Research Article |
Corresponding author: Nathan V. Whelan ( ) Academic editor: Martin Haase
© 2023 Nathan V. Whelan, Ellen E. Strong, Nicholas S. Gladstone, Jason W. Mays.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication.
Whelan NV, Strong EE, Gladstone NS, Mays JW (2023) Using genomics, morphometrics, and environmental niche modeling to test the validity of a narrow-range endemic snail, Patera nantahala (Gastropoda, Polygyridae). ZooKeys 1158: 91-120.
Terrestrial gastropods are among the most imperiled groups of organisms on Earth. Many species have a complex taxonomic history, often including poorly defined subspecies, most of which have not been the focus of modern systematics research. Genomic tools, geometric morphometrics, and environmental niche modeling were used to assess the taxonomic status of Patera clarkii nantahala (Clench & Banks, 1932), a subspecies of high conservation concern with a restricted range of approximately 3.3 km2 in North Carolina, USA. A genome-scale dataset was generated that included individuals with morphologies matching P. c. nantahala, P. c. clarkii, and one individual with an intermediate form between P. c. nantahala and P. c. clarkii that was initially hypothesized as a potential hybrid. Mitochondrial phylogenetics, nuclear species tree inference, and phylogenetic networks were used to assess relationships and gene flow. Differences in shell shape via geometric morphometrics and whether the environmental niches of the two subspecies were significantly different were also examined. Molecular analyses indicated an absence of gene flow among lineages of P. clarkii sensu lato. Analyses rejected our hypothesis that the intermediate shelled form represented a hybrid, but instead indicated that it was a distinct lineage. Environmental niche models indicated significant differences in environmental niche between P. c. clarkii and P. c. nantahala, and geometric morphometrics indicated that P. c. nantahala had a significantly different shell shape. Given multiple lines of evidence, species-level recognition of P. nantahala is warranted.
3RAD, generalized linear model, Maxent, morphology, Noonday Globe Snail, phylogenetic network, species tree, taxonomy
Many conservation and environmental policies rely on functional units like species or subspecies (
Even though systematists debate the best approach for delineating species (
The number of subspecies per species varies considerably among taxonomic groups. Generally, terrestrial snail groups exhibiting greater conchological complexity and larger ranges contain more subspecies (
One terrestrial snail species that warrants closer scrutiny to assess the validity of subspecies and inform conservation is Patera clarkii (I Lea, 1858). Currently, two subspecies are recognized: Patera c. clarkii and Patera c. nantahala (Clench & Banks, 1932), the latter of which is a federally listed subspecies under the U.S. Endangered Species Act (
Map of records used for environmental niche modeling and phylogenetic analyses. Inset: Records collected here and included in molecular analyses. Only samples collected from locations in the inset were used for 3RAD analyses. Top right: photograph of P. nantahala in its natural habitat. Photograph by Gary Peeples (USFWS).
Aside from morphological and range information from the original species description and museum records, little is known about P. c. nantahala. Based on the type specimens, P. c. nantahala has a larger shell diameter and a more depressed spire in relation to overall shell size (Fig.
Objective morphological and phylogenetic analyses are needed to evaluate taxonomic hypotheses (
Patera c. clarkii, P. c. nantahala, and P. perigrapta were collected from eastern North Carolina in the Nantahala National Forest (Table
Collection localities, molecular data accession numbers, and museum catalog numbers of individuals collected in this study.
