Research Article |
Corresponding author: Magdi S. El-Hawagry ( ) Academic editor: Torsten Dikow
© 2016 Magdi S. El-Hawagry, Mahmoud S. Abdel-Dayem, Ali A. Elgharbawy, Hathal M. Al Dhafer.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
El-Hawagry MS, Abdel-Dayem MS, Elgharbawy AA, Dhafer HM (2016) A preliminary account of the fly fauna in Jabal Shada al-A’la Nature Reserve, Saudi Arabia, with new records and biogeographical remarks (Diptera, Insecta). ZooKeys 636: 107-139.
The first list of insects of Al-Baha Province, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) was published in 2013 and contained a total of 582 species; an addendum to this list was published in 2015 adding 142 species and bringing the total number recorded from the province to 724 insect species representing 17 orders. The previous two studies excluded Jabal Shada al-A’la Nature Reserve (SANR), so the present study in SANR, as belonging to Al-Baha Province, are complementary to the previous two. The present study presents a preliminary list of Diptera (Insecta) in SANR, with remarks on their zoogeography, and is the first of a series of planned ecological and systematic studies on different insect orders as one of the outputs of a project proposed to study the entire insect fauna of SANR.
A total number of 119 Diptera species belonging to 87 genera, 31 tribes, 42 subfamilies, and representing 30 families has been recorded from SANR in the present study. Some species have been identified only to the genus level and listed herein only because this is the first time to record their genera in KSA. Fourteen of the species are recorded for the first time for KSA, namely: Forcipomyia sahariensis Kieffer, 1923 [Ceratopogonidae]; Chaetosciara sp. [Sciaridae]; Neolophonotus sp.1; Neolophonotus sp.2; Promachus sinaiticus Efflatoun, 1934; Saropogon longicornis (Macquart, 1838); Saropogon sp. [Asilidae]; Spogostylum tripunctatum (Pallas in Wiedemann, 1818) [Bombyliidae]; Phycus sp. [Therevidae]; Hemeromyia sp.; Meoneura palaestinensis Hennig, 1937 [Carnidae]; Desmometopa inaurata Lamb, 1914 [Milichiidae]; Stomoxys niger Macquart, 1851 [Muscidae]; and Sarcophaga palestinensis (Lehrer, 1998) [Sarcophagidae].
Zoogeographic affinities of recorded fly species suggest a closer affiliation to the Afrotropical region (46%) than to the Palearctic region (23.5%) or the Oriental region (2.5%). This supports the previous studies’ conclusions and emphasizes the fact that parts of the Arabian Peninsula, including Al-Baha Province, ought to be a part of the Afrotropical Region rather than of the Palaearctic Region or the Eremic Zone.
Afrotropical, Al-Baha Province, Al-Sarah, Al-Sarawat Mountains, Arabian Peninsula, Eremic Zone, fly species, new records, Palaearctic, Tihama
Al-Baha Province (Fig.
In the lowland coastal plain, Tihama, the climate is hot in summer, warm in spring and mild in winter, with less than 100 mm of annual rainfall. In the mountainous area, Al-Sarah, the weather is generally cooler due to high altitude, in addition to the formation of clouds and fog accompanied by thunderstorms in winter, with a rainfall average of 405 mm annually (
Monthly average temperatures and rainfall in 50 years (1950–2000). In Jabal Shada al-A‘la Nature Reserve (Worldclim database:
SANR, as an isolated mountain massif, supports an exceptionally rich flora; with approximately 500 plant species recorded, including 63 key plant taxa including endemics and Afrotropical relicts, it is the site of highest botanical diversity known in Saudi Arabia. The exceptional floral diversity of SANR, together with the presence of griffon vultures and endemic birds of the southwestern mountains and carnivores such as, the Arabian red fox [Vulpes vulpes arabica Thomas, 1902], Arabian caracal [Caracal caracal schmitzi (Matschie, 1912)], striped hyaena [Hyaena hyaena sultana (Pocock, 1934)], Arabian wolf [Canis lupus arabs Pocock, 1934], sand cat [Felis margarita harrisoni Hemmer, Grubb & Groves, 1976], and reportedly the Arabian leopard [Panthera pardus nimr Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1833], makes this small protected area a unique treasure of biological diversity. Small communities on the mountain grow a distinctive variety of coffee and other crops in terraced fields (
The purpose of this paper is to present a preliminary list of Diptera (Insecta) in SANR, Al-Baha Province, KSA, with remarks on their zoogeography. This is not the final list of Diptera that occur at SANR with the study serving as a basis for further investigations as many additional collected species are still unidentified and further studies are planned to be carried out at SANR. Also, this is the first of a series of planned ecological and systematic studies on different insect orders as one of the outputs of a project proposed to study the entire insect fauna of SANR.
