology of species in Norway. Consequently, all results presented here comprise the published ‘status quo’, form the basis for the evaluation of our faunistic work in both mentioned NTI projects, and are the starting point for a series of papers on the Norwegian fauna. Many unpublished data on the Black Fungus Gnats of Norway, based on the identification of specimens in several museum collections, or on the samples collected by the authors between 2014 and 2018, shall be published in this series.
Norway, Europe’s sixth largest country by land area, occupies approximately half of the Scandinavian Peninsula, bordering Sweden to the east, and Finland and Russia to the northeast (Fig.
All data analysed here were taken from both the scientific literature and publications in the media. They relate exclusively to the sciarid specimens recorded from Norway. The great total amount of data made it impossible for us to validate all the species identifications on which published records are based. To enable comparison with previous faunal lists, references to earlier records were added to the list and the synonymous names were given for each species.
Employed nomenclature and systematics are mainly based on the revision of Palaearctic fauna (
All literature sources containing data and information on the Norwegian sciarid fauna are cited for each species under ‘Faunistics’. Various outdated catalogues (e.g.,
Locality data. Due to the geographical peculiarities, the Norwegian mainland with the offshore islands is treated first in the faunistic section on each species. Counties (fylke) and localities are listed in alphabetical order, unlike the traditional practice in lists of Norwegian fauna, which are arranged from south to north. Because the Arctic island of Jan Mayen and the Arctic archipelago of Svalbard are very remote from the Norwegian mainland, they are considered separately. Faunistic records for these islands are summarised in a separate block at the end of the locality lists, following the ‘mainland records’. Geographic names are given in both modern Norwegian script and the spelling(s) used in the original literature, to facilitate their location in geographical maps and electronic resources. The reclassification of the Norwegian counties valid since 1 January 2020 was not taken into account here.
If available, all information about a locality is presented in a unified data structure as follows:
“• County; municipality, region/island(s), city/village/collecting place without or with an explanation of more precise geographic location (= ‘citation of different original spellings in the analysed literature, including wrong spellings’)”. For example, datasets of localities in various publication languages and/or with different spellings would look as follows:
“• Finnmark; Vardø, Varangerhalvøya, Persfjorden (= ‘Finmark, Vardø, Persfjord’; = ‘Vardö, Persfjord’) • Oslo; Oslo, Tøyen (= ‘ad Christianiam in Tøien’; = ‘Tøien ad Christianiam’; = ‘in Tøien ad Christ.’; = ‘Töien nahe Kristiania [Oslo]’; = ‘Tøien’; = ‘Töien’; = ‘Toiën’).
• Jan Mayen; without further locality details (= ‘Jan Mayen’; = ‘Jan Mayen Island’) • Svalbard; Bjørnøya, mining camp Tunheim on the NE coast (= ‘Bear Island, Tunheim’) • Spitsbergen, Isfjorden, Dickson Land, Kapp Thordsen (= ‘in Spetsbergia ad Cap Torsden in Isfjorden’; = ‘Cap Torsden’).”
Ecological data. If the literature sources provide information on habiat and/or temporal occurrence of a species, these data were summarised in an ‘Ecological note’. All data published here refer exclusively to the Norwegian sciarid fauna. It should be noted that for most species the habitat requirements are poorly known or missing, so notes in this paragraph should be considered as incomplete. For example, the listing of a single habitat type does not necessarily mean that the species is only adapted to that habitat or that this information applies to all published Norwegian records and/or collected specimens. For many Norwegian species with few published data, no information currently exists on the habitat or the flight time of adults. Such ‘negative results’ of our literature study are indicated in the ecological notes of the species concerned by ‘Habitat not specified’ and/or ‘Phenology: without data’.
Listed here are Norwegian words, or suffixes, frequently occurring in place names together with their English translations:
-dal/-dalen = valley; -bukta/-bugten = bay; -elv/-elva = river; -fjell/-fjellet/-fjella = mountain(s); -fjellstue = mountain lodge/inn; -fjord/-fjorden = fjord; -halvøya = peninsula; -hytta = hut/bothy; -øy/-øya = island; -stua/-stue = cabin/hostel/mountain lodge; -vann/-vannet/-vatn/-vatnet = lake; -vidda = plateau.
The following general abbreviations are used in the text: E = eastern; N = northern; NE = northeastern; NW = northwestern; S = southern; SE = southeastern; SW = southwestern; W = western; ? = questionable content (concerning locality names, species identifications, or cited references in literature); SG = subgenus (only used in the checklist); Mar.–Dec. = month (March to December) in relation to the collecting time (= flight time of imagines).
Some museums and institutions were abbreviated as follows: BFCO = BioFokus Collection, Oslo, Norway;
Some publications, especially older ones, contain reports about spectacular processions of sciarid larvae. The up to ten meters long columns are called an ‘armyworm’ in the popular language. In the studied literature sources which refer to Norway, can also be found – partly in other languages – the synonym names ‘hærorm’ (= ‘Heervurm’; = ‘Heerwurm’), ‘dragfæ’ (=‘dragfæe’; = ‘fedrag’), ‘ormedrag’ (= ‘Orme-Drag’; = ‘Wurmdrache’), ‘budrag’, ‘markskrei’, ‘härmask’, ‘hærmygg’, ‘hærsørgemygg’ or ‘sørgemygg’. In Norway, these have been partly associated with the species Sciara hemerobioides (Scopoli, 1763) [= thomae (Linnaeus, 1767)] (
The Norwegian records of ‘armyworms’ were presented or summarised in the following publications:
Finds of ‘armyworms’ have been reported from the following Norwegian localities: • Norway; without further locality details (= ‘i Norrige’; = ‘in Norwegen’) –
Faunistic note: Most of the Norwegian armyworm records in
Those armyworm records included in
= pratincola Tuomikoski, 1960.
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norwegen’; = ‘Norway’) • Finnmark; Tana, Tanafjorden, fjord Vestertana (= ‘Finmark, Tana, Vestertana’) • Telemark; Drangedal, Djupedal 1.5 km SE of Henneseid (= ‘Drangedal, Djupedal, Henseid’) • Drangedal, woodland Steinknapp SW of Drangedal (= ‘Drangedal, Steinknapp’) • Troms; Nordreisa, woodland and farm Hallen at the E shore of Reisaelva SE of Storslett (= ‘Nordreisa, Hallen’) • Tromsø (= ‘Tromsø’; = ‘Tromsö’) • Trøndelag; Verdal, Østre Nes at the Jamtlandsvegen [road no. 72] between Verdal and Lysthaugen (= ‘ad diversorium Näs Værdaliæ’; = ‘ad diversorium Næs Værdaliæ’).
Grove meadows. Phenology: Jun.–Aug.
= caliginosa (Winnertz, 1867); = concolor (Beling, 1873); = egens (Winnertz, 1867); = meridiana (Lengersdorf, 1926); = moreensis (Lengersdorf, 1926); = mutabilis (Lengersdorf, 1926); = obscura (Winnertz, 1867); = rogenhoferi (Winnertz, 1867).
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norwegen’) • Finnmark; Alta, Bojobæskihytta in the Stabbursdalen between Karasjok and Alta (= ‘Bojobæske’; = ‘Bojobaeske’) • Alta, Jotkajavre fjellstue on the Finnmarksvidda between Karasjok and Alta (= ‘Jotkajavre’) • Karasjok, Karasjok at the river Karasjohka (= ‘Karasjok’) • Nordland; Sørfold, Røsvik at the S shore of Sørfolda (= ‘Røsvik’; = ‘Røsvik [? Rørvik]’) • Telemark; Drangedal, woodland Steinknapp SW of Drangedal (= ‘Drangedal, Steinknapp’).
Oak canopies of Quercus robur. Phenology: Jun.–Aug.
= campestris Mohrig & Mamaev, 1970; = pedestris (Kieffer, 1903).
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norway’).
The single Norwegian record of Bradysia angustipennis was published by
Habitat not specified. Phenology: without data.
= abdominalis (Lehmann, 1824); = bicolor var. alpestris (Lengersdorf, 1926); = bore (Walker, 1848); = rufiventris (Macquart, 1834).
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Nord-Norwegen’) • Buskerud; Røyken (= ‘in par. [parochia] Røken’; = ‘Røken’; = ‘Røyken’) • Finnmark; Alta, Jotkajavre fjellstue on the Finnmarksvidda between Karasjok and Alta (= ‘Jotkajavre’) • Hammerfest, Hammerfest (= ‘Hammerfest’; = ‘Hammerfest, Finmark’; = ‘Hammerfest, Finmark [Hammerfest auf der Insel Kvalöya]’) • Nordland; Hattfjelldal, Røssvatnet (= ‘Røsvand’; = ‘Røssvatn’) • Nord-Helgeland, Ranfjorden (= ‘Ranfjord’) • Oppland; Nord-Fron or Sør-Fron in the Gudbrandsdalen (= ‘Gudbrandsdalen, Fron’) • Øyer in the Gudbrandsdalen (= ‘Øier Gudbrandsdaliæ’; = ‘Gudbrandsdalen, Öier’; = ‘Öier’) • Øyer, Moshus in the SE part of Øyer in the Gudbrandsdalen (= ‘Øier Gudbrandsdaliæ ad Moshus’; = ‘Moshus, Øyer’) • Troms; Tromsø, Ramfjorden (= ‘Ramfjord’) • Trøndelag; Levanger, Alstadhaug (= ‘Alstadhaug, Levanger’; = ‘ad Alstadhaug’; = ‘ad Alstahaug’) • Levanger, Levanger (= ‘ad Levanger’; = ‘Levanger’) • Vestfold; Sandefjord (= ‘ad Sandefjord’; = ‘ved Sandefjord’; = ‘Sandefjord’) • Stavern (= ‘ad oppidum Staværn’; = ‘ved Staværn’; = ‘Staværn’).
• Jan Mayen; without further locality details (= ‘Jan Mayen’; = ‘Jan Mayen Island’).
Habitats not specified. Phenology: Jul.–Aug.
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norway’) • Buskerud; Sigdal, Heimseteråsen (= ‘Sigdal’).
Pinus sylvestris dominated boreal forests with Betula pubescens and Picea abies. Phenology: Jul.
= myrtilli (Winnertz, 1867); = nigrescens (Winnertz, 1869); = occulta (Winnertz, 1867); = sororcula (Winnertz, 1867); = tarda (Winnertz, 1867).
• Finnmark; Alta, Bossekop in Alta (= ‘Bosekop’) • Hammerfest, Hammerfest (= ‘Hammerfest’) • Porsanger, farm Fæstningsstua near Lævnasjarvi W of Skoganvarre (= ‘Fæstningstuen’; = ‘Festningsstuen’) • Møre Og Romsdal/Oppland/Trøndelag; Dovrefjell [Dovre Mountains] (= ‘Dovre’) • Troms; Balsfjord, Svendborg ca. 1.7 km from the N shore of Fjellfrøsvatnet (= ‘Svendborg’; = ‘Svendborg’) • Karlsøy, Torsvåg at the NW coast of Vannøya 15 km N of Tromsø (= ‘Torsvaag’; = ‘Torsvåg’) • Tromsø (= ‘Tromsø’) • Tromsø, Ramfjorden (= ‘Ramfjord’).
Habitats not specified. Phenology: Jul.–Aug.
= egregia (Beling, 1873); = fastuosa (Winnertz, 1867); = insignis (Winnertz, 1867).
• Møre Og Romsdal/Oppland/Trøndelag; Dovrefjell [Dovre Mountains] (= ‘in alpe Dovre’; = ‘Dovre’).
Habitat not specified. Phenology: Jul.
= bulbostyla Mohrig & Menzel, 1990; = frigida (Winnertz, 1867); = signata (Winnertz, 1867).
• Telemark; Drangedal, 300 m SE of Henneseid (= ‘Drangedal, Henseid’).
The first specimen of Bradysia fenestralis from Norway, on which the record in the cited literature was based, was identified in our NTI project 2014–2016.
Oak canopies of Quercus robur. Phenology: Jul.
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norway’) • Rogaland; Finnøy, Finnøy Island, Lasteinvatnet SE of Lastein on the SE coast (published as ‘Norway’; see faunistic note).
The single Norwegian record of Bradysia flavipila published in
Habitat not specified. Phenology: May.
= luravi (Johannsen, 1929); = nocturna Tuomikoski, 1960.
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norway’).
Habitat not specified. Phenology: without data.
= fera (Winnertz, 1867); = hercyniae (Winnertz, 1869); = incana (Strobl, 1910); = ingrata (Winnertz, 1867); = sylvicola (Winnertz, 1869).
• Troms; Balsfjord, Fjellfrøsvatnet [Fjellfroskvannet] N of Øverbygd (= ‘Fjellfrøskvann’).
Habitat not specified. Phenology: Jul.
= clavigera (Lengersdorf, 1926); = nemorum (Winnertz, 1867).
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norwegen’) • Troms; Tromsø, Ramfjorden (= ‘Ramfjord’).
Habitats not specified. Phenology: Jul.
• Telemark; Drangedal, woodland Steinknapp SW of Drangedal (= ‘Drangedal, Steinknapp’).
The first specimen of Bradysia hilariformis from Norway, on which the record in the cited literature was based, was identified in our NTI project 2014–2016.
Oak canopies of Quercus robur. Phenology: Jun.
= betuleti (Lengersdorf, 1940); = dolens (Johannsen, 1912); = fumida (Johannsen, 1912).
• Troms; Tromsø (= ‘Tromsø’).
Habitat not specified. Phenology: Aug.
= agrestis Sasakawa, 1978; = hardyi (Shaw, 1952); = paupera Tuomikoski, 1960; = tristicula var. difformis Frey, 1948.
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norway’; = ‘several horticultural localities’) • Akershus; Ås.
In greenhouses and laboratories on poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima). Phenology: without data.
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norway’).
Habitat not specified. Phenology: without data.
= hirundina (Winnertz, 1867); = latiuscula (Winnertz, 1867); = merula (Winnertz, 1867); = tremulae (Beling, 1873).
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norwegia’) • Finnmark; Alta, Jotkajavre fjellstue on the Finnmarksvidda between Karasjok and Alta (= ‘Jotkajavre’) • Nordland; Herøy, Måsvær Island (= ‘Måsvær’) • Øksnes, in the NW part of Langøya of the Vesterålen archipelago (= ‘Øksnes’) • Oslo; Oslo, Tøyen (= ‘in Tøien ad Christianiam’; = ‘Tøyen, Oslo’) • Troms; Balsfjord, Fjellfrøsvatnet [Fjellfroskvannet] N of Øverbygd (= ‘Fjellfrøskvann’) • Tromsø (= ‘Tromsø’) • Trøndelag; Verdal, farm Nes between Verdal and Lysthaugen at the S site of Verdalselva (= ‘Nes, Værdal’).
Habitats not specified. Phenology: Jun.–Jul., Sep.
= nigerrima (Lengersdorf, 1940); = pseudopraecox Frey, 1948; = quinquedentata (Lengersdorf, 1936).
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norwegen’) • Finnmark; Vardø, Varangerhalvøya, Persfjorden (= ‘Finmark: Varangerhalbinsel, Persfjord’) • Troms; Tromsø (= ‘Tromsø’).
Habitats not specified. Phenology: Aug.
= cinereovittata Frey, 1948.
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norway’).
Habitat not specified. Phenology: without data.
= fucata (Meigen, 1818); = variabilis (Zetterstedt, 1838).