Individual | Collection Location | GPS Coordinates | USNM ### | GenBank ## (COI, H3, 28S) | SRA ## |
Patera aff. clarkii 001 | Winding Stairs next to Queens Creek | 35.285, -83.668 | 1522402 | OQ617117, OQ628057, OQ628452 | SRX19664328 |
Patera aff. clarkii 002 | Winding Stairs next to Queens Creek | 35.285, -83.668 | 1522403 | OQ617115, OQ628064, OQ628453 | SRX19664327 |
Patera aff. clarkii 003 | Winding Stairs next to Queens Creek | 35.285, -83.668 | 1522404 | OQ617116, OQ628063, OQ628454 | SRX19664326 |
Patera aff. clarkii 004 | Adjacent to Wesser Creek and Nantahala River | 35.334, -83.654 | 1522405 | OQ617118, OQ628065, OQ628455 | SRX19664325 |
Patera aff. clarkii 005 | Adjacent to Handpole Branch | 35.281, -83.682 | 1522406 | OQ617119, OQ628058, OQ628456 | SRX19664324 |
Patera aff. clarkii 006 | Adjacent to Handpole Branch | 35.281, -83.682 | 1522407 | –––––––––, OQ628059, OQ628457 | SRX19664323 |
Patera aff. clarkii 007 | Adjacent to Handpole Branch | 35.281, -83.682 | 1522408 | OQ617120, OQ628060, OQ628458 | SRX19664322 |
Patera nantahala 001 | Southeast Cliff of Nantahala Gorge | 35.308, -83.644 | 1522409 | OQ617122, OQ628062, OQ628460 | SRX19664333 |
Patera nantahala 002 | Southeast Cliff of Nantahala Gorge | 35.308, -83.644 | 1522410 | OQ617123, OQ628056, OQ628461 | SRX19664332 |
Patera nantahala 003 | Northeast corner of Nantahala Gorge | 35.336, -83.620 | 1522411 | OQ617124, OQ628055, OQ628462 | SRX19664329 |
Patera perigrapta 001 | Winding Stairs next to Queens Creek | 35.285, -83.668 | 1522398 | OQ617112, OQ628052, OQ628463 | SRX19664334 |
Patera perigrapta 002 | Adjacent to Wesser Creek | 35.333, -83.587 | 1522399 | OQ617114, OQ628053, OQ628464 | SRX19664330 |
Patera perigrapta 003 | Wayah Road, Nantahala | 35.257, -83.656 | 1522400 | OQ617113, OQ628054, OQ628465 | ––––––––––– |
Patera aff. clarkii 008 | Adjacent to Wesser Creek | 35.333, -83.587 | 1522401 | OQ617121, OQ628061, OQ628459 | SRX19664331 |
We also obtained loans of type material and other Patera clarkii ssp. lots from three major natural history collections: Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology, the Academy of Natural Sciences Philadelphia, and the National Museum of Natural History (Suppl. material
For mitochondrial analyses (see below), we obtained sequences of Patera and other Polygyridae from
DNA was extracted from tissue clips with the Qiagen DNeasy Plant Mini Kit using a slight modification to incorporate a proteinase K tissue digestion step. A plant kit was used because it handles mucopolysaccharides in snail tissue better than standard animal kits (
Three genes were targeted for Sanger sequencing: 1) mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I, 2) nuclear 28S rRNA, and 3) nuclear Histone H3. PCR amplification for COI used primers dgLCO-1490 (5’ GGTCAACAAATCATAAAGAYATYGG 3’) and dgHCO-2198 (5’TAAACTTCAGGGTGACCAAARAAYCA 3’) (
After finding a lack of variation in nuclear genes (see results), we generated a genome-scale dataset for two individuals of P. perigrapta and all P. clarkii sensu lato (s.l.) that we successfully Sanger sequenced. To do this, we used the “3RAD” restriction site associated DNA sequencing reduced representation sequencing approach (RAD-seq;
Raw Sanger sequencing chromatograms were visualized in Geneious Prime and checked for sequencing errors. For the two nuclear genes, sites with two chromatogram peaks of equal intensity on both the forward and reverse sequences were coded as heterozygous using standard IUPAC codes. Each gene was aligned with Clustal Omega 1.2.2 (
An automatic species delimitation approach was used to generate species-level taxonomic hypotheses. For this, we used COI data with Assemble Species by Automatic Partitioning (ASAP;
Raw 3RAD sequence data were demultiplexed into individual libraries with the STACKS 2.53 script process_radtags (
After demultiplexing and clone filtering, data were assembled using the STACKS pipeline. We first used the method described by
Some contigs, or RAD loci, did not have overlapping reads because the locus was longer than 300 bp, which STACKS represented as a string of Ns. These were removed prior to phylogenetic analyses with the custom script Maximum likelihood gene trees were inferred for each RAD locus with IQTREE. ModelFinder, as implemented in IQTREE, was used for substitution testing using the BIC; partition finding was not done because RAD loci are unlikely to be found only in exons. Tree inference and bootstrapping for RAD loci were the same as for Sanger sequenced genes.
Given that focal taxa were putative subspecies where some gene flow is expected, introgression is a potential cause of gene tree discordance (
All shell vouchers for molecular samples and most shells obtained from museum collections were used to assess morphological similarity between P. c. nantahala and P. c. clarkii via geometric morphometrics (Suppl. material
Landmarks used for geometric morphometrics and history of canonical variate scores. Shells are type specimens and points represent landmarks connected by wireframe that shows shape variation. Wireframe graphs under CVA plots represent extremes and show shape changes associated with canonical variates.
