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Corresponding author: Shanyi Zhou ( ) Academic editor: Brian Lee Fisher
© 2016 Zhilin Chen, Shanyi Zhou, Jianhua Huang.
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Chen ZL, Zhou SY, Huang JH (2016) Seven species new to science and one newly recorded species of the ant genus Myrmica Latreille, 1804 from China, with proposal of a new synonym (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). ZooKeys 551: 85-128.
Seven new species of the genus Myrmica Latreille, 1804 are described from China: M. dongi sp. n., M. huaii sp. n., M. liui sp. n., M. mifui sp. n., M. oui sp. n., M. wangi sp. n. and M. yani sp. n. Myrmica forcipata Karawaiew, 1931 is recorded from China for the first time, while M. zhengi Ma & Xu, 2011 is synonymized with M. luteola Kupyanskaya, 1990. Identification keys based on worker caste are provided to the Myrmica species of China and the pachei-group species of the Old World, respectively.
Formicidae, Myrmica, new species, new synonym, new Chinese record
Latreille, 1804 is a large genus belonging to the family Formicidae, with 200 species and 12 subspecies known worldwide to date (
The first Chinese species of the genus Myrmica, i.e. M. tibetana Mayr, 1889, was described from Xizang.
In this paper, seven new and one newly recorded Myrmica species are described from China. Myrmica zhengi Ma & Xu, 2011 is considered as a junior synonym of M. luteola Kupyanskaya, 1990, leading to an increase of the known Chinese Myrmica species to 54.
This study is based on the specimens deposited in the Insect Collection of Guangxi Normal University, Guilin, China. Digital images of the specimens were taken with a Nikon AZ100 microscope. All measurements are in millimeters. Standard measurements and indices are mostly defined by
HL length of the head in full face view, measured in a straight line from the middle of anterior clypeal margin to the middle of posterior margin.
HW maximum width of the head in full face view behind the eyes.
FW minimum distance of frons between the frontal carinae.
FLW maximum distance between the outer borders of the frontal lobes.
SL maximum straight length of the antennal scape in profile view.
PW maximum width of pronotum in dorsal view.
ML length of mesosoma in profile, measured from the point at which the pronotum meets the cervical shield to the posterior basal angle of the metapleuron.
PL maximum length of petiole in dorsal view.
PH maximum height of petiole in profile view.
ESL straight length of propodeal spine in profile view, from its tip to the deepest point of the propodeal constriction at the base of the spine.
A list of species of Myrmica ants currently known from China is presented, according to the literatures and our collections. For each species the distributed places of China and the citations are mentioned. The list is arranged alphabetically.
M. angulata Radchenko, Zhou & Elmes, 2001
Distribution. Guangxi (Radchenko et al. 2001,
M. angulinodis Ruzsky, 1905
Distribution. Gansu (
M. arisana Wheeler, 1930
Distribution. Taiwan (Wheeler 1930,
M. bactriana Ruzsky, 1915
Distribution. Qinghai (
M. curiosa Radchenko, Zhou & Elmes, 2008
Distribution. Hunan (Radchenko et al. 2008), Sichuan (Radchenko et al. 2008) and Yunnan (Radchenko et al. 2008).
M. deplanata Emery, 1921
Distribution. Ningxia (
M. dongi sp. n.
Distribution. Xizang.
M. draco Radchenko, Zhou & Elmes, 2001
Distribution. Guangdong (
M. eidmanni Menozzi, 1930
Distribution. Liaoning (
M. excelsa Kupyanskaya, 1990
= M. sinica Wu & Wang, 1995
Distribution. Gansu (
M. forcipata Karavajev, 1931 (new record for China)
Distribution. Ningxia.
M. heterorhytida Radchenko & Elmes, 2009
Distribution. Yunnan (
M. hlavaci Radchenko & Elmes, 2009
Distribution. Sichuan (
M. huaii sp. n.
Distribution. Shaanxi.
M. koreana Elmes, Radchenko & Kim, 2001
Distribution. North east part of China (
M. kotokui Forel, 1911
Distribution. North east part of China (
M. kozlovi Ruzsky, 1915
= M. kozlovi mekongi Ruzsky, 1915
= M. kozlovi subalpina Ruzsky, 1915
= M. kozlovi subbrevispinosa Ruzsky, 1915
Distribution. Xizang (
M. kurokii Forel, 1907
= M. chinensis Viehmeyer, 1922
= M. helleri Viehmeyer, 1922
Distribution. Sichuan (
M. liui sp. n.
Distribution. Inner Mongolia.
M. luteola Kupyanskaya, 1990
= M. zhengi Ma & Xu, 2011, syn. n.
Distribution. Shaanxi (
M. mifui sp. n.
Distribution. Shaanxi.
M. mirabilis Elmes & Radchenko, 1998
Distribution. Taiwan (
M. mixta Radchenko & Elmes, 2008
Distribution. Sichuan (Radchenko et al. 2008).
M. multiplex Radchenko & Elmes, 2009
Distribution. Shaanxi (
M. oui sp. n.
Distribution. Guizhou.
M. pararitae Radchenko & Elmes, 2008
Distribution. Sichuan (Radchenko et al. 2008).
M. phalacra Radchenko & Elmes, 2009
Distribution. Shaanxi (
M. pleiorhytida Radchenko & Elmes, 2009
Distribution. Yunnan (
M. poldii Radchenko & Rigato, 2008
Distribution. Sichuan (Radchenko et al. 2008).
M. polyglypta Radchenko & Rigato, 2008
Distribution. Yunnan (Radchenko et al. 2008).
M. pulchella Santschi, 1937
= M. formosae Wheeler W.M., 1929
Distribution. Taiwan (Hua 2006,
M. ritae Emery, 1889
Distribution. Sichuan (Radchenko et al. 2008).
M. rubra (Linnaeus, 1758)
Distribution. Gansu (
M. ruginodis Nylander, 1846
Distribution. Gansu (
M. ruzskyana Radchenko & Elmes, 2010
Distribution. Xinjiang (
M. saposhnikovi Ruzsky, 1904
Distribution. Xizang (
M. scabrinodis Nylander, 1846
Distribution. Xinjiang (Xia and Zheng 1997).
M. schencki Viereck, 1903
Distribution. Sichuan (
M. schulzi Radchenko & Elmes, 2009
Distribution. Shaanxi (
M. sculptiventris Radchenko & Elmes, 2009
Distribution. Sichuan (
M. serica Wheeler, 1928
Distribution. Shaanxi (
M. sinensis Radchenko, Zhou & Elmes, 2001
Distribution. Guangxi (Radchenko et al. 2001,
M. sinoschencki Radchenko & Elmes, 2008
Distribution. Sichuan (Radchenko et al. 2008).
M. stangeana Ruzsky, 1902
Distribution. Xinjiang (Xia and Zheng 1997).
M. sulcinodis Nylander, 1846
Distribution. Gansu (
M. taibaiensis Wei, Zhou & Liu, 2001
Distribution. Shaanxi (
M. tibetana Mayr, 1889
Distribution. Xizang (
M. transsibirica Radchenko, 1994
Distribution. Heilongjiang (
M. urbanii Radchenko & Elmes, 1998
Distribution. Hubei (
M. vandeli Bondroit, 1920
Distribution. Xinjiang (Xia and Zheng 1997).
M. wangi sp. n.
Distribution. Shaanxi.
M. weii Radchenko & Zhou, 2008
Distribution. Shaanxi (Radchenko et al. 2008).
M. yani sp. n.
Distribution. Guizhou.
M. yunnanensis Radchenko & Elmes, 2009
Distribution. Yunnan (
Unidentifiable names and incertae sedis
M. ruginodis var. khamensis Ruzsky, 1915
Distribution. China: Xizang (
Doubtful species whose presence in China could not be verified.
