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Corresponding author: Dávid Rédei ( ) Academic editor: Alfred Wheeler
© 2018 Dávid Rédei, Zdeněk Jindra.
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Rédei D, Jindra Z (2018) Claviplatys henryi, a new genus and species of Plataspidae from southern India (Hemiptera, Heteroptera). In: Wheeler Jr AG (Ed.) A Festschrift Recognizing Thomas J. Henry for a Lifetime of Contributions to Heteropteran Systematics. ZooKeys 796: 397-408.
Claviplatys gen. n. and its type species C. henryi sp. n. (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Plataspidae: Plataspinae) are described from Kerala, India. The new genus is related to the Indomalayan genera Heterocrates Amyot & Serville, 1843, Cratoplatys Montandon, 1894, and Cronion Bergroth, 1891, but differs from them and all other plataspid genera by the peculiarly modified antenna. The morphological characters and systematic relationships of the above genera are discussed.
Heteroptera , Indomalaya, new genus, new species, Plataspidae , taxonomy
The family Plataspidae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) is restricted to the Old World and currently contains in the region 66 genera and 600 species (
The purpose of the present paper is to describe a new genus and new species of Plataspidae from southern India. This contribution is dedicated to Thomas J. Henry on the occasion of his 70th birthday, in recognition of his fundamental contributions to a broad variety of heteropteran groups.
The specimens on which the present study is based are preserved in the Hungarian Natural History Museum (
Claviplatys henryi sp. n.
Medium-sized plataspids with weakly convex dorsum and flat venter (Figs
Body (Figs
Structure.Head and cephalic appendages. Head much broader than long, 0.7 times as broad as width of pronotum; eyes strongly transverse, strikingly protruding from outline of head laterally (♂) or more rounded, less protruding (♀) in dorsal view; anteclypeus dorsally rather flat, very slightly elevated above plane of mandibular plates; mandibular plates of male (Figure
Claviplatys henryi gen. et sp. n., holotype. 5 head, ventral view 6 left antenna of male, ventral surface 7 same, anterior surface 8 left antenna of female, ventral surface 9 same, anterior surface 10 genital capsule, left lateral view 11 same, morphological posterior surface in most exposed view 12–15 left paramere, four different aspects. Arrows in Fig.
Thorax and thoracic appendages.Pronotum moderately declivous anteriorly; anterior collar narrow, weakly demarcated; lateral margin broadly, laminately explanate, anterior margin of explanated portion almost straight, slightly produced anteriorly at anterolateral angles, lateral margin evenly convex, gradually broadened posteriad; humeri with small, inconspicuous tubercle; posterior margin broadly rounded, posterolateral angle obsolete. Scutellum rather evenly rounded without conspicuous angulations, basal tumescence not elevated and not demarcated by furrow, dorsal outline of scutellum continuous in lateral view; area around basolateral angle not delimited by furrow; with fine submarginal impression along almost entire length except extreme base; posterior margin slightly emarginate above genital capsule. Thoracic pleura and sterna. Proepisternum broadly elevated anteriad of proacetabula, prothorax deeply depressed along meson; mesosternum elevated, forming broad, obtuse carina, posterior margin V-shaped and produced between mesacetabula; metapleurite with well-developed, elongate scent gland ostiole closer to dorsal margin of metapleurite than to base of mesocoxa, associated with elongate, slightly anteriorly curved peritreme; metasternum flat, metacoxae close to each other; evaporatorium occupying almost entire ventral surface of thorax except extreme lateral margin of prothorax and small subtriangular area at posterodorsal angle of metapleuron. Fore wing. Exocorium and adjacent elongately triangular basal portion of mesocorium exposed at rest. Legs short, femora thick, tibiae with distinct, broad, deep dorsal furrow along almost entire length, terminating subapically.
Pregenital abdomen much broader than long; dorsal laterotergites fused into single, undivided synlaterotergite; ventral laterotergites and sternites (= mediosternites) distinctly separated, intersegmental sutures extending to lateral margin of abdomen; ventral laterotergites separated from sternites by deep longitudinal furrow, highly obliquely elevated anteriorly, gradually becoming lower posteriorly, in segment VII coplanar with sternite; spiracles at lateral margin of ventrites; trichobothria in longitudinal furrow between ventral laterotergites and meditergites, posteriad of spiracle of same segment, arranged longitudinally; anterior margin of sternite VII deeply, subtriangularly produced anteriad, reaching anterior margin of ventrite VI medially, thus completely bisecting ventrite VI into two hemiventrites (♂) or only slightly invading ventrite VI posteriorly, with mesal length of ventrite VI approx. two thirds of that of ventrite V (♀).
