Research Article
Research Article
Establishment of two new Anaplecta species (Blattodea, Blattoidea, Anaplectidae) based on morphological and COI data with an additional description of Anaplecta furcata Deng & Che, 2020
expand article infoXinyi Deng, Jieyu Shan, Chengcheng Xiao, Jing Zhu, Zongqing Wang, Yanli Che
‡ Southwest University, Beibei, China
Open Access


Based on morphological characteristics, including male and female genitalia, combined with DNA barcodes, two new species, Anaplecta circinalis Deng & Che, sp. nov. and Anaplecta bihamata Deng & Che, sp. nov., are described in detail. Additional information on the female genitalia of Anaplecta furcata Deng & Che, 2020 is also provided. Photographs of external morphology and caudal anatomy of these species, as well as a key to the Chinese Anaplecta species, are provided.


Cockroaches, COI, DNA barcodes, female genitalia, morphology, new species, taxonomy


At present, 112 species of Anaplecta have been recorded, widely distributed in Asia, North America, South America, Africa and Oceania (21 species in China) (Beccaloni 2014; Deng et al. 2020; Zhu et al. 2022). As taxonomic research progresses, both morphological characters including male and female genitalia and DNA barcodes have been applied to the identification of Anaplecta species (Deng et al. 2020; Zhu et al. 2022). This has enriched the knowledge of the Anaplecta fauna, which shows a rich diversity.

The effective discernment of species using male genitalia was verified in Deng et al. (2020) although subtle intraspecific variation occurred in male genitalia of some Anaplecta species. Three cryptic Anaplecta species were revealed in Zhu et al. (2022), where they combined male and female genitalia with DNA barcodes. This confirmed the importance of female genitalia in species delimitation of this genus.

Recently, after collecting cockroach specimens in Fujian, Yunnan, Guangdong and Hunan provinces in China, two new Anaplecta species were discovered based on morphological characters. This result was then further verified here by using DNA barcodes. In addition, an exhaustive description of the female genitalia of Anaplecta furcata was also provided herein.

Materials and methods

Morphological study

Sixty-eight specimens from Fujian, Yunnan, Guangdong and Hunan provinces were examined in this study. The genitalia terminology used in this paper mainly follows McKittrick (1964), Roth (1990) and Deng et al. (2020), while veins terminology follows Li et al. (2018).

The measurements are based on the specimens examined. The genitalia were processed with 10% NaOH at 65 °C for 30–35 min for digestion of soft tissues. The genitalia segments were dissected and stored in glycerol, then observed with a Motic K400 stereomicroscope. These segments were then preserved with the remainder of the specimen in ethyl alcohol. Photographs of the genitalia and body were taken with a Leica M205A stereomicroscope and edited with Adobe Photoshop CS6. All type materials are deposited at the Institute of Entomology, College of Plant Protection, Southwest University, Chongqing, China (SWU).

Abbreviations in this paper are as follows:

L1, L2, L3 sclerites of the left phallomere;

L2d L2 dorsal;

L2v L2 ventral;

L2vm median sclerite;

M media veins;

R1, R2, R3 sclerites of the right phallomere;

CuA cubitus anterior;

CuP cubitus posterior.

PCR amplification and sequencing

Four specimens were used for cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) sequencing in this study. Total DNA was extracted from the muscle of legs according to the HiPure Tissue DNA Mini Kit (Magen Biotech, Guangzhou). Primers for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were COI-F (5’-CAACYAATCATAAAGANATTGGAAC-3’) and COI-R (5’-TAAACTTCTGGRTGACCAAARAATCA-3’) (a simple adjustment based on Folmer 1994; Yang et al. 2019). The amplification conditions were as follows: initial denaturation 2 min at 98 °C, followed by 35 cycles of 10 s at 98 °C, 10 s annealing at 49–50 °C, 15 s extension at 72 °C, and a final extension of 2 min at 72 °C; the samples were then held at 8 °C. The PCR products were sequenced by Tsingke Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (Beijing, China).

