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Article title
Materials and methods
Specimens of Porcellio scaber
Sample preparation and imaging by light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy
Measurements of structural characteristics of adherens and septate junctions
Scoring of the SJs’ architecture by semiquantitative criteria
The ultrastructure of intercellular junctions in the epidermis of tergites in intermoult adult animals
Early stages of SJ formation and the structure of AJs in the embryonic epidermis
Formation of long arrays of septa and remodelling of SJs is characteristic for early postembryonic developmental stages
Continuous and discontinuous long arrays of septa are characteristic for SJs in postmarsupial manca stages
The ultrastructure of SJs in P. scaber tergite epidermis
The formation of SJs in the epidermis of P. scaber during embryonic and postembryonic development involves a gradual increase in the abundance of the septa and the formation of continuous arrays
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