The Afrotropical Region is supposed to encompass all of Africa south of the Sahara, with the island of Madagascar and the nearby smaller islands. Many authors add parts of the Arabian Peninsula to the Afrotropical Region as well, but there seems to be no agreement as to how much (
Flies were collected from different localities in SANR over two successive years, 2014 and 2015 by the authors. Twelve collecting trips were made, six in 2014 in February, April, June, August, October and December, and six in 2015 in January, March, May, July, September and November. Collections were made in 6 different localities representing different altitudinal levels and habitats in SANR (Figs
An overview of the collecting localities with their coordinates and common vegetation.
Locality no. | Coordinates (in decimal degrees) | The most common plants in the locality | |||
Elevation (M) | Latitude (N) | Longitude (E) | Species | Family | |
1 | 1666 | 19.8429 | 41.3115 | Barleria bispinosa (Forssk.) | Acanthaceae |
Carissa edulis L. | Apocynaceae | ||||
Conyza stricta Willd. | Compositae | ||||
Psiadia punctulata (DC.) | ,, | ||||
Rhamnus dispermus (L.) | ,, | ||||
Aristida adscensionis L. | Poaceae | ||||
Acacia etbaica Schweinf | Fabaceae | ||||
Indigofera spinosa Forssk. | ,, | ||||
Hibiscus micranthus L. | Malvaceae | ||||
Hibscus deflersii Schweinf. ex Cufod. | ,, | ||||
2 | 1611 | 19.8402 | 41.3114 | Barleria bispinosa (Forssk.) | Acanthaceae |
Hypoestes forskaolii (Vahl) Aerva javanica (Burm.f.) |
,, Amaranthaceae |
Capparis cartilaginea Decne. | Burseraceae | ||||
Echinops sp. | Compositae | ||||
Pulicaria undulata (DC.) | ,, | ||||
Tagetes minuta L. | ,, | ||||
Vernonia schimperi DC. | ,, | ||||
Cenchrus ciliaris L. | Poaceae | ||||
Eragrostis tenella (L.) | ,, | ||||
Pennisetum divisum (Gmel.) | ,, | ||||
Indigofera spinosa Forssk. | Fabaceae | ||||
Ficus ingens (Miq.) | Moraceae | ||||
Commicarpus spp. | Nyctaginaceae | ||||
Solanum incanum L. | Solanaceae | ||||
3 | 1563 | 19.8388 | 41.3101 | Barleria bispinosa (Forssk.) | Acanthaceae |
Aerva javanica (Burm.f.) | Amaranthaceae | ||||
Aerva lanata (L.) | ,, | ||||
Asparagus africanus Lam. | Liliaceae | ||||
Commiphora quadricinta Schweinf. | Burseraceae | ||||
Commelina forskaolii Vahl | Commelinaceae | ||||
Tagetes minuta L. | Compositae | ||||
Aristida adscensionis L. | Poaceae | ||||
Cenchrus ciliaris L. | ,, | ||||
Eragrostis tenella (L.) | ,, | ||||
Indigofera spinosa Forssk. | Fabaceae | ||||
Solanum incanum L. | Solanaceae | ||||
Grewia tembensis Fresen | Tiliaceae | ||||
Grewia tenax (Forssk.) | ,, | ||||
Cissus rotundifolius (Forssk.) | Vitaceae | ||||
4 | 1474 | 19.8452 | 41.3044 | Aerva javanica (Burm.f.) | Amaranthaceae |
Adenium obesum (Forssk.) | Apocynaceae | ||||
Tagetes minuta L. | Compositae | ||||
Cenchrus ciliaris L. | Poaceae | ||||
Acacia asak (Forssk.) | Fabaceae | ||||
Acacia etbaica Schweinf | ,, | ||||
Indigofera spinosa Forssk. | ,, | ||||
Solanum incanum L. | Solanaceae | ||||
5 | 1325 | 19.8511 | 41.3006 | Barleria bispinosa (Forssk.) | Acanthaceae |
Blepharis ciliaris (L.) | ,, | ||||
Aerva javanica (Burm.f.) | Amaranthaceae | ||||
Aerva lanata (L.) | ,, | ||||
Acacia asak (Forssk.) | Fabaceae | ||||
Acacia etbaica Schweinf | ,, | ||||
Indigofera spinosa Forssk. | ,, | ||||
Solanum incanum L. | Solanaceae | ||||
6 | 1225 | 19.8627 | 41.3015 | Barleria bispinosa (Forssk.) | Acanthaceae |
Blepharis ciliaris (L.) | ,, | ||||
Aloe officinalis Forssk. | Aloeaceae | ||||
Psiadia punctulata (DC.) | Compositae | ||||
Sansevieria ehrenbergii Schweinf. | Dracaenaceae | ||||
Cenchrus ciliaris L. | Poaceae | ||||
Acacia asak (Forssk.) | Fabaceae | ||||
Solanum incanum L. | Solanaceae |
Zoogeographic affinities of fly species of Jabal Shada al-A’la Nature Reserve (SANR).