Molecular analyses

A total of 62 COI sequences were analyzed in this study: four newly-sequenced sequences of our newly described Anaplecta species and 55 published sequences of 20 Chinese Anaplecta species, and three sequences of Periplaneta Burmeister, 1838 (as outgroup) downloaded from GenBank (Table 1). The alignment was then manually corrected by translation into amino acids in MEGA 7 (Kumar et al. 2016). The genetic divergence value was quantified based on the Kimura 2-parameter (K2P) distance model (Kimura 1980). Maximum likelihood (ML) analysis was implemented in IQ-TREE (Nguyen et al. 2015) with 1000 replicates for bootstrap values, after choosing optimal partitioning scheme and substitution models (COI_pos 1, GTR+I+G; COI_pos 2 and COI_pos 3, HKY+I+G) in PartitionFinder v.2.1.1 (Lanfear et al. 2017) with the corrected Akaike Information Criterion (AICc).

Table 1.

Samples of Anaplecta species used in the maximum likelihood analyses.

Species Location (voucher number, gender) Literature source GenBank Accession Number
A. circinalis sp. nov. Pu’er, Yunnan (Anapcircm, ♂) OP306078
A. circinalis sp. nov. Pu’er, Yunnan (Anapcircf, ♀) OP306077
A. bihamata sp. nov. Shaoyang, Hunan (Anapbiham, ♂) OP306076
A. bihamata sp. nov. Shaoyang, Hunan (Anapbihaf, ♀) OP306075
A. bicruris Zhu et al. (2022) OL790029, OL790030, OL790036
A. spinosa Zhu et al. (2022) OL790028, OL790038
A. ungulata Zhu et al. (2022) OL790031, OL790053, OL790048
A. anomala Zhu et al. (2022) OL790032, OL790050
A. serrata Zhu et al. (2022) OL790033, OL790047, OL790046
A. bombycina Zhu et al. (2022) OL790037, OL790049, OL790034, OL790052
A. longihamata Zhu et al. (2022) OL790035, OL790051
A. paraomei Zhu et al. (2022) OL790039, OL790045, OL790041, OL790042
A. condensa Zhu et al. (2022) OL790040, OL790043, OL790044
A. truncatula Zhu et al. (2022) OL790054, OL790055
A. omei Zhu et al. (2022) OL790056, OL790057, OL790058
A. omei Deng et al. (2020) MT800287
A. corneola Zhu et al. (2022) OL790063
A. corneola Deng et al. (2020) MT800293, MT800296
A. cruciata Zhu et al. (2022) OL790061
A. cruciata Deng et al. (2020) MT800303, MT800304
A. basalis Zhu et al. (2022) OL790060
A. basalis Deng et al. (2020) MT800305, MT800309
A. nigra Deng et al. (2020) MT800306
A. staminiformis Zhu et al. (2022) OL790062
A. staminiformis Deng et al. (2020) MT800297, MT800299
A. arcuata Zhu et al. (2022) OL790065
A. arcuata Deng et al. (2020) MT800307, MT800308
A. strigata Zhu et al. (2022) OL790064
A. strigata Deng et al. (2020) MT800291, MT800292
A. furcata Deng et al. (2020) MT800301,MT800302
A. bicolor Zhu et al. (2022) OL790059
A. bicolor Deng et al. (2020) MT800310
Periplaneta americana Jones et al. (2013) KC617846
Periplaneta fuliginosa Beeren et al. (2015) KM577133
Periplaneta australasiae Yue et al. (2014) KF640069


Morphological delimitation based on external morphology and genitalia

After observing the external morphological and genital characteristics of 42 Anaplecta samples from Fujian, Yunnan, Guangdong and Hunan provinces, two new morphospecies and one known species, Anaplecta furcata, were identified. One morphospecies can be distinguished by its curled L2vm from other Chinese Anaplecta species; while the other is characterized by its hook-shaped L2vm and R1.

