Research Article |
Corresponding author: Paul Székely ( ) Academic editor: Uri García-Vázquez
© 2023 Paul Székely, María Córdova-Díaz, Daniel Hualpa-Vega, Santiago Hualpa-Vega, Diana Székely.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Székely P, Córdova-Díaz M, Hualpa-Vega D, Hualpa-Vega S, Székely D (2023) A new glassfrog species of the genus Centrolene (Amphibia, Anura, Centrolenidae) from Cordillera del Cóndor, southern Ecuador. ZooKeys 1149: 53-84.
Based on an integrative taxonomical approach, using molecular, morphological, and bioacoustics data, a new species of glassfrog of the genus Centrolene is described from Refugio de Vida Silvestre El Zarza, southern Ecuador. Centrolene zarza sp. nov. is a medium sized species, easily distinguished from all other glassfrogs by its unique combination of characters, such as a shagreen dorsum with elevated warts corresponding to white spots, an evident tympanum, half or more than half of the upper parietal peritoneum covered by iridophores, iridophores absent on all visceral peritonea, including the pericardium, a lobed liver lacking iridophores, males with small projecting humeral spines, the outer edges of forearms and tarsus with a row of enameled warts that often continue into the external edges of Finger IV and/or Toe V, and white or yellowish white iris with thick black reticulations. The new species is closely related to a currently undescribed species and superficially resembles C. condor, C. pipilata, C. solitaria, C. altitudinalis, and C. daidalea. The tadpole and advertisement and courtship calls are described, and the threats to the species survival, mainly represented by habitat loss and contamination due to mining activities, are briefly discussed.
Se describe una nueva especie de rana de cristal del género Centrolene, del Refugio de Vida Silvestre El Zarza, sur del Ecuador, basada en un enfoque de taxonomía integrativa, utilizando datos moleculares, morfológicos y bioacústicos. La especie Centrolene zarza sp. nov. es de tamaño mediano, que se distingue fácilmente de todas las demás ranas de cristal por su combinación única de caracteres tales como dorso de piel rugosa con verrugas elevadas que corresponden a manchas blancas, tímpano evidente, la mitad o más del peritoneo parietal superior cubierto por iridóforos, iridóforos ausentes en todos los peritoneos viscerales, incluido el pericardio, hígado lobulado sin iridóforos, machos con pequeñas espinas humerales salientes, borde externo de los antebrazos y el tarso con hilera de verrugas esmaltadas que a menudo continúan en los bordes externos del Dedo IV y/o del Dedo V del pie, e iris blanco o blanco amarillento con reticulaciones negras gruesas. La nueva especie está estrechamente relacionada con una especie no descrita y se parece superficialmente a C. condor, C. pipilata, C. solitaria, C. altitudinalis o C. daidalea. Se describen renacuajos, cantos de aviso y cortejo, y se discuten brevemente las amenazas para su supervivencia, representadas por la pérdida de hábitat y la contaminación debido a las actividades mineras.
Amphibians, DNA, phylogenetics, tadpoles, tropical Andes, vocalizations
ADN, Andes tropicales, Anfibios, filogenética, renacuajos, vocalizaciones
The charismatic glassfrogs belong to the Neotropical family Centrolenidae Taylor, 1951 that currently contains ca. 150 species classified into 12 genera (
Centrolene Jiménez De La Espada, 1872 is the type genus for the family Centrolenidae, and is the third richest in number of species, after Nymphargus Cisneros-Heredia & McDiarmid, 2007 and Hyalinobatrachium Ruiz-Carranza & Lynch, 1991a. Currently there are 24 described species in the genus, and six more are listed as incertae sedis (
Currently, 12 Centrolene species have been reported from Ecuador, two being considered endemic (
Field work was carried out between January 2020 and September 2022 in Refugio de Vida Silvestre El Zarza (Zamora Chinchipe province, southern Ecuador; 3.8341°S, 78.5458°W; datum WGS84; 1400–1680 m a.s.l.). Refugio de Vida Silvestre El Zarza (El Zarza wildlife refuge) is a national protected area founded in 2006 with the main aim of preserving some of Cordillera del Cóndor’s biological richness, with emphasis on amphibians and the Amazonian tapir. The refuge protects 3696.31 ha of evergreen lower montane forest and important water systems. Field work was carried out during the day and night (usually between 12h00–01h00), through intensive visual encounter surveys and auditory surveys. The distribution map was designed with QGis software and created using a digital elevation model obtained from JAXA/METI ALOS PALSAR Data ( and displayed via ASF DAAC.
