Research Article |
Corresponding author: Alexander S. Konstantinov ( ) Academic editor: James Liebherr
© 2021 Alexander S. Konstantinov.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication.
Konstantinov AS (2021) Flea beetles of the West Indies: the genus Hemilactica Blake, 1937 (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Galerucinae, Alticini). In: Spence J, Casale A, Assmann T, Liebherr JК, Penev L (Eds) Systematic Zoology and Biodiversity Science: A tribute to Terry Erwin (1940-2020). ZooKeys 1044: 589-607.
The West Indian flea beetle genus Hemilactica Blake, 1937 is reviewed. Two new species, both from the Dominican Republic are described and illustrated: H. erwini sp. nov. and H. sierramatringarcia sp. nov. In addition, images of the holotypes of H. portoricensis Blake, H. pulchella Blake, and H. rugosa Blake are provided. Lactica megaspila (Blake) is transferred to Hemilactica. A lectotype of H. quatuordecimpunctata (Suffrian, 1868) is designated and illustrated, and a key to the Hemilactica species and a key for identification of Hemilactica and related genera occurring in the Western Hemisphere are provided.
Beetle diversity, Dominican Republic, lectotype designation, Neotropical Region, new species
As of the most recent account, there are approximately 10,000 valid flea beetle species (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae: Alticini) assigned to 599 valid genera in the World. These constitute the most species-rich family level taxon in leaf beetle family and of these, 59 valid genera and 384 valid species are known to occur in the West Indies. Seventeen genera are West Indian endemics, including Hemilactica Blake, 1937. The genus contains nine species, with seven species known from Cuba, one from Puerto Rico, and one from the Dominican Republic. Two new species have been discovered in the Dominican Republic. They are described below.
Dissecting techniques and morphological terminology follow
The specimens are deposited in collections of the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC, USA (
Hemilactica Blake, 1937: 37. Type species: Hemilactica pulchella Blake, 1937: 37, by original designation.
Cuba, Hispaniola, Puerto Rico.
Micropholis guyanensis (A. DC.) Pierre (Sapotaceae), wild balata (
While describing the genus, Blake compared it with Lactica Erichson and Diphaulaca Chevrolat. It is indeed similar externally to both. However, Hemilactica specimens are missing sclerotized vaginal palpi as Lactica and related genera (
Currently known Hemilactica species exhibit some noticeable differences in “genus” level characters as they are currently understood for the purpose of revising flea beetle genera of the West Indies. The type species, H. pulchella and H. rugosa Blake are quite similar in having strongly punctate dorsum and relatively long and narrow frontal ridge, while species that
, male. Labels: 1) Dominican Rep.: Prov. Barahona, nr. Filipinas, Larimar Mine: 20–26.VI.1992; R. E. Woodruff & P. E. Skelley, at night; 2) Holotype Hemilactica erwini des. A. Konstantinov 2020 (
Pronotum with two longitudinal dark spots on both sides of middle. Elytron with following dark spots: one on humeral callus, one medially to it, on basal callus, one below basal callus towards middle of elytron, one laterally towards side of elytron. Spots vary in size and color, some barely visible. Supracallinal sulcus poorly developed, straight, or convex, perpendicular to midline. Frontal ridge relatively long, dorsally wider than ventrally. Receptacle of spermatheca with inner side straight, outer side convex. Median lobe of aedeagus in lateral view bends abruptly about middle, with tip curving dorsally. Median lobe in ventral view more or less parallel sided basally, narrowing gradually towards narrow apex, lacking denticle.
length 3.02–3.29 mm. Body width (widest point of elytra) 1.56–1.62 mm. Body height 1.08–1.13 mm. Pronotum and elytron yellowish, straw color with poorly defined, brownish spots. Pronotum with two longitudinal spots on both sides of middle. Elytron with following spots: one on humeral callus, one medially to it, on basal callus, one below basal callus towards middle of elytron, one laterally towards side of elytron. Spots vary in size and color, some barely visible (Fig.
