Research Article |
Corresponding author: Karl J. Wittmann ( ) Academic editor: Célio Magalhães
© 2021 Karl J. Wittmann, Pierre Chevaldonné.
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Wittmann KJ, Chevaldonné P (2021) First report of the order Mysida (Crustacea) in Antarctic marine ice caves, with description of a new species of Pseudomma and investigations on the taxonomy, morphology and life habits of Mysidetes species. ZooKeys 1079: 145-227.
SCUBA diving explorations of three islands off Dumont d’Urville Station at the coast of Adélie Land, East Antarctica, enabled the observation of marine ice caves. Sampling in this unusual habitat yielded a total of three species of Mysidae, altogether previously poorly known or unknown to science. Pseudomma kryotroglodytum sp. nov. is described, based on the structure of the antennal scale, telson and on cornea-like lateral portions set off against the main body of eyeplates. Mysidetes illigi is re-established at species level after almost a century in synonymy. Re-descriptions are provided for M. illigi and M. hanseni, based on types and ice cave materials. Keys to the Southern Ocean species of Pseudomma and to the world-wide species of Mysidetes are given.
Phylogenetic trees are provided for the genera Pseudomma and Mysidetes. 18S rDNA sequences of P. kryotroglodytum differ from GenBank sequences of other Pseudomma species. First sequence data are given for species of the genus Mysidetes: 18S differs between the two examined species and COI is quite diverse between and within species.
We found previously unknown, probably sensorial structures in these ice cave species: in P. kryotroglodytum, the basal segment of the antennula shows a pit-like depression with striated pad on the bottom and a median cyst, connected with the bottom of the eyeplate cleft. M. illigi shows a female homologue of the appendix masculina bearing a field of modified setae. Subsequent investigations demonstrated these structures also in species from other habitats.
The feeding apparatus and stomach contents of the three ice cave species point to brushing of small particles (detritus, microalgae) from available surfaces, such as sediment, rock and the ice surface. Differences in the feeding apparatus are very subtle between the two Mysidetes species. The high content of fat bodies in M. hanseni could help it to survive periods of starvation. The large storage volume of the foregut in P. kryotroglodytum points to the collection of food with low nutritional quality and could help to balance strongly fluctuating food availability.
Summer specimens of M. hanseni showed a bimodal frequency of developmental stages in the marsupium and bimodal size-frequency distribution of free-living stages. The females with younger brood (embryos) were, on average, larger and carried more marsupial young than those with older brood (nauplioid larvae). All examined incubating and spent females showed (almost) empty foreguts and empty ovarian tubes, suggesting possible semelparity and death following the release of young. The absence of juveniles and immature females from summer samples suggests that growth and accumulation of fat and yolk occur outside ice caves, while such caves could be used by fattened adults as shelter for brooding. A provisional interpretation proposes a biannual life cycle for M. hanseni, superimposed with shifted breeding schedules, the latter characterised by early breeding and late breeding females, probably in response to harsh physical and trophic conditions along the continental coast of Antarctica.
Development, feeding, key to species, life cycle, marine caves, molecular systematics, polar biology, sensory organs
Species of the order Mysida play an important role for the biodiversity of the Southern Ocean. This is highlighted by the census of
Our current knowledge on the Antarctic marine biota stems largely from indirect observations (e.g. Remotely Operated Vehicles) and samples obtained by dredging, trawling and fishing. Although modern techniques have greatly improved species discovery rates (e.g.
During recent SCUBA diving explorations between 0 and 20 m depth at the Dumont d’Urville (DDU) Station in Adélie Land, East Antarctica, a peculiar habitat – marine underwater ice caves, which meet both the extreme facets of life under ice, together with the darkness and isolation of caves – was surveyed and sampled. Strikingly similar to what prevails elsewhere in shallow-water marine caves (e.g.
The advantages of SCUBA-based collection methods were used to sample mysids in shallow marine ice caves of Adélie Land. Our knowledge of mysid diversity from East Antarctica was deepened by direct in situ observations and by the study of freshly-collected material that allowed: (1) description of one new species and re-description of two other species; (2) exploration of their feeding, reproduction and life cycle; (3) description of their habitat when sheltered in shallow-water ice caves and (4) estimation of their DNA sequence affinities by a first molecular taxonomic study.
Samples were collected during the POLARIS programme (2013–2018, Stéphane Hourdez principal investigator) funded by the French Polar Institute (IPEV) in austral summers 2015–2016 and 2017–2018. In the search for ice caves, SCUBA divers (Pierre Chevaldonné [PC], S. Hourdez, S. Castanet, M. Robert, J. Fournier) sailed in small boats to partly ice-covered islands or islets with environmental conditions appearing suitable for ice caves to occur. Such conditions were found in 2016 at Claude Bernard Island (66°39.64'S, 140°01.55'E) and, in 2018, at the Curie Islands (66°38.64'S, 140°02.43'E) and Damiers Islands (66°39.21'S, 139°57.61'E). Each of these sites is located within 1–3 km (Fig.
Previously unknown features, detected in ice cave specimens, were checked for potential presence in other species of the respective subfamilies. This includes type materials of Mysidetes Holt & Tattersall, 1906 species obtained on loan from the Zoological Museum Berlin. Other important museum materials were already on desk for ongoing studies of expedition collections. Some non-types were obtained in the frame of statolith studies (e.g.
NHMW Natural History Museum of Vienna;
Types of P. kryotroglodytum sp. nov. are deposited at NHMW. Non-types of two Mysidetes species are deposited at all these institutions, with some material retained for future studies.
Most terminological items are as given in
Working terms are used for structures previously unknown in species of Mysidae: ‘eyeplate cyst’ for median cyst connected with the bottom of the eyeplate cleft; ‘female antennular lobe’ for female homologue of the appendix masculina; ‘antennular depression’ for pit-like depression with dorsal opening about centrally on the basal segment of the antennula, not to be confounded with the Tattersall organ in more proximal position close to eye rudiments in certain Petalophthalmidae (see Discussion).
We propose a consistent, strict distinction of stages and distinguish more stages and substages than the most widespread, traditional scheme by
Embryonic and larval stages are distinguished essentially according to
E0 unfertilised eggs;
E1 to E6 embryos (eggs) at substage E1 freshly fertilised, up to E6 with the embryonic abdomen folded back over the germ, ready for shedding the egg membrane;
N1 to N4 nauplioid larvae at substage N1, freshly hatched from the egg membrane, up to N4 for those shortly before the moult leading to the postnauplioid stage;
P1 to P3 postnauplioid larvae at substage P1 freshly moulted, up to P3 that lasts until moult to juvenile stage upon or shortly after release from brood pouch.
Detailed definitions are here proposed for free-living stages arranged according to sex and typical succession:
J juveniles: no external sexual characteristics;
♂I immature males: short (rudimentary) penes externally visible; appendix masculina, if any, externally visible as small non-setose knob;
♂S subadult males: penes well developed, not necessarily at final size, spermatozoa occasionally visible in efferent ducts; appendix masculina not or sparsely setose; dimorphic pleopods, if any, imperfectly developed;
♂A adult males: penes fully developed, spermatozoa mostly visible in efferent ducts; appendix masculina well setose; dimorphic pleopods, if any, fully developed;
♀I immature females: oostegites rudimentary though distinct, not overlapping; ovarian tubes rudimentary, though visible through the transparent body;
♀S subadult females: oostegites overlapping, not yet forming a compact chamber; ovarian tubes fully developed, may be filled with yolk depending on ovarian and breeding cycles;
♀A adult females: marsupium represents a compact chamber by overlap of oostegites, ventral slit covered by interlocking setae; ovarian tubes filled with yolk depending on ovarian and breeding cycles;
♀B brooding (incubating) females;
♀U, ♀E adults with unfertilised or fertilised eggs in the marsupium;
♀N, ♀P adults with nauplioids or postnauplioids in the marsupium;
♀0 adult females with empty marsupium, represented by non-incubating reproductive females (♀0+) with yolk in ovarian tubes and by non-reproductive (spent) females (♀0–) without yolk;
+ superscript indicating yolk in ovarian tubes;
– superscript for empty ovarian tubes.
BL body length.
S# sample number in Suppl. material
Colour photos of live specimens were made by one of us (PC) and Stéphane Hourdez in the field and in laboratories of the Dumont d’Urville Station. Half-tone microphotography was performed by KJW on ethanol-fixed entire specimens in vial and on dissected parts mounted on slides. Entire objects were studied and photographed using 15× to 112.5× standard episcopic microscopy, dissected objects with 40× to 1000 × phase contrast diascopic microscopy. Electronic pencil drawings were made using stacked photos as models.
