Checklist of the freshwater fishes of Colombia: a Darwin Core alternative to the updating problem
expand article infoCarlos DoNascimiento, Edgar Esteban Herrera-Collazos§, Guido A. Herrera-R.§, Armando Ortega-Lara|, Francisco A. Villa-Navarro, José Saulo Usma Oviedo#, Javier A. Maldonado-Ocampo¤
‡ Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt, Villa de Leyva, Colombia
§ Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogota, Colombia
| Fundación para la Investigación y el Desarrollo Sostenible, Cali, Colombia
¶ Universidad del Tolima, Ibagué, Colombia
# Programa Ecosistemas de Agua Dulce de WWF Colombia, Cali, Colombia
¤ Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia
† Deceased author
Open Access


The present work is part of a process to create a Catalogue of the Freshwater Fishes of Colombia and consisted in the depuration and updating of the taxonomic and geographic components of the checklist of the freshwater fishes of Colombia. An exhaustive revision of the 1435 species recorded in 2008 was necessary to: 1. Add new species described since 2009 and species originally described from Colombia but inadvertently omitted in 2008; 2. Add new records of already described species; 3. Delete species whose presence in Colombia was not supported by voucher specimens in ichthyological collections; and 4. Revise the geographic distribution of the species listed in 2008. This process resulted in the following numbers: 1. Total number of freshwater fish species in Colombia: 1494; 2. Number of species recorded by hydrographic region - Amazon: 706, Orinoco: 663, Caribbean: 223, Magdalena-Cauca: 220, Pacific: 130; and 3. Number of endemic species: 374 (76% from the trans-Andean region). Updating the current checklist is a fundamental requirement to ensure its incorporation in the decision-making process with regard to the conservation of Colombian aquatic species and ecosystems, which are facing transformation processes as a result of activities such as mining, construction of hydroelectric plants, expansion of the agricultural frontier and subsequent deforestation, industrial and domestic pollution, development of waterways, introduction of exotic species, and climate change.


El presente trabajo es parte de un proceso para crear un Catálogo de Peces de Agua Dulce de Colombia y consistió en la depuración y actualización de los componentes taxonómico y geográfico del listado de peces de agua dulce de Colombia. Una revisión exhaustiva de las 1435 especies registradas en 2008 fue necesaria para: 1. Adicionar las especies nuevas descritas desde 2009 y especies descritas originalmente para Colombia pero omitidas inadvertidamente en 2008; 2. Adicionar nuevos registros de especies ya descritas; 3. Eliminar especies cuya presencia en Colombia no estaba soportada por especímenes en colecciones ictiológicas; y 4. Revisar la distribución geográfica de las especies listadas en 2008. Este proceso resultó en las siguientes cifras: 1. Número total de especies de peces de agua dulce en Colombia: 1494; 2. Número de especies registradas por región hidrográfica - Amazonas: 706, Orinoco: 663, Caribe: 223, Magdalena-Cauca: 220, Pacífico: 130; y 3. Número de especies endémicas 374 (76% distribuidas en la región transandina). La actualización del presente listado es un requerimiento fundamental para asegurar su incorporación en el proceso de toma de decisiones en lo concerniente a la conservación de las especies y ecosistemas acuáticos colombianos, los cuales están enfrentando procesos de transformación, como resultado de actividades como la minería, construcción de plantas hidroeléctricas, expansión de la frontera agropecuaria y subsecuente desforestación, polución industrial y doméstica, desarrollo de hidrovías, introducción de especies exóticas y cambio climático.


Aquatic ecosystems, conservation, endemic, richness, South America

This paper is in honour of the late Richard Peter Vari, who was a co-author of the checklist of the freshwater fishes of Colombia in 2008, a paper that highlighted the importance of the Colombian ichthyofauna in the Neotropical and global contexts, and addressed important issues in terms of the conservation challenges and needs to improve the sampling effort of the continental aquatic systems in Colombia. After almost a decade since that checklist was published, the challenges and tasks pointed out by Richard and co-authors have been attained in several ways in the present paper. He will always be remembered not just for his enormous contribution to the Colombian and Neotropical ichthyology, but most especially for his kindness and willing collaboration.


Since Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2008), important advances have been made to update the current number of fish species found in Colombian freshwater ecosystems. The first is new fieldwork, which has led to significant range expansions in known distribution of species and new species discoveries; the second is new revisions of existing ichthyological collections. Several checklists have been published at local or regional scales (e.g. Lasso et al. 2009, Villa-Navarro et al. 2011, Ortega-Lara et al. 2012); and an important amount of information has also been published in books that include aspects on ecology, fisheries, threats, and migratory status (e.g. Usma et al. 2009, 2013, Lasso et al. 2011a, Maldonado-Ocampo et al. 2012, Mojica et al. 2012, Zapata and Usma 2013).

During this time frame (nine years), fieldwork efforts have been conducted mainly in three of the five hydrographic Colombian regions as delimited by IDEAM (2015): Amazon (Putumayo, Caquetá, Guainía, and Vaupés rivers), Orinoco (piedmont rivers of the Meta and Guaviare basins, and rivers draining directly to the Orinoco as the Bita and Inírida), and Magdalena-Cauca (especially the upper and middle sectors). Some collections in other important rivers as the Catatumbo, Sinú, and Atrato (Caribbean system), San Juan and Dagua (Pacific system), have also been conducted. All fishes collected in these rivers are deposited in the following ichthyological collections of Colombia (acronyms follow Sabaj, 2016): CAR, CIACOL, CIUA, CP-UCO, CZUT-IC, IAvH-P, ICN-MHN, IMCN, and MPUJ.

Complementing these fieldwork and taxonomic efforts that improve the information quality of the current annotated checklist, an important project “Catalogue of the Freshwater Fishes of Colombia” is in progress. From mid-2014, all previously mentioned ichthyological collections began a data depuration process. First, and the most important task, all the catalogue data bases associated with these collections are being translated to the Darwin Core standard, allowing the data to be adequately formatted to make them freely accessible through facilitators such as GBIF and SiB Colombia (Colombia Biodiversity Information System:

At the moment, all available records to mid-2017 in CAR, CIACOL, CICH, CIUA, CP-UCO, CZUT-IC, IAvH-P, ICN-MHN, IMCN, and MPUJ from the hydrographic regions of Orinoco (29000), Magdalena-Cauca (22000), Amazon (14000), Caribbean (5000), and Pacific (1000), have been updated in the following data fields: Occurrence, Organism, Event, Location, Identificacion, and Taxon. The project hopes to conclude this data depuration process for all available records in these collections (around 75000 in total) by December of 2017. The updated annotated checklist presented here and the data available in the collections is the basis for the “Catalogue of the Freshwater Fishes of Colombia” that will be hosted at the Catalogue of Species of the Colombia Biodiversity Information System (, and linked to the website of the Colombian Ichthyological Association (ACICTIOS,

For the first time in Colombia, freshwater ecosystems are the focus of public attention and different strategies are being discussed by the academy and decision-makers to develop adequate conservation and sustainable use strategies for these ecosystems and their biota (Vilardi et al. 2014, Tognelli et al. 2016). The updated information presented here plus the continuous work in the collections to update and edit the data bases will be of extreme importance in terms of the quality and quantity of available information to facilitate evidence-based decision making that can help counter the numerous threats facing aquatic ecosystems (hydropower development, mining, pollution, deforestation, exotic species invasion, and climate change scenarios) that are affecting this enormous fish diversity.


The starting point for the updating process and corrections to the checklist of the freshwater fishes of Colombia was the checklist of Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2008). This revision incorporated four main aspects: 1. Addition of newly described species since 2009 and species originally described for Colombia but inadvertently omitted in Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2008), 2. Addition of new records of already described species, 3. Deletion of nominal species whose presence in Colombia was not supported by voucher specimens in collections, and 4. Revision of the geographic distribution of those species previously listed in Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2008). The main sources used for this revision consisted in research articles describing new species, taxonomic and systematic revisions of genera and families, direct examination of specimens catalogued at CZUT-IC, IAvH-P, IMCN, and MPUJ, and to a lesser extent, regional checklists explicitly supported by catalogued lots of specimens for each species entry, and lists of examined material of taxonomic and systematic works dealing with Neotropical groups.

The complete list of species was assembled using the Darwin Core standard (DwC) and is available both as Suppl. material 1 and through the Integrated Publishing Tool of the Colombian node of GBIF, the SiB Colombia (, as version 2.5 at Future updates of the list will be published in the latter repository. Changes incorporated to each new version of the list will be summarized in the respective metadata section of the electronic resource. A curatorial team presented during the celebration of the biannual meeting of the “Asociación Colombiana de Ictiólogos” (ACICTIOS) will be in charge of the updating and revision process of the list and of its periodic publication (annually or semestrally, depending on the amount of changes accumulated every six months). Below we list fields for which we consider a further detailed explanation of the criteria adopted is needed in order to provide an unequivocal framework for the definitions used for each field.

taxonID. This field is defined as a unique and stable-through-time alphanumeric identifier (taxonomic identifier) provided by Life Science Identifier (LSID).

namePublishedIn. This field links each species name to its respective source (i.e., a bibliographic reference) and was restricted to include only those species originally described from Colombia, i.e., only the bibliographic reference of the original description of species that listed Colombian specimens (in some cases from border regions as well) as types, as well as descriptions that explicitly listed Colombian specimens as non-types.

references. This field is reserved for those species not described from Colombia, but whose presence in the country is supported by a bibliographic reference. In this case, we made a special effort to locate the first chronological reference that explicitly mentioned Colombian specimens collected and deposited in national or international collections or that provided images that allows unambiguous recognition of a determined species, for each main hydrographic system. In some cases, we complemented these primary bibliographic references with more recent references, where additional catalogued lots are provided. Therefore, this approach is somewhat different from the practice implemented in Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2008), in order to avoid the inclusion of references that are merely lists solely based on previous published works. Future publications reporting new species or distribution extensions of those species already included in this checklist are encouraged to indicate cataloged lots that support them. This action allows traceability and verification of records whenever needed, and facilitates the implementation of new taxonomical arrangements when they need to be proposed.

associatedOccurrences. As in the previous field, here we supported the presence of species not originally described from Colombia. We listed catalogued lots (preferably available in Colombian collections) for species not supported by bibliographic references or to complement references that do not provide lots. Lots are provided for each main hydrographic system. In addition, we also listed here catalogued lots corresponding to types.

locationRemarks. Only includes species that are endemic to the Colombian territory.

dynamicProperties. Corresponds to the column CT (endangered and threatened species) used in Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2008). The information in this field was based in Mojica et al. (2012) and since the scope of the present list is of national scale, threat categories are restricted to Colombia.

occurrenceRemarks. Indicates the type of commercial use of each species (i.e., Fisheries, Ornamental). The list of fish species included in Colombian inland fisheries is from Lasso et al. (2011a), while the list of ornamental species is from Ortega-Lara et al. (2015) and Ortega-Lara (2016).

locality. Type localities of species described from Colombia are listed as they are cited in their respective original descriptions or as they appear in the Catalogue of Fishes (

Institutional acronyms follow Sabaj (2016). Species formerly indicated as indeterminate (sp) in Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2008) are listed at the genus level, since they represent still undescribed species and account for the presence of genera not represented by already described species in Colombia. Classification of taxa of higher taxonomic ranks (Class to Suborder) and arrangement order of respective taxa followed the proposal of Betancur-R. et al. (2017). The following proposals of classification were adopted for the indicated groups: Tagliacollo et al. (2016): Gymnotiformes; Mirande (2009, 2010) and Oliveira et al. (2011): Characiformes, but in incongruent cases, we just adopted the latest published proposal (i.e., Oliveira et al. 2011), not implying in any form a validation over the former works of Mirande; Thomaz et al. (2015): Stevardiinae; Sullivan et al. (2006): Siluriformes; Lujan et al. (2015a): Hypostominae; Roxo et al. (2014): Hypoptopomatinae and Otothyrinae; Covain et al. (2016): Loricariinae; Birindelli (2014): Doradoidea; Sullivan et al. (2013a): Pimelodoidea; López-Fernández et al. (2010): Cichlidae. For remaining groups we followed Nelson et al. (2016).


New species described from Colombia

Since the publication of the most recent checklist (Maldonado-Ocampo et al. 2008), 106 new species of freshwater fishes have been described from Colombia (Suppl. material 2), at a rate of approximately ten species per year. This places the total number of species described or recorded for Colombia at 1494 freshwater fishes (Table 1), a slightly higher figure than the last recorded number of 1435 species (Maldonado-Ocampo et al. 2008). This slight increment in the total number is especially noteworthy since our careful review of each species name in Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2008) led to the deletion of 202 nominal species that lacked solid support for keeping them in the current version of the checklist (see below). The assessment process of some doubtful species led to the inclusion of most of the newly recorded species presented here (see also below), through the direct examination of lots of specimens that were formerly used to support those doubtful species. These figures together, still place Colombia as the second most-species rich country in the world in terms of its freshwater ichthyofauna. The number of species by hydrographic system is presented in the Table 2, where the Amazon accounts for the highest number of species. A remarkable total of 374 endemic species is now reported from Colombia; 76% of them are species from trans-Andean basins (286 species), and stand as testimony of the unique geological and climatic events that shaped the biogeographic history and taxonomic diversification of the Colombian ichthyological biota.

Table 1.

Number and percentage of species of freshwater fishes by order in Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2008) compared to the present checklist.

Order Number of species in Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2008) % Number of species in the present work %
Characiformes 637 44.4 644 43.1
Siluriformes 524 36.5 588 39.3
Cichliformes 115 8.0 94 6.3
Gymnotiformes 74 5.2 78 5.2
Cyprinodontiformes 35 2.4 42 2.8
Clupeiformes 11 0.8 10 0.7
Myliobatiformes 9 0.6 11 0.7
Polycentridae and Sciaenidae (included in Perciformes in Maldonado-Ocampo et al. 2008) 7 0.5 8 0.5
Pleuronectiformes 7 0.5 5 0.3
Beloniformes 5 0.3 4 0.3
Batrachoidiformes 3 0.2 3 0.2
Osteoglossiformes 3 0.2 3 0.2
Eleotridae (included in Perciformes in Maldonado-Ocampo et al. 2008) 2 0.1 1 0.1
Synbranchiformes 1 0.1 1 0.1
Tetraodontiformes 1 0.1 1 0.1
Ceratodontiformes (Lepidosireniformes in Maldonado-Ocampo et al. 2008) 1 0.1 1 0.1
1435 100 1494 100
Table 2.

Number of species by hydrographic system (HS) in Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2008) compared to the present work.

HS Number of species in Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2008) Number of species in the present work Number of species in Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2008) with distribution changes
Amazon 788 706 58
Orinoco 658 663 54
Magdalena-Cauca 213 220 40
Caribbean 186 223 42
Pacific 151 130 30

New records of species for Colombia

The high number of species already described from other countries but newly recorded for Colombia is a direct result of recent inventories in previously unsampled regions (e.g. Lasso et al. 2009, Villa-Navarro et al. 2011, Ortega-Lara et al. 2012) and perhaps equally or more important, from the verification of the taxonomic identity of records of doubtful species listed in Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2008), as well as suspicious identifications (i.e., names of species distributed in river basins distant or isolated from the Colombian territory), found in the databases of the examined collections. Thus, the number of new records for the Colombian continental ichthyofauna reaches 114 species (see full list in Suppl. material 3, where also respective hydrographic zone and supporting lot and/or bibliographic reference are provided).

Corrections and additions to the geographic distribution of species listed in Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2008)

The original distribution of 175 species was modified (Suppl. material 4), with 39 species having wider distributions (i.e., encompassing at least one additional hydrographic system than previously recorded), 128 species with more restricted distributions, and 8 species with wrong distributions. At the end of the checklist are summarized the total number of each type of modification (addition or deletion) by hydrographic system.

A special treatment was implemented for the species of the genera Astroblepus and Trichomycterus that were originally described from Colombia. Most species of Astroblepus have restricted geographic distributions, being limited to portions of single river drainages at elevations above 1000 m (Schaefer et al. 2011). A similar scenario is also found for Trichomycterus species, which show high endemism and restricted geographic distributions to headwaters and streams of river systems (Fernández and Vari 2009, Ferrer and Malabarba 2013, DoNascimiento et al. 2014b). The taxonomic knowledge of the Colombian species of these genera and their respective geographic distributions is precarious. This uncertainty has resulted in misidentifications of specimens that ultimately result in misplacing species in different disjunct hydrographic zones, without any consideration of the ecological constraints for the geographic distribution of a certain taxonomic group or its biogeographic history. Based on these considerations, we circumscribed the geographic distribution of these species to the hydrographic zone that encompasses the river drainage from which the species were originally described.

Species deleted from the Colombian continental ichthyofauna

A total of 202 nominal species originally listed in Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2008) was removed from the updated checklist of the freshwater fishes of Colombia (numerical distribution of deleted species by orders and families is presented in the checklist). These species were found to be absent from Colombian freshwaters or were recently synonymized with other species. Each individual case of species removal is commented (Suppl. material 5) following the format of Lasso et al. (2004).

Checklist of the native freshwater fishes of Colombia

Abbreviations: DC – described from Colombia. EN – endemic. ET – endangered and threatened species. Amz – Amazon River Basin. Ori – Orinoco River Basin. Mag-Cau – Magdalena-Cauca River Basin. Pac – Pacific slope rivers. Car – Caribbean slope rivers. Asterisk (*) denotes species newly recorded for Colombia after Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2008). Two asterisks (**) indicate species inadvertently omitted in Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2008). Plus (+) and minus (-) signs in the columns corresponding to individual hydrographic systems, indicate respectively, added or deleted presence in each hydrographic system, of species listed in Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2008) with geographic distribution modified in the present checklist. X indicates unchanged presence in hydrographic systems already accounted in the above bibliographic reference.

