Research Article
Research Article
The bees of the family Halictidae (Hymenoptera) described by Ferdinand Morawitz from the collection of Aleksey Fedtschenko
expand article infoYulia V. Astafurova, Maxim Yu. Proshchalykin§
‡ Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Saint Petersburg, Russia
§ Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, Russia
Open Access


The type specimens of the family Halictidae, described by Ferdinand Morawitz from the collection of Aleksey Fedtschenko deposited in the Zoological Museum of the Moscow State University and in the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg (Russia), are critically reviewed. Precise information with illustrations of types for 43 taxa is provided. Lectotypes are here designated for the following seven nominal taxa: Halictus aprilinus Morawitz, 1876, H. cingulatus Morawitz, 1876, H. laevinodis Morawitz, 1876, H. limbellus Morawitz, 1876, H. nasica Morawitz, 1876, H. rhynchites Morawitz, 1876 and H. vulgaris Morawitz, 1876.


Anthophila, Apiformes, lectotypes, Palaearctic Region, taxonomy


More than 140 years ago (1876), the second part of Ferdinand Morawitz’s critical study on the bees collected by the Aleksey Fedtschenko 1869–1871 Expeditions in “Turkestan” was published. In the prior volume, “Apidae genuinae” (1875), Morawitz treated a total of 255 species of numerous genera, of which many species were described as new. In this second part, “Andrenidae” (1876), the remaining bees were dealt with, including the species of the difficult genera Andrena, Halictus and Hylaeus, totalling 183 species (Pesenko and Astafurova 2003). The species treatments are of a high professional standard, the localities are precisely documented (A. Fedtschenko 1871, O. Fedtschenko 1874, Baker 2004, Kuhlmann 2005, Dathe and Proshchalykin 2017) and the type series have been carefully conserved over a long period, generally in the collections of the Zoological Museum of the Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia (ZMMU) and in the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia (ZISP). To this day, these remain some of the most important manuscripts on bees of this region.

The entomological literature uses various, often obscure, terms and names for Central Asian regions and countries. The term “Turkestan” has a particularly special use in entomology, widely adopted by Morawitz (1875, 1876), Dalla Torre (1896), Meade-Waldo (1923) and in other fundamental papers, regardless of its imprecise assignment to countries (Proshchalykin and Dathe 2018).

The territory of Central Asia, described as the “Western Regions” (Xi Yui) in Chinese sources, was referred to in the Russian and European historiography of the 18th and early 19th Centuries as Lesser Bukharia, as opposed to Greater Bukharia, where the Bukhara Khanate was situated. In Europe, these lands came to be referred to in the 18th and 19th Centuries as Turkestan, i.e. “the Land of Turks,” which was the original Iranian name for the territory east of Fergana and Bukhara where nomadic Turkic tribes roamed. Subsequently, when the Turkic tribes occupied the enormous territory from the Caspian Sea to Lop Nor, the name Turkestan acquired a new meaning, so broad that it was deemed necessary to distinguish such areas as Western—Bukhara, or Russian Turkestan – and Eastern or Chinese Turkestan (Murzayev 1957). According to current views, Fedtschenko’s “Turkestan” comprises the countries Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and southern parts of Kazakhstan.

The family Halictidae is represented in Morawitz’s 1876 publication by four genera (Nomioides Schenck, 1866, Halictus Latreille, 1804, Sphecodes Latreille, 1804 and Nomia Latreille, 1804), comprising 73 species (Nos. 327–399). Only 30 species were previously known, while the remaining 43 were newly described (Nomioides – 2 species; Halictus – 36, Sphecodes – 2, Nomia – 2) (Table 1). Few of these taxa were mentioned in subsequent publications, remaining enigmatic for decades. Since the 1930s, V. Popov [ZISP] based his studies on the taxonomy and ecology of the Central Asian bee fauna using these collections. Popov involved other mellitologists in his research, so that specimens also reached specialists in other European museums. For example, P. Blüthgen took part in such work on Halictus and published several taxonomic papers, based on the Fedtschenko collection (Blüthgen 1931a, 1934a, 1955, Popov 1935).

Table 1.

The nominal taxa of Fedtschenko’s Halictidae, described by F. Morawitz, and their current status.

N Species name Sex Current status Depositaries of types
1. Halictus albitarsis Homonym LT (ZMMU); PLT (ZISP/ZMMU)
2. Halictus annulipes Valid LT (ZMMU); PLT (ZISP/ZMMU)
3. Halictus aprilinus Valid LT, PLT (ZMMU)
4. Halictus atomarius Valid LT, PLT (ZISP)
5. Halictus cariniventris Valid LT, PLT (ZMMU)
6. Halictus cingulatus Valid LT (ZMMU); PLT (ZISP/ZMMU)
7. Halictus croceipes ♀, ♂ Valid LT (ZMMU); PLT (ZISP/ZMMU)
8. Halictus desertorum Valid LT (ZMMU)
9. Halictus determinatus Homonym LT (ZMMU); PLT (ZISP/ZMMU)
10. Halictus equestris Valid LT (ZMMU)
11. Halictus ferghanicus Synonym LT (ZMMU); PLT (ZISP)
12. Halictus fucosus Synonym HT (ZMMU)
13. Halictus fulvitarsis Valid HT (ZMMU)
14. Halictus funerarius Valid LT (ZISP); PLT (ZISP/ZMMU)
15. Halictus fuscicollis Valid LT (ZMMU); PLT (ZISP)
16. Halictus hyalinipennis ♀, ♂ Valid LT (ZISP); PLT (ZISP/ZMMU)
17. Halictus laevinodis Valid LT (ZISP); PLT (ZMMU)
18. Halictus limbellus Valid LT (ZMMU); PLT (ZISP/ZMMU)
19. Halictus longirostris ♀, ♂ Valid LT (ZMMU); PLT (ZISP/ZMMU)
20. Halictus maculipes Valid LT (ZMMU)
21. Halictus melanarius Valid HT (ZMMU)
22. Halictus minor Valid LT (ZISP); PLT (ZISP/ZMMU)
23. Halictus modernus Valid HT (ZMMU)
24. Halictus nasica ♀, ♂ Valid LT (ZMMU); PLT (ZISP/ZMMU)
25. Halictus nigrilabris Valid LT (ZMMU); PLT (ZISP)
26. Halictus nigripes Homonym LT (ZMMU); PLT (ZISP/ZMMU)
27. Halictus obscuratus Valid LT (ZMMU); PLT (ZISP/ZMMU)
28. Halictus palustris Valid LT (ZMMU); PLT (ZISP)
29. Halictus pectoralis Homonym HT (ZMMU)
30. Halictus picipes Valid LT (ZMMU); PLT (ZISP/ZMMU)
31. Halictus rhynchites ♀, ♂ Valid LT (ZMMU); PLT (ZISP/ZMMU)
32. Halictus scutellaris Valid LT (ZMMU); PLT (ZISP/ZMMU)
33. Halictus sogdianus Synonym LT, PLT (ZMMU)
34. Halictus trifasciatus Homonym LT (ZMMU)
35. Halictus varipes ♀, ♂ Synonym LT, PLT (ZMMU)
36. Halictus vulgaris Synonym LT (ZMMU); PLT (ZISP/ZMMU)
37. Sphecodes nigripennis Synonym LT, PLT (ZMMU)
38. Sphecodes pectoralis Valid LT, PLT (ZMMU)
39. Sphecodes rufithorax ♀, ♂ Synonym LT (ZMMU); PLT (ZISP/ZMMU)
40. Nomia edentata ♀, ♂ Valid LT (ZMMU); PLT (ZISP/ZMMU)
41. Nomia rufescens Valid LT (ZMMU)
42. Nomioides parviceps Valid NT (ZISP)
43. Nomioides turanica ♀, ♂ Valid LT, PLT (ZISP/ZMMU)

The second attempt to recognise the true type material of Fedtschenko’s Halictidae was made by K. Warncke, a teacher in Dachau (Germany), who visited ZMMU from 26.03.1975 to 01.04.1975 (Dathe and Proshchalykin 2017). He worked his way through the drawers containing the Fedtschenko material and labelled specimens of all nominal taxa found there as “Lectotypen.” Thereby, certain specimens from some groups of bees (Hylaeus, Andrena, Anthidium etc.) received a red label with the inscription “Lectotypus Warncke 1975.” However, of all Fedtschenko’s Halictidae described by Morawitz, only five specimens received such labels: Sphecodes nigripennis Morawitz, 1876, S. pectoralis Morawitz, 1876, S. rufithorax Morawitz, 1876, Nomia edentata Morawitz, 1876 and N. rufescens Morawitz, 1876 (Figs 32A, 33B, 34E, 35F, 36A). All other type specimens were left without nomenclatural status labels.

