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Corresponding author: Dandan Zhang ( ) Academic editor: Matthias Nuss
© 2016 Dandan Zhang, Jinwei LI.
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Zhang D, Li J (2016) Two new species and five newly recorded species of the genus Udea Guenée from China (Lepidoptera, Crambidae). ZooKeys 565: 123-139.
A checklist of the 31 Chinese species of Udea is given, including the new species and new records. Udea curvata sp. n. and U. albostriata sp. n. are described and illustrated. Udea exigualis (Wileman, 1911), U. stationalis Yamanaka, 1988, U. prunalis (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775), U. elutalis (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) and U. cyanalis (La Harpe, 1855) are newly recorded for China.
Lepidoptera , Crambidae , Udea , checklist, taxonomy, China
Udea Guenée is a large genus, with more than 210 species, and is mainly distributed in the temperate Eurasia and in the New World, with a remarkable number of endemic species occuring on islands in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, on the Hawaiian Islands and some other islands (
Morphology and genitalia of Udea are simple and uniform throughout the genus. Species of Udea are dark to light greyish, brown, reddish-yellow, dark yellowish or pale yellow; the forewing has a circular and a reniform cellular stigmata; the hindwing bears a streak at the anterior angle and a dot at the posterior angle of cell; the wings usually with marginal dots at ends of veins. Male genitalia with uncus inverted T-shaped, apex bulbous, with setae; fibula extending ventrad to distad. Corpus bursae usually with a large lanceolate, denticulate signum in female genitalia.
Important taxonomic contributions on Udea were published by
This study is based on the examination of specimens collected by using light traps. Terminology of the genitalia follows
Udea Guenée, 1845
Udea Guenée in Duponchel, 1845: 209. Type species: Pyralis ferrugalis Hübner, 1796, by monotypy.
Udea albostriata sp. n.
Distribution. China (Hebei).
Udea aksualis (Caradja, 1928) (as Pionea)
Distribution. China (Xinjiang).
Udea austriacalis (Herrich-Schäffer, 1851) (as Botys)
Scopula donzelalis Guenée, 1854
Botys sororialis Heyden, 1860
Botys nitidalis Heinemann, 1865
Pyrausta austriacalis altaica Zerny, 1914
Pyrausta austriacalis juldusalis Zerny, 1914
Distribution. China (Xinjiang), Russia (Altai), France, Switzerland, Austria, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania.
Udea conubialis Yamanaka, 1972
Distribution. China (Taiwan).
Udea costalis (Eversmann, 1852) (as Botys)
Botys hilaralis Christoph, 1881
Botys hyperborealis var. hoffmanni Krulikovsky, 1898
Pionea costalis var. alaicalis Caradja, 1916
Pionea costalis var. alaicalis f. brunnealis Caradja, 1916
Mesographe itysalis maurinalis Curtis, 1934
Distribution. China (Xinjiang), Mongolia, Russia (Far East, Siberia, Altai), France, Lithuania, Poland.
Udea curvata sp. n.
Distribution. China (Tibet).
Udea cyanalis (La Harpe, 1855) (as Botys), new record to China
Distribution. China (Hebei), Spain, France, Herzegovina, Romania, Germany, Central Urals, Russia (Caucasus).
Udea decrepitalis (Herrich-Schäffer, 1848) (as Botys)
Pionea decrepitalis ab. leucoalis Strand, 1920
Distribution. China (Hebei, Qinghai) (Xu, 1997), Europe.
Udea defectalis (Sauber, 1899) (as Botys)
Distribution. China (Qinghai).
Udea elutalis (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) (as Pyralis), new record to China
Pyralis albidalis Hübner, 1796
Distribution. China (Hebei, Xinjiang), Kazakhstan, West Europe, Central Europe, Romania, Balticum, Finland, Russia (Siberia).
Udea endotrichialis (Hampson, 1918) (as Hapalia)
Distribution. China (Taiwan).
Udea exigualis (Wileman, 1911) (as Pionea), new record to China
Distribution. China (Fujian, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan, Sichuan, Tibet, Yunnan), Japan.