M. aloba Forel, 1909
Distribution. Xizang (
M. inezae Forel, 1902
Distribution. Shaanxi (
M. gallienii
Distribution. Gansu (
M. jessensis Forel, 1901
Distribution. Gansu (
M. lobicornis Nylander, 1846
Distribution. Beijing (
M. margaritae Emery, 1889
Distribution. Anhui (
M. rugosa Mayr, 1855
Distribution. China: Fujian (
M. rupestris Forel, 1902
Distribution. Xizang (
M. smythiesii Forel, 1902
Distribution. Xizang (
M. tulinae Elmes, Radchenko & Aktaç, 2002
Distribution. Shaanxi (
M. wesmaeli Bondroit, 1918
Distribution. Ningxia (
M. luteola
Kupyanskaya, 1990: 103, Figs
M. zhengi Ma & Xu, 2011: 795, figs 1−5 (w.m.) CHINA. syn. n.
M. zhengi: paratypes, 4 workers: Foping Nature Reserve (33°42'N, 107°48'E), Shaanxi Province, China. 23.vii.2006, leg. Libin Ma, No. G060078; 3 workers: Qin Ling, Shaanxi Province, China. 27.vii.2006, leg. Zhao Tan, No. G060158; 1 worker, identification and presentation by Alexander G. Radchenko, but lack of collecting information.
Myrmica forcipata
Karavajev, 1931: 105, fig. 2 (w.) RUSSIA;
5 workers, Xiaowutai Mountain, Hebei province, China, 39°00'25"N, 113°35'46"E, 1751m,, leg. Shanyi Zhou, No. G090211.
This species is similar to M. angulinodis, but differs from the latter by the distinct, though not large, vertical lobe at the scape bend. This species was previously known only from south and east Siberia, Mongolia, but absent in the Russian far east. Herein this species is recorded from China for the first time.
Holotype worker. Sejila Mountain, Linzhi County, Xizang Autonomous Region, 29°40'00"N, 94°23'08"E, 4200m,, leg. Shuang Zhao, No. G090156. Paratypes. 1 worker,, No. G090156; 1 worker,, No. G090137; 1 worker,, No. G090141; 1 queen,, No. G090149; the locality and collector the same as holotype.
Holotype worker (Figs
Paratype queen (Figs
Holotype worker. Head longer than broad, with very weakly convex sides, almost straight posterior margin and rounded posterior corners; anterior clypeal margin rounded, slightly prominent, not notched medially. Frontal carinae curved outwards to merge with the rugae that surround antennal sockets. Frons wide, frontal lobes not extended. Antennal scape relatively long (SI2 = 0.92), slightly shorter than head width, gradually though distinctly curved at the base, without any trace of lobe or carina.
Mesosoma robust, promesonotum in profile view slightly convex, promesonotal suture in dorsal view indistinct. Metanotal groove distinct, wide, but shallow. Propodeal lobes rounded. Propodeal spines relatively short, straight, sharp, directly backwards at an angle of less than 45º. Petiole high, with very short peduncle; petiolar node in profile view cylindric, anterior surface concave, dorsum of node slightly convex, with a distinct broad dorsal plate, posterior surface steep. Postpetiole subglobular, with anterior and dorsal surfaces forming a regular arch. Spurs of middle and hind tibiae well-developed and pectinate. Frons with dense, fine, slightly sinuous, longitudinal rugae, number of rugae between frontal carinae level with the eyes ca. 20, posterior part of the head and its sides with fine reticulation, spaces between rugae sparsely superficially punctate, appearing more or less shiny and never dull. Clypeus with longitudinal rugae, spaces between them shiny. Frontal triangle smooth and shiny. Pronotal dorsum with reticulation, lateral sides longitudinally rugose-punctate. Mesonotal and propodeal dorsum with < 20 moderately coarse transverse sinuous rugae. Lower parts of mesopleura and lateral sides of propedeum with longitudinal rugae. Spaces between rugae on mesosoma with fine punctures, but appearing quite shiny. Petiole and postpetiole dull, densely punctate.
Head without subdecumbent pilosity at lateral margins, posterior margin with erect to suberect long hairs, genae with a few long hairs; dorsum of mesosoma with long hairs; petiole with 5−6 long hairs and a few short hairs. Antennal scapes and tibiae with subdecumbent hairs. Body colored blackish-brown, appendages somewhat lighter.
Paratype workers. With similar morphological characters as holotype, but in some individuals, color reddish-brown to yellowish-brown; petiole only with 3 long hairs.
Paratype queen. Queen generally similar to workers in the shape and sculpture of the head, frontal lobes, propodeal spines (which are more blunt at the apex), petiole and postpetiole. Mesosoma long and low, coarsely sculptured; anterior half of scutum with sinuous longitudinal rugae and reticulations; posterior half of scutum, scutellum and propodeal dorsum with coarse, slightly sinuous longitudinal rugae; pronotum with coarse irregular rugae and reticulations; mesopleura and lower part of propodeum with longitudinal rugose. Petiolar node and postpetiole dull, more coarsely rugose than in the worker, ground sculptures developed.
Males. Unknown.
Found foraging on the ground of alpine meadow at the altitudes of 3437m. Nesting site unknown.
The specific epithet is the last name of a famous Chinese artist in the Ming Dynasty, Qichang Dong.
This species belongs to the pachei group. The worker of this group is easily distinguished from other Myrmica species by a combination of the following characters: mesosoma dorsum at least partly with transverse rugosity; scape gradually though distinctly curved at the base, not angled, with no trace of lobe or carina. Anterior clypeal margin rounded or slightly prominent with no medial notch; petiole with a relatively short peduncle. Radchenko and Elmes (2001) once believed that this group was only found in Himalaya. However, following the recent examination of the Myrmica of China (Radchenko and Elmes 2009), they found out that the pachei group was much more diverse than previously expected. Before this study, this group contains 15 species. Radchenko and Elmes (2009) have made a good taxonomic revision and provided a key to the group based on workers. In this study, four new species of this group are described. Because the pachei-group is a sizeable species group and the sole function of a key is to allow taxa to be identified, a revised key is necessary for this group of species of the Old World. Accordingly, this key is given at the end of this paper, and distinguishing morphological characters between each species in the pachei group is obvious. It is easy to find that Myrmica dongi sp. n. is very similar to M. pleiorhytida Radchenko & Elmes, but differs from the latter by anterior surface of the petiole concave, dorsum of node with a distinct dorsal plate, slightly convex, posterior surface steep. Only the mesonotal dorsum with a fine transverse rugae, number of rugae on this area < 20, number of rugae between frontal carinae level the eyes ≤ 20.
This species is also closely related to M. dongi sp. n., but differs from the latter by petiole with a stronger triangular ventral process; propleuron with rugose; mesonotal and propodeal dorsum with about 20 moderately coarse transverse sinuous rugae.
Holotype worker. Helanshan, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China, 38°52'29"N, 105°53'42"E, 2597m. 8.vii.2010, leg. Zhilin Chen, No. G100237. Paratypes. 5 workers, data as per holotype.
Holotype worker. HL 1.13, HW 0.93, FW 0.40, FLW 0.50, SL 0.88, PW 0.65, ML 1.38, PL 0.38, PH 0.38, ESL 0.18, CI 1.21, FI 0.43, FLI 1.25, SI1 0.78, SI2 0.94, ESLI 0.19. Paratype workers (n = 6). HL 1.10−1.15, HW 0.91−0.94, FW 0.35−0.41, FLW 0.45−0.50, SL 0.85−0.90, PW 0.60−0.71, ML 1.33−1.40, PL 0.32−0.42, PH 0.33−0.41, ESL 0.13−0.17, CI 1.18−1.22, FI 0.31−0.34, FLI 1.28−1.33, SI1 0.77−0.82, SI2 0.90−0.96, ESLI 0.18−0.21.
