Research Article |
Corresponding author: Houhun Li ( ) Academic editor: Matthias Nuss
© 2016 Linjie Liu, Yi-Ping Wang, Houhun Li.
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Liu L, Wang Y, Li H (2016) Taxonomic review of the genus Teliphasa Moore, 1888 from China, with descriptions of four new species (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae, Epipaschiinae). ZooKeys 554: 119-137.
The genus Teliphasa Moore, 1888 from China is reviewed. Nine species are treated, including descriptions of four new species: Teliphasa spinosa Li, sp. n., T. similalbifusa Li, sp. n., T. erythrina Li, sp. n., and T. hamata Li, sp. n. Photographs of adults, wing venation, and both male and female genitalia are provided, along with a key for the identification of all the Chinese species.
Lepidoptera , Pyralidae , Epipaschiinae , Teliphasa , taxonomy, new species, China
The genus Teliphasa was erected by
Teliphasa comprises nine species worldwide, occurring in the Oriental, Palaearctic and Ethiopian regions. Five species were recorded in China prior to this study. The aim of the present paper is to review nine species of Teliphasa recognized in China, including descriptions of four new species.
The present study is based on the examinations of the specimens collected by light traps. Adults were examined using an Olympus SZX9 stereomicroscope. Permanent mounting methods of genitalia and venation follow the techniques introduced by
All the studied specimens, including the types of the new species, are deposited in the Insect Collection of College of Life Sciences,
Teliphasa Moore, 1888: 200. Type species: Teliphasa orbiculifer Moore, 1888.
Sultania Koçak, 1987: 119. Type species: Macalla lophotalis Hampson, 1900.
Adult (Figs
Male genitalia. Uncus various in shape. Gnathos separated, being paired long processes, lateral arms slender. Scaphium columnar, usually narrowed gradually from base to apex. Valva extremely broad, roundly expanded, with numerous long setae. Costa well-developed, varied in shape. Transtilla banded, extending backward to base of uncus, joined medially. Sacculus narrowly banded, sometimes ill-defined. Saccus separated, broad, inverted triangular, or complete, only protruding in short triangle, or ill-defined. Phallus stout, with one or two complicated cornuti.
Female genitalia. Apophyses anteriores about same length as apophyses posteriores, occasionally longer than apophyses posteriores. Antrum usually strongly sclerotized. Ductus bursae shorter than or as long as corpus bursae. Corpus bursae pyriform or elliptical; signum paired, often ridged medially.
This genus is much similar to Termioptycha Meyrick, 1889 superficially by having both discal and discocellular spots with scale tufts, the postmedian line relatively broad and curved outward to form an angle medially, and the subrectangular spots set uniformly along the inner side of the terminal line. Teliphasa can be easily separated from Termioptycha by the costa of forewing without a stigma in the median area, and the hindwing with a discocellular spot; in Termioptycha, the costa of forewing has a distinct stigma in the median area, and the hindwing lacks the discocellular spot.
Differences within a species exist in Teliphasa, including the variations of the wing color and the degree of scale density. For example, T. elegans is divided into a blackish form and a whitish form due to such variations (
1 | Saccus separate; juxta not bilobed | 2 |
– | Saccus complete; juxta bilobed | 7 |
2 | Phallus with two cornuti, one protruding out from before apex of phallus | 3 |
– | Phallus with one cornutus | 5 |
3 | Gnathos hooked apically (Fig. |
T. similalbifusa sp. n. |
– | Gnathos rounded apically | 4 |
4 | Cornutus protruding out from phallus hooked, longer than 1/2 length of phallus (Fig. |
T. hamata sp. n. |
– | Cornutus protruding out from phallus horned, slightly longer than 1/3 length of phallus | T. sakishimensis |
5 | Juxta with clustered spines (Fig. |
T. spinosa sp. n. |
– | Juxta without spines | 6 |
6 | Uncus trapezoidal; costa with a subtriangular process ventrally (Fig. |
T. albifusa |
– | Uncus subovate; costa without process ventrally (Fig. |
T. elegans |
7 | Uncus triangular (Fig. |
T. erythrina sp. n. |
– | Uncus semicircular or irregular in shape | 8 |
8 | Uncus semicircular; juxta laterally protruding outward semicircularly at base (Fig. |
T. amica |
– | Uncus irregular in shape; juxta dilated globosely at base (Fig. |
T. nubilosa |
Holotype ♂ – CHINA, Tengchong County (25.29°N, 98.70°E), Yunnan Province, 2144 m, 15.viii.2014, leg. Kaijian Teng, Shurong Liu and Hua Rong, genitalia slide No. LLJ15172.