Taxa DC EN ET Amz Ori Mag-Cau Pac Car References/Collections
Myliobatiformes11 spp (3 added and 2 deleted from 2008)
*Heliotrygon gomesi Carvalho & Lovejoy, 2011 X Lasso et al. (2013a)
Paratrygon aiereba (Müller & Henle, 1841) X X X Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a) | Lasso et al. (2013a)
Plesiotrygon iwamae Rosa, Castello & Thorson, 1987 X Lasso et al. (2010)
*Plesiotrygon nana Carvalho & Ragno, 2011 X Lasso et al. (2013a)
Potamotrygon constellata (Vaillant, 1880) X Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2005)
Potamotrygon magdalenae (Duméril, 1865) X X X X X Duméril (1865) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006b) | MNHN A-2368
Potamotrygon motoro (Müller & Henle, 1841) X X X Mojica et al. (2005) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
Potamotrygon orbignyi (Castelnau, 1855) X + X Lasso et al. (2013)
Potamotrygon schroederi Fernández-Yépez, 1958 X X X Lasso et al. (2013)
*Potamotrygon scobina Garman, 1913 X X X Lasso et al. (2013) | Acosta-Santos et al. (2016)
Potamotrygon yepezi Castex & Castello, 1970 X X Ortega-Lara et al. (2012)
Osteoglossiformes3 spp
Arapaima gigas (Schinz 1822) X X Mojica et al. (2005)
Osteoglossum bicirrhosum (Cuvier, 1829) X X X Mojica et al. (2005) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
Osteoglossum ferreirai Kanazawa, 1966 X X Cala (1977)
Clupeiformes10 spp (1 deleted from 2008)
Pristigasteridae4 spp
Ilisha amazonica (Miranda Ribeiro, 1920) X Mojica et al. (2005)
Pellona castelnaeana Valenciennes, 1847 X X Correa (2003) | Maldonado-Ocampo (2001)
Pellona flavipinnis (Valenciennes, 1837) X X Mojica et al. (2005) | Lasso et al. (2005) | ICN-MHN 733, 4144, 11309
Pristigaster cayana Cuvier, 1829 X Mojica et al. (2005)
Engraulidae6 spp (1 deleted from 2008)
Amazonsprattus scintilla Roberts, 1984 X Maldonado-Ocampo and Bogotá-Gregory (2007)
Anchoviella guianensis (Eigenmann, 1912) - X Galvis et al. (2007a)
Anchoviella jamesi (Jordan & Seale, 1926) X X Kullander and Ferraris (2003)
Jurengraulis juruensis (Boulenger, 1898) X Mojica et al. (2005)
Lycengraulis batesii (Günther, 1868) X X Mojica et al. (2005) | Kullander and Ferraris (2003)
Pterengraulis atherinoides (Linnaeus, 1766) X Galvis et al. (2007a)
Characiformes644 spp (92 added and 93 deleted from 2008)
Crenuchidae28 spp (2 added and 2 deleted from 2008)
Crenuchus spilurus Günther, 1863 X X Arbeláez et al. (2004) | Galvis et al. (2007a)
Poecilocharax weitzmani Géry, 1965 X X IAvH-P 10679
Ammocryptocharax elegans Weitzman & Kanazawa, 1976 X Weitzman and Kanazawa (1976) | FMNH 80401 | USNM 210692, 214364
Ammocryptocharax minutus Buckup, 1993 X Mojica et al. (2005)
Characidium boavistae Steindachner, 1915 + X + Urbano-Bonilla et al. (2009); Ortega-Lara et al. (2012) | Villa-Navarro et al. (2006)
Characidium caucanum Eigenmann, 1912 X X X X Eigenmann (1912) | FMNH 56057 [ex CM 4847], 56058-60, 69546 | CAS 41275-77 [ex IU 12701-03] | USNM 79183
Characidium chupa Schultz, 1944 X + Urbano-Bonilla et al. (2009); Ortega-Lara et al. (2012)
Characidium etheostoma Cope, 1872 X Mojica et al. (2005)
Characidium longum Taphorn, Montaña & Buckup, 2006 X Lasso et al. (2009) | IAvH-P 2753, 13756, 13790
Characidium pellucidum Eigenmann, 1909 X X Mojica et al. (2005) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
Characidium phoxocephalum Eigenmann, 1912 X X X X Eigenmann (1912) | FMNH 56061 [ex CM 4851] | CAS 60254 [ex IU 12704]
Characidium pteroides Eigenmann, 1909 X X Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2008) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
Characidium roesseli Géry, 1965 X Mojica et al. (2005)
Characidium sanctjohanni Dahl, 1960 X X X - Dahl (1960c) | Agudelo-Zamora et al. (2014)
Characidium steindachneri Cope, 1878 X X Urbano-Bonilla et al. (2009). | Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2006a) | CAS-SU 50488, 50655
Characidium zebra Eigenmann, 1909 X X Arbeláez et al. (2004) | Maldonado-Ocampo (2001)
Elachocharax geryi Weitzman & Kanazawa, 1978 X Weitzman and Kanazawa (1978)
*Elachocharax mitopterus Weitzman, 1986 X CZUT-IC 4071, 4086, 5106
Elachocharax pulcher Myers, 1927 X X Mojica et al. (2005) | Weitzman and Kanazawa (1978)
Klausewitzia Géry,1965 X Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2005)
Leptocharacidium omospilus Buckup, 1993 X IAvH-P 13758
Melanocharacidium dispilomma Buckup, 1993 - X Buckup (1993)
*Melanocharacidium nigrum Buckup, 1993 X IAvH-P 8660, 8700, 8765, 8796, 8859, 9421
Melanocharacidium pectorale Buckup, 1993 X X Buckup (1993) | Mojica et al. (2005)
Microcharacidium eleotrioides (Géry, 1960) X Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2008)
Microcharacidium gnomus Buckup, 1993 X Buckup (1993)
Microcharacidium weitzmani Buckup, 1993 X Buckup (1993)
Odontocharacidium aphanes (Weitzman & Kanazawa, 1977) X Buckup (1993)
Erythrinidae4 spp (1 added and 1 deleted from 2008)
Erythrinus erythrinus (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) X X Eigenmann (1922) | Fowler (1945) | ICN-MHN 440, 3801
Hoplerythrinus unitaeniatus (Agassiz, 1829) X X Fowler (1945) | Cala (1977)
*Hoplias curupira Oyakawa & Mattox 2009 X IAvH-P 1349, 2274, 2407, 2743
Hoplias malabaricus (Bloch, 1794) X X X X X Fowler (1943) | Steindachner (1879a) | Eigenmann (1922) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2013b) | Regan (1914)
Parodontidae9 spp (3 added from 2008)
Parodon alfonsoi Londoño-Burbano, Román-Valencia & Taphorn, 2011 X X X Londoño-Burbano et al. (2011)
Parodon apolinari Myers, 1930 X Myers (1930)
Parodon atratoensis Londoño-Burbano, Román-Valencia & Taphorn, 2011 X X X Londoño-Burbano et al. (2011)
Parodon buckleyi Boulenger, 1887 X Londoño-Burbano et al. (2011)
Parodon caliensis Boulenger, 1895 X X X X Boulenger (1895)
Parodon magdalenensis Londoño-Burbano, Román-Valencia & Taphorn, 2011 X X X Londoño-Burbano et al. (2011)
Parodon pongoensis (Allen, 1942) X Londoño-Burbano et al. (2011)
Parodon suborbitalis Valenciennes, 1850 - X Londoño-Burbano et al. (2011) | Eigenmann (1922)
Saccodon dariensis (Meek & Hildebrand, 1913) X X X Pavanelli and Starnes (2015)
Cynodontidae7 spp
Cynodon gibbus Spix & Agassiz, 1829 X X Mojica et al. (2005) | Toledo-Piza (2000a)
Cynodon septenarius Toledo-Piza, 2000 X Lasso et al. (2005) | IAvH-P 1043, 1053, 3237
Hydrolycus armatus (Jardine & Schomburgk, 1841) X X Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2005) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
Hydrolycus scomberoides (Cuvier, 1816) X Mojica et al. (2005)
Hydrolycus tatauaia Toledo-Piza, Menezes & Santos, 1999 X IAvH-P 9915
Hydrolycus wallacei Toledo-Piza, Menezes & Santos, 1999 X X Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2005) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
Rhaphiodon vulpinus Spix & Agassiz, 1829 X X Mojica et al. (2005) | Cala (1977)
Serrasalmidae39 spp (1 added and 4 deleted from 2008)
Catoprion mento (Cuvier, 1819) X X Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2006a) | Lasso et al. (2005) | IAvH-P 751, 779,814, 961, 1130, 1173, 1385, 2436, 4911, 5026, 5917, 11272, 12771 | ICN-MHN 5246, 5664
Colossoma macropomum (Cuvier, 1818) X X X Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2006a) | Cala (1977) | IAvH-P 2031, 5898, 10549, 11601, 11607
Metynnis argenteus Ahl, 1923 X X Galvis et al. (2007b) | IAvH-P 1399, IAvH-P 11260, IAvH-P 13864
Metynnis hypsauchen (Müller & Troschel, 1844) X X Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2005) | Maldonado-Ocampo and Bogotá-Gregory (2007)
Metynnis lippincottianus (Cope, 1870) X X Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2005) | Maldonado-Ocampo (2001)
Metynnis luna Cope, 1878 X X Correa (2003) | Maldonado-Ocampo (2001)
Myleus rhomboidalis (Cuvier, 1818) X Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2005)
Myleus setiger Müller & Troschel, 1844 X X Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2005) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
Myleus torquatus (Kner, 1858) X X Mojica (1999) | Maldonado-Ocampo (2001) | ICN-MHN 2557, 3426, 3838
Myloplus asterias (Müller & Troschel, 1844) X - Correa (2003)
Myloplus rubripinnis (Müller & Troschel, 1844) X X Mojica et al. (2005) | Cala (1977)
Myloplus schomburgkii (Jardine, 1841) X X Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2005) | Cala (1977)
Mylossoma acanthogaster (Valenciennes, 1850) X X Usma et al. (2002)
Mylossoma aureum (Spix & Agassiz, 1829) X X Mojica et al. (2005)
Mylossoma duriventre (Cuvier, 1818) X X Mojica et al. (2005) | Cala (1977)
Piaractus brachypomus (Cuvier, 1818) X X Mojica et al. (2005) | Cala (1977)
Pristobrycon aureus (Spix & Agassiz, 1829) X Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2006a) | ICN-MHN 5251
Pristobrycon calmoni (Steindachner, 1908) X X Mojica et al. (2005)
Pristobrycon careospinus Fink & Machado-Allison, 1992 X X Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2005) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
Pristobrycon maculipinnis Fink & Machado-Allison, 1992 X Correa (2003)
Pristobrycon striolatus (Steindachner, 1908) X X Correa (2003) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
Pygocentrus cariba (Humboldt & Valenciennes, 1821) X Maldonado-Ocampo (2001)
Pygocentrus nattereri Kner, 1858 X X Mojica et al. (2005)
Pygopristis denticulata (Cuvier, 1819) X Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
Serrasalmus altuvei Ramírez, 1965 X X Correa (2003) | Maldonado-Ocampo (2001)
Serrasalmus compressus Jégu, Leão & Santos, 1991 X Galvis et al. (2007b)
*Serrasalmus eigenmanni Norman, 1929 X CZUT-IC 7334
Serrasalmus elongatus Kner, 1858 X Mojica et al. (2005)
Serrasalmus gouldingi (Fink & Machado-Allison, 1992) X Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2006a) | IAvH-P 262
Serrasalmus hollandi Eigenmann, 1915 X Mojica et al. (2005)
Serrasalmus humeralis Valenciennes, 1850 X Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2006a) | ICN-MHN 5255, 6108
Serrasalmus irritans Peters, 1877 - X Maldonado-Ocampo (2001)
Serrasalmus maculatus Kner, 1858 X Jégu and Dos Santos (2001)
Serrasalmus manueli (Fernández-Yépez & Ramírez, 1967) X X Galvis et al. (2007b) | Maldonado-Ocampo (2001)
Serrasalmus medinai Ramírez, 1965 X X Mojica et al. (2005)
Serrasalmus nalseni Fernández-Yépez, 1969 X Correa (2003)
Serrasalmus rhombeus (Linnaeus, 1766) X X Mojica et al. (2005)
Serrasalmus sanchezi Géry, 1964 X IAvH-P 10526-10528, 10539, 10554-10556, 10559, 11543-11552, 11585
Serrasalmus spilopleura Kner, 1858 X X Mojica et al. (2005) | Galvis et al. (2007a)
Hemiodontidae14 spp (1 added and 1 deleted from 2008)
Anodus elongatus Agassiz, 1829 X Mojica et al. (2005)
Anodus orinocensis (Steindachner, 1887) X Zapata and Usma (2013) | CUZT-IC 3450, 4062
Hemiodus amazonum (Humboldt, 1821) + - ICN-MHN 17168
Hemiodus argenteus Pellegrin, 1909 X X Galvis et al. (2007b) | Galvis et al. (2007a)
*Hemiodus atranalis (Fowler, 1940) X IAvH-P 2389
Hemiodus gracilis Günther, 1864 - X Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
Hemiodus immaculatus Kner, 1858 X X Galvis et al. (2007b) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
Hemiodus microlepis Kner, 1858 X X Arbeláez et al. (2004) | Lasso et al. (2005) | IMCN 606
Hemiodus semitaeniatus Kner, 1858 X X Galvis et al. (2007b) | Cala (1977)
Hemiodus thayeria Böhlke, 1955 X + Böhlke (1955) | Galvis et al. (2007b) | Ortega-Lara (2016)
Hemiodus unimaculatus (Bloch, 1794) X X Galvis et al. (2007b) | Cala (1977)
Hemiodus vorderwinkleri (Géry, 1964) X Géry (1964b)
Argonectes longiceps (Kner, 1858) X X Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a) | IAvH-P 5746
Bivibranchia fowleri (Steindachner, 1908) X X Galvis et al. (2007b) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
Anostomidae43 spp (4 added and 14 deleted from 2008)
Abramites eques (Steindachner, 1878) X X X X Steindachner (1878) | BMNH 1895.5.17.155-156 | NMW 69549, 69548, 69550
Abramites hypselonotus (Günther, 1868) X X Lasso et al. (2005) | Mojica et al. (2005) | IAvH-P 3411
*Anostomoides laticeps (Eigenmann, 1912) X XIII Congreso Colombiano de Ictiología
Anostomus anostomus (Linnaeus, 1758) X X Fowler (1943) | Cala (1977) | IAvH-P 1014, 2830
Anostomus ternetzi Fernández-Yépez, 1949 - X Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
Gnathodolus bidens Myers, 1927 X Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
Laemolyta fernandezi Myers, 1950 X Galvis et al. (2007a)
Laemolyta garmani (Borodin, 1931) X Mojica et al. (2005)
Laemolyta proxima (Garman, 1890) X Mojica et al. (2005)
Laemolyta taeniata (Kner, 1858) X X Mautari and Menezes (2006) | Mojica et al. (2005)
Leporellus vittatus (Valenciennes, 1850) X X + Steindachner (1880) | Garavello and Britski (2003) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2005) | Dahl (1955)
Leporinus affinis Günther, 1864 X Garavello and Britski (2003)
Leporinus agassizi Steindachner, 1876 X Mojica et al. (2005)
*Leporinus amazonicus Santos & Zuanon, 2008 X XIII Congreso Colombiano de Ictiología
Leporinus aripuanensis Garavello & Santos, 1981 X Mojica et al. (2005)
Leporinus bimaculatus Castelnau, 1855 X Mojica et al. (2005)
Leporinus boehlkei Garavello, 1988 X X X Garavello (1988) | ANSP 136487, 135432-33, 136489, 138803, 140316 | MZUSP 28061
Leporinus brunneus Myers, 1950 X X Galvis et al. (2007b) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
Leporinus enyae Burns, Chatfield, Birindelli & Sidlauskas, 2017 X Burns et al. (2017)
Leporinus fasciatus (Bloch, 1794) X X Correa (2003) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
Leporinus friderici (Bloch, 1794) X X Mojica et al. (2005) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
Leporinus granti Eigenmann, 1912 X Lasso et al. (2009) | ICN-MHN 948, 1301
Leporinus jamesi Garman, 1929 X Garavello et al. (2014)
