Research Article |
Corresponding author: Andrew B. T. Smith ( ) Academic editor: Frank Krell
© 2016 Andrew B. T. Smith.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Smith ABT (2016) Five new species of Trigonopeltastes Burmeister and Schaum from Central America with new country records for other New World Trichiini (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae). ZooKeys 617: 91-127.
Five new species of Trigonopeltastes Burmeister and Schaum, 1840 are described: Trigonopeltastes arborfloricola sp. n. from Nicaragua, T. formidulosus sp. n. from Costa Rica, T. henryi sp. n. from Costa Rica, T. mombachoensis sp. n. from Nicaragua, and T. warneri sp. n. from Belize and Guatemala. An updated key to species of Trigonopeltastes is presented. Trigonopeltastes nigrinus Bates, 1889 and Trigonopeltastes carus Bates, 1889 are placed in synonymy with Trigonopeltastes geometricus Schaum, 1841, syn. n.. The males of Trigonopeltastes aurovelutinus Curoe, 2011 and Trigonopeltastes simplex Bates, 1889 are described for the first time.
New country records are given for the following: Giesbertiolus ornatus Howden, 1988: Costa Rica; Paragnorimus sambucus Howden, 1970: Guatemala; Trichiotinus bibens (Fabricius, 1775): Canada; Trigonopeltastes archimedes Schaum, 1841: Guatemala and Costa Rica; Trigonopeltastes frontalis Bates, 1889: Belize, Guatemala, and Honduras; Trigonopeltastes glabellus Howden, 1988: Guatemala; Trigonopeltastes geometricus Schaum, 1841: Honduras; Trigonopeltastes sallaei sallaei Bates, 1889: Guatemala and Honduras; Trigonopeltastes simplex Bates, 1889: Mexico; Trigonopeltastes variabilis Howden, 1968: Honduras.
Taxonomy, Central America, Mexico, Scarabaeoidea , Trichiina
The genus Trigonopeltastes Burmeister and Schaum, 1840 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae: Trichiini: Trichiina) is distributed from the southern United States of America to northern Argentina, with most species occurring in Mexico and Central America. Specimens are most often collected in flowers of various shrubs and trees and also turn up in flight intercept traps and by beating vegetation. The rarity of many species in natural history collections emphasizes the need for targeted collecting efforts using specific methods in order to survey New World Trichiini fauna.
The taxonomy of the genus was modernized by
The purpose of this paper is to describe five new species of Trigonopeltastes, update the identification key for Trigonopeltastes, synonymize Trigonopeltastes nigrinus with Trigonopeltastes geometricus Schaum, 1841, report new country records in the New World for a number of Trichiini species, and describe the previously unknown males of Trigonopeltastes aurovelutinus Curoe, 2011 and Trigonopeltastes simplex Bates, 1889. The genus Trigonopeltastes now contains 26 species.
More than 500 specimens were examined to form the basis of this review. The following institution and private collections (curators in brackets) are cited in the text as repositories for specimens. The term allotype follows the definition of
DCCC David C. Carlson Collection, Fair Oaks, California, United States of America
RACC Rich A. Cunningham Collection, Chino, California, United States of America
The verbatim label data is given for specimens in quotation marks with slashes to indicate a new line of text on the label. The specimen images were taken at the CMNC using Leica imaging equipment and the Leica Application Suite software. The maps were created using the SimpleMappr website ( The specimen images and maps were modified and plates constructed in Adobe Photoshop.
Reserva Privada Silvestre Domitila, Granada, Nicaragua.
Holotype male at
The name arborfloricola approximates “tree flower dweller” in Latin. The name is a noun in apposition. As indicated on the label, the holotype was collected in tree flowers.
June (1).
This species is fairly distinct in the complete lack of cretaceous markings and orange color pattern on the elytra. Hopefully more specimens will turn up in the lowlands of southern Nicaragua and northern Costa Rica so the intraspecific variation can be described.
Monteverde, 1500 m, Puntarenas, Costa Rica.
Holotype male, allotype female, 9 male paratypes, and 11 female paratypes. Holotype male, allotype female, and one male paratype at CMNC and one male paratype and one female paratype at
Female allotype (Figs
This species is named for the black-and-orange, Halloween-themed coloration of the dorsal surface. The word formidulosus is a Latin for “scary”. This name is an adjective in the nominative singular.
January (1), May (9), June (6), August (2).