Head. Surface of vertex densely and evenly covered with large punctures (Fig.
filiform, reaching beyond half elytron (Fig.
surface glabrous, deeply and coarsely punctate (Fig.
at base wider than base of pronotum, with convex sides. Humeral and basal calli present. Elytral punctation deep, coarse, and confused. Ridges on elytra absent (Fig.
Legs. Pro- and mesotibiae without apical spur and with longitudinal ridge. Protarsomere 1 in males wider and longer than in females. Metatibia (Fig.
Genitalia. Spermatheca (Fig.
Seasonally dry tropical forest.
This species is named after Terry L. Erwin,
Hemilactica erwini is similar to the type species of the genus, H. pulchella Blake and H. rugosa Blake in having relatively narrow frontal ridge and deeply and coarsely punctate elytra with brownish, poorly defined spots and lacking ridges. It may be separated from them by the smaller, less differentiated and paler spots on pronotum and wider tip of the median lobe of the aedeagus. Hemilactica erwini is easily distinguished from the rest Hemilactica species as they have relatively small elytral and pronotal punctations, elytral surface shiny with bright blue or black spots and longitudinal ridges. In addition, H. erwini may be identified with the help of the key below.
, male. Labels: 1) Dominican Republic, Barahona Pr., Sierra Martin Garcia 9.XII.2014, 925 m, WP-511, 18°21.224'N, 71°00.870'W Leg. A. S. Konstantinov; 2) Holotype Hemilactica sierramartingarcia des. A. Konstantinov 2020 (
Pronotum, thorax, antennae, and legs uniformly orange, with tips of legs a bit darker. Elytra uniformly blue. Supracallinal sulcus poorly developed, straight, or convex, perpendicular to midline. Midfrontal sulcus visible, long, but weakly impressed. Frontal ridge relatively long, dorsally wider than ventrally. Median lobe of aedeagus bends gradually about middle, with tip curving dorsally in lateral view. Spermathecal pump more or less straight, wider than receptacle, with small round structure at the tip.
Body length 2.16–2.70 mm. Body width (widest point of elytra) 1.13–1.51 mm. Body height 0.81–0.86 mm. Pronotum, thorax, antennae, and legs uniformly orange, with tips of legs a bit darker. Elytra uniformly blue. Abdomen dark brown with tip a bit lighter.
Head. Surface of vertex densely and evenly covered with large punctations (Fig.
filiform (Fig.
surface glabrous (Fig.
at base wider than base of pronotum, with convex sides. Humeral and basal calli present. Elytral punctation confused. Punctations deeper and slightly larger than those of pronotum. Ridges on elytra absent (Fig.
Legs. Pro- and mesotibiae without apical spur and with longitudinal ridge (Fig.
: Spermatheca with receptacle and pump with distinct border in between (Fig.
Seasonally dry tropical forest (
Specific epithet is a noun in apposition based on the type locality, Sierra Martin Garcia.