Leporinus klausewitzi Géry, 1960 X Galvis et al. (2007b)
Leporinus moralesi Fowler, 1942 X Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2005)
Leporinus nattereri Steindachner, 1876 X X Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a) | IAvH-P 8822
Leporinus niceforoi Fowler, 1943 X X X Fowler (1943) | ANSP 70491, 70492
Leporinus ortomaculatus Garavello, 2000 X IAvH-P 13843
*Leporinus parae Eigenmann, 1907 X X IAvH-P 1822, 12770, 13003, 13011
Leporinus subniger Fowler, 1943 X Fowler (1943) | IAvH-P 3430-3432 | ANSP 70493, 70494
Leporinus striatus Kner, 1858 + X X X X Galvis et al. (2007b) | Urbano-Bonilla et al. (2009). | Steindachner (1879a) | Eigenmann (1922) | Regan (1914)
Leporinus wolfei Fowler, 1940 X Mojica et al. (2005)
Leporinus y-ophorus Eigenmann, 1922 X Eigenmann (1922) | CAS 61680
Megaleporinus muyscorum (Steindachner, 1900) X X X X X Steindachner (1900) | Eigenmann (1922)
Megaleporinus trifasciatus (Steindachner, 1876) X Mojica et al. (2005)
Pseudanos trimaculatus Kner, 1858 X Mojica et al. (2005)
Pseudanos winterbottomi Sidlauskas & Santos, 2005 X Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
Rhytiodus argenteofuscus Kner, 1858 X Mojica et al. (2005)
Rhytiodus microlepis Kner, 1858 X Mojica et al. (2005)
Schizodon corti Schultz, 1944 X Ortega-Lara et al. (2012)
Schizodon fasciatus Spix & Agassiz, 1829 X Mojica et al. (2005)
Schizodon scotorhabdotus Sidlauskas, Garavello & Jellen, 2007 X Sidlauskas et al. (2007)
Synaptolaemus latofasciatus (Steindachner, 1910) X X Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a) | CZUT-IC 4092
Chilodontidae5 spp (1 added and 1 deleted from 2008)
Caenotropus labyrinthicus (Kner, 1858) X X Cala (1977) | Vari et al. (1995)
Caenotropus mestomorgmatos Vari, Castro & Raredon, 1995 X + Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2006a) | IAvH-P 281, 4098, 4101
*Caenotropus schizodon Scharcansky & Lucena, 2007 X CZUT-IC 12280
Chilodus gracilis Isbrücker & Nijssen, 1988 X + Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2006a) | USNM 190300, 232361, 263288, 431461
Chilodus punctatus Müller & Troschel, 1844 X X Mojica et al. (2005) | Cala (1977)
Curimatidae47 spp (2 added and 2 deleted from 2008)
Curimata aspera (Günther, 1868) X Mojica et al. (2005)
Curimata cerasina Vari, 1984 - X CZUT-IC 11494
Curimata cisandina (Allen, 1942) X Mojica et al. (2005)
Curimata cyprinoides (Linnaeus, 1766) X Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2006a)
Curimata incompta Vari, 1984 X X Mojica et al. (2005) | Maldonado-Ocampo (2001) | IAvH-P 4370
Curimata mivartii (Steindachner, 1878) X X X X + Steindachner (1878) | Vari (1989a)
Curimata ocellata (Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1889) X Mojica et al. (2005)
Curimata roseni Vari, 1989 X Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2006a)
Curimata vittata (Kner, 1858) X X Vari (1989a) | Maldonado-Ocampo (2001)
Curimatella alburna (Müller & Troschel, 1844) X Arbeláez et al. (2004)
Curimatella dorsalis (Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1889) X X Mojica et al. (2005); Maldonado-Ocampo (2001)
Curimatella immaculata (Fernández-Yépez, 1948) X X Vari (1992b) | Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2006a)
Curimatella meyeri (Steindachner, 1882) X Mojica et al. (2005)
Curimatopsis crypticus Vari, 1982 X IAvH-P 13266
Curimatopsis evelynae Géry, 1964 X Géry (1964a)
Curimatopsis macrolepis (Steindachner, 1876) X X Vari (1982)
*Curimatopsis microlepis Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1889 X CZUT-IC 4073, 4075
Cyphocharax abramoides (Kner, 1858) X Vari (1992a)
Cyphocharax aspilos Vari, 1992 X Ortega-Lara et al. (2012)
Cyphocharax festivus Vari, 1992 X X Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2006a) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
Cyphocharax leucostictus (Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1889) X Galvis et al. (2007b)
Cyphocharax magdalenae (Steindachner, 1878) X X Steindachner (1878) | Eigenmann (1922) | Vari (1992a)
Cyphocharax multilineatus (Myers, 1927) X X Galvis et al. (2007b) | Galvis et al. (2007a)
Cyphocharax nigripinnis Vari, 1992 X Vari (1992a)
*Cyphocharax notatus (Steindachner, 1908) X CZUT-IC 10874
Cyphocharax oenas Vari, 1992 X Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
Cyphocharax pantostictos Vari & Barriga, 1990 X IAvH-P 8354-8357
Cyphocharax spiluropsis (Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1889) X Arbeláez et al. (2004)
Cyphocharax spilurus (Günther, 1864) X X Mojica et al. (2005) | Cala (1977)
Potamorhina altamazonica (Cope, 1878) X X Vari (1984)
Potamorhina laticeps (Valenciennes, 1850) X Ortega-Lara et al. (2012)
Potamorhina latior (Spix & Agassiz, 1829) X Vari (1984)
Potamorhina pristigaster (Steindachner, 1876) X Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2006a)
Psectrogaster amazonica Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1889 X Mojica et al. (2005)
Psectrogaster ciliata (Müller & Troschel, 1844) X Vari (1989b)
Psectrogaster essequibensis (Günther, 1864) X Mojica et al. (2005)
Psectrogaster rhomboides Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1889 X Mojica et al. (2005)
Psectrogaster rutiloides (Kner, 1858) X Vari (1989b)
Pseudocurimata lineopunctata (Boulenger, 1911) X X Boulenger (1911) | Eigenmann (1922)
Pseudocurimata patiae (Eigenmann, 1914) X X X X Eigenmann et al. (1914) | FMNH 56554, 56555 | CAS 60622 [ex IU 13055]
Steindachnerina argentea (Gill, 1858) - X Eigenmann (1922)
Steindachnerina atratoensis (Eigenmann, 1912) X X X Eigenmann (1912) | FMNH 56024 [ex CM 4814a], 56043, 71308 | CAS 44218 [ex IU 12676] | MCZ 30933 | USNM 79192
Steindachnerina bimaculata (Steindachner, 1876) X Vari (1991)
Steindachnerina dobula (Günther, 1868) X Vari (1991)
Steindachnerina guentheri (Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1889) X X Arbeláez et al. (2004) | Vari (1991)
Steindachnerina hypostoma (Boulenger, 1887) X Mojica et al. (2005)
Steindachnerina pupula Vari, 1991 X Vari (1991)
Prochilodontidae10 spp
Ichthyoelephas longirostris (Steindachner, 1879) X X X X + Steindachner (1879b) | Castro and Vari (2004)
Prochilodus magdalenae Steindachner, 1879 X X X X X Steindachner (1879a) | Eigenmann (1922)
Prochilodus mariae Eigenmann, 1922 X Eigenmann (1922)
Prochilodus nigricans Spix & Agassiz, 1829 X Fowler (1943)
Prochilodus reticulatus Valenciennes, 1850 X X Ortega-Lara et al. (2012)
Prochilodus rubrotaeniatus Jardine & Schomburgk, 1841 X X Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2006a) | Urbano-Bonilla et al. (2009). | IAvH-P 5844, 6195, 10879, 10880, 12764
Semaprochilodus insignis (Jardine & Schomburgk, 1841) X X Mojica et al. (2005) | Castro and Vari (2004)
Semaprochilodus kneri (Pellegrin, 1909) X X Correa (2003) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
Semaprochiloduslaticeps (Steindachner, 1879) X Cala (1977) | Castro and Vari (2004)
Semaprochilodus taeniurus (Valenciennes, 1821) X Correa (2003)
Lebiasinidae30 spp (3 added and 10 deleted from 2008)
Lebiasina astrigata Regan, 1913 X Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006b)
Lebiasina chocoensis Ardila Rodríguez, 2010 X X X Ardila Rodríguez (2010)
Lebiasina chucuriensis Ardila Rodríguez, 2001 X X X Ardila Rodríguez (2001) | CAR 150424, 150423, 150425
Lebiasina colombia Ardila Rodríguez, 2008 X X X Ardila Rodríguez (2008b) | CAR 190, 191, 192 | ICN-MHN 5314
Lebiasina elongata (Boulenger, 1887) X Galvis et al. (2007b)
Lebiasina erythrinoides (Valenciennes, 1850) X X X X + Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2005) | Lasso et al. (2005) | Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2005) | Ortega-Lara et al. (2012) | IAvH-P 573
Lebiasina festae Boulenger, 1899 X X Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2013b) | Fowler (1939)
Lebiasina floridablancaensis Ardila Rodríguez, 1994 X X X Ardila Rodríguez (1994) | CAR 15-04-01 | MBUCV-V-26713 [ex CAR 15-04-02 and 03] | MHNUNC 1837
Lebiasina multimaculata Boulenger, 1911 X X X Boulenger (1911) | BMNH 1910.7.11.167-169
Lebiasina narinensis Ardila Rodríguez, 2002 X X - X Ardila Rodríguez (2002) | ICN-MHN 2340, 2340-1
Lebiasina ortegai Ardila Rodríguez, 2008 X X X Ardila Rodríguez (2008a) | CAR 157, 265 | CZUT-IC 2586 | IAvH-P 9875 | IMCN 4200, 4201
Lebiasina panamensis Gill, 1877 X X Eigenmann (1922) | Fowler (1944)
Copeina guttata (Steindachner, 1876) X Steindachner (1876)
Copella eigenmanni (Regan, 1912) X Regan (1912d)
Copella nattereri (Steindachner, 1876) X X Arbeláez et al. (2004) | Galvis et al. (2007a)
Copella vilmae Géry, 1963 X Mojica et al. (2005)
Pyrrhulina brevis Steindachner, 1876 X X Correa (2003) | Urbano-Bonilla et al. (2009).
Pyrrhulina eleanorae Fowler, 1940 X Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2008)
Pyrrhulina filamentosa Valenciennes, 1847 X Lasso et al. (2005) | IAvH-P 1589, 3405
Pyrrhulina laeta (Cope, 1872) X Arbeláez et al. (2004)
Pyrrhulina lugubris Eigenmann, 1922 - X Eigenmann (1922) | CAS 78888 [ex IU 15041a], 78888 [ex IU 15041]
Pyrrhulina obermulleri Myers, 1926 X Mojica et al. (2005)
Pyrrhulina semifasciata Steindachner, 1876 X Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2006a) | USNM 311003
*Nannostomus digrammus (Fowler, 1913) X IAvH-P 10688, 10692, 10694
Nannostomus eques Steindachner, 1876 X X Mojica et al. (2005) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
Nannostomus harrisoni (Eigenmann, 1909) X X Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2005) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
Nannostomus marginatus Eigenmann, 1909 X X Weitzman (1966) | Lasso et al. (2005)
Nannostomus marilynae Weitzman & Cobb, 1975 X X Weitzman and Cobb (1975)
Nannostomus trifasciatus Steindachner, 1876 X X Arbeláez et al. (2004) | Galvis et al. (2007a)
Nannostomus unifasciatus Steindachner, 1876 X X Arbeláez et al. (2004) Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
Ctenoluciidae7 spp
Boulengerella cuvieri (Agassiz, 1829) X X Vari (1995)
Boulengerella lateristriga (Boulenger, 1895) X X Correa (2003) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
Boulengerella lucius (Cuvier, 1816) - X Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
Boulengerella maculata (Valenciennes, 1850) X X Vari (1995) | Cala (1977)
Boulengerella xyrekes Vari, 1995 X X Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2006a) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a) | IAvH-P 1789, 2044, 2851
Ctenolucius beani (Fowler, 1907) X X Fowler (1907) | Vari (1995)
Ctenolucius hujeta (Valenciennes, 1850) X X Vari (1995) | Bean (1908)
Acestrorhynchidae18 spp (1 added and 1 deleted from 2008)
Acestrorhynchus abbreviatus (Cope, 1878) X Galvis et al. (2007b)
Acestrorhynchus falcatus (Bloch, 1794) X X Galvis et al. (2007b) | Eigenmann (1922)
Acestrorhynchus falcirostris (Cuvier, 1819) X X Mojica et al. (2005) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
Acestrorhynchus grandoculis Menezes & Géry, 1983 X Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
Acestrorhynchus heterolepis (Cope, 1878) X X Lasso et al. (2005) | Galvis et al. (2007b) | IAvH-P 834, 918, 2157, 10772
Acestrorhynchus microlepis (Schomburgk, 1841) X X Mojica et al. (2005) | Toledo-Piza and Menezes (1996) | Cala (1977)
Acestrorhynchus minimus Menezes, 1969 X Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
Acestrorhynchus nasutus Eigenmann, 1912 X Lasso et al. (2009) | IAvH-P 1124, 9908, 9909, 9910, 9911, 9912, 9913, 9914, 13688, 13797, 13875 | ICN-MHN 1280
Gnathocharax steindachneri Fowler, 1913 X Cala (1977)
Heterocharax macrolepis Eigenmann, 1912 X X Toledo-Piza (2000b) | IAvH-P 10658
*Heterocharax virgulatus Toledo-Piza, 2000 X IAvH-P 14091
Hoplocharax goethei Géry, 1966 X IAvH-P 15984
Lonchogenys ilisha Myers, 1927 X X Mojica et al. (2005) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
Gilbertolus alatus (Steindachner, 1878) X X X + Steindachner (1878) | Eigenmann (1922)
Gilbertolus atratoensis Schultz, 1943 X X X Schultz (1943) | USNM 76976, 120170
Gilbertolus maracaiboensis Schultz, 1943 X Ortega-Lara et al. (2012)
Roestes molossus (Kner, 1858) X Prada-Pedreros (1997)
Roestes ogilviei (Fowler, 1914) X Galvis et al. (2007b)
Characidae325 spp (68 added and 51 deleted from 2008)
Brachychalcinus copei (Steindachner, 1882) X Mojica et al. (2005)
Brachychalcinus nummus Böhlke, 1958 X Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2005)
Brachychalcinus orbicularis (Valenciennes, 1850) X X Mojica et al. (2005) | ICN-MHN 1309 | 824, 839, 862, 865
Gymnocorymbus bondi (Fowler, 1911) X Benine et al. (2015)
Gymnocorymbus thayeri Eigenmann, 1908 X - Fowler (1945) | Galvis et al. (2007a)
Poptella brevispina Reis, 1989 X IAvH-P 4382
Poptella compressa (Günther, 1864) + X Mojica et al. (2005) | Maldonado-Ocampo and Bogotá-Gregory (2007)
Poptella longipinnis (Popta, 1901) X Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2013a)
Stethaprion erythrops (Cope, 1870) X Galvis et al. (2007b)
Stichonodon insignis (Steindachner, 1876) X Mojica et al. (2005)
Parastremma album Dahl, 1960 X X X Dahl (1960c) | ICN-MHN 147, 147a
Parastremma pulchrum Dahl, 1960 X X X - Dahl (1960c) | ICN-MHN 204
Parastremma sadina Eigenmann, 1912 X X X X Eigenmann (1912) | FMNH 56022 [ex CM 4812], 56023, 69678 | CAS 57600 [ex IU 12675] | USNM 79225
Acestrocephalus anomalus (Steindachner, 1880) X X X X Steindachner (1880) | NMW 57983
Acestrocephalus boehlkei Menezes, 1977 X Galvis et al. (2007b)
Acestrocephalus sardina (Fowler, 1913) X X Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2006a) | Lasso et al. (2005) | IAvH-P 4092-4093, 4793-4796,5851,12001, 12025, 12026, 12119
Charax condei (Géry & Knöppel, 1976) X X Mojica et al. (2005)
Charax metae Eigenmann, 1922 X Eigenmann (1922) | CAS 41300 [ex IU 15027], 69117 [ex IU 15027] | FMNH 55145 | IAvH-P 3566, 3567, 3569, 3571, 3573, 3574, 7732 | SU 60707 [ex IU 15028] | UMMZ 160226 | USNM 83631 [ex IU 15027]