Holotype worker. Head longer than broad, with weakly convex sides and posterior margin, and broadly rounded posterior corners; anterior clypeal margin broadly rounded, shallowly notched medially. Frontal carinae very feebly curved, merging with the rugae that extend to the margin of the head. Frons wide, frontal lobes much extended. Antennal scape long (SI2 0.94), slightly shorter than head width, gradually though distinctly curved at the base, with ridge on the inner margin.
Mesosoma in profile view weakly convex; promesonotal suture in dorsal view visible, metanotal groove very weak or absent. Propodeal lobes rounded. Propodeal spines short, blunt, directly backward and downward. Petiole with anterior surface concave, meeting the dorsal one to form a blunt angle, dorsum of node somewhat convex and steeply sloping backward, without dorsal plate. Postpetiole shorter than high, with convex dorsum. Spurs on middle and hind tibiae well-developed and pectinate.
Head with coarse longitudinal rugae on the whole dorsum, number of rugae between frontal carinae level with the eyes < 20. Posterior part and lateral sides of the head coarsely reticulated. Clypeus with coarse longitudinal rugae. Frontal triangle with a few longitudinal rugae, space between rugae shiny.
Dorsum and sides of mesosoma with less sinuous longitudinal rugae, space between rugae smooth and shiny. Petiole and postpetiole with short rugae, and densely punctate.
Head with abundant, long, suberect hairs at lateral margins; dorsum of mesosoma with longer hairs, petiole with 6−8 long and some shorter hairs. Antennal scape and tibiae with subdecumbent hairs. Head and gaster colored dark brown, mesosoma reddish-brown, appendages lighter.
Paratype workers. As holotype.
Queens and males. Unknown.
This species nests in the soil in alpine meadow, at elevation 2573m.
The specific epithet is the Chinese name Gongquan Liu, who was a famous Chinese calligrapher in the Tang Dynasty.
This species belongs to the lobicornis species group, which is one of the three most diverse species group of the Old World, containing 22 species (
This species also is similar to M. sulcinodis Nylander of the sulcinodis-complex, but differs from the latter by sides of petiolar node with punctures and short rugae less coarse than those on the mesosoma. Metanotal groove very weak or absent. Anterior surface of petiole concave, meeting the dorsal one through a rounded angle, dorsum of node somewhat convex and steeply sloping backward.
Holotype worker. Huangbaiyuan, Shaanxi Prov., China, 33°59'48"N, 107°17'42"E, 1927m. 8. vi. 2012, No. G120347, leg. Chaotai Wei, Paratypes. 1 worker, 2. vi. 2012, No. G1200339; 1 worker, 27. vi. 2012, No. G090467. Locality and collector the same as holotype.
Holotype worker. HL 1.50, HW 1.25, FW 0.55, FLW 0.58, SL 1.25, PW 0.85, ML 1.90, PL 0.55, PH 0.43, ESL 0.45, CI 1.20, FI 0.44, FLI 1.05, SI1 0.83, SI2 1.00, ESLI 0.36. Paratype workers (n = 3). HL 1.48−1.55, HW 1.21−1.29, FI 0.50−0.55, FLW 0.50−0.57, SL 1.20−1.31, PW 0.80−0.83, ML 1.86−1.91, PL 0.50−1.57, PH 0.41−0.44, ESL 0.41−0.45, CI 1.20−1.23, FI 0.41−0.44, FLI 1.00−1.09, SI1 0.80−0.83, SI2 0.97−1.02, ESLI 0.35−0.37.
Holotype worker. Head longer than broad, with weakly convex sides and posterior margin, and narrowly rounded posterior corners; anterior clypeal margin relatively narrowly rounded, but not prominent and not notched medially. Frontal carinae very feebly curved, merging with the rugae that surround antennal sockets. Frons wide, frontal lobes not extended. Antennal scape relatively long (SI2 = 1.00), equal to head width, gradually curved at the base, without any trace of lobe or carina.
Mesosoma robust, promesonotum in profile view distinctly convex, promesonotal suture in dorsal view indistinct. Metanotal groove distinct, deep and abrupt. Propodeal lobes rounded. Propodeal spines straight, thin, acute, directly backward at an angle of approximately 30º. Petiole with distinct peduncle, anterior surface slightly concave, and dorsum of node broadly rounded, with a distinct dorsal plate. Postpetiole subglobular, with anterior and dorsal surfaces forming a regular arch. Spurs of middle and hind tibiae well-developed and pectinate. Frons with dense, fine, slightly sinuous longitudinal rugae, number of rugae between frontal carinae level with the eyes > 25, posterior part and lateral sides of the head with fine reticulation, space between rugae dull, densely and coarsely punctate. Clypeus with longitudinal rugae, spaces between them shiny, frontal triangle smooth and shiny.
Pronotal dorsum reticulate, lateral sides reticulate-punctate. Mesonotal and propodeal dorsum each with more than ten moderately coarse sinuous transverse rugae. Lower parts of mesopleura and sides of propedeum with longitudinal rugae. Space between rugae on mesosoma with fine punctures, though appearing quite shiny. Petiole and postpetiole dull, densely punctate and reticulated. Anterior third of first gastral tergite with fine superficial hexagonal sculpture, the rest of the tergite smooth and shiny.
Head with short subdecumbent hairs at lateral margins above the eyes, posterior part of the head without additional long hairs, genae with a few long hairs; dorsum of mesosoma with long hairs; petiole with 4−6 long and a few short hairs. Antennal scape and tibiae with decumbent hairs. Gaster with short suberect hairs. Head and gaster blackish-brown, mesosoma yellowish-brown, appendages somewhat lighter.
Paratype workers. As holotype, but gaster with less short suberect hairs; petiole and postpetiole middle densely punctuate and the longitudinal rugae of frons more rough than holotype.
Queens and males. Unknown.
Found foraging on the ground in coniferous forest at an altitude of 1927 m. Nesting site unknown.
The specific epithet is the Chinese name Su Huai, who was a famous Chinese calligrapher in the Tang Dynasty.
This species belongs to the pachei group. It is easy to find that this species is very similar to M. schulzi and M. phalacra, but differs from the latters two by basal third of first gastral tergite with fine superficial hexagonal sculpture; posterior margin without any erect to suberect long hairs; dorsum of petiolar node with a distinct broad dorsal plate. Main discriminative morphological characters with other species of the pachei-group is showed in the key of pachei-group species.
Holotype worker. Taibai Mt., Shaanxi Prov., China, 33°59'57"N, 107°47'17"E, 3020m. 20.viii.1997, leg. Cong Wei, No. G970018; Paratypes. 3 workers, as holotype.
Holotype worker. HL 1.55, HW 1.38, FW 0.60, FLW 0.63, SL 1.28, PW 0.90, ML 1.95, PL 0.50, PH 0.48, ESL 0.48, CI 1.12, FI 0.43, FLI 1.05, SI1 0.82, SI2 0.92, ESLI 0.35. Paratype workers (n=2). HL 1.54−1.58, HW 1.37−1.40, FW 0.60−0.62, FLW 0.61−0.63, SL 1.25−1.26, PW 0.90−0.92, ML 1.91−1.94, PL 0.50−1.52, PH 0.50−0.51, ESL 0.46−0.49, CI 1.13−1.14, FI 0.42−0.44, FLI 1.04−1.05, SI1 0.80−0.81, SI2 0.90−0.93, ESLI 0.33−0.35.
Holotype worker. Head longer than broad, with very weakly convex sides and almost straight posterior margin, and rounded posterior corners; anterior clypeal margin rounded, slightly prominent, not notched medially. Frontal carinae very feebly curved, merging with the rugae that extend to the posterior third dorsum of head. Frons wide, frontal lobes not extended. Antennal scape relatively long, gradually though distinctly curved at the base, without any trace of lobe or carina.