This species has many similarities to T. geometricus but has consistently different dorsal color pattern and pygidial structure and cretaceous markings. Trigonopeltastes geometricus is variable across it’s distribution and within populations but typically has more extensive orange color patterns on the elytra and always has thick lateral bands of cretaceous markings on the pygidium often leaving only a medial strip exposed. Trigonopeltastes formidulosus consistently has a single orange spot on each elytron without further orange lines and markings (except for the occasional thin basal line adjacent to scutellum and three females have more extensive orange coloring covering much of the basal half of the elytra). The apex of the pygidium in males is deflexed at a 90° angle in T. formidulosus while only slightly convex in male T. geometricus.
San Luis (south of Monteverde), Puntarenas, Costa Rica.
Holotype male and allotype female. Holotype male at
Female allotype (Figs
This species is named for the late Henry Howden (Ottawa, Canada) as thanks for bringing the female allotype to my attention and to honor his great contributions to our knowledge of Trigonopeltastes and other Trichiini.
May (2).
The male holotype and female allotype are the only known specimens of this new species. The very different dorsal coloration for these specimens is unusual but not unheard of within this genus. I do have some misgivings about placing these two specimens together as one species but decided to take this conservative approach because the structural characters are similar, the size and shape of the two specimens match well, the general cretaceous patterns are congruent, and the two specimens were collected within close proximity to one another. More specimens will need to be examined to understand the color variation within this species and to test my hypothesis that these male and female specimens belong to the same species.
Reserva Nacional Volcán Mombacho, Granada, Nicaragua.
Holotype male, allotype female, and 2 female paratypes. Holotype male at
Female allotype (Figs
This species is named for Volcán Mombacho, where all known specimens were collected.
May (1), June (3).
This species is similar to T. intermedius but can be distinguished by the orange color pattern on the elytra and geographic distribution. Trigonopeltastes intermedius has a solid, transverse, sub-basal, orange line while T. mombachoensis has a sub-basal, orange spot (Figs
Las Cuevas Research Station, Chiquibul National Forest, Cayo District, Belize.
Holotype male, allotype female, and 1 male paratype. Holotype male and allotype female at
Female allotype (Figs
This species is named after Bill Warner (Chandler, Arizona) as thanks for bringing the holotype and allotype specimens to my attention.
May (3).
This species is similar externally to T. sallaei sallaei and T. intermedius but has differences in the elytral coloration pattern. Trigonopeltastes warneri has distinct male parameres (Fig.
This species was previously recorded from Panama (
“Buen Amigo, San Luis Monteverde, A. C. / Arenal, Prov. Punta, COSTA RICA, 1000- / 1350 m. May 1994, Z. Fuentes, L N / 250850_449250 # 2926” (1 male -
“COSTA RICA, Prov. Alajuela, San / Cristobal. 600-620m. 18 MAY 1998. / F. A. Quesada. En Flores. / L_N_318056_383200 #50698” (1 male, 1 female -
“COSTA RICA. Prov. Guanacaste, / Rincón de la Vieja, Upala, Dos Ríos / San Cristobal, 600-620m, 17 MAY / 1998, F. A. Quesada, En Flor. / I_N_318056_383200 #63528” (1 female -
“Est. Cacao, 1000-1400m, / Lado SO Vol. Cacao, / P. N. G., Prov. Guan. / COSTA RICA, C. / Chaves, Jun 1991. / L-N-323300,375700” (1 female -
“Est. Cacao, 1000-1400m, / Lado SO Vol. Cacao, P. N. / Guan., Prov. Guanacaste, / Costa Rica, Z. Fuentes, / 21 a 29 may 1992 / L-N 323300,375700” (1 female -
“COSTA RICA, Puntarenas, Fca. / Buen Amigo Monteverde, 4Km S. / de la Reserva 1000-1350m. MAY / 1997, Z. Fuentes, Red Mariposa. / L_N_250850_449250 #46800” (1 female -
“COSTA RICA, Prov. Alajuela, San / Cristobal. 600-620m. 18 MAY 1998. / F. A. Quesada. En Flores / L_N_318056_383200 #50698” (1 male - CMNC)
“COSTA RICA. Prov. Guanacaste / Rincón de la Vieja, Upala, Dos Ríos, / San Cristobal, 600 – 620m, 17 MAY / 1998. F. A. Quesada, En Flor, / L_N_318056_383200 #63528” (1 female - CMNC)
This species was previously recorded from Mexico (
“GUATEMALA, Huehuetenango / Nentón, Gracias a Dios, El / Quetzal 1600 m. 20-vi-2006 / J. Monzón y F. Camposeco / COLECCION J. MONZON” (1 male - CMNC).