Description schemes as in
Body length (BL) was measured according to
Depending on availability, 2–4 (sub)-adult specimens per species were dissected completely. The ethanol-fixed specimens were dissected and the parts mounted in Swann’s (= Swan) medium on slides. The medium was hardened and the objects bleached for 20 h at 60 °C. Bleaching continued for several weeks at room temperature. Slides were sealed tightly several months later.
For the study of small cuticle structures, the carapace together with, if present, the eyeplate, were detached from the body. The cuticle of the pleon was cut along the ventral mid-line and then skinned off. All these preparations were then expanded on slides with dorsal face up. Due to the strength and elasticity of the pleon cuticle, some lateral portions unintentionally whipped back underneath the flattened skin. In such cases, the pleopods became positioned below the drawing plane in Figs
We examined the available summer materials in detail by checking the body for oil globules and the ovarian tubes for the presence of yolk. We qualitatively and quantitatively estimated the foregut contents in addition to the usual counts and measurements of marsupial and free-living stages. The degrees of filling of foreguts and ovarian tubes were checked through the semi-transparent cuticle by properly adjusting the light source. Qualitative data were obtained by smearing foregut contents on to the slide. The presence of oil globules in the body was checked only from photos of living specimens because lipids dissolve in 95% ethanol-preserved specimens. Most eggs and larvae were removed from the marsupium for counting, size measurements and determining the state of development. A few were left in loco for potential future examination.
The programme XLSTAT 2021 version 23.2.1140, edited by Addinsoft, was used as an add-in of MS-Excel sheets for standard statistics. Χ2-tests were applied for nominal variables (frequency of stages); neighbouring items with n < 5 were pooled. Student’s t-tests were used for scale variables (body size and numbers of young) and Fishers F-tests for differences between variances (numbers of embryos versus nauplioid larvae). The Anderson-Darling-Test was used to check for normal distribution as a prerequisite for the Grubbs-Test in outlier analysis of length-frequency distributions.
Small parts (appendages of the two type specimens of P. kryotroglodytum sp. nov.) and entire or half specimens (Mysidetes spp., A. maxima) were selected for DNA extraction, followed by PCR amplification of fragments of the 18S and COI genes as in
Sequences were aligned and analysed in terms of % divergence and genetic distance calculated as Kimura 2-parameters (K2P). For Mysidetes, a distance tree (NJ) was built for our COI data alone (A. maxima as a root) with CLUSTALX 2.1 (
For Pseudomma G.O. Sars, 1870, the COI barcodes used here could not be aligned with the sequences currently available in GenBank (different parts of the gene). Available 18S sequences of other species of Pseudomma were aligned with P. kryotroglodytum sp. nov. to build phylogenetic trees (NJ and ML). Maximum Likelihood (ML) trees were obtained with PHYML 3.0 (
The ice cave habitat, referred to in the present work, is related to the occurrence of fast ice, i.e. sea ice attached to the rocky shore, in areas where multiple islands and islets favour the persistence of such fast ice. In bridging islands, islets or even submerged rocks, sea ice therefore creates, for some time, a thick ceiling (with no or low light penetration) sustained by submerged rocky walls, themselves often covered with ice. Each habitat unit is likely to be ephemeral, some probably disappearing each summer with the ice breakup, some others persisting for years. Nonetheless, the build-up and occurrence of ice caves along rocky shores, such as the DDU area (Fig.
We, therefore, explored, and sampled two types of ice caves. At Damiers and Curie Islands, ice caves were large and widely opened at both ends upon inspection in January–February 2018. They were typically 6–10 m wide, 15–20 m long and 4–6 m high (Fig.
A second type of ice cave was observed at Bernard Island in January 2016 (it had disappeared by January 2018), in the form of two 10–15 m long icy corridors (1.5–2 m in diameter; Fig.
Family Mysidae Haworth, 1825
Subfamily Erythropinae Hansen, 1910
G.O. Sars, 1870a: 154–155 (new genus, description of type species); G.O.
Pseudommini with eyes reduced to single eyeplate without visual elements. Eyeplate with incomplete disto-median fissure. Appendix masculina large, setose. Lateral margin of antennal scale with smooth basal portion ending in a tooth. Carapace normal, with rounded anterior margin, dorsally covering at least five thoracic somites. Labrum, as far as known, with rounded rostral margin. Thoracic endopods essentially normal, non-prehensile, endopods 3–8 long and slender. Two or three pairs of oostegites contribute to marsupium wall, the two posterior pairs, as far as known, with setae on inner, as well as outer faces. Penes, as far as known, long and slender. Male pleopods with distinct sympod bearing separate, setose endopod and exopod. Female pleopods fused to small, setose, undivided plates with residual differentiation of the endopod as a pseudobranchial lobe. Endopod and exopod of uropods unsegmented, setose all around; endopod with or without spine. Telson mostly trapezoid, also linguiform or subtriangular, no cleft. Its lateral margins entirely smooth or proximally smooth with spines only along distal portions; terminal margin with spines, in several species also with medio-apical pair of setae.
Type species is Pseudomma roseum G.O. Sars, 1870. World-wide, 46 species, including the new one, are here acknowledged, whereby P. oculospinum W.M. Tattersall, 1951 is included according to
1 | Lateral margins of the telson with one or more spines at more than 10% distance from disto-lateral edge | 5 |
– | Lateral margins of telson without spines, not considering potential 1–3 spines on disto-lateral edge | 2 |
2 | Telson with well-rounded, convex terminal margin | 4 |
– | Telson with transversely truncate terminal margin | 3 |
3 | Apical lobe less than 1/10 length of antennal scale |
P. antarcticum Zimmer, 1914 (South Shetlands Islands, Antarctic Peninsula, Weddell Sea and East Antarctica, 63°N–80°S, depth 278–3425 m; |
– | Apical lobe 1/4 length of antennal scale | P. kryotroglodytum sp. nov. (marine ice cave at Bernard Island (Adélie Land, East Antarctica), 67°S, 140°E, depth 10 m; S#1–2). |
4 | Terminal margin of telson armed with five pairs of smooth spines increasing in length distally |
P. melandi San Vicente, 2011 (Bellingshausen Sea, 70°S, 86°W, depth 1395 m; |
– | Terminal margin of telson armed with eight pairs of spines increasing in length distally, whereby the large, apical-most spines appear hispid due to minute scales |
P. bellingshausensis San Vicente, 2011 (Bellingshausen Sea, 70°S, 85°W, depth 612 m ( |
5 | Lateral margins of telson with spines arranged in series of long spines with smaller spines in between; telson length thrice maximum width |
P. longicaudum O.S. Tattersall, 1955 (Schollaert Channel (Antarctic Peninsula), 63°S, depth 160–336 m; |
– | Lateral margins of telson with small spines only, or with spines continuously increasing in length distally; telson length 1–3 times maximum width | 6 |
6 | Apical lobe exceeds half-length of antennal scale; telson triangular, short, about as long as its maximum width near basis |
P. minutum O.S. Tattersall, 1955 (Puerto Montt Bay, Beagle Channel, Falkland Islands (Malvinas), 43°S–56°S, depth 30–278 m; |
– | Apical lobe shorter than 1/3 length of antennal scale; telson linguiform to trapezoid, longer than maximum width near basis | 7 |
7 | Apical lobe not exceeding 1/7 length of antennal scale | 9 |
– | Apical lobe about 1/5 length of antennal scale | 8 |
8 | Telson length 1.4–1.5 times width near basis, lateral margins with 5–6 small spines; terminal margin convex, continuously rounded, with three pairs of large spines |
P. calmani O.S. Tattersall, 1955 (Puerto Montt Bay, Falkland Islands (Malvinas), South Georgia, Weddell Sea, 43°S–73°S, depth 94–390 m; |
– | Telson length 1.7–2.0 times width near basis, lateral margins with 7–8 small spines; telson obtuse-angled triangular at apex, almost transversely truncate; terminal margin with 3–5 pairs of large spines |
P. sarsii Willemoës-Suhm [in G.O. Sars, 1884] (Patagonian Shelf, Beagle Channel, Falkland Islands (Malvinas), Kerguelen Islands, South Georgia, South Orkneys, South Shetlands, Bransfield Strait, Weddell Sea, 35°N–65°S, depth 75–3962 m; |
9 | Antennal scale slender, five times longer than maximum width; telson length exceeds twice its maximum width near basis; telson with five pairs of long spines on terminal margin |
P. schollaertensis O.S. Tattersall, 1955 (Schollaert Channel (Antarctic Peninsula), 64°S, depth 160–355 m; |
– | Antennal scale 3–4 times longer than maximum width; telson length less than twice maximum width near basis; telson with 2–3 pairs of long spines on terminal margin | 10 |
10 | Telson with 8–10 small spines along distal 60–70% of each lateral margin and three pairs of long spines on terminal margin |
P. magellanensis O.S. Tattersall, 1955 (Magellan Strait, Beagle Channel, 54–55°S, depth 50–580 m; |
– | Telson with 6–7 small spines along distal 40–60% of each lateral margin and 2–3 pairs of long spines on terminal margin | 11 |
11 | Telson with 6–7 small spines along distal 40–50% of each lateral margin and two pairs of long spines on terminal margin |
P. armatum Hansen, 1913 (South Georgia, South Orkneys, South Shetland Islands, Weddell Sea, East Antarctica, Ross Sea, 53°S–75°S, depth 60–350 m; |
– | Telson with seven small spines along distal 50–60% of each lateral margin and three pairs of long spines on terminal margin |
P. belgicae Hansen [in Holt & Tattersall, 1906] (circum-Antarctic in 60°S–80°S, depth 150–1000 m; |
Holotype spent female (♀0–) BL 26.8 mm (on slides at NHMW 27296, GenBank nos. OK351330 and OK353694), East Antarctica, Adélie Land, near Dumont d’Urville Station, NE of Claude Bernard Island, 66°39.64'S, 140°01.55'E, ice cave, dive #612, depth 10 m, diver-operated suction bottle, 15 Jan 2016, leg. P. Chevaldonné & S. Hourdez. Paratype subadult female (♀S–) BL 21.5 mm (on slides at NHMW 27297, GenBank nos. OK351329 and OK353693), dive #611, 13 Jan 2016, remaining sampling data as for holotype.