Mesosoma relatively robust, promesonotum in profile view convex, promesonotal suture in dorsal view well-developed. Metanotal groove distinct, very deep. Propodeal lobes triangular apically. Propodeal spines moderately long, straight, sharp, directly backward at an angle of about 45º. Petiole high, with very short peduncle, its anterior surface slightly concave, dorsum of node with a distinct dorsal plate, slightly convex, posterior surface steep, so that petiolar node appears sharply cylindroid (seen in profile). Postpetiole subglobular, its anterior and dorsal surfaces forming a regular arch. Spurs of middle and hind tibiae well-developed and pectinate.
Head with very dense, fine, almost straight, slightly posteriorly diverging longitudinal rugae on the whole dorsum, number of rugae between frontal carinae level with the eyes < 25. Posterior part and lateral sides of the head with reticulation, surface between reticulation densely superficially punctate, appearing more or less shiny and not dull. Clypeus with longitudinal rugae, surface between them shiny. Frontal triangle smooth and shiny.
Pronotal dorsum reticulated, lateral sides reticulate-punctate; mesonotal dorsum with 8−10 coarse sinuous transverse rugae; dorsum of propodeum with several finer transverse rugae; lower parts of mesopleura and sides of propodeum with fine longitudinal rugae. Space between rugae on mesosoma smooth and shiny. Petiole high, and with a strongly triangular ventral process. Petiole and postpetiole with short irregular rugae, densely though not coarsely punctate, appearing dull.
Margins of head with long suberect hairs; dorsum of mesosoma with longer hairs, petiole with 6−8 long hairs. Antennal scape and tibiae with subdecumbent hairs. Body colored blackish-brown, appendages somewhat lighter.
Paratype workers. as holotype.
Queens and males. Unknown.
Found in mountain meadows at an altitude of 3020 m. Nesting site unknown.
The specific epithet is the name of a famous calligrapher in the Northern Song Dynasty.
This species belongs to the pachei group. It is easy to find that this species is very similar to M. pleiorhytida, but differs from the latter by number of rugae between frontal carinae level with the eyes ≤ 25; mesonotal and propodeal dorsum fine transverse rugae < 20. This species also very resemles to M. dongi sp. n., but differs from the latter by petiole with a finer triangular ventral process; propleuron only with densely punctuated; mesonotal and propodeal dorsum with 8−10 coarse sinuous transverse rugae. Main discriminative morphological characters with other species of the pachei-group is showed in the key of pachei-group species.
Holotype worker. Kuankuoshui, Guizhou Prov., China, 28°14'24"N, 107°12'00"E, 1202m. 16.viii.2010, leg. Duoduo Ye, No. G100231. Paratypes. 4 workers, data as holotype.
Holotype worker. HL 1.50, HW 1.32, FW 0.53, FLW 0.55, SL 1.60, PW 1.00, ML 2.25, PL 0.63, PH 0.40, ESL 0.68, CI 1.14, FI 0.40, FLI 1.04, SI1 1.07, SI2 1.21, ESLI 0.51. Paratype workers (n = 2). HL 1.44−1.50, HW 1.28−1.33, FI 0.40−0.43, FLI 1.04−1.06, SL 1.56−1.59, PW 1.00−1.08, ML 2.10−2.17, PL 0.63−0.67, PH 0.40−0.45, ESL 0.63−0.64, CI 1.10−1.18, FW 0.50−0.59, FLW 0.50−0.56, SI1 1.02−1.08, SI2 0.77−0.80, ESLI 0.50−0.55.
Holotype worker. Head longer than broad, with very feebly convex sides, nearly straight posterior margin and broadly rounded posterior corners. Anterior clypeal margin very feebly convex, notched medially. Frontal carinae curved, merging with the rugae that extend to the posterior third dorsum of head. Frons wide, frontal lobes not extended, but raised vertically (i.e. perpendicular to the surface of the head). Antennal scape relatively long (SI2 1.21), longer than head width, gradually though distinctly curved at the base, without any trace of lobe or carina.
Mesosoma relatively short (compared to related species), promesonotal dorsum in profile view finely convex, promesonotal suture in dorsal view indistinct; mesonotum abruptly curved down to propodeum to form distinct, deep and wide metanotal groove. Propodeal lobes projecting to form short and blunt triangle. Propodeal spines relatively long, widened at the base, directly backward and downward. Petiole relatively long and narrow, with strongly concave of anterior surface, dorsum of node feebly convex, with distinct dorsal plate; postpetiole as shown in figures, slightly shorter than high.
Head with fine, almost straight, posteriorly diverging longitudinal rugae on the whole dorsum, eight rugae between frontal carinae level with the eyes. Posterior part and sides of the head without reticulations, spaces between rugae densely punctate, dull. Clypeus with longitudinal rugae, surface between rugae shiny. Frontal triangle smooth and shiny.
Dorsum of mesosoma with coarse reticulation, lateral sides with coarse sinuous longitudinal rugae. Lower part of mesopleuron and sides of propodeum with coarse longitudinal rugae. In dorsal view, dorsum of propodeal behind the metanotal groove with a distinct U-shaped coarse rugae (seen in Fig.
Head posterior margin with long suberect hairs; mesosoma dorsum with longer hairs, petiole with 6−8 long hairs. Antennal scape with suberect hairs. Tibiae with subdecumbent hairs. Head, gaster and petiole and postpetiole brownish-red, dorsum of head with some dark patches. Mesosoma black to blackish-brown.
Paratype workers. As holotype, but in one individual, petiole only with 4 long hairs.
Queens and males. Unknown.
This species nests under litter layer and soil layer in the broadleaf forests, at elevation 1202m.
The specific epithet is the last name of a famous Chinese artist in the Tang Dynasty, Yanxun Ou.
This species belongs to the draco-complex of the ritae species group that includes M. draco, M. plodii, M. schoedli, M. yamanei. The workers of this species complex seems to be intermediate between the ritae-complex and boltoni-complex, but differs from the latter two by head dorsum and mesosoma rugose, petiole and postpetiole finely striated and punctuated, space of head dorsum between rugae punctuated. In terms of geography, M. oui sp. n. and M. draco may be occupying similar niches, but former differs from the latter by mesonotum abruptly curving down to the propodeum to form a distinct, deep and wide metanotal groove; in dorsal view, the dorsum of propodeum behind the metanotal groove bears a distinct U−shaped coarse ruga; first gastral tergite with clear superficial hexagonal microsculpture; body large (HW=1.38), dorsum of head with some dark patches. Given these obvious morphological differences, we are certain that M. oui sp. n. is not a variety of M. draco but an independent science species.
Holotype worker. Huangbaiyuan, Shaanxi Prov., China, 34°10'36"N, 107°11'03"E, 1567m., leg. Chaotai Wei, No. G120127. Paratypes. 5 workers, data as holotype.
Holotype worker. HL 1.62, HW 1.42, FW 0.55, FLW 0.58, SL 1.67, PW 1.05, ML 2.25, PL 0.63, PH 0.43, ESL 0.75, CI 1.14, FI 0.39, FLI 1.05, SI1 1.03, SI2 1.18, ESLI 0.53. Paratype workers (n = 5). HL 1.60−1.67, HW 1.33−1.41, FW 0.54−0.56, FLW 0.57−0.60, SL 1.56−1.64, PW 1.00−1.11, ML 2.19−2.23, PL 0.59−0.64, PH 0.40−0.44, ESL 0.70−0.77, CI 1.13−1.17, FI 0.38−0.41, FLI 1.02−1.08, SI1 1.00−1.04, SI2 1.17−1.20, ESLI 0.51−0.54.
Holotype worker. Head longer than broad, with very feebly convex sides, nearly straight posterior margin and broadly rounded posterior corners. Anterior clypeal margin very feebly convex, notched medially. Frontal carinae very feebly curved, merging with the rugae that extend to the posterior third dorsum of head. Frons wide, frontal lobes not extended, but raised vertically (i.e. perpendicular to the surface of the head). Antennal scape relatively long (SI2 = 1.18), longer than head width, gradually though distinctly curved at the base, without any trace of lobe or carina.