In his publication on the genus Halictus, which appeared seven years later (Warncke 1982), only the sex and locality for each lectotype is cited, for example: “Halictus limbellus Mor. / ♀ Lectotypus / Samarkand.” The selected specimen is not further individually identified and data on syntypes and paralectotypes are completely missing from the text. Thus, of the twenty seven designated lectotypes, fifteen are either invalid or unnecessary (when the type series includes only the holotype) and require corrections by subsequent authors (Pesenko 1986a, Ebmer 1997, current publication).

In the 1980’s, Yu. Pesenko continued the study of Halictidae in the Fedtschenko’s collection of the ZISP and ZMMU, designating lectotypes for seven of Morawitz’s nominal taxa in the genera Halictus, Nomia and Nomioides (Pesenko 1983, 1984, 1986a).

As a part of a detailed types inventory of the ZISP collection, all primary types of Halictidae, including seven species described by F. Morawitz from the collection of A. Fedtschenko, are being progressively photographed and catalogued (Astafurova and Proshchalykin 2018, 2019, 2020). The present paper is the first complete, illustrated summary of all species of the family Halictidae, described by F. Morawitz from the collection of A. Fedtschenko, an invaluable reference for researchers across this region who otherwise could not easily assign names to these difficult bees.

Materials and methods

All of the material listed below was examined for this study. In the following list, the taxa are treated in alphabetical order of the names used in the original descriptions. Each entry includes the name of the taxon in its original combination, the complete reference to the original description of the species (including the original combination and spelling of the name and the author, year and page of the description) and a list of type specimens present in the collections of the ZMMU and ZISP. The data from each label are separated by two slashes (//) . Square brackets are used for English translations and when information is added to specimen label information (e.g. geographical coordinates) or published data (e.g. current name of an old place name; affiliation to a present-day country). Photographs were made using a combination of a stereomicroscope Olympus SZX10 and a digital camera (Olympus OM-D and Canon EOS70D).

Illustrations were obtained by montaging from an image series that covers different focal planes into a single in-focus image with the Helicon Focus 6. The final illustrations were post-processed for contrast and brightness using Adobe® Photoshop® software.

The classification and current species status for Halictus and Lasioglossum follow Michener (2007) and Ascher and Pickering (2020), for Sphecodes follow Astafurova et al. (2018a, b, 2019), for Nomiinae follow Astafurova (2014) and for Nomioidinae follow Pesenko (1983).


List of species

Subfamily Halictinae

Genus Halictus Latreille, 1804

Halictus albitarsis Morawitz, 1876

Figure 1

Halictus albitarsis Morawitz, 1876: 217 (key to females), 246, ♀.

Type locality

Samarkand (Uzbekistan).

Published (original) locality

Uzbekistan: Samarkand, Tashkent.


♀, designated by Warncke 1982: 117, <golden circle> // 21.[III.1869] // Самаркандъ [Uzbekistan, Samarkand, 39°39'N, 66°57'E] // Halictus albitarsis Mor., [N]372 [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // Lasioglossum Evylaeus albitarsis Mor., ♀ = lectotype, det A.W. Ebmer 1993 // Syntypus Lectotypus <red label> [ZMMU].


(12 ♀). 6 ♀, 11.[III.1871], 24., 25.[V.1871] // Ташкентъ [Tashkent] // [N]372; 1 ♀, 23.[III.1871] // Ташкентъ [Tashkent] // [N]372 // Halictus albitarsis Mor., F. Morawitz det. [handwritten by F. Morawitz] [ZMMU]; 1 ♀, <golden circle>, 11.[III.1871] // Ташкентъ [Tashkent] // albitarsis Mor., Typ. [handwritten by F. Morawitz]; 3 ♀, 11.[III.1871] // Ташкентъ [Tashkent] // к.[оллекция] Ф. Моравица [Collection of F. Morawitz] //Halictus albitarsis Mor. [handwritten by F. Morawitz]; 1 ♀, 11.[III.1871] // Ташкентъ [Tashkent] // Paralectotypus Halictus albitarsis Mor., design. Warncke, [19]82 <identical red label on each paralectotype specimens, labelled by Yu. Astafurova> [ZISP].

Current status

Lasioglossum (Sphecodogastra) leucopymatum (Dalla Torre, 1896), replacement name for Halictus albitarsis Morawitz, 1876 (nec Hylaeus albitarsis Schenck, 1853, nec Halictus albitarsis Cresson, 1872).


The secondary designation of the lectotype by Ebmer 1995: 585 is unnecessary.

Description of male. Ebmer 1995: 585.


Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan (Ebmer 1995).

Figure 1. 

Halictus albitarsis Morawitz, 1876, lectotype, female A habitus, lateral view and labels B head, frontal view C mesosoma, dorsal view D metasoma, dorsal view. Scale bars: 1.0 mm (A, D), 0.5 mm (B, C).

Halictus annulipes Morawitz, 1876

Figure 2

Halictus annulipes Morawitz, 1876: 217 (key), 221, ♀.

Type locality

Karatyube Mt., 15 km S Samarkand (Uzbekistan).

Published (original) locality

Uzbekistan: Samarkand, Karatyube Mt. (= 15 km S Samarkand).


designated by Warncke 1982: 81, ♀, 20[.V.1869] // Зеравшан.[ская] дол.[ина] [Uzbekistan, Zeravshan River valley, Karatyube Mt., 39°30'N, 66°52'E] // Halictus annulipes Mor., [N]332 [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // F. Morawitz det. 18.7.5. // Lectotypus Halictus annulipes Mor. 1876, design. Warncke, 1982 <red label, labelled by Yu. Astafurova> [ZMMU].


(2 ♀). 1 ♀, 17. [V.1869] // Самаркандъ [Uzbekistan, Samarkand] // [N]332 // H. annulipes F. Morawitz det. 1875 [ZMMU]; 1 ♀, 20[.V.1869] // Зеравшан.[ская] дол.[ина] [Zeravshan River valley] // annulipes Mor. Typ. [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // Paralectotypus Halictus annulipes Mor., 1876, design. Warncke, 1982 <identical red label on each paralectotype specimen, labelled by Yu. Astafurova> [ZISP].

Current status

Lasioglossum (Dialictus) annulipes (Morawitz, 1876).


Description of male. Kohl 1905: 238, as Halictus metopias Vachal (synonymised by Warncke 1975: 89).


Bulgaria, Armenia, Turkey, Russia (North Caucasus), Afghanistan, Iran, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Pakistan (Astafurova and Proshchalykin 2017, Ascher and Pickering 2020).

Figure 2. 

Halictus annulipes Morawitz, 1876, lectotype, female A habitus, lateral view B head, frontal view C mesosoma, dorsal view D metasoma, dorsal view E labels. Scale bars: 1.0 mm (A), 0.5 mm (B–E).