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norwegia’; = ‘Norwegen’; = ‘Nord-Norwegen’) • Finnmark; Hammerfest, Hammerfest (= ‘Hammerfest, Finmark’; = ‘Hammerfest’) • Karasjok, Karasjok at the river Karasjohka (= ‘Karasjok’) • Møre Og Romsdal/Oppland/Trøndelag; Dovrefjell [Dovre Mountains] (= ‘in alpe Dovre’; = ‘Dovre’) • Nordland; Narvik, Bjerkvik at the Ofotfjorden NE of Narvik (= ‘in Nordlandiæ Norvegicæ, ad diversorium Björkvik juxla Ofodenfjorden’; = ‘ad diversorium Bjørkvik prope Ofodenfjord Nordlandiae’; = ‘ad Bjŏrkvik Nordlandiae Norvegicae’; = ‘Bjørkvik, Ofoten’) • Oslo; Oslo, Tøyen (= ‘ad Christianiam in Tøien’; = ‘in Tøien ad Christianiam’; = ‘Tøien ad Christianiam’; = ‘Tøyen, Oslo’) • Oslo, Tøyenhaven (= ‘Töienhaven’; = ‘Tøyenhaven’) • Trøndelag; Verdal, farm Nes between Verdal and Lysthaugen at the S site of Verdalselva (= ‘ad Næs Værdaliæ’; = ‘ad Näs Værdaliæ’; = ‘Nes, Værdal’; = ‘Værdaliæ’) • Verdal, former poststation ‘Suulstuen’ SE of Vuku at the Jamtlandsvegen [road no. 72] (= ‘ad diversorium Suul’; = ‘ad Suul Værdaliæ’; = ‘Suul Værdaliæ’; = ‘Sul, Værdal’; = ‘Værdaliæ’).
• Svalbard; Spitsbergen, Bellsund at the W coast (= ‘ad Bel Sund’) • Spitsbergen, Edgeøya at the Storfjorden, ? Kvalpynten at the N side of the mouth of Tjuvfjorden (= ‘in Spetsbergia ad Whales Point in Storfjorden’; = ‘ad Whales Point in Storfjorden’; = ‘Whales Point, Storfjord’) • Spitsbergen, Isfjorden, Dickson Land, Kapp Thordsen (= ‘ad Cap Thordsen in Isfjorden’) • Spitsbergen, without further locality details (= ‘Spetsbergen; = ‘Spitsbergen’).
Habitats not specified. Phenology: Apr.–Sep.
= alacris (Winnertz, 1867); = albicans (Winnertz, 1867); = aprilina (Meigen, 1818); = atroparva Frey, 1948; = fenestrata (Meigen, 1818); = inornata (Winnertz, 1867); = scatopsoides (Meigen, 1818); = tenella (Winnertz, 1867); = trichoptera (Lengersdorf, 1926).
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norwegia’) • Akershus; Frogn, Sønderstøa-Degerud (= ‘Degerud’) • Finnmark; Alta, Jotkajavre fjellstue on the Finnmarksvidda between Karasjok and Alta (= ‘Jotkajavre’) • Hammerfest, Hammerfest (= ‘Hammerfest, Finmark’; = ‘Hammerfest’) • Vardø, Varangerhalvøya, Persfjorden (= ‘Finmark: Varangerhalbinsel, Persfjord’) • Hordaland; Kvam, ‘Berge landskapsvernområde’ [protected landscape area with the Bergsvatnet] NW of Tørvikbygd (= ‘Kvam, Berge’) • Nordland; Sømna, Sømnes at the bay Sømnesvika N of Vik (= ‘Sømnes’) • Oslo; Oslo, Tøyen (= ‘ad Christianiam in Tøien’; = ‘Tøien’; = ‘Tøyen, Oslo’) • Østfold; Halden, Halden SE of Fredrikstad (= ‘ad Fredrikshald’) • Troms; Nordreisa, woodland and farm Hallen at the E shore of Reisaelva SE of Storslett (= ‘Nordreisa, Hallen’) • Tromsø, lake Prestvannet on the Tromsøya (= ‘Prestvann, Tromsø’) • Trøndelag; Verdal, former poststation ‘Suulstuen’ SE of Vuku at the Jamtlandsvegen [road no. 72] (= ‘ad Suul’; = ‘ad Suul Værdaliæ’; = ‘Sul, Værdal’).
Oak canopies of Quercus robur; on mountains. Phenology: May–Oct.
= formosa (Winnertz, 1871).
• Finnmark; Alta, Bojobæskihytta in the Stabbursdalen between Karasjok and Alta (= ‘Bojobæske’) • Nordland; Sørfold, Røsvik at the S shore of Sørfolda (= ‘Røsvik’) • Troms; Karlsøy, Nord-Fugløya (= ‘Nord-Fuglø’).
Habitats not specified. Phenology: Jul.–Aug.
= agilis (Winnertz, 1867); = brunnipes (Meigen, 1804); = conica (Grzegorzek, 1884); = dispar (Winnertz, 1868); = engadinica (Winnertz, 1867); = fallax (Winnertz, 1867); = kowarzii (Grzegorzek, 1884); = laeta (Grzegorzek, 1884); = luctuosa (Winnertz, 1867); = morbosa (Winnertz, 1867); = picipes (Zetterstedt, 1838); = prolifica (Felt, 1897); = rufipodex (Frey, 1945); = rufipodex var. elysiaca (Frey, 1945); = spreta (Winnertz, 1867); = subgrandis (Shaw, 1941); = tristis (Winnertz, 1867); = umbratica (Zetterstedt, 1851).
• Finnmark; Vardø, Varangerhalvøya, Persfjorden (= ‘Finmark: Varangerhalbinsel, Persfjord’) • Nordland; Øksnes, in the NW part of Langøya of the Vesterålen archipelago (= ‘Øksnes’) • Troms; Tromsø (= ‘Tromsö’; = ‘Tromsø’) • Trøndelag; Levanger, Hestøya NW of Alstahaug, southern tip Måkeskjær (= ‘Måkeskjær’).
Habitats not specified. Phenology: Jun.–Sep.
= aestivalis (Winnertz, 1871); = antennata (Winnertz, 1867); = lugubris (Winnertz, 1867); = rustica (Winnertz, 1867).
• Finnmark; Alta, Bossekop in Alta (= ‘Bosekop’) • Troms; Tromsø (= ‘Tromsø’).
Habitats not specified. Phenology: Jun.–Jul.
= fimbricauda Tuomikoski, 1960.
• Finnmark; Alta, Jotkajavre fjellstue on the Finnmarksvidda between Karasjok and Alta (= ‘Jotkajavre’) • Troms; Målselv, Takvatnet (= ‘Takvand’; = ‘Takvann’).
Habitats not specified. Phenology: Jun.–Jul.
= albinervis (Winnertz, 1867); = brevipalpis (Winnertz, 1868); = leclerqi (Lengersdorf, 1950); = macilenta (Winnertz, 1867); = morosa (Winnertz, 1867); = nocticolor (Winnertz, 1867); = simplex (Winnertz, 1867); = simplex var. subsimplex (Lengersdorf, 1926); = unicolor (Winnertz, 1868).
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norwegen’) • Finnmark; Karasjok, Ravnastua fjellstue NW of Karasjok (= ‘Ravnastuen’) • Porsanger, farm Fæstningsstua near Lævnasjarvi W of Skoganvarre (= ‘Fæstningstuen’; = ‘Festningsstuen’) • Møre Og Romsdal; Fræna, Hammarøya NW of Hopadalen (= ‘Hammarøy’) • Haram, ? Ormeneset (= in Romsdalia ad Ormen’; = ‘Romsdals Amt, omkring Ormen’; = ‘Ormem’) • Rauma, between Veblungsnes and Romsdalshornet Mountain in the Romsdalsalpene SE of Åndalsnes (= ‘Romsdals Amt, mellem Veblungsnæsset og Romsdalshorn’) • Rauma, Horgheim SE of Åndalsnes in the Romsdalen (= ‘in Romsdalia ad Horgheim; = ‘Romsdals Amt, Horgheim’; = ‘Horgheim’) • Rauma, Veblungsnes at the Romsdalsfjorden SW of Åndalsnes (= ‘in Romsdalia ad Veblungsnæs; = ‘Veblungsnes, Romsdal’) • Smøla, Smøla Island (= ‘in insula Smølen in Nordmøre’; = ‘ad Smölen’; = ‘Smøla’) • Nordland; Hamarøy (= ‘Hammerø’) • Oppland; Lesja, Fogstuen on the Dovrefjell plateau (= ‘Fogstuen’; = ‘ad Fokstuen’; = ‘in alpe Dovre ad Fokstuen’; = ‘in alpe Dovre’) • Oslo; Oslo (= ‘ad Christianiam’; = ‘Oslo’) • Oslo, Botanisk hage (= ‘in horto botanico ad Christianiam’; = ‘Botanical Garden, Oslo’) • Troms; Balsfjord, Øverbygd (= ‘Øverbygd’) • Karlsøy, Vannøya (= ‘Vannø’; = ‘Vannøy’) • Tromsø, Ramfjorden (= ‘Ramfjord’) • Tromsø (= ‘Tromsø’) • Trøndelag; Levanger, Skogn SE of Levanger (= ‘ad Thyæs in par. [parochia] Skogn’; = ‘ad Thyæs in Skogn’; = ‘Thynäs’; = ‘Tynes, Værdal’) [= in the accommodation of Thy in Skogn] • Meråker, NE of mountain Kølhaugan near the Swedish border [maybe a collecting place in Sweden: Jämtland, village Skalstugan close to the border with Norway] (= ‘ad diversorium Skalstugan prope jugum alpinum Norwegiæ’) • Oppdal, Kongsvoll near Kongsvold Fjeldstue in the Drivdalen (= ‘Kongsvold’; = ‘ad Kongsvold’; = ‘in alpe Dovre ad Kongsvold’; = ‘in alpe Dovre’).
• Svalbard; Bjørnøya (= ‘Bear Island, southern part’) • Spitsbergen, Aldert Dirkses Bugt in the Wijdefjorden (= ‘Spitsbergen, Aldert Dirkses Bay District [Wijde Bay]’) • Spitsbergen, Bünsow Land, Brucebyen 0.5 km S of Kapp Napier (= ‘Spitsbergen, Klaas Billen Bay (Bruce City Region), around Bruce City’).
On beaches with Salix polaris and mosses; Cassiope heath; plant community ‘fjaeldmark’ (= feldmark; mountain field) with phanerogams, mosses, lichens and Salix polaris (all Svalbard records); on mountains; in botanical gardens. Phenology: Jun.–Aug.
• Telemark; Drangedal, Djupedal 1.5 km SE of Henneseid (= ‘Drangedal, Djupedal, Henseid’).
The first specimens of Bradysia quercina from Norway, on which the cited literature based, were identified in our NTI project 2014–2016.
Oak canopies of Quercus robur. Phenology: Jul.
= pullula (Winnertz, 1867); = somnians (Winnertz, 1867); = testacea (Zetterstedt, 1851) [preocc.]; = villosa (Winnertz, 1867).
• Finnmark; Alta, Bojobæskihytta in the Stabbursdalen between Karasjok and Alta (= ‘Bojobæske’) • Alta, Bossekop in Alta (= ‘Bosekop’) • Vardø, Vardø (= ‘Vardø’) • Møre Og Romsdal; Smøla, Smøla Island (= ‘in insula Smølen’; = ‘ad Smölen’; = ‘Smøla’) • Oppland; Dovre, Hjerkinn NW of Folldal in the Gudbrandsdalen (= ‘in alpe Dovre ad Jerkin’; = ‘Jerkin’; = ‘Hjerkin, Dovre’) • Lesja, Fogstuen on the Dovrefjell plateau (= ‘Fogstuen’; = ‘ad Fokstuen’; = ‘Fokstuen, Dovre’; = ‘in alpe Dovre ad Fokstuen’; = ‘in alpe Dovre’) • Øyer in the Gudbrandsdalen (= ‘in parochiis Øyer … Gudbrandsdaliæ’; = ‘Gudbrandsdalen, Öier’; = ‘Öier’; = ‘Øyer’) • Ringebu in the Gudbrandsdalen (= ‘in parochiis … Ringebo Gudbrandsdaliæ’; = ‘Gudbrandsdalen, Ringebo’; = ‘Ringebo’; = ‘Ringebu, Gudbrandsdal’) • Oslo; Oslo, Botanisk hage (= ‘in horto botanico ad Christianiam’) • Oslo, Tøyen (= ‘ad Töien prope Christianiam’; = ‘Töien nahe Kristiania [Oslo]’) • Troms; Karlsøy, Torsvåg at the NW coast of Vannøya 15 km N of Tromsø (= ‘Torsvaag’) • Nordreisa, woodland and farm Hallen at the E shore of Reisaelva SE of Storslett (= ‘Nordreisa, Hallen’; = ‘Nordreisa’) • Tromsø (= ‘Tromsø’) • Trøndelag; Levanger, Hestøya NW of Alstahaug, southern tip Måkeskjær (= ‘Måkeskjær’) • Oppdal, in the Drivdalen (= ‘Drivdalen’) • Oppdal, Kongsvoll near Kongsvold Fjeldstue in the Drivdalen (= ‘Kongsvold’; = ‘ad Kongsvold’; = ‘Kongsvold, Dovre’; = ‘in alpe Dovre ad Kongsvold’; = ‘in alpe Dovre’).
In the here presented checklist of Norwegian Sciaridae, Bradysia vagans (Winnertz, 1868) is missing, with its synonyms B. angustipennis Frey, 1948 [preocc.], B. callicera Frey, 1948 and B. richardi Gerbachevskaja, 1986. This is a very common species throughout Europe. It is dark brown, with rather broad wings and unicoloured dark-brown antennae, but is not distinguishable by the male genitalia from the reddish-yellow Bradysia rufescens (Zetterstedt). It is possible, that there are some misidentified specimens of Bradysia vagans (Winnertz) among the records of ‘Bradysia rufescens’, published before
In the grass in humid places; in botanical gardens. Phenology: Jun.–Aug.
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norwegen’) • Oppland; Dovre, Hjerkinn NW of Folldal in the Gudbrandsdalen (= ‘in alpe Dovre, ad Jerkin’; = ‘Jerkin’) • Trøndelag; Oppdal, in the Drivdalen (= ‘Drivdalen’) • Oppdal, Kongsvoll near Kongsvold Fjeldstue in the Drivdalen (= ‘in alpe Dovre ad Kongsvold’).
Habitats not specified. Phenology: Jul.–Aug.
= annulata absoloni (Bezzi, 1911); = ardua (Grzegorzek, 1884); = watsoni Colless, 1962.
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norway’).
Habitat not specified. Phenology: without data.
= robusta (Lengersdorf, 1926) [preocc.].
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘in jugo alpino Norwegiæ’; = ‘in Norwegia’; = ‘Norwegen’) • Oppland; Dovre, Hjerkinn NW of Folldal in the Gudbrandsdalen (= ‘in alpe Dovre, ad Jerkin’; = Dovre ad Jerkin; = ‘Jerkin’; = ‘Hjerkin, Dovre’) • Lesja, Fogstuen on the Dovrefjell plateau (= ‘Dovre ad Fogstuen’; = ‘Fogstuen’) • Vang, Nystuen at the Otrøvatnet NW of Vang (= ‘in alpibus Filefjeld ad Nystuen; = ‘Nystuen’) • Trøndelag; Oppdal, Kongsvoll near Kongsvold Fjeldstue in the Drivdalen (= ‘Dovre ad Kongsvold’; = ‘Dovre ad Kongsvoll’) • Verdal, Kjølhaugan mountain SE of Sul, close to the Swedish border (= ‘in summo cacumine alpis … Kälahög (4000 ped. supra mare elevato)’; = ‘in summo cacumine alpis Kælahøg Værdaliae’).
The taxon ‘Tipula persicariae’ was originally described by Linnaeus (1767: 977). The revision of the types revealed, that this species belongs to the gall midges and was placed in the genus Wachtiella Rübsaamen, 1915 [= Wachtliella persicariae (Linnaeus, 1767); Cecidomyiidae: Cecidomyiinae, Dasineurini].
On sides and peaks of mountains, up to 4,000 ft (1,219 m). Phenology: Jul.–Aug.
= amoena (Winnertz, 1867); = alma (Winnertz, 1871); = caldaria (Lintner, 1895); = coprophila (Lintner, 1895); = domestica Frey, 1948; = incomta (Winnertz, 1867); = marcilla (Hutton, 1902); = nanella (Frey, 1936); = selecta (Winnertz, 1871); = setigera (Winnertz, 1867); = silvatica (Meigen, 1818); = sexdentata (Pettey, 1918); = triseriata (Winnertz, 1867); = turbida (Winnertz, 1867); = vana (Winnertz, 1871); = vividula (Winnertz, 1867); = volucris (Winnertz, 1867); = wendalinae (van Bruggen, 1954).
