Research Article |
Corresponding author: Marc De Meyer ( ) Academic editor: Jorge Hendrichs
© 2015 Marc De Meyer, Hélène Delatte, Sunday Ekesi, Kurt Jordaens, Blanka Kalinova, Aruna Manrakhan, Maulid Mwatawala, Gary Steck, Joannes Van Cann, Lucie Vancikova, Radka Brizova, Massimiliano Virgilio.
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De Meyer M, Delatte H, Ekesi S, Jordaens K, Kalinová B, Manrakhan A, Mwatawala M, Steck G, Van Cann J, Vaníčková L, Břízová R, Virgilio M (2015) An integrative approach to unravel the Ceratitis FAR (Diptera, Tephritidae) cryptic species complex: a review. In: De Meyer M, Clarke AR, Vera MT, Hendrichs J (Eds) Resolution of Cryptic Species Complexes of Tephritid Pests to Enhance SIT Application and Facilitate International Trade. ZooKeys 540: 405-427.
This paper reviews all information gathered from different disciplines and studies to resolve the species status within the Ceratitis FAR (C. fasciventris, C. anonae, C. rosa) complex, a group of polyphagous fruit fly pest species (Diptera, Tephritidae) from Africa. It includes information on larval and adult morphology, wing morphometrics, cuticular hydrocarbons, pheromones, microsatellites, developmental physiology and geographic distribution. The general consensus is that the FAR complex comprises C. anonae, two species within C. rosa (so-called R1 and R2) and two putatitve species under C. fasciventris. The information regarding the latter is, however, too limited to draw final conclusions on specific status. Evidence for this recognition is discussed with reference to publications providing further details.
Taxonomy, Ceratitis rosa , Ceratitis fasciventris , Ceratitis anonae , Africa, fruit fly
Ceratitis MacLeay is an Afrotropical genus of tephritid fruit flies comprising close to 100 species found in Sub-Saharan Africa and the islands of the Western Indian Ocean. Phylogenetically it belongs to the subtribe Ceratitidina within the tribe Dacini. The latter tribe includes all main pest genera occurring naturally in Africa, i.e. Bactrocera Macquart, Capparimyia Bezzi, Ceratitis, Dacus Fabricius, Neoceratitis Hendel and Trirhithrum Bezzi. However, the monophyly of the genus is not supported and some species appear phylogenetically more closely related to Trirhithrum, while other Ceratitis species probably do not belong to the genus (
The Ceratitis FAR complex is a group of polyphagous species comprising three morphologically similar species: C. fasciventris (Bezzi), C. anonae Graham and C. rosa Karsch (Figure
The Natal fruit fly, C. rosa, was originally described from ’Delagoabai’ (nowadays Baia de Maputo, Mozambique and probably referring to a location near Maputo) by Karsch in 1887, based on a single male specimen (
All three species show remarkable sexual dimorphism, with the males having leg ornamentation that is absent in females. Ceratitis anonae males have the mid leg (Figure
Unlike the males, females, are morphologically almost indistinguishable. Ceratitis anonae females differ from the other two taxa in the pilosity of the anepisternum and fore femur. In C. anonae the anepisternum has some few dark setulae medioventrally, and the fore femur has dispersed short dark setulae between the ventral setae and posterior row of setae. In C. rosa and C. fasciventris, the anepisternal pilosity is completely pale and the fore femur usually only has pale setulae present between the ventral setae and posterior row of setae (
The occurrence of the three species throughout Africa shows different distribution patterns with only a partial overlap between some of the species. Although some species do occur sympatrically or parapatrically, nowhere do all three species co-occur. Ceratitis rosa is found throughout South (from western Cape onwards) to East Africa with the northernmost records from the Central Highlands in Kenya (Figure
Sympatric and allopatric occurrence is found between C. anonae and C. fasciventris in western Africa (
Despite the morphological differences in adult males and the partially disjunct distribution, there are indications that cryptic speciation occurs within the three currently recognized morphospecies.
When comparing sequences of mitochondrial and nuclear markers,
Finally, correlative ecological niche modeling showed that C. rosa prefers climatic conditions with lower temperatures when compared to C. capitata (
The inclusion of the Ceratitis FAR complex in the Coordinated Research Project (CRP) on cryptic species, therefore, was to establish whether the three morphological entities actually represent three distinct species, or if the relationship can be resolved in a different manner. The authors opted for an integrative approach, using different methodologies, including population genetics, larval morphology, wing morphometrics, cuticular hydrocarbons, developmental physiology and pre- and postzygotic mating compatibility. The results of these different approaches are presented in this volume or have been published elsewhere (
Using microsatellites,
The 399 male specimens of the 27 African populations used for the microsatellite analysis were, in light of the above findings, re-examined. Preliminary observations indicated a difference for C. fasciventris in the coloration of the male mid tibia with specimens from western Africa demonstrating darker coloration (
Re-examination of the C. rosa specimens revealed slight morphological differences with one type bearing a broader and more stout mid tibia with black coloration reaching the lateral margins of the tibia throughout (“R1”; Figure
All males were scored blindly (i.e. without reference to the genotypic cluster they belong to) for these morphological characters. Morphological assignment for R2 and F2 was 100% in alignment with the genotypic clustering while R1 and F1 had, respectively, 3.4% and 10% uncertain assignment (i.e. could not be assigned unambiguously to any of the genotypic clusters) because of doubtful interpretation of the morphological character. None of the specimens examined scored contradictorily to the genotypic cluster. It was concluded that the morphological differences observed in the male mid leg shape and coloration are a reliable character state when combined with genotyping to differentiate the different populations of C. rosa and C. fasciventris.
