Review Article
Review Article
Records of Limoniidae and Pediciidae (Diptera) from Armenia, with the first Armenian checklist of these families
expand article infoJozef Obona, Jaroslav Stary§, Peter Manko, Ľuboš Ľuboš|, Levon Papyan
‡ Department of Ecology, Faculty of Humanities and Natural Sciences, University of Prešov, Prešov, Slovakia
§ Silesian Museum, Opava, Czech Republic
| Faculty of Sciences, University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice, Czech Republic
¶ Scientific Center of Zoology and Hydroecology, Institute of Zoology, Yerevan, Armenia
Open Access


Records of species of the families Limoniidae and Pediciidae are presented from Armenia. A total of 38 species of Limoniidae and four species of Pediciidae are listed. Of these, 27 species of Limoniidae and one species of Pediciidae represent the first records from Armenia. The first checklist of these families from Armenia is appended, containing 77 species of Limoniidae and six species of Pediciidae.


Diptera , Limoniidae , Pediciidae , distributions, first records, checklist, Armenia


Compared to some European countries, Transcaucasia (Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan) is among less-investigated territories, as far as the families Limoniidae and Pediciidae are concerned. The territory occupies the southern macro-slopes of the Great Caucasus and the mountains and plateaux as far south as the Turkish and Iranian borders. Savchenko (e.g. 1971, 1972a,b, 1973, 1974, 1976a,b, 1978a,b, 1979, 1981, 1983, and others) contributed considerably to the knowledge of the local fauna and summarized his results in a comprehensive study (Savchenko 1989) dealing with the fauna of the former USSR. Faunal records from all relevant publications are registered in the Catalogue of the Craneflies of the World (Oosterbroek 2015). A total of 50 species of Limoniidae and five species of Pediciidae have been previously listed from Armenia.

The material we present in this paper was mostly collected in the north-western part of Armenia during a recent sampling campaign from August 26 to September 4, 2015. Thirty-eight species of Limoniidae and four species of Pediciidae were identified from this material, of which 27 species of Limoniidae and one species of Pediciidae represent the first records from Armenia. Seven species of Limoniidae and one species of Pediciidae are new to the whole Transcaucasia. In addition, we append the first checklist of Limoniidae and Pediciidae from Armenia, containing 77 species of Limoniidae and six species of Pediciidae.

Material and methods

Samples were collected by sweep-netting from vegetation along streams and lakes by the first, third, and fourth authors (JO, PM, LH) and preserved in 75% ethanol. A list of 33 sampling sites, with coordinates and altitudes, is given in Table 1, and the locations of the sites are shown in Map 1. The material is deposited in the collection of the second author (JS) who also identified the species. Some specimens were dried and mounted on points in the course of the study. The male terminalia, if necessary, were prepared by boiling in a solution of 10% KOH and preserved in glycerine in a sealed plastic tube pinned with the appropriate specimen after examination. Classification, nomenclature, and distribution for individual species are given as summarized by Oosterbroek (2015).

Map 1. 

Map showing all sampling sites in Armenia.

Figures 1–3. 

Sampling sites with highest species diversity. 1 Site No. 24 - NW of Amasia, tributary of Akhurian River (9 species, including Erioconopa symplectoides, Molophilus (M.) pleuralis, Ormosia (O.) hederae, and Limonia macrostigma) 2 Site No. 15 - Lermontov, tributary of Aghstev River (8 species, including Hoplolabis (P.) iranica, O. (O.) hederae, Rhabdomastix (R.) filata, Dicranomyia (D.) melanantha, L. macrostigma, and L. stigma) 3 Site No. 28 - W of Dilijan, Bldan River (8 species, including Pseudolimnophila (P.) melanura, Antocha (A.) vitripennis, Dicranomyia (D.) pontica, and Limonia hercegovinae).

Table 1.

List of sampling sites.