Udea ferrugalis (Hübner, 1796) (as Pyralis)
Scopula martialis Guenée, 1854
Scopula hypatialis Walker, 1859
Pionea maculata Costantini, 1923
Pionea obsoleta Costantini, 1923
Pionea granjalis Chrétien, 1925
Udea martialis f. fusca Dufrane, 1960
Udea martialis f. pallida Dufrane, 1960
Distribution. China (Gansu, Guangdong, Guizhou, Hebei, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Qinghai, Shaanxi, Shandong, Shanxi, Shanghai, Sichuan, Taiwan, Tianjin, Yunnan, Zhejiang), widely distributed in Asia, Europe and Africa.
Udea flavofimbriata (Moore, 1888) (as Mabra)
Botys obealis Snellen, 1899
Distribution. China (Guangdong, Taiwan), Japan, Myanmar, Indonesia (Sumatra, Java), India, Sri Lanka.
Udea fulcrialis (Sauber, 1899) (as Botys)
Distribution. China (Qinghai).
Udea incertalis (Caradja in Caradja & Meyrick, 1937) (as Pionea)
Distribution. China (Yunnan).
Udea lugubralis (Leech, 1889) (as Botys)
Distribution. China (Fujian, Guizhou, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, Zhejiang), Korea, Japan, Russia (Sakhalin, Shikotan Island, Ussuri, Amur).
Udea nigrostigmalis Warren, 1896
Distribution. China (Guangdong), India.
Udea montensis Mutuura, 1954
Distribution. China (Hubei, Sichuan) (Song, 2001), Japan.
Udea orbicentralis (Christoph, 1881) (as Botys)
Distribution. Western China, Korea, Japan, Russia (Vladivostok).
Udea planalis (South in Leech & South, 1901) (as Pionea)
Distribution. China (Sichuan).
Udea poliostolalis (Hampson, 1918) (as Hapalia)
Distribution. China (Taiwan).
Udea prunalis (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) (as Pyralis), new record to China
Phalaena nivealis Fabricius, 1781
PhalaenaPyralis ferruginalis Villers, 1789
Pyralis leucophaealis Hübner, 1796
Pyralis nebulalis Haworth, 1811
Distribution. China (Gansu, Heilongjiang, Ningxia, Shanxi, Sichuan, Xinjiang), Europe (except some of Mediterranean Islands).
Udea russispersalis (Zerny, 1914) (as Pionea)
Distribution. China (Xinjiang).
Udea schaeferi (Caradja in Caradja & Meyrick, 1937) (as Pionea)
Distribution. China (Yunnan).
Udea scoparialis (Hampson, 1899) (as Pionea)
Distribution. China (Tibet).
Udea stationalis Yamanaka, 1988, new record to China
Distribution. China (Fujian), Japan.
Udea subplanalis (Caradja in Caradja & Meyrick, 1937) (as Pionea)
Distribution. China (Yunnan).
Udea suisharyonensis (Strand, 1918) (as Pionea)
Pionea lolotialis Caradja, 1927
Distribution. China (Sichuan, Taiwan).
Udea thyalis (Walker, 1859) (as Botys)
Distribution. China, Japan.
Udea tritalis (Christoph, 1881) (as Botys)
Distribution. Northern China, Korea, Japan, Russia (Ussuri) (Inoue, 1993).
Pionea exigualis Wileman, 1911: 388. Type locality: Japan.
Udea exigualis (Wileman):
This species is similar to other species of U. lugubralis-complex. It can be distinguished from U. lugubralis by smaller size (wingspan 16–21 mm) and longer harpe with sharp point. It differs from U. stationalis and U. montensis by bent harpe with sharp point. Its phallus apodeme lacking a small lateral tooth-like process is different from U. montensis. U. exigualis is similar to U. ferrugalis and U. testacea (Butler) with yellowish-brown forewing bearing dark brown fringe, but can be distinguished in male genitalia by the more slender and shorter fibula and the juxta without dorsal arms.
China: Fujian: 1♂, Yong’anyan, Mt. Daiyunshan, 1300 m, 12-IX-2002, coll. Xinpu Wang (
China (Fujian, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan, Sichuan, Tibet, Yunnan), Japan.
Udea stationalis Yamanaka, 1988: 111. Type locality: Japan, Honshu.
This species is similar to other species of U. lugubralis-complex. It can be distinguished from U. lugubralis by smaller size (wingspan 15–20 mm). Differs from both U. lugubralis and U. exigualis by somewhat straight harpe, by lacking granularly membranous interval zone between antrum and colliculum. Differs from U. montensis by the phallus apodeme lacking the small lateral tooth-like process, and by lacking granularly membranous interval zone between antrum and colliculum.
