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Corresponding author: Chunsheng Wu ( ) Academic editor: Pavel Stoev
© 2017 Wang Mingqiang, Fuqiang Chen, Chunsheng Wu.
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Wang M, Chen F, Wu C (2017) A review of Lista Walker, 1859 in China, with descriptions of five new species (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae, Epipaschiinae). ZooKeys 642: 97-113.
Ten species of the genus Lista are recognized from China. Among them, five species are described as new to science, namely, L. angustusa sp. n., L. gilvasa sp. n., L. longifundamena sp. n., L. menghaiensis sp. n., and L. sichuanensis sp. n. Diagnoses are provided for the genus and five previously described species, L. haraldusalis (Walker, 1859), L. insulsalis (Lederer, 1863), L. ficki (Christoph, 1881), L. plinthochroa (West, 1931), and L. variegata (Moore, 1888), that occur in China. Two species, L. plinthochroa and L. variegata, are reported from China for the first time. All adults and their genital structures are illustrated. A key to the Chinese species is provided.
China, new record, new species, Pyraloidea , taxonomy
The genus Lista was erected by Walker in 1859, based on Lista genisusalis Walker, 1859 as the type species. Subsequently
In China, three species were previously recorded, L. ficki, L. insulsalis and L. haraldusalis (
The specimens examined and the types of the new species are deposited in the collection of the Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IZCAS), Beijing, P. R. China. The specimens were collected with different methods, but mainly by light traps. The photographs of moths and their genitalia were taken with a NIKON D7000 digital camera connected to a NIKON SMZ 1500 stereomicroscope. Methods of dissection, morphometrics, and terminology follow
Lista Walker, 1859: 877. Type species: Lista genisusalis Walker, 1859
Paracme Lederer, 1863: 338. Type species: Poracme insulsalis Lederer, 1863
Craneophora Christoph, 1881: 1. Type species: Craneophora ficki Christoph, 1881
Belonepholis Butler, 1889: 89. Type species: Belonepholis striata Butler, 1889
The genus is very special in its external characters. It can be easily distinguished from other genera of the subfamily by having a much brighter and conspicuous wing pattern. The valva usually has spines or sclerotized plate medially located in the male genitalia and the oval or rounded corpus bursae have the rounded signa in the female genitalia, which are same as in the genus Stericta. But it differs from the latter by the shapes of valva and juxta. In general, the wings have an orange to yellow postmedial fascia with dark brown edges. In the male genitalia, the uncus usually has long or short spines laterally located, the sacculus always has two sclerotized processes medially located, and the valva usually has a variously-shaped sclerotized plate in the central area distal to the saccular processes.
Head covered with dense scales; labial and maxillary palpi upturned; antennae filiform, male with a scape extension covered with dense scales. Both wings with similar patterns, fasciae indistinct except postmedial fascia, postmedial fasciae conspicuous, and smooth at border.
Uncus broad, gnathos various. Valva broad, and outer margin usually truncated; costa sclerotized; sacculus well developed, often with hook-like or spine-like processes, usually extending backward to base of valva. Phallus slender, slightly curved.
Ovipositor covered with dense setae. Sterigma associated with the ostium bursae appears to be sclerotized. The papillae analis are not extruded and are located within the 8th segment; the sterigma is lightly sclerotized and the lamella postvaginalis is variously sclerotized. Apophysis anterior nearly same length or longer than apophysis posterior. Ductus bursae slender, usually membranous. Corpus bursae elliptic or rounded, usually with two rounded or oval-shaped signa consisting of many minute spines.
China, Russia, Korea, Japan, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Myanmar, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, New Guinea.