Covers females only. Species of the genus Pseudomma G.O. Sars, 1870, with cornea-like lateral portions separated by sulci from main part of eyeplate (Figs
All features of the diagnosis. Female with body length 26.8 mm. Cephalothorax measures 39% body length, pleon without telson 48%, telson 13% and carapace 32%. Large parts of the body, particularly carapace, pleon, telson, and uropods scaly-hispid; most appendages and eyeplates only to a minor degree. However, with 30× episcopic microscopy, the entire body appears smooth (Fig.
Pseudomma kryotroglodytum sp. nov., holotype adult female BL 26.8 mm (A–E) and paratype subadult female 21.5 mm (F) A terminal portion of telson, dorsal, details show scales on left disto-mesial spine (B) and barbs on left terminal seta (C) D anterior half of cephalothorax, lateral, arrow points to distolateral edge of carapace E sixth pleomere with tail fan, lateral F example for pores (three to the left) and coat of scales on tergite of first pleomere.
Paired labia (Fig.
Pseudomma kryotroglodytum sp. nov., holotype adult female BL 26.8 mm (A, B, E, F) and paratype subadult female 21.5 mm (C, D). A right antennula, dorsal B antenna with antennal gland, ventral, setae omitted from antennal scale C eyeplate and carapace expanded on slide, short arrow points to distolateral edge of carapace, detail (D) pore group in pre-cardial position E mandibles with left palpus, caudal aspect F maxillula, caudal. Scales omitted from objects A–C, E, F but not from eyeplate in panel C; pore diameters not to scale in C, D.
Pseudomma kryotroglodytum sp. nov., holotype adult female BL 26.8 mm A labrum B labium C maxilla, caudal aspect D thoracopod 1 (caudal) with thoracic sternites 1, 2 (ventral) E detail of panel (D) showing dactylus 1 with nail F thoracic endopod 2, rostral G thoracic endopod 4, rostral H detail of panel (G) showing dactylus 4 with nail I inner face of oostegite 1, drawn above part of sympod 6. Scales omitted from objects A–D, F, G; setae from E, H.
Tail fan
Colour (Fig.
Pseudomma kryotroglodytum sp. nov., holotype adult female BL 26.8 mm (A–E, H–N) and paratype subadult female 21.5 mm (F, G). A cardiac portion of foregut, dorsal view, dorsal wall omitted B–D details of panel (A) showing modified spines E details of panel (A) showing teeth emerging from a common basis F pleonite 1, cuticle detached and expanded on slide, dorsal and lateral faces on top, ventral face folded in, setae omitted from pleopods G detail of panel (F) showing pore group on left lateral face H–L series of pleopods 1–5, rostral = lateral face M uropods, ventral N telson. Scales omitted from objects F, M, N pore diameters not to scale in F, G.
The species name is an adjective with Latinised neutral ending formed by adjectivation of the amalgamated Ancient Greek adjective κρύος (cold) with the noun τρωγλοδύτης (cave dweller). The adjectivation has precedence in the name of the butterfly Macroglossum troglodytus Boisduval, l875, listed by
Marine ice cave NE of Claude Bernard Island, Adélie Land, East Antarctica, 66°39.64'S, 140°01.55'E, depth 10 m.
Tribe Mysidetini Holt & Tattersall, 1906
Holt & Tattersall, 1906a: 39–40 (new genus, diagnosis);
Illig, 1906: 210–211, fig. 17 (junior synonym);
Mysidetini with eyes well developed; cornea large, globular, with functional ommatidia; eyestalks well developed. Antennula usually without modified setae (exception: females of M. illigi Zimmer, 1914, as described below). Appendix masculina well-developed, setose. Antennal scale setose all around, no spines and no teeth. Mouthparts normal, maxilla without spines. Male thoracic endopod 2 without notches on outer margin. Thoracic endopods 3–8 normal, slender, not prehensile; with multi-segmented carpopropodus; small dactylus with weak claw. Penes long, slender, stiff, and not erectile. Pleopods non-dimorphic, reduced to bifid setose plates, no modified setae and no spines. Endopod of uropods usually with row of spines on inner margin (exception: M. hanseni Zimmer, 1914, as described below). Telson with apical cleft; cleft lined with laminae. Lateral margins of telson at least distally with spines.