Region | Affinities | |
No. of species | % | |
Afrotropical | 55 | 46 |
Palaearctic | 28 | 23.5 |
Oriental | 3 | 2.5 |
Cosmopolitan | 14 | 12 |
Undetermined | 19 | 16 |
All taxa are identified and arranged in alphabetical order. Dates of collection for each species are included for the purpose of mapping the activity periods of species in the study area. Each collection date is followed, between parentheses, by the method of collection used, and the latter is followed by the locality number from which the specimens are collected.
Zoogeographical affiliations of species reported in the study area were estimated using world catalogues and counted to calculate the percentage of Afrotropical, Palaearctic or Oriental elements.
Images of newly recorded species were made using a Leica MZ 125 stereo-binocular microscope (Leica Microsystems Ltd, St. Gallen, Switzerland) fitted with a digital camera (Q-imaging Micro Publisher 5.0 RTV; Zerene Systems LLC, Richland, WA, USA) at the Plant Protection Department, College of Food and Agriculture Sciences, King Saud University. Photo automontage was performed by Zerene stacker program version 1.04 (Innovative Solutions, Bucharest, Romania).
Many studies and keys have been consulted in order to identify, classify and estimate the zoogeographical affiliation of collected specimens and such studies are indicated after each taxon in the list, in addition to the following:
Unidentified specimens (or photos of specimens)were sent to experts for identification, as indicated after each of these taxa in the list.
Flies of suborder Nematocera were examined and preserved in alcohol, while other flies were glued to pinned stiff paper points, and all are deposited at the King Saud University Museum of Arthropods, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (KSMA).
Abbreviations used:
AF Afrotropical
BT Bait trap
HP Hand-collecting
KSMA King Saud University Museum of Arthropods, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
LT Light trap
MT Malaise trap
NE Nearctic
OR Oriental
PA Palaearctic
PT Pitfall trap
SANR Jabal Shada al-A’la Nature Reserve
SW Sweeping and areal nets
VC Vacuuming
A total of 119 fly species belonging to 87 genera, 31 tribes, 42 subfamilies, and representing 30 families was recorded from SANR through the present study. Some species have been identified only to genus and listed herein as the genera were not previously recorded from KSA.
Most of the recorded fly species are characteristic of the Afrotropical region. Table (2) indicates the zoogeographic affinities of recorded species suggesting a closer affiliation to the Afrotropical region (46%) than to the Palearctic region (23.5%) or the Oriental region (2.5%).
Order Diptera
Suborder Nematocera
Family Bibionidae
Dilophus tridentatus Walker, 1848
15 February 2014 (MT1), 5 May 2015 (SW1).
Known distribution: AF.
Family Ceratopogonidae
Subfamily Ceratopogoninae
Tribe Culicoidini
Culicoides kingi (Austen, 1912)
23 August 2014 (LT2, LT5).
Known distribution: AF.
Subfamily Forcipomyiinae
Forcipomyia sahariensis Kieffer, 1923
23 August 2014 (LT1).
Known distribution: AF. First record from KSA.
Family Culicidae
Subfamily Anophelinae
Anopheles multicolor Cambouliu, 1902
23 August 2014 (LT2), 15 February 2014 (LT3).
Known distribution: PA.
Subfamily Culicinae
Aedes caspius (Pallas, 1771)
15 February 2014 (LT1, PT4).
Known distribution: PA.
Culex pipiens Linnaeus, 1758
23 August 2014 (PT4).
Known distribution: Cosmopolitan.
Family Sciaridae
Chaetosciara sp. Fig.
15 February 2014 (MT1), 23 August 2014 (LT2).
Remark: This seems to be the first record of Sciaridae from KSA..
Known distribution: Undetermined.
Suborder Brachycera
Infraorder Asilomorpha
Superfamily Asiloidea
Family Asilidae
Subfamily Asilinae
Tribe Asilini
Neolophonotus sp1. Fig.
14-15 February 2014 (MT1, MT3), 21 April 2014 (LT3), 27 January 2015 (MT2, MT3, MT5), 5 May 2015 (SW1), 27 July 2015 (LT2).
Remark: This seems to be the first record of this genus from KSA.
Identification: Dr. Jason G.H. Londt, from photos (personal communication).
Known distribution: Undetermined.
Neolophonotus sp2. Fig.
15 February 2014 (MT3), 15 November 2015 (MT3).
Remark: This seems to be the first record of this genus from KSA.
Identification: Dr. Jason G.H. Londt, from photos (personal communication).
Known distribution: Undetermined.
Subfamily Apocleinae
Promachus sinaiticus Efflatoun, 1934 Fig.
