Research Article |
Corresponding author: Sergey Ermilov ( ) Academic editor: Vladimir Pesic
© 2015 Sergey Ermilov, Dorotee Sandmann, Bernhard Klarner, Rahaju Widyastuti, Stefan Scheu.
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Ermilov SG, Sandmann D, Klarner B, Widyastuti R, Scheu S (2015) Contributions to the knowledge of oribatid mites (Acari, Oribatida) of Indonesia. 3. The genus Galumna (Galumnidae) with description of a new subgenus and seven new species. ZooKeys 539: 11-51.
Seven new species of oribatid mites of the genus Galumna are described from litter and soil materials of Sumatra, Indonesia. A new subgenus, Galumna (Atypicogalumna)subgen. n., is proposed; it differs from all galumnid genera and subgenera by the simultaneous presence of porose areas and sacculi on the notogaster (vs. either porose areas or sacculi present). Galumna (Galumna) calva Starý, 1997 is recorded for the first time in the Oriental region, and G. (G.) sabahna Mahunka, 1995 is recorded for the first time in the Indonesian fauna.
Oribatid mites, systematics, morphology, Galumna , new subgenus and species, record, fauna, Indinesia
This work is a part of a continuing study of the Indonesian fauna of oribatid mites (see
Galumna is a very large genus that was proposed by
Exact collection locality and habitat are given in the respective “Material examined” section for each species.
Specimens were mounted in lactic acid on temporary cavity slides for measurement and illustration. The body length was measured in lateral view, from the tip of the rostrum to the posterior edge of the ventral plate. Notogastral width refers to the maximum width in dorsal aspect. Lengths of body setae were measured in lateral aspect. All body measurements are presented in micrometers. Formulas for leg setation are given in parentheses according to the sequence trochanter–femur–genu–tibia–tarsus (famulus included). Formulas for leg solenidia are given in square brackets according to the sequence genu–tibia–tarsus. General terminology used in this paper follows that of Grandjean (summarized by
Galumna (Atypicogalumna) corpuzrarosae sp. n.
With main traits of the genus Galumna (see
The specific name “Atypicogalumna” refers to the presence of porose areas and sacculi on the notogaster that is unusual for Galumnidae.
Galumna (Atypicogalumna) subgen. n. differs from all genera and subgenera of the family Galumnidae by the presence of porose areas and sacculi on the notogaster (vs. either porose areas or sacculi present).
Body size: 332–365 × 232–265. Rostral and lamellar setae setiform. Interlamellar setae represented by alveoli. Bothridial setae clavate. Anterior notogastral margin developed. Four pairs of rounded porose areas and three pairs of sacculi on notogaster. Median pore and postanal porose area present.
Measurements. Body length: 332 (holotype: male), 332–365 (nine paratypes: three females and six males); notogaster width: 232 (holotype), 232–265 (nine paratypes). Without sexual dimorphism.
Integument. Body color light brown. Body surface, pteromorphs, genital and anal plates punctate (visible in dissected specimens), subcapitular mentum smooth. Several short longitudinal striae present in basal part of prodorsum (postero-laterally to alveoli of interlamellar setae).
Prodorsum. Rostrum rounded. Lamellar (L) and sublamellar (S) lines distinct. Rostral setae (ro, 26–28) setiform, barbed. Lamellar setae (le, 12–16) thin, indistinctly barbed. Interlamellar setae (in) represented by alveoli. Bothridial setae (bs, 57–61) clavate, with long stalk and shorter head rounded and barbed distally. Exobothridial setae and their alveoli absent. Porose areas Ad oval, transversally oriented (16–18 × 6).
Notogaster. Anterior notogastral margin developed. Dorsophragmata elongated longitudinally. Four pairs of porose areas rounded, with distinct margins: Aa (16–20) slightly larger than A1, A2 and A3 (all 12–16). Three pairs of sacculi with minute channels and small openings: Sa located antero-medially and nearly to Aa, S2 – medially and distanced to A2, S3 – medially and nearly to A3. Notogastral setae represented by 10 pairs of alveoli, la inserted posteriorly to Aa. Median pore present in all specimens, located between A3. All lyrifissures (ia, im, ip, ih, ips) distinct, im located anteriorly and nearly to A1. Opisthonotal gland openings located antero-laterally to A2.