Promesonotal dorsum in profile view convex, promesonotal suture in dorsal view indistinct; mesonotum abruptly curved down to propodeum to form distinct, deep and wide metanotal groove. Propodeal lobes projecting to form short blunt triangle. Propodeal spines relatively long, widened at the base, directly backward and slightly downward. Petiole relatively short and wide, with anterior surface strongly concave, dorsum of node feebly convex; postpetiole somewhat shorter than high (Fig.
Head with fine, almost straight, posteriorly diverging longitudinal rugae on the whole dorsum extending back to posterior margin, eight rugae between frontal carinae level with the eyes. Posterior part of the head with reticulations, space between rugae finely superficially micro−punctate. Clypeus with longitudinal rugae, space between them shiny. Frontal triangle smooth and shiny.
Dorsum of mesosoma with coarse reticulation, lateral sides with coarse sinuous longitudinal rugae. Petiole with coarse, short, sinuous longitudinal rugae, postpetiole with less coarse longitudinal, slightly sinuous rugae. Space on body between rugae smooth and shiny.
Posterior margin of head with up to two long suberect hairs; mesosoma dorsum with longer hairs, petiole with 1−6 long hairs. Antennal scape with suberect hairs. Tibiae with subdecumbent hairs. Head, gaster and petiole and postpetiole brownish-red, mesosoma black to blackish-brown.
Paratype workers. As holotype.
Queens and males. Unknown.
This species nests inside decayed wood in the broadleaf and coniferous forests, at elevation 1667m.
The specific epithet is the last name of a famous Chinese artist in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Xizhi Wang.
M. wangi sp. n. belongs to the draco-complex of the ritae species group. This species group includes 5 species: M. draco, M. oui sp. n., M. plodii, M. schoedli, M. yamanei. So far, only two species (M. draco and M. wangi sp. n.) of the ritae species group were found from Shaanxi Province, which is the highest latitude distribution areas of this species group in the Old world. We investigated the two paratypes workers of M. draco Radchenko, Zhou & Elmes found that two species are very similar to each other, but M. wangi sp. n. differs from the M. draco by the nearly straight posterior margin and broadly rounded posterior corners, frontal carinae extend back to posterior margin, posterior part of the head without reticulation; only posterior margins with 0−2 long suberect hairs; propodeal lobes projecting to form short and blunt triangle; petiole with coarse, short, sinuous longitudinal rugae, petiole and postpetiole with fewer punctures, appears shiny. On the other hand, This species is also similar to M. oui sp. n., but differs from the latter by the surface between rugae on the head with fewer punctures and appearing shiny. In dorsal view, dorsum of propodeum behind the metanotal groove with irregular coarse rugae. Petiole and postpetiole with coarse, short, sinuous longitudinal rugae, with fewer punctures, appearing shiny. We considered that these morphological differences is very obvious, which could be easily aparted from the other species of the genus Myrmica.
Holotype worker. Fanjingshan Nature Reserve, Guizhou Prov., China, 27°54'26" N, 108°38'44"E, 1667m. 30.v.2002, leg. Shanyi Zhou, No. G020318. Paratypes. 3 workers and 1 queen, data as holotype.
Holotype worker (Figs
Holotype worker. Head longer than broad, with weakly convex sides and posterior margin, and narrowly rounded posterior corners; anterior clypeal margin narrowly rounded, not notched medially. Frontal carinae very feebly curved, merging with the rugae that extend to the posterior half dorsum of head. Frons wide, frontal lobes not extended. Antennal scape relatively long (SI2 1.27), gradually curved at the base, without any trace of lobe or carina.
Promesonotum in profile view slightly convex, promesonotal suture in dorsal view indistinct. Metanotal groove distinct, deep and abrupt. Propodeal lobes rounded. Propodeal spines quite short, straight, thin, acute, directly backward at an angle of about 30º. Petiole with distinct, but short peduncle, anterior surface slightly convex, meeting the dorsal one to form a blunt, narrowly rounded angle, dorsal surface short, gradually sloping posteriorly, without dorsal plate. Postpetiole subglobular, anterior and dorsal surfaces forming a feeble arch. Spurs of middle and hind tibiae well-developed and pectinate. Frons with dense, fine, slightly sinuous longitudinal rugae, number of rugae between frontal carinae level with the eyes is >20; posterior third dorsum of head densely punctate; posterior part of the head densely micropunctate and dull. Clypeus almost smooth, at most with some fine longitudinal rugae, space between rugae shiny. Frontal triangle smooth and shiny.
Mesosoma with fine transverse rugae in the whole of dorsum, space between rugae with micropunctures and dull. Posterior of petiole with fine short rugae, the rest of petiole and postpetiole densely punctate, appearing dull.
Head with abundant long hairs at margins, genae with a few long hairs; dorsum of mesosoma with long hairs; petiole with 4−6 long hairs and a few short hairs. Antennal scape and tibiae with subdecumbent hairs. Body colored yellowish brown, appendages somewhat lighter.
Paratype workers. With similar morphological characters as holotype, but in one individual, dorsum of mesonotum and front part of pronotum of transverse rugae is abscure.
Paratype queen. Queen generally similar to workers by the shape and sculptures of head (except posterior dorsum of head with fine transverse rugae), frontal lobes, propodeal spines and petiole and postpetiole. Anterior half of scutum with sinuous longitudinal rugae and reticulation; scutum with coarse longitudinal rugae, scutellum concentrically rugulose, propodeal dorsum with transverse rugae; lateral of mesosoma with slightly less coarse longitudinal rugae. Petiolar node and postpetiole with some irregular rugae, space between rugae densely punctate, appearing dull.
Males. Unknown.
This species nests inside decayed wood in the broadleaf and coniferous forests, at elevation 1667m.
The specific epithet is the last name of a famous Chinese artist in the Tang Dynasty, Zhenqing Yan.
Myrmica yani sp. n. is a remarkable new species, belonging to the pachei group. So far, only three species (M. pachei, M. inezae and M. villosa) are recorded from the Himalayas which possess the key character of the whole mesosoma of dorsum bearing transverse rugae. Myrmica yani sp. n. differs from the M. pachei and M. inezae by having a distinctly elongated head, with narrowly rounded posterior corners; posterior third of head dorsally without longitudinal rugae and reticulation, but densely punctate; petiole with distinct, short peduncle, its anterior surface slightly convex, meeting the dorsal one to form a blunt, narrowly rounded angle; dorsal surface short, gradually sloping posteriorly; body colored yellowish brown. It differs from M. villosa by the distinctly elongated head, with narrowly rounded posterior corners; posterior third of head dorsally without longitudinal rugae, but densely punctate; propleuron with densely micropunctures and dull; dorsum of propodeum with fine transverse rugae; anterior surface of petiole slightly convex, meeting the dorsal one to form a blunt, narrowly rounded angle.