Molecular analysis based on COI

In this study, the sequenced length of COI excluding the primer was approximately 658bp. Four new COI sequences have been deposited in GenBank with accession numbers OP306075 to OP306078 (Table 1). Interspecific COI genetic divergence ranged from 5.54% (A. longihamata and A. condensa) to 27.53% (A. truncatula and A. ungulata) (Table 2). Interspecific COI genetic divergence ranges among the two new morphospecies (A. bihamata sp. nov. and A. circinalis sp. nov.) and other Anaplecta species are 13.97–27.53%, and 18.85–24.85% respectively (Table 2). ML analysis revealed that conspecific samples including two new morphospecies (A. bihamata sp. nov. and A. circinalis sp. nov.) gathered together well to constitute monophyletic groups (Fig. 1), which solidly supported our morphological results.

Table 2.

Interspecific genetic distance calculated by the K2P model using COI sequences in MEGA.

species 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
1 A. bihamata sp. nov.
2 A. staminiformis 0.1397
3 A. bicruris 0.1686 0.1827
4 A. spinosa 0.1835 0.1764 0.1653
5 A. longihamata 0.2177 0.2460 0.2134 0.2222
6 A. condensa 0.2121 0.2370 0.2160 0.2131 0.0554
7 A. paraomei 0.2003 0.2220 0.2037 0.2169 0.0832 0.0881
8 A. omei 0.1966 0.2202 0.2192 0.2065 0.0779 0.0937 0.0699
9 A. corneola 0.2078 0.2115 0.1972 0.1975 0.1425 0.1447 0.1437 0.1513
10 A. nigra 0.1899 0.1904 0.1943 0.2150 0.2318 0.2365 0.2146 0.2277 0.2108
11 A. basalis 0.1734 0.1875 0.1918 0.1909 0.2417 0.2400 0.2176 0.2202 0.2133 0.2132
12 A. bicolor 0.2265 0.2215 0.1939 0.2025 0.2211 0.2209 0.2104 0.2207 0.2070 0.2399 0.2246
13 A. anomala 0.2123 0.2119 0.2159 0.2065 0.2106 0.2154 0.1981 0.1974 0.2157 0.2220 0.2342 0.1972
14 A. strigata 0.2123 0.2236 0.2077 0.2012 0.2032 0.2100 0.2095 0.2035 0.2004 0.2094 0.2104 0.2071 0.0868
15 A. serrata 0.2027 0.2287 0.2090 0.2198 0.2366 0.2526 0.2213 0.2144 0.2353 0.2141 0.2124 0.2438 0.1986 0.1852
16 A. circinalis sp. nov. 0.2014 0.2175 0.2179 0.1885 0.2427 0.2485 0.2236 0.2196 0.2416 0.2368 0.2063 0.2282 0.2145 0.2019 0.2051
17 A. bombycina 0.2487 0.2423 0.2201 0.2050 0.2269 0.2310 0.2247 0.2198 0.2141 0.2176 0.2530 0.2471 0.2263 0.2216 0.2373 0.2263
18 A. arcuata 0.1970 0.2339 0.2367 0.2310 0.2258 0.2355 0.2197 0.2291 0.2442 0.2128 0.2364 0.2239 0.2089 0.2100 0.2495 0.2027 0.1925
19 A. furcata 0.2201 0.2357 0.2133 0.2208 0.2199 0.2419 0.2376 0.2178 0.2284 0.2126 0.2275 0.2128 0.2124 0.2084 0.2059 0.2192 0.1887 0.1867
20 A. truncatula 0.2025 0.2161 0.2008 0.1961 0.2387 0.2274 0.2187 0.2219 0.2400 0.2395 0.2031 0.2393 0.2405 0.2398 0.2348 0.2099 0.2494 0.2456 0.2334
21 A. cruciata 0.2087 0.2167 0.2201 0.2258 0.2352 0.2233 0.2359 0.2107 0.2475 0.2291 0.2292 0.2354 0.2228 0.2370 0.2383 0.2230 0.2615 0.2342 0.2362 0.2546
22 A. ungulata 0.2337 0.2644 0.2720 0.2411 0.2424 0.2503 0.2509 0.2536 0.2349 0.2284 0.2250 0.2569 0.2276 0.2068 0.2628 0.2435 0.2504 0.2374 0.2454 0.2753 0.2571
Figure 1. 

