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Seth Kwaku Tsatsu, Guy F. Sutton, Leani Serfontein, Pia Addison, Marc De Meyer, Massimiliano Virgilio, Aruna Manrakhan (2024)
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A First Checklist of the Dacine Fruit Flies (Diptera, Tephritidae, Dacinae) of Tanzania.
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Samuel Nanga Nanga, Rachid Hanna, Apollin Fotso Kuate, Komi K. M. Fiaboe, Ibrahim Nchoutnji, Michel Ndjab, Désiré Gnanvossou, Samira A. Mohamed, Sunday Ekesi, Champlain Djieto-Lordon (2022)
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Marc De Meyer (2016)
Fruit Fly Research and Development in Africa - Towards a Sustainable Management Strategy to Improve Horticulture.
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Massimiliano Virgilio (2016)
Fruit Fly Research and Development in Africa - Towards a Sustainable Management Strategy to Improve Horticulture.
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David Midgarden, Alies van Sauers-Muller, Maria Julia Signoretti Godoy, Jean-François Vayssières (2016)
Fruit Fly Research and Development in Africa - Towards a Sustainable Management Strategy to Improve Horticulture.
Chapter 31: 705.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-43226-7_31
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