“GUATEMALA. Huehuetenan- / go. Aguacatán. Río Sn. Juan / 2,212m 6 JUNIO 2009 / 15.368600 – 91.288930 / Col. José Monzón Sierra” (1 male - CMNC).
This species was previously recorded from the United States of America (
“London / W. Saunders” Canadian scarab database numbers CSD013086–CSD013089 (3 males, 1 female –
This species was previously recorded from Mexico and El Salvador (
“GUAT.: BAJA VERAPAZ / 54.4km S. Purulha, / 850m, 1.VII.1993, / F. Génier, hand coll.” (1 male - CMNC).
“GUATML. Zacapa 12-14 / km S Sn Lorenzo 1-2000’ / June 3-6 1989 / J. E. Wappes” (2 males - CMNC).
“GUAT., Zacapa Sn / Lorenzo Rd 1500- / 1800'1-10 June / 1991 JE Wappes” (1 male - CMNC).
“GUAT. Zacapa / 12km S. San Lorenzo / 510m 16.VI.1993 / H. & A. Howden” (1 male, 1 female - CMNC).
“COSTA RICA: Guanacaste / Prov., Comelco (50m) / 8 km NW Bagaces / VI-5-1973, P.A. Opler / on: Croton sp.” (1 male - CMNC).
“COSTA RICA: Guanacaste, / Parque Nacional Santa Rosa, / Estación Santa Rosa, 295 m. / N10°50'21.4", W 35°37'05.8" / 16-VII-2004 / Barney D. Streit, collector” (2 males, 1 female – CMNC, RACC)
“COSTA RICA: Guanacaste, / Parque Nacional Santa Rosa, / Estación Santa Rosa, / 17-VII-2004 / Barney D. Streit, collector” (2 females – CMNC, RACC)
“COSTA RICA: Guanacaste, / Parque Nacional Santa Rosa, / Estación Santa Rosa, 295 m. / N 10°50'21.4", W 35°37'05.8" / 4-VII-2005 / Barney D. Streit, collector” (2 males – CMNC, RACC)
The male of this species was previously unknown so a description of the key characters is given below. One male specimen was examined labeled “Mex: Guerrero / Acuhuezotla / IX-29-94 Chemsak” (
This species was previously recorded from Mexico (
“Augustine / Br. Honduras / July 3 1969 / F. D. Bennett” (1 male - CMNC). Augustine is in the Cayo District of Belize.
“GUAT., BAJA VERAPAZ / 5 KM S SAN JERONIMO / 4500’, MAY 24-30, 1989 / E. GIESBERT, COLL.” (1 male - CMNC)
“HONDURAS Olancho / Dept., P.N. La Muralla / ± 1200m, flowers / 1 July 1995 / DC Carlson/FT Hovore” (1 male - DCCC).
Trigonopeltastes nigrinus Bates, 1889: 379. Syn. n.
Trigonopeltastes carus Bates, 1889, 381. Syn n.
Trigonopeltastes geometricus and its synonyms were previously recorded from Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, and Bolivia (
“HOND. Olancho / LaMuralla Pq Nac / 24-27 May 1995 / JE Wappes” (1 female - CMNC).
“HONDURAS: Yoro / PN Pico Pijol, 1300 / N15°09.4’ W87°37.6’ / 11.V.02, beating / H.Douglas” (1 female - CMNC).
“HONDURAS Atlantida / Dept., ex. log / Lancetilla Bot. Garden / 4 July 1995 / DC Carlson/FT Hovore” (1 female - DCCC).
This species was previously recorded from Mexico (
“Guat. Huehue Finca / Zapote, Rio Lagartero / 5-VI-1991 / Edmund F. Giesbert” (12 males – CMNC,
This species was previously recorded from Mexico, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica (
“GUAT., Zacapa Sn / Lorenzo Rd 1500- / 1800'1-10 June / 1991 JE Wappes” (1 male - CMNC).
“GUAT.: BAJA VERAPAZ / 54.4km S. Purulha, / 850m, 1.VII.1993, / F. Génier, hand coll.” (2 males - CMNC).
“HONDURAS Olancho / Dept., P.N. La Muralla / ± 1200m, flowers / 1 July 1995 / DC Carlson/FT Hovore” (1 male - DCCC).
The male of this species has never been formally described, and so I have included the description of key characters below with sexually dimorphic characters indicated.