Halictus aprilinus Morawitz, 1876

Figure 3

Halictus aprilinus Morawitz, 1876: 216 (key), 228, ♀.

Type locality

Kattakurgan (Uzbekistan).

Published (original) locality

Uzbekistan: Katty-Kurgan.

Lectotype (designated here)

♀, <golden circle>, 28. [IV.1869] [Uzbekistan, Kattakurgan, 39°53'N, 66°15'E] // ♀ // H. aprilinus n. sp., ♀, F. Morawitz det., typus [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // Lectotypus Halictus aprilinus Mor., design. Astafurova et Proshchalykin, 2020 <red label> [ZMMU].


3 ♀, 28. [IV.1869] // Каттыкурганъ [Kattakurgan] // [N]343 // Paralectotypus Halictus aprilinus Mor., design. Astafurova et Proshchalykin, 2020 <red label> [ZMMU].

Current status

Lasioglossum (Sphecodogastra) aprilinum (Morawitz, 1876).


Warncke (1982: 76) did not designate the lectotype, but only wrote “Typus Mus. Moskau”.

Description of male. Blüthgen 1925a: 119, as Halictus inexspectatus (synonymised by Blüthgen 1931a: 212).


Southern Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Mongolia, China (Xinjiang) (Pesenko 2007, Murao et al. 2017).

Figure 3. 

Halictus aprilinus Morawitz, 1876, lectotype, female A habitus, lateral view and labels B head, frontal view C mesosoma, dorsal view D metasoma, dorsal view. Scale bars: 1.0 mm (A), 0.5 mm (B–D).

Halictus atomarius Morawitz, 1876

Figure (see Astafurova and Proshchalykin 2018: 11, figs 7a–e).

Halictus atomarius Morawitz, 1876: 218 (key), 254, ♀.

Type locality

Tashkent (Uzbekistan).

Published (original) locality

Uzbekistan: Tashkent.


♀, designated by Ebmer 1985: 290, 8.[VIII.1870] // Ташкентъ [Uzbekistan, Tashkent, 41°18'N, 69°16'E] // Halictus atomarius Mor. [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // к.[оллекция] Ф. Моравица [Collection of F. Morawitz] / / Syntypus <red label> // Lasioglossum Evylaeus atomarium (Mor.), ♀, Lectotypus, det. A.W. Ebmer 1985 // Lectotypus <red label> [ZISP].


1 ♀, 8.[VIII.1870] // Ташкентъ [Tashkent] // Halictus atomarius Mor. [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // к.[оллекция] Ф. Моравица [Collection of F. Morawitz] [ZISP].

Current status

Lasioglossum (Evylaeus s.l.) politum atomarium (Morawitz, 1876) (subspecies status according to Ebmer 1988b: 667).


Description of male. Bytinski-Salz and Ebmer 1974: 211, as Lasioglossum politum ssp. aramaeum Ebmer 1974 (synonymised by Ebmer 1985: 290).


Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Jordan, Israel, Turkey, Iran, Central Asia (Bytinski-Salz and Ebmer 1974, Warncke 1982, Pesenko 2007).

Halictus cariniventris Morawitz, 1876

Figure 4

Halictus cariniventris Morawitz, 1876: 220 (key), 226, ♂.

Type locality

Osh (Kyrgyzstan).

Published (original) locality

Uzbekistan: Samarkand, Dzhyuzak [=Jizzakh], Sokh; Kyrgyzstan: Osh.


♂, designated by Blüthgen 1955: 19, 1.[VIII.1871] // Ошъ [Kyrgyzstan, Osh, 40°32'N, 72°47'E] // Halictus cariniventris Mor., [N]341 [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // Lectotypus Halictus cariniventris Mor., design. Blüthgen <red label, labelled by Yu. Astafurova> [ZMMU].


(4 ♂). 2 ♂, 4., 7.[VII.1869] // Самарканд [Samarkand] // [N]341; 2 ♂, 18., 22.[VII.1870] // Джюзакъ [Dzhyuzak] // [N]341 // Paralectotypus Halictus cariniventris, design. Blüthgen <identical red labels on each paralectotype specimen, labelled by Yu. Astafurova> [ZMMU].

Current status

Halictus (Mucoreochalictus) pollinosa cariniventris Morawitz, 1876 (subspecies status according to Ebmer 1988b: 578).


The lectotype designation by Warncke (1982: 138) is unnecessary.

Description of female: Strand 1921: 314, as Halictus cariniventris var. creticola (synonymised by Ebmer 1988b: 578).


Europe (except north), Russia (European part, except north), Turkey, Israel, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Central Asia, Mongolia, North China (Pesenko 2006a, Astafurova and Proshchalykin 2017).

Figure 4. 

Halictus cariniventris Morawitz, 1876, lectotype, male A habitus, lateral view B metasoma, dorsal view C head, frontal view D mesosoma, dorsal view E labels. Scale bars: 1.0 mm.

Halictus cingulatus Morawitz, 1876

Figure 5

Halictus cingulatus Morawitz, 1876: 218 (key), 245, ♀.

Type locality

Samarkand (Uzbekistan).

Published (original) locality

Uzbekistan: Samarkand, Dzham [near Samarkand], Aksay [near Samarkand].

Lectotype (designated here)

♀, 18.[III.1869] // Самаркандъ [Uzbekistan, Samarkand, 39°39'N, 66°57'E] // Halictus cingulatus Mor., [N]371 [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // Lectotypus Halictus cingulatus Mor., design. Astafurova et Proshchalykin, 2020 <red label> [ZMMU].


(22 ♀). 11 ♀, 27., 28. [II. 1869], 18., 21. [V. 1869] // Самаркандъ [Samarkand] // [N]371; 1 ♀, 12.[V.1969] // Заравшан.[ская] дол.[ина] [Zeravshan River valley, Dzham] // [N]370; 1 ♀, 16.[V.1969] // Заравшан.[ская] дол.[ина] [Zeravshan River valley, Aksay] // [N]370 [ZMMU]; 1 ♀, the same labels, but 21.[V.1869] [ZMMU]; 1 ♀, <golden circle> // 18.[V.1869] // Самаркандъ [Samarkand] // cingulatus Mor. Typ. [handwritten by F. Morawitz]; 1 ♀, 18.[III.1869] // Самаркандъ [Samarkand] // к.[оллекция] Ф. Моравица [Collection of F. Morawitz]; 1 ♀, 20.[III.1869] // Самаркандъ [Samarkand] // к.[оллекция] Ф. Моравица [Collection of F. Morawitz] // Halictus cingulatus Mor., ♀, CoType, F. Morawitz det. [handwritten by F. Morawitz]; 1 ♀, 27.[III.1869] // Самаркандъ [Samarkand] // к.[оллекция] Ф. Моравица [Collection of F. Morawitz]; 1 ♀, 16.[III.1869] // Самаркандъ [Samarkand] // к.[оллекция] Ф. Моравица [Collection of F. Morawitz] // Halictus cingulatus Mor., ♀, F. Morawitz det. [handwritten by F. Morawitz]; 1 ♀, 30.[III.1869] // Заравшан.[ская] дол.[ина] [Zeravshan River valley, Samarkand] // Halictus cingulatus Mor. [handwritten by F. Morawitz]; 2 ♀, 12.[III.1869] // Заравшан.[ская] дол.[ина] [Zeravshan River valley, Samarkand] // к.[оллекция] Ф. Моравица [Collection of F. Morawitz] // Paralectotypus Halictus cingulatus Mor., design. Astafurova et Proshchalykin, 2020 <identical red labels on each paralectotype specimen> [ZISP].

Current status

Lasioglossum (Sphecodogastra) cingulatum (Morawitz, 1876).


Male unknown.

