Amphipoda from the IceAGE-project (Icelandic marine Animals: Genetics and Ecology)
Edited by Saskia Brix, Anne-Nina Lörz, Bente Stransky, Jörundur Svavarsson
Amphipods are found in almost all aquatic environments, from beach level down to deepest trenches. About 80% of the total amphipod species diversity live in the marine environment and are the most common crustacean order in most deep sea regions. Considering threats to biodiversity, new knowledge of existing species and discovery of undescribed species from existing long-time collections and the subsequent study are urgently required. This special Issue on marine Amphipoda was inititated during the IceAGE amphipod determination workshop in the frame of the IceAGE project (Icelandic marine Animals: Genetics and Ecology) and invites amphipodologists worldwide to contribute with their work.
Saskia Brix,
Anne-Nina Lörz,
Anna M. Jażdżewska,
Lauren Hughes,
Anne Helene S. Tandberg,
Krzysztof Pabis,
Bente Stransky,
Traudl Krapp-Schickel,
Jean Claude Sorbe,
Ed Hendrycks,
Wim Vader,
Inmaculada Frutos,
Tammy Horton,
Krzysztof Jażdżewski,
Rachael Peart,
Jan Beermann,
Charles Oliver Coleman,
Lene Buhl-Mortensen,
Laure Corbari,
Charlotte Havermans,
Ramiro Tato,
Anali Jimenez Campean
Unique: 5188 | Total: 9296
| Access Period:
Anna M. Jażdżewska,
Laure Corbari,
Amy Driskell,
Inmaculada Frutos,
Charlotte Havermans,
Ed Hendrycks,
Lauren Hughes,
Anne-Nina Lörz,
Bente Stransky,
Anne Helene S. Tandberg,
Wim Vader,
Saskia Brix
Unique: 3621 | Total: 6876
| Access Period:
Unique: 4293 | Total: 7140
| Access Period:
Unique: 3518 | Total: 5393
| Access Period:
Unique: 3015 | Total: 4733
| Access Period:
Unique: 3592 | Total: 5655
| Access Period: