Research Article |
Corresponding author: Gabriel Biffi ( ) Academic editor: Lyubomir Penev
© 2015 Gabriel Biffi.
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Biffi G (2015) Three new species and distributional records for Paramaronius Wittmer (Coleoptera, Cantharidae, Chauliognathinae). ZooKeys 516: 49-69.
Three new species of Paramaronius Wittmer from southeastern Brazil are described and illustrated: P. serranus sp. n., P. brancuccii sp. n. and P. cavipennis sp. n. Paramaronius impressipennis (Pic) is redescribed, with supplementary description of the female. This species is recorded from Northeastern Brazil for the first time and its distribution pattern is discussed. A distribution map of Paramaronius in South America is provided. An identification key to all known species of the genus as well as photographs are given.
Chauliognathini , description, distribution, key, taxonomy
The genus Paramaronius Wittmer, 1963 is included in the group of short-elytra Chauliognathini and recognized by a remarkable sexual dimorphism (
In addition to the elytral modifications,
In this study, three new species of Paramaronius from southeastern Brazil are described. The genus now includes nine species totally, which are distributed from French Guiana to northern Argentina and from the southeastern Brazilian coast to Bolivia and western Brazil, most frequently on highlands.
Acronyms of the institutions where the types and other examined specimens are deposited as following:
CEIOC Coleção Entomológica do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil;
CZMA Coleção Zoológica do Maranhão, Caxias, Brazil;
DZUP Coleção de Entomologia Pe. Jesus Santiago Moure, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil;
MNHN Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, France;
MNRJ Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil;
MZSP Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil;
NHM Natural History Museum, London, England;
NHMB Naturhistorisches Museum Basel, Basel, Switzerland.
The morphological terminology and methods of dissection follow
Localities for the distribution map were obtained from label data and compiled from literature (
Abbreviations of the genital structures: rpt: right prolongation of tegmen, ap: apophysis, lsp: left setiferous prolongation, rp: right paramere, lp: left paramere, ml: median lobe.
HOLOTYPE ♂: BRAZIL: São Paulo, Jundiaí (Reserva Biológica Serra do Japi), 23°14'20"S; 46°57'27"W, 8.xi.2011, Biffi, G. & Nascimento E.A. cols. (MZSP). PARATYPES: BRAZIL: São Paulo, Jundiaí (Reserva Biológica Serra do Japi), 23°14'20"S; 46°57'27"W, 8.xi.2011, Biffi, G. & Nascimento E.A. cols. (2♂, 3♀) (MZSP); same locality, 23–25.i.2012, Nascimento, E.A., Biffi, G. & Fernandes, F.R. (1♀ pined; 1♂, 1♀ in alcohol) (MZSP); São Paulo, Bocaina [Serra da Bocaina], 27.x.1963, H.S. Lopes col. (1♂) (CEIOC); same locality, 27.x.1963, P. Ildo col. (1♀) (CEIOC); Minas Gerais (Serra do Caraça), 1380 m, xi.1961, Kloss, Lenko, Martins & Silva col. (1♂, 1♀) (MZSP).
Holotype (Figs
Male (Fig.
Female (Fig.
Other specimens from the type locality are much more pigmented. In these cases the frons, clypeus, palpi, thorax and legs vary from dark brown to black; the yellow pronotal spots may be indistinct. On less pigmented specimens, the head is pale with a posterior V-shaped mark; pronotum broadly pale, the sides light brown; elytra light brown, with the apex yellow.
The specific epithet is a derivative of the Portuguese word “serra” (mountain ranges), referring to the regions where the specimens were collected.
Brazil (Minas Gerais and São Paulo) (Figs
The specimens from Serra do Japi were collected on shrub vegetation across the most humid part of the trail near the Paraíso stream. The local vegetation is composed of a highland mesophyllous semideciduous forest (
HOLOTYPE ♂: BRAZIL: São Paulo, Pindamonhangaba (Eugênio Lefévre), 26.x.1962, Exp. Dep. Zool. col. (MZSP). PARATYPES: BRAZIL: São Paulo, Pindamonhangaba (Eugênio Lefévre), 26.x.1962, Exp. Dep. Zool. col. (1♂) (MZSP); Minas Gerais, Monte Verde, 10.xii.1969, F. Halik. (9266) (1♂) (MZSP)
Head, clypeus and apex of mandibles dark brown; antennal sockets surrounded by a thin yellow ring; base of mandibles and labial and maxillary palpi light brown; last palpomeres darker. Antennae dark brown, with the ventral face of antennomere 1 lighter. Pronotum dark brown laterally and light brown medially; a barely defined yellow spot near anterior medial margin and a broader, yellow, medial, basal spot reaching the posterior margin; posterior angles and hypomera pale yellow. Scutellum pale yellow. Elytra dark brown, with yellow apex. Hind wings brown. Thorax pale ventrally; metathorax gradually darker posteriorly. Legs dark brown, with apex of coxae and ventral surface of femora, pale. Abdominal tergites dark brown, with lateral borders yellow; posterior borders of tergites VI and VII yellow; ventrites dark brown with yellow spots basally and laterally; two last ventrites light brown.