Site No. site name (province, short description of locality) latitude/ N longitude/ E altitude/ m a.s.l.
1 Ararat Province: Garni, below Garni Temple, Azat River 40°06'39.4" 44°43'45.3" 1273
2 Ararat Province: nr. Lanjazat, Azat River 40°03'27.0" 44°34'38.3" 976
3 Gegharkunik Province: Tsovagyugh, nr. Sevan Lake 40°37'01.8" 44°57'44.2" 1930
4 Kotayk Province: between Marmarik and Aghavnadzor, tributary of Marmarik River 40°33'52.0" 44°40'09.1" 1872
5 Kotayk Province: E of Hankavan, Marmarik River 40°38'04.7" 44°29'19.4" 1974
6 Kotayk Province: E of Hankavan, Marmarik River 40°38'09.2" 44°32'23.2" 1913
7 Kotayk Province: Hrazdan Sewage Treatment Plant, Hrazdan River 40°29'12.8" 44°43'55.9" 1705
8 Kotayk Province: Meghradzor, behind railway, tributary of Marmarik River 40°37'12.7" 44°40'18.3" 1825
9 Kotayk Province: Meghradzor, below “Gold Mine”, tributary of Marmarik River 40°37'53.0" 44°40'17.5" 1870
10 Kotayk Province: near Artavaz, Marmarik River 40°36'49.9" 44°34'18.2" 1849
11 Kotayk Province: N of Solak, Hrazdan River 40°28'19.7" 44°42'42.2" 1567
12 Kotayk Province: SW of Hrazdan Reservoir, tributary of Hrazdan River 40°30'10.2" 44°44'22.4" 1718
13 Kotayk Province: between Marmarik and Aghavnadzor, Marmarik River 40°34'29.3" 44°41'02.2" 1760
14 Lori Province: W of Vahagnadzor, Zamanlu River 40°53'07.0" 44°34'39.0" 1092
15 Lori Province: Lermontov, tributary of Aghstev River (Fig. 2) 40°45'24.6" 44°38'42.0" 1853
16 Lori Province: Meghvahovit, road H31, small steppe brook 41°03'59.9" 44°05'44.2" 1949
17 Lori Province: N of Dzoraget, tributary of Pambak River 40°56'52.7" 44°37'37.2" 1030
18 Lori Province: N of Pushkin, tributary of Dzoraget River 40°58'04.8" 44°24'49.7" 1485
19 Lori Province: NE of Geghasar, Pambak River 40°51'17.4" 44°11'40.8" 1627
20 Lori Province: road H23 to Pushkin Pass, small brook 40°54'22.9" 44°25'33.3" 1839
21 Shirak Province: between Aghvoik and Ardenis, tributary of Akhurian River 41°04'21.2" 43°44'44.8" 2052
22 Shirak Province: E of Torosgyugh, tributary of Akhurian River 40°55'55.0" 43°52'45.3" 1885
23 Shirak Province: NE of Musayelyan, tributary of Akhurian River 41°00'13.2" 43°57'24.9" 2195
24 Shirak Province: NW of Amasia, tributary of Akhurian River (Fig. 1) 40°58'20.5" 43°46'06.9" 1987
25 Shirak Province: Zuygaghbyur, meanders of tributary of Akhurien River 41°00'56.1" 43°54'18.8" 2034
26 Tavush Province: below Jukhtakvank Monastery 40°45'11.8" 44°48'25.7" 1411
27 Tavush Province: car park on road M4, tributary of Aghstev River 40°50'32.0" 45°06'56.8" 760
28 Tavush Province: W of Dilijan, Bldan River (Fig. 3) 40°44'49.1" 44°49'03.5" 1354
29 Tavush Province: E of Haghartsin, tributary of Aghstev River 40°48'09.3" 44°53'43.7" 1382
30 Tavush Province: E of Matosavank Monastery 40°44'59.6" 44°48'29.2" 1392
31 Tavush Province: N of Gosh, Getik River 40°45'16.5" 45°01'18.4" 940
32 Tavush Province: NW of Teghut, tributary of Aghstev River 40°47'15.2" 44°54'58.0" 1197
33 Tavush Province: vicinity of Parz Lake 40°44'57.7" 44°57'33.3" 1376


Faunistic records

Family Limoniidae

Subfamily Limnophilinae

Paradelphomyia (Oxyrhiza) brevifurca Savchenko, 1976

Material examined

Tavush: below Jukhtakvank Monastery, (site 26), 29.viii.2015, 1 ♂.


So far only known from North Caucasus and Georgia. First record from Armenia.

Paradelphomyia (Oxyrhiza) fuscula (Loew, 1873)

Material examined

Kotayk: between Marmarik and Aghavnadzor, tributary of Marmarik R. (site 4), 27.viii.2015, 1 ♂.


Europe; Iran. First record from Armenia and Transcaucasia.

Paradelphomyia (Oxyrhiza) senilis (Haliday, 1833)

Material examined

Lori: N of Dzoraget, tributary of Pambak R. (site 17), 1.ix.2015, 1 ♂.


Europe; Azerbaijan, Turkey; Kirghizia. First record from Armenia.

Phylidorea (Phylidorea) ferruginea (Meigen, 1818)

Material examined

Kotayk: Hrazdan Sewage Treatment Plant, Hrazdan R. (site 7), 27.viii.2015, 1 ♂ 3 ♀.


Europe; Azerbaijan, Turkey, Israel; Central Asia, Mongolia; West Siberia. First record from Armenia.

Pseudolimnophila (Pseudolimnophila) melanura Savchenko, 1984

Material examined

Tavush: W of Dilijan, Bldan R. (site 28), 28.viii.2015, 6 ♂ 3 ♀.


So far only known from Tajikistan. First record from Armenia and Transcaucasia; first record since original description.


Due to syntopic occurrence in Armenia of P. (P.) melanura and P. (P.) sepium the former cannot be considered a subspecies of the latter, as suggested by Savchenko et al. (1992).

