Research Article
Research Article
Taxonomic complexity in the genus Merodon Meigen, 1803 (Diptera, Syrphidae)
expand article infoAnte Vujić, Snežana Radenković, Laura Likov, Sanja Veselić
‡ University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia
Open Access


The genus Merodon Meigen, 1803 is distributed across the Palaearctic and Afrotropical Regions. The present work summarizes the knowledge from recent taxonomic and systematic revisions and includes an identification key for the five monophyletic lineages (namely albifrons, aureus, avidus-nigritarsis, desuturinus and natans), 24 species groups, two species subgroups and 10 unplaced species, along with diagnosis and illustrations. A list of 234 taxa, including 194 described and 40 undescribed species, is appended. Most of the species are distributed in the Palaearctic (209 taxa, 181 described), while 27 species (14 described) are known from the Afrotropical Region. Three lineages (aureus, desuturinus and natans) are present in the Afrotropical Region, as well as in the Palaearctic. The Afrotropical melanocerus species group of the desuturinus lineage and the bombiformis species group of the aureus lineage are endemic to the Afrotropical Region, and all other species groups belong to the Palaearctic fauna. The albifrons lineage contains six species groups (albifrons, constans, equestris, geniculatus, ruficornis and rufus) and two unplaced taxa. The aureus lineage includes five species groups (aureus, bombiformis, funestus, nanus and spinitarsis). The avidus-nigritarsis lineage is divided into 10 species groups (aberrans, aurifer, avidus, clavipes, fulcratus, italicus, nigritarsis, pruni, serrulatus and tarsatus) and eight unplaced taxa. The desuturinus lineage contains two species groups: the Afrotropical melanocerus group, with the melanocerus and planifacies subgroups plus the species M. cuthbertsoni Curran, 1939, and the Palaearctic murorum species group. The natans lineage consists of the natans species group plus the species M. segetum Fabricius, 1794.


Identification key, integrative taxonomy, lineages, Merodon, morphology, species groups, Syrphidae


The genus Merodon Meigen, 1803 is one of the most species-rich hoverfly genera, distributed across the Palaearctic and Afrotropical Regions (Ståhls et al. 2009; Vujić et al. 2012). It belongs to the tribe Merodontini, formerly named Eumerini. Most recent works used the name Merodontini instead of Eumerini (Skevington and Yeates 2000; Marcos-García et al. 2007; Andrić et al. 2014; Vujić et al. 2015, 2019; Ačanski et al. 2016b; Doczkal et al. 2016; Young et al. 2016; Radenković et al. 2018a; Milić et al. 2019; Šašić Zorić et al. 2019; Likov et al. 2020). However, there is no general consensus on the intratribal structure yet.

The genus Merodon was described by Meigen (1803) based on the type species Syrphus clavipes Fabricius, 1781. Until now, two synonyms of Merodon are recognized: Lampetia Meigen, 1800, originally described without included species, was suppressed by ICZN (1963, Opinion 678: 339); and Exmerodon, created by Becker (1913) as a subgenus of Merodon based on the type species Exmerodon fulcratus Becker, 1913, was listed as synonym by Peck (1988). Currently, the genus Merodon contains 194 described species and 40 undescribed species listed here. The genus is restricted to the Palaearctic and Afrotropical Regions (Ståhls et al. 2009; Šašić et al. 2016), except for M. equestris (Fabricius, 1794) that has been introduced into the Nearctic Region and New Zealand (Speight 2020). The genus is divided in lineages, species groups, species subgroups and species complexes following the system proposed by Šašić et al. (2016) based on different levels of morphological differentiation. Šašić et al. (2016) proposed a system of four levels (ranks) for classification of the genus Merodon: (1) the broadest (first) level consists of large monophyletic lineages where each contains multiple morphologically different species groups; (2) the second broadest level involves taxa that constitute morphologically defined species groups within lineages; (3) the third level represents subgroups that include species with very similar morphologies, but exhibiting small, consistent interspecific character variations that facilitate their distinction; (4) the narrowest (fourth) level are species complexes that comprise morphologically inseparable taxa based on classical taxonomical methods, which can only be resolved by employing integrative taxonomy involving molecular markers, morphometry, and ecology.

In Europe, Merodon is the most speciose genus with 120 described species (152 including Turkey) (Speight 2020; Vujić, unpublished). The highest species diversity is recorded for the Mediterranean Basin (Vujić et al. 2012), which is associated with a high diversity of bulb plant species that serve as larval host plants (Ricarte et al. 2008, 2017; Andrić et al. 2014; Preradović et al. 2018). Asia Minor and Eastern Europe (especially the Balkan Peninsula) are considered hot spots and regions with high endemism for the genus Merodon (Kaloveloni et al. 2015), as documented by several studies in the Eastern Mediterranean Basin (Vujić et al. 2007, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2020a, b, c; Ståhls et al. 2009, 2016; Radenković et al. 2011, 2020; Kaloveloni et al. 2015; Ačanski et al. 2016a, b; Likov et al. 2020). Unlike this area, Afrotropical Region and Eastern Palaearctic are characterized by a low number of species (Vujić, unpublished).

The genus Merodon was classified into more than 20 monophyletic species groups, half of which were addressed in Hurkmans’ (1993) monograph. Hurkmans (1993) gave the first and most comprehensive revision of the genus, placing 61 species with tapering abdomen into 11 species groups, namely alagoezicus, alexeji, avidus, clavipes, crassifemoris, elegans, longicornis, nigritarsis, pruni, tarsatus and vandergooti. Mengual et al. (2006) discerned four species groups (desuturinus, albifrons, nigritarsis and aureus) based on molecular data among the species occurring in the Iberian Peninsula. Vujić et al. (2019) recognized five monophyletic lineages within the genus Merodon, i.e., albifrons, aureus, avidus-nigritarsis, desuturinus and natans, condensing previous studies from Šašić et al. (2016) and Radenković et al. (2018a). The albifrons+desuturinus lineage sensu Vujić et al. (2012) is now divided into two lineages, albifrons and desuturinus.

Nowadays, with the advent of molecular and morphometric techniques, an integrative taxonomic framework has become the standard to study the taxonomy of genus Merodon. Combining molecular characters (mtDNA cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and the nuclear 28S rRNA genes) with morphological traits (geometric wing morphometry, surstylus shape and size, and other morphological characters), a number of cryptic and sibling species have been delineated within different species groups. Notable examples are the ruficornis species group (Radenković et al. 2002; Milankov et al. 2008c; Francuski et al. 2009; Vujić et al. 2012), desuturinus species group (Milankov et al. 2008b; Vujić et al. 2018b), aureus and cinereus species subgroups (Milankov et al. 2008a; Francuski et al. 2011; Šašić et al. 2016; Veselić et al. 2017; Radenković et al. 2018b), avidus species complex (Milankov et al. 2009; Popović et al. 2015; Ačanski et al. 2016b), albifrons species group (Milankov et al. 2013), nigritarsis species group (Vujić et al. 2013; Likov et al. 2020), nanus species group (Vujić et al. 2015; Kočiš Tubić et al. 2018), serrulatus species group (Vujić et al. 2020b), constans species group (Vujić et al. 2020a), rufus species group (Radenković et al. 2020), and all Merodon species of Lesvos Island (Ståhls et al. 2009).

The aim of this work is to summarize the knowledge from recent taxonomic and systematic revisions, to help taxonomists to have a central reference for the recent published literature, and to present an identification key for the identification of lineages, species groups, species subgroups and unplaced species of Merodon.

Material and methods

A total of 255 species belonging to the tribe Merodontini (genera Azpeytia Walker, 1865, Eumerus Meigen, 1822, Megatrigon Johnson, 1898, Merodon and Platynochaetus Weidemann, 1830) from the Palaearctic and Afrotropical Regions were studied. All specimens were identified by Ante Vujić and Snežana Radenković. Representative specimens are deposited in the collections of the Department of Biology and Ecology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Serbia (FSUNS).

Morphological terminology follows Thompson (1999), except for the male genitalia that follows Marcos-García et al. (2007). We use the terms “fossette”, “hypostomal bridge”, “postalar” and “occipital foramen” from Doczkal and Pape (2009), and “oral margin” from Radenković et al. (2018a). For the pollinose markings on abdominal terga we used the term fasciate maculae. These markings are elongate and usually separated medially. Sometimes the fasciate maculae may have joined medially forming an entire fascia or band, but we consistently referred to them as fasciate maculae.

Male genitalia were extracted from dry specimens previously relaxed in a humidity chamber. After genitalia were pulled out with a hook-tipped entomological pin, they were cleared by boiling in warm 10% potassium hydroxide (KOH) for 3–5 min. Acetic acid was then used to neutralize the KOH during 5 s, and genitalia were immersed briefly in ethanol to remove the acid. Prepared genitalia were stored in microvials containing glycerol.

Photographs were taken using a Leica DFC 320 digital camera, attached to a Leica MZ16 stereomicroscope and Nikon Coolpix D7100 digital camera attached to a Nikon SMZ 745T stereomicroscope. Digital photographs were stacked using CombineZ software (Hadley 2006). A Leica MZ16 binocular microscope was used with an FSA 25 PE drawing tube to make the drawings.


Tribe Merodontini

Based on Doczkal and Pape (2009), members of the Merodontini possess six autapomorphic character states: hypostomal bridge close to the occipital foramen with a transverse crest (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S1A: marked with arrow), absent in others (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S1B); presence of a pyramidal tubercle on the postalar wall (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S2A: marked with arrow), flat in others (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S2B: marked with arrow); dorsomedian part of anepimeron setose (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S2C: marked with arrow), bare in others (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S2D: marked with arrow); presence of a well-defined fossette (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S3C: marked with arrow), absent in others (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S3D); wing vein R1 joining C beyond 0.6 of the distance from Sc to R2+3 (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S3A), different in others (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S3B); and distal end of M1 recurrent, forming an acute outer angle with R4+5 (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S3A: marked with arrow), obtuse in others (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S3B: marked with arrow). The first two character states are unique to the Merodontini, whereas the remaining character states are homoplasious with occurrences elsewhere in Syrphidae (Doczkal and Pape 2009). Other autapomorphies of the Merodontini, not present in Lyneborgimyia Doczkal & Pape, 2009, are the presence of a lateral sclerite of the aedeagus (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S10F: s) and ventral processes and/or invaginations of the hypandrium (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S10F: marked with arrow) (Doczkal and Pape 2009).

Genus Merodon

Merodon Meigen, 1803, Mag. Insektenk, 2, 274. Type-species: Syrphus clavipes Fabricius, 1781, by subsequent designation of Guérin-Méneville in Bory de Saint-Vincent 1826: 446.

Lampetia Meigen, 1800, Nouvelle classification des mouches à deux ailes (Diptera L.) d’après un plan tout nouveau J.J. Fuchs, Paris: 34. Type-species: Syrphus clavipes Fabricius, 1781, by subsequent designation of Coquillett, 1910: 557. Suppressed by ICZN 1963: Opinion 678: 339.

Differential diagnosis. The genus can be distinguished by the presence of an antero-ventral triangular lamina above the apex of the metafemur (as in Suppl. material 1: Fig. S15D or Suppl. material 1: Fig. S28E, F), wing vein R4+5 with a deep loop into cell r4+5, and veins Sc and R1 connected with a stigmal crossvein (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S3A: marked with asterisk).