Charax michaeli Lucena, 1989 X Mojica et al. (2005)
Charax niger Lucena, 1989 X Mojica et al. (2005)
*Charax notulatus Lucena, 1987 X IAvH-P 7521, 13028, 13073
Charax tectifer (Cope, 1870) X Arbeláez et al. (2004)
Cynopotamus amazonus (Günther, 1868) X Mojica et al. (2005)
Cynopotamus atratoensis (Eigenmann, 1907) X X X X Eigenmann and Ogle (1907) | USNM 1664, 306567 [ex USNM 1664]
Cynopotamus bipunctatus Pellegrin, 1909 X Urbano-Bonilla et al. (2009).
Cynopotamus magdalenae (Steindachner, 1879) X X X X Steindachner (1879a) | NMW 62501-02, 62504-05, 77769
Cynopotamus venezuelae (Schultz, 1944) X Ortega-Lara et al. (2012)
Exodon paradoxus Müller & Troschel, 1844 X Cala (1977)
Galeocharax gulo (Cope, 1870) X Mojica et al. (2005)
*Phenacogaster maculoblonga de Lucena & Malabarba, 2010 X CZUT-IC 9680
*Phenacogaster napoatilis de Lucena & Malabarba, 2010 X CZUT-IC 9008
Phenacogaster pectinata (Cope, 1870) X Mojica et al. (2005)
*Phenacogaster prolata de Lucena & Malabarba, 2010 X CZUT-IC 7223
Priocharax pygmaeus Weitzman & Vari, 1987 X X X Weitzman and Vari (1987) | NRM 15048 | MBUCV-V-15342 | MZUSP 36498 | NRM 17593 | USNM 278479
Roeboides affinis (Günther, 1868) X X Lucena (2007)
Roeboides araguaito Lucena, 2003 X Lucena (2003)
Roeboides dayi (Steindachner, 1878) X X X Steindachner (1878) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2013b)
Roeboides dientonito Schultz, 1944 X + Lasso et al. (2005) | Ortega-Lara et al. (2012) | IAvH-P 2935, 2988, 3329-3332, 4906, 9497, 13083, 13169, 13185, 13198, 13216, 13236, 13249, 13278, 13296, 13376
Roeboides myersii Gill, 1870 X X Mojica et al. (2005)
Roeboides occidentalis Meek & Hildebrand, 1916 - X - Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2013b)
Bario steindachneri (Eigenmann, 1893) X Galvis et al. (2006)
Hemigrammus aguaruna Lima, Correa & Ota, 2016 X Lima et al. (2016) | Galvis et al. (2006)
Hemigrammus analis Durbin, 1909 X X Arbeláez et al. (2004) | Maldonado-Ocampo (2001)
Hemigrammus barrigonae Eigenmann & Henn, 1914 X Eigenmann and Henn (1914) | AMNH 5320 | CAS 44368 [ex IU 13423], 44369 [ex IU 13424] | IAvH-P 3633
Hemigrammus bellottii (Steindachner, 1882) X X Mojica et al. (2005) | Cala (1977) | IAvH-P 10304, 10307
Hemigrammus bleheri Géry & Mahnert, 1986 X Géry and Mahnert (1986)
Hemigrammus coeruleus Durbin, 1908 X Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2006a) | ICN-MHN 5065
*Hemigrammus geisleri Zarske & Géry, 2007 X X CZUT-IC 4400, 5097, 8655, 8851, 8933, 8954, 9099, 9245, 9993, 14642, 16138, 16309, 16837, 16934, MPUJ 306, 1232, 1234, 1237, 1357, 4378, 4392, 10804
Hemigrammus gracilis (Lütken, 1875) X X Maldonado-Ocampo (2001) | Fowler (1945) | IAvH-P 8735, 8763
Hemigrammus hyanuary Durbin, 1918 X X Castro (1987a) | Lasso et al. (2005) | ICN-MHN 2787
Hemigrammus levis Durbin, 1908 X - Correa (2003) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
Hemigrammus luelingi Géry, 1964 X Mojica et al. (2005)
Hemigrammus lunatus Durbin, 1918 X Mojica et al. (2005)
Hemigrammus melanochrous Fowler, 1913 X Correa (2003)
Hemigrammus micropterus Meek, 1907 X Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
Hemigrammus microstomus Durbin, 1918 X X Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2006a) | Cala (1977) | IAvH-P 2605 | IICN-MHN 4273
Hemigrammus newboldi (Fernández-Yépez, 1949) X X Maldonado-Ocampo (2001) | CZUT-IC 7204, 7250, 14763
Hemigrammus ocellifer (Steindachner 1882) X Mojica (1999) | CIACOL 2327, CZUT-IC 18072
Hemigrammus pretoensis Géry, 1965 X Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2006a) | USNM 216881 | ICN-MHN: 16850-16851
Hemigrammus pulcher Ladiges, 1938 X Mojica et al. (2005)
Hemigrammus rhodostomus Ahl, 1924 X X Galvis et al. (2007b) | Cala (1977)
Hemigrammus rubrostriatus Zarske, 2015 X X X Zarske (2015)
Hemigrammus schmardae (Steindachner, 1882) X X Arbeláez et al. (2004) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
Hemigrammus stictus (Durbin, 1909) - X Cala (1977)
Hemigrammus unilineatus (Gill, 1858) X X Galvis et al. (2007b) | Cala (1977)
Hemigrammus vorderwinkleri Géry, 1963 X X Correa (2003) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
*Hemigrammus yinyang Lima & Sousa, 2009 X CZUT-IC 4323, 4467, 4553, 4857, MPUJ 12525, 12623-12631
Hyphessobrycon acaciae García-Alzate, Román-Valencia & Prada-Pedreros, 2010 X X X García-Alzate et al. (2010a) | MPUJ 5683, 393 | IUQ 2795, 2433, 2492, 2793
Hyphessobrycon agulha Fowler, 1913 X Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2006a) | IAvH-P 8331-8332, 8334, 8336-8344, 8346-8350, 8728, 8794, 8888, 8919, 8941, 8953, 8973, 8989, 9012, 9025, 9046, 9071, 9096, 9121, 9407, 11175-11178
Hyphessobrycon amaronensis García-Alzate, Román-Valencia & Taphorn, 2010 X X X García-Alzate et al. (2010b) | IUQ 2286
Hyphessobrycon bentosi Durbin, 1908 X - Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2005)
Hyphessobrycon chocoensis García-Alzate, Román-Valencia & Taphorn, 2013 X X X García-Alzate et al. (2013) | IUQ 3035 | AUM 55075 | IUQ 2274, 2275, 3036, 3044
Hyphessobrycon columbianus Zarske & Géry, 2002 X X X Zarske and Géry (2002) | MTDF 25497, 25498
Hyphessobrycon condotensis Regan, 1913 X X X Regan (1913) | BMNH 1913.10.1.19-21
Hyphessobrycon copelandi Durbin, 1908 X Mojica et al. (2005)
Hyphessobrycon diancistrus Weitzman, 1977 X Weitzman (1977) | USNM 216607, 216606 | BMNH 1977.1.12.1-2 | MZUSP 13179-80
*Hyphessobrycon dorsalis Zarske, 2014 X IAvH-P 1032, 2315
*Hyphessobrycon epicharis Weitzman & Palmer, 1997 X CZUT-IC 4171, 5098
Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma (Fowler, 1943) X Weitzman and Palmer (1997)
Hyphessobrycon gracilior Géry, 1964 X Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2006a) | ICN-MHN 4277
*Hyphessobrycon heterorhabdus (Ulrey, 1894) X García-Alzate et al. (2008)
Hyphessobrycon klausanni García-Alzate, Urbano-Bonilla & Taphorn, 2017 X X X García-Alzate et al. (2017)
Hyphessobrycon loretoensis Ladiges, 1938 X ICN-MHN 16814, 16846-16848
Hyphessobrycon mavro García-Alzate, Román-Valencia & Prada-Pedreros, 2010 X X X García-Alzate et al. (2010a) | IUQ 2791, 1964 | IMCN 3751
Hyphessobrycon melazonatus Durbin, 1908 X Castro and Arboleda (1988) | ICN-MHN 16855-16856
Hyphessobrycon metae Eigenmann & Henn, 1914 X Eigenmann and Henn (1914)
Hyphessobrycon minimus Durbin, 1909 X Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2008)
Hyphessobrycon natagaima García-Alzate, Taphorn, Román-Valencia & Villa-Navarro, 2015 X X X García-Alzate et al. (2015b)
Hyphessobrycon niger García-Alzate, Román-Valencia & Prada-Pedreros, 2010 X X X García-Alzate et al. (2010a) | MPUJ 5657, 5039 | IUQ 2794
Hyphessobrycon ocasoensis García-Alzate & Román-Valencia, 2008 X X X García-Alzate and Román-Valencia (2008)
Hyphessobrycon oritoensis García-Alzate, Román-Valencia & Taphorn, 2008 X X X García-Alzate et al. (2008) | IUQ 1574, 129, 1575 | MBUCV-V 33737 | MCGN 55844
*Hyphessobrycon otrynus Benine & Lopes, 2008 X Ota et al. (2015)
Hyphessobrycon peruvianus Ladiges, 1938 X Mojica et al. (2005)
Hyphessobrycon poecilioides Eigenmann, 1913 X X X X - Eigenmann (1913) | CAS 77396 [ex IU 12850] | FMNH 56290 [ex CM 5091], 56291, 75150 | USNM 79214
Hyphessobrycon proteus Eigenmann, 1913 X X X X Eigenmann (1913) | García-Alzate et al. (2015b) | CAS 57603 [ex IU 12858], 60478-83 [ex IU 12852-57] | CIUA 295, 296 | FMNH 56293 [ex CM 5094], 56294-99, 56381-82, 69778 | SU 22754 | USNM 79215, 167819.
Hyphessobrycon saizi Géry, 1964 X X X Géry (1964a) | USNM 198647 | ZMA 114206
Hyphessobrycon sebastiani García-Alzate, Román-Valencia & Taphorn, 2010 X X X García-Alzate et al. (2010c)
Hyphessobrycon sovichthys Schultz, 1944 X Ortega-Lara et al. (2012)
Hyphessobrycon sweglesi (Géry, 1961) X X - X Géry (1961) | USNM 196090, IAvH-P 9517, 11276
Hyphessobrycon taguae García-Alzate, Román-Valencia & Taphorn, 2010 X X X X García-Alzate et al. (2010b) | García-Alzate et al. (2010a) | IUQ 2288
Hyphessobrycon tukunai Géry, 1965 X Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2006a) | ICN-MHN 4278
Moenkhausia browni Eigenmann, 1909 X X Galvis et al. (2007b) | Maldonado-Ocampo (2001)
Moenkhausia ceros Eigenmann, 1908 X Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
Moenkhausia chrysargyrea (Günther, 1864) X X Maldonado-Ocampo (2001) | IAvH-P 8652, 8690, 8725, 8766, 8797, 8830, 8860, 8914
Moenkhausia collettii (Steindachner, 1882) X X Correa (2003) | Cala (1977)
Moenkhausia comma Eigenmann, 1908 X Mojica et al. (2005)
Moenkhausia copei (Steindachner, 1882) X X Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2006a) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2004) | ICN-MHN 11028, 11130
Moenkhausia cotinho Eigenmann, 1908 X X Galvis et al. (2007b) | Maldonado-Ocampo and Bogotá-Gregory (2007)
Moenkhausia dichroura (Kner, 1858) X X Mojica et al. (2005) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
Moenkhausia eigenmanni Géry, 1964 X X X Géry (1964a) | ANSP 112249, 139712 | ICN-MHN 17133 | MNHN 1980-1445 | USNM 198640
Moenkhausia grandisquamis (Müller & Troschel, 1845) X X Mojica (1999) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a) | ICN-MHN 3838, 6035, 6091
*Moenkhausia hysterosticta Lucinda, Malabarba & Benine, 2007 X CZUT-IC 9821, MPUJ 4387, 4468
Moenkhausia intermedia Eigenmann, 1908 X X Galvis et al. (2007b) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
Moenkhausia jamesi Eigenmann, 1908 X Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
*Moenkhausia justae Eigenmann, 1908 X IAvH-P 847
*Moenkhausia latissima Eigenmann, 1908 X IAvH-P 11014-11015
Moenkhausia lepidura (Kner, 1858) X X Arbeláez et al. (2004) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
Moenkhausia megalops (Eigenmann, 1907) X X Arbeláez et al. (2004) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
Moenkhausia melogramma Eigenmann, 1908 X - Arbeláez et al. (2004)
Moenkhausia metae Eigenmann, 1922 X X X Eigenmann (1922) | CAS 55610 [ex IU 15026a], 55609 [ex IU 15026], 55608 [ex IU 13951] | FMNH 55214 | IAvH-P 9177
*Moenkhausia mikia Marinho & Langeani, 2010 X CZUT-IC 3498, 3555, 3584, 4910, 4918, 5104, 8069
Moenkhausia oligolepis (Günther, 1864) X X Fowler (1943) | Eigenmann (1922)
Moenkhausia orteguasae Fowler, 1943 X X X Fowler (1943) | ANSP 70496
Moenkhausia robertsi Géry, 1964 X Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2006a) | ICN-MHN 5511, 6036
Moenkhausia simulata (Eigenmann, 1924) X Correa (2003)
Paracheirodon axelrodi (Schultz, 1956) X Cala (1977)
Paracheirodon innesi (Myers, 1936) X Mojica et al. (2005)
Paracheirodon simulans (Géry, 1963) X Weitzman and Fink (1983)
Parapristella georgiae Géry, 1964 X Géry (1964a) | Lasso et al. 2004, Maldonado-Ocampo 2004, Maldonado-Ocampo et al. 2006b, Maldonado-Ocampo et al. 2008, Lasso et al. 2009
Petitella georgiae Géry & Boutière, 1964 X Galvis et al. (2007b)
Thayeria obliqua Eigenmann, 1908 X X Maldonado-Ocampo (2001) | ICN-MHN 6025, 17140
Tetragonopterus argenteus Cuvier, 1816 X X Mojica et al. (2005) | Fowler (1945)
Tetragonopterus chalceus Spix & Agassiz, 1829 X X Fowler (1943) | Cala (1977)
Aphyocharax alburnus (Günther, 1869) X X Fowler (1943) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
*Aphyocharax colifax Taphorn & Thomerson, 1991 X CZUT-IC 4271
Aphyocharax erythrurus Eigenmann, 1912 X X Galvis et al. (2007b) | ICN-MHN 5387
Aphyocharax pusillus Günther, 1868 X Galvis et al. (2007b)
Paragoniates alburnus Steindachner, 1876 X X Mojica et al. (2005) | Galvis et al. (2007a)
Phenagoniates macrolepis (Meek & Hildebrand, 1913) X Eigenmann and Henn (1914) | Eigenmann (1922)
Prionobrama filigera (Cope, 1870) X Mojica et al. (2005)
Xenagoniates bondi Myers, 1942 X Cala (1977)
Atopomesus pachyodus Myers, 1927 X Myers (1927) | CAS 41736 [ex IU 17673]
Axelrodia riesei Géry, 1966 X X X Géry (1966a) | USNM 207923, 207924 | ANSP 112512, 139715 | MNHN 1982-0538 | ZMA 113865
Axelrodia stigmatias (Fowler, 1913) X Arbeláez et al. (2004)
Microschemobrycon callops Böhlke, 1953 X Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
Microschemobrycon casiquiare Böhlke, 1953 X X Galvis et al. (2007b) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
Microschemobrycon geisleri Géry, 1973 X Arbeláez et al. (2004)
*Microschemobrycon melanotus (Eigenmann, 1912) X MPUJ 236, 247, 630, 1436, 4497
*Oxybrycon parvulus Géry, 1964 X CZUT-IC 17910, 17953
*Parecbasis cyclolepis Eigenmann, 1914 X CIACOL 272
*Tyttobrycon xeruini Géry, 1973 X IAvH-P-14408, 15186, 15208, 15216, 15233, 15244, 15256, 15358, 15391, 15427, 15433, 15469, 15482, 15517, 15556, 15573, 15597, MPUJ 11025
Grundulus bogotensis (Humboldt, 1821) X X X X Humboldt and Valenciennes (1821) | ZMB 33306, 3505, 31499
Grundulus cochae Román-Valencia, Paepke & Pantoja, 2003 X X X - Román-Valencia et al. (2001)| IUQ 453, 454, 455 | STRI 1369
Nematobrycon lacortei Weitzman & Fink, 1971 X X X - Weitzman and Fink (1971) | USNM 205594, 205595-96 | BMNH 1971.3.16.1 | CAS 13396 | FMNH 70525 | ZMA 110740
Nematobrycon palmeri Eigenmann, 1911 X X X X Eigenmann (1911) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2013b)
Cheirodontops geayi Schultz, 1944 X Urbano-Bonilla et al. (2009).
Nanocheirodon insignis (Steindachner, 1880) X X Steindachner (1880) | Eigenmann (1915) | IAvH-P 11746 | MCNG 24875, 24981, 32355, 33285 | NMW 62543-44
Odontostilbe fugitiva Cope, 1870 X Fowler (1945) | Lima RS (2003)
*Odontostilbe pao Bührnheim & Malabarba, 2007 X Urbano-Bonilla et al. (2009).
Odontostilbe pulchra (Gill, 1858) X Bührnheim and Malabarba (2007)
Odontostilbe splendida Bührnheim & Malabarba, 2007 X Bührnheim and Malabarba (2007) | ANSP 181040, 181041 | IAvH-P 3239, 3326, 3328, 3615, 7943, 7945, 7949, 7951, 8050, 8051, 8070, 9553-9555, 9557, 9558, 9697 | ICN-MHN 14168 | INPA 25173 | MBUCV 32890 | MCNG 54519 | MCP 38862