Faunistics: ?
• Finnmark; Alta, Jotkajavre fjellstue on the Finnmarksvidda between Karasjok and Alta (= ‘Jotkajavre’) • ? Hordaland; Hardanger, Granvin, Eide [= ‘vicinity of Eide’; = ‘Eide i Hardanger’ = ‘Eide, Hardanger’) • Oslo; Oslo, Tøyen (= ‘Tøyen, Oslo’) • Troms; Balsfjord, Øverbygd (= ‘Øverbygd’) • Tromsø (= ‘Tromsø’) • Trøndelag; Levanger, Hestøya NW of Alstahaug, southern tip Måkeskjær (= ‘Måkeskjær’) • Verdal, Tromsdal SE of Lysthaugen (= ‘Tromsdal’).
On twig of Tilia parvifolia [questionable record based on galls]. Phenology: Jun.–Oct.
= basalis (Winnertz, 1867); = decipiens (Winnertz, 1867); = devittata Tuomikoski, 1959; = lignorum (Kieffer, 1919); = spectrum (Winnertz, 1867); = versicolorea (Lengersdorf, 1940).
• Oslo; Oslo, Botanisk hage (= ‘in horto botanico ad Christianiam’).
In botanical gardens. Phenology: Jun.
= monticola (Winnertz, 1867); = vallestris (Lengersdorf, 1926).
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norwegen’) • Finnmark; Porsanger, farm Fæstningsstua near Lævnasjarvi W of Skoganvarre (= ‘Fæstningsstuen’; = ‘Festningsstuen’) • Troms; Karlsøy, Vannøya (= ‘Vannö’; = ‘Vannø’; = ‘Vannøy’).
Habitats not specified. Phenology: Jul.–Aug.
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘in Norwegia’; = ‘Norwegia [Norwegen]’) • Oslo; Oslo (= ‘ad Christianiam’; = ‘Oslo’) • Oslo, Bekkelaget (= ‘Bækkelaget propre Christ.’; = ‘Bekkelaget’) • Østfold; Halden, Halden SE of Fredrikstad (= ‘ad Fredrikshald’; = ‘Fredrikshald’).
Habitats not specified. Phenology: May, Jul.
= subvivax (Mohrig, 1985).
• Finnmark; Vardø, Varangerhalvøya, Persfjorden (= ‘Persfjord, Varranger’).
Habitat not specified. Phenology: without data.
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norway’) • Buskerud; Sigdal, Heimseteråsen (= ‘Sigdal’) • Finnmark; Alta, Leirbotn at the E side of Altafjorden (= ‘Leirbotn’) • Porsanger, Børselv NE of Lakselv at the E coast of Porsangerfjorden (= ‘Börselv’).
Pinus sylvestris dominated boreal forests with Betula pubescens and Picea abies. Phenology: Jun.–Jul.
= glacialis (Rübsaamen, 1898)
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norway’) • Finnmark; Sør-Varanger, Bugøyfjord (= ‘Buköyfjord’) • ? Troms; Tromsø (= ‘Tromsø’).
• Svalbard; Bjørnøya (= ‘Beeren Eiland’; = ‘Beeren Island’; = ‘Bear Island’) • Bjørnøya, Gravodden [grave point (graveyard)] at the N coast (= ‘Bear Island, Gravodden’) • Bjørnøya, Haussvatnet in the N part of island (= ‘Bear Island, Hausvatnet’) • Bjørnøya, Kvalrossbukta [formerly ‘Hvalrosbugten’] at the SE side of island (= ‘Bear Island, Walrus Bay, S.E.’) • Bjørnøya, Laksvatnet in the N part of island (= ‘Bear Island, Laksvatnet’) • Bjørnøya, near the Steelva at the Laksvatnet in the N part of island (= ‘bei Steelva’, am Laksvatnet (B.)’) • Bjørnøya, Røyevatnet in the SW part of island (= ‘Bear Island, Röyevatnet’) • Spitsbergen, Adventdalen near Adventfjorden at the W coast (= ‘Spitzbergen, Adventdalen’; = ‘Adventdalen’) • Spitsbergen, Adventfjorden at the W coast (= ‘in Spetsbergia ad Advent Bay’; = ‘Spetsbergia ad Advent Bay’ [Spitzbergen, bei der Advent Bay]’; = ‘Spitsbergen, near Advent Bay’; = ‘Spitzbergen, Advent Bay’) • Spitsbergen, Albert I Land, Cape Flathuken on the Vasahalvøya (= ‘Spitzbergen, Flathuken’; = ‘Flathuken’) • Spitsbergen, Albert I Land, strait Sørgattet between Reuschhalvøya and Danskøya (= ‘Sørgattet’; = ‘Sörgatt’) • Spitsbergen, Billefjorden between Dickson Land and Bünsow Land (= ‘head of Billefjorden [Klaas Billen Bay]’) • Spitsbergen, Bünsow Land, Brucebyen 0.5 km S of Kapp Napier (= ‘Spitsbergen, Bruce City, head of Klaas Billen Bay’; = ‘Brucebyen [Bruce City]’) • Spitsbergen, Grønfjorden, Barentsburg (= ‘Barentsburg’; = ‘bei Barentsburg (S.)’) • Spitsbergen, Haakon VII Land, Liefdefjorden (= ‘N. Spitsbergen, Liefde Bay’) • Spitsbergen, Haakon VII Land at the NW coast, S side of Reinsdyrflya (= ‘middle of S. side of Reindeer Peninsula’; = ‘middle of S. side of Reinsdyrflya [Reindeer Peninsula]’) • Spitsbergen, Hiorthhamn [former mining settlement] at the E side of Adventfjorden (= ‘Hiorthhamn (S.), bei Residensen’) • Spitsbergen, Kobbefjorden at the NW coast near the Danskøya (= ‘in Spetsbergia ad Kobbebay’; = ‘Kobbefjorden [Kobbebay]’; = ‘Kobbebay’) • Spitsbergen, Longyearbyen (= ‘Spitzbergen, Longyearbyen’; = ‘Longyearbyen auf Spitzbergen’; = ‘Longyearbyen’) • Spitsbergen, Nordenskiöld Land, Helvetiadalen between the mountains Helvetiafjellet and Artowskifjellet N of Adventdalen (= ‘front face of Helvetiadalen’) • Spitsbergen, Nordenskiöld Land, Mälardalen at the N side of the mouth of Adventelva (= ‘Mælardalen’) • Spitsbergen, Ny-Ålesund (= ‘Spitsbergen, Ny Ålesund’) • Spitsbergen, Ny-Friesland, Dirksbukta at the S side of the Dirksodden (= ‘N. Spitsbergen, Albert Dirkses Bay’; = ‘Dirksbukta [Albert Dirkses Bay]’) • Spitsbergen, S coast of Kongsfjorden along the N side of Brøggerhalvøya, W of Ny-Ålesund [= ‘NW Spitsbergen, South cost Königsfjord, W Ny Ålesund’] • Spitsbergen, Sassen-Bünsow Land, Sassendalen (= ‘Sassendalen’) • Spitsbergen, Wijdefjorden (= ‘N. Spitsbergen, Wijde Bay’; = ‘Wijdefjorden [Wijde Bay]’) • Spitsbergen, without further locality details (= ‘Spetsbergen’; = ‘Spitzbergen’; = ‘Spitsbergen’).
The female holotype of Sciara glacialis Rübsaamen was studied by the senior author and identified as a junior synonym to Camptochaeta consimilis (Holmgren). More detailed information will be presented in a separate publication about the Sciara species described by
Bird cliffs; in mosses, lichens and Salix plants; on Cerastium alpinum, Salix polaris and Cassiope; on shingly raised beaches with Dryas; among stones; on bare rocks (all Svalbard records). Phenology: Jun.–Aug.
= macrodon (Frey, 1948); = pallidiventris (Holmgren, 1869) [preocc.].
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norway’) • Finnmark; Karasjok, 20 km N of Karasjok (= ‘20 km N of Karasjok’).
• Svalbard; Bjørnøya (= ‘Bear Island’) • Bjørnøya, Brettingsdalen at the E side of Miseryfjellet (= ‘Bear Island, Brettingsdalen’) • Spitsbergen, Adventdalen, Fivelflyane 8 km E of Longyearbyen (= ‘Adventdalen, Fivelflyane’) • Spitsbergen, Adventfjorden at the W coast (= ‘in Spetsbergia ad Advent Bay’; = ‘Spetsbergia, Advent Bay’; = ‘Spitzbergen, bei der Advent Bay’; = ‘Adventfjorden [Advent Bay]’) • Spitsbergen, Aldert Dirkses Bugt in the Wijdefjorden (= ‘Spitsbergen, Aldert Dirkses Bay District [Wijde Bay]’) • Spitsbergen, Billefjorden between Dickson Land and Bünsow Land (= ‘head of Billefjorden [Klaas Billen Bay]’) • Spitsbergen, Bünsow Land, Brucebyen 0.5 km S of Kapp Napier (= ‘Spitsbergen, Bruce City, head of Klaas Billen Bay’; = ‘Spitsbergen, Klaas Billen Bay (Bruce City Region), around Bruce City’; = ‘Bruce City, Klaas Billen Bay (S.)’; = ‘Brucebyen [Bruce City]’) • Spitsbergen, Haakon VII Land, Bockfjorden at the W side of Woodfjorden (= ‘Bockfjorden’) • Spitsbergen, Haakon VII Land, Reinsdyrflya, at the Liefdefjorden (= ‘Spitsbergen, Reindeer Peninsula, at the Liefde Bay’; = ‘N. Spitsbergen, Liefde Bay’; = ‘Liefdefjorden [Liefde Bay]’) • Spitsbergen, Haakon VII Land, S side and centre of Reinsdyrflya (= ‘West Spitsbergen Island, south side and centre of the east half of Reindeer Peninsula’) • Spitsbergen, Isfjorden (= ‘Isfjorden’) • Spitsbergen, Isfjorden, Dickson Land, Kapp Thordsen (= ‘in Spetsbergia ad Cap Torsden in Isfjorden’; = ‘Cap Torsden’) • Spitsbergen, Kobbefjorden at the NW coast near the Danskøya (= ‘in Spetsbergia ad Kobbebay’; = ‘Kobbefjorden [Kobbebay]’) • Spitsbergen, Longyearbyen (= ‘Spitzbergen, Longyearbyen’; = ‘Longyearbyen auf Spitzbergen’; = ‘Longyearbyen’) • Spitsbergen, Nordaustlandet (= ‘Spitsbergen, North-East Land’) • Spitsbergen, Nordenskiöld Land, Arctowskifjellet mountain S of Sassenfjorden (= ‘Arctowskifjellet’) • Spitsbergen, Nordenskiöld Land, Helvetiadalen between the mountains Helvetiafjellet and Artowskifjellet N of Adventdalen (= ‘front face of Helvetiadalen’) • Spitsbergen, Ny-Friesland, Dirksbukta at the S side of the Dirksodden (= ‘Dirksbukta [Aldert Dirkses Bay]’; = ‘N. Spitsbergen, Albert Dirkses Bay’) • Spitsbergen, Sassen-Bünsow Land, Sassendalen (= ‘Sassendalen’) • Spitsbergen, Sigridholmen, Kongsfjorden • Spitsbergen, Wijdefjorden (= ‘N. Spitsbergen, Wijde Bay’; = ‘Wijdefjorden [Wijde Bay]’) • Spitsbergen, without further locality details (= ‘Spetsbergen; = ‘Spitsbergen’; = ‘Spitzbergen’).
From plants on flower slopes; Dryas community on mountain slopes (Dryas octopetala, Carex misandra, Cerania vermicularis, Cetraria nivalis); over leaves and flowers of Dryas plants; Cassiope heath; lichen-moss heath; plant community ‘fjaeldmark’ (= feldmark; mountain field) with phanerogams, mosses, lichens and Salix polaris; on Saxifraga oppositifolia; from grass; under stones with some vegetation; on beaches with Salix polaris and mosses; on shingly raised beaches with Dryas (all Svalbard records). Phenology: Jul.–Aug.
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norway’) • Finnmark; Lebesby, at the Matselva (= ‘Mattselva’) • Porsanger, Børselv NE of Lakselv at the E coast of Porsangerfjorden (= ‘Börselv’).
Habitats not specified. Phenology: Jul.
= fulvicollis (Tuomikoski, 1960).
• Buskerud; Sigdal, Heimseteråsen (= ‘Sigdal’) • Finnmark; Kvalsund, Skaidi (= ‘Skaidi’) • Sør-Varanger, Bugøyfjord (= ‘Buköyfjord’) • Sør-Varanger, Neiden (= ‘Neiden’) • Troms; Nordreisa, Sappen (= ‘Sappen’).
Pinus sylvestris dominated boreal forests with Betula pubescens and Picea abies. Phenology: Jun.–Aug.
• Svalbard; Spitsbergen, Ny-Ålesund (= ‘Spitsbergen, Ny Ålesund’).
Habitat not specified. Phenology: Jul.
• Svalbard; Spitsbergen, S coast of Kongsfjorden along the N side of Brøggerhalvøya, W of Ny-Ålesund [= ‘Spitzbergen, southern cost of Königsfjord, west of Ny Ölesund’].
Habitat not specified. Phenology: Jul.
• Finnmark; Tana, Storfossen at the river Karasjohka near the Finnish border (= ‘Tana, Nedre Storfoss’).
Habitat not specified. Phenology: Jul.
= lengersdorfi (Frey, 1948).
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norway, imported from the Netherlands’).
On plants of Taxus media. Phenology: Apr.
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norway’) • Trøndelag; Oppdal, Kongsvoll near Kongsvold Fjeldstue in the Drivdalen (= ‘Oppdal, Kungsvoll’).
Habitats not specified. Phenology: Jun.–Jul.
= scandinavica (Rudzinski, 1992).
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Nordnorwegen’) • Finnmark; ? Tana, Hangalacærro mountain near Austertana (= ‘Finnmark, Caerro’) • Troms; Balsfjord, Fjellfrøsvatnet [Fjellfroskvannet] N of Øverbygd (= ‘Fjellfrøskvann’) • Balsfjord, Øverbygd (= ‘Øverbygd’) • Kvænangen (= ‘Kvaenangen’) • Tromsø (= ‘Tromsø’) • Tromsø, lake Prestvannet on the Tromsøya (= ‘Prestvann, Tromsø’) • Tromsø, Ramfjorden (= ‘Ramfjord’) [misinterpretation in
Habitats not specified. Phenology: Jun.–Aug.
= filiceti (Frey, 1948); = geogenia Tuomikoski, 1960.
• Buskerud; Sigdal, Heimseteråsen (= ‘Buskerud, Sigdal’; = ‘Sigdal’) • Finnmark; Sør-Varanger, near Neiden (= ‘nr. Neiden’) • Vardø, Vardø (= ‘Vardsø’).
Pinus sylvestris dominated boreal forests with Betula pubescens and Picea abies; birch forest with shrubs. Phenology: Jun.–Aug.
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norwegia’; = ‘Norwegen’) • Troms; Tromsø (= ‘Tromsö’; = ‘Tromsø’; = ‘Umgebung Tromsø’).
Habitats not specified. Phenology: May.
• Finnmark; Kvalsund, Skaidi (= ‘Skvalsund, Skaidi’).
Habitat not specified. Phenology: Jul.
= bicornis (Lengersdorf, 1943); = perpusilla Winnertz, 1867 [preocc.].
• Troms; Balsfjord, Fjellfrøsvatnet [Fjellfroskvannet] N of Øverbygd (= ‘Fjellfrøskvann’) • Tromsø, Ramfjorden (= ‘Ramfjord’) • Trøndelag; Verdal, Tromsdal SE of Lysthaugen (= ‘Tromsdal’).
Habitats not specified. Phenology: Jun.–Jul.
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norwegen’) • Oslo; Oslo, Tøyen (= ‘Tøien’; = ‘Tøyen’) • Troms; Tromsø (= ‘Tromsø’) • Tromsø, Ramfjorden (= ‘Ramfjord’).
Habitats not specified. Phenology: Jun.–Jul.
