Corrigenda |
Corresponding author: Mahmoud S. Abdel-Dayem ( ) Academic editor: Lyubomir Penev
© 2020 Mahmoud S. Abdel-Dayem, Jiří Háva.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Abdel-Dayem MS, Háva J (2020) Corrigenda: The first survey of the beetles (Coleoptera) of the Farasan Archipelago of the southern Red Sea, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. ZooKeys 959: 17–86. ZooKeys 1005: 151-152.
In Abdel-Dayem MS, Abu El-Ghiet UM, Elsheikh TM, Elgharbawy AA, Al-Fifi ZIA, Aldhafer HM (2020) The first survey of the beetles (Coleoptera) of the Farasan Archipelago of the southern Red Sea, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. ZooKeys 959: 17–86.
After the publication of the work referenced above, our attention was drawn to misidentified species of Dermestidae Attagenus obtusus (Gyllenhal in Schönherr, 1808). The correct identification for this species is Orbeola hirsutulum (Reiche in Mulsant et Rey, 1868). Other corrections are as follows:
Page 1, “Abstract” line 13: “… Arabian and Afrotropical elements (74 spp., 41.0%).” should be
“….. Arabian and Afrotropical elements (75 spp., 41.9%).”
Page 34, line 25: “41. Attagenus obtusus (Gyllenhal in Schönherr, 1808)” should be
“41. Orbeola hirsutulum (Reiche in Mulsant et Rey, 1868)”
Page 34, line 28: The paragraph under “Literature records” should read:
“Riyadh (Mroczkowski 1979).”
Page 34–35, line 32: The paragraph under “General distribution” should read:
“AFR-SAR species, distributed in East Africa (Eritrea); Levant, Turkmenistan and Arabian Peninsula (KSA, United Arab Emirates, Yemen).”
Page 77, line 10: “that 41.3% of the species belong to Saharo-Arabian …..“ should be
“that 41.9% of the species belong to Saharo-Arabian ….”
Page 79, lines 4–6: “… whereas only 28 of Farasan Archipelago’s 179 species (15.6%) are shared with the 645 species currently known from the Socotran fauna, half (50%, 14 spp.) of which ….” should be
“… whereas only 29 of Farasan Archipelago’s 179 species (16.2%) are shared with the 645 species currently known from the Socotran fauna, about half (50%, 15 spp.) of which ….”
Page 79, line 16: “Only 15.6% of its species are shared …..” should be
“Only 16.2% of its species are shared …..”
Page 79, Table 1: In 20th row 20 “Dermestidae”: 4th column: “1 (3)” should be “2 (3) and 5th column: “0.6% (2.1%)” should be “1.1% (2.1%)”