The lectotype designation by Warncke (1982: 116) is invalid because he labelled none of the eleven females from Samarkand deposited in ZMMU.


South Kazakhstan, Central Asia, Pakistan (Ebmer 1995, Murao et al. 2017).

Figure 5. 

Halictus cingulatus Morawitz, 1876, lectotype, female A habitus, lateral view and labels B head, frontal view C mesosoma, dorsal view D metasoma, dorsal view. Scale bars: 1.0 mm.

Halictus croceipes Morawitz, 1876

Figure 6

Halictus croceipes Morawitz, 1876: 217 (key to ♀), 220 (key to ♂), 224, ♀, ♂.

Type locality

Yeri, Sughd Province (Tajikistan).

Published (original) locality

Kyrgyzstan: Taka; Uzbekistan: Karatyube [Mt., 15 km S Samarkand], Dzham Gorge, Urgut; Tajikistan: Iori.


♀, designated by Ebmer 1997: 956, <golden circle> // 1.[VI.1869] // Заравш.[анская] дол.[ина] [Tajikistan, Zeravshan River valley, Iori (= Yeri), 39°30'N, 67°52'E] // croceipes Mor. Typ [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // croceipes Mor. Blüthgen det. 1935 // Lectotype <red label> // Lasioglossum (Evylaeus) croceipes (Mor.), ♀, Lectotypus, det. A.W. Ebmer 1974 [ZMMU].


(6 ♀). 1 ♀, 20.[V.1869] // Заравшан.[ская] дол.[ина] [Zeravshan River valley, Karatyube] // croceipes Mor., [N]338 [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // croceipes Mor. Blüthgen det. 1935; 3 ♀, 8.[VIII.1871] // Така [Taka] // [N]338; 1 ♀, 13.[V.1869] // Джамское ущ. [Dzham Gorge] // [N]338 [ZMMU]; 1 ♀, 1.[VI.1869] // Заравшан.[ская] дол.[ина] [Zeravshan River valley, Iori] // к.[оллекция] Ф. Моравица [Collection of F. Morawitz] // croceipes Mor., Blüthgen det. 1935 // Paralectotypus Halictus croceipes Mor., design. Ebmer 1997 <identical red labels on each paralectotype specimen, labelled by Yu. Astafurova> [ZISP].

Current status

Lasioglossum (Hemihalictus) croceipes (Morawitz, 1876).


The lectotype designation by Warncke (1982: 106) is invalid because there are two females in ZMMU from the Zeravshan River valley, neither with Warncke’s lectotype label.


Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Kazakhstan (Ebmer 1997, Murao et al. 2017).

Figure 6. 

Halictus croceipes Morawitz, 1876, lectotype, female A habitus, lateral view and labels B head, frontal view C mesosoma, dorsal view D metasoma, dorsal view. Scale bars: 1.0 mm (A, D), 0.5 mm (B, C).

Halictus desertorum Morawitz, 1876

Figure 7

Halictus desertorum Morawitz, 1876: 217 (key), 228, ♀.

Type locality

Kattakurgan (Uzbekistan).

Published (original) locality

Uzbekistan: Katty-Kurgan.


♀, designated by Warncke 1982: 107, 28.[IV.1869] // Катты-Курганъ [Uzbekistan, Katty-Kurgan (=Kattakurgan), 39°53'N, 66°15'E] // Halictus desertorum Mor., [N]344 [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // Lectotypus Halictus desertorum Mor., design. Warncke <red label, labelled by Yu. Astafurova> [ZMMU].

Current status

Halictus (Placidochalictus) desertorum Morawitz, 1876.


Description of male. Blüthgen 1929: 84, figs 9a, b.


Turkey, southern Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Pakistan (Blüthgen 1929, Ebmer 1988a).

Figure 7. 

Halictus desertorum Morawitz, 1876, lectotype, female A habitus, lateral view and labels B head, frontal view C mesosoma, dorsal view D metasoma, dorsal view. Scale bars: 1.0 mm (A), 0.5 mm (B–D).

Halictus determinatus Morawitz, 1876

Figure 8

Halictus determinatus Morawitz, 1876: 217 (key), 233, ♀.

Type locality

30 km SSE Samarkand, Sangu-dzhuman Pass (Uzbekistan).

Published (original) locality

Uzbekistan: “On the road to Sangy-Dzhuman [pass] and the Kulbasy Mountain”.


♀, designated by Pesenko 1984: 20, 25.[V.1869] // Сангы-Джуманъ [Uzbekistan, Sangu-dzhuman Pass, Zeravshan Ridge, 30 km SSE Samarkand, 39°27'N, 67°14'E] // Halictus determinatus Mor., [N]351 [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // Lectotypus H. determinatus Mor., ♀, design. Pesenko [1]981 <red label> [ZMMU].


(6 ♀). 3 ♀, the same label as in the lectotype; 1 ♀, 25.[V.1869] // Заравшан.[ская] дол.[ина] [Zeravshan River valley] // [N]351 [ZMMU]; 2 ♀, Сангы-Джуманъ [Sangu-Dzhuman] // к.[оллекция] Ф. Моравица [Collection of F. Morawitz] // determinatus F. Mor., ♀ [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // Paralectotypus H. determinatus Mor., ♀, design. Pesenko [1]981 <identical red labels on each paralectotype specimen, labelled by Yu. Pesenko> [ZISP].

Current status

Halictus (Platyhalictus) determinandus Dalla Torre, 1896, replacement name for H. determinatus Morawitz, 1876 (nec H. determinatus Walker, 1871).


Description of male. Ebmer 1980: 471, Fig. 1.


A rare montane Central Asian species. Northern Afghanistan, eastern Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan (Pesenko 2005a).

Figure 8. 

Halictus determinatus Morawitz, 1876, lectotype, female A habitus, lateral view B metasoma, dorsal view C mesosoma, dorsal view D head, frontal view E labels. Scale bars: 1.0 mm.

Halictus equestris Morawitz, 1876

Figure 9

Halictus equestris Morawitz, 1876: 217 (key), 242, ♀.

Type locality

Khozyay-Dun (Uzbekistan).

Published (original) locality

Uzbekistan: Khodzhaduk [= Khozyay-Dun].


♀, designated by Warncke 1982: 105, 21.[V.1869] // Заравшан.[ская] дол.[ина] [Uzbekistan, Zeravshan River valley, Khozyay-Dun, 39°24'N, 67°01'E] // Halictus equestris Mor., [N]366 [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // Lectotypus Halictus equestris Mor., design. Warncke [19]82 <red label> [ZMMU].

Current status

Lasioglossum (Lasioglossum) equestre (Morawitz, 1876).


Description of male. Morawitz 1876: 219 (key), 243, as Halictus ferghanicus (synonymised by Blüthgen 1926: 391).

According to the Fedchenko list (Baker 2004: 243), the locality given in Warncke’s lectotype designation is in Uzbekistan, not Tajikistan.


Turkey, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, south-eastern Kazakhstan (Pesenko 1986a, Ascher and Pickering 2020).

Figure 9. 

Halictus equestris Morawitz, 1876, lectotype, female A habitus, lateral view and labels B head, frontal view C mesosoma, dorsal view D metasoma, dorsal view. Scale bars: 1.0 mm.

Halictus ferghanicus Morawitz, 1876

Figure 10

Halictus ferghanicus Morawitz, 1876: 219 (key), 243, ♂.

Type locality

Shakhimardan (Uzbekistan).

Published (original) locality

Uzbekistan: near Shakhimardan.


♂, designated by Warncke 1982: 105, <golden circle> // 6.[VII.1871] // Шагимарданъ [Shakhimardan in the Uzbek enclave in the territory of Kyrgyzstan, Alai Ridge; 39°58'N, 71°47'E] // Halictus ferghanicus Mor., [N]367 [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // Lectotypus Halictus ferghanicus Mor., ♂, design. Warncke [19]82 <red label, labelled by Yu. Pesenko > [ZMMU].