Protocheirodon pi (Vari, 1978) X CAS 41749
Saccoderma hastata (Eigenmann, 1913) X X X X Eigenmann (1913) | Eigenmann (1915)
Saccoderma melanostigma Schultz, 1944 X Ortega-Lara et al. (2012)
Saccoderma robusta Dahl, 1955 X X X Dahl (1955) | MHNG 1066.39-42
Eretmobrycon dahli (Román-Valencia, 2000) X Román-Valencia (2000) | ICN-MNH 2722 | IAvH-P 4734 | IMCN 1689, 3894, 3905, 3911, 3918, 4052
Eretmobrycon emperador (Eigenmann & Ogle, 1907) - X X Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2013b)
Eretmobrycon guaytarae (Eigenmann & Henn, 1914) X X - X Eigenmann et al. (1914) | FMNH 56657 [ex CM 5474] | CAS 40844 [ex IU 13168]
Eretmobrycon miraensis (Fowler, 1945) X X - X Fowler (1945) | ANSP 71686, 71687-92, 71693, 71694
Eretmobrycon peruanus (Müller & Troschel, 1845) X X Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2013b) | Fowler (1939)
Eretmobrycon scleroparius (Regan, 1908) - X Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006b), Colombia. Biota Colombiana 7(1): 143-154
Markiana geayi (Pellegrin, 1909) - X Lasso et al. (2005)
*Scopaeocharax atopodus (Böhlke, 1958) X CIACOL 2713
Tyttocharax cochui (Ladiges, 1950) X Arbeláez et al. (2004)
Tyttocharax madeirae Fowler, 1913 X Román-Valencia et al. (2012)
Tyttocharax metae Román-Valencia, García-Alzate, Ruiz-C. & Taphorn B., 2012 X X X Román-Valencia et al. (2012) | IUQ 2581
Xenurobrycon heterodon Weitzman & Fink, 1985 X Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2006a) | USNM 280246
Chrysobrycon guahibo Vanegas-Ríos, Urbano-Bonilla & Azpelicueta, 2015 X X X Vanegas-Ríos et al. (2015)
Chrysobrycon hesperus (Böhlke, 1958) X Vanegas-Ríos et al. (2013b)
Chrysobrycon mojicai Vanegas-Ríos & Urbano-Bonilla, 2017 X X X Vanegas-Ríos et al. (2017)
Corynopoma riisei Gill, 1858 X Cala (1977)
Gephyrocharax caucanus Eigenmann, 1912 X X X + Eigenmann (1912) | CAS 44275-77 [ex IU 12668-70] | FMNH 56012 [ex CM 4802], 56013-15, 69553, 95008 | USNM 81921 |
Gephyrocharax chocoensis Eigenmann, 1912 X X X X Eigenmann (1912) | Vanegas-Ríos (2016)
Gephyrocharax martae Dahl, 1943 X X X Dahl (1943)
Gephyrocharax melanocheir Eigenmann, 1912 X X X X Eigenmann (1912) | CAS 44292-93 [ex IU 12696-97] | FMNH 56049 [ex CM 4839], 56050-51, 69554 | USNM 79209 | Vanegas-Ríos (2016)
Gephyrocharax sinuensis Dahl, 1964 X X X Dahl and Medem (1964) | ICN-MHN 749
Gephyrocharax torresi Vanegas-Ríos, Azpelicueta, Mirande & García Gonzales, 2013 X X X Vanegas-Ríos et al. (2013a) | UIST 1767
Gephyrocharax valencia Eigenmann, 1920 X Vanegas-Ríos (2016)
Gephyrocharax venezuelae Schultz, 1944 X Ortega-Lara et al. (2012)
Pterobrycon landoni Eigenmann, 1913 X X X Eigenmann (1913) | FMNH 56250 [ex CM 5051]
Boehlkea fredcochui Géry, 1966 X Géry (1966b) | ANSP 111676 [ex Géry coll. 0124.18-19], 111668 | MNHN 1980-1425 | ZMA 113828
Hemibrycon antioquiae Román-Valencia, Ruiz-C, Taphorn, Mancera-Rodriguez & García-Alzate, 2013 X X X Román-Valencia et al. (2013)
Hemibrycon boquiae (Eigenmann, 1913) X X X Eigenmann (1913) | CAS 44332 [ex IU 12831] | FMNH 56259 [ex CM 5059], 56260
Hemibrycon brevispini Román-Valencia & Arcila-Mesa, 2009 X X X Román-Valencia and Arcila-Mesa (2009) | IUQ 542
Hemibrycon cairoense Román-Valencia & Arcila-Mesa, 2009 X X X Román-Valencia and Arcila-Mesa (2009) | IUQ 534
Hemibrycon cardalensis Román-Valencia, Ruiz-C., Taphorn, Mancera-Rodriguez & García-Alzate, 2013 X X X Román-Valencia et al. (2013)
Hemibrycon carrilloi Dahl, 1960 X X - - X Dahl (1960c) | ICN-MHN 29, 31, 126
Hemibrycon caucanus (Eigenmann, 1913) X X Eigenmann (1913) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006b)
Hemibrycon colombianus Eigenmann, 1914 X X X Eigenmann et al. (1914) | MNH 56653 [ex CM 5470], 56654-56 | CAS 44350 [ex IU 13162], 44351 [ex IU 13163], 44352 [ex IU 13164], 44353 [ex IU 13165]
Hemibrycon cristiani (Román-Valencia, 1999) X X X Román-Valencia (1999) | IAvH-P 7529, 7530 | ICNMNH 3445, 3446-49 | IUQ 381-382
Hemibrycon dariensis Meek & Hildebrand, 1916 X Román-Valencia and Ruiz-C. (2007)
Hemibrycon decurrens (Eigenmann, 1913) - X FMNH 56255 [ex CM 5055] | CAS 39542 [IU 12829]
Hemibrycon dentatus (Eigenmann, 1913) X X X Eigenmann (1913)
Hemibrycon fasciatus Román-Valencia, Ruiz-C., Taphorn, Mancera-Rodriguez & García-Alzate, 2013 X X X Román-Valencia et al. (2013)
Hemibrycon galvisi (Román-Valencia, 2000) X X X Román-Valencia (2000) | ICN-MHN 2720, 2721 | IUQ 221-223
Hemibrycon jabonero Schultz, 1944 - X Ortega-Lara et al. (2012)
Hemibrycon jelskii (Steindachner, 1877) X Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2008)
Hemibrycon loisae (Géry, 1964) X Géry (1964a) | ANSP 139713 | IAvH-P 3639, 7528, 9194-9197, 9203, 9677-9680 | MNHN 1980-1426 | USNM 198645
Hemibrycon metae Myers, 1930 - X Myers (1930)
Hemibrycon microformaa Román-Valencia & Ruiz-C., 2007 X X X Román-Valencia and Ruiz-C. (2007) | IUQ 510, 511-514 | MTDF 27628
Hemibrycon paez Román-Valencia & Arcila-Mesa, 2010 X X X Román-Valencia and Arcila-Mesa (2010)
Hemibrycon palomae Román-Valencia, García-Alzate, Ruiz-C. & Taphorn, 2010 X X X Román-Valencia et al. (2010a) | IUQ 2727-2729, 2802, 2846, 2300, 2301, AUM 50793
Hemibrycon plutarcoi (Román-Valencia, 2001) X X X Román-Valencia (2001) | ICN-MHN 4887 | IUQ 308, 461, 472, 473
Hemibrycon quindos Román-Valencia & Arcila-Mesa, 2010 X X X Román-Valencia and Arcila-Mesa (2010)
Hemibrycon rafaelense Román-Valencia & Arcila-Mesa, 2008 X X X Román-Valencia and Arcila-Mesa (2008) | ICN-MHN 6703, 3505 | IUQ 499, 509 | MCNG 54101 | MTD F 27623-24
Hemibrycon raqueliae Román-Valencia & Arcila-Mesa, 2010 X X X Román-Valencia and Arcila-Mesa (2010)
Hemibrycon sanjuanensis Román-Valencia, Ruiz-C., Taphorn & García-Alzate, 2014 X X X Román-Valencia et al. (2014b)
Hemibrycon santamartae Román-Valencia, Ruiz-C., García-Alzate & Taphorn, 2010 X X X Román-Valencia et al. (2010d)
Hemibrycon sierraensis García-Alzate, Román-Valencia & Taphorn, 2015 X X X García-Alzate et al. (2015a)
Hemibrycon velox Dahl, 1964 X X X X Dahl and Medem (1964) | ICN-MHN 1457, 1463, 1464, 2711
Hemibrycon virolinica Román-Valencia & Arcila-Mesa, 2010 X X X Román-Valencia and Arcila-Mesa (2010)
Hemibrycon yacopiae Román-Valencia & Arcila-Mesa, 2010 X X X Román-Valencia and Arcila-Mesa (2010)
Carlastyanax aurocaudatus (Eigenmann, 1913) X X X X Eigenmann (1913) | CAS 68647 [ex IU 12911] | FMNH 56882 [ex CM 5162], 56883
Creagrutus affinis Steindachner, 1880 X X X Steindachner (1880) | Eigenmann (1921)
Creagrutus amoenus Fowler, 1943 X Fowler (1943) | ANSP 70499, 70500-02, 70503
Creagrutus atratus Vari & Harold, 2001 X X X - Vari and Harold (2001) | ANSP 134080 | IAvH-P 3659, 3660, 8426 | ICN-MHN 16981 | NRM 16842-43 | USNM 353866-67,
*Creagrutus barrigai Vari & Harold, 2001 X CZUT-IC 12062
Creagrutus bolivari Schultz, 1944 X Vari and Harold (2001)
Creagrutus brevipinnis Eigenmann, 1913 X X X Eigenmann (1913) | CAS 41341-42 [ex IU 12728-29], 41375 [ex IU 12730] | FMNH 56095 [ex CM 4887a], 56096-98, 75172 | USNM 79188
Creagrutus calai Vari & Harold, 2001 X X X Vari and Harold (2001) | ANSP 130527, 139149, 177718 | IAvH-P 7918 | NRM 16848-49, 43015-16 | USNM 353304, 353307, 353868
Creagrutus caucanus Eigenmann, 1913 X X X Eigenmann (1913) | CAS 41373-74 [ex IU 12736-37], 69304 [ex IU 12738] | FMNH 56104 [ex CM 4895a], 56105-08
Creagrutus cochui Géry, 1964 X + Vari and Harold (2001)
Creagrutus flavescens Vari & Harold, 2001 X Vari and Harold (2001)
Creagrutus guanes Torres-Mejia & Vari, 2005 X X X Torres-Mejia and Vari (2005) | ICN-MHN 8520, 8521, 8522, 9893, 9894, 9895, 9896, 9897, 9898
Creagrutus hildebrandi Schultz, 1944 X Ortega-Lara et al. (2012)
Creagrutus leuciscus Regan, 1913 X X X Regan (1913)
Creagrutus machadoi Vari & Harold, 2001 X Galvis et al. (2007a)
Creagrutus maculosus Román-Valencia, García-Alzate, Ruiz C. & Taphorn B, 2010 X X X Román-Valencia et al. (2010b)
Creagrutus magdalenae Eigenmann, 1913 X X X Eigenmann (1913) | CAS 41641 [ex IU 12722], 60056-57 [ex IU 12725-26] | FMNH 56088 [ex CM 4880], 56089, 56092-93, 69730
Creagrutus maracaiboensis Schultz, 1944 X Ortega-Lara et al. (2012)
Creagrutus maxillaris (Myers, 1927) X X Myers (1927) | IAvH-P 10192
Creagrutus melasma Vari, Harold & Taphorn, 1994 X MPUJ 8814, 8815, 9207, 9208, 9209
Creagrutus nigrostigmatus Dahl, 1960 X X - X Dahl (1960b) | ICN-MHN 989 | SU 49491
Creagrutus paralacus Harold & Vari, 1994 X Harold and Vari (1994)
Creagrutus phasma Myers, 1927 X Vari and Harold (2001)
*Creagrutus runa Vari & Harold, 2001 X CZUT-IC 4117, 4163
Creagrutus taphorni Vari & Harold, 2001 X Urbano-Bonilla et al. (2009).
Creagrutus tuyuka Vari & Lima, 2003 X Vari and Lima (2003)
Creagrutus vexillapinnus Vari & Harold, 2001 X IAvH-P-14609, 14813
Bryconacidnus hypopterus (Fowler, 1943) X X X Fowler (1943) | ANSP 70505
*Ceratobranchia binghami Eigenmann 1927 X ANSP 70504
*Ceratobranchia joanae Chernoff & Machado-Allison, 1990 X CZUT-IC 12827
Ceratobranchia obtusirustris Eigenmann, 1914 X Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2006a) | IAvH-P 7526
Knodus alpha (Eigenmann, 1914) X Eigenmann et al. (1914) | CAS 18511 [ex IU 13157] | EBRG 295, 490, 493, 690, 822, 856, 886, 921, 922, 941, 1311 | FMNH 56646 [ex CM 5463], 56646-47 | IAvH-P 3558, 3640, 3641, 3643-3647, 3650-3653, 3657, 8042-8044, 8054, 8055, 9152-9158, 9178-9180, 9200-9202, 9664-9676, 9781, 11789
Knodus breviceps (Eigenmann, 1908) X X IAvH-P 12289, 2538, 2575, 13165, 5176, 5187, 5418, 5419, 8315, 8316, 8317, 8318, 8319, 8320, 8321, 8322, 8323, 8324, 8325, 8326, 8327, 8328, 8329, 8330, 8655, 8694, 8729, 8764, 8795, 8828, 8858, 8889, 8920, 8942, 8954, 8974, 8990, 9013, 9026, 9047, 9072, 9097
Knodus cinarucoense Román-Valencia, Taphorn B. & Ruiz-C., 2008 X IAvH-P-14385, 14396, 14443, 14610, 14637, 14705, 14806, 14811, 14994, 15059, 15228, 15237, 15542, 15583, 15603
Knodus deuterodonoides (Eigenmann, 1914) - X Eigenmann et al. (1914) | FMNH 56644 [ex CM 5461], 56645 | CAS 61221 [ex IU 13156]
*Knodus gamma Géry, 1972 X CZUT-IC 12073, 12967
Knodus heteresthes (Eigenmann, 1908) X Román-Valencia (2003b) | CZUT-IC 4151, 4200, 12308
Knodus meridae Eigenmann, 1911 X Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2008)
Knodus moenkhausii (Eigenmann & Kennedy, 1903) X Arbeláez et al. (2004) | Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2006a)
Knodus orteguasae (Fowler, 1943) X X X Fowler (1943)
Knodus tiquiensis Ferreira & Lima, 2006 X Ferreira and Lima (2006) | CZUT-IC 12307
*Rhinobrycon negrensis Myers, 1944 X CZUT-IC 5081
Argopleura chocoensis (Eigenmann, 1913) X X X X Eigenmann (1913) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006b)
Argopleura conventus (Eigenmann, 1913) X X X Eigenmann (1913) | CAS 39439 [ex IU 12802] | FMNH 56261 [ex CM 5060], 56262, 71290 | USNM 79174;
Argopleura diquensis (Eigenmann, 1913) X X X Eigenmann (1913) | CAS 39013 [ex IU 12820] | FMNH 56272 [ex CM 5072], 56273, 69690;
Argopleura magdalenensis (Eigenmann, 1913) X X X Eigenmann (1913) | BMNH 1924.3.3.37-38 | CAS 40827-32 [ex IU 12821-26] | FMNH 56263 [ex CM 5063], 56264-65, 56267-71, 56275, 69760 | USNM 79176, 236097
*Cyanogaster noctivaga Mattox, Britz, Toledo-Piza & Marinho, 2013 X X CZUT-IC 18065, MPUJ 273, 1257, 9846-9847, 10726-10729, 10744
Othonocheirodus Myers, 1927 + X CZUT-IC 5497, 12031, 12033, 12525, MPUJ 3747
Bryconamericus andresoi Román-Valencia, 2003 X X - X Román-Valencia (2003a) | IUQ 447, 448-449 | CAS 70099-101 | FMNH 56566-67
Bryconamericus arilepis Román-Valencia, Vanegas-Ríos & Ruiz-C, 2008 X X X Román-Valencia et al. (2008) | IUQ 920, 1915, 1917, 1567
Bryconamericus caldasi Román-Valencia, Ruiz-C., Taphorn B. & García-Alzate, 2014 X X X Román-Valencia et al. (2014a) | IUQ 3714
Bryconamericus carlosi Román-Valencia, 2003 X Román-Valencia (2003c)
Bryconamericus cismontanus Eigenmann, 1914 X Román-Valencia (2003c) | FMNH 56642 [ex CM 5459] | IAvH-P 3315, 3317-3319, 7920, 9168-9170, 9188-9193, 9480, 9481, 9650-9663, 9753
Bryconamericus foncensis Román-Valencia, Vanegas-Ríos & Ruiz-C, 2009 X X X Román-Valencia et al. (2009) | IUQ 1941
Bryconamericus guizae Román-Valencia, 2003 X X - X Román-Valencia (2003a) | IUQ 450, 451-452 | STRI 1370
Bryconamericus huilae Román-Valencia, 2003 X X X Román-Valencia (2003a) | IUQ 422, 312-313, 423-424, 462-463, 476-477) | STRI 00574
Bryconamericus icelus Dahl, 1964 X X X Dahl and Medem (1964) | SMF 16284
Bryconamericus ichoensis Román-Valencia, 2000 X X X Román-Valencia (2000) | ICN-MHN 2718, 2719
Bryconamericus macarenae Román-Valencia, García-Alzate, Ruiz-C. & Taphorn, 2010 X X X Román-Valencia et al. (2010c) | IUQ 2448, 2271, 2326, 2435, 2437, 2440-2447, 2559-2561 | AUM 50297
*Bryconamericus macrophthalmus Román-Valencia, 2003 X CZUT-IC 5124
Bryconamericus multiradiatus Dahl, 1960 X X X Dahl (1960c) | ICN-MHN 82, 58
*Bryconamericus orinocoense Román-Valencia, 2003 X CZUT-IC 4886, 4916
Bryconamericus tolimae Eigenmann, 1913 X X X Eigenmann (1913)
Microgenys minuta Eigenmann, 1913 X X X X Eigenmann (1913) | CAS 47170 [ex IU 12818] | FMNH 56215 [ex CM 5007], 56216
Astyanacinus yariguies Torres-Mejia, Hernández & Senechal, 2012 X X X Torres-Mejia et al. (2012) | UIST 1752
*Astyanax anterior Eigenmann, 1908 X IAvH-P 8238-8240, 9117, 11012
Astyanax atratoensis Eigenmann, 1907 X X X Eigenmann and Ogle (1907)
Astyanax bimaculatus (Linnaeus, 1758) X X X X X Fowler (1943) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2013b) | Steindachner (1879a) | IAvH-P 1694, 9110
Astyanax caucanus (Steindachner, 1879) X X X Steindachner (1879c) | NMW 57372-76 | SMNS 2833 | ZMUC 993
Astyanax daguae Eigenmann, 1913 X X X X X Eigenmann (1913) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006b)
Astyanax fasciatus (Cuvier, 1819) X X X X X Eigenmann (1922) | Fowler (1943) | Lima et al. (2003) | Eigenmann (1921)
