Diversity underfoot of agromyzids (Agromyzidae, Diptera) mining thalli of liverworts and hornworts
expand article infoMakoto Kato, Luna Yamamori§, Yume Imada|
‡ Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
§ Kyoto University, Shirahama, Japan
| Ehime University, Matsuyama, Japan
Open Access


Agromyzidae is a dipteran family that has diversified as internal plant feeders. Although most agromyzid species feed on herbaceous angiosperms, only a limited number of species has been recorded as miners of bryophytes. Extensive searches and rearing of bryophytivores in the Japanese Archipelago were made, resulting in that thallus-mining agromyzids are overwhelmingly widespread and diverse on thalloid liverworts and hornworts. By examining the morphology of adult flies, it was revealed that the agromyzid fauna comprise 39 species, of which 37 species are newly described. All the species are assigned to the genus Phytoliriomyza Hendel based on some shared morphological character states as follows: costa reaching M1; orbital setulae minute and erect (rarely proclinate); male epandrium with combs of fused tubercle-like setae and/or hypertrophied arms bearing tubercle-like setae; male distiphallus comprising a pair of stout, extended tubules; female cercus with two stout, apical, trichoid sensilla. Of the 39 agromyzid species in Japan, 36 species are associated with liverworts: 5 spp. on Marchantia (Marchantiaceae), 2 spp. on Dumortiera (Dumortieraceae), 3 spp. on Plagiochasma, 1 sp. on Asterella, 6 spp. on Reboulia (Aytoniaceae), 1 sp. on Wiesnerella (Wiesnerellaceae), 15 spp. on Conocephalum (Conocephalaceae), and 3 spp. on Riccia (Ricciaceae). Three species are associated with hornworts: 1 sp. on Folioceros (Anthocerotaceae), 1 sp. on Megaceros (Dendrocerotaceae), and 1 sp. on Notothylas, Phaeoceros (Notothyladaceae), and Anthoceros (Anthocerotaceae). The results suggest that 37 of the 39 species are host-specific at least to plant genus level, and that the inter-specific differences in male genitalia and color patterns of scutum, antenna, and maxillary palpus have contributed to reproductive isolation on the bryophytes that the flies share.


Agromyzidae, bryophytivore, Conocephalum, epandrium, Marchantia, Phytoliriomyza, thallus-miner


In vascular plants, a leaf represents a flat lamina borne on a shoot with abaxial-adaxial polarity, and the adaxial side is oriented towards the sun for the primary function of photosynthesis. The leaves are highly nutritious organs and thus are often consumed by various arthropods with various feeding strategies. Some insects consume specific layers of foliage while dwelling inside the internal plant tissues; such a means of herbivory is known as leaf mining (Hering 1951). The earliest known credible trace fossils of leaf mining are known from the Middle-Late Triassic (Labandeira 2006; Imada et al. 2022), but the culprits are unknown. Many leaf-mining insect clades in the megadiverse insect orders, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera and Diptera, have become diverse in the Cenozoic. For some fossil leaf mines during the Late Cretaceous, the insect culprits have been assigned to families, such as the lepidopteran Nepticulidae (Doorenweerd et al. 2015) and Lyonetiidae (Maccracken et al. 2021), and the coleopteran Buprestidae (Ding and Labandeira 2014).

The bryophytes (non-vascular plants) consist of three major clades: hornworts, liverworts, and mosses (Puttick et al. 2018). The bryophytes can be characterized by the dominance of the gametophyte phase of the life cycle where they bear photosynthetic structures (Hofmeister 1862). In mosses and some liverworts, the gametophyte is leafy in appearance; the leaves comprise one-cell thick which would prevent many insects of mining within them. However, in hornworts and some liverworts, the gametophyte is flattened to form a thallus. The thalli of thalloid bryophytes comprise multiple cell layers and can be used by internal tissue-feeders, such as thallus-miners of Rhagionidae (Imada and Kato 2016a, b) and Agromyzidae (Spencer 1990).

The Agromyzidae is the largest clades of leaf mining flies. The larvae of agromyzid flies feed on a wide variety of mostly angiospermous plants, and particularly of herbaceous plants (Spencer 1990). Recent molecular phylogenetic analyses of the agromyzids suggest that host-plant shifts repeatedly occurred during their diversification (Scheffer et al. 2007; Winkler et al. 2009). As for the thallus-miners on bryophytes, only one agromyzid species, Phytoliriomyza mesnili d’Aguilar, has been described from liverworts, Riccia L., in France (d’Aguilar 1944). In addition, larvae and pupae of undescribed thallus-mining agromyzid species have also been found in thalli of thalloid liverworts (Monoclea Hook) and hornworts (Anthoceros L.) in the Neotropics (Hering 1957, 1966), and gall-inducing larvae of an undescribed species of Phytoliriomyza Hendel have been recorded from a thalloid liverworts, Monoclea, in Peru (Ohgue et al. 2018). Although the previous records on bryophyte-feeding agromyzids are scant, diversity of agromyzids associated with thalloid liverworts and hornworts may be greatly underestimated. Much of the diversity of agromyzids associated with thalloid bryophytes, and the evolutionary history of the interactions between bryophytes and agromyzid flies remain unexplored.

Phytoliriomyza is a heterogenous genus whose biology is poorly known (Lonsdale 2021). Among the 116 described species, host plants were known for only 17 species that feed on liverworts (1 sp.), ferns (7 spp.), and angiosperms (9 spp.) (Spencer 1990). Due to the association with the basal lineages of plants, along with the plesiomorphic character states in larval morphology, Hering (1966) claimed that Phytoliriomyza was an early member of Agromyzidae. Spencer (1965) erected a new genus Lemurimyza for a species in Madagascar mainly based on the distinctive male genital morphology. Subsequently, however, the genus was synonymized with Phytoliriomyza by von Tschirnhaus (1971), mainly based on the external morphology of adults.

We have conducted an extensive taxonomic and ecological assessment of phytophagous insects on bryophytes in the Japanese archipelago. We discovered an immense diversity of agromyzid fauna on thalloid liverworts and hornworts. The morphology of the imagoes of the collected agromyzid flies is consistent with that of Phytoliriomyza. Herein we redefine the genus Phytoliriomyza; notably, diagnoses for the 39 species are provided, with descriptions of 37 new species. The recorded agromyzid species had a remarkably high morphological diversity in male genitalia and high host-specificity on bryophytes. The results unveil the diversity and host plant specificity of Phytoliriomyza, providing an insight into the evolutionary history of the associations with bryophytes.

Materials and methods


In total, 128 thalloid bryophyte species have been recorded in the Japanese Archipelago: 111 thalloid liverwort species (2 classes, 5 orders, 19 families, 31 genera) and 17 hornwort species (1 class, 3 orders, 3 families, 6 genera) (Table 1). The explored habitats and sites ranged from natural forests to secondary vegetation, from soil to rocky substrates, from warm temperate evergreen forests to cool temperate deciduous forests, and from the Ryukyu Archipelago to northern Hokkaido; we carefully monitored stream sides, cliffs, limestone areas, and paddy fields.

Table 1.

Thalloid liverwort and hornwort genera, with number of species of each genus and phytophagous insect species associated with the genera in Japan.

Division Class Order Family Genus No. of species No. of ex- amined spp. No. of bryophagous insect species
Micropterigidae Rhagionidae Agromyzidae
Marchantiophyta Jungermanniopsida Treubiales Treubiaceae Apotreubia 1 0
Jungermanniales Aneuraceae Aneura 5 2
Lobatiriccardia 1 1
Riccardia 22 1
Metzgeriaceae Apometzgeria 1 1
Metzgeria 10 2
Pelliales Pelliaceae Pellia 3 2 5
Calyculariaceae Calycularia 1 1
Makinoaceae Makinoa 1 1
Fossombroniaceae Fossombronia 3 1
Pallaviciniaceae Hattorianthus 1 0
Moerckia 2 0
Pallavicinia 4 1
Marchantiopsida Blasiales Blasiaceae Blasia 1 1
Cavicularia 1 1
Marchantiales Marchantiaceae Marchantia 6 6 5
Preissia 1 1
Dumortieraceae Dumortiera 1 1 2
Aytoniaceae Plagiochasma 2 2 3
Asterella 7 3 2
Mannia 4 1
Reboulia 1 1 4 6
Cleveaceae Athalamia 1 1
Peltolepis 2 0
Sauteria 3 0
Wiesnerellaceae Wiesnerella 1 1 1 1
Targionioideae Targionia 1 1
Monosoleniaceae Monosolenium 1 0
Conocephalaceae Conocephalum 5 5 19 4 15
Anthocerotae Ricciaceae Riccia 18 8 3
Ricciocarpos 1 1
Cyathodiaceae Cyathodium 1 0
Anthocerotophyta Anthocerotae Anthocerotales Anthocerotaceae Anthoceros 5 1 1
Folioceros 2 1 2
Notothyladales Notothyladaceae Notothylas 3 2 1
Phaeoceros 4 1 1
Dendrocerotales Dendrocerotaceae Dendroceros 2 1
Megaceros 1 1 1
Total number of species 130 54 19 14 43 (39)*

At nearly 120 sites in Japan, we extensively sampled mined thalli of thalloid liverworts and hornworts during the 2000s. Collected thalli were placed in plastic cases (13.6 × 8.7 × 2.5 or 13.6 × 8.7 × 3.5 cm, “clean-cup NK”, Risu-pack, Gifu Plastic Industry Co.) and kept in incubators with temperature and light conditions maintained similar to their natural habitats. The thalli were prevented from desiccation by modestly spraying with water during incubation. We checked the plastic cases frequently for emergence of adult flies. For each emerged fly specimen, the date of thallus collection (as larva or puparium) and the date of adult emergence are recorded. Additional searches for agromyzid flies walking on thalli were also performed. Emerged and collected flies were pinned with minute pins and freeze-dried in the ice boxes of the refrigerators, dried, or fixed in 99% ethanol.

Morphological survey

The morphology of adult agromyzid fly specimens was examined under a microscope (VHS-7000; Keyence); it was photographed by synthesizing virtual images from a sequence of corresponding depth images. The morphological characters that were important to discriminate species were color of antenna, frons, and maxillary palpus; color and pattern of scutum and scutellum; and color of haltere.

For observation of genitalia, the abdomens of fly specimens were dipped in 10% KOH for 1 day, then rinsed off with water, and dissected under a binocular microscope. Male and female genitalia of prepared specimens were photographed under a microscope (VHS-7000; Keyence) by synthesizing virtual images from a sequence of corresponding depth images. The genital morphological characters that were important to discriminate species were number and position of tubercle-like setae on male epandrium, along with the shape and sclerotization pattern of hypophallus, mesophallus, and distiphallus.

Terminology follows that outlined in Lonsdale (2021), with the fronto-orbital setae divided into the inferior orbital setae (ori) and the superior orbital setae (ors); antenna treated as scape, pedicel, 1st flagellomere, and arista toward tip; and male genitalia treated as epiphallus, phallophorus, basiphallus, hypophallus, paraphallus (if present), mesophallus, and distiphallus. Wing vein terminology follows Lonsdale and von Tschirnhaus (2021). Figures of male genitalia are generally shown as ventral view of dissected genitalia.

The type specimens (holotypes and paratypes) and other materials are deposited in the National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo (NMNS) and the Kyoto University Museum (KUM), respectively. All the specimens were collected in Japan by M. Kato unless otherwise noted.


With rearing of phytophagous insects on 47 thalloid liverwort and 7 hornwort species (Table 1), 3096 agromyzid flies emerged; these belonged to 39 species. Among the 39 species, 36 species are associated with thalloid liverworts and three species are associated with hornworts. With the exception of two species, Phytoliriomyza dorsata (Siebke, 1864) and Phytoliriomyza alpicola (Strobl, 1898), the remaining 37 species are new to science. Except for two species only associated, the other 37 species are host-genus specific; all species associated with liverworts are host-genus specific: five on Marchantia, two on Dumortiera, two on Plagiochasma, one on Asterella, six on Reboulia, one on Wiesnerella, 13 on Conocephalum, and three on Riccia (Table 2). Among hornwort-associated species, one species is specific to Folioceros, one species is specific to Megaceros, and one species emerged from Phaeoceros, Anthoceros, and Notothylas.

Table 2.

Agromyzid species associated with thalloid liverworts and hornworts in Japan, with their host plants and distributions.

Code Phytoliriomyza species Host plant division Host plant family Host plant genus Host plant species No. host genera No. host species Distribution1
1 dorsata Marchantiophyta Marchantiaceae Marchantia M. polymorpha 1 1 1
2 igniculus Marchantia M. polymorpha 1 1 1 1
3 tsukuyomi Marchantia M. polymorpha 1 1 1
4 marchantiae Marchantia M. paleacea paleacea, M. p. diptera, M. polymorpha, M. papillata grossibarba 1 3 1 1 1 1
5 nubatama Marchantia M. papillata grossibarba, M. emarginata cuneiloba, M. pinnata 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1
6 dumortierae Dumortieraceae Dumortiera D. hirsuta 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
7 conocephali Dumortiera D. hirsuta 1 1 1 1 1
8 arcus Aytoniaceae Plagiochasma P. pterospermum, P. appendiculatum 1 2 1
9 plagiochasmatos Plagiochasma, Asterella P. pterospermum, A. cruciata 2 2 1
10 calcicola Plagiochasma P. pterospermum 1 1 1
11 iriomotensis Asterella A. liukiuensis 1 1 1
12 cometiformis Reboulia R. hemisphaerica orientalis 1 1 1 1 1
13 argentifasciata Reboulia R. hemisphaerica orientalis 1 1 1 1 1 1
14 longifurcae Reboulia R. hemisphaerica orientalis 1 1 1 1
15 falcata Reboulia R. hemisphaerica orientalis 1 1 1
16 aratriformis Reboulia R. hemisphaerica orientalis 1 1 1 1
17 rebouliae Reboulia R. hemisphaerica orientalis 1 1 1 1 1
18 wiesnerellae Wiesnerellaceae Wiesnerella W. denudata 1 1 1
19 luna Conocephalaceae Conocephalum C. orientalis, C. salebrosum 1 2 1 1 1
20 izayoi Conocephalum C. orientalis, C. purpureorubrum 1 3 1 1 1
21 chichibuensis Conocephalum C. orientalis, C. salebrosum 1 2 1
22 caliginosa Conocephalum C. orientalis 1 1 1 1 1
23 ugetsu Conocephalum C. orientalis 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
24 nigroflava Conocephalum C. orientalis, C. salebrosum 1 2 1 1
25 brunofasciata Conocephalum C. orientalis, C. purpureorubrum, C. salebrosum 1 3 1
26 pallidofasciata Conocephalum C. orientalis 1 1 1 1 1
27 luteola Conocephalum C. orientalis, C. purpureorubrum, C. salebrosum 1 3 1 1
28 helva Conocephalum C. purpureorubrum, C. salebrosum 1 2 1
29 bifasciata Conocephalum C. orientalis, C. salebrosum 1 2 1 1 1 1
30 alpicola Conocephalum C. orientalis, C. salebrosum 1 2 1 1
31 lanternaria Conocephalum C. orientalis 1 1 1 1 1 1
32 conocephali Conocephalum C. orientalis, C. purpureorubrum, C. salebrosum, C. japonicum 1 4 1 1 1
33 suetsugui Conocephalum C. orientalis 1 1 1 1
34 ricciae Ricciaceae Riccia Riccia nipponica, R. miyakeana, R. oryzicola, R. bifurca, R. lamellosa, R. huebeneriana, R. canaliculata 1 7 1 1 1 1
35 sexfasciata Riccia Riccia lamellosa, R. bifurca, R. sorocarpa 1 3 1
36 caerulescens Riccia R. billardieri, R. huebeneriana 1 2 1
37 foliocerotis Anthocerotophyta Foliocerotaceae Folioceros F. fuciformis 1 1 1
38 megacerotis Megacerotaceae Megaceros M. flagellaris 1 1 1 1 1
39 phaeocerotis Notothyladaceae, Anthocerotaceae Anthoceros, Nototylas, Phaeoceros Phaeoceros carolinianus, Anthoceros punctatus, Nototylas temperata 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1
Total number of species 11 32 18 17 5 6 4 4

All these species are thallus-miners; pupation takes place within their mines, except for some species mining with small thin thalli, which pupate in soil outside of the thalli. Mines of most species are linear, at least in young instars; they often enter the midrib or thicker parts of thalli in the last instar. In some species, mines are obscure from the outside. Adult fly emergence of most species occurs once in spring, while at least a few species are multivoltine.

All these flies had the following common morphological characteristics: costa extending to vein M1; orbital setulae minute and erect or proclinate; male epandrium each side with a row of fused long tubercle-like setae and/or one or a few well-developed tubercle-like setae (rarely lacking both); distiphallus comprising a pair of unfused sclerotized tubules; female tergite 10 trifurcate or cruciform, cercus with two stout, apical, trichoid sensilla. These characteristics suggest that all the 39 species belong to the genus Phytoliriomyza.

Phytoliriomyza Hendel, 1931

Phytoliriomyza Hendel, 1931: 203 [as subgenus of Liriomyza]. Type species: Agromyza perpusilla Meigen 1830: 181, by monotypy. Frick 1952: 410, 1959: 413; Spencer 1969: 201; Spencer and Steyskal 1986b: 151; Papp and Černý 2017: 313; Londsale 2021: 376.

Xyraeomyia Frick, 1952: 412. Type species: Xyraeomyia conjuctimontisFrick 1952: 413, by original designation. Spencer 1965 [synonymy].

Pteridomyza Nowakowski, 1962: 97. Type species: Agromyza hilarella Zetterstedt 1848: 2776, by original designation. von Tschirnhaus 1971 [synonymy]. Manual of North American Agromyzidae 377.

Lemurimyza Spencer, 1965: 26. Type species: Liriomyza enormisSpencer 1963c: 114, by original designation. von Tschirnhaus 1971 [synonymy].

Nesomyza Spencer in Spencer and Stegmaier 1973: 190. Type species: Nesomyza fusculoides Spencer in Spencer and Stegmaier 1973: 190, by original designation. Spencer 1973 [synonymy].


Head: Head yellow, frons often with pruinosity. Orbital plates more or less emerge from the plane of frons. Front orbitals three pairs; one ori directed inward and two ors directed up. 1–2(3) pairs of medio-clinate lower orbital setae, two pairs of reclinate upper orbital setae. Orbital setulae proclinate, upright or partly reclinate. Postocellar and ocellar setae well developed. First flagellomere round.

Thorax : Scutum with 1+3 dorsocentrals. Acrostichal setulae in two rows, but lacking in some species. Postpronotal, two propleural, presutural, and propleural setae normal or strong. Anepisternum with a long posterior seta and with two or three shorter posterior setae. Katepisternum with one or two long setae. Legs simple, only ventroapical seta on middle tibia present. Costal vein ends at apex of M1. The ratio of ultimate and penultimate sections of M4 various.

Abdomen : Male abdomen lacks stridulatory organs.

Male genitalia : Epandrium round apically, often with a comb of several fused tubercle-like setae and/or elongated tubercle-like setae on the inner surface; surstylus setigerous and sometimes with one or a few tubercle-like setae. Subepandrial sclerite short but very broad, connecting bases of surstyli through a special sclerite. Hypandrium very long but very thin. Hypophallus membranous often with a pair of parallel sclerites medially. Paraphallus present or absent. Mesophallus cylindrical and well sclerotized. Distiphallus with basal part formed by usually a paired sclerite and an apical part, which terminates in paired tubes or in extremely long less sclerotized tubules. Ejaculatory apodeme variable, but basal part usually broad and blade not too large.

Female postabdomen : Tergite 10 trifurcate or cruciform posteriorly. Cercus with two stout, apical, trichoid sensilla.

Classification of Phytoliriomyza species associated with bryophytes

The morphological characteristics of the species associated with bryophytes coincided with the characteristics unique to the genus Phytoliriomyza. In addition to these characteristics of adult males, we found characteristics of adult females unique to the bryophyte-associated species, in which tergite 10 was trifurcate or cruciform and each cercus bears two stout, apical, trichoid sensilla.

All the species associated with bryophytes are distinguished by color of antenna, color of maxillary palpus, color pattern of scutum and morphology of male genitalia. Colors of 1st flagellomere of antenna and maxillary palpus are dark or yellow, and unique to each species. Scutum was yellow or dark, and the yellow scutum often had three pairs of dark longitudinal stripes: medial stripes on anterior 2/3 (always merged together except in one species), intra-alar stripes (inner lateral stripes) and supra-alar stripes (outer lateral stripes) on anterior 4/5. In some species, the intra-alar stripe and the supra-alar stripe are merged together to shape a wide band, and often merged with the medial stripe. The color pattern of scutum is unique to each species at least among the species sharing the same host bryophyte genus. Although some species are very similar in external morphology, they could be clearly distinguished by the number of tubercle-like setae in a comb on the male epandrium and other male genital morphological characters.

The 39 recorded Phytoliriomyza species can be classified into four groups (phaeocerotis group, mesnili group, alpicola group, and dorsata group) based on presumed synapomorphy of the following characteristics: distribution of acrostichal setulae on scutum, morphology of epandrium and distiphallus of male genitalia, and color of legs. By assessing the morphological characteristics of the Phytoliriomyza species (Table 3), we obtained a key to species as follows.

Table 3.

A synopsis of morphological characteristics of Japanese bryophyte-associated Phytoliriomyza species.

Group Phytoliriomyza species Color of 1st flagellomere Color of maxillary pulpus Wing length (mm) No. pairs of acro-stichal setulae Color of scutum Color of scutellum Color of leg Medial, inter-alar and supra-alar stripes1 color of haltere Surstylus No. tubercle-like setae of comb on epan-drium2 No. hyper-trohied arm on epan-drium No. tubercle-like setae on surstylus Distal end of disti-phalus Length of disti-phalus Host plant genus
phaeocerotis-G megacerotis dark dark 1.2–1.4 2–3 dark dark dark 0-0-0 dark lobate 6 0 6 tapering out short Megaceros
foliocerotis yellow yellow 1.1–1.3 3–4 dark partly yellow yellow 0-0-0 yellow lobate - 0 0 tapering out long Folioceros
phaeocerotis dark yellow 1.2–1.5 0 dark dark yellow 0-0-0 dark lobate - 0 0 tapering out long Phaeoceros, Nothotylas, Anthoceros
mesnili-G caerulescens dark yellow 1.1–1.3 3–4 dark dark dark 0-0-0 dark elongated - 0 0 tapering out short Riccia
ricciae dark dark 1.0–1.3 0–2 dark dark yellow 1-1-1 dark elongated (2) 0 2 tapering out short Riccia
sexfasciata dark yellow 1.2–1.5 1–3 dark dark dark 0-0-0 dark elongated (40) 0 0 tapering out short Riccia
iriomotensis dark yellow 1.4–1.7 0 dark dark dark 0-0-0 dark elongated (3) 0 1 tapering out short Asterella
alpicola-G tsukuyomi dark dark 1.6–1.7 6–7 dark yellow dark 0-0-0 dark lobate 4 2 1 truncated short Marchantia
alpicola dark dark 1.7–1.8 5–6 dark yellow dark 0-0-0 dark lobate 6 0 1 truncated short Conocephalum
marchantiae dark dark 1.6–1.8 5–6 dark yellow dark 0-0-0 dark lobate 8 0 0 truncated short Marchantia
rebouliae dark dark 1.3–1.7 6–7 dark yellow dark 0-0-0 dark lobate 7 0 0 truncated short Reboulia
conocephali dark dark 1.3–1.7 5–6 dark yellow dark 0-0-0 dark lobate 5–6 0 2 truncated short Conocephalum
lanternaria dark dark 1.8–1.9 5–6 dark yellow dark 0-0-0 dark lobate 7 0 1 truncated short Conocephalum
suetsugui dark dark 1.3–1.5 5–6 dark dark dark 0-0-0 dark lobate 6 0 1 truncated short Conocephalum
dumortierae dark dark 1.9–2.2 7–8 dark yellow dark 0-0-0 yellow lobate 2 0 1 truncated short Dumortiera
wiesnerellae dark dark 2.0–2.3 7 dark yellow dark 0-0-0 yellow lobate (1) 0 2 truncated short Wiesnerella
nubatama dark yellow 1.3–1.6 5 dark yellow dark 0-0-0 yellow lobate 7 0 3 truncated short Marchantia
dorsata-G ugetsu dark yellow 2.1–2.7 10–12 dark dark yellow 0-0-0 dark lobate 6 0 1 truncated short Conocephalum
luteola dark yellow 1.9–2.0 8–9 yellow yellow yellow 0-0-0 yellow lobate 3–4 0 1 truncated short Conocephalum
helva yellow yellow 1.8–2.1 5–6 yellow yellow yellow 0-0-0 yellow lobate 3 0 1 truncated short Conocephalum
pallidofasciata dark yellow 1.9–2.0 8–9 yellow yellow yellow 0-1-1 yellow lobate 4–5 0 1 truncated short Conocephalum
argentifasciata yellow yellow 1.5–1.9 5 yellow yellow yellow 1-1-1 yellow lobate 4–5 0 1 truncated short Reboulia
longifurcae yellow yellow 1.5–1.6 5 yellow yellow yellow 1-1-1 yellow lobate 6 1 1 truncated short Reboulia
calcicola yellow yellow 1.6–1.7 7 yellow yellow yellow 1-1-1 yellow lobate 6 1 1 truncated short Plagiochasma
brunofasciata dark yellow 1.9–2.2 7–8 yellow yellow yellow 1-1-1 yellow lobate 5–7 0 1 truncated short Conocephalum
dorsata dark yellow 1.7–1.8 8–9 yellow yellow yellow 1-1-1 yellow lobate 6 0 2 truncated short Marchantia
nigroflava yellow/dark yellow 2.2–2.3 8–10 yellow yellow yellow 1-1-1 yellow lobate 5–7 0 1 truncated short Conocephalum
bifasciata dark yellow 2.2–2.3 22–26* yellow yellow yellow 1-1-0 yellow lobate 3–4 1 1 truncated short Conocephalum
cometiformis dark yellow 2.0–2.2 8 yellow yellow yellow 1-1/1 yellow lobate 3+3 2 1 truncated short Reboulia
luna dark yellow 2.7–2.9 8–10 yellow yellow yellow 1-1/1 yellow lobate 7–8 0 1 truncated short Conocephalum
izayoi dark yellow 2.4–2.5 7–9 yellow yellow yellow 1-1/1 yellow lobate 9–12 0 1 truncated short Conocephalum
chichibuensis dark yellow 2.2–2.9 8–9 yellow yellow yellow 1/1/1 yellow lobate 6 0 1 truncated short Conocephalum
caliginosa dark yellow 2.1–2.3 8–9 yellow yellow yellow 1/1/1 yellow lobate 8 0 1 truncated short Conocephalum
igniculus dark yellow 2.0–2.1 6–7 yellow yellow yellow 1/1/1 yellow lobate 5 0 1 truncated short Marchantia
crepusculum dark yellow 1.4–1.8 5 yellow yellow yellow 1/1/1 dark lobate 5 0 0 truncated short Dumortiera
arcus yellow yellow 1.3–1.6 6 yellow yellow yellow 1/1/1 yellow elongated (2) 1 1 truncated short Plagiochasma
plagiochasmatos yellow yellow 1.4–1.5 6 yellow yellow yellow 1/1/1 yellow elongated (2) 0 1 truncated short Plagiochasma, Asterella
falcata yellow yellow 1.6–2.0 6–8 yellow yellow yellow 1/1/1 yellow elongated (2) 1 1 truncated short Reboulia
aratriformis yellow yellow 1.9–2.3 7–8 yellow yellow yellow 1/1/1 yellow elongated (2) 1 1 truncated short Reboulia

Key to the Japanese Phytoliriomyza

1 Acrostichal setulae vestigial, at most 4 pairs in 2 rows (Fig. 74D); male epandrium with convex inner ventral margin (Fig. 74I); distal end of distiphallus tapering out (Fig. 74G); small species with wing length ranging from 1.1 to 1.8 mm 2
Acrostichal setulae at least 5 pairs in 2 (or rarely 4) rows (Fig. 1D); male epandrium with concave inner ventral margin (Fig. 1J); distal end of distiphallus truncated (Fig. 1H); small to large species with wing length ranging from 1.3 and 2.9 mm 8
2 Surstylus small, lobate, not elongated, not setose apically (Fig. 74I) 3 [phaeocerotis-group: associated with hornworts]
Surstylus large, elongated, setose apically (Fig. 63K) 5 [mesnili-group: associated with Riccia and Asterella]
3 Legs dark brown (Fig. 72A); epandrium with a comb of tubercle-like setae (Fig. 72H); distiphallus shorter than phallapodeme (Fig. 72G) Phytoliriomyza megacerotis [host: Megaceros]
Legs yellow or brownish yellow (Fig. 74A); epandrium without a comb of tubercle-like setae (Fig. 74I); distiphallus longer than phallapodeme (Fig. 74G) 4
4 1st flagellomere and haltere yellow (Fig. 70B); scutellum dark brown, medially with a yellow patch (Fig. 70D) P. foliocerotis [host: Folioceros]
1st flagellomere and haltere dark (Fig. 74B); scutellum wholly gray (Fig. 74D) P. phaeocerotis [host: Phaeoceros, Notothylas, Anthoceros]
5 Maxillary palpus dark-colored (Fig. 63C); legs yellow (Fig. 63A); scutum yellowish gray with dark intra-alar and supra-alar stripes (Fig. 63D) P. ricciae [host: Riccia]
Maxillary palpus yellow (Fig. 68F); legs dark-colored (Fig. 68A); scutum completely gray or gray with longitudinal dark stripes (Fig. 66I) 6
6 Scutum completely gray (Fig. 21D); acrostichal setula absent (Fig. 21D) P. iriomotensis [host: Asterella]
Scutum bluish gray with longitudinal dark stripes (Fig. 66I); acrostichal setulae 1–4 pairs in two rows (Fig. 66I) 7
7 Scutum with 3 pairs of longitudinal dark gray stripes (Fig. 66I); epandrium with a dense cluster of short tubercle-like setae at inner margin (Fig. 66L) P. sexfasciata [host: Riccia]
Scutum with a medial stripe and a pair of lateral longitudinal dark gray stripes (Fig. 68I); epandrium with 3 strong tubercle-like setae at inner margin (Fig. 68N) P. caerulescens [host: Riccia]
8 Legs dark-colored (Fig. 56B); scutum uniformly dark-colored (Fig. 56 D) 9 [alpicola group]
Legs yellow (Fig. 1B); scutum yellow with or without longitudinal lateral stripes (Fig. 1D); if scutum dark-colored, arista yellow (Fig. 44D, F) 18 [dorsata group]
9 Haltere yellow (Fig. 10E) 10
Haltere dark-colored (Fig. 56B) 12
10 Maxillary palpus yellow (Fig. 8C); wing length < 2 mm P. nubatama [host: Marchantia]
Maxillary palpus dark-colored (Fig. 10B); wing length > 2 mm 11
11 Pleuron with ventral half dark-colored (Fig. 10B); surstylus with 1 tubercle-like seta (Fig. 10K) P. dumortierae [host: Dumortiera]
Pleuron wholly yellow (Fig. 35B); surstylus with 2 tubercle-like setae (Fig. 35I) P. wiesnerellae [host: Wiesnerella]
12 Scutellum wholly gray (Fig. 62D) P. suetsugui [host: Conocephalum]
Scutellum wholly yellow or at least partly yellow (Fig. 56B) 13
13 Pedicel of antenna yellow (Fig. 5C); scutum completely dark gray (Fig. 5D); male surstylus basally with a hypertrophied columnar arm, bearing tubercle-like seta apically (Fig. 5I) P. tsukuyomi [host: Marchantia]
Pedicel of antenna brown (Fig. 56C); scutum dark gray except for posterior margin or mid-posterior area (Figs 56D, 58D); male surstylus lacking a hypertrophied columnar arm (Fig. 5I) 14
14 Legs dark brown (Fig. 56B); Scutum dark gray with posterior margin yellow (Fig. 56D) P. alpicola [host: Conocephalum]
Legs yellowish brown (Fig. 58B); scutum dark gray with a semicircular yellow patch at mid posterior area (Fig. 58D) 15
15 Male surstylus lacking tubercle-like seta (Fig. 6I); epandrium lacking an anteriorly directed tubercle-like seta on inner-lateral surface (Fig. 6I) 16
Male surstylus with 1 or 2 tubercle-like setae (Fig. 59K); epandrium with an anteriorly directed tubercle-like seta on inner-lateral surface (Fig. 59K) 17
16 Male epandrium with a comb comprising 8 basally fused, long, tubercle-like setae (Fig. 6I); epandrium with one tubercle-like seta at inner-lateral margin (Fig. 6G) P. marchantiae [host: Marchantia]
Male epandrium with a comb comprising 7 basally fused, long, tubercle-like setae (Fig. 33J); epandrium with 1 tubercle-like seta at inner-posterior margin (Fig. 33H) P. rebouliae [host: Reboulia]
17 Male epandrium with a comb comprising 5 or 6 basally fused, long, tubercle-like setae (Fig. 59I); Surstylus with 2 tubercle-like setae (Fig. 59K) P. conocephali [host: Conocephalum]
Male epandrium with a comb comprising 7 basally fused long tubercle-like setae (Fig. 58I); surstylus with 1 tubercle-like seta (Fig. 58I) P. lanternaria [host: Conocephalum]
18 Scutum and scutellum gray (Fig. 44D); arista yellow (Fig. 44F) P. ugetsu [host: Conocephalum]
Scutum yellow at least in part, and scutellum yellow (Fig. 44D); arista black (Fig. 44F) 19
19 Scutum wholly yellow, lacking dark stripes (Fig. 49D) 20
Scutum yellow, with 1 or 2 pairs of dark longitudinal stripes (Fig. 49D) 21
20 1st flagellomere black (Fig. 51B); tubercle-like seta on inner surface of epandrium 1.5 × as long as the seta of a comb (Fig. 51I) P. luteola [host: Conocephalum]
1st flagellomere yellow (Fig. 52B); tubercle-like seta on inner surface of epandrium as long as the seta of a comb (Fig. 52I) P. helva [host: Conocephalum]
21 Scutum lacking a medial dark stripe, but with brown unfused intra-alar and supra-alar stripes (Fig. 49D) P. pallidofasciata [host: Conocephalum]
Scutum with a medial dark stripe (Fig. 1D) 22
22 Intra-alar and supra-alar stripes of scutum separate and unfused (Fig. 1D) 23
Intra-alar and supra-alar stripes of scutum fused, forming a pair of wide bands (Fig. 3D) 29
23 Scutum subglossy with pruinosity; intra-alar and supra-alar stipes with similar thickness (Fig. 46B); acrostichal setulae in 2 rows (Fig. 46B) 24
Scutum glossy; supra-alar stipe is pale and indistinct (Fig. 54D); acrostichal setulae in 4 rows (Fig. 54D) P. bifasciata [host: Conocephalum]
24 Intra-alar stripes not confluent with a pair of lateral presutural dark ovoid spots (Fig. 46B); 1st flagellomere yellow in male, black in female (Fig. 46A, D) P. nigroflava [host: Conocephalum]
Intra-alar stripes adjoining and confluent with 1 pair of lateral presutural dark ovoid spots (Fig. 1D); 1st flagellomere yellow or black, same in both sexes 25
25 1st flagellomere yellow (Fig. 24B) 26
1st flagellomere black (Fig. 1B) 28
26 Intra-alar stripes and lateral presutural dark ovoid spots with silvery pruinosity (Fig. 24D); male epandrium with a comb comprising 4 or 5 tubercle-like setae (Fig. 24H P. argentifasciata [host: Reboulia]
Intra-alar stripes and lateral presutural dark ovoid spots without silvery pruinosity (Fig. 27D); male epandrium with a comb comprising 6 tubercle-like setae (Fig. 27I) 27
27 Male epandrium with an extremely elongated arm, bearing 2, dark, ventrally curved, tubercle-like setae borne at wide angle (Fig. 27H); surstylus lobate, setose apically, with 1 short tubercle-like seta subapically (Fig. 27K) P. longifurcae [host: Reboulia]
Male epandrium with a basally enlarged, slightly flattened hypertrophied arm, which bears a dark laterally enlarged tubercle-like seta (Fig. 18G); surstylus narrow, bare, with 1 long tubercle-like seta apically (Fig. 18G) P. calcicola [host: Plagiochasma]
28 Scutellum yellow with lateral margins dark-colored (Fig. 1D); surstylus with 2 tubercle-like setae (Fig. 1J) P. dorsata [host: Marchantia]
Scutellum wholly yellow (Fig. 48D); surstylus with 1 tubercle-like seta (Fig. 48I) P. brunofasciata [host: Conocephalum]
29 1st flagellomere black (Fig. 37C); male epandrium with a comb of tubercle-like setae (Fig. 37I) 30
1st flagellomere yellow (Fig. 14B); male epandrium lacking a comb of tubercle-like setae (Fig. 14K) 36
30 Scutellum brownish yellow, tergite of abdomen brown (Fig. 13D); haltere brown (Fig. 13D); wing length < 1.8 mm P. crepusculum [host: Dumortiera]
Scutellum yellow, tergite of abdomen yellow (Fig. 47D); haltere yellow (Fig. 47D); wing length > 1.9 mm 31
31 Lateral fused band of scutum reaching just before scutellum (Fig. 22D); male epandrium with a comb comprising 3 or 4 fused long tubercle-like setae, and with an enlarged arm bearing a strong tubercle-like seta (Fig. 22J) P. cometiformis [host: Reboulia]
Lateral fused band of scutum ending at anterior 7/8 length of scutum before scutellum (Fig. 37D); male epandrium with a comb comprising 7–12 fused long tubercle-like setae (Fig. 37I) 32
32 Medial stripe of scutum not confluent with the lateral fused band, and the 2 bands are delimited by a yellow line (Fig. 37D); yellow patch ranging from posterior scutum to scutellum well-defined (Fig. 37D); male epandrium with 1 pair of tubercle setae at posterior end on inner margin (Fig. 37G) 33
Medial stripe of scutum confluent with the lateral fused band (Fig. 43D); yellow patch ranging from posterior scutum to scutellum oblong and ill-defined (Fig. 43D); male epandrium with 1 pair of tubercle setae on subposterior inner margin (Fig. 43G) 34
33 Scutellum wholly yellow (Fig. 37D); male epandrium with a comb comprising 7 or 8 fused tubercle-like setae (Fig. 37I) P. luna [host: Conocephalum]
Scutellum yellow with lateral margins darkened (Fig. 40D); male epandrium with a comb comprising 9–12 fused tubercle-like setae (Fig. 40J) P. izayoi [host: Conocephalum]
34 Abdomen dorsally with a pair of brown lateral semicircular patches on anterior half of the 2nd tergite (Fig. 3E); male epandrium with a comb comprising 5 fused tubercle-like setae (Fig. 3I) P. igniculus [host: Marchantia]
Abdomen dorsally without dark patches on tergites (Fig. 42B); male epandrium with a comb comprising 6–8 fused tubercle-like setae (Fig. 42J) 35
35 Male epandrium with a comb comprising 6 fused tubercle-like setae (Fig. 42J) P. chichibuensis [host: Conocephalum]
Male epandrium with a comb comprising 8 fused tubercle-like setae (Fig. 43I) P. caliginosa [host: Conocephalum]
36 Yellow patch of midposterior scutum darkened and ill-defined (Fig. 32D); Tergite of abdomen brownish yellow (Fig. 32E) P. aratriformis [host: Conocephalum]
Yellow patch of midposterior scutum rectangular and well-defined (Fig. 14D); Tergite of abdomen yellow (Fig. 14E) 37
37 Male epandrium with a pair of elongated, hypertrophied arms, each bearing a tubercle-like seta apically (Fig. 14K) 38
Male epandrium without a pair of elongated, hypertrophied arms (Fig. 17I) P. plagiochasmatos [host: Plagiochasma]
38 Hypertrophied arm on male epandrium strongly curved outward (Fig. 14K) P. arcus [host: Plagiochasma]
Hypertrophied arm on male epandrium protruded forward (Fig. 29I) P. falcata [host: Reboulia]


We describe 39 Phytoliriomyza species in order of phylogenetic position of their host plants (as shown in Tables 1 and 2), focusing on morphological characteristics, geographical variation, host-plant records, and life history of each species.