Type species is Mysideis Farrani Holt & Tattersall, 1905, current name Mysidetes farrani (Holt & Tattersall, 1905). Total of 17 species including the here re-installed M. illigi Zimmer, 1914, are acknowledged as in the following key:
1 | Terminal lobes of telson narrowly truncate | 6 |
– | Terminal lobes of telson rounded (convex) | 2 |
2 | Apical cleft penetrates 1/20 telson length, margin of cleft lined all along with 7–11 short laminae; apical lobes of telson narrowly rounded; proximal half of telson unarmed, distal half with three spines on each lateral margin; endopod of uropods with 12–13 spines |
Mysidetes halope O’Brien, 1986 (in shallow water of a marine cave in Tasmania, 43°S, 148°E; |
– | Apical cleft penetrates 10–15% telson length, armed with 14–18 laminae; apical lobes of telson broadly rounded | 3 |
3 | Antennal scale more than six times as long as broad; endopod of uropod with more than thirty densely set spines | 5 |
– | Antennal scale less than six times as long as broad; endopod of uropod with, if any, fewer than nine loosely-arranged spines | 4 |
4 | Lateral margins of telson all along armed with 45–57 spines; apical cleft penetrates 1/10 telson length; margin of cleft lined all along with 14–17 laminae; endopod of uropods without spine |
Mysidetes hanseni Zimmer, 1914 (coast of East Antarctica: in ≤ 250 m depth below sea ice at Gauss Station, 66°S, 90°E; and in 6–10 m depth in ice caves of Curie and Damiers Islands, Adélie Land, 67°S, 140°E; |
– | Proximal 2/5 of telson without spines; distal portion with 11–13 spines on each lateral margin; apical cleft penetrates 1/7 telson length; margin of cleft lined all along with 16–18 laminae; endopod of uropod with 7–8 spines |
Mysidetes peruana Băcescu, 1967 (Peru Trench, 8°S, 80°W, depth 520 m; |
5 | Apical cleft penetrates 1/3 telson length; proximal third of telson unarmed |
Mysidetes patagonica O.S. Tattersall, 1955 (Beagle Channel, Magellan Strait, Falklands (Malvinas), 48°S–55°S, depth 14–300 m; |
– | Apical cleft penetrates less than 1/4 telson length; proximal half of telson unarmed |
Mysidetes anomala O.S. Tattersall, 1955 (Magellan Strait, 53°S, depth 0–300 m; |
6 | Lateral margins of telson armed all along with spines or all along, except for an unarmed sub-basal portion; most proximal (basal) portion always armed | 12 |
– | Lateral margins of telson proximally unarmed (distal portions with spines) | 7 |
7 | Antennal scale four times as long as broad | 10 |
– | Antennal scale 2–3 times as long as broad | 8 |
8 | Rostrum right-angled or acute, produced beyond eyestalks (in normal orientation); antennal scale short, reaching to about half-length of terminal segment of antennular trunk |
Mysidetes brachylepis W.M. Tattersall, 1923 (South Georgia, Falkland Islands, South Shetland Islands, Bransfield Strait and Ross Sea, 50°S–80°S; suprabenthic in 130–525 m depth; |
– | Rostrum not covering eyestalks; antennal scale reaches to terminal margin of antennular trunk or slightly beyond | 9 |
9 | Rostrum weakly acute to right-angled, about half as long as terminal segment of antennular trunk; telson cleft armed all along with laminae |
Mysidetes kerguelensis (Illig, 1906) (South Georgia, Kerguelen Islands, Weddell Sea, 49°S–60°S; suprabenthic in 60–275 m depth; |
– | Rostrum obtuse-angled, less than half as long as terminal segment of antennular trunk; only proximal 2/3 of telson cleft armed with laminae, distal third unarmed |
Mysidetes crassa Hansen, 1913 (Patagonia, South Georgia, Antarctic Peninsula, Weddell Sea, 45°S–71°S; suprabenthic in 18–412 m depth; |
10 | Apical cleft penetrates up to 1/5 telson length; cleft armed with 3–6 small laminae |
Mysidetes farrani (Holt & Tattersall, 1905) (North Atlantic: Ireland to Morocco, U.S. east coast; Mediterranean, 33°N–52°N; bottom-living in 235–1105 m depth; |
– | Apical cleft penetrates at least 3/10 telson length; cleft armed with more than 30 small laminae | 11 |
11 | Cornea diameter exceeds length of combined median and terminal segment of antennular trunk; rostrum about half-length of terminal segment of antennular trunk; endopod of uropods with spines from statocyst to near apex |
Mysidetes macrops O.S. Tattersall, 1955 (Falklands (Malvinas), South Georgia, 50°S–53°S, depth 88–503 m; |
– | Cornea diameter not exceeding length of combined median and terminal segment of antennular trunk; rostrum about 4/5 length of terminal segment of antennular trunk; endopod of uropods with spines from statocyst to 1/5 endopod length from apex |
Mysidetes intermedia O.S. Tattersall, 1955 (Magellan Strait, Falklands (Malvinas), 50°S–53°S, depth 94–170 m; |
12 | Antennal scale projects at least 1/5 of its length beyond antennular trunk; telson cleft mostly narrow, 1.1–2.5 times deeper than its distal width | 14 |
– | Antennal scale projects less than 1/5 of its length beyond antennular trunk; telson cleft widely open, depth 0.7–1.2 times distal width | 13 |
13 | Rostrum obtuse, shorter than half length of terminal segment of antennular trunk; endopod of uropods with about 20 spines densely arranged in continuous series between statocyst and 1/3 endopod length from apex; each lateral margin of telson with about 29 spines |
Mysidetes dimorpha O.S. Tattersall, 1955 (South Georgia and Antarctic Peninsula, 53°S–65°S; suprabenthic in 18–295 m depth; |
– | Rostrum acute, exceeding 2/3 length of terminal segment of antennular trunk; endopod of uropods with about 16–17 spines loosely arranged in discontinuous series between statocyst and 1/4 endopod length from apex; each lateral margin of telson with about 44–47 spines |
Mysidetes microps O.S. Tattersall, 1955 (South Georgia, Falkland Islands (Malvinas) and Antarctic Peninsula, 50°S–63°S; suprabenthic in 60–250 m depth; |
14 | Each lateral margin of telson armed all along with 30–40 spines, no unarmed stretch; telson cleft with more than 35 laminae | 16 |
– | Each lateral margin of telson with total of 33–47 spines, arranged as 6–9 spines at the base, followed by an unarmed stretch, median portions with subequal spines and distal portions with discontinuous series of large spines with small spines in between; telson cleft with 23–29 laminae | 15 |
15 | Rostrum short, leaving the eyes completely exposed; antennal scale length eight times maximum width; each lateral margin of telson with total of 33–36 spines |
Mysidetes antarctica O.S. Tattersall, 1965 (Ross Sea, Antarctic Peninsula (Bransfield Strait), 64°S–78°S; depth 100–123 m, below ice; |
– | Rostrum covers at least basal portions of eyestalks; antennal scale length 4–7 times maximum width; each lateral margin of telson with total of 35–47 spines |
Mysidetes illigi Zimmer, 1914 (coast of East Antarctica: in ≤ 200 m depth below sea ice at Gauss Station, 66°S 90°E; and in 6–10 m depth in ice cave at Bernard Island, Adélie Land, 67°S 140°E; |
16 | Endopod of uropod with 12–13 spines; telson cleft with 54–60 laminae |
Mysidetes morbihanensis Ledoyer, 1995 (Kerguelen Islands, 47°S–49°S, depth 22–128 m; |
– | Endopod of uropod with 26–28 spines; telson cleft with about 36 laminae |
Mysidetes posthon Holt &Tattersall, 1906 (circum-Antarctic up to the Antarctic Divergence, also sub-Antarctic: Falkland Islands (Malvinas), South Georgia Islands, South Sandwich Islands, Scotia Sea, 49°S–78°S; suprabenthic in 15–800 m depth; |
Mysidetes illigi Zimmer, 1914: 404–405, Figs 47–49 in Fig.-Tab. XXVI (first description).
Mysidetes Illigi,
Mysidetes illigi
referred to as synonym of Mysidetes posthon: W.M.
Holotype (by monotypy) subadult female (
Three samples (S#2–4) taken in austral summer 2015–2016 by P. Chevaldonné and S. Hourdez upon diving in an ice cave of Bernard Island, near Dumont d’Urville Station, Adélie Land, Antarctica, 66°39.64'S, 140°01.55'E:
One spent female (♀0–) BL 17.9 mm, 5 ♂♂S 13.2–15.0 mm, 2 ♂♂I 12.1–12.9 mm, 1 ♀S+ 13.9 mm, 5 ♀♀I 12.3–14.1 mm (in vials, NHMW 27298,
Covers adult females and subadults of both sexes:
Species of Mysidetes with eyes (Figs
s.l. (Figs
Tail fan
Mysidetes illigi from ice cave of Bernard Island, Antarctica A subadult male, dorsal B subadult male, lateral C hyperbenthic association formed by mysids and early stages of nothotheniid fish D fish swarm mixed with small number of mysids several metres inside cave A, B, living specimens in laboratory.
Subadult female (Fig.
Telson trapezoid, 1.2 times length of ultimate pleonite, 1.9 times as long as maximum width near basis. Right margin of cleft lined by eleven laminae, amongst which ten distal laminae short, subequal. Bottom of cleft with three larger laminae, i.e. median lamina flanked by two submedian laminae (including the proximal one on right margin). Left disto-lateral lobe of telson distally broken. Corresponding right lobe triangular with narrowly truncate apex armed with two spines, the mesial spine 2/3 length of the lateral spine. Right lateral margin of telson almost straight, with total of 35 spines. Basal portion of both margins with 7–8 spines in continuous series, followed by unarmed stretch, median portion with 3–4 spines increasing in length distally; this series distally continued by discontinuous series of large spines with small spines in between, in the right margin up to the tip, left margin distally broken.
Holotype of Mysidetes illigi, subadult female BL 12.7 mm A body, lateral, most thoracic endopods broken (specimen artificially separated from background) B anterior body region, dorsal, cuticle lifted from cornea as fixation artefact C cephalic region, ventral D detail of (C) showing distal margin of right antennular trunk, arrows point to mid-dorsal lobe (female antennular lobe = derivate of appendix masculina).
First description of adult females; all features as given in diagnosis. General appearance moderately slender, body length 14.2–18.4 mm (n = 8). Rostrum measures 3–4% body length, thorax 33–34%, pleon 48–49%, telson 14–16% and carapace, including rostrum, 29–32%. Pleon (without telson) contributes 54–59% to trunk length. Frons with 4–5 vertically stacked, horizontal bulges, these ranging from subrostral process (bulge) ventrally down to that from antennular symphysis.