• Hordaland; Kvam, point Skeianeset at the N shore of the Hardangerfjorden SW of Indre Ålvik (= ‘Kvam, Skeianeset’) • Telemark; Drangedal, 300 m SE of Henneseid (= ‘Drangedal, Henseid’) • Drangedal, woodland Steinknapp SW of Drangedal (= ‘Drangedal, Steinknapp’).
The first specimens of Corynoptera forcipata from Norway were identified in our NTI project 2014–2016.
Oak canopies of Quercus robur. Phenology: Jun.–Jul.
= pachycerca (Frey, 1948); = piniphila (Lengersdorf, 1940).
• Finnmark; Vardø, Varangerhalvøya, Persfjorden (= ‘Vardö, Persfjord’) • Telemark; Drangedal, 300 m SE of Henneseid (= ‘Drangedal, Henseid’) • Drangedal, woodland Steinknapp SW of Drangedal (= ‘Drangedal, Steinknapp’).
Oak canopies of Quercus robur. Phenology: Jun.–Aug.
• Telemark; Porsgrunn, Mule Varde SE of Porsgrunn at the Eidangerfjorden (= ‘Porsgrunn, Mule Varde’).
The first specimen of Corynoptera irmgardis from Norway was identified in our NTI project 2014–2016.
Oak canopies of Quercus robur. Phenology: Jul.
= trispina Tuomikoski, 1960.
• Hordaland; Kvam, point Skeianeset at the N shore of the Hardangerfjorden SW of Indre Ålvik (= ‘Kvam, Skeianeset’) • Telemark; Drangedal, Djupedal 1.5 km SE of Henneseid (= ‘Drangedal, Djupedal, Henseid’) • Drangedal, woodland Steinknapp SW of Drangedal (= ‘Drangedal, Steinknapp’) • Vestfold; Larvik, lake Skjærsjø near Kvelde NW of Larvik (= ‘Larvik, Skjærsjø’).
The first specimens of Corynoptera membranigera from Norway were identified in our NTI project 2014–2016.
Oak canopies of Quercus robur. Phenology: Jun.–Jul.
= brachyptera (Lengersdorf, 1941); = brevipennis (Walker, 1848).
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norwegiæ’) • Buskerud; Sigdal, Heimseteråsen (= ‘Sigdal’) • Oslo; Oslo, Botanisk hage (= ‘in horto botanico ad Christianiam’; = ‘Botanical Garden, Oslo’).
Pinus sylvestris dominated boreal forests with Betula pubescens and Picea abies; in botanical gardens. Phenology: Apr., Jun.–Jul.
= fusca (Winnertz, 1871).
• Finnmark; Kvalsund, Kvalsund (= ‘Kvalsund’).
Habitat not specified. Phenology: Jul.
= alneti Hippa, Vilkamaa & Heller, 2010.
• Finnmark; Sør-Varanger, Kirkenes (= ‘Kirkenes’).
Forest with birch, willow and bushes. Phenology: Jul.
• Svalbard; Bjørnøya (= ‘Bäreninsel’; = ‘Bear Island’).
Habitats not specified. Phenology: without data.
= densiseta Mohrig & Menzel, 1990.
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norway’) • Finnmark; Vardø, Vardø (= ‘Vardsø’).
Birch forest with shrubs. Phenology: Jul.
• Finnmark; Sør-Varanger, Kirkenes (= ‘Kirkenes’).
Forest with birch, willow and bushes. Phenology: Jul.
= venerata Rudzinski, 1994.
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norwegen’).
Habitat not specified. Phenology: without data.
= longicornis (Bukowski & Lengersdorf, 1936); = signhildae (Frey, 1948).
• Finnmark; Båtsfjord, Varangerhalvøya, Ytre Syltefjord 35 km SE of Båtsfjord (= ‘Varanger peninsula, Ytre, Syltefjord, 35 km SE Batsfjord’) • Sør-Varanger, Svanvik 40 km S of Kirkenes (= ‘Svanvik’) • Vardø, Vardø (= ‘Vardsø’) • Nordland; Nessna, Nessna in Helgeland (= ‘Nessna’).
Mixed forest (pine, birch); birch forest with shrubs; dwarf-shrub tundra. Phenology: Jul.
• Troms; Nordreisa, Sappen (= ‘Sappen’).
Habitat not specified. Phenology: Jul.
= clinochaeta Tuomikoski, 1960; = subflava (Lengersdorf, 1941).
• Buskerud; Sigdal, Heimseteråsen (= ‘Sigdal’) • Hedmark; Trysil, Fulufjellet mountain near Ljørdalen (= Ljørdal, way to Fulufjället’) • Rogaland; Finnøy, Finnøy Island, Lasteinvatnet SE of Lastein at the SE coast (= ‘RY, Finnöy, Ledsteinvatnet’).
Pinus sylvestris dominated boreal forests with Betula pubescens and Picea abies. Phenology: Apr.–Aug.
• Finnmark; Berlevåg, Varangerhalvøya, Kjølnes fyr (= ‘Varanger Peninsula, Kjölnes fyr’) • Sør-Varanger, Svanvik 40 km S of Kirkenes (= ‘Svanvik’) • Trøndelag; Oppdal, stream Sprenbekken NE of Kongsvold Fjeldstue in the Drivdalen (= ‘Oppdal, Kongsvoll, Sprenbekken’).
Mixed forests (pine, birch); meadows at coasts. Phenology: Jul.–Aug.
= latiforceps (Bukowski & Lengersdorf, 1936); = lignea (Lengersdorf, 1941); = prima (Frey, 1942).
• Hordaland; Kvam, ‘Berge landskapsvernområde’ [protected landscape area with the Bergsvatnet] NW of Tørvikbygd (= ‘Kvam, Berge’).
The first specimen of Cratyna ambigua from Norway was identified in our NTI project 2014–2016.
Oak canopies of Quercus robur. Phenology: Jun.
= corticalis (Lengersdorf, 1930); = ericia (Pettey, 1918); = lugens (Johannsen, 1912); = macclurei (Shaw, 1941); = pictiventris (Kieffer, 1898).
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘N. = Norwegen’) • Finnmark; Alta, Bossekop in Alta (= ‘Bosekop’).
Habitats not specified. Phenology: May–Jul.
• Trøndelag; Verdal, former poststation ‘Suulstuen’ SE of Vuku at the Jamtlandsvegen [road no. 72] (= ‘ad Suul’; = ‘ad Suul in Værdalen’; = ‘Sul, Værdal’).
Habitat not specified. Phenology: Jul.
• Svalbard; Bjørnøya (= ‘Bäreninsel’).
Habitat not specified. Phenology: without data.
• Akershus; Asker, Sem NW of Asker, Tangen Peninsula at the E side of Semsvannet (= ‘Asker, Sem, Tangen’) • Aust-Agder; Birkenes, Birkeland, Nordåsen. Lillesand, Lillesand, Furulia • Buskerud; Sigdal, Heimseteråsen (= ‘Sigdal’) • Finnmark; Sør-Varanger, Neiden • Hedmark; Elverum, Starmoen naturreservat SE of Elverum (= ‘Starrmoen NR’) • Stor-Elvdal, N of Krokmyra, at a cabin E of Fåfengtjørna (= ‘N Krokmyra – Ved hytta, E Fåfengtjørna’) • Hordaland; Bergen, Bergen, Fløyen mountain, mountain top Fløyfjellet (= Bergen, Fløyfjellet) • Stord, NE coast of Stord Island, SW part of Hageberg SE of Vistvik (= ‘Hageberg SV – SE of Vistvik, NE coast of Stord’) • Møre Og Romsdal; Ørskog, Nysætra, near the Nysætervatnet NE of Sjøholt (= ‘Nysætra – NE of Sjøholt, near Nysætervatnet’) • Sogn Og Fjordane; Jølster, Hamarsvika, Jølstravatnet NE of Vassenden (= ‘Hamarsvika – NE of Vassenden, Jølstravatnet’) • Vestfold; Larvik, Farmenrøysa mountain NE of Kvelde (= ‘Larvik, Farmenrøysa Ø’ [correctly: ‘Farmenrøysa, east-facing slope’]) • Larvik, hill Småås N of Larvik (= ‘Larvik, Småås’) • Larvik, Nevlungstranda W of Nevlunghavn, beach Mølen (= ‘Mølen’) • Re, Revetal, Våle.
On sandy beaches and hillsides; east- and south-facing mountain slopes with damp meadows (downy birch, dwarf birch, scots pines, blueberry, rushes, sedges, mosses) and deadwood-rich mixed forests (grey alder, downy birch, rowan, Norway spruce); swampy old spruce forests; in the damp ground vegetation (blueberry, ferns, grasses, mosses) with small springs; Pinus sylvestris dominated boreal forests with Betula pubescens and Picea abies. Phenology: May–Sep.
• Akershus; Ullensaker, Sessvollmoen N of Moen (= ‘Sessvollmoen – N Moen’) • Aust-Agder; Evje og Hornnes, Klepsland • Buskerud; Sigdal, Heimseteråsen (= ‘Sigdal, Furukrone Nr. 1’ [correctly translated from Norwegian: ‘Sigdal, crown of pine tree no. 1’]) • Hordaland; Stord, NE coast of Stord Island, SW part of Hageberg SE of Vistvik (= ‘Hageberg SV – SE of Vistvik, NE coast of Stord’) • Sveio, Langemyr SE of Sveio (= ‘Langemyr – SE of Sveio’) • Møre Og Romsdal; Molde, N part of Julaksla mountain W of Mek (= ‘Julaksla N – W of Mek’) • Vestnes, Småøyane SE of Kristisetra, SE of Vestnes (= ‘Vestnes, Småøyane, SE of Kristisetra [SE of Vestnes]’) • Volda, at the Øyraelva. Sogn Og Fjordane; Høyanger, NE of Austreim at the N side of Sognefjorden, N of hill Furehaugen (= ‘N Furehaugen’) • Telemark; Bamble, Langøya in the Langesundsfjorden, bay at the E side of island (= ‘Langøya – Bukt på østsiden (Langøya I)’ [correctly translated from Norwegian: ‘Langøya, bay at the eastern side (Langøya I)’]) • Tinn, Hovin NW of Kongsberg, Spjeldset SW of Øvre Fjellstul (= ‘Hovin, Spjeldset’) • Trøndelag; Trondheim, Trondheim, Sommerlystvegen (= ‘Sør-Trøndelag, Trondheim, M. Sommerlystvegen – in the garden of nr. 22’) • Vestfold; Horten, Borre, Adaltjern naturreservat NW of Bakkenteigen (= ‘Adaltjern, Bakkenteigen’) • Larvik, hill Småås N of Larvik (= ‘Larvik, Småås’).
The first specimens of Cratyna uliginosoides from Norway were collected and/or identified in our NTI project 2014–2016. Erroneously
On woody hillsides and in mountain birch forests; pine forests (e.g. Pinus sylvestris dominated boreal forests with Betula pubescens and Picea abies); forests with oak, birch, juniper, blueberry and wavy hair-grass; mixed forests (scots pine, Norway spruce, downy birch, common hazel, juniper) with ferns and mosses; mixed forests on steep mountain slopes with crevices and cavities (scots pine, Norway spruce, downy birch, grey alder, rowan, juniper, heather, blueberry, cotton grass, marsh orchids, rushes, mosses); in bogs, otherwise muddy terrain and deadwood-rich carrs along streams and near rivers (downy birch, grey alder, rowan, juniper, rushes, sedges, mosses, lichens); deadwood-rich deciduous forests (common hazel, grey alder, sycamore maple, rowan, birch, ferns, mosses); in gardens with lawn and some larger trees, also on waste. Phenology: May–Sep.
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norwegen’) • Finnmark; Tana, Tanafjorden, fjord Vestertana (= ‘Finmark, Vestertana’) • Tana, upper part of the Langfjordelva (= ‘Finmark, am oberen Lauf des Flusses Langfjordelva’) • Vardø, Varangerhalvøya, Persfjorden (= ‘Finmark, Varangerhalbinsel, Persfjord’).
Habitats not specified. Phenology: Aug.
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norwegen’) • Finnmark; Tana, Tanafjorden, fjord Vestertana (= ‘Finmark, Vestertana’) • Vardø, Varangerhalvøya, Persfjorden (= ‘Vardø, Persfjord’).
Habitats not specified. Phenology: Aug.
= tuberculata (Tuomikoski, 1960).
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norway’) • Finnmark; Tana, upper part of the Langfjordelva between Porsangerfjorden and fjord Vestertana (= ‘Finmark, am oberen Lauf des Flusses Langfjordelva zwischen Porsangerfjord und Vestertana’; = ‘Finnmark, river Langfjordelva between Porsangerfjord and Vestertana’).
Habitats not specified. Phenology: Aug.
= brachialis (Winnertz, 1867); = cunctans (Winnertz, 1871).
• Finnmark; Tana, Tanafjorden, fjord Vestertana (= ‘Finmark, Vestertana’) • Vardø, Varangerhalvøya, Persfjorden (= ‘Finmark, Vardø, Persfjord’; = ‘Vardö, Persfjord’) • Nordland; Sørfold, Røsvik at the S shore of Sørfolda (= ‘Røsvik’) • Rogaland; Sandnes, Sandnes S of Stavanger (= ‘Sandnes’) • Troms; Balsfjord, Labukt (= ‘Labukt’) • Balsfjord, Fjellfrøsvatnet [Fjellfroskvannet] N of Øverbygd (= ‘Fjellfrøskvann’) • Tromsø (= ‘Tromsø’) • Tromsø, lake Prestvannet on the Tromsøya (= ‘Prestvann, Tromsø’) • Trøndelag; Levanger, Hestøya NW of Alstahaug, southern tip Måkeskjær (= ‘Måkeskjær’).
Habitats not specified. Phenology: Jul.–Sep.
= brevicornis (Tuomikoski, 1957); = dispar (Beling, 1885) [preocc.]; = gregaria (Beling, 1872); = pilosa (Rübsaamen, 1894) [preocc.]; = socialis (Winnertz, 1871).
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norwegen’) • Troms; Balsfjord, Fjellfrøsvatnet [Fjellfroskvannet] N of Øverbygd (= ‘Fjellfrøskvann’).
Habitats not specified. Phenology: Jul.
= annulata (Meigen, 1818); = autumnalis (Winnertz, 1867); = electa (Grzegorzek, 1884); = eximia (Winnertz, 1867); = insularis (Frey, 1936); = rufa (Grzegorzek, 1884); = sordidella (Zetterstedt, 1851).
Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norwegen’) • Buskerud; Sigdal, Heimseteråsen (= ‘Sigdal’) • Finnmark; Alta, Bojobæskihytta in the Stabbursdalen between Karasjok and Alta (= ‘Bojobæske’) • Alta, Jotkajavre fjellstue on the Finnmarksvidda between Karasjok and Alta (= ‘Jotkajavre’) • Hordaland; Kvam, Geitaknottene naturreservat between Hardangerfjorden and Bjørnafjorden NE of Gjermundshamn (= ‘Kvam, Geitaknottane’) • Nordland; Herøy, Måsvær Island (= ‘Måsvær’) • Oslo; Oslo, Tøyen (= ‘ad Christianiam in Tøien’; = ‘in Töien prope Christianiam’; = ‘in Tøien; = ‘Tøyen, Oslo’) • Oslo, Ryenberg (= ‘monte Ryenbjerg’; = ‘Ryenberg, Oslo’) • Oppland; Dovre, Hjerkinn NW of Folldal in the Gudbrandsdalen (= ‘Hjerkin’) • Lesja, Fogstuen on the Dovrefjell plateau (= ‘Fogstuen’; = ‘Fokstuen’, Dovre’; = ‘in alpe Dovre ad Fokstuen’; = ‘in alpe Dovre’; = ‘Dovre’) • Troms; Nordreisa, woodland and farm Hallen at the E shore of Reisaelva SE of Storslett (= ‘Nordreisa, Hallen’) • Trøndelag; Levanger, Skogn SE of Levanger (= ‘ad diversorium Thyæs in parochia Skogn’; = ‘ad diversorium Thynäs prope Levanger’; = ‘Thynäs’) [= in the accommodation of Thy in Skogn] • Oppdal, Kongsvoll near Kongsvold Fjeldstue in the Drivdalen (= ‘Kongsvold’; = ‘in alpe Dovre ad Kongsvold’; = ‘in alpe Dovre’; = ‘Dovre’).