Gnathosoma. Morphology of subcapitulum, palps and chelicerae typical for Galumna (see
Epimeral and lateral podosomal regions. Anterior tectum of epimere I smooth. Apodemes 1, 2, sejugal and 3 well visible. Setal formula: 1–0–1–2. Setae (1a, 3b, 4a, 4b) similar in length (4), thin, smooth. Pedotecta II rounded distally in ventral view. Discidia (dis) triangular. Circumpedal carinae (cp) distinct, clearly not reaching the insertions of setae 3b.
Anogenital region. Six pairs of genital (g1–g3, 8; g4–g6, 4), one pair of aggenital (ag, 4), two pairs of anal (an1, an2, 4) and three pairs of adanal (ad1–ad3, 4) setae thin, smooth. Three setae on anterior edge of each genital plate. Adanal setae distanced equal from each other, inserted in one diagonal row on each side of adanal region. Setae ad3 inserted laterally to adanal lyrifissures. Postanal porose area (Ap) elongate oval, transversally oriented (24 × 6).
Legs. Morphology of leg segments, setae and solenidia typical for Galumna (see
Leg setation and solenidia of adult Galumna (Atypicogalumna) corpuzrarosae sp. n. (same data for G. (Galumna) bidentatirostris sp. n., G. (G.) indonesica sp. n., G. (G.) mikoi sp. n., G. (Cosmogalumna) areticulata sp. n., G. (C.) sumatrensis sp. n. and G. (Neogalumna) specifica sp. n.)
Leg | Tr | Fe | Ge | Ti | Ta |
I | v’ | d, (l), bv’’ | (l), v’, σ | (l), (v), φ1, φ2 | (ft), (tc), (it), (p), (u), (a), s, (pv), v’, (pl), l’’, ε, ω1, ω2 |
II | v’ | d, (l), bv’’ | (l), v’, σ | (l), (v), φ | (ft), (tc), (it), (p), (u), (a), s, (pv), ω1, ω2 |
III | v’ | d, ev’ | l’, σ | l’, (v), φ | (ft), (tc), (it), (p), (u), (a), s, (pv) |
IV | v’ | d, ev’ | d, l’ | l’, (v), φ | ft’’, (tc), (p), (u), (a), s, (pv) |
Holotype (male) and nine paratypes (three females and six males): Indonesia, Sumatra, Harapan landscape, jungle rubber agroforest, research site HJ1, 01°55'40.0"S, 103°15'33.8"E, 51 m a.s.l., in forest floor litter material. All specimens were collected by Bernhard Klarner (Nov. 2013) and identified and collected to morphospecies level by Dorothee Sandmann.
The holotype is deposited in LIPI (Indonesian Institute of Science) Cibinong, Indonesia; six paratypes are deposited in the collection of the Senckenberg Museum, Görlitz, Germany; three paratypes are deposited in the collection of the Tyumen State University Museum of Zoology, Tyumen, Russia.
The specific name is dedicated to our friend and colleague, acarologist, Dr. Leonila Corpuz-Raros (Crop Protection Cluster, College of Agriculture and Museum of Natural History, University of the Philippines Los Baños, Los Baños, Philippines).
Galumna (Atypicogalumna) corpuzrarosae sp. n. differs from the all species of the family Galumnidae by the presence of porose areas and sacculi on the notogaster (vs. either porose areas or sacculi in other species).
Body size: 564–664 × 448–514. Rostrum bidentate. Lamellar lines directed to lateral margins of prodorsum. Rostral setae curved medio-downwards. Lamellar setae shortest, interlamellar setae longest on prodorsum. Bothridial setae long, with dilated unilaterally, slightly barbed distally head. Anterior notogastral margin developed. Four pairs of oval porose areas on notogaster. Median pore and postanal porose area present.
Measurements. Body length: 581 (holotype: male), 564–664 (five paratypes: two females and three males); notogaster width: 464 (holotype), 448–514 (five paratypes). Without sexual dimorphism.
Integument. Body color brown. Body surface, pteromorphs, subcapitular mentum, genital and anal plates punctate.
