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Ornithocheirus simus. A–D holotype CAMSM B54428 (Albian, Cambridge Greensand), anterior part of the rostrum A left lateral view B respective line drawing C ventral view D respective line drawing E–H referred specimen CAMSM B54552 (Albian, Cambridge Greensand), anterior part of the rostrum E anterior view F respective line drawing G left lateral view H respective line drawing. Abbreviations: m – maxillae, pm – premaxillae. Arrows and numbers indicate alveoli or teeth and their respective position. Scale bar = 10 mm.
Ornithocheirus simus. A–D referred specimen CAMSM 54429 (Albian, Cambridge Greensand), anterior part of the rostrum A right lateral view B respective line drawing C anterior view D respective line drawing E–H referred specimen CAMSM 54677 (Albian, Cambridge Greensand), anterior part of the rostrum E right lateral view F respective line drawing G anterior view H respective line drawing. Abbreviations: m – maxillae, pm – premaxillae. Arrows and numbers indicate alveoli or teeth and their respective position. Scale bar = 10 mm.
Ornithocheirus simus. A–D referred specimen MANCH L10832 (Albian, Cambridge Greensand), anterior part of the rostrum A left lateral view B respective line drawing C anterior view D respective line drawing E–H referred specimen NHMUK PV 35412 (Albian, Cambridge Greensand), anterior part of the rostrum E right lateral view F respective line drawing G anterior view H respective line drawing. Abbreviations: m – maxillae, pm – premaxillae. Arrows and numbers indicate alveoli or teeth and their respective position. Scale bar = 10 mm. Photos E and G courtesy of The Natural History Museum.
Lonchodraco giganteus comb. n. Lectotype NHMUK PV 39412 (Cenomanian / Turonian, Chalk Formation). A–F articulated anterior parts of the rostrum and mandible A right lateral view B respective line drawing C left lateral view D respective line drawing E anterior view F respective line drawing G associated scapulocoracoid in posterior view. Abbreviations: ch – choanae, cor – coracoid, d – dentary, dcr – dentary crest, m – maxillae, pl – palatine, pm – premaxillae, pmcr – premaxillaery crest, prid – palatal ridge, sca – scapula. Arrows indicate alveoli or teeth. Scale bar = 10 mm. Photos courtesy of The Natural History Museum.
Lonchodraco machaerorhynchus comb. n. Holotype CAMSM B54855 (Albian, Cambridge Greensand), fragment of the mandibular symphysis A right lateral view B respective line drawing C dorsal view D respective line drawing E ventral view F respective line drawing. Abbreviations: d – dentary, dcr – dentary crest, sul – sulcus. Arrows indicate alveoli or teeth. Scale bar = 10 mm.
Lonchodraco(?) microdon comb. n. A–F holotype CAMSM B54486 (Albian, Cambridge Greensand), anterior fragment of the rostrum A ventral view B respective line drawing C anterior view D respective line drawing E posterior view F respective line drawing. In B dashed lines indicate the portion lost since the original description G–L referred specimen CAMSM B 54439 (Albian, Cambridge Greensand), anterior fragment of the rostrum G ventral view H respective line drawing I anterior view J respective line drawing K posterior view L respective line drawing. Abbreviation: prid – palatal ridge. Arrows indicate alveoli or teeth. Scale bar = 10 mm.
Coloborhynchus clavirostris. Holotype, NHMUK PV R 1822 (late Berriasian / Valanginian, Hastings Group), anterior part of the rostrum A anterior view B respective line drawing C left lateral view D respective line drawing. Abbreviations: dep – depression, m – maxillae, pm – premaxillae, pmcr – premaxillaery crest, prid – palatal ridge. Arrows and numbers indicate alveoli or teeth and their respective position. Scale bar = 10 mm. Photos courtesy of The Natural History Museum.
‘Ornithocheirus’ capito. A–F holotype CAMSM B 54625 (Albian, Cambridge Greensand), anterior part of the rostrum A right lateral view B respective line drawing C ventral view D respective line drawing E anterior view F respective line drawing. G–J referred specimen, whereabout unknown, holotype of Ornithocheirus reedi (Albian, Cambridge Greensand), anterior part of the rostrum G anterior view H respective line drawing I right lateral view J respective line drawing. Abbreviations: dep – depression, m – maxillae, pm – premaxillae, pmcr – premaxillary crest. Arrows and numbers indicate alveoli or teeth and their respective position. Scale bar = 10 mm. G and I from Seeley 1881.
