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Psalmopoeus chronoarachne sp. nov. female holotype (ZSFQ-i11704), spermatheca A dorsal view B ventral view C apical view. Abbreviation: iLB, ill-defined lobe. Scale bars: 0.2 mm.

Psalmopoeus chronoarachne sp. nov. female holotype (ZSFQ-i11704): Maxillae (left side) showing maxillary lyra. Scale bar: 0.2 mm.

Psalmopoeus chronoarachne sp. nov. female holotype (ZSFQ-i11704), live habitus A dorsolateral view B dorsal view. Scale bars: 10 mm.

Psalmopoeus satanas sp. nov. male holotype (ZSFQ-i12150), palpal bulb (right hand side), arrow indicates ventral dilatation of embolus A prolateral view B retrolateral view C dorsal view D ventral view. Scale bars: 1.5 mm.

Psalmopoeus satanas sp. nov. male holotype (ZSFQ-i12150), tibial apophysis (left hand side) A retrolateral view B dorsal view C dorso-retrolateral view D prolateral view. Scale bars: 5 mm.

Psalmopoeus satanas sp. nov. male holotype (ZSFQ-i12150), live habitus A dorsolateral view B dorsal view. Scale bars: 10 mm.

Psalmopoeus satanas sp. nov. Maxillae showing maxillary lyra A male holotype (ZSFQ-i12150) (right hand side) B female paratype (QCAZ-i274324) (left side). Scale bars: 0.4 mm (A), 0.2 mm (B).

Psalmopoeus satanas sp. nov. female paratype (QCAZ-i274324), spermatheca A dorsal view B ventral view. Abbreviations: iLB, ill-defined lobe; wLB, well-defined lobe. Scale bars: 2 mm.

Psalmopoeus satanas sp. nov. female paratype, habitus and previous examinator labels. Scale bar: 15 mm.

Psalmopoeus ecclesiasticus non-type female (QCAZ-i274322), spermatheca A dorsal view B ventral view. Scale bars: 2 mm.

Distribution of the genus Psalmopoeus Pocock, 1895 in Ecuador, including biogeographical regions of Ecuador. White star = Reserva Otongachi, type locality of P. satanas sp. nov.; White triangle = Localities of P. satanas sp. nov. paratypes; Black star = Hacienda La Mariela, type locality of P. chronoarachne; Yellow star = Rio Sapayo, type locality of P. ecclesiasticus; Yellow circle = Carondelet, historical record of P. ecclesiasticus; Yellow squares = Additional records of P. ecclesiasticus.

Distribution of the genus Psalmopoeus Pocock, 1895 in Ecuador, including mining concessions and cropland use. White star = Reserva Otongachi, type locality of P. satanas sp. nov.; White triangle = localities of P. satanas sp. nov. paratypes; black star = Hacienda La Mariela, type locality of P. chronoarachne; yellow star = Rio Sapayo, type locality of P. ecclesiasticus; yellow circle = Carondelet, historical record of P. ecclesiasticus; yellow squares = additional records of P. ecclesiasticus.