Species associated with Marchantia

Phytoliriomyza dorsata Siebke, 1864

Fig. 1

Agromyza dorsata Siebke, 1864: 169.

Liriomyza reverberata. Frick 1952: 375; 1959: 409.

Lemurimyza dorsata. Spencer 1965: 28, 1969: 194.

Phytoliriomyza dorsata. Spencer 1976: 294; Spencer and Steyskal 1986: 303; Papp and Černý 2017: 317; Lonsdale 2021: 398; Černý et al. 2020: 214.

Material examined

Japan: 1♂1♀ (MK-AG-a410, a26), Namari-kawa, Yakumo, Futami, Hokkaido (42.201151°N, 140.135658°E, 145 m asl), 10-VI-2012 (as larva), emerged on 13–17-VI-2012, NMNS.


A medium-sized yellow species (wing length 1.7–1.8 mm) that has a pruinose yellow scutum with one medial and two pairs of gray lateral stripes, black 1st flagellomeres, yellow maxillary palpi, yellow halteres, and yellow legs. Male epandrium inner-laterally with a comb consisting of six fused long tubercle-like setae, and surstylus with two tubercle-like setae. Larva mines the thallus of Marchantia polymorpha L.


Adult male (Fig. 1A–E).

Head : Head light yellow, with ocellar tubercle brown, back of head dark brown (Fig. 1A). Lunule distinct and slightly sunken. Antenna porrect, first flagellomere black, pedicel and scape yellow. Arista subbasal, black pubescent. Eye upright, bare. Face slightly convex. Gena straight. Clypeus, face, and postgena yellow. Proboscis normal, yellow; palpus yellow, cylindrical. Chaetotaxy: Front orbitals three pairs; one ori directed inward; two ors directed upward (Fig. 1B). Orbital setulae minute and erect, in a single row.

Figure 1. 

Phytoliriomyza dorsata A–E male at Yakumo A habitus B lateral body C frontal head D dorsal thorax E thorax in posterior view F, G female at Yakumo F dorsal thorax G lateral body H–J male genitalia H whole genitalia, ventral I phallic complex, ventral J epandrium, ventral K, L female postabdomen K oviscape and spermatheca L tergite 10 M–O mined thalli of Marchantia polymorpha M mined thallus dissected to show interior and puparium (arrow) N mined thallus with exit hole O the same thallus with the mine dissected to show a puparium (arrow).

Thorax : Thorax pruinose. Scutum yellow with medial dark stripe on anterior 2/3, with a pair of wide dark intra-alar stripes and a pair of narrower dark supra-alar stripes, adjoining a pair of lateral presutural dark ovoid spots (Fig. 1D). Scutellum yellow with lateral corner brown. Subscutellum with anterior half yellow, ventral half brown. Mediotergite brown, anatergite and katatergite yellow. Pleuron largely yellow, venters of katepisternum and meron brown. Haltere yellow. Calypter margin and hairs gray. Leg segments yellow; tibiae and tarsi darker. Chaetotaxy: Scutum with 1+3 dorsocentrals, shortened in length anteriorly (Fig. 1D). Acrostichal setulae eight or nine pairs in two rows. Wing: Wing length 1.7 mm, costa reaching M1 (Fig. 1A). Length of ultimate section of vein M4 divided by penultimate section 1.7.

Abdomen : Abdomen dorsally subshiny yellow; epandrium dark brown (Fig. 1B). Genitalia: (Fig. 1H–J) Epandrium rounded apically, with a short tubercle-like seta on inner-middle surface, a comb comprising six long fused tubercle-like setae on inner-anterior surface, a few short tubercle-like setae immediately outward of the comb; and a row of minute tubercle-like setae on ventral inner margin (Fig. 1J). Surstylus rounded, setose apically, with two short tubercle-like setae posteriorly. Cercus narrow, setose. Subepandrial sclerite with one pair of medial flat, plate-like ventral processes and hook-shaped protrusion directing anteriorly (Fig. 1J). Hypandrium slightly sclerotized along outer margin (Fig. 1H). Postgonite bare and broadly rounded apically (Fig. 1I). Phallophorus with deep incision below, articulated with phallapodeme, fused to epiphallus (Fig. 1I). Basiphallus with a narrow plate on left side (Fig. 1I). Hypophallus membranous with a pair of small, parallel sclerites medially (Fig. 1I). Paraphallus broad membranous, with pointed, lightly sclerotized margins; paraphalli diverging, angled anteroventrally, jointed basally (Fig. 1H). Mesophallus dark, cylindrical, widest subbasally, length similar to that of distiphallus. Distiphallus comprising one pair of stout tubules; basal half composed of dorsal bulbous dark sclerites and weaker medial region; distal half cylindrical, dorsally and laterally pigmented (Fig. 1H).

Female (Fig. 1F, G). Similar to male, but slightly larger and frons wider. Wing length 1.8 mm. Postabdomen: (Fig. 1K, L) Oviscape dark brown, setigerous (Fig. 1K). Tergite 10 cruciform, laterally uniting narrow pleural sclerites (Fig. 1L). Sternite bearing four pairs of marginal setae. Each cercus with two stout, apical, trichoid sensilla, 1/3 length of cercus (Fig. 1L). Spermathecae orbicular (Fig. 1K).

Japanese name


Host plant

Marchantia polymorpha (Marchantiaceae).


(Fig. 1M–O) Larvae construct linear mines in the thallus of liverwort in early instars, later entering the midrib, and pupating there, while mines are obscure from outside.

Biological notes

The host plants from which this species emerged grow on wet cliffs along roads in a cool temperate forest of Quercus crispula.


Thus far, recorded from Europe, North America, and Japan. The authors recorded only from southern Hokkaido (Fig. 2).

Figure 2. 

Locality records of three Phytoliriomyza species associated with Marchantia spp.: P. dorsata, P. igniculus, P. tsukuyomi, P. marchantiae and P. nubatama.


The morphology of the Japanese specimens closely coincided with the description of P. dorsata by Spencer (1976), but not with the description by Papp and Černý (2017), particularly concerning the morphology of the epandrium and distiphallus, which suggests the presence of multiple related species in Europe. Related Phytoliriomyza species (P. bornholmensis and P. islandica) were described by Spencer (1976) and Ólafsson (1988), but they were synonymized with P. dorsata by Zlobin (2005). The taxonomic confusion would be caused by scarcity of specimens of these rare species and lack of information on their biology. Our numerous reared specimens and extensive records of host plants suggest that bryophyte-associated Phytoliriomyza species are diverse, and that the synonymized species may be definite species circumscribed by external and genital morphology.

This species resembles P. brunofasciata in having two pairs of dark lateral stripes on the scutum, but it is distinguished from P. brunofasciata by the dark-sided scutellum (scutellum wholly yellow in P. brunofasciata) and the number of tubercle-like setae on the surstylus of the male epandrium (two in P. dorsata; one in P. brunofasciata).

Phytoliriomyza igniculus Kato, sp. nov.

Figs 3, 4

Material examined

Holotype: Japan: 1♂ (MK-AG-a323), Matsubara-ko, Koumi, Nagano Pref. (36.053896°N, 138.461847°E, 1110 m), 18-IV-2021 (as larva), emerged on 17-V-2021, NSMT-I-Dip 31890. Paratypes: Japan: 1♂1♀ (MK-AG-a454, a453), same data as holotype, emerged on 17-V-2021, NSMT-I-Dip 31891, 31892; 1♀ (MK-AG-a324), Iwaobetsu, Shari, Hokkaido, 1-V-2021 (as larva), emerged on 28-V-2021, NSMT-I-Dip 31893; 1♀ (MK-AG-a325), Odarumi, Makioka, Yamanashi Pref., 30-VI-2021 (as larva), emerged on 4-VII-2021, NSMT-I-Dip 31894; 1♀ (MK-AG-a326), Ikawa-toge, Aoi-ku, Shisuoka Pref., 26-V-2021 (as larva), emerged on 9-VI-2021, NSMT-I-Dip 31895; 1♀ (MK-AG-a28), Shirabiso-toge, Kamimura, Iida, Nagano Pref., 27-IV-2014 (as larva), emerged on 22-V-2014, NSMT-I-Dip 31896.

Other material

Japan: 35♂37♀, same data as holotype, emerged on 8–17-V-2021; 9♂5♀, Iwaobetsu, Shari, Hokkaido, 1-V-2021 (as larva), emerged on 26–28-V-2021; 3♂1♀, Horoman-kyo, Samani, Hokkaido, 30-IV-2021 (as larva), emerged on 26–31-V-2021; 1♂2♀, Odarumi, Makioka, Yamanashi Pref., 27-VI-2014 (as larva), emerged on 15-VII-2021; 1♂1♀, Shirabiso-toge, Kamimura, Iida, Nagano Pref., 27-IV-2021 (as larva), emerged on 23–25-V-2021; 22♂20♀, Ikawa-toge, Aoi-ku, Shisuoka Pref., 26-V-2021 (as larva), emerged on 8–17-VI-2021.


A large yellow species (wing length 2.0–2.1 mm) having a pruinose dark gray scutum with a trapezoid yellow patch medially on posterior 1/3, a yellow scutellum, black 1st flagellomeres, yellow maxillary palpi, yellow halteres, and yellow legs. Male epandrium with a comb comprising five or six fused long tubercle-like setae. Larva mines the thallus of Marchantia polymorpha.


Adult male (Fig. 3A–E).

Head : Head light yellow, with ocellar tubercle dark brown, frons yellowish brown, back of head dark brown excluding margins (Fig. 3C). Antenna porrect, first flagellomere black, pedicel and scape yellow. Arista subbasal, black, pubescent. Clypeus, face, gena, parafacial and postgena yellow. Proboscis normal, yellow; palpus yellow, cylindrical. Chaetotaxy: Front orbitals three pairs; one ori directed inward; two ors directed upward (Fig. 3B). Orbital setulae minute and erect, in a single row.

Figure 3. 

Phytoliriomyza igniculus sp. nov. A–E holotype male A habitus B lateral body C frontal head and ventral body D dorsal thorax E thorax in posterior view F–H male genitalia F whole genitalia G phallic complex H postgonite I epandrium J a living female fly on a thallus of Marchantia polymorpha K, L female postabdomen K oviscape and spermatheca L tergite 10.

Thorax : Thorax pruinose. Scutum dark gray with a trapezoid pale yellow patch medially on posterior 1/3 (Fig. 3D). Scutellum pale yellow. Subscutellum with anterior half yellow, ventral half brown. Mediotergite brown, anatergite and katatergite yellow (Fig. 3B). Pleuron yellow; propleuron with small brownish spots on venter; anepisternum with three brown spots on anterior and middle dorsal margins and middle venter; several small brown spots on anepimeron, katepisternum and meron with brow patches on venter (Fig. 3B). Haltere yellow. Calypter margin and hairs gray (Fig. 3B). Leg segments yellow; tibia and tarsus darker (Fig. 3A). Chaetotaxy: Scutum with 1+3 dorsocentrals, shortened anteriorly (Fig. 3D). Acrostichal setulae six or seven pairs in two rows. Wing: Wing length 2.1 mm, costa reaching M1 (Fig. 3A). Length of ultimate section of vein M4 divided by penultimate section 1.3–1.7.

Abdomen : Abdomen dorsally subshiny yellow, with a pair of brown lateral semicircular patches on anterior half of the 2nd tergite; epandrium dark brown (Fig. 3E). Genitalia: (Fig. 3F–I). Epandrium rounded apically, with a long tubercle-like seta on subposterior inner-lateral surface; inner-anterior surface with a comb comprising five or six fused long tubercle-like setae (Fig. 3I). Surstylus hood-like, curved inward, setose apically, with single long tubercle-like seta on outer distal margin. Cercus narrow, setose, with a strong seta apically (Fig. 3I). Subepandrial sclerite with one pair of flat, pale, blade-like ventral process and one pair of setae outward (Fig. 3I). Hypandrium slightly sclerotized along outer margin (Fig. 3F). Postgonite bare and broadly rounded apically (Fig. 3H). Phallophorus with deep incision below, articulated with phallapodeme, fused to epiphallus (Fig. 3F, G). Basiphallus with a narrow plate on left side; length similar to that of mesophallus (Fig. 3G). Hypophallus broad, membranous, medially with a pair of fused linear sclerites; distal half diverging (Fig. 3G). Paraphallus absent. Mesophallus dark, cylindrical, widest subbasally, slightly shorter than distiphallus (Fig. 3G). Distiphallus comprising one pair of stout tubules; basal half composed of ventral dark bulbous sclerite and weaker medial region curving outward; distal half cylindrical and well-pigmented, with truncated, unpigmented apex (Fig. 3G). Ejaculatory apodeme fan-shaped, blade pale with clear margin, with narrow stalk, broad base, and clear sperm pump.

Female. Similar to male, but slightly larger and frons wider. Wing length 2.1 mm. Postabdomen: (Fig. 3K, L) Oviscape dark brown, setigerous. Tergite 10 cruciform, laterally uniting narrow pleural sclerites (Fig. 3K). Each cercus with two stout, apical, trichoid sensilla, 1/3 length (Fig. 3L). Spermathecae orbicular (Fig. 3K).


The specific name (igniculus = small fire) refers to the yellow oblong patch on the scutum.

Japanese name


Host plant

Marchantia polymorpha (Marchantiaceae).


Larvae construct linear-botch mines in the thallus, particularly in the midrib, and pupate in the mines (Fig. 4C–E).

Figure 4. 

Habitat of Phytoliriomyza igniculus sp. nov. and its host plant, Marchantia polymorpha A habitat at levee of a rice field at type locality B thalli with male receptacles C mined thallus containing an internal puparium (arrow) D the same thallus in transmitted light (arrows indicating mines) E mined thallus at Ikawa-toge.

Biological notes

The host plants from which this species emerged, grow on mesic soils along roads in cool temperate forests (beech forests dominated by Fagus crenata in Honshu and deciduous oak forests dominated by Quercus crispula in Hokkaido) and on levees of paddy fields in a cool temperate forest ecosystem (Fig. 4A, B). Our rearing records suggest that this species is univoltine, and that adults emerge from overwintered pupae in spring.


Japan: Hokkaido and Honshu (Fig. 2).


This species is distinguished from all other species of Phytoliriomyza with black-banded yellow thorax by the unique brown patches on the 2nd abdominal tergite (absent in other species). This species resembles P. izayoi, P. chichibuensis and P. caliginosa in the yellow pattern of the scutum and scutellum; it is distinguished from them by the wholly yellow scutellum without dark lateral corners and by the number of tubercle-like setae of the comb on the male epandrium (P. igniculus, 5–6; P. izayoi, 6–8; P. caliginosa, 8–11). This species also resembles P. cometiformis and P. luna in having a yellow scutellum; it is distinguished from them by the number of tubercle-like setae of the comb on the male epandrium (P. igniculus, 5–6; P. cometiformis, 3; P. luna, 7–8). This species also resembles P. islandica in the yellow pattern of the scutellum; it is distinguished by the black first flagellomere (brown in P. islandica).

Phytoliriomyza tsukuyomi Kato, sp. nov.

Fig. 5

Material examined

Holotype: Japan: 1♂ (MK-AG-a397), Matsubara-ko, Koumi, Nagano Pref. (36.053896°N, 138.461847°E, 1110 m asl), 12-V-2021 (as larva), emerged on 18-VI-2021, NSMT-I-Dip 31897. Paratypes: Japan: 1♂1♀ (MK-AG-a455, a443), same data as holotype, emerged on 17–22-VI-2021, NSMT-I-Dip 31898, 31899; 1♂1♀ (MK-AG-a521, a528), Ikawa-toge, Aoi-ku, Shisuoka Pref., 26-V-2021 (as larva), emerged on 31-V–2-VI-2021, NSMT-I-Dip 31900, 31901; 1♂ (MK-AG-a577), Tokuzo-ji, Yana, Kisarazu, Chiba Pref., 1-XI-2021 (as larva), emerged on 3-XII-2021, NSMT-I-Dip 31902.

Other material

Japan: 1♂1♀, Ikawa-toge, Aoi-ku, Shizuoka Pref., 26-V-2021 (as larva), emerged on 31-V–2-VI-2021; 1♂, Tokuzo-ji, Yana, Kisarazu, Chiba Pref., I-XI-2021 (as larva), emerged on 3-XII-2021.


A medium-sized species (wing length 1.6–1.7 mm) having pruinose dark gray scutum, light yellow scutellum, black 1st flagellomere, dark maxillary palpus, dark halteres, and dark legs. Male epandrium inner-basally with a comb of four unfused tubercle-like setae, and inner-laterally with a comb of three or four fused, long, tubercle-like setae; surstylus bilobed and hypertrophied dorsal arm with one tubercle-like seta. Larva mines the thallus of Marchantia polymorpha.


Adult male (Fig. 5A–E).

Head : Head light yellow, with ocellar tubercle brown, frons light yellow, back of head dark brown (Fig. 5C). Antenna porrect, first flagellomere black, pedicel and scape light yellow. Arista subbasal, black, pubescent. Clypeus, face, gena, parafacial and postgena yellow. Proboscis normal, yellow; palpus brownish gray, cylindrical. Chaetotaxy: Front orbitals three pairs; one ori directed inward; two ors directed upward (Fig. 5D). Orbital setulae minute and erect, in a single row.

Figure 5. 

Phytoliriomyza tsukuyomi sp. nov. A–E holotype male A habitus, B lateral C frontal D dorsal E posterior F paratype female (MK-AG-a442) G–J male genitalia G whole genitalia, ventral H phallus complex, lateral I epandrium J ejaculatory apodeme, lateral K, L female postabdomen K oviscape and spermatheca L tergite 10 M mined thallus of Marchantia polymorpha.

Thorax : Thorax pruinose. Scutum pruinose bluish gray with a medial black band and a pair of lateral black bands (Fig. 5D). Scutellum pale yellow with lateral corner dark brown. Subscutellum dark brown with anterior margin pale yellow. Mediotergite, anatergite, and katatergite brown. Pleuron largely yellow; postpronotal lobe with anterior brown spot; notopleuron with brown spot on venter; anepisternum and anepimeron with brown venters; katepisternum an meron with dark brown patches on venter (Fig. 5B). Haltere gray, with grayish yellow stalk. Calypter margin and hairs gray. Leg segments brownish gray; tarsus darker. Chaetotaxy: Scutum with 1+3 dorsocentrals, shortened anteriorly (Fig. 5D). Acrostichal setulae six or seven pairs in two rows. Wing: Wing length 1.7 mm, costa reaching M1 (Fig. 5A). Length of ultimate section of vein M4 divided by penultimate section 1.9.

Abdomen : Abdomen dorsally subshiny brown; epandrium dark brown (Fig. 5E). Genitalia: (Fig. 5G–J) Epandrium rounded apically; inner-lateral margin with a large round arm having three or four unfused tubercle-like setae apically; inner-anterior surface with a large arm having a hand-shaped comb comprising four basally fused long tubercle-like setae apically, and one tubercle-like seta immediately inward from the protrusion (Fig. 5I). Surstylus lobate, setose apically; inner-basally with a long, S-curved, hypertrophied, columnar arm, bearing one long tubercle-like seta apically (Fig. 5I). Cercus narrow, setose, with a strong seta apically (Fig. 5I). Subepandrial sclerite consisting of one pair of lateral plates (one seta each subapically on inner surface) forming (Fig. 5I). Hypandrium slightly sclerotized along outer margin (Fig. 5G). Postgonite bare, goose barnacle-shaped and cleft apically; upper lobe pointed apically (Fig. 5H). Phallophorus with deep incision below (Fig. 5G), articulated with phallapodeme, fused to epiphallus (Fig. 5H). Basiphallus with a narrow plate on left side; dorsally lightly sclerotized; shorter than mesophallus. Hypophallus broad, membranous, ventral side covered with microtrichia, medially with a pair of short fused linear sclerites (Fig. 5G, H). Paraphalli lobe-like, membranous; posterior margin slightly sclerotized (Fig. 5G, H). Mesophallus dark, cylindrical, widest subbasally, slightly longer than distiphallus (Fig. 5H). Distiphallus comprising one pair of stout tubules; basal half composed of ventral dark triangular sclerite and weaker medial region; distal half cylindrical, dorsally pigmented, with truncated, unpigmented apex (Fig. 5H). Ejaculatory apodeme fan-shaped, blade pale with clear margin, with sclerotized stalk, broad asymmetric base, and clear sperm pump (Fig. 5J).

Female (Fig. 5F–I). Similar to male, but slightly larger and frons narrower (Fig. 5F). Wing length 1.7 mm. Postabdomen: (Fig. 5K, L) Oviscape dark brown, setigerous (Fig. 5K). Tergite 10 cruciform, laterally uniting narrow pleural sclerites (Fig. 5L). Each cercus with two stout, apical, trichoid sensilla, 1/3 length of cercus. Spermathecae orbicular (Fig. 5K).


The specific name tsukuyomi is a Japanese word meaning brightness of moonlight, and refers to the bright yellow scutellum.

Japanese name


Host plant

Marchantia polymorpha (Marchantiaceae).


Larvae mine the thallus of the host plant and pupate in the mines. The mines are not apparent from the outside.

Biological notes

The host plants from which this species emerged, grow on mesic soils on levee of paddy fields and along roads in natural beech forests (Fig. 5T). Our rearing records suggest that this species is univoltine, and that adults emerge from overwintered pupae in spring.


Japan: Honshu (Fig. 2).


This species resembles P. alpicola in color pattern of the scutum (entirely dark mesothorax and uniformly pale scutellum); it is distinguished from the latter by the yellow pedicel and scape of the antenna (pedicel and scape of P. alpicola are brown), yellow maxillary palpus (dark gray in P. alpicola), and number and arrangement of tubercle-like setae in a comb on the male epandrium (4 hand-shaped in P. tsukuyomi; 6 fused in P. alpicola).

Phytoliriomyza marchantiae Kato, sp. nov.

Figs 6, 7

Material examined

Holotype: Japan: 1♂ (MK-AG-a320), Namari-kawa, Yakumo, Futami, Hokkaido (42.187765°N, 140.122182°E, 190 m asl), 2-VI-2021 (as larva on Marchantia paleacea paleacea), emerged on 17-VI-2021, NSMT-I-Dip 31903. Paratypes: Japan: 1♂2♀ (MK-AG-a484, a485, a442), same data as holotype, emerged on 18-VI–3-VII-2021, NSMT-I-Dip 31904–31906; 1♂ (MK-AG-a322), Renge-onsen, Itoigawa, Niigata Pref., 11-VII-2021 (as larva on M. p. paleacea), emerged on 5-VIII-2021, NSMT-I-Dip 31907; 1♂ (MK-AG-a321), Nippara, Okutama, Tokyo Pref., 27-III-2021 (as larva on M. p. paleacea), emerged on 27-V-2021, NSMT-I-Dip 31908; 1♀ (MK-AG-302), Umegashima, Aoi-ku, Shizuoka Pref., 5-I-2014 (as larva on M. p. diptera), emerged on ?-V-2014, NSMT-I-Dip 31909; 1♂ (MK-AG-a356), Inago, Shibakawa, Fujinomiya, Shizuoka Pref., 20-III-2000 (as larva on M. p. diptera), emerged on 17-IV-2000, NSMT-I-Dip 31910; 1♂ (MK-AG-a355), Muramatsu, Iwakura, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto Pref., 11-VI-2021 (as larva on M. polymorpha), emerged on 21-VII-2021, NSMT-I-Dip 31911; 1♂ (MK-AG-a358), Naiku, Oe, Fukuchiyama, Kyoto Pref., 19-V-2021 (as larva on M. papillata grossibarba), emerged on 3-VII-2021, NSMT-I-Dip 31912.

Other material

Japan: On Marchantia paleacea paleacea: 22♂16♀, Namari-kawa, Yakumo, Futami, Hokkaido, 2-VI-2021 (as larva), emerged on 9-VI–7-VII-2021; 38♂44♀, Renge-onsen, Itoigawa, Niigata Pref., I-VII-2021 (as larva), emerged on 29-VII–9-VIII-2021; 2♂1♀, Narahara, Ueno, Tano, Gunnma Pref., 18-IV-2021 (as larva), emerged on 30–31-V-2021; 2♂4♀, Kanna-gawa, Nakatsugawa, Chichibu, Saitama Pref., 14-XI-2010 (as larva), emerged on 26-IV-2010; 2♂1♀, Nippara, Okutama, Tokyo Pref., 27-III-2021 (as larva), emerged on 27-IV–21-V-2021; 5♂5♀, Yashajin-toge, Minami-arupusu, Yamanashi Pref., 25-III-2021 (as larva), emerged on 2-V–1-VI-2021.

On Marchantia paleacea diptera: 2♂3♀, Inago, Shibakawa, Fujinomiya, Shizuoka Pref., 26-V-2021 (as larva), emerged on 17–27-VI-2021; 1♂5♀, Abe-toge, Aoi-ku, Shizuoka Pref., 30-XI-2014 (as larva), emerged on 30-IV–8-V-2014; 3♂5♀, Kuchisakamoto, Aoi-ku, Shizuoka Pref., 26-V-2021 (as larva), emerged on 1–26-VI-2021; 6♂8♀, Tsudono, Aoi-ku, Shizuoka Pref., 30-XI-2014 (as larva), emerged on 30-IV–6-V-2014; 2♂4♀, Tosayama, Kochi, Kochi Pref., 27-II-2011 (as larva), emerged on 23–28-IV-2011; 1♂3♀, Mt. Nabejiri, Taga, Shiga Pref., 4-V-2021 (as larva), emerged on 27-V–15-VI-2021; 6♂3♀, Naiku, Oe, Fukuchiyama, Kyoto Pref., 19-V-2021 (as larva), emerged on 2–10-VII-2021; 2♂3♀, Iya-kei, Ikeda, Miyoshi, Tokushima Pref., 1-II-2014 (as larva), emerged on 4–4-V-2014; 2♂5♀, Okujisso, Isa, Kagoshima Pref., 17-XII-2017 (as larva), emerged on 22–30-III-2012.

On Marchantia polymorpha: 1♀, Matsubara-ko, Koumi, Nagano Pref., 18-IV-2021 (as larva), emerged on 18-VI-2021; 7♂2♀, Odarumi, Makioka, Yamanashi Pref., 30-VI-2021 (as larva), emerged on 28-VII–4-VII-2021; 5♂15♀, Muramatsu, Iwakura, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto Pref., 31-XII-2013 (as larva), emerged on ?-V-2013.

On Marchantia papillata grossibarba: 2♂1♀, Inago, Shibakawa, Fujinomiya, Shizuoka Pref., 26-V-2021 (as larva), emerged on 18-VII-2021; 3♂5♀, Naiku, Oe, Fukuchiyama, Kyoto Pref., 19-V-2021 (as larva), emerged on 2–10-VII-2021; 2♂1♀, Seikandoro, Kumanogawa, Shingu, Wakayama Pref., 7-VII-2021 (as larva), emerged on 27-VII–4-VIII-2021; 1♀, Nagabuchi, Ume, Saeki, Oita Pref., 29-XI-2011 (as larva), emerged on 3-V-2011.


A medium-sized species (wing length 1.6–1.8 mm) having dark gray scutum, dark-cornered yellow scutellum, black 1st flagellomere, black maxillary palpus, gray halteres, and brown legs. Male epandrium with a comb comprising seven or eight fused long tubercle-like setae. Larva mines the thallus of Marchantia spp.


Adult male (Fig. 6A–E).

Head : Head light yellow, with ocellar tubercle brown, frons light yellow, back of head dark brown (Fig. 6C). Antenna porrect, first flagellomere black, pedicel and scape brown. Arista subbasal, black, pubescent. Clypeus, face, gena, parafacial and postgena yellow. Proboscis normal, yellow; palpus brown, cylindrical. Chaetotaxy: Front orbitals three pairs; one ori directed inward; two ors directed upward (Fig. 6B). Orbital setulae minute and erect, in a single row.

Figure 6. 

Phytoliriomyza marchantiae sp. nov. A–E holotype male A habitus B lateral C frontal D dorsal E posterior F paratype female (MK-AG-a442), dorsal G–I male genitalia G–I emerged from Marchantia paleacea paleacea at type locality J–M emerged from M. papillata grossibarba at Mt. Oe. G whole genitalia, ventral H phallus complex, lateral I, L epandrium, ventral J, K phallic complex, ventral and lateral M ejaculatory apodeme, lateral.

Thorax : Thorax pruinose. Scutum pruinose gray, with a dark gray medial stripe on anterior 2/3, one pair of dark gray lateral stripes, and with narrow yellow patch along posterior margin (Fig. 6D). Scutellum light yellow with lateral corners widely brownish. Subscutellum brown with anterior margin light yellow. Mediotergite, anatergite and katatergite dark brown. Pleuron largely yellow; postpronotal lobe with anterior brown spot; notopleuron with brown narrow spot along anterior lower margin; anepisternum and anepimeron with brown venters; katepisternum and meron with dark brown patches on venter (Fig. 6B). Haltere yellowish gray, with yellow stalk. Calypter margin and hairs gray. Leg segments brown; tibia and tarsus darker (Fig. 6A). Chaetotaxy: Scutum with 1+3 dorsocentrals, shortened anteriorly (Fig. 6D). Acrostichal setulae five or six pairs largely in two rows. Wing: Wing length 1.6–1.7 mm, costa reaching M1 (Fig. 6A). Length of ultimate section of vein M4 divided by penultimate section 1.6–1.8.

Abdomen : Abdomen dorsally subshiny brown (Fig. 6E). Genitalia: (Fig. 6G–M) Epandrium dark brown, rounded apically, inner-lateral surface medially with one tubercle-like setae; inner-anterior surface ventrally with a comb comprising eight fused long tubercle-like setae; ventral margin with a row of several minute tubercle-like setae (Fig. 6I, L). Surstylus subrectangular, setose apically. Cercus narrow, setose. Subepandrial sclerite with one pair of spines and one pair of plate-like ventral processes; tips hook-like (Fig. 6I). Hypandrium slightly sclerotized along outer margin. Postgonite bare and goose barnacle-shaped (Fig. 6H). Phallophorus with shallow incision below (Fig. 6J), articulated with phallapodeme, fused to epiphallus (Fig. 6H, K). Basiphallus with subtriangular dorsal sclerite; 2/3 × as long as mesophallus (Fig. 6H, K). Hypophallus subtriangular membranous, lined with numerous microtrichia ventrally, medially with a pair of fused linear pale sclerites (Fig. 6H, K). Paraphalli consisting of a pair of incurved narrow pigmented sclerites and a pair of triangular plate-like pigmented sclerites (Fig. 6H, K). Mesophallus dark, cylindrical, widest subbasally, slightly longer than distiphallus (Fig. 6H). Distiphallus comprising one pair of stout tubules; basal half composed of ventral dark scalpel-shaped sclerite and weaker medial region; distal half cylindrical, dorsally and laterally pigmented, with truncated, unpigmented apex (Fig. 6H, K). Ejaculatory apodeme fan-shaped, blade pale with apical half clear; sclerite of sperm pump with lateral extension; sperm pump clear (Fig. 6M).

Female (Fig. 6I–K). Similar to male, but scutellum darker than male (Fig. 6F). Wing length 1.6 mm. Postabdomen: (Fig. 7A, B) Oviscape dark brown, setigerous (Fig. 7A). Tergite 10 cruciform, laterally uniting narrow pleural sclerites (Fig. 7B). Cercus with two stout, apical, trichoid sensilla, ½ length of cercus. Spermathecae semi-orbicular (Fig. 7A).

Figure 7. 

Female morphology and larval ecology of Phytoliriomyza marchantiae sp. nov. A, B female postabdomen (at Renge-onsen) A oviscape and spermatheca B tergite 10 C–E habitat and mined thalli on Marchantia paleacea paleacea C habitat at type locality D, E mined thalli at Yashajin-toge and Renge-onsen F–H habitat and mined thalli on M. p. diptera F habitat at Kuchisakamoto G, H mined thalli at Iwaya-kei and Tosayama. Arrows indicate internal puparia.


The yellow patch on posterior scutum slightly varied from distinct to obscure ones among localities but not among host liverwort species/subspecies (Fig, 6F–K).


The specific name refers to host plant genus, Marchantia.

Japanese name


Host plants

The main host plants are Marchantia paleacea paleacea and M. p. diptera (Marchantiaceae), with M. polymorpha and M. papillata grossibarba also recorded as host in some localities.


Larvae construct linear mines in the thallus, particularly in the midrib, and pupate in the mined thalli (Fig. 7D, E, G, H).

Biological notes

Marchantia paleacea paleacea grows on rocky substrates of cliffs, slopes and riverbanks in cool temperate deciduous forests (Fig. 7C) and Marchantia p. diptera in warm temperate evergreen forests (Fig. 7F). While these subspecies are frequently utilized by P. marchantiae, they are never utilized by the other three Marchantia-associated species, P. igniculus, P. tsukuyomi, and P. nubatama. P. marchantiae is also recorded from M. polymorpha in cool temperate forests and M. papillata grossibarba in warm temperate evergreen forests in some localities. Our rearing records suggest that this species is multivoltine.


Japan: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu (Fig. 2).


This species resembles P. rebouliae, P. lanternaria, and P. conocephali in the narrow yellow posterior margin of the scutum and medial yellow stripe of the scutellum; it is distinguished from P. rebouliae by number of tubercle-like setae in a comb of the male epandrium (8 in P. marchantiae; 7 in P. rebouliae), from P. lanternaria and P. conocephali by the number of tubercle-like setae on the surstylus of the male epandrium (0 in P. marchantiae; 1–2 in P. lanternaria and P. conocephali).