All collected specimens were photographed alive, euthanized using 20% benzocaine, fixed in 10% formalin, and stored in 70% ethanol. Tissue samples for genetic analyses were preserved in 96% ethanol. Two egg clutches were collected and transported to the laboratory in order to raise and describe the tadpoles. Hatchlings and tadpoles were preserved in alcohol (as DNA samples) and 10% formalin (for the morphological analysis) in various developmental stages. Examined and referred specimens are housed at
Museo de Zoología, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, Loja, Ecuador (MUTPL),
Museo de Historia Natural Gustavo Orcés, Escuela Politécnica Nacional (MEPN), and
Museo de Zoología, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador (
For the description of qualitative and quantitative morphological characters, as well as the format of the description, we follow
SVL snout-vent length, distance from the tip of snout to posterior margin of vent;
HW head width, widest portion of the head, measured at level of jaw articulation;
HL head length, distance from the tip of snout to posterior angle of jaw articulation;
IOD interorbital distance, shortest distance between upper eyelids;
IND internarial distance, distance between the inner edges of the narial openings;
EW upper eyelid width, the perpendicular distance to the outer edge of the eyelid;
ED eye diameter, distance between anterior and posterior borders of eye;
EN eye-nostril distance, distance from posterior margin of nostril to anterior margin of eye;
TD tympanum diameter, horizontal distance between peripheral borders of tympanic annulus;
FL femur length, length of femur from vent to knee;
TL tibia length, length of flexed leg from knee to heel;
FoL foot length, distance from proximal margin of inner metatarsal tubercle to tip of Toe IV;
HaL hand length, distance from proximal edge of palmar tubercle to the tip of Finger III;
3DW width of disc on Finger III, greatest width of disc of Finger III.
Measurements are given as mean ± SD.
The developmental stages of embryos, hatchlings, and larvae were identified using the classification by
Genomic extraction, amplification, and sequencing were as described in
The sequences were edited, assembled, and aligned (MAFFT algorithm with the G-INS-i iterative refinement method;
We follow the glassfrog taxonomy proposed by
A priori, we deemed that a tree node had “strong support” when its bootstrap value was > 75 and its Bayesian posterior probability was > 0.95, “moderate support” for 50–75 and 0.90–0.95, and “weak support” or non-resolved for values lower than 50 and 0.90, respectively (
We analyzed advertisement and courtship calls recorded in the field and in the laboratory. The calls were recorded in the field using an Olympus LS-11 Linear PCM Recorder and a RØDE NTG2 condenser shotgun microphone; in the laboratory we used a Tascam DR-100 MKIII Recorder with incorporated microphone. All recordings were made at 44.1 kHz sampling frequency and 16-bit resolution, in WAV file format. Air temperature and humidity were measured with a Lascar Electronics, model EL-USB-2-LCD data logger (accuracy: ± 0.5 °C; ± 5%). All analyzed call recordings are deposited in original form, full length at Fonoteca UTPL (record IDs are provided in Suppl. material
The terminology and procedures for measuring call parameters follow
The Bayesian and Maximum likelihood phylogenetic trees showed very similar topologies, with minor differences in the position of some of the unresolved branches, mostly with stronger BI support (Fig.
Maximum likelihood phylogram of Centrolene. The analysis is based on 2457 base pairs of concatenated mitochondrial DNA from 12S and 16S, and nuclear DNA from POMC gene fragments. Outgroup is not shown; the tree was routed with Allophryne ruthveni. In red, the new species and in green a sequence newly generated by the present study. The catalog number, species name, country, and in the case of Ecuadorian species province and short locality names, are shown next to each terminal (associated data are listed in Appendix
The new species is closely related to an undescribed species, the candidate species Ca04 from
Class Amphibia Blainville, 1816
Order Anura Duméril, 1805
Superfamily Centrolenoidea Taylor, 1951
Family Centrolenidae Taylor, 1951
Subfamily Centroleninae Taylor, 1951
The specific name zarza is a noun in apposition and refers to the species’ type locality: Refugio de Vida Silvestre El Zarza. This relatively small wildlife refuge conserves an impressive biodiversity with countless species of plants and birds, more than 50 species of amphibians and reptiles and several emblematic mammals, like the Amazonian tapir, jaguar, oncilla or the spectacled bear. It is surrounded by active mining concessions and thus fulfills an important role as a conservation island for the region, with an urgent need to expand connectivity between the reserve and neighboring conservation areas.