Hemilactica sierramartingarcia is quite unusual among Hemilactica species because its uniformly blue elytra. Among them it is similar to H. stomachosa (Suffrian), which elytra are also bluish. The concept of H. stomachosa is based on the specimen from Cuba that Blake identified as such with “?”. Both species may be separated by weakly developed pronotal grooves in H. sierramartingarcia. Pronotal grooves are well developed in H. stomachosa. Hemilactica sierramartingarcia is similar to the type species of the genus, H. pulchella Blake, H. erwini, and H. rugosa Blake in having deeply and coarsely punctate and lacking elytral ridges. Interestingly, median lobe of aedeagus in H. sierramartingarcia and in H. erwini have an elongate apex strongly bent dorsally (Figs
1 | Elytra uniformly blue | 2 |
– | Elytra yellow with brown, blue, and blackish spots | 3 |
2 | Pronotum with barely visible longitudinal and transverse impressions. Elytron even (Fig. |
Hemilactica sierramartingarcia sp. nov. |
– | Pronotum with well developed, well visible longitudinal and transverse impressions. Elytron with poorly developed longitudinal ridges | Hemilactica stomachosa (Suffrian) |
3 | Elytron yellowish, dull, with large and deep punctations and brown spots, mostly lacking ridges (Fig. |
4 |
– | Elytron yellowish, shiny, with small and shallow punctations and often with blue or blackish spots, with ridges (Figs |
7 |
4 | Elytron with two brown transverse zigzagged lines and lighter color in between. Elytron apex lighter in color than elytral disc | Hemilactica graphica Blake |
– | Elytron with different pattern. Elytral apex as light in color as elytral disc | 5 |
5 | Elytron with eight dark brown spots: one on basal callus, one on humeral callus, three spots across elytron near middle, and three above elytral apex (Fig. |
Hemilactica quatuordecimpunctata (Suffrian) |
– | Elytron with different pattern | 6 |
6 | Most of pronotum dark brown. Apex of median lobe of aedeagus produced into a long, thin projection slightly widening at the apex (Fig. |
Hemilactica rugosa Blake |
– | Most of pronotum yellowish. Apex of median lobe of aedeagus produced into a relatively short projection not widening at the apex (Fig. |
Hemilactica erwini sp. nov. |
7 | Elytron dark yellow to orange with wide, bright greenish blue bands basally and apically (Fig. |
Hemilactica clara Blake |
– | Elytron with different pattern | 8 |
8 | Elytron dark bluish with pale margin and pale band across middle | Hemilactica crucifera Blake |
– | Elytron yellowish with or without various dark spots | 9 |
9 | Pronotum and elytra entirely yellowish to orange, lacking markings, except bases of elytra slightly darker (Fig. |
Hemilactica megaspila (Blake) |
– | Elytron with various dark spots | 10 |
10 | Elytron with multiple longitudinal ridges and merging dark spots at base in middle and apex (Fig. |
Hemilactica pulchella Blake |
– | Elytron with large ridge and two, bright purple large spots, basally and apically | 11 |
11 | Front and mid tibiae yellow. Basal and apical elytral spots more or less roundish (Fig. |
Hemilactica portoricensis Blake |
– | Front and mid tibiae dark. Basal and apical elytral spots with more or less straight margin, apical spot in particular | Hemilactica fasciata Blake |
1. Hemilactica clara
Distribution. Cuba.
Material examined. Pilote, Moa.-Ote. Junio 1954. Zayas-Alayo coll.; Paratype No. 64663,
2. Hemilactica crucifera
Distribution. Cuba.
3. Hemilactica erwini sp. nov. (type locality: Prov. Barahona, nr. Filipinas, Larimar Mine; holotype, male; type depository:
Distribution. Hispaniola: Dominican Republic.
Material examined. Holotype, male. Dominican Rep.: Prov. Barahona, nr. Filipinas, Larimar Mine: 20–26.VI.1992; R. E. Woodruff & P. E. Skelley, at night (
4. Hemilactica fasciata
Distribution. Cuba.
5. Hemilactica graphica
Distribution. Hispaniola: Dominican Republic.
6. Hemilactica megaspila (
Distribution. Puerto Rico.
Material examined. Puerto Rico: ElYunque, El, Toro trail WP-230 N18.16.332 W65.49.753, h = 1066 m, 16.VI.2008, leg. A. Konstantinov (5 exx
7. Hemilactica portoricensis
Distribution. Puerto Rico.
Host plant. Micropholis guyanensis (A. DC.) Pierre (Sapotaceae), wild balata (
Material examined. On tree at Villalba P.R., Jun. 18.1934, ss# 5656, RG Oakley; unknown tree, Ins. Gov. Finca Villalba P. R. Coll. 18 June 34, R. G. Oakley;
8. Hemilactica pulchella
Distribution. Cuba.