This species also resembles Phytoliriomyza miki (Strobl, 1898) in color pattern of the scutum and morphology of the male genitalia; it is distinguished from the latter by the number of tubercle-like setae in a comb on the male epandrium (8 in P. marchantiae; 5 in P. miki).

Phytoliriomyza nubatama Kato, sp. nov.

Figs 8, 9

Material examined

Holotype: Japan: 1♂ (MK-AG-a413), Mt. Mihara, Hachijo Is. Tokyo Pref. (33.11383°N, 139.82415°E, 170m), 17-II-2012 (as larva on Marchantia emarginata cuneiloba), emerged on 23-IV-2012, NSMT-I-Dip 31913. Paratypes: Japan: 1♀ (MK-AG-323), same data as holotype, NSMT-I-Dip 31914; 1♀ (MK-AG-a379), Naiku, Oe, Fukuchiyama, Kyoto Pref., 19-V-2021 (as larva on M. papillata grossibarba), emerged on 9-VI-2021, NMNS; 1♀ (MK-AG-a383), Tsudono, Aoi-ku, Shizuoka Pref., 19-V-2021 (as larva on M. papillata grossibarba), emerged on 10-V-2014, NSMT-I-Dip 31916; 1♂1♀ (MK-AG-a456, a359), Mt. Osuzu, Tsuno, Miyazaki Pref., 11-IV-2021 (as larva on M. papillata grossibarba), emerged on 21–22-V-2021, NSMT-I-Dip 31917, 31918; 1♀ (MK-AG-344), Jizodo, Mariya, Kisarazu, Chiba Pref., 17-III-2016 (as larva on M. pinnata), emerged on 27-IV-2016, NSMT-I-Dip 31919.

Other material

Japan: On Marchantia papillata grossibarba: 9♂9♀, Inago, Shibakawa, Fujinomiya, Shizuoka Pref., 26-V-2021 (as larva), emerged on 11-VI–2-VII-2021; 3♂3♀, Tsudono, Aoi-ku, Shizuoka Pref., 30-XI-2014 (as larva), emerged on 29-VII–9-VIII-2021; 6♂6♀, Naiku, Oe, Fukuchiyama, Kyoto Pref., 19-V-2021 (as larva), emerged on 1–16-VI-2021; 2♂, Muramatsu, Iwakura, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto Pref., 27-X-2017 (as larva), emerged on 9-XII-2017; 5♂1♀, Nagabuchi, Ume, Saeki, Oita Pref., 29-XI-2011 (as larva), emerged on 1–5-V-2011; 1♂9♀, Mt. Osuzu, Tsuno, Miyazaki Pref., 11-IV-2021 (as larva), emerged on 16–25-V-2021.

On Marchantia emarginata cuneiloba: 2♀, Takae, Higashi-son, Kunigami, Okinawa Pref., 11-XI-2021 (as larva), emerged on 22–28-XI-2021; 2♂2♀, Nagura, Ishigaki Is., Yaeyama, Okinawa Pref., 7-XI-2021 (as larva), emerged on 13-XI–16-XII-2021.

On Marchantia pinnata: 1♀, Jizodo, Mariya, Kisarazu, Chiba Pref., 17-III-2016 (as larva), emerged on 27-IV-2016.


A small black species (wing length 1.3–1.6 mm) having subshiny black scutum with an oval yellow pattern extending from mid-posterior margin to scutellum, black 1st flagellomere, yellow maxillary palpus, yellow halteres, and brownish legs. Male epandrium with a comb comprising seven fused tubercle-like setae, and surstylus with a comb comprising three fused tubercle-like setae. Larva mines the thallus of Marchantia emarginata cuneiloba, M. papillata grossibarba and M. pinnata.


Adult male (Fig. 8A–E).

Head : Head light yellow, with ocellar triangle yellow but ocellar tubercle dark brown, back of head dark brown (Fig. 8C). Frons light yellow, with reflective pruinosity. Antenna porrect, first flagellomere dark brown, pedicel and scape brown. Arista subbasal, black, pubescent. Clypeus, face, gena, parafacial and postgena light yellow. Proboscis normal, pale yellow; palpus dark yellow, cylindrical (Fig. 8B). Chaetotaxy: Front orbitals three pairs; one ori directed inward; two ors directed upward (Fig. 8B). Orbital setulae minute and erect, in a single row.

Figure 8. 

Phytoliriomyza nubatama sp. nov. A–D, G holotype male A habitus B lateral C frontal D dorsal E, F paratype female (MK-AG-323), E dorsal F frontal G–L male genitalia (G–K type locality L Kume Island) G whole genitalia, ventral H phallic complex, lateral I epandrium, ventral J ejaculatory apodeme lateral K postgonite L phallic complex, ventral.

Thorax : Thorax subshiny. Scutum black. Scutellum black, medially with a small, obscure yellow patch; subscutellum black, anterior margin light yellow (Fig. 8D). Mediotergite dark brown, anatergite and katatergite light yellow. Pleuron largely light yellow; postpronotal lobe with anterior brown patch; notopleuron brownish yellow; anepisternum and anepimeron grayish yellow with brown spots on venters; katepisternum an meron with large dark brown patches on venter (Fig. 8B). Haltere light yellow, stalk grayish yellow. Calypter margin and hairs gray. Leg segments brown; basal half of femur brownish yellow. Chaetotaxy: Scutum with 1+3 dorsocentrals, shortened anteriorly (Fig. 8D). Acrostichal setulae five pairs in two rows. Wing: Wing length 1.3&nbsp;mm, costa reaching M1 (Fig. 8A). Length of ultimate section of vein M4 divided by penultimate section 1.0–1.3.

Abdomen : Abdomen dorsally subshiny dark brown. Genitalia: (Fig. 8G–L) Epandrium dark brown, rounded apically, inner-lateral surface with a comb comprising seven or eight fused long tubercle-like setae (Fig. 8I). Surstylus rounded; curved inwards, only sparsely setose apically; with a comb comprising three long fused tubercle-like setae on posterior margin (Fig. 8I). Cercus narrow, setose. Subepandrial sclerite with one pair of pale, broad, plate-like ventral process (Fig. 8I). Hypandrium slightly sclerotized along outer margin (Fig. 8G). Postgonite bare, goose barnacle-shaped, and cleft apically; upper lobe pointed apically (Fig. 8K). Phallophorus with deep incision below (Fig. 8G), articulated with phallapodeme, fused to epiphallus. Basiphallus 1/2 length of mesophallus (Fig. 8H). Basiphallus with narrow plate-like dorsal sclerite (Fig. 8H). Hypophallus membranous with lateral margins lightly sclerotized, medially with a pair of fused linear ventrally incurved sclerites (Fig. 8H, L). Paraphallus membranous supported by a pair of narrow plate-like pigmented sclerites (Fig. 8H, L). Mesophallus dark, cylindrical, S-curved in lateral view, longer than distiphallus (Fig. 8H). Distiphallus comprising one pair of stout tubules; each cylindrical, with a weak constriction medially, dorsally and laterally pigmented; with truncated apex; opening with indentation (Fig. 8H). Ejaculatory apodeme wide fan-shaped with narrow stalk and stout base; sperm pump clear with ventral sclerotized bar (Fig. 8J).

Female (Fig. 8F). Similar to male, but slightly larger and frons wider. Wing length 1.4–1.6 mm. Postabdomen: (Fig. 9A, B) Oviscape dark brown, setigerous (Fig. 9A). Tergite 10 cruciform, laterally uniting narrow pleural sclerites (Fig. 9B). Each cercus with two stout, apical, trichoid sensilla, 1/2 length of cercus (Fig. 9B). Spermathecae semi-orbicular (Fig. 9A).

Figure 9. 

Female morphology (A, B) and larval/adult ecology of Phytoliriomyza nubatama sp. nov. (C–E at Tazukawa-keikoku F, G at Inago) A, B female postabdomen at type locality A oviscape and spermatheca B tergite 10 C landscape of riparian habitat D–G mined thalli of Marchantia papillata grossibarba (arrows indicate internal puparia) H, I live female flies at Iriomote Is on thalli of Marchantia emarginata cuneiloba.


The specific name nubatama is a Japanese word meaning glossy black seed of the blackberry lily (Iris domestica (L.) Goldblatt & Mabb.), to which morphology of adult fly’s scutum of this species is likened.

Japanese name


Host plant

Marchantia emarginata cuneiloba, M. papillata grossibarba and M. pinnata (Marchantiaceae).


Larvae construct linear mines in the thallus, and pupate in the midrib of the mined thalli (Fig. 9D–G).

Biological notes

The main habitats of this species are river banks where Marchantia papillata grossibarba grew on rocky substrate (Fig. 9C). In Izu Islands and Ryukyu Islands, the host plant species Marchantia emarginata cuneiloba is found on damp banking and levee of paddy fields. Our rearing records suggest that this species is multivoltine.


Japan: Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, Amami, Okinawa and Yaeyama Islands (Fig. 2).


This species resembles P. foliocerotis in glossy black scutum and black scutellum with small yellow spot; it is distinguished from the latter by the black 1st flagellomere (yellow in P. foliocerotis).

Species associated with Dumortiera

Phytoliriomyza dumortierae Kato, sp. nov.

Figs 10, 11

Material examined

Holotype: Japan: 1♂ (MK-AG-246), Higashinakama, Sumiyo, Amami, Kagoshima Pref. (28.269613°N, 129.436562°E, 340 m asl), 21-II-2015 (as larva on Dumortiera hirsuta), emerged on 1-IV-2015, NSMT-I-Dip 31920. Paratypes: Japan: 1♂2♀ (MK-AG-a486, a487, a488), same data as holotype, emerged on 30-III–7-IV-2015, NSMT-I-Dip 31921–31923; 1♀ (MK-AG-267), Abe-toge, Aoi-ku, Shizuoka Pref., 1-V-2015 (as larva), emerged on 18-V-2015, NSMT-I-Dip 31924; 1♀ (MK-AG-241), Narutaki, Ichiu, Tsurugi, Tokushima Pref., 12-VI-2017 (as larva), emerged on 21-VI-2017, NSMT-I-Dip 31926; 1♀ (MK-AG-282), Isso, Yaku Is., Kumage, Kagoshima Pref., 29-III-2017 (as larva), emerged on 2-V-2017, NSMT-I-Dip 31927; 1♀ (MK-AG-250), Nagakumo-toge, Tatsugo, Oshima, Kagoshima Pref., 23-II-2016 (as larva), emerged on 25-III-2015, NSMT-I-Dip 31928.

Other material

Japan: 5♂4♀, Abe-toge, Aoi-ku, Shizuoka Pref., 5-I-2015 (as larva), emerged on 18-V-2016; 2♂3♀, Tango-kanzaki, Maizuru, Kyoto Pref., 19-V-2021 (as larva), emerged on 30-V–5-VI-2021; 1♂1♀, Tategasaki, Kumano, Mie Pref., 23-IV-2021 (as larva), emerged on 11-V-2021; 3♀, Gakuen-ji, Bessho, Izumo, Shimane Pref., 31-III-2015 (as larva), emerged on 9-V-2015; 3♂1♀, Tazukawa-keikoku, Katsuura, Tokushima Pref., 30-III-2021 (as larva), emerged on 11–20-V-2021; 3♂4♀, Narutaki, Ichiu, Tsurugi, Tokushima Pref., 12-VI-2017 (as larva), emerged on 17–21-VI-2017; 1♀, Tashiro, Kinko, Kimotsuki, Kagoshima Pref., 22-III-2015 (as larva), emerged on 1-V-2015; 1♂1♀, Isso, Yaku Is., Kumage, Kagoshima Pref., 11-III-2016 (as larva), emerged on 617–19-IV-2016; 11♂14♀, Higashinakama, Sumiyo, Amami, Kagoshima Pref., 21-II-2015 (as larva), emerged on 30-III–8-IV-2015.


A large dark species (wing length 1.9–2.2 mm) having subshiny dark brown scutum, brownish yellow scutellum, black 1st flagellomere, dark maxillary palpus, dark halteres, and dark gray legs. Male epandrium inner-laterally with an incomplete comb comprising three short, fused, tubercle-like setae medially. Larva mines the thallus of Dumortiera hirsuta.


Adult male (Fig. 10A–D).

Head : Head largely light yellow; ocellar triangle yellow but ocellar tubercle dark brown; front-orbital plate brown; back of head brown above foramen excluding margin (Fig. 10C). Antenna porrect, first flagellomere black, pedicel and scape brown. Arista subbasal, pubescent. Face, gena, parafacial and postgena light yellow. Proboscis normal, yellow; palpus brown, cylindrical. Chaetotaxy: Front orbitals three pairs; one ori directed inward; two ors directed upward (Fig. 10B). Orbital setulae minute and erect, in a single row.

Figure 10. 

Phytoliriomyza dumortierae sp. nov. A–D holotype male A habitus B lateral C frontal D dorsal E paratype female (MK-AG-241) F–L male genitalia (F at type locality G–I at Ichiu J–L at Tashiro) F whole genitalia, ventral G whole genitalia, lateral H phallic complex, lateral I ejaculatory apodeme, lateral J phallic complex, ventral K–L epandrium, posterior and anterior.

Thorax : Thorax subshiny. Scutum dark brown with a pair of terminal yellow patches adjoining scutellum (Fig. 10D). Scutellum yellow with lateral corner narrowly brown. Mediotergite, katatergite and anatergite dark brown. Pleuron yellow, lower half of anepisternum and anepimeron brown, meron and katepisternum brown (Fig. 10B). Haltere light yellow. Calypter margin and hairs gray. Leg segments brown; tibia and tarsus dark brown. Chaetotaxy: Scutum with 1+3 dorsocentrals, shortened anteriorly. Acrostichal setulae seven or eight pairs in two rows (Fig. 10D). Wing: Wing length 1.9&nbsp;mm, costa reaching M1 (Fig. 10A). Length of ultimate section of vein M4 divided by penultimate section 1.2.

Abdomen : Abdomen dorsally subshiny brown (Fig. 10A). Genitalia: (Fig. 10F–L) Epandrium dark brown rounded apically, onion-shaped in lateral view (Fig. 10G); inner-anterior margin with two stout tubercle-like setae, and inner-lateral margin with an incomplete comb comprising three short, fused, tubercle-like setae medially (Fig. 10K, L). Surstylus with a row of seven or eight strong setae apically and one or two stout tubercle-like setae posteriorly. Subepandrial sclerite with one pair of long, ventrally directed arms; distal end flattened and expanded (Fig. 10F). Hypandrium sclerotized along outer margin (Fig. 10F). Postgonite bare and goose barnacle-shaped with a pointed apex (Fig. 10J). Phallophorus articulated with phallapodeme, fused to epiphallus (Fig. 10H, J). Basiphallus consisting of a pair of asymmetric dark narrow plate-like sclerites; both protruding ventrally (Fig. 10F–H, J). Hypophallus broad and membranous with lateral margin sclerotized, medially with a pair of short converging sclerites (Fig. 10H, J). Paraphallus narrow, membranous and distally pointed, with distal tip pigmented (Fig. 10F–H, J). Mesophallus dark, turgid, widest subbasally, as long as distiphallus (Fig. 10H). Distiphallus comprising one pair of stout tubules; basal 1/3 composed of dark sclerite basally and weaker medial region; distal 2/3 dark, claviform, tip rounded (Fig. 10H). Ejaculatory apodeme fan-shaped with marginal pale area and broad stalk; base dark and wide to one side; sperm pump clear (Fig. 10I).

Female (Fig. 10E). Similar to male, but slightly larger. Wing length 2.2 mm. Postabdomen: (Fig. 11A, B) Oviscape dark brown sparsely setigerous (Fig. 11A). Tergite 10 trifurcate, laterally uniting narrow pleural sclerites (Fig. 11B). Each cercus with two stout, apical, trichoid sensilla, 1/3 length of cercus. Spermathecae semi-orbicular, with truncate proximal ends (Fig. 11A).

Figure 11. 

Female morphology and larval ecology of Phytoliriomyza dumortierae sp. nov. A, B female postabdomen at type locality A oviscape and spermatheca B tergite 10 C–I habitat and the host liverwort Dumortiera hirsuta C mined thallus at Gakuenji D habitat at type locality E mined thallus at type locality (an arrow indicates internal puparium) F an internal puparium in thallus at Tazukawa-keikoku G habitat at Ichiu, H, I mined thalli at Ichiu.


The color of frons and scutellum varies from yellow to brownish yellow in some localities.


The specific name refers to its host plant genus Dumortiera.

Japanese name


Host plant

Dumortiera hirsuta (Dumortieraceae).


(Fig. 11C, E, F, H, I) Larvae construct linear mines in the midrib of the thallus in early instars, and in the last instar construct radiate or blotch mines by coming out from the midrib, and pupate in the mines.

Biological notes

The main habitats of this species are along streams in warm temperate evergreen forests (Fig. 11D, G). Our rearing records suggest that this species is univoltine, and that adults emerge from overwintered pupae in spring.


Japan: Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, Yaku Island and Amami-oshima Island (Fig. 12).

Figure 12. 

Locality records of three Phytoliriomyza species associated with Dumortiera spp.: P. dumortierae and P. crepusculum.


This species resembles P. wiesnerellae in coloration of head, thorax, abdomen, and legs; it is distinguished from the latter by the pleuron with the lower half darkened (pleuron almost wholly yellow in P. wiesnerellae). The great morphological difference in male genitalia suggests that these two species are not closely related.

Phytoliriomyza crepusculum Kato, sp. nov.

Fig. 13.

Material examined

Holotype: Japan: 1♂ (MK-AG-a29), Naiku, Oe, Fukuchiyama, Kyoto Pref. (35.433016°N, 135.150397°E, 75 m asl), 17-III-2017 (as larva), emerged on 17-V-2017, NSMT-I-Dip 31929. Paratypes: Japan: 1♂ (MK-AG-a457), type locality, 19-V-2021 (as larva), on 1-VII-2021, NSMT-I-Dip 31930; 1♂1 ♀ (MK-AG-a399, 274), Inago, Shibakawa, Fujinomiya, Shizuoka Pref., 17-II-2002 (as larva), emerged on 17–23-IV-2002, NSMT-I-Dip 31931, 31932; 1♂ (MK-AG-a309), Mitake, Kamitsushima, Nagasaki Pref., 19-IV-2009 (as larva), emerged on 6-VI-2009, NSMT-I-Dip 31933.

Other material

Japan: 1♀, Sanekawa-keikoku, Iide, Aga, Higashikanbara, Niigata Pref., 3-V-2015 (as larva), emerged on 12-VI -2015; 1♀, Mt. Kiyosumi, Kamogawa, Chiba Pref., 24-I-2012 (as larva), emerged on 25-V–5-VI-2012; 17♂32♀, Inago, Shibakawa, Fujinomiya, Shizuoka Pref., 17-II-2002 (as larva), emerged on 23-IV–5-VI-2021; 1♂, Shogawa-kyo, Tonami, Toyama Pref., 3-V-2016 (as larva), emerged on 9-VI -2016; 1♀, Takeda-gawa, Maruoka, Sakai, Fukui Pref., 6-IV-2002 (as larva), emerged on 13-VI-2019; 2♂2♀, Mt. Nabejiri, Taga, Shiga Pref., 23-V-2015 (as larva), emerged on 26–15-VI-2015; 1♂1♀, Boumura, Kazuragawa, Otsu, Shiga Pref., 7-IV-2002 (as larva), emerged on 24-V-2002; 1♂1♀, Mitake, Kamitsushima, Nagasaki Pref., 9-IV-2009 (as larva), emerged on 6-VI-2009.


A medium-sized species (wing length 1.4–1.8 mm) having subshiny brown scutum with brownish yellow pattern extending from mid-posterior margin to scutellum, black 1st flagellomere, brown maxillary palpus, brown halteres, and brownish yellow legs. Male epandrium inner-laterally with a comb comprising five long fused tubercle-like setae. Larva mines the thallus of Dumortiera hirsuta.


Adult male (Fig. 13A–D).

Head : Head largely light yellow; ocellar triangle yellow but ocellar tubercle dark brown; back of head dark brown above foramen excluding margin (Fig. 13C). Antenna porrect, first flagellomere black, pedicel and scape yellow. Arista subbasal, pubescent. Face, gena, parafacial and postgena light yellow. Proboscis normal, yellow; palpus yellow, cylindrical. Chaetotaxy: Front orbitals three pairs; one ori directed inward; two ors directed upward (Fig. 13B). Orbital setulae minute and erect, in a single row.

Figure 13. 

Phytoliriomyza crepusculum sp. nov. A–C holotype male A habitus B lateral C frontal D paratype male (MK-AG-a309), dorsal E paratype female (MK-AG-274), dorsal F–I male genitalia F ejaculatory apodeme, dorsal G whole genitalia, ventral H phallic complex, lateral I epandrium, ventral J puparium K–L female postabdomen K oviscape and spermatheca L tergite 10 M habitat of type locality N–P mined thalli of Dumortiera hirsuta (N type locality O Kiyosumi P Mt. Nabejiri). An arrow in N indicate an puparium.

Thorax : Thorax subshiny. Scutum brown with a large posterior trapezoid yellow patch adjacent to scutellum (Fig. 13D). Scutellum yellow with lateral corner narrowly brown. Subscutellum yellow. Mediotergite, katatergite and anatergite brown. Pleuron yellow, but propleuron, meron, anepimeron centrally pale brown (Fig. 13B). Haltere brown. Calypter margin and hairs gray. Leg segments yellow; tibia and tarsus dorsally brown (Fig. 13D). Chaetotaxy: Scutum with 1+3 dorsocentrals, shortened anteriorly (Fig. 13D). Acrostichal setulae five pairs in two rows. Wing: Wing length 1.4 mm, costa reaching M1 (Fig. 13A). Length of ultimate section of vein M4 divided by penultimate section 1.1.

Abdomen : Abdomen dorsally subshiny brown (Fig. 13D). Genitalia: (Fig. 13F–I) Epandrium dark brown, rounded apically; posterior end of inner margin with a stout tubercle-like seta; inner-ventral surface of epandrium with a comb comprising five fused long tubercle-like setae; inner-ventral margin with a row of several short tubercle-like setae (Fig. 13I). Surstylus rounded, directed inwards, setose apically but without tubercle-like seta. Cercus narrow, setose. Subepandrial sclerite with one pair of posteriorly directed plate-like arms (Fig. 13I). Hypandrium slightly sclerotized along outer margin (Fig. 13G). Postgonite bare, goose barnacle-shaped, narrowly rounded, and cleft apically (Fig. 13H). Phallophorus with deep incision below (Fig. 13G), and articulated with phallapodeme, fused to epiphallus (Fig. 13H). Basiphallus composing of a left anterodorsal sclerite and a right L-shaped lateral sclerite; former narrow, protruding rightward, the latter protruding ventrally (Fig. 13G–H). Hypophallus broad and membranous, supported by one pair of fused sclerites ventrally (Fig. 13G, H). Mesophallus dark, cylindrical, widest subbasally, slightly shorter than distiphallus (Fig. 13H). Distiphallus consists of a pair of moderately long tubules slightly diverging apically; basal half composed of dark narrow lobate sclerite and weaker medial region; distal half cylindrical, dorsally pigmented, with truncated, unpigmented apex (Fig. 13H). Ejaculatory apodeme fan-shaped with short broad stalk, broad base, and clear sperm pump (Fig. 13F).

Female (Fig. 13E). Similar to male (Fig. 13E). Wing length 1.4–1.8 mm. Postabdomen: (Fig. 13K, L) Oviscape brown sparsely setigerous on lateral sides (Fig. 13K). Tergite 10 trifurcate, laterally uniting narrow pleural sclerites (Fig. 13L). Cercus with two stout, apical, trichoid sensilla, ca. 1/2 length of cercus (Fig. 13L). Spermathecae semi-orbicular, with truncate proximal ends (Fig. 13K).

Immatures. (Fig. 13J) Puparium internal, slender, and pale brown.


The specific name (crepusculum = twilight) refers to the brownish yellow patch on the scutum.

Japanese name


Host plant

Dumortiera hirsuta (Dumortieraceae).


(Fig. 13N–P) Larvae mine the midrib of the thallus in early instars, later construct radiate mines by coming out from the midrib, and pupate in the mines. Puparium is smooth and pale brown, posterior spiracles projecting (Fig. 13J).

Biological notes

The main habitats of this species are along streams in warm temperate forests and cool temperate deciduous forests (Fig. 13M), and this species was sympatric with P. dumortierae in some localities. Our rearing records suggest that this species is univoltine, and that adults emerge from overwintered pupae in spring.


Japan: Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, Tsushima Island (Fig. 12).


Although this species used the same host plant as P. dumortierae, these two species were not sympatric in any localities. This species resembles P. arcus, P. plagiochasmatos and P. falcata in having a pair of brown lateral bands on the scutum; it is distinguished from them by the brownish yellow color of the medial mark on scutum (light yellow in the other species).

Species associated with Plagiochasma

Phytoliriomyza arcus Kato, sp. nov.

Figs 14, 15

Material examined

Holotype: Japan: 1♂ (MK-AG-a411), Nippara, Okutama, Tokyo Pref. (35.8504°N, 139.0274°E, 650 m asl), 15-III-2016 (as larva on P. pterospermum), emerged on 28-IV-2016, NSMT-I-Dip 31934. Paratypes: Japan: 1♂1♀ (MK-AG-a16, a458), same data as holotype, emerged on 4–5-V-2016, NSMT-I-Dip 31935, 31937; 1♀ (MK-AG-191), Akka, Iwaizumi, Iwate Pref., 5-V-2012 (as larva on P. pterospermum), emerged on 13-V-2012, NSMT-I-Dip 31936; 1♀ (MK-AG-a316), Mt. Myogi, Tomioka, Gunma Pref., 10-V-2021 (as larva on P. pterospermum), emerged on 16-V-2021, NSMT-I-Dip 31938; 1♀ (MK-AG-189), Todai-shiraiwa, Ina, Nagano Pref., 30-IV-2011 (as larva on P. pterospermum), emerged on 28-V-2011, NSMT-I-Dip 31939.

Other material

Japan: On Plagiochasma pterospermum: 4♂4♀, Akka, Iwaizumi, Iwate Pref., 5-V-2012 (as larva), emerged on 27–28-V-2012; 9♂9♀, Mt. Myogi, Tomioka, Gunma Pref., 10-V-2021 (as larva), emerged on 14–21-V-2021; 10♂12♀, Narahara, Ueno, Tano, Gunnma Pref., 18-IV-2021 (as larva), emerged on 15–25-V-2021; 2♂5♀, Mt. Kano, Kanna, Tano, Gunma Pref., 28-XI-2014 (as larva), emerged on 4-V-2015; 2♂1♀, Mt. Futago, Ogano, Chichibu-gun, Saitama Pref., 10-IX-2017 (as larva), emerged on 20-X–12-XI-2017; 1♂3♀, Kanna-gawa, Nakatsugawa, Chichibu, Saitama Pref., 16-X-2012 (as larva), emerged on 5-V-2012; 9♂11♀, Todai-shiraiwa, Ina, Nagano Pref., 12-V-2021 (as larva), emerged on 1–13-VI-2021.

On Plagiochasma appendiculatum: 5♂4♀, Mt. Myogi, Tomioka, Gunma Pref., 10-V-2021 (as larva), emerged on 15–29-V-2021.


A small species (wing length 1.3–1.6 mm) having subshiny brown scutum with yellow pattern extending from mid-posterior margin to scutellum, yellow 1st flagellomere, yellow maxillary palpus, yellow halteres, and yellow legs. Male epandrium inner-subdistally with hypertrophied, elongated, strongly curved arm bearing a dark tubercle-like seta. Larva mines the thallus of Plagiochasma pterospermum and P. appendiculatum.


Adult male (Fig. 14A–E).

Head : Head light yellow, with ocellar tubercle brown, back of head dark brown (Fig. 14C). Antenna porrect, first flagellomere, pedicel and scape brown. Arista subbasal, black pubescent. Clypeus, face, gena, parafacial and postgena yellow. Proboscis normal, yellow; yellow, cylindrical (Fig. 14C). Chaetotaxy: Front orbitals three pairs; one ori directed inward; two ors directed upward (Fig. 14B). Orbital setulae minute and erect, in a single row.

Figure 14. 

Phytoliriomyza arcus sp. nov. A–E holotype male A habitus B lateral C frontal D dorsal E posterior F paratype female (MK-AG-a16), dorsal G–K male genitalia (G at type locality H–K at Todai-shiraiwa) G, H whole genitalia, ventral I phallic complex, lateral J ejaculatory apodeme, lateral K epandrium, ventral.

Thorax : Thorax subshiny. Scutum subshiny yellow, with a brown medial stripe on anterior 2/3, one pair of brown presutural patches, and a pair of wide postsutural brown bands adjoining with the presutural patches (Fig. 14D). Mediotergite brown, and anatergite and katatergite yellow. Pleuron largely yellow, anepisternum and anepimeron with small brown patches, venters of katepisternum and meron brown (Fig. 14B). Haltere gray. Calypter margin and hairs gray. Leg segments yellow; tibia and tarsus darker (Fig. 14A). Chaetotaxy: Scutum with 1+3 dorsocentrals, shortened anteriorly. Acrostichal setulae six pairs in two rows (Fig. 14D). Wing: Wing length 1.3&nbsp;mm, costa reaching M1 (Fig. 14A). Length of ultimate section of vein M4 divided by penultimate section 1.7–1.8.

Abdomen : Abdomen dorsally subshiny grayish yellow (Fig. 14E). Genitalia: (Fig. 14G–K) Epandrium dark brown, rounded apically; inner-lateral margin with an incomplete comb comprising two or three short tubercle-like setae; inner subdistal surface with basally thickened, remarkably elongated, strongly curved arm bearing a dark tubercle-like seta apically (Fig. 14G, H, K). Surstylus protruding ventrally, tapering toward apex, setose apically, with one short tubercle-like seta on inner-basal surface (Fig. 14K). Cercus narrow, setose. Subepandrial sclerite V-shaped in posterior view, with a pair of ventrally projected plate-like lobes with a spine medially (Fig. 14K). Hypandrium slightly sclerotized along outer margin (Fig. 14G). Postgonite bare, goose barnacle-shaped, and cleft apically (Fig. 14G). Phallophorus with deep incision below, articulated with phallapodeme, fused to epiphallus (Fig. 14I). Basiphallus with a H-shaped dorsal sclerite; anterior arms of which protruding ventrolaterally (Fig. 14G–I). Hypophallus broad, membranous with microtrichia scattered dorsally, medially with a pair of short confronting sclerites (Fig. 14G–I). Paraphalli wing-like, lightly sclerotized posteriorly; diverging, angled anteroventrally, joined basally on to the base of mesophallus. Mesophallus dark, cylindrical, widest subbasally, as long as distiphallus (Fig. 14G–I). Distiphallus comprising one pair of stout tubules; basal half composed of lateral dark sclerites and weaker medial region; distal half cylindrical, composed of a pair of dorsally and laterally pigmented sclerites, widening toward apex, with truncated, flared apex (Fig. 14I). Ejaculatory apodeme pale and fan-shaped with broad stalk; base wide to one side; sperm pump clear.

Female (Figs 14F, 15C). Similar to male, but slightly larger (Fig. 14F). Wing length 1.6 mm. Postabdomen: (Fig. 15A, B) Oviscape dark brown, setigerous (Fig. 15A). Tergite 10 trifurcate, laterally uniting narrow pleural sclerites (Fig. 14B). Each cercus with two stout, apical, trichoid sensilla, 1/3 length of cercus (Fig. 14B). Spermathecae semi-orbicular, with truncate proximal ends (Fig. 14A).

Figure 15. 

Female morphology and larval/adult ecology of Phytoliriomyza arcus sp. nov. A, B female postabdomen A oviscape and spermatheca at Shiraizasu B tergite 10 at Mt. Myogi C live fly at Mt. Myogi D habitat at type locality E mined thallus of Plagiochasma pterospermum at Mt. Myogi F mined thalli at Todai-shiraiwa.


The yellow posterior patch on the scutum varied from distinct to obscure ones among localities and even among individuals in some localities.


The specific name (arcus = bow) refers to the bow-shaped tubercle-like seta on the male epandrium.

Japanese name


Host plant

Plagiochasma pterospermum and P. appendiculatum (Aytoniaceae).


Larvae construct linear-blotch mines in the thallus and pupate in the mines (Fig. 15D–F).

Biological notes

The habitats of this species are limestone outcrops in temperate deciduous forests, where the host liverworts grow (Fig. 15D). Our rearing records suggest that this species is univoltine, and that adults emerge from overwintered pupae in spring.


Japan: Honshu (Fig. 16). Recorded only from limestone areas in Tohoku and Kanto districts.

Figure 16. 

Locality records of three Phytoliriomyza species associated with Plagiochasma spp.: P. arcus, P. plagiochasmatos and P. calcicola.


This species resembles P. plagiochasmatos and P. falcata in having a pair of brown lateral bands and a light yellow mark on scutum; it is distinguished from them by the dark haltere (yellow in these species) and by the morphology of the tubercle-like seta on subdistal margin of the male epandrium (curved outward in P. arcus; simple and short in P. plagiochasmatos; elongated and sickle-like in P. falcata).

Phytoliriomyza plagiochasmatos Kato, sp. nov.

Fig. 17

Material examined

Holotype: Japan: 1♂ (MK-AG-a526), Narahara, Ueno, Tano, Gunnma Pref. (36.089°N,138.689°E, 990 m asl), 18-IV-2021 (as larva), emerged on 15-V-2021, NSMT-I-Dip 31940. Paratypes: Japan: 1♂1♀ (MK-AG-a524, a523), same data as holotype, emerged on 19–25-V-2021, NSMT-I-Dip 31941, 31942.

Other material

Japan: 1♂3♀, same data as holotype, emerged on 19–25-V-2021; 3♀, Ozasu, Ogano, Chichibu, Saitama Pref., 28-XI-2014 (as larva on Asterella cruciata), emerged on 24–27-IV-2015.


A small species (wing length 1.4–1.5 mm) having subshiny brown scutum with an oval yellow pattern extending from mid-posterior margin to scutellum, yellow 1st flagellomere, yellow maxillary palpus, yellow halteres, and yellow legs. Male epandrium with an imperfect comb comprising two short tubercle-setae. Larva mines the thallus of Plagiochasma pterospermum and Asterella cruciata.


Adult male (Fig. 17A–E).

Head : Head light yellow, with ocellar tubercle brown, back of head dark brown (Fig. 17C). Antenna porrect, first flagellomere, pedicel and scape brown. Arista subbasal, black pubescent. Clypeus, face, gena, parafacial and postgena yellow. Proboscis normal, yellow; palpus yellow, cylindrical (Fig. 17C). Chaetotaxy: Front orbitals three pairs; one ori directed inward; two ors directed upward (Fig. 17B). Orbital setulae minute and erect, in a single row.

Figure 17. 

Phytoliriomyza plagiochasmatos sp. nov. A–E holotype male A habitus B lateral C frontal D dorsal E posterior F paratype female (MK-AG-a523), dorsal G–J male genitalia G whole genitalia, ventral H phallic complex, lateral I, J epandrium, ventral and anterior K ejaculatory apodeme, lateral L live male fly.

Thorax : Thorax subshiny. Scutum subshiny yellow, with a brown medial stripe on anterior 2/3, one pair of brown presutural patches, and a pair of wide postsutural brown bands (Fig. 17B). Mediotergite brown, and anatergite and katatergite yellow. Pleuron largely yellow, anepisternum and anepimeron with small brown patches, venters of katepisternum and meron brown (Fig. 17B). Haltere yellow. Calypter margin and hairs gray. Leg segments yellow; tibia and tarsus darker (Fig. 17B). Chaetotaxy: Scutum with 1+3 dorsocentrals, shortened anteriorly (Fig. 17D). Acrostichal setulae six pairs in two rows. Wing: Wing length 1.5 mm, costa reaching M1 (Fig. 17A). Length of ultimate section of vein M4 divided by penultimate section 1.7.

Abdomen : Abdomen dorsally subshiny grayish yellow (Fig. 17E). Genitalia: (Fig. 17I–K) Epandrium dark brown, rounded apically; inner-subdistal margin with a short, sharp-pointed tubercle-like seta; inner-anterior margin with an imperfect comb comprising two fused short tubercle-like setae; inner-lateral surface with a long tubercle-like seta. Surstylus extruded ventrally, setose apically (Fig. 17I, J). Cercus narrow, setose. Subepandrial sclerite comprising two pairs of developed plate-like arms; ventral arm with a strong seta directed ventrally and pointed tip; dorsal arm ventrally pointed and with a spine directed outward (Fig. 17I). Hypandrium slightly sclerotized along outer margin (Fig. 17G). Postgonite bare, goose barnacle-shaped (Fig. 17H). Phallophorus with deep incision below (Fig. 17G), articulated with phallapodeme, fused to epiphallus (Fig. 17H). Basiphallus as long as mesophallus, sclerotized basally and narrowly on right side, bifurcating apically (Fig. 17H). Hypophallus broad, membranous and bilobed, with serrated margins; medially with a pair of dark fused sclerites (Fig. 17G, H). Paraphalli dark, plate-like, diverging from base of mesophallus, outer margins sclerotized (Fig. 17G, H). Mesophallus dark, cylindrical, widest subbasally, 3/5 as long as distiphallus (Fig. 17H). Distiphallus comprising one pair of stout tubules; basal half composed of lateral lanceolate dark sclerites and short weaker region; distal half cylindrical, dorsally and laterally pigmented, with truncated, unpigmented apex (Fig. 17H). Ejaculatory apodeme pale and fan-shaped with broad stalk; base wide to one side; sperm pump clear (Fig. 17K).