Holotype. MUTPL 932 (field no. SC 425; Figs
Paratypes. (1 female, 5 males). MUTPL 933 (field no. SC 428; Fig.
We assign this species to Centrolene based on phylogenetic evidence (Fig.
Due to its unique combination of characters, Centrolene zarza is easily distinguished from all other glassfrog species. The few congener species that generally resemble C. zarza, specifically that have green dorsum with white spots and/or flecks, are as follows: C. condor, has a very different general habitus with a more robust body, smaller eyes, less evident tympanum and dark bluish-black/brown flecks and punctuations along with the white flecks (vs. slender body, larger eyes, evident tympanic annulus and tympanic membrane and only white spots and/or flecks in C. zarza); C. pipilata, has a dorsum with yellowish-white flecks and diffuse dark green/black marks, and a distinct prepollex (vs. only white spots and/or flecks and concealed prepollex); C. sanchezi, has a smaller body size and the presence of white warts in an area that extends from below the eye to the insertion of the arm (vs. absence of the white warts); specimens of the C. buckleyi species complex that have white spots have less evident markings, dentigerous processes of vomers without teeth, less evident tympanum, condition V1 of the visceral peritonea and also live at much higher elevations of 2050–3070 m (vs. dentigerous processes of vomers with teeth and condition V0 of the visceral peritonea).
Some congener species have a similar habitus, but live in other countries: C. solitaria (one of the few species of Centrolene for which we lack molecular data) is endemic to the Andes of Colombia and has green spots along with the white flecks, iridophores covering parts of the gastrointestinal peritoneum and the males lack humeral spines (vs. only white spots and/or flecks, iridophores absent on all visceral peritonea and males with humeral spines); C. altitudinalis (Rivero, 1968) is endemic to Andes of Mérida State from Venezuela (
Somewhat similar species of the genus which live on the Pacific versant of the Ecuadorian Andes are C. ballux (Duellman & Burrowes, 1989), that has a minute body size, a distinct prepollex and lacks teeth on the dentigerous processes of vomers (vs. medium body size, concealed prepollex and dentigerous processes of vomers with teeth), and C. heloderma (Duellman, 1981) which has a unique pustular dorsum, condition V1 of the visceral peritonea and vomers lacking teeth (vs. shagreen dorsum with elevated warts, condition V0 of the visceral peritonea and vomers with teeth). Finally, species from other genera that superficially resemble C. zarza are Cochranella resplendens Lynch & Duellman, 1973, which has iridophores in pericardium and peritonea covering intestines and stomach and the males lack humeral spines (vs. iridophores absent on all visceral peritonea and males with humeral spines) and Nymphargus posadae (Ruiz-Carranza & Lynch, 1995a) that has almost indistinguishable tympanum, condition P2 and V1, and the males lack humeral spines (vs. evident tympanum, condition P3 and V0, and males with humeral spines).
Adult female (MUTPL 932; Figs
Skin of dorsal surfaces shagreen with elevated, and some enameled, warts corresponding to white spots; throat smooth; ventral skin coarsely areolate; ventral surfaces of thighs below vent with a pair of large, round, flat tubercles (subcloacal warts); cloacal opening directed posteriorly at upper level of thighs, no distinct cloacal sheath; cloacal region bordered ventrally by many enameled (white) warts.
Upper arm thin, forearm somewhat robust; outer edge of forearms with row of enameled warts that continue into the external edges of Finger IV; hand length 34% of SVL; palmar tubercle large, elliptical; thenar tubercle large, ovoid; subarticular tubercles prominent, round and round in section; numerous round palmar supernumerary tubercles present, much smaller than subarticular tubercles; relative lengths of fingers I < II < IV < III; concealed prepollex; fingers with broad lateral fringes; webbing absent between Fingers I and II, basal between II and III, moderate between outer fingers: III2+–2IV (Fig.