Pseudolimnophila (Pseudolimnophila) sepium (Verrall, 1886)

Material examined

Tavush: W of Dilijan, Bldan R. (site 28), 28.viii.2015, 1 ♂.


Europe; Morocco; Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkey; Central Asia. First record from Armenia.

Subfamily Chioneinae

Erioconopa symplectoides (Kuntze, 1914)

Material examined

Kotayk: Hrazdan Sewage Treatment Plant, Hrazdan R. (site 7), 27.viii.2015, 1 ♂; Shirak: NE of Musayelyan, tributary of Akhurian R. (site 23), 2.ix.2015, 2 ♀; Shirak: Zuygaghbyur, meanders of tributary of Akhurien R. (site 25), 2.ix.2015, 3 ♂ 1 ♀; Shirak: NW of Amasia, tributary of Akhurian R. (site 24), 2.ix.2015, 5 ♂; Shirak: between Aghvoik and Ardenis, tributary of Akhurian R. (site 21), 3.ix.2015, 1 ♂ 1 ♀; Shirak: E of Torosgyugh, tributary of Akhurian R. (site 22), 3.ix.2015, 4 ♂ 1 ♀; Lori: NE of Geghasar, Pambak R. (site 19), 3.ix.2015, 2 ♂ 1 ♀.


Europe, except for northern countries; Morocco; Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkey. First records from Armenia.

Erioptera (Erioptera) fusculenta Edwards, 1938

Material examined

Kotayk: NW of Artavaz, Marmarik R. (site 6), 26.viii.2015, 3 ♂ 1 ♀; Kotayk: Hrazdan Sewage Treatment Plant, Hrazdan R. (site 7), 27.viii.2015, 5 ♂; Kotayk: SW of Hrazdan Reservoir, tributary of Hrazdan R. (site 12), 27.viii.2015, 1 ♂; Kotayk: near Artavaz, Marmarik R. (site 10), 27.viii.2015, 1 ♀; Kotayk: Meghradzor, behind railway, tributary of Marmarik R. (site 8), 27.viii.2015, 1 ♂; Tavush: W of Dilijan, Bldan R. (site 28), 28.viii.2015, 3 ♂; Ararat: Garni, below Garni Temple, Azat R. (site 1), 31.viii.2015, 5 ♂; Lori: Meghvahovit, road H31, small steppe brook (site 16), 2.ix.2015, 1 ♀; Lori: N of Gosh, Getik R. (site 31), 4.ix.2015, 6 ♂ 5 ♀; Shirak: NE of Musayelyan, tributary of Akhurian R. (site 23), 2.ix.2015, 5 ♂ 2 ♀; Shirak: NW of Amasia, tributary of Akhurian R. (site 24), 2.ix.2015, 8 ♂ 2 ♀; Shirak: between Aghvoik and Ardenis, tributary of Akhurian R. (site 21), 3.ix.2015, 1 ♀; Shirak: E of Torosgyugh, tributary of Akhurian R. (site 22), 3.ix.2015, 2 ♂.


Europe; Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Israel; Turkmenia.

Erioptera (Erioptera) lutea Meigen, 1804

Material examined

Kotayk: NW of Artavaz, Marmarik R. (site 6), 26.viii.2015, 1 ♂; Kotayk: between Marmarik and Aghavnadzor, Marmarik R. (site 13), 26.viii.2015, 1 ♀; Kotayk: Hrazdan Sewage Treatment Plant, Hrazdan R. (site 7), 27.viii.2015, 1 ♂; Kotayk: between Marmarik and Aghavnadzor, tributary of Marmarik R. (site 4), 27.viii.2015, 1 ♀; Tavush: W of Dilijan, Bldan R. (site 28), 28.viii.2015, 1 ♂; Tavush: below Jukhtakvank Monastery, (site 26), 29.viii.2015, 1 ♀; Gegharkunik: Tsovagyugh, nr. Sevan L. (site 3), 29.viii.2015, 1 ♀; Lori: N of Dzoraget, tributary of Pambak R. (site 17), 1.ix.2015, 1 ♂; Lori: Meghvahovit, road H31, small steppe brook (site 16), 2.ix.2015, 3 ♀; Shirak: NE of Musayelyan, tributary of Akhurian R. (site 23), 2.ix.2015, 1 ♂ 1 ♀; Shirak: NW of Amasia, tributary of Akhurian R. (site 24), 2.ix.2015, 1 ♂ 1 ♀.


Europe; Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Israel, ?Iran; Central Asia; West Siberia.

Erioptera (Mesocyphona) bivittata (Loew, 1873)

Material examined

Lori: N of Pushkin, tributary of Dzoraget R. (site 18), 3.ix.2015, 1 ♂.


Europe; Azerbaijan, Turkey, Israel, Iran; Central Asia, Mongolia; West Siberia, East Siberia. First record from Armenia.

Hoplolabis (Parilisia) iranica (Alexander, 1973)

Material examined

Lori: Lermontov, tributary of Aghstev R. (site 15), 1.ix.2015, 4 ♂ 2 ♀.