Camposipterus nasutus comb. n. Holotype CAMSM B 54556 (Albian, Cambridge Greensand), anterior part of the rostrum A left lateral view B respective line drawing C ventral view D respective line drawing. Abbreviations: m – maxillae, pm – premaxillae, prid – palatal ridge. Arrows and numbers indicate alveoli or teeth and their respective position. Scale bar = 10 mm.
A–D Camposipterus(?) sedgwickii comb. n., holotype CAMSM B54422 (Albian, Cambridge Greensand), anterior part of the rostrum. A right lateral B respective line drawing C ventral view D respective line drawing. E–H Camposipterus(?) colorhinus comb. n., syntype CAMSM B54431 (Albian, Cambridge Greensand), anterior part of the rostrum E left lateral view F respective line drawing G ventral view H respective line drawing. Abbreviations: dep – depression, m – maxillae, pm – premaxillae, prid – palatal ridge. Arrows and numbers indicate alveoli or teeth and their respective position. Scale bar = 10 mm.
Cimoliopterus cuvieri. Holotype NHMUK PV 39409 (Cenomanian / Turonian, Chalk Formation), anterior part of the rostrum A right lateral view B respective line drawing C ventral view D respective line drawing. Abbreviations: m – maxillae, pm – premaxillae, pmcr – premaxillary crest, prid – palatal ridge. Arrows and numbers indicate alveoli or teeth and their respective position. Scale bar = 10 mm. Photos courtesy of The Natural History Museum.
A–D ‘Ornithocheirus’ polyodon, holotype CAMSM B54440 (Albian, Cambridge Greensand), anterior part of the rostrum. A right lateral view B respective line drawing C ventral view D respective line drawing. E–H ‘Ornithocheirus’ platystomus, holotype CAMSM B54835 (Albian, Cambridge Greensand), anterior part of the rostrum E right lateral view F respective line drawing G ventral view H respective line drawing. Abbreviations: m – maxillae, pm – premaxillae, prid – palatal ridge. Arrows and numbers indicate alveoli or teeth and their respective position. Scale bar = 10 mm.
A–D ‘Pterodactylus’ daviesii, holotype NHMUK PV 43074 (Albian, Gault Clay Formation), anterior part of the mandibular symphysis. A right lateral view B respective line drawing C dorsal view D respective line drawing. E–H ‘Ornithocheirus’ denticulatus, holotype ?CAMSM B 54794 (Albian, Cambridge Greensand), anterior part of the rostrum E ventral view F respective line drawing G right lateral view H respective line drawing. Abbreviations: m – maxillae, pm – premaxillae, prid– palatal ridge, sul – sulcus. Arrows and numbers indicate alveoli or teeth and their respective position. Scale bar = 10 mm. E and G from Seeley 1870. Photos A and C courtesy of The Natural History Museum.
Pterodactylus compressirostris, holotype NHMUK PV 39410 (Cenomanian / Turonian, Chalk Formation). A–D proposed lectotype, fragment of the mandibular symphysis A left lateral view B respective line drawing C dorsal view D respective line drawing. E–H referred specimen, portion of the rostrum E left lateral view F respective line drawing G ventral view H respective line drawing. Abbreviations: ch – choanae, d – dentary, m – maxillae, naof – nasoantorbital fenestra, pl – palatine, pm – premaxillae, prid – palatal ridge, sul– sulcus. Arrows indicate alveoli or teeth. Scale bar = 10 mm. Photos courtesy of The Natural History Museum.
A–D Pterodactylus fittoni, holotype CAMSM B54423 (Albian, Cambridge Greensand), anterior part of the rostrum. A right lateral view B respective line drawing C ventral view D respective line drawing. E–H Ornithocheirus woodwardi, holotype CAMSM B 54433a (Albian, Cambridge Greensand), anterior part of the rostrum E anterior view F respective line drawing G right lateral view H respective line drawing. Abbreviations: m – maxillae, pm – premaxillae, prid – palatal ridge. Arrows and numbers indicate alveoli or teeth and their respective position. Scale bar = 10 mm.