Paratypes – 2♂, 2♀, Nankang, Baoshan, Yunnan Province, 2009 m, 8–10.vii.2014, other same date as holotype.
This species is different from its congeners by the valva triangularly protruding dorso- and ventro-apically and the juxta with clustered spines in the male genitalia. This species is similar to T. hamata sp. n. superficially, but can be differentiated by the subrhombic uncus, the approximately fan-shaped valva, and the phallus with one cornutus in the male genitalia. In T. hamata sp. n., the uncus is trapeziform, the valva is subrhombic, and the phallus has two cornuti in the male genitalia.
Adult (Fig.
Male genitalia (Fig.
Male genitalia of Teliphasa spp. 13 T. spinosa sp. n., holotype, slide No. LLJ15172 14 T. similalbifusa sp. n., holotype, slide No. LLJ13039 15 T. erythrina sp. n., holotype, slide No. WYP05198 16 T. hamata sp. n., holotype, slide No. LLJ15167 17 T. nubilosa, slide No. LLJ15173 18 T. albifusa, slide No. LLJ15175 19 T. elegans, slide No. LLJ13044 20 T. amica, slide No. LLJ15178. Scale bars: 2.0 mm.
Female genitalia (Fig.
Female genitalia of Teliphasa spp. 21 T. spinosa sp. n., paratype, slide No. RH15180 22 T. hamata sp. n., paratype, slide No. WYP06011 23 T. nubilosa, slide No. LLJ15182 24 T. albifusa, slide No. LLJ15174 25 T. elegans, slide No. LLJ13038 26 T. amica, slide No. LLJ13017. Scale bars: 2.0 mm.
China (Yunnan).
The specific name is derived from the Latin spinosus (with many spines), in reference to the juxta with clustered spines in the male genitalia.
The labial palpus of this species is not sexual dimorphic. The shape and pattern of wing is consistent with the diagnostic characters of Teliphasa, and the male genitalia resemble other congeners in having a paired gnathos, the roundly expanded valva, and the separated inverted triangular saccus. Therefore, we regard this species as a new species of Teliphasa and describe it here.
Holotype ♂ – CHINA, Mt. Daming (23.40°N, 108.48°E), Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, 1250 m, 20.v.2011, leg. Linlin Yang and Yinghui Mou, genitalia slide No. LLJ13039.
This species is similar to T. albifusa superficially, but can be separated from the latter by the gnathos about 3/5 the length of the scaphium, the costa without process near base on the ventral margin, and the phallus with two cornuti in the male genitalia. In T. albifusa, the gnathos is about 3/4 the length of the scaphium, the costa is protruding subtriangularly near base on the ventral margin, and the phallus has a single cornutus in the male genitalia. In addition, T. similalbifusa sp. n., T. hamata sp. n. and T. sakishimensis are much similar in the male genitalia by the subtrapeziform uncus, the approximately rhombic valva, the broadly banded transtilla, the irregularly shaped juxta, the separated saccus, and one of the paired cornuti stretching out from before the apex of the phallus. However, the gnathos is hooked apically, and the stretching out cornutus is stout and shorter than 1/3 the length of the phallus in T. similalbifusa sp. n.; the gnathos is obtuse apically, and the stretching out cornutus is slender and longer than 1/2 the length of the phallus in T. hamata sp. n.; the gnathos is also obtuse apically, but the stretching out cornutus is horned and slightly longer than 1/3 the length of the phallus in T. sakishimensis.
Adult (Fig.
Male genitalia (Fig.
Female unknown.
China (Guangxi).
The specific name is derived from the Latin simil- (similar), and the specific name of another species albifusa, in reference to the similarity of the two species in the superficial morphology.
Holotype ♂ – CHINA, Bubang, Mengla County (21.60°N, 101.59°E), Yunnan Province, 650 m, 23.viii.2005, leg. Yingdang Ren, genitalia slide No. WYP05198.
This species is obviously different from its congeners by the forewing reddish brown and the hindwing deep gray tinged with pale reddish brown in the distal area. In addition, this species is distinguishable by the subtriangular uncus and the relatively narrow valva with length obviously longer than the maximum width in the male genitalia. In other Teliphasa species, the uncus is not subtriangular, and the relatively broad valva is shorter than or equal to the maximum width.