Mysidetes illigi from ice cave of Bernard Island, Antarctica. Adult females BL 18.1 mm (A, C–E), 18.4 mm (B) A head, lateral B anterior body region, dorsal, dashed line enhances the anterior contour of carapace C paired circular structures symmetrically arranged in front of posterior margin of carapace D series of cuticle structures parallel to lateral margin of carapace E tail fan, lateral.
Mysidetes illigi from ice cave of Bernard Island, Antarctica. Adult females BL 17.9 mm (A) 18.1 mm (B, D, K) 17.3 mm (C), 18.4 mm (E–J). A right antennula, dorsal B distal margin of left antennular trunk, ventral, arrow points to mid-dorsal lobe (derivate of appendix masculina), flagellae omitted C antenna with antennal gland, dorsal, setae omitted from antennal scale D carapace expanded on slide E ‘tarsus’ of thoracic endopod 1, caudal, setae omitted, detail (F) shows claw G–K series of tarsus 2–5, 8, setae omitted.
Labrum and labium
Thoracic sternites. Sternite 1 anteriorly produced into an anterior lobe contributing to the caudal closure of the mouth field as usual in Mysidae. Pair of comparatively large barbed setae on intersegmental joint between thoracic sternite 2 and sympod 2. No such setae on sternites 1 and 3–8.
Thoracopods general
Maxillipeds. Coxa of maxilliped 1 (thoracic endopod 1) with small endite bearing one barbed seta at its tip. This seta extends across mid-line, thus setae from left and right endite slightly overlapping. Basis with large, prominent endite densely setose on mesial margin. Ischium and merus each with one smaller, but distinct, medially setose endite. Basis of maxilliped 2 (endopod 2) with setose, medially projecting endite. Combined praeischium plus ischium 0.6–0.7 times merus length. Combined carpopropodus plus dactylus measure 1.2–1.3 times merus. Dactylus very large, with dense brush formed by large numbers of normal setae and 14–19 modified setae, the latter apically bent, bearing two symmetrical series of denticles (stiff barbs) on either side in sub-basal to median portions.
Cardiac portion of foregut in Mysidetes illigi from ice cave of Bernard Island, Antarctica. Adult female BL 18.1 mm A foregut in dorsal view, food removed from right half, lower-case labels indicate dorsolateral infoldings (di), lateralia (la), mid-gut (mg) and storage space (sp) B spine group from dorsolateral infoldings C spinose lobe of posterior part of lateralia D, E spines from median portions of lateralia.
Marsupium. Thoracopods 7 and 8 with large oostegites 1, 2, respectively. Each oostegite without setae on upper (dorsal) margin. Ventral margin and part of posterior margin, from sub-basal region up to rounded tip, with dense series of plumose setae, together with bilaterally opposite oostegite forming gate contributing to ventral and caudal closure of marsupium. Basal portions of marsupium inside with comparatively long setae, microserrated on their distal half. Oostegite 1 near basis with about 20 microserrated setae, oostegite 2 with about 8–10. No setae on outer face of marsupium. Thoracopod 6 with rudimentary oostegite (Fig.
Tail fan
Immature males are recognised by knob-like appendix masculina with setae bases present, but not yet bearing setae (Fig.
Five adult females (♀0–) and five subadult males inspected in this respect with 30–70% foregut volume filled with largely masticated organic material (debris) plus varying amounts of mineral particles; additional three females (♀0–) with empty foregut. Abundant detritus and mineral particles are visible in Fig.
Live colour was documented in the laboratory (Fig.
Mysidetes illigi from ice cave of Bernard Island, Antarctica. Adult females BL 18.1 mm (A, C–E, H), 18.4 mm (I); subadult males 13.7 mm (B), 13.1 mm (F, G). A thoracopod 6 including rudimentary oostegite B penis of subadult male C–E series of female pleopods 1, 3, 5 F, G pleopods 4, 5 in subadult male H uropods dorsal, setae omitted I telson. C–G, many setae broken.
First described from samples below ice at the type locality by monotypy, this is Gauss Station, 66°02'S, 89°38'E, coast of East Antarctica. Data of
Our findings are the second published with the original name, obtained upon two diving excursions to an ice cave of Bernard Island, in 6–10 m depth at 66°39.64'S, 140°01.55'E; this is also at the coast of East Antarctica. It is unclear whether and from where this species previously might have been reported as M. posthon. The latter taxon was considered the senior synonym of the present species for almost a century, 1923–2021; the taxon M. illigi is now reinstalled.
Mysidetes hanseni
Zimmer, 1914: 403, 404, Figs 43–46 in Fig.-Tab. XXV (first description);
Jar (
by present designation (Fig.
Paralectotype. Immature male BL 8.7 mm (
An additional [transl.] “younger male specimen” reported by
Total of four samples (S#5–8) taken by P. Chevaldonné and S. Hourdez upon diving in austral summer 2017–2018 in ice caves at the coasts of Curie and Damiers Islands, near Dumont d’Urville Station, Adélie Land, Antarctica:
Six incubating females (♀♀B–) BL 19.3–22.8 mm, 1 ♀0– 19.3 mm, 2 ♂♂A 20.5–22.2 mm, 3 ♂♂S 13.3–17.8 mm, 12 ♂♂I 7.5–12.0 mm (in vials, NHMW 27302,
Diagnosis covers adults of both sexes. Eyes (Figs
s.l. (Figs
The initial objective for inspection of the types was the unclear state of development of male characteristics.
Both available type specimens not dissected. Body proportions (Fig.
Lectotype of Mysidetes hanseni Zimmer, 1914, adult male BL 18.6 mm A body, lateral B terminal fifth of telson C anterior body region, dorsal D anterior body region, obliquely ventral, left arrow points to remnant of broken appendix masculina, right arrow to mesial swelling of median segment of antennular trunk. A, B, objects artificially separated from background.
Paralectotype. Median segment of antennular trunk not inflated as normal in immatures. Penes reaching to sternite 6. Telson conforming well to that of lectotype, taking differences due to body size into account: right lateral margin with total of 35 spines, ten of which in approximately linear arrangement along basal and sub-basal portions, remaining spines more densely set along median to apical portions, arranged in groups as in lectotype. Apical cleft 10% telson length; numbers and relative size of laminae as in lectotype.
Lectotype with well-pigmented dark cornea (Fig.
For evaluation of differences between description by
Includes re-description of males and first description of females. All features of the above diagnosis. General appearance of females moderately slender (not considering the marsupium), males even more slender. Body length of adult females 10.5–25.7 mm (n = 52), males 17.3–24.7 mm (n = 8). Rostrum comprising 1–3% body length, cephalothorax 32–39%, pleon 47–53%, telson 14–15% and carapace 26–31%. Frons with at least four horizontal bulges (Fig.
Mysidetes hanseni from ice cave of Curie Islands, Antarctica. Adult females BL 23.4 mm (A, B), 21.4 mm (E); adult male 24.7 mm (C, D). A head of female, obliquely lateral B anterior body region of female, dorsal, dashed line enhances the anterior contour of carapace C anterior body region of male, lateral D tail fan, lateral E cuticle structures on outer surface of the large second oostegite.
Antennae (Fig.
Mysidetes hanseni from ice cave of Curie Islands, Antarctica. Adult male BL 24.7 mm (A, C–F, I, J), adult female 23.4 mm (B, G, H, K–M) A right male antennula, dorsal B distal margin of left female antennular trunk, ventral, flagella omitted C antenna with antennal gland, dorsal, setae omitted from antennal scale D carapace expanded on slide, details show cervical (E) and cardial (F) pore groups G–K tarsus in series of thoracic endopods 2–5, 8, setae omitted L tergite expanded on slide together with pleurites of pleomere 1, setae of pleopods omitted, detail (M) shows transverse pore groups. E, F, M, pore diameters not to scale.
Mandibles. Segments 1–3 contributing 11–14%, 53–60% and 29–33% length to three-segmented palp. Proximal segment without setae. Median segment 2.7–3.3 times as long as its maximum width, both margins setose all along. Terminal segment strongly setose along mesial margin; distal 2/3 in addition with series of short setae on caudal face near lateral margin. Pars incisiva with 4–5 teeth. Left mandible normal, its digitus mobilis strong, with 3–4 teeth and its pars centralis with 3–4 separate, spiny teeth. Right mandible modified as in M. illigi (Fig.
Labrum and labium as described above for M. illigi.
