Research Article |
Corresponding author: Rafael Barba-Alvarez ( ) Academic editor: Steffen Pauls
© 2022 Joaquin Bueno-Soria, Albane Vilarino, Rafael Barba-Alvarez, Claudia Ballesteros-Barrera.
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Bueno-Soria J, Vilarino A, Barba-Alvarez R, Ballesteros-Barrera C (2022) Three new species of Xiphocentron Brauer, 1870 (Trichoptera, Xiphocentronidae) from Mexico. In: Pauls SU, Thomson R, Rázuri-Gonzales E (Eds) Special Issue in Honor of Ralph W. Holzenthal for a Lifelong Contribution to Trichoptera Systematics. ZooKeys 1111: 199-213.
Three new species of the genus Xiphocentron (Trichoptera, Xiphocentronidae) are described from Nearctic and Neotropical regions of Mexico. Xiphocentron (Glyphocentron) flinti sp. nov. has a very unique morphology distinguished by the presence of long spines on the preapical and apical margin of tergum X. Xiphocentron (Antillotrichia) holzenthali sp. nov. is diagnosed by tergum IX, with the apical margin bearing a narrow, rounded, mesal emargination and by a spiny projection near the basal plate. These species are the first records of the family in northwestern Mexico. Xiphocentron (Antillotrichia) pineroi sp. nov. is recognized, when observed in lateral view, by its less elongate genitalia and the sinuous mesal sclerite of the inferior appendage. Additionally, we provide detailed illustrations of Xiphocentron (Antillotrichia) rhamnes Schmid, and an updated list of the distribution of the genus Xiphocentron in Mexico.
Aquatic insects, caddisflies, Mexico, Neotropical, taxonomy
The family Xiphocentronidae Ross, 1949 is comprised of 195 species distributed in eight genera (as Caenocentron Schmid, 1982 was elevated to genus status) (
Distribution of the genus Xiphocentron Brauer, 1870 in Mexico. Chihuahua (Chi.), Nuevo León (NL), San Luis Potosí (SLP), Michoacán (Mich.), Estado de México (Edo. Mex.), Ciudad de México (CDMEX), Puebla (Pue.), Veracruz (Ver.), Oaxaca (Oax.), Tabasco (Tab.), Chiapas (Chis.), († fossil), (♣ New Distribution).
Species | States |
X. (Xiphocentron) asilas Schmid,1982 | SLP |
X. (Xiphocentron) aureum Flint, 1967 | Edo. Mex., ♣ Ver. |
X. (Xiphocentron) bilimekii Brauer,1871 | MEXICO |
X. (Xiphocentron) polemon Schmid, 1982 | CDMEX |
X. (Xiphocentron) tarquon Schmid, 1982 | Chis., Tab., Ver. |
X. (Xiphocentron) chiapasi Wichard, Solórzano- Kraemer, Luer, 2006 | Chis. † |
X. (Xiphocentron) numanus Schmid, 1982 | Oax. |
X. (Sphagocentron) julus Schmid, 1982 | Oax. |
X. (Rhamphocentron) erato Schmid, 1982 | SLP |
X. (Rhamphocentron) alecto Schmid, 1982 | NL, Chi., SLP |
X. (Rhamphocentron) lavinia Schmid, 1982 | Chis. |
X. (Rhamphocentron) mexico Ross, 1949 | NL, SLP, Tab. |
X. (Rhamphocentron) messapus Schmid,1982 | Chis. |
X. (Glyphocentron) flinti sp. nov. | Chi. |
X. (Antillotrichia) mezencius Schmid, 1982 | Pue. |
X. (Antillotrichia) rhamnes Schmid, 1982 | Mich., Oax. |
X. (Antillotrichia) serestus Schmid, 1982 | Mich., Oax. |
X. (Antillotrichia) holzenthali sp. nov. | Chi. |
X. (Antillotrichia) pineroi sp. nov. | Tab. |
The specimens of the genus Xiphocentron studied here were borrowed from the collections of the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC, and from the Colección Nacional de Insectos, Instituto de Biología de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
For the description of wing venation, we followed
The type materials are deposited as indicated in each species description, in the collections:
National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC (
Genus Xiphocentron Brauer, 1870
This new species is very distinct from all other Xiphocentron species. The group of long, mesally situated setae on the basal portion of the inferior appendages has some resemblance to species in the subgenus Xiphocentron, whereas the complex tergum X is similar to species in the subgenus Glyphocentron. Xiphocentron (G.) flinti sp. nov. can be distinguished from all the species of the family by the unique tergum X which bears long spines on the preapical and apical margin and visible in both dorsal and ventral views.
Adult. Forewing length 4.8–9.0 mm, n = 16; fork II and fork IV present; Sc reaching C subapically, meeting R1 apically; fork II sessile at discoidal cell, with crossvein between R5 and M1+2; thyridial cell shorter than discoidal cell; three anal veins present (Fig.
Xiphocentron (Glyphocentron) flinti sp. nov., holotype, adult, ♂ A forewing and hindwing. Male genitalia B left lateral C dorsal D ventral E phallus, apex in lateral and dorsal view F detail of right inferior appendage mesal surface, lateral and ventral view G detail of segment X left lateral.
