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Corresponding author: Lida Fekrat ( ) Academic editor: Laurence Mound
© 2016 Jalil Alavi, Mehdi Modarres Awal, Lida Fekrat, Kambiz Minaei, Shahab Manzari.
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Alavi J, Modarres Awal M, Fekrat L, Minaei K, Manzari S (2016) One new species and two new records of the genus Aeolothrips from Iran (Insecta, Thysanoptera, Aeolothripidae). ZooKeys 557: 111-120.
Aeolothrips gundeliae sp. n. is described, and two bicolored species of the same genus, A. ericae Bagnall and A. albithorax Pelikan are newly reported from northeast of Iran. Diagnostic characters are provided for each species as well as illustrations to distinguish these species.
Aeolothrips , Iran, new record, new species
Most species in the order Thysanoptera are placed in one of the two families, Phlaeothripidae or Thripidae. Aeolothripidae, with more than 202 extant species and 23 genera, is ranked as the second largest family of suborder Terebrantia after Thripidae (
In Iran, the main aeolothripid genus, Aeolothrips, comprises many species (
The specimens were collected from various places of the northeastern province of Iran, Khorasan-e shomali, during spring of 2014, by shaking or beating flowers onto a white plastic tray. The fallen thrips were then removed from tray surface into the vials containing 95% alcohol using a fine brush. Thrips specimens were mounted onto slides in Canada balsam by minor changes in protocol given by
Type deposition. The female holotype and one male paratype of A. gundeliae sp. n., one female and one male of A. albithorax, and two females of A. ericae are deposited in Hayk Mirzayans Insect Museum (HMIM), Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection (IRIPP), Tehran. Furthermore, one paratype female and one paratype male of the new species are deposited in the Senckenberg Natural History Museum, Frankfurt.
Described from Tajikistan (central Asia), this is the first report of this species outside its type locality. Collected originally from “low herbages” and “Rumex sp.” (
IRAN, Khorasan-e shomali province, from flowers of Crambe cordifolia (Brassicaceae), all collected by J. Alavi: 11 females, 3 males, Bojnourd, Ghuch-ghaleh village, 16 April 2014; 1 male, Bojnourd, Rakhtian village, 21 April 2014; 1 female, Esfarayen, Pelmis spring, 27 April 2014; 1 female, Bojnourd, Chahar-kharvar village, 4 May 2014.
Female distinctly bicolored, lemon yellow prothorax in sharp contrast to the rest of the dark brown body (Fig.
Males generally similar to females but paler and smaller (Figs
Described from England on flowers of Erica tetralix, this species is widespread across western Eurasia, and introduced to North America (
IRAN, Khorasan-e shomali province, all collected by J. Alavi: 1 female, Bojnourd, Oter-abad village, from flowering Paliurus spina-christi (Rhamnaceae), 12 May 2014; 1 female, Ashkhaneh, Biyar falls, from flowering Glycyrrhiza glabra (Fabaceae), 30 May 2014; 1 female, same location and date, from flowering Conium maculatum (Apiaceae). 4 females, Ashkhaneh, Darkesh village, from flowering Rorippa officinale (Brassicaceae), 30 May 2014; 2 females, same location and date, from flowering P. spina-christi; 1 female, Ashkhaneh, Hawer village, from flowering Cornus sanguinea (Cornaceae), 30 May 20; 3 females, same location and date, from flowering Melilotus officinalis (Fabaceae). GERMANY, 1 female, Baden-Württemberg, Reichenbach, from herbs and grasses, 1 June 2012, collected by M. Ulitzaka. NORWAY, all collected by S. Kobro: 1 female and 1 male, Haoya, from Lathyrus pratensis (Fabaceae), 29 June 1996; 1 female, Aurland, from Galium verum (Rubiaceae), 30 June 1998; 1 female, Aurland, from L. pratensis, 30 June 1998; 1 female, Fagerstrand, from L. pratensis, 5 July 1998; 1 male, Eidfjord, from Lotus corniculatus (Fabaceae), 31 May 1999; 1 female, Steigen, from Vicia cracca (Fabaceae), 14 July 1999; 1 male, Horten, from V. cracca, 2 July 1999.
Female distinctly bicolored, generally brown with abdominal segment II and/or III yellow to yellowish brown (Fig.
Males paler and smaller than females (Fig.
The bicolored body pattern in some specimens of A. ericae makes the species resemble only A. albicinctus Haliday, but it is distinguished from that ant-mimic species by its well-developed wings (versus usually short wings) and shorter and stouter antenna. Moreover, males of A. ericae with bifurcate claspers are readily distinguishable from A. albicinctus males. The male of A. ericae is also similar in color and structure to A. collaris, but it is distinguished from the latter by having distinctly longer cross-bands on fore wings and also shorter distance of median setae S1from each other.
Holotype female: IRAN, Khorasan-e shomalii province, Bojnourd, Sar-cheshmeh village, from flowering Gundelia tournefortii (Asteraceae), 26 April 2014, collected by J. Alavi.