As mentioned earlier, there are five monophyletic lineages within the genus Merodon: albifrons, aureus, avidus-nigritarsis, desuturinus, and natans (Vujić et al. 2019). The main morphological features and the list and number of species are presented in Supplementary materials.

Identification key to the Merodon lineages

In this section and sections below, we provide several identification keys to the 24 species groups, two species subgroups and 10 unplaced species within the genus Merodon. For further species identification inside species groups, species subgroups and species complexes, published revisionary works are cited in brackets.

1 Mesocoxa without long pile posteriorly (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S4B), or if mesocoxa with 1–3 long pile posteriorly then inner side of metafemur with a row of spinae (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S5A) avidus-nigritarsis lineage
Mesocoxa with at least a few long pile posteriorly (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S4A), inner side of metafemur without a row of spinae 2
2 Mesocoxa with more than 10 long pile posteriorly 4
Mesocoxa with a few long pile posteriorly (usually five to seven, or less) (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S5B) 3
3 Basoflagellomere elongated, twice as long as wide, narrowed in apical third (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S6A); scutum usually with five well defined pollinose longitudinal vittae (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S6C). Anterior surstyle lobe of male genitalia well-developed, oval, without curved distal prolongation (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S13A: al) natans lineage
Basoflagellomere less than half as long as wide, narrowed in apical half (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S6B); scutum without pollen or with less distinct pollinose longitudinal vittae (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S6D). Anterior surstyle lobe of male genitalia with curved distal prolongation (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S12E, H: al) desuturinus lineage (in part)
4 Anterior anepisternum with bare area ventral to postpronotum (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S7B) 6
Anterior anepisternum with many long pile ventral to postpronotum (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S7A) 5
5 Postpronotum usually brown or yellow-reddish. Male genitalia: anterior surstyle lobe with curved distal prolongation (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S12E, H: al). Female: pilosity on lateral side of tergum 4 long, medially short and mostly adpressed (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S8A) desuturinus lineage (in part)
Postpronotum black. Male genitalia: anterior surstyle lobe undeveloped (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S4A: al). Female: all the pilosity on tergum 4 approximately of same length (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S8B) aureus lineage
6 Lateral sclerite of the aedeagus gradually tapered, with the tip curved (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S12C: s); wing microtrichose between veins R1 and RS (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S9A) desuturinus lineage (in part)
Lateral sclerite of the aedeagus hammer-like (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S2C: s); wing with bare area in the basal part of wing cell r1, between veins R1 and RS (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S9B) albifrons lineage

Key to the species groups and unplaced species of the albifrons lineage

1 Postpronotum, lateral sides of scutum and face yellowish (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S31) Merodon luteihumerus Marcos-García, Vujić & Mengual, 2007
Postpronotum, lateral sides of scutum and face black or dark 2
2 Pro- and mesolegs strongly modified (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S32A, C) Merodon mixtum Vujić, Radenković & Likov, 2019
Pro- and mesolegs with usual shape 3
3 Pilosity on the posterior part of abdomen (at least tergum 4) denser and strikingly golden to reddish-yellow (as in Suppl. material 1: Fig. S33A) contrasting with the colour of the pilosity on the rest of the abdomen constans species group (Vujić et al. 2020a)
Pilosity on the posterior part of abdomen not denser compared to the anterior part (Suppl. material 3: Fig. S2B) 4
4 Large (11–17 mm) bumble bee-like species with dense and long body pilosity (Suppl. material 3: Fig. S2A, B); males with strong apical dorsal calcar on metatibia (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S34A) equestris species group (Marcos-García et al. 2011)
Species with different characters 5
5 Medium to large sized species (9–13 mm) with black, bronze lustre terga (lack pollinose fasciate maculae), except a pair of small, orange, lateral markings on tergum 2 (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S33B); scutum and terga covered with erect, mostly yellowish to reddish pilosity, except few black pile medially on terga 3 and 4 (Suppl. material 1: Fig. 33C). Male: metatrochanter can have a calcar, but metatibia always without calcar (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S34B) rufus species group (Radenković et al. 2020)
Species with different characters; usually with pollinose fasciate maculae on terga 6
6 Female (genitalia not visible) 9
Male (genitalia visible externally) 7
7 Metaleg with some modifications on metatrochanter, metafemur and/or metatibia; male genitalia often with hook-like posterior surstyle lobe or cercus with prominence(s) 8
Metaleg usually without modifications (exception is Merodon trochantericus Costa, 1884, see in Suppl. material 1: Fig. S34C); male genitalia with rounded posterior surstyle lobe, biramous anterior surstyle lobe pliers-like (with thorn-like interior accessory lobe process), and cercus without prominences (as in Suppl. material 2: Fig. S2A) albifrons species group
8 Metatrochanter with blunt calcar apically covered with long pile (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S34D); metatibia with apicomedial carina (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S34E); male genitalia with rounded or acute posterior surstyle lobe, biramous anterior surstyle lobe with apical extension more developed, and cercus with prominence(s) (as in Suppl. material 2: Fig. S2G: marked with arrow) geniculatus species group (Vujić et al. 2018a)
Metatrochanter with sharp apical calcar (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S34F); metafemur usually with ventral tubercle or calcar (as on Suppl. material 1: Fig. S34F: marked with arrow); metatibia usually with apicolateral process (as on Suppl. material 1: Fig. S34F: marked with arrow); male genitalia usually with hook-like posterior surstyle lobe, biramous anterior surstyle lobe with moderately developed interior accessory lobe and apical extension, and cercus without prominences (as in Suppl. material 2: Fig. S3A: c) ruficornis species group (Vujić et al. 2012)
9 Metatibia narrow, not swollen apically (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S34G); terga 3–5 black ruficornis species group (Vujić et al. 2012)
Metatibia incrassate apically (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S34H); terga 3–5 usually partly reddish 10
10 Scutum usually with five distinct pollinose vittae (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S35A); terga 2–4 with well-defined pollinose fasciate maculae (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S35B); metatibia with concave ventral margin in apical half (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S34H) geniculatus species group (Vujić et al. 2018a)
Scutum with indistinct pollinose vittae; terga 2–4 without or with narrower pollinose fasciate maculae (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S35C); metatibia with straight ventral margin in apical half (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S33D) albifrons species group

Key to the groups and unplaced species and species of the aureus lineage

1 Female (genitalia not visible) 6
Male (genitalia visible externally) 2
2 Metatrochanter with calcar (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S28B marked with arrow) 5
Metatrochanter rounded and smooth, without calcar (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S28A) 3
3 Hypandrium strongly modified, sinuous in apical half, with subapical ctenidium and stitched theca (cuticle looks like it is sewed) (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S4K) spinitarsis species group
Hypandrium different, but with apical ctenidium and without stitch on theca (as in Suppl. material 2: Fig. S5C) 4
4 Pedicel elongated, approximately as long as basoflagellomere (relation pedicel basoflagellomere = 0.9 : 1.1) (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S29A); hypandrium narrowed medially (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S5C: marked with arrow) bombiformis species group (Afrotropical Region)
Pedicel shorter than basoflagellomere (as in Suppl. material 1: Fig. S29B); hypandrium broad, not narrowed medially (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S4G) nanus species group (Vujić et al. 2015; Kočiš Tubić et al. 2018)
5 Yellow-grey pilosity on terga more dense and striking laterally, as well as on pollinose fasciate maculae of terga 2 and 3, and on tergum 4 (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S30A); pedicel elongated, approximately as long as basoflagellomere (relation pedicel : basoflagellomere = 0.9 : 1.1) (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S29C) funestus species group
Terga evenly covered with upstanding, dense pilosity (can be differently coloured) (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S30B); pedicel shorter than basoflagellomere (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S29D) aureus species group (Šašić et al. 2016, 2018, 2019; Veselić et al. 2017; Radenković et al. 2018b; Vujić et al. 2020c)
6 Pedicel shorter than basoflagellomere (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S29F) 8
Pedicel elongated, approximately as long as basoflagellomere (relation pedicel : basoflagellomere = 0.9 : 1.1) (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S29E) 7
7 Apical triangular lamina on metafemur weakly serrated, usually with distinct apical dens (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S28E: marked with arrow) bombiformis species group (Afrotropical Region)
Apical triangular lamina on metafemur markedly serrated (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S28F: marked with arrow) funestus species group
8 Terga without pollinose fasciate maculae, with dense puncta (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S30C) 9
Terga 2–4 (at least 2) usually with pollinose medial fasciate maculae, with less dense puncta (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S30D) aureus species group (Šašić et al. 2016, 2018, 2019; Veselić et al. 2017; Radenković et al. 2018b; Vujić et al. 2020c)
9 Tergum 4 covered with short adpressed pile (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S30E); tarsi black (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S28C) spinitarsis species group
Tergum 4 covered with longer semi-erect pile, longer than basoflegellomere (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S30F); tarsi partly reddish (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S28D) nanus species group (Vujić et al. 2015; Kočiš Tubić et al. 2018)