Maximum likelihood (ML) tree derived from COI sequences implemented in IQ-TREE with 1000 replicates for bootstrap values.


Based on the morphology and ML analysis, we confirmed two new species: Anaplecta circinalis Deng & Che, sp. nov. and Anaplecta bihamata Deng & Che, sp. nov.

Key to species of Anaplecta in China

[A. simplex Shiraki, 1931 is not included because we were unable to collect a sample and only wings were described by the author.]

1 Disk of pronotum bicolored 2
Disk of pronotum unicolored 6
2 Disk dark and faded gradually or sharply towards the posterior end 3
Disk dark with some markings 4
3 Tegmina yellowish brown, 1/3 of the base black (except the lateral margins) A. basalis Bey-Bienko, 1969
Tegmina completely yellowish brown (except the lateral margins) A. bicolor Deng & Che, 2020
4 Disk with a pair of blurred longitudinal darker areas A. bicruris Zhu & Che, 2022
Disk with a lighter blurred centre 5
5 Tegmina unicolored A. strigata Deng & Che, 2020
Tegmina bicolored, 1/3 of the base darker than remaining parts (except lateral margins and anal field) A. anomala Zhu & Che, 2022
6 Tegmina with obvious markings 7
Tegmina without obvious markings 9
7 Tegmina yellowish brown, with a nearly oval brown spot at CuP A. ungulata Zhu & Che, 2022
Tegmina yellowish brown, with a subrectangular black spot at base 8
8 R1 needle-shaped A. truncatula Zhu & Che, 2022
R1 arc-shaped A. nigra Deng & Che, 2020
9 Male paraprocts with dense spines on curly posterior margin 10
Male paraprocts not as above 13
10 Intercalary sclerite small, nearly filamentous A. condensa Zhu & Che, 2022
Intercalary sclerite large, strip-shaped or sheet-like 11
11 Right first valvifer arm long, lateral edges folded up A. longihamata Zhu & Che, 2022
Right first valvifer arm short, lateral edges not folded up 12
12 The posterior margin of anterior arch hip-shaped A. paraomei Zhu & Che, 2022
The posterior margin of anterior arch smooth A. omei Bey-Bienko, 1958
13 L1 with a long and curved filamentary structure 14
L1 with a short and robust uncinate structure A. cruciata Deng & Che, 2020
14 R1 degraded or merged with L2vm 15
R1 well developed, not merged with L2vm 18
15 Male paraprocts specialized, stripe-shaped, with spines on posterior margin A. spinosa Zhu & Che, 2022
Male paraprocts unspecialized 16
16 The apex of L2v bifurcated, sheet-like 17
The apex of L2v not bifurcated, shaped like ‘3’ A. bombycina Zhu & Che, 2022
17 One sclerite of R2 serrated A. serrata Zhu & Che, 2022
All sclerites of R2 without serration 18
18 L2vm slender A. arcuata Deng & Che, 2020
L2vm broad A. circinalis Deng & Che, sp. nov.
19 R1 curved 20
R1 straight, cylindrical A. staminiformis Deng & Che, 2020
20 R1 highly sclerotized, horn-shaped 21
R1 sightly sclerotized, arc-shaped A. furcata Deng & Che, 2020
21 Right phallomere without special horny structure A. bihamata Deng & Che, sp. nov.
Right phallomere with special horny structure A. corneola Deng & Che, 2020

Anaplecta circinalis Deng & Che, sp. nov.