Hindlimbs long, slender; femur length 55% of SVL; tibia length 57% of SVL; foot length 48% of SVL; outer edge of tarsus with row of enameled warts that often continue into the external edges of Toe V; inner edge of tarsus bearing a long fold; inner metatarsal tubercle large, elliptical; outer metatarsal tubercle indistinct; subarticular tubercles rounded and flat; plantar supernumerary tubercles inconspicuous; relative length of toes I <II < III < V < IV; toes with broad lateral fringes; webbing between toes moderate: I1-–-2II1-–2III1-–2IV2–1+V (Fig.
In life (Fig.
In preservative (Fig.
(in mm). SVL 25.5; HW 8.7; HL 7.9; IOD 2.9; IND 2.1; EW 2.5; ED 2.7; EN 1.9; snout to eye distance 3.4; TD 1.4; FL 14.1; TL 14.5; FoL 12.2; HaL 8.6; 3DW 1.6.
1.05 g.
Morphometric variation is shown in Table
Morphometric characters of Centrolene zarza sp. nov. Body mass (in grams), measurements (in mm) and morphological proportions (in percentages) of adult females and males; values are given as mean ± SD (range). Female body mass includes eggs.
Character | Females (n = 2) | Males (n = 5) |
Body mass (BM) | 1.21 (1.05–1.37) | 0.89 ± 0.08 (0.84–1.02) |
Snout-vent length (SVL) | 26.3 (25.5–27.0) | 24.1 ± 1.21 (23.2–26.2) |
Head width (HW) | 9.1 (8.7–9.5) | 8.4 ± 0.34 (7.9–8.7) |
Head length (HL) | 8.1 (7.9–8.4) | 6.9 ± 0.43 (6.6–7.6) |
Interorbital distance (IOD) | 2.8 (2.8–2.9) | 2.8 ± 0.13 (2.6–2.9) |
Internarial distance (IND) | 2.2 (2.1–2.2) | 2.0 ± 0.09 (1.9–2.1) |
Upper eyelid width (EW) | 2.3 (2.1–2.5) | 2.2 ± 0.24 (1.9–2.6) |
Eye diameter (ED) | 2.8 (2.7–3.0) | 2.7 ± 0.18 (2.5–2.9) |
Eye-nostril distance (EN) | 2.0 (1.9–2.2) | 1.8 ± 0.22 (1.6–2.1) |
Tympanum diameter (TD) | 1.3 (1.3–1.4) | 1.2 ± 0.10 (1.2–1.4) |
Femur length (FL) | 14.8 (14.1–15.6) | 13.2 ± 0.54 (12.7–14.0) |
Tibia length (TL) | 15.4 (14.5–16.2) | 13.9 ± 0.49 (13.2–14.6) |
Foot length (FoL) | 12.5 (12.2–12.8) | 11.5 ± 0.77 (10.6–12.7) |
Hand length (HaL) | 9.0 (8.6–9.5) | 8.3 ± 0.31 (8.0–8.8) |
Width of disc on Finger III (3DW) | 1.6 (1.6–1.7) | 1.4 ± 0.20 (1.1–1.6) |
HW/SVL | 33.9–35.0 | 32.6–36.9 |
HL/SVL | 30.8–30.9 | 26.2–32.8 |
HL/HW | 88.4–90.8 | 77.2–88.9 |
EN/HW | 21.4–22.8 | 18.1–25.0 |
EN/HL | 23.6–25.7 | 20.4–31.1 |
EN/IOD | 63.8–78.2 | 55.4–71.9 |
ED/HW | 31.2 | 31.6–33.3 |
ED/HL | 34.4–35.3 | 37.5–43.2 |
ED/IOD | 93.1–107.3 | 91.2–107.5 |
EN/ED | 68.5–72.9 | 54.5–78.8 |
TD/ED | 45.8–46.3 | 40.4–50.9 |
3DW/ED | 57.4–57.6 | 44.0–58.2 |
EW/IOD | 74.5–84.5 | 66.7–96.2 |
IND/IOD | 72.4–80.0 | 64.9–76.9 |
IOD/HW | 29.1–33.5 | 31.0–34.8 |
IOD/HL | 32.9–36.9 | 36.8–43.2 |
FL/SVL | 55.1–57.8 | 53.5–58.2 |
TL/SVL | 56.9–60.0 | 55.6–60.6 |
FoL/SVL | 47.4–47.8 | 45.7–50.6 |
HaL/SVL | 33.7–35.0 | 33.0–35.8 |
Two egg clutches in stage Gosner 19 (Fig.