Trigonopeltastes simplex Bates, 1889, males from CMNC (label data: 52 “Guatemala, Zacapa / rd. to San Lorenzo, 4200’ / June 10-15, 1991 / E. Giesbert, coll.” 53 “GUAT. Baja Verapaz / 14.5km N.Salamá on / Pantín Rd. 1620 m / 23.V.1991 / H & A Howden” 54 “MEXICO, CHIAPAS / SUMIDERO CYN. 4000’ / JUNE 14 1987 / E. GIESBERT, COLL.”) 52–54 Dorsal habitus showing three variations of elytral color form 55 Parameres.
This species was previously recorded from Guatemala (
“MEXICO, CHIAPAS / SUMIDERO CYN, 4000’ / JUNE 14 1987 / E. GIESBERT, COLL.” (1 male - CMNC).
“MEXICO. Chiapas. / Pq. Nac. Sumidero. / 1000m. 25.V.1990 / H.&A. Howden” (1 male - CMNC).
This species was previously recorded from Mexico (Chiapas, San Luis Potosi, and Veracruz), Guatemala, and El Salvador (
“MEX Tamaulipas / Bocotoma Area 7 km / SSE Gomez Farias / June 1-4 1982 / J. E. Wappes” (1 male - CMNC).
“5 miles sse. of / Gomes Farias, / Tamaulipas, Mexico / July 19-20, 1970 / Murray, Phelps, / Hart, Schaffner” (1 male - CMNC).
“HONDURAS Olancho / Dept., P.N. La Muralla / ± 1200m, flowers / 1 July 1995 / DC Carlson/FT Hovore” (1 male - DCCC).
Modified from
The male of Trigonopeltastes femoratus Howden is unknown and not included in the key.
The females of Trigonopeltastes arborfloricola sp. n., Trigonopeltastes kerleyi Ricchiardi, 2003, and Trigonopeltastes thomasi Howden & Ratcliffe, 1990 are unknown and not included in the key.
1 | Abdominal sternites 1–5 concave or flat; pygidium length approximately equal or greater than width. Males | 2 |
– | Abdominal sternites 1–5 convex; pygidium width greater than length. Females | 27 |
2 | Head color mainly metallic green, pronotum green or blue matt (e.g., Fig. |
3 |
– | Head and pronotum not metallic, mainly black, tan, and/or brown (e.g., Figs |
4 |
3 | Pronotum, scutellum, and elytra blue matt (Fig. |
Trigonopeltastes henryi Smith |
– | Pronotum and scutellum green matt, elytra tan | Trigonopeltastes thomasi Howden & Ratcliffe |
4 | Pygidium without cretaceous markings, disc with scales and setae (e.g., Figs |
5 |
– | Pygidium with cretaceous markings (at least along lateral edges), disc with scales and/or setae (e.g., Figs |
9 |
5 | Pronotal disc evenly covered with dense scales. Mexico | Trigonopeltastes discrepans Howden |
– | Pronotal disc with or without scales along margins and within impressed lines forming triangle, but scales not entirely covering pronotal surface | 6 |
6 | Pronotum with distinct, impressed, longitudinal midline (sometimes most easily seen running through triangle impression). Mexico to Guatemala | Trigonopeltastes glabellus Howden |
– | Pronotum without distinctly impressed longitudinal midline. Mexico to Nicaragua | 7 |
7 | Impressed margins of triangle on pronotum glabrous (Figs |
Trigonopeltastes simplex Bates |
– | Impressed margins of triangle on pronotum with thick, scale-like setae (Figs |
8 |
8 | Legs bicolored with orange basally and black apically (Fig. |
Trigonopeltastes aurovelutinus Curoe |
– | Legs unicolored, black (Fig. |
Trigonopeltastes arborfloricola Smith |
9 | Clypeus with apical angles sharp, acute, distinctly reflexed. Durango, Mexico | Trigonopeltastes truncatus Howden |
– | Clypeus with apical angles not sharply angulate or distinctly reflexed | 10 |
10 | Elytral intervals 2–3 medially with transverse cretaceous markings forming (in conjunction with cretaceous marking of the elytral suture) an inverted “T” or “+” shape | 11 |
– | Elytral intervals 2–3 without transverse cretaceous markings forming a medial “T” or “+” shape | 12 |
11 | Mesofemoral and metafemoral surfaces with uniform covering of short, scale-like setae. Mexico to Costa Rica | Trigonopeltastes archimedes Schaum |
– | Mesofemoral and metafemoral surfaces with thin, hair-like setae; without scales. Florida, United States of America | Trigonopeltastes floridanus (Casey) |
12 | Clypeus largely reddish brown. Eastern United States of America | Trigonopeltastes delta (Forster) |
– | Clypeus largely black. Mexico to South America | 13 |
13 | Metatibia with inner surface distinctly modified with a basal swelling ending apically with a robust tooth. Mexico | Trigonopeltastes deltoides (Newman) |
– | Metatibia without modifications or teeth along the inner surface | 14 |