Pinus sylvestris dominated boreal forests with Betula pubescens and Picea abies; rearing of adults from larvae found in rotten wood of gray alder (Alnus incana). Phenology: Jun.–Sep.
• Oppland; Øyer in the Gudbrandsdalen (= ‘in par. [parochia] Øier Gudbrandsdaliæ’; = ‘Øier Gudbrandsdaliæ’; = ‘Øyer’).
Habitat not specified. Phenology: Jul.
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norway’) • Møre Og Romsdal; Vestnes, Småøyane SE of Kristisetra, SE of Vestnes (published as ‘Norway’; see faunistic note).
The first specimens of Dichopygina aculeata mentioned in
Bog and carr rich in dead wood (downy birch, grey alder, rowan, juniper, rushes, sedges, mosses, lichens). Phenology: Aug.
• Hedmark; Elverum, Starmoen naturreservat SE of Elverum (= ‘Elverum, S Starmoen’; see faunistic note).
The first specimen of Dichopygina bernhardi mentioned in
sand pit with open vegetation. Phenology: Sep.
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norway’) • Buskerud; Kongsberg, Haugplassen in the Rajedalen (published as ‘Norway’; see faunistic note) • Oppland; Sør-Aurdal, SE part of Moldberget naturreservat NW of Nes (published as ‘Norway’; see faunistic note) • Trøndelag; Trondheim, Trondheim, Sommerlystvegen (published as ‘Norway’; see faunistic note).
The first specimens of Dichopygina nigrohalteralis mentioned in
Managed meadows dominated by Dactylorhiza sambucina and Primula veris; gardens with lawn on wooded hills; coniferous forests. Phenology: May–Jun., Aug.–Sep.
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norway’) • Akershus; Nesodden, Blåbærstien in Nesoddtangen (published as ‘Norway’; see faunistic note) • Telemark; Kragerø, pond Frydensborgtjenna in Kragerø (published as ‘Norway’; see faunistic note).
The first specimens of Dichopygina ramosa mentioned in
At ponds with rich aquatic vegetation; in settled areas. Phenology: Mar.–Jun., Aug.–Sep.
= flavipes var. nigrithorax (Strobl, 1898); = fugax (Grzegorzek, 1884).
• Oslo; Oslo, Botanisk hage (= ‘in horto botanico ad Christianiam’; = ‘Botanical Garden, Oslo’) • Oslo, Tøyen (= ‘ad Töien’) • Trøndelag; Oppdal, Kongsvoll near Kongsvold Fjeldstue in the Drivdalen (= ‘ad Kongsvold in alpe Dovre’; = ‘Kongsvold, Dovre’; = ‘Dovre’).
In botanical gardens. Phenology: Aug.–Sep.
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norwegen’) • Troms; Nordreisa, woodland and farm Hallen on the E shore of Reisaelva SE of Storslett (= ‘Troms, Hallen’).
From rotten wood of gray alder (Alnus incana). Phenology: without data.
= aptera (Kieffer, 1903); = edwardsi Freeman, 1983; = gracilis (Winnertz, 1853) [preocc.]; = longicornis (Lengersdorf, 1941); = pulicina (Frey, 1952).
• Buskerud; Sigdal, Heimseteråsen (= ‘Sigdal’) • Vestfold; Larvik, lake Skjærsjø near Kvelde NW of Larvik (= ‘Larvik, Skjærsjø’).
Pinus sylvestris dominated boreal forests with Betula pubescens and Picea abies; oak canopies of Quercus robur. Phenology: Jul.
• Svalbard; Spitsbergen, Kobbefjorden at the NW coast near the Danskøya (= ‘in Spetsbergia ad Kobbebay’; = ‘Spetsbergia ad Kobbebay’; = ‘Spetsbergia, Kobbebay’; = ‘Spitzbergen bei Kobbefjorden’) • Spitsbergen, without further locality details (= ‘Spetsbergen’; = ‘Spitsbergen’; = ‘Spitzbergen’).
Bird cliffs. Phenology: Jul.
= polychaeta (Pettey, 1918)
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norwegen’) • Hordaland; Modalen, Mo (= ‘Mo’) • Oslo; Oslo, Tøyen (= ‘Tøien’; = ‘Tøyen’) • Troms; Tromsø (= ‘Tromsøy’).
Habitats not specified. Phenology: Aug.–Sep.
= difficilis (Grzegorzek, 1884); = interdicta (Grzegorzek, 1884); = nitens (Winnertz, 1867); = subvenosa (Mohrig & Krivosheina, 1983).
• Nordland; Sømna, Sømnes at the bay Sømnesvika N of Vik (= ‘Sømnes’) • Sørfold, Røsvik at the S shore of Sørfolda (= ‘Røsvik’) • Oslo; Oslo, Tøyen (= ‘in Töien prope Christianiam’; = ‘ad Christianiam in Tøien’; = ‘Tøyen, Oslo’) • Troms; Balsfjord/Målselv/Tromsø [former municipality ‘Malangen’] (= ‘Malangen’) • Tromsø (= ‘Tromsø’) • Tromsø, Ramfjorden (= ‘Ramfjord’) • Trøndelag; Verdal, former poststation ‘Suulstuen’ SE of Vuku at the Jamtlandsvegen [road no. 72] (= ‘in jugo alpino Norvegiæ ad Suulstuen’; = ‘ad Suulstuen Værdaliæ’; = ‘ad Suul Værdaliæ’; = ‘Sulstuen, Værdal’; = ‘ad Suul’).
On mountains. Phenology: Jun.–Aug.
= arctica (Holmgren, 1869); = conglomerata (Pettey, 1918); = ecalcarata (Holmgren, 1869); = frigida (Holmgren, 1869) [preocc.]; = fumatella (Lundbeck, 1898); = globiceps (Becher, 1886); = groenlandica (Holmgren, 1872); = holmgreni (Rübsaamen, 1894).
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norwegen’) • Buskerud; Sigdal, Heimseteråsen (= ‘Sigdal’).
• Jan Mayen: without further locality details (= ‘Jan Mayen’; = ‘Jan Mayen Island’) • Svalbard; Bjørnøya (= ‘Bear Island’) • Bjørnøya, bay Austervåg at the E coast (= ‘bei Austervåg (B.)’) • Bjørnøya, mining camp Tunheim at the NE coast (= ‘Bear Island, Tunheim’) • Bjørnøya, Røyevatnet in the SW part of island (= ‘Bear Island, Röyevatnet’) • Spitsbergen, Amsterdamøya, Smeerenburg at the SE coast (= ‘in Spetsbergia ad Smeerenberg’; = ‘Spitzbergen, Smeerenberg’) • Spitsbergen, Bellsund at the W coast (= ‘in Spetsbergia ad Belsund’) • Spitsbergen, Edgeøya at the Storfjorden, ? Kvalpynten at the N side of the mouth of Tjuvfjorden (= ‘in Spetsbergia ad Whales Point in Storfjorden’) • Spitsbergen, Grønfjorden (= ‘in Spetsbergia ad Green Harbour’; = ‘Spetsbergia, Green Harbour’; = ‘Spitzbergen, Green Harbour’; = ‘Grønfjorden’) • Spitsbergen, Grønfjorden, Barentsburg (= ‘Barentsburg’; = ‘bei Barentsburg (S.)’; = ‘Grønfjord, Barentsburg’) • Spitsbergen, Haakon VII Land, Gerdøya in Dyrevika at the head of Kongsfjorden (= ‘Head of King’s Bay, Deer Bay Island’) • Spitsbergen, Haakon VII Land, Reinsdyrflya, at the Liefdefjorden (= ‘Spitsbergen, Reindeer Peninsula, at the Liefde Bay’) • Spitsbergen, Hiorthhamn [former mining settlement] at the E side of Adventfjorden (= ‘Hjorthhamn’; = ‘Hiorthhamn (S.), bei Residensen’) • Spitsbergen, Kobbefjorden at the NW coast near the Danskøya (= ‘in Spetsbergia ad Kobbebay’; = ‘in Spetsbergia ad Kobbebay [Spitzbergen, bei Kobbefjorden]’; = ‘Kobbebay’; = ‘Kobbefjorden’) • Spitsbergen, Nordaustlandet (= ‘Spitsbergen, North-East Land’) • Spitsbergen, Nordenskiöld Land, Mälardalen at the N side of the mouth of Adventelva (= ‘Mælardalen’; = ‘Maelardalen [Mælardalen]’) • Spitsbergen, without further locality details (= ‘Spetsbergen; = ‘Spitzbergen’; = ‘Spitsbergen’).
Lichen-moss heath; bogs (grass-swamp); mats of Luzula confusa and mosses; in hollows and slight crevices of erratic boulders with mosses and lichens; plant community ‘fjaeldmark’ (= feldmark; mountain field) with phanerogams, mosses, lichens and Salix polaris; in mosses and lichens; on grass-leaves, moss-hummocks and hard snowdrifts near streams; among stones; from plants in stony areas and on large boulders; mixture of discarded greenhouse soil and manure from animal houses (all Svalbard records); Pinus sylvestris dominated boreal forests with Betula pubescens and Picea abies. Phenology: Jun.–Sep.
• Svalbard; Spitsbergen, Kapp Linné by the Isfjord, Isfjord Radio station (= ‘Svalbard, Isfjord Radio’) • Spitsbergen, Ny-Ålesund.
On dry ridges and slopes, with Saxifraga oppositifolia, mosses and lichens; in the ground vegetation with Poa spec., Oxyria digyna and Deschampsia cespitosa. Phenology: Jun.–Jul.
= crassivenosa (Lengersdorf, 1943); = lepida (Winnertz, 1867); = praevenosa (Mohrig & Menzel, 1990).
• Troms; Målselv, farm Frihetsli in the Dividalen 32 km SE of Øverbygd (= ‘Frihetsli’).
Habitat not specified. Phenology: Jul.–Aug.
= absurda (Winnertz, 1867); = hirtipennis var. minor (Frey, 1948); = jugicola (Strobl, 1898); = parcepilosa var. opacicollis (Strobl, 1902).
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Nord-Norwegen’) • Nordland; Narvik, Bjerkvik at the Ofotfjorden NE of Narvik (= ‘in Nordlandia ad diversorium Bjørkvik; = ‘ad diversorium Björkvik juxla Ofodenfjoid’; = ‘ad Bjŏrkvik Nordlandiae’; = ‘Bjørkvik, Ofoten’; = ‘Lappland (Norwegen)’ [misinterpretation in
Habitats not specified. Phenology: Jul.
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norwegia’; = ‘Norway’) • Finnmark; Berlevåg/Nesseby/Tana/Vadsø/Vardø, Varangerhalvøya (= ‘Finmark, Waranger-Halbinsel’) • Østfold; Hvaler, Hvaløerne (= ‘Hvaløerne’).
Habitats not specified. Phenology: Jul.
Faunistics: Zetterstedt (1871): 3721 [as Sciara trochanterata; in part misidentification];
• Finnmark; Porsanger, farm Fæstningsstua near Lævnasjarvi W of Skoganvarre (= ‘Fæstningstuen’; = ‘Festningsstuen’) • Oslo; Oslo, Tøyen (= ‘in Töien prope Christianiam’; = ‘Toiën’; = ‘Toien’) • Trøndelag; Meråker, NE of mountain Kølhaugan near the Swedish border [maybe a collecting place in Sweden: Jämtland, village Skalstugan close to the border with Norway] (= ‘in Jemtlandia ad diversorium Skalstugan’; = ‘Skalstuga’).
Habitats not specified. Phenology: Jun.–Aug.
• Finnmark; Båtsfjord, Varangerhalvøya, Syltefjorden (= ‘Varranger-Halbinsel, Sylkefjord’).
Habitats not specified. Phenology: Jul.
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norwegia’; = ‘Norway’; = ‘Norwegen’) • Finnmark; Alta, Jotkajavre fjellstue on the Finnmarksvidda between Karasjok and Alta (= ‘Jotkajavre’) • Trøndelag; Oppdal, Kongsvoll near Kongsvold Fjeldstue in the Drivdalen (= ‘ad Kongsvold in alpe Dovre’; = ‘Kongsvold’; = ‘in alpe Dovre’) • Troms; Balsfjord, Fjellfrøsvatnet [Fjellfroskvannet] N of Øverbygd (= ‘Fjellfrøskvann’) • Balsfjord, Øverbygd (= ‘Øverbygd’).
Habitats not specified. Phenology: Jul.
= bilineata (Staeger, 1840); = elegans (Winnertz, 1867); = inhonesta (Winnertz, 1867); = interrupta (Strobl, 1895); = obscuripennis (Winnertz, 1867).
• Oslo; Oslo, Bekkelaget (= ‘Bækkelaget ad Christianiam’; = ‘Bekkelaget’).
Habitat not specified. Phenology: May.
= coarctata (Winnertz, 1867); = hirsutissima (Strobl, 1895); = prisca (Winnertz, 1867); = saltuum (Winnertz, 1868); = splendens (Winnertz, 1867) [Sciara].
Faunistics: Zetterstedt (1871): 3721;
• Oslo; Oslo, Botanisk hage (= ‘in horto botanico ad Christianiam’) • Oslo, Tøyen (= ‘in Töien prope Christianiam’; = ‘Töien nahe Kristiania [Oslo]’; = ‘Töien [Oslo]’; = ‘Tøien, Oslo’) • Trøndelag; Verdal, near Sul, between Kongsstuggu [formerly ‘Kongsstuen fjeldstue’] and Høyfjellsbro (= ‘inter Kongsstuen et Höjfjeldbroe’; = ‘Kongstuen und Höjfjeldroe’; = ‘Höjfjeldbroe’; = ‘between Kongsstuen and Høifjellsbro’).
On mountains; in botanical gardens. Phenology: Jun.–Jul.
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norwegia’; = ‘Norway’) • Finnmark; Båtsfjord, Varangerhalvøya, Syltefjorden (= ‘Varranger-Halbinsel, Syltefjord’) • Tana, upper part of the Langfjordelva E of the Porsangerfjorden (= ‘Finmark, Langfjordelva’ [= ‘Finmark, am oberen Lauf des Flusses Langfjordelva östlich vom Porsangerfjord’; = ‘Oberlauf des Flusses Langfjordelva östlich vom Porsangerfjord’]).
Habitats not specified. Phenology: Jun., Aug.
• Troms; Nordreisa, Sappen (= ‘Sappen’).
Habitat not specified. Phenology: Aug.
= caesar (Johannsen, 1929); = bigoti (Laboulbène, 1863); = celer (Winnertz, 1867); = debilis (Winnertz, 1867); = decliva (Winnertz, 1867); = flammulinae (Sasakawa, 1983); = flaviventris (Winnertz, 1867); = humilis (Winnertz, 1867); = jauva (Rapp, 1946); = mali (Fitch, 1856); = mycorum (Frey, 1948); = pauciseta (Felt, 1897); = pleuroti Yang & Zhang, 1987; = ramicola (Kieffer, 1919), = segnis (Winnertz, 1871); = solani (Winnertz, 1871); = velox (Winnertz, 1867); = venusta (Winnertz, 1867); = womersleyi (Séguy, 1940).