Russia (North Caucasus); Georgia, Azerbaijan, Iran. First record from Armenia.

Ilisia maculata (Meigen, 1804)

Material examined

Gegharkunik: Tsovagyugh, nr. Sevan L. (site 3), 29.viii.2015, 2 ♂; Lori: Lermontov, tributary of Aghstev R. (site 15), 1.ix.2015, 1 ♀; Shirak: E of Torosgyugh, tributary of Akhurian R. (site 22), 3.ix.2015, 3 ♂ 1 ♀.


Europe; Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Iran.

Molophilus (Molophilus) lackschewitzianus habetatus Savchenko, 1976

Material examined

Tavush: E of Haghartsin, tributary of Aghstev R. (site 29), 29.viii.2015, 1 ♂.


Russia (North Caucasus); Georgia, Armenia.


Possibly a valid species.

Molophilus (Molophilus) obscurus (Meigen, 1818)

Material examined

Shirak: NE of Musayelyan, tributary of Akhurian R. (site 23), 2.ix.2015, 2 ♂.


Europe; Morocco; Georgia, Armenia, Turkey, Cyprus, Lebanon, Israel.

Molophilus (Molophilus) ochraceus (Meigen, 1818)

Material examined

Lori: N of Dzoraget, tributary of Pambak R. (site 17), 1.ix.2015, 2 ♂.


Europe; Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkey. First record from Armenia.

Molophilus (Molophilus) propinquus (Egger, 1863)

Material examined

Tavush: N of Gosh, Getik R. (site 31), 4.ix.2015, 10 ♂ 3 ♀.


Europe; Morocco; Georgia, Turkey; West Siberia, East Siberia, Far East of Russia. First record from Armenia.

Molophilus (Molophilus) pleuralis de Meijere, 1920

Material examined

Kotayk: NW of Artavaz, Marmarik R. (site 6), 26.viii.2015, 3 ♂; Shirak: NW of Amasia, tributary of Akhurian R. (site 24), 2.ix.2015, 2 ♂.


Europe; Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Cyprus, Israel, Iran; Central Asia; as far east as Far East of Russia. First records from Armenia.

Molophilus (Molophilus) stroblianus decoloratus Savchenko, 1978

Material examined

Kotayk: Meghradzor, below “Gold Mine”, tributary of Marmarik R. (site 9), 27.viii.2015, 2 ♂ 2 ♀; Tavush: W of Dilijan, Bldan R. (site 28), 28.viii.2015, 3 ♂ 1 ♀; Tavush: below Jukhtakvank Monastery, (site 26), 29.viii.2015, 1 ♀; Lori: Lermontov, tributary of Aghstev R. (site 15), 1.ix.2015, 4 ♂ 4 ♀.


Ukraine, Russia (North Caucasus); Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan. First records since original description.


Possibly a valid species.

Ormosia (Ormosia) cuspidata Savchenko, 1973

Material examined

Lori: N of Dzoraget, tributary of Pambak R. (site 17), 1.ix.2015, 1 ♂.


?European Russia (southeast); Georgia. First record from Armenia.

Ormosia (Ormosia) hederae (Curtis, 1835)

Material examined

Gegharkunik: Tsovagyugh, nr. Sevan L. (site 3), 29.viii.2015, 1 ♀; Lori: Lermontov, tributary of Aghstev R. (site 15), 1.ix.2015, 2 ♀; Shirak: NW of Amasia, tributary of Akhurian R. (site 24), 2.ix.2015, 1 ♂; Shirak: E of Torosgyugh, tributary of Akhurian R. (site 22), 3.ix.2015, 1 ♂.


Europe; Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkey; Tajikistan. First records from Armenia.

Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) filata Starý, 2004

Material examined

Lori: Lermontov, tributary of Aghstev R. (site 15), 1.ix.2015, 1 ♂ 1 ♀.


Bulgaria, Greece, Russia (North Caucasus); Georgia, Armenia, Turkey, Lebanon. First record since original description.

Symplecta (Symplecta) hybrida (Meigen, 1804)

Material examined

Shirak: NW of Amasia, tributary of Akhurian R. (site 24), 2.ix.2015, 1 ♀.


Nearctic (Canada, USA, Greenland); widespread in Palaearctic, including Europe; North Africa; Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Lebanon, Israel, Iran; Central Asia, Mongolia; as far east as North Korea, Japan and China; Oriental (India, Nepal, Pakistan).

Subfamily Limoniinae

Achyrolimonia decemmaculata (Loew, 1873)

Material examined

Tavush: W of Dilijan, Bldan R. (site 28), 28.viii.2015, 1 ♀; Tavush: NW of Teghut, tributary of Aghstev R. (site 32), 29.viii.2015, 1 ♀.


Europe; Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iran.

Antocha (Antocha) vitripennis (Meigen, 1830)

Material examined

Kotayk: between Marmarik and Aghavnadzor, tributary of Marmarik R. (site 4), 27.viii.2015, 1 ♂; Tavush: W of Dilijan, Bldan R. (site 28), 28.viii.2015, 1 ♀ 1 ♂.