Prodorsum. Rostrum bidentate, teeth (t) strong. Lamellar and sublamellar lines distinct, curving backwards, slightly divergent in distal parts, lamellar lines directed to lateral margins of prodorsum. Rostral setae (41–49) indistinctly dilated basally and curved specifically medio-downwards, smooth. Lamellar setae (24–32) setiform, thin, slightly barbed. Interlamellar setae (69–73) setiform, straight, barbed. Bothridial setae (155–176) with long, smooth stalk and short, elongated, dilated unilaterally, slightly barbed distally head. Exobothridial setae and their alveoli absent. Porose areas Ad oval, transversally oriented (12–16 × 4–6).
Notogaster. Anterior notogastral margin developed. Dorsophragmata elongated longitudinally. Four pairs of porose areas oval, with distinct margins: Aa (36–45 × 24–32) larger than A1, A3 (32–36 × 20–24) and A2 (16–24 × 12–20). Notogastral setae represented by 10 pairs of alveoli, la inserted posteriorly to Aa. Median pore present in all specimens, located between A2. All lyrifissures distinct, im and opisthonotal gland openings located laterally to A1.
Gnathosoma. Morphology of subcapitulum, palps and chelicerae typical for Galumna (Galumna) (see
Epimeral and lateral podosomal regions. Anterior tectum of epimere I smooth. Apodemes 1, 2, sejugal and 3 well visible. Setal formula: 1–0–1–2. Setae 1a and 3b (24–28) setiform, barbed; 4a and 4b (8) thin, smooth. Pedotecta II rounded anteriorly in ventral view. Discidia triangular. Circumpedal carinae distinct, little not reaching the insertions of setae 3b.
Anogenital region. Six pairs of genital (g1, g2, 14–18; g3–g6, 6–8), one pair of aggenital (8–12), two pairs of anal (8–12) and three pairs of adanal (8–12) setae thin, smooth. Two setae on anterior edge of each genital plate. Adanal setae ad3 inserted laterally to adanal lyrifissures. Postanal porose area elongated, transversally oriented (36–45 × 8–12).
Legs. Morphology of leg segments, setae and solenidia typical for Galumna (Galumna) (see
Holotype (male) and five paratypes (two females and three males): Indonesia, Sumatra, Harapan landscape, oil palm plantation, research site HO1, 01°54'35.6"S, 103°15'58.3"E, 81 m a.s.l., in upper soil layer (0–5 cm). All specimens were collected by Bernhard Klarner (Nov. 2013) and identified and collected to morphospecies level by Dorothee Sandmann.
The holotype is deposited in LIPI (Indonesian Institute of Science) Cibinong, Indonesia; two paratypes are deposited in the collection of the Senckenberg Museum, Görlitz, Germany; three paratypes are deposited in the collection of the Tyumen State University Museum of Zoology, Tyumen, Russia.
The specific name bidentatirostris refers to the bidentate rostrum.
Galumna (Galumna) bidentatirostris sp. n. is morphologically most similar to G. (G.) gibbula Grandjean, 1956 from the Mediterranean (see
Body size: 498–531 × 365–381. Lamellar lines straight, directed to rostrum. Prodorsal setae setiform, barbed, lamellar setae shortest, interlamellar setae longest. Bothridial setae setiform, ciliate unilaterally. Anterior notogastral margin developed. Four pairs of porose areas present on notogaster, Aa booth-shaped to elongate triangular, transversally oriented, A1, A2 and A3 rounded. Median pore and postanal porose area present.
Measurements. Body length: 531 (holotype: female), 498–531 (three paratypes: two females and one male); notogaster width: 381 (holotype), 365–381 (three paratypes). Without sexual dimorphism.
Integument. Body color brown. Body surface, pteromorphs, subcapitular mentum, genital and anal plates punctate (visible in dissected specimens).
Prodorsum. Rostrum rounded. Lamellar lines straight, directed little laterally to insertions of rostral setae. Sublamellar lines curving backwards. Rostral (45–49), lamellar (24–28) and interlamellar (61–73) setae setiform, barbed. Bothridial setae (106–110) long, setiform, densely ciliate unilaterally. Exobothridial setae and their alveoli absent. Porose areas Ad oval, transversally oriented (16–20 × 8–12).