External male genitalia. Genital capsule relatively small (width approx. one third of width of head), posterior aperture directed ventrad.
External female genitalia. Exposed portions of ovipositor directed ventrad (Figure
The generic name alludes to the peculiarly modified antenna of the male, which is diagnostic for this new genus; it is composed of the Latin noun clava meaning a club, cudgel, knotty branch or stick and the Greek adjective πλατύς (Latinized as platys) meaning wide, broad, a component occurring in several generic names in the family Plataspidae. Gender masculine; stem Claviplate-.
The single included species occurs in the Malabar region of southern India.
Holotype (Figs
Claviplatys henryi sp. n., the single known species of the genus, can be recognized by the diagnostic characters provided for the genus.
Male (Figs
Color. Dorsum and venter dull black, with ochraceous markings as follows: pair of longitudinal vittae submarginally along mesal margin of mandibular plates (indistinct around middle), and small spot between proximal extremities of above-mentioned vittae; pair of short, obliquely transverse streaks before mesal angles of eyes; proximomesal portion of ventral surface of clypeus; bucculae and surrounding areas between antennal insertions and basal neck-like portion of head ventrally; pair of small submedian spots on callar lobe of pronotum; pair of narrow submarginal vittae along lateral margin of pronotum, terminating slightly anteriad of humeral tubercle; undulating vitta connecting lateral extremities of anterior collar with humeral tubercles, following mesal margin of lateral explanate lobe of pronotum (indistinct around middle); pair of small sublateral spots on scutellum very close to anterior margin; narrow submarginal vitta around scutellum except extreme base; patch on metapleuron immediately anteriad of scent gland ostiole; distal (= lateral) portion of peritreme; small, rounded spot at posterolateral angle of metapleurite; dorsal laterotergites and adjacent lateral margins of ventral laterotergites of abdominal segments III–VII; pair of longitudinally elongate spots on each mediosternite of segments III–VII marginally (surrounding respective spiracles), and pair of smaller spots posteriad of the above ones on segments III–VI. Scape ochraceous, irregularly suffused with brown especially in distal half, pedicel, basi- and distiflagellum blackish brown; labrum ochraceous. Legs ochraceous, coxae with large dark brown patch on mesal surfaces; trochanters broadly suffused with dark brown distally, femora with several rounded brown patches on (morphological) anterior and posterior surfaces, with blackish brown longitudinal streak dorsoapically and black patches on anterior and posterior surfaces ventroapically, tibiae with few small, rounded, brown patches and longitudinal streak on nearly entire length of dorsal (furrowed) surface, tarsal segments suffused with brown apically.
Integument and vestiture generally as in generic description. Sternite VI with pair of fringes of long setae arranged along curved line following posterior margin of segment; dorsum of mandibular plates irregularly rugose, pronotum and scutellum with fine, dense, superficial, inconspicuous punctation, abdominal ventrites finely longitudinally wrinkled.
Structure.Head 1.85 times as broad as medial length (from base to imaginary line connecting tips of mandibular plates), 1.5 times as broad as interocular distance; mandibular plates (Fig.
Thorax and pregenital abdomen as described for genus. Prothorax 2.2 times, scutellum 1.5 times broader than median lengths of respective sclerites.
External male genitalia.Genital capsule (Figs
Claviplatys henryi gen. et sp. n., holotype. 16 phallus, lateral view 17 same, dorsal view (conjunctival process omitted, aedeagus not shown) 18 same, ventral view (articulatory apparatus and aedeagus not shown) 19 conjunctival process and aedeagus, morphological dorsal view 20 same, morphological ventral view. Arrows in Fig.
Female (Figs
Structure.Head 2.3 times as broad as medial length, 1.5 times as broad as interocular distance; anterior outline evenly rounded, mandibular plates narrowly overlapping anteriad of apex of clypeus; distance between ocellus and ipsilateral eye subequal to interocellar distance. Antenna (Figs
Thorax and pregenital abdomen as in male. Prothorax 2.2 times, scutellum 1.4 times broader than median lengths of respective sclerites.
External female genitalia (Figs
Claviplatys henryi gen. et sp. n., external female genitalia. 21 terminalia, ventral view 22 same, dissected, right valvifer VIII removed (drawn after macerated preparatum) 23 gynatrium and spermatheca, dorsal view after removal of abdominal dorsum. Abbreviations: ga = gonangulum; gy = gynatrium; lt8, lt9 = laterotergites VIII and IX; rs = ring sclerite; t9, t10 = tergites IX and X; va9 = valvula IX; vf8, vf9 = valvifers VIII and IX. Scale bars in mm.