Astyanax fasslii (Steindachner, 1915) X X X Steindachner (1915)
Astyanax filiferus (Eigenmann, 1913) X X X X Eigenmann (1913) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006b)
Astyanax gisleni Dahl, 1943 X X X Dahl (1943)
*Astyanax guianensis Eigenmann, 1909 X Marinho (2015)
Astyanax integer Myers, 1930 - X Myers (1930) | IAvH-P 3300, 3305-3307, 3309, 3497-3499, 3503, 3505-3507, 3512, 3514-3516, 9698-9704 | SU 23726
Astyanax magdalenae Eigenmann & Henn, 1916 X X Eigenmann and Henn (1916) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006b)
Astyanax maximus (Steindachner, 1876) X - Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2006a) | IAvH-P 1731
Astyanax megaspilura Fowler, 1944 X X X X Fowler (1944) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006b)
Astyanax metae Eigenmann, 1914 X Eigenmann et al. (1914) | CAS 39229 [ex IU 13153] | CRPUT 302, 305, 327, 331, 332 | FMNH 56640 [ex CM 5457], 56641 | IAvH-P 3302, 3521, 3522, 3525-3531, 3535-3544, 7909, 9484, 9643-964
Astyanax microlepis Eigenmann, 1913 X X - - X - Eigenmann (1913) | CAS 39341-45 [ex IU 12769-73] | FMNH 56209 [ex CM 5001], 56210-14, 69559-61, 71291, 95006 | USNM 79167
Astyanax orthodus Eigenmann, 1907 X X X X Eigenmann and Ogle (1907) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006b)
Astyanax ruberrimus Eigenmann, 1913 - X X Eigenmann (1913) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006b) | Eigenmann (1921)
Astyanax scintillans Myers, 1928 X IAvH-P 4979
Astyanax siapae Garutti, 2003 X IMCN 3652
Astyanax stilbe (Cope, 1870) X Eigenmann (1921)
Astyanax venezuelae Schultz, 1944 X Urbano-Bonilla et al. (2009).
*Brittanichthys axelrodi Géry, 1965 X Weitzman et al. (2005)
Bryconella pallidifrons (Fowler 1946) X F. C. T. Lima (pers. com.): as Hemigrammus analis in Galvis et al. (2006) | CZUT-IC 17948, IAvH-P 2605, MPUJ 12206, 12207
*Ctenobrycon oliverai Benine, Lopes & Ron, 2010 X CZUT-IC 7217, 9056, 9279, 9321, 9670, 9752, 9785, 9801, 9810, 9851
Ctenobrycon spilurus (Valenciennes, 1850) X X Mojica et al. (2005) | Galvis et al. (2007a)
Genycharax tarpon Eigenmann, 1912 X X X X Eigenmann (1912) | CAS 44271-73 [ex IU 12672-74] | FMNH 56018 [ex CM 4808], 56019-2, 69547, 69779 | USNM 79207
Jupiaba abramoides (Eigenmann, 1909) X Cala (1977) | ICN-MHN 546
Jupiaba anteroides (Géry, 1965) X X Arbeláez et al. (2004) | Galvis et al. (2007a)
Jupiaba asymmetrica (Eigenmann, 1908) X Fowler (1945) | Lima et al. (2003)
Jupiaba polylepis (Günther, 1864) X IAvH-P 2013
Jupiaba scologaster (Weitzman & Vari, 1986) X Galvis et al. (2007b)
Jupiaba zonata (Eigenmann, 1908) X Galvis et al. (2007b)
Pseudochalceus kyburzi Schultz, 1966 X X X Schultz (1966) | USNM 231738 [was USNM 257403-F27], 171751, 231739 [ex USNM 258173-F1]
Pseudochalceus longianalis Géry, 1972 X Géry (1972) | MHNG 1226.90., 1226.91-99 | ANSP 140067 | Géry personal collection 0690
Schultzites axelrodi Géry, 1964 X X X Géry (1964a) | USNM 198642
Serrabrycon magoi Vari, 1986 X FMNH 92642
Thrissobrycon pectinifer Böhlke, 1953 X Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
Gasteropelecidae9 spp
Carnegiella marthae Myers, 1927 X X Mojica et al. (2005) | Cala (1977)
Carnegiella myersi Fernández-Yépez, 1950 X Mojica (1999) | NRM 200 | IMCN 7062
Carnegiella schereri Fernández-Yépez, 1950 X Galvis et al. (2007b)
Carnegiella strigata (Günther, 1864) X X Weitzman (1960) | Cala (1977)
Engraulisoma taeniatum Castro, 1981 - X IAvH-P 13957
Gasteropelecus maculatus Steindachner, 1879 X X X Eigenmann (1912) | Eigenmann (1922) | Weitzman (1960)
Gasteropelecus sternicla (Linnaeus, 1758) X Weitzman (1960)
Thoracocharax securis (De Filippi, 1853) X Mojica et al. (2005)
Thoracocharax stellatus (Kner, 1858) X X Weitzman (1960)
Bryconidae22 spp (2 added and 3 deleted from 2008)
Brycon amazonicus (Agassiz, 1829) + X Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a) | IAvH-P 11603
Brycon argenteus Meek & Hildebrand, 1913 X Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2013b)
Brycon dentex Günther, 1860 X Mojica et al. (2004) | ICN-MHN 2351, 5025
Brycon falcatus Müller & Troschel, 1844 X X Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2006a) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a) | IAvH-P 5326 | ICN-MHN 4260, 2000, 5677
Brycon fowleri Dahl, 1955 X X X X Dahl (1955) | ICN-MHN 2044
Brycon henni Eigenmann, 1913 X X X X Eigenmann (1913) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2005)
*Brycon hilarii (Valenciennes, 1850) X Lima (2017)
Brycon labiatus Steindachner, 1879 X X X X Steindachner (1879b) | NMW
Brycon medemi Dahl, 1960 X X X Dahl (1960c) | ICN-MHN 41, 73
Brycon meeki Eigenmann & Hildebrand, 1918 X X X X Eigenmann (1918a) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006b)
Brycon melanopterus (Cope, 1871) X - Mojica et al. (2005) | Galvis et al. (2007a)
Brycon moorei Steindachner, 1878 X X X X X Steindachner (1878) | Mojica et al. (2006b)
Brycon oligolepis Regan, 1913 X X Regan (1913) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006b) | Eigenmann (1922)
Brycon pesu Müller & Troschel, 1845 X X Galvis et al. (2007b) | Galvis et al. (2007a)
*Brycon polylepis Moscó Morales 1988 X Lima (2017) | IAvH-P 3554, 3671
Brycon posadae Fowler, 1945 X Fowler (1945) | ANSP 71695
Brycon rubricauda Steindachner, 1879 X X X X - Steindachner (1879b)
Bryconsinuensis Dahl, 1955 X X X X Dahl (1955)
Brycon striatulus (Kner, 1863) X X Regan (1913) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2008) |
Brycon whitei Myers & Weitzman, 1960 X X X Myers and Weitzman (1960) | Urbano-Bonilla et al. (2009).
Salminus affinis Steindachner, 1880 X - X X Steindachner (1880) | ANSP 140067 | MHNG 1226.90, 1226.91-99
Salminus hilarii Valenciennes, 1850 X X Fowler (1943) | Cala (1977)
Triportheidae12 spp (2 added and 2 deleted from 2008)
Agoniates anchovia Eigenmann, 1914 X Mojica et al. (2005)
Agoniates halecinus Müller & Troschel, 1845 X X Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2005) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
Triportheus albus Cope, 1872 X Mojica et al. (2005)
Triportheus angulatus (Spix & Agassiz, 1829) X Mojica et al. (2005)
Triportheus auritus (Valenciennes, 1850) + X Maldonado-Ocampo and Bogotá-Gregory (2007) | Galvis et al. (2007b)
Triportheus brachipomus (Valenciennes, 1850) X Galvis et al. (2007a)
*Triportheus culter (Cope, 1872) X CZUT-IC 7310
Triportheus magdalenae (Steindachner, 1878) X X X Steindachner (1878) | NMW 69151-54 | ZMUC 87
Triportheus orinocensis Malabarba, 2004 X Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2013a)
Triportheus pictus (Garman, 1890) X Correa (2003)
*Triportheus rotundatus (Jardine, 1841) X IAvH-P 11059
Triportheus venezuelensis Malabarba, 2004 X Galvis et al. (2007a)
Iguanodectidae12 spp (1 added and 1 deleted from 2008)
Bryconops affinis (Günther, 1864) X X Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2005) | Cala (1977) | IAvH-P 2725, 3579
Bryconops alburnoides Kner, 1858 X X Galvis et al. (2007b) | ICN-MHN 9918
Bryconops caudomaculatus (Günther, 1864) X X Correa (2003) | Eigenmann (1922)
Bryconops collettei Chernoff & Machado-Allison, 2005 X Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2008)
Bryconops humeralis Machado-Allison, Chernoff & Buckup, 1996 X Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
Bryconops giacopinii (Fernández-Yépez, 1950) X X Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2006a) | Maldonado-Ocampo and Bogotá-Gregory (2007) | IAvH-P 1691, 5307 | ICN-MHN 4625, 10371
Bryconops inpai Knöppel, Junk & Géry, 1968 X X Mojica et al. (2005) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
*Bryconops magoi Chernoff & Machado-Allison, 2005 X CZUT-IC 4129
Iguanodectes adujai Géry, 1970 X X Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2008)
Iguanodectes geisleri Géry, 1970 X X Castro and Arboleda (1988) | Maldonado-Ocampo (2001)
Iguanodectes purusii (Steindachner, 1908) X Mojica et al. (2005)
Iguanodectes spilurus (Günther, 1864) X X Arbeláez et al. (2004) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
Chalceidae3 spp
Chalceus epakros Zanata & Toledo-Piza, 2004 X X Zanata and Toledo-Piza (2004) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
Chalceus erythrurus (Cope, 1870) X Mojica et al. (2005)
Chalceus macrolepidotus Cuvier, 1816 X X Correa (2003) | Cala (1977)
Gymnotiformes78 spp (12 added and 8 deleted from 2008)
Gymnotidae12 spp (2 deleted from 2008)
Electrophorus electricus (Linnaeus, 1766) X X Maldonado-Ocampo and Albert. (2003) | Cala (1977)
Gymnotus anguillaris Hoedeman, 1962 X Maldonado-Ocampo and Albert. (2003)
Gymnotus ardilai Maldonado-Ocampo & Albert, 2004 X X X X Maldonado-Ocampo and Albert (2004) | IAvH-P 3477, 4001
Gymnotus carapo Linnaeus, 1758 X X Fowler (1945) | Eigenmann (1922)
Gymnotus cataniapo Mago-Leccia, 1994 X Maldonado-Ocampo and Albert (2003)
Gymnotus choco Albert, Crampton & Maldonado-Ocampo, 2003 X X X X X Albert and Crampton (2003b) | ICN-MHN 6621 | NRM 27734
Gymnotus coropinae Hoedeman, 1962 X X Maldonado-Ocampo and Albert (2003) | Galvis et al. (2007a)
Gymnotus henni Albert, Crampton & Maldonado-Ocampo, 2003 X X Albert and Crampton (2003b) | CAS 47290, 217162 | FMNH 56793
Gymnotus javari Albert, Crampton & Hagedorn, 2003 X Galvis et al. (2007b)
Gymnotus pedanopterus Mago-Leccia, 1994 X Maldonado-Ocampo and Albert (2003)
Gymnotus stenoleucus Mago-Leccia, 1994 X X Maldonado-Ocampo and Albert (2003)
Gymnotus tigre Albert & Crampton, 2003 X Albert and Crampton (2003b) | UF 25552, 128412 | ICN-MHN 6690
Hypopomidae9 spp (5 added and 2 deleted from 2008)
Brachyhypopomus batesi Crampton, de Santana, Waddell & Lovejoy, 2016 X Crampton et al. (2016)
Brachyhypopomus beebei (Schultz, 1944) X X Maldonado-Ocampo and Albert (2003)
Brachyhypopomus bennetti Sullivan, Zuanon & Cox Fernandes, 2013 X Sullivan et al. (2013b)
Brachyhypopomus brevirostris (Steindachner, 1868) X X - Maldonado-Ocampo and Albert (2003)
Brachyhypopomus bullocki Sullivan & Hopkins, 2009 X X Sullivan and Hopkins (2009) | Crampton et al. (2016) | ANSP 187477
Brachyhypopomus flavipomus Crampton, de Santana, Waddell & Lovejoy, 2016 X Crampton et al. (2016)
Brachyhypopomus occidentalis (Regan, 1914) X X X Regan (1914) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006b) | Albert and Crampton (2003a)
Brachyhypopomus sullivani Crampton, de Santana, Waddell & Lovejoy, 2016 X Crampton et al. (2016)
Microsternarchus bilineatus Fernández-Yépez, 1968 X Maldonado-Ocampo and Albert (2003)
Rhamphichthyidae10 spp (1 added and 1 deleted from 2008)
Gymnorhamphichthys hypostomus Ellis, 1912 X X Maldonado-Ocampo and Albert (2003)
Gymnorhamphichthys rondoni (Miranda Ribeiro, 1920) X X Maldonado-Ocampo and Albert (2003)
*Rhamphichthys apurensis (Fernández-Yépez, 1968) X CZUT-IC 3244, 5178, 5179, 9362, 9421, 9422, 9423, 9424, 9448, 9449, 9547
Rhamphichthys drepanium Triques, 1999 X Maldonado-Ocampo and Albert (2003)
Rhamphichthys marmoratus Castelnau, 1855 X Cala (1977)
Rhamphichthys rostratus (Linnaeus, 1766) X X Maldonado-Ocampo and Albert (2003)
Hypopygus lepturus Hoedeman, 1962 X X Maldonado-Ocampo and Albert (2003)
Hypopygus neblinae Mago-Leccia, 1994 X X Galvis et al. (2007b) | Maldonado-Ocampo and Albert (2003)
Steatogenys duidae (La Monte, 1929) X X Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a) | Maldonado-Ocampo and Albert (2003)
Steatogenys elegans (Steindachner, 1880) X X Maldonado-Ocampo and Albert (2003)
Sternopygidae16 spp (2 added from 2008)
Distocyclus conirostris (Eigenmann & Allen, 1942) X Maldonado-Ocampo and Albert (2003)
Eigenmanniagoajira Schultz, 1949 X Maldonado-Ocampo and Albert (2003)
Eigenmannia humboldtii (Steindachner, 1878) X X Steindachner (1878) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006b)
Eigenmannia limbata (Schreiner & Ribeiro, 1903) X Maldonado-Ocampo and Albert (2003)
Eigenmannia macrops (Boulenger, 1897) X Maldonado-Ocampo and Albert (2003)
Eigenmannia nigra Mago-Leccia, 1994 X Maldonado-Ocampo and Albert (2003)
Eigenmannia virescens (Valenciennes, 1836) X X X X X Eigenmann and Ward (1905) | Maldonado-Ocampo and Albert (2003)
Rhabdolichops caviceps (Fernández-Yépez, 1968) X Maldonado-Ocampo and Albert (2003)
*Rhabdolichops eastwardi Lundberg & Mago-Leccia, 1986 X CZUT-IC 3642, 3987
Rhabdolichops troscheli (Kaup, 1856) X Maldonado-Ocampo and Albert (2003)
*Rhabdolichops zareti Lundberg & Mago-Leccia, 1986 X CZUT-IC 9471
Sternopygus aequilabiatus (Humboldt, 1805) X + + Humboldt (1805) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2013b)
Sternopygus astrabes Mago-Leccia, 1994 X Maldonado-Ocampo and Albert (2003)
Sternopygus dariensis Meek & Hildebrand, 1916 X X Hulen et al. (2005)
Sternopygus macrurus (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) X X Maldonado-Ocampo and Albert (2003) | Eigenmann (1922)
Sternopygus pejeraton Schultz, 1949 X Ortega-Lara et al. (2012)
Apteronotidae31 spp (4 added and 3 deleted from 2008)
Adontosternarchus balaenops (Cope, 1878) X Maldonado-Ocampo and Albert (2003)
Adontosternarchus clarkae Mago-Leccia, Lundberg & Baskin, 1985 X Mago-Leccia et al. (1985)
Adontosternarchus devenanzii Mago-Leccia, Lundberg & Baskin, 1985 X Mago-Leccia et al. (1985)
*Adontosternarchus sachsi (Peters, 1877) X CZUT-IC 9438, 9451, 9453, 9455, 9457, 9475, 9490, 9492
Apteronotus albifrons (Linnaeus, 1766) X Maldonado-Ocampo and Albert (2003)
Apteronotus anu de Santana & Vari, 2013 X de Santana and Vari (2013)
Apteronotus apurensis Fernández-Yépez, 1968 X Maldonado-Ocampo and Albert (2003)
Apteronotus bonapartii (Castelnau, 1855) X Maldonado-Ocampo and Albert (2003)
Apteronotus cuchillejo (Schultz, 1949) X Maldonado-Ocampo and Albert (2003)
Apteronotus cuchillo Schultz, 1949 X Maldonado-Ocampo and Albert (2003)
Apteronotus eschmeyeri de Santana, Maldonado-Ocampo, Severi & Mendez, 2004 X X X X de Santana et al. (2004) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006b)