Adult (Fig.
Male genitalia (Fig.
Female unknown.
China (Yunnan).
The specific name is derived from the Latin erythrinus (red), in reference to the forewing reddish brown in the distal area.
Holotype ♂ – CHINA, Tengchong County (25.29°N, 98.70°E), Yunnan Province, 2144 m, 16.viii.2014, leg. Kaijian Teng, Shurong Liu and Hua Rong, genitalia slide No. LLJ15172.
Paratypes: 2♂, same data as holotype; 1♂, 2♀, Wenshan County, 1105 m, xi.2003, leg. Shengxian Lu; 2♂, Kunming, Yunnan Province, 1900 m, 29.viii.2005, leg. Yingdang Ren; 1♂, Mt. Jizu, Dali, Yunnan Province, 2228 m, 27.vii.2014, leg. Kaijian Teng et al.; 1♂, Xianfengling, Mt. Wuyi, Fujian Province, 1000 m, 26.v.2004, leg. Haili Yu; 1♂, 1♀, Huaping, Leyie County, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, 1300 m, 6, 8.viii.2006, leg. Weichun Li; 3♂, 3♀, Mt. Yuanbao, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, 700 m, 11.viii.2006, leg. Weichun Li.
This species is similar to T. albifusa superficially in the forewing color, but can be distinguished by the gnathos about 2/3 the length of the scaphium and the phallus with two cornuti in the male genitalia. In T. albifusa, the gnathos is about 3/4 the length of the scaphium, and the phallus has a single cornutus in the male genitalia. Moreover, T. hamata sp. n., T. similalbifusa sp. n., and T. sakishimensis are extremely similar in the male genitalia, and differences between them are stated under T. similalbifusa sp. n.
Adult (Fig.
Male genitalia (Fig.
Female genitalia (Fig.
China (Fujian, Guangxi, Yunnan).
The specific name is derived from the Latin hamatus (hooked), referring to the slender hooked cornutus protruding out from the phallus in the male genitalia.
Teliphasa nubilosa Moore, 1888: 201. Type Locality: India (Darjiling).
Macalla formisibia Strand, 1919: 50.
CHINA: Fujian Province: 9♂, Xianfengling, Mt. Wuyi, 1000 m, 26.v.2004, leg. Haili Yu; Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region: 10♂, 2♀, Huaping, Leyie County, 1300 m, 1, 8.viii.2006, leg. Weichun Li; 2♂, Mt. Yuanbao, 700 m, 12.viii.2006, leg. Weichun Li; 5♂, 6♀, Mt. Mao’er, Guilin, 1016 m, 23–24.vii.2015, leg. Mujie Qi and Shengnan Zhao; 4♂, Huanjiang County, Hechi, 1180 m, 23–26.vii.2015, leg. Meiqing Yang and Ga-Eun Lee; Guizhou Province: 1♂, Limingguan, Libo County, 720 m, 19.vii.2015, leg. Meiqing Yang and Ga-Eun Lee; Hainan Province: 3♂, Mt. Wuzhi, 700 m, 19.v.2007, leg. Zhiwei Zhang and Weichun Li; 2♂, Mt. Diaoluo, 940 m, 31.v.2007, leg. Zhiwei Zhang and Weichun Li; 2♂, Yinggeling, Qiongzhong County, 508 m, 27.vii.2014, leg. Peixin Cong, Linjie Liu and Sha Hu; 2♀, Yuanmenxiang, Baisha County, 460 m, 29–, leg. Peixin Cong, Linjie