The tadpoles of C. zarza (Fig.
Body elongated, oval-depressed, wider than high; snout rounded in dorsal view and sloped and rounded in lateral view. Eyes located on dorsal surface of head and C-shaped (at least until Gosner stage 31). Nostrils positioned dorsally, protruding, with very small narial apertures oriented anteriorly. Spiracle short, single, sinistral, located at the posterolateral region of the body; spiracular opening slightly below body axis, oriented posteriorly and upwards (dorsoposterior orientation). Vent tube situated medially, short, attached to the ventral fin (caudal), with a dextral opening directed postero-ventrally. Tail long, ~ 2.4× the length of the body, with subacute tip. Dorsal fin originating at ca. mid-length of tail; myotomes of tail musculature weakly visible in the first half of tail length.
Oral disc large (oral disc width ~ 65% of body width), not emarginated, located near tip of snout, directed anteroventrally, protruding ventrally but not laterally (Fig.
General coloration varied in the different developmental stages (Fig.
On 3 September 2022 we recorded the calls of several males from the type locality (Refugio de Vida Silvestre El Zarza, quebrada “Las Mariposas”, Suppl. material
Vocalizations in Centrolene zarza sp. nov. Visual representation of the advertisement call (FUTPL-A 263; A–C) and courtship call (paratype MUTPL 933, FUTPL-A 261; D–F) A oscilogram of a single-noted call with the 3 pulses B spectrogram of a single-noted call C power spectrum of a single-noted call D oscilogram of a multi-noted call with 6 notes E spectrogram of a multi-noted call F power spectrum of a multi-noted call.
The call of paratype MUTPL 933 (FUTPL-A 261 and FUTPL-A 262) was recorded on 14 October 2020, on the first night that the specimen arrived in the laboratory. The animal was encountered in the type locality on a leaf at a height of 1.5 m near the stream while vocalizing. In laboratory, a recorder was left running all night, in order to record the call. The male was left in the same plastic bag in which it arrived from the field and had in its proximity, in a different bag, a female (the holotype). The male vocalized almost all night, but the call had a different structure from the typical advertisement call heard and recorded in the field (Fig.
It seems that in this species the males emit multi-note courtship calls when they detect the nearby presence of females and are used to interact with them, as in our case, where the male was probably aware of the female’s presence. Similar behavior was observed in other glassfrog species (
Centrolene zarza is currently known only from Refugio de Vida Silvestre El Zarza, Zamora Chinchipe province, southern Ecuador (Fig.
Distribution of Centrolene zarza sp. nov. Records are based on specimens deposited at the Museo de Zoología, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (MUTPL), Museo de Historia Natural Gustavo Orcés, Escuela Politécnica Nacional (MEPN) and Museo de Zoología, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador (
This is a (locally) common species in the sense that the species presence was detected (seen or heard), in the proper habitat, in large or moderate numbers, on more than 50% of the sampling days/nights (
Centrolene zarza is known, for now, from only two small streams inside the wildlife refuge, in an estimated area of less than 7 km2. Although this is a locally common species, which lives inside a nationally protected area, we recommend that C. zarza be categorized as Critically Endangered following the B1ab(i,ii,iii)+2ab(i,ii,iii) IUCN criteria (
The Condor Glassfrog (C. condor) was described by Cisneros-Heredia and Morales-Mite in 2008 with one male specimen collected in 2003 and without molecular data (
The fact that C. zarza is morphologically different from C. condor (see comparisons with similar species section) suggests that the current position of C. condor in the phylogenetic tree may be correct and that the specimens from Alto Machinaza and Paquisha Alto are indeed C. condor (or at least very similar, closely related species). For this reason, it is imperative that new material is collected from the type locality in order to clarify the exact position of C. condor. Unfortunately, this could be a difficult task to accomplish, as the whole area is already a mining company´s concession and access is restricted. Another option would be to obtain sequences from the formalized holotype using alternative extracting methods from degraded DNA (e.g.,
The main threats for C. zarza are habitat loss and contamination due to mining activities, both legal and illegal. The whole southern sector of the Cordillera del Cóndor is threatened by imminent human colonization and settlement, agriculture and cattle raising, as well as gold and copper mining. The situation of Refugio de Vida Silvestre El Zarza, in this context, is of particular concern. For now, the wildlife refuge acts like a conservation island, being surrounded by large mining concessions and with active mining activities close to its northern borders. To make things worse, in recent years, signs of illegal mining activities were recorded inside the refuge. These activities are conducted especially in the streams of the reserve, and could affect, particularly but not exclusively, the survival of the glassfrogs that live in the wildlife refuge, especially due to water contamination. Currently, there are 6 species and one potentially new species of glassfrogs recorded from the refuge, although still others might remain to be discovered in the future.