Notogaster. Anterior notogastral margin developed. Dorsophragmata elongated longitudinally. Four pairs of porose areas with distinct margins: Aa (36–49 × 12–16) booth-shaped to elongate triangular, transversally oriented; A1, A2 and A3 (24–32) rounded. Notogastral setae represented by 10 pairs of alveoli, la inserted posteriorly to Aa. Median pore present in all specimens, located between A2. All lyrifissures distinct, im and opisthonotal gland openings located laterally to A1.
Gnathosoma. Morphology of subcapitulum, palps and chelicerae typical for Galumna (Galumna) (see
Epimeral and lateral podosomal regions. Anterior tectum of epimere I smooth. Apodemes 1, 2, sejugal and 3 well visible. Setal formula: 1–0–1–2. Setae thin, smooth, 3b (20–24) longer than 1a, 4a and 4b (8). Pedotecta II rounded anteriorly in ventral view. Discidia triangular. Circumpedal carinae distinct, little, not reaching the insertions of setae 3b.
Anogenital region. Six pairs of genital (g1–g3, 8–10; g4–g6, 4), one pair of aggenital (4), two pairs of anal (4) and three pairs of adanal (4) setae thin, smooth. Three setae on anterior edge of each genital plate. Adanal setae ad3 inserted laterally to adanal lyrifissures. Postanal porose area elongated, transversally oriented (32–36 × 10–16).
Legs. Morphology of leg segments, setae and solenidia typical for Galumna (Galumna) (see
Holotype (female) and three paratypes (two females and one male): Indonesia, Sumatra, Bukit Duabelas landscape, jungle rubber agroforest, research site BJ5, 02°08'35.6"S, 102°51'04.7"E, 51 m a.s.l., in upper soil layer (0–5 cm). All specimens were collected by Bernhard Klarner (Nov. 2013) and identified and collected to morphospecies level by Dorothee Sandmann.
The holotype is deposited in LIPI (Indonesian Institute of Science) Cibinong, Indonesia; two paratypes are deposited in the collection of the Senckenberg Museum, Görlitz, Germany; one paratype is deposited in the collection of the Tyumen State University Museum of Zoology, Tyumen, Russia.
The specific name indonesica refers to the country of origin, Indonesia.
Galumna (Galumna) indonesica sp. n. is morphologically most similar to G. (G.) parakazakhstani Ermilov & Anichkin, 2014 from Vietnam (see
Body size: 258–287 × 184–204. Surface of anogenital region and medio-anterior part of notogaster foveolate, surface of subcapitular mentum, genital and anal plates, antero-lateral parts of pteromorphs and posterior part of notogaster striate. Rostral and lamellar setae of medium size, interlamellar setae minute. Bothridial setae clavate. Anterior notogastral margin developed. Four pairs of rounded porose areas present on notogaster. Median pore and postanal porose area present.
Measurements. Body length: 258 (holotype: male), 258–287 (three paratypes: two females and one male); notogaster width: 188 (holotype), 184–204 (three paratypes). Without sexual dimorphism.
Integument. Body color brown. Surface of anogenital region and medio-anterior part of notogaster foveolate (diameter of foveolae up to 6). Surface of subcapitular mentum, genital and anal plates, antero-lateral parts of pteromorphs and posterior part of notogaster striate.
Prodorsum. Rostrum rounded. Lamellar and sublamellar lines parallel, curving backwards. Rostral and lamellar setae similar in length (20–24), setiform, slightly barbed. Interlamellar setae minute (1). Bothridial setae (49–57) clavate, with long, smooth stalk and rounded, barbed head. Exobothridial setae and their alveoli absent. Porose areas Ad oval, transversally oriented (6 × 4).
Notogaster. Anterior notogastral margin developed. Dorsophragmata elongated longitudinally. Four pairs of porose areas rounded, with distinct margins: Aa (8–12) larger than A1, A2 and A3 (6–8). Notogastral setae represented by 10 pairs of alveoli, la inserted posteriorly to Aa. Median pore present in all specimens, located between A2. All lyrifissures distinct, im located between lm and A1. Opisthonotal gland openings located laterally to A1.