Liu and Sha Hu; 1♂, Jianfengling, Ledong County, 770 m, 14.vii.2014, leg. Peixin Cong, Linjie Liu and Sha Hu; 5♂, Mt. Limu, 607 m, 25, 27.vii.2014, leg. Peixin Cong, Linjie Liu and Sha Hu; 5♂, Mt. Wuzhi, 742 m, 20.V.2015, leg. Peixin Cong, Wei Guan and Sha Hu; Henan Province: 2♂, 3♀, Lushi County, 1560 m, 19, 21.vii.2001, leg. Dandan Zhang; 1♂, 2♀, Mt. Baiyun, Luoyang County, 1560 m, 22–24.vii.2001, leg. Dandan Zhang; 157♂, 40♀, Mt. Yuntai, Jiaozuo, 1028 m, 5–12.viii.2014, leg. Peixin Cong, Linjie Liu and Sha Hu; Hubei Province: 1♀, Pingbaying, Xianfeng, 1280 m, 22.vii.1999, leg. Houhun Li; Jiangxi Province: 3♂, Mt. Jiulian, 20–21.vii.2006, leg. Weichun Li; Sichuan Province: 1♂, Qingyinge, Mt. Emei, 900 m, 30.iv.1957, leg. Leyi Zheng and Hanhua Cheng; 3♀, Mabian County, 900 m, 21.vii.2004, leg. Yingdang Ren; 2♂, Wenchuan County, 1557 m, 9.vii.2014, leg. Kaijian Teng et al.; 1♂, Wanniansi, Mt. Emei, 830 m, 14.vii.2014, leg. Kaijian Teng et al.; Yunnan Province: 1♂, Bubang, Mengla County, 650 m, 23.viii.2005, leg. Yingdang Ren; 1♂, Taiyanghe, Pu’er, 1626 m, 8.vii.2013, leg. Shurong Liu, Yuqi Wang and Kaijian Teng; 1♂, Mt. Jizu, Dali, 2228 m, 27.vii.2014, leg. Kaijian Teng et al.; 10♂, Mt. Weibao, Dali, 2205 m, 30.vii.2014, leg. Kaijian Teng et al.; 1♂, Xiaodifang, Tengcong County, 2116 m, 11.viii.2014, leg. Kaijian Teng, Shurong Liu and Hua Rong; 1♂, Linjiapu, Tengcong County, 2144 m, 16.viii.2014, leg. Kaijian Teng, Shurong Liu and Hua Rong; Zhejiang Province: 5♂, Xianrending, Mt. Tianmu, 1500 m, 25.vii.2011, leg. Xicui Du and Xiaobing Fu; 1♂, Laoan, Mt. Tianmu, 555 m, 3.vii.2014, leg. Aihui Yin, Xuemei Hu and Qingyun Wang; 16♂, Sanmuping, Mt. Tianmu, 789 m, 13–15.vii.2014, leg. Aihui Yin, Xuemei Hu and Qingyun Wang; 2♂, Xiguan, Mt. Tianmu, 566 m, 16, 18.vii.2014, leg. Aihui Yin, Xuemei Hu and Qingyun Wang; 9♂, Mt. Longxu, 754 m, 20–22.vii.2014, leg. Aihui Yin, Xuemei Hu and Qingyun Wang; 2♂, Qingliangfeng, 1059 m, 28.vii.2014, leg. Aihui Yin, Xuemei Hu and Qingyun Wang; 5♂, 20♀, Sanmuping, Mt. Tianmu, 789 m, 16–17.vii.2015, leg. Aihui Yin, Kang Lou and Tao Wang.
This species is different from its congeners by the forewing suffused with olive-green scales in the median area, the rather thick male labial palpus extending to thorax, and the dorsal side of the labial palpus with long brownish yellow hairs in the distal 3/4. In addition, this species is similar to T. amica in the male genitalia (Fig.
Adult (Fig.
China (Fujian, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Henan, Hubei, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, Zhejiang, Taiwan), India.
Macalla albifusa Hampson, 1896: 113. Type Locality: Sikkim, Nagas.