We used tpsUtil version 1.82 (
Geometric morphometric analyses were conducted in MorphoJ (
Differences in shape were measured using two statistical tests. First, a Procrustes ANOVA was performed to test for significant differences in shape between the two putative subspecies. Then, a canonical variate analysis (CVA) was performed in MorphoJ to visualize shape differences and further assess evidence for shape differences between P. c. clarkii and P. c. nantahala. For the CVA, a permutation test of pairwise distances between putative subspecies was performed to test for significance using 1,000 iterations per comparison. Wireframe graphs were plotted to visualize morphological variation along the CVA axis. A Procrustes ANOVA was also performed to test for significant differences in centroid size, which is a measure of shell size.
Patera c. nantahala is an ideal taxon for examining the utility and accuracy of environmental niche models because its range is extremely restricted and well defined. We also wanted to quantify potential environmental niche overlap between P. c. clarkii and P. c. nantahala. First, we downloaded collection records of P. clarkii from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) that had latitude and longitude information ( 2022). One record of P. c. clarkii from New Jersey was removed from the downloaded dataset ( 2022) as P. clarkii is not known to occur north of North Carolina (
Continuous environmental variables that covered the spatial extent of collection records (Fig.
Environmental data raster files were trimmed to cover the area where samples were collected (Fig.
Raster files were loaded into R with the “raster” command of the package raster and stacked into a single variable. Correlation of the different environmental data layers was assessed on P. c. clarkii collection records with “raster.cor.matrix” and “raster.cor.plot” commands of the R package ENMTools (
Data Source | Environmental Layer | Data type | Characteristics |
WorldClim | BIO1 | Bioclimatic | Annual mean temperature |
WorldClim | BIO2 | Bioclimatic | Mean diurnal range |
WorldClim | BIO3 | Bioclimatic | Isothermality |
WorldClim | BIO4 | Bioclimatic | Temperature seasonality |
WorldClim | BIO7 | Bioclimatic | Temperature annual range |
WorldClim | BIO8 | Bioclimatic | Mean temperature of wettest quarter |
WorldClim | BIO9 | Bioclimatic | Mean temperature of driest quarter |
WorldClim | BIO12 | Bioclimatic | Annual precipitation |
WorldClim | BIO15 | Bioclimatic | Precipitation seasonality |
SSURGO | erodibility | Geological | Susceptibility of soils to erosion |
SSURGO | albedo | Geological | Reflective property of surface |
LANDFIRE | LC20_CC_200 | Biotic | Forest canopy cover |
LANDFIRE | LC20_CBH_200 | Biotic | Forest canopy base height |
LANDFIRE | LC16_EVH_200 | Biotic | Existing vegetation height |
LANDFIRE | LC16_EVC_200 | Biotic | Existing vegetation cover |
The National Map | Elevation | Geographical | Elevation from sea level |
Calculated from Elevation Layer | Slope | Geographical | Slope of surface |
Calculated from Elevation Layer | Aspect | Geographical | Direction land faces |
Environmental niche models, sometimes referred to as species distribution models, of P. c. clarkii and P. c. nantahala were generated with the R package ENMTools 1.0 (
All scripts are available from STACKS output, alignments, COI distance matrix, tree files, SNAQ input and output, shell photographs, and environmental data raster files are available on FigShare Demultiplexed and decloned 3RAD data are available from NCBI SRA BioProject PRJNA944142.
Sanger sequencing for all three genes was successful for three P. perigrapta individuals, six P. c. clarkii, three P. c. nantahala, and one potential hybrid individual with an intermediate morphology (i.e., P. aff. clarkii 008; Fig.
The COI tree had greater taxon sampling than other analyses because only COI data were available for Patera and related Polygyridae from previous studies. Generally, deep divergences were inferred within putative species and multiple species were not monophyletic (Fig.
Patera clarkii s.l. was recovered in four main clades on the COI tree, all of which had ultrafast bootstrap support greater than 90 (see labels on Fig.
In contrast to the COI tree, there was virtually no resolution on the H3 gene tree as no node had greater than 89% ultrafast bootstrap support (Fig.
Three P. clarkii s.l. clades were resolved on the ASTRAL species tree, each having 100% local posterior probability (Fig.