Female (Fig. 17F). Similar to male, but slightly larger. Wing length 1.4 mm. Postabdomen: (Fig. 17L, M) Oviscape dark brown, setigerous. Tergite 10 trifurcate, laterally uniting narrow pleural sclerites. Each cercus with two stout, apical, trichoid sensilla, 2/3 length of cercus. Spermathecae semi-orbicular, with truncate proximal ends.


The specific name refers to the host plant genus Plagiochasma.

Japanese name


Host plant

Plagiochasma pterospermum (Aytoniaceae) and Asterella cruciata (Asterellaceae).


Larvae construct linear-blotch mines in the thallus and pupate in the mines (Fig. 17Q).

Biological notes

The habitats of this species are outcrops of lime stones in temperate deciduous forests, where the host liverworts grow (Fig. 17O, P), and this species was sympatric with P. arcus in some localities. Our rearing records suggest that this species is univoltine, and that adults emerge from overwintered pupae in spring.


Japan: Honshu (Fig. 16). Recorded only from limestone areas in Kanto districts.


This species resembles P. arcus, P. falcata and P. aratriformis in having a pair of brown lateral bands and a pale yellow mark on the scutum; it is distinguished from P. arcus by the yellow halteres (dark in P. arcus), and from the last three species by the absence of seta on the surstylus of the male epandrium (surstylus apically setose in P. falcata and P. aratriformis).

Phytoliriomyza calcicola Kato, sp. nov.

Figs 18, 19

Material examined

Holotype: Japan: 1♂ (MK-AG-a265), Todai-shiraiwa, Ina, Nagano Pref. (35.7723°N,138.1620°E, 1140 m asl), 30-IV-2011 (as larva), emerged on 24-V-2011, NSMT-I-Dip 31943. Paratypes: Japan: 1♀ (MK-AG-a459), same data as holotype emerged on 2-VI-2011, NSMT-I-Dip 31944; 1♀ (MK-AG-a222), Ozasu, Ogano, Chichibu, Saitama Pref., 10-IX-2017 (as larva), emerged on 13-X-2017, NSMT-I-Dip 31945.

Other material

Japan: 1♀, Narahara, Ueno, Tano, Gunnma Pref., 18-IV-2021 (as larva), emerged on 1-VI-2021; 1♀1♂, Ozasu, Ogano, Chichibu, Saitama Pref., 10-IX-2017 (as larva), emerged on 9–13-X-2017; 1♀, Irisawai, Oshika, Nagano Pref., 29-IV-2011 (as larva), emerged on 22-V-2011.


A medium-sized yellow species (wing length 1.6–1.7 mm) having subshiny yellow scutum with two pairs of lateral stripes, yellow 1st flagellomere, yellow maxillary palpus, yellow halteres, and yellow legs. Male epandrium inner-subdistally with a hypertrophied arm which bears an enlarged tubercle-like seta; inner-basally with a hypertrophied arm which bears a comb comprising five or six fused tubercle-like setae. Larva mines the thallus of Plagiochasma pterospermum.


Adult male (Fig. 18A–D).

Head : Head light yellow, with ocellar tubercle brown, back of head dark brown (Fig. 18C). Antenna porrect, first flagellomere, pedicel and scape yellow (Fig. 18B). Arista subbasal, black pubescent. Clypeus, face, gena, parafacial and postgena yellow. Proboscis normal, yellow; palpus yellow, cylindrical (Fig. 18C). Chaetotaxy: Front orbitals three pairs; one ori directed inward; two ors directed upward (Fig. 18B). Orbital setulae minute and erect, in a single row.

Figure 18. 

Phytoliriomyza calcicola sp. nov. A–D holotype male A habitus B lateral C frontal D dorsal E, F paratype female (MK-AG-a222) E dorsal F posterior G, H male genitalia G epandrium H phallic complex in lateral view I live female fly.

Thorax : Thorax subshiny. Scutum yellow with medial black stripe on anterior 2/3, with a pair of narrow black supra-alar stripes and a pair of wider. Black intra-alar stripes, which adjoin a pair of lateral presutural black ovoid spots (Fig. 18D). Mediotergite brown, and anatergite and katatergite yellow. Pleuron largely yellow, anepisternum and anepimeron with small brown patches, venters of katepisternum and meron brown (Fig. 18B). Haltere yellow, with upper surface grayish. Calypter margin and hairs gray. Leg segments yellow; tibia and tarsus darker (Fig. 18A). Chaetotaxy: Scutum with 1+3 dorsocentrals, shortened anteriorly (Fig. 18D). Acrostichal setulae seven pairs in two rows. Wing: Wing length 1.7 mm, costa reaching M1 (Fig. 18A). Length of ultimate section of vein M4 divided by penultimate section 0.95.

Abdomen : Abdomen dorsally subshiny yellow (Fig. 18B). Genitalia: (Fig. 18I, J) Epandrium dark brown, rounded apically; inner-distal margin with a basally enlarged, slightly flattened hypertrophied arm, which bears a dark laterally enlarged tubercle-like seta; inner-anterior surface also with a basally enlarged, slightly flattened, hypertrophied arm, on which with a comb comprising five or six fused tubercle-like setae (Fig. 18G). Surstylus plate-like, extruded ventrally, bare, with one long tubercle-like seta apically (Fig. 18G). Cercus narrow, setose. Subepandrial sclerite V-shaped in posterior view, with a pair of setae medially (Fig. 18G). Hypandrium slightly sclerotized along outer margin. Postgonite bare and goose barnacle-shaped with incurved pointed apex (Fig. 18H). Phallophorus with deep incision below, articulated with phallapodeme, fused to epiphallus (Fig. 18H). Basiphallus shorter than mesophallus. Hypophallus broad, membranous, with a dark narrow sclerite medially, and with a pair of diverging, ventrally incurved narrow sclerites (Fig. 18H). Paraphallus absent. Mesophallus dorsoventrally flattened tubular, parallel-sided; twofold longer than distiphallus; basal half and distal 1/5 pigmented (Fig. 18H). Distiphallus comprising one pair of tubules; basal half unpigmented; distal half cylindrical, pigmented, with truncated, unpigmented apex (Fig. 18H).

Female (Fig. 18E–F). Similar to male, but slightly larger and frons wider. Wing length 1.6 mm. Postabdomen: (Fig. 19A, B) Oviscape dark brown, setigerous (Fig. 19A). Tergite 10 trifurcate, laterally uniting narrow pleural sclerites. (Fig. 19B) Each cercus with two stout, apical, trichoid sensilla, ¾ length of cercus (Fig. 19B). Spermathecae orbicular.

Figure 19. 

Female morphology and larval/adult ecology of Phytoliriomyza calcicola sp. nov. A, B female postabdomen A oviscape and spermatheca B tergite 10 C habitat at type locality D mined thallus of Plagiochasma pterospermum.


The specific name (calcis = limestone) refers to the fact that this species is associated with the host liverwort growing only on limestone.

Japanese name


Host plant

Plagiochasma pterospermum (Aytoniaceae).


Larvae construct radiate mines in the thallus and pupate in the mines (Fig. 19D).

Biological notes

The habitats of this species are limestone outcrops in temperate deciduous forests, where the host liverworts grow (Fig. 19C). This species is one of the rarest species in liverwort-associated species, and was sympatric with P. arcus or P. plagiochasmatos in some localities. Our rearing records suggest that this species is univoltine, and that adults emerge from overwintered pupae in spring.


Japan: Honshu (Fig. 16). Recorded only from limestone areas in Chichibu Mountains and Akaishi Mountain Range.


This species has several unique characteristics in male genitalia: a flattened stout tubercle-like seta on distal margin of epandrium; a comb of tubercle-like setae borne on enlarged projection of inner surface of epandrium; thin, bare surstylus; short distiphallus unpigmented at basal half. The unique characteristics suggest distant relation of this species from other liverwort-associated species. This species resembles P. nigroflava and P. brunofasciata in having two pairs of dark stripes on dorsal scutum; it is distinguished from them by the dark haltere (haltere yellow in P. nigroflava and P. brunofasciata).

Species associated with Asterella

Phytoliriomyza iriomotensis Kato, sp. nov.

Fig. 20

Material examined

Holotype: Japan: 1♂ (MK-AG-161), Yutsun, Iriomote-Is. Yaeyama, Okinawa Pref. (24.379°N, 123.883°E, 15 m asl), 25-I-2011 (as larva), emerged on 23-IV-2011, NSMT-I-Dip 31949. Paratypes: Japan: 2♀ (MK-AG-164, a426), same data as holotype, emerged on 2–10-III-2011, NSMT-I-Dip 31950, 31951; 1♂1♀ (MK-AG-a591, a592), type locality, 18-XI-2021 (as larva), emerged on 16–21-XI-2021, NSMT-I-Dip 31952, 31953.

Other material

Japan: 1♀, Yutsun, Iriomote-Is. Yaeyama, Okinawa Pref., 8-XI-2021 (as larva), emerged on 17-XI-2021.


A small species (wing length 1.4–1.7 mm) having pruinose gray scutum and scutellum, brown 1st flagellomere, yellow maxillary palpus, dark halteres, and yellow legs. Scutum lacks acrostichal setulae. Male epandrium lacks tubercle-like seta; distiphallus of male genitalia tapering apically. Larva mines the thallus of Asterella liukiuensis.


Adult male (Fig. 20A–E).

Head : Head light yellow, with ocellar tubercle brown, frons brownish yellow, back of head dark brown (Fig. 20C). Antenna porrect, first flagellomere, pedicel and scape brown (Fig. 20B). Arista subbasal, black pubescent. Clypeus, face, gena, parafacial and postgena light yellow. Proboscis normal, light yellow; palpus light yellow, cylindrical (Fig. 20C). Chaetotaxy: Front orbitals three pairs; one ori directed inward; two ors directed upward (Fig. 20D). Orbital setulae minute and erect, in a single row.

Figure 20. 

Phytoliriomyza iriomotensis sp. nov. A–E holotype male A habitus B lateral C frontal D dorsal E posterodorsal F paratype female, dorsal (MK-AG-426) G–J male genitalia G whole genitalia, ventral H epandrium, ventral I phallic complex, lateral J ejaculatory apodeme, lateral K female postabdomen L habitat at type locality M–O mined thalli of Asterella liukiuensis (an arrow indicates a larva).

Thorax : Thorax pruinose. Scutum and scutellum dark brown (Fig. 20B). Mediotergite brown, anatergite with circular brown patches on venter, and katatergite yellow (Fig. 20E). Pleuron largely pale yellow, katepisternum and meron with large brown patches on venter (Fig. 20B). Haltere brown with pale yellow stalk. Calypter margin and hairs gray. Leg segments dark yellow; tibia and tarsus darker (Fig. 20A). Chaetotaxy: Scutum with 1+3 dorsocentrals, shortened anteriorly (Fig. 20D). Acrostichal setulae lacking. Wing: Wing length 1.4 mm, costa reaching M1 (Fig. 20A). Length of ultimate section of vein M4 divided by penultimate section 2.0–2.4. M4 disappear before reaching wing margin.

Abdomen : Abdomen dorsally subshiny yellowish brown (Fig. 20E). Genitalia: (Fig. 20G–J) Epandrium dark brown, rounded apically; posterior end of inner margin with a tubercle-like seta; inner-lateral margin with three tubercle-like setae (Fig. 20H). Surstylus elongated, broad basally, sparsely setose apically (Fig. 20H). Cercus narrow, setose. Subepandrial sclerite comprising a pair of plate-like arms (Fig. 20H). Hypandrium slightly sclerotized along outer margin (Fig. 20G). Postgonite bare, goose barnacle-shaped, cleft apically; upper lobe pointed apically, lower lobe rounded (Fig. 20I). Phallophorus with deep incision below, articulated with phallapodeme, fused to epiphallus (Fig. 20G, I). Basiphallus longer than mesophallus, dorsally sclerotized (Fig. 20G). Hypophallus broad, membranous, medially with a pair of fused sclerites (Fig. 20G, I). Paraphallus absent. Mesophallus short, sclerotized dorsally and ventrally in basal 2/3; shorter than distiphallus (Fig. 20G, I). Distiphallus comprising one pair of tubules; basal half dorsally pigmented, with small ventral sclerite basally, distal half unpigmented and tapering toward tip (Fig. 20G, I). Ejaculatory apodeme pale and narrow fan-shaped with long stalk; base wide to one side; sperm pump clear (Fig. 20J).

Female (Fig. 20F). Similar to male, but slightly larger; scutum paler, abdomen dorsally paler, and legs paler than male. Wing length 1.7 mm. Postabdomen: (Fig. 20K) Oviscape dark brown, setigerous. Each cercus with two stout, apical, trichoid sensilla, 1/3 length of cercus.


The specific name refers to the type locality, Iriomote Island.

Japanese name


Host plant

Asterella liukiuensis (Aytoniaceae).


Larvae construct linear-blotch mines in the thallus in early instars, later entering the midrib, and pupating there (Fig. 20M–O).

Biological notes

The habitats of this species are rocky stream banks in subtropical evergreen forests (Fig. 20L).


Japan (Honshu). Recorded only from Iriomote Island in the Ryukyu Archipelago (Fig. 21).

Figure 21. 

Locality records of three Phytoliriomyza species associated with Asterellaand Reboulia spp.: P. iriomotensis and P. cometiformis.


This species resembles P. ugetsu, P. ricciae and P. phaeocerotis in having a wholly dark scutum and yellow maxillary palpus; it is distinguished from P. ugetsu by its small size (wing length 1.4 –1.7 mm in P. iriomotensis; 2.1–2.7 mm in P. ugetsu in wing length), and from P. ricciae and P. phaeocerotis by the dark brown legs (legs pale brown in the latter two species).

In Japan, six Asterella species are distributed in limited areas in central Honshu and Okinawa and Yaeyama Islands, and almost all of them are endangered (Ministry of the Environment Japan 2015). It is remarkable that such rare liverwort species are associated with specific agromyzid species.

Species associated with Reboulia

Phytoliriomyza cometiformis Kato, sp. nov.

Figs 22, 23

Material examined

Holotype: Japan: 1♂ (MK-AG-789), Ashizuri-misaki, Tosashimizu, Kochi Pref. (32.7298°N, 132.9971°E, 75 m asl), 26-II-2011 (as larva), emerged on 1-IV-2011 NSMT-I-Dip 31954. Paratypes: Japan: 1♂1♀ (MK-AG-a427, a428), same data as holotype, emerged on 30-III-2011, NSMT-I-Dip 31955, 31955; 1♀ (MK-AG-a461), Hachijo Is., Tokyo Pref., 24-IV-2001 (as larva), emerged on 3-V-2001, NSMT-I-Dip 31957; 1♂ (MK-AG-411), Sagiura, Taisha, Izumo, Shimane Pref., 31-III-2015 (as larva), emerged on 30-IV-2015, NSMT-I-Dip 31958.

Other material

Japan: 6♂7♀, Izu-oshima Is. Tokyo Pref., 22-III-2009 (as larva), emerged on 15–20-IV-2009; 2♀, Yugashima, Izu, Shizuoka Pref., 7-III-2012 (as larva), emerged on 12–14-IV-2012; 4♂8♀, Sinjo, Mihama, Mikata, Fukui Pref., 11-III-2012 (as larva), emerged on 18–23-IV-2012; 3♂2♀, Shimaji-gawa, Ujitachi, Ise, Mie Pref., 3-IV-2010 (as larva), emerged on 22-IV–2-V-2010; 2♂1♀, Urashima-jinja, Honjo-hama, Ine, Kyoto Pref., 31-VII-2011 (as larva), emerged on 22-III-2011; 2♂5♀, Ukawa, Tango, Kyotango, Kyoto Pref., 5-III-2021 (as larva), emerged on 2–8-IV-2021; 1♀, Sannoko, Kawakami, Higashi-yoshino, Nara Pref., 26-II-2016 (as larva), emerged on 11-IV-2016; 1♀, Tazukawa-keikoku, Katsuura, Tokushima Pref., 11-X-2016 (as larva), emerged on 19-IV-2011.


A large yellow species (wing length 2.0–2.2 mm) having a pruinose dark gray scutum with an oval yellow pattern extending from the mid-posterior margin to the scutellum, a black 1st flagellomere, yellow maxillary palpus, yellow halteres, and yellow legs. Male epandrium inner-laterally with a hand-like comb comprising

Four or five basally fused, long, tubercle-like setae. Larva mines the thallus of Reboulia hemisphaerica orientalis.


Adult male (Fig. 22A–D).

Head : Head entirely yellow, with ocellar tubercle brown, and back of head dark brown (Fig. 22C). Antenna porrect; first flagellomere black, pedicel yellow and scape light yellow. Arista subbasal, brown, pubescent. Face, gena, parafacial and postgena yellow. Proboscis normal, yellow; palpus yellow, cylindrical (Fig. 22C). Chaetotaxy: Front orbitals three pairs; one ori directed inward; two ors directed upward (Fig. 22B). Orbital setulae minute and erect, in a single row.

Figure 22. 

Phytoliriomyza cometiformis sp. nov. A–D holotype male A habitus B lateral C frontal D dorsal E paratype female, dorsal (MK-AG-a428) F–J male genitalia (F–H at type locality I, J at Sagiura) F whole genitalia, ventral G phallic complex, lateral H, J epandrium, ventral I ejaculatory apodeme, lateral.

Thorax : Thorax subshiny. Scutum yellow with a black medial stripe on anterior 2/3, one pair of black suborbicular presutural patches confluent with the medial stripe, and a pair of wide black bands on anterior 7/8, which is confluent with the presutural patches. Scutellum yellow with lateral margins brown (Fig. 22D). Subscutellum yellow. Mediotergite brown, anatergite yellow, katatergite brown (Fig. 22B). Pleuron largely yellow; propleuron with small brown patch on anterior-dorsal corner; anepisternum with a small spot on dorsal corner and a large brown patch near ventral margin; anepimeron with a narrow brown patch on anterior corner; katepisternum and meron with brown patches on venter (Fig. 22B). Haltere yellow. Calypter margin and hairs gray. Leg segments yellow; tibia and tarsus darker. Chaetotaxy: Scutum with 1+3 dorsocentrals, shortened anteriorly (Fig. 22D). Acrostichal setulae eight or nine pairs in two rows. Wing: Wing length 2.0–2.2&nbsp;mm, costa reaching M1 (Fig. 22A). Length of ultimate section of vein M4 divided by penultimate section 1.8–1.9.

Abdomen : Abdomen dorsally subshiny yellow (Fig. 22A). Genitalia: (Fig. 22F–J) Epandrium dark brown, rounded apically; inner-lateral margin with a row of 5–7 short tubercle-like setae; inner-anterior surface with a comb comprising three or four fused long tubercle-like setae; inner-lateral surface with an enlarged protrusion bearing a strong tubercle-like seta (Fig. 22H, J). Surstylus rounded and bilobed; anterior lobe sparsely setose apically; posterior lobe with one stout tubercle-like seta and a long normal seta. Cercus narrow, setose. Subepandrial sclerite with a pair of plate-like arms, each with a dorsal lobe bearing a seta (Fig. 22H). Hypandrium slightly sclerotized along outer margin. Postgonite bare and goose barnacle-shaped (Fig. 22G). Phallophorus with deep incision below, articulated with phallapodeme, fused to epiphallus (Fig. 22F, G). Basiphallus with long narrow right sclerites and a short basal sclerite. Hypophallus broad and membranous; lateral margins lightly sclerotized, medially with a pair of fused narrow sclerites (Fig. 22G). Mesophallus dark, cylindrical, widest basally, as long as distiphallus (Fig. 22G). Distiphallus comprising one pair of stout tubules; basal 1/3 composed of ventral dark subtriangular sclerite and weaker medial region; distal 2/3 cylindrical, dorsally and laterally pigmented, with truncated, unpigmented apex (Fig. 22G). Ejaculatory apodeme pale brown, fan-shaped with long stalk; sclerite of sperm pump with lateral extension; sperm pump clear (Fig. 22I).

Female (Fig. 22E). Similar to male, but larger. Wing length 2.3 mm. Postabdomen: (Fig. 23A, B) Oviscape dark brown, setigerous (Fig. 23A). Tergite 10 trifurcate, laterally uniting narrow pleural sclerites (Fig. 23B). Each cercus with two stout, apical, trichoid sensilla, 1/3 length of cercus (Fig. 23B). Spermathecae semi-orbicular, with truncate proximal ends (Fig. 23A).

Figure 23. 

Female morphology and larval ecology of Phytoliriomyza cometiformis sp. nov. A, B female postabdomen A oviscape and spermatheca B tergite 10 C habitat at type locality D–G mined thalli of Reboulia hemisphaerica orientalis (D at type locality E at Ukawa F, G at Sagiura). An arrow in F indicates an internal puparium.


The specific name (cometiformis = comet-shaped) refers to the oblong trail-leaving yellow pattern against the black background on the scutum, which resembles a comet.

Japanese name


Host plant

Reboulia hemisphaerica orientalis (Aytoniaceae).


Larvae construct linear-blotch mines in the thallus, and pupate in the mines (Fig. 23D–G).

Biological notes

The habitats of this species are rocky cliffs in warm temperate evergreen forests (Fig. 23C). Our rearing records suggest that this species is univoltine, and that adults emerge from overwintered pupae in spring.


Japan (Honshu, Shikoku).


This species resembles P. igniculus and P. luna in having a pair of black lateral band on scutum and wholly yellow scutellum; it is distinguished from them by the number of tubercle-like setae in a comb of male epandrium (3–4 in P. cometiformis; 5–6 in P. igniculus; 7–8 in P. luna). The morphology of male epandrium of this species closely resembles that of “P. dorsata” in Papp and Černý (2017: fig. 101E), suggesting that this species is distributed also in Europe.

Phytoliriomyza argentifasciata Kato, sp. nov.

Figs 24, 25

Material examined

Holotype: Japan: 1♂ (MK-AG-a347), Ukawa, Tango, Kyotango, Kyoto Pref. (35.7102°N, 135.1623°E, 100 m asl), 5-III-2021 (as larva), emerged on 9-IV-2021 NSMT-I-Dip 31959. Paratypes: Japan: 1♀ (MK-AG-a462), same data as holotype, NSMT-I-Dip 31960; 2♀ (MK-AG-436, 441), Kibune, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto Pref., 24-VI-2011 (as larva), emerged on 12-VII-2011, NSMT-I-Dip 31961, 31961; 1♂ (MK-AG-478), Ryutosen, Higashi-sonogi, Nagasaki Pref., 30-IV-2017 (as larva), emerged on 31-V-2017, NSMT-I-Dip 31963; 1♀ (MK-AG-473), Kibune, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto Pref., 20-VI-2016 (as larva), emerged on 5-VII-2016, NSMT-I-Dip 31964; 1♂1♀ (MK-AG-456, 452), Han-yama, Yaku Is., Kumage, Kagoshima Pref., 29-III-2017 (as larva), emerged on 19-IV-2017, NSMT-I-Dip 31965, 31966; 1♀ (MK-AG-a204), Tachijami, Kume Is. Okinawa Pref., 20-III-2020 (as larva), emerged on 2-V-2020, NSMT-I-Dip 31967.

Other material

Japan: 5♂3♀, Takasuka, Joso, Ibaragi Pref., 2-XI-2021 (as larva), emerged on 11–15-XII-2021; 1♀, Kuchisakamoto, Aoi-ku, Shizuoka Pref., 20-IX-1998 (as larva), emerged on 18–23-IX-1998; 1♀, Mt. Gozaisho, Komono, Mie Pref., 1-V-2001 (as larva), emerged on 25-V-2001; 3♂6♀, Ukawa, Tango, Kyotango, Kyoto Pref., 5-III-2021 (as larva), emerged on 2–8-IV-2021; 16♂10♀, Kibune, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto Pref., 24-VI-2011 (as larva), emerged on 12-VII-2011; 16♂25♀, Wadagawa-kyo, Kumanogawa, Shingu, Wakayama Pref., 7-VI-2021 (as larva), emerged on 17-VII–8-VIII-2021; 1♂1♀, Kibune, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto Pref., 23-IV-2021 (as larva), emerged on 2–6-V-2021; 6♂8♀, Ryugakyo, Yamashiro, Miyoshi, Tokushima Pref., 1-II-2014 (as larva), emerged on 24-IV–3-V-2014; 1♂1♀, Tazukawa-keikoku, Katsuura, Tokushima Pref., 30-III-2021 (as larva), emerged on 26–29-IV-2021; 3♂4♀, Sui, Anan, Tokushima Pref., 30-III-2021 (as larva), emerged on 14–17-IV-2021; 1♂2♀, Kurase-keikoku, Tanbara, Saijo, Ehime Pref., 2-II-2014 (as larva), emerged on 20–26-IV-2014; 1♀, Yasui-keikoku, Niyodogawa, Agawa, Kochi Pref., 27-II-2011 (as larva), emerged on 17-IV-2011; 1♂, Kinsakubaru, Amami, Kagoshima Pref., 4-VII-1999 (as larva), emerged on 25-VII-1999; 5♂11♀, Tachijami, Kume Is. Okinawa Pref., 20-III-2020 (as larva), emerged on 15-IV–8-V-2020.


A medium-sized species (wing length 1.5–1.9 mm) having subshiny yellow scutum with a medial and two pairs of lateral dark stripes; inner stripes with silvery reflection. Adults with yellow 1st flagellomere, yellow maxillary palpus, yellow halteres, and yellow legs. Male epandrium inner-laterally with a hand-like comb comprising four or five basally fused, long, tubercle-like setae. Larva mines the thallus of Reboulia hemisphaerica orientalis.


Adult male (Fig. 24A–E).

Head : Head entirely yellow, with ocellar tubercle brown, and back of head dark brown (Fig. 24C). Antenna porrect, yellow. Arista subbasal, brown, pubescent. Frons with brownish reflective pruinosity. Face, gena, parafacial, and postgena yellow. Proboscis normal, yellow; palpus yellow, cylindrical (Fig. 24C). Chaetotaxy: Front orbitals three pairs; one ori directed inward; two ors directed upward (Fig. 24B). Orbital setulae minute and erect, in a single row.

Figure 24. 

Phytoliriomyza argentifasciata sp. nov. A–E holotype male A habitus B lateral C frontal D dorsal E posterior F paratype female (MK-AG-436) G–J male genitalia (G–J at type locality K at Kume Is.) G whole genitalia, ventral H epandrium, ventral I ejaculatory apodeme, lateral, J phallic complex, ventral K phallic complex, lateral.

Thorax : Thorax subshiny yellow; in some geographic populations, background color grayish yellow (Fig. 24D). Scutum with medial black stripe on anterior 2/3, one pair of gray suborbicular presutural spots confluent with the medial stripe, a pair of narrow black supra-alar stripes and a pair of wider gray intra-alar stripes, which adjoin the pair of lateral presutural gray suborbicular spots; the gray spots and stripes look silver in sunlight. Scutellum and subscutellum yellow (Fig. 24D). Mediotergite brown, anatergite yellow, katatergite brown (Fig. 24E). Pleuron largely yellow (the background color sometimes grayish in some localities); propleuron with small brown patch on mid-anterior corner; anepisternum with two small spots on anterior and posterior corners; anepimeron with a narrow brown patch on anterior corner; katepisternum and meron with brown patches on venter (Fig. 24B). Haltere yellow, while dorsal surface grayish yellow. Calypter margin and hairs gray. Leg segments yellow; tibia and tarsus darker (Fig. 24A). Chaetotaxy: Scutum with 1+3 dorsocentrals, shortened anteriorly (Fig. 24D). Acrostichal setulae five pairs in two rows. Wing: Wing length 2.0–2.2 mm, costa reaching M1 (Fig. 24A). Length of ultimate section of vein M4 divided by penultimate section 1.8–1.9.

Abdomen : Abdomen dorsally subshiny yellow (Fig. 24E). Genitalia: (Fig. 24G–K) Epandrium dark brown, rounded apically; inner-posterior surface with a long apically bifid tubercle-like seta; inner-lateral margin with a long tubercle-like seta, the tip of which is flattened and fan-shaped; inner-anterior surface with a finger-like comb comprising five basally fused tubercle-like setae (Fig. 24H). Surstylus rounded, directed inwards, setose apically, with a single long, apically bifid, tubercle-like seta on posterior margin (Fig. 24H). Cercus narrow, setose. Subepandrial sclerite with a pair of flat, pale, ventral lobes, each bearing a seta basally (Fig. 24J). Hypandrium sclerotized along outer margin (Fig. 24G). Postgonite bare and goose barnacle-shaped (Fig. 24J). Phallophorus with deep incision below, articulated with phallapodeme, fused to epiphallus (Fig. 24K). Basiphallus with a basally bilobed sclerite; each lobe expanded laterally. Hypophallus broad and membranous with lightly sclerotized margins, medially with a pair of fused linear sclerites (Fig. 24K). Mesophallus dark, cylindrical, widest subbasally, 1.2 × longer than distiphallus. Distiphallus comprising one pair of stout tubules basally parallel to each other; basal half composed of lateral dark lanceolate sclerite and weaker medial region; distal half cylindrical, dorsally and laterally pigmented, with truncated, shortly flared unpigmented apex (Fig. 24K). Ejaculatory apodeme pale and fan-shaped with broad stalk; base wide to one side; sperm pump clear (Fig. 24I).

Female (Fig. 24F, 25C). Similar to male, but larger, frons wider. Wing length 2.3&nbsp;mm. Postabdomen: (Fig. 25A, B) Oviscape dark brown, setigerous (Fig. 25A). Tergite 10 trifurcate, laterally uniting narrow pleural sclerites (Fig. 25B). Each cercus with two stout, apical, trichoid sensilla, 1/3 length of cercus (Fig. 25B). Spermathecae semi-orbicular, with truncate proximal ends (Fig. 25A).

Figure 25. 

Female morphology and larval ecology of Phytoliriomyza argentifasciata sp. nov. A, B female postabdomen A oviscape and spermatheca B tergite 10 C live fly at Kibune D habitat at Mt Oe E, F mined thalli of Reboulia hemisphaerica orientalis (E at Kibune I Kume Is.).


Background color of scutum and scutellum varies from yellow to grayish yellow, and the blackening is obvious in the Yaku Islands.


The specific name (argentus = silver, fascia = stripe) refers to silver stripes on the scutum, which are obvious in sunlight.

Japanese name


Host plant

Reboulia hemisphaerica orientalis (Aytoniaceae).


Larvae construct digitate mines in the thallus, and pupate in the mine (Fig. 25E–I).

Biological notes

The habitats of this species are rocky cliffs in warm temperate evergreen forests (Fig. 25D), and on the ground or on stone walls of temples, shrines and farms in rural ecosystems. Our rearing records suggest that this species is bivoltine, with adults emerging in spring and summer.


Japan: Honshu, Shikoku, Yaku Island, Amami-Oshima Island, Kume Island (Fig. 26)

Figure 26. 

Locality records of three Phytoliriomyza species associated with Reboulia spp.: P. argentifasciata and P. longifurcae.


This species resembles P. dorsata, P. calcicola, P. longifurcae, P. nigroflava, and P. brunofasciata in having two pair of dark lateral bands on the scutum; it is distinguished from them by the silverly reflecting inner stripes (inner stripes black or gray in the other species), and by the extended, distorted tubercle-like seta on the subdistal margin of the male epandrium.

Phytoliriomyza longifurcae Kato, sp. nov.

Figs 27, 28

Material examined

Holotype: Japan: 1♂ (MK-AG-a500), Sui, Anan, Tokushima Pref. (33.9044°N, 134.5391°E, 40 m asl), 30-III-2021 (as larva), emerged on 14-V-2021, NSMT-I-Dip 31968. Paratypes: Japan: 3♀ (MK-AG-a497–499), same data as holotype, emerged on 14–17-V-2021, NSMT-I-Dip 31969–31971.

Other material

Japan: 4♂3♀, Kamihirayama, Tatsuyama, Tenryu, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka Pref., 7-XI-2010 (as larva), emerged on 18–28-IV-2011; 1♂1♀, Chiromo, Toyotama, Tsushima, Nagasaki Pref., 28-XI-2011 (as larva), emerged on 1-V-2011; 2♀, Kibune, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto Pref., 20-VI-2016 (as larva), emerged on 14-VII-2021.


A medium-sized species (wing length 1.5–1.6 mm) having a subshiny yellow scutum with a medial and two pairs of lateral black stripes, yellow 1st flagellomere, yellow maxillary palpus, yellow halteres, and yellow legs. Male epandrium inner-basally with a comb comprising six fused long tubercle-like setae, and inner-subdistally with an extremely elongated arm, which apically bears two dark, diverging, ventrally curved, tubercle-like setae. Larva mines the thallus of Reboulia hemisphaerica orientalis.


Adult male (Fig. 27A–E).

Head : Head entirely yellow, with ocellar tubercle brown, and back of head dark brown (Fig. 27C). Antenna porrect, yellow. Arista subbasal, brown, pubescent. Frons with brownish reflective pruinosity. Face, gena, parafacial and postgena yellow. Proboscis normal, yellow; palpus yellow, cylindrical (Fig. 27C). Chaetotaxy: Front orbitals three pairs; one ori directed inward; two ors directed upward (Fig. 27B). Orbital setulae minute and erect, in a single row.

Figure 27. 

Phytoliriomyza longifurcae sp. nov. A–E holotype male A habitus B lateral C frontal D dorsal E posterior F, G paratype female (MK-AG-a497) F dorsal G lateral H–L male genitalia H epandrium, ventral I whole genitalia, ventral J, K phallic complex, ventral and lateral L ejaculatory apodeme, lateral.

Thorax : Thorax subshiny yellow. Scutum with medial black stripe on anterior 2/3, one pair of black suborbicular presutural spots confluent with the medial stripe, a pair of narrow black supra-alar stripes and a pair of wider black intra-alar stripes, which adjoin the pair of lateral presutural black suborbicular spots (Fig. 27D). Mediotergite brown, anatergite yellow, katatergite brown (Fig. 27E). Pleuron largely yellow (the background color sometimes grayish in some localities); propleuron with small brown patch on mid-anterior corner; anepisternum with two small spots on anterior and posterior corners; anepimeron with a narrow brown patch on anterior corner; katepisternum and meron with brown patches on venter (Fig. 27B). Haltere yellow, while dorsal surface grayish yellow. Calypter margin and hairs gray. Leg segments yellow; tibia and tarsus darker. Chaetotaxy: Scutum with 1+3 dorsocentrals, shortened anteriorly (Fig. 27D). Acrostichal setulae five pairs in two irregular rows. Wing: Wing length 1.5 mm, costa reaching M1 (Fig. 27A). Length of ultimate section of vein M4 divided by penultimate section 1.6.

Abdomen : Abdomen dorsally subshiny yellow (Fig. 27E). Genitalia: (Fig. 27H–L) Epandrium dark brown, rounded apically; inner-lateral margin with a row of four short tubercle-like setae; inner-subdistal margin with an extremely elongated arm, bearing two, dark, ventrally curved, tubercle-like setae borne at wide angle (90–120°); inner-basal surface with a comb comprising 4–6 fused tubercle-like setae (Fig. 27K). Surstylus lobate, directed inwards, setose apically, with one short tubercle-like seta subapically (Fig. 27K). Cercus narrow, setose. Subepandrial sclerite with a pair of flat, pale, ventral lobes, each of which bearing a long seta subapically (Fig. 27K). Hypandrium thin, slightly sclerotized along outer margin (Fig. 27H). Postgonite bare, goose barnacle-shaped, cleft apically; upper lobe pointed apically (Fig. 27K). Phallophorus with deep incision below (Fig. 27I), articulated with phallapodeme, fused to epiphallus (Fig. 27J). Basiphallus dorsally sclerotized with basal expanded lobes (Fig. 27I, J). Hypophallus broad, lightly sclerotized, lateral lobes expanded anteriorly like wings, clear tubule emerging from median part (Fig. 27I). Mesophallus dark, cylindrical, constricted subapically. Paraphalli membranous, rounded and expanded ventrally, bilaterally asymmetrical; right one larger than left one (Fig. 27I). Distiphallus comprising one pair of stout tubules basally parallel to each other; basal half composed of lateral dark lanceolate sclerite and weaker medial region; distal half cylindrical, dorsally and laterally pigmented, with truncated, flared clear apex (Fig. 27J). Ejaculatory apodeme pale and fan-shaped with broad stalk; base wide to one side; sperm pump clear (Fig. 27L).