Europe; Turkey, Israel; Afghanistan. First records from Armenia and Transcaucasia

Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) circassica Lackschewitz, 1941

Material examined

Tavush: car park on road M4, tributary of Aghstev R. (site 27), 4.ix.2015, 1 ♂.


So far only known from North Caucasus and Georgia. First record from Armenia.

Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) didyma (Meigen, 1804)

Material examined

Kotayk: E of Hankavan, Marmarik R. (site 5), 26.viii.2015, 1 ♀; Kotayk: N of Solak, Hrazdan R. (site 11), 27.viii.2015, 1 ♂; Ararat: nr. Lanjazat, Azat R. (site 2), 31.viii.2015, 1 ♀; Shirak: NE of Musayelyan, tributary of Akhurian R. (site 23), 2.ix.2015, 1 ♀; Shirak: NW of Amasia, tributary of Akhurian R. (site 24), 2.ix.2015, 1 ♀.


Europe; Morocco, Algeria; Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Iran; Afghanistan, Mongolia, ?China.

Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) longipennis (Schummel, 1829)

Material examined

Kotayk: Meghradzor, behind railway, tributary of Marmarik R. (site 8), 27.viii.2015, 4 ♂, 1 ♀.


Nearctic (Canada, USA); widespread in Palaearctic, including Europe; Georgia, Azerbaijan, ?Syria, Iran; Central Asia, Mongolia; as far east as Far East of Russia and Japan; Oriental (India). First record from Armenia.

Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) melanantha Savchenko, 1984

Material examined

Kotayk: between Marmarik and Aghavnadzor, tributary of Marmarik R. (site 4), 27.viii.2015, 1 ♀; Lori: Lermontov, tributary of Aghstev R. (site 15), 1.ix.2015, 2 ♂ 1 ♀; Lori: Meghvahovit, road H31, small steppe brook (site 16), 2.ix.2015, 6 ♂ 1 ♀; Shirak: NE of Musayelyan, tributary of Akhurian R. (site 23), 2.ix.2015, 1 ♂; Tavush: car park on road M4, tributary of Aghstev R. (site 27), 4.ix.2015, 1 ♂.


France (Corsica), Russia (North Caucasus); Georgia, Azerbaijan, ?Lebanon. First records from Armenia.

Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) modesta (Meigen, 1818)

Material examined

Gegharkunik: Tsovagyugh, nr. Sevan L. (site 3), 29.viii.2015, 1 ♂; Lori: NE of Geghasar, Pambak R. (site 19), 3.ix.2015, 1♀; Tavush: N of Gosh, Getik R. (site 31), 4.ix.2015, 1 ♂.


Nearctic (Canada, USA, Greenland); widespread in Palaearctic, including Europe; Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Iran; Central Asia, Mongolia; as far east as Far East of Russia and Japan.

Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) pallidinota Starý, 2009

Material examined

Gegharkunik: Tsovagyugh, nr. Sevan L. (site 3), 29.viii.2015, 1 ♂.


Bulgaria, Greece, France (Corsica); Lebanon, Syria. First record from Armenia and Transcaucasia; first record since original description.

Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) pontica Lackschewitz, 1941

Material examined

Tavush: W of Dilijan, Bldan R. (site 28), 28.viii.2015, 1 ♂; Lori: W of Vahagnadzor, Zamanlu R. (site 14), 1.ix.2015, 2 ♂ 1 ♀.


So far only known from North Caucasus and Georgia. First records from Armenia.

Dicranomyia (Numantia) fusca (Meigen, 1804)

Material examined

Kotayk: near Artavaz, Marmarik R. (site 10), 27.viii.2015, 1 ♂; Kotayk: between Marmarik and Aghavnadzor, tributary of Marmarik R. (site 4), 27.viii.2015, 2 ♂; Lori: road H23 to Pushkin Pass, small brook (site 20), 3.ix.2015, 1 ♂.


Nearctic (Canada, USA); Europe; Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Iran; Far East of Russia, Japan. First records from Armenia.

Dicranoptycha livescens Loew, 1871

Material examined

Tavush: E of Matosavank Monastery (site 30), 29.viii.2015, 1 ♀; Tavush: E of Haghartsin, tributary of Aghstev R. (site 29), 29.viii.2015, 1 ♂.


Europe, except for northern countries. First records from Armenia and Transcaucasia.

Limonia hercegovinae (Strobl, 1898)

Material examined

Tavush: W of Dilijan, Bldan R. (site 28), 28.viii.2015, 1 ♂; Tavush: below Jukhtakvank Monastery, (site 26), 29.viii.2015, 1 ♂ 1 ♀; Tavush: NW of Teghut, tributary of Aghstev R. (site 32), 29.viii.2015, 1 ♂; Tavush: E of Haghartsin, tributary of Aghstev R. (site 29), 29.viii.2015, 1 ♂; Lori: W of Vahagnadzor, Zamanlu R. (site 14), 1.ix.2015, 2 ♂; Lori: road H23 to Pushkin Pass, small brook (site 20), 3.ix.2015, 1 ♀.