China: Fujian: 1♀, Guadun, Mt. Wuyishan, 27°74'N, 117°64'E, 1220 m, 18-V-2012, coll. Jinwei Li, genitalia slide no. LJW12154.
China (Fujian), Japan.
China, Tibet, Milin, Paizhen, 29°30'N, 94°51'E, 2961 m, 2-VII-2013, coll. Jinwei Li.
Male holotype, China: Tibet: Paizhen, Milin, 29°30'N, 94°51'E, 2961 m, 2-VII-2013, coll. Jinwei Li, genitalia slide no. LJW12172 (SYSBM); Paratypes. 3♂, China: Tibet: Paizhen, Milin, 29°30'N, 94°51'E, 2961 m, 2–3-VII-2013, coll. Jinwei Li, genitalia slides no. LJW12248, LJW12267 (SYSBM). Additional material. 1 abdomen missing, China: Tibet: Paizhen, Milin, 29°30'N, 94°51'E, 2961 m, 2-VII-2013, coll. Jinwei Li.
This species is similar to U. decrepitalis and U. elutalis with zigzaggy serrated postmedian line and darker postmedian area of forewing, but can be distinguished in: fibula claw-shaped, bent, with point apex; phallus with a thumb-shaped cornutus. Differs from U. decrepitalis also by colouration of forewing stigmata identical with ground colour. U. curvata is similar to U. conubialis in male genitalia, but can be distinguished in: wingspan 25.5–28.5 mm, ground colour yellow, postmedian line zigzaggy, proximal cellular stigma distinct, fibula strongly bent. U. curvata similar to U. lutealis with yellow ground colour and colouration of forewing stigmata identical with ground colour, but can be distinguished by bent fibula extending ventro-distally, juxta bifid ventrally, phallus with a thumb-shaped cornutus, posterior phallus with granulated area not sclerotised, and lacking projecting denticulate ridge most posteriorly.
Male (Fig.
Forewing yellow, scattered with brown scales, markings grey-brown; antemedian line from costal 1/4 sinuated to 1/3 posterior margin; proximal cellular stigma circular; distal cellular stigma kidney-shaped; postmedian line zigzaggy serrate, from costal 3/4, excurved around cell, and strongly inflexed below distal cellular stigma, then to 2/3 on posterior margin; postmedian area strongly dusted with grey and alternately formed grey and yellow streaks; vein ends on wing margin each with a small brown dot; fringe yellow, basal 1/4 grey. Hindwing pale yellow, a darker steak at anterior angle and a blackish dot at posterior angle of cell; postmedial line grey-brown, zigzaggy serrate, with anterior 1/4 most distinct; postmedian area similar to forewing, marginal line and fringe as forewing, paler at tornus area.
Male genitalia (Fig.
Genitalia of Udea species. 4 Male genitalia of U. curvata sp. n., genitalia slide no. LJW12267 5–11 U. albostriata sp. n. 5 Male genitalia, genitalia slide no. LJW12288 6 Female genitalia, genitalia slide no. LJW12296 7–11 Variation of accessory signum, genitalia slides no. LJW12296, LJW12297, LJW12292, LJW12284, LJW12287. Scale bars: 0.5 mm.
Female unknown.
China (Tibet).
The specific name is derived from the Latin curvata = curved, referring to the curved fibula.
Pyralis prunalis Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775: 121. Type locality: Austria, Vienna environs.
Phalaena nivealis Fabricius, 1781: 274.
PhalaenaPyralis ferruginalis Villers, 1789: 451.
Pyralis leucophaealis Hübner, 1796: 27.
Pyralis nebulalis Haworth, 1811: 386.
Pionea prunalis (Denis & Schiffermüller):
Udea prunalis (Denis & Schiffermüller):
U. prunalis is similar to U. cyanalis, U. inquinatalis (Lienig & Zeller), U. orbicentralis-complex and U. albostriata sp. n. with greyish white ground colour of forewing variably dusted with dark brown, proximal cellular stigma, distal cellular stigma and postmedian area strongly and contrastingly dark browned, but can be distinguished from them in: cornuti composed of a row of linked short spines, a row of closely squeezed long spines and a single longer spine in male genitalia, the mid-folded ductus bursae with posterior half sclerotised and plate-shaped accessory signum in female genitalia.