Apteronotus galvisi de Santana, Maldonado-Ocampo & Crampton, 2007 X X X de Santana et al. (2007)
Apteronotus jurubidae (Fowler, 1944) X X X Fowler (1944) | ANSP 71435
Apteronotus macrolepis (Steindachner, 1881) X Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo 2006
Apteronotus macrostomus (Fowler, 1943) X X X Fowler (1943) | ANSP 70528
Apteronotus magdalenensis (Miles, 1945) X X X X Miles (1945) | BMNH 1947.7.1.138 | USNM 123795
Apteronotus mariae (Eigenmann & Fisher, 1914) X X X Eigenmann and Fisher (1914) | FMNH 56774 [ex CM 5594] | CAS 62345 [ex IU 13375]
Apteronotus milesi de Santana & Maldonado-Ocampo, 2005 X X X de Santana and Maldonado-Ocampo. (2005) | IAvH-P 3996 | CAS 72249 [ex IU 13379], 72250 [ex IU 13379] | IAvH-P 3997 | ICMN 2500 | ICNMNH 3155 | FMNH 56775, 56776, 56777, 56778
Apteronotus rostratus (Meek & Hildebrand, 1913) + X X de Santana and Vari (2013) | Eigenmann and Fisher (1914)
Apteronotus spurrellii (Regan, 1914) X X X Regan (1914) | BMNH 1914.5.18.90-93
Parapteronotus hasemani (Ellis, 1913) X Maldonado-Ocampo and Albert (2003)
Platyurosternarchus macrostomus (Günther, 1870) X X Maldonado-Ocampo and Albert (2003)
Sternarchorhynchus mormyrus (Steindachner, 1868) X X Maldonado-Ocampo and Albert (2003)
Sternarchorhynchus oxyrhynchus (Müller & Troschel, 1848) - + Maldonado-Ocampo and Albert (2003)
Sternarchorhynchus roseni Mago-Leccia, 1994 X Maldonado-Ocampo and Albert (2003) | IAvH-P 2981
Compsaraia compsus (Mago-Leccia, 1994) X Maldonado-Ocampo and Albert (2003)
Sternarchogiton nattereri (Steindachner, 1868) X Maldonado-Ocampo and Albert (2003)
*Sternarchella orinoco Mago-Leccia, 1994 X CZUT-IC 9493, 9535
*Sternarchella orthos Mago-Leccia, 1994 X CZUT-IC 9445, 9482, 9484
Sternarchella schotti (Steindachner, 1868) X + Maldonado-Ocampo and Albert (2003) | Evans et al. (2017)
Sternarchorhamphus muelleri (Steindachner, 1881) X Maldonado-Ocampo and Albert (2003)
Siluriformes588 spp (98 added and 61 deleted from 2008)
Trichomycteridae66 spp (16 added and 6 deleted from 2008)
Eremophilus mutisii Humboldt, 1805 X X X X Humboldt (1805)
Ituglanis guayaberensis (Dahl, 1960) X X X Dahl (1960a)
Ituglanis metae (Eigenmann, 1917) X Eigenmann (1917a) | CAS 58138 [ex IU 13770]
Rhizosomichthys totae (Miles, 1942) X X X + - Miles (1942) | ICN-MHN 353 | MCZ 35744 | SU 37074
Trichomycterus arhuaco Ardila Rodríguez, 2016 X X X Ardila Rodríguez (2016c) | Holotype CAR 684
Trichomycterus ballesterosi Ardila Rodríguez, 2011 X X X Ardila Rodríguez (2011a) | CAR 400
Trichomycterus banneaui (Eigenmann, 1912) X X X Eigenmann (1912) | CAS 58127 [ex IU 12677] | Holotype FMNH 56025 [ex CM 4815], 56026, 69815 | USNM 79234
Trichomycterus bogotensis (Eigenmann, 1912) X X X Eigenmann (1912) | CAS 58118 [ex IU 12679] | Holotype FMNH 56030 [ex CM 4820] | 56031, 56044 | AMNH 7107 | USNM 79232
Trichomycterus cachiraensis Ardila Rodríguez, 2008 X X X X Ardila Rodríguez (2008c) | CAR 125, 97 | CZUT-IC2920 | IAvH-P 11114 | MBUCV-V35384;
Trichomycterus caliensis (Eigenmann, 1912) X X X X - Eigenmann (1912) | FMNH 56029 [ex CM 4819 not 6819]
Trichomycterus casitaensis Ardila Rodríguez, 2017 X X X Ardila Rodríguez (2017b)
Trichomycterus chapmani (Eigenmann, 1912) X X X - Eigenmann (1912) | CAS 58128 [ex IU 12678] | Holotype FMNH 56027 [ex CM 4817], 50628, 69813 | USNM 79233
Trichomycterus dorsostriatum (Eigenmann, 1917) X X X Eigenmann (1917a) | CAS 64579 [ex IU 13810] | Holotype FMNH 58096 [ex CM 7093], 58097
*Trichomycterus emanueli (Schultz, 1944) X IAvH-P 9797
Trichomycterus garciamarquezi Ardila Rodríguez, 2016 X X X Ardila Rodríguez (2016c) | Holotype CAR 682
Trichomycterus gorgona Fernández & Schaefer, 2005 X X X X Fernández and Schaefer (2005) | ANSP 149946 | ICN-MHN 10019
Trichomycterus kankuamo Ardila Rodríguez, 2016 X X X Ardila Rodríguez (2016c) | Holotype CAR 685
Trichomycterus knerii Steindachner, 1882 X Eigenmann (1918b)
Trichomycterus latidens (Eigenmann, 1917) X X - X Eigenmann (1917a) | CAS 76335 [ex IU 13801]
Trichomycterus latistriatus (Eigenmann, 1917) X X X Eigenmann (1917a) | FMNH 58449 [ex CM 7450]
Trichomycterus maldonadoi Ardila Rodríguez, 2011 X X X Ardila Rodríguez (2011b) | CAR 380, 500
Trichomycterus manaurensis Ardila Rodríguez, 2016 X X X Ardila Rodríguez (2016c) | Holotype CAR 683
Trichomycterus maracaiboensis (Schultz, 1944) X Ortega-Lara et al. (2012)
Trichomycterus migrans (Dahl, 1960) X X X Dahl (1960a) | ICN-MHN 399, 400
Trichomycterus montesi Ardila Rodríguez, 2016 X X X Ardila Rodríguez (2016c) | Holotype CAR 681
Trichomycterus nietoi Ardila Rodríguez, 2014 X X X Ardila Rodríguez (2014)
Trichomycterus nigromaculatus Boulenger, 1887 X X - - X Boulenger (1887) | BMNH 1880.2.26.16-17
Trichomycterus ocanaensis Ardila Rodríguez, 2011 X X X Ardila Rodríguez (2011d) | IAvH-P 11115, 9797
Trichomycterus regani (Eigenmann, 1917) X X X Eigenmann (1917a) | CAS 64591 [ex IU 13772]
Trichomycterus retropinnis Regan, 1903 X X X Regan (1903) | BMNH 1899.8.21.12-13
Trichomycterus romeroi (Fowler, 1941) X X X Fowler (1941) | ANSP 69331, 69332-35
Trichomycterus ruitoquensis Ardila-Rodríguez, 2007 X X X Ardila Rodríguez (2007) | CAR 340, 37, 88, 89, 325, 331, 332 | IAvH-P 4342, 4344 | IMCN 4195
Trichomycterus sandovali Ardila Rodríguez, 2006 X X X X Ardila Rodríguez (2006a) | CAR 116
Trichomycterus santanderensis Castellanos-Morales, 2007 X X X Castellanos-Morales (2007) | CAC-CDMB 035
Trichomycterus sketi Castellanos-Morales, 2011 X X X Castellanos-Morales (2011) | CAC-CDMB 104
Trichomycterus spilosoma (Regan, 1913) X X - X Regan (1913) | BMNH 1910.7.11.106-107, 1910.7.11.108
Trichomycterus steindachneri DoNascimiento, Prada-Pedreros & Guerrero-Kommritz, 2014 X X X DoNascimiento et al. (2014)
Trichomycterus stellatus (Eigenmann, 1918) X X X Eigenmann (1918b) | CAS 58121 [ex IU 13814] | FMNH 58101 [ex CM 7097], 58102
Trichomycterus straminius (Eigenmann, 1917) X X X - Eigenmann (1917a) | CAS 58148 [ex IU 13818], 58105 [ex IU 13804] | FMNH 58105 [ex CM 7101], 58091-92
Trichomycterus striatus (Meek & Hildebrand, 1913) - - + Eigenmann (1918b)
Trichomycterus taenia Kner, 1863 - X Regan (1913)
Trichomycterus tetuanensis García-Melo, Villa-Navarro & DoNascimiento, 2016 X X X García-Melo et al. (2016)
Trichomycterus torcoromaensis Ardila-Rodríguez, 2016 X X X Ardila Rodríguez (2016a)
Trichomycterus transandianus (Steindachner, 1915) X X X Steindachner (1915) | NMW 44475
Trichomycterus uisae Castellanos-Morales, 2008 X X X Castellanos-Morales (2008) | CAC-CDMB 072
Trichomycterus unicolor (Regan, 1913) X X X Regan (1913) | BMNH 1913.10.1.42-43
Malacoglanis gelatinosus Myers & Weitzman, 1966 X X X + Myers and Weitzman (1966) | CZUT-IC 13816, IAvH-P 13640, SU 50754, 50755
Tridens Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1889 X + ICN-MHN 10101, 10330, 12112, 12114
Tridensimilis venezuelae Schultz, 1944 - X Ortega-Lara et al. (2012)
*Tridentopsis pearsoni Myers, 1925 X CZUT-IC 17989, 18069
Haemomaster venezuelae Myers, 1927 X Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
Henonemus punctatus (Boulenger, 1887) X Mojica et al. (2005)
Henonemus triacanthopomus DoNascimiento & Provenzano, 2006 X Lasso et al. (2009) | CZUT-IC 9648
Megalocentor echthrus de Pinna & Britski, 1991 X - IAvH-P 5995
Ochmacanthus alternus Myers, 1927 X Dahl (1960a)
Ochmacanthus orinoco Myers, 1927 X IAvH-P 14250-14252
Ochmacanthus reinhardtii (Steindachner, 1882) X Arbeláez et al. (2004)
Pseudostegophilus haemomyzon (Myers, 1942) X IAvH-P 1478, 6997
Pseudostegophilus nemurus (Günther, 1869) X X Mojica et al. (2005) | IAvH-P 1189, 4996
Schultzichthys bondi (Myers, 1942) X Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2008)
Schultzichthys gracilis Dahl, 1960 X X X Dahl (1960a) | ICN-MHN 17123
Stegophilus septentrionalis Myers, 1927 X CZUT-IC 5049
Paracanthopoma Giltay, 1935 X Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2008)
Paravandellia phaneronema (Miles, 1943) X X X Miles (1943) | MCZ 35874 | USNM 120141
Vandellia beccarii Di Caporiacco, 1935 X Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2013a)
Vandellia cirrhosa Valenciennes, 1846 X Castro and Arboleda (1988) | de Pinna and Wosiacki (2003)
Callichthyidae44 spp (2 added and 3 deleted from 2008)
Callichthys callichthys (Linnaeus, 1758) X X Mojica et al. (2005) | Cala (1977) | IAvH-P 2089, 12161 | ICN-MHN 548, 6377, 7494, 7495, 16897
Callichthys fabricioi Román-Valencia, Lehmann A. & Muñoz, 1999 X X X X Román-Valencia et al. (1999) | ICN-MHN 3842 | IUQ 152, 305, 306, 307 | MCP 21174-75 | UV 89018, 91063, 93001-04, 98002, 98031
Callichthys oibaensis Ardila-Rodríguez, 2006 X X X X Ardila Rodríguez (2006b) | CAR 251, 250 | IMCN 3310 | CZUT-IC 1837 | IAvH-P 5730 | ICNMNH 13396 | MBUCV-V 32798
Dianema longibarbis Cope, 1872 X Mojica et al. (2005)
Hoplosternum littorale (Hancock, 1828) X X Mojica et al. (2005) | Cala (1977)
Hoplosternum magdalenae Eigenmann, 1913 X X Eigenmann (1913) | Eigenmann (1922)
Hoplosternum punctatum Meek & Hildebrand, 1916 X Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006b)
Lepthoplosternum altamazonicum Reis, 1997 X Galvis et al. (2007b)
Megalechis picta (Müller & Troschel, 1849) X X Mojica et al. (2005) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
Megalechis thoracata (Valenciennes, 1840) X X Mojica et al. (2005) | Galvis et al. (2007a)
Corydoras aeneus (Gill, 1858) X Nijssen and Isbrücker (1983) | Cala (1977)
Corydoras agassizii Steindachner, 1876 X Castro (1987b)
Corydoras ambiacus Cope, 1872 X Castro (1987b)
Corydoras arcuatus Elwin, 1939 X Castro (1987b)
Corydoras axelrodi Rössel, 1962 - X Nijssen and Isbrücker (1983)
Corydoras brevirostris Fraser-Brunner, 1947 X Galvis et al. (2007a)
*Corydoras concolor Weitzman, 1961 X CZUT-IC 11794, 11892
*Corydoras crypticus Sands, 1995 X IMCN 5833, IMCN 5834 | CZUT-IC 11837
Corydoras delphax Nijssen & Isbrücker, 1983 X X - X Nijssen and Isbrücker (1983) | NRM 26073 [1972222.3251] | NRM 26074 | ZMA 119063
Corydoras elegans Steindachner, 1876 X Castro (1987b)
Corydoras esperanzae Castro, 1987 X X X Castro (1987b) | UBJTL MM275
Corydoras evelynae Rössel, 1963 X Galvis et al. (2007b)
Corydoras fowleri Böhlke, 1950 X Mojica (1999). | IMCN 5710 | NRM 16554
Corydoras gomezi Castro, 1986 X Castro (1986) | UBJTL MM536
Corydoras habrosus Weitzman, 1960 X Castro (1987b)
Corydoras leucomelas Eigenmann & Allen, 1942 X Castro (1987b)
Corydoras loxozonus Nijssen & Isbrücker, 1983 X X - X Nijssen and Isbrücker (1983) | ANSP 150170
Corydoras melanistius Regan, 1912 X Castro (1987b)
Corydoras melanotaenia Regan, 1912 X X - X Regan (1912b) | BMNH 1909.7.23.41 | BMNH 1909.7.23.42
Corydoras melini Lönnberg & Rendahl, 1930 X X Regan (1912b) | Nijssen and Isbrücker (1983)
Corydoras metae Eigenmann, 1914 X X - X Eigenmann (1914) | CAS 36447 [ex IU 13451]
Corydoras osteocarus Böhlke, 1951 X Galvis et al. (2007a)
Corydoras pastazensis Weitzman, 1963 X Mojica et al. (2005)
Corydoras pygmaeus Knaack, 1966 X Galvis et al. (2007b)
Corydoras rabauti La Monte, 1941 X Castro (1987b)
Corydoras reticulatus Fraser-Brunner, 1938 X Castro (1987b)
Corydoras reynoldsi Myers & Weitzman, 1960 X X X Myers and Weitzman (1960) | SU 52349, 50702 | ZMA 111424
Corydoras semiaquilus Weitzman, 1964 X Myers and Weitzman (1960) | Arbeláez et al. (2004)
Corydoras septentrionalis Gosline, 1940 X Isbrücker (1999)
Corydoras simulatus Weitzman & Nijssen, 1970 X X - X Weitzman and Nijssen 1970) | USNM 197615, 197616, 197667 | ZMA 110384
Corydoras sodalis Nijssen & Isbrücker, 1986 X Castro (1987b)
Corydoras splendens (Castelnau, 1855) X Mojica et al. (2005)
Corydoras trilineatus Cope, 1872 X Nijssen and Isbrücker (1983)
Corydoras zygatus Eigenmann & Allen, 1942 X Mojica et al. (2005)
Astroblepidae38 spp (16 added and 3 deleted from 2008)
Astroblepus acostai Ardila Rodríguez, 2011 X X X Ardila Rodríguez (2011e) | CAR 473, 422, | ICN-MHN 17843
Astroblepus ardiladuartei Ardila Rodríguez, 2015 X X X Ardila Rodríguez (2015a)
Astroblepus ardilai Ardila Rodríguez, 2012 X X X Ardila Rodríguez (2012) | CAR 619, 539, 548, 423, 616 | ICN-MHN 18326 | IMCN 5260
Astroblepus bellezaensis Ardila Rodríguez, 2015 X X X Ardila Rodríguez (2015a)
Astroblepus cacharas Ardila Rodríguez, 2011 X X X Ardila Rodríguez (2011c) | CAR 460
Astroblepus caquetae Fowler 1943 X X X Fowler (1943) | ANSP 70506, 70507-08
Astroblepus chapmani (Eigenmann, 1912) X X X - - Eigenmann (1912) | CAS 64658 [ex IU 12708a-c] | FMNH 56071 [ex CM 4863], 50672
Astroblepus chotae (Regan, 1904) - X - Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2013b)
Astroblepus cirratus (Regan, 1912) X X - X Regan (1912c) | BMNH 1912.3.2.7
Astroblepus curitiensis Ardila Rodríguez, 2015 X X X Ardila Rodríguez (2015b)
Astroblepus floridablancaensis Ardila Rodríguez, 2016 X X X Ardila Rodríguez (2016b) | CAR 660
Astroblepus frenatus Eigenmann, 1918 X X - X - Eigenmann (1918a) | FMNH 58384 [ex CM 7380]
Astroblepus grixalvii Humboldt, 1805 X X X - - Humboldt (1805)
Astroblepus guentheri (Boulenger, 1887) X X X - Boulenger (1887) | BMNH 1880.2.26.18-25
Astroblepus heterodon (Regan, 1908) X X X Regan (1908) | BMNH 1908.5.29.80
Astroblepus homodon (Regan, 1904) X X X - Regan (1904) | BMNH 1902.5.15.27
Astroblepus itae Ardila Rodríguez, 2011 X X X Ardila Rodríguez (2011e) | CAR 555, 432, 433, 435 | ICN-MHN 7844
Astroblepus jimenezae Ardila Rodríguez, 2013 X X X Ardila Rodríguez (2013a) | CAR 470, 542 | CIUA 756, 757, 758;
Astroblepus jurubidae Fowler, 1944 X X X Fowler (1944) | ANSP 71431
Astroblepus latidens Eigenmann, 1918 X X + - - Eigenmann (1918a) | FMNH 58366 [ex CM 7362], 58367-71, 69816 | CAS 64659 [ex IU 13678], 64689 [ex IU 13679]
Astroblepus mariae (Fowler, 1919) X X X - Fowler (1919) | ANSP 49368, 49369-84
Astroblepus marmoratus (Regan, 1904) X X X Regan (1904) | BMNH 1899.8.21.10-11