Material examined. Jarahueca, Ote., Cuba, Jul. 14–18/27; S. C. Bruner; U.S.N.M, Paratype No. 51835; Hemilactica pulchella Blake m 41 (
9. Hemilactica quatuordecimpunctata (
Material examined. Lectotype, female. 31596; MLU Halle, WB Zoologie S.-Nr.7/1/10, T.-Nr. Haltica quatuordecimpunct.; Lectotype Hemilactica quatuordecimpunctata (
10. Hemilactica rugosa
Distribution. Cuba.
Material examined. Palma Mocha Mt.., S. Maestra, Cuba, May 16/48. J. Acuna, 3900–4500 ft.; Hemilactica rugosa (
11. Hemilactica sierramartingarcia sp. nov. (type locality: Dominican Republic, Barahona Pr., Sierra Martin Garcia; holotype; male; type depository:
Distribution. Hispaniola: Dominican Republic.
Material examined. Holotype male. Dominican Republic, Barahona Pr., Sierra Martin Garcia, 9.XII.2014, 925 m, WP-511, 18°21.224'N, 71°00.870'W Leg. A. S. Konstantinov; Holotype Hemilactica sierramartingarcia des. A. Konstantinov 2020 (
12. Hemilactica stomachosa (
Distribution. Cuba, Pinar del Rio Province.
Material examined. Pan de Guajaibon, Prov. P. d. 1210 May 53 Zayas; Hemilactica ? stomachosa Suffr (
1 | Pronotum with a complex sculpture consisting of two longitudinal and two transverse ridges that connect to each other. Elytron with more than one longitudinal ridge. Dorsal surface covered with waxy substance | Myrmeconycha Konstantinov & Tishechkin |
– | Pronotum without two longitudinal and two transverse ridges that connect to each other. Elytron without longitudinal ridges, or with only one ridge. Dorsal surface not covered with waxy substance | 2 |
2 | Base of pronotum without transverse or longitudinal impressions | 3 |
– | Base of pronotum with transverse or longitudinal impressions or both | 4 |
3 | Antennomeres beyond second cylindrical, antennomeres 4 and 5 not wider than apical antennomeres | Disonycha Chevrolat |
– | Antennomeres beyond second more or less flattened, antennomeres 4 and 5 wider than apical antennomeres | Pseudodisonycha Blake |
4 | Head with mid-cranial suture present in lower part of vertex, represented by a short, relatively wide, deep depression. Hind tibia dorsoventrally flattened with grove along its length | Blakealtica Viswajyothi & Konstantinov |
– | Head without mid-cranial suture. Hind tibia more or less round in cross section, without grove along its length | 5 |
5 | Orbit extremely narrow. Frontal ridge long, extending lower than lower side and antennal sockets | Rosalactica Bechyne & Bechyne |
– | Orbit generally wide. Frontal ridge does not extend much lower than lower side of antennal sockets | 6 |
6 | Vertex covered with large closely placed punctations. Elytra often with markings and longitudinal ridges | Hemilactica Blake |
– | Vertex covered with small distantly placed punctations. Elytra often without markings, always without longitudinal ridges | 7 |
7 | Head with transfrontal sulcus absent or poorly impressed. Pronotum mostly with transverse impression. Elytra often with basal callus | Monomacra Chevrolat |
– | Head with transfrontal sulcus well impressed. Pronotum mostly without transverse impression. Elytra often without basal callus | Parchicola Bechyne & Bechyne |
This paper is dedicated to Terry L. Erwin (1940–2020),
I am grateful to Steve Lingafelter (APHIS, PPQ), Charyn Micheli (Department of Entomology, Smithsonian Institution), and Norm Woodley (Hereford, AZ) for camaraderie and companionship during collecting trip to the Dominican Republic in 2004. I thank Jane and Rick Stanley and Gabby Salazar (Bethesda, MD), for their generous assistance and accommodation in Punta Cana and companionship during collecting trip to Dominican Republic in 2014. Kelvin Guerrero (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic) provided in-country consulting and logistical support. I thank Robert Woodruff and Paul Skelley (
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