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norwegen’; = ‘Norway’; = ‘Norwegia’; = ‘almindelig overalt’ [ordinary everywhere]) • Akershus: Eidsvoll, Minnesund (= ‘ad Eidsvold’; = ‘ad Eidsvoll’; = ‘Eidsvoll’) • Hordaland; Bergen, Gymmeland (= ‘Bergen, Gymmeland, GR [gruve] 1:50M’) • Osterøy, Nonås mine filed (= ‘Osterøy, Nonås, gruve 1’) • Nordland; Øksnes, in the NW part of Langøya of the Vesterålen archipelago (= ‘Øksnes’) • Oppland; Dovre, Hjerkinn NW of Folldal in the Gudbrandsdalen (= ‘in alpe Dovre, ad Jerkin’; = ‘Hjerkin, Dovre’) • Lesja, Fogstuen on the Dovrefjell plateau (= ‘in alpe Dovre ad Fokstuen’; = ‘Dovre ad Fogstuen’; = ‘Fokstuen, Dovre’) • Oslo; Oslo, Botanisk hage (= ‘Botanical Garden, Oslo’) • Oslo, Tøyen (= ‘ad Christianiam in Tøien’; = ‘Tøyen, Oslo’) • Telemark; Drangedal, Djupedal 1.5 km SE of Henneseid (= ‘Drangedal, Djupedal, Henseid’) • Troms; Balsfjord, Fjellfrøsvatnet [Fjellfroskvannet] N of Øverbygd (= ‘Fjellfrøskvann’) • Karlsøy, Finnkroken at the SW tip of Reinøya (= ‘Finnkroken’) • Tromsø (= ‘Tromsø’) • Tromsø, Ramfjorden (= ‘Ramfjord’) • Trøndelag; Levanger, Skogn SE of Levanger (= ‘Thynas’; = ‘Tynes’) [= in the accommodation of Thy in Skogn] • Oppdal, Kongsvoll near Kongsvold Fjeldstue in the Drivdalen (= ‘in alpe Dovre ad Kongsvold’; = ‘Kongsvold, Dovre’; = ‘ad Kongsvold’).
Oak canopies of Quercus robur; in houses; as well as in caves and mines. Phenology: Jun.–Sep.; Mar. and Jul. in caves and mines.
• Buskerud; Sigdal, Heimseteråsen (= ‘Sigdal’).
Pinus sylvestris dominated boreal forests with Betula pubescens and Picea abies. Phenology: Jun.–Jul.
= curvispina Tuomikoski, 1960; = difficilis var. obscuratipes (Frey, 1948).
• Svalbard; Bjørnøya (= ‘Bear Island’) • Bjørnøya, Laksvatnet in the N part of island (= ‘Bear Island, Laksvatnet’) • Spitsbergen, Kobbefjorden at the NW coast near the Danskøya (= ‘in Spetsbergia ad Kobbebay’; = ‘Spitzbergen bei Kobbefjorden’) • Spitsbergen, without further locality details (= ‘Spitzbergen’; = ‘Spitsbergen’).
Habitats not specified. Phenology: Jul.–Aug.
• Finnmark; Båtsfjord, Varangerhalvøya, Ytre Syltefjord 35 km SE of Båtsfjord (= ‘Varanger Peninsula, Ytre Syltefjord 35 km SE Batsfjord’; = ‘Norway’).
Dwarf-shrub tundra. Phenology: Jul.
= agarici Loudon, 1978; = auberti (Séguy, 1940); = brevipetiolata (Shaw, 1941); = castanescens (Lengersdorf, 1940); = difficilis (Frey, 1948) [preocc.]; = fucorum (Frey, 1948); = jeanneli (Séguy, 1940); = kaiseri (Shaw, 1941); = paucisetulosa (Frey, 1948); = rufotincta Tuomikoski, 1959; = similans (Johannsen, 1925); = solispina (Hardy, 1956); = trifolii (Pettey, 1918).
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norwegen’; = ‘Norway’) • Finnmark; Porsanger, two localities on the Porsangerfjorden (= ‘2 Stellen am Porsangerfjord’) • Troms; Tromsø (= ‘Tromsø’) • Trøndelag; Levanger, Hestøya NW of Alstahaug, southern tip Måkeskjær (= ‘Måkeskjær’).
In accumulations of seaweed on sea shores. Phenology: Aug.
= leucocera (Mohrig & Menzel, 1990); = polliciformis (Freeman, 1990).
• Telemark; Drangedal, Djupedal 1.5 km SE of Henneseid (= ‘Drangedal, Djupedal, Henseid’).
The first specimens of Pseudolycoriella paludum from Norway were identified in our NTI project 2014–2016.
Oak canopies of Quercus robur. Phenology: Jul.
= borealis (Rübsaamen, 1898); = falsaria (Winnertz, 1867); = hybrida (Winnertz, 1867); = mundula (Winnertz, 1867); = nacta (Johannsen, 1912); = pagana (Winnertz, 1867); = pratinicola (Winnertz, 1867); = radialis (Shaw, 1934); = silvestris (Frey, 1936); = soluta (Winnertz, 1867); = vivida (Winnertz, 1867).
• Akershus; Frogn, Sønderstøa-Degerud (= ‘Degerud’) • Buskerud; Sigdal, Heimseteråsen (= ‘Sigdal’) • Finnmark; Alta, Bossekop in Alta (= ‘Bosekop’) • Alta, Jotkajavre fjellstue on the Finnmarksvidda between Karasjok and Alta (= ‘Jotkajavre’) • Karasjok, Karasjok at the river Karasjohka (= ‘Karasjok’) • Hordaland; Kvam, ‘Berge landskapsvernområde’ [protected landscape area with the Bergsvatnet] NW of Tørvikbygd (= ‘Kvam, Berge’) • Telemark; Drangedal, woodland Steinknapp SW of Drangedal (= ‘Drangedal, Steinknapp’) • Porsgrunn, Mule Varde SE of Porsgrunn at the Eidangerfjorden (= ‘Porsgrunn, Mule Varde’) • Troms; Tromsø (= ‘Tromsø’) • Tromsø, lake Prestvannet on the Tromsøya (= ‘Prestvann, Tromsø’) • Trøndelag; Levanger, Hestøya NW of Alstahaug, southern tip Måkeskjær (= ‘Måkeskjær’) • Levanger, Skogn SE of Levanger (= ‘ad diversorium Thynäs’; = ‘ad Thyæs in Skogn’; = ‘Thynäs’; = ‘Tynes, Værdal’) [= in the accommodation of Thy in Skogn].
• Svalbard; Bjørnøya, Mosevatnet near Kapp Forsberg (= ‘bei Mosevatnet (B.)’).
The syntypes (two females) of Sciara borealis Rübsaamen were studied by the senior author and identified as a junior synonym of Scatopsciara atomaria (Zetterstedt). More detailed information will be presented in a separate publication about the Sciara species described by
Pinus sylvestris dominated boreal forests with Betula pubescens and Picea abies; oak canopies of Quercus robur. In mosses, lichens and Salix plants (Svalbard records). Phenology: Jun.–Oct.
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norvegia’; = ‘Norwegen’) • Oslo; Oslo, Tøyen (= ‘Tøyen, Oslo’) • Trøndelag; Levanger, Skogn SE of Levanger (= ‘Tynes, Værdal’) [= in the accommodation of Thy in Skogn] • Trondheim (= ‘ad Throndhjem’; = ‘ad Trondhjem’; = ‘ad Trondhjem [bei Trondheim]’; = ‘Trondheim’).
Habitats not specified. Phenology: Jul.
• Telemark; Drangedal, 300 m SE of Henneseid (= ‘Drangedal, Henseid’) • Drangedal, Djupedal 1.5 km SE of Henneseid (= ‘Drangedal, Djupedal, Henseid’) • Drangedal, woodland Steinknapp SW of Drangedal (= ‘Drangedal, Steinknapp’) • Porsgrunn, Mule Varde SE of Porsgrunn at the Eidangerfjorden (= ‘Porsgrunn, Mule Varde’).
The first specimens of Scatopsciara calamophila from Norway were identified in our NTI project 2014–2016.
Oak canopies of Quercus robur. Phenology: Jun.–Jul.
= coei Freeman, 1983; = pulchra (Lengersdorf, 1940); = robusticornis (Frey, 1948).
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norwegen’) • Finnmark; Tana, Tanafjorden, fjord Vestertana (= ‘Finmark, Vestertana’) • Troms; Tromsø (= ‘Tromsø’).
Habitats not specified. Phenology: Aug.
• Hordaland; Kvam, ‘Berge landskapsvernområde’ [protected landscape area with the Bergsvatnet] NW of Tørvikbygd (= ‘Kvam, Berge’) • Telemark; Drangedal, woodland Steinknapp SW of Drangedal (= ‘Drangedal, Steinknapp’).
The first specimens of Scatopsciara multispina from Norway were identified in our NTI project 2014–2016.
Oak canopies of Quercus robur. Phenology: Jun.
= felti (Pettey, 1918).
• Finnmark; Alta, Jotkajavre fjellstue on the Finnmarksvidda between Karasjok and Alta (= ‘Jotkajavre’) • Karasjok, Karasjok at the river Karasjohka (= ‘Karasjok’) • Rogaland; Sandnes, Sandnes S of Stavanger (= ‘Sandnes’) • Troms; Balsfjord, Nordkjosbotn 70 km SE of Tromsø (= ‘Nordkjosbotn’) • Karlsøy, Torsvåg at the NW coast of Vannøya 15 km N of Tromsø (= ‘Torsvåg’) • Målselv, farm Frihetsli in the Dividalen 32 km SE of Øverbygd (= ‘Frihetsli’) • Tromsø, lake Prestvannet on the Tromsøya (= ‘Prestvand’; = ‘Prestvann, Tromsø’) • Trøndelag; Levanger, Levanger (= ‘ad Levanger’; = ‘Levanger’).
Habitats not specified. Phenology: Jun.–Aug.
• Telemark; Drangedal, 300 m SE of Henneseid (= ‘Drangedal, Henseid’).
The first specimen of Scatopsciara neglecta from Norway was identified in our NTI project 2014–2016.
Oak canopies of Quercus robur. Phenology: Jul.
= paludicicola (Lengersdorf, 1940); = pavida (Winnertz, 1867); = pusilliformis Mohrig & Mamaev, 1986; = zygoneuroides Frey, 1948.
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norwegen’) • Finnmark; Alta, Jotkajavre fjellstue on the Finnmarksvidda between Karasjok and Alta (= ‘Jotkajavre’) • Telemark; Drangedal, woodland Steinknapp SW of Drangedal (= ‘Drangedal, Steinknapp’).
Oak canopies of Quercus robur. Phenology: Jun., Aug.
= actuosa (Johannsen, 1912); = aucta (Winnertz, 1867); = basaliseta (Yang & Zhang, 1987); = coracina (Zetterstedt, 1851); = intermista (Winnertz, 1867); = nitidula (Zetterstedt, 1851); = quinquelineata (Macquart, 1834); = superba (Winnertz, 1867).
• Finnmark; Tana, between Porsangerfjorden and fjord Vestertana (= ‘Finmark, zwischen Porsangerfjord und Vestertana’) • Hordaland; Kvam, ‘Berge landskapsvernområde’ [protected landscape area with the Bergsvatnet] NW of Tørvikbygd (= ‘Kvam, Berge’) • Møre Og Romsdal; Haram, ? Ormeneset (= in Romsdalia ad Ormen’; = ‘Romsdals Amt, omkring Ormen’; = ‘Ormem, Romsdal’) • Oppland; Lesja, Fogstuen on the Dovrefjell plateau (= ‘Fogstuen’; = ‘Fokstuen, Dovre’; = ‘in alpe Dovre ad Fogstuen’; = ‘in alpe Dovre’) • Oslo; Oslo, Botanisk hage (= ‘ad Christianiam in horto botanico’; = ‘Botanical Garden, Oslo’) • Oslo, Tøyen (= ‘ad Christianiam in Tøien’; = ‘in Töien prope Christianiam’; = ‘Töien [Oslo]’; = ‘Töien’) • Telemark; Drangedal, woodland Steinknapp SW of Drangedal (= ‘Drangedal, Steinknapp’) • Trøndelag; Levanger, Levanger (= ‘ad urbem Levanger’) • Levanger, Skogn SE of Levanger (= ‘ad diversorium Thynæs et urbem Levanger in paroecia Skogn’; = ‘ad Thyæs in parochia Skogn’; = ‘Thynäs’) [= in the accommodation of Thy in Skogn] • Oppdal, Kongsvoll near Kongsvold Fjeldstue in the Drivdalen (= ‘Kongsvold’; = ‘Kongsvold, Dovre’= ‘in alpe Dovre ad Kongsvold’; = ‘in alpe Dovre’).
On coasts and in botanical gardens; oak canopies of Quercus robur. Phenology: May–Aug.
= frauenfeldi (Winnertz, 1867); = illepida (Winnertz, 1867); = indigena (Winnertz, 1867), = pilosa Antonova, 1975.
• Buskerud: Bjøberg in the Hemsedalsfjella between Hemsedal and Lærdal (= ‘Bjøberg paa Hemsedalsfjeldet’; = ‘ad Bjøberg in alpe Hemsedalsfjeld’; = ‘Bjøberg, Hemsedal’) • Røyken (= ‘in parochia Røken’; = ‘Røken’; = ‘Røyken’) • Oslo; Oslo (= ‘ad Christianiam’; = ‘Oslo’) • Oslo, Skøyen (= ‘Skøien’; = ‘Skøyen’) • Oslo, Tøyen (= ‘Tøien’; = ‘Tøyen’).
Habitats not specified. Phenology: Jun.–Jul.
= atrata (Holmgren, 1869) [preocc.]; = holmgreni (Jacobson, 1898) [preocc.]; = incisiforceps (Frey, 1948), = laguncularis (Lengersdorf, 1930); = validicornis (Lundbeck, 1898).
• Jan Mayen: without further locality details (= ‘Jan Mayen Island’) • Svalbard; Bjørnøya (= ‘Bear Island’) • Bjørnøya, bay Austervåg at the E coast (= ‘bei Austervåg (B.)’; = ‘Spitzbergen, bei Austervåg’) • Bjørnøya, Brettingsdalen at the E side of Miseryfjellet (= ‘Bear Island, Brettingsdalen’) • Bjørnøya, Nordcapp at the NE coast (= ‘Spetsberg, Nordcap’) [misinterpretation in
In dry ridges and slopes with Saxifraga oppositifolia, mosses and lichens; in mosses and lichens; among stones and plants (e.g. Buellia sorotia, Dicranoweisia crispula, Parmelia alpicola, Saxifraga oppositifolia, Salix polaris); on stones of shingly raised beaches (all Svalbard records). Phenology: Jun.–Jul., Sep.
= fulgens Winnertz, 1867, = mannii Winnertz, 1867.
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norwegia’; = ‘Norwegen’) • Møre Og Romsdal; Rauma, between Veblungsnes and Romsdalshornet Mountain in the Romsdalsalpene SE of Åndalsnes (= ‘Romsdals Amt, mellem Veblungsnæsset og Romsdalshorn’) • Rauma, Veblungsnes at the Romsdalsfjorden SW of Åndalsnes (= ‘ad Veblungsnæs Romsdaliæ; = ‘Veblungsnes, Romsdal’) • Oslo; Oslo, Tøyen (= ‘in Tøien ad Christ.’; = ‘Tøyen, Oslo’).
Habitats not specified. Phenology: Jul.–Aug.
= lateralis Meigen, 1818; = morio (Fabricius, 1794); = thomae (Linnaeus, 1767); = valida Winnertz, 1867.
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norwegen’; = ‘Norwegia’) • Buskerud; Ål (= ‘Aal’) • Ringerike, farm Tanberg in Norderhov 5 km S of Hønefoss (= ‘Tandberg i Nordrehaug’) • Ringerike, Norderhov 5 km S of Hønefoss (= ‘in par. [parochia] Nordrehaug Ringerikiæ’; = ‘Nordrehaug Ringerikiæ’; = ‘Norderhov, Ringerike’; = ‘in Ringerike’) • Hedmark; Åmot, in the Østerdalen (= ‘Østerdalen, Aamodt’; = ‘Aamodt’) • Tynset, Tylldalen in the Østerdalen (= ‘Tyldal Østerdaliæ’; = ‘Østerdalen, Tyld. len’; = ‘Tyldal’) • Møre Og Romsdal; Rauma, Horgheim SE of Åndalsnes in the Romsdalen (= ‘Romsdals Amt, Horgheim’) • Rauma, Rauma in the Romsdalen (= ‘Romsdals Amt, i Rauma’) • Rauma, in the Romsdalen (= ‘ad Fladmark, Romsdaliæe’; = ‘Fladmark, Romsdal’) • Oppland; Nord-Fron or Sør-Fron in the Gudbrandsdalen (= ‘Gudbrandsdalen, Fron’) • Øyer in the Gudbrandsdalen (= ‘Øier Gudbrandsdaliæ’; = ‘Gudbrandsdalen, Öier’; = ‘Øyer’) • Oslo; Oslo (= ‘circa Christianiam’; = ‘Kristiania’; = ‘Oslo’) • Oslo, Tøyen (= ‘circa Christianiam’; = ‘circa Christianiam ... in Tøien’; = ‘Tøyen, Oslo’) • Østfold; Halden, Halden SE of Fredrikstad (= ‘ad Fredrikshald’; = ‘Fredrikshald’) • Sarpsborg, Sarpsborg NE of Fredrikstad (= ‘Sarpsborg’).