Gnathosoma. Morphology of subcapitulum, palps and chelicerae typical for Galumna (Galumna) (see
Epimeral and lateral podosomal regions. Anterior tectum of epimere I smooth. Apodemes 1, 2, sejugal and 3 well visible. Setal formula: 1–0–1–1. Setae thin, smooth, 3b (8–10) longer than 1a and 4a (4). Pedotecta II rounded anteriorly in ventral view. Discidia triangular. Circumpedal carinae distinct, clearly not reach the insertions of setae 3b.
Anogenital region. Six pairs of genital (g1, 8; g2, 6; g3–g6, 4), one pair of aggenital (4), two pairs of anal (4) and three pairs of adanal (4) setae thin, smooth. Three setae on anterior edge of each genital plate. Adanal setae distanced equal from each other, inserted in one diagonal row on each side of adanal region. Adanal setae ad3 inserted postero-laterally to adanal lyrifissures. Postanal porose area oval, transversally oriented (6–10 × 4–6).
Legs. Morphology of leg segments, setae and solenidia typical for Galumna (Galumna) (see
Holotype (male): Indonesia, Sumatra, Harapan landscape, jungle rubber agroforest, research site HJ4, 01°47'07.3"S, 103°16'36.9"E, 57 m a.s.l., in forest floor litter material. Three paratypes (two females and one male): Indonesia, Sumatra, Harapan landscape, secondary rainforest, research site HF4, 02°11'15.2"S, 103°20'33.4"E, 77 m a.s.l., in forest floor litter material. All specimens were collected by Bernhard Klarner (Nov. 2013) and identified and collected to morphospecies level by Dorothee Sandmann.
The holotype is deposited in LIPI (Indonesian Institute of Science) Cibinong, Indonesia; two paratypes are deposited in the collection of the Senckenberg Museum, Görlitz, Germany; one paratype is deposited in the collection of the Tyumen State University Museum of Zoology, Tyumen, Russia.
The specific name is dedicated to our friend and colleague, acarologist, Dr. Ladislav Miko (Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Charles University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic).
Galumna (Galumna) mikoi sp. n. is morphologically most similar to G. (G.) innexa Pérez-Íñigo & Baggio, 1986 from the Neotropical region (see
Body size: 298–315 × 215–249. Transverse band of strong, branched cerotegumental ridges developed in middle part of notogaster and between genital and anal plates, not forming a reticulate pattern, only a few cells present exeptionally. Rostral and lamellar setae short, interlamellar setae represented by alveoli. Bothridial setae clavate. Four pairs of rounded porose areas present on notogaster. Median pore and postanal porose area present.
Measurements. Body length: 315 (holotype: male), 298–315 (seven paratypes: two females and five males); notogaster width: 249 (holotype), 215–249 (seven paratypes). Without sexual dimorphism.
Integument. Body color brown. Body surface, pteromorphs, genital and anal plates punctate (visible in dissected specimens). Subcapitular mentum smooth. Transverse band of strong, branched cerotegumental ridges developed in the middle part of the notogaster and between the genital and anal plates. These ridges comparatively short and not forming a clear reticulate pattern, only a few cells present exeptionally.
Prodorsum. Rostrum rounded. Lamellar and sublamellar lines parallel, curving backwards. Rostral setae (18–20) thin, smooth, pressed to the surface of prodorsum. Lamellar setae (6–8) minute. Interlamellar setae represented by alveoli. Bothridial setae (53–57) clavate, with long stalk and short head, rounded and smooth to slightly roughened distally. Exobothridial setae and their alveoli absent. Porose areas Ad oval, transversally oriented (6–8 × 4–6).
Notogaster. Anterior notogastral margin developed. Dorsophragmata elongated longitudinally. Four pairs of porose areas rounded, with distinct margins: Aa (12–16) slightly larger than A1, A2 and A3 (all 8–10). Notogastral setae represented by 10 pairs of alveoli, la inserted posteriorly to Aa. Median pore present in all specimens, located between A2. All lyrifissures distinct, im located between lm and lp. Opisthonotal gland openings located laterally to A1.
Gnathosoma. Morphology of subcapitulum, palps and chelicerae typical for Galumna (Cosmogalumna) (see
Epimeral and lateral podosomal regions. Anterior tectum of epimere I smooth. Apodemes 1, 2, sejugal and 3 well visible. Setal formula: 1–0–1–2. Setae thin, smooth, 3b (6) slightly longer than 1a, 4a and 4b (4). Pedotecta II roundly triangular in ventral view. Discidia triangular. Circumpedal carinae distinct, clearly not reaching the insertions of setae 3b.