Male (Fig.
Female: Unknown.
The specific epithet is patronymic, in honor of Dr Michel Brancucci (NHMB), eminent Cantharidae taxonomist, especially devoted to the Chauliognathinae, deceased in 2012 (
Brazil (Minas Gerais and São Paulo) (Figs
HOLOTYPE ♂: BRAZIL: Minas Gerais, Serra do Caraça, Santa Bárbara, 23–25.xi.1960, Araujo & Martins col. (MZSP).
Head with the occipital region and vertex dark brown; frons, clypeus and mandibles light brown; base of antennae, genae, labium and ventral base of mandibles yellow. Antennae with antennomere 1 dark brown dorsally and light brown ventrally; last antennomeres lost. Labial and maxillary palpi light brown. Pronotum dark brown, with a median anterior small round yellow spot and a basal, median, bigger, yellow spot reaching posterior margin; hypomera yellow. Scutellum pale yellow with the apex translucent. Elytra light brown with yellow apices. Hind wings brown. Ventrally, thorax light brown, with anterior margins of meso- and metanepisterna dark brown. Legs totally dark brown. Abdominal tergites light brown with lateral margins yellow; ventrites light brown, with lateral margins yellow covered with dark brown spots; two last tergites and ventrites dark brown.
Male (Fig.
Female: Unknown.
The specific epithet is derivative of the Latin words cavum (cavity) + pennis (wings), referring to its deep hollows on dorsal surface of elytra.
Brazil (Minas Gerais) (Fig.
This species was briefly described by
Even though these localities are so distant, they belong to Cerrado and Chaco provinces, adjacent areas of the same biogeographic subregion (Chaco dominion) (
A redescription of P. impressipennis is presented as well as a supplementary description of the female for the first time to complete its morphological information after specimens from Brazil.
HOLOTYPE ♂ (MNHN): ARGENTINA: Tucumán, 4.i.1900. BRAZIL: Maranhão, Mirador (Parque Estadual do Mirador, Base da Geraldina) 6°46'37"S; 45°06'34"W, 22.ii–01.iii.2009, armadilha luminosa [light trap], F. Limeira-de-Oliveira col. (4♂, 14♀ MZSP, 4♂, 15♀ CZMA); same locality, (Parque Estadual do Mirador, Base do Mosquito), 04–08.ii.2011, armadilha luminosa, F. Limeira-de-Oliveira col. (1♀) (CZMA); Bahia, Barreiras (Estrada Mata de Cachoeiras, Acaba Vida, km 7), 11°52'20"S; 45°32'55"W, 23.i.2009, luz [light trap], Nihei, Figueiredo, Almeida & Cezar col. (1♀) (MZSP).
Head with vertex, frons, clypeus and bases of mandibles pale yellow, slightly translucent; apex of mandibles dark brown; occipital region with a V-shaped testaceous mark; labial and maxillary palpi pale yellow, last palpomere brown. Antennae light brown, three first antennomeres pale yellow. Pronotum pale yellow to light brown, sometimes translucent. Scutellum pale yellow with apex translucent. Elytra testaceous to light brown with a lateral longitudinal darker brown band from the epipleura to the posterior third quarter of dorsal surface; apex of elytra with an oblique yellow band on outer margin; on less pigmented specimens, pronotum pale yellow and lateral and apical patches indistinct. Hind wings light brown. Legs testaceous to light brown; tarsi and dorsal surface of tibiae darker. Ventrally, thorax and abdomen pale yellow.
Male (Fig.
