Research Article |
Corresponding author: Qing Zhao ( ) Academic editor: Jader Oliveira
© 2023 Xiaofei Ding, Chao Chen, Jiufeng Wei, Xiaoyun Gao, Hufang Zhang, Qing Zhao.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Ding X, Chen C, Wei J, Gao X, Zhang H, Zhao Q (2023) Comparative mitogenomics and phylogenetic analyses of the genus Menida (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Pentatomidae). ZooKeys 1138: 29-48.
In order to explore the genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationship of the genus Menida Motschulsky, 1861 and reveal the molecular evolution of the family Pentatomidae, subfamily Pentatominae, complete mitochondrial genomes of three species of Menida were sequenced, and the phylogenetic relationships of tribes within the subfamily Pentatominae were studied based on these results. The mitochondrial genomes of Menida musiva (Jakovlev, 1876), M. lata Yang, 1934, and M. metallica Hsiao & Cheng, 1977 were 16,663 bp, 16,463 bp, and 16,418 bp, respectively, encoding 37 genes and including 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), two rRNA genes, 22 tRNA genes, and a control region. The mitochondrial genome characteristics of Menida were compared and analyzed, and the phylogenetic tree of the Pentatominae was constructed based on the mitochondrial genome datasets using Bayesian inference (BI) and maximum likelihood (MI) methods. The results showed that gene arrangements, nucleotide composition, codon preference, gene overlaps, and RNA secondary structures were highly conserved within the Menida and had more similar characteristics in Pentatominae. The phylogenetic analysis shows a highly consistent topological structure based on BI and ML methods, which supported that the genus Menida belongs to the Pentatominae and is closely related to Hoplistoderini. The examined East Asian species of Menida form a monophyletic group with the internal relationships: (M. musiva + (M. lata + (M. violacea + M. metallica))). In addition, these results support the monophyly of Eysarcorini and Strachiini. Placosternum and Cappaeini are stable sister groups in the evolutionary branch of Pentatominae. The results of this study enrich the mitochondrial genome databases of Pentatominae and have significance for further elucidation of the phylogenetic relationships within the Pentatominae.
Menida, mitochondrial genomesm Pentatominae, phylogenetic relationship
Mitochondrial genomes are one of the most widely used molecular markers in evolutionary studies due to their small size, stable genetic composition, relatively conserved gene sequence, rapid rate of evolution, and relatively complete molecular information (
Pentatominae is the largest subfamily of Pentatomidae, which is composed of at least 3484 species belonging to 660 genera in 43 tribes (
The genus Menida Motschulsky, 1861 is distributed worldwide, but most species are distributed in Afrotropical and Oriental regions (
In this study, we newly sequenced the complete mitochondrial genomes of three species of Menida based on high-throughput sequencing, analyzed the characteristics of the mitochondrial genome in detail and drew the secondary structure of RNA. By comparing and analyzing the characteristics of mitochondrial genome sizes, nucleotide composition, codon preference, RNA structure, and evolutionary rates among Menida species, we explore the phylogenetic position of Menida in Pentatominae, as well as the relationship of tribes within the subfamily Pentatominae. The new data will provide a reference for the phylogenetic analysis and identification of Pentatomidae.
Adult specimens of Menida musiva (Jakovlev, 1876) were collected from Gaoleshan National Nature Reserve (32°39.90'N, 113°37.37'E), Tongbai County, Nanyang City, Henan Province, China, in August 2019. Adult specimens of M. lata Yang, 1934 were collected from Buddhist College of Tongbo County (32°21'N, 113°23'E), Nanyang City, Henan Province, China, in August 2019. Adult specimens of M. metallica Hsiao & Cheng, 1977 were collected from Wuli Village (30°52'N, 103°35'E), Qingchengshan Town, Dujiangyan City, Sichuan Province, China, in September 2020. All samples were immediately placed in absolute ethanol and stored in a freezer at −20 °C until DNA extraction. The total DNA was extracted from thoracic tissue using the HiPure Universal DNA Kit (Jisi Huiyuan biotechnology, Nanjing, China).