20 April 2014 (LT6), 3 June 2014 (LT2, MT4), 3-5 June 2014 (SW2), 15 November 2015 (MT6).
Known distribution: PA. First record of the species from the KSA.
Subfamily Dasypogoninae
Tribe Dasypogonini
Saropogon longicornis (Macquart, 1838) Fig.
3 June 2014 (MT3).
Known distribution: PA. First record from KSA.
Saropogon sp.
15 November 2015 (MT6).
Remark: This seems to be the first record of this genus from KSA.
Known distribution: Undetermined.
Subfamily Laphystiinae
Trichardis leucocomus (Wulp, 1899)
3 June 2014 (MT5), 5 May 2015 (MT5).
Identification: Dr Torsten Dikow, from photos (personal communication).
Known distribution: PA.
Family Bombyliidae
Subfamily Bombyliinae
Tribe Bombyliini
Bombylella delicata Wiedemann, 1830
5 June 2014 (SW6), 28 July 2015 (SW3).
Identification: Magdi El-Hawagry using
Known distribution: AF.
Bombylius pallidipilus Greathead, 1967
15 February 2014 (MT1), 23 August 2014 (LT2).
Identification: Magdi El-Hawagry using
Known distribution: AF.
Systoechus horridus Greathead, 1980
21 April 2014 (LT2), 3 May 2015 (LT5), 14 November 2015 (LT6).
Identification: Magdi El-Hawagry using
Known distribution: PA.
Subfamily Anthracinae
Tribe Anthracini
Anthrax sticticus Klug, 1832
22 April 2015 (LT).
Identification: Magdi El-Hawagry using
Known distribution: AF, PA.
Spogostylum candidum (Sack, 1909)
4 June 2014 (SW6).
Identification: Magdi El-Hawagry using
Known distribution: OR, PA.
Spogostylum isis (Meigen, 1820)
29 July 2015 (PT5).
Identification: Magdi El-Hawagry using
Known distribution: PA.
Spogostylum tripunctatum (Pallas in Wiedemann, 1818)
4-5 June 2014 (SW2), 2 September 2015 (LT6).
Identification: Magdi El-Hawagry using
Known distribution: PA. First record from KSA.
Tribe Exoprosopini
Defilippia nigrifimbriata (Hesse, 1956)
17 October 2014 (MT5).
Identification: Magdi El-Hawagry using
Known distribution: AF.
Exoprosopa disrupta tihamae Greathead, 1980 Fig.
3 June 2014 (SW1).
Identification: Magdi El-Hawagry using
Known distribution: AF.
Heteralonia bisecta Greathead, 1988
29 July 2015 (PT5).
Identification: Magdi El-Hawagry using
Known distribution: AF.
Pterobates chalybaeus (Röder, 1887)
3 November 2014 (HP6).
Identification: Magdi El-Hawagry using
Known distribution: PA.
Tribe Villini
Exhyalanthrax triangularis Bezzi, 1924
27 January 2015 (MT5), 5 May 2015 (MT2, MT4), 15 November 2015 (MT4).
Identification: Magdi El-Hawagry using
Known distribution: AF.
Pachyanthrax circe (Klug, 1832)
5 May 2015 (MT4).
Identification: Magdi El-Hawagry using
Known distribution: AF.
Villa bivirgata Austen, 1937
3 June 2014 (SW4), 5 May 2015 (SW4).
Identification: Magdi El-Hawagry using
Known distribution: PA.
Villa paniscoides Bezzi, 1912
3 June 2014 (SW4), 27-28 July 2015 (SW1), 15 November 2015 (MT4).
Identification: Magdi El-Hawagry using
Known distribution: AF.
Tribe Xeramoebini
Desmatoneura sp.
4 June 2014 (SW4).
Identification: Magdi El-Hawagry using
Known distribution: Undetermined.
Petrorossia albula Zaitzev, 1962
5 June 2014 (SW2), 27 July 2015 (SW1).
Identification: Magdi El-Hawagry using
Known distribution: PA.
Petrorossia letho (Wiedemann, 1828)
5 June 2014 (SW4), 27 July 2015 (SW1).
Identification: Magdi El-Hawagry using
Known distribution: PA.
Petrorossia tropicalis Bezzi, 1921
3-5 June 2014 (SW2, SW4), 5 May 2015 (MT3), 27 July 2015 (SW4).
Identification: Magdi El-Hawagry using
Known distribution: AF.
Family Therevidae
Phycus sp.
1 June 2014 (LT5), 24 August 2014 (LT6).
Remark: This seems to be the first record of the genus from KSA.
Identification: Dr Martin Hauser (personal communication).
Known distribution: AF.
Superfamily Empidoidea
Family Dolichopodidae
Subfamily Diaphorinae
Asyndetus albifacies Parent, 1929
27 July 2015 (SW).
Known distribution: AF.
Subfamily Dolichopodinae
Dolichopus sp.