14 | Species occurring in South America | 15 |
– | Species occurring in Mexico and Central America | 18 |
15 | Pronotal triangle lacking scales; penultimate abdominal sternites with conspicuous medial tuft of long, erect setae; metatibia on apical half of inner surface with dense, elongate brush of yellow setae (height of setae approximately equal to width of metatibia). Venezuela | Trigonopeltastes barbatus Howden & Joly |
– | Pronotal triangle with yellow scales (sometimes abraded); penultimate abdominal sternites without distinct medial tuft of setae; metatibia without dense elongate brush of setae on apical half (line of short setae sometime present but height of setae much less than width of metatibia) | 16 |
16 | Pygidium with cretaceous markings filling basolateral corners of disc. Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia (also in Mexico and Central America) | Trigonopeltastes geometricus Schaum (in part) |
– | Pygidium with cretaceous markings not extending to basolateral corners of disc | 17 |
17 | Elytra with second and fourth intervals weakly elevated, shiny. Bahia, Brazil | Trigonopeltastes kerleyi Ricchiardi |
– | Elytra with second and fourth intervals flat, matt. Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina | Trigonopeltastes triangulus (Kirby) |
18 | Pronotal triangle with apical, transverse line indicated only at midline, obsolete for approximately half of length; pygidial cretaceous markings interrupted basomedially. Mexico to El Salvador | Trigonopeltastes variabilis Howden |
– | Pronotal triangle with apical, transverse line complete or nearly complete; pygidial cretaceous markings usually not interrupted basomedially | 19 |
19 | Clypeus and vertex each with wide cretaceous markings on either side of midline; elytra without transverse cretaceous markings along lateral edge | Trigonopeltastes wappesi Howden |
– | Clypeus without cretaceous markings, vertex rarely with cretaceous markings; elytra usually with transverse cretaceous markings along lateral edge | 20 |
20 | Abdominal sternites 2–5 without long, erect setae standing out from appressed scales or fine recumbent setae on surface | 21 |
– | Abdominal sternites 2–5 (sometimes only sternite 5) with long, erect setae standing out from appressed scales and recumbent setae on surface | 22 |
21 | Pygidium cretaceous except for thin, longitudinal strip along midline, apex slightly convex but not deflexed. Mexico to Panama (also in South America) | Trigonopeltastes geometricus Schaum (in part) |
– | Pygidium with small, lateral cretaceous spots (Fig. |
Trigonopeltastes formidulosus Smith |
22 | Abdominal sternite 5 only with long, erect setae; all other sternites without long, erect setae. Costa Rica and Panama | Trigonopeltastes pontilis Howden |
– | Abdominal sternites 2–5 all with long, erect setae | 23 |
23 | Clypeus basally with prominent patch of short, semierect, tan setae; vertex sometimes with cretaceous markings (Fig. |
24 |
– | Clypeus without prominent patch of setae (Fig. |
25 |
24 | Protibia and mesotibia completely tan; elytra more tan than black. Mexico to Honduras | Trigonopeltastes frontalis Bates |
– | Protibia and mesotibia tan with prominent, black markings along external edge (Fig. |
Trigonopeltastes warneri Smith |
25 | Metafemur with short, appressed scales or setae on much of exposed ventral surface (some long setae sometimes at basal posterior edge); pygidium with basal portion of cretaceous markings usually thick and rarely broken medially; elytra with transverse black mark across interval 2 and 3 adjacent to cretaceous marking on midline or intervals 2 and 3 completely orange adjacent to cretaceous marking on midline; elytra along lateral edges with 2 transverse cretaceous lines (basal line sometimes absent especially in individuals with mainly orange coloration on elytra). Mexico to Costa Rica | Trigonopeltastes sallaei Bates |
– | Metafemur with long, semierect setae (or very elongate flattened scales) on most of exposed ventral surface; pygidium with basal portion of cretaceous markings reduced and sometimes broken medially; elytra with interval 2 orange and interval 3 with black spot or line adjacent to cretaceous marking on midline; elytra along lateral edges with 1 transverse cretaceous line (sometimes absent) (Fig. |