14–17 Seventh abdominal ventrite of male, ventral view 18–19 seventh abdominal ventrite of female, ventral view 20–21 female right coxite, ventral view 14, 18, 20 Paramaronius serranus sp. n. 15 P. brancuccii sp. n. 16 P. cavipennis sp. n. 17, 19, 21 P. impressipennis (Pic). Scale bars: 0.5 mm (14–19); 0.2 mm (20–21).
Female (Fig.
Argentina (Tucumán) and Brazil (Maranhão and Bahia) (Fig.
The specimens from Maranhão and Bahia were collected on Brazilian savannah (cerrado) and were attracted by light traps.
BOLIVIA: Cochabamba, Chaparé, Locotal, 1200m, 8.xi.1953, Martinez leg. (4♂); Cochabamba, Chaparé, Yungas de Palmar, 1250m 17.x.1953, W. Foster (1♀) (NHMB); Santa Cruz, Florida, 1050-1150m, (Refugio Los Volcanes), 18°06,3'S; 63°26'W, 10-14.xii.2011, beating of vegetation, L. Sekerka lgt. (2♀) (NHM).
Bolivia (Cochabamba and Santa Cruz) (Fig.
This species was described based on a single male holotype from northwestern Brazil, labelled “Brasilien, Acre, Rio Branco, 29.x.1954” and preserved at NHMB. Several specimens were collected with interception traps disposed for faunistic inventory purpose at Saül, French Guiana, by the SEAG (Société entomologique Antilles-Guyane). The specimens from French Guiana were compared and found to be identical to the holotype.
FRENCH GUIANA, Saül, Belvédère de la Montagne Pelée, 320m, 3°37'22"N; 53°12'58"W, 20.xii.2010, P.H. Dalens & S. Brûlé (1♀) (MZSP), same locality, 320m, 3°37'22"N; 53°12'58"W, 24.i.2011, P.H. Dalens & S. Brûlé, SEAG (1♂) (MZSP).
French Guiana and Brazil (Acre) (Fig.
BRAZIL: Minas Gerais, Serra do Caraça, 1380m, xi.1961, Kloss, Lenko, Martins & Silva col. (2♂, 6♀) (MZSP); Serra do Caraça (Engenho), 800m, xi.1961, Kloss, Lenko, Martins & Silva col. (1♂) (MZSP); Serra do Caraça, Santa Bárbara, 23–25.xi.1960, Araujo e Martins col. (2♀) (MZSP); Minas Gerais, Poços de Caldas (morro de São Domingos), 12.ii.1969, J. Becker, O. Roppo & O. Leoncini cols. (1♀) (MNRJ); Rio de Janeiro, Serra de Macaé, xi.1909, E. Garbe (1♂) (MZSP 15235); Parque Nacional de Itatiaia, 10.xii.1950, L. & H. Travassos (1♂) (MNRJ); Rio de Janeiro, Itatiaia, xi.1950, Travassos & Dalcy, (1♂) (MNRJ); Rio de Janeiro, Itatiaia (L. 41, 1300m), 10–12.x.1950, Trav., Albuquerque & Pearson col. (1♂) (CEIOC); same locality, 6–10.x.1950, H. Trav. col. (1♀) (CEIOC); Rio de Janeiro, Teresópolis, i.1940, Trav. & Freitas col. (2♀) (CEIOC); São Paulo, Serra da Bocaina, São José do Barreiro, 1650m, i.1969, M. Alvarenga col. (2♂) (DZUP 273518; DZUP 273519); São Paulo, Serra da Bocaina, 1300m, Parq. Criaç. Trutas, iii.1954, Dalcy, R. Barros (1♀) (MNRJ); São Paulo, Salesópolis, Estação Biológica de Boracéia, 23°39'15"S; 45°53'22"W, light trap, 14-18.ix.2012, F.F. Albertoni col. (1♂) (MZSP).
Brazil (Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo) (Fig.
One female referred by
HOLOTYPE ♂ (MZSP) and 1 PARATYPE ♂ (NHMB): BRAZIL: Distrito Federal, Parque Nacional, 1000 m, 9.iii.1970, JM & BA Campbell; 1 PARATYPE ♀ (NHMB): Distrito Federal, 15 km N. Brasília, 1250 m, 5.iii.1970, JM & BA Campbell. Other material: BRAZIL: Goiás, Ribeirão Vãozinho, 12.ii.1962, J. Bechyné col. (1♂, 2♀) (MZSP).