The complete mitochondrial genomes of the three species were sequenced on Illumina Novaseq 6000 Sequencing System with a read length of PE150. Fastp (
The circular maps of mitogenomes were produced by the CGView Server (
We selected three newly sequenced species of Menida and 37 available mitogenomes of related taxa (including all available Pentatominae sequences and two Acanthosomatidae sequences as outgroups) from GenBank to determine the phylogenetic status of Menida and to discuss the phylogenetic relationships of tribes within the subfamily Pentatominae (Table
List of sequences used to reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships within Pentatominae.
Family | Subfamily | Tribe | Species | GenBank number | Reference |
Pentatomidae | Pentatominae | Antestiini | Anaxilaus musgravei | MW679031 | Unpublished |
Antestiini | Plautia crossota | NC_057080 | ( |
Antestiini | Plautia fimbriata | NC_042813 | ( |
Antestiini | Plautia lushanica | NC_058973 | ( |
Cappaeini | Halyomorpha halys | NC_013272 | ( |
Carpocorini | Dolycoris baccarum | NC_020373 | ( |
Catacanthini | Catacanthus incarnatus | NC_042804 | ( |
Caystrini | Caystrus obscurus | NC_042805 | ( |
Caystrini | Hippotiscus dorsalis | NC_058969 | ( |
Eysarcorini | Carbula sinica | NC_037741 | ( |
Eysarcorini | Eysarcoris aeneus | MK841489 | ( |
Eysarcorini | Eysarcoris annamita | MW852483 | ( |
Eysarcorini | Stagonomus gibbosus | MW846868 | ( |
Eysarcorini | Eysarcoris guttigerus | NC_047222 | ( |
Eysarcorini | Eysarcoris montivagus | MW846867 | ( |
Eysarcorini | Eysarcoris rosaceus | MT165687 | ( |
Halyini | Dalpada cinctipes | NC_058967 | ( |
Halyini | Erthesina fullo | NC_042202 | ( |
Hoplistoderini | Hoplistodera incisa | NC_042799 | ( |
Menidini | Menida musiva | OP066239 | This study | ||
Menidini | Menida metallica | OP066240 | This study | ||
Menidini | Menida lata | OP066241 | This study | ||
Menidini | Menida violacea | NC_042818 | ( |
Nezarini | Glaucias dorsalis | NC_058968 | ( |
Nezarini | Nezara viridula | NC_011755 | ( |
Nezarini | Palomena viridissima | NC_050166 | ( |
Pentatomini | Neojurtina typica | NC_058971 | ( |
Pentatomini | Pentatoma metallifera | NC_058972 | ( |
Pentatomini | Pentatoma rufipes | MT861131 | ( |
Pentatomini | Pentatoma semiannulata | NC_053653 | ( |
Pentatomini | Placosternum urus | NC_042812 | ( |
Sephelini | Brachymna tenuis | NC_042802 | ( |
Strachiini | Eurydema dominulus | NC_044762 | ( |
Strachiini | Eurydema gebleri | NC_027489 | ( |
Strachiini | Eurydema liturifera | NC_044763 | ( |
Strachiini | Eurydema maracandica | NC_037042 | ( |
Strachiini | Eurydema oleracea | NC_044764 | ( |
Strachiini | Eurydema qinlingensis | NC_044765 | ( |
Acanthosomatidae | Acanthosomatinae | Anaxandra taurina | NC_042801 | ( |
Sastragala esakii | NC_058975 | ( |
The nucleic acid sequences of the PCGs and RNA genes were extracted using Geneious v. 11.0 and aligned using the MUSCLE strategy in MEGA v. 11. Multiple sequences for each species were then connected using SequenceMatrix v. 1.7.8 (
We studied the relationship among four species of Menida (three newly sequenced species and one species downloaded from NCBI). All four mitogenomes are double-strand circular DNA molecules. The total lengths of the mitogenomes of M. musiva, M. lata, M. metallica, and M. violacea are 16,663bp, 16,463bp, 16,418bp, and 15,379bp, respectively. The mitogenomes of the four species each contain 37 genes (13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), 22 tRNA genes, and 2 rRNA genes) and a control region (Fig.