The final morphometric dataset had 21 individuals of P. c. nantahala and 77 P. c. clarkii (Suppl. material
Geometric morphometrics confirmed what was mostly evident by eye. Procrustes ANOVA indicated a significant size and shape difference between P. c. nantahala and P. c. clarkii (p < 0.0001; Table
Procrustes ANOVA for Shape | |||||||
Effect | Procrustes Sum of Squares | Procrustes mean squares | degrees of freedom | Goodall’s F | p (F) | Pillai’s trace | p (Pillai’s trace) |
Species | 0.080648 | 0.004032 | 20 | 11.98 | < 0.0001 | 0.76 | < 0.0001 |
Residual | 0.646333 | 0.000337 | 1920 | ||||
Procrustes ANOVA for Centroid Size | |||||||
Effect | Procrustes Sum of Squares | Procrustes mean squares | degrees of freedom | Goodall’s F | p (F) | ||
Species | 6.258875 | 6.258875 | 1 | 73.29 | < 0.0001 | ||
Residual | 8.19893 | 0.085398 | 96 | ||||
Canonical Variate Analysis | |||||||
Eigenvalues | % Variance | Mahalanobis distance between species | p (Mahalanobis distance) | Procrustes distance between species | p (Procrustes distance) | ||
3.180948 | 100 | 4.302 | <0.0001 | 0.0699 | < 0.0001 |
Several qualitative morphological differences distinguish P. c. nantahala from P. c. clarkii. The denticle on the baso-palatal wall is much more prominent in P. aff. c. clarkii Clade 1 individuals (Fig.
After removal of several suspect records, occurrence data consisted of nine records for P. c. nantahala and 79 for P. c. clarkii. Spatial rarification of the data resulted in a reduced dataset with three records for P. c. nantahala records and 46 for P. c. clarkii (Suppl. material
Environmental niche models inferred with Maxent resulted in much greater predicted suitable habitat for P. c. nantahala compared to GLMs, whereas models for P. c. clarkii were similar regardless of modeling method (Fig.
Overlap comparisons indicated significant differences in niches of P. c. clarkii and P. c. nantahala when using GLMs and datasets with non-bioclimatic variables (p < 0.05; Table
D and I environmental niche overlap metrics for GLM and Maxent based niche overlap tests. Bold values indicate models with significant niche differences between P. clarkii and P. nantahala at α = 0.05.
Non-bioclimatic variables | Bioclimatic variables | All environmental variables | |
GLM: D | 0.013 | 0.033 | 0.001 |
GLM: I | 0.089 | 0.166 | 0.026 |
Maxent: D | 0.334 | 0.361 | 0.163 |
Maxent: I | 0.627 | 0.659 | 0.371 |
Family Polygyridae Pilsbry, 1895
Subfamily Triodopsinae Pilsbry, 1940
Tribe Mesodontini Tryon, 1866
Helix (Patera)
Albers, 1850: 96. Type species: Helix appressa Say, 1821, by subsequent designation (
Patera is a junior homonym of Patera Lesson, 1839 (Cnidaria). However, Patera Lesson, 1839 has only been used in a few treatises during the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century, whereas Patera Albers, 1850 is in widespread use. As such, continued usage of the junior homonym is in the best interest of stability and the case should be referred to the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature for a ruling under Art. 23.9.3 of the Code (
Polygyra (Triodopsis) nantahala Clench & Banks, 1932: 17, pl. 2, figs 1–3, 5.
Mesodon clarki nantahala
Patera clarki nantahalae
Blowing Springs, cliff ridges, Nantahala Gorge, Swain County, North Carolina.
Shell imperforate, subglobose, weakly translucent, with 5.5–5.75 whorls. Teleoconch sculpture of coarse, prosocline, axial striae. Spire low, dome-shaped, sutures weakly impressed. Aperture lunate, peristome white, with small basal notch. Slightly curved parietal tooth, moderate in size for the genus. Mantle pigmentation of branching lines in at least some individuals.
Restricted to the eastern slope of the Nantahala Gorge in North Carolina, USA.
Little is known about the ecology of P. nantahala. The species appears to prefer the moist, highly vegetated habitats that receive little sunlight, which are typical of the eastern slope of the Nantahala Gorge. Found only in habitats with soil characterized by the SSURGO soil map as “Inceptisols: Sylco-Cataska complex, 50 to 95 percent slopes, very rocky”.
Federally threatened under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. Listed as threatened by the state of North Carolina. Available data indicate that P. nantahala is in one of the three “threatened” IUCN ranking categories, likely falling under “endangered”.