(2 ♂). 1 ♂, <golden circle> // 2.[VII.1871] // Шагимарданъ [Shagimardan] // ferghanicus Mor., Typ. [handwritten by F. Morawitz]; 1 ♂, 2.[VII.1871] // Шагимарданъ [Shagimardan] // к.[оллекция] Ф. Моравица [Collection of F. Morawitz] // Halictus ferghanicus M. [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // Lasioglossum equestre Mor., Pesenko det., 1985 // Paralectotypus, Halictus ferghanicus Mor., design. Warncke, [19]82 <identical red labels on each paralecotype specimen, labelled by Yu. Pesenko> [ZISP].

Current status

Lasioglossum (Lasioglossum) equestre (Morawitz, 1876) (synonymised by Blüthgen 1926: 391).


See Halictus equestris Morawitz, 1876.

Figure 10. 

Halictus ferghanicus Morawitz, 1876, lectotype, male A habitus, lateral view and labels B head, frontal view C mesosoma, dorsal view D metasoma, dorsal view. Scale bars: 1.0 mm.

Halictus fucosus Morawitz, 1876

Figure 11

Halictus fucosus Morawitz, 1876: 219 (key), 230, ♂.

Type locality

30 km SE Kozhatogai, Turkistan Province (Kazakhstan).

Published (original) locality

Uzbekistan: steppe between Tashkent and Syrdarya River.


♂, 18.[V.1871] // Степь м.[ежду] С.[ыр] д.[арьей] и Т.[ашкентом] [Kazakhstan, Turkistan Province, steppe between Syrdarya River and Tashkent, 30 km SE Kozhatogai, 41°47'N, 68°23'E] // Halictus fucosus Mor., [N]345 [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // Halictus senilis Evers. v. fucosus Mor., ♂, P. Blüthgen det. // Holotypus <red label> [ZMMU].

Current status

Halictus (Argalictus) senilis (Eversmann, 1852) (synonymised by Blüthgen 1922: 47).


The lectotype designation of Warncke (1982: 148) is unnecessary as the species was described from a single male that was directly written about by Morawitz (1876: 231).


North Africa, South and East Europe, Russia (south to Urals Mountains on the east), Caucasus, Turkey, Near East, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China (Astafurova and Proshchalykin 2017).

Figure 11. 

Halictus fucosus Morawitz, 1876, holotype, female A habitus, lateral view and labels B metasoma, dorsal view C head, frontal view D mesosoma, dorsal view. Scale bars: 1.0 mm.

Halictus fulvitarsis Morawitz, 1876

Figure 12

Halictus fulvitarsis Morawitz, 1876: 219 (key), 239, ♂.

Type locality

Khodzha-Chiburgan River (Tajikistan/Kyrgyzstan, not Uzbekistan as was indicated in Warncke 1982: 91).

Published (original) locality

Tajikistan/Kyrgyzstan: Khodzha-Chiburgan River.


♂, 26.[VI.1871] // Чибурганъ [Tajikistan/Kyrgyzstan: Khodzha-Chiburgan River (near Vorukh, ≈ 39°48'N, 70°41'E) // Halictus fulvitarsis Mor., [N]361 [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // Holotypus <red label> [ZMMU].

Current status

Lasioglossum (Lasioglossum) fulvitarse (Morawitz, 1876).


Description of male. Blüthgen 1934b: 147.

The lectotype designation by Warncke (1982: 91) is unnecessary as the species was described from a single male that was directly written about by Morawitz (1876: 240).


Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan (Morawitz 1876, Pesenko 1986a, Murao et al. 2017).

Figure 12. 

Halictus fulvitarsis Morawitz, 1876, holotype, female A habitus, lateral view and labels B metasoma, dorsal view C head, frontal view D mesosoma, dorsal view. Scale bars: 1.0 mm.

Halictus funerarius Morawitz, 1876

Figure (see Astafurova and Proshchalykin 2020: 414, figs 11a–e).

Halictus funerarius Morawitz, 1876: 217 (key), 235, ♀.

Type locality

30 km SSE Samarkand, Sangu-dzhuman Pass (Uzbekistan).

Published (original) locality

Uzbekistan: Sangu Dzhuman.


♀, designated by Pesenko 1984: 21, <golden circle> // Сангы Джуманъ [Uzbekistan, Sangydzhuman Pass, 30 km SSE Samarkand, 39°22'N, 67°00'E] // 25.[V.1869] // funerarius Mor. Typ. [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // Lectotypus H. funerarius Mor., ♀, design. Pesenko [1]981 <red label> // Zoological Institute St. Petersburg INS_HYM_0000159 [ZISP].


(8 ♀). 8 ♀, the same label as in lectotype // Paralectotypus H. funerarius Mor. design. Pesenko [1]981 <red labels> [3 ♀ – ZISP; 5 ♀ – ZMMU].

Current status

Halictus (Protohalictus) funerarius Morawitz, 1876.


A rare montane Central Asian species: Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Western Kyrgyzstan, Iran, north-eastern Afghanistan and north-western China (Pesenko 2005a).

Halictus fuscicollis Morawitz, 1876

Figure 13

Halictus fuscicollis Morawitz, 1876: 217 (key), 229, ♀.

Type locality

50 km NW Chardara, Kyzylkum Desert (Turkistan Province, Kazakhstan).

Published (original) locality

Kazakhstan: “Kyzyl-Kum Steppe, near Baybek”.


♀, designated by Warncke 1982: 137, 30.[IV.1871] // Кизилъкумъ [Kazakhstan, Baybek Well, Kyzylkum Desert, ca. 50 km NW Chardara, ≈ 41°44'N, 67°54'E] // Halictus fuscicollis Mor., [N]345 [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // Halictus Vestitohalictus fuscicollis Mor., ♀, Lectotypus, design. A.W. Ebmer 1994 // Lectotypus Halictus fuscicollis Mor., design. Warncke <red label, labelled by Yu. Pesenko> [ZMMU].


1 ♀, <golden circle> Kisilkum [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // fuscicollis Mor. Typ. [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // Paralectotypus <red label>, labelled by Yu. Astafurova [ZISP].

Current status

Halictus (Placidochalictus) fuscicollis Morawitz, 1876.


Description of male. Morawitz 1894: 68, as Halictus flavocallosus (synonymised by Blüthgen 1931a: 214).


Southern Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Iran, China (Xinjiang) (Morawitz 1876, 1894, Murao et al. 2017, Ascher and Pickering 2020).

Figure 13. 

Halictus fuscicollis Morawitz, 1876, lectotype, female A habitus, lateral view and labels B head, frontal view C mesosoma, dorsal view D metasoma, dorsal view. Scale bars: 0.5 mm.

Halictus hyalinipennis Morawitz, 1876

Figure (see Astafurova and Proshchalykin 2018: 23, figs 21a–e).

Halictus hyalinipennis Morawitz, 1876: 218 (key to females), 220 (key to males), 253–254, ♀, ♂.

Type locality

Tashkent (Uzbekistan).

Published (original) locality

Kazakhstan: Chardara, steppe between Tashkent and Syr-Darya; Uzbekistan: Dzhamsk Gorge, Dzhizmansk Gorge, Ulus, Dzham, Urgut, Keles, Samarkand, Soch, Shakhimardan, Uch-Kurgan; Kyrgyzstan: Alay, Osh, Gulsha, Taka.


♀, designated by Astafurova and Proshchalykin 2018: 22, Ташкентъ [Uzbekistan, Tashkent, 41°18'N 69°16'E] // hyalinipennis F. Mor., ♀ [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // к.[оллекция] Ф. Моравица [Collection of F. Morawitz] // Lectotypus Halictus hyalinipennis Morawitz, 1876, ♀, design. Astafurova & Proshchalykin 2018 <red label> [ZISP].