Another threat for the survival of C. zarza could be chytridiomycosis, the infectious fungal disease caused by Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), that has been linked to worldwide amphibian population declines (
However, it is possible that the loss of tooth rows is a natural (developmental) process. This could be particularly true in our case, as we did not observe oral deformities in the form of dekeratinization (depigmentation) of mouthparts (which are the typical symptoms of Bd infection;
We are grateful for the help and support offered by Ministerio del Ambiente, Agua y Transición Ecológica, Zona 7 and for the issued research permits (MAE-DNB-CM-2015-0016, MAAE-ARSFC-2020-0727 and MAATE-DBI-CM-2021-0181). Special thanks to the administrative personal and park rangers of Refugio de Vida Silvestre El Zarza: Washington Díaz, Luis León, Dalton Morocho, Álex Armijos, Dalton Bustán, Ángel Campoverde, Jomary Pineda, Edison Gálvez and Ramiro Sarango, whose assistance was essential for the field work. Field and laboratory work was funded by Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja through the project “Descripción de nuevas especies de anfibios y reptiles del sur de Ecuador a partir de las colecciones del Museo de Zoología, UTPL”. We thank Jorge Brito and Manuel Morales-Mite for sharing their data with us and Monica Guerra (Museo de Historia Natural Gustavo Orcés, Escuela Politécnica Nacional) for providing access to the specimens in her care. We also thank Ángel Hualpa, Marek Castel, Joselyn Vinueza, Guillermo Enríquez, Marlon Vega, Camilo López, María José Rojas, and Andy Ruiz for help during fieldwork, and Pablo Córdova for his help with the digitization of the oral apparatus drawing. Finally, we want to thank Juan Manuel Guayasamin and Mauricio Ortega-Andrade for the useful comments and suggestions that improved our manuscript.
Voucher, GenBank accession numbers and locality for the Centrolene species used in the phylogenetic analysis. With bold letters are marked the sequences generated by the present study. Ca01–Ca05 represent candidate new species from
Species | Voucher number | GenBank accession no. | Locality | ||
12S | 16S | POMC | |||
Centrolene altitudinalis | MHNLS 17194 | EU663333 | EU662974 | EU663165 | Venezuela: Mérida, Quebrada Albarregas |
Centrolene antioquiensis | NRPS 014 | EU663336 | EU662977 | EU663167 | Colombia: Antioquia, Vereda El Roble |
Centrolene ballux |
– | JX126954 | – | Ecuador: Pichincha, Reserva Las Gralarias, road Calacalí – La Independencia |
Centrolene ballux |
KF639754 | – | – | Ecuador: Pichincha, Reserva Las Gralarias, road Calacalí – La Independencia |
Centrolene buckleyi | KU 178031 | EU663338 | EU662979 | EU663169 | Ecuador: Imbabura, near Lago Cuicocha |
Centrolene buckleyi | MZUTI 763 | MH844843 | MH844849 | – | Ecuador: Napo, trail from Oyacachi to Chaco |
Centrolene aff. buckleyi Ca02 | MAR 371 | EU663339 | EU662980 | EU663170 | Colombia: Cundinamarca, Parque Nacional Chingaza |
Centrolene aff. buckleyi Ca03 | MRy 547 | MH844838 | MH844844 | – | Ecuador: Zamora Chinchipe |
Centrolene aff. buckleyi Ca03 | MRy 548 | MH844839 | MH844845 | – | Ecuador: Zamora Chinchipe |