26 |
26 | Basal half of elytra with 1 transverse, solid orange line along base and medial orange spot near humerus (Fig. |
Trigonopeltastes mombachoensis Smith |
– | Basal half of elytra with 2 transverse, solid orange lines, one along base and one sub-basally. Mexico to Guatemala | Trigonopeltastes intermedius Bates |
27 | Pygidium without cretaceous markings, disc with scales and setae | 28 |
– | Pygidium with cretaceous markings (at least along lateral edges), disc with scales and/or setae (e.g., Figs |
29 |
28 | Head, pronotum, and scutellum densely covered with scales. Mexico | Trigonopeltastes discrepans Howden |
– | Head, pronotum, and scutellum not densely covered with scales (mainly glabrous sometimes with patches of scales). Mexico to Guatemala | Trigonopeltastes glabellus Howden |
29 | Species occurring in South America | 30 |
– | Species occurring in the United States of America, Mexico, and Central America | 32 |
30 | Pygidium not evenly convex, medially often somewhat flattened transversely, apical third swollen. Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina | Trigonopeltastes triangulus (Kirby) |
– | Pygidium evenly convex | 31 |
31 | Pygidium with cretaceous markings across base continuous or narrowly divided; apex of pygidium lacking small, shiny, triangular tubercle. Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia (also in Mexico and Central America) | Trigonopeltastes geometricus Schaum (in part) |
– | Pygidium with cretaceous markings distinctly separated basally; apex of pygidium with small, shiny, triangular tubercle. Venezuela | Trigonopeltastes barbatus Howden & Joly |
32 | Pygidium bilobed either side of depressed midline, disc not evenly convex (Fig. |
Trigonopeltastes henryi Smith |
– | Pygidium not bilobed and without depressed midline, evenly convex (e.g., Figs |
33 |
33 | Clypeus with apical angles sharp, acute, distinctly reflexed. Durango, Mexico | Trigonopeltastes truncatus Howden |
– | Clypeus with apical angles not sharply angulate or distinctly reflexed | 34 |
34 | Elytral intervals 2–3 medially with transverse, cretaceous markings forming (in conjunction with cretaceous marking of elytral suture) an inverted “T” or “+” shape | 35 |
– | Elytral intervals 2–3 without transverse, cretaceous markings forming a medial “T” or “+” shape | 36 |
35 | Mesofemoral and metafemoral surfaces with some short, scale-like setae; elytron with prominent cretaceous markings along apex. Mexico to Costa Rica | Trigonopeltastes archimedes Schaum |
– | Mesofemoral and metafemoral surfaces with thin, hair-like setae; without scales; elytron without prominent cretaceous markings along apex. Florida, United States of America | Trigonopeltastes floridanus (Casey) |
36 | Clypeus largely reddish brown. Eastern United States of America | Trigonopeltastes delta (Forster) |
– | Clypeus largely black. Mexico to Panama | 37 |
37 | Metafemur slender, no wider than apex of metatibia; pygidium with ovoid, basal, cretaceous markings distinctly separated from lateral margins. Costa Rica | Trigonopeltastes femoratus Howden |
– | Metafemur stocky, wider than apex of metatibia; pygidium with cretaceous markings extending to lateral margins | 38 |
38 | Length 10.5 mm or more. Mexico | Trigonopeltastes deltoides (Newman) |
– | Length 10.0 mm or less (with head in vertical position) | 39 |
39 | Pronotal triangle with apical, transverse line indicated only at midline, obsolete for approximately half of length; disc within triangle with fine to moderately-sized punctures. Mexico to El Salvador | Trigonopeltastes variabilis Howden |
– | Pronotal triangle with apical, transverse line complete or nearly complete; if incomplete then disc within triangle with large punctures | 40 |
40 | Clypeus and vertex each with wide, cretaceous markings either side of midline; elytra without transverse, cretaceous markings along lateral edge | Trigonopeltastes wappesi Howden |
– | Clypeus without cretaceous markings, vertex rarely with cretaceous markings; elytra usually with transverse cretaceous markings along lateral edge | 41 |