Europe, except for northern countries; Morocco; Azerbaijan, Turkey, Iran. First records from Armenia.

Limonia macrostigma (Schummel, 1829)

Material examined

Lori: Lermontov, tributary of Aghstev R. (site 15), 1.ix.2015, 1 ♂; Shirak: NW of Amasia, tributary of Akhurian R. (site 24), 2.ix.2015, 1 ♂.


Europe; Morocco; Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Cyprus; Central Asia; as far east as Far East of Russia, and ?North Korea; Oriental (Pakistan). First records from Armenia.

Limonia stigma (Meigen, 1818)

Material examined

Gegharkunik: Tsovagyugh, nr. Sevan L. (site 3), 29.viii.2015, 1 ♂; Lori: Lermontov, tributary of Aghstev R. (site 15), 1.ix.2015, 1 ♂.


Europe. First records from Armenia and Transcaucasia.

Metalimnobia (Metalimnobia) quadrinotata (Meigen, 1818)

Material examined

Kotayk: E of Hankavan, Marmarik R. (site 5), 26.viii.2015, 1 ♂.


Europe; Kirghizia, Mongolia; West Siberia, East Siberia, Far East of Russia. First record from Armenia and Transcaucasia.

Rhipidia (Rhipidia) maculata Meigen, 1818

Material examined

Gegharkunik: Tsovagyugh, nr. Sevan L. (site 3), 29.viii.2015, 1 ♂.


Nearctic (Canada, USA); widespread in Palaearctic, including Europe; Georgia; Mongolia; as far east as Far East of Russia, China, and Japan; Oriental (China). First record from Armenia.

Family Pediciidae

Dicranota (Dicranota) crassicauda Tjeder, 1972

Material examined

Shirak: Zuygaghbyur, meanders of tributary of Akhurien R. (site 25), 2.ix.2015, 1 ♂; Shirak: E of Torosgyugh, tributary of Akhurian R. (site 22), 3.ix.2015, 1 ♂.


Finland, Norway, Sweden; Kazakhstan, Tajikistan. First records from Armenia and Transcaucasia.

Dicranota (Paradicranota) landrocki Czižek, 1931

Material examined

Shirak: NW of Amasia, tributary of Akhurian R. (site 24), 2.ix.2015, 1 ♂.


Europe, except for northern countries; Morocco; Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Lebanon; Tajikistan.

Dicranota (Paradicranota) subtilis Loew, 1871

Material examined

Tavush: vicinity of Parz L. (site 33), 28.viii.2015, 1 ♂; Tavush: below Jukhtakvank Monastery, (site 26), 29.viii.2015, 1 ♂; Lori: Meghvahovit, road H31, small steppe brook (site 16), 2.ix.2015, 1 ♂.


Europe; Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan.

Pedicia (Amalopis) occulta (Meigen, 1830)

Material examined

Lori: road H23 to Pushkin Pass, small brook (site 20), 3.ix.2015, 1 ♂.


Europe; Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Cyprus, Lebanon.


A total of 38 species of Limoniidae and four species of Pediciidae are recorded from Armenia. Of these, 27 species of Limoniidae and one species of Pediciidae represent the first records for Armenia. These are the following: Paradelphomyia (O.) brevifurca, P. (O.) fuscula, P. (O.) senilis, Phylidorea (P.) ferruginea, Pseudolimnophila (P.) melanura, P. (P.) sepium, Erioconopa symplectoides, Erioptera (M.) bivittata, Hoplolabis (P.) iranica, Molophilus (M.) ochraceus, M. (M.) pleuralis, M. (M.) propinquus, Ormosia (O.) cuspidata, O. (O.) hederae, Antocha (A.) vitripennis, Dicranomyia (D.) circassica, D. (D.) longipennis, D. (D.) melanantha, D. (D.) pallidinota, D. (D.) pontica, D. (N.) fusca, Dicranoptycha livescens, Limonia hercegovinae, L. macrostigma, L. stigma, Metalimnobia (M.) quadrinotata, Rhipidia (R.) maculata, and Dicranota (D.) crassicauda. Seven species of Limoniidae and one species of Pediciidae are new to the whole Transcaucasia, viz. Paradelphomyia (O.) fuscula, Pseudolimnophila (P.) melanura, Antocha (A.) vitripennis, Dicranomyia (D.) pallidinota, Dicranoptycha livescens, Limonia stigma, Metalimnobia (M.) quadrinotata, and Dicranota (D.) crassicauda. Four species/subspecies are here recorded for the first time since their original descriptions, viz. Pseudolimnophila (P.) melanura, Molophilus (M.) stroblianus decoloratus, Rhabdomastix (R.) filata, and Dicranomyia (D.) pallidinota.