On flowers of Pimpinella saxifraga and Scabiosa; between stones on sandy soil. Phenology: Jul.–Sep.
= analis var. bezzii Del Guercio, 1905; = armata Winnertz, 1867; = hamatilis Yang, Zhang & Yang, 1993.
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norwegia’; = ‘Norwegen’) • Buskerud; Ringerike NE of Oslo (= ‘in Ringerige Norwegiæ’; = ‘Ringerige Norwegiae’; = ‘Ringerige’; = ‘Ringerike’) • Oslo; Oslo, Botanisk hage (= ‘ad Christianiam in horto botanico’; = ‘Botanical Garden, Oslo’) • Østensjø, lake Østensjøvannet SE of Oslo (= ‘Østensjøvannet vel 5 km fra Oslo sentrum’).
In botanical gardens. Phenology: May, Aug.
= boleti Winnertz, 1867; = mamaevi Antonova, 1978; = vigilax Winnertz, 1867.
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norwegen’) • Oppland; Lesja, Fogstuen on the Dovrefjell plateau (= ‘ad Fogstuen’; = ‘in alpe Dovre ad Fokstuen’; = ‘Fokstuen, Dovre’) • Oslo; Oslo, Tøyen (= ‘ad Christianiam in Tøien’; = ‘ad Tøien’; = ‘Tøyen, Oslo’) • Troms; Målselv, farm Frihetsli in the Dividalen 32 km SE of Øverbygd (= ‘Frihetsli’).
Habitats not specified. Phenology: Jun.–Jul.
• Finnmark; Alta, Bojobæskihytta in the Stabbursdalen between Karasjok and Alta (= ‘Bojobæske’) • Alta, Jotkajavre fjellstue on the Finnmarksvidda between Karasjok and Alta (= ‘Jotkajavre’) • Karasjok, Karasjok at the river Karasjohka (= ‘Karasjok’) • Nordland; Sørfold, Røsvik on the S shore of Sørfolda (= ‘Røsvik’).
Habitats not specified. Phenology: Jul.–Aug.
= haemorrhoidalis (Lundbeck, 1898).
• Finnmark; Vardø, Varangerhalvøya, Persfjorden (= ‘Vardö, Persfjord’).
• Svalbard; Spitsbergen, Longyearbyen (= ‘Longyearbyen’) • Spitsbergen, without further locality details (= ‘Spitsbergen’).
Habitats not specified. Phenology: Jul.–Aug.
• Hedmark; Stor-Elvdal, at the river Atna, Solbakken NW of Koppang (= ‘Stor-Elvdal, Atna River, Solbakken’).
The first specimen (holotype) of Trichocoelina ithyspina from Norway was prepared and identified in our NTI projects 2014–2018.
Habitats not specified. Phenology: Jun.–Jul.
• Troms; Tromsø, Nakkedalen, S of Estengammen.
The first specimens (2 paratypes) of Trichocoelina jukkai from Norway were identified in our NTI project 2017–2018.
Habitats not specified. Phenology: Jul.
• Svalbard; Bjørnøya, at the Engelskelva in the NE part of island (= ‘Svalbard, Engelskelva’) • Bjørnøya, at the Lakselva (= ‘Svalbard, Lakselva’).
The first specimens (holotype, 2 paratypes) of Trichocoelina obesula from Norway were identified in our NTI project 2017–2018.
Habitats not specified. Phenology: Jul.
• Finnmark; Karasjok, Karasjok at the river Karasjohka (= ‘Karasjok’) • Tana, Storfossen at the river Karasjohka near the Finnish border (= ‘Tana, Nedre Storfoss’).
The first specimens (2 paratypes) of Trichocoelina oricillifera from Norway were identified in our NTI project 2017–2018.
Habitats not specified. Phenology: Jul.–Aug.
• Svalbard; Bjørnøya, at the Lakselva (= ‘Svalbard, Lakselva’).
The first specimen (paratype) of Trichocoelina semisphaera from Norway was identified in our NTI project 2017–2018.
Habitats not specified. Phenology: Jul.
= glacialis (Lundbeck, 1898) [preocc.]; = permutata (Lundbeck, 1900).
• Svalbard; Bjørnøya (= ‘Bear Island’) • Bjørnøya, at the Lakselva (= ‘Svalbard, Lakselva’) • Spitsbergen, Adventdalen near Adventfjorden at the W coast (= ‘Adventdalen’) • Spitsbergen, Albert I Land, Lillehøkfjorden, E part of Mitrahalvøya, Nilspynten (= ‘Svalbard, Lillehoeoekfjorden, Nilspynten’) • Spitsbergen, Fjortende Julibukta on the E side of Krossfjorden (= ‘Svalbard, Krossfjorden, 14. juli bukta’) • Spitsbergen, Kobbefjorden at the NW coast near the Danskøya (= ‘Kobbefjorden [Kobbebay]’) • Spitsbergen, Nordenskiöld Land, Bjørndalen W of Adventfjorden (= ‘Svalbard, Bjorndalen’) • Spitsbergen, Nordenskiöld Land, Bolterdalen on the S side of Adventdalen (= ‘Svalbard, Bolterdalen’) • Spitsbergen, Nordenskiöld Land, Colesbukta on the S side of Isfjorden (= ‘Svalbard, Colesbukta’) • Spitsbergen, Nordenskiöld Land, Hanaskogdalen on the E side of Adventfjorden (= ‘Svalbard, Hanaskogdalen’) • Spitsbergen, Nordenskiöld Land, Longyearbyen in the Longyeardalen S of Adventfjorden (= ‘Svalbard, Longyearbyen’) • Spitsbergen, S coast of Kongsfjorden, W of Ny-Ålesund (= ‘NW part of Spitsbergen, S coast of Kongsfjord, W of Ny Ålesund’; = ‘NW-Spitzbergen, Kongsfjord, Südküste, westlich von Ny Ålesund’) • Spitsbergen, Virgohamna at the N coast of Danskøya (= ‘Danskøya, Virgohamna’) • Spitsbergen, without further locality details (= ‘Spitsbergen’).
Under stones (some Svalbard records). Phenology: Jul.–Aug.
= abdita (Johannsen, 1912); = clavata (Garrett, 1925); = filispina Menzel & Mohrig, 1997.
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norway’) • Finnmark; Sør-Varanger, Pasvik Valley near lake Vaggatem (= ‘Pasvik-Tal bei Vaggatem’; = ‘Pasvik Valley near Vaggatem’).
Habitats not specified. Phenology: without data.
= dziedzickii (Grzegorzek, 1884); = longiventris (Zetterstedt, 1851); = mikii (Grzegorzek, 1884); = sznablii (Grzegorzek, 1884).
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norwegen’) • Akershus; Skedsmo, Lillestrøm E of Oslo (= ‘Lillestrømmen in par. [parochia] Skedsmo’; = ‘ad Christianiam, Lillestrømmen’; = ‘Lillestrømmen’; = ‘Skedsmo’) • Buskerud; Krødsherad (= ‘Krødsherred’; = ‘Krydsherred’) • Hedmark; Åmot, Åset 7.5 km N of Åmot in the Østerdalen (= ‘in parochiis Aamodt Østerdaliæ (ad Aaset)’; = ‘Åset, Åmot’) • Åmot, in the Østerdalen (= ‘Østerdalen, Aamodt’) • Møre Og Romsdal; Rauma, Rauma in the Romsdalen (= ‘Romsdals Amt, i Rauma’) • Rauma, in the Romsdalen (= ‘ad Fladmark, Romsdaliæe’; = ‘Fladmark, Romsdal’) • Oppland; Nord-Aurdal, Aurdal (= Aurdal in Valders’; = ‘Aurdal, Valdres’; = ‘Aurdal’) • Vågå, farm Sve NE of Vågåmo in the Gudbrandsdalen (= ‘Vaage Gudbrandsdaliæ ad Svee’; = ‘i Vaage’; = ‘Sve, Våge’) • Oslo; Oslo (= ‘ad Christianiam’; = ‘Oslo’; = ‘Moe.’ [misinterpretation in
Between stones on sandy soil; larvae in rotten wood of gray alder (Alnus incana); on mountains. Phenology: Apr., Jun.–Aug.
Faunistics: Zetterstedt (1871): 3721 [as Sciara trochanterata; in part misidentification];
• Trøndelag; Verdal, near Sul, Kongsstuggu [formerly ‘Kongsstuen fjeldstue’] (= ‘Kongsstuen’; = ‘Kongstuen’).
On mountains. Phenology: Jun.
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norway’) • Finnmark; Båtsfjord, Varangerhalvøya, Ytre Syltefjord 35 km SE of Båtsfjord (published as ‘Norway’; see faunistic note).
The single Norwegian record of Trichosia edwardsi published in
Dwarf-shrub tundra. Phenology: Jul.
• Telemark; Drangedal, woodland Steinknapp SW of Drangedal (= ‘Drangedal, Steinknapp’).
The first specimen of Trichosia flavicoxa from Norway was identified in our NTI project 2014–2016.
Oak canopies of Quercus robur. Phenology: Jun.
• Akershus; Nesodden, Blåbærstien in Nesoddtangen (= ‘Nesodden, Blåbærstien’; = ‘Nesodden, Blåbærstien – Østvendt skråning’ [correctly translated from Norwegian: ‘Blåbærstien, east-facing slope’]) • Nesodden, Ommen at the W side of Nesodden (= ‘Ommen – Sørvendt rasmark’ [correctly translated from Norwegian: ‘Ommen, south-facing scree’]) • Nesodden, W of abandoned settlement Flatebybråten (= ‘Flatebybråten vest’) • Aust-Agder; Birkenes, Birkeland, Nordåsen • Buskerud; Kongsberg, Haugplassen near Raje in the Rajedalen (= ‘Kongsberg, Haugplassen’) • Ringerike, W of Hønefoss, small river Veksalbekken E of Veksalplassen [mouth of the Veksalbekken in the river Sogna] (= ‘Veksalbekken’) • Ringerike, Synneren naturreservat SW of Hønefoss (= ‘Synneren NR’) • Ringerike, W of Hallingby, S of the marsh Langmyra along the stream Sibekken (= ‘S Langmyra – Langs Sibekken’ [correctly translated from Norwegian: ‘S of Langmyra along Sibekken’]) • Hedmark; Kongsvinger, Abborhøgda in the forest Varaldskogen S of Øyermoen [near the Swedish border] (= ‘Abborhøgda’) • Hordaland; Bergen, Bergen, Fløyen mountain, mountain top Fløyfjellet (= Bergen, Fløyfjellet) • Bergen, Bergen, residential area Skansemyren (= ‘Skansemyren’) • Bergen, N of Langetoen (= ‘N Langetoen’) • Bergen, NW of hill Litlelia SE of Bergen, in the Sædalen N of Sædalen school (= ‘Litlelia – Valley Sædalen N of Sædalen skole’) • Eidfjord, settlement Tveit in the Simadalen NE of Eidfjord (= ‘Eidfjord, Simadalen, Tveit’) • Oslo; Oslo, Gaustad in the borough Nordre Aker (= ‘Gaustad – Jubileumsenga’) • Oslo, Ljabru in the borough Nordstrand, at the Ljanselva (= ‘Ljabru, Ljanselva’) • Oslo, borough Nordstrand, at the Ljanselva in the Liadalen (= ‘Nordstrand, Ljanselva, Liadalen’) • Sogn Og Fjordane; Høyanger, NE of Austreim at the N side of Sognefjorden, N of hill Furehaugen (= ‘Høyanger, N Furehaugen’) • Høyanger, Vårstølen NE of Bjordal (= ‘Vårstølen – Nedenfor veien’ [correctly translated from Norwegian: ‘Vårstølen, below the road’) • Lærdal, Eråksdalen SE of Lærdalsøyri (= ‘Eråksdalen’) • Lærdal, near settlement Voldum N of Borgund (= ‘Lærdal, Eisurda’) • Luster, NE of Gjerde, between river Jostedøla and road no. 334 near the stream Flatelvi (= ‘Luster, Flatelvi – Ved Rv334’ [correctly translated from Norwegian: ‘by the road no. 334’]) • Luster, NW of Gjerde, at the N shore of Nigardsbrevatnet near the Nigardsbreen parking area (= ‘N Nigardsbrevatnet’) • Luster, NW of Gaupne, near Hurrene at the E bank of river Jostedøla (= ‘SW Hurrene’) • Luster, SE of Gjerde, N from the farm Hesjevoll (= ‘N Hesjevoll’) • Sogndal, NE of Sogndal, above the road no. 55 W of the settlement Steig (= ‘Sogndal, W Steig – Ovenfor veien’ [correctly translated from Norwegian: ‘W of Steig, above the road’) • Telemark; Bamble, Langøya in the Langesundsfjorden, bay at the E side of island (= ‘Langøya – Bukt på østsiden (Langøya I)’ [correctly translated from Norwegian: ‘Langøya, bay at the eastern side (Langøya I)’]) • Porsgrunn, Brevik, forest Dammane in the W part of Brevik (= ‘Brevik, Dammane’) • Tinn, Hovin NW of Kongsberg, Spjeldset SW of Øvre Fjellstul (= ‘Hovin, Spjeldset’) • Tokke, E of Dalen, headland Gunnarshelle at the N coast of the west end of lake Bandak (= ‘WNW Gunnarshelle’) • Trøndelag; Trondheim, Trondheim, Sommerlystvegen (= ‘Sør-Trøndelag, Trondheim, M. Sommerlystvegen – in the garden of nr. 22’) • Vestfold; Larvik, Farmenrøysa mountain NE of Kvelde (= ‘Farmenrøysa Ø’ [correctly: ‘Farmenrøysa, east-facing slope’]) • Larvik, hill Småås N of Larvik (= ‘Larvik, Småås’) • Larvik, N part of Jordstøyp naturreservat in the Lågendalen W of Kvelde (= ‘Jordstøyp N’) • Larvik, Nevlungstranda W of Nevlunghavn, beach Mølen (= ‘Nevlungstranda – Mølen II’) • Larvik, SE of Kvelde, settlement Fjære W of the Fjæreelva (= ‘Fjære’).
The first specimens of Trichosia lengersdorfi from Norway were collected and/or identified in our NTI project 2014–2016.
East- and South-facing mountainsides; on scree of steep slopes and on the tops of woody hillsides; eroded mountains with sandy areas at the foot; on steep slopes with large elms and valuable hardwood trees; mountain birch forests; forests along streams in otherwise muddy terrain; gardens with lawn and some larger trees. Phenology: May–Sep.
= maxima Strobl, 1880; = winnertzi Nowicki, 1868.
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norway’; see faunistic note) • Trøndelag; Fosnes, Jøa Island, mountain Mulfjellet SE of Dun (= ‘Mulfjellet’).
The Norwegian specimen of Trichosia splendens, recorded without collecting details in
Habitats not specified. Phenology: without data.
• Finnmark; Alta, Leirbotn SE of Kviby, Lakselva at the E side of Altafjorden (= ‘Leirbotn, Lakselva’) • Kvalsund, Skaidi (= ‘Skaidi’) • Rogaland; Finnøy, Finnøy Island, Lasteinvatnet SE of Lastein at the SE coast (= ‘Finnöy, Ledsleinvatnet’) • Trøndelag; Oppdal, Kongsvoll near Kongsvold Fjeldstue in the Drivdalen (= ‘Oppdal, Kongsvall’).
Habitats not specified. Phenology: May–Jul.
= betulae Tuomikoski, 1960.