The four mitogenomes have similar overlapping regions and gene spacers. The longest intergenic region (31–34bp) of the four species of the genus Menida appeared between trnS2 and nad1, and there were mainly three conserved overlaps, with a 8 bp overlap between trnC/trnW (AAGCTTTA) and a 7 bp overlap between atp8/atp6 and nad4/nad4L (ATGATAA) (Suppl. material
For the four studied species, nine PCGs (nad2, cox1, cox2, atp8, atp6, cox3, nad3, nad6, and cytb) were found to be coded on the majority strand (J-strand) and four PCGs (nad5, nad4, nad4L, and nad1), on the minority strand (N-strand). The longest PCG is nad5 (1707–1710 bp), while the shortest is atp8 (159 bp). Five PCGs (cox1, cox2, atp8, atp6, and nad3) did not vary in length among the four species. Most of the PCGs use ATN (ATT/ATA/ATG/ATC) as initiation codon. TTG was the second most used initiation codon, and was found in cox1, atp8, nad1, and nad6 (except in M. musiva). The coding region of most PCGs ends with the complete termination codon TAA, except cox1, cox2, and nad3, which ended with the incomplete stop codon T (Suppl. material
Statistics on the relative synonymous codon usage (RSCU) of the four species showed distinct bias and similar codon usage patterns. The most frequently used codons are UUA (Leu2), while the least commonly used codons are AAC (Asn), GAC (Asp), UGC (Cys), CAC (His), AUC (Ile), UUC (Phe), and UAC (Tyr) (Fig.
To further investigate the codon usage bias among Pentatominae species, we analyzed the correlations between ENC (effective number of codons), the GC content of all codons, and the GC content of the third codon positions. We found a positive correlation between ENC and GC content for all codons (R2 = 0.9199) and the third codon positions (R2 = 0.959) (Fig.
The values of Ka (the number of non-synonymous substitutions per nonsynonymous site), Ks (the number of synonymous substitutions per synonymous site), and Ka/Ks were calculated for each PCG, respectively (Fig.
The total lengths of the 22 tRNAs of the four species range between 1464 bp (M. musiva) and 1484 bp (M. metallica), and the length of 22 tRNA genes ranged from 63 to 72 bp. Fourteen tRNA genes (trnI, trnM, trnW, trnL2, trnK, trnD, trnG, trnA, trnR, trnN, trnS1, trnE, trnT, trnS2) are coded on the J-strand and eight (trnQ, trnC, trnY, trnF, trnH, trnP, trnL1, trnV) on the N-strand. We found that only trn S1 lacked the dihydrouridine (DHU) arm, and the remaining 21 tRNA genes can form a typical cloverleaf structure in the four species. All tRNAs in the four mitogenomes use the standard anticodon. Among all the tRNAs of the four species in Menida, trnH has the weakest conservatism compared with other genes. In addition, 16 wobble G-U pairs were found in 22 tRNAs of Menida (Fig.
The two rRNA genes (12S rRNA and 16S rRNA) are encoded on the N-strand in these species. The 16S rRNA gene, ranging from 1277 to 1285 bp in size, is located at a conserved position between trnL1 and trnV. The 12S rRNA (795–804 bp) was found between trnV and the control region. The complete secondary structures of the 12S rRNA and 16S rRNA genes are shown in Figs
The control regions located between 12S rRNA and trnI of the four species showed more variation in length, and the length ranged from 686 to 2,002 bp. This variation leads to the difference in the total length of its mitochondrial genome. The AT content in the control area of M. musiva (82.82%) was significantly higher than that of the other three species. The longest repeating unit length (284 bp) was found in M. metallica. However, no tandem repeats were detected in M. violacea (Fig.