Maxillula. Distal segment of maxillula terminally with 12–14 strong spines, in part serrated by small denticles in median portions. No such denticles on the largest spine in innermost (mesial) position. Distal segment subterminally with 8–9 barbed setae, of which 7–8 setae densely set in transverse, linear series; 0–2 pore near outermost seta; the remaining 1–2 setae positioned a short distance proximally, out of series. All these setae with barb patterns as in M. illigi. Endite of maxillula terminally with three distally spiny setae accompanied by four proximally thick barbed setae; mesial and lateral margins of endite with numerous less thick setae; innermost seta not longest and not projecting mesially as in M. illigi.
Maxilla normal, densely setose, with various types of setae, but no spines or teeth. Terminal segment of endopod and sympod including its three large endites, with densely setose distal margins. The leaf-like exopod extends to distal margin of basal segment of endopod or shortly beyond. Exopod with 22–25 barbed setae all along lateral margin, the two apical setae longer and thicker than the remaining ones. Basal segment of endopod with three basally thick, barbed setae. Terminal segment 1.3–1.5 times longer than wide; setae along its lateral margin resembling acute spines, but characterised as modified setae rather than spines based on the densely barbed basal half. Mesial margin of sympod with long seta micro-serrated by minute stiff bristles along its distal third; this seta extending beyond dense brush of plumose setae.
Thoracic sternites as described above for M. illigi.
Thoracopods general
Cardiac portion of foregut in Mysidetes hanseni from ice cave of Curie Islands, Antarctica; pyloric parts removed. Adult female BL 23.4 mm. A foregut in slightly oblique lateral view, lower-case labels indicate dorsolateral infoldings (di), lateralia (la), mid-gut (mg), esophagus (oe), pigment bodies (pb), and storage space (sp) B spine from dorsolateral infoldings C spinose lobe of posterior part of lateralia D, E spines from anterior parts of lateralia.
Maxillipeds. Combined praeischium plus ischium of maxilliped 2 are 0.8–0.9 times merus length. Dactylus with large numbers of normal setae and 14–17 setae modified as in M. illigi. Remaining features as described above for M. illigi.
Larvae (Fig.
Type locality is at the East-Antarctic coast, 66°02'S, 89°38'E (details as given above for M. illigi). The types only there were taken in December 1902 with non-closing vertical hauls from 200–0 m (lectotype) and 250–0 m (paralectotype) below ice, bottom depth 385 m (
Live colour of this species was documented only in the field (Fig.
Upon external inspection of 49 foreguts, all appeared empty in twenty incubating females examined, all in nine spent females available and in eight out of twenty foreguts of immature males. Eight ‘empty’ foreguts dissected and mounted on slides showed that 0–5% volume contained food. Fig.
Sequencing of Pseudomma kryotroglodytum sp. nov. The 18S DNA sequences obtained from the two here-described specimens of P. kryotroglodytum sp. nov. were identical and 805 bp long. COI sequences of unequal quality were obtained from both specimens and were 614 and 658 bp for individuals 611-1 (paratype) and 612-1 (holotype), respectively. Over the alignable part of these sequences, they differed by only one synonymous position. Only 18S sequences could be compared with GenBank sequences of other Pseudomma species. We aligned our sequences with 18 available GenBank sequences and obtained NJ and ML phylogenetic trees (Fig.
Nauplioid larva of Mysidetes hanseni from ice cave of Damiers Islands, Antarctica A larva at late substage N2, lateral B antennae and mouth field, ventral, lower-case labels indicate antennula (a1), antenna (a2), labrum (l) and mandibles (m) with palp (p) C tip of antennula D tip of abdomen with caudal furca, lateral. A, larva artificially separated from background; A–D are from four different specimens.
Sequencing of Mysidetes illigi and M. hanseni. A total of six individuals of M. illigi from Bernard Island and 10 M. hanseni from Damiers and Curie Islands were sequenced at both the COI and 18S loci. No comparison with GenBank was possible because this is the first time Mysidetes sequences are made available. The 18S sequences obtained were 815 and 813 bp long for M. illigi and M. hanseni, respectively. No differences were observed at this 18S fragment within species, whereas there was a 6 bp difference (but no indel) between the two species. COI sequences of variable quality were obtained (658 to 629 bp), of which 629 bp could be aligned. A simple distance tree (NJ) was produced to visualise the differences and similarities amongst sequences (rooted with A. maxima). As evident on Fig.
Eyeplate cyst. Eyeplate of Pseudomma kryotroglodytum sp. nov. contains a single cyst shortly behind the median cleft (Fig.
Species of the tribus Calyptommini are characterised amongst other features by an eyeplate without cleft. Nonetheless, an eyeplate cyst (Fig.
Phylogenetic placement of Pseudomma kryotroglodytum sp. nov. from Antarctic ice caves at Bernard Island, amongst the Pseudomma taxa available in DNA databases (GenBank accession numbers shown), based on 18S rDNA. The root is the Erythropini Holmesiella affinis. Neighbour-Joining (NJ, shown here) and Maximum Likelihood (ML) reconstruction methods gave a similar topology. Bootstrap (1000 replicates) values, higher than 700, are shown at nodes (NJ/ML) in this order.
Distance tree (Neighbour-Joining) of mitochondrial COI sequences of Mysidetes hanseni and Mysidetes illigi specimens collected in Antarctic ice caves at Curie and Damiers Islands, Dumont d’Urville Station, rooted with Antarctomysis maxima from the same area. Most relevant Bootstrap (1000 replicates) values are shown at nodes.
Antennular depression. Basal segment of antennular trunk in P. kryotroglodytum sp. nov. shows a mid-dorsal, pit-like, deep, dorsally open, ventrally orientated depression with striated pad on the bottom. Mounted with dorsal face upside, the depression appears pouch-like due to the perspective and partially due to inclination induced by forcing the bent antennula into a plane (Figs
Such depressions were found in a total of eleven species of the subfamily Erythropinae (Table
Female antennular lobe. Subadult and adult females of M. illigi show a mid-ventral lobe (Figs
No comparable structures were found upon examination of adult females of three other congeneric species (Table
Frequency of free-living stages. Pooled data for the Islands of Curie and Damiers comprises 109 specimens sampled in ice caves, namely 52 adult and seven subadult females, plus eight adult, 14 subadult and 25 immature males, only two juveniles and only one immature female. The frequency of the diverse stages (Fig.