• Finnmark; Kvalsund, Skaidi (= ‘Skaidi’) • Rogaland; Finnøy, Finnøy Island, Lasteinvatnet SE of Lastein at the SE coast (= ‘Finnöy, Ledsleinvatnet’) • Trøndelag; Oppdal, Kongsvoll near Kongsvold Fjeldstue in the Drivdalen (= ‘Oppdal, Kungsvoll’).
Habitats not specified. Phenology: May–Jul.
• Vestfold; Larvik, lake Skjærsjø near Kvelde NW of Larvik (= ‘Larvik, Skjærsjø’).
The first specimen of Xylosciara trimera from Norway was identified in our NTI project 2014–2016.
Oak canopies of Quercus robur. Phenology: Jul.
• Finnmark; Tana, Tanafjorden, fjord Vestertana (= ‘Finmark, Vestertana’; = ‘Finnmark, Vestertana’).
Habitats not specified. Phenology: Aug.
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norway’) • Oppland; Lunner, Brovoll N of Oslo (= ‘Brovold ad Christianiam’; = ‘Brovold, Oslo’; = ‘Brovold’).
Habitats not specified. Phenology: Sep.
The names included in this category are to be understood as ‘unplaced species’ within the Sciaridae. A reliable interpretation of the species names and their unequivocal placement within the Sciaridae on the basis of Meigen’s original descriptions is not possible without revision of the types. Consequently, these may either be synonymous names, or the Norwegian specimens may have been misidentified by previous authors.
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Norwegia’; = ‘Norge’).
Habitats not specified. Phenology: without data.
• Oslo; Oslo, Tøyen (= ‘in Tøien ad Christianiam’; = ‘ad Töien’; = ‘Tøyen, Oslo’).
Habitats not specified. Phenology: Sep.
• Nordland; Bodø, Bodø, Bjerkeng (= ‘Bjerkeng’) • Oppland; Lesja, Fogstuen on the Dovrefjell plateau (= ‘Fogstuen’; = ‘Fokstuen, Dovre’; = ‘in alpe Dovre ad Fokstuen’; = ‘in alpe Dovre’) • Oslo; Oslo, Tøyen (= ‘ad Christianiam in Tøien’; = ‘Tøyen, Oslo’) • Trøndelag; Verdal, Østre Nes at the Jamtlandsvegen [road no. 72] between Verdal and Lysthaugen (= ‘ad Oestre-Näs Værdaliæ’; = ‘ad Østre Næs Værdaliæ’; = ‘Østre Nes, Værdal’).
Habitats not specified. Phenology: Jul.–Aug.
• Norway; without further locality details (= ‘Nord-Norwegen’) • Møre Og Romsdal; Rauma, between Veblungsnes and Romsdalshornet Mountain in the Romsdalsalpene SE of Åndalsnes (= ‘Romsdals Amt, mellem Veblungsnæsset og Romsdalshorn’) • Rauma, Veblungsnes at the Romsdalsfjorden SW of Åndalsnes (= ‘ad Veblungsnæs Romsdaliæ; = ‘Veblungsnes, Romsdal’) • Oslo; Oslo (= ‘ad Christianiam’) • Oslo, Bekkelaget (= ‘Bækkelgaet’; = ‘Bekkelaget’) • Oslo, Tøyen (= ‘circa Christianiam ... in Tøien’; = ‘Tøyen, Oslo’) • Troms; Berg/Lenvik/Tranøy/Torsken, Senja Island (= ‘Nordlandiæ Norwegieæ insula Senjen’; = Nordlandiæ, insula Senjen’; = ‘insula Senjen Nordlandiæ’; = ‘Senja’).
Habitats not specified. Phenology: May–Aug.
Bradysia Winnertz, 1867
affinis (Zetterstedt, 1838)
alpicola (Winnertz, 1867)
angustipennis Winnertz, 1867
bicolor (Meigen, 1818)
brevispina Tuomikoski, 1960
confinis (Winnertz, 1867)
distincta (Staeger, 1840)
fenestralis (Zetterstedt, 1838)
flavipila Tuomikoski, 1960
forficulata (Bezzi, 1914)
fungicola (Winnertz, 1867)
giraudii (Egger, 1862)
hilariformis Tuomikoski, 1960
hilaris (Winnertz, 1867)
impatiens (Johannsen, 1912)
inusitata (Tuomikoski, 1960)
iridipennis (Zetterstedt, 1838)
lapponica (Lengersdorf, 1926)
longicubitalis (Lengersdorf, 1924)
nervosa (Meigen, 1818)
nitidicollis (Meigen, 1818)
opaca (Winnertz, 1871)
pallipes (Fabricius, 1787)
pauperata (Winnertz, 1867)
placida (Winnertz, 1867)
praecox (Meigen, 1818)
quercina Menzel & Köhler, 2014
rufescens (Zetterstedt, 1852)
sordida (Zetterstedt, 1838)
strenua (Winnertz, 1867)
strigata (Staeger, 1840)
tilicola (Loew, 1850)
trivittata (Staeger, 1840)
vernalis (Zetterstedt, 1851)
Bradysiopsis Tuomikoski, 1960
vittigera (Zetterstedt, 1851)
Camptochaeta Hippa & Vilkamaa, 1994
bournei (Shaw, 1941)
camptochaeta (Tuomikoski, 1960)
consimilis (Holmgren, 1869)
delicata (Lengersdorf, 1935)
fallax Hippa & Vilkamaa, 1994
hirtula (Lengersdorf, 1934)
mimica Hippa & Vilkamaa, 1994
truncata Vilkamaa & Mohrig, 2013
xystica Hippa & Vilkamaa, 1994
Chaetosciara Frey, 1942
estlandica (Lengersdorf, 1929)
Claustropyga Hippa, Vilkamaa & Mohrig, 2003
brevichaeta (Mohrig & Antonova, 1978)
refrigerata (Lengersdorf, 1930)
Corynoptera Winnertz, 1867
boletiphaga (Lengersdorf, 1940)
brachypennis (Lengersdorf, 1926)
defecta (Frey, 1948)
fatigans (Johannsen, 1912)
flavicauda (Zetterstedt, 1855)
forcipata (Winnertz, 1867)
hypopygialis (Lengersdorf, 1926)
irmgardis (Lengersdorf, 1930)
membranigera (Kieffer, 1903)
minima (Meigen, 1818)
montana (Winnertz, 1869)
penna (Pettey, 1918)
roederi (Lengersdorf, 1931)
saetistyla Mohrig & Krivosheina, 1985
sphenoptera Tuomikoski, 1960
spoeckeri (Lengersdorf, 1930)
subtilis (Lengersdorf, 1929)
subvariegata Rudzinski, 1992
trepida (Winnertz, 1867)
waltraudis Mohrig & Mamaev, 1987
Cratyna Winnertz, 1867
SG Cratyna Winnertz, 1867 s. str.
ambigua (Lengersdorf, 1934)
atra Winnertz, 1867
hirticornis (Meigen, 1818)
longipennis (Lengersdorf, 1931)
uliginosa (Lengersdorf, 1929)
uliginosoides Heller, Köhler & Menzel, 2016
SG Spathobdella Frey, 1948
colei (Freeman, 1990)
falcata (Tuomikoski, 1960)
longispina (Pettey, 1918)
nobilis (Winnertz, 1867)
perplexa (Winnertz, 1867)
Ctenosciara Tuomikoski, 1960
hyalipennis (Meigen, 1804)
lutea (Meigen, 1804)
Dichopygina Vilkamaa, Hippa & Komarova, 2004
aculeata Vilkamaa, Hippa & Komarova, 2004
bernhardi Vilkamaa, Hippa & Komarova, 2004
nigrohalteralis (Frey, 1948)
ramosa Vilkamaa, Hippa & Komarova, 2004
Dolichosciara Tuomikoski, 1960
flavipes (Meigen, 1804)
Epidapus Haliday, 1851
SG Epidapus Haliday, 1851 s. str.
alnicola (Tuomikoski, 1957)
gracilis (Walker, 1848)
Hemineurina Frey, 1942
abbrevinervis (Holmgren, 1869)
conspicua (Winnertz, 1867)
inflata (Winnertz, 1867)
modesta (Staeger, 1840)
postconspicua (Mohrig, 1985)
venosa (Staeger, 1840)
Leptosciarella Tuomikoski, 1960
SG Hirtipennia Mohrig & Menzel, 1997
hirtipennis (Zetterstedt, 1838)
SG Leptosciarella Tuomikoski, 1960 s. str.
fuscipalpa (Mohrig & Mamaev, 1979)
hispida (Winnertz, 1867)
nudinervis (Tuomikoski, 1960)
pilosa (Staeger, 1840)
scutellata (Staeger, 1840)
trochanterata (Zetterstedt, 1851)
truncata (Tuomikoski, 1960)
Lycoriella Frey, 1942
brevipila Tuomikoski, 1960
ingenua (Dufour, 1839)
latilobata Menzel & Mohrig, 2000
parva (Holmgren, 1869)
piristylata Vilkamaa, Hippa & Heller, 2013
sativae (Johannsen, 1912)
Pseudolycoriella Menzel & Mohrig, 1998
paludum (Frey, 1948)
Scatopsciara Edwards, 1927
SG Scatopsciara Edwards, 1927 s. str.
atomaria (Zetterstedt, 1851)
brevicornis (Zetterstedt, 1851)
calamophila Frey, 1948
fluviatilis (Lengersdorf, 1940)
multispina (Bukowski & Lengersdorf, 1936)
nana (Winnertz, 1871)
neglecta Menzel & Mohrig, 1998
pusilla (Meigen, 1818)
vitripennis (Meigen, 1818)
Schwenckfeldina Frey, 1942
carbonaria (Meigen, 1830)
tridentata (Rübsaamen, 1898)
Sciara Meigen, 1803
flavimana Zetterstedt, 1851
hemerobioides (Scopoli, 1763)
humeralis Zetterstedt, 1851
ruficauda Meigen, 1818
Trichocoelina Vilkamaa & Menzel, 2019
brevicubitalis (Lengersdorf, 1926)
cochleata (Rübsaamen, 1898)
ithyspina Vilkamaa & Menzel, 2019
jukkai Vilkamaa & Menzel, 2019
obesula Vilkamaa & Menzel, 2019
oricillifera Vilkamaa & Menzel, 2019
semisphaera Vilkamaa & Menzel, 2019
vitticollis (Holmgren, 1883)
Trichosia Winnertz, 1867
SG Mouffetina Frey, 1942
expolita (Coquillett, 1900)
SG Trichosia Winnertz, 1867 s. str.
caudata (Walker, 1848)
confusa Menzel & Mohrig, 1997
edwardsi (Lengersdorf, 1930)
flavicoxa Tuomikoski, 1960
lengersdorfi Heller, Köhler & Menzel, 2016
splendens Winnertz, 1867
Xylosciara Tuomikoski, 1957
SG Xylosciara Tuomikoski, 1957 s. str.
heptacantha Tuomikoski, 1957
spinata (Pettey, 1918)
trimera Tuomikoski, 1960
validinervis Tuomikoski, 1960
Zygoneura Meigen, 1830
SG Zygoneura Meigen, 1830 s. str.
sciarina Meigen, 1830
Doubtful species
fuscipennis Meigen, 1818 [Sciara]
longipes Meigen, 1818 [Sciara]
nigripes Meigen, 1830 [Sciara]
pulicaria Meigen, 1818 [Sciara]
In this literature review we document the knowledge on the Sciaridae of Norway accumulated up to 31 December 2019, which was basically the status quo before we started our nationwide taxonomic inventory funded by the NBIC. Nonetheless, data compiled here are the result of a meticulous study of the literature in the past six years, and thus a direct outcome of our NTI projects.
History of data collection. The first mention of black fungus gnats in Norway was by
Not surprisingly, knowledge about the composition of the Norwegian sciarid fauna did not increase continuously. Roughly three different time periods of taxonomic work can be distinguished (Fig.
For the closely related family Mycetophilidae (fungus gnats),
Diversity in Northern Europe. It is obvious that the 143 species summarised here are only a part of the extant sciarid fauna in Norway. We know of numerous additional species that will be dealt with in subsequent publications, including many new to science. We anticipate that the number of species in Norway is at least similar to that in Finland (370) (
Distribution and phenology in Norway. A rough summary of recorded species by mainland counties south and north of the Arctic Circle, including the offshore islands (Fig.
The very species-rich genera Bradysia Winnertz, Corynoptera Winnertz and Scatopsciara Edwards are still largely underrepresented in the papers published so far (see checklist). Many Holarctic species of the genera Claustropyga Hippa, Vilkamaa & Mohrig, Hemineurina Frey, and Lycoriella Frey are also still missing. Only one or two species of Epidapus Haliday, Dolichosciara Tuomikoski and Pseudolycoriella Menzel and Mohrig have been reported from Norway so far. The genera Cosmosciara Frey, Hyperlasion Schmitz, Phytosciara Frey, Prosciara Frey, Pnyxia Johannsen, Pnyxiopsis Tuomikoski, Scythropochroa Enderlein and Stenacanthella Vilkamaa and Menzel are not known yet from Norway. They were recorded from many countries in central and northern Europe, mostly with few species, and may also be present in Norway.
According to all literature sources, sciarids were found from March to October with a clear peak in July (Fig.
Unfortunately, data on Norwegian sciarids are still too sparse for a solid evaluation. Some common species are present from spring to autumn, similar to those in Central Europe (e.g., Bradysia nitidicollis, Cratyna uliginosa, Cr. uliginosoides, Lycoriella ingenua, Scatopsciara atomaria, Scatopsciara vitripennis, Trichosia lengersdorfi). In southern Norway some species could be bivoltine (e.g., Bradysia iridipennis, Trichosia caudata). It is to be expected for Norway that the phenologies of species adapted to temperate habitats will differ clearly from those of subpolar sites. The period of adult activity probably shortens significantly with increasing northern latitude, shifting to the summer months of June to August due to the short vegetation-growth period in the far north and Arctic islands (e.g. Camptochaeta consimilis, C. delicata, Trichocoelina vitticollis).
Outlook. The Sciaridae is still one of the most poorly studied families of Diptera in Norway, especially in the interior of the country, which is mostly unexplored. The life history of most Norwegian sciarid species (including immature stages and life cycles) are largely unknown. In addition, at present only little information exists on habitat preferences of the northern European species, especially those with a subarctic and arctic distribution. As a consequence, the family was not included in the new Red List for Norway (Gammelmo et al. 2015). Knowledge on Sciaridae at the species level is important for understanding the complexity of terrestrial ecosystems, in particular woodland decomposition processes. The first step in establishing such knowledge must be to determine which species occur in Norway and in which habitats they thrive.
The above-mentioned NTI projects (including the present study) aimed to survey sciarids that are found in the wide array of natural habitats in Norway and in the ‘Natur i Norge’ (NiN) system. Another objective is to provide the Norwegian scientific community with tools for identifying Norwegian sciarids, including identification keys, reference collections and genetic resources. Both projects will also contribute to global biodiversity initiatives by providing data on species occurrence, genetic diversity and geographic distribution. Knowledge on the sciarid fauna in Norway is thus expected to increase considerably in the next few years. Continuous collecting efforts and taxonomic studies will provide a solid new base of knowledge on Sciaridae in Norway. Finally, we hope that the present study will contribute to a better understanding of an interesting insect group and close existing gaps of knowledge in biodiversity research, especially on the sciarid fauna of Scandinavia.
The authors are deeply grateful to the Norwegian Taxonomy Initiative (Artsprosjektet) for funding our projects on the sciarid fauna of Norway (2014–2016: grant no. 70184228; 2017–2018: grant no. 70184237). Our colleagues Dr Mathias Jaschhof (Station Linné, Färjestaden, Sweden), Kai Heller (Heikendorf, Germany), and Björn Rulik (ZFMK, Bonn, Germany) read the manuscript critically and gave valuable comments and additions. This work was also supported by Prof. Dr Torbjørn Ekrem and Dr Elisabeth Stur (NTNU-VM, Trondheim, Norway), Prof. Dr Jostein Kjærandsen (TMUC, Tromsø, Norway), Prof. Dr Geir E.E. Søli (