Key to the species groups and unplaced species of the avidus-nigritarsis lineage

1 Inner side of metafemur with a row of spinae (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S5A). Male with two fossette (small apical one on the inner side, and a large one on the outer side) (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S10A, B); mesocoxa with 1–3 long pile posteriorly Merodon eumerusi Vujić, Radenković & Likov, 2019
Inner side of metafemur without a row of spinae 2
2 Terga partly brown, reddish or yellow 22
Terga black 3
3 Females (genitalia not visible) 13
Males (genitalia visible externally) 4
4 Male genitalia without ctenidium at hypandrium (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S7K: marked with arrow); small sized species (5–9 mm) with metallic shiny body and distinctly dichoptic eyes, separated by distance almost as long as distance between ocelli (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S11A); metafemur with very small apical triangular lamina apicoventrally (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S12A: marked with arrow) fulcratus species group
Male genitalia always with ctenidium at hypandrium (as in Suppl. material 2: Fig. S7C: marked with arrow) 5
5 Large species (15–20 mm) with long body pilosity and broad metafemur covered with long pile (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S12B); basoflagellomere elongated; terga usually covered with pile in different combinations of colours (white, yellow or black) (Suppl. material 3: Fig. S9A, B); surstyle with well-defined and large anterior and posterior lobes (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S7A: al, pl) clavipes species group
Species with shorter pilosity and different combinations of characters 6
6 Sternum 4 medially clearly divided with membranous structure and with posterolateral tubercles or laminate extensions (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S11C: marked with arrow); sternum 4 from lateral view usually fin-form (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S11D: marked with arrow); basotarsomere of metatarsus usually expanded (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S12C, D) and/or with strong setae ventrally (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S12C, D: marked with arrow) tarsatus species group
Sternum 4 and basotarsomere of metatarsus without such modifications 7
7 Male genitalia: posterior surstyle lobe divided into two branches (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S9J: pl); eyes slightly dichoptic, distance between eyes about two facets long (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S11B) Merodon hirtus Sack, 1932
Male genitalia: posterior surstyle lobe not divided into branches; eyes holoptic 8
8 Abdomen elongated and narrow; terga black; terga 2–4 with a pair of pollinose fasciate maculae (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S11E); metafemur usually long and narrow. Male genitalia: hypandrium with very long lingula (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S6C: l); posterior surstyle lobe with inner lobe covered with long and strong setae (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S6B) aberrans species group
Species with different combinations of characters 9
9 Basoflagellomere elongated, at least three times as long as wide (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S13A); posterior surstyle lobe quadratic (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S7D: pl) italicus species group (in part)
Basoflagellomere less elongated; posterior surstyle lobe different 10
10 Posterior surstyle lobe with basolateral protrusion (lateral hump) (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S9G: marked with arrow). Metafemur with shorter pilosity ventrally, shorter than width of metafemur (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S14A); basoflagellomere narrow and elongated, two times longer as pedicel (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S13B) serrulatus species group (in part) (Vujić et al. 2020b)
Posterior surstyle lobe of male genitalia without basolateral protrusion (lateral hump) 11
11 Basoflagellomere reddish-yellow (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S13C); tarsus of metaleg yellow (at least basotarsomere) (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S14B); metatarsus long, more than three times longer than wide (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S14B); metafemur less incrassate, ca. four times longer than wide (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S14B) Merodon ottomanus Hurkmans, 1993
Basoflagellomere brown to black; tarsi of metaleg dark; metatarsus shorter, two times longer than wide (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S14D); metafemur more incrassate, ca. three times longer than wide (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S14C) 12
12 Basoflagellomere with convex dorsal margin (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S13D); posterior surstyle lobe with the apical hump directed towards cercus (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S10G: marked with arrow) Merodon clunipes Sack, 1913 (in part)
Basoflagellomere with concave dorsal margin (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S13E); posterior surstyle lobe without the apical hump directed towards cercus (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S10A: pl) Merodon auronitens Hurkmans, 1993
13 Metafemur more incrassate, ca. three times longer than wide, covered with dense pilosity (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S15A) 14
Metafemur less incrassate, at least three times longer than wide (as in Suppl. material 1: Fig. S15B) 15
14 Basoflagellomere shorter, 1.3 times as long as wide, with convex dorsal margin (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S16A); pile on ventral margin of metafemur shorter, ca. one third of width of metafemur (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S15A) Merodon clunipes Sack, 1913 (in part)
Basoflagellomere elongated, two times as long as wide (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S16B); pile on ventral margin of metafemur longer, ca. half of width of metafemur (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S15C) clavipes species group (in part)
15 Small sized species (8-11 mm) with metallic shiny body; scutum and terga strongly punctate, without or with very weak pollinose areas (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S17A, B); metafemur with very small apical triangular lamina apicoventrally (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S15D marked with arrow) fulcratus group
Species with different combinations of characters 16
16 Metafemur with short pilosity (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S15E) serrulatus species group (in part) (Vujić et al. 2020b)
Metafemur with longer pile (as in Suppl. material 1: Fig. S15B) 17
17 Abdomen broad, oval (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S17C); terga without pollinosity or with very weak pollinose fasciate maculae; tarsus of metaleg yellow (at least basotarsomere) (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S15B) Merodon ottomanus Hurkmans, 1993
Species with different combinations of characters 18
18 Basotarsomere of metatarsus elongated, four times as long as wide (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S15F); basoflagellomere elongated, 2.5 times as long as wide (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S16C); tarsi yellow, tibiae mostly yellowish, except medially brown (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S15F) Merodon murinus Sack, 1913 (in part)
Species with different combinations of characters 19
19 Abdomen narrow, elongated (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S17D); metaleg usually narrow (as in Suppl. material 1: Fig. S18A) aberrans species group
Species with broader abdomen and metaleg 20
20 Tergum 2 without or with indistinct narrow pollinose fasciate maculae (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S19A, B); basotarsomere of metatarsus usually expanded (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S18B) or with strong setae ventrally (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S18B marked with arrow) tarsatus species group
Tergum 2 with broad pollinose fasciate maculae (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S19C); basotarsomere of metatarsus not expanded and without strong setae ventrally (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S18C) 21
21 Terga 2–4 strongly punctate; second and third tarsomeres similar in size (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S18D marked with arrow); sterna shiny Merodon auronitens Hurkmans, 1993
Terga 2–4 finely punctate; second tarsomere longer than third (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S18C marked with arrow); sterna dull Merodon hirtus Sack, 1932
22 Females (genitalia not visible) 31
Males (genitalia visible externally) 23
23 Metatibia swollen in apical half (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S20A); basotarsomere of metatarsus strongly modified (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S20A) Merodon caudatus Sack, 1913
Metaleg without such modifications 24
24 Posterior surstyle lobe with basolateral protrusion (lateral hump) (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S9G: marked with arrow) serrulatus species group (in part) (Vujić et al. 2020b)
Posterior surstyle lobe without basolateral protrusion 25
25 Face with a bulge below antennae (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S21A: marked with arrow); posterior surstyle lobe hook-like (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S10J: pl) Merodon crassifemoris Paramonov, 1925
Face without a bulge below antennae 26
26 Metatrochanter without calcar 28
Metatrochanter with distinct calcar (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S20B: marked with arrow) 27
27 Basoflagellomere 1.2 times as long as wide (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S23A); body pilosity very short; terga 3–4 dark (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S22A) aurifer species group
Basoflagellomere short, as long as wide (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S23B); body pilosity longer; terga 3–4 mostly yellow-red (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S22B) pruni species group
28 Basoflagellomere elongated, at least three times as long as wide (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S13A); posterior surstyle lobe quadratic (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S7D: pl) italicus species group (in part)
Basoflagellomere shorter, less than three times as long as wide (as in Suppl. material 1: Fig. S23C); posterior surstyle lobe different 29
29 Eye contiguity very short, approximately four to five facets long (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S21B); male genitalia in Suppl. material 2: Fig. S11D–F Merodon murinus Sack, 1913 (in part)
Eye contiguity more than 10 facets long (as in Suppl. material 1: Fig. S21C); male genitalia different 30
30 Tarsi yellow dorsally and ventrally (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S20C, D) avidus species group (Popović et al. 2015; Ačanski et al. 2016b; Likov et al. 2020)
Tarsi dark brown/black dorsally and orange/brown ventrally (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S20E, F) nigritarsis species group (Vujić et al. 2013; Likov et al. 2020)
31 At least terga 2 and 3 with brown, reddish or yellow markings 36
Only tergum 2 with brown, reddish or yellow maculae, other terga dark 32
32 Metatibia swollen in apical half (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S24A); tarsomeres of mesotarsus with strong, black lateral setae (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S24B) Merodon caudatus Sack, 1913
Metatibia of normal shape (as in Suppl. material 1: Fig. S24C); tarsomeres of mesotarsus without such lateral setae 33
33 Pile on ventral margin of metafemur dense and long, the longest as long as width of metafemur (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S15C) clavipes species group
Pile on ventral margin of metafemur shorter, maximum as long as half of width of metafemur (as in Suppl. material 1: Fig. S15A) 34
34 Basoflagellomere shorter, 1.3 times as long as wide, with convex dorsal margin (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S16A); metafemur incrassate or swollen, ca. three times longer than wide (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S15A) Merodon clunipes Sack, 1913 (in part)
Basoflagellomere longer, with straight or concave dorsal margin (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S16C); metafemur less incrassate 35
35 Tarsi yellow, tibiae mostly yellowish, only medially brown; frons and vertex usually partly reddish to yellow (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S25A) Merodon murinus Sack, 1913 (in part)
Legs mostly black, at least tarsi dark; frons black serrulatus species group (in part) (Vujić et al. 2020b)
36 Basoflagellomere elongated, more than 1.5 times as long as wide (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S26B); metatrochanter with rounded ventral margin (as in Suppl. material 1: Fig. S24D) 38
Basoflagellomere shorter, less than 1.3 times as long as wide (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S26A); metatrochanter with angular ventral margin (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S24C: marked with arrow) 37
37 Basoflagellomere very short, as long as wide (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S26A); metafemur dorsally and ventrally covered with longer outstanding pile (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S24C) pruni species group
Basoflagellomere longer, 1.2 times as long as wide (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S26C); metafemur covered with short and adpressed pilosity (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S24E) aurifer species group
38 Face with a bulge below antennae (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S25B: marked with arrow) Merodon crassifemoris Paramonov, 1925
Face without a bulge below antennae 39
39 Basoflagellomere elongated, at least 2.7 times as long as wide (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S26D); terga 2 and 3 reddish (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S25C) italicus species group (in part)
Basoflagellomere shorter, less than 2.5 times as long as wide (as in Suppl. material 1: Fig. S26E) 40
40 Tarsi yellow dorsally and ventrally (as in Suppl. material 1: Fig. S20C, D) avidus species group (Popović et al. 2015; Ačanski et al. 2016b; Likov et al. 2020)
Tarsi dark brown/black dorsally and orange/brown ventrally (as in Suppl. material 1: Fig. S20E, F) nigritarsis species group (Vujić et al. 2013; Likov et al. 2020)

Key to the species group, species subgroups and unplaced species of the desuturinus lineage

1 Oral margin reduced, covered by microtrichia (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S37A). Distribution: western, central and southern Africa planifacies species subgroup (Djan et al. 2020)
Oral margin notched, slightly produced forward (as in Suppl. material 1: Fig. S37B) 2
2 Metatrochanter with sparse pale pile (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S37C) 3
Metatrochanter with dense and strong yellow to red brush of pile (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S37D). Distribution: South Africa melanocerus species subgroup (Radenković et al. 2018a)
3 Apical fourth of tibiae and all tarsi bright yellow; Afrotropical species (Zimbabwe) Merodon cuthbertsoni Curran, 1939
Tarsi partly brown or black; Palaearctic species murorum species group (Vujić et al. 2018b)

Key to the species group and unplaced species of the natans lineage

1 Scutum with distinct pollinose ornamentation, vittae and fasciae (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S27D); terga 2–4 with broad pollinose fasciate maculae (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S27A) natans species group
Scutum with indistinct pollinose vittae (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S27E); terga 2–4 without or with narrow pollinose fasciate maculae (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S27B) Merodon segetum Fabricius, 1794

Systematic summary

Merodon albifrons lineage

Diagnosis. From small to large sized species (7–19 mm) with non-tapering abdomen and a characteristic structure of male genitalia. It is defined by having the mesocoxa pilose posteriorly (> 10 pile) (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S4A), anterior anepisternum with bare area ventral to postpronotum (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S7B), and male genitalia with a biramous anterior surstyle lobe having an apical extension and interior accessory lobe, and a hammer-like lateral sclerite of the aedeagus (except for the rufus species group where the lateral sclerite of the aedeagus is not enlarged apically, but with a slightly curved apex) (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S2C: s).

The albifrons lineage comprises 65 species (61 described + 4 undescribed) distributed in six species groups (albifrons, constans, equestris, geniculatus, ruficornis, and rufus) and two unplaced species: M. luteihumerus Marcos-García, Vujić & Mengual, 2007 and M. mixtum Vujić, Radenković & Likov, 2019 (Suppl. material 5: Table S1).

1) albifrons species group (Suppl. material 3: Fig. S1A, B)

Diagnosis. Small to medium-sized species (7–11 mm); abdominal terga at least partly reddish; terga 2–4 usually each with a pair of pollinose fasciate maculae; male metaleg without projections, calcars or spina, except M. trochantericus Costa, 1884 on metatrochanter, metafemur and apex of metatibia (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S34C). Male genitalia with characteristic thorn-like interior accessory lobe on the anterior surstyle lobe, and lateral sclerite of the aedeagus hammer-like with pointed end (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S2C: s).

Diversity and distribution. The albifrons species group contains eight described species (Suppl. material 5: Table S1) distributed in the Mediterranean Basin, with its highest diversity in the western part.

Identification. An identification key to the species of this group is in preparation (Vujić, unpublished).