Sample nos in Suppl. Table (S#) | Habitat at sampling station | Species | Material examined | Female antennular lobe | Antennul. depression | Eyepl. with corneal sulci | Eyeplate cyst |
Subfam. Erythropinae, tribus Pseudommini Wittmann, Ariani & Lagardère, 2014 | |||||||
1, 2 | sublittoral ice cave | Pseudomma kryotroglodytum Wittmann & Chevaldonné sp.nov.. | 1 ♀ ad., 1 ♀ subad. | none | present | present | present |
11 | bathybenthic | Pseudomma affine G.O. Sars, 1870 | 2 ♀♀, 1 ♂ | none | present | none | present |
12 | (from deep sea fish stomach) | Pseudomma affine G.O. Sars, 1870 | 1 ♀, 1 ♂ | none | present | none | present |
13 | bathybenthic | Pseudomma antarcticum Zimmer, 1914 | 1 ♀, 1 ♂ | none | present | none | present |
14 | bathybenthic | Pseudomma calmani O.S. Tattersall, 1955 | 1 ♀ | none | present | none | present |
15 | bathybenthic | Pseudomma latiphthalmum Murano, 1974 | 2 ♀♀ | none | present | none | present |
16 | bathybenthic | Pseudomma roseum G.O. Sars, 1870 | 2 ♀♀ | none | present | none | present |
17 | bathybenthic | Pseudomma sarsii Willemoës-Suhm [in G.O. Sars, 1884] | 1 ♀ | none | present | none | present |
Subfam. Erythropinae, tribus Calyptommini W.M. Tattersall, 1909 | |||||||
18 | (from deep sea fish stomach) | Michthyops parvus (Vanhöffen, 1897) | 2 ♀♀ | none | none | none | present |
Subfam. Erythropinae, tribus Amblyopsini Tchindonova, 1981 | |||||||
19 | bathybenthic | Amblyops abbreviatus (G.O. Sars, 1869) | 1 ♀ | – | present | – | – |
Subfam. Erythropinae, tribus Erythropini Hansen, 1910 | |||||||
20 | bathypelagic | Dactylamblyops hodgsoni Holt & Tattersall, 1906 | 1 ♀, 1 ♂ | comp. large lobe with normal setae | present | – | – |
21 | bathypelagic | Dactylamblyops iii Nouvel & Lagardère, 1976 | 1 ♀, 1 ♂ | small lobe with minute setae | present | – | – |
22 | mesopelagic | Dactylamblyops murrayi W.M. Tattersall, 1939 | 1 ♀, 1 ♂ | small lobe with minute setae | not detected | – | – |
23 | bathybenthic | Dactylamblyops sp. A | 1 ♂ | – | present | – | – |
24 | bathybenthic | Dactylamblyops sp. A | 1 ♀ | comp. large lobe with normal setae | present | – | – |
25 | (from deep sea fish stomach) | Erythrops microps (G.O. Sars, 1864) | 1 ♀, 1 ♂ | none | none | – | – |
26 | (from deep sea fish stomach) | Meterythrops pictus Holt & Tattersall, 1905 | 1 ♀, 1 ♂ | none | none | – | – |
Subfam. Heteromysinae, tribus Mysidetini Holt & Tattersall, 1906 | |||||||
5, 8 | sublittoral ice caves | Mysidetes hanseni Zimmer, 1914 | 3 ♀♀, 3 ♂♂ | none | none | – | – |
4 | sublittoral ice cave | Mysidetes illigi Zimmer, 1914 | 5 ♀♀ ad., 4 ♀♀ non-ad., 9 ♂♂ non-ad. | with modified setae | none | – | – |
27 | sublittoral | Mysidetes kerguelensis (Illig, 1906) | 1 ♀ | none | none | – | – |
28 | bathybenthic | Mysidetes posthon Holt & Tattersall, 1906 | 1 ♀ | none | none | – | – |
29 | sublittoral | Mysidetes posthon Holt &Tattersall, 1906 | 1 ♀ | none | none | – | – |
30 | bathybenthic | Mysifaun erigens Wittmann, 1996 | 1 ♀, 1 ♂ | none | none | – | – |
Subfam. Heteromysinae, tribus Harmelinellini Wittmann, Ariani & Lagardère, 2014 | |||||||
31 | sublittoral marine cave | Harmelinella mariannae Ledoyer, 1989 | 1 ♂ | – | none | – | – |
32 | (aquarium tank) | Harmelinella mariannae Ledoyer, 1989 | 1 ♀, 1 ♂ | none | none | – | – |
Subfam. Heteromysinae, tribus Heteromysini Norman, 1892 | |||||||
33 | sublittoral marine cave | Heteromysis ekamako Wittmann & Chevaldonné, 2017 | 2 ♀♀, 2 ♂♂ | none | none | – | – |
34 | (unknown) | Heteromysis proxima W.M. Tattersall, 1922 | 1 ♀, 1 ♂ | none | none | – | – |
35 | sublittoral cryptic habitats | Heteromysis sabelliphila Wittmann & Wirtz, 2017 | 1 ♀, 2 ♂♂ | none | none | – | – |
36 | sublittoral micro-caves | Ischiomysis peterwirtzi Wittmann, 2013 | 1 ♀, 2 ♂♂ | none | none | – | – |
Structure of eyeplates in Pseudomma kryotroglodytum sp. nov. and Michthyops parvus. Holotype adult female (D) and paratype subadult female (A, B) of P. kryotroglodytum and non-type adult female of M. parvus (C). A eyeplate expanded on slide, dorsal, to the right somewhat distorted B detail of panel (A) showing cyst connected with bottom of median cleft C homologous cyst in another species and genus, arrow points to tubular connection with anterior margin of eyeplate D series of denticles along sub-lateral section of anterior margin of eyeplate.
Pseudomma kryotroglodytum sp. nov., paratype subadult female BL 21.5 mm (A, B) and Dactylamblyops sp., adult female 21.8 mm (C, D); A ventrally orientated depression mid-dorsally on basal segment of right antennula, dorsal aspect B detail of panel (A), arrow points to striated pad on bottom of depression, dorsal C depression as in panel (A) for left antennula in another genus, lateral aspect, the short arrow points to mineral particles D detail of panel (C), the long arrow points to striated pad, lateral. A, antennular depression somewhat caudally tilted by the pressure exerted by the cover glass.
Clutch size versus parent length. Fig.
Contrary to expectations, the females with eggs are significantly larger (t-test, 31 DF, P < 0.05) than the females with nauplioid larvae: body length of E1-females is 21.44 ± 1.57 mm (± SD; n = 13), that of N3-females 19.52 ± 3.01 mm (n = 20). The individual data for clutch sizes of all marsupial stages sampled are given in Fig.
Frequency of marsupial substages. Fig.
Inhomogeneous clutches. Not included above are nauplioid larvae that occurred in small numbers in marsupia, together with a main bulk of eggs (embryos) or of younger larvae. Three females with 52, 88 and 68 E1-eggs carried additional 2, 3 and 4 N3-larvae, respectively. Another female with 88 eggs carried two N2-larvae plus two N3-larvae. One N3-larva appeared amongst 13 N2-larvae in the brood pouch of yet another female. All remaining marsupia contained homogeneous broods.
Only five Pseudomma species, so far described in this respect, share smooth lateral margins in combination with a transversely truncate (rather than convex) terminal margin of the telson with the new species:
P. antarcticum Zimmer, 1914, is widely distributed in 278–3425 m depth in the Southern Ocean, according to
P. bispinicaudum Murano, 1974, from 100 m depth in the East China Sea, differs from the new species by endopod of uropods with a small spine below statocyst and a small tooth on each disto-lateral edge of the telson.
P. intermedium Murano, 1974, from 570–660 m depth in waters off Japan (NW-Pacific), differs from the new species by shorter apical lobe of the antennal scale, endopod of uropods with a small spine below statocyst and by more (3–4 pairs) spines on terminal margin of the telson.
P. maasakii Meland & Brattegard, 2007, from 1250–2300 m depth in the Iceland Basin (N-Atlantic), prior to first description reported by
P. matsuei Murano, 1966, from ?–1000 m depth in waters off Japan (NW-Pacific), differs from the new species by shorter disto-median fissure of the eyeplate, shorter apical lobe of the antennal scale, more strongly converging lateral margins of the telson and by disto-lateral spines shorter than submedio-apical spines of the telson.
Uropods and telson are unknown in P. australe (G.O. Sars, 1884) from 60–120 m depth in the Bass Strait, South Australia. It differs strongly from all remaining so far described species of Pseudomma by a very long apical lobe with 4/5 antennal scale length; thus, no detailed discussion needed here.
P. longisquamosum Murano, 1974, from 360–460 m depth off Japan (NW-Pacific) is also discussed here due to its genetic affinity (Fig.
Frequency distribution of free-living stages in samples of Mysidetes hanseni from ice caves of two Antarctic islands. Numbers of specimens are given for juveniles (J), immature (♂I), subadult (♂S) and adult (♂A) males, for immature (♀I), empty subadult (♀S–) and expectant subadult (♀S+) females and for adult females classified as incubating females bearing unfertilised eggs (♀U–), embryos (♀E–), nauplioid larvae (♀N–) and postnauplioid larvae (♀P), finally for non-incubating reproductive females (♀0+) and non-reproductive (spent) females (♀0–).
Both species were first described by
Clutch size in relation to body size of incubating females of Mysidetes hanseni from Antarctic ice caves. Different symbols are given for unfertilised eggs (n = 1 brood), embryos (fertilised eggs; n = 14), and nauplioid larvae (n = 28). A significant linear regression was obtained and drawn only for nauplioid larvae.
The present data show that adults of M. illigi share large spine-free sub-basal portions of the lateral margins of the telson with adults of only M. antarctica and M. kerguelensis. Mysidetes antarctica differs from M. illigi by a shorter rostrum and more slender antennal scale, M. kerguelensis by a shorter antennal scale and by a proximally unarmed telson. Adult M. posthon differ from M. illigi by the lateral margins of the telson having spines all along and by more (26–28) spines on the endopods of the uropods. As shown above, females of M. hanseni, M. kerguelensis and M. posthon do not have a ventral lobe on the terminal segment of the antennular trunk (female unknown in M. antarctica). This lobe is present in the holotype of M. illigi, but was overlooked upon first description by
Frequency distribution of incubating females with respect to marsupial stages and respective substages in samples of Mysidetes hanseni from ice caves of two Antarctic islands. Numbers of specimens are given for unfertilised eggs (E0), embryos (substages E1 to E6) and nauplioid larvae (N1 to N4); only zero counts for postnauplioid larvae (P1 to P3).