Anogenital region. Six pairs of genital (g1, g2, 6–8; g3–g6, 4), one pair of aggenital (4), two pairs of anal (4) and three pairs of adanal (4) setae thin, smooth. Three setae on anterior edge of each genital plate. Adanal setae ad3 inserted antero-laterally to adanal lyrifissures. Postanal porose area oval, transversally oriented (8–12 × 4).
Legs. Morphology of leg segments, setae and solenidia typical for Galumna (Cosmogalumna) (see
Holotype (male) and two paratypes (one female and one male): Indonesia, Sumatra, Bukit Duabelas landscape, secondary rainforest, research site BF2, 01° 58'55.1"S, 102°45'02.7"E, 77 m a.s.l., in upper soil layer (0–5 cm). Five paratypes (one female and four males): Indonesia, Sumatra, Harapan landscape, jungle rubber agroforest, research site HJ1, 01°55'40.0"S, 103°15'33.8"E, 51 m a.s.l., in forest floor litter material. All specimens were collected by Bernhard Klarner (Nov. 2013) and identified and collected to morphospecies level by Dorothee Sandmann.
The holotype is deposited in LIPI (Indonesian Institute of Science) Cibinong, Indonesia; two paratypes are deposited in the collection of the Senckenberg Museum, Görlitz, Germany; six paratypes are deposited in the collection of the Tyumen State University Museum of Zoology, Tyumen, Russia.
The specific name areticulata refers to the absence of clear reticulate pattern on the body.
Galumna (Cosmogalumna) areticulata sp. n. is morphologically most similar to G. (C.) praeoccupata Subías, 2004 from southern China and Vietnam (see
Body size: 282–298 × 182–215. Reticulate pattern in the middle part of notogaster represented by few large cells, reticulate pattern between genital and anal plates represented by small, numerous, dense cells. Rostral and lamellar setae thin, indistinctly barbed, interlamellar setae represented by alveoli. Bothridial setae clavate. Four pairs of rounded porose areas on notogaster. Median pore absent. Postanal porose area present.
Measurements. Body length: 282 (holotype: male), 282, 298 (two paratypes: one female and one male); notogaster width: 215 (holotype), 182, 215 (two paratypes). Without sexual dimorphism.
Integument. Body color brown. Body surface, pteromorphs, genital and anal plates, and subcapitular mentum punctate. Reticulate pattern in the middle part of notogaster present, cells large and not numerous. Reticulate pattern between genital and anal plates represented by small, numerous, dense cells.
Prodorsum. Rostrum rounded. Lamellar and sublamellar lines parallel, curving backwards. Rostral (16) and lamellar (10–12) setae thin, indistinctly barbed. Interlamellar setae represented by alveoli. Bothridial setae (49–53) clavate, with long stalk and short head, rounded and barbed distally. Exobothridial setae and their alveoli absent. Porose areas Ad oval, transversally oriented (14–16 × 4–6).
Notogaster. Anterior notogastral margin developed. Dorsophragmata large, elongated longitudinally. Four pairs of porose areas rounded, with distinct margins: Aa (14–16) larger than A1, A2 and A3 (all 8–10). Notogastral setae represented by 10 pairs of alveoli, la inserted posteriorly to Aa. Median pore absent in all specimens. All lyrifissures distinct, im located between lm and A1. Opisthonotal gland openings located antero-laterally to A2.
Gnathosoma. Morphology of subcapitulum, palps and chelicerae typical for Galumna (Cosmogalumna) (see
Epimeral and lateral podosomal regions. Anterior tectum of epimere I smooth. Apodemes 1, 2, sejugal and 3 well visible. Setal formula: 1–0–1–1. Setae 1a, 3b and 4a similar in length (4), thin, smooth. Pedotecta II roundly triangular in ventral view. Discidia triangular. Circumpedal carinae distinct, clearly not reaching the insertions of setae 3b.
Anogenital region. Six pairs of genital (g1, g2, 8; g3–g6, 4), one pair of aggenital (4), two pairs of anal (4) and three pairs of adanal (4) setae thin, smooth. Three setae on anterior edge of each genital plate. Adanal setae ad3 inserted laterally to adanal lyrifissures. Postanal porose area oval, transversally oriented (12–20 × 4–8).