CHINA: Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region: 1♂, 2♀, Mt. Mao’er, Guilin, 1016 m, 23.vii.2015, leg. Mujie Qi and Shengnan Zhao; 2♂, 1♀, Huanjiang County, Hechi, 1180 m, 25.vii.2015, leg. Meiqing Yang and Ga-Eun Lee; 2♂, Rongshui County, Liuzhou, 1240 m, 27.vii.2015, leg. Meiqing Yang and Ga-Eun Lee; Hebei Province: 10♂, 3♀, Xinglong County, 800 m, 16–29.vii.2011, leg. Houhun Li and Yanpeng Cai; Henan Province: 1♀, Mt. Baiyun, Luoyang, 1560 m, 22.vii.2001, leg. Dandan Zhang; 14♂, 8♀, Linzhou, 550 m, 21, 23.vii.2006, leg. Hui Zhen and Denghui Kuang; 1♂, Mt. Guan, Hui County, 550 m, 26.vii.2006, leg. Hui Zhen and Denghui Kuang; 3♂, 1♀, Mt. Wangwu, Jiyuan, 800 m, 28–29.vii.2006, leg. Hui Zhen and Denghui Kuang; 15♂, 4♀, Mt. Yuntai, Jiaozuo, 1028 m, 5–10.viii.2014, leg. Peixin Cong, Linjie Liu and Sha Hu; Hubei Province: 3♂, 3♀, Shennongjia, 15.vii.1977, leg. Leyi Zheng; 5♂, 1♀, Pingbaying, Xianfeng, 1280 m, 21–22.vii.1999, leg. Houhun Li et al.; 1♂, Lichuan, 700 m, 28.vii.1999, leg. Houhun Li et al.; Sichuan Province: 2♂, Baoxing County, 900 m, 1.viii.2004, leg. Yingdang Ren; 3♂, 2♀, Wenchuan County, 1557 m, 11.vii.2014, leg. Kaijian Teng et al.; 1♀, Wanniansi, Mt. Emei, 830 m, 14.vii.2014, leg. Kaijian Teng et al.; Shanxi Province: 3♂, Manghe, Yangcheng County, 594 m, 13, 16.vii.2012, leg. Wei Guan and Xiuchun Wang; Tianjin: 1♂, Mt. Baxian, 550 m,, leg. Houhun Li et al.; 9♂, 3♀, Mt. Baxian, 560 m, 14, 16.vii.2005, leg. Houhun Li et al.; 2♂, Mt. Baxian, 550 m, 24.vii.2015, leg. Houhun Li and Peixin Cong; Yunnan Province: 1♂, Bubang, Mengla County, 650 m, 22.viii.2005, leg. Yingdang Ren; 1♂, Yexianggu, Xishuangbannan, 762 m, 19.vii.2014, leg. Kaijian Teng et al.; Zhejiang Province: 1♂, Wuyanling, Taishun, 680 m, 31.vii.2005, leg. Yunli Xiao; 27♂, 2♀, Laoan, Mt. Tianmu, 555 m, 3–6.vii.2014, leg. Aihui Yin, Xuemei Hu and Qingyun Wang; 2♂, 1♀, Qianjiangyuan, Mt. Tianmu, 866 m, 7, 10.vii.2014, leg. Aihui Yin, Xuemei Hu and Qingyun Wang; 11♂, Xiguan, Mt. Tianmu, 566 m, 16–20.vii.2014, leg. Aihui Yin, Xuemei Hu and Qingyun Wang; 4♂, Mt. Longxu, 754 m, 20–22.vii.2014, leg. Aihui Yin, Xuemei Hu and Qingyun Wang; 3♂, Mt. Longtang, 520 m, 28, 30.vii.2014, leg. Aihui Yin, Xuemei Hu and Qingyun Wang; 9♂, Sanmuping, Mt. Tianmu, 789 m, 30.viii.2014, leg. Aihui Yin, Xuemei Hu and Qingyun Wang; 20♂, 16♀, Sanmuping, Mt. Tianmu, 789 m, 16–17.vii.2015, leg. Aihui Yin, Kang Lou and Tao Wang.
This species is characterized by the subtrapeziform uncus, the gnathos about 3/4 the length of the scaphium, the transtilla joined medially in a semicircular knot, the juxta irregular in shape, the phallus ventrally with a short slender process distally and with a row of spines internally in the male genitalia (Fig.
Adult (Fig.
China (Fujian, Guangxi, Hebei, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Shanxi, Sichuan, Tianjin, Yunnan, Zhejiang, Taiwan), Japan, Korea, Sikkim, Nagas.
Locastra elegans Butler, 1881: 581. Type Locality: Japan (Yokohama).
CHINA: Guizhou Province: 2♂, Suoluo, Chishui, 390 m, 27–28.V.2000, leg. Yanli Du; Hebei Province: 4♂, Xinglong County, 800 m, 20.vii.2011, leg. Houhun Li and Yanpeng Cai; Heilongjiang Province: 2♀, Mt. Mao’er, 18.vii.2009, leg. Weichun Li and Jiayu Liu; Henan Province: 1♀, Mt. Jigong, Xinyang, 700 m, 13.vii.2001, leg. Dandan Zhang; 1♀, Shiziping, Lushi County, 1200 m, 21.vii.2001, leg. Dandan Zhang; 1♂, Baligou, Huixian, 780 m, 12.vii.2002, leg. Xinpu Wang; Hubei Province: 1♂, Shennongjia, 15.vii.1977, leg. Leyi Zheng; Tianjin: 3♂, Mt. Baxian, 560 m, 13–14.vii.2005, leg. Houhun Li et al.; 1♀, Mt. Jiulong, 10.vii.2009, leg. Weichun Li.