*The key is modified from
1 | Lateral portion of clypeus raised into a sharp ridge in front of the antennal insertions, so that the antennal sockets are distinctly separated from the clypeal surface (similar to that of Tetramorium) ( |
2 |
− | Lateral portion of clypeus not raised into a sharp ridge in front of the antennal insertions, so that the antennal sockets lay on the same level with the clypeal surface ( |
3 |
2 | Antennal scape at the bend having the same width as at its mid−length; the base of the scape having a longitudinal groove and lateral ridges ( |
M. excelsa Kupyanskaya |
− | Antennal scape at the bend distinctly narrower than at its mid−length; the base of the scape without longitudinal groove and lateral ridges ( |
M. transsibirica Radchenko |
3 | Frontal carinae curved outward to merge with the rugae that surround the antennal socket ( |
4 |
− | Frontal carinae merging with the rugae that extend to the posterior margin, not curved outward to merge with the rugae that surround the antennal socket ( |
18 |
4 | First gastral tergite finely but distinctly longitudinally striated. Spurs on tibiae of the middle and the hind legs reduced, simple ( |
M. luteola Kupyanskaya |
– | First gastral tergite smooth and shiny. Spurs on tibiae of the middle and the hind legs well-developed and pectinate | 5 |
5 | Mesonotal dorsum partly with transverse rugae ( |
6 |
− | Mesonotal dorsum with various sculpture, but never with transverse rugae ( |
11 |
6 | Lateral margins of head either without pilosity or with short (≤0.03mm) decumbent hairs; if any long erect to suberect hairs present, then restricted to the posterior margin and genae ( |
7 |
− | Lateral and posterior margins of head with numerous long (≥0.07mm) erect to suberect hairs ( |
9 |
7 | Propodeal spines long, ESLI > 0.45, sides of pronotum with longitudinal rugae ( |
M. taibaiensis Wei, Zhou & Liu |
− | Propodeal spines shorter, ESLI < 0.41, sides of pronotum finely and densely punctate | 8 |
8 | Basal third of the first gastral tergite with superficial hexagonal fine sculpture. Posterior margin without any erect to suberect long hairs; dorsum of petiolar node with a distinct broad dorsal plate (figs 17–19). | M. huaii sp. n. |
− | First gastral tergite smooth and shiny; posterior margin with abundant short erect to suberect long hairs; dorsum of node quite narrowly rounded ( |
M. schulzi Radchenko & Elmes |
9 | Head distinctly elongate, CI >1.20, suboval, with barely marked posterior corners ( |
M. heterorhytida Radchenko & Elmes |
− | Head slightly longer than broad, CI <1.15, nearly square, with distinctly marked posterior corners ( |
10 |
10 | Anterior surface of the petiole almost straight, dorsum of node broadly rounded. Mesonotal and propodeal dorsum with finer transverse rugae, number of rugae on this area >25, number of rugae between frontal carinae level the eyes >30. Gaster with very fine superficial microsculpture ( |
M. pleiorhytida Radchenko & Elmes |
− | Anterior surface of the petiole concave, dorsum of node with a distinct dorsal plate, slightly convex, posterior surface steep. Only mesonotal dorsum with fine transverse rugae, number of rugae on this area < 20, number of rugae between frontal carinae level the eyes ≤ 20. Gaster smooth and shiny (Figs |
Myrmica dongi sp. n. |
11 | One of the largest known Myrmica species, HW >1.60, AL >2.50. Very hairy, number of standing hairs on petiolar node > 20 ( |
M. mirabilis Elmes & Radchenko |
− | Smaller species, HW < 1.25, AL < 2.30 mm. Less hairy, number of standing hairs on petiolar node < 15 ( |
12 |
12 | Masticatory margin of the mandible with 11−13 teeth ( |
M. curiosa Radchenko & Elmes |
− | Masticatory margin of the mandible with ≤ 9 teeth | 13 |
13 | Petiolar node with rounded dorsum, completely without a dorsal plate, node of the petiole and the postpetiole smooth, at most very finely striated. Pronotal dorsum with sinuous longitudinal rugae, never with coarse reticulation ( |
14 |
− | Petiolar node with a dorsal plate developed to various extents (except for M. arisana), node of the petiole and the postpetiole with coarse sculpture and rugae; pronotal dorsum with coarse reticulation ( |
16 |
14 | Petiole and postpetiole almost smooth, with few punctures ( |
M. rubra (Linnaeus) |
− | Petiole and postpetiole with rugae or dense punctures | 15 |
15 | Antennal scape longer (SI2 > 0.93), with more abundant suberect hairs ( |
M. bactriana Ruzsky |
− | Antennal scape shorter (SI2 < 0.91), with less abundant subdecumbent hairs ( |
M. ruzskyana Radchenko & Elmes |
16 | Petiolar node with rounded dorsum, completely without a dorsal plate, node of petiole smooth, at most very finely striated ( |
M. arisana Wheeler |
− | Petiolar node with a dorsal plate, node of petiole with quite coarse striated | 17 |
17 | Petiolar node with a distinct, sharply flattened dorsal plate, and having quite coarse, short sinuous longitudinal rugae on the lateral parts ( |
M. ruginodis Nylander |
− | Dorsum of the petiolar node slightly convex, dorsal plate not sharply flattened, lateral surfaces with finer short longitudinal rugae ( |
M. kotokui Forel |
18 | Dorsum of the mesosoma entirely or partially with transverse rugae ( |
19 |
− | Dorsum of the mesosoma with various sculptures, but never with transverse rugae ( |
27 |
19 | Dorsum of the mesosoma entirely with fine transverse rugae (figs 29–34) | M. yani sp. n. |
− | Dorsum of the mesosoma partially with transverse rugae | 20 |
20 | Lateral and posterior margins of the head with numerous long erect to suberect hairs | 21 |
− | Lateral margins of the head either without pilosity or with short decumbent hairs; if any long erect to suberect hairs present, then restricted to the posterior margin and genae | 24 |
21 | Mesonotal and propodeal dorsum with finer transverse rugae, number of rugae on this area ≥ 25 ( |
M. yunnanensis Radchenko & Elmes |
− | Mesonotal and propodeal dorsum with relatively coarser transverse rugae, number of rugae on this area ≤ 20 | 22 |
22 | Head slightly longer than broad, CI < 1.15, nearly square, with distinctly marked posterior corners. Petiole with a stronger triangular ventral process (figs 20–22) | M. mifui sp. n. |
− | Head distinctly elongate, CI > 1.20, suboval, with barely marked posterior corners. Petiole ventral process normal | 23 |
23 | Petiole low, PI1 1.68, its node with elongate flattened dorsum. Body color reddish brown ( |
M. weii Radchenko & Zhou |
− | Petiole higher, PI1 < 1.55, its node with a short, slightly convex, gradually sloping posteriorly dorsum. Body color blackish brown ( |
M. multiplex Radchenko & Elmes |
24 | Basal third of first gastral tergite densely punctate and longitudinally ruguloso−striated; this Basal third of first gastral tergite densely punctate and longitudinally rugulose-striate; this sculpture gradually petering out posteriorly, the rest of the surface of first tergite with well visible superficial hexagonal microsculpture ( |
M. sculptiventris Radchenko & Elmes |
− | Whole surface of first gastral tergite smooth | 25 |
25 | Head dorsum posterior to the eyes with reticulation, rest of head dorsum with longitudinal rugosity ( |
M. polyglypta Radchenko & Rigato |
− | Head dorsum posterior to the eyes with longitudinal rugosity; reticulation, if present, restricted to temples and/or posterior part of occiput | 26 |
26 | Rugosity on the head dorsum partly reduced. Frons level with the eyes with < 15 fine, slightly sinuous longitudinal rugae, only some of them running unbroken to the posterior margin. Propodeal dorsum with transverse rugosity. Scape longer than head width ( |
M. phalacra Radchenko & Elmes |
− | Rugosity on the head dorsum not reduced. The frons level with the eyes with > 20 longitudinal rugae that run unbroken to the posterior margin; surface between rugae very finely superficially punctate but appearing more or less shiny. Propodeal dorsum with short, slightly sinuous longitudinal rugae. Scape shorter than head width ( |
M. hlavaci Radchenko & Elmes |