2) constans species group (Suppl. material 3: Fig. S1C, D)

Diagnosis. Medium to large-sized species (9–18 mm); posterior part of abdomen (at least tergum 4) covered with golden to reddish-yellow pile (as in Suppl. material 1: Fig. S33A); terga from black (continental species and populations) to reddish (Mediterranean species and populations); terga 2–4 (at least tergum 4) each with a pair of usually elongated pollinose fasciate maculae (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S33A); scutum often with black pile between wing bases; male with tubercle, calcar or lamina on metalegs (on apex of metatibia and ventral margin of metafemur) (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S34I–J). Male genitalia with characteristic rabbit ear-like posterior surstyle lobe, biramous anterior surstyle lobe with moderately developed interior accessory lobe and apical extension, cercus can be with pointed apex (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S1A: c) and lateral sclerite of the aedeagus hammer-like with usually tapering end (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S1F: s).

Diversity and distribution. Predominantly northern and eastern Mediterranean distribution, with no representatives on the Iberian Peninsula (Marcos-García et al. 2007). Its highest diversity is in the Caucasus Region and on the Balkan Peninsula.

Identification. Vujić et al. (2020a) provided an identification key for 15 species of the constans species group and distribution maps.

3) equestris species group (Suppl. material 3: Fig. S2A, B)

Diagnosis. Medium to large-sized species (11–17 mm) characterised by bumble bee mimicry, with long body pile (Suppl. material 3: Fig. S2A, B); male metatibia with a conspicuous apical calcar (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S34A). Male genitalia with biramous anterior surstyle lobe and with well-developed apical extension curved internally (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S2D: al); lateral sclerite of the aedeagus hammer-like with oval margins (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S2F: s); cercus triangular-shaped (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S2D: c).

Diversity and distribution. Three species belong to the equestris species group: M. confusus Marcos-García, Vujić, Ricarte & Ståhls, 2011, M. equestris and M. flavus Sack, 1913, all native to South Europe. Merodon equestris has been introduced elsewhere, including Japan, North America and New Zealand (Speight 2020).

Identification. Marcos-García et al. (2011) provided a taxonomic revision of the group with an identification key.

4) geniculatus species group (Suppl. material 3: Fig. S2C, D)

Diagnosis. Tergum 2 with reddish lateral maculae; terga 2–4 with distinct pollinose fasciate maculae (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S35B); metatibia in apical third strongly curved, with broad tip (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S34E); metatrochanter in male with a blunt calcar, usually covered with a pile-tuft (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S34D). Male genitalia with biramous anterior surstyle lobe with apical extension more developed, posterior surstyle lobe oval or triangular, cercus with prominence(s) and lateral sclerite of the aedeagus hammer-like with oval margins (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S2I: s).

Diversity and distribution. The geniculatus species group comprises 11 described species. Marcos-García et al. (2007) described three new species from the Iberian Peninsula (M. antonioi Marcos-García, Vujić & Mengual, 2007, M. crypticus Marcos-García, Vujić & Mengual, 2007 and M. longispinus Marcos-García, Vujić & Mengual, 2007), in addition to the four previously known Iberian taxa (M. eques Fabricius, 1805, M. escorialensis Strobl in Czerny and Strobl 1909, M. geniculatus Strobl in Czerny and Strobl 1909 and M. teruelensis van der Goot, 1966). Vujić et al. (2018a) revealed four species from the Eastern Mediterranean: M. albifasciatus Macquart, 1842, M. chalybeatus Sack, 1913, M. luteofasciatus Vujić, Radenković & Ståhls, 2018 and M. neofasciatus Ståhls & Vujić, 2018. In addition, there are four undescribed species in the Western Mediterranean (Suppl. material 5: Table S1).

Identification. A taxonomic revision of the Eastern Mediterranean species is provided by Vujić et al. (2018a), and the revision for the Western Mediterranean species is in preparation (Vujić, unpublished).

5) ruficornis species group (Suppl. material 3: Fig. S3A, B)

Diagnosis. Metatrochanter, metafemur and metatibia usually with tubercle, calcar or lamina in the male (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S34F). Male genitalia usually with characteristic hook-like posterior surstyle lobe, biramous anterior surstyle lobe with moderately developed interior accessory lobe and apical extension, cercus without prominences and lateral sclerite of the aedeagus hammer-like with oval margins (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S3C: s). In females, tergum 4 usually with transversal depression (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S36C); terga dark, except tergum 2 with a pair of lateral red-orange maculae; terga 2–4 usually with a pair of white pollinose fasciate maculae; tergum 5 with two small lateral depressions (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S36C); vertex at the level of ocellar triangle shiny black (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S36A).

Diversity and distribution. A total of 18 species are recognized in the ruficornis species group (Vujić et al. 2012).The group has a predominantly Eastern Mediterranean distribution with a very high level of endemism. Among the 18 taxa (Suppl. material 5: Table S1), 12 are limited-range endemics and are only found in a few mountain areas or in a small part of the total range of the group. Two regions with a high level of endemism are the Anatolian Peninsula and the Caucasus Region.

Identification. Distributional data and an identification key for 18 species are provided by Vujić et al. (2012).

6) rufus species group (Suppl. material 3: Fig. S3C, D)

Diagnosis. In general appearance similar to the members of the ruficornis species group. This group comprises black species with bronze reflections that are covered with golden-yellow erect pile, shiny terga and sterna without any trace of pollinosity, and tergum 2 with a pair of small lateral orange maculae (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S33B). Males lack the extensions on the metafemur and metatibia (contrary to the species of the ruficornis species group). The male genitalia have biramous anterior surstyle lobe consisting of an interior accessory lobe carrying two spines and protruded apical extension, cercus without prominences (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S3D: c), and with lateral sclerite of the aedeagus curved apically (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S3F: s). In females, the tergum 4 is without a transversal depression (contrary to the female of the ruficornis species group), whereas the frons and vertex are shiny, black, and without any pollinosity, with the exception of a narrow line along the eye margin (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S36B).

Diversity and distribution. The European rufus species group is composed of four species, three of which belong to recently described species from Mediterranean mountains, namely M. kozufensis Radenković & Vujić, 2020, M. olympius Vujić & Radenković, 2020, and M. orjensis Radenković & Vujić, 2020 (Radenković et al. 2020). The fourth species is M. rufus Meigen, 1838.

Identification. Radenković et al. (2020) recognized this group for the first time and provided a revised identification key.

Unplaced species of the albifrons lineage

Merodon luteihumerus (Suppl. material 3: Fig. S4A, B) is a very distinctive species with yellowish humeri, postalar calli, antennae, tibiae and tarsi of pro- and mesolegs. This is a large species (14–19 mm) with relatively short body pilosity, small basoflagellomere; whitish pile on frons and face, pollinose vittae on scutum, red-yellow lateral maculae on tergum 2 and a pair of pollinose fasciate maculae on terga 2–4. Male genitalia presented in Suppl. material 2: Fig. S3G–I. Merodon luteihumerus is distributed in the Iberian Peninsula and Palaearctic Africa.

Merodon mixtum (Suppl. material 3: Fig. S4C, D) has a unique combination of characters on the legs, including: apomorphic modifications on pro- and mesotibiae and pro- and metafemora in males (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S32A, C, E), less expressed in females (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S32B, D, F); males with small dens on the metatrochanter; ventral margin of metafemur undulating, with basal tubercle and oval central calcar (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S32E). This is a medium sized species (11–13mm), with fascia of black pile between wing bases; tergum 4 with golden pilosity (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S36D). The species was recently described from the Irano–Anatolian Mountains (Vujić et al. 2019).

Merodon aureus lineage

Diagnosis. Posterior part of the mesocoxa pilose (as in Suppl. material 1: Fig. S4A), anterior anepisternum below postpronotum with a pile patch (as in Suppl. material 1: Fig. S7A). Male genitalia with an undeveloped anterior surstyle lobe (as in Suppl. material 2: Fig. S4A: al) and lateral sclerites of the aedeagus very small or absent (as in Suppl. material 2: Fig. S4D: marked with arrow).

The aureus lineage contains five species groups: aureus, bombiformis, funestus, nanus, and spinitarsis with 61 species, 48 of which are described and 13 undescribed (Suppl. material 5: Table S1).

1) aureus species group (Suppl. material 3: Figs S5A–D, S6A, B)

Diagnosis. Small to medium sized species (8–12 mm) with a short rounded abdomen, a distinct calcar on the metatrochanter in males. Male genitalia have a characteristic posterior surstyle lobe with parallel margins and rounded apex (as in Suppl. material 2: Fig. S4A: pl) and a narrow, elongated, sickle-shaped hypandrium without lateral sclerite of the aedeagus (as in Suppl. material 2: Fig. S4D: marked with arrow).

Diversity and distribution. The aureus species group comprises a large number of previously known and recently discovered taxa distributed mostly in the Mediterranean Region and South Europe with a high number of local endemics. Šašić et al. (2016) defined six species subgroups within the aureus species group: aureus, bessarabicus, cinereus, chalybeus, caerulescens and dobrogensis, and one unplaced species (M. unguicornis Strobl in Czerny and Strobl 1909). Each of these species subgroups comprises at least one species complex of cryptic species (Šašić et al. 2019), although they may contain multiple complexes of species such as the bessarabicus species subgroup (see Veselić et al. 2017). Recent publications (Veselić et al. 2017; Radenković et al. 2018b; Šašić Zorić et al. 2019; Vujić et al. 2020c) increased the number of known species in the aureus species group to 45, including eight undescribed cryptic species of the ambiguus, bessarabicus, and sapphous species complexes (Suppl. material 5: Table S1).

Šašić et al. (2016) defined species complexes as morphologically inseparable species, which can only be resolved by employing an integrative taxonomy approach including different data types such as molecular, geometric morphometry, and ecological niche modelling (ENM). Applying this approach for the aureus species group has led to the discovery of previously unknown species complexes. In the cinereus species subgroup, Šašić et al. (2016) resolved the atratus species complex and found that it consisted of three species, two of which were undescribed. Veselić et al. (2017) provided evidence for the presence of four species complexes in the bessarabicus species subgroup. Radenković et al. (2018b) resolved M. luteomaculatus Vujić, Ačanski & Šašić, 2018 as a complex of six cryptic species. Additionally, the same approach was used to resolve the caerulescens species complex (Šašić et al. 2018). Merodon dobrogensis Brădescu, 1982, M. puniceus Vujić, Radenković & Pérez-Bañón, 2011 and M. rojoi Radenković & Vujić, 2019 are distinct species belonging to the dobrogensis species complex within the dobrogensis species subgroup (Šašić Zorić et al. 2019).

Identification. The identification keys for the various species subgroups have already been published: aureus species subgroup (Vujić et al. 2020c), bessarabicus species subgroup (Veselić et al. 2017), cinereus species subgroup (Šašić et al. 2016), caerulescens species subgroup (Šašić et al. 2018) and dobrogensis species subgroup (Šašić Zorić et al. 2019). A taxonomic revision of the chalybeus species subgroup is in preparation (Vujić, unpublished).

2) bombiformis species group (Suppl. material 3: Fig. S6D)

Diagnosis. Elongated pedicel, approximately as long as basoflagellomere (relation pedicel: basoflagellomere = 0.9 : 1.1) (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S29A); broad abdomen (Suppl. material 3: Fig. S6D); metafemur with less serrated apicoventral triangular lamina, usually only the apical dens is distinct (as in Suppl. material 1: Fig. S28H); metatrochanter of males smooth, without calcar. Male genitalia with posterior surstyle lobe usually bent (as in Suppl. material 2: Fig. S5D: pl), and hypandrium narrowed medially (as in Suppl. material 2: Fig. S5F: marked with arrow).