(in mm). Male (n = 1) / female (n = 2): Body length measured along meson from imaginary line connecting tips of mandibular plates to apex of scutellum (♂) 11.6, to apex of genital capsule in dorsal view (♂) 12.2, from apex of head to apex of scutellum (♀) 10.0–10.1; length of head measured along meson from base to imaginary line connecting tips of mandibular plates (♂) 3.00, from base to anterior margin (♀) 2.06–2.08, greatest width across eyes 5.55 / 4.75–4.80, interocular distance 3.75 / 3.20–3.23, interocellar distance 1.05 / 1.00–1.02, distance between mesal margin of eye and ipsilateral ocellus 1.25 / 1.00–1.00; length of scape 1.13 / 0.93–0.95, greatest width 0.50 / 0.26–0.28, length of basipedicellite 0.18 / 0.09–0.10, greatest width 0.27 / 0.15–0.16, length of distipedicellite 2.00 / 1.20–1.20, greatest width 0.50 / 0.20–0.22, length of basiflagellum 1.13 / 0.80–0.90, greatest width 0.21 / 0.15–0.16, length of distiflagellum 1.20 / 0.96–1.00, greatest width 0.20 / 0.16–0.17; length of labiomere I 1.10 / 0.98–1.00, II 2.00 / 1.74–1.85, III 1.48 / 1.32–1.40, IV 1.13 / 1.10–1.15; length of pronotum along meson 3.62 / 3.15–3.17, greatest width 7.94 / 7.06–7.08, length of scutellum along meson 5.73 / 5.36–5.54, greatest width 8.51 / 7.50–7.56.
Patronymic, dedicated to Thomas J. Henry.
Known only from the Malabar Subregion of southern India. The holotype and the two paratypes were collected at two localities around Pamba station below Sabarimala, a Hindu pilgrimage center, in Pathanamthitta District, Kerala State, separated by a distance of ca. 2 km.
Claviplatys gen. n. is placed in Plataspinae, more precisely in the narrowly defined Plataspinae corresponding with the Brachyplatys group of authors (
(1) ground color black, usually decorated by ochraceous spots and strikes at least along lateral margins of prothorax and abdomen and costal margin of fore wing,
(2) body strongly flattened, dorsum weakly convex, venter flat,
(3*) head sexually dimorphic,
(4*) head greatly broadened, width at least approx. 70% of that of prothorax,
(5*) postocular margin of head nearly straight between level of ocellus and eye,
(6*) mandibular plates strongly flattened, laminate, surpassing tip of anteclypeus anteriorly,
(7*) eyes small, placed strongly laterally,
(8*) ocelli close to midline and far removed from mesal margins of compound eyes (distance between ocellus and ipsilateral eye distinctly greater than interocellar distance),
(9*) antennal insertion far from compound eyes,
(10*) anterior margin of pronotum weakly emarginate,
(11*) basal tumescence of scutellum not elevated and not demarcated by furrow, dorsal outline of scutellum continuous in lateral view,
(12*) posterior aperture of genital capsule (♂) and ovipositor (♀) directed ventrally.
The Heterocrates group apparently is related to Brachyplatys Boisduval, 1835 (Afrotropical, Indomalayan and Australian Regions). The latter genus is more generalized than are members of this group, and it shares most of the characters listed above, except characters 3 (head not sexually dimorphic) and 8 (ocelli much closer to eyes than to each other). Furthermore, in the majority of Brachyplatys species the head is narrower (approx. 60% of width of prothorax), although in some species this value is > 70%; a few species of Brachyplatys (e.g. B. raffrayi Montandon, 1897 and B. macrosignatus Yang, 1932) also are differently colored. Neocratoplatys Miller, 1955 (Indo-China) is also superficially similar to members of the Heterocrates group, but it is also more generalized because the basal tumescence of the scutellum is delimited by a rather distinct furrow.
Within the Heterocrates group, the genera most similar and probably phylogenetically most closely related to Claviplatys gen. n. are Cronion and Cratoplatys; these genera exhibit a particularly striking sexual dimorphism in shape of the head. Cronion (recently treated by
We are grateful to Joseph E Eger (Tampa), Petr Kment (National Museum, Prague), and AG Wheeler (Clemson University) for their comments on the manuscript. This study received financial support from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant no. 31472024) and the One Hundred Young Academic Leaders Program of Nankai University to DR.