Research Article |
Corresponding author: Jan Růžička ( ) Academic editor: Borislav Guéorguiev
© 2016 Cheng-Bin Wang, Jan Růžička, Michel Perreau, Masaaki Nishikawa, Sun-Jae Park.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Wang C-B, Růžička J, Perreau M, Nishikawa M, Park S-J (2016) Revision of the genus Ptomaphagus Hellwig (Coleoptera, Leiodidae, Cholevinae) from the Russian Far East and the Korean Peninsula. ZooKeys 637: 33-45.
The conundrum of Ptomaphagus (s. str.) sibiricus Jeannel, 1934 (Coleoptera, Leiodidae, Cholevinae, Ptomaphagini) is solved, and it is redescribed and newly recorded in South Korea. A new species is also described from the Russian Far East: P. (s. str.) hayashiisp. n. Relevant morphological characters of the concerned species are illustrated with colour plates, and their known distributions are mapped.
Leiodidae , Cholevinae , Ptomaphagus , taxonomy, new species, the Russian Far East, the Korean Peninsula
Ptomaphagus Hellwig, 1795 is the most speciose genus (including 137 known species worldwide) in the tribe Ptomaphagini (Coleoptera, Leiodidae, Cholevinae). However, the nominotypical subgenus, which is limited to the Palaearctic and north Oriental regions has only 29 species (
In the fauna of the Russian Far East, only one species in the subgenus Ptomaphagus s. str. had been recorded before this study, namely P. (s. str.) sibiricus Jeannel, 1934.
However, when we examined specimens previously identified as Ptomaphagus (s. str.) sibiricus from various collections, we discovered that three species were identified under this name by different authors. One of them with conspicuous differences from Japan was already described in a previous paper: P. (s. str.) piccoloi Wang, Růžička, Nishikawa, Perreau & Hayashi, 2016 (
Specimens were relaxed and softened in a hot saturated solution of potassium hydroxide for 4 minutes (for mounted dry specimens) or 8 minutes (for alcohol-preserved specimens), and then transferred to distilled water to rinse the residual potassium hydroxide off and stop any further bleaching. The softened specimens were moved into glycerin and dissected there to observe morphological details. After examination, the body parts were mounted on a glass slip with Euparal Mounting Medium for future studies. Habitus photographs were taken using a Canon macro photo lens MP-E 65mm on a Canon 550D. Observations, photographs and measurements of morphological details were performed using an Olympus BX53 microscope with an Olympus DP73. The final deep focus images were created with Zerene Stacker 1.04 stacking software. Adobe Photoshop CS6 was used for post processing. Exact label data are cited for specimens examined. Authors’ remarks and addenda are placed in square brackets, separate label lines are indicated by a slash (/), and separate labels by a double slash (//). Measurements are averaged over 5 specimens.
The material examined for this study is deposited in the following collections and museums:
CCBW Collection of Cheng-Bin Wang, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
CJRZ Collection of Jan Růžička, Prague, Czech Republic
CMNE Collection of Masaaki Nishikawa, Ebina, Japan
CNUIC Chungnam National University Insect Collection, Daejeon, Korea
The following abbreviations are used for the measurements in millimetres (mm):
AL (antennal length) : length from the antennal base to apex.
BTW (basitarsal width) : maximum width of 1st protarsomere.
EBL (extended body length) : summation of HL, PL, ELL and length of exposed scutellum, preventing the error introduced by exposed or retracted head.
ELL (elytral length) : length from the tail end of scutellum to the elytral apex.
ELW (elytral width) : maximum width of the widest portion of two elytra combined together.
EW (eye width) : width of a single compound eye in dorsal view.
HL (head length) : axial length from the anterior apex of clypeus through the posterior margin of occipital carina.
HW (head width) : width of the widest portion of head (usually including eyes).
PL (pronotal length) : axial length of the pronotum.
PW (pronotal width) : maximum width of pronotum.
TW (tibial width) : maximum width of protibia (excluding spines along outer margin etc.).
Holarctic, north Oriental, north Neotropical.
Palaearctic, north Oriental.
Holotype: 1♂, USSR: Sadgorod [ca. 43°15'N 132°03'E] / (in forest; trap with / bait), Vladivostok // Primorskyi Kray / 16.VI.1978 / E. Berlov leg. (
Male. EBL: 3.8–4.3 mm (4.2 mm in holotype). Length of different body parts: HL : AL : PL : ELL = 0.7 : 1.1 : 1.1 : 2.3 mm; width: HW : EW : PW : ELW = 1.1 : 0.1 : 1.6 : 1.8 mm. Proportion of antennomeres from base to tip in μm (length × width): 149 × 75, 109 × 67, 95 × 70, 64 × 79, 58 × 92, 41 × 100, 91 × 128, 39 × 128, 87 × 151, 90 × 156, 161 × 143.
Habitus (Fig.
Head transverse, HW/HL = 1.6. Clypeofrontal suture absent. Clypeus with anterior margin slightly rounded. Compound eyes well developed, EW/HW = 0.11. Antennae (Fig.
