Research Article |
Corresponding author: Takahiro Yoshida ( ) Academic editor: Aaron Smith
© 2021 Takahiro Yoshida, Kiyoshi Ando.
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Yoshida T, Ando K (2021) Discovery of the genus Platycotylus Olliff, 1883 (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) in Japan: Description of a new and remarkable species. ZooKeys 1076: 125-133.
The genus Platycotylus Olliff, 1883 (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) is recorded from Japan (Nakanoshima Island, Tokara Islands) for the first time, through the discovery of a new and remarkable species, Platycotylus merkli sp. nov., which is described herein. The male of this new species can be distinguished from all known males of other congeneric species by its long and asymmetrical epistomal horn. Although this new species is most similar to Platycotylus parvicollis (Pic, 1923), for which a male has not been examined, it can be distinguished from this species by its simple sparse pronotal punctation, smaller eyes, and acutely produced temples.
Epistomal horn, Nakanoshima Island, Palorini, taxonomy, Tokara Islands, twisted aedeagus
The tribe Palorini Matthews, 2003 was initially proposed by
The genus Platycotylus was established within the family Cucujidae by
Platycotylus is composed of five species that are widespread in Africa, Southeast Asia, and Australia (
Observations of external characteristics and dissections were conducted using stereoscopic microscopes (Nikon SMZ1500 or Leica MZ16). The habitus images of the holotype (Fig.
Morphological terminology follows
Family Tenebrionidae
Tribe Palorini
: ♂, Japan, Kagoshima Prefecture, Toshima Village, Tokara Islands, Tokara-Nakanoshima Island, Nanatsuyama, 7.VII.2019, leg. Naomichi Tsuji, “under permission” (
According to
The new species is most similar to P. parvicollis, of which a male has not yet been examined. It can be distinguished by the simple sparse punctation on the pronotum (laterally rugulose in P. parvicollis; see
In addition, the umbilical tubercle on the center of mentum may be one remarkable characteristic of this new species. At least, there is no such tubercle on the mentum of P. nitidulus, which has a small fovea in the middle.
Body length: 3.40 mm. Male. Elongate and flattened, shiny; dark reddish brown, head and pronotum blackish brown, elytra darkened on sutural and lateral parts.
Head obtrapezoidal, weakly convex, without frontogenal and frontoclypeal sutures; punctures coarse and dense, partly piligerous; epistome with a large asymmetrical horn in middle, distinctly emarginate on both sides of the horn, which is distinctly curved to the left and acute at its apex, with a long yellow seta arising from each emarginated anterior margin, covered with punctures; genae convex, roundly produced laterad; frons broadened, weakly convex, slightly sloping forwards, 3.83 times as wide as width of eye in lateral view; eyes entirely lateral, strongly convex laterad, without inner ocular sulci; temples slender, acutely produced laterad, setiferous and finely punctate. Antennae slender, surpassing base of elytra, almost filiform though 7th antennomere dilated apicad and 8th to 10th ones dilated and nearly as long as wide; 11th antennomere elongate. Ultimate maxillary palpomeres fusiform. Mentum transversely quadrate, weakly convex, irregularly depressed at sides, with an umbilical tubercle at middle. Submentum flat, subquadrate, strongly emarginate at sides. Gula narrow, linguiform, unevenly flat and smooth.
Pronotum obtrapezoidal, widest at apical fifth and 1.30 times as wide as long; disc slightly convex, densely punctate, punctures piligerous laterally, nearly as large as and slightly sparser than on head; anterior margin subtruncate, unbeaded; anterior corners with an acutely pointed process; lateral margins slightly rounded and evenly convergent posteriad, almost invisible in dorsal view, roundly and weakly edged at apical fifth and basal fifth, slightly sinuate before base, very finely beaded; posterior corners with processes smaller than those on anterior corners and acutely pointed laterad; basal margin weakly rounded, moderately beaded. Scutellar shield transverse, 1.67 times as wide as long, surface flat and smooth.
Elytra elongate, subparallel-sided, widest at basal sixth and 2.14 times as long as their combined width, subvertical between 7th intervals and lateral margins; surface scarcely striate, with rows of punctures larger than on pronotum; intervals almost flat and impunctate; epipleura irregularly rugulose.
Prothoracic hypomera weakly depressed, with large and coarse piligerous punctures. Prosternum weakly convex, distinctly sulcate along apical bead, sparsely punctate in middle and moderately so laterally; prosternal process trapezoidal, depressed, coarsely punctate. Mesoventrite weakly convex, with large and sparse piligerous punctures. Metaventrite weakly convex, sparsely and evenly punctate though becoming denser and piligerous in each lateral fourth. Abdomen (Fig.
Abdominal sternites VIII and IX (Fig.
Legs robust. Femora strongly dilated towards middle or distally, sparse with setiferous punctures. Tibiae short and slender; protibiae with two tibial spurs, one of which is very large and robust, curved posteriorly.
Female. Unknown.
The new species is dedicated to the late Dr Ottó Merkl, who made a significant contribution to the taxonomy of Tenebrionidae.
Japan: Tokara Islands (Nakanoshima Island).
The holotype was collected by beating the dead branches of an unidentified living tree.
1 | Pronotal surface between punctures and elytral intervals shagreened (micro-reticulated) | P. ferrugineus (Kaszab, 1939) |
– | Pronotal surface and elytral intervals smooth and shiny | 2 |
2 | Antennomere 11 elongate, at least 3 times longer than wide, pronotum flat | P. tenuicornis (Fairmaire, 1893) |
– | Antennomere 11 only 2 times longer than wide, pronotum convex | 3 |
3 | Pronotum more transverse, with distinctly prominent anterolateral corners | P. nitidulus (MacLeay, 1872) |
– | Pronotum less transverse, subquadrate or trapezoidal, with short anterolateral corners | 4 |
4 | Pronotum longer, trapezoidal, elytral interval 7 convex | P. palmi (Ferrer, 1998) |
– | Pronotum subquadrate or obtrapezoidal, elytral interval 7 keeled | 5 |
5 | Eyes moderate in size, temple not produced, pronotum laterally with rugulose punctation, elytra striate | P. parvicollis (Pic, 1923) |
– | Eyes smaller, temple acutely produced, pronotum laterally with simple sparse punctation, elytra scarcely striate | P. merkli sp. nov. |
The male genital structures of Platycotylus have been poorly studied only in two species: P. palmi by Ferrer (1988) and P. nitidulus, with a simple illustration by Matthews and Bouchard (2005). The shapes of the aedeagi of these species are similar to each other and inverted, although the orientation of the aedeagus of P. palmi has yet to be examined. Nevertheless, the shape of the aedeagus of P. merkli sp. nov. is lanceolate, twisted in the middle, and with the basale slightly longer than the apicale (Fig.
A similar pattern of variation in male genital morphology is shown in a lineage of Erotylidae (Cucujoidea), which is mainly found on the male cones of cycad plants and contains three genera: Cycadophila Xu, Tang & Skelley, 2015, Pharaxonotha Reitter, 1875, and Ceratophila Tang, Skelley & Pérez-Farrera, 2018. Males of Cycadophila possess an aedeagus that is twisted towards the left side, whereas the other genera possess inverted male genitalia (
We wish to express our hearty thanks to the late Dr Ottó Merkl for his valuable collaboration during the early stages of this project. We cordially thank Mr Naomichi Tsuji (Entomological Laboratory, Kyushu University, Fukuoka) for donating the important specimen to