27 | Antennal scape strongly angled at the base, with horizontal lobe, or a vertical lobe (that can be inclined anteriorly), or denticles | 28 |
− | Antennal scape gradually curved or angled at the base, never with a vertical, or inclined lobe, or denticles | 37 |
28 | Antennal scape strongly angled at the base, with horizontal lobe | 29 |
− | Antennal scape strongly angled at the base, with a vertical lobe (that can be inclined anteriorly), or with denticles | 31 |
29 | Hairy species, petiole with more than 10 (usually with 12−20) long, thin and often curved hairs. Dorsum of the mesosoma entirely with longitudinal, slightly sinuous rugae, without reticulation; dorsum of the postpetiole with partly reduced sculptures. Anterior clypeal margin shallowly but distinctly notched medially. Spurs on the middle and the hind tibiae at least partly reduced and usually not pectinate ( |
M. vandeli Bondroit |
− | Less hairy species, petiole with less than 10 (usually not more than 8) long, straight, thick hairs. Dorsum of the mesosoma with strong sinuous longitudinal rugae and often with reticulation; dorsum of the postpetiole with coarse sculptures. Anterior clypeal margin not notched medially. Spurs on the middle and the hind tibiae as a rule well-developed and pectinate. | 30 |
30 | Frontal lobes less expanded, mean FLI 1.31. Antennal scape at the base with narrow horizontal ridge or at most with very small carina. Propodeal spines short (mean ESLI 0.31), not widened at the base, thin, often needle−like; metanotal groove weak or completely absent; petiolar node without dorsal plate, usually rounded, with posterior surface gradually declines to the postpetiole; sides of mesosoma with relatively coarse, regular, almost straight longitudinal rugae. Body color rather dark, brownish-red. Tibiae and tarsi with short subdecumbent hairs ( |
M. stangeana Ruzsky |
− | Frontal lobes more expanded, mean FLI > 1.40. Antennal scape at the base with more developed, but never massive, horizontal carina or lobe. Propodeal spines longer (means ESLI > 0.35), usually widened at the base (more thorn-like), never needle-like; metanotal groove well-developed, often deep; petiolar node with various shape; sides of mesosoma with less coarse sinuous longitudinal rugae. Body color lighter, usually ochreous or yellowish-red. Tibiae and tarsi with various hairs ( |
M. scabrinodis Nylander |
31 | Propodeal spines thick and blunt, directed backward and upwards, and strongly curved inward; petiole with very short peduncle, anterior surface steep, meeting the dorsal one through an acute angle, so that the petiolar node appearing sharply angled in profile ( |
M. forcipata Karawajew (new Chinese record) |
− | Propodeal spines thin and sharp apically, not curved inward; petiole with various shapes (seen in profile), but if sharply angled, then the minimum distance between the frontal carina narrower (FI < 0.32 vs > 0.35 in M. forcipata) | 32 |
32 | Lobe of the antennal scape forming shield−like dorsal plate along the basal surface of the scape | 33 |
− | Lobe of the antennal scape not forming shield−like dorsal plate along the basal surface of the scape | 36 |
33 | Dorsum of head with sinuous longitudinal rugae, never with reticulation. Petiolar node and postpetiole densely punctuated ( |
M. sinoschencki Radchenko & Elmes |
− | Dorsum of head with reticulation at the posterior part. Petiolar node and postpetiole finely superficially punctate | 34 |
34 | Frontal carinae strongly curved, minimum distance between the frontal carinae narrower, FI < 0.26. Metanotal groove deep ( |
M. schencki Viereck |
− | Frontal carinae less curved, minimum distance between the frontal carinae wider, FI > 0.29. Metanotal groove shallow | 35 |
35 | Mesosoma with almost straight longitudinal rugae. Frontal lobes less extended, FLI 1.36−1.52, mean 1.41. Propodeal spines short, ESLI 0.18−0.30, mean 0.24. Body color usually dark reddish brown ( |
M. deplanata Emery |
− | Mesosoma with sinuous longitudinal rugae or reticulation. Frontal lobes more extended, FLI 1.50−1.67, mean 1.60. Propodeal spines longer, ESLI 0.27−0.34, mean 0.31. Mesosoma yellowish−brown, head reddish brown, gaster dark brown ( |
M. koreana Elmes, Radchenko & Kim |
36 | Antennal scape with small denticles or an even ridge at the base. Petiole in profile with an almost straight, steep anterior face, node with a posteriorly-inclined dorsal plate, appearing subtriangular ( |
M. saposhnikovi Ruzsky |
− | Antennal scape with small but distinct lobe at the base. Petiole in profile with concave anterior face, node with a flattened or somewhat convex dorsal plate ( |
M. eidmanni Menozzi |
37 | Propodeal spines long, ESLI > 0.45. Propodeal lobes pointed or blunt apically, but never rounded | 38 |
− | Propodeal spines shorter, ESLI < 0.40. Propodeal lobes rounded apically | 48 |
38 | Surface between rugae on the head and the dorsal surface of the petiole and postpetiole shiny and smooth or at most very superficially micropunctate; head, mesosoma, petiole and postpetiole usually with similar coarse rugae | 39 |
− | Surface between rugae on the petiole and postpetiole dull, always distinctly and often coarsely punctate; surface of head usually with similar punctures (except for M. angulata), rugae on dorsum of the head often noticeably finer than that on the mesosoma | 44 |
39 | Dorsum of head entirely with almost straight, subparallel rugae, completely lacking reticulation, more than 6 rugae between frontal carinae level with the eyes | 40 |
− | Dorsum of head with distinctly sinuous rugae and reticulation, if reticulation not developed, less than 6 rugae between frontal carinae level with the eyes. | 41 |
40 | Seen at magnification x l00, fine sculpture on surface of the head completely invisible. Pronotum with longitudinal rugae. Head yellow, strongly contrasting with the darker mesosoma ( |
M. ritae Emery |
− | Seen at magnification × 100, surface of head weakly micropunctate. Pronotum coarsely reticulate. Head brownish red, not strongly contrasting with mesosoma ( |
M. pararitae Radchenko & Elmes |
41 | Posterior dorsal surface of the head (from above in the level of the eyes) with coarse reticulations | 42 |
− | Posterior dorsal surface of the head with sinuous rugae; coarse reticulations, if present, then also restricted to the posterior part | 43 |
42 | Frons between frontal carinae level with the eyes with only 4 coarse rugae. Petiolar node, postpetiole, and sides of mesosoma with coarse reticulation ( |
M. sinensis Radchenko, Zhou & Elmes |
− | Frons between frontal carinae level with the eyes with ≥ 6 coarse rugae. Petiolar node, postpetiole and sides of mesosoma with coarse rugae ( |
M. urbanii Radchenko & Elmes |
43 | Frons between frontal carinae level with the eyes with 4 very coarse rugae ( |
M. pulchella Santschi |
− | Frons between frontal carinae level with the eyes with ≥ 6 fine rugae ( |
M. serica Wheeler |
44 | Petiole and postpetiole with fine sculptures, distinctly contrasting with much coarser sculptures on the mesosoma | 45 |
− | Petiole and postpetiole with coarser sculptures, similar to those on the mesosoma | 46 |
45 | Frontal carina extending back to behind the eyes, posterior part of the head with reticulation; posterior and lateral margins of head with long hairs; propodeal lobes projecting apically, forming long and pointed triangles; petiole and postpetiole dull, with dense punctures ( |
M. draco Radchenko, Zhou & Elmes |
− | Frontal carina extending back to the posterior margin of the head, occiput without reticulation; only posterior margins of head with 0−2 long suberect hairs; propodeal lobes projecting apically, forming short and blunt triangles; petiole and postpetiole shiny, with fewer punctures (figs 26–28) | M. wangi sp. n. |
46 | Dorsum of propodeum behind the metanotal groove with a distinct U−shaped coarse rugae; first gastral tergite with clear superficial hexagonal microsculpture (figs 23–25) | M. oui sp. n. |
− | Dorsum of propodeum behind the metanotal groove without an U−shaped coarse rugae; Gaster smooth and shiny | 47 |