There is no mention of types or any equivalent expression in the original description of this taxon by
In summary, Fig. 43 by
As many as three previously unknown, probably sensory structures were detected by thorough examination of ice cave mysids. The initial expectance of some specificity for ice cave environments was rejected, based on evidence from the subsequent examination of related species from other environments as shown in the following:
As first evidence in the family Mysidae, the terminal segment of the antennular trunk bears a low mid-ventral sensory lobe (Figs
No comparable structures were found in adult females of M. hanseni, M. posthon and M. kerguelensis (Table
Amongst the four species of Dactylamblyops examined (Table
As described above and listed in Table
The central position of the depression dorsally on the basal segment of the antennula in 11 out of 15 Erythropinae species studied points to analogy rather than homology with the Tattersall organ. The latter organ is located dorsally on the antennula in more proximal position close to eye rudiments in Hansenomysis Stebbing, 1893 and Bacescomysis Murano & Krygier, 1985 (Petalophthalmidae). Additionally, the remote taxonomic status of the here-studied Mysidae versus Petalophthalmidae makes a potential homology unlikely.
The finding of eyeplate cysts in all examined species with eyeplates (Table
From the scarce data available, all three mysid species encountered in ice caves are considered Antarctic polar endemics living beyond 66°S. No large-scale horizontal migration has been documented so far for any mysids. Accordingly, these animals probably have to cope with the long, dark, polar winter, when survival requires adaptation to life in darkness below ice cover. Such adaptations could also help to inhabit ice caves during the summer, as well as to survive under large accumulations of pack ice during break up periods. Marine ice caves are ephemeral structures requiring short-term to medium-term immigration by mysids. This is remotely reminiscent of three species of Hemimysis G.O. Sars, 1869, that show circadian migration in and out of marine caves in the Mediterranean to feed (
Pseudomma kryotroglodytum sp. nov. is so far known only from an ice cave in shallow (10 m) marine waters at Bernard Island, East Antarctica, 66°39.64'S, 140°01.55'E. This peculiarity makes it, to our knowledge, the shallowest Pseudomma ever found. Both females sampled showed moderately filled foreguts, possibly indicating that they found food, such as the debris on rock and ice surfaces (Fig.
Mysidetes illigi was previously recorded only from the type locality, namely the Gauss Station about 85 km north of the continental coast of East Antarctica, 66°02'S, 89°38'E, where it was sampled through holes in ice with a vertical non-closing haul 200–0 m, bottom depth 385 m. The present record from an ice cave in 6–10 m depth at Bernard Island shifts the eastern distributional limit to Adélie Land, East Antarctica, 66°39.64'S, 140°01.55'E. In this cave, the mysids showed a benthopelagic habit at several centimetres to several metres distance from the substrate, in part staying in swarms of young fish (Fig.
Mysidetes hanseni is often cited in literature, though back-tracing led in each case to the type samples, according to
With the exception of their mandibles, the three mysid species encountered in ice caves share the gross structure of external mouthparts as typical in Mysidae. They also share the masticatory portion of the left mandible as is normal in Mysidae and a strong pars molaris in both mandibles, the latter pointing to the ability to grind hard particles, such as diatoms. With few exceptions, the Mysidae show a uniform construction of the foregut, the main differences being the diverse modifications of spines (
Pseudomma kryotroglodytum sp. nov. is striking due to its very large mandibular palp (Fig.
The masticatory portion of the right mandible is modified as typical of the genus Pseudomma by the spine row of the pars centralis present as a number of medium-sized, smooth, acute teeth and a few small ones, rather than ‘serrated’ spines. Such teeth appear capable of pricking and fixing particulate matter. Most spines of the foregut appear weak, but not so a block of numerous blunt teeth arising from a common basis (Fig.
The two Mysidetes species from ice caves share long, slender thoracic endopods 3–8 with short, weak claws; endopod 2 without a claw, endopod 1 with a normal-sized claw. The external mouthparts are normal, well setose, almost identical in both species. No spines on the mandibular palp, maxilla or maxillipeds. Predatory feeding on medium-sized to large motile animals is also excluded in these species. Both species also share modifications of the masticatory part of the right mandible, namely the pars centralis distally bearing one (M. hanseni) or two (M. illigi) thick spiny teeth and proximally with species-specific numbers of acute teeth projecting from a common basis. This differs between species of Mysidetes as shown by
The storage volume of the foregut is about the same in M. illigi (Fig.
In summary, all three mysid species in ice caves are essentially detritivorous.
In M. hanseni, four out of 14 marsupia with E1-embryos contained additional 1–4 nauplioid larvae; another marsupium with N2-larvae had one N3-larva. The inhomogeneity of E1-broods is interpreted as the result from the adoption of larvae lost (liberated) by other mothers. Adoption was so far shown in field populations of 19 mysid species and confirmed in the laboratory for 16 species (
The frequency distributions of free-living (Fig.
If the N3-broods were deposited during the preceding summer, one would expect a total incubation period of about two years – based on extrapolating from the timespan between egg deposition and N3-stage taking about half the incubation period (
Extrapolation from the summer samples suggests that the wide gap between the modes for E1-embryos and N3-nauplioids points to syntopic co-existence of early breeding and late breeding females. Contrary to the results on a number of other species from temperate (
Breeding shifts were already reported by
A biennial life cycle with co-existence of two cohorts at any particular time was reported by
Size-frequency distributions are available for the congener M. posthon from hyperbenthic samples at diverse stations off the Antarctic Peninsula (
In summary, a biennial life cycle and shifted breeding are main strategies affecting the frequency of stages of M. hanseni in our summer samples from Antarctic ice caves. A biennial life cycle alone cannot sufficiently explain the bimodal frequency of marsupial stages. A biennial life cycle superimposed by shifted breeding fits with most of our data. The almost complete absence of juveniles and immature females (Fig.
The timing of marsupial stages suggests that early-breeding females of M. hanseni deposit eggs under less favourable trophic conditions in about November, the late-breeding females during the summer bloom in January–February. The smaller body length and lower fecundity in N3- versus E1-mothers could be explained in analogy to findings of
In an evolutionary context, it is plausible that a biannual life cycle, in combination with shifted breeding, optimises the partition of seasonal food resources between the diverse sex and age stages with different energy demands for individual growth and yolk accumulation in ovarian tubes. Samples from the different seasons inside and outside caves could help to verify the proposed timing of complete breeding cycles and related differences in the state of development, age, body size, fat content and clutch size between cohorts and potential sub-cohorts.
In condensed summary, we found support for a scenario in which the young live outside caves until they are large and fat enough to reproduce and dwell in ice caves as shelter for brooding only once during their remaining lifetime. The evidence for this is the almost complete absence of juveniles and immature females in our ice cave samples versus a high incidence of brooding females with empty foreguts and empty ovarian tubes, but with high contents of oil globules, together with their energy-saving habit to stay on the substrate rather than swimming.
Support for the work undertaken in Antarctica was provided via the French Polar Institute (IPEV) programme #1102 “POLARIS”. This work could not have progressed without the leadership and friendship of Stéphane Hourdez, principal investigator of programme #1102, SCUBA dive buddy at DDU and collector of some of the here-discussed samples. IPEV and the French Southern and Antarctic Territories (TAAF) provided all the logistics and permits for working and diving in Antarctica. Working in Antarctica is a permanent challenge that requires teamwork. Additional fellow divers were Sylvain Castanet, Jérôme Fournier and Matthieu Robert. Surface safety was provided by Yannick Gentil, Erwan Amice, Laurent Chauvaud and Julien Thébault. Medical supervision was provided by Arash Ariabod, Armelle Grimandi and Jacques Devaux. Boat steering by Claire Davies, Aurélie Guilloux and Yann L’Herrou. All the TAs (mostly 65, 66, 68), DisTAs, IPEV technicians and engineers, Fabien Petit and the helicopter pilots, the Astrolabe (old and new) captains and crew are all acknowledged for being part of this teamwork. Didier Jollivet deserves special thanks for switching seats with PC. Maude Dubois was essential in providing help in DNA sequencing within the framework of the molecular lab (SCBM) of IMBE-Station Marine d’Endoume. PC is indebted to the late Patrick Arnaud and Victor V. Petryashov for their interest and help. Sincere thanks to Charles Oliver Coleman from the Zoological Museum Berlin for information and loan of
Detailed sampling data
Data type: sampling stations, details of sampling, species recorded
Explanation note: Detailed sampling data for total of 36 samples of Mysidae species from Antarctic ice caves and other marine habitats.