A–D Ornithocheirus brachyrhinus, holotype CAMSM B54443 (Albian, Cambridge Greensand), anterior part of the rostrum. A right lateral view B respective line drawing C ventral view D respective line drawing. E–H Ornithocheirus carteri, holotype CAMSM B 54437 (Albian, Cambridge Greensand), anterior part of the rostrum E anterior view F respective line drawing G left lateral view H respective line drawing. Abbreviations: m – maxillae, pm – premaxillae, prid – palatal ridge. Arrows and numbers indicate alveoli or teeth and their respective position. Scale bar = 10 mm.
A–D Ornithocheirus crassidens, holotype CAMSM B 54499 (Albian, Cambridge Greensand), anterior fragment of the rostrum. A right lateral view B respective line drawing C ventral view D respective line drawing. E–H Ornithocheirus dentatus, holotype CAMSM B 54544 (Albian, Cambridge Greensand), anterior part of the rostrum E right lateral view F respective line drawing G ventral view H respective line drawing. Abbreviations:: m – maxillae, pm – premaxillae, prid – palatal ridge. Arrows and numbers indicate alveoli or teeth and their respective position. Scale bar = 10 mm.
A–D Ornithocheirus enchorhynchus, holotype CAMSM B 54444 (Albian, Cambridge Greensand), anterior part of the rostrum. A right lateral view B respective line drawing C ventral view D respective line drawing. E–H Ornithocheirus eurygnathus, holotype CAMSM B54644 (Albian, Cambridge Greensand), anterior part of the rostrum E ?right lateral view F respective line drawing G ?ventral view H respective line drawing. Abbreviations: m – maxillae, pm – premaxillae. Arrows and numbers indicate alveoli or teeth and their respective position. Scale bar = 10 mm.
A–B Ornithocheirus oxyrhinus, holotype CAMSM B 54612 (Albian, Cambridge Greensand), anterior part of the rostrum. A ventral view B respective line drawing. C–E Ornithocheirus scaphorhynchus, holotype CAMSM B 54441 (Albian, Cambridge Greensand), anterior part of the rostrum C ventral view D respective line drawing E line drawing in posterior view. F–I Ornithocheirus tenuirostris, holotype CAMSM B 54584 (Albian, Cambridge Greensand), anterior part of the rostrum F right lateral view G respective line drawing H ventral view I respective line drawing. J–K Ornithocheirus xyphorhynchus, holotype (Albian, Cambridge Greensand), anterior part of the rostrum J lateral view K dorsal view. Abbreviations: m – maxillae, pm – premaxillae, prid – palatal ridge, sul – sulcus. Arrows and numbers indicate alveoli or teeth and their respective position. Scale bar = 10 mm. J and K from Seeley 1881.
Pterodactylus sagittirostris, holotype NHMUK PV R 1823 (upper Berriasian / Valangianian, Hastings Group), part of the mandibular rami. A right lateral view B respective line drawing C left lateral view D respective line drawing E ventral view. Abbreviation: d – dentary. Arrows indicate alveoli or teeth. Scale bar = 10 mm. Photos courtesy of The Natural History Museum.
‘Ornithocheirus’ wiedenrothi, holotype SMNS 56628 (Hauterivian, Engelbostel clay pit, Hannover), anterior part of the mandibular symphysis. A dorsal view B respective line drawing C left lateral view D respective line drawing. Abbreviations: d – dentary, sul – sulcus. Arrows and numbers indicate alveoli or teeth and their respective position. Scale bar = 10 mm.
Comparison between Ornithocheirus simus and Tropeognathus mesembrinus. A and C Ornithocheirus simus, holotype CAMSM B54428 (Albian, Cambridge Greensand), anterior part of the rostrum A anterior view C ventral view B and D Tropeognathus mesembrinus, holotype BSP 1987 I 46 (Aptian / Albian, Romualdo Formation), anterior part of the rostrum B anterior view D ventral view. Arrows and numbers mark the position of the first pair of alveoli. Scale bar = 10 mm.