Female (Fig. 27F, G). Similar to male, but larger, frons wider. Wing length 1.6&nbsp;mm. Postabdomen: (Fig. 28A, B) Oviscape dark brown, setigerous (Fig. 28A). Tergite 10 trifurcate, laterally uniting narrow pleural sclerites (Fig. 28B). Each cercus with two stout, apical, trichoid sensilla, ¾ length of cercus (Fig. 28B). Spermathecae semi-orbicular, with truncate proximal ends (Fig. 28A).

Figure 28. 

Female morphology and larval/adult ecology of Phytoliriomyza longifurcae sp. nov. A, B female postabdomen A oviscape and spermatheca B tergite 10 C live fly D habitat at Sui E mined thalli of Reboulia hemisphaerica orientalis.


The specific name (longus = long, furca = fork) refers to extremely elongated, apically biforked tubercle-like seta on the male epandrium.

Japanese name


Host plant

Reboulia hemisphaerica orientalis (Aytoniaceae).


Larvae construct linear-blotch mines in the thallus, and pupate in the mines (Fig. 28E, F).

Biological notes

The habitats of this species are rocky cliffs in warm temperate evergreen forests (Fig. 28D). This species is rarer than P. argentifasciata, and sympatric with the latter in some localities. Our rearing records suggest that adults emerge from overwintered pupae in spring.


Japan: Honshu, Shikoku (Fig. 26).


This species resembles P. argentifasciata and P. nigroflava in having two pair of dark lateral bands on the scutum, and a yellow 1st flagellomere and yellow haltere; it is distinguished from P. argentifasciata by the black lateral stripes (inner bands reflecting silverly in sunlight in P. argentifasciata), from P. nigroflava by the absence of an extremely extended, forked tubercle-like seta on the subdistal margin of the male epandrium.

Phytoliriomyza falcata Kato, sp. nov.

Figs 29, 30

Material examined

Holotype: Japan: 1♂ (MK-AG-a19), Kanna-gawa, Nakatsugawa, Chichibu, Saitama Pref. (36.0044°N,138.8108°E, 760 m asl), 14-XI-2010 (as larva), emerged on 23-IV-2011, NSMT-I-Dip 31972. Paratypes: Japan: 1♂2♀ (MK-AG-423, 807, a18), same data as holotype, emerged on 28–23-IV-2011, NSMT-I-Dip 31973–31975; 1♀ (MK-AG-a376), Ukawa, Tango, Kyotango, Kyoto Pref., 5-III-2021 (as larva), emerged on 12-IV-2021, NSMT-I-Dip 31976; 1♂ (MK-AG-a287), Seya-gawa, Miyazu, Kyoto Pref., 18-IV-2013 (as larva), emerged on 25-IV-2013, NSMT-I-Dip 31977; 1♂ (MK-AG-803), Ryugakyo, Yamashiro, Miyoshi, Tokushima Pref., 1-II-2014 (as larva), emerged on 25-IV-2014, NSMT-I-Dip 31978; 1♀ (MK-AG-444), Yasui-keikoku, Niyodogawa, Agawa, Kochi Pref., 27-II-2011 (as larva), emerged on 28-IV-2011, NSMT-I-Dip 31979; 1♀ (MK-AG-795), Chiromo, Toyotama, Tsushima, Nagasaki Pref., 11-XI-2011 (as larva), emerged on 28-IV-2012, NSMT-I-Dip 31980.

Other material

Japan: 17♂22♀, Kanna-gawa, Nakatsugawa, Chichibu, Saitama Pref., 14-XI-2010 (as larva), emerged on 14-IV-2011; 6♂11♀, Oochi-gawa, Chichibu, Saitama Pref., 13-III-2017 (as larva), emerged on 25–28-IV-2011; 1♂2♀, Ukawa, Tango, Kyotango, Kyoto Pref., 5-III-2021 (as larva), emerged on 9–17-IV-2021; 1♀, Doro-kyo, Totsugawa-mura, Nara Pref., 29-III-2019 (as larva), emerged on 3-IV-2019; 1♂4♀, Tazukawa-keikoku, Katsuura, Tokushima Pref., 30-III-2021 (as larva), emerged on 23–30-IV-2021; 2♂1♀, Kurase-keikoku, Tanbara, Saijo, Ehime Pref., 2-II-2014 (as larva), emerged on 20–26-IV-2014.


A medium-sized yellow species (wing length 1.6–2.0 mm) having subshiny brown scutum with an oval yellow pattern extending from the mid-posterior margin to the scutellum, a yellow 1st flagellomere, yellow maxillary palpus, yellow halteres, and yellow legs. Male epandrium inner-laterally with a long hypertrophied arm which apically bears a dark, long, apically flattened, obliquely truncated tubercle-like seta. Larva mines the thallus of Reboulia hemisphaerica orientalis.


Adult male (Fig. 29A–E).

Head : Head entirely yellow, with ocellar tubercle brown, and back of head dark brown (Fig. 29C). Antenna porrect, first flagellomere black, pedicel yellow and scape light yellow. Arista subbasal, brown, pubescent. Frons with brownish pruinosity. Face, gena, parafacial and postgena yellow. Proboscis normal, yellow; palpus yellow, cylindrical (Fig. 29C). Chaetotaxy: Front orbitals three pairs; one ori directed inward; two ors directed upward (Fig. 29B). Orbital setulae minute and erect, in a single row.

Figure 29. 

Phytoliriomyza falcata sp. nov. A–E holotype male A habitus B lateral C frontal D dorsal E posterior F paratype female (MK-AG-a18) dorsal G–L male genitalia (G–K, at type locality L at Tatsuyama) G whole genitalia, ventral H phallic complex, ventral I, J, L epandrium (I anterior J anterior-ventral L ventral) K ejaculatory apodeme, lateral.

Thorax : Thorax subshiny, with a brown medial stripe on anterior 2/3, and a pair of adjacent wide brown bands on anterior 7/8 (Fig. 29D). Scutellum and subscutellum yellow. Mediotergite brown, anatergite and katatergite yellow. Pleuron largely yellow; propleuron with small brown patch on mid-anterior corner; anepisternum with two small spots on anterior and posterior corners; anepimeron with an oblique narrow brown patch on anterior corner; katepisternum and meron with brown patches on venter (Fig. 29B). Haltere yellow. Calypter margin and hairs gray. Leg segments yellow; tibia and tarsus darker (Fig. 29B). Chaetotaxy: Scutum with 1+3 dorsocentrals, shortened anteriorly (Fig. 29D). Acrostichal setulae 6–8 pairs in two rows. Wing: Wing length 1.6–1.9 mm, costa reaching M1 (Fig. 29A). Length of ultimate section of vein M4 divided by penultimate section 1.5–1.8.

Abdomen : Abdomen dorsally subshiny yellow (Fig. 29E). Genitalia: (Fig. 29G–L) Epandrium dark brown, rounded apically; inner-anterior margin with two short tubercle-like setae; inner-lateral surface with a basally enlarged, extremely extended, ventrally curved arm, bearing an apically flattened, obliquely truncated, tubercle-like seta borne (Fig. 29I, J, L). Surstylus long, narrow, setose apically. Cercus narrow, setose. Subepandrial sclerite consisting of a pair of dorsal and ventral arms; ventral arm narrow, extended, plate-like, with hooked apex and a long basal seta; dorsal arm also plate-like but shorter, with a seta basally (Fig. 29I). Hypandrium thin, slightly sclerotized along outer margin (Fig. 29G). Postgonite bare and goose barnacle-shaped, with sideward pointed apex (Fig. 29H). Phallophorus with deep incision below, articulated with phallapodeme, fused to epiphallus (Fig. 29H). Basiphallus with a pair of expanded lightly sclerotized lateral plates. Hypophallus broad, membranous, and bilaterally asymmetrical; right margin sclerotized; medially with a pair of dark fused sclerites (Fig. 29H). Paraphalli lobate, lightly sclerotized; diverging and angled anteroventrally (Fig. 29H). Mesophallus dark, cylindrical, widest subbasally, as long as distiphallus (Fig. 29H). Distiphallus comprising one pair of stout tubules; basal half composed of lateral dark slender sclerite and weaker medial region; covered by membrane bearing four pairs of minute arrowhead-like lateral sclerites; distal half cylindrical, dorsally and laterally pigmented, with truncated, shortly flared apex (Fig. 29H). Ejaculatory apodeme pale and fan-shaped with broad stalk; base wide to one side; sperm pump clear (Fig. 29K).

Female (Fig. 29F). Similar to male, but larger, the lateral bands on scutum more grayish and more pruinose. Wing length 1.8–2.0 mm. Postabdomen: (Fig. 30A, B) Oviscape dark brown, setigerous (Fig. 29A). Tergite 10 trifurcate, laterally uniting narrow pleural sclerites (Fig. 29B). Each cercus with two stout, apical, trichoid sensilla, ½ length of cercus (Fig. 29B). Spermathecae semi-orbicular, with truncate proximal ends (Fig. 29A).

Figure 30. 

Female morphology and larval ecology of Phytoliriomyza falcata sp. nov. A, B female postabdomen A oviscape and spermatheca B tergite 10 C puparium D–F mined thalli of Reboulia hemisphaerica orientalis (D, E at type locality F Yasui-keikoku), arrows indicating puparia.

Immatures. (Fig. 30D–F) Puparium internal, slender, and pale brown, with anterior spiracles just protruded from epidermis of mined thallus.


The specific name (falcata = sickle-shaped) refers to the sickle-shaped tubercle-like seta on the male epandrium.

Japanese name


Host plant

Reboulia hemisphaerica orientalis (Aytoniaceae).


Larvae construct linear-blotch mines in the thallus, and pupate in the mines (Fig. 30E–I).

Biological notes

The habitats of this species are rocky cliffs in warm temperate evergreen forests. This species is sympatric with P. argentifasciata in some localities. Our rearing records suggest that it is bivoltine, and that adults emerge from overwintered pupae in spring.


Japan: Honshu, Shikoku, Tsushima Island (Fig. 31).

Figure 31. 

Locality records of three Phytoliriomyza species associated with Reboulia and Wiesnerella spp.: P. falcata, P. aratriformis, P. rebouliae and P. wiesnerellae.


This species resembles P. arcus, P. plagiochasmatos and P. aratriformis in having a pair of brown lateral bands and pale yellow mark on the scutum; it is distinguished from them by the absence of an extremely extended, forked tubercle-like seta on the subdistal margin of the male epandrium. This species is sympatric with P. aratriformis on Reboulia, and can be distinguished from the latter by the yellow mark on the scutum; the mark is large and well defined by lateral stripes in P. falcata but small and obscure in P. aratriformis.

Phytoliriomyza aratriformis Kato, sp. nov.

Fig. 32

Material examined

Holotype: Japan: 1♂ (MK-AG-a311), Tazukawa-keikoku, Katsuura, Tokushima Pref. (33.8952°N, 134.4608°E, 270 m asl), 30-III-2021 (as larva), emerged on 23-IV-2021, NSMT-I-Dip 31981. Paratypes: Japan: 1♂ (MK-AG-a463), type locality, 11-X-2016 (as larva), emerged on ?-IV-2017, NSMT-I-Dip 31982; 1♀ (MK-AG-427), Nakatsugawa-keikoku, Chichibu, Kyoto Pref., 14-XI-2010 (as larva), emerged on 4-V-2011, NSMT-I-Dip 31983; 1♀ (MK-AG-a17), Kanna-gawa, Nakatsugawa, Chichibu, Saitama Pref., 14-XI-2010 (as larva), emerged on 14-IV-2021, NSMT-I-Dip 31984; 1♂ (MK-AG-a346), Naiku, Oe, Fukuchiyama, Kyoto Pref., 19-V-2010 (as larva), emerged on 20-VI-2021, NSMT-I-Dip 31985.

Other material

Japan: 1♂, Ryugakyo, Yamashiro, Miyoshi, Tokushima Pref., 21-IV-2014 (as larva), emerged on 2-V-2014.


A medium-sized yellow species (wing length 1.9–2.3 mm) having a subshiny brown scutum with an obscure oval yellow pattern extending from the mid-posterior margin to the scutellum, a yellow 1st flagellomere, yellow maxillary palpus, yellow halteres, and yellow legs. Male epandrium inner-laterally with a long hypertrophied, ventrally curved arm that apically bears a dark, apically bifid tubercle-like seta. Larva mines the thallus of Reboulia hemisphaerica orientalis.


Adult male (Fig. 32A–D).

Head : Head light yellow, with ocellar tubercle dark brown, frons yellowish brown, back of head dark brown excluding margins (Fig. 32C). Antenna porrect, first flagellomere black, pedicel and scape brown (Fig. 32B). Arista subbasal, black, pubescent. Clypeus, face, gena, parafacial and postgena yellow. Proboscis normal, yellow; palpus brown, cylindrical (Fig. 32C). Chaetotaxy: Front orbitals three pairs; one ori directed inward; two ors directed upward (Fig. 32B). Orbital setulae minute and erect, in a single row.

Figure 32. 

Phytoliriomyza aratriformis sp. nov. A–D holotype male A habitus B lateral C frontal D dorsal E paratype female (MK-AG-a346) F–I male genitalia (K–H type locality I, J Okuchihibu) F, I phallic complex, ventral (distiphallus lost) G phallic complex, lateral H epandrium, ventral J postgonite K, L female postabdomen K oviscape and spermatheca (one spermatheca split into two) L tergite 10 M live female N habitat at Nakatsugawa O mined thallus of Reboulia hemisphaerica orientalis at Nakatsugawa.

Thorax : Thorax pruinose. Scutum pruinose gray, with a small yellow patch along midposterior margin (Fig. 32D). Scutellum light yellow with lateral corner brown, subscutellum light yellow. Mediotergite and anatergite brown, katatergite light yellow. Pleuron yellow with brownish patches on venter of propleuron, anepisternum, katepisternum, anepimeron, and meron (Fig. 32B). Haltere yellow but light yellow basally. Calypter margin and hairs gray. Leg segments brownish, basal half of femur paler (Fig. 32A). Chaetotaxy: Scutum with 1+3 dorsocentrals, shortened anteriorly (Fig. 32D). Acrostichal setulae seven or eight pairs in two rows. Wing: Wing length 2.2 mm, costa reaching M1 (Fig. 32A). Length of ultimate section of vein M4 divided by penultimate section 1.3.

Abdomen : Abdomen dorsally subshiny brown; epandrium dark brown (Fig. 32A). Genitalia: (Fig. 32K–O) Epandrium rounded apically; inner-anterior margin with two short tubercle-like setae; inner-lateral surface with a basally enlarged, extremely extended/thickened, ventrally curved arm, bearing a dark bifid tubercle-like seta borne (Fig. 32H). Surstylus narrow, extended, curved inwards, setose apically (Fig. 32H). Cercus narrow, setose. Subepandrial sclerite consisting of one pair of flat plate-like, basally fused, dorsal sclerites, and one pair of pale plate-like, separated, ventral lobes (Fig. 32H). Hypandrium slightly sclerotized along outer margin (Fig. 32F). Postgonite bare, goose barnacle-shaped, and cleft apically; dorsal lobe pointed apically (Fig. 32J). Phallophorus with deep incision below, articulated with phallapodeme, fused to epiphallus (Fig. 32H). Basiphallus with a pair of broad lateral lobes (Fig. 32F). Hypophallus broad, membranous, and bilaterally asymmetrical; right lateral margin well sclerotized, left lateral margin basally sclerotized; medially with a pair of fused linear sclerites (Fig. 32F, I). Paraphallus 4-winged, with posterior margin lightly sclerotized; paraphalli diverging, angled anteroventrally, jointed basally (Fig. 32H, I). Mesophallus dark, cylindrical, widest subbasally, as long as distiphallus (Fig. 32H). Distiphallus comprising one pair of stout tubules; basal half with pigmented and weaker medial regions; distal half cylindrical, dorsally pigmented, widening toward truncated shortly flared unpigmented apex (Fig. 32I).

Female (Fig. 32E, M). Similar to male, but slightly larger, and dorsal abdomen paler (Fig. 32E). Wing length 2.3 mm. Postabdomen: (Fig. 32K, L) Oviscape dark brown, setigerous (Fig. 32K). Tergite 10 trifurcate, laterally uniting narrow pleural sclerites (Fig. 32L). Each cercus with two stout, apical, trichoid sensilla, 1/3 length of cercus (Fig. 32L). Spermathecae orbicular (Fig. 32K).


The specific name (aratriformis = plow-shaped) refers to the plow-shaped tubercle-like seta on the male epandrium.

Japanese name


Host plant

Reboulia hemisphaerica orientalis (Aytoniaceae).


Larva constructs linear mine in the thallus, and pupate in the mine (Fig. 32O).

Biological notes

The habitats of this species are rocky cliffs in warm temperate evergreen forests (Fig. 32N). This species is rare, sympatric with P. argentifasciata and P. falcata in some localities. Our rearing records suggest that it is univoltine, and that adults emerge from overwintered pupae in spring.


Japan: Honshu, Shikoku, Tsushima Island (Fig. 31).


This species resembles P. arcus, P. plagiochasmatos and P. falcata in having a pair of brown lateral bands and a pale yellow mark on the scutum, but is distinguished from all of these species by the small, ill-defined yellow mark on the scutum (the mark larger and well-defined in the other species), and by the presence of a stout, curved, plow-shaped tubercle-like seta on the subdistal margin of the male epandrium.

Phytoliriomyza rebouliae Kato, sp. nov.

Figs 33, 34

Material examined

Holotype: Japan: 1♂ (MK-AG-a423), Wadagawa-kyo, Kumanogawa, Shingu, Wakayama Pref. (33.7609°N, 135.8260°E, 90 m asl), 7-VII-2021 (as larva), emerged on 2-VIII-2021, NSMT-I-Dip 31986. Paratypes: Japan: 2♂1♀ (MK-AG-a424, a490, a491), same data as holotype, emerged on 24–30-VII-2021, NSMT-I-Dip 31987–31989; 1♂ (MK-AG-467), Uri-toge, Mikkabi, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka Pref., 7-III-2017 (as larva), emerged on 15-VI-2017, NSMT-I-Dip 31990; 1♂ (MK-AG-a422), Sannoko, Kawakami, Higashi-yoshino, Nara Pref., 26-II-2016 (as larva), emerged on 23-IV-2016, NSMT-I-Dip 31991.

Other material

Japan: 1♀, Izu-oshima Is. Tokyo Pref., 22-III-2009 (as larva), emerged on 19-IV-2009; 2♀, Ashiu, Nantan, Kyoto Pref., 12-III-2018 (as larva), emerged on ?-IV-2018; 2♂6♀, Sannoko, Kawakami, Higashi-yoshino, Nara Pref., 26-II-2016 (as larva), emerged on 18–27-IV-2016; 19♂13♀, WD, 7-VII-2021 (as larva), emerged on 24-VII–6-VIII-2021; 2♂, Yajiemon-jinja, Sakurae, Gotsu, Shimane Pref., 24-VI-2012 (as larva), emerged on 19-VII–23-VIII-2012; 2♂2♀, Tazukawa-keikoku, Katsuura, Tokushima Pref., 11-X-2016 (as larva), emerged on 1-V-2016; 1♂3♀, Yasui-keikoku, Niyodogawa, Agawa, Kochi Pref., 27-II-2011 (as larva), emerged on 18-IV-2011; 1♂3♀, YSI, 27-II-2011 (as larva), emerged on 18-IV-2011; 1♀, Shiibaru, Izumi, Yatsushiro, Kumamoto Pref., 23-III-2015 (as larva), emerged on 28-IV-2015; 1♀, Okujisso, Isa, Kagoshima Pref., 17-XII-2012 (as larva), emerged on 12-IV-2013; 2♂1♀, Sumiyo, Amami, Kagoshima Pref., 17-II-1999 (as larva), emerged on 25–28-II-1999.


A small dark species (wing length 1.3–1.7 mm) having pruinose dark gray scutum with a small oval yellow pattern extending from the mid-posterior margin to the scutellum, a black 1st flagellomere, dark maxillary palpus, gray halteres, and brown legs. Male epandrium inner-basally with a comb comprising seven long fused tubercle-like setae. Larva mines the thallus of Reboulia hemisphaerica orientalis.


Adult male (Fig. 33A–E).

Head : Head light yellow, with ocellar tubercle dark brown, frons yellowish brown with reflective pruinosity, back of head dark brown excluding margins (Fig. 33C). Antenna porrect, first flagellomere black, pedicel and scape brown (Fig. 33B). Arista subbasal, black, pubescent. Clypeus, face, gena, parafacial and postgena yellow. Proboscis normal, yellow; palpus brown, cylindrical (Fig. 33C). Chaetotaxy: Front orbitals three pairs; one ori directed inward; two ors directed upward (Fig. 33B). Orbital setulae minute and erect, in a single row.

Figure 33. 

Phytoliriomyza rebouliae sp. nov. A–D holotype male A habitus B lateral C frontal D dorsal E, F paratype female (MK-AG-a424) E posterior F lateral G live female fly H–K male genitalia H whole genitalia, ventral I phallic complex, lateral J epandrium, ventral K ejaculatory apodeme, lateral.

Thorax : Thorax pruinose. Scutum pruinose gray, with a small yellow patch along midposterior margin, with a medial dark gray band on anterior 2/3 and a pair of dark gray bands along lateral margins (Fig. 33D). Scutellum light yellow with lateral corner brown, subscutellum light yellow. Mediotergite, anatergite and katatergite dark brown (Fig. 33B). Pleuron largely light yellow, with brown spots on anterior postpronotal lobe, lower margin of notopleuron, lower half of anepisternum and anepimeron, and venters of katepisternum and meron (Fig. 33B). Haltere dark brown. Calypter margin and hairs gray. Leg segments brownish, basal half of femur paler. Chaetotaxy: Scutum with 1+3 dorsocentrals, shortened anteriorly (Fig. 33D). Acrostichal setulae six or seven pairs largely in two rows. Wing: Wing length 1.7 mm, costa reaching M1 (Fig. 33A). Length of ultimate section of vein M4 divided by penultimate section 1.3.

Abdomen : Abdomen dorsally subshiny brown; epandrium dark brown (Fig. 33E). Genitalia: (Fig. 33H–K) Epandrium rounded apically; inner-posterior margin with one tubercle-like seta; inner-anterior surface with a comb comprising seven fused long tubercle-like setae (Fig. 33J). Surstylus rounded, curved inwards, setose apically (Fig. 33J). Cercus narrow, setose. Subepandrial sclerite with a pair of plate-like arms, the dorsal lobes of which curve ventrally and basally with a spine directed ventrally (Fig. 33J). Hypandrium slightly sclerotized along outer margin (Fig. 33H). Postgonite bare, goose barnacle-shaped (Fig. 33H, I). Phallophorus sclerotized with deep incision below, articulated with phallapodeme, fused to epiphallus (Fig. 33I). Basiphallus with a dorsal sclerite, the anterior lobes of which extend laterally, supporting hypophallus (Fig. 33H, I). Hypophallus broad, membranous, covered with microtrichia dorsally and with distal margins serrated; basally with one pair of narrow sclerites, medially with one pair of fused linear sclerites (Fig. 33I). Paraphallus lobate, lightly sclerotized; paraphalli diverging, angled anteroventrally, jointed basally (Fig. 33H, I). Mesophallus dark, cylindrical, widest subbasally, slightly shorter than distiphallus (Fig. 33H). Distiphallus comprising one pair of stout tubules; basal half composed of ventral dark arrowhead-like sclerite and weaker medial region; distal half cylindrical, dorsally and laterally pigmented, with truncated unpigmented apex (Fig. 33I). Ejaculatory apodeme pale brown, fan-shaped with broad stalk; base wide to one side; sperm pump clear (Fig. 33K).

Female (Fig. 33E–G). Similar to male. Wing length 2.3 mm. Postabdomen: (Fig. 34A, B) Oviscape dark brown, setigerous. Tergite 10 cruciform, laterally uniting narrow pleural sclerites. Each cercus with two stout, apical, trichoid sensilla, ½ length of cercus. Spermathecae semi-orbicular.

Figure 34. 

Female morphology and larval ecology of Phytoliriomyza rebouliae sp. nov. A, B female postabdomen A oviscape and spermatheca B tergite 10 C habitat at type locality D, E mined thalli of Reboulia hemisphaerica orientalis (E at type locality F at Okujisso).


The specific name refers to the larval life within Reboulia thalli.

Japanese name


Host plant

Reboulia hemisphaerica orientalis (Aytoniaceae).


Larvae at first construct linear mines in the thallus at first, then enter the midrib, and pupate in the mine (Fig. 34D, E).

Biological notes

The habitats of this species are rocky cliffs in warm temperate evergreen forests (Fig. 34C). It is sympatric with P. argentifasciata in some localities. Our rearing records suggest that this species is bivoltine, with adults emerging in spring and summer.


Japan: Honshu, Shikoku, Tsushima Island (Fig. 31)


This species resembles P. marchantiae, P. lanternaria, and P. conocephali in having a narrow yellow posterior margin of the scutum and a medial yellow stripe on the scutellum; it is distinguished from P. marchantiae by the number of tubercle-like setae in a comb of the male epandrium (7 in P. rebouliae; 8 in P. marchantiae) and by a tubercle-like seta at posterior end of inner margin (absent in P. marchantiae), and from P. lanternaria and P. conocephali by the number of tubercle-like setae on the surstylus of the male epandrium (0 in P. rebouliae; 1 or 2 in P. lanternaria and P. conocephali).

Species associated with Wiesnerella

Phytoliriomyza wiesnerellae Kato, sp. nov.

Fig. 35, 36

Material examined

Holotype : Japan: 1♂ (MK-AG-a400), Sendan-todoro, Izumi, Yatsushiro, Kumamoto Pref., 10-IV-2021 (as larva on Wiesnerella denudata), emerged on 8-V-2021, NSMT-I-Dip 31992. Paratypes: Japan: 1♀ (MK-AG-a342), same data as holotype, NSMT-I-Dip 31993; 2♂1♀ (MK-AG-a303, a489, a464), Mt. Osuzu, Tsuno, Miyazaki Pref., 10-IV-2021 (as larva), emerged on 2–13-V-2021, NSMT-I-Dip 31994–31996.

Other material

Japan: 1♂1♀, Sendan-todoro, Izumi, Yatsushiro, Kumamoto Pref. (32.5215°N, 130.888517°E, 710 m asl), 10-IV-2021 (as larva), emerged on 8–10-V-2021; 1♂, Itsuki, Yatsushiro, Kumamoto Pref., 23-III-2015 (as larva), emerged on 3-V-2015; 2♂5♀, Mt. Osuzu, Tsuno, Miyazaki Pref., 10-IV-2021 (as larva), emerged on 2–14-V-2021.


A large dark species (wing length 2.0–2.3 mm) having subshiny dark gray scutum, yellow scutellum, black 1st flagellomere, dark maxillary palpus, gray halteres, and dark brown legs. Male epandrium inner-basally with a protruding, plate-like arm bearing one strong, tubercle-like seta apically. Larva mines the thallus of Wiesnerella denudata.


Adult male (Fig. 35A–D).

Head : Head yellow; ocellar tubercle dark brown; front-orbital plate brown; back of head dark brown above foramen (Fig. 35C). Antenna porrect, first flagellomere black, pedicel dark brown and scape brown (Fig. 35B). Arista subbasal, pubescent. Face, gena, parafacial and postgena yellow. Proboscis normal, yellow; palpus brown, clubbed (Fig. 35C). Chaetotaxy: Front orbitals three pairs; one ori directed inward; two ors directed upward (Fig. 35B). Orbital setulae minute and erect, in a single row.

Figure 35. 

Phytoliriomyza wiesnerellae sp. nov. A–D holotype male A habitus B lateral C frontal D dorsal E paratype female (MK-AG-a342), posterior F–J male genitalia F whole genitalia, ventral G epandrium, lateral H phallic complex, lateral I epandrium, ventral J ejaculatory apodeme, lateral.

Thorax : Thorax subshiny. Scutum dark brown, with marginal inflated yellow band adjoining scutellum (Fig. 35D). Scutellum yellow with lateral corner brown. Subscutellum yellow with narrow brown area along posterior margin. Mediotergite brown, katatergite yellow and anatergite yellow with lower brown patch (Fig. 35B). Pleuron yellow with small pale brown patches on central propleuron and lower anepisternum, and with distinct brown patches on lower katepisternum and lower meron (Fig. 35C). Haltere brown with yellow stalk. Calypter margin and hairs gray. Leg segments entirely dark brown (Fig. 35A). Chaetotaxy: Scutum with 1+3 dorsocentrals, shortened anteriorly (Fig. 35D). Acrostichal setulae seven pairs in two irregular rows. Wing: Wing length 2.0 mm, costa reaching M1 (Fig. 35A). Length of ultimate section of vein M4 divided by penultimate section 0.83.

Abdomen : Abdomen dorsally subshiny yellow; epandrium dark brown (Fig. 35B). Genitalia: (Fig. 35F–J) Epandrium rounded apically, but angled dorso-posteriorly in a lateral view; inner-posterior margin with two tubercle-like setae on protruding arm; inner basal margin with a protruding, plate-like arm, which bears one strong tubercle-like seta apically (Fig. 35G, I). Surstylus rounded, directed inwards, setose on anterior margin; basally with two tubercle-like setae (Fig. 35I). Cercus narrow, setose. Subepandrial sclerite with one pair of plate-like arms (Fig. 35I). Hypandrium sclerotized (Fig. 35F). Postgonite bare and broadly rounded apically (Fig. 35H). Phallophorus with deep incision below (Fig. 35F), articulated with phallapodeme, fused to epiphallus (Fig. 35H). Basiphallus dorsolaterally sclerotized, with distal margin pigmented (Fig. 35H). Hypophallus broad and membranous; with one pair of pale narrow plate-like sclerites; medially with a pair of narrow, fused, ventrally incurved sclerites (Fig. 35H). Mesophallus dark, cylindrical, widest basally, ¾ length of distiphallus, tapering toward distiphallus (Fig. 35H). Distiphallus comprising one pair of stout tubules basally parallel to each other; basal 1/3 ventrally pigmented; medial 1/3 unpigmented; distal 1/3 pigmented with truncated, unpigmented apex (Fig. 35H). Ejaculatory apodeme dark, fan-shaped, with short broad stalk; base bulbous; sperm pump clear (Fig. 35J).

Female (Fig. 35F). Similar to male, but larger, frons narrower, yellowish brown, abdomen darker. Wing length 2.3 mm. Postabdomen: (Fig. 36A, B) Oviscape dark brown, setigerous (Fig. 36A). Tergite 10 cruciform, laterally uniting narrow pleural sclerites (Fig. 36B). Each cercus with two stout, apical, trichoid sensilla, 1/3 length of cercus (Fig. 36B). Spermathecae subspheroidal, with truncate proximal ends (Fig. 36A).

Figure 36. 

Female morphology and larval ecology of Phytoliriomyza wiesnerellae sp. nov. A, B female postabdomen A oviscape and spermatheca, B tergite 10 C, E, F mined thalli of Wiesnerella denudata (C at Mt. Nokeeboshi E, F at type locality) D habitat at Mt. Osuzu. An arrow in F indicates an internal puparium.


The specific name refers to the host plant genus, Wiesnerella.

Japanese name


Host plant

Wiesnerella denudata (Wiesnerellaceae).


Larvae construct linear mines in the thallus in early instars, later expanding their mines, and pupate in the mines (Fig. 36C, E, F). It is difficult to find the mines, because older larvae often mine in the lower layer of the thallus, so that the mines are often not externally visible.

Biological notes

The habitats of this species are mesic slopes in warm temperate evergreen forests. Our rearing records suggest that it is univoltine, with adults emerging from overwintered pupae in spring.


Japan: Kyushu (Fig. 31).


This species is superficially very similar to P. dumortierae in coloration of the head, thorax, abdomen, and legs, but is distinguished from the latter by the largely yellowish pleuron (pleuron yellow only in upper half in P. dumortierae). The anteroposteriorly flattened head and the absence of a comb of tubercle-like setae in the male epandrium of this species suggest that this is not closely related the other liverwort-associated species.

Species associated with Conocephalum

Phytoliriomyza luna Kato, sp. nov.

Figs 37, 38

Material examined

Holotype: Japan: 1♂ (MK-AG-a401), Yashajin-toge, Minami-arupusu, Yamanashi Pref. (35.6327°N, 138.3519°E, 1110 m asl), 10-XII-2016 (as larva on C. salebrosum), emerged on 8-IV-2017, NSMT-I-Dip 31997. Paratypes: Japan: 1 ♀ (MK-AG-512), same data as holotype; emerged on 8-IV-2017 NSMT-I-Dip 31998; 1♂ (MK-AG-a245), Horoka, Kamishihoro, Hokkaido, 7-VI-2010 (as larva on C. purpureorubrum), emerged on 21-VI-2010, NSMT-I-Dip 31999; 1♂ (MK-AG-493), Aizankei, Kamikawa, Hokkaido, 4-X-2011 (as larva on C. salebrosum), emerged on 11-V-2012, NSMT-I-Dip 32000; 1♀ (MK-AG-591), Yachi, Kawaba, Gunma Pref., 14-IV-2012 (as larva on C. purpureorubrum), emerged on 4-V-2012, NSMT-I-Dip 32001; 1♀ (MK-AG-a362), Mt. Kiyosumi, Kamogawa, Chiba Pref.2, 31-III-2021 (as larva on C. salebrosum), emerged on 23-IV-2021, NSMT-I-Dip 32002.

Other material

Japan: On Conocephalum salebrosum: 3♂3♀, Aizankei, Kamikawa, Hokkaido, 10-IV-2011 (as larva), emerged on 6–11-VI-2011; 2♀, Mt. Upepesanke, Shihoro, Kamishihoro, Hokkaido, 7-VI-2010 (as larva), emerged on 15–18-VI-2010; 1♂1♀, Horoka, Kamishihoro, Hokkaido, 7-VI-2010 (as larva), emerged on 21–26-VI-2010; ; 1♂, Tanneso, Rubeshibetsu, Hiroo, Hokkaido, 2-X-2011 (as larva), emerged on 3-V-2012; 4♂10♀, Yashajin-toge, Minami-arupusu, Yamanashi Pref., 10-XII-2016 (as larva), emerged on 26-III–11-IV-2016; 1♀, Nakabusa-onsen, Azumino, Nagano Pref., 9-VI-2013 (as larva), emerged on 29-IV-2013; 1♂2♀, Shirahone-onsen, Matsumoto, Nagano Pref., 15-X-2013 (as larva), emerged on 18–25-IV-2013.

On Conocephalum purpureorubrum: 1♂1♀, Yachi, Kawaba, Gunma Pref., 15-X-2013 (as larva), emerged on 4–10-IV-2014; 1♂2♀, Haccho-toge, Ogano, Chichibu, Saitama Pref., 14-XI-2010 (as larva), emerged on 27-III–16-IV-2010.


A large yellow species (wing length 2.7–2.9 mm) having pruinose yellow scutum with a medial and a pair of dark brown lateral stripes, entirely yellow scutellum, black 1st flagellomere, yellow maxillary palpus, yellow halteres, and yellow legs. Male epandrium inner-distally with a long tubercle-like seta, and inner-basally with a comb consisting of 7–9 long fused tubercle-like setae. Larva mines the thallus of Conocephalum salebrosum and C. purpureorubrum.


Adult male (Fig. 37A–E).

Head : Head entirely yellow including ocellar tubercle and back of head (Fig. 37C). Antenna porrect, first flagellomere black, pedicel and scape brown (Fig. 37B). Arista subbasal, pubescent. Face, gena, parafacial and postgena yellow. Proboscis normal, yellow; palpus yellow, cylindrical (Fig. 37C). Chaetotaxy: Front orbitals three pairs; one ori directed inward; two ors directed upward (Fig. 37B). Orbital setulae minute and erect, in a single row.

Figure 37. 

Phytoliriomyza luna sp. nov. A–E holotype male A habitus B lateral C frontal D dorsal E posterior F paratype female (MK-AG-512), dorsal G–K male genitalia G whole genitalia, ventral and lateral H phallic complex, lateral I epandrium, ventral J ejaculatory apodeme, lateral K postgonite L–N female postabdomen at Aizankei L oviscape and spermatheca M tergite 10 N spermatheca.

Thorax : Thorax subshiny. Scutum yellow with a black medial stripe on anterior 2/3, one pair of black suborbicular presutural patches confluent with the medial stripe, and a pair of wide black bands (i.e., fused complex of intra-alar and supra-alar stripes) on anterior 7/8, which is confluent with the presutural patches (Fig. 37D). Scutellum and subscutellum entirely yellow (Fig. 37D). Mediotergite brown, but katatergite yellow, anatergite yellow with distal brown patch (Fig. 37E). Pleuron yellow with brown patches on propleuron centrally and on distal margins of anepisternum, katepisternum, and meron (Fig. 37B). Haltere yellow. Calypter margin and hairs gray. Leg segments yellow; tibia and tarsus darker (Fig. 37B). Chaetotaxy: Scutum with 1+3 dorsocentrals, shortened anteriorly (Fig. 37D). Acrostichal setulae 8–10 pairs in two irregular rows. Wing: Wing length 2.7 mm, costa reaching M1 (Fig. 37A). Length of ultimate section of vein M4 divided by penultimate section 1.3.