Diversity and distribution. The bombiformis species group consists of six related, though clearly morphologically different species distributed in central and southern Africa, of which three have been described (M. bombiformis Hull, 1944, M. multifasciatus Curran, 1939, and M. nasicus Bezzi, 1915) and three remain undescribed (Suppl. material 5: Table S1).

Identification. A taxonomic revision of this species group is in preparation (Vujić, unpublished).

3) funestus species group (Suppl. material 3: Fig. S6C)

Diagnosis. The funestus and the bombiformis species groups differ from other species and species groups of the aureus lineage by the elongated pedicel, approximately as long, or even longer, than basoflagellomere (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S29A, C) and the small lateral sclerite of the aedeagus (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S5I: s). The funestus species group can be distinguished from the bombiformis species group by the presence of a calcar on the metatrochanter in males (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S28G), which is absent in the males of the bombiformis species group, and a strongly dentate apicoventral triangular lamina on the metafemur in both sexes (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S28F), which is less dentate in the members of the bombiformis species group and usually has a distinct apical dens (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S28E, H).

Diversity and distribution. The funestus species group (Suppl. material 3: Fig. S6C) contains two species, M. funestus (Fabricius, 1794) and an undescribed species (Suppl. material 5: Table S1). The species group is distributed in South Europe, Turkey, Israel and Libya.

Identification. A taxonomic revision is currently being prepared (Vujić, unpublished).

4) nanus species group (Suppl. material 3: Fig. S7B)

Diagnosis. Small to medium-sized species (6–12 mm) with a short rounded abdomen. Differs from the members of the aureus species group by the absence of a calcar on the metatrochanter in males and abdominal terga with transverse fasciae of pale pile instead of pollinose fasciate maculae (rarely with indistinct pollinosity). Male genitalia with a broad hypandrium (as in Suppl. material 2: Fig. S4G) with the apical part of the aedeagus large, in a form of biramous pliers (as in Suppl. material 2: Fig. S4H). The studied morphological characters show high morphological similarity in all taxa, with the exception of M. telmateia Hurkmans, 1987, which has completely pale and unicoloured tarsi (this character clearly separates this taxon from all other members of the nanus species group). The five other species can be distinguished by differences in the partly black to brown tarsi and structure of male genitalia (see Vujić et al. 2015; Kočiš Tubić et al. 2018).

Diversity and distribution. We recognized six taxa within the nanus species group (Suppl. material 5: Table 1). All species from the nanus species group are widely distributed across the Anatolian Peninsula, which holds the highest diversity for this species group. Besides the Anatolian Peninsula, this species group occurs to the west including Greece, North Macedonia and Serbia, to the north to the Caucasus Region and Crimean Peninsula, and to the east and south to Syria, Lebanon, Israel and Iran.

Identification. Vujić et al. (2015) and Kočiš Tubić et al. (2018) revised the taxonomy of this species group.

5) spinitarsis species group (Suppl. material 3: Fig. S7A)

Diagnosis. Members of this species group resemble in their overall appearance species of the nanus species group, from which they can be easily distinguished by black tibiae and tarsi (mostly pale in the nanus species group), and the structure of the male genitalia: hypandrium of male genitalia strongly modified, anfractuous in apical half, with subapical ctenidium and stitched theca (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S4K), and posterior surstyle lobe narrow and pointed (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S4I: pl). Additionally, males of the spinitarsis species group have a basoventral lamina on the metatarsus.

Diversity and distribution. Only two species are known, M. spinitarsis Paramonov, 1929, and an undescribed species (Suppl. material 5: Table S1). Merodon spinitarsis is distributed in Greece, Romania and Turkey, while the undescribed species is found in Israel and Palestine (Vujić, unpublished).

Identification. A taxonomic revision is currently being prepared (Vujić, unpublished).

Merodon avidus-nigritarsis lineage

Diagnosis. Medium to large-sized species (11–20 mm) usually with white pollinose vittae on scutum (Suppl. material 3: Fig. S8C) and white pollinose fasciate maculae on terga (Suppl. material 3: Fig. S8C); anterior anepisternum bare below the postpronotum (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S7B); abdomen elongate, usually narrow and tapering, longer than scutum and scutellum together (Suppl. material 3: Fig. S10C); posterior part of mesocoxa usually without long pile (except in M. eumerusi Vujić, Radenković & Likov, 2019) (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S4B); basoflagellomere usually at most twice as long as wide (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S16B); legs without calcar, spina(e) (except in M. eumerusi) or tubercle (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S15C). Male genitalia: anterior surstyle lobe usually of rhomboid shape, covered with dense short pile; posterior surstyle lobe usually longer than anterior one; interior accessory lobe of posterior surstyle lobe narrow and long; cercus rectangular, without prominences; hypandrium usually narrow, elongate and sickle-shaped; posterior end of lateral sclerite of the aedeagus tapering; theca of hypandrium usually with a pair of lateral projections; lingula developed (as in Suppl. material 2: Figs S6I, S8F).

The avidus-nigritarsis lineage is divided into 10 species groups (aberrans, aurifer, avidus, clavipes, fulcratus, italicus, nigritarsis, pruni, serrulatus, and tarsatus) and eight unplaced taxa: M. auronitens Hurkmans, 1993, M. caudatus Sack, 1913, M. clunipes Sack, 1913, M. crassifemoris Paramonov, 1925, M. eumerusi, M. hirtus Sack, 1932, M. murinus Sack, 1913 and M. ottomanus Hurkmans, 1993. This lineage comprises 79 species, 66 of which are described and 13 undescribed (Suppl. material 5: Table S1).

1) aberrans species group (Suppl. material 3: Fig. S8A)

Diagnosis. Abdomen elongated and narrow with black shiny terga; terga 2–4 with a pair of white pollinose fasciate maculae (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S11E); metafemur usually long and narrow; hypandrium with very long lingula (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S6C: l).

Diversity and distribution. This species group consists of four described species: (Merodon aberrans Egger, 1860, Merodon brevis Paramonov 1925, Merodon flavitibius Paramonov, 1926 and Merodon hamifer Sack 1913) and four undescribed species (Suppl. material 5: Table S1) distributed in the Mediterranean and in the east to the Caucasus and Pakistan.

Identification. A taxonomic revision including an identification key and descriptions for the four new species is in preparation (Vujić, unpublished).

2) aurifer species group (Suppl. material 3: Fig. S8B)

Diagnosis. Species with short body pilosity, basoflagellomere 1.2 times as long as wide (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S23A), metafemur covered with short and adpressed pile (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S20B).

Diversity and distribution. Besides M. aurifer Loew, 1862 distributed in the north Mediterranean and Turkey, the species group consists of at least one additional taxon, an undescribed species from Turkey and Azerbaijan.

Identification. A nomenclatural revision of the species group and the description of the new species is in preparation (Vujić, unpublished).

3) avidus species group (Suppl. material 3: Fig. S8C)

Diagnosis. Species with elongated and tapering abdomen (Suppl. material 1: Fig. 22C), at least tergum 2 with reddish-yellow lateral maculae, and reddish-yellow tarsi (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S20C–D).

Diversity and distribution. The avidus species group is composed of the avidus species complex with four species, and the species M. femoratus Sack, 1913 and M. rutitarsis Likov, Vujić & Radenković, 2020 (Suppl. material 5: Table S1). This species group is distributed all across Europe, mainly in central and southern zones, and less diverse in the Near and Middle East and in North Africa (Algeria and Libya).

Identification. A taxonomic revision with an identification key are presented in Likov et al. (2020).

4) clavipes species group (Suppl. material 3: Fig. S9A, B)

Diagnosis. Large bumble bee-like species (15–20 mm) with long body pilosity and broad metafemur with long pile (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S12B); basoflagellomere elongated; terga usually covered with pile in different combinations of colours (white, yellow or black) (Suppl. material 3: Fig. S9A, B). Male genitalia with well-defined and large anterior and posterior surstyle lobes (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S7A: al, pl).

Diversity and distribution. The clavipes species group contains four species (Suppl. material 5: Table 1) distributed in the Mediterranean Region and up to Iran in the east.

Identification. A taxonomic revision of this species group is under preparation (Vujić, unpublished).

5) fulcratus species group (Suppl. material 3: Fig. S9C)

Diagnosis. They are small sized species (5–9 mm) with metallic shiny bodies; scutum and terga strongly punctate, without or with very weak pollinose areas (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S17A, B); metafemur with very small apical triangular lamina apicoventrally (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S12A). Males of this species group are clearly separated from other species groups of the avidus-nigritarsis lineage by distinctly dichoptic eyes and lack of ctenidium at hypandrium.

Diversity and distribution. Two species are known, M. dichopticus Stackelberg, 1968 from Turkey and M. fulcratus (Becker, 1913) from Iran.

Identification. A taxonomic revision of this group is under preparation (Vujić, unpublished).

6) italicus species group (Suppl. material 3: Fig. S8D)

Diagnosis. Species with elongate basoflagellomere, at least 2.7 times as long as wide (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S13A) and quadratic posterior surstyle lobe (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S7D: pl).

Diversity and distribution. Two species share these morphological features and belong to this species group: M. italicus Rondani, 1845 recorded from most of the Mediterranean and M. erivanicus Paramonov, 1925 distributed from Croatia to Azerbaijan and Israel.

Identification. A taxonomic revision of this group is in preparation (Vujić, unpublished).

7) nigritarsis species group (Suppl. material 3: Fig. S10C)

Diagnosis. Species with elongate, narrow and tapering abdomen, tarsi dark brown/black dorsally and partly orange ventrally. Male genitalia: anterior surstyle lobe more or less rhomboid shape (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S8D: al), except in alagoezicus species subgroup where the anterior surstyle lobe is transformed into a narrow, elongate, strongly curved projection (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S8A: al); hypandrium with a pair of apical thorns on the ventral margin directed backwards but often with a pair of lateral projections near the base and well-developed lingula (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S8F: l).

Diversity and distribution. The nigritarsis species group includes 17 species revised in Vujić et al. (2013) and Likov et al. (2020) grouped into two species subgroups. Six of them belong to the alagoezicus species subgroup (M. alagoezicus Paramonov, 1925, M. hakkariensis Vujić & Radenković in Vujić et al. 2013, M. lucasi Hurkmans, 1993, Merodon nitidifrons Hurkmans, 1993, M. satdagensis Hurkmans, 1993 and M. schachti Hurkmans, 1993) and the other 11 species are members of the nigritarsis species subgroup (Suppl. material 5: Table S1). The nigritarsis species group comprises taxa with a mainly mountainous distribution, mostly on the Balkan, Anatolian, Apennine and Iberian Peninsulas, in central Europe as well as the Middle and Near East (Likov et al. 2020).

Identification. A taxonomic revision is provided by Vujić et al. (2013) and Likov et al. (2020).

8) pruni species group (Suppl. material 3: Fig. S10A, B)

Diagnosis. Medium to large-sized species (10–18 mm) characterised by short body pilosity (scutum and abdomen); short basoflagellomere, as long as broad (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S23B); metafemur dorsally and ventrally covered with medium long outstanding pile (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S20G); and metatrochanter with distinct calcar (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S20H).