Male genitalia. Tergum IX small, ellipsoidal; in lateral view, rounded ventrally, narrow dorsally, anterior margin straight; in dorsal view anterior margin with wide, deep, U-shaped mesal emargination; apical margin rounded. Sternum IX subtriangular, in lateral view, about two times as long as high; anterior margin with elongate, wide, mesal apodeme; ventral margin rounded; posterior margin rounded; in ventral view, anterior margin with deep, U-shaped emargination, enlarging apically; posterior margin rounded. Tergum X in lateral view, subrectangular, narrow basally, wide mesally, with a group of spinelike setae, preapically rectilinear, apically bifurcated in two lobes, ventral lobe longer with group of long spinelike setae, dorsal lobe shorter with apical spinelike setae, anterior margin curved; in dorsal view, subtriangular, wide basally, narrow apically, lateral surface sclerotized, mesally membranous; apex with deep cleft, forming two rounded membranous lobes, bearing preapical spinelike setae, apices divergent; in ventral view, apex with two long mesal spinelike setae. Preanal appendages long, dorsal margin crenulate, in lateral view, broad, parallel-sided, with longitudinal ridge, apex rounded; in dorsal view, enlarged basally, narrowed at middle. Inferior appendage short, approximately half length of preanal appendages, basal section with a group of long spinelike setae; in lateral view, basal section broad, apical section narrow; in ventral view, basal section subtriangular, with a line of large spinelike setae, apical section long and thin, curved mesad; basal plate short, shorter than half sternum IX length. Phallus, long, slender, tubular, apex enlarged, with narrow curved sclerite.
Female genitalia. VIII segment long and narrow, synscleritous dorsally, internally with a pair of long slender apodemes from anterior margin; intersegmental membrane nearly as long as IX segment when extended. IX segment long and slender, with a pair of internal apodemes arising from anterior margin; apex with a pair of slender processes.
: ♂ Mexico, Chihuahua, Ruta San Rafael-Cuiteco, 27°26'13"N, 108°00'32"W, elev. 1707 m, 30.VIII.2005, J. Bueno and R. Barba leg. pinned with abdomen in glycerin (
We dedicated this species, with sadness and love, to the memory of a great entomologist, Dr Oliver S. Flint Jr, who passed away on May 18, 2019.
All the specimens were collected at Sierra Tarahumara, the mountain region of Chihuahua State (Fig.
The affinities of Xiphocentron (Glyphocentron) flinti sp. nov. are not very clear. The preanal appendages present a mesal ridge, a character present in the species of the genus Melanotrichia. The long setae on the basal portion of the inferior appendages in this species are similar to species within the subgenus X. (Xiphocentron) or even to Cnodocentron (Caenocentron). The complex tergum X with apical points puts it closer to the subgenus X. (Glyphocentron). The new species lacks other diagnostic characters of Melanotrichia (fan-like spine line), Cnodocentron (bifurcate inferior appendage), or X. (Xiphocentron) (modified hind leg spurs, and presence of forewing fork I); therefore, we are placing it within subgenus X. (Glyphocentron), for which the diagnostic character is the presence of points on tergum X (
This new species is very similar to Xiphocentron (Antillotrichia) serestus Schmid, 1982. However, Xiphocentron (Antillotrichia) holzenthali sp. nov. can be separated from X. (Antillotrichia) serestus by the shape of the tergum IX, as viewed dorsally; in X. (Antillotrichia) holzenthali sp. nov. the apical margin has a narrow, rounded, mesal emargination, while in X. (Antillotrichia) serestus the mesal emargination is wide and shallow. In the new species, the apical margin of sternum IX, in ventral view, has a narrow, rounded, mesal emargination, while in X. (Antillotrichia) serestus this margin has a trilobed mesal emargination. Also, in the new species the inferior appendage, in ventral view, has a spiny projection near the basal plate, which is absent in X. (Antillotrichia) serestus.
Adult. Forewing length 6–7 mm, n = 5. Color in alcohol pale. Tibial spur formula 2–4-3. Hind tibia apical spurs not modified. Sternum V bearing pair of reticulated regions.
Male genitalia. Tergum IX semicircular; in lateral view, wide basally, narrow apically; dorsal margin curved; ventral margin nearly straight; in dorsal view anterior margin with deep V-shaped central incision; apical margin with narrow, rounded, mesal emargination. Sternum IX ovate, in lateral view, about twice as long as high; anterior margin with slender, pointed, mesal apodeme; ventral margin rounded; dorsal margin subtriangular; in ventral view, enlarging preapically; anterior margin rectilinear; posterior margin with small mesal emargination. Tergum X in lateral view, rectangular, narrow, acute apically; in dorsal view, subtriangular, wide basally, narrow apically; lateral surface sclerotized, each sclerotized side fused mesally; apex with deep, V-shaped emargination; in ventral view, subtriangular, wide basally, narrow, cleft apically. Preanal appendages long, margins crenulate, surface weakly setose; in lateral view, broad basally, parallel-sided, narrow preapically, apex rounded. Inferior appendages, in lateral view long, approximately same length as preanal appendages, weakly setose; widest basally and mesally, apical section narrower, slender, upturned, and curved; mesal surface, with short, thick, peglike setae, separated in two, small patches, visible in ventral and dorsal view; in ventral view with spiny projection near basal plate; basal plate long, about as long as half sternum IX length. Phallus long, slender, tubular, slender apically.