Paratypes: (all from IRAN, Khorasan-e shomalii province, from flowering G. tournefortii, collected by J. Alavi): 25 females, 7 males, same data as holotype;1 female, Raz, Kargaz village, 10 May 2014; 1 female, Bojnourd, Tatar village, 12 May 2014; 2 females, Shirvan, 20 km after Lojali village, 7 June 2014.
Female macroptera. Head wider than long, cheeks convex (Fig.
Aeolothrips gundeliae sp. n. Female (19–33): 19 Body 20 Antenna 21 Fore wing 22 Head & pronotum 23 Meso- and metanotum (Holotype) 24 Mesonotum (Paratype) 25 Abdominal tergites I–II 26 Abdominal sternite VII (Holotype) 27 Abdominal sternite VII (Paratype, arrows indicate lateral discal seta) 28 Spermatheca (arrows indicate spiniform chitinous processes). Male (29–33): 29 Body 30 Antenna 31 Middle coxae 32 Abdominal tergites III–VI 33 Abdominal tergites VIII– X.
Pronotum distinctly sculptured, with about 50 small setae, with 5–6 pairs of posteromarginal setae (Fig.
Abdominal tergite I with distinct transverse striations medially and laterally (Fig.
Measurements (holotype female in microns). Body distended length 1900. Head length (width across cheeks) 135 (171). Antenna length 420; segments I–IX length (width): 32 (22), 54 (27), 88 (24), 76 (25), 66 (25), 20 (20), 17 (17), 16 (12), 15 (7). Pronotal median length (width) 140 (220), Pterothorax ventral length (width) 350 (300). Mesonotum median setae length (interval) 17 (42), strong lateral setae length 37. Metanotum anteromarginal setae length (interval) 25 (44), posterior setae length (interval) 15 (25). Fore wings length 940, width across 1st anterior cross vein 122, across second cross vein 135, the cross bands length along the anterior margin 270 and 230–250, the intervening white area length 150. Tibia length: 165, 150, and 250. Tergite IX median length 105, S1 length 159, S2 length 171. Ovipositor length 390.
Male macroptera. Body pale brown (Fig.
Measurements (paratype male, in microns). Body distended length 1350. Head length (width across cheeks) 118 (157). Antenna length 360, segments I–IX length (width): 27 (28), 51 (20), 71–76 (20), 60 (22), 56 (23), 13 (18), 12 (15), 12 (12), 10 (6). Mesonotum median setae length (interval) 17 (26–36), strong lateral setae length 27. Fore wings length 780–840, width across 1st anterior cross vein 100, across second cross vein 115, the cross bands length along the anterior margin 120 and 160, the interval white area length 140. Abdominal tergite I length 120–127. Tergite IX median length 76, semilateral setae length (interval) 41–46 (137), length of dorsal setae S1 49, S2 25.
This species is named after the genus of plant from which it was collected.
Possession of discal setae on sternites is not usual in the genus Aeolothrips. This condition can be seen at least in two other aberrant species, the Indian species, A. moundi Kulshrestha & Vijay Veer, which has one pair of discal setae laterally on sternite VII in female (
Female of A. gundeliae sp. n. is distinguished from A. moundi by presence of discal setae on sternites II–VI (0–3) and in the same time there is no discal seta on sternite VII (except two paratypes as explained above). Moreover, they are different in mesonotal median setae (1–2 pairs versus 1 pair) and color of fore wing apex (white versus shaded). Female of A. scabiosatibia especially characterized by the spiny fore tibia on dorsal side, and long pronotal posteromarginal seta. Male of the new species is distinguished from A. moundi and A. scabiosatibia by having claspers and having several discal setae on sternites.
The new species shares some characters with the Australian genus Desmothrips Hood, such as presence of discal setae on sternites as well as presence of more than one pair of mesonotal setae in some specimens. But in A. gundeliae sp. n., sternal discal setae III–VI are placed medially (versus laterally in Desmothrips). Additionally, sternite VII has 2 pairs of accessory setae submedially between marginal setae S1 and S2, whereas in Desmothrips in addition to the marginal setae, sternite VII has discal setae laterally and sometimes medially, as well as 2 pairs of accessory setae submarginally between marginal setae S1 and S2 (
Aeolothrips gundeliae sp. n. was collected only on G. tournefortii from various areas of the province. Furthermore, this species was observed in 6 of 10 samplings on this plant; so, it seems likely to be a monophagous species on this plant.
We would like to express our cordial thanks to Manfred R. Ulitzka (Offenburg, Germany) and Sverre Kobro (Ås, Norway) for the loan of thrips material. We are most grateful to Laurence A. Mound (Canberra, Australia) for his editorial help. Three anonymous referees are much appreciated for their comments on the manuscript. The senior author thanks Majid Gholizadeh and Behzad Yazdani for their generous assistance during collecting trips, and Mehdi Imani for his assistance with determination of plant species.