Abdomen : Abdomen dorsally subshiny yellow; epandrium dark brown (Fig. 37E). Genitalia: (Fig. 37G–J) Epandrium rounded apically; posterior end of inner margin with one tubercle-like seta; inner-anterior surface with a comb comprising 7–9 fused long tubercle-like setae (rarely unfused in part) and an irregular row of several (4–7) small tubercle-like setae immediately outward from the comb (Fig. 37I). Surstylus rounded, directed inwards, setose apically, with one (rarely 2 or 3) tubercle-like seta ventrally (Fig. 37I). Cercus narrow, setose. Subepandrial sclerite V-shaped (Fig. 37I). Hypandrium slightly sclerotized along outer margin (Fig. 37H). Postgonite bare, rounded apically, cleft subapically (Fig. 37K). Phallophorus with deep incision below, articulated with phallapodeme, fused to epiphallus (Fig. 37H). Basiphallus dorsally sclerotized (Fig. 37H). Hypophallus broad, membranous, with one pair of dark narrow long sclerites along margins; medially with one pair of fused linear sclerites (Fig. 37G, H). Mesophallus dark, cylindrical, widest subbasally, 3/5 shorter than distiphallus, tapering distally (Fig. 37H). Distiphallus comprising one pair of stout tubules parallel to each other at base; basal half composed of ventral dark subrectangular sclerite and weaker medial region; distal half cylindrical, dorsally pigmented; apex truncated, shortly flared unpigmented (Fig. 37H). Ejaculatory apodeme pale brown, fan-shaped with short broad stalk, stout base, and clear sperm pump (Fig. 37J).

Female (Fig. 37F). Similar to male, but larger, frons wider, black lateral stripes of scutum wider and almost confluent with medial stripe. Wing length 2.3 mm. Postabdomen: (Fig. 37L–N) Oviscape dark brown, setigerous (Fig. 37L). Tergite 10 cruciform, laterally uniting narrow pleural sclerites (Fig. 37M). Each cercus with two stout, apical, trichoid sensilla, ¼ length of cercus (Fig. 37M). Spermathecae semi-orbicular, with truncate proximal ends (Fig. 37N).


The number of tubercle-like setae in a comb in the male genitalia varies from 7 to 9, but the variation did not involve in a geographical cline.


The specific name refers to the moon; a clear, rounded, yellow pattern on the scutum was likened to a full moon.

Japanese name


Host plants

Conocephalum salebrosum and C. purpureorubrum (Conocephalaceae).


(Fig. 38C, D) Larvae construct linear mines in the thallus in early instars, later entering the midrib, and pupate in the mines.

Figure 38 

Larval ecology of Phytoliriomyza luna sp. nov. A habitat at Mt. Shirouma B, C mined thalli of Conocephalum salebrosum (B Jozankei C Yashajin-toge).

Biological notes

The habitats of this species are stream banks and mesic slopes in subalpine coniferous forests dominated by Abies spp., Picea spp., and Betula spp. (Fig. 38A–B). This species was sympatric with P. nigroflava in some localities. Our rearing records suggest that this species is univoltine, and that adults emerge from overwintered pupae in spring.


Japan: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku (Fig. 39).

Figure 39. 

Locality records of three Phytoliriomyza species associated with Conocephalum spp.: P. luna, P. izayoi, P. chichibuensis and P. caliginosa.


The characteristics of this species and the following three related species (P. izayoi, P. chichibuensis, and P. caliginosa) coincide with those of Lemurimyza described by Spencer (1965). These four new species can be distinguished from the four species previously placed in Lemurimyza species (P. enormis (Spencer, 1963), P. admirabilis (Spencer, 1965), P. dorsata, and P. pectoralis (Becker, 1908)) by the following characteristics: halteres yellow; maxillary palpus yellow; 1st flagellomere black; scutum with one pair of dark lateral bands.

This species also resembles P. islandica and P. bornholmensis recorded respectively from Iceland and Denmark; it is distinguished from them by the lateral black bands terminating before reaching the scutellum (lateral black bands confluent with scutellum in the other two species); scutellum entirely yellow (scutellum with dark bands on lateral margins in the other two); male epandrium with a comb of 7–9 tubercle-like setae (6 in P. islandica, 8 in P. bornholmensis); male epandrium with one tubercle-like seta on middle inner surface (1 or 2 setae on middle inner margin in P. islandica; 3 setae along inner margin in P. bornholmensis); basal half of distiphallus curved outward and with weaker medial region (basal half of distiphallus curved outward and without weaker medial region in P. islandica; angular and with weaker medial region in P. bornholmensis).

This species resembles P. pacifica reported from North America but is distinguished by having a single pair of lateral bands on the scutum (two pairs of lateral stripes in P. pacifica), the number of tubercle-like setae on the male epandrium (7–9 in P. luna; 6 in P. pacifica), and position of the isolated tubercle-like seta on the inner surface of the male epandrium (distal margin in P. luna; basal inner surface in P. pacifica).

Among Japanese species, this species resembles P. izayoi, P. chichibuensis, and P. caliginosa, in size and in having a pair of dark broad lateral bands on scutum; it is distinguished from them by the wholly yellow scutellum (scutellum with dark bands on lateral margins in the other species).

Phytoliriomyza izayoi Kato, sp. nov.

Figs 40, 41

Material examined

Holotype: Japan: 1♂ (MK-AG-a402), Ashiu, Nantan, Kyoto Pref. (35.3261°N, 135.7239°E, 450 m asl), 8-V-2007 collected on thallus of Conocephalum orientalis, NSMT-I-Dip 32003. Paratypes: Japan: 1♀ (MK-AG-a262), Ashiu, Nantan, Kyoto Pref., 28-XI-1999 (as larva on C. orientalis), emerged on 17-IV-2000, NSMT-I-Dip 32004; 1♀ (MK-AG-520), Renge-onsen, Itoigawa, Niigata Pref., 14-VII-2009 (as larva on C. salebrosum), emerged on 5-V-2010, NSMT-I-Dip 32005; 1♂ (MK-AG-595), Mt. Hakusan, Hakusan, Ishikawa Pref., 3-V-2013 (as larva C. orientalis), emerged on 18-V-2013 NSMT-I-Dip 32006; 1♂1♀ (MK-AG-a249, 524), Nekata, Hamakita, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka Pref., 2-IV-2011 (as larva on C. orientalis), emerged on 18–20-IV-2011, NSMT-I-Dip 32007, 32007; 1♀ (MK-AG-574), Naiku, Oe, Fukuchiyama, Kyoto Pref., 17-III-2013 (as larva on C. orientalis), emerged on 5-IV-2013, NSMT-I-Dip 32009; 1♀ (MK-AG-624), Muramatsu, Iwakura, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto Pref., 5-IV-2019 (as larva on C. orientalis), emerged on 22-IV-2019, NSMT-I-Dip 32010; 1♀ (MK-AG-a392), Mt. Daimanji, Oki Is. Shimane Pref., 22-XI-2010 (as larva on C. orientalis), emerged on 7-IV-2011, NSMT-I-Dip 32011; 1♀ (MK-AG-587), Gakuen-ji, Bessho, Izumo, Shimane Pref., 11-I-2010 (as larva on C. orientalis), emerged on 14-IV-2011, NSMT-I-Dip 32012; 1♂ (MK-AG-a225), Koyadaira, Tokushima Pref., 22-IV-2019 (as larva on C. orientalis) ; emerged on 5-V-2019, NSMT-I-Dip 32013.

Other material

Japan: On Conocephalum salebrosum: 1♂1♀, Renge-onsen, Itoigawa, Niigata Pref., 2-X-2011 (as larva), emerged on 29-IV-2012; 1♀, Sarukura, Hakuba, Nagano Pref., 9-VI-2013 (as larva), emerged on 28-VI-2013.

On Conocephalum orientalis: 5♀, Shokan-zawa, Mashike, Hokkaido, 4-X-2011 (as larva), emerged on 29-IV–6-V-2012; 1♂, Mt. Nanakura, Noshiro, Akita Pref., 14-X-2012 (as larva), emerged on 11-IV-2012; 1♂, Mt. Kiyosumi, Kamogawa, Chiba Pref., 24-I-2012 (as larva), emerged on 20-IV-2012; 5♂10♀, Nekata, Hamakita, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka Pref., 8-III-2012 (as larva), emerged on 27-III–26-IV-2012; 1♀, Takeda-gawa, Maruoka, Sakai, Fukui Pref., 18-III-2014 (as larva), emerged on 18-IV-2014; 3♂2♀, Akka, Iwaizumi, Iwate Pref., 20-II-2011 (as larva), emerged on 24-III–4-IV-2011; 2♂2♀, Suizu, Tsuruga, Fukui Pref., 11-III-2012 (as larva), emerged on 1–12-IV-2012; 3♂3♀, Seryo, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto Pref., 6-IV-2010 (as larva), emerged on 26-IV–12-V-2010; 2♂3♀, Naiku, Oe, Fukuchiyama, Kyoto Pref., 17-III-2013 (as larva), emerged on 4–18-IV-2013; 3♂6♀, Kibune, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto Pref., 6-IV-2010 (as larva), emerged on 20-IV-2010; 1♂2♀, Muramatsu, Iwakura, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto Pref., 28-IV-2015 (as larva), emerged on 10–18-IV-2015; 1♀, Mt. Kanpu, Ino, Agawa, Kochi Pref., 10-X-2016 (as larva), emerged on 30-II-2016.

On Conocephalum purpureorubrum: 1♀, Mt. Kiyosumi, Kamogawa, Chiba Pref., 14-IV-2010 (as larva), emerged on 2-V-2010; 1♀, Shirabiso-toge, Kamimura, Iida, Nagano Pref., 14-X-2011 (as larva), emerged on 28-IV-2011; 1♂, Kibune, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto Pref., 94-IV-2012 (as larva), emerged on 24-V-2012.


A large yellow species (wing length 2.4–2.5 mm) having a pruinose yellow scutum with a medial and a pair of dark brown lateral stripes, a yellow scutellum with dark lateral corners, black 1st flagellomere, yellow maxillary palpus, yellow halteres, and yellow legs. Male epandrium inner-distally with a long tubercle-like seta, and inner-basally with a comb consisting of 9–12 long fused tubercle-like setae. Larva mines the thallus of Conocephalum salebrosum and C. orientalis.


Adult male (Fig. 40A–D).

Head : Head entirely yellow including ocellar tubercle and back of head (Fig. 40C). Antenna porrect, first flagellomere black, pedicel and scape brown (Fig. 40B). Arista subbasal, pubescent. Face, gena, parafacial and postgena yellow. Proboscis normal, yellow; palpus yellow, cylindrical (Fig. 40C). Chaetotaxy: Front orbitals three pairs; one ori directed inward; two ors directed upward (Fig. 40B). Orbital setulae minute and erect, in a single row.

Figure 40 

. Phytoliriomyza izayoi sp. nov. A–D holotype male A habitus B lateral C frontal D dorsal E, F paratype female (MK-AG-a262) E posterior F lateral G–K male genitalia (G–I type locality J, K Renge-onsen) G whole genitalia, ventral H phallic complex, ventral I ejaculatory apodeme, dorsal J epandrium, ventral K phallic complex, lateral.

Thorax : Thorax subshiny. Scutum yellow with a black medial stripe on anterior 2/3, one pair of black suborbicular presutural patches confluent with the medial stripe, and a pair of wide black bands (i.e., fused complex of intra-alar and supra-alar stripes) on anterior 7/8, which is confluent with the presutural patches (Fig. 40D). Scutellum yellow with lateral margins brown (Fig. 40A, B). Subscutellum yellow. Mediotergite brown, but katatergite yellow, anatergite yellow with distal brown patch (Fig. 40B). Pleuron yellow with brown patches on propleuron centrally and on distal margins of notopleuron, anepisternum, katepisternum and meron (Fig. 40C). Haltere yellow. Calypter margin and hairs gray. Leg segments yellow; tibia and tarsus darker (Fig. 40A). Chaetotaxy: Scutum with 1+3 dorsocentrals, shortened anteriorly (Fig. 40D). Acrostichal setulae in two rows. Wing: Wing length 2.4 mm, costa reaching M1 (Fig. 40A). Length of ultimate section of vein M4 divided by penultimate section 0.87.

Abdomen : Abdomen dorsally subshiny grayish yellow; epandrium dark brown (Fig. 40B). Genitalia: (Fig. 40G, K) Epandrium rounded apically; posterior end of inner margin with one tubercle-like seta; inner-anterior surface with a comb comprising 9–12 fused long tubercle-like setae (rarely unfused in part) and an irregular row of several (3–5) small tubercle-like setae immediately outward from the comb (Fig. 40J). Surstylus rounded, directed inwards, setose apically, with one (rarely 2 or 3) long tubercle-like seta on posterior margin (Fig. 40J). Cercus narrow, setose. Subepandrial sclerite V-shaped in a posterior view, dorsal lobe with one seta (Fig. 40J). Hypandrium slightly sclerotized along outer margin (Fig. 40G). Postgonite bare, goose barnacle-shaped, and cleft apically (Fig. 40H). Phallophorus with deep incision below, articulated with phallapodeme, fused to epiphallus (Fig. 40H, K). Basiphallus with dark broad lateral plate on left side and sclerotized anterodorsal margin (Fig. 40H). Hypophallus broad, membranous, and bilaterally asymmetrical; with a dark narrow sclerite on right side; medially with a pair of fused linear sclerites (Fig. 40K). Mesophallus dark, cylindrical, widest subbasally, 3/5 length of distiphallus, tapering distally (Fig. 40K). Distiphallus comprising one pair of stout tubules basally parallel to each other; basal half composed of ventral dark cuneiform sclerite and weaker medial region; distal half cylindrical, dorsally pigmented; with truncated, shortly flared unpigmented apex (Fig. 40H, K). Ejaculatory apodeme pale brown, fan-shaped with short broad stalk and clear sperm pump (Fig. 40I).

Female (Fig. 40E, F). Similar to male, but larger, frons wider. Wing length 2.3&nbsp;mm. Postabdomen: (Fig. 41A, B) Oviscape dark brown, setigerous (Fig. 41A). Tergite 10 cruciform, laterally uniting narrow pleural sclerites (Fig. 41B). Each cercus with two stout, apical, trichoid sensilla, ¼ length of cercus (Fig. 41B). Spermathecae semi-orbicular, with truncate proximal ends (Fig. 41A).

Figure 41. 

Female morphology and larval ecology of Phytoliriomyza izayoi sp. nov. A, B female postabdomen A oviscape and spermatheca B tergite 10 C a female flay on Conocephalum orientalis at type locality D habitat at type locality D, E mined thalli (D Conocephalum orientalis at Hamakita F C. salebrosum at Renge-onsen).


The number of tubercle-like setae in a comb in the male genitalia varied from 9 to 12. Although the number varied among individuals within a population and even between left and right sides of the epandrium in an individual, and the number was generally greater in western Honshu and Shikoku than in northern regions.


The specific name izayoi is a Japanese word meaning 16th moon, and refers to the non-circular yellow pattern of scutum.

Japanese name


Host plants

Conocephalum salebrosum, C. orientalis and C. purpureorubrum (Conocephalaceae).


(Fig. 41G–I) Larvae construct linear mines in the thallus in early instars, later entering the midrib, and pupate in the mines.

Biological notes

The habitats of this species are stream banks and mesic slopes in temperate deciduous forests dominated by Fagus crenata, Quercus crispula and Cryptomeria japonica (Fig. 41D–F). It is sympatric with P. luteola and P. conocephali in some localities. Our rearing records suggest that this species is univoltine, and that adults emerge from overwintered pupae in spring. The female’s oviposition behavior on C. orientalis thalli was observed on 1 July 2021 in a beech forest at Renge-Onsen.


Japan: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku (Fig. 39).


This species resembles P. islandica and P. bornholmensis; it is distinguished from them based on the following characters: lateral black bands terminate before reaching scutellum (lateral black bands confluent with scutellum in the latter two); male epandrium with a comb of 9–12 tubercle-like setae (6 in P. islandica, 8 in P. bornholmensis); male epandrium with one tubercle-like seta on middle inner surface (1–2 on middle inner margin in P. islandica; three on inner margin in P. bornholmensis); basal half of distiphallus curved outward and with weaker medial region (basal half of distiphallus curved outward and without weaker medial region in P. islandica; angular and with weaker medial region in P. bornholmensis). This species also resembles P. admirabilis recorded from Nepal; it is distinguished from the latter based on the following characters: halteres yellow (black in the latter); male genitalia lack paraphallus (paraphallus present in the latter); surstylus with one tubercle-like seta (without tubercle-like seta in the latter); ejaculatory apodeme with a short broad stalk (with a slender stalk in the latter).

Among the Japanese species, P. izayoi resembles P. luna, P. chichibuensis, and P. caliginosa in size and in having a pair of dark broad lateral bands on the scutum; it is distinguished from P. luna by the dark-sided scutellum (scutellum only yellow in P. luna), from P. chichibuensis and P. caliginosa by the dark lateral bands not confluent with medial stripe (lateral bands confluent with medial stripe in the other species) and by the tubercle-like setae borne on the distal margin of the male epandrium (tubercle-like setae borne on inner surface of epandrium in the others).

Phytoliriomyza chichibuensis Kato, sp. nov.

Fig. 42

Material examined

Holotype: Japan: 1♂ (MK-AG-a547), Mt. Futago, Ogano, Chichibu-gun, Saitama Pref. (36.0702°N, 138.8672°E, 930 m asl), 26-III-2021 (as larva on Conocephalum purpureorubrum), emerged on 21-IV-2021, NSMT-I-Dip 32014. Paratypes: Japan: 1♂ (MK-AG-a387), Kanna-gawa, Nakatsugawa, Chichibu, Saitama Pref., 26-III-2021 (as larva), emerged on 20-IV-2021, NSMT-I-Dip 32015; 1♂ (MK-AG-a393), Kanna-gawa, Nakatsugawa, Chichibu, Saitama Pref., 13-III-2017 (as larva, emerged on 12-IV-2017, NSMT-I-Dip 32016.

Other material

Japan: 1♂, Mt. Futago, Ogano, Chichibu-gun, Saitama Pref., 26-III-2021 (as larva), emerged on 21-IV-2021.


A large yellow species (wing length 2.2–2.9 mm) having a pruinose dark brown scutum with an obscure oval yellow pattern extending from the mid-posterior margin to the scutellum, a black 1st flagellomere, yellow maxillary palpus, yellow halteres, and yellow legs. Male epandrium inner-laterally with a long tubercle-like seta, and inner-basally with a comb consisting of six long, fused, tubercle-like setae. Larva mines the thallus of Conocephalum purpureorubrum.


Adult male (Fig. 42A–E).

Head : Head entirely yellow including ocellar tubercle and back of head (Fig. 42C). Antenna porrect, first flagellomere brown, pedicel and scape brown (Fig. 42B). Arista subbasal, pubescent. Face, gena, parafacial and postgena yellow. Proboscis normal, yellow; palpus yellow, cylindrical (Fig. 42C). Chaetotaxy: Front orbitals three pairs; one ori directed inward; two ors directed upward (Fig. 42D). Orbital setulae minute and erect, in a single row.

Figure 42. 

Phytoliriomyza chichibuensis sp. nov. A–E holotype male A habitus B lateral C frontal D dorsal E posterior F live male fly G–K male genitalia G whole genitalia, ventral H, I phallic complex, ventral and lateral J epandrium, ventral K ejaculatory apodeme, lateral, L, M female postabdomen L oviscape and spermatheca M tergite 10 N mined thallus of Conocephalum sp. 2.

Thorax : Thorax pruinose. Scutum yellow with a black medial stripe on anterior 2/3, one pair of black suborbicular presutural patches confluent with the medial stripe, and a pair of wide black bands (i.e., fused complex of intra-alar and supra-alar stripes) on anterior 7/8, which is confluent with the presutural patches and the medial stripe (Fig. 42D). Scutellum yellow with lateral margins brown. The yellow patch ranging from posterior scutum to scutellum oblong and ill-defined. Subscutellum yellow. Mediotergite brown, but katatergite yellow, anatergite yellow with distal brown patch (Fig. 42B). Pleuron yellow with brown patches on propleuron centrally and on distal margins of notopleuron, anepisternum, katepisternum and meron (Fig. 42B). Haltere yellow. Calypter margin and hairs gray. Leg segments yellow; tibia and tarsus darker. Chaetotaxy: Scutum with 1+3 dorsocentrals, shortened anteriorly (Fig. 42D). Acrostichal setulae eight or nine pairs in two irregular rows. Wing: Wing length 2.4 mm, costa reaching M1 (Fig. 42A). Length of ultimate section of vein M4 divided by penultimate section 0.87.

Abdomen : Abdomen dorsally subshiny yellow; epandrium dark brown (Fig. 42E). Genitalia: (Fig. 42G–K) Epandrium rounded apically; inner-lateral surface with one long tubercle-like seta; inner-anterior surface with a comb comprising six fused, long, tubercle-like setae and an irregular row of several (2–5) small tubercle-like setae immediately outward from the comb (Fig. 42J). Surstylus rounded, directed inwards, setose apically, with one tubercle-like seta on posterior margin (Fig. 42J). Cercus narrow, setose. Subepandrial sclerite V-shaped in a posterior view (Fig. 42J). Hypandrium slightly sclerotized along outer margin (Fig. 42G). Postgonite bare, goose barnacle-shaped, pointed, and cleft apically (Fig. 42I). Phallophorus with deep incision below (Fig. 42H), articulated with phallapodeme, fused to epiphallus (Fig. 42I). Basiphallus with a dark anterolateral plate on left side (Fig. 42G). Hypophallus broad, membranous, and bilaterally asymmetrical; with a dark narrow sclerite on right side; medially with a pair of fused linear sclerites (Fig. 42H–I). Mesophallus dark, cylindrical, widest subbasally, as long as distiphallus, tapering distally (Fig. 42H, I). Distiphallus comprising one pair of stout tubules basally parallel to each other; basal half composed of ventral dark cuneiform sclerite and weaker medial region; distal half cylindrical, dorsally pigmented; with truncated, shortly flared unpigmented apex (Fig. 42H, I). Ejaculatory apodeme pale brown, with rounded blade and broad stalk; base wide to one side; sperm pump clear (Fig. 42K).

Female (Fig. 42F). Similar to male, but larger, frons wider. Wing length 2.3 mm. Postabdomen: (Fig. 42L, M) Oviscape dark brown, setigerous (Fig. 42L). Tergite 10 cruciform, laterally uniting narrow pleural sclerites (Fig. 42M). Each cercus with two stout, apical, trichoid sensilla, ¼ length of cercus (Fig. 42M). Spermathecae semi-orbicular, with truncate proximal ends (Fig. 42L).


The specific name (chichibu) refers to the region where this species was found.

Japanese name


Host plants

Conocephalum salebrosum and C. purpureorubrum (Conocephalaceae).


(Fig. 42N) Larvae construct linear mines in the thallus in early instars, later entering the midrib, and pupate in the mines.

Biological notes

The habitats of this species are stream banks and cliffs in temperate deciduous forests dominated by Quercus crispula. Our rearing records suggest that this species is univoltine, and that adults emerge from overwintered pupae in spring.


Japan: Honshu, around Chichibu mountains in the Kanto Region (Fig. 39).


This species resembles P. islandica and P. bornholmensis in yellow pattern of scutum; it is distinguished from P. islandica by the distiphallus with weaker medial region (distiphallus without weaker medial region in P. islandica), from P. bornholmensis by the number of tubercle-like setae in a comb of the male epandrium (6 in P. chichibuensis; 8 in P. bornholmensis). This species also resembles P. caliginosa in yellow pattern of scutum; it is distinguished from the latter by the number of tubercle-like setae in a comb of the male epandrium (6 in P. chichibuensis; 8–11 in P. caliginosa) and by the color of the first flagellomere (brown in P. chichibuensis; black in P. caliginosa).

Phytoliriomyza caliginosa Kato, sp. nov.

Fig. 43

Material examined

Holotype : Japan: 1♂ (MK-AG-a403), Kuki, Owase, Mie Pref. (34.0297°N, 136.2506°E, 270 m asl), 1-IV-2009 (as larva), emerged on 9-IV-2009, NSMT-I-Dip 32017. Paratypes: Japan: 1♀ (MK-AG-a224), same data as holotype, emerged on 11-IV-2009, NSMT-I-Dip 32018; 1♀ (MK-AG-a250), Asahi-daki, Shuzenji, Izu, Shizuoka Pref., 7-III-2012 (as larva), emerged on 28-III-2012, NSMT-I-Dip 32019; 1♂1♀ (MK-AG-a238, a239), Yunokuchi-onsen, Kiwa, Kumano, Mie Pref., 9–13-IV-2019 (as larva), emerged on 22-IV-2019, NSMT-I-Dip 32020, 32021; 1♂1♀ (MK-AG-a237, a390), Mt. Kosho, Asakura, Fukuoka Pref., 11-IV-2010 (as larva), emerged on 24-IV-2010, NSMT-I-Dip 32022.

Other material

Japan: 1♂1♀, Mt. Nokogiri, Kyonan, Awa, Chiba Pref., 24-I-2012 (as larva), emerged on 24-IV–8-V-2012 1♂1♀, Asahi-daki, Shuzenji, Izu, Shizuoka Pref., 7-III-2012 (as larva), emerged on 28-III–1-IV-2012; 3♂3♀, Tamaki-gawa, Totsugawa, Yoshino, Nara Pref., 9-III-2014 (as larva), emerged on 26-III–9-IV-2014; 2♂1♀, Wabuka, Kushimoto, Wakayama Pref., 4-III-2012 (as larva), emerged on 26-III–12-IV-2012; 1♂2♀, Kibune, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto Pref., 1-III-2011 (as larva), emerged on 25-III–3-IV-2011; 2♂, Yasukawa-keikoku, Tanabe, Wakayama Pref., 9-VII-2012 (as larva), emerged on 16–21-IV-2002; 1♂1♀, Takinohai, Kozagawa, Wakayama Pref., 13-IV-2014 (as larva), emerged on 2–15-V-2014; 1♀, Yoshiwa, Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima Pref., 30-V-2014 (as larva), emerged on ?-V-2014; 2♀, Mt. Ryuso, Aoi, Shizuoka Pref., 13-X-2015 (as larva), emerged on 14-IV-2015; 1♂, Shinkawa-keikoku, Kirishima, Kagoshima Pref., 31-III-2017 (as larva), emerged on 16-IV-2017.


A large yellow species (wing length 2.1–2.3 mm) having pruinose dark brown scutum with an obscure oval yellow pattern extending from the mid-posterior margin to the scutellum, a black 1st flagellomere, yellow maxillary palpus, yellow halteres, and yellow legs. Male epandrium inner-laterally with a long tubercle-like seta and inner-basally with a comb comprising eight or nine long fused tubercle-like setae. Larva mines the thallus of Conocephalum orientalis.


Adult male (Fig. 43A–E).

Head : Head entirely yellow including ocellar tubercle and back of head (Fig. 43C). Antenna porrect, first flagellomere black, pedicel and scape brown (Fig. 43B). Arista subbasal, pubescent. Face, gena, parafacial and postgena yellow. Proboscis normal, yellow; palpus yellow, cylindrical (Fig. 43C). Chaetotaxy: Front orbitals three pairs; one ori directed inward; two ors directed upward (Fig. 43B). Orbital setulae minute and erect, in a single row.

Figure 43. 

Phytoliriomyza caliginosa sp. nov. A–E holotype male A habitus B lateral C frontal D dorsal E posterior F paratype female (MK-AG-a224) G–J male genitalia G whole genitalia, ventral H phallic complex, ventral I epandrium, ventral J ejaculatory apodeme, lateral K, L female postabdomen K oviscape and spermatheca L tergite 10 M mined thallus of Conocephalum orientalis at Tsurara-kannon.

Thorax : Thorax pruinose. Scutum yellow with a black medial stripe on anterior 2/3, one pair of black suborbicular presutural patches confluent with the medial stripe, and a pair of wide black bands (i.e., fused complex of intra-alar and supra-alar stripes) on anterior 7/8, which is confluent with the presutural patches and the medial stripe (Fig. 43D). Scutellum yellow with lateral margins brown. The yellow patch ranging from posterior scutum to scutellum oblong and ill-defined. Subscutellum yellow except for brown posterior half. Mediotergite brown, but katatergite yellow, anatergite yellow with distal brown patch (Fig. 43E). Pleuron yellow with brown patches on propleuron centrally and on distal margins of notopleuron, anepisternum, katepisternum and meron (Fig. 43B). Haltere yellow. Calypter margin and hairs gray. Leg segments yellow; tibia and tarsus darker (Fig. 43A). Chaetotaxy: Scutum with 1+3 dorsocentrals, shortened anteriorly. Acrostichal setulae eight or nine pairs in two irregular rows. Wing: Wing length 2.2 mm, costa reaching M1 (Fig. 43A). Length of ultimate section of vein M4 divided by penultimate section 1.1.

Abdomen : Abdomen dorsally subshiny grayish yellow; epandrium dark brown (Fig. 43E). Genitalia: (Fig. 43G–J) Epandrium rounded apically; inner-lateral surface with one long tubercle-like seta; inner-anterior surface with a comb comprising eight or nine fused long tubercle-like setae and an irregular row of several (4–5) small tubercle-like setae immediately outward from the comb (Fig. 43I). Surstylus rounded, directed inwards, setose apically, with one tubercle-like seta on posterior margin (Fig. 43I). Cercus narrow, setose. Subepandrial sclerite V-shaped in a posterior view (Fig. 43I). Hypandrium slightly sclerotized along outer margin (Fig. 43G). Postgonite bare, goose barnacle -shaped, rounded apically (Fig. 43H). Phallophorus with deep incision below, articulated with phallapodeme, fused to epiphallus (Fig. 43H). Basiphallus with broad pale plate on left side and lightly sclerotized anterodorsal margin (Fig. 43H). Hypophallus broad, membranous, and bilaterally asymmetrical; with a dark narrow sclerite on right side; medially with a pair of fused linear sclerites (Fig. 43G, H). Mesophallus dark, cylindrical, widest subbasally, as long as distiphallus, tapering distally (Fig. 43H). Distiphallus comprising one pair of stout tubules basally parallel to each other; basal half composed of dark short cuneiform sclerite and weaker medial region; distal half cylindrical, dorsally pigmented; with truncated, shortly flared unpigmented apex (Fig. 43H). Ejaculatory apodeme pale brown, with fan-shaped blade and broad stalk; base wide to one side; sperm pump clear (Fig. 43J).

Female (Fig. 43F). Similar to male. Wing length 2.3 mm. Postabdomen: (Fig. 43K–L) Oviscape dark brown, setigerous (Fig. 43K). Tergite 10 cruciform, laterally uniting narrow pleural sclerites. Each cercus with two stout, apical, trichoid sensilla, ¼ length of cercus (Fig. 43L). Spermathecae semi-orbicular, with truncate proximal ends (Fig. 43K).


The number of tubercle-like setae in a comb in the male genitalia varies from 8 to 9, but the variation does not involve a geographic cline.


The specific name (caliginosus = misty) refers to the obscure yellow mark on the scutum, which resembles a dim spring moon.

Japanese name


Host plant

Conocephalum orientalis (Conocephalaceae).


Larvae construct linear mines in the thallus in early instars, later entering the midrib, and pupate in the mines (Fig. 43M).

Biological notes

The habitats of this species are stream banks and mesic slopes in warm temperate evergreen forests dominated by Castanopsis cuspidata and Quercus sessilifolia. This species was sympatric with P. pallidofasciata and P. conocephali in some localities. Our rearing records suggested that this species was univoltine; it overwinters as a pupa and the adult emerged in spring.


Japan: Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu (Fig. 39).


This species resembles P. islandica and P. bornholmensis recorded respectively from Iceland and Denmark; it is distinguished from P. islandica by the number of tubercle-like setae in a comb of the male epandrium (8–9 in P. caliginosa, 6 in P. islandica), and from P. bornholmensis by the form of the sclerite of the basal distiphallus (short cuneiform in P. caliginosa; long triangular in P. bornholmensis). This species also resembles P. igniculus and P. chichibuensis in the yellow oblong obscure pattern of the scutum; it is distinguished from P. igniculus by the absence of a pair of lateral brown patches on the 2nd abdominal tergite (present in P. igniculus), and from P. chichibuensis by the number of tubercle-like setae in a comb of the male epandrium (8–11 in P. caliginosa; 6–8 in P. chichibuensis).

Phytoliriomyza ugetsu Kato, sp. nov.

Fig. 44

Material examined

Holotype: Japan: 1♂ (MK-AG-a404), Mt. Kora, Kurume, Fukuoka Pref. (33.2954°N, 130.5747°E, 180 m asl), 11-IV-2010 (as larva), emerged on 20-IV-2010, NSMT-I-Dip 32024. Paratypes: Japan: 1♂2♀ (MK-AG-a466, 547, 554), same data as holotype, emerged on 1–3-I-2010, NSMT-I-Dip 32025–32027; 1♀ (MK-AG-532), Ashizuri-misaki, Tosashimizu, Kochi Pref., 26-II-2011 (as larva), emerged on 31-III-2011, NSMT-I-Dip 32028; 2♀ (MK-AG-559, 563), Han-yama, Yaku Is., Kumage, Kagoshima Pref., 29-III-2017 (as larva), emerged on 8-IV-2017, NSMT-I-Dip 32029, 32030.

Other material

Japan: 6♂6♀, Mikisato, Owase, Mie Pref., 30-XII-2020 (as larva), emerged on 20-II–15-III-2021; 3♂5♀, Tategasaki, Kumano, Mie Pref., 23-IV-2021 (as larva), emerged on 26-IV–18-V-2021; 1♀, Mt. Kosho, Asakura, Fukuoka Pref., 11-IV-2010 (as larva), emerged on 18-IV-2010; 12♂15♀, Mt. Kora, Kurume, Fukuoka Pref., 29-IV-2008 (as larva), emerged on 1–3-V-2008; 1♂2♀, Mt. Osuzu, Tsuno, Miyazaki Pref., 15-XII-2020 (as larva), emerged on 23–28-II-2013; 1♂2♀, Shinkawa-keikoku, Kirishima, Kagoshima Pref., 31-III-2071 (as larva), emerged on 13–27-IV-2017; 1♀, Tashiro, Kinko, Kimotsuki, Kagoshima Pref., 18-V-2013 collected on thallus of C. orientalis; 1♀, Mt. Inao, Kimotsuki, Kagoshima Pref., 28-II-2000 (as larva), emerged on 4-IV-2000.


A large dark species (wing length 2.1–2.7 mm) having pruinose dark brown scutum, black 1st flagellomere with yellow arista, yellow maxillary palpus, yellow halteres, and yellow legs. Male epandrium inner-basally with a comb comprising six long fused tubercle-like setae, but lacking an inner-lateral tubercle-like seta. Larva mines the thallus of Conocephalum orientalis.


Adult male (Fig. 44A–E).

Head : Head yellow, but frons and ocellar triangle brown, back of head dark brown (Fig. 44C). Antenna porrect, first flagellomere black, pedicel and scape brown (Fig. 44B). Arista subbasal, yellow, pubescent. Clypeus, face, gena, parafacial and postgena yellow (Fig. 44C). Proboscis normal, yellow; palpus yellow, cylindrical. Chaetotaxy: Front orbitals three pairs; one ori directed inward; two ors directed upward (Fig. 44B). Orbital setulae minute and erect, in a single row.

Figure 44. 

Phytoliriomyza ugetsu sp. nov. A–E holotype male A habitus B lateral C frontal D dorsal E posterior F paratype female (MK-AG-554), frontal G–J male genitalia (G, H at type locality I Yaku Is. J Mikisato) G whole genitalia, ventral H phallic complex, lateral I epandrium, ventral J ejaculatory apodeme, lateral K a live female fly foraging on Conocephalum orientalis thallus at Tategasaki L, M female postabdomen L oviscape and spermatheca M tergite 10 N puparia O mined thallus of Conocephalum orientalis at type locality P habitat at Tategasaki.

Thorax : Thorax pruinose. Scutum and scutellum entirely dark brown (Fig. 44D). Subscutellum yellow except brown posterior margin. Mediotergite, katatergite and anatergite brown (Fig. 44E). Pleuron yellow with large brown patches on notopleuron, anepisternum, katepisternum and meron (Fig. 44B). Haltere yellow. Calypter margin and hairs gray. Leg segments yellow; tibia and tarsus darker (Fig. 44A). Chaetotaxy: Scutum with 1+3 dorsocentrals, shortened anteriorly (Fig. 44B). Acrostichal setulae 10–12 pairs in two irregular rows. Wing: Wing length 2.2 mm, costa reaching M1 (Fig. 44A). Length of ultimate section of vein M4 divided by penultimate section 1.3.