Centrolene charapita | MHNC 13933 | KM068248 | KM068256 | – | Peru: Amazonas, La Oliva |
Centrolene charapita | MNCN 45392 | KF639760 | KF534358 | – | Peru: Amazonas, La Oliva |
Centrolene condor | EPN 12800/ |
– | MT225186 | – | Ecuador: Zamora Chinchipe, Río Machinaza– Sector Colibrí |
Centrolene aff. condor Ca04 |
KF639755 | JX126955 | – | Ecuador: Zamora Chinchipe, Machinaza – Loma Tigres Alto |
Centrolene daidalea | MHUA 3271 | EU663366 | EU663007 | EU663192 | Colombia: Cesar, Vereda San Cayetano |
Centrolene geckoidea | KU 178015 | EU663341 | EU662982 | – | Ecuador: Pichincha, 1 km SW San Ignacio |
Centrolene heloderma |
KF639757 | JX126956 | – | Ecuador: Pichincha, Reserva Las Gralarias, Río Santa Rosa |
Centrolene hesperia | MHNSM 25802 | EU663345 | EU662986 | KF639777 | Peru: Cajamarca, Quebrada Chorro Blanco |
Centrolene huilensis |
– | JX126959 | – | Ecuador: Napo, Yanayacu Biological Station |
Centrolene hybrida | MAR 347 | EU663346 | EU662987 | EU663175 | Colombia: Boyacá, Reserva Natural El Secreto |
Centrolene lynchi |
KF639758 | JX126957 | – | Ecuador: Pichincha, Reserva Las Gralarias, road Calacalí – La Independencia |
Centrolene muelleri | CORDIBI 14667 | – | KM068267 | – | Peru: Amazonas, Puente – Vilcaniza |
Centrolene muelleri | PV 1001 | KF639759 | JX126958 | KF639778 | Peru: Amazonas, Chachapoyas, Cataratas de Gokta |
Centrolene notosticta | MAR 510 | EU663351 | EU662992 | EU663180 | Colombia: Norte de Santander, Vereda Piritama, Quebrada Piritama |
Centrolene peristicta |
EU663352 | EU662993 | EU663181 | Ecuador: Pichincha, Mindo Biology Station |
Centrolene peristicta |
MT225171 | – | – | Ecuador: Pichincha: Reserva Las Gralarias |
Centrolene pipilata | KU 178154 | EU663353 | EU662994 | KF639779 | Ecuador: Napo, Río Salado, 1 km upstream from Río Coca |
Centrolene sabini | MUSM 28018 | – | JX126960 | – | Peru: Cusco, Parque Nacional Manu nearby Pilco Grande |
Centrolene sanchezi | MUTPL 601 | OP751416 | OP751399 | OP753140 | Ecuador: Zamora Chinchipe, Reserva Biológica Cerro Plateado |
Centrolene sanchezi |
EU663337 | EU662978 | EU663168 | Ecuador: Napo, Yanayacu Biological Station |
Centrolene savagei | MHUA 4094 | EU663380 | EU663020 | EU663205 | Colombia: Antioquia, Vereda El Retiro |
Centrolene venezuelense | MHNLS 16497 | EU663360 | EU663001 | EU663186 | Venezuela: Mérida, Cordillera de Mérida |
Centrolene zarza | MUTPL 932 | OP751417 | OP751400 | OP753141 | Ecuador: Zamora Chinchipe, Refugio de Vida Silvestre El Zarza |
Centrolene zarza | MUTPL 933 | OP751418 | OP751401 | OP753142 | Ecuador: Zamora Chinchipe, Refugio de Vida Silvestre El Zarza |
Centrolene zarza | MUTPL-T22 | – | OP751402 | – | Ecuador: Zamora Chinchipe, Refugio de Vida Silvestre El Zarza |
Centrolene sp. Ca01 | MAR 1152 | KM068295 | KM068295 | – | Colombia: Chocó, Corregimiento de Balboa |
Centrolene sp. Ca05 |
MT225170 | – | – | Ecuador: Napo, Yanayacu Biological Station |
Uncorrected genetic p-distances (%), for the mitochondrial gene 16S for the Centrolene species
Data type: xlsx file
Information regarding the Centrolene zarza sp. nov. call recordings and the bioacoustic measurements
Data type: xlsx file
Explanation note: Values are given as average ± SD (range) and n = sample size.