Diversity and distribution. Four species belong to this species group: M. cupreus Hurkmans, 1993, M. pallidus Macquart, 1842 and M. pruni Rossi, 1790 and one undescribed taxon from Israel. Merodon pruni is distributed in most of the Mediterranean Basin, but the other two described species are more allocated to the east, from Turkey to Israel and Pakistan.

Identification. A taxonomic revision of this group is in preparation (Vujić, unpublished).

9) serrulatus species group (Suppl. material 3: Fig. S9D)

Diagnosis. Species with characteristic basolateral protrusion on the posterior surstyle lobe at outer surface (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S9G: marked with arrow); legs mostly black; terga black, tergum 2 usually with a pair of reddish orange lateral maculae; metafemur usually with shorter pilosity ventrally, less than width of metafemur (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S14A); basoflagellomere usually narrow and elongated, dark brown, two times longer as pedicel. They are medium-large (11–15 mm) species with a dark scutum and white pollinose fasciate maculae (at least in females) on the dark olive brown terga 2–4 (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S22D).

Diversity and distribution. This species group includes 13 species (Vujić et al. 2020b). Merodon serrulatus Wiedemann in Meigen, 1822 is the species of the genus Merodon with the largest distributional range being distributed from the Iberian Peninsula in the south-west, along the Mediterranean and Balkan Peninsula, through Turkey and southern Russia to Siberia and Mongolia in the north-east. Other species of the serrulatus species group can be found at the edges of this distributional range, albeit with a much more restricted distribution (see Vujić et al. 2020b).

Identification. This species group is revised by Vujić et al. (2020b), who gave descriptions of seven new species and provided an identification key.

10) tarsatus species group (Suppl. material 3: Fig. S11A, B)

Diagnosis. Small to medium sized species (8–14 mm) with usually expanded basotarsomere of metatarsus (Suppl. material 1: Figs S12C, S18B) and/or with strong setae ventrally (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S12D); males with sternum 4 medially clearly divided with membranous structure and lateral tubercles or laminate extensions (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S11C); sternum 4 from lateral view usually fin-form (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S11D).

Diversity and distribution. The tarsatus species group consists of seven described and six undescribed species (Suppl. material 5: Table S1). This group of species is geographically restricted to the Near and Middle East, and Central Asia.

Identification. Vujić et al. (2019) and Likov et al. (2020) mentioned this group of species but did not give diagnostic features. A taxonomic revision of the tarsatus species group is in preparation (Vujić, unpublished).

Unplaced species of avidus-nigritarsis lineage

Merodon auronitens (Suppl. material 3: Fig. S10D) is a species with dark terga, basoflagellomere with concave dorsal margin (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S13E); posterior surstyle lobe with triangular basal extension (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S10A: marked with arrow); in females terga 2–4 strongly punctate; posterior half of tergum 4 with longer whitish, mostly adpressed pile (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S19D). Species has distribution in Turkey and Israel.

Merodon caudatus (Suppl. material 3: Fig. S11C, D) belongs to species with partly reddish terga and unique modification of legs among avidus-nigritarsis lineage: metatibia twisted medially in apical half, basotarsomere of metatarsus strongly modified (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S20A); tarsomere of mesotarsus with strong, black lateral setae (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S24B). This species is known from Israel and Palestine.

Merodon clunipes (Suppl. material 3: Fig. S12A, B) is a species with broad metatibiae and dark terga, and has clear apomorphic diagnostic characters, including antennal shape: fossette large, extended from dorsal side to outer, covering half of lateral surface (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S13D), and the characteristic shape of the posterior surstyle lobe with the apical hump directed toward cercus (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S10G: marked with arrow). This species has a North Mediterranean distribution.

Merodon crassifemoris (Suppl. material 3: Fig. S12C, D) is a taxon with tubercle on the face below the antenna (Suppl. material 1: Figs S21A, S25B), and a hook-like posterior surstyle lobe (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S10J: pl) unique among all other taxa of the avidus-nigritarsis lineage. It was recently revised and excluded from M. nigritarsis group (Likov et al. 2020). The distribution of M. crassifemoris extends from the eastern Balkans through the Anatolian Peninsula as far as Ukraine and Azerbaijan.

Merodon eumerusi (Suppl. material 3: Fig. S13A) possesses a line of spinae on the inner side of the apical quarter of metafemur (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S5A), representing a unique character that is absent in all other species of the genus; male genitalia (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S11A–C) similar to M. ottomanus (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S11G–I). Differs from other known species of the M. avidus-nigritarsis lineage in having 1–4 fine pile (usually one) on the posterior side of the mesocoxa. In males, the basoflagellomere is elongated with an angular apex, bearing a very large outer fossette and a second inner fossette (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S10A, B), which are absent in almost all other species of the genus except M. serrulatus (Vujić et al. 2020b). This species is recently described from high mountain ranges in Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan (Vujić et al. 2019).

Merodon hirtus (Suppl. material 3: Fig. S13B) belongs to species with dark terga, males with posterior surstyle lobe divided in two branches (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S9J: pl); eyes slightly dichoptic, distance between eyes about two facets wide (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S11B); in females terga 2–4 finely punctate; posterior half of tergum 4 with shorter, mostly black and adpressed pile (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S19E). This is an extreme eastern Mediterranean species with a range extending from Turkey to Iran and Israel, as well as Cyprus.

Merodon murinus (Suppl. material 3: Fig. S13C) is a medium to large-sized species (12–15 mm) with yellow tarsi, and tibiae mostly yellowish, except medially where brown (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S15F); basotarsomere of metatarsus elongated, three times as long as wide (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S15F); basoflagellomere elongated, 2.5 times as long as wide (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S16C); males with eye contiguity very short, approximately four to five facets long (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S21B); male genitalia with elongated compact surstyle lobe (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S11D: pl). Merodon murinus is a rare species recorded from Turkey and Turkmenistan.

Merodon ottomanus (Suppl. material 3: Fig. S13D) is a species with dark abdomen, reddish-yellow basoflagellomere and yellow tarsi of metaleg (at least basotarsomere); posterior surstyle lobe large, rounded, while anterior surstyle lobe small (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S11G: al, pl). This species has a fragmented distribution including the Iberian Peninsula, Peloponnesus (Greece), Turkey and Iran. It will be taxonomically revised in the future (Vujić, unpublished).

Merodon desuturinus lineage

Diagnosis. The specific shape of the lateral sclerite of the aedeagus (gradually tapered, with the tip curved downwards) is the main synapomorphic character that connects all species from the group (as in Suppl. material 2: Fig. S12I: s). Moreover, the species in this species group have pile on posterior side of mesocoxa; a curved distal prolongation of anterior surstyle lobe (as in Suppl. material 2: Fig. S12E: al); basoflagellomere less than two times as long as wide (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S6B); scutum without pollen or with less distinct pollinose longitudinal vittae (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S6D); wing microtrichose between veins R1 and RS (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S9A); postpronotum usually brown or yellow-reddish; pilosity on lateral side of tergum 4 in female long, medially short and mostly adpressed (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S8A). The desuturinus lineage is closely related to the albifrons lineage, which was named albifrons+desuturinus clade in Radenković et al. (2018a).

The desuturinus lineage contains the Afrotropical melanocerus species group with two species subgroups (melanocerus and planifacies) and the species M. cuthbertsoni Curran, 1939 (Radenković et al. 2018a; Djan et al. 2020) (Suppl. material 3: Fig. S14C), and the Palaearctic murorum species group with four species (Vujić et al. 2018b). The desuturinus lineage comprises 14 described and 10 still undescribed species (Suppl. material 5: Table S1).

1) melanocerus species group (Suppl. material 3: Fig. S14A)

Diagnosis. Species with patch of dense yellow pile (dense and strong yellow to red brush of pile) on metatrochanter (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S37D). The melanocerus species subgroup has the oral margin notched, slightly produced forward (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S37B) and the planifacies species subgroup has the oral margin reduced, covered with microtrichia (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S37A). Merodon cuthbertsoni, with an unclear position within the species group, has apical fourth of tibiae and all tarsi bright yellow.

Diversity and distribution. Distribution of the melanocerus species subgroup is limited to South Africa, while the planifacies species subgroup has broader range: western, central and southern Africa. Merodon cuthbertsoni occurs in Zimbabwe.

Identification. Recent revision of the melanocerus species subgroup (Radenković et al. 2018a) resulted in the delimitation of five species: M. capensis Hurkmans, 2018, M. commutabilis Radenković & Vujić, 2018, M. drakonis Vujić & Radenković, 2018, M. flavocerus Hurkmans, 2018 and M. melanocerus Bezzi, 1915. Part of the planifacies species subgroup was the subject of a recent molecular analysis, which supported the monophyly of the subgroup (Djan et al. 2020). According to their integrative approach, three species are found within the planifacies species subgroup in South Africa: M. planifacies Bezzi, 1915, and two species of the capi species complex characterized by smooth thecal ridge in male genitalia, namely M. capi Vujić & Radenković, 2020 and M. roni Radenković & Vujić, 2020. The fourth known species from the species planifacies subgroup, M. stevensoni Curran, 1939, was described based on one female from Zimbabwe, and its taxonomic status remains unclear until the discovery of additional material, especially male specimens (Djan et al. 2020). Within the planifacies species subgroup, populations with folded thecal ridge of hypandrium in male genitalia could represent a group of geographically isolated species, which needs additional taxonomic research based on integrative approach (Djan et al. 2020). Ten undescribed species are already recognized (Suppl. material 5: Table S1) and descriptions are in preparation (Vujić, unpublished).

2) murorum species group (Suppl. material 3: Fig. S14B)

Diagnosis. Species without patch of dense yellow pile (dense and strong yellow to red brush of pile) on metatrochanter.

Diversity and distribution. This species group includes four endemo-relicts: M. cabanerensis Marcos-García, Vujić & Mengual, 2007, known only from a restricted area in central Spain and Morocco; M. desuturinus Vujić, Šimić & Radenković, 1995 (Suppl. material 3: Fig. S14B) localized on high mountains in the Balkans; M. murorum Fabricius, 1794 from North-West Africa; and M. neolydicus Vujić, 2018, present in several countries in the Eastern Mediterranean (Greece, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel).

Identification. Vujić et al. (2018b) recently revised this species groups and provided an identification key for the desuturinus lineage, including the murorum species group.

Merodon natans lineage

Diagnosis. Species with few pile on posterior side of mesocoxa; pile on anterior anepisternum reduced; anterior lobe of surstylus well developed, oval, rounded, pilose, without curved distal prolongation (Suppl. material 2: Fig. S13A: al); basoflagellomere elongated, two times as long as wide, narrowed in apical third (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S27C); scutum usually with five well-defined pollinose longitudinal vittae (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S27D).

The natans lineage contains the natans species group with three described species (Radenković et al. 2011), one undescribed species (Vujić et al. in prep.), and M. segetum Fabricius, 1794 (Suppl. material 5: Table S1). Species belonging to the natans lineage have Mediterranean distribution, except for one population of M. calcaratus (Fabricus, 1794) recorded in Kenya (Vujić, unpublished).

1) natans species group (Suppl. material 3: Fig. S15A)

Diagnosis. Small to medium-sized species (8–13 mm) with distinct pollinose ornamentation, vittae and fasciae, on scutum (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S27D); terga 2–4 with broad pollinose fasciate maculae (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S27A).

Diversity and distribution. The natans species group is distributed around the Mediterranean Basin and there is one isolated record in Kenya (Vujić, unpublished).

Identification. A taxonomic revision of this species group is in preparation (Vujić, unpublished).