Abdomen : Abdomen dorsally subshiny yellowish gray; epandrium dark brown (Fig. 44E). Genitalia: (Fig. 44G–I) Epandrium rounded apically; inner-anterior margin with a row of several (2–4) short tubercle-like setae; inner-anterior surface with a comb comprising six fused long tubercle-like setae (Fig. 44I). Surstylus rounded, directed inwards, setose apically, with one tubercle-like seta on posterior margin (Fig. 44I). Cercus narrow, setose. Subepandrial sclerite V-shaped in a posterior view, with one seta on each dorsal lobe (Fig. 44I). Hypandrium slightly sclerotized along outer margin (Fig. 44G). Postgonite bare, goose barnacle-shaped, rounded apically (Fig. 44H). Phallophorus with deep incision below, articulated with phallapodeme, fused to epiphallus (Fig. 44G). Basiphallus with broad pale plate on left side and lightly sclerotized anterodorsal margin (Fig. 44G). Hypophallus hood-like, membranous; lateral margins lightly sclerotized; covered with microtrichia ventrally; medially with a pair of fused narrow sclerites incurved ventrally; a dark tubule protruding ventrally from subdistal center of the membrane (Fig. 44G, H). Mesophallus dark, cylindrical, widest subbasally, as long as distiphallus (Fig. 44H). Distiphallus comprising one pair of stout tubules basally parallel to each other; basal half composed of ventral dark subrectangular sclerite and weaker medial region; distal half cylindrical, dorsally pigmented with flared apex; with truncated, unpigmented apex (Fig. 44H). Ejaculatory apodeme pale brown, with fan-shaped blade and broad stalk; base wide to one side; sperm pump clear (Fig. 44J).

Female (Fig. 44F). Similar to male, but larger, brown patches on pleuron larger and thicker. Wing length 2.3 mm. Postabdomen: (Fig. 44L, M) Oviscape dark brown, setigerous (Fig. 44L). Tergite 10 cruciform, laterally uniting narrow pleural sclerites (Fig. 44M). Each cercus with two stout, apical, trichoid sensilla, which are ½ length of cercus (Fig. 44M). Spermathecae semi-orbicular, with truncate proximal ends (Fig. 44L).


The number of tubercle-like setae in a comb of the male epandrium varies from 6 to 8 within the same population and among localities.

Immatures. (Fig. 44N) Puparium internal, slender, and pale brown.


The specific name ugetsu is a Japanese word meaning rainy moon, and refers to dark scutum without a yellow mark.

Japanese name


Host plant

Conocephalum orientalis (Conocephalaceae) growing on mesic soils in warm-temperate broadleaf evergreen forests.


(Fig. 44O) Larvae construct linear mines in the thallus in early instars, later entering the midrib, and pupate in the mines.

Biological notes

The habitats of this species are stream banks and mesic slopes in warm temperate evergreen forests dominated by Castanopsis sieboldii and Quercus glauca (Fig. 44P). Our rearing records suggest that this species is univoltine, and that adults emerge from overwintered pupae in spring. The female’s oviposition behavior on C. orientalis thalli was observed on 23 April 2021 in a Castanopsis forest at Tategasaki, Wakayama Pref. (Fig. 44K).


Japan: Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu (Fig. 45).

Figure 45. 

Locality records of three Phytoliriomyza species associated with Conocephalum spp.: P. caliginosa, P. ugetsu, P. nigroflava and P. brunofasciata.


This species is unique in the wholly dark brown color of both scutum and scutellum, and easily distinguished from all other Phytoliriomyza species.

Phytoliriomyza nigroflava Kato, sp. nov.

Fig. 46, 47

Material examined

Holotype: Japan: 1♂ (MK-AG-a300), Yuni-ishikari-gawa, Soun-kyo, Kamikawa, Hokkaido (43.640°N,143.048°E, 820 m asl), 31-V-2021 (as larva), emerged on 3-VII-2021, NSMT-I-Dip 32031. Paratypes: Japan: 1♂1♀ (MK-AG-a467, a22), Yuni-ishikari-gawa, Soun-kyo, Kamikawa, Hokkaido, 1-VI-2020 (as larva), emerged on 8–12-VII-2020, NSMT-I-Dip 32032, 32033; 2♂ (MK-AG- a301, a468), Shirabiso-toge, Kamimura, Iida, Nagano Pref., 17-IV-2021 (as larva), emerged on 22-V-2021, NSMT-I-Dip 32034, 32035; 1♂1♀ (MK-AG-a469, a302), Sarukura, Hakuba, Nagano Pref., 11-V-2021 (as larva), emerged on 21–24-VI-2021, NSMT-I-Dip 32036, 32037.

Other material

Japan: 7♂12♀, Soun-kyo, Kamikawa, Hokkaido, 31-V-2021 (as larva), emerged on 11–22-VII-2021; 2♂4♀, Aizankei, Kamikawa, Hokkaido, 4-X-2011 (as larva), emerged on 26-V–2-VI-2011; 2♂6♀, Yuni-ishikari-gawa, Soun-kyo, Kamikawa, Hokkaido, 1-VI-2020 (as larva), emerged on 5–14-VII-2020; 10♂4♀, Nozuka-toge, Urakawa, Hokkaido, 30-IV-2011 (as larva), emerged on 5–18-VI-2021; 1♂2♀, Mt. Tengu, Jozan-kei, Minami-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido, 2-V-2021 (as larva), emerged on 7–10-VI-2021; 2♂1♀, Jozan-kei, Minami-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido, 2-V-2021 (as larva), emerged on 7–19-VI-2021; 1♂, Horoman-kyo, Samani, Hokkaido, 30-IV-2021 (as larva), emerged on 19-VI-2021.


A medium-sized yellow species (wing length 2.2–2.3 mm) uniquely having sexual dimorphism in color of the 1st flagellomere: male yellow, female black. The adult has a pruinose yellow scutum with a medial and two pairs of black stripes, yellow maxillary palpus, yellow halteres, and yellow legs. Male epandrium inner-laterally with a long tubercle-like seta, and inner-basally with a comb comprising 6–8 long fused tubercle-like setae. Larva mines the thallus of Conocephalum salebrosum.


Adult male (Fig. 46A–C).

Head : Head yellow, with ocellar tubercle pale brown and back of head dark brown excluding margins (Fig. 46C). Antenna porrect, first flagellomere yellow, pedicel and scape brown (Fig. 46A). Arista subbasal, black, pubescent. Clypeus, face, gena, parafacial and postgena yellow (Fig. 46C). Proboscis normal, yellow; palpus yellow, cylindrical (Fig. 46C). Chaetotaxy: Front orbitals three pairs; one ori directed inward; two ors directed upward (Fig. 46B). Orbital setulae minute and erect, in a single row.

Figure 46. 

Phytoliriomyza nigroflava sp. nov. A–C holotype male A habitus B dorsal C frontal D–G paratype female (MK-AG-a22) D habitus E dorsal F frontal G posterior H–K male genitalia H whole genitalia, ventral I epandrium, ventral J phallic complex, lateral K ejaculatory apodeme, lateral B postgonite.

Thorax : Thorax subshiny. Scutum yellow with medial black stripe on anterior 2/3, with a pair of narrow black supra-alar stripes and a pair of wider black intra-alar stripes, which adjoin a pair of lateral presutural black ovoid spots (Fig. 46B). Scutellum and subscutellum yellow. Mediotergite brown, katatergite yellow, and anatergite yellow with venter brown (Fig. 46A). Pleuron yellow with postpronotal lobe faintly brown anteriorly, venter of katepisternum and meron brown (Fig. 46A). Haltere yellow. Calypter margin and hairs gray. Leg segments entirely yellow; tibia and tarsus darker (Fig. 46A). Chaetotaxy: Scutum with 1+3 dorsocentrals, shortened anteriorly (Fig. 46B). Acrostichal setulae 8–10 pairs in two irregular rows. Wing: Wing length 2.2 mm, costa reaching M1 (Fig. 46A). Length of ultimate section of vein M4 divided by penultimate section 1.1–1.2.

Abdomen : Abdomen dorsally subshiny yellow; epandrium brown (Fig. 46A). Genitalia: (Fig. 46H–L) Epandrium rounded apically; inner-lateral surface with a long tubercle-like seta; inner-anterior surface with a comb comprising 6–8 fused long tubercle-like setae and an irregular row of several (2–4) small tubercle-like setae immediately outward from the comb (Fig. 46I). Surstylus rounded, directed inwards, setose apically, with one (rarely 2) long tubercle-like seta on posterior margin (Fig. 46I). Cercus narrow, setose. Subepandrial sclerite V-shaped in posterior view; dorsal lobe with one seta (Fig. 46I). Hypandrium slightly sclerotized along outer margin (Fig. 46H). Postgonite bare, goose barnacle-shaped, pointed and cleft apically (Fig. 46L). Phallophorus with deep incision below, articulated with phallapodeme, fused to epiphallus (Fig. 46H). Basiphallus with pale broad lateral plate on left side and lightly sclerotized dorsal margin (Fig. 46H). Hypophallus hood-shaped, membranous; lateral margins lightly sclerotized; medially with a pair of dark fused sclerites incurved ventrally, which have small lateral transparent wings (Fig. 46H, I). Mesophallus dark, cylindrical, widest basally, as long as distiphallus (Fig. 46I). Distiphallus comprising one pair of stout tubules; basal half composed of ventral dark subtriangular sclerite and weaker medial region; distal half cylindrical, dorsally pigmented, constricted subdistally; with truncated, unpigmented apex (Fig. 46I). Ejaculatory apodeme pale brown, with hammerhead-shaped blade and broad stalk; base wide to one side; sperm pump clear (Fig. 46K).

Female (Fig. 46D–G). Similar to male, but larger, first flagellomere black with yellowish base; pedicel and scape yellow (Fig. 46F). Wing length 2.32 mm. Postabdomen: (Fig. 47A, B) Oviscape dark brown, setigerous (Fig. 47A). Tergite 10 trifurcate, laterally uniting narrow pleural sclerites (Fig. 47B). Each cercus with two stout, apical, trichoid sensilla, 1/3 length of cercus (Fig. 47B). Spermathecae semi-orbicular, with truncate proximal ends (Fig. 47A).

Figure 47. 

Female morphology and larval ecology of Phytoliriomyza nigroflava sp. nov. A, B female postabdomen A oviscape and spermatheca B tergite 10 C, D habitat (C type locality D at Shirabiso-toge) E–H mined thalli of Conocephalum salebrosum at type locality. Arrows in G and H shows internal puparia.


The color of the lateral stripes on the scutum varies among populations, with specimens in the southern population having darker stripes. The number of tubercle-like setae in a comb in male genitalia varies from 5 to 7 among localities.


The specific name (nigra = black, flava = yellow) refers to heterosexually different colors of flagellomere: precisely, the male and female of this species have a yellow and a black flagellomere, respectively.

Japanese name


Host plants

Conocephalum salebrosum and C. purpureorubrum (Conocephalaceae).


Larvae construct linear mines in the thallus in early instars, later entering the midrib, and pupate in the mines (Fig. 47E–H).

Biological notes

The habitats of this species are mesic slopes in subalpine coniferous forests dominated by Abies spp., Picea spp. And Betula spp. (Fig. 47C, D). Our rearing records suggest that this species is univoltine, and that adults emerge from overwintered pupae in spring.


Japan: Hokkaido, Honshu (Fig. 45). The distribution is restricted in cool-temperate subalpine forests in high altitudes.


This species is unique in that male and female respectively has yellow and black 1st flagellomere of antenna; intersexual color dimorphism in 1st flagellomere was observed only in this species among the studied species. This species resembles P. brunofasciata and P. pallidofasciata in having two pairs of dark lateral stripes on scutum and similar genitalia; it is distinguished from them by the color of the two pairs of dark lateral stripes (black in P. nigroflava; brown in P. brunofasciata; pale brown in P. pallidofasciata). It also resembles P. bifasciata in having black stripes on scutum; it is distinguished from the latter by the morphology of surstylus of male genitalia (rounded in P. nigroflava; elongated in P. bifasciata) and the number of the black stripes (two pairs in P. nigroflava; one pair in P. bifasciata).

Phytoliriomyza brunofasciata Kato, sp. nov.

Fig. 48

Material examined

Holotype : Japan: 1♂ (MK-AG-a380), Yashajin-toge, Minami-arupusu, Yamanashi Pref. (35.6327°N, 138.3519°E, 1110 m asl), 25-III-2021 (as larva on C. salebrosum), emerged on 6-V-2021, NSMT-I-Dip 32038. Paratypes: Japan: 1♀ (MK-AG-a429), same data as holotype, emerged on 5-V-2021, NSMT-I-Dip 32039; 1♂ (MK-AG-a405), Yashajin-toge, Minami-arupusu, Yamanashi Pref., 10-XII-2016 (as larva on C. salebrosum), emerged on 3-V-2017, NSMT-I-Dip 32040; 1♀ (MK-AG-498), Akka, Iwaizumi, Iwate Pref., 8-V-2010 (as larva on C. salebrosum), emerged on 8-VI-2010, NSMT-I-Dip 32041; 1♂1♀ (MK-AG-a344, a345), Nippara, Okutama, Tokyo Pref., 27-III-2021 (as larva on C. salebrosum), emerged on 8-V-2021, NSMT-I-Dip 32042, 32043; 1♂ (MK-AG-a298), Nishiyama-onsen, Hayakawa, Yamanashi Pref., 18-III-2017 (as larva on C. salebrosum), emerged on 4-V-2017, NSMT-I-Dip 32044.

Other material

Japan: On Conocephalum salebrosum: 3♂1♀, Hashigami, Yamane, Kuji, Iwate Pref., 5-V-2012 (as larva), emerged on 5-29–5-VI-2012; 2♂6♀, Mt. Futago, Ogano, Chichibu-gun, Saitama Pref., 28-XI-2014 (as larva), emerged on 19-IV–10-VI-2015; 4♂12♀, Nippara, Okutama, Tokyo Pref., 15-III-2016 (as larva), emerged on 5–13-V-2016; 2♂1♀, Akiyama-go, Sakae-mura, Nagano Pref., 3-V-2015 (as larva), emerged on 26-V–14-VII-2020; 8♂18♀, Yashajin-toge, Minami-arupusu, Yamanashi Pref., 15-V-2018 (as larva), emerged on 1–4-VI-2018; 2♂5♀, Sengataki, Uminokuchi, Minami-maki, Nagano Pref., 28-IV-2014 (as larva), emerged on 3-V–10-VI-2014; 4♂6♀, Azusayama, Kawakami-mura, Nagano Pref., 28-IV-2014 (as larva), emerged on 25–2-V-2014.

On Conocephalum orientalis: 1♂, Tairadate, Sotogahama, Higashitsugaru, Aomori Pref., 26-V-2012 (as larva), emerged on 1–15-VI-2012; 1♀, Yusen-kyo, Yamadera, Yamagata Pref., 15-IV-2014 (as larva), emerged on 3-V–3-VI-2014.

On Conocephalum purpureorubrum: 2♂1♀, Akka, Iwaizumi, Iwate Pref., 5-V-2012 (as larva), emerged on 2–6-VI-2012; 20♂22♀, Mitsumine-jinja, Chichibu, Saitama Pref., 26-III-2021 (as larva), emerged on 30-IV–2-V-2021; 1♀, Sarukura, Hakuba, Nagano Pref., 9-VI-2013 (as larva), emerged on 22-VII-2013; 1♂, Mitsumine-jinja, Chichibu, Saitama Pref., 13-V-2011 (as larva), emerged on 12-VI-2011.


A medium-sized yellow species (wing length 1.9–2.2 mm) having pruinose yellow scutum with a medial and two pairs of gray stripes, a black 1st flagellomere, yellow maxillary palpus, yellow halteres, and yellow legs. Male epandrium inner-laterally with a long tubercle-like seta, and inner-basally with a comb comprising 5–7 long fused tubercle-like setae. Larva mines the thallus of Conocephalum salebrosum, C. orientalis and C. purpureorubrum.


Adult male (Fig. 48A–E).

Head : Head yellow, with back of head dark brown excluding margins (Fig. 48C). Antenna porrect, first flagellomere black, pedicel and scape yellow (Fig. 48B). Arista subbasal, black, pubescent. Clypeus, face, gena, parafacial and postgena yellow. Proboscis normal, yellow; palpus yellow, cylindrical (Fig. 48C). Chaetotaxy: Front orbitals three pairs; one ori directed inward; two ors directed upward (Fig. 48D). Orbital setulae minute and erect, in a single row.

Figure 48. 

Phytoliriomyza brunofasciata sp. nov. A–E holotype male A habitus B dorsal C frontal D dorsal E posterior F paratype female (MK-AG-a42), dorsal G–J male genitalia G whole genitalia, ventral H phallic complex, ventral I epandrium, ventral J ejaculatory apodeme, dorsal L, M female postabdomen L oviscape and spermatheca M tergite 10 N habitat at Nishiyama-onsen O–R mined thalli of Conocephalum salebrosum. Arrows in Q and R indicate puparia.

Thorax : Thorax pruinose. Scutum yellow with a medial brown stripe on anterior 2/3, with a pair of narrow brown supra-alar stripes and a pair of wider brown intra-alar stripes, which adjoin a pair of lateral presutural brown ovoid spots (Fig. 48D). Scutellum and subscutellum yellow. Mediotergite and anatergite brown, katatergite yellow with venter brown (Fig. 48E). Pleuron yellow with venter of katepisternum and meron brown (Fig. 48B). Haltere yellow. Calypter margin and hairs gray. Leg segments entirely yellow; tibia and tarsus darker (Fig. 48A). Chaetotaxy: Scutum with 1+3 dorsocentrals, shortened anteriorly. Acrostichal setulae seven or eight pairs in two rows. Wing: Wing length 2.2 mm, costa reaching M1. Length of ultimate section of vein M4 divided by penultimate section 1.1–1.2.

Abdomen : Abdomen dorsally subshiny yellow; epandrium brown. Genitalia: (Fig. 48G–J) Epandrium rounded apically; inner-lateral surface with a long tubercle-like seta; inner-anterior surface with a comb comprising six or seven fused (rarely unfused in part) long tubercle-like setae (rarely unfused in part) and an irregular row of several (2–3) short tubercle-like setae immediately outward from the comb (Fig. 48I). Surstylus rounded, directed inwards, setose apically, with one long tubercle-like seta on posterior margin (Fig. 48I). Cercus narrow, setose. Subepandrial sclerite V-shaped in a posterior view; a pair of dorsal lobes, each with one seta. Hypandrium slightly sclerotized along outer margin (Fig. 48I). Postgonite bare, goose barnacle-shaped, rounded apically (Fig. 48G). Phallophorus with deep incision below, articulated with phallapodeme, fused to epiphallus (Fig. 48H). Basiphallus with pale broad lateral plate on left side and lightly sclerotized dorsal margin (Fig. 48G). Hypophallus hood-shaped, membranous; covered with microtrichia ventrally; medially with a pair of dark fused, ventrally incurved, narrow sclerites (Fig. 48G, H). Paraphallus membranous, rounded or like 4-winged; paraphalli diverging, angled anteroventrally, jointed basally (Fig. 48H). Mesophallus dark, cylindrical, as long as distiphallus. Distiphallus comprising one pair of stout tubules basally parallel to each other; basal half composed of ventral dark subtriangular sclerite and weaker medial region; distal half cylindrical, dorsally pigmented, with truncated unpigmented apex (Fig. 48H). Ejaculatory apodeme pale brown, with fan-shaped blade and broad stalk; base wide to one side; sperm pump clear (Fig. 48J).

Female (Fig. 48F). Similar to male, but larger, first flagellomere black, rarely base yellowish; pedicel and scape yellow. Wing length 2.3 mm. Postabdomen: (Fig. 48L, M) Oviscape dark brown, setigerous (Fig. 48L). Tergite 10 trifurcate, laterally uniting narrow pleural sclerites (Fig. 48M). Each cercus with two stout, apical, trichoid sensilla, 1/3 length of cercus (Fig. 48M). Spermathecae orbicular (Fig. 48A).

Immatures. (Fig. 48Q) Puparium internal, slender, and brown.


The specific name (brunus = brown, fascia = stripe) refers to the brown stripes on the scutum.

Japanese name


Host plants

Conocephalum salebrosum, C. orientalis and C. purpureorubrum (Conocephalaceae) growing on mesic soils in cool-temperate broadleaf deciduous forests.


Larvae construct linear mines in the thallus in early instars, later entering the midrib, and pupate in the mines (Fig. 48O–R).

Biological notes

The habitats of this species are stream banks and mesic slopes in cool temperate deciduous forests dominated by Fagus crenata, Cercidiphyllum japonicum, and Quercus crispula (Fig. 48N). Our rearing records suggest that this species is univoltine, and that adults emerge from overwintered pupae in spring.


Japan: Hokkaido, Honshu (Fig. 45). The distribution is restricted to broadleaf deciduous forests in the cool temperate zone at high altitudes.


This species resembles P. nigroflava, P. pallidofasciata, and P. bifasciata in having two pairs of dark lateral stripes on the scutum; it is distinguished from them by the color of the stripes (brown in P. brunofasciata; black in P. nigroflava; pale brown in P. pallidofasciata; inner pairs black and outer pairs pale brown in P. bifasciata).

Phytoliriomyza pallidofasciata Kato, sp. nov.

Fig. 49

Material examined

Holotype: Japan: 1♂ (MK-AG-a519), Tazukawa-keikoku, Katsuura, Tokushima Pref. (33.8907°N,134.4580°E, 310 m asl), 30-III-2021 (as larva), emerged on 27-IV-2021, NSMT-I-Dip 32045. Paratypes: Japan: 1♂2♀ (MK-AG-a538, a520, a537), same data as holotype, emerged on 27-IV–1-V-2016, NSMT-I-Dip 32046–32048; 1♀ (MK-AG-676), Asahi-daki, Shuzenji, Izu, Shizuoka Pref., 7-III-2012 (as larva), emerged on 20-IV-2012, NSMT-I-Dip 32049; 1♀ (MK-AG-a240) Mt. Ichifusa, Mizukami, Kuma, Kumamoto Pref., 14-XII-2012 (as larva), emerged on 22-III-2013, NSMT-I-Dip 32050.

Other material

Japan: 3♂1♀, Momiki, Izumi, Yatsushiro, Kumamoto Pref., 23-III-2015 (as larva), emerged on ?-VI-2015; 2♂, Yoro-keikoku, Otaki, Isumi, Chiba Pref., 17-III-2016 (as larva), emerged on 18–20-IV-2016; 1♂2♀, Amagi-toge, Izu, Shizuoka Pref., 19-IV-2012 (as larva), emerged on 8-V–3-VI-2021; 2♂2♀, Kuki, Owase, Mie Pref., 29-III-2019 (as larva), emerged on 9–30-IV-2019; 1♀, Takinohai, Kozagawa, Wakayama Pref., 13-IV-2014 (as larva), emerged on 19-IV-2014; 2♀, Wabuka, Kushimoto, Wakayama Pref., 4-V-2012 (as larva), emerged on 9-IV-2012; 7♂8♀, Narutaki, Ichiu, Tsurugi, Tokushima Pref., 31-III-2021 (as larva), emerged on 28-IV–20-V-2021; 1♂2♀, Yasui-keikoku, Niyodogawa, Agawa, Kochi Pref., 27-II-2011 (as larva), emerged on 25-IV-2011; 3♀, Mt. Kosho, Asakura, Fukuoka Pref., 11-IV-2010 (as larva), emerged on 1–13-V-2016; 1♂, Amagi-toge, Izu, Kaeda-keikoku, Kagamisu, Miyazaki, Miyazaki Pref. Pref., 11-IV-2021 (as larva), emerged on 19-IV-2021.


A medium-sized yellow species (wing length 1.9–2.0 mm) having pruinose yellow scutum with two pairs of pale brown stripes, a black 1st flagellomere, yellow maxillary palpus, yellow halteres, and yellow legs. Male epandrium inner-laterally with an extended, apically flattened tubercle-like seta, and inner-basally with a comb comprising 3–5 long fused tubercle-like setae. Larva mines the thallus of Conocephalum orientalis.


Adult male (Fig. 49A–E).

Head : Head yellow, with back of head dark brown excluding margins (Fig. 49C). Antenna porrect, first flagellomere black, pedicel and scape yellow (Fig. 49B). Arista subbasal, black, pubescent. Clypeus, face, gena, parafacial and postgena yellow. Proboscis normal, yellow; palpus yellow, cylindrical (Fig. 49C). Chaetotaxy: Front orbitals three pairs; one ori directed inward; two ors directed upward (Fig. 49B). Orbital setulae minute and erect, in a single row.

Figure 49. 

Phytoliriomyza pallidofasciata sp. nov. A–E holotype male A habitus B dorsal C frontal D dorsal E posterior F paratype female (MK-AG-a520), dorsal G–J male genitalia G whole genitalia H ejaculatory apodeme, lateral I phallic complex, lateral J epandrium, ventral K live fly L, M female postabdomen L oviscape and spermatheca M tergite 10 N–P mined thalli of Conocephalum orientalis. An arrow in O indicates an internal puparium.

Thorax : Thorax pruinose. Scutum yellow with a medial brownish yellow stripe on anterior 2/3, with a pair of narrow pale brown supra-alar stripes and a pair of wider pale brown intra-alar stripes, which adjoin a pair of lateral presutural pale brown ovoid spots (Fig. 49B). Scutellum, subscutellum, mediotergite, anatergite and katatergite yellow (Fig. 49E). Pleuron entirely yellow (Fig. 49B). Haltere yellow. Calypter margin and hairs gray. Leg segments entirely yellow; tibia and tarsus darker. Chaetotaxy: Scutum with 1+3 dorsocentrals, shortened anteriorly (Fig. 49D). Acrostichal setulae eight or nine pairs in two irregular rows. Wing: Wing length 2.0 mm, costa reaching M1 (Fig. 49A). Length of ultimate section of vein M4 divided by penultimate section 1.1–1.3.

Abdomen : Abdomen dorsally subshiny yellow; epandrium brown (Fig. 49E). Genitalia: (Fig. 49) Epandrium rounded apically;inner-lateral surface with an elongated tubercle-like seta, whose tip papillate; inner-anterior surface with a comb comprising six or seven fused long tubercle-like setae (rarely unfused in part) and a row of 2–5 short tubercle-like setae immediately outward from the comb (Fig. 49J). Surstylus rounded, directed inwards, setose apically, with one long tubercle-like seta on posterior margin (Fig. 49J). Cercus narrow, setose. Subepandrial sclerite V-shaped in a posterior view; dorsal lobe plate-like, with a pair of setae basally (Fig. 49J). Hypandrium slightly sclerotized along outer margin (Fig. 49G). Postgonite bare and goose barnacle-shaped (Fig. 49G). Phallophorus with deep incision below, articulated with phallapodeme, fused to epiphallus (Fig. 49G, I). Basiphallus with broad plate on left side and lightly sclerotized anterodorsal margin (Fig. 49G). Hypophallus membranous, covered with microtrichia ventrally; with margins lightly sclerotized; medially with a pair of dark fused, ventrally incurved narrow sclerites; a small tubule protruding ventrally from subdistal center of the membrane (Fig. 49I). Paraphallus absent. Mesophallus dark, cylindrical, as long as distiphallus (Fig. 49I). Distiphallus comprising one pair of stout tubules basally parallel to each other; basal half composed of ventral dark subtriangular sclerite and weaker medial region; distal half cylindrical, pigmented, with inflated, truncated apex (Fig. 49I). Ejaculatory apodeme pale brown, with fan-shaped blade and broad stalk; base wide to one side; sperm pump clear (Fig. 49H).

Female (Fig. 49F). Similar to male, mediotergite sometimes brownish. Wing length 1.9 mm. Postabdomen: (Fig. 49L, M) Oviscape dark brown, setigerous (Fig. 49L). Tergite 10 trifurcate, laterally uniting narrow pleural sclerites (Fig. 49M). Each cercus with two stout, apical, trichoid sensilla, 1/3 length of cercus (Fig. 49M). Spermathecae semi-orbicular, with truncate proximal ends (Fig. 49L).


The color of the lateral stripes on the scutum varied among populations, but a geographical cline was not observed. The number of tubercle-like setae in a comb of the male epandrium varied from 5 to 6 among localities.


The specific name (pallidus = pale, fascia = stripe) refers to the two pairs of pale brown stripes on the scutum.

Japanese name


Host plant

Conocephalum orientalis (Conocephalaceae).


Larvae construct linear mines in the thallus in early instars, later entering the midrib, and pupate in the mines (Fig. 49N–P).

Biological notes

The habitats of this species are stream banks and mesic slopes in warm temperate evergreen forests dominated by Castanopsis cuspidata and Quercus glauca. Our rearing records suggest that this species is univoltine, and that adults emerge from overwintered pupae in spring.


Japan: Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu (Fig. 50).

Figure 50 

Locality records of three Phytoliriomyza species associated with Conocephalum spp.: P. pallidofasciata, P. luteola and P. helva.


This species resembles P. nigroflava, P. brunofasciata, and P. bifasciata in having two pairs of dark lateral stripes on the scutum; it is distinguished from them by the color of the stripes (pale brown in P. pallidofasciata; black in P. nigroflava; brown in P. brunofasciata; inner pairs black and outer pairs pale brown in P. bifasciata. This species also resembles P. luteola in having wholly yellow body; it is distinguished from the latter by having two pairs of lateral stripes on the scutum (absent in P. luteola), and by the number of tubercle-like setae in a comb of the male epandrium (4–5 in P. pallidofasciata; 3–4 in P. luteola). The locality records of P. pallidofasciata are concentrated along southern sea coasts, while those of P. luteola are scattered in higher altitudes and in northern areas.

Phytoliriomyza luteola Kato, sp. nov.

Fig. 51

Material examined

Holotype: Japan: 1♂ (MK-AG-a407), Yashajin-toge, Minami-arupusu, Yamanashi Pref. (35.6327°N, 138.3519°E, 1110 m asl), 25-III-2021 (as larva on C. salebrosum), emerged on 5-V-2021, NSMT-I-Dip 32051. Paratypes: Japan: 1♂ (MK-AG-a241), type locality, 15-V-2018 (as larva on C. salebrosum), emerged on 31-V-2018, NSMT-I-Dip 32052; 2♀ (MK-AG-a1, 666), type locality, 10-XII-2016 (as larva on C. salebrosum), emerged on 3-V-2017, NSMT-I-Dip 32053, 32054; 1♀ (MK-AG-319), Iwaobetsu, Shari, Hokkaido, 1-V-2021 (as larva on C. salebrosum), emerged on 11-VI-2021, NSMT-I-Dip 32055; 1♀ (MK-AG-a263), Ashiu, Nantan, Kyoto Pref., 28-IV-2010 (as larva on C. orientalis), emerged on 30-V-2010, NSMT-I-Dip 32056.

Other material

Japan: On Conocephalum salebrosum: 3♂3♀, Iwaobetsu, Shari, Hokkaido, 1-V-2021 (as larva), emerged on 7–15-VI-2019; 1♂1♀, Horoka, Kamishihoro, Hokkaido, 31-V-2021 (as larva), emerged on 24-VI–2-VII-2021; 3♂3♀, Horoman-kyo, Samani, Hokkaido, 30-IV-2021 (as larva), emerged on 22-V–8-VI-2021; 5♂7♀, Mt. Horoiwa, Saroma, Tokoro, Hokkaido, 1-V-2021 (as larva), emerged on 1–8-VI-2021; 5♂7♀, Soun-kyo, Kamikawa, Hokkaido, 1-V-2021 (as larva), emerged on 31-V–26-VI-2021; 4♂5♀, Samani-dam, Samani, Hokkaido, 30-IV-2021 (as larva), emerged on 5–13-VI-2021; 6♂10♀, Narahara, Ueno, Tano, Gunnma Pref., 18-IV-2011 (as larva), emerged on 15–22-V-2021; 3♂3♀, Yashajin-toge, Minami-arupusu, Yamanashi Pref., 10-XII-2016 (as larva), emerged on 24-IV–1-V-2016; 13♂9♀, Sarukura, Hakuba, Nagano Pref., 11-V-2021 (as larva), emerged on 7–19-VI-2021; 4♂4♀, Shirahone-onsen, Matsumoto, Nagano Pref., 14-V-2011 (as larva), emerged on 9–17-VI-2011; 3♂2♀, Kibune, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto Pref., 29-IV-2012 (as larva), emerged on 25–30-V-2012; 1♂4♀, Mt. Toyoguchi, Ooshika, Shimo-ina, Nagano Pref., 29-IV-2012 (as larva), emerged on 30–31-V-2012; 2♂, Azusayama, Kawakami-mura, Nagano Pref., 28-IV-2014 (as larva), emerged on 27-V-2014; 1♂1♀, Abe-toge, Aoi-ku, Shizuoka Pref., 30-IX-2014 (as larva), emerged on 24-IV–1-V-2014;.

On Conocephalum orientalis: 1♂1♀, Nakanomata, Hachimori, Yatsumine, Aomori Pref., 6-XI-2014 (as larva), emerged on 30-IV–6-V-2014; 6♂12♀, Yusen-kyo, Yamadera, Yamagata Pref., 15-IV-2012 (as larva), emerged on 7-V–4-VI-2012; 1♂1♀, Saruyama, Monzen, Wajima, Ishikawa Pref., 4-V-2013 (as larva), emerged on 22-V-2013; 3♂7♀, Uchinami, Katsuhara, Oono, Fukui Pref., 13-IV-2011 (as larva), emerged on 13–18-V-2011; 3♂4♀, Suizu, Tsuruga, Fukui Pref., 11-III-2012 (as larva), emerged on 15–20-IV-2012; 2♂3♀, Muramatsu, Iwakura, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto Pref., 5-IV-2017 (as larva), emerged on 8–12-V-2017; 41♂42♀, Tazukawa-keikoku, Katsuura, Tokushima Pref., 30-III-2021 (as larva), emerged on 25–30-IV-2021; 7♂8♀, Narutaki, Ichiu, Tsurugi, Tokushima Pref.2, 31-III-2021 (as larva), emerged on 28-IV–2-V-2021.

On Conocephalum purpureorubrum: 2♂3♀: Tanneso, Rubeshibetsu, Hiroo, Hokkaido, 2-X-2011 (as larva), emerged on 19–21-V-2011; 1♂1♀, Toyoni-gawa, Erimo, Toyoizumi, Hokkaido, 1-VI-2021 (as larva), emerged on 24–26-VI-2021; 4♀, Eniwa-keikoku, Eniwa, Hokkaido, 2-V-2021 (as larva), emerged on 1–6-VI-2021; 1♂1♀, Namari-kawa, Yakumo, Futami, Hokkaido, 2-VI-2021 (as larva), emerged on 18–27-VI-2021; 3♂6♀, Kamiyasse, Kesennuma, Miyagi Pref., 25-III-2016 (as larva), emerged on 30-IV–5-V-2016; 6♂10♀, Narahara, Ueno, Tano, Gunnma Pref., 18-IV-2021 (as larva), emerged on 15–21-V-2021; 2♀, Nakabusa-onsen, Azumino, Nagano Pref., 5-V-2016 (as larva), emerged on 8-VI-2016; 3♂2♀, Kibune, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto Pref., 29-IV-2012 (as larva), emerged on 25–30-V-2012; 2♂3♀, Irisawai, Oshika, Nagano Pref., 26-V–5-VI-2011 (as larva), emerged on 22-V-2013; 1♂, Usuzuka, Fujinomiya, Shizuoka Pref., 25-IV-2011 (as larva), emerged on 22-V-2011; 2♂2♀, Yugashima, Izu, Shizuoka Pref., 7-III-2012 (as larva), emerged on 9–18-IV-2012; 3♂7♀, Uchinami, Katsuhara, Oono, Fukui Pref., 13-IV-2011 (as larva), emerged on 13–18-V-2011.


A medium-sized yellow species (wing length 1.9–2.0 mm) having pruinose, entirely yellow scutum and scutellum, a black 1st flagellomere, yellow maxillary palpus, yellow halteres, and yellow legs. Male epandrium inner-laterally with an extended, apically flattened tubercle-like seta, and inner-basally with a comb comprising 3–5 long fused tubercle-like setae. Larva mines the thallus of Conocephalum salebrosum, C. orientalis, and C. purpureorubrum.


Adult male (Fig. 51A–E).

Head : Head yellow, with back of head dark brown excluding margins (Fig. 51C). Antenna porrect, first flagellomere black, pedicel and scape yellow (Fig. 51B). Arista subbasal, black, pubescent. Clypeus, face, gena, parafacial and postgena yellow. Proboscis normal, yellow; palpus yellow, cylindrical (Fig. 51C). Chaetotaxy: Front orbitals three pairs; one ori directed inward; two ors directed upward (Fig. 51B). Orbital setulae minute and erect, in a single row.