All sampled P. nantahala individuals are more similar to the holotype and paratypes of P. nantahala than to the types of P. clarkii. Shell shape of P. nantahala differs significantly from closely related lineages (Figs
Our results demonstrate that P. nantahala is a distinct species based on molecular, morphological, and ecological data. Recognition of P. nantahala renders P. clarkii polyphyletic, and our phylogenetic analyses indicate that unrecognized species diversity still exists within P. clarkii s.l. Recognition of P. nantahala at the rank of species is also consistent with the framework developed by Horsáková et al. (2019) for recognizing “cryptic” species in terrestrial snails, who argued that multiple lines of evidence including mitochondrial and nuclear concordance, quantitative morphological differences, and ecology should support a taxonomic hypothesis before recognizing entities at the species level. In contrast, a better understanding of the geographic ranges of the P. aff. clarkii lineages and establishing which lineage should be ascribed to P. clarkii s.s. is needed before a new species can be described. Our results emphasize the need for genome-based analyses to understand diversity and conservation of North American terrestrial snails. From a conservation standpoint, the original listing decision under the Endangered Species Act treated P. nantahala as a distinct entity. Thus, our results support continued protection.
Both mitochondrial and 3RAD data are congruent and demonstrate that P. nantahala is reciprocally monophyletic with respect to P. aff. clarkii lineages. Mitochondrial divergence among P. nantahala and P. aff. clarkii lineages exceeds 9%, and both SNAQ and mitochondrial analyses indicate a lack of recent nuclear introgression. Thus, P. nantahala is a distinct evolutionary lineage.
The observed absence of recent gene flow is unlikely to be a result of sampling error as sampling locations for P. clarkii and P. nantahala were in close proximity and within likely contact zones. Furthermore, if gene flow was currently occurring, we would not expect divergence patterns on the mitochondrial tree and ASTRAL species tree to be congruent and to match morphological differences. Although some may argue that additional sampling of P. nantahala would be desirable prior to revising its status, this is not preferable given its conservation status. Destructive sampling of museum specimens is not a suitable alternative given the paucity of preserved specimens and because techniques for 3RAD with dry shell material are unproven. Furthermore, network-based approaches with genomic data are sufficiently sensitive to assess gene flow, even with one or two individuals per species (
The branching pattern inferred in phylogenetic analyses supports the presence of several unrecognized species. Analysis with ASAP indicated that Clades 1–4 on the COI tree were each a distinct species (Fig.
The absence of gene flow among Patera clarkii s.l. lineages inferred with SNAQ also corroborates ASAP results. Notably, SNAQ found no gene flow between individual “P. aff. clarkii 008” (i.e., Clade 2; Figs
Geometric morphometrics showed that P. nantahala has a significantly different shell shape compared to closely related congeners. We were unable to unambiguously assign museum records to one of the three Patera aff. clarkii lineages because distinguishing shell features or geographic ranges have not been established. Future studies with more P. clarkii s.l. sampling for molecular phylogenetics will be necessary to allow confident clade assignments that can be used in geometric morphometrics. However, truly cryptic species may exist within Patera.
Hubricht (1983) claimed that P. clarkii exists in the Nantahala Gorge and P. nantahala exists outside the Nantahala Gorge. These conclusions were based on comparisons of shell morphology, but the exact shell features, aside from shell size, used to support these conclusions were not reported. Phylogenetic analyses, geometric morphometrics, and environmental modeling results reject Hubricht’s (1983,
Our results add to a growing body of research that used genomic tools to better understand terrestrial snail evolution (e.g.,
The environmental niches of P. nantahala and P. clarkii are significantly different according to GLM analyses with non-bioclimatic data included, which appear to be the most accurate given environmental niche model plots and known ranges (Fig.
Our results indicate the need to be cautious when using environmental niche modeling approaches for understudied, narrow-range endemics. Most analyses overestimated the distribution of P. nantahala (Fig.
Environmental niche models that include data other than bioclimatic information can be useful for assessing the potential for narrow-range endemics to occupy other habitats, but they may not always be necessary to make inferences about terrestrial snail distributions and environmental niches. For example, even before running environmental niche models, SSURGO soil classifications of collection sites made clear that P. nantahala only inhabits a single, uncommon soil type, whereas P. clarkii s.l. inhabits many different soil types. More broadly, our results indicate that Maxent models will tend to overpredict ranges for narrow-range endemics. These findings should be applicable to other terrestrial snails.
Morphological, ecological, and phylogenetic data support Patera nantahala as a valid species. We hypothesize that the ancestor of P. nantahala invaded the Nantahala Gorge, or became isolated in the gorge, and subsequently underwent allopatric speciation, with the Nantahala Gorge and Nantahala River serving as dispersal barriers. Although the recognition of P. nantahala is a step in the right direction, the systematics of Polygyridae requires comprehensive revision. Despite calls for increased study (
This work would not have been possible without the resources provided by Biodiversity Heritage Library. Frank Köhler and Philippe Bouchet answered questions we had about MolluscaBase records, which improved the manuscript. Thanks to Paul Callomon (
Species information
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