1 | Uncus with two spines | 2 |
– | Uncus without spines | 6 |
2 | Uncus with spines laterally located, hindwing with pink-fuscous scales | 3 |
– | Uncus with spines medially located, hindwing with pale-yellow scales | L. variegata |
3 | Spines nearly as long as uncus; forewing covered with more fuscous scales than yellow | L. insulsalis |
– | Spines half as long as uncus; forewing with more yellow scales than fuscous | 4 |
4 | Juxta with spines about 1/2 of length of juxta at apex | L. longifundamena sp. n. |
– | Juxta with spines about 1/3 of length of juxta at apex | 5 |
5 | Base of juxta broad, postmedial fascia slightly curved, ductus bursae as same as in width | L. haraldusalis |
– | Base of juxta narrow, postmedial fascia straight, lower ductus bursae broader than upper | L. gilvasa sp. n. |
6 | Gnathos with two spines | 7 |
– | Gnathos without spines | 8 |
7 | Middle of sacculus with a serrated sclerotized plate, bent towards outer margin of plate and with a short thorn-like process | L. angustusa sp. n. |
– | Middle of sacculus with a spine-like process, bent towards outside | L. sichuanensis sp. n. |
8 | Juxta with apex rounded | 9 |
– | Juxta with apex pointed | L. ficki |
9 | Male with long hair scales nearly 2/3 of abdomen length at abdomen end. Middle of sacculus with a long spine and a short thorn-like process, Top of ductus bursae slightly sclerotized | L. plinthochroa |
– | Male with short hair scales nearly 1/4 of abdomen at abdomen end, middle of sacculus with a long sclerotized plate and a short thorn-like processes, the sclerotized plate with apex serrated, ductus bursae membranous | L. menghaiensis sp. n. |
The new species is very similar to L. haraldusalis in wing pattern, but the wing color of the new species is darker than the latter. In the male genitalia, it can be distinguished from the latter by the narrower valva, having two lateral spines in the gnathos, and lacking spines in the uncus.
Adult. Forewing length 8.5–11.0 mm (n = 7). Head pale yellow, mixed with brown; labial palpus upturned, third segment pointed; antenna brown, scape extension black, with pale grey scales on inner side, and blackish-brown on outer side. Thorax mixed with pale yellow, blackish-brown and pale grey scales. Forewing covered with brown, yellow and pink scales; base mixed with yellow and black scales; postmedial fascia orange with dark brown edges, outer area covered with fuscous and dark pink scales; cilia brown. Hindwing with same pattern as forewing.
Male genitalia (Fig.
Female genitalia (Fig.
♂, Jiangxi: Jiulianshan, 11.VI.1975, Song Shimei (gen. slide. no. Ep540).
5♀♀, locality and collector same as holotype, 21.VI–8.VIII.1975, (gen. slide. no. Ep562). Guangdong: Ruyuan, Nanling, 1♂, 20.VII.2008, Chen Fuqiang (gen. slide. no. Ep549); Chebaling, 1♂, 22.VII.2008, Chen Fuqiang (gen. slide. no. Ep543).
China (Jiangxi, Guangdong).
The specific name is derived from Latin angustus (= narrow) in accordance with its narrow valva.
Christoph, 1881: 2;
Belenopholis striata Butler, 1889: 90, pl. 134, f. 3.
The species is different from congeners by paler scales on the forewing, the tip of the gnathos without denticulation, and the juxta swollen, the apex bifurcated with two pointed processes.
Guangdong: Dinghushan, 1♀, 7.VII.1973, Li Tiesheng. Jiangxi: Jiulianshan, 1♂, 23.IX.1979, Song Shimei. Hubei: Shennongjia, 3♂♂1♀, 950–1250m, 3–16.VII.1980, Yu Peiyu & Han Yinheng (gen. slide no. Ep552); Xingshan, 1♂3♀♀, 1350m, 18.VII.1993, Song Shimei (gen. slide no. Ep532). Gansu: Wenxian, 1♀, 720m, 28.VII.1999, Yao Jian; Zhouqu, 1♀, 2400m, 14.VII.1999, Zhu Chaodong.
China (Heilongjiang, Gansu, Hubei, Jiangxi, Guangdong, Guangxi); India, Japan, Philippines.
The new species is similar to L. longifundamena sp. n. Both species are different from other congeners by the straight postmedial fascia on the forewing; however, L. longifundamena sp. n. has the valva slightly constricted from the middle to the apex, the sacculus with the inner processes at middle more slender, and the apex of the juxta bifurcated with two strongly sclerotized slender arms.
Adult. Forewing length 9.5–10.5mm (n = 4). Head yellow; labial palpus upturned, mixed with yellow and black scales; maxillary palpus pale yellow; antenna pale brown, scape extension black, mixed with golden scales in male. Thorax mixed with blackish-brown and a small number of yellow scales. Forewing covered with brown, yellow, black and pink scales; postmedial fascia straight, pale yellow with brown edges, outer area covered with fuscous and dark pink scales; cilia brown. Hindwing with similar pattern to forewing, but more brown scales than forewing in central area, and outer area covered with pink scales.