This species has two forms: the blackish form and the whitish from. The blackish form can be differentiated by the forewing and the distal 2/3 of hindwing blackish brown. The whitish form is similar to T. albifusa superficially, but can be separated from the latter by the uncus subovate, the costa without process ventrally, and the phallus ventrally with two short digitiform distal processes that lack spines internally in the male genitalia (Fig.
Adult (Fig.
Glycine max (Linn.) Merr. (
China (Fujian, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Shaanxi, Tianjin), Korea, Japan, Ussuri.
Locastra amica Butler, 1879: 447. Type Locality: Japan.
CHINA: Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region: 1♀, Huaping, Leyie County, 950 m, 8.viii.2006, leg. Weichun Li; 1♂, 1♀, Mt. Yuanbao, 700 m, 11.viii.2006, leg. Weichun Li; Hebei Province: 4♂, 1♀, Xinglong County, 800 m, 20.vii.2011, leg. Houhun Li and Yanpeng Cai; Henan Province: 1♂, 1♀, Mt. Jigong, Xinyang, 700 m, 13.vii.2001, leg. Dandan Zhang; 1♀, Mt. Tongbai, Tongbai County, 300 m, 16.vii.2001, leg. Dandan Zhang; 35♂, 9♀, Linzhou, 550 m, 21, 23.vii.2006, leg. Hui Zhen and Denghui Kuang; 4♂, Mt. Guan, Hui County, 550 m, 26.vii.2006, leg. Hui Zhen and Denghui Kuang; 31♂, 14♀, Mt. Wangwu, Jiyuan, 800 m, 28–30.vii.2006, leg. Hui Zhen and Denghui Kuang; 4♂, Mt. Yuntai, Jiaozuo, 1028 m, 10.viii.2014, leg. Peixin Cong, Linjie Liu and Sha Hu; Hubei Province: 1♂, 1♀, Shennongjia, 1977, leg. Huanguang Zou; Jiangxi Province: 1♀, Mt. Jiulong, 10.vii.2009, leg. Weichun Li; 1♀, Mt. Jiulian, 21.vii.2006, leg. Weichun Li; Sichuan Province: 1♂, Qingyinge, Mt. Emei, 900 m, 30.iv.1957, leg. Leyi Zheng and Hanhua Cheng; Tianjin: 4♂, Mt. Baxian, 550 m, 23–, leg. Houhun Li et al.; 1♂, 1♀, Mt. Pan, Ji County, 170 m, 20.vii.2004, leg. Houhun Li et al.; 19♂, 6♀, Mt. Baxian, 560 m, 13, 16.vii.2005, leg. Houhun Li et al.; 3♂, 1♀, Mt. Baxian, 550 m, 23–24.vii.2015, leg. Houhun Li and Peixin Cong; Zhejiang Province: 2♂, Qingliangfeng, Linan, 900 m, 10, 12.viii.2005, leg. Yunli Xiao; 1♂, Xiguan, Mt. Tianmu, 566 m, 17.vii.2014, leg. Aihui Yin, Xuemei Hu and Qingyun Wang; 1♂, Yulingguan, Qingliangfeng, 220 m, 24.vii.2014, leg. Aihui Yin, Xuemei Hu and Qingyun Wang; 1♂, Mt. Longtang, 520 m, 26.vii.2014, leg. Aihui Yin, Xuemei Hu and Qingyun Wang; 2♂, Qianqingtang, Qingliangfeng, 1059 m, 28.vii.2014, leg. Aihui Yin, Xuemei Hu and Qingyun Wang; 2♂, Sanmuping, Mt. Tianmu, 789 m, 8.viii.2014, leg. Aihui Yin, Qingyun Wang and Suran Li.
This species is characterized by having a semicircular uncus, the gnathos about 1/2 the length of the scaphium, the transtilla medially produced to a rectangular extension, the bilobed juxta in the male genitalia (Fig.
Adult (Fig.
China (Fujian, Guangxi, Hebei, Henan, Hubei, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Shandong, Tianjin, Yunnan, Zhejiang, Taiwan), Korea, Japan.
Teliphasa sakishimensis Inoue & Yamanaka, 1975: 100. Type Locality: Japan (Mt. Banna).
China (Hubei, Sichuan, Taiwan), Japan.
This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 31272356) and the Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education (No. 20130031110008).