Annual awards for Best Cited Articles and Most Active Editors

In recognition of the valuable contributions we have been continuously receiving at ZooKeys, this year, we start an annual tradition where we award the best performing authors and editors at our journal.
From now on, each December, we will be awarding vouchers for a free publication to the first authors1 behind the top three most cited 3-year-old2 publications, according to Web of Science data, and the three editors3 who have completed the most editorial tasks in the preceding year.
This year, we are awarding the authors behind the top three most cited papers published in 2018:
- Mapping the expansion of coyotes (Canis latrans) across North and Central America (69 citations)
- Description of Triatoma mopan sp. n. from a cave in Belize (Hemiptera, Reduviidae, Triatominae) (44 citations)
- North American Xyleborini north of Mexico: a review and key to genera and species (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Scolytinae) (39 citations)
We encourage the awarded authors to use the voucher with their co-authors in a shared authorship. The awardees are not required to be lead authors of the new submission to use their vouchers. They are also welcome to inform us if they wish to pass their voucher to any of their co-authors, in case they do not intend to redeem the voucher themselves.
We are also delighted to award the most active editors at ZooKeys from 2020:
- Kees van Achterberg (18 edited manuscripts)
- Annemarie Ohler (14 edited manuscripts)
- Nina Bogutskaya (12 edited manuscripts)
We’ll be back next year, when we will award the most cited papers published in 2019 and the most active editors from 2021!
1 In case the third place is shared by multiple papers, we are awarding the most recently published one in recognition of its addressing a particularly ‘hot’ topic in zoology.
2 We assume that this is the minimum period for an article to accumulate a prominent amount of citations.
3 If multiple editors share the third place in the ranking, the award is given to the one with the highest all-time record at ZooKeys.