Male genitalia (Fig.
Female genitalia (Fig.
♂, Guangxi: Napobeidou, 550m, 22.VI.2000, Zhu Chaodong (gen. slide no. Ep524).
Guangxi: Longzhou, 1♂, 550m, 22.VI.1963, Wang Chunguang (gen. slide no. Ep529); Jinxiu, Luoxiang, 1♀, 200m, 15.V.1999, Han Hongxiang; Shangsi, 1♀, 300m, 29.V.1999, Zhang Xuezhong (gen. slide no. Ep563).
China (Guangxi).
The specific name is derived from Latin gilvas (= pale yellow), in accordance with the yellow postmedial fascia of the new species.
Locastra haraldusalis Walker, 1859: 160.
Lista genisusalis Walker, 1859: 877.
(nec. Christoph):
The species can be distinguished from other species of the genus by its specific gnathos. In this species, the gnathos is broader and more sclerotized than that in other species and it has a serrated apex that is located medially.
Hubei: Shennongjia, 2♂♂, 950m, 3–17.VII.1980, Yu Peiyu; Shennongjia, 1♀, 500m, 30.V.1981, Han Yinheng; Shennongjia, 2♂♂4♀♀, 500–1250m, 16.VI–4.VII.1981, Han Yinheng (gen. slide no. Ep556); Shennongjia, 2♂♂2♀♀, 860–920m, 28.VII–17.VIII.1981, Han Yinheng; Xingshan, 3♂♂, 1350m, 18.VII.1993, Song Shimei (gen. slide no. Ep75, Ep527); Digui, 5♂♂5♀♀, 110–117m, 3–6.IX.1994, Han Yinheng (gen. slide no. Ep73, Ep526, Ep551, Ep74, Ep522). Shaanxi: Zhenba, 1♀, 5.VI.1981; Zhouzhi, 2♀♀, 1350m, 24.VI.1999, Zhu Chaodong; Foping, 1♀, 900m, 27.VI.1999, Zhang Youwei (gen. slide no. Ep516); Foping, 4♂♂6♀♀, 867m, 15.VIII.2007, Li Wenzhu (gen. slide no. Ep515). Zhejiang: Linan, 3♀♀, 1350m, 28–29.VII.2003, Xue Dayong & Han Hongxiang (gen. slide no. Ep517). Gansu: Wenxian, 2♂♂, 720–1000m, 20–28.VII.1999, Yao Jian (gen. slide no. Ep541). Guangxi: Longsheng, 1♀, 11.VI.1980, Xue Dayong; Napo, Baihe, 2♀♀, 440m, 6–7.IV.1998, Wu Chunsheng & Li Wenzhu (gen. slide no. Ep557); Jinxiu, 1♀, 300m, 29.IV.1999, Yao Jian. Yunnan: Pingbian, 1♀, 1500m, 19.VI.1956, Huang Keren; Menghai, Xishuangbanna, 1♀, 1200–1600m, 20.VII.1958, Pu Fuji; Xishuangbanna, 1♂, 650m, 25.VII.1962, Song Shimei; Da Menglong, Xishuangbanna, 1♀, 650m, 29.V.1962, Song Shimei; Xishuangbanna, 1♀, 15.V.1978, Wang Shuyong; Weixi, 1♀, 2500m, 25.VII.1981, Wang Shuyong; Lufeng, 1♀, 23.VI.1982; Daguan, 1♂1♀, 780m, 1.VII.1982, Luo Feijin (gen. slide no. Ep559); Nabanhe, 1♀, 1083m, 25.VI.2014, Liu Xiuwei (gen. slide no. Ep566). Anhui: Jiuhuashan, 1♂, 1979m, 24.VII.2003 (gen. slide no. Ep565). Guizhou: Congjiang, 5♂♂1♀, 1–10.VIII.2013, Yang Maofa (gen. slide no. Ep567). Fujian: Sangang, 1♀, 740m, 30.VI.1960, Zhang Yiran; Sangang, 1♀, 18.IX.1979, Yu Chunren; Wuyishan, 1♀, 650m, 27.V.2000, Wang Jiashe; Wuyishan, 1♀, 650m, 27.VII.2000, Song Shimei; Xianfengling, 1♀, 500m, 4.VI.1981, Qi Shicheng. Sichuan: Emeishan, 1♀, 800–1000m, 13.VI.1957, Zhu Fuxing. Xizang: Motuo, 1♂1♀, 1.VI.1983, Han Yinheng. Hainan: Jianfengling, 1♀, 26.X.1982; Wuzhishan, 1♂, 9.XII.2007, Chen Fuqiang (gen. slide no. Ep577).
