Jong Bong Choi, Eun Joong Kim, Jinyoung Park, Jong Kyun Park (2020)
Taxonomic review of the subtribe Physoderina Chaudoir, 1877 (Coleoptera: Carabidae) from Korea.
Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity13: 234.
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Yuyao Qin, Christoph Germann, Hongbin Liang (2022)
Key to the Chinese species of the subgenus Sphodromimus Casale, 1984 (Carabidae, Chlaeniini, Chlaenius) with descriptions of two new species.
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Muneeb M. Musthafa, Fauziah Abdullah, Ana Paola Martínez-Falcón, Mark de Bruyn (2021)
How mountains and elevations shape the spatial distribution of beetles in Peninsular Malaysia.
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Jong Bong Choi, Eun Young Choi, Taeyeong Kwon, Chang Hoe Jeong, Sung Nam Oh, Gyu Young Han, Myeong Cheol Kim, Jong Kyun Park (2022)
A checklist of the family Carabidae (Coleoptera: Adephaga: Caraboidea) from Cambodia.
Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity15: 180.
DOI: 10.1016/j.japb.2021.12.007
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