23 August 2014 (LT4), 10 December 2014 (LT6), 26 January 2015 (PT4), 27 July 2015 (LT6).
Known distribution: Undetermined.
Tachytrechus planitarsis Becker, 1907
23 August 2014 (LT2).
Known distribution: PA.
Superfamily Nemestrinoidea
Family Nemestrinidae
Trichopsidea costata Loew, 1858
10 December 2014 (LT6).
Known distribution: AF.
Superfamily Tabanoidea
Family Tabanidae
Haematopota pluvialis (Linnaeus, 1758)
15 November 2015 (LT6).
Known distribution: PA.
Infraorder Muscomorpha
Section Aschiza
Superfamily Platypezoidea
Family Phoridae
Megaselia scalaris (Loew, 1866)
23 April 2014 (PT2, PT3), 5 June 2014 (PT4), 2 March 2015 (PT4), 29 July 2015 (PT5), 23 August 2015 (LT3).
Identification: Magdi El-Hawagry.
Known distribution: Cosmopolitan.
Section Schizophora
Subsection Acalyptratae
Family Carnidae
Hemeromyia sp. 23 August 2014 (LT1).
Remark: This seems to be the first record of the genus from KSA.
Known distribution: Undetermined.
Meoneura palaestinensis Hennig, 1937
23 August 2014 (LT1, PT2).
Known distribution: PA.
Family Chloropidae
Subfamily Chloropinae
Pachylophus pellucidus Becker, 1910
24 August 2014 (MT6).
Known distribution: AF.
Thaumatomyia notata (Meigen, 1830)
27 January 2015 (LT1).
Known distribution: AF, PA.
Subfamily Oscinellinae
Anatrichus pygmaeus Lamb, 1918
27 July 2015 (VC5).
Known distribution: AF.
Aphanotrigonum subfasciellum Collin, 1949
4 June 2014(SW4), 24 August 2014 (LT6).
Known distribution: PA.
Lasiochaeta vulgaris (Adams, 1905)
15 February 2014 (MT1), 8 December 2014 (VC1, VC4), 5 May 2015 (MT4).
Known distribution: AF.
Polyodaspis robusta (Lamb, 1918)
15 February 2014 (MT1, PT1), 17 October 2014 (LT1), 27 July 2015 (VC2).
Known distribution: AF.
Scoliophthalmus micantipennis Duda, 1935
5 May 2015 (MT6).
Identification: Identification:
Known distribution: AF.
Scoliophthalmus trapezoides Becker, 1903
5 May 2015 (MT6).
Identification: Identification:
Known distribution: AF.
Subfamily Siphonellopsinae
Apotropina gregalis (Lamb, 1937)
23 August 2014 (LT5, LT6, PT2, PT3, PT4, PT5, PT6), 17 October 2014 (LT5), 8 December 2014 (VC4), 2-3 March 2015 (PT4, PT5), 17 July 2015 (LT3, MT4), 15 November 2015 (LT6).
Identification: Identification:
Known distribution: AF.
Family Chyromyidae
Subfamily Chyromyinae
Somatiosoma eremicolum Ebejer, 2008
15 February 2014 (MT4).
Known distribution: AF.
Family Conopidae
Subfamily Myopinae
Tribe Zodionini
Zodion cinereum (Fabricius, 1794)
5 May 2015 (MT6).
Mei & Stuke J-H (2008) has been consulted to identify this species.
Known distribution: PA.
Family Diopsidae
Diopsis apicalis Dalman, 1817
5 May 2015 (LT2, SW1).
Known distribution: AF.
Sphyracephala beccarii (Rondani, 1873)
2 June 2014 (LT6), 3 June 2014 (LT3, LT4), 3 June 2014 (MT2), 27 January 2015 (LT4), 5 May 2015 (LT1, SW1), 15 November 2015 (LT6).
Known distribution: AF.
Family Drosophilidae
Subfamily Drosophilinae
Tribe Drosophilini
Drosophila melanogaster Meigen, 1830
17-18 October 2014 (LT3, PT2), 8 December 2014 (PT2), 26-27 January 2015 (LT1, MT1, MT2, PT1, PT2), 2 March 2015 (PT1, PT2, PT4).
Identification: Magdi El-Hawagry.
Known distribution: Cosmopolitan.
Zaprionus indianus Gupta, 1970
2 March 2014 (PT5), 23 August 2014 (LT2), 18 October 2014 (PT1, PT2, PT4, PT5).
Known distribution: OR.
Family Ephydridae
Subfamily Discomyzinae
Tribe Discomyzini
Actocetor indicus (
23 April 2014 (PT4, PT5), 17 October 2014 (LT4).
Known distribution: AF.
Actocetor margaritatus Wiedemann, 1830 Fig.