China (Shaanxi, Gansu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Hubei, Jiangxi, Fujian, Hainan, Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Xizang), India, Japan, Nepal, Malaysia.
Paracme insulsalis Lederer, 1863: 339, pl. 6. f. 11.
Caradja, 1925: 58;
(nec. Walker):
The species differs from other species by rustier colored scales on the wings, the uncus with two extremely elongated arms laterally located, and the slender processes of the sacculus about twice as long as in other species.
Hunan: Nanyue, 2♂♂8♀♀, 29.V.1974, Song Shimei (gen. slide no. Ep13, Ep22); Hengshan, 1♂7♀♀, 29.V.1974, Song Shimei; Hengshan, 2♂♂1♀, 16.VIII.1979, Zhang Baolin. Fujian: Wuyishan, 2♀♀, 12–17.VIII.1979, Song Shimei; Yezhou, 1♀, 13.V.1980; Jiangle, 2♀, 16.IX.1990; Wuyishan, 8♂♂2♀♀, 520–1260m, 24–30.VII.2000, Song Shimei & Wang Jiashe. Zhejiang: Huangyan, 1♀, 26.IX.1962, Zhang Baolin; Tianmushan, 3♂♂2♀♀, 1–2.IX.1981, Song Shimei (gen. slide no. Ep71); Lin’an, 8♂♂6♀♀, 1350m, 28–29.VII.2003, Xue Dayong & Han Hongxiang (gen. slide no. Ep510, Ep511, Ep512); Anji, 1♂1♀, 13.VII.1995, Wu Hong & Wang Zhengru; 1♀, 23.VII.1996; Shaanxi: Luonan, 1♀, 8.IX.1980; Liuba, 2♂♂3♀♀, 1350m, 19–24.VII.1998, Yao Jian & Zhang Xuezhong (gen. slide no. Ep513); Foping, 2♀♀, 950m, 23–24.VII.1998, Yao Jian & Yuan Decheng; Ningshan, 1♂, 1580m, 27.VII.1998, Yuan Decheng. Henan: Xinyang, 1♂, 250m, 20–21.VII.2002, Han Hongxiang. Guangdong: Dinghushan, 1♂, 29.VII.2005, Chen Fuqiang (gen. slide no. Ep541); Ruyuan, Nanling, 2♂♂, 865m, 15.VII.2005, Chen Fuqiang; Lianping, 1♀, 13.V.1973, Zhang Baolin. Jiangxi: Guling, 2♀♀, 30.VII–VIII.1935; Jiulianshan, 1♀, 11.VI.1975, Song Shimei; Lushan, 4♀♀, 16–30.VII.1980, Song Shimei; Luzhi, 1♂2♀♀, 30.VI–9.VII.1980, Shanxi: Zhongtiaoshan, 4♀♀, VIII.1978, Zhu Huiqian. Jiangsu: 2♀♀, 21–26.VIII.1933. Anhui: Huangshan, 1♂, 29.VII.1976. Yunnan: Xishuangbanna, 1♂, 1200–1600m, 18.VII.1958, Wang Shuyong; Luxi, 2♂♂1♀, 7–8.V.1980, Song Shimei; Yiliang, 8♂♂1♀, 19–20.VII.1982, Song Shimei; Lufeng, 2♂♂, 22.VI.1982, Song Shimei; Yongsheng, 1♂, 2250m, 10.VII.1984, Liu Dajun; Shiping, 1♂, 1650m, Liu Yongjie. Xinjiang: Urumqi, 1♀, 5.VI.1984; Guangxi: Xing’an, 2♀♀, 5.VI.1984; Miaoershan, 1♂, 8.VII.1985; Shangsi, 3♂♂4♀♀, 250–300m, 27–29.V.1999, Yuan Decheng et al.; Jinxiu, 1♂2♀♀, 200–900m, 20–29.V.1999, Li Wenzhu et al.; Shangsi, 1♀, 250–300m, 9.VI.2000, Zhu Chaodong.