Altogether 50 species of Limoniidae and five species of Pediciidae were previously known to occur in Armenia (Oosterbroek 2015). Our records increase the number of Armenian species to 83, 77 species of Limoniidae and six species of Pediciidae.

Checklist of Limoniidae and Pediciidae of Armenia

species new to Armenia are marked with an asterisk (*)

Limoniidae: Limnophilinae

1. Afrolimnophila minima (Savchenko, 1971)

2. Dicranophragma (Brachylimnophila) nemorale (Meigen, 1818)

3. Dicranophragma (Mixolimnomyia) rufulum (Savchenko, 1979)

4. Eloeophila maculata (Meigen, 1804)

5. Hexatoma (Cladolipes) haiasana Savchenko, 1972

6. Hexatoma (Hexatoma) gaedii (Meigen, 1830)

7. Limnophila (Limnophila) pictipennis (Meigen, 1818)

8. *Paradelphomyia (Oxyrhiza) brevifurca Savchenko, 1976

9. *Paradelphomyia (Oxyrhiza) fuscula (Loew, 1873)

10. *Paradelphomyia (Oxyrhiza) senilis (Haliday, 1833)

11. *Phylidorea (Phylidorea) ferruginea (Meigen, 1818)

12. Pseudolimnophila (Pseudolimnophila) lucorum (Meigen, 1818)

13. *Pseudolimnophila (Pseudolimnophila) melanura Savchenko, 1984

14. *Pseudolimnophila (Pseudolimnophila) sepium (Verrall, 1886)

Limoniidae Chioneinae

15. Ellipteroides (Ptilostenodes) omissus (Lackschewitz, 1940)

16. *Erioconopa symplectoides (Kuntze, 1914)

17. Erioconopa trivialis (Meigen, 1818)

18. Erioptera (Erioptera) fusculenta Edwards, 1938

19. Erioptera (Erioptera) lutea Meigen, 1804

20. *Erioptera (Mesocyphona) bivittata (Loew, 1873)

21. Gonomyia (Gonomyia) basilobata Alexander, 1975

22. Gonomyia (Gonomyia) conoviensis Barnes, 1924

23. Gonomyia (Gonomyia) lucidula de Meijere, 1920

24. Gonomyia (Gonomyia) papposa Savchenko, 1983

25. Hoplolabis (Eurasicesa) amseliana (Nielsen, 1961)

26. *Hoplolabis (Parilisia) iranica (Alexander, 1973)

27. Hoplolabis (Parilisia) yezoana (Alexander, 1924)

28. Idiocera (Idiocera) laterospina (Alexander, 1975)

29. Idiocera (Idiocera) pulchripennis (Loew, 1856)

30. Ilisia maculata (Meigen, 1804)

31. Molophilus (Molophilus) lackschewitzianus hebetatus Savchenko, 1976

32. Molophilus (Molophilus) obscurus (Meigen, 1818)

33. *Molophilus (Molophilus) ochraceus (Meigen, 1818)

34. *Molophilus (Molophilus) pleuralis de Meijere, 1920

35. Molophilus (Molophilus) politonigrus Savchenko, 1983

36. *Molophilus (Molophilus) propinquus (Egger, 1863)

37. Molophilus (Molophilus) stroblianus decoloratus Savchenko, 1978

38. Molophilus (Molophilus) urodontus Savchenko, 1978

39. *Ormosia (Ormosia) cuspidata Savchenko, 1973

40. Ormosia (Ormosia) fascipennis (Zetterstedt, 1838)

41. *Ormosia (Ormosia) hederae (Curtis, 1835)

42. Ormosia (Ormosia) longispina Savchenko, 1983

43. Phyllolabis ghilarovi Savchenko, 1983

44. Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) eugeni Stary, 2004

45. Rhabdomastix (Rhabdomastix) filata Stary, 2004

46. Symplecta (Psiloconopa) stictica (Meigen, 1818)

47. Symplecta (Symplecta) hybrida (Meigen, 1804)

Limoniidae: Limoniinae

48. Achyrolimonia decemmaculata (Loew, 1873)

49. Antocha (Antocha) libanotica Lackschewitz, 1940

50. *Antocha (Antocha) vitripennis (Meigen, 1830)

51. *Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) circassica Lackschewitz, 1941

52. Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) didyma (Meigen, 1804)

53. Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) chorea (Meigen, 1818)

54. *Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) longipennis (Schummel, 1829)

55. Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) lucida de Meijere, 1918

56. *Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) melanantha Savchenko, 1984

57. Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) modesta (Meigen, 1818)

58. *Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) pallidinota Starý, 2009

59. *Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) pontica Lackschewitz, 1941

60. Dicranomyia (Glochina) transsilvanica Lackschewitz, 1928

61. Dicranomyia (Melanolimonia) caledonica Edwards, 1926

62. Dicranomyia (Melanolimonia) morio (Fabricius, 1787)

63. *Dicranomyia (Numantia) fusca (Meigen, 1804)