Since no morphological characters were found to reliably differentiate females neither of the different morphospecies nor of the five genotypic clusters recognized by the microsatellite analysis, a morphometric study was conducted on the wings of the same specimens used for the microsatellite (males and females) and the adult morphology studies (males only). Two techniques were used by
Recognition of larval stages of fruit fly pests is a necessity given the fact that most quarantine interceptions are larvae inside imported fruits during regulatory checkpoints. However, identification of fruit fly larvae at species level is notoriously difficult because of the limited morphological characters and the high intraspecific variability in character states. The study by
Cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) comprise a majority of the components of the cuticular waxes in many insects and may include n-alkanes, n-alkenes, terminally monomethylalkanes, dimethylalkanes among others (
Pheromones in investigated FAR complex species are produced exclusively by males and are, similarly as in other fruit fly species, highly complex species-specific mixtures characterized by specific qualitative and quantitative profiles of diverse chemical structures, including alcohols, aldehydes, terpenes, and esters. GCxGC-TOFMS analysis of male Ceratitis FAR complex pheromones observed in single population samples for each species, resulted in the identification of 35 compounds produced by C. fasciventris F2 type, 18 compounds released by C. anonae and 26 volatiles emitted by C. rosa R2 type. The composition of male pheromones partially overlapped, but contained also species-specific chemical compounds. Only 12 compounds elicited antennal responses suggesting a prominent role in pheromone communication. Four of the compounds were found in emanations of all three studied species (
Many volatiles identified in Ceratitis FAR male emanation have been previously identified in other tephritid pheromones (
The pheromone composition as well as electroantennography may be used for species identification. Similarly as for the composition of CHCs (
Developmental physiology studies can assist in detecting differences between species with regard to biological requirements. Only the developmental physiology of the two C. rosa types was studied in detail (
The distribution of C. fasciventris and C. rosa was re-analyzed, taking into account the existence of two types for each of these species. As the known distribution was largely based upon museum specimens collected over a period of 130 years and the DNA retrieval from older specimens (i.e. >10yrs) is cumbersome and with low success rate, it was decided to re-assign specimens based only on morphological characters which excluded female specimens. In total, specimens from 218 localities were re-examined and assigned to one of the four types (F1, F2, R1, R2). The observed distributions are given in Figures
A detailed study was conducted in the Uluguru Mountains near Morogoro (Tanzania) where both types are known to occur (
Although no detailed data are presented in this volume, preliminary data by S. Ekesi (pers. communication), indicate that in field cage studies there is a significant pre- and post-zygotic incompatibility both between Ceratitis rosa and C. fasciventris (F2), as well as between the two genotypic clusters of C. rosa: R1 and R2. None of the other genotypic clusters or morphospecies were included.
The majority of the research approaches discussed here indicate that the Ceratitis FAR complex consists of at least the three recognized morphospecies, but possibly of five different species. All methodologies (except larval morphology) used confirm that Ceratitis anonae, C. fasciventris and C. rosa are well recognized groups. Ceratitis anonae is a uniform group showing no apparent morphological or genetic variability and has a well-defined distribution range. The two other entities consist each of two separate groups. For C. rosa, the two entities (called ‘R1’, ‘lowland’ or ‘hot rosa’ on one hand, and ‘R2’, ‘highland’ or ‘cold rosa’ on the other hand) can be distinguished morphologically in males, as well as by other means and demonstrate a different developmental physiology. They occur sympatrically in some regions, but also show a disjunct distribution that appears to be correlated with ambient temperature. It is concluded that both types should be considered as two different species. Taxonomically, the type material of C. rosa belongs to the R1 type, which means that the R2 type should be considered as a new species, and a formal description will be published in the near future. Similarly, the review indicates that also C. fasciventris tends to be composed of two entities. Yet, because the data are currently insufficient to establish clearly whether they should also be considered two different species or not, we currently suggest to maintain the two types under one and the same species.
We would like to thank the Joint FAO/IAEA Programme for initiating the Coordinated Research Project on “Resolution of cryptic species complexes of tephritid pests to overcome constraints to SIT application and international trade”, and for providing support to the authors for conducting part of the research and to attend the research coordination meetings. Some of the data presented here are also the result of financial support by the Belgian Development Cooperation (through the Framework Agreement with the Royal Museum for Central Africa, RMCA) to Sokoine University of Agriculture, and by the Belgian Science Policy to the Joint Experimental Molecular Unit (JEMU) of the RMCA and the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences. The developmental physiology work on the two C. rosa types in South Africa was funded by Citrus Research International.