Brazil (Goiás and Distrito Federal) (Figs
HOLOTYPE ♂ (MNHN): BRAZIL, Goiás, Jataí, coll. L. Fairmaire, 1906.
Brazil (Goiás) (Figs
Paramaronius is widely distributed throughout South America. The new records extend the distribution of the genus from French Guiana to northern Argentina (Tucumán province) and from the southeastern Brazilian coast (Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo states) to western Brazil (Acre state) and Bolivia (Cochabamba department) (Figs
1 | Antennae short, with one antennomere exceeding or barely reaching the apex of elytra; males: elytra with one or two longitudinal ridges on posterior half of dorsal surface; sides of tegmen finely scratched | 2 |
– | Antennae long, with two or more antennomeres exceeding the apex of elytra; males: elytra with strong tubercles, deep grooves or shallow impressions on internal margins; sides of tegmen tuberculated or smooth, never scratched | 3 |
2 | Head black; males: antennomeres 6–11 expanded; elytra with two ridges on the posterior half and truncate to slightly emarginate apex (Figs |
P. menieri Brancucci |
– | Head yellow; males: antennomeres not expanded; elytra with one ridge on the posterior half and apex rounded (Figs |
P. impressipennis (Pic) |
3 | Legs completely or mostly testaceous, sometimes light brown; males: elytra widely rounded on posterior margins and provided with strong tubercles; sides of tegmen tuberculated | 4 |
– | Legs completely or mostly dark brown to black; males: elytra truncate or slightly rounded on posterior margins and without strong tubercles; sides of tegmen smooth | 5 |
4 | Head, pronotum and legs completely testaceous; antennae testaceous, darker from antennomere 7 to apex; males: each elytron with one median and two apical tubercles (Figs |
P. kraatzi (Pic) |
– | Head black; pronotum completely yellow or with two brown spots on lateral margins; legs yellow with brown spots on apex of femora and tibiae, tarsi brown; antennae brown, slightly lighter on two first and three last antennomeres; males: each elytron with one median and three apical tubercles (Figs |
P. freyi |
5 | Pronotum mostly or completely pale yellow; males: dorsal surface of elytra with shallow impressions covered by strong setae on their anterior margins | 6 |
– | Pronotum mostly or completely dark brown to black; males: dorsal surface of elytra with shallow impressions not covered by strong setae or with deep longitudinal grooves | 7 |
6 | Head yellow, sometimes with two brown spots between the eyes and a V-shaped brown spot on occipital region; pronotum yellow with brown spots on sides; elytral suture yellow at apical third; males: dorsal surface of elytra with a straight shallow impression (Figs |
P. gounellei (Pic) |
– | Head dark brown on vertex and yellow on clypeus and frons; pronotum completely testaceous to almost completely brown; elytral suture entirely black; males: dorsal surface of elytra with a circular impression (Figs |
P. campbelli Brancucci |
7 | Males: elytra with shallow impressions on internal margins not covered by dense pubescence (Figs |
P. serranus sp. n. |
– | Males: elytra with deep hollows or grooves surrounded by pubescence | 8 |
8 | Males: dorsal surface of each elytron modified in a deep longitudinal incision covered by a dense, short and thick pubescence; apical half of internal margin of each elytron slightly arcuate (Figs |
P. brancuccii sp. n. |
– | Males: dorsal surface of each elytron modified in a deep hollow surrounded by a scarce, long and thin pubescence, followed by a sloped surface covered by very short pubescence; apical half of internal margin of each elytron deeply sinuate (Figs |
P. cavipennis sp. n. |
To the curators Lúcia M. Almeida (DZUP), Jane Costa (CEIOC), Marcela Monné (MNRJ), Francisco Limeira de Oliveira (CZMA), Thierry Deuve and Azadeh Taghavian (MNHN), Matthias Borer, Eva Sprecher and Isabelle Zürcher (NHMB), Michael Geiser and Maxwell Barclay (NHM) for lending specimens and providing access to the collections. To Robert Constantin for the donation of specimens of P. freyi, to Guilherme Ide M. dos Santos (MZSP) for the photos of live P. serranus, to Sônia Casari (MZSP), Robert Constantin and two anonymous reviewers for the careful reading of and suggestions to the manuscript, and to Tucaaue Alvares for the English revision. This work was supported by grants from Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq-142074/2013-6) and Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP-2013/08966-1).