Figs 2A–I, 4A–C

Type material

Holotype : China • male; Yunnan Prov., Pu’er County, Xiniuping Scenic Area of Pu’er National Park; 26°36.14'N, 101°5.53'E; 1602 m; 29 Jun. 2021; Jia-Wei Zhang & Jin-Lin Liu leg; SWU-B-AN-0175. Paratypes: China • 9 males & 14 females; same data as holotype; SWU-B-AN-0176 to 0198.

Diagnosis. This species can be easily separated from other Chinese Anaplecta species by its curled left phallomere (L2vm).


The specific epithet ‘circinalis’ is derived from the Latin word circinalis, referring to the curled L2vm.


Measurements (mm). Male: Pronotum length × width: 1.0–1.3 × 1.8–1.9, tegmina length: 5.0–5.2, overall length: 5.8–6.1. Female: Pronotum length × width: 1.2–1.4×1.7–2.0, tegmina length: 4.7–5.1, overall length: 5.6–6.2.

Coloration. Body dark yellowish brown, eyes black, antennae dark brown. Head yellowish brown (Fig. 2A, B, D). Pronotum dark yellowish brown, lateral borders nearly hyaline (Fig. 2C). Tegmina yellowish brown, lateral borders nearly hyaline (Fig. 2E). Wings with costal field and appendicular field light brown, other parts light brown, veins dark brown (Fig. 2H). Center of abdominal sterna yellowish brown, gradually darkening to edges. Cerci and legs yellowish brown.

Figure 2. 

Anaplecta circinalis Deng & Che, sp. nov. holotype, male SWU-B-AN-0175 A habitus, dorsal view B habitus, ventral view C pronotum, dorsal view D head, ventral view E tegmen F supra-anal plate, ventral view G front femur H wing I subgenital plate, dorsal view J left phallomere K right phallomere, dorsal view. Abbreviations: afd anal fold, A[1] anterior anal vein, cfd cubitus fold, CuA cubitus anterior, CuP cubitus posterior, L1, L2, L3 sclerites of the left phallomere, L2d L2 dorsal, L2v L2 ventral, L2vm median sclerite, M median, Pcu postcubitus, R radius, RA radius anterior, RP radius posterior, R2, R3 sclerites of the right phallomere, ScP subcostal posterior. Scale bars: 2 mm (A–E, G, H); 0.5 mm (F, I–K).

Head and thorax. Interocular space slightly greater than distance between antennal sockets. Third and fifth maxillary palpi equal in length, longer than fourth; fifth maxillary palpus subelliptical and thicker than other segments (Fig. 2D). Pronotum subelliptical, anterior margin arched, hind margin nearly straight (Fig. 2C).

Tegmina with indistinct veins; the radius posterior veins of hind wings slightly indistinct, CuP and CuA merging into one venation (Fig. 2E, H). Front femur type B2 (Fig. 2G), pulvilli absent, tarsal claws symmetrical, arolia present.

Male abdomen and genitalia. Supra-anal plate nearly symmetrical, sheet-like (Fig. 2F). Subgenital plate asymmetrical, interstylar margin arched, with a pair of anterior extensions (Fig. 2I). The left styli more robust than the right. Styli with length about 1/3 of interstylar space (Fig. 2I). Phallomere complex, L1 small, with slender and curved filamentary structure. L2v elongated, slightly bifurcated. L2vm broad, slightly thickened and curved. L2d slender and bifurcated. L3 slender, uncinate part blunt (Fig. 2J). R1 absent. R2 irregular, sheet-like, slightly sclerotized. R3 simple, sheet-like (Fig. 2K).