41 | Specimens with all of the following: pygidium with cretaceous markings well separated mediobasally; elytra with humeral area orange or reddish brown; pronotal surface shiny, not matt; clypeus with medial punctures or rugae not running longitudinally. Mexico to Guatemala | Trigonopeltastes simplex Bates |
– | Specimens without the above combination of characters | 42 |
42 | Clypeal length approximately equal to width, medial portion of disc with punctures or rugae running longitudinally (e.g., Fig. |
43 |
– | Clypeus wider than long, medial portion of disc with punctures or rugae running transversely or randomly (e.g., Figs |
45 |
43 | Pygidium with small, lateral cretaceous spots (Fig. |
Trigonopeltastes formidulosus Smith |
– | Pygidium with more extensive cretaceous markings covering either lateral and dorsal portions of pygidium or most of pygidium except midline (e.g., Figs |
44 |
44 | Pygidium with cretaceous markings rounded and even in thickness, cretaceous markings not reaching basolateral corners of pygidium. Costa Rica and Panama | Trigonopeltastes pontilis Howden |
– | Pygidium with cretaceous markings much thinner in some parts compared to others, cretaceous markings filling basolateral corners of pygidium. Mexico to Panama (also in South America) | Trigonopeltastes geometricus Schaum (in part) |
45 | Femora tan to reddish brown | 46 |
– | Femora black to dark brown (if tan, from Nicaragua) | 47 |
46 | Clypeus with a group of short, semierect setae on either side near lateral margins; elytral interval 2 with orange coloration extending apically past lateral cretaceous marking. Mexico to Honduras | Trigonopeltastes frontalis Bates |
– | Clypeus with inconspicuous, fine setae (Fig. |
Trigonopeltastes warneri Smith |
47 | Elytra with transverse, black mark across interval 2 and 3 adjacent to cretaceous marking on midline, or intervals 2 and 3 completely orange adjacent to cretaceous marking on midline; elytra along lateral edges with 2 transverse, cretaceous lines (basal line sometimes absent especially in individuals with mainly orange coloration on elytra); elytral humeral swelling usually either completely black or orange, without continuous orange line across base. Mexico to Costa Rica | Trigonopeltastes sallaei Bates |
– | Elytra with interval 2 orange and interval 3 with black spot or line adjacent to cretaceous marking on midline; elytra along lateral edges with 1 transverse, cretaceous line (sometimes absent); elytral humeral swelling with continuous orange line across the base (e.g., Figs |
48 |
48 | Basal half of elytra with 1 lateral, solid orange line along base and medial orange spot sub-basally (Figs |
Trigonopeltastes mombachoensis Smith |
– | Basal half of elytra with 2 lateral, solid orange lines, one along base and one sub-basally. Mexico to Guatemala | Trigonopeltastes intermedius Bates |
Apeltastes Howden, 1968
Apeltastes chiapasensis Howden, 1994 – Mexico
Apeltastes elongatus Howden, 1968 – Mexico
Dialithus Parry, 1849
Dialithus magnificus (Parry, 1849) – Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica
Dialithus castaneipennis Kraatz, 1897 (synonym)
Dialithus scintillans Howden, 1972 – Panama
Giesbertiolus Howden, 1988
Giesbertiolus curoei Ramírez-Ponce, 2014 – Panama
Giesbertiolus festivus (Howden, 1972) – Mexico
Giesbertiolus linnaei Krikken, 2008 – Costa Rica
Giesbertiolus ornatus Howden, 1988 – Costa Rica, Panama
Gnorimella Casey, 1915
Gnorimella maculosa (Knoch, 1801) – Canada, United States of America
Trichius bigsbii Kirby, 1827 (synonym)
Gnorimus dissimilis Gory & Percheron, 1833 (synonym)
Iridisoma Delgado-Castillo & Morón, 1991
Iridisoma acahuizotlensis Delgado-Castillo & Morón, 1991 – Mexico
Paleotrichius Poinar, 2011
Paleotrichius dominicanus Poinar, 2011 – Dominican Republic (fossil)
Paragnorimus Becker, 1910
Peltotrichius Howden, 1968 (synonym)
Paragnorimus aenescens (Bates, 1889) – Mexico
Paragnorimus atratus Smith, 2010 – Guatemala
Paragnorimus glaseri (Howden, 1971) – Guatemala
Paragnorimus guatemalensis Howden, 1970 – Guatemala
Paragnorimus hondurensis Smith, 2010 – Honduras, Nicaragua
Paragnorimus howdeni Smith, 2010 – Guatemala
Paragnorimus linea (Burmeister, 1841) – Mexico
Trigonopeltastes quadrisignatus Schaum, 1841 (synonym)
Paragnorimus sambucus Howden, 1970 – Mexico, Guatemala