Figure 51. 

Phytoliriomyza luteola sp. nov. A–E holotype male A habitus B dorsal C frontal D dorsal E posterior F paratype female (MK-AG-a1), dorsal G–K male genitalia (G at type locality K–M at Mt. Horoiwa K at Sounkyo) G, H whole genitalia, ventral I epandrium, ventral J phallic complex, lateral K ejaculatory apodeme, lateral L, M female postabdomen L oviscape and spermatheca M tergite 10 N habitat at type locality O mined thallus of Conocephalum salebrosum P live female fly at Eniwa.

Thorax : Thorax pruinose. Scutum yellow with medial pale brownish stripe on anterior 2/3, with a pair of narrow pale brownish supra-alar stripes and a pair of wider, pale brownish intra-alar stripes, which adjoin a pair of lateral presutural pale brownish ovoid spots (Fig. 51D). Scutellum, subscutellum, mediotergite, anatergite and katatergite yellow (Fig. 51D). Pleuron entirely yellow (Fig. 51B). Haltere yellow. Calypter margin and hairs gray. Leg segments entirely yellow; tibia and tarsus darker (Fig. 51A). Chaetotaxy: Scutum with 1+3 dorsocentrals, shortened anteriorly (Fig. 51D). Acrostichal setulae eight or nine pairs in two irregular rows. Wing: Wing length 2.0 mm, costa reaching M1 (Fig. 51A). Length of ultimate section of vein M4 divided by penultimate section 1.1–1.3.

Abdomen : Abdomen dorsally subshiny yellow; epandrium brown (Fig. 51E). Genitalia: (Fig. 51G–K) Epandrium rounded apically; inner-lateral surface with an elongated tubercle-like seta, whose tip is slightly spread and flattened; inner-anterior surface with a comb comprising three to five fused long tubercle-like setae (rarely unfused in part) and a row of 1–3 short tubercle-like setae immediately outward from the comb (Fig. 51I). Surstylus rounded, directed inwards, setose apically, with one long tubercle-like seta on posterior basal margin (Fig. 51I). Cercus narrow, setose. Subepandrial sclerite V-shaped. Hypandrium slightly sclerotized along outer margin (Fig. 51G). Postgonite bare, goose barnacle-shaped, rounded apically (Fig. 51J). Phallophorus with deep incision below, articulated with phallapodeme, fused to epiphallus (Fig. 51G). Basiphallus with broad plate on left side and with lightly sclerotized anterodorsal margin (Fig. 51G, H). Hypophallus membranous, covered with microtrichia ventrally; with margins lightly sclerotized; medially with a pair of dark fused, dorsally incurved narrow sclerites (Fig. 51J). Paraphallus absent. Mesophallus dark, cylindrical, as long as distiphallus (Fig. 51G). Distiphallus comprising one pair of stout tubules basally parallel to each other; basal half composed of ventral dark subtriangular sclerite and weaker medial region; distal half cylindrical, pigmented; widening toward inflated, truncated apex (Fig. 51J). Ejaculatory apodeme pale, with fan-shaped blade and broad stalk; base widened to one side; sperm pump clear (Fig. 51K).

Female (Fig. 51F). Similar to male, but slightly larger and frons wider., mediotergite sometimes brownish. Wing length 1.9 mm. Postabdomen: (Fig. 51L, M) Oviscape dark brown, setigerous. Tergite 10 trifurcate, laterally uniting narrow pleural sclerites. Each cercus with two stout, apical, trichoid sensilla, 1/3 length of cercus. Spermathecae semi-orbicular, with truncate proximal ends.


The number of tubercle-like setae in a comb of the male epandrium varied from 3 to 5 among localities, with the specimens from northern populations and at high altitudes having fewer tubercle-like setae.


The specific name (luteola = yellow) refers to totally yellow body of the species.

Japanese name


Host plants

Conocephalum salebrosum, C. orientalis and C. purpureorubrum (Conocephalaceae).


Larvae construct linear mines in the thallus in early instars, later entering the midrib, and pupate in the mines (Fig. 51O).

Biological notes

The habitats of this species are stream banks, mesic slopes and stone wall in cool temperate deciduous forests dominated by Quercus crispula, Aesculus turbinata, and Pterocarya rhoifolia (Fig. 51N). Our rearing records suggest that this species is univoltine, and that adults emerge from overwintered pupae in spring.


Japan: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu (Fig. 50).


This species resembles P. pallidofasciata and P. helva in having wholly yellow body; it is distinguished from P. pallidofasciata by the absence of two pairs of pale brown lateral stripes, and from P. helva by the color of the 1st flagellomere (black in P. luteola; yellow in P. helva).

Phytoliriomyza helva Kato, sp. nov.

Figs 52, 53

Material examined

Holotype: Japan: 1♂ (MK-AG-a540), Mitsumine, Chichibu, Saitama Pref. (35.9299°N, 138.9171°E, 630 m asl), 26-III-2021 (as larva on C. purpureorubrum), emerged on 17-V-2021, NSMT-I-Dip 32057. Paratypes: Japan: 1♀ (MK-AG-a541), same data as holotype, NSMT-I-Dip 32058. 2♂2♀ (MK-AG-a406, a471, a318, a470), Eniwa-keikoku, Eniwa, Hokkaido, 2-V-2021 (as larva on C. salebrosum), emerged on 10–15-VI-2021, NSMT-I-Dip 32059–32062.

Other material

Japan: On Conocephalum salebrosum: 1♂, Mt. Horoiwa, Saroma, Tokoro, Hokkaido, 1-X-2016 (as larva), emerged on 4-V-2016; 1♂, Usuzuka, Fujinomiya, Funbe, Hiroo, Hokkaido Pref., 27-VIII-2014 (as larva), emerged on 16-V-2014.

On Conocephalum purpureorubrum: 1♂1♀, Iwaobetsu, Shari, Hokkaido, 1-V-2021 (as larva), emerged on 11–15-VI-2021; 1♀, Samani-dam, Samani, Hokkaido, 30-IV-2021 (as larva), emerged on 15-VI-2021.


A medium-sized yellow species (wing length 1.8–2.1 mm) having a pruinose light yellow scutum and scutellum, a yellow 1st flagellomere, yellow maxillary palpus, yellow halteres, and yellow legs. Male epandrium inner-laterally with an extended, apically flattened tubercle-like seta, and inner-basally with a comb comprising three or four long fused tubercle-like setae. Larva mines the thallus of Conocephalum salebrosum and C. purpureorubrum.


Adult male (Fig. 52A–E).

Head : Head yellow, with back of head dark brown excluding margins (Fig. 52C). Antenna porrect, first flagellomere, pedicel and scape yellow (Fig. 52B). Arista subbasal, black but basally yellow, pubescent. Clypeus, face, gena, parafacial and postgena yellow. Proboscis normal, yellow; palpus yellow, cylindrical (Fig. 52C). Chaetotaxy: Front orbitals three pairs; one ori directed inward; two ors directed upward (Fig. 52D). Orbital setulae minute and erect, in a single row.

Figure 52. 

Phytoliriomyza helva sp. nov. A–E holotype male A habitus B dorsal C frontal D dorsal E posterior F paratype female (MK-AG-a541), frontal G–J male genitalia G whole genitalia, ventral H phallic complex, lateral I epandrium, ventral J ejaculatory apodeme, lateral.

Thorax : Thorax pruinose. Scutum entirely light yellow (Fig. 52D). Scutellum, subscutellum, mediotergite, anatergite, and katatergite yellow (Fig. 52E). Pleuron entirely yellow (Fig. 52B). Haltere yellow. Calypter margin and hairs gray. Leg segments entirely yellow; tibia and tarsus darker. Chaetotaxy: Scutum with 1+3 dorsocentrals, shortened anteriorly (Fig. 52D). Acrostichal setulae five or six pairs in two irregular rows. Wing: Wing length 2.0 mm, costa reaching M1 (Fig. 52A). Length of ultimate section of vein M4 divided by penultimate section 1.1–1.3.

Abdomen : Abdomen dorsally subshiny yellow; epandrium brown (Fig. 52E). Genitalia: (Fig. 52G–J) Epandrium rounded apically;inner-lateral surface with an elongated tubercle-like seta, whose tip is slightly spread and flattened; inner-basal surface with a comb comprising 3–5 fused long tubercle-like setae (rarely unfused in part) and a row of two short tubercle-like setae immediately outward from the comb (Fig. 52I). Surstylus rounded, directed inwards, setose apically, with one long tubercle-like seta on posterior margin (Fig. 52I). Cercus narrow, setose. Subepandrial sclerite V-shaped, with bilobed dorsal plate and a pair of pale plate-like arms (Fig. 52I). Hypandrium slightly sclerotized along outer margin (Fig. 52G). Postgonite bare, goose barnacle-shaped, rounded apically (Fig. 52G). Phallophorus with deep incision below, articulated with phallapodeme, fused to epiphallus (Fig. 52G, H). Basiphallus with broad plate on left side and lightly sclerotized anterodorsal margin (Fig. 52G, H). Hypophallus hood-shaped, membranous covered with microtrichia ventrally; lateral margins lightly sclerotized; medially with a pair of fused narrow sclerites (Fig. 52H). Paraphallus pale membranous, undefined (Fig. 52H). Mesophallus dark, cylindrical, as long as distiphallus. Distiphallus comprising one pair of stout tubules; basal half composed of dark sclerite and weaker medial region; distal half cylindrical, pigmented; widening toward inflated, truncated apex (Fig. 52H). Ejaculatory apodeme pale, with fan-shaped blade and broad stalk; base wide to one side; sperm pump clear (Fig. 52J).

Female (Figs 52F, 53E). Similar to male, but slightly larger and frons wider. Wing length 2.1 mm. Postabdomen: (Fig. 53A, B) Oviscape dark brown, setigerous (Fig. 53A). Tergite 10 trifurcate, laterally uniting narrow pleural sclerites (Fig. 53B). Each cercus with two stout, apical, trichoid sensilla, 1/3 length of cercus (Fig. 53B). Spermathecae orbicular (Fig. 53A).

Figure 53. 

Female morphology and larval/adult ecology of Phytoliriomyza helva sp. nov. A, B female postabdomen A oviscape and spermatheca B tergite 10 C habitat at Eniwa D mined thallus of Conocephalum salebrosum E live fly at Eniwa.


The number of tubercle-like setae in a comb of the male epandrium varied from 3 to 5 among localities, with the individuals from northern localities having fewer tubercle-like setae. Pigmentation pattern in distiphallus and morphology of paraphallus also differed between Hokkaido and Honshu populations.


The specific name (helvus = pale yellow) refers to pale yellow body and antennae of this species.

Japanese name


Host plants

Conocephalum salebrosum and C. purpureorubrum (Conocephalaceae).


Larvae construct linear mines in the thallus in early instars, later entering the midrib, and pupate in the mines (Fig. 53D).

Biological notes

The habitats of this species are stream banks and mesic slopes in cool temperate deciduous forests dominated by Quercus crispula and Ulmus davidiana (Fig. 53C). This species is sympatric with P. luteola at some localities. Our rearing records suggest that it is univoltine, and that adults emerge from overwintered pupae in spring.


Japan: Hokkaido, Honshu (Fig. 50). Co-occurs with P. luteola.


This species resembles P. pallidofasciata and P. luteola in having wholly yellow body; it is distinguished from them by the color of the 1st flagellomere (yellow in P. helva; black in the latter).

Phytoliriomyza bifasciata Kato, sp. nov.

Fig. 54

Material examined

Holotype: Japan: 1♂ (MK-AG-a349), Ikawa-toge, Aoi-ku, Shizuoka Pref. (35.2768°N, 138.279°E, 1570 m asl), 26-V-2021 (as larva on C. salebrosum), emerged on 21-VI-2021, NSMT-I-Dip 32063. Paratypes: Japan: 1♂1♀ (MK-AG-a472, a473), same data as holotype, emerged on 11–16-V-2021, NSMT-I-Dip 32064, 32065; 1♀ (MK-AG-a382), Namari-kawa, Yakumo, Futami, Hokkaido, 6-VI-2021 (as larva on C. purpureorubrum), emerged on 15-VI-2021, NSMT-I-Dip 32066; 1♂ (MK-AG-542), Akka, Iwaizumi, Iwate Pref., 17-XI-2014 (as larva on C. salebrosum), emerged on 26-IV-2015, NSMT-I-Dip 32067; 1♂ (MK-AG-a242), Haccho-toge, Ogano, Chichibu, Saitama Pref., 14-XI-2010 (as larva on C. purpureorubrum), emerged on 6-V-2011, NSMT-I-Dip 32068; 1♀ (MK-AG-a272), Yoro-keikoku, Otaki, Isumi, Chiba Pref., 24-II-2012 (as larva on C. salebrosum), emerged on 9-V-2012, NSMT-I-Dip 32069; 1♀ (MK-AG-a274), Yashajin-toge, Minami-arupusu, Yamanashi Pref., 10-XII-2016 (as larva on C. salebrosum), emerged on 5-V-2017, NSMT-I-Dip 32070.

Other material

Japan: On Conocephalum salebrosum: 1♂2♀, Akka, Iwaizumi, Iwate Pref., 17-XI-2014 (as larva), emerged on 26-IV–3-V-2014; 2♀, Otaki, Akiu, Taihaku, Sendai, Miyagi Pref., 14-XI-2014 (as larva), emerged on 22-IV-2014; 1♂, Yusen-kyo, Yamadera, Yamagata Pref., 15-XI-2014 (as larva), emerged on 1-V-2014; 2♀, Yashajin-toge, Minami-arupusu, Yamanashi Pref., 10-XII-2016 (as larva), emerged on 3–5-V-2016; 1♂1♀, Mt. Hakusan, Hakusan, Ishikawa Pref., 3-V-2013 (as larva), emerged on 24–31-V-2013.

On Conocephalum orientalis: 1♂1♀, Yachi, Kawaba, Gunma Pref., 14-IV-2012 (as larva), emerged on 20–24-V-2012; 1♀, Yoro-keikoku, Otaki, Isumi, Chiba Pref., 24-I-2012 (as larva), emerged on 9-V-2012; 1♂, Amagi-toge, Izu, Kaeda-keikoku, Kagamisu, Miyazaki, Miyazaki Pref. Pref., 17-II-2009 (as larva), emerged on 26-III-2009; 3♂, Ashikubo, Aoi-ku, Shizuoka Pref., 13-IV-2012 (as larva), emerged on 30-IV–1-V-2012; 1♀, Yasui-keikoku, Niyodogawa, Agawa, Kochi Pref., 27-II-2011 (as larva), emerged on 15-IV-2011; 1♀, Gokanosho, Itsuki, Kumamoto Pref., 23-III-2015 (as larva), emerged on 25-IV-2015; 1♂1♀, Shiibarui, Izumi, Yatsushiro, Kumamoto Pref., 23-III-2015 (as larva), emerged on 5–20-V-2015; 1♀, Mt. Kosho, Asakura, Fukuoka Pref., 11-IV-2010 (as larva), emerged on 4-V-2010.

On Conocephalum purpureorubrum: 1♂1♀, Haccho-toge, Ogano, Chichibu, Saitama Pref., 14-XI-2010 (as larva), emerged on 26-IV–6-V-2010; 2♀, Mt. Toyoguchi, Ooshika, Shimo-ina, Nagano Pref., 30-IV-2012 (as larva), emerged on 1–5-VI-2012; 1♀, Mt. Ishizuchi, Kuma-kogen, Ehime Pref., 4-V-2014 (as larva), emerged on 16-V-2014.


A large yellow species (wing length 2.2–2.3 mm) having a shiny yellow scutum with a medial and two pairs of black stripes, a black 1st flagellomere, yellow maxillary palpus, yellow halteres, and yellow legs. Male epandrium inner-laterally with a hypertrophied tubercle-like seta, and inner-basally with a comb comprising three or four long fused tubercle-like setae. Larva mines the thallus of Conocephalum salebrosum, C. orientalis and C. purpureorubrum.


Adult male.

Head : (Fig. 54A–E) Head yellow, with back of head dark brown excluding margins. (Fig. 54C). Antenna porrect, first flagellomere black, pedicel and scape yellow (Fig. 54B). Arista subbasal, black, pubescent. Clypeus, face, gena, parafacial and postgena yellow. Proboscis normal, yellow; palpus yellow, cylindrical (Fig. 54C). Chaetotaxy: Front orbitals three pairs; one ori directed inward; two ors directed upward (Fig. 54B). Orbital setulae minute and erect, in a single row.

Figure 54. 

Phytoliriomyza bifasciata sp. nov. A–E holotype male A habitus B dorsal C frontal D dorsal E posterior F paratype female (MK-AG-a272), dorsal G–J male genitalia G whole genitalia H phallic complex I epandrium J ejaculatory apodeme, dorsal K, L female postabdomen K oviscape and spermatheca L tergite 10 M live female fly at Hozaka N habitat at Hachimori O–Q mined thalli (O Conocephalum orientalis at Hachimori P C. salebrosum at Haccho-toge Q C. salebrosum at Akka).

Thorax : Thorax shiny. Scutum yellow with medial dark stripe on anterior 2/3, with a pair of narrow pale brown supra-alar stripes and a pair of wider black intra-alar stripes, which adjoin a pair of lateral presutural dark ovoid spots (Fig. 54D). Scutellum yellow, subscutellum yellow with brown margin. Mediotergite brown, anatergite yellow with small brown spot near lower margin, and katatergite yellow (Fig. 54E). Pleuron yellow with brownish patches on venter of katepisternum and meron (Fig. 54B). Haltere yellow. Calypter margin and hairs gray. Leg segments entirely yellow; tibia and tarsus darker (Fig. 54A). Chaetotaxy: Scutum with 1+3 dorsocentrals, shortened anteriorly. 20–26 acrostichal setulae in four irregular rows (Fig. 54D). Wing: Wing length 2.2 mm, costa reaching M1 (Fig. 54A). Length of ultimate section of vein M4 divided by penultimate section 1.3.

Abdomen : Abdomen dorsally subshiny yellow; epandrium dark brown (Fig. 54E). Genitalia: (Fig. 54G–J) Epandrium rounded apically; inner-posterior margin with a dark ridge; inner-lateral surface with a flattened triangular tubercle-like seta; inner-anterior surface with a comb comprising three or four basally fused long tubercle-like setae (rarely unfused in part); inner-lateral margin with a row of three or four small tubercle-like setae (Fig. 54I). Surstylus elongated, curved inwards; with a few short setae apically; with one stout tubercle-like seta subapically (Fig. 54I). Cercus narrow, setose. Subepandrial sclerite with a pair of plate-like arms, the dorsal lobe of which is dark, hooked toward dorsum (Fig. 54I). Hypandrium slightly sclerotized along outer margin (Fig. 54G). Postgonite bare, goose barnacle-shaped, rounded apically, cleft subapically (Fig. 54H). Phallophorus with deep incision below, articulated with phallapodeme, fused to epiphallus (Fig. 54G). Basiphallus with a pale broad, plate-like sclerite on left side (Fig. 54G). Hypophallus broad, membranous covered with microtrichia ventrally; lateral margins lightly sclerotized; medially with a pair of fused narrow sclerites (Fig. 54H). Paraphallus absent. Mesophallus dark, cylindrical, widest basally, as long as distiphallus (Fig. 54H). Distiphallus comprising one pair of stout tubules basally parallel to each other; covered by a membrane bearing 7–9 pairs of minute oval lateral sclerites basal half composed of ventral dark subtriangular sclerite and weaker medial region; distal half cylindrical, dark; constricted subdistally; with truncated unpigmented apex (Fig. 54H). Ejaculatory apodeme pale brown, with fan-shaped blade and short stalk; base wide to one side; sperm pump clear (Fig. 54J).

Female (Fig. 54F, M). Similar to male, but slightly larger and frons wider. Wing length 2.3 mm. Postabdomen: (Fig. 54K, L) Oviscape dark brown, setigerous (Fig. 54K). Tergite 10 trifurcate, laterally uniting narrow pleural sclerites (Fig. 54L). Each cercus with two stout, apical, trichoid sensilla, 1/3 length of cercus (Fig. 54L). Spermathecae semi-orbicular, with truncate proximal ends (Fig. 54K).


The specific name (bifasciata = two stripes) refers to a pair of black stripes on the yellow scutum.

Japanese name


Host plants

Conocephalum salebrosum and C. orientalis (Conocephalaceae).


Larvae construct linear mines in the midrib of the thallus, and pupate in the mines (Fig. 54O–Q).

Biological notes

The habitats of this species are stream banks and mesic slopes in cool temperate deciduous forests dominated by Quercus crispula, Fagus crenata and Aesculus turbinata (Fig. 54N). It was sympatric with P. izayoi, P. luteola, and P. conocephali at some localities. Our rearing records suggest that this species is univoltine, and that adults emerge from overwintered pupae in spring.


Japan: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu (Fig. 55).

Figure 55. 

Locality records of three Phytoliriomyza species associated with Conocephalum spp.: P. bifasciata, P. alpicola and P. lanternaria.


This species resembles P. dorsata, P. calcicola, P. argentifasciata, P. longifurcae, P. brunofasciata, and P. pallidofasciata in having two pairs of dark lateral stripes on the scutum; it is distinguished from all of them by the glossy scutum (subshiny in the other species) and by the dissimilarity of color between the outer and inner pairs of the stripes (color is similar between outer and inner pairs in the other species).

Phytoliriomyza alpicola Strobl

Figs 56, 57

Agromyza alpicola Strobl, 1898: 272.

Liriomyza alpicola Hendel, 1931: 206.

Phytoliriomyza alpicola Spencer, 1971: 162.

Lemurimyza alpicola.Papp, 1984: 306.

Phytoliriomyza alpicola Sasakawa, 2008: 137; Černý et al. 2020: 213.

Material examined

Japan: On Conocephalum salebrosum: 1♀, Yuni-ishikari-gawa, Soun-kyo, Kamikawa, Hokkaido, 5-VI-2016 (as larva), emerged on 22-VI-2016; 1♂, Samani-dam, Samani, Hokkaido, 1-VI-2021 (as larva), emerged on 3-VII-2021; 1♀, Renge-onsen, Itoigawa, Niigata Pref., 15-X-2011 (as larva), emerged on ?-VI-2011; 27♂36♀, Ikawa-toge, Aoi-ku, Shizuoka Pref., 26-V-2021 (as larva), emerged on 30-V–27-VI-2021.

On Conocephalum orientalis: 5♀, Iwadate, Hachimori, Happo, Yamamoto, Akita Pref., 16-XI-2014 (as larva), emerged on 2–18-V-2014; 1♀, Futto, Toei, Kitashidara, Aichi Pref., 9-III-2013 (as larva), emerged on 2-V-2013; 1♀, Nekata, Hamakita, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka Pref., 8-III-2012 (as larva), emerged on 8-V-2012; 1♀, Saruyama, Monzen, Wajima, Ishikawa Pref., 4-V-2013 (as larva), emerged on 3-VI-2013; 1♀, Chiisago, Kaminokuni, Hiyama, Hokkaido, 11-VI-2012 (as larva), emerged on 16-VI-2012.

On Conocephalum purpureorubrum: 1♀, Iwaobetsu, Shari, Hokkaido, 3-X-2011 (as larva), emerged on 26-V-2011; 1♀, Irisawai, Oshika, Nagano Pref., 29-IV-2011 (as larva), emerged on 2-VI-2011; 1♂, Horoman-kyo, Samani, Hokkaido, 30-IV-2021 (as larva), emerged on 25-V-2021; 1♀, Tanneso, Rubeshibetsu, Hiroo, Hokkaido, 2-X-2011 (as larva), emerged on 19-V-2011; 1♂1♀, Kanna-gawa, Nakatsugawa, Chichibu, Saitama Pref., 19-VIII-2002 (as larva), emerged on 5-V-2002; 1♀, Irisawai, Oshika, Nagano Pref., 20-IV-2011 (as larva), emerged on 2-VI-2011.


A medium-sized dark species (wing length 1.7–1.8 mm) having pruinose dark gray scutum, yellow scutellum, a black 1st flagellomere, dark maxillary palpus, dark halteres, and dark gray legs. Male epandrium inner-subdistally with a hypertrophied tubercle-like seta, and inner-basally with a comb comprising six or seven long fused tubercle-like setae. Larva mines the thallus of Conocephalum salebrosum, C. orientalis and C. purpureorubrum.


Adult male.

Head : (Fig. 56A–E) Head yellow, with ocellar tubercle brown, back of head dark brown (Fig. 56C). Antenna porrect, first flagellomere black, pedicel and scape yellow (Fig. 56B). Arista subbasal, black, pubescent. Clypeus, face, gena, parafacial and postgena yellow (Fig. 56C). Proboscis normal, yellow; palpus yellow, cylindrical. Chaetotaxy: Front orbitals three pairs; one ori directed inward; two ors directed upward (Fig. 56B). Orbital setulae minute and erect, in a single row.

Figure 56. 

Phytoliriomyza alpicola A–E male at Ikawa-toge A habitus B dorsal C frontal D dorsal E posterior F live female fly at Mitsumine-Jinja G–K male genitalia (G–J at Ikawa-toge K at Samani) G whole genitalia H phallic complex I epandrium J, K ejaculatory apodeme, ventral and lateral.

Thorax : Thorax subshiny. Scutum pruinose, dark gray, sometimes with very narrow terminal yellow band along posterior margin (Fig. 56D). Scutellum light yellow with lateral corner narrowly grayish. Subscutellum yellow except brown posterior margin. Mediotergite, anatergite and katatergite dark gray (Fig. 56E). Pleuron largely yellow, but notopleuron with narrow brown patch along ventral margin, and venters of propleuron, anepisternum, katepisternum, anepimeron, and meron dark brown (Fig. 56B). Haltere dark gray. Calypter margin and hairs gray. Leg segments entirely brown; tibia and tarsus darker (Fig. 56A). Chaetotaxy: Scutum with 1+3 dorsocentrals, shortened anteriorly (Fig. 56D). Acrostichal setulae five or six pairs in two irregular rows. Wing: Wing length 1.8 mm, costa reaching M1 (Fig. 56A). Length of ultimate section of vein M4 divided by penultimate section 1.5–1.6.

Abdomen : Abdomen dorsally subshiny brown; epandrium dark brown (Fig. 56E). Genitalia: (Fig. 56G–K) Epandrium rounded apically; posterior end of inner margin with a long, inward-curved tubercle-like seta; inner-anterior surface with a comb comprising six or seven fused long tubercle-like setae (rarely unfused in part), and with a separate long tubercle-like seta, which is located immediately beyond the dorsal-most tubercle-like seta of the comb and directed to different angle; inner-basal margin with a row of 1–3 small tubercle-like setae immediately outward from the comb (Fig. 56I). Surstylus rounded, directed inwards, setose apically; with one long tubercle-like seta on posterior margin (Fig. 56I). Cercus narrow, setose. Subepandrial sclerite dark with a pair of plate-like arms, dorsal lobe spatula-shaped, with one seta subapically (Fig. 56I). Hypandrium slightly sclerotized along outer margin (Fig. 56G). Postgonite bare, goose barnacle-shaped, rounded apically (Fig. 56H). Phallophorus with deep incision below, articulated with phallapodeme, fused to epiphallus (Fig. 56G). Basiphallus with dark broad plate-like sclerite on left side (Fig. 56G). Hypophallus broad, membranous covered with microtrichia ventrally; lateral margins lightly sclerotized; medially with a pair of fused narrow sclerites (Fig. 56G, H). Paraphallus membranous, wing-like; paraphalli spread laterally, jointed basally (Fig. 56H). Mesophallus dark, cylindrical, widest basally, as long as distiphallus (Fig. 56H). Distiphallus comprising one pair of stout tubules basally parallel to each other; covered by a membrane bearing several pairs of minute oval lateral sclerites; basal half composed of ventral dark subtriangular sclerite and weaker medial region; distal half cylindrical, pigmented, widening toward truncated, unpigmented apex (Fig. 56H). Ejaculatory apodeme pale brown, fan-shaped with long stalk; sperm pump clear, with dark globular sclerites (Fig. 56I, J).

Female (Fig. 56F). Similar to male, but slightly larger and frons wider. Wing length 1.7 mm. Postabdomen: (Fig. 57A–C) Oviscape dark brown, setigerous (Fig. 57A). Tergite 10 trifurcate, laterally uniting narrow pleural sclerites (Fig. 57C). Each cercus with two stout, apical, trichoid sensilla, 1/3 length of cercus (Fig. 57C). Spermathecae semi-orbicular, with truncate proximal ends (Fig. 57B).

Figure 57. 

Female morphology and larval ecology of Phytoliriomyza alpicola sp. nov. A–C female postabdomen A oviscape and spermatheca B spermatheca C tergite 10 D habitat at Samani E, F mined thalli of Conocephalum salebrosum at Ikawa-toge).


The morphology of the tubercle-like seta on the inner-distal margin of the male epandrium varied among localities from a simple seta to a flattened, basally enlarged acute spine. The relative position of a comb of tubercle-like setae and the separate tubercle-like seta neighboring the comb also varied among localities.

Japanese name


Host plants

Conocephalum salebrosum, C. orientalis and C. purpureorubrum (Conocephalaceae).


Larvae construct linear mines in the thallus in early instars, later entering the midrib, and pupate in the mines (Fig. 57E, F).

Biological notes

The habitats of this species are stream banks and mesic slopes in cool temperate deciduous forests dominated by Quercus crispula and Fagus crenata, riparian forests dominated by Cercidiphyllum japonicum (Fig. 57D), and subalpine coniferous forests dominated by Abies spp. And Picea spp. It is sympatric with P. luna, P. brunofasciata, and P. luteola at some localities. Our rearing records suggest that this species is univoltine, and that adults emerge from overwintered pupae in spring.


Japan: Hokkaido, Honshu (Fig. 55).


This species was reported from Scotland by Strobl (1898), and later recorded from Austria (Spencer 1972) and Taiwan (Sasakawa 2008). It resembles P. tsukuyomi in having an almost wholly dark scutum and almost wholly yellow scutellum, but is distinguished by the color of the pedicel of the antenna (brown in P. alpicola; yellow in P. tsukuyomi) and by the number and arrangement of tubercle-like setae in a comb on the male epandrium (6 fused in P. alpicola; 4 hand-like in P. tsukuyomi). P. alpicola also resembles P. marchantiae, P. lanternaria, P. rebouliae, and P. conocephali in having dark brown scutum and yellow scutellum; it is distinguished from them by the absence of a small medial yellow mark on the posterior margin of the scutum, and by the absence of dark bands at the lateral margins of the yellow scutellum.

Phytoliriomyza lanternaria Kato, sp. nov.

Fig. 58

Material examined

Holotype: Japan: 1♂ (MK-AG-a290), Hachijo Is., Tokyo Pref. (33.1114°N, 139.8271°E, 190 m asl), 17-II-2012 (as larva on C. orientalis), emerged on 23-IV-2013, NSMT-I-Dip 32071. Paratypes: Japan: 1♂2♀ (MK-AG-a5, a430, 730), same data as holotype, emerged on 8-IV–2-V-2013, NSMT-I-Dip 32072–32074; 1♀ (MK-AG-a473), Anbo, Yaku Is., Kumage, Kagoshima Pref., 30-III-2017 (as larva on C. orientalis), emerged on 15-VII-2017, NSMT-I-Dip 32075.

Other material

Japan: On Conocephalum orientalis: 2♂, Mt. Horoiwa, Saroma, Tokoro, Hokkaido, 1-V-2021 (as larva), emerged on 7-VI-2021; 1♀, Namari-kawa, Yakumo, Futami, Hokkaido, 2-VI-2021 (as larva), emerged on 16-VI-2016; 3♂9♀, Hachijo Is., Tokyo Pref., 17-II-2012 (as larva), emerged on 8-IV–2-V-2012; 1♀, Fuchigasawa, Kimitsu, Chiba Pref., 13-V-2008 (as larva), emerged on 31-V-2013.


A medium-sized dark species (wing length 1.8–1.9 mm) having pruinose dark gray scutum with mid-posterior yellow margin, yellow scutellum with dark lateral corners, black 1st flagellomere, dark maxillary palpus, dark halteres, and yellowish brown legs. Male epandrium inner-laterally with a long ventrally directed tubercle-like seta, and inner-basally with a siku-shaped comb comprising seven fused tubercle-like setae.

Larva mines the thallus of Conocephalum orientalis.


Adult male (Fig. 58A–D).

Head : Head light yellow, with ocellar tubercle dark brown, frons yellowish brown, back of head dark brown excluding margins (Fig. 58C). Antenna porrect, first flagellomere black, pedicel and scape brown (Fig. 58B). Arista subbasal, black, pubescent. Clypeus, face, gena, parafacial and postgena yellow. Proboscis normal, yellow; palpus brown, cylindrical (Fig. 58C). Chaetotaxy: Front orbitals three pairs; one ori directed inward; two ors directed upward (Fig. 58B). Orbital setulae minute and erect, in a single row.

Figure 58. 

Phytoliriomyza lanternaria sp. nov. A–D holotype male A habitus B dorsal C frontal D dorsal E paratype female (MK-AG-430), dorsal F–I male genitalia (F–H at type locality I Mt. Horoiwa) F whole genitalia, ventral G phallic complex, lateral H, I epandrium, ventral, J, K female postabdomen J oviscape and spermatheca K tergite 10 L habitat at type locality M, N mined thalli of Conocephalum orientalis. An arrow in N indicates an internal puparium O live female fly at Yakumo.

Thorax : Thorax pruinose. Scutum pruinose gray, with a small yellow patch along midposterior margin (Fig. 58D). Scutellum light yellow with lateral corner brown, subscutellum light yellow. Mediotergite and anatergite brown, katatergite light yellow (Fig. 58B). Pleuron yellow with brownish patches on venter of propleuron, anepisternum, katepisternum, anepimeron, and meron (Fig. 58C). Haltere yellow but light yellow basally. Calypter margin and hairs gray. Leg segments brownish, basal half of femur paler (Fig. 58A). Chaetotaxy: Scutum with 1+3 dorsocentrals, shortened anteriorly (Fig. 58B). Acrostichal setulae five or six pairs in two rows. Wing: Wing length 2.2 mm, costa reaching M1 (Fig. 58A). Length of ultimate section of vein M4 divided by penultimate section 1.3.

Abdomen : Abdomen dorsally subshiny brown; epandrium dark brown (Fig. 58B). Genitalia: (Fig. 58F–I) Epandrium rounded apically; inner-lateral surface with a long, anteriorly directed, tubercle-like seta; inner-anterior surface with a siku-shaped comb comprising seven fused tubercle-like setae, which are reduced in length toward base of surstylus (Fig. 58H, I). Surstylus rounded, curved inwards, setose subapically, with one long tubercle-like seta apically (Fig. 58H). Cercus narrow, setose. Subepandrial sclerite with a pair of plate-like arms, each having a posterior lobe with trilobed projection and ventrally projected lateral plates (Fig. 58H). Hypandrium slightly sclerotized along outer margin (Fig. 58F). Postgonite bare, goose barnacle-shaped, pointed apically (Fig. 58F). Phallophorus with deep incision below, articulated with phallapodeme, fused to epiphallus (Fig. 58F, G). Basiphallus with pale broad plate-like sclerite on left side (Fig. 58F). Hypophallus broad, membranous covered with microtrichia ventrally; lateral margins lightly sclerotized; medially with a pair of fused, narrow, ventrally incurved sclerites (Fig. 58F, G). Paraphallus pale, membranous, and wing-like; posterior margins lightly sclerotized; paraphalli diverging, angled anteroventrally, jointed basally (Fig. 58F, G). Mesophallus dark, cylindrical, widest subbasally, as long as distiphallus (Fig. 58G). Distiphallus comprising one pair of stout tubules basally parallel to each other; basal half composed of ventral dark subtriangular sclerite and weaker medial region; distal half cylindrical, dorsally pigmented, widening toward truncated, flared apex (Fig. 58G). Ejaculatory apodeme pale brown, fan-shaped with short broad stalk and clear sperm pump (Fig. 58F).

Female (Fig. 58E, O). Similar to male, but slightly larger and frons wider. Wing length 2.3 mm. Postabdomen: (Fig. 58J, K) Oviscape dark brown, setigerous (Fig. 58J). Tergite 10 cruciform, laterally uniting narrow pleural sclerites (Fig. 58K). Each cercus with two stout, apical, trichoid sensilla, 1/3 length of cercus (Fig. 58K). Spermathecae orbicular (Fig. 58J).


Color pattern of scutum and subscutellum varied among localities. In specimens from Hachijo Island, the subscutellum had a large lateral dark corner.


The specific name (lanterna = lantern) refers to the faint yellow spot on the scutellum, which reminds us of a lantern light.

Japanese name


Host plants

Conocephalum orientalis (Conocephalaceae) growing on mesic soils in various types of forests.