Female abdomen and genitalia. Supra-anal plate nearly symmetrical. Paraprocts (pp.) broad, not extending to the posterior margin of supra-anal plate. Intercalary sclerite (intc.s) nearly stripe-shaped, slightly curved. First valvifer arm short. First valve (v.I) robust. Second valve (v.II) small, basally fused. Third valve (v.III) broad. The anterior margin of anterior arch (aa.) symmetrical, slightly sclerotized, extending forward in a flaky shape with a deep concavity in the middle. Basivalvula (bsv.) nearly flattened, elliptical (Fig. 4A, B). Laterosternal shelf ( slightly sclerotized, lateral margin straight (Fig. 4C).


China (Yunnan).

Anaplecta bihamata Deng & Che, sp. nov.

Figs 3A–I, 4D–F

Type material

Holotype : China • male; Hunan Prov., Shaoyang City, Chengbu County, Ten Miles Flat Monitoring Station; 26°14.12'N, 110°25.52'E; 821 m; 22 May 2021; Jing Zhu leg; SWU-B-AN-0199. Paratypes: China • 7 males; SWU-B-AN-0200 to 206; same collection data as holotype • 1 male; SWU-B-AN-0207; Guangdong Prov., Shaoguan City • 2 males and 1 female; SWU-B-AN-0208 to 0210; Ruyuan County, Nanling Nature Reserve Xiaozhu Parking Lot; 24°54.10'N, 113°2.53'E; 695 m, 18 May 2021; Wei Han & Li-Min Qiao leg. • 1 male; SWU-B-AN-0211; Hunan Prov., Yongzhou City, Ningyuan County, Mt. Jiuyi, Yellow River Village; 25°9.8'N, 111°34.17'E; 629 m, 6 Jun. 2021; Jing Zhu leg. • 3 males; SWU-B-AN-0212 to 214; Fujian Prov., Wuyishan City, Sisin Integrated Observation Site; 27°35.30'N, 117°46.4'E; 450 m, 23 Jun. 2021; Wei Han & Jing Zhu leg.


This species can be easily separated from other Chinese Anaplecta species by its hook-shaped L2vm and R1.


The specific epithet is derived from the Latin word hamatus, referring to both L2vm and R1 being hook-like.


Measurements (mm). Male: Pronotum length × width: 1.2–1.4 × 1.9–2.0, tegmina length: 5.8–6.4, overall length: 6.8–7.3. Female: Pronotum length × width: 1.1–1.4 × 1.9–2.2, tegmina length: 5.4–5.6, overall length: 6.2–6.7.

Coloration. Body yellowish brown, eyes black, antennae dark brown. Head yellowish brown (Fig. 3A, B, C). Pronotum and tegmina yellowish brown, lateral borders nearly hyaline (Fig. 3D, E). Wings with costal field and appendicular field infuscated, other parts light brown, with veins dark brown (Fig. 3E, H). Abdominal sterna, cerci and legs yellowish brown (Fig. 3B).

Figure 3. 

Anaplecta bihamata Deng & Che, sp. nov. holotype, male SWU-B-AN-0177 A habitus, dorsal view B habitus, ventral view C pronotum, dorsal view D head, ventral view E tegmen F supra-anal plate, ventral view G front femur H wing I subgenital plate, dorsal view J, K left phallomere L, M right phallomere, dorsal view. Abbreviations: afd anal fold, A[1] anterior anal vein, cfd cubitus fold, CuA cubitus anterior, CuP cubitus posterior, L1, L2, L3 sclerites of the left phallomere, L2v L2 ventral, L2vm median sclerite, M median, Pcu postcubitus, R radius, RA radius anterior, RP radius posterior, R1, R2, R3 sclerites of the right phallomere, ScP subcostal posterior. Scale bars: 2 mm (A–E, G, H); 0.5 mm (F, I–M).

Head and thorax. Interocular space slightly greater than distance between antennal sockets. Fourth and fifth maxillary palpi equal in length, shorter than third maxillary palpus; fifth maxillary palpus triangular and thicker than others (Fig. 3C). Pronotum subelliptical (Fig. 3D). Tegmina with indistinct veins; wings with radial veins slightly indistinct, CuP and CuA merging into one venation (Fig. 3E, H). Front femur type B2 (Fig. 3G), pulvilli absent, tarsal claws symmetrical, arolia present.