Unplaced species of the natans lineage

Merodon segetum is a large species (14–17 mm) (Suppl. material 3: Fig. S15B), with the scutum with indistinct pollinose vittae (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S27E), and terga 2–4 without or with narrow pollinose fasciate maculae (Suppl. material 1: Fig. S27B). This is a western Mediterranean species occurring in the south of Spain, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya.


Out of 194 described species (234 in total including undescribed taxa), 180 (209) species are distributed in the Palaearctic Region and 14 (27) are known from the Afrotropical Region. Three lineages (aureus, desuturinus, and natans) have representatives in both the Afrotropical and the Palaearctic Regions. The Afrotropical melanocerus species group of the desuturinus lineage and the bombiformis species group of the aureus lineage are exclusive to the Afrotropical Region, while all other species groups belong to Palaearctic fauna.

The albifrons lineage, with 65 species (61 described taxa), contains six species groups (albifrons, constans, equestris, geniculatus, ruficornis, and rufus) and two unplaced taxa.

The aureus lineage, with 61 species (48 described), contains five species groups (aureus, bombiformis, funestus, nanus, and spinitarsis).

The avidus-nigritarsis lineage, with 79 species (67 described), is divided into 10 species groups (aberrans, aurifer, avidus, clavipes, fulcratus, italicus, nigritarsis, pruni, serrulatus, and tarsatus) and eight unplaced species.

The desuturinus lineage, with 24 species (14 described), contains two species groups: the Afrotropical melanocerus species group with two species subgroups (melanocerus and planifacies) and the unplaced species M. cuthbertsoni; and the Palaearctic murorum species group with four species.

The natans lineage contains the natans species group, with four species (three described), and the unplaced species M. segetum.

At present and based on our results, the regions with the highest species richness are the Mediterranean Peninsulas: Iberian, Balkan and especially Anatolian. Certain areas in the Palaearctic (regions of Pakistan, Central Asia and eastern part of the Middle East) and Afrotropical Regions (Central and Eastern Africa) have been under-sampled and they need additional collecting efforts. Central Asia and Pakistan are characterised by numerous endemics with potential significance to understand the evolutionary scenario of the genus Merodon. Finally, the genetic diversity is extremely high in the aureus species group and more taxonomic research still needs to be done in this species group and some others, like the ruficornis, avidus and equestris species groups.


We thank Branka Božičić Lothrop for valuable comments and editing of the manuscript, and Hugh Lothrop, native English speaker, for linguistic revision. The study was supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant No. 173002, III43002, 451–03–68/2020–14/200358 and 451–03– 68/2020–14/200125, the Provincial Secretariat for Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia (Grant No. 114–451–1125/2014–03 and 114–451–1702/2014–03).


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Supplementary materials

Supplementary material 1 

Figures S1–S37: Figures of morphological characters

Ante Vujić, Snežana Radenković, Laura Likov, Sanja Veselić

Data type: multimedia

Explanation note: Figure S1. Head of male, posterior view. A Platynochaetus setosus (Fabricius, 1794), hypostomal bridge marked with arrow B Sericomyia silentis (Harris, 1776). Scale bar: 0.5 mm. Figure S2. Parts of thorax of male, lateral view. A Merodon megavidus Vujić & Radenković, 2016, tubercle B Eristalinus megacephalus (Rossi, 1794), tubercle C Merodon megavidus, anepimeron D Sericomyia silentis, anepimeron. A, B tubercle marked with arrow C, D dorsomedian part of anepimeron marked with arrow. Scale bar: 0.5 (A–C); 1 mm (D). Figure S3. A, B Wing of male, dorsal view C–D Antenna of male, lateral view. A Merodon aff. nasicus, short vein marked with asterisk B Sericomyia silentis C Merodon ottomanus, fossette marked with arrow D Microdon analis (Macquart, 1842). A, B outer angle between R4+5 and M1 marked with arrow. Scale bar: 0.5 mm (A, B, D); 0.2 mm (C). Figure S4. Metacoxa of male. A Merodon albifrons Meigen, 1822, lateral view B M. nigritarsis Rondani, 1845, lateral view. A, B pile marked with arrow. Scale bar: 0.25 mm. Figure S5. A Metafemur of Merodon eumerusi, male, lateroventral view, row of spinae marked with arrow B Mesocoxa of M. segetum, male, lateral view, pile marked with arrow. Scale bar: 1 mm. Figure S6. A, B Antenna of male, lateral view C, D Thorax of male, dorsal view. A, C Merodon natans (Fabricius, 1794) B, D M. desuturinus. Scale bar: 1 mm. Figure S7. Thorax (anepisternum) of male, lateral view. A Merodon geniculatus B M. legionensis Marcos-García, Vujić & Mengual, 2007. A, B pile marked with arrow. Figure S8. Abdomen of female, lateral view. A Merodon desuturinus B M. aureus Fabricius, 1805. A, pile marked with arrow. Scale bar: 1 mm. Figure S9. Part of wing of male, dorsal view. A Merodon desuturinus B M. albifrons. A–B microtrichia marked with arrow. Scale bar: 1 mm. Figure S10. Antenna of Merodon eumerusi, male, lateral view. A outer side B inner side. Scale bar: 1 mm. Figure S11. A, B Eye contiguity of male, anterior view C, D Sternum 4 of male, dorsal (C) and lateral (D) view E Abdomen of male, dorsal view. A Merodon fulcratus B M. hirtus C, D M. tarsatus E M. aberrans. C, D membranous structure and laminate extension marked with arrow. Scale bar: 1 mm (A, B); 2 mm (C–E). Figure S12. Parts of male metaleg, lateral view. A Merodon fulcratus, metaleg B M. clavipes (Fabricius, 1781), metafemur and metatibia C M. tarsatus, metatarsus D M. oidipous Hurkmans, 1993, metatarsus. C, D setae marked with arrrow. Scale bar: 2 mm (A, B); 0.5 mm (C, D). Figure S13. Male antenna, lateral view. A Merodon italicus B M. serrulatus C M. ottomanus D M. clunipes E M. auronitens. Scale bar: 2 mm. Figure S14. Parts of male metaleg, lateral view. A Merodon serrulatus, metafemur and metatibia B M. ottomanus, metaleg C M. clunipes, metafemur D M. clunipes, metatarsus. Scale bar: 2 mm. Figure S15. Parts of female metaleg, lateral view. A Merodon clunipes, metafemur and metatibia B M. ottomanus, metaleg C M. clavipes, metafemur D M. fulcratus, metafemur E M. serrulatus, metafemur F M. murinus, metatibia and metatarsus. Dtriangular lamina marked with arrow. Scale bar: 2 mm. Figure S16. Female antenna, lateral view. A Merodon clunipes B M. clavipes C M. murinus. Scale bar: 2 mm. Figure S17. A Female thorax, dorsal view B–D Abdomen of female, dorsal view. A, B Merodon fulcratus C M. ottomanus D M. aberrans. Scale bar: 2 mm. Figure S18. Parts of female metaleg, lateral view. A Merodon aberrans, metaleg B M. tarsatus, metatarsus C M. hirtus, metatarsus D M. auronitens, metatarsus. B setae marked with arrow C-D tarsomerae marked with arrow. Scale bar: 1 mm (A); 2 mm (B–D). Figure S19. Abdomen of female. A Merodon oidipous, dorsal view B M. tarsatus, dorsal view C M. auronitens, dorsal view D M. auronitens, lateral view E M. hirtus, lateral view. Scale bar: 2 mm. Figure S20. Parts of male metaleg. A Merodon caudatus, metatibia and metatarsus, lateral view B M. aurifer, metatrochanter and metafemur, lateral view C M. avidus (Rossi, 1790), metatarsus, dorsal view D M. avidus, metatarsus, ventral view E M. nigritarsis, metatarsus, dorsal view F M. nigritarsis, metatarsus, ventral view G M. pruni, part of metafemur, lateral view H M. pruni, metatrochanter, lateral view. B calcar marked with arrow. Scale bar: 0.5 mm (A–B); 1mm (C–G); 0.25 mm (H). Figure S21. A Merodon crassifemoris, male, head, lateral view B M. murinus, male, eye contiguity, anterior view C M. nigritarsis, male, eye contiguity, anterior view. A bulge marked with arrow. Scale bar: 1 mm. Figure S22. Abdomen, dorsal view. A Merodon aurifer B M. pruni C M. avidus D M. serrulatus. A–C male D female. Scale bar: 2 mm. Figure S23. Male antenna, lateral view. A Merodon aurifer B M. pruni C M. nigritarsis. Scale bar: 1 mm (A, C); 0.5 mm (B). Figure S24. Parts of metaleg of female. A Merodon caudatus, metafemur and metatibia, lateral view B M. caudatus, metatarsus, dorsal view C M. pruni, metatrochanter, metafemur and metatibia D M. crassifemoris, metatrochanter, lateral view E M. aurifer, metafemur and metatibia. C metatrochanter marked with arrow. Scale bar: 1 mm (A, C, E); 0.5 mm (B); 0.75 mm (D). Figure S25. A Merodon murinus, female, head, dorsal view B M. crassifemoris, female, head, dorsolateral view C M. italicus, female, abdomen, dorsal view. B bulge marked with arrow. Scale bar: 1 mm (A–B); 2 mm (C). Figure S26. Antenna of female, lateral view. A Merodon pruni B M. crassifemoris C M. aurifer D M. italicus E M. avidus. Scale bar: 0.5 mm (A–C, E); 1 mm (D). Figure S27. A Merodon natans, male, abdomen, dorsal view B M. segetum, male, abdomen, dorsal view C M. natans, male, antenna, lateral view D M. natans, male, thorax, dorsal view E M. segetum, male, thorax, dorsal view. Scale bar: 2 mm (A–C); 1 mm (D); 0.5 mm (E). Figure S28. Parts of metaleg. A Merodon bombiformis, male, metatrochanter, lateral view B M. aureus, male, metatrochanter, lateral view C M. spinitarsis, female, metatarsus, dorsal view D M. nanus (Sack, 1931), female, metatarsus, dorsal view E M. bombiformis, female, metafemur, lateral view F M. funestus, female, metafemur, lateral view G M. funestus, male, metafemur and metatrochanter, lateral view H M. bombiformis, male, metafemur and metatrochanter, lateral view. B calcar on the metatrochanter marked with arrow E triangular lamina marked with arrow. Scale bar: 2 mm. Figure S29. Antenna, lateral view. A Merodon bombiformis, male B M. nanus, male C M. funestus, male D M. aureus, male E M. funestus, female F M. aureus, female. Scale bar: 2 mm. Figure S30. Abdomen. A Merodon funestus, male, dorsolateral view B M. aureus, male, lateral view C M. nanus, female, dorsal view D M. aureus, female, dorsal view E M. spinitarsis, female, lateral view F M. nanus, female, lateral view. Scale bar: 2 mm. Figure S31. Merodon luteihumerus, male. A head, anterior view B thorax, dorsolateral view. Scale bar: 2 mm. Figure S32. Merodon mixtum, legs, lateral view. A proleg, male B proleg, female C mesoleg, male D mesoleg, female E metaleg, male F metaleg, female. Scale bar: 1 mm. Figure S33. A–C Abdomen of male D Metatibia. A Merodon gudaurensis Portschinsky, 1877, dorsal view B M. rufus, dorsal view C M. rufus, lateral view D M. albifrons, lateral view. Scale bar: 2 mm. Figure S34. Parts of metaleg, lateral view. A Merodon equestris, male, metatibia B M. rufus, male, metaleg C M. trochantericus, male, metaleg D M. albifasciatus, male, metatrochanter E M. albifasciatus, male, metatibia F M. trebevicensis Strobl, 1900, male, metatrochanter, metafemur and metatibia G M. ruficornis Meigen, 1822, female, metatibia H M. albifasciatus, female, metatibia I M. gudaurensis, male, metafemur J M. gudaurensis, male, metatibia. E apicomedial carina marked with arrow F ventral tubercle on metafemur and apicolateral process on metatibia marked with arrow. Scale bar: 0.5 mm (A, B); 2 mm (C); 1 mm (D–E); 2 mm (F); 2 mm (G–H); 2 mm (I-J). Figure S35. A Merodon albifasciatus, female, thorax, dorsal view B M. albifasciatus, female, abdomen, dorsal view C M. albifrons, female, abdomen, dorsal view. Scale bar: 2 mm. Figure S36. A, B Head of female, dorsal view C, D Tip of abdomen, dorsal view. A Merodon ruficornis B M. rufus C M. ruficornis, female D M. mixtum, male. B pollinosity along eye margin marked with arrow C transversal depression on tergum 4 and lateral depressions on tergum 5 marked with arrow. Scale bar: 2 mm. Figure S37. A–B Head of male, lateral view C–D Metatrochanter of male, lateral view. A Merodon planifacies B M. neolydicus C M. desuturinus D M. draconis Vujić & Radenković, 2018. Scale bar: 1 mm (A–B); 2 mm (C–D).