Female genitalia (not illustrated). VIII segment narrowly divided dorsally, internally with pair of long slender apodemes from anterior margin; intersegmental membrane nearly as long as IX segment when extended. IX segment long and slender with pair of internal apodemes arising from anterior margin; apex with pair of slender processes.
: ♂ Mexico: Chihuahua, Jct. E & W Forks Arroyo Toro, Toro Basin 28°06'35"N, 107°37'28"W, elev. 2425 m, 23.VI. 1987, B. Kondratieff and R. Baumann leg. in glycerin (
We name this species in honor of Dr Ralph Holzenthal in recognition of his great contribution to the knowledge of the systematics and distribution of Neotropical caddisflies.
All the specimens were collected at Sierra Tarahumara, the mountainous region of Chihuahua State (Fig.
This new species is similar to other species with a mesal sclerite on the inferior appendages. The new species is particularly similar to Xiphocentron (Antillotrichia) surinamense Flint, 1974, and Xiphocentron (Antillotrichia) pintada Flint, 1983 due to the shape of tergum IX and the mesal sclerite. Xiphocentron (Antillotrichia) pineroi sp. nov. can be distinguished from X. (Antillotrichia) surinamense by the longer and thinner sternum IX, preanal and inferior appendages in lateral view. It is distinguished from X. (Antillotrichia) pintada by its longer, sinuous mesal sclerite in lateral view, and by the deeper mesal emargination of sternum IX in dorsal view.
Adult. Forewing length 6.0 mm. Color in alcohol pale. Tibial spur formula 2–4-3. Hind tibia apical spurs not modified. Sternum V bearing pair of reticulated regions.
Male genitalia. Tergum IX in lateral view, ovate, anterior margin rounded, posterior margin rectilinear, dorsal margin produced posterad. In dorsal view anterior margin with narrow, V-shaped, mesal emargination. Apical margin with acute mesal emargination. Sternum IX ovate, in lateral view, about twice as long as high; anterior margin with elongate, slender, pointed, mesal apodeme; ventral margin convex; dorsal margin subtriangular; in ventral view, anterior margin rectilinear; posterior margin with short, rounded, mesal emargination. Tergum X, in lateral view, cylindrical, narrow basally, mesally wider, circular apically. In dorsal view, subtriangular, wide basally, narrow apically; lateral surface sclerotized, each sclerotized side fused mesally; apex with deep, V-shaped emargination, forming two lobes; in ventral view, subtriangular, wide basally, narrow and cleft apically, forming two apicomesal projections. Preanal appendages elongated, about twice as long as segment X and setose. In lateral view, basally directed posterodorsally, then bent posterad, constricted at mid-length, apex rounded. In dorsal view, narrowed at base and sinuous, rectangular preapically, apex rounded, rugose. Inferior appendages long, shorter than preanal appendages, basal section with narrow and sinuous sclerite bearing small spines at apex; in lateral view, basal section broad, apical section longer than basal region, slender; in dorsal view, apex rectangular, basal section rounded; mesal surface with row of several short spine-like setae and narrow sclerite; in ventral basal section rugose near basal plate; basal plate long, about as long as half sternum IX length. Phallus long, slender, tubular, apex enlarged.
Female. Unknown.
: ♂ Mexico: Tabasco, Mpio. Huimanguillo Ejido Villa de Guadalupe 1a Secc. Cascada Cerro de Las Flores Rta. Malpasito-Carlos A. Madrazo 17°21'39"N, 93°37'29"W, elev. 540 m, 16.III.2000, J. Bueno, R. Barba, A. Rojas leg. in glycerin (
We take great pleasure in naming this species for Dr Daniel Ignacio Piñero-Dalmau in recognition of his great contributions to the knowledge of the genetics of populations and conservation of Mexican plants.
The holotype was collected at a waterfall in a rain forest in Tabasco State (Fig.
Mexico: Veracruz, N. Huatusco, 19°8'53"N, 96°58'1"W, elev. 1344 m, 31.VII.1966, O.S. Flint and M.A. Ortiz leg. 1♂ pinned (
In the original description,
According to the biogeographic provinces proposed by
Previously, 15 extant (
We are grateful to Dr Roger Blahnik from University of Minnesota St. Paul, Dr Silvia Santiago-Fragoso from UBUNAM, Mr Jason Waintraub from the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University, Dr Brian Armitage from the Universidad Autónoma de Chiriqui (UNACHI), Panama, and Dr Tatiana Arefina-Armitage from Boquete, Panama, for their revision and suggestions to the manuscript writing. We also thank the anonymous reviewers for their time and effort in improving our manuscript. We are indebted to the Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, UNAM, for the economic support for the publication of this study.