Male abdomen and genitalia. Supra-anal plate symmetrical, sheet-like (Fig. 3F). Subgenital plate subelliptical, with an anterior extension in the left and the posterior margin slightly arched (Fig. 3I). Styli small, cylindrical, styli with length about ⅓ of interstylar space (Fig. 3I). Phallomere complex, L1 small, with slender and curved filamentary structure. L2v elongated, bifurcated at apex and highly sclerotized at terminal. L2vm broad with curved hook at the left (Fig. 3K). L3 robust and medium, uncinate part with apex blunt (Fig. 3J). R1 hooked, the proximal part sharply tapered and highly sclerotized (Fig. 3L). R2 irregular, slightly sclerotized. R3 short, simple sheet-like (Fig. 3M).

Female abdomen and genitalia. Supra-anal plate nearly symmetrical. Paraprocts (pp.) broad, extending to the posterior margin of supra-anal plate. Intercalary sclerite (intc.s) short, nearly stripe-shaped, slightly curved. First valvifer arm short. First valve (v.I) robust. Second valve (v.II) small, basally fused. Third valve (v.III) broad. The anterior margin of anterior arch (aa.) slightly sclerotized, with a near spine-shaped protrusion and dense tiny punctuations. Basivalvula (bsv.) nearly flat (Fig. 4D, E). Laterosternal shelf ( slightly sclerotized lateral margin straight (Fig. 4F).

Figure 4. 

A–C Anaplecta circinalis Deng & Che, sp. nov. paratype, female SWU-B-AN-0176 D–F Anaplecta bihamata Deng & Che, sp. nov. paratype, female SWU-B-AN-0178 G–I Anaplecta furcata female SWU-B-B-A060471 A, D, G supra-anal plate, ventral view B, E, H supra-anal plate, dorsal view C, F, I subgenital plate, dorsal view. Abbreviations: a.a. anterior arch, bsv. basivalvula, cp. crosspiece, pt. paratergites, intc.s. intercalary sclerite, inst.f. Intersternal fold, laterosternal shelf, pp. paraprocts, sp. spermatheca, v.I first valve, v.II second valve, v.III third valve. Scale bars: 2 mm.


China (Hunan, Fujian, Guangdong).

Anaplecta furcata Deng & Che, 2020

Fig. 4G–I

Anaplecta furcata Deng & Che in Deng et al. 2020: 93–95.


Measurements (mm). Female: pronotum length × width: 1.1–1.4 × 1.9–2.2, tegmina length: 5.4–5.6, overall length: 6.2–6.7.

Female abdomen and genitalia. Supra-anal plate nearly symmetrical. Paraprocts broad, extending to the posterior margin of supra-anal plate. Intercalary sclerite (intc.s) nearly stripe-shaped. First valve (v.I) robust. Second valve (v.II) small, basally fused. Third valve (v.III) broad. The anterior margin of anterior arch (aa.) slightly sclerotized, extending forward in a flaky shape with a deep concavity in the middle. Basivalvula (bsv.) broad, some areas with dense punctuations. Laterosternal shelf ( slightly sclerotized, lateral margin slightly curved.

Material examined

China • 2 females; SWU-B-AN-0215 to 216; Guangxi Prov., Jinxiu County, Mt. Dayao; 24°8.43'N, 110°11.70'E; 944 m; 7 Jul. 2015; Lu Qiu & Qi-Kun Bai leg.


China (Guangxi).


We sincerely thank all collectors for their efforts in collection. We thank Prof. John Richard Schrock (Department of Biological Sciences, Emporia State University) for proof-reading the final draft. This study is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 32170458, 31772506, 32070468), and GDAS Special Project of Science and Technology Development (No. 2020GDASYL-20200102021, 2020GDASYL-20200301003).


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