(29 ♀, 10 ♂). 1 ♀, Шагимарданъ [Shagimardan] // 3.[VII.1871] // к.[оллекция] Ф. Моравица [Collection of F. Morawitz]; 1 ♂, Така [Taka] // к.[оллекция] Ф. Моравица [Collection of F. Morawitz]; 1 ♀, 1 ♂, Сохъ [Sokh] // 29. [29.VI.1871] // к.[оллекция] Ф. Моравица [Collection of F. Morawitz]; 1 ♂, Уч-Курганъ [Uch- Kurgan] // к.[оллекция] Ф. Моравица [Collection of F. Morawitz]; 2 ♀, Ташкентъ [Tashkent] // к.[оллекция] Ф. Моравица [Collection of F. Morawitz] [ZISP]; 1 ♂, Ошъ [Osh] // 1.[VIII.1871]; 1 ♂, Самаркандъ [Samarkand] // 4.[VII.1869] // [N]384; 3 ♂, Самаркандъ [Samarkand] // 7.[VII.1869]; 2 ♀, Самаркандъ [Samarkand] // 3., 21.[III.1869]; 16 ♀, Ташкентъ [Tashkent] // 26., 27.[III.1871], 21., 23.[V.1871] and 1.,3.,5.,10.[VI.1871]; 1 ♀, Чардара [Chardara] // 27.[IV.1871]; 1 ♀, Учь-Курганъ [Uch-Kurgan] // 15.[VII.1871]; 2 ♂, Шагимарданъ [Shagimardan] // 2.[VII.1871] 5 ♀, Заравшан.[ская] дол.[ина] [Zeravshan River valley], 3., 11., 18., 23.[III.1871] // Paralectotypus Halictus hyalinipennis Morawitz, 1876, design. Astafurova & Proshchalykin 2018 <identical red labels on each paralectotype specimen> [ZMMU].

Current status

Lasioglossum (Sphecodogastra) hyalinipenne (Morawitz, 1876).


Iran, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan (Morawitz 1876, Ebmer 1974, Warncke 1982, Murao et al. 2017).

Halictus laevinodis Morawitz, 1876

Figure (see Astafurova and Proshchalykin 2018: 24, figs 23a–e).

Halictus laevinodis Morawitz, 1876: 218 (key to females), 248, ♀.

Type locality

30 km SSE Samarkand, Sangu-dzhuman Pass (Uzbekistan).

Published (original) locality

Uzbekistan: Sangy Dzhuman.

Lectotype (designated here)

♀, <golden circle> // Сангы Джуманъ [Uzbekistan, Sangy-dzhuman Pass, 30 km SSE Samarkand, Zeravshan Ridge, 39°27'N, 67°14'E] // 25.[III.1869] // laevinodis Mor., Typ. [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // Lectotype Halictus laevinodis, design. Astafurova et Proshchalykin, 2020 <red label> [ZISP].


(2 ♀). 1 ♀, 25.[III.1869] // Сангы Джуманъ [Sangy Dzhuman] // Halictus laevinodis Mor. [handwritten by F. Morawitz]; 1 ♀ 25.[III.1869] // Сангы Джуманъ [Sangy Dzhuman] // [N]375 // Paralectotype Halictus laevinodis, design. Astafurova et Proshchalykin, 2020 <identical red labels on each paralectotype specimen> [ZMMU].

Current status

Lasioglossum (Hemihalictus) laevinode (Morawitz, 1876).


Astafurova and Proshchalykin (2018: 23) indicated the lectotype specimen as «Holotype», but Morawitz (1876) did not directly indicate a single specimen and two specimens from the type series are deposited in ZMMU.

Description of male. Blüthgen, 1934b: 154, Fig. 3.


Kazahkstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrghyzstan, Afghanistan (Morawitz 1876, Blüthgen in Popov 1935, Ebmer 1980, Murao et al. 2017).

Halictus limbellus Morawitz, 1876

Figure 14

Halictus limbellus Morawitz, 1876: 218 (key), 249, ♀.

Type locality

Samarkand (Uzbekistan).

Published (original) locality

Uzbekistan: Samarkand; Tajikistan: Peti.

Lectotype (designated here)

♀, 5.[IV.1869] // Самаркандъ [Uzbekistan, Samarkand, 39°39'N, 66°57'E] // Halictus limbellus Mor., [N]377 [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // Lectotypus Halictus limbellus Mor., Astafurova et Proshchalykin, 2020 <red label> [ZMMU].


(3 ♀). 1 ♀, 5.[IV.1869] // Самаркандъ [Samarkand] // [N]377 // Typus <red label> [ZMMU]; 1 ♀, <golden circle> // 5.[IV.1869] // Самаркандъ [Samarkand] // Halictus limbellus F. Mor., Typ. [handwritten by F. Morawitz]; 1 ♀, Самаркандъ [Samarkand] // к.[оллекция] Ф. Моравица [Collection of F. Morawitz] // limbellus Mor., Typ. [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // Paralectotypus Halictus limbellus Mor., Astafurova et Proshchalykin, 2020 <identical red labels on each paralectotype specimen> [ZISP].

Current status

Lasioglossum (Hemihalictus) limbellum (Morawitz, 1876).


Description of male. Blüthgen 1930: 763.

The lectotype designation by Warncke (1982: 69) is invalid because he labelled no female of the two females from Samarkand deposited in ZMMU.


Central and eastern Europe, Turkey, Caucasus, Russia (North Caucasus), Israel, Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, China (Gansu) (Pesenko 2007, Astafurova and Proshchalykin 2017, Murao et al. 2017).

Figure 14. 

Halictus limbellus Morawitz, 1876, lectotype, female A habitus, lateral view and labels B head, frontal view C mesosoma, dorsal view D metasoma, dorsal view. Scale bars: 1.0 mm (A), 0.5 mm (B–D).

Halictus longirostris Morawitz, 1876

Figure 15

Halictus longirostris Morawitz, 1876: 216 (key to females), 219 (key to males), 236, ♀, ♂.

Type locality

Shakhimardan (Uzbekistan).

Published (original) locality

Uzbekistan: on the road to Sangy-dzhuman Pass, Shakhimardan; Tajikistan: Peti.


♂, designated by Warncke 1982: 80, 3.[VII.1871] // Шагимарданъ [Shakhimardan in the Uzbek enclave in the territory of Kyrgyzstan, Alai Ridge; 39°58'N, 71°47'E] // Halictus longirostris Mor., [N]356 [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // Lectotypus Halictus longirostris Mor., design. Warncke [19]82 <red label, labelled by Yu. Astafurova> [ZMMU].


(2 ♀). 1 ♀, 25.[V.1869] // Сангы Джуманъ [Sangy Dzhuman] // [N]356; 1 ♀, 12.[VII.1870] // Фанъ [Fan] // [N]356 [ZMMU]; 1 ♀, 2.[VII.1871] // Шагимарданъ [Shagimardan] // к.[оллекция] Ф. Моравица [Collection of F. Morawitz] // Halictus longirostris Mor. [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // Paralectotypus Halictus longirostris Mor., design. Warncke < identical red labels on each paralectotype specimen, labelled by Yu. Astafurova> [ZISP].

Current status

Lasioglossum (Hemihalictus) longirostre (Morawitz, 1876).


Greece, Israel, Lebanon, Turkey, Caucasus, Iran, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Kazakhstan, China (Xinjiang) (Murao et al. 2017, Niu et al. 2020).

Figure 15. 

Halictus longirostris Morawitz, 1876, lectotype, male A head, frontal view B habitus, lateral view C mesosoma, dorsal view D metasoma, dorsal view E labels. Scale bars: 1.0 mm (A, B), 0.5 mm (C, D).