Legs. Morphology of leg segments, setae and solenidia typical for Galumna (Cosmogalumna) (see
Holotype (male): Indonesia, Sumatra, Harapan landscape, secondary rainforest, research site HF4, 02°11'15.2"S, 103°20'33.4"E, 77 m a.s.l., in forest floor litter material. Two paratypes (one female and one male): Indonesia, Sumatra, Harapan landscape, secondary rainforest, research site HF4, 02°11'15.2"S, 103°20'33.4"E, 77 m a.s.l., in upper soil layer (0–3 cm). All specimens were collected by Bernhard Klarner (Nov. 2013) and identified and collected to morphospecies level by Dorothee Sandmann.
The holotype is deposited in LIPI (Indonesian Institute of Science) Cibinong, Indonesia; one paratype is deposited in the collection of the Senckenberg Museum, Görlitz, Germany; one paratype is deposited in the collection of the Tyumen State University Museum of Zoology, Tyumen, Russia.
The specific name sumatrensis refers to the island of origin, Sumatra.
Galumna (Cosmogalumna) sumatrensis sp. n. is morphologically most similar to G. (C.) praeoccupata Subías, 2004 from southern China and Vietnam (see
Body size: 498–531 × 348–365. Subcapitular mentum, genital plates and basal part of prodorsum striate. Lamellar lines straight, divergent to sublamellar lines medio-anteriorly. Prodorsal setae setiform, barbed, le thinnest. Bothridial setae, setiform, ciliate. Anterior notogastral margin developed. Notogastral setal alveoli la absent, cx present. Four pairs of rounded porose areas on notogaster. Median pore absent. Postanal porose area elongate oval.
Measurements. Body length: 498 (holotype: male), 498–531 (three paratypes: one female and two males); notogaster width: 348 (holotype), 348–365 (three paratypes). Without sexual dimorphism.
Integument. Body color brown. Body surface, pteromorphs and anal plates smooth. Subcapitular mentum, genital plates and basal part of prodorsum with longitudinal striae.
Prodorsum. Rostrum rounded. Medio-anterior part slightly elongate, hump-like. Lamellar lines straight, directed to insertions of rostral setae, but clearly not reaching them. Sublamellar lines curving backwards. Rostral (39–45), lamellar (18–20) and interlamellar (18–20) setae setiform, barbed, lamellar setae thinnest. Bothridial setae long (106–114), setiform, unilaterally ciliate. Exobothridial setae and their alveoli absent. Porose areas Ad narrow, elongate oval, transversally oriented (28–34 × 4).
Notogaster. Anterior notogastral margin developed. Dorsophragmata of medium size, elongated longitudinally. Four pairs of porose areas rounded, with distinct margins: Aa (16–24) usually slightly larger than A1, A2 and A3 (all 12–16). Notogastral setae represented by 10 pairs of alveoli, however, based on their localization, la absent and cx present. Median pore absent in all specimens. All lyrifissures distinct, im located between lm and A1. Opisthonotal gland openings located laterally to A1.
Gnathosoma. Morphology of subcapitulum, palps and chelicerae typical for Galumna (Neogalumna) (see
Epimeral and lateral podosomal regions. Anterior tectum of epimere I smooth. Apodemes 1, 2, sejugal and 3 well visible. Setal formula: 1–0–1–2. Setae thin, smooth, 3b (32–41) longer than 1a, 4a and 4b (6–8). Pedotecta II distally rounded in ventral view. Discidia triangular. Circumpedal carinae distinct, clearly not reaching the insertions of setae 3b.
Anogenital region. Six pairs of genital (g1, g2, 12; g3–g6, 6–8), one pair of aggenital (6–8), two pairs of anal (12) and three pairs of adanal (12) setae thin, smooth. Two setae on anterior edge of each genital plate. Adanal setae ad3 inserted postero-medially to adanal lyrifissures. Postanal porose area elongate oval, transversally oriented (45–57 × 8–12).