64. Dicranoptycha fuscescens (Schummel, 1829)

65. *Dicranoptycha livescens Loew, 1871

66. Dicranoptycha recurvispina Savchenko, 1974

67. Limonia caucasica Lackschewitz, 1940

68. Limonia eos Stary & Savchenko, 1976

69. Limonia flavipes (Fabricius, 1787)

70. *Limonia hercegovinae (Strobl, 1898)

71. *Limonia macrostigma (Schummel, 1829)

72. Limonia nubeculosa Meigen, 1804

73. *Limonia stigma (Meigen, 1818)

74. Limonia subaequalis Savchenko, 1979

75. Metalimnobia (Metalimnobia) quadrimaculata (Linnaeus, 1760)

76. *Metalimnobia (Metalimnobia) quadrinotata (Meigen, 1818)

77. *Rhipidia (Rhipidia) maculata Meigen, 1818


78. *Dicranota (Dicranota) crassicauda Tjeder, 1972

79. Dicranota (Ludicia) iranensis (Alexander, 1975)

80. Dicranota (Paradicranota) landrocki Czižek, 1931

81. Dicranota (Paradicranota) subtilis Loew, 1871

82. Pedicia (Amalopis) occulta (Meigen, 1830)

83. Tricyphona (Tricyphona) immaculata (Meigen, 1804)


This work was supported by the Agency of Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic (Project: ITMS: 26110230119). We also wish to thank Professor Eduard G. Yavruyan and Egiazar Barbasaryan for their generous help and kindness. We are much indebted to J. Kramer (Oadby, England, UK) for checking the English text. The study of the second author was financially supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic by institutional financing of long-term conceptual development of the research institution (the Silesian Museum, MK000100595), internal grant of the Silesian Museum No. IGS201607/2016.


  • Oosterbroek P (2015) Catalogue of the Craneflies of the World (Insecta, Diptera, Nematocera, Tipuloidea). [24 Sep 2015]
  • Savchenko EN (1971) Afrolimnophila Al. - a subgenus of Limoniid-flies (Diptera, Limoniidae) new for the palaearctic fauna. Vestnik Zoologii 1971(6): 10–16. [In Russian with English summary]
  • Savchenko EN (1972a) Some new palaearctic species of the genus Erioptera (Diptera, Limoniidae). Zoologicheskiy Zhurnal 51: 671–681. [In Russian with English summary]
  • Savchenko EN (1972b) New subgenera and species of the genus Gonomyia (Diptera, Limoniidae). Zoologicheskiy Zhurnal 51: 1329–1341. [In Russian with English summary]
  • Savchenko EN (1973) New and little-known palaearctic species of Limoniid-flies (Diptera, Limoniidae). 1. The genera Ormosia Rond. and Scleroprocta Edw. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 52: 440–462. [In Russian]
  • Savchenko EN (1974) New palaearctic species of Limoniid-flies (Diptera, Limoniidae). 7. The genera Dicranoptycha O.-S., Orimarga O.-S. and Thaumastoptera Mik. Vestnik Zoologii 1974(6): 31–36. [On Russian with English summary]
  • Savchenko EN (1976a) New or little-known palaearctic species of the genus Paradelphomyia Al. (Diptera, Limoniidae). Zoologicheskiy Zhurnal 55: 387–394. [In Russian with English summary]
  • Savchenko EN (1976b) New or little-known species of palaearctic Limoniidae (Diptera). 2. Subfam. Eriopterinae, genus Molophilus Curt. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 55: 438–451. [In Russian]
  • Savchenko EN (1978a) New or little-known species of palaearctic Limoniidae (Diptera). 3. Subfam. Eriopterinae, genus Molophilus Curt. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 57: 399–415. [In Russian]
  • Savchenko EN (1978b) New and little-known species and subspecies of Limoniid-flies (Diptera, Limoniidae) from the USSR. 1. Genus Pedicia, subgenus Crunobia. Zoologicheskiy Zhurnal 57: 700–713. [In Russian with English summary]
  • Savchenko EN (1979) New species of Limoniid-flies of the genus Limonia Mg. (Diptera, Limoniidae) from the USSR. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 58: 153–160. [In Russian]
  • Savchenko EN (1981) Two new Caucasian species of the genus Erioptera (Diptera, Limoniidae). Zoologicheskiy Zhurnal 60: 1585–1588. [In Russian with English summary]
  • Savchenko EN (1983) Gonomyia papposa sp. n. (Diptera, Limoniidae) from the Armenian SSR. Zoologicheskiy Zhurnal 62: 643–645. [In Russian with English summary]
  • Savchenko EN (1989) Limoniidae of the fauna of the USSR. Akademia nauk Ukrainskoy SSR, Naukova dumka, Kiev, 377 pp. [In Russian]
  • Savchenko EN, Plyushch IG, Rybin SN (1992) New data on Limoniidae (Diptera) of Kirgizia. Entomological Review 71: 62–69. [In English, originally published in Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 1991: 686–693]
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