47 | Dorsal surface of the head between rugae not punctate ( |
M. angulata Radchenko, Zhou & Elmes |
− | Dorsal surface of the head between rugae dull and punctate ( |
M. poldii Radchenko & Rigato |
48 | Antennal scape distinctly angled at the base. Propodeal spines directed backward and upwards, and distinctly curved inward. Anterior surface of petiole steep, meeting the dorsal one through a sharp acute angle, dorsal plate flat, well-developed, strongly inclined backward ( |
M. angulinodis Ruzsky |
− | Antennal scape gradually curved at the base or at most very slightly angled. Propodeal spines not curved inward. Anterior surface of petiole meeting the dorsal one at most through a slightly rounded or obtuse angle, never sharp acute angle | 49 |
49 | Antennal scape always with ridge on the inner margin at the base | 50 |
− | Antennal scape at most very slightly angled at the base, usually without a ridge on the inner margin | 51 |
50 | Sides of petiolar node with coarse rugae very similar to those on the mesosoma. Metanotal groove distinct, often deep. Petiole with short peduncle, anterior surface almost straight, meeting the dorsal one through a right or somewhat obtuse angle; dorsal plate well-developed, flattened, not inclined posteriorly ( |
M. sulcinodis Nylander |
− | Sides of petiolar node with punctures and short rugae less coarse than those on the mesosoma. Metanotal groove very weak or absent. Anterior surface of petiole concave, meeting the dorsal one through a rounded angle, dorsum of node somewhat convex and steeply sloping backward (figs 14–16) | M. liui sp. n. |
51 | Smaller species: HW < 1.00, AL < 1.60. Frontal carinae strongly curved at their anterior third, frontal lobes strongly extended, wide and nearly square, FLI > 1.20 ( |
M. tibetana Mayr |
− | Bigger species: HW > 1.15, AL > 1.90. Frontal carinae feebly curved along the whole length, frontal lobes not extended, relatively narrow, FLI < 1.15 | 52 |
52 | Dorsum of head with very dense, but not coarse longitudinal rugae and reticulation, surface between rugae dull and densely punctate ( |
M. kurokii Forel |
− | Dorsum of head with not so dense rugae, never with reticulation, surface between rugae somewhat shiny and more sparsely punctuated ( |
M. kozlovi Ruzsky |
1 | Basal third of first gastral tergite densely punctated and longitudinally ruguloso-striated | M. sculptiventris Radchenko & Elmes |
− | Whole surface of first gastral tergite smooth | 2 |
2 | Whole mesosoma dorsum with straight transversal rugae | 3 |
− | Only part of mesosoma dorsum with straight transversal rugae | 5 |
3 | Head distinctly elongate, suboval, with narrowly rounded posterior corners; posterior third of head dorsally without longitudinal rugae and reticulation, but densely punctuate | M. yani sp. n. |
− | Head slightly longer than broad, subsquare, with distinctly marked posterior corners; whole head dorsally with longitudinal rugae | 4 |
4 | Lateral and posterior margins of the head with long numerous suberect to erect hairs. Colour lighter, head dorsum dark reddish brown, mesosoma and gaster brownish red | M. villosa Radchenko & Elmes |
− | Lateral margins of head with short decumbent hairs, long suberect hairs present only on the posterior margin and genae. Colour darker, whole body dark reddish brown | M. pachei Forel |
5 | Lateral and posterior margins of head with long numerous suberect to erect hairs | 6 |
− | Lateral margins of head either glabrous or with short decumbent hairs; if long erect to suberect hairs occur, they are restricted to the posterior margin and genae | 12 |
6 | Head slightly longer than broad (CI < 1.15), subsquare, with distinctly marked posterior corners | 7 |
− | Head distinctly elongate (CI > 1.20), suboval, with barely marked posterior corners | 9 |
7 | Number of rugae between frontal carinae level with the eyes >30; mesonotal and propodeal dorsum with > 35 fine transverse rugae | M. pleiorhytida Radchenko & Elmes |
− | Number of rugae between frontal carinae level with the eyes ≤ 25; mesonotal and propodeal dorsum fine transverse rugae < 20. | 8 |
8 | Petiole with a stronger triangular ventral process; propleuron with rugose; mesonotal and propodeal dorsum with about 20 moderately coarse transverse sinuous rugae | Myrmica dongi sp. n. |
− | Petiole with a normal triangular ventral process; propleuron only with densely punctuated; mesonotal and propodeal dorsum with 8−10 coarse sinuous transverse rugae | Myrmica mifui sp. n. |
9 | Mesonotal and propodeal dorsum with ≤20 coarser transverse rugae | 10 |
− | Mesonotal and propodeal dorsum with ≥ 25 finer transverse rugae | 11 |
10 | Petiole low, PI1 1.68, its node with elongate flattened dorsum | M. weii Radchenko & Zhou |
− | Petiole higher, PI1 < 1.55, its node with short, slightly convex, gradually sloping posteriorly dorsal surface | M. multiplex Radchenko & Elmes |
11 | Frontal carinae merge with the rugae that extend back to the posterior head margin. Surface of head dorsum between rugae appears shiny | M. yunnanensis Radchenko & Elmes |
− | Frontal curved outwards to merge with the rugae that surround antennal sockets. Surface of the head dorsum between rugae appears dull, coarsely and densely punctuated | M. heterorhytida Radchenko & Elmes |
12 | Propodeal spines long (ESLI > 0.45), massive, widened at the base and often downcurved on their distal third | M. taibaiensis Wei, Zhou & Liu |
− | Propodeal spine shorter (ESLI < 0.40), slender and straight | 13 |
13 | Head dorsum densely punctate, dull | 14 |
− | Head dorsum not punctate, shiny | 17 |
14 | Head distinctly elongate (CI > 1.20), suboval, with barely marked posterior corners; dorsum of head posterior to eyes with reticulation, rest of head dorsum with longitudinal rugosity | M. polyglypta Radchenko & Rigato |
− | Head slightly longer than broad (CI < 1.15), subsquare, with distinctly marked posterior corners; only occiput and temples with fine reticulation | 15 |
15 | Basal third of first gastral tergite with fine superficial hexagonal sculpture; posterior margin without any erect to suberect long hairs; dorsum of petiolar node with a distinct broad dorsal plate | Myrmica huaii sp. n. |
− | Whole gastral tergite smooth and shiny; posterior margin with erect to suberect long hairs; dorsum of petiolar node without a distinct broad dorsal plate | 16 |
16 | Lateral margins of head posterior to eyes with abundant short decumbent hairs; Mesonotal and propodeal dorsum with > 25 moderately thin (not coarse) transverse sinuous rugae; Petiole with relatively short but distinct peduncle, its anterior surface concave, dorsum of node quite narrowly rounded | M. schulzi Radchenko & Elmes |
− | Lateral margins of head posterior to the eyes without short decumbent hairs; Mesonotal and propodeal dorsum with < 20 quite coarse transverse sinuous rugae; petiole low, with distinct peduncle, its anterior surface concave, dorsum of node widely rounded. | M. phalacra Radchenko & Elmes |
17 | Propodeal dorsum with fine longitudinal striations | M. elmesi Bharti & Sharma |
− | Propodeal dorsum with transverse rugae. | 18 |
18 | Propodeal dorsum with transverse rugosity, mesonotal dorsum with short, broken irregular rugae and reticulation | M. varisculpta Radchenko & Rigato |
− | Propodeal dorsum with sinuous longitudinal rugae, mesonotal dorsum with transverse rugosity. | M. hlavaci Radchenko & Elmes |
We thank Libin Ma (College of Life Science, Shaanxi Normal University) for providing us the paratype specimens of M. zhengi Ma and Xu. Thanks are also due to Duoduo Ye, Chaotai Wei (Guangxi Normal University) and Shuang Zhao (College of Life Science, Sun Yat-sen University) for collecting specimens. This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Project Nos. 31372248), Guangxi Key Laboratory of Rare and Endangered Animal Ecology, Guangxi Normal University (Project Nos. GKN. 14-B-03) and Key Laboratory of Ecology of Rare and Endangered Species and Environmental Protection (Guangxi Normal University), Ministry of Education, China (Project Nos. ERESEP2015Z05).