China (Hebei, Shanxi, Henan, Shaanxi, Gansu, Xinjiang, Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Hubei, Jiangxi, Hunan, Fujian, Taiwan, Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan), Russia, Korea, India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Indonesia.
The species was wrongly recognized as L. haraldusalis (Walker, 1859) by
This new species is larger in body than other species of the genus. The species is similar to L. gilvasa sp. n. Their differences are described under L. gilvasa sp. n.
Adult. Forewing length 11.5–13.0mm (n = 6). Head pale brown, mixed with fuscous scales; labial palpus upturned, mixed with fuscous scales; maxillary palpus pale yellow; antenna brown, scape extension fuscous, mixed with golden scales in male. Thorax mixed with pale brown and black scales. Forewing covered with pale brown, yellow and pink scales; postmedial fascia straight, yellow with brown edges, outer area covered with fuscous and dark pink scales; cilia brown. Hindwing with similar pattern as forewing, but basal area mixed with black scales and outer area covered with pink scales.
Male genitalia (Fig.
Female genitalia (Fig.
♂, Hainan: Jianfengling, 18–20.IV.1982, Chen Zhiqin (gen. slide. no. Ep531).
Hainan: 1♀, 16.III.1982, Zhang Baolin (gen. slide. no. Ep555); Jianfengling, 2♂♂2♀♀, 4.XI.1981, Liu Yuanfu (gen. slide. no. Ep122, Ep561); Jianfengling, 1♀, 18–20.IV.1982, Chen Zhiqin; Jianfengling, 1♂, 4.XI.1981 (gen. slide. no. Ep122).
China (Hainan).
The name is derived from Latin longus (= long) and fundamen (= base), in accordance with the juxta and two long spines at base.
This new species is very similar to L. haraldusalis, but the basal area on the forewing is slightly paler than the latter. In the male genitalia, the gnathos has three spines at the apex in the new species while the gnathos has a serrated apex in L. haraldusalis. Furthermore, the sclerotized plate on the valva strongly extends toward the outer margin in the new species.
Adults. Forewing length 9.0–10.5mm (n = 2). Head yellow, mixed with blackish-brown; labial palpus upturned, mixed with pale yellow and black scales; maxillary palpus pale yellow; antenna brown; scape extension black, mixed with yellow scales in male. Thorax mixed with brown and fuscous scales. Forewing covered with brown, yellow or pink scales; basal area mixed with yellow and pale brown scales; costal margin with two black spots at middle and terminal trisection; postmedial fascia yellow with brown edges, outer area covered with dark pink scales; cilia brown. Hindwing with same pattern as forewing.
Male genitalia (Fig.
Male genitalia. 13 Lista angustusa sp. n., holotype, gen. slide no. Ep549 14 L. ficki (Christoph, 1881), gen. slide no. Ep523 15 L. gilvasa sp. n., holotype, gen. slide no. Ep524 16 L. haraldusalis (Walker, 1859), gen. slide no. Ep527 17 L. insulsalis (Lederer, 1863), gen. slide no. Ep511 18 L. longifundamena sp. n., holotype, gen. slide no. Ep122.
Female genitalia (Fig.
Female genitalia. 23 Lista angustusa sp. n., paratype, gen. slide no. Ep562 24 L. ficki (Christoph, 1881), gen. slide no. Ep552 25 L. gilvasa sp. n., paratype, gen. slide no. Ep563 26 L. haraldusalis (Walker, 1859), gen. slide no. Ep557 27 L. insulsalis (Lederer, 1863), gen. slide no. Ep512 28 L. longifundamena sp. n., paratype, gen. slide no. Ep555 29 L. menghaiensis sp. n., paratype, gen. slide no. Ep558 30 L. plinthochroa (West, 1931), gen. slide no. Ep553 31 L. sichuanensis sp. n., paratype, gen. slide no. Ep554 32 L. variegata (Moore, 1888), gen. slide no. Ep603.
♂, Yunnan: Xishuangbanna, Menghai, 18.VII.1958, Wang Shuyong (gen. slide. no. Ep539).
1♀, same data as holotype (gen. slide no. Ep558).
China (Yunnan).
The species is named after the type locality, Menghai in Yunnan province.
Stericta plinthochroa West, 1931: 210.