Ptomaphagus (s. str.) hayashii sp. n. (♂: holotype). A antenna ♂ (dorsal view) B pronotum ♂ (dorsal view) C protarsus ♂ (dorsal view) D protarsus ♀ (dorsal view) E protibia and profemur ♂ (ventral view) F protibia and profemur ♀ (ventral view) G elytral apex ♂ (dorsoapical view) H elytral apex ♀ (dorsoapical view) I ventrite VIII ♂ (ventral view) J genital segment ♂ (ventral view). Scales: 0.1 mm.
Pronotum (Fig.
Elytra oval, widest at about basal 1/4, ELL/EW = 1.3. Sides weakly arched, gradually narrowing from widest part to apices; apices (Fig.
Prolegs robust, with basal three protarsomeres (Fig.
Abdominal ventrite VIII (Fig.
Aedeagus (Fig.
Female. Similar to male in general appearance (Fig.
Ptomaphagus (s. str.) sibiricus is sympatric with P. (s. str.) hayashii sp. n. in some locations of the Russian Far East, and they are very similar to each other (including spermatheca (Figs
Ptomaphagus (s. str.) sibiricus Jeannel, 1934 (Vladivostok). A antenna ♂ (dorsal view) B pronotum ♂ (dorsal view) C protarsus ♂ (dorsal view) D protarsus ♀ (dorsal view) E protibia and profemur ♂ (ventral view) F protibia and profemur ♀ (ventral view) G elytral apex ♂ (dorsoapical view) H elytral apex ♀ (dorsoapical view) I ventrite VIII ♂ (ventral view) J genital segment ♂ (ventral view). Scales: 0.1 mm.
Furthermore, based on specimens examined, P. (s. str.) sibiricus seems to be much more widely distributed, extending southward to South Korea; while P. (s. str.) hayashii sp. n. is presently known only in the Russian Far East.
The specific epithet is dedicated to Mr. Yasuhiko Hayashi (Kawanishi, Japan), a famous independent taxonomist on Staphylinoidea, for his continual generous help to our study.
Type material.Holotype: ♀, [RUSSIA, Far East] Wladiwostok [ca. 43°10'N 132°00'E] // Reitter // Coll. Koltze // Pt. variicornis / Rosenh. // Ptomaphagus sibiricus Jeann. / type / R. Jeannel det. //
Additional material.RUSSIA, Far East: 1♀, FE.Russia, SW Khabarovsky / kray reg., Strel’nikova / range Mts., 46°43'N 134°08'E / Samur Riv., 130–550 m alt. / 25.VI.–28.VII.2014 / A. Plutenko leg. (CMNE); 1♀, Vladivostok [ca. 43°10'N 132°00'E] / Christov [leg.] IX.[18]76 // Ptomaphagus sibiricus / Jeannel det. // Ptomaphagus / (Ptomaphagus) sibiricus / Jeannel, 1934 / Ex. M. Nishikawa, 2008 / #
Male. EBL: 3.1–3.8 mm (3.1 mm in holotype). Length of different body parts: HL : AL : PL : ELL = 0.6 : 1.0 : 1.0 : 1.8 mm; width: HW : EW : PW : ELW = 1.0 : 0.1 : 1.5 : 1.6 mm. Proportion of antennomeres from base to tip in μm (length × width): 134 × 66, 107 × 65, 77 × 67, 55 × 81, 54 × 88, 47 × 102, 88 × 125, 35 × 128, 82 × 140, 82 × 140, 147 × 127.
Habitus (Figs
Head quite transverse, HW/HL = 1.7. Clypeofrontal suture absent. Clypeus with anterior margin almost straight. Compound eyes well developed, EW/HW = 0.1. Antennae (Fig.
Pronotum (Fig.
Elytra oval, widest at about basal 1/3, ELL/EW = 1.2. Sides weakly arched, gradually narrowing from widest part to apices; apices (Fig.
Prolegs robust, with basal three protarsomeres (Fig.
Abdominal ventrite VIII (Fig.
Aedeagus (Fig.
Female. Similar to male in general appearance (Fig.
See under P. (s. str.) hayashii sp. n. above. Other remarks on this species see
Russia (Far East), South Korea (Fig.
We would like to express our sincere thanks to Kee-Jeong Ahn (Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Republic of Korea), Maxwell V. L. Barclay (BMNH, London, United Kingdom), Young-Bok Cho (Hannam University, Daejeon, Republic of Korea), Yasuhiko Hayashi (Kawanishi, Japan), Hideto Hoshina (Fukui University, Fukui, Japan), Alfred F. Newton (Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, USA), Stewart B. Peck (Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada), Vadim Zinchenko (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Novosibirsk, Russia) and Hong-Zhang Zhou (Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China) for their considerable help in our study. We are obliged to Pavel Jakubec (Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic) for helping with habitus photographs with the camera system. All the collectors mentioned in the text are acknowledged for their field work. We thank Maxwell V. L. Barclay for linguistic revision of the text. We are grateful to Leonardo Latella (Verona, Italy) as a reviewer who provided constructive comments on previous version of the manuscript. This study was supported by the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic (no. VI20152018027).