28 February 2014 (PT3), 23 August 2014 (PT1, PT2, PT4, PT5), 10 December (2014 (LT6), 5 May 2015 (LT4, SW1).
Known distribution: AF.
Tribe Psilopini
Psilopa nilotica (Becker, 1903)
15 February 2014 (LT2, MT2), 4 June 2014 (SW4), 29 July 2015 (PT4, PT5).
Known distribution: AF, PA.
Subfamily Hydrelliinae
Notiphila ignobilis Loew, 1862
29 July 2015 (MT6).
Known distribution: AF.
Family Lonchaeidae
Subfamily Lonchaeinae
Tribe Lonchaeini
Silba virescens Macquart, 1851
15 February 2014 (SW6).
Known distribution: AF.
Family Milichiidae
Subfamily Madizinae
Desmometopa inaurata Lamb, 1914 Fig.
27 January 2015 (LT2), 29 July 2015 (PT4).
Known distribution: AF. First record from KSA.
Desmometopa varipalpis Malloch, 1927
5 May 2015 (PT5), 29 July 2015 (PT6).
Identification: Identification:
Known distribution: AF.
Subfamily Phyllomyzinae
Phyllomyza sp.
15 February 2014 (LT2), 27 July 2015 (LT2).
Known distribution: Undetermined.
Family Pyrgotidae
Campylocera ferruginea Macquart, 1843
15 November 2015 (LT6).
Identification: Dr Valery Korneyev, from photos (personal communication).
Known distribution: AF.
Eupyrgota latipennis (Walker, 1849)
3 June 2014 (LT2), 14 November 2015 (LT2).
Identification: Dr Valery Korneyev, from photos (personal communication).
Known distribution: AF.
Family Sphaeroceridae
Rachispoda fuscipennis (Haliday 1833)
15 February 2014 (PT2, PT3), 23 August 2014 (PT6), 18 October 2014 (LT3, PT1, PT2, PT3, PT4), 8-11 December 2014 (LT2, LT3, LT4, VC1, VC2).
Identification: Magdi El-Hawagry, compared with museum specimens.
Known distribution: PA.
Family Tephritidae
Subfamily Dacinae
Tribe Dacini
Bactrocera zonata (Saunders, 1842)
23 August 2014 (LT2), 5 May 2015 (SW1), 27 July 2015 (SW1).
Known distribution: OR.
Subfamily Tephritinae
Tribe Tephritini
Acanthiophilus helianthi (Rossi, 1794)
23 August 2014 (LT2).
Known distribution: AF, OR, PA.
Dioxyna sororcula (Wiedemann, 1830)
15 February 2014 (MT4), 3 June 2014 (MT4), 8 December 2014 (LT5, VC1).
Known distribution: AF.
Goniurellia tridens (Hendel, 1910)
23 August 2014 (LT2).
Known distribution: PA.
Trupanea stellata (Fuesslin, 1775)
3 June 2014 (LT2).
Known distribution: PA.
Family Ulidiidae
Subfamily Ulidiinae
Tribe Ulidiini
Physiphora alceae (Preyssler, 1791)
15 February 2014 (MT1, LT1), 21 April 2014 (LT1), 6 June 2014 (LT1), 23 August 2014 (LT1), 17-18 October 2014 (LT3, PT3), 27 January 2015 (MT1, MT3), 5 May 2015 (LT1), 27 July 2015 (LT1, SW1), 15 November 2015 (LT6, MT4).
Known distribution: Cosmopolitan.
Subsection Calyptratae
Family Anthomyiidae
Subfamily Anthomyiinae
Tribe Anthomyiini
Anthomyia pluvialis (Linnaeus, 1758)
15 February 2014 (MT1), 27 January 2015 (MT3), 4-5 May 2015 (MT3, SW1), 15 November 2015 (LT5).
Known distribution: PA.
Tribe Hydrophoriini
Delia platura (Meigen, 1826)
15 February 2014 (LT1, LT2, LT3, MT1), 23 August 2014 (LT2), 17 October 2014 (LT1, LT2), 27 January 2015 (LT2, LT3, MT2).
Known distribution: Cosmopolitan.
Family Calliphoridae
Subfamily Calliphorinae
Calliphora croceipalpis Jaennicke, 1867
15 February 2014 (MT4).
Known distribution: AF.
Calliphora vicina (Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830)
3 June 2014 (SW6).
Known distribution: Cosmopolitan.
Subfamily Chrysomyinae
Chrysomya albiceps (Wiedemann, 1819)
4 June 2014 (SW1), 2 September 2015 (LT6), 15 November (LT3).
Known distribution: AF.
Chrysomya putoria (Wiedemann, 1830)
3 June 2014 (SW4).
Known distribution: AF.
Chrysomya regalis Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
15 February 2014 (MT3), 4 June 2014 (MT6), 10 December 2014 (LT6).Identification:
Known distribution: AF.