This species is significantly different from others by the end of the abdomen with long hair-like scales. In the male genitalia, the valva broadens from the base to the outer margin and the sclerotized plate on the valva extends toward outer margin.
Sichuan: Emeishan, 3♂♂16♀♀, 800–1000m, 6.V–30.VI.1957, Zhu Fuxing & Huang Keren (gen. slide no. Ep11, Ep518, Ep525, Ep6–1, Ep572); Emeishan, 1♀, 9.VI.1979, Gao Ping; Qinchengshan, 1♂, 700–1600m, 30.V.1979 (gen. slide no. Ep520); Fujian: Sangang, Wuyishan, 1♂, 1.VI.1983, Mai Guoqing; Sangang, 2♀♀, 740m, 6–17.VII.1980, Zhang Yiran; Sangang, 1♀, 740m, 26.IV.2000, Wang Jiashe. Yunnan: Pingbian, 1♀, 1500m, 8.VI.1956, Huang Keren. Gansu: Chengxian, 1♂, 1020m, 4.VII.1999, Yaojian; Kangxian, 1♂, 1400m, 8.VII.1999, Zhu Chaodong (gen. slide no. Ep528). Taiwan: Pinglin, 1♀, 1000m, 13.IV.1984; Lianhuachi, 1♀, 11.VIII.1984, Wang Xiaoyue. Guangdong: Nanling, 1♂1♀, 865m, 9–15.VII.2005, Chen Fuqiang. Jiangxi: Jiulianshan, 1♂6♀♀, 21.VI–30.VII.1975, Song Shimei; Dayu, 13♂♂7♀♀, 14.VI–16.VIII.1975 (gen. slide no. Ep519, Ep553). Hainan: Jianfengling, 3♂♂, 26.III.1984, Song Shimei (gen. slide no. Ep543, Ep574, Ep576).
China (Gansu, Jiangxi, Fujian, Taiwan, Guangdong, Hainan, Sichuan, Yunnan), Philippines.
The species is reported in China for the first time.
This species is hard to distinguish by its external characters. It differs from other species by the sacculus with a single process in the middle, while the sacculus usually has two processes in other species. Furthermore, the sclerotized plate on the valva is twice or three times as broad as others.
Adults. Forewing length 11.0–12.5mm (n = 6). Head blackish-brown; labial palpus upturned, mixed with fuscous and black scales, stronger in male; maxillary palpus pale yellow; antenna brown, scape extension black, mixed with fuscous scales in male. Thorax mixed with brown and fuscous scales. Forewing covered with brown, black and pink scales; base mixed with yellow and black scales; costal margin yellow; postmedial fascia orange with brown edges, outer area covered with pink and fuscous scales; cilia grey. Hindwing with same pattern as forewing.
Male genitalia (Fig.
Female genitalia (Fig.
♂, Sichuan: Dukou, 14.VI.1981 (gen. slide. no. Ep521).
Sichuan: Qingchenshan, 1♂, 5.VI.1979, Shang Jinwen; same data as holotype, 2♂♂2♀♀ (gen. slide. no. Ep554).
China (Sichuan).
The species is named after the type locality, Sichuan Province.
Scopocera variegata Moore, 1888: 203, pl. 7. f. 4.
The species differs from others by the hindwing with pale yellow scales. In the male genitalia, the center of the uncus has two spines, and the phallus is about half as long as others.
Xizang: Nielamu, Zhangmu, 1♂, 2232m, 12.V.1974, Zhang Xuezhong; Motuo, Gedang, 1♀, 4.IX.1982, Lin Zai; Bomi, 1♂, 2700m, 5.IX.1983, Han Yinheng (gen. slido no. Ep123); Linzhi, Niyanghe, 2♂♂, 3000m, 2.VIII.2006, Chen Fuqiang; Milin, Paixiang, 2♀♀, 2910m, 5.VIII.2006, Chen Fuqiang; Bomi, Zhamuzhen, 2♀♀, 2840m, 28.VIII.2006, Chen Fuqiang (gen. slide no. Ep603).
China (Xizang), India.
The species is reported in China for the first time.
We are very grateful to Prof. Yen Shen–Horn, Department of Biological Sciences, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, for offering many helpful suggestions on this paper. This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31471959, J1210002) and the National Basic Research Program of China (2014FY110100).