Halictus maculipes Morawitz, 1876

Figure 16

Halictus maculipes Morawitz, 1876: 218 (key to females), 247, ♀.

Type locality

Sokh District [Uzbekistan].

Published (original) locality

Kekh [Sokh District, Uzbekistan].


♀ designated by Warncke 1982: 68, <golden circle> // 27.[VI.1871] // Сохъ [Uzbekistan, Sokh District, ≈ 39°57'N, 71°07'E] // Halictus maculipes Mor., [N]373 [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // Lectotypus Halictus maculipes Mor., design. Warncke <red label, labelled by Yu. Astafurova> [ZMMU].

Current status

Lasioglossum (Hemihalictus) maculipes (Morawitz, 1876).


Male unknown.


Turkey, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Iran, Afghanistan (Morawitz 1876, Ebmer 1984, 1986, Warncke 1982, Ascher and Pickering 2020).

Figure 16. 

Halictus maculipes Morawitz, 1876, lectotype, female A habitus, lateral view and labels B head, frontal view C mesosoma, dorsal view D metasoma, dorsal view. Scale bars: 1.0 mm (A), 0.5 mm (B–D).

Halictus melanarius Morawitz, 1876

Figure 17

Halictus melanarius Morawitz, 1876: 241, ♂.

Type locality

Shakhimardan (Uzbekistan).

Published (original) locality

Near Shakhimardan.


♂, 9.[VII.1871] // Шагимарданъ [Shakhimardan in the Uzbek enclave in the territory of Kyrgyzstan, Alai Ridge; 39°58'N, 71°47'E] // Halictus melanarius Mor., [N]364 [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // Lasioglossum fallax (Mor.) syn: melanarium (Mor.) det. A.W. Ebmer 1979 // Holotypus <red label> [ZMMU].

Current status

Lasioglossum (Lasioglossum) fallax ssp. melanarium (Morawitz, 1876) (subspecies status according to Ebmer 1998: 382).


Description of female: Ebmer 1980: 493, Figs 12 and 13, as Lasioglossum melan Ebmer, 1980 (synonymised by Ebmer 1998: 382).

The lectotype designations by Ebmer (1980: 495) and by Warncke (1982: 91) were unnecessary as the species was described from a single male that was directly written about by Morawitz (1876: 241).


Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, Mongolia (Hovd) (Pesenko 2006b).

Figure 17. 

Halictus melanarius Morawitz, 1876, holotype, male A view habitus, lateral view and labels B head, frontal C genitalia, dorsal view D mesosoma, dorsal view E metasoma, dorsal view. Scale bars: 1.0 mm (A, B, D, E), 0.5 mm (C).

Halictus minor Morawitz, 1876

Figure (see Astafurova and Proshchalykin 2020: 418, figs 15a–e).

Halictus minor Morawitz, 1876: 217 (key), 233, ♀.

Type locality

30 km SSE Samarkand, Sangu-dzhuman Pass (Uzbekistan).

Published (original) locality

Uzbekistan: Gus [near Urgut], Sangy-Dzhuman; Tajikistan: Pyandzhikent.


♀, designated by Pesenko 1984: 23, <golden circle> // Сангы Джуманъ [Uzbekistan, Sangy-dzhuman Pass, 30 km SSE Samarkand, 39°20'N, 67°19'E] // 25.[V.1869] // minor Mor. [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // Lectotypus H. minor Mor., design. Pesenko, [1]981, ♀ <red label> // Zoological Institute St. Petersburg INS_HYM_0000164 [ZISP].


(3 ♀). 1 ♀, Сангы Джуманъ [Sangy Dzhuman] // к.[оллекция] Ф. Моравица [Collection of F. Morawitz] // minor Mor. [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // Syn.: jarkandensis Strand, ♀ // Paralectotypus H. minor Mor., design. Pesenko, [1]981, ♀ <red label >[ZISP]; 1 ♀, 25.[V.1869] // Сангы Джуманъ [Sangy Dzhuman] // Halictus minor Mor., [N]352 [handwritten by F. Morawitz]; 1 ♀, 24.[V.1869] // Заравшан.[ская] дол.[ина] [Zeravshan River valley, Gus] // [N]352 // Paralectotypus H. minor Mor., design. Pesenko, [1]981, ♀ <identical red labels on each paralectotype specimen> [ZMMU].

Current status

Halictus (Platyhalictus) minor Morawitz, 1876.


Description of male. Blüthgen 1936: 295, fig. 11.


Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Central Asia, Altai, Pakistan, north-western and northern China, northern India (Pesenko 2005a, b).

Halictus modernus Morawitz, 1876

Figure 18

Halictus modernus Morawitz, 1876: 217 (key), 235, ♀.

Type locality

Samarkand (Uzbekistan).

Published (original) locality

Uzbekistan: near Samarkand.


♀, 5.[VII.1870] // Самаркандъ [Uzbekistan, Samarkand, 39°39'N, 66°57'E] // Halictus modernus Mor., [N]354 [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // Holotypus <red label> [ZMMU].

Current status

Halictus (Lampralictus) modernus Morawitz, 1876.


The lectotype designation of Warncke (1982: 147) is unnecessary as the species was described from a single female that was directly written about by Morawitz (1876: 235).

Description of male. Ebmer 1984: 315, figs 3–5.


Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, Pakistan (Pesenko 2005a).

Figure 18. 

Halictus modernus Morawitz, 1876, holotype, female A habitus, lateral view B head, frontal view C mesosoma, dorsal view D labels E metasoma, dorsal view. Scale bars: 1.0 mm.

Halictus nasica Morawitz, 1876

Figure 19

Halictus nasica Morawitz, 1876: 216 (key to females), 219 (key to males), 229, ♀, ♂.

Type locality

Samarkand (Uzbekistan).

Published (original) locality

Southern Kazakhstan: Kysyl-Kum [desert] near draw-well Chakany; Uzbekistan: steppe between Katty-Kurgan and Ulus, Samarkand, Murzarabat, Chinaz, Sokh.

Lectotype (designated here)

♀, 9.[VI.1869] // Заравшан.[ская] дол.[ина] [Uzbekistan, Zeravshan River valley, near Samarkand, 39°39'N, 66°57'E] // Halictus nasica Mor., [N]346 [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // Lectotypus Halictus nasica Mor., design. Astafurova et Proshchalykin, 2020 <red label> [ZMMU].


(28 ♀, 44 ♂). 14 ♀, the same label as in the lectotype; 11 ♀, 2 ♂, 9., 13.[VI.1869], 4., 7.[VII.1869] // Самаркандъ [Samarkand] // [N]346; 12 ♂, 24.[VII.1870], 29.[VIII.1870] // Мурзарабадъ [Murzarabad] // [N]346; 1 ♀, 9 ♂, 28.[IV.1871] // Кизилъкумъ [Kizilkum] //[N]346; 17 ♂, 25.[VII.1870] // Чиназъ [Chinaz] // [N]346 [ZMMU]; 1 ♀, 28.[IV.1871] // Кизилъкумъ [Kizilkum] // к.[оллекция] Ф. Моравица [Collection of F. Morawitz] // Halictus nasica Mor. [handwritten by F. Morawitz]; 1 ♀, <golden circle> // 9.[VI.1869] // Заравшан.[ская] дол.[ина] [Zeravshan River valley, near Samarkand] // nasica Mor. Typ. [handwritten by F. Morawitz]; 3 ♂, 28.[VI.1871] // Сохъ [Sokh] // к.[оллекция] Ф. Моравица [Collection of F. Morawitz]; 1 ♂, 9.[VI.1869] // Самаркандъ [Samarkand] // к.[оллекция] Ф. Моравица [Collection of F. Morawitz] // Paralectotypus Halictus nasica Mor., design. Astafurova et Proshchalykin, 2020 <identical red labels on each paralectotype specimen> [ZISP].