Subfamily Luciliinae
Lucilia sericata (Meigen, 1826)
16 February 2014 (HP6), 21 February 2014 (LT3), 10 December 2014 (LT6).
Known distribution: Cosmopolitan.
Subfamily Polleniinae
Pollenia hungarica Rognes, 1987
17 October 2014 (LT6).
Known distribution: PA.
Pollenia rudis (Fabricius, 1794)
17 October 2014 (LT5).
Known distribution: PA.
Family Muscidae
Subfamily Atherigoninae
Tribe Atherigonini
Atherigona humeralis Wiedemann, 1830
15 November 2015 (SW5).
Known distribution: AF.
Atherigona laevigata (Loew, 1852)
15 February 2014 (MT1), 8 December 2014 (VC4).
Known distribution: AF.
Atherigona reversura Villeneuve, 1936
15 February 2014 (MT3), 23 August 2014 (LT2, LT3, LT5), 17 October 2014 (LT4, LT5, MT2, MT4), 5 May 2015 (MT2), 15 November 2015 (MT4), 2 September 2015 (LT6).
Known distribution: OR.
Subfamily Coenosiinae
Tribe Coenosiini
Coenosia attenuata Stein, 1903
15 February 2014 (MT4, PT4), 23 April 2014 (PT1), 23 August 2014 (LT2), 17 October 2014 (LT2, LT4, MT4), 18 October 2014 (PT5), 5 May 2015 (MT4), 15 November 2015 (MT4).
Known distribution: Cosmopolitan.
Coenosia humilis Meigen, 1826
5 May 2015 (MT6).
Known distribution: Cosmopolitan.
Tribe Limnophorini
Lispe nivalis Wiedemann, 1830
15 February 2014 (LT6).
Known distribution: AF.
Lispe pectinipes Becker, 1903
23 August 2014 (LT2, LT3), 17 October 2014 (LT5), 5 May 2015 (LT1, MT2), 14-15 November 2015 (LT4, LT5).
Known distribution: PA.
Subfamily Muscinae
Tribe Muscini
Musca albina Wiedemann, 1830
5 May 2015 (MT6).
Known distribution: AF, OR, PA.
Musca autumnalis De Geer, 1776
23 August 2014 (LT2), 5 May 2015 (MT2).
Known distribution: Cosmopolitan.
Musca calleva Walker, 1849
14 November 2015 (LT4).
Known distribution: AF.
Musca domestica Linnaeus, 1758
15 February 2014 (MT5, PT6), 3 June 2014 (MT2, SW6), 23 August 2014 (LT2, LT3), 5 May 2015 (MT6), 2 September 2015 (LT5), 15 November 2015 (LT6).
Known distribution: Cosmopolitan.
Musca lucidula (Loew, 1856)
3 June 2014 (MT6).
Known distribution: AF, PA.
Musca sorbens Wiedemann, 1830
5 May 2015 (MT1), 15 November 2015 (LT5).
Known distribution: AF.
Tribe Stomoxyini
Stomoxys niger Macquart, 1851 Fig.
15 February 2014 (MT4), 17 October 2014 (LT5).
Known distribution: AF. First record from KSA.
Subfamily Phaoniinae
Tribe Dichaetomyiini
Dichaetomyia luteiventris (Rondani, 1873)
2 March 2015 (PT5).
Known distribution: AF.
Tribe Phaoniini
Helina coniformis (Stein in Becker, 1903)
15 February 2014 (MT5, PT2), 21 April 2014 (LT2), 17 October 2014 (LT1, LT5, MT1, MT2, MT3, MT4), 27 January 2015 (MT2, MT3), 14-15 November 2015 (LT4, LT5, MT4).
Known distribution: AF.
Helina lucida (Stein, 1913)
21 April 2014 (LT5).
Known distribution: AF.
Family Rhiniidae
Cosmina viridis Townsend, 1917
15-16 February 2014 (MT1, MT3), 17 October 2014 (LT5), 27 January 2015 (LT1, MT3), 4-5 May 2015 (SW4, MT2).
Known distribution: AF.
Isomyia terminata (Wiedemann, 1830)
15 February 2014 (MT5, PT5).
Known distribution: AF.
Rhinia apicalis (Wiedemann, 1830)
15 February 2014 (MT5), 3 June 2014 (SW4), 17 October 2014 (LT2, LT3, LT5), 14-15 November 2015 (LT4, LT5, LT6).
Known distribution: AF.
Family Sarcophagidae
Subfamily Miltogramminae
Taxigramma heteroneura (Meigen, 1830)
15 February 2014 (MT5), 3 June 2014 (SW4), 27 January 2015 (MT4), 5 May 2015 (MT4, SW1), 27-29 July 2015 (PT5).
Identification: Thomas Pape (personal communication) and the first author.
Known distribution: NE, PA.