Legs. Morphology of leg segments, setae and solenidia typical for Galumna (Neogalumna) (see
Holotype (male) and three paratypes (one female and three males): Indonesia, Sumatra, Harapan landscape, secondary rainforest, research site HF4, 02°11'15.2"S, 103°20'33.4"E, 77 m a.s.l., in upper soil layer (0–5 cm). All specimens were collected by Bernhard Klarner (Nov. 2013) and identified and collected to morphospecies level by Dorothee Sandmann.
The holotype is deposited in LIPI (Indonesian Institute of Science) Cibinong, Indonesia; two paratypes are deposited in the collection of the Senckenberg Museum, Görlitz, Germany; one paratype is deposited in the collection of the Tyumen State University Museum of Zoology, Tyumen, Russia.
The specific name specifica refers to the specific set of notogastral alveoli (la absent, cx present).
Galumna (Neogalumna) specifica sp. n. is morphologically most similar to G. (N.) tolstikovi Ermilov & Anichkin, 2014 from Vietnam (see
Galumna (Galumna) calva Starý, 1996 (see
Material examined. Two specimens: Indonesia, Sumatra, Bukit Duabelas landscape, oil palm plantation, research site BO3, 02°04'15.2"S, 102°47'30.6"E, 71 m a.s.l., in forest floor litter material, 15.11.2013 (B. Klarner).
Galumna (Galumna) flabellifera Hammer, 1958 (see
Material examined. Two specimens: Indonesia, Sumatra, Bukit Duabelas landscape, oil palm plantation, research site BO5, 02°06'48.9”S, 102°47'44.5”E, 50 m a.s.l., in upper soil layer (0–5 cm). One specimen: same data, but in upper soil layer (0–5 cm). One specimen: Indonesia, Sumatra, Harapan landscape, rubber plantation, research site HR1, 01°54'39.5"S, 103°16'00.1"E, 77 m a.s.l., in upper soil layer (0–5 cm). All specimens were collected by B. Klarner (Nov. 2013) and identified and collected to morphospecies level by Dorothee Sandmann.
Galumna (Galumna) sabahna Mahunka, 1995 (see
Material examined. Three specimens: Indonesia, Sumatra, Harapan landscape, oil palm plantation, research site HO1, 01°54'35.6"S, 103°15'58.3"E, 81 m a.s.l., in upper soil layer (0–5 cm). Three specimens: Indonesia, Sumatra, Bukit Duabelas landscape, research site BO3, 02°04'15.2"S, 102°47'30.6"E, 71 m a.s.l., in forest floor litter material. One specimen: Indonesia, Sumatra, Harapan landscape, rubber plantation, research site HR1, 01°54'39.5"S, 103°16'00.1"E, 77 m a.s.l., in forest floor litter material. Three specimens: Indonesia, Sumatra, Bukit Duabelas landscape, rubber plantation, research site BR2, 02°05'06.8"S, 102°47'20.7"E, 95 m a.s.l., in upper soil layer (0–5 cm). Four specimens: Indonesia, Sumatra, Bukit Duabelas landscape, rubber plantation, research site HR2, Sumatra, Indonesia, Harapan landscape, S 01°52'44.5’’, E 103°16'28.4’’, rubber plantation, 59 m a.s.l., in forest floor litter material. Three specimens: Indonesia, Sumatra, Bukit Duabelas landscape, rubber plantation, research site HR2, Sumatra, Indonesia, Harapan landscape, S 01°52'44.5’’, E 103°16'28.4’’, rubber plantation, 59 m a.s.l., in upper soil layer (0–5 cm). All specimens were collected by B. Klarner (Nov. 2013) and identified and collected to morphospecies level by Dorothee Sandmann.
We thank Prof. Dr. Gerd Weigmann (Free University of Berlin, Institute of Zoology, Berlin, Germany) and one anonymous reviewer for valuable comments, Kristina Richter (Georg August University Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany) for help in building up the Indonesian oribatid mite morphospecies collection, the State Ministry of Research and Technology of Indonesia (RISTEK) for the research permit and the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) and Ministry of Forestry (PHKA) for the collection permit, the village heads, local site owners, PT REKI and Bukit Duabelas National Park for granting access to their properties and the many colleagues and helpers for support in the field.
Financial support was provided by the German Research Foundation (DFG) in the framework of the collaborative German – Indonesian research project CRC990 (EFForTS). The taxonomic study on Galumnoidea was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project: 15-04-02706 A).