Astroblepus martinezi Ardila Rodríguez, 2013 X X X Ardila Rodríguez (2013a) | CAR 550,421 | MBUCV 35674
Astroblepus micrescens Eigenmann, 1918 X X - X Eigenmann (1918a) | CAS 64692 [ex IU 13686] | FMNH 58376 [ex CM 7372], 58377 [ex CM 7373]
Astroblepus mojicai Ardila Rodríguez, 2015 X X X Ardila Rodríguez (2015a)
Astroblepus nettoferreirai Ardila Rodríguez, 2015 X X X Ardila Rodríguez (2015a)
Astroblepus nicefori Myers, 1932 X X - X - Myers (1932) | SU 24796 | USNM 94178
Astroblepus onzagaensis Ardila Rodríguez, 2015 X X X Ardila Rodríguez (2015b)
Astroblepus orientalis (Boulenger, 1903) X Ortega-Lara et al. (2012)
Astroblepus pradai Ardila Rodríguez, 2015 X X X Ardila Rodríguez (2015b)
Astroblepus putumayoensis Ardila Rodríguez, 2015 X X X Ardila Rodríguez (2015a)
Astroblepus rengifoi Dahl, 1960 X X X Dahl (1960c)
Astroblepus retropinnus (Regan, 1908) X X X Regan (1908) | BMNH 1908.5.29.81–82 | IMCN 295
Astroblepus santanderensis Eigenmann, 1918 X X X Eigenmann (1918a) | FMNH 58433 [ex CM 7430], 58372-75, 58427-28, 58431-32 | CAS 47001 [ex IU 13741], 47002 [ex IU 13682], 60163 [ex IU 13740], 64696 [ex IU 13683], 64697 [ex IU 13684], 64698 [ex IU 13685]
Astroblepus trifasciatus (Eigenmann, 1912) X X - X - Eigenmann (1912) | AMNH 18667 [ex IU 12711] | CAS 64716-17 [ex IU 12711-12] | FMNH 56076 [ex CM 4868], 56077-78 | ?64718 | USNM 79198
Astroblepus unifasciatus (Eigenmann, 1912) X X - X - Eigenmann (1912) | FMNH 56079 [ex CM 4871], 56080, 69817 | CAS 64718 [ex IU 12713] | USNM 79199
Astroblepus ventralis (Eigenmann, 1912) X X - X Eigenmann (1912) | FMNH 56074 [ex CM 4866], 56073, 56075 | AMNH 18666 [ex IU 12710] (1) | CAS 47013 [ex CM 4865, IU 12709], 47014 [ex CM 4867a-g, IU 12710a-g]
Astroblepus verai Ardila Rodríguez, 2015 X X X Ardila Rodríguez (2015b)
Loricariidae187 spp (30 added and 24 deleted from 2008)
Pseudorinelepis genibarbis (Valenciennes, 1840) + X Ortega-Lara (2016) | Galvis et al. (2007a)
Acestridium colombiensis Retzer, 2005 X X X Retzer (2005) | FMNH 115255, 105169 | INHS 99093 | USNM 381314
*Acestridium dichromum Retzer, Nico & Provenzano, 1999 X X IAvH-P 9946-9948, 10704
Acestridium martini Retzer, Nico & Provenzano, 1999 X Lasso et al. (2005) | IAvH-P 9949-9951 | ICN-MHN 5333, 6328, 12380-12383,12817,12818, 12384, 12819
Hypoptopoma bianale Aquino & Schaefer, 2010 X Aquino and Schaefer (2010)
Hypoptopoma brevirostratum Aquino & Schaefer, 2010 X Aquino and Schaefer (2010)
Hypoptopoma gulare Cope, 1878 X Aquino and Schaefer (2010)
Hypoptopoma machadoi Aquino & Schaefer, 2010 X Aquino and Schaefer (2010)
Hypoptopoma spectabile (Eigenmann, 1914) X X Eigenmann (1914) | Aquino and Schaefer (2010)
Hypoptopoma steindachneri Boulenger, 1895 + - Aquino and Schaefer (2010)
Hypoptopoma sternoptychum (Schaefer, 1996) X Schaefer (1996)
Hypoptopoma thoracatum Günther, 1868 X Aquino and Schaefer (2010)
Otocinclus batmani Lehmann A., 2006 X Lehmann (2006) | ICN-MHN 6721, 6722 | ANSP 178616 | MCP 28172, 34087 | MHNUC 474
Otocinclus huaorani Schaefer, 1997 X X Galvis et al. (2007b) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2013a)
Otocinclus macrospilus Eigenmann & Allen, 1942 X Mojica et al. (2005)
Otocinclus vestitus Cope, 1872 X Mojica et al. (2005)
Otocinclus vittatus Regan, 1904 X Galvis et al. (2007a)
Oxyropsis acutirostra Miranda Ribeiro, 1951 - X Aquino and Schaefer (2002)
Oxyropsis carinata (Steindachner, 1879) X Mojica et al. (2005)
Oxyropsis wrightiana Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1889 X Aquino and Schaefer (2002)
Parotocinclus eppleyi Schaefer & Provenzano, 1993 X Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
Parotocinclus variola Lehmann, Schvambach & Reis, 2015 X X X Lehmann et al. (2015)
Farlowella acus (Kner, 1854) X MPUJ 6067, 6083, 6089, 6095
Farlowella amazona (Günther, 1864) X Arbeláez et al. (2004)
Farlowella colombiensis Retzer & Page, 1997 X X - X Retzer and Page (1997) | ANSP 88080 | CAS 123733, 169739 [ex CAS 123733] | ICN-MHN 17113 | INHS 32939 [ex ASNP 88080];
Farlowella curtirostra Myers, 1942 X Ortega-Lara et al. (2012)
Farlowella gracilis Regan, 1904 X X X - Regan (1904) | BMNH 1902.5.29.180
Farlowella mariaelenae Martín Salazar, 1964 X Retzer and Page (1997)
Farlowella mitoupibo Ballen, Urbano-Bonilla & Zamudio, 2016 X X X Ballen et al. (2016b) | MPUJ 8481
Farlowella nattereri Steindachner, 1910 X Retzer and Page (1997)
Farlowella oxyrryncha (Kner, 1853) X - Arbeláez et al. (2004)
Farlowella smithi Fowler, 1913 X Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2006a) | ICN-MHN 5748 | IAvH-P 490
*Farlowella taphorni Retzer & Page, 1997 X IAvH-P 9800, 9801
Farlowella vittata Myers, 1942 X Retzer and Page (1997) | Cala (1977)
Farlowella yarigui Ballen & Mojica, 2014 X X X Ballen and Mojica (2014) | ICN-MHN 17819, 17789, 18889
*Lamontichthys filamentosus (La Monte, 1935) X IAvH-P 1610, 1617
Lamontichthys llanero Taphorn & Lilyestrom, 1984 X Urbano-Bonilla et al. (2009).
Lamontichthys maracaibero Taphorn & Lilyestrom, 1984 X Ortega-Lara et al. (2012)
Sturisoma caquetae (Fowler, 1945) X X X Fowler (1945) | ANSP 71719
Sturisoma tenuirostre (Steindachner, 1910) X Cala (1977)
Sturisomatichthys aureus (Steindachner, 1900) X X X - X Steindachner (1900) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006b)
Sturisomatichthys festivus (Myers, 1942) X Ortega-Lara et al. (2012)
Sturisomatichthys leightoni (Regan, 1912) X X X X Regan (1912c) | Eigenmann (1922) | BMNH 1909.7.23.45, 1909.7.23.46-4
Sturisomatichthys panamensis (Eigenmann & Eigenmann, 1889) X X X Eigenmann (1922) | Regan (1913)
Sturisomatichthys tamanae (Regan, 1912) X X - X - Regan (1912c) | BMNH 1910.7.11.133, BMNH 1910.7.11.134
Crossoloricaria cephalaspis Isbrücker, 1979 X X - + Isbrücker (1979) | BMNH 1947.7.1.228
Crossoloricaria variegata (Steindachner, 1879) X X X Eigenmann (1922) | Regan (1914)
Crossoloricaria venezuelae (Schultz, 1944) X Ortega-Lara et al. (2012)
Dasyloricaria filamentosa (Steindachner, 1878) X X Steindachner (1878) | Londoño-Burbano and Reis (2016)
Dasyloricaria latiura (Eigenmann & Vance, 1912) - X Eigenmann (1912) | FMNH 55115 | USNM 79219
Dasyloricaria paucisquama Londoño-Burbano & Reis, 2016 X X X Londoño-Burbano and Reis (2016)
Dentectus barbarmatus Mártin Salazar, Isbrücker & Nijssen, 1982 X Urbano-Bonilla et al. (2009).
Hemiodontichthys acipenserinus (Kner, 1853) X Mojica et al. (2005)
Limatulichthys griseus (Eigenmann, 1909) X X Mojica et al. (2005) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
Loricaria cataphracta Linnaeus, 1758 X X Galvis et al. (2007b) | Galvis et al. (2007a)
Loricaria nickeriensis Isbrücker, 1979 X Mojica et al. (2005)
Loricaria simillima Regan, 1904 X Urbano-Bonilla et al. (2009).
Loricariichthys brunneus (Hancock, 1828) X Galvis et al. (2007a)
*Loricariichthys hauxwelli (Hancock, 1828) X IAvH-P 12562
Pseudohemiodon Bleeker, 1862 X Urbano-Bonilla et al. (2009).
Rhadinoloricaria laani (Nijssen & Isbrücker, 1988) - X Nijssen and Isbrücker (1988) | ANSP 131483, 131484, 157750, 157940-41
Rhadinoloricaria listrorhinos (Nijssen & Isbrücker, 1988) X X - X Nijssen and Isbrücker (1988) | ANSP 131482
Rhadinoloricaria rhami (Isbrücker & Nijssen, 1983) X Mojica et al. (2005)
Rineloricaria castroi Isbrücker & Nijssen, 1984 X Arbeláez et al. (2004)
*Rineloricaria daraha Rapp Py-Daniel & Fichberg, 2008 X Bogotá-Gregory et al. (2016)
Rineloricaria eigenmanni (Pellegrin, 1908) X Galvis et al. (2007a)
Rineloricaria formosa Isbrücker & Nijssen, 1979 - X Isbrücker and Nijssen (1979) | FMNH 83713, 83714-15 | IRSNB 608-609 | MZUSP [ex IRSNB 608, MZUSP ex IRSNB 609] | ZMA 114922-23, 115182, 115196-97 | ZSM 25821
Rineloricaria jubata (Boulenger, 1902) X X Eigenmann (1922) | Regan (1914)
Rineloricaria lanceolata (Günther, 1868) X Arbeláez et al. (2004)
Rineloricaria magdalenae (Steindachner, 1879) X - X Steindachner (1879a) | Eigenmann (1922)
Rineloricaria rupestris (Schultz, 1944) X Ortega-Lara et al. (2012)
Rineloricaria sneiderni (Fowler, 1944) X X X Fowler (1944) | ANSP 71433, 71434
Spatuloricaria atratoensis Schultz, 1944 X X X Schultz (1944b) | USNM 93810
Spatuloricaria caquetae (Fowler, 1943) X X X Fowler (1943) | ANSP 70526, 70527
Spatuloricaria curvispina (Dahl, 1942) X X X Dahl (1942)
Spatuloricaria euacanthagenys Isbrücker, 1979 X X X Fowler (1943)
Spatuloricaria gymnogaster (Eigenmann & Vance, 1912) X X X X Eigenmann (1912) | Villa-Navarro et al. (2006)
Spatuloricaria fimbriata (Eigenmann & Vance, 1912) X X Eigenmann (1912) | Miles (1947)
Spatuloricaria lagoichthys (Schultz, 1944) X Miles (1947)
Spatuloricaria phelpsi Schultz, 1944 X Ortega-Lara et al. (2012)
Acanthicus hystrix Spix & Agassiz, 1829 X X Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2005) | Cala (1977) | ICN-MHN 596 | IAvH-P 2301
Baryancistrus beggini Lujan, Arce & Armbruster, 2009 X Lujan et al. (2009)
Baryancistrus demantoides Werneke, Sabaj Pérez, Lujan & Armbruster, 2005 X Ajiaco-Martínez et al. (2012c) | Ortega-Lara (2016)
Chaetostoma aburrense (Posada, 1909) X X X Posada (1909)
Chaetostoma anale (Fowler, 1943) X X X Fowler (1943) | ANSP 70525
Chaetostoma anomalum Regan, 1903 X Ortega-Lara et al. (2012)
Chaetostoma brevilabiatum Dahl, 1942 X X X Dahl (1943)
Chaetostoma dorsale Eigenmann, 1922 X Urbano-Bonilla et al. (2009).
Chaetostoma fischeri Steindachner, 1879 X X X Eigenmann (1922)
Chaetostoma floridablancaense Ardila Rodríguez, 2013 X X X Ardila Rodríguez (2013b) | CAR 633, 104, 105, 417 | MBUCV 35676 | IMCN 5676
Chaetostoma formosae Ballen, 2011 X X X Ballen (2011) | ICN-MHN 17114
Chaetostoma joropo Ballen, Urbano-Bonilla & Maldonado-Ocampo, 2016 X X X Ballen et al. (2016a)
Chaetostoma lepturum Regan, 1912 X X X Regan (1912c) | BMNH 1910.7.11.116–118
Chaetostoma leucomelas Eigenmann, 1918 X X X X X Eigenmann (1918a) | Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006b) | Miles (1947)
Chaetostoma marginatum Regan, 1904 - X Regan (1913)
Chaetostoma milesi Fowler, 1941 X X - X Fowler (1941) | ANSP 69330
Chaetostoma niveum Fowler, 1944 X X X Fowler (1944) | ANSP 71432
Chaetostoma palmeri Regan, 1912 X X X Regan (1912c) | BMNH 1910.7.11.120–121
Chaetostoma patiae Fowler, 1945 X X X Fowler (1945) | ANSP 71716, 71717
Chaetostoma paucispinis Regan, 1912 X X X Regan (1912c) | BMNH 1910.7.11.119
Chaetostoma platyrhynchus (Fowler, 1943) X + Fowler (1943) | ANSP 70512, 70513-15
Chaetostoma setosum Boulenger, 1887 X X - + Boulenger (1887) | BMNH 1880.2.26.9-10
Chaetostoma sovichthys Schultz, 1944 X Ballen (2011)
Chaetostoma tachiraense Schultz, 1944 X Ortega-Lara et al. (2012)
Chaetostoma thomsoni Regan, 1904 X X X Regan (1904) | BMNH 1902.5.15.28-30
Chaetostoma vagum Fowler, 1943 X X X Fowler (1943)
Cordylancistrus daguae (Eigenmann, 1912) X X - X Eigenmann (1912) | FMNH 56052 [ex CM 4842], 56053-54 | CAS 56745 [ex IU 12698], 74161 [ex IU 12699]
Cordylancistrus pijao Provenzano R. & Villa-Navarro, 2017 X X X Provenzano R. and Villa-Navarro (2017)
Dolichancistrus atratoensis (Dahl, 1960) X X X Dahl (1960c) | ICN-MHN 51, 46 (now apparently 48)
Dolichancistrus carnegiei (Eigenmann, 1916) X X X Eigenmann (1916) | FMNH 58350 [ex CM 7346], 58351 | CAS 77344 [ex IU 13661], 77345 [ex IU 13662]
Dolichancistrus cobrensis (Schultz, 1944) + X Ballen and Vari (2012) | ICN-MHN 18009
Dolichancistrus fuesslii (Steindachner, 1911) X X X Steindachner (1911) | NMW 48026
Hemiancistrusguahiborum Werneke, Armbruster, Lujan & Taphorn, 2005 X Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2006a)
*‘Hemiancistrussubviridis Werneke, Sabaj, Lujan & Armbruster, 2005 X IMCN 5897, 6094, 6189, 6195, 6196, 6284, 6574, 6575
Hypancistrus contradens Armbruster, Lujan & Taphorn, 2007 X Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2008)
Hypancistrus debilittera Armbruster, Lujan & Taphorn, 2007 X Ortega-Lara (2016) | IAvH-P 12471
*Hypancistrus furunculus Armbruster, Lujan & Taphorn, 2007 X Ortega-Lara (2016) | IMCN 5828, 6017, 6018, 6297, 6298, 6299, 6300
*Hypancistrus inspector Armbruster, 2002 X Ortega-Lara (2016)
Hypancistrus lunaorum Armbruster, Lujan & Taphorn, 2007 X Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2008) | IAvH-P 7044
Leporacanthicus galaxias Isbrücker & Nijssen, 1989 X IAvH-P 7041
*Leporacanthicus triactis Isbrücker, Nijssen & Nico, 1992 X IMCN 5772, 5773, 5774
*Leptoancistrus canensis (Meek & Hildebrand, 1913) X Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2013b)
Leptoancistrus cordobensis Dahl, 1964 X X X X Dahl and Medem (1964) | IMCN 233, 250
Panaque cochliodon (Steindachner, 1879) X X X X Steindachner (1879b) | NMW 47297-98
Panaque nigrolineatus (Peters, 1877) X Lujan et al. (2010) | Cala (1977)
Panaque suttonorum Schultz, 1944 X Lujan et al. (2010)
*Panaque titan Lujan, Hidalgo & Stewart 2010 X IMCN 6059
Panaqolus albomaculatus (Kanazawa, 1958) X Galvis et al. (2007b)
Panaqolus maccus Schaefer & Stewart, 1993 X Urbano-Bonilla et al. (2009).
Peckoltia brevis (La Monte, 1935) X Armbruster (2008)
*Peckoltia caenosa Armbruster, 2008 X IMCN 7061
Peckoltia lineola Armbruster, 2008 X Armbruster (2008)
Peckoltia lujani Armbruster, Werneke & Tan, 2015 X Armbruster et al. (2015)
Peckoltia sabaji Armbruster, 2003 X Urbano-Bonilla et al. (2009).
Peckoltia vittata (Steindachner, 1881) X Armbruster (2008)
Peckoltichthys bachi (Boulenger, 1898) X Armbruster (2008)
Parancistrus Bleeker, 1862 X Galvis et al. (2007a)
*Pseudoancistrus sidereus Armbruster, 2004 X IMCN 6232, 6234
Aphanotorulus ammophilus Armbruster & Page, 1996 X Maldonado-Ocampo et al. (2008)
Aphanotorulus emarginatus (Valenciennes, 1840) X X Bogotá-Gregory and Maldonado-Ocampo (2006a) | Ray and Armbruster (2016) | ICN-MHN 2543
Aphanotorulus horridus (Kner, 1854) X Ray and Armbruster (2016)
Aphanotorulus unicolor (Steindachner, 1908) X Ray and Armbruster (2016)
Hypostomus annectens (Regan, 1904) X Eigenmann (1922)
Hypostomus argus (Fowler, 1943) - X