Subfamily Paramacronychiinae
Wohlfahrtia erythrocera Villeneuve, 1910
28 July 2015 (PT6).
Identification: Thomas Pape (personal communication) and the first author.
Known distribution: AF.
Wohlfahrtia nuba Wiedemann, 1830
3 May 2015 (PT5).
Identification: Thomas Pape (personal communication) and the first author.
Known distribution: AF.
Subfamily Sarcophaginae
Blaesoxipha algeriensis (Townsend, 1919)
23 August 2014 (LT5).
Identification: Thomas Pape (personal communication) and the first author.
Known distribution: PA.
Blaesoxipha rufipes (Macquart, 1839)
3 June 2014 (SW4).
Identification: Thomas Pape (personal communication) and the first author.
Known distribution: Cosmopolitan.
Sarcophaga adhamae (Lehrer & Abou-Zied, 2008)
21 April 2014 (BT6).
Known distribution: AF.
Sarcophaga africa (Wiedemann, 1824)
5 May 2015 (SW4).
Identification: Thomas Pape (personal communication) and the first author.
Known distribution: Cosmopolitan.
Sarcophaga babiyari (Lehrer, 1995)
3 June 2014 (LT6).
Identification: Thomas Pape (personal communication) and the first author.
Known distribution: AF.
Sarcophaga dux Thompson, 1869
15 February 2014 (MT1).
Identification: Thomas Pape (personal communication) and the first author.
Known distribution: Cosmopolitan.
Sarcophaga palestinensis (Lehrer, 1998) Fig.
21 February 2014 (LT1).
Identification: Thomas Pape (personal communication) and the first author.
Known distribution: PA.
Family Tachinidae
Subfamily Exoristinae
Tribe Eryciini
Drino lota (Meigen, 1824)
15-16 February 2014 (LT6, MT4, MT5, MT6, SW6), 17 October 2014 (LT4, LT5, LT6), 14-15 November 2015 (LT4, LT6).
Known distribution: AF, PA.
Tribe Exoristini
Exorista larvarum (Linnaeus, 1758)
3 June 2014 (SW2, SW4).
Known distribution: NE, PA.
Tribe Goniini
Gonia capitata (De Geer, 1776)
5 May 2015 (MT1).
Known distribution: PA.
Sturmia bella (Meigen, 1824)
15 February 2014 (MT1), 21 April 2014 (LT1), 3 June 2014 (SW4), 27-30 January 2015 (LT1, LT2, LT3), 27 July 2015 (LT5).
Known distribution: OR, PA.
Subfamily Phasiinae
Tribe Cylindromyiini
Cylindromyia bicolor (Olivier, 1812)
7 June 2014 (SW4).
Known distribution: PA.
Subfamily Tachininae
Tribe Tachinini
Dejeania bombylans (Fabricius, 1798)
10 December 2014 (LT6).
Known distribution: AF.
In terms of vegetation and speciation, the south-western part of KSA, including Al-Baha Province, is considered to be the most important part of the country and the Arabian Peninsula in general. Floristically and ecologically, this area is similar to the high altitude mountains of north-eastern and eastern parts of Africa, and like other areas in the south-western part of the Arabian Peninsula, contains montane woodlands and evergreen shrub lands, with strong Afromontane affinities (
Considering the insect fauna as a whole,
Many present day biogeographers think that the biogeographical divisions within the eastern and the northeastern parts of Africa should be extended towards east within the Arabian Peninsula as well, covering the high altitude regions of the southern Al-Sarawat Mountains, namely “Afromontane Archipelago” (
The authors would like to extend their sincere appreciation to the Deanship of Scientific Research at King Saud University for its funding this research group NO (RGP-1437-009).
We are grateful to Prince Bandar Bin Saud Al Saud, Head of the Saudi National Commission for Wildlife Conservation and Development for the support during the study. We are also indebted to the following people for identifying specimens or providing critical assistance throughout this study: Dr John Deeming, National Museum Wales, Cardiff, Wales, UK; Dr Thomas Pape, Natural History Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark; Dr Valery Korneyev, General and Applied Entomology Department, I.I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Dr Jason G. H. Londt, Natal Museum, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa; Dr Boris C. Kondratieff, Department of Bioagricultural Sciences and Pest Management, Colorado State University, USA; Dr Neal Evenhuis, Bishop Museum, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA; Dr Babak Gharali, Research Centre for Agriculture and Natural Resources, Iran; Dr Shaun Winterton and Dr Martin Hauser, Plant Pest Diagnostics Branch, California Department of Food & Agriculture, Sacramento, U.S.A.; Torsten Dikow, Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, USA. Dr Francis Gilbert, School of Life Sciences, University of Nottingham, UK; and Mr Ahmed Shams Al Ola, Plant Protection Department, College of Food and Agriculture Sciences, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia. Sincere thanks go to the research team of the KSMA for collecting and mounting specimens.