Current status

Halictus (Vestitohalictus) nasica Morawitz, 1876.


The lectotype designation by Warncke (1982: 138) is invalid because he labelled none of the 15 females from “valle Serafshan” deposited in ZMMU.


Morocco, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan (Murao et al. 2017, Ascher and Pickering 2020).

Figure 19. 

Halictus nasica Morawitz, 1876, lectotype, female A habitus, lateral view and labels B head, frontal view C mesosoma, dorsal view D metasoma, dorsal view. Scale bars: 1.0 mm (A, D), 0.5 mm (B, C).

Halictus nigrilabris Morawitz, 1876

Figure 20

Halictus nigrilabris Morawitz, 1876: 249, ♂.

Type locality

Sarafschan River valley, Yeri (Tajikistan).

Published (original) locality

Tajikistan: valley Sarafschan between Iori and Dashty-Kazy.


♂, designated by Warncke 1982: 91, <golden circle> // 31.[V.1869] // Заравшан.[ская] дол.[ина] [Tajikistan, Zeravshan River valley, near Iori (= Yeri), 39°29'N, 67°53'E] // Halictus nigrilabris Mor., [N]378 [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // Lectotypus Halictus nigrilabris Mor. design. Warncke [1]982 <red label, labelled by Yu. Pesenko> [ZMMU].


1 ♂, Заравшан.[ская] дол.[ина] [Zeravshan River valley] // Halictus nigrilabris F. Morawitz [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // к.[оллекция] Ф. Моравица [Collection of F. Morawitz] // Paralectotypus Halictus nigrilabris Mor., design. Warncke [1]982 <red label, labelled by Yu. Pesenko> // Zoological Institute St. Petersburg, INS_HYM 0000076 [ZISP].

Current status

Lasioglossum (Lasioglossum) nigrilabre (Morawitz, 1876).


Description of female. Blüthgen 1931b: 336, as Halictus subprasinus (synonymised by Ebmer 1978: 39).


Iran, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan (Blüthgen 1931b, Pesenko 1986a).

Figure 20. 

Halictus nigrilabris Morawitz, 1876, lectotype, male A habitus, lateral view and labels B head, frontal view C mesosoma, dorsal view D antennae, dorsal view E metasoma, dorsal view. Scale bars: 1.0 mm.

Halictus nigripes Morawitz, 1876

Figure 21

Halictus nigripes Morawitz, 1876: 251, ♂.

Type locality

Karazuk, vicinity of Shakhimardan (Uzbekistan).

Published (original) locality

Tajikistan: Iori George, Iskander River; Uzbek enclave in Kyrgyzstan: Karakazuk; Kyrgyzstan: Alay.


♂, designated by Blüthgen 1934a: 302, 11.[VII.1871] // Каразукъ [Uzbekistan, Karazuk, vicinity of Shakhimardan 39°60'N, 71°50'E] // Halictus nigripes Mor., [N]380 [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // nigripes Mor., ♂, lecto-holotype, Blüthgen det. 1933 // Lectotypus Halictus nigripes Mor., design. Blüthgen [19]34 <red label> labelled by Yu. Astafurova [ZMMU].


(3 ♂). 1 ♂, 23.[VII.1871] // Алай [Alay] // [N]380 // nigripes Mor. ♂, Lecto-Paratype, Blüthgen det., 1933 [ZMMU]; 1 ♂, <golden circle> // 23.[VII.1871] // Алай [Alay] // nigripes Mor. Typ., [N]380 [handwritten by F. Morawitz]; 1 ♂, 22.[VII.1871] // Алай [Alay] // к.[оллекция] Ф. Моравица [Collection of F. Morawitz] // Halictus nigripes Mor. [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // Paralectotypus Halictus nigripes Mor., design. Blüthgen <identical red labels on each paralectotype specimen, labelled by Yu. Astafurova> [ZISP].

Current status

Lasioglossum (Hemihalictus) melanopus (Dalla Torre, 1896), replacement name for Halictus nigripes Morawitz, 1876 (nec H. nigripes Lepeletier, 1841).


The specimens from Iskander and Iori George in the Morawitz type series are the holotype and paratypes of Halictus pseudonigripes Blüthgen, 1934.

Description of female: Vachal 1902: 229, as Halictus attritus (synonymised by Blüthgen 1934a: 301).


Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, China (Xinjiang) (Morawitz 1876, Murao et al. 2017, Ascher and Pickering 2020).

Figure 21. 

Halictus nigripes Morawitz, 1876, lectotype, male A habitus, lateral view B metasoma, dorsal view C head, frontal view D mesosoma, dorsal view E labels. Scale bars: 1.0 mm (A), 0.5 mm (B–D).

Halictus obscuratus Morawitz, 1876

Figure 22

Halictus obscuratus Morawitz, 1876: 218 (key), 245, ♀.

Type locality

Sangy-dzhuman Pass, 30 km SSE Samarkand [Uzbekistan].

Published (original) locality

Uzbekistan: Samarkand, Aksay; Tajikistan: Iori Gorge, Varzaminor [=Ayni], Sangy-Dzhuman Pass.


♀, designated by Warncke 1982: 116, 25.[V.1869] // Сангы Джуманъ [Uzbekistan, Sangy-dzhuman Pass, 30 km SSE Samarkand, 39°20'N, 67°19'E] // Halictus obscuratus Mor., [N]370 [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // Lectotypus Halictus obscuratus Mor., design. Warncke [19]82 <red label, labelled by Yu. Astafurova> [ZMMU].


(7 ♀). 1 ♀, 3.[IV.1869] // Самаркандъ [Samarkand] // [N]370; 1 ♀, 27.[II.1869] // Самаркандъ [Samarkand] // [N]370 // obscuratus [handwritten by F. Morawitz]; 1 ♀, [7.VI.1870] // Варзаминоръ [Varzaminor] // [N]370; 1 ♀, 16.[V.1869] // Заравшан.[ская] дол.[ина] [Zeravshan River valley, Aksay] // N[370]; 1 ♀, 2.[VI.1869] // Заравшан.[ская] дол.[ина] [Zeravshan River valley, Iori Gorge] // N[370]; [ZMMU]; 1 ♀, <golden circle> // 25.[V.1869] // Сангы Джуманъ [Sangy Dzhuman] // obscuratus Mor., Typ. [handwritten by F. Morawitz]; 1 ♀, Сангы Джуманъ [Sangy Dzhuman] // к.[оллекция] Ф. Моравица [Collection of F. Morawitz] // obscuratus Mor.[handwritten by F. Morawitz]; 1 ♀, Заравшан.[ская] дол.[ина] [Zeravshan River valley] // к.[оллекция] Ф. Моравица [Collection of F. Morawitz] // Halictus obscuratus F. Morawitz, ♀ [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // Paralectotypus Halictus obscuratus Mor., design. Warncke <identical red labels on each paralectotype specimen, labelled by Yu. Astafurova> [ZISP].

Current status

Lasioglossum (Sphecodogastra) obscuratum ssp. obscuratum (Morawitz, 1876).


Description of male. Blüthgen 1923a: 277.


Europe (except North), Cyprus, Azerbaijan, Russia (North Caucasus), Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Israel, Iran, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Kazakhstan (Astafurova and Proshchalykin 2017).

Figure 22. 

Halictus obscuratus Morawitz, 1876, lectotype, female A habitus, lateral view and labels B metasoma, dorsal view C mesosoma, dorsal view D head, frontal view E. Scale bars: 1.0 mm.

Halictus palustris Morawitz, 1876

Figure 23

Halictus palustris Morawitz, 1876: 217 (key), 234, ♀.