Before constructing the phylogenetic tree, we performed saturation and heterogeneity analysis on two data sets. Saturation analysis showed that the sequence was not saturated (Iss < Iss. c, and p < 0.05) (Suppl. material
We constructed phylogenetic trees of Pentatominae based on the two data sets using BI and ML (Fig.
In this study, we sequenced the complete mitochondrial genomes of M. musiva, M. lata, and M. metallica based on high-throughput sequencing. Compared with other species of Menida with published genomes, no gene rearrangement occurred in the four mitochondrial genomes, and the gene arrangements are conserved, which are consistent with other published mitochondrial genomes of Hemiptera (
Most PCGs of mitochondrial genomes of Menida use ATN as the initiation codon. TTG is another commonly used start codon and is commonly found in the protein-coding genes (cox1, atp8, nad1, and nad6), which is similar to most mitochondrial genomes of Pentatomidae. We found that the stop codon of most PCGs ends with TAA or TAG, while cox1 and cox2 end with incomplete stop codon T, which is more conservative in Pentatomidae (
In the genus Menida, tRNAs (except trnS1) have a typical shamrock secondary structure and are highly conserved. TrnS1 lacks DHU arms and only has a ring structure, which is common in many other insect groups. In addition to typical Watson-Crick pairings (G-C and A-U), there are also some atypical pairings such as G-U pairings, and these non-Watson-Crick pairings can be transformed into fully functional proteins by post-transcriptional mechanisms (
We obtained highly similar topology based on two different methods of two datasets. Our results are basically consistent with the traditional morphological classification and recent molecular studies (
In the present study, three mitochondrial genomes from the Pentatomidae were analyzed, and the monophyly of some genus has been supported. Due to the richness and diversity of the genus Menida, some species within the genus have great morphological variation, so it will be difficult to morphologically identify these species. The addition of these three mitochondrial sequences can provide some data support for the identification of Menida species. However, more insect mitochondrial genomes need to be sequenced, which is of great significance for understanding the evolution of mitochondrial genomes and for clarifying the phylogenetic relationship of Pentatomidae.
This research was funded by the National Science Foundation Project of China (no. 31872272); the Research Project Supported by Shanxi Scholarship Council of China (no. 2020-064 and no. 2020-065), Natural Science Research General Project of Shanxi Province (no. 202103021224331 and 202103021224132).
Supplementary information
Data type: Phylogenetic (2 files in zip archive).
Explanation note: In order to explore the genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationship of Menida and reveal the molecular evolution of Pentatominae, three complete mitochondrial genomes of Menida were sequenced, and the phylogenetic relationships of tribes within the subfamily Pentatominae were studied based on mitochondrial genomes. The mitochondrial genomes of three species (Menida musiva, M. lata and M. metallica) were 16,663bp, 16,463bp and 16,418 bp, respectively, encoded 37 genes, including 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), two rRNA genes, 22 tRNA genes and a control region. We compared and analyzed the mitochondrial genomes characteristics of Menida, and constructed the phylogenetic tree of Pentatominae based on the mitochondrial genomes datasets by Bayesian method. The results showed that gene arrangements, nucleotide composition, codon preference, gene overlaps and RNA secondary structures were highly conserved within the Menida, and had more similar characteristics in Pentatominae. Phylogenetic analysis showed highly consistent topological structures based on BI methods, which strongly supported that the genus Menida belongs to the Pentatominae and is the earliest branch of the sequenced pentatominae species. In addition, (Pentatomini+Strachiini) and (Nezarini+Antestiini) were found to be stable sister groups in the evolutionary branch of Pentatominae. The results of this study enrich the mitochondrial genomes databases of Pentatominae, and have important significance for further elucidate the phylogenetic relationship of Pentatominae.