China: Gansu: 5♂3♀, Mt. Xinglongshan, Yuzhong, 2120–2230 m, 29-VII–4-VIII-1993, coll. Houhun Li (
China (Gansu, Heilongjiang, Ningxia, Shanxi, Sichuan, Xinjiang), Europe (except some Mediterranean Islands).
Pyralis elutalis Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775: 121. Type locality: Austria, Vienna environs.
Pyralis albidalis Hübner, 1796: fig. 118.
Udea elutalis (Denis & Schiffermüller):
This species is similar to U. lutealis (Hübner), but can be distinguished by a wide, blade-shaped fibula with a minute, hook-like apex, by praephallus with cornuti a tight line of spines in male genitalia. U. elutalis with antrum narrower than colliculum in female genitalia but contrary in U. lutealis.
China: Hebei: 32♂13♀, Taomugeda, Laiyuan County, 39°37'N, 114°59'E, 1420 m, 3-VIII-2013, coll. Weicai Xie, Xiaolin Liu, genitalia slides no. LJW12174 (♂), LJW12203 (♀), LJW12243 (♂), LJW12244 (♀), LJW12268 (♂), LJW12289 (♀), LJW12290 (♂), LJW12291 (♀); Xinjiang: 1♂, Tianchi, Fukang, 43°52'N, 88°09'E, 2009 m, 18-VII-2013, coll. Jinwei Li, genitalia slide no. LJW12181; 4♀, Baiyanggou, Nanshan, 43°27'N, 87°11'E, 1947 m, 17-VII-2013, coll. Jinwei Li, genitalia slides no. LJW12202, LJW12294.
There is considerable variation in size of wingspan, ground colour and genitalia. The specimens from Hebei have whitish or whitish-grey forewing, with small wingspan size (18–22 mm). The specimens from Hebei and Xinjiang exhibit a slightly curved and shorter row of spines in the posterior phallus compared to material from Europe and Russia (Bolshakov, 2002; Slamka, 2013). In the female genitalia, the accessory signum varies from crescent- or stick-shaped over gradual reduction to complete absence.
China (Hebei, Xinjiang), Kazakhstan, West Europe, Central Europe, Romania, Balticstates, Finland, Russia (Siberia).
Botys cyanalis La Harpe, 1855: 30. Type locality: Europe.
Udea cyanalis (La Harpe):
U. cyanalis is similar to U. prunalis, U. inquinatalis, U. orbicentralis-complex and U. albostriata sp. n. with similar ground colour and maculation as mentioned in diagnosis of U. prunalis, but can be distinguished from them by the semicircular produced process of pseudognathos with nipple-shaped end in male genitalia. In female genitalia, this species differs from U. prunalis, U. inquinatalis and U. grisealis Inoue, Yamanaka & Sasaki by ductus bursae approximately 1.8 times the length of the corpus bursae, the corpus bursae with narrowly crescent-shaped accessory signum, but lacking the lanceolate signum; differs from U. nebulatalis Inoue, Yamanaka & Sasaki by ductus bursae approximately 1.8 times the length of the corpus bursae and nearly round corpus bursae; differs from U. proximalis Inoue, Yamanaka & Sasaki and U. intermedia Inoue, Yamanaka & Sasaki by crescent-shaped accessory signum but lacking the lanceolate or pyriform signum; differs from U. orbicentralis and U. albostriata sp. n. by lacking the lanceolate signum.
China: Hebei: 2♂, Taomugeda, Laiyuan County, 39°37'N, 114°59'E, 1420 m, 3-VIII-2013, coll. Xiaolin Liu, genitalia slides no. LJW12282, LJW12293.
China (Hebei), Spain, France, Herzegovina, Romania, Germany, Central Urals, Russia (Caucasus).
China, Hebei, Laiyuan County, Taomugeda, 39°37'N, 114°59'E, 1420 m, 3-VIII-2013, coll. Xiaolin Liu.