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Supplementary material 2 

Figures S1–S13: Figures of male genitalia

Ante Vujić, Snežana Radenković, Laura Likov, Sanja Veselić

Data type: multimedia

Explanation note: Figure S1. Male genitalia. A–C Merodon constans (Rossi, 1794) D–F M. chrysotrichos Vujić, Radenković & Likov, 2020 G–I M. triangulum Vujić, Radenković & Hurkmans, 2020. A, B, D–E, G, H epandrium C, F, I hypandrium. A, C, D, F, G, I lateral view B, E, H ventral view. Abbreviations: c-cercus, s-lateral sclerite of the aedeagus. Scale bar: 0.5 mm. Figure S2. Male genitalia. A–C Merodon albifrons Meigen, 1822 D–F M. equestris G–I M. albifasciatus. A–B, D–E, G–H epandrium C, F, I hypandrium. A, C, D, F, G, I lateral view B, E, H ventral view. Abbreviations: al-anterior surstyle lobe, c-cercus, s-lateral sclerite of the aedeagus. Scale bar: 0.4 mm (A–C); 0.2 mm (D–F); 0.4 mm (G–I). Figure S3. Male genitalia. A–C Merodon ruficornis Meigen, 1822 D–F M. rufus G–I M. luteihumerus J–L M. mixtum. A–B, D–E, G–H, J–K epandrium C, F, I, L hypandrium. A, C, D, F, G, I, J, L lateral view B, E, H, K ventral view. Abbreviations: c-cercus, s-lateral sclerite of the aedeagus. Scale bar: 0.4 mm (A–C); 0.25 mm (D–F); 0.2 mm (G–I); 0.5 mm (J–L). Figure S4. Male genitalia. A–D Merodon aureus Fabricius, 1805 E–H M. nanus (Sack, 1931) I–K M. spinitarsis. A, B, E, F, I, J epandrium C, G, K hypandrium D, H part of aedeagus. A, C, D, E, G, I, K lateral view B, F, H, J ventral view. Abbreviations: al-anterior surstyle lobe, pl-posterior surstyle lobe. D place of lateral sclerite of the aedeagus marked with arrow. Scale bar: 0.25 mm (A–D); 0.25 mm (E–H); 0.5 mm (I–K). Figure S5. Male genitalia. A–C Merodon bombiformis D–F M. nasicus G–I M. funestus. A–B, D–E, G–H epandrium C, F, I hypandrium. A, C, D, F, G, I lateral view B, E, H ventral view. Abbreviations: pl-posterior surstyle lobe, s-lateral sclerite of the aedeagus. C, F medially narrowed hypandrium marked with arrow. Scale bar: 0.5 mm. Figure S6. Male genitalia. A–C Merodon aberrans D–F M. aurifer G–I M. avidus (Rossi, 1790) J–L M. rutitarsis. A–B, D–E, G–H, J–K epandrium C, F, I, L hypandrium. A, C, D, F, G, I, J, L lateral view B, E, H, K ventral view. Abbreviations: l-lingula. Scale bar: 0.2 mm (A–C, G–I); 0.5 mm (D–F, J–L). Figure S7. Male genitalia. A–C Merodon clavipes (Fabricius, 1781) D–F M. italicus G–I M. dichopticus J–K M. fulcratus. A–B, D–E, G–H, J–K epandrium C, F, I, L hypandrium. A, C, D, F, G, I, J, L lateral view B, E, H, K ventral view. Abbreviations: al-anterior surstyle lobe, pl-posterior surstyle lobe. C, K place of ctenidium marked with arrow. Scale bar: 0.2 mm (A–F, J–L); 0.5 mm (G–I). Figure S8. Male genitalia. A–C Merodon alagoesicus Paramonov, 1925 D–F M. nigritarsis Rondani, 1845 G–I M. obstipus Vujić, Radenković & Likov, 2020. A–B, D–E, G–H epandrium C, F, I hypandrium. A, C, D, F, G, I lateral view B, E, H ventral view. Abbreviations: al-anterior surstyle lobe. Scale bar: 0.5 mm. Figure S9. Male genitalia. A–C Merodon pruni D–F M. hypochrysos Hurkmans, 1993 G–I M. serrulatus J–L M. hirtus. A–B, D–E, G–H, J–K epandrium C, F, I, L hypandrium. A, C, D, F, G, I, J, L lateral view B, E, H, K ventral view. Abbreviations: pl-posterior surstyle lobe. G basolateral protrusion marked with arrow. Scale bar: 0.5 mm (A–C); 0.2 mm (D–L). Figure S10. Male genitalia. A–C Merodon auronitens D–F M. caudatus G–I M. clunipes J–L M. crassifemoris. A–B, D–E, G–H, J–K epandrium C, F, I, L hypandrium. A, C, D, F, G, I, J, L lateral view B, E, H, K ventral view. Abbreviations: pl-posterior surstyle lobe, s-lateral sclerite of the aedeagus. A triangular basal extension marked with arrow F ventral processes of the hypandrium marked with arrow G apical hump marked with arrow. Scale bar: 0.2 mm (A–C, G–L); 0.5 mm (D–F). Figure S11. Male genitalia. A–C Merodon eumerusi D–F M. murinus G–I M. ottomanus. A–B, D–E, G–H epandrium C, F, I hypandrium. A, C, D, F, G, I lateral view B, E, H ventral view. Abbreviations: al-anterior surstyle lobe, pl-posterior surstyle lobe. Scale bar: 0.2 mm. Figure S12. Male genitalia. A–C Merodon capensis D–F M. desuturinus G–I M. neolydicus J–L M. planifacies. A–B, D–E, G–H, J–K epandrium C, F, I, L hypandrium. A, C, D, F, G, I, J, L lateral view B, E, H, K ventral view. Abbreviations: al-anterior surstyle lobe, s-lateral sclerite of the aedeagus. Scale bar: 0.2 mm. Figure S13. Male genitalia. A–C Merodon natans (Fabricius, 1794) D–F M. segetum. A, B, D, E epandrium C, F hypandrium. A, C, D, F lateral view B, E ventral view. Abbreviations: al-anterior surstyle lobe. Scale bar: 0.2 mm.

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Supplementary material 3 

Figures S1–S15: Figures of adults

Ante Vujić, Snežana Radenković, Laura Likov, Sanja Veselić

Data type: Adobe PDF file

Explanation note: Figure S1. Body of male. A, B Merodon albifrons Meigen, 1822 C, D M. constans (Rossi, 1794). A, C dorsal view B, D lateral view. Scale bar: 1 mm. Figure S2. Body of male. A, B Merodon equestris C, D M. geniculatus. A, C dorsal view B, D lateral view. Scale bar: 3 mm (A, B); 1 mm (C, D). Figure S3. Body of male. A, B Merodon ruficornis Meigen, 1822 C, D M. rufus. A, C dorsal view B, D lateral view. Scale bar: 1.5 mm. Figure S4. Body of male. A, B Merodon luteihumerus C, D M. mixtum. A, C dorsal view B, D lateral view. Scale bar: 2 mm. Figure S5. Body of male, dorsal view. A Merodon aureus Fabricius, 1805 B M. bessarabicus Paramonov, 1924 C M. cinereus (Fabricius, 1794) D M. chalybeus Wiedemann, 1822. Scale bar: 2 mm (A–C); 1.5 mm (D). Figure S6. Body of male, dorsal view. A Merodon caerulescens Loew, 1869 B M. dobrogensis C M. funestus D M. bombiformis. Scale bar: 1.5 mm (A, B), 2 mm (C, D). Figure S7. Body of male, dorsal view. A Merodon spinitarsis B M. nanus (Sack, 1931). Scale bar: 1 mm. Figure S8. Body of male, dorsal view. A Merodon aberrans B M. aurifer C M. avidus (Rossi, 1790) D M. italicus. Scale bar: 2 mm (A–C); 1.5 mm (D). Figure S9. Body of male. A–B Merodon clavipes (Fabricius, 1781) C M. fulcratus D M. serrulatus. A, C, D dorsal view B lateral view. Scale bar: 1 mm. Figure S10. Body of male. A, B Merodon pruni C M. nigritarsis Rondani, 1845 D M. auronitens. A, C, D dorsal view B lateral view. Scale bar: 2 mm (A–C); 1.5 mm (D). Figure S11. Body of male. A, B Merodon tarsatus C, D M. caudatus. A, C dorsal view B, D lateral view. Scale bar: 1.5 mm. Figure S12. Body of male. A, B Merodon clunipes C, D M. crassifemoris. A, C dorsal view B, D lateral view. Scale bar: 2 mm. Figure S13. Body of male, dorsal view. A Merodon eumerusi B M. hirtus C M. murinus D M. ottomanus. Scale bar: 1.5 mm (A, C); 2 mm (B, D). Figure S14. Body of male, dorsal view. A Merodon melanocerus B M. desuturinus C M. cuthbertsoni. Scale bar: 2 mm (A–B). Figure S15. Body of male, dorsal view. A Merodon natans (Fabricius, 1794) B M. segetum. Scale bar: 1.5 mm (A); 2 mm (B).

This dataset is made available under the Open Database License ( The Open Database License (ODbL) is a license agreement intended to allow users to freely share, modify, and use this Dataset while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the original source and author(s) are credited.
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Supplementary material 4 

List of Merodon species grouped by lineage and species group

Ante Vujić, Snežana Radenković, Laura Likov, Sanja Veselić

Data type: species data

This dataset is made available under the Open Database License ( The Open Database License (ODbL) is a license agreement intended to allow users to freely share, modify, and use this Dataset while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the original source and author(s) are credited.
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Supplementary material 5 

Table S1. Classification of the genus Merodon in lineages and species groups, including an actual number of species within each

Ante Vujić, Snežana Radenković, Laura Likov, Sanja Veselić

Data type: species data

This dataset is made available under the Open Database License ( The Open Database License (ODbL) is a license agreement intended to allow users to freely share, modify, and use this Dataset while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the original source and author(s) are credited.
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