Paragnorimus velutinus Becker, 1910 – Mexico
Paragnorimus flohri Becker, 1910 (synonym)
Trichiotinus Casey, 1915
Trichinus Kirby, 1827 (synonym)
Trichiotinus affinis (Gory & Percheron, 1833) – Canada, United States of America
Trichius variabilis Burmeister & Schaum, 1841 (synonym)
Trichius mutabilis Schaum, 1844 (synonym)
Trichiotinus venticosus Casey, 1915 (synonym)
Trichiotinus parvulus Casey, 1915 (synonym)
Trichiotinus assimilis (Kirby, 1837) – Canada, United States of America
Trichius bistriga Newman, 1838 (synonym)
Trichius variabilis Burmeister & Schaum, 1841 (synonym)
Trichiotinus bibens (Fabricius, 1775) – Canada, United States of America
Trichiotinus lunulatus (Fabricius, 1775) – United States of America
Trichius viridulus Fabricius, 1775 (synonym)
Trichius virens Gmelin, 1790 (synonym)
Trichius mutabilis Schaum, 1844 (synonym)
Trichius semiviridis Casey, 1914 (synonym)
Trichius carolinensis Casey, 1914 (synonym)
Trichius rasilicaudus Casey, 1915 (synonym)
Trichius rufiventris Casey, 1915 (synonym)
Trichiotinus piger (Fabricius, 1775) – Canada, United States of America
Trichius drummond Gory & Percheron, 1833 (synonym)
Trichius rotundicollis Kirby, 1837 (synonym)
Trichiotinus reductus Casey, 1915 (synonym)
Trichiotinus rufobrunneus (Casey, 1914) – United States of America
Trichius obesulus Casey, 1914 (synonym)
Trichiotinus texanus (Horn, 1876) – United States of America
Trichiotinus monticola Casey, 1915 (synonym)
Trichiotinus intermedius Casey, 1915 (synonym)
Trichiotinus viridans (Kirby, 1837) – Canada, United States of America
Trichius variabilis Burmeister & Schaum, 1841 (synonym)
Trigonopeltastes Burmeister & Schaum, 1840
Archimedius Kirby, 1827 (synonym)
Euclidius Kirby, 1827 (synonym)
Roplisa Casey, 1909 (synonym)
Trigonopeltastes arborfloricola Smith, 2016 – Nicaragua
Trigonopeltastes archimedes Schaum, 1841 – Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica
Trigonopeltastes aurovelutinus Curoe, 2011 – Mexico
Trigonopeltastes barbatus Howden & Joly, 1998 – Venezuela
Trigonopeltastes delta (Forster, 1771) – United States of America
Trigonopeltastes deltoides (Newman, 1838) – Mexico
Trigonopeltastes discrepans Howden, 1968 – Mexico
Trigonopeltastes femoratus Howden, 1968 – Costa Rica
Trigonopeltastes floridanus (Casey, 1909) – United States of America
Trigonopeltastes formidulosus Smith, 2016 – Costa Rica
Trigonopeltastes frontalis Bates, 1889 – Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras
Trigonopeltastes geometricus Schaum, 1841 – Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia
Trigonopeltastes nigrinus Bates, 1889 (synonym)
Trigonopeltastes carus Bates, 1889 (synonym)
Trigonopeltastes glabellus Howden, 1988 – Mexico, Guatemala
Trigonopeltastes henryi Smith, 2016 – Costa Rica
Trigonopeltastes intermedius Bates, 1889 – Mexico, Guatemala
Trigonopeltastes kerleyi Ricchiardi, 2003 – Brazil
Trigonopeltastes mombachoensis Smith, 2016 – Nicaragua
Trigonopeltastes pontilis Howden, 1988 – Costa Rica, Panama
Trigonopeltastes sallaei sallaei Bates, 1889 – Mexico (eastern Mexico), Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica
Trigonopeltastes sallaei sinaloensis Howden, 1968 – Mexico (northwestern Mexico from Sonora to Nayarit)
Trigonopeltastes simplex Bates, 1889 – Mexico, Guatemala
Trigonopeltastes thomasi Howden & Ratcliffe, 1990 – Mexico
Trigonopeltastes triangulus (Kirby, 1819) – Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina
Trigonopeltastes nigra Burmeister, 1846 (synonym)
Trigonopeltastes truncatus Howden, 1968 – Mexico
Trigonopeltastes variabilis Howden, 1968 – Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras
Trigonopeltastes warneri Smith, 2016 – Belize, Guatemala
Trigonopeltastes wappesi Howden, 1988 – Panama
I thank the late Henry Howden (CMNC) for many interesting discussions on New World Trichiini and for turning over specimens of Trigonopeltastes henryi and T. warneri to me for description. I thank all the curators and collections managers listed in the Materials and Methods section for allowing me to borrow specimens from their collections. Bill Warner (Chandler, Arizona) is acknowledged for allowing me to study the Trigonopeltastes warneri type specimens and Angel Solís (