Male holotype, China: Hebei: Taomugeda, Laiyuan County, 39°37'N, 114°59'E, 1420 m, 3-VIII-2013, coll. Xiaolin Liu, genitalia slide no. LJW12204 (SYSBM); Paratypes.14♂8♀, same data as holotype, genitalia slides no. LJW12173 (♂), LJW12178 (♂), LJW12245 (♂), LJW12283 (♂), LJW12284 (♀), LJW12286 (♀), LJW12287 (♀), LJW12288 (♂), LJW12292 (♀), LJW12296 (♀) (SYSBM); 2♀, Hebei: Jinhekou, Wei County, 39°57'N, 114°56'E, 1112 m, 5-VIII-2013, coll. Weicai Xie, Xiaolin Liu, genitalia slide no. LJW12297 (♀) (SYSBM). Additional material. China: Hebei: 1 abdomen missing, Taomugeda, Laiyuan County, 39°37'N, 114°59'E, 1420 m, 3-VIII-2013, coll. Xiaolin Liu; 1 abdomen missing, Jinhekou, Wei County, 39°57'N, 114°56'E, 1112 m, 5-VIII-2013, coll. Weicai Xie, Xiaolin Liu.
U. albostriata is closely related to U. cyanalis, U. prunalis, U. inquinatalis, U. orbicentralis-complex with similar ground colour and maculation as mentioned in diagnosis of U. prunalis, but can be distinguished from U. cyanalis, U. nebulatalis, U. proximalis by corpus bursae with a lanceolate signum in female genitalia; differs from U. prunalis, U. inquinatalis, U. grisealis and U. intermedia by long ductus bursae about twice the length of the corpus bursae; differs from U. orbicentralis in: praephallus with a sclerotized, granulated area and a projecting ridge strongly denticulate, antrum much broader and shorter than in U. orbicentralis, and not bulged laterally.
Wingspan 17–23 mm. Frons and vertex dark brown, dusted with light grey. Labial palpus slightly upturned obliquely, third segment porrect, dark brown, dusted with light grey, contrastingly white at base ventrally, length approximate three times the diameter of the eye. Maxillary palpus dark brown, dusted with light grey, with tip a brush of scales. Basal scaling of proboscis creamy white. Antenna with dark scales dorsally. Thorax dark greyish, dusted with light grey dorsally, greyish-white ventrally. Abdomen grey to dark greyish dorsally, greyish-white ventrally. Legs greyish-white, with scattered few dark scales, sometimes mid- and hind-tibiae, tarsus dark brown, dusted with white outwardly.
Forewing ground colour greyish white, dusted with dark brown, proximal and distal cellular stigmata and postmedian area strongly and contrastingly dark browned; antemedian line from 1/5 of costa oblique outwards to posterior margin of cell, then sinuating to 1/3 of posterior margin; proximal cellular stigma transversely oval, dark brown, rimmed with blackish; distal cellular stigma nearly 8-shaped, coloured like proximal cellular stigma; postmedian line sinuate, from costal 4/5 slightly arched to 3/5 of CuA2, followed by a V-shaped curve, then to 2/3 of posterior margin, traced by a greyish-white line in postmedian area; marginal brown dots at vein ends on costa and termen; basal half of fringe pale grey, distal half dirty white. Hindwing grey, markings indistinct; a dark steak at anterior angle and a blackish dot at posterior angle of cell; postmedian line very indistinct, parallel with termen; fringe paler than in forewing.
Male genitalia (Fig.
Female genitalia (Figs
China (Hebei).
The specific name is derived from the Latin albus = white, striatus = striate, referring to forewing postmedian line traced by a greyish-white line in the postmedian area.
Udea is one of the most species-rich genera of Spilomelinae. Until now, 31 Udea-species are recorded from China, but our knowledge about this fauna is still poor. For example, some of the species are only known by their original descriptions, based on type-localities in China.
Biogeographically, the northern part of China belongs to the Palaearctic region and the southern part to the Oriental region. The border is given by the Qinling Mountains and Huaihe River (
Remarkably, 15 of the Udea species recorded from China are so far only known from China. They are distributed in southwestern Yunnan and Sichuan, northwestern Qinghai, Tibet and Xinjiang as well as on Taiwan. Understanding this pattern will require further faunistic investigations throughout China, and a phylogeographic analysis including areas outside China.
The first author wishes to express her thanks to Prof. Houhun Li (Nankai University, China) for the guidance of her doctoral thesis (some material listed in this paper). Two reviewers and Dr Matthias Nuss (Senckenberg Natural History Collections Dresden, Germany) provided valuable comments on the manuscript. We appreciate the assistance of Mr Hiroshi Yamanaka (4-18 Eiraku-cho, Toyama, Japan) for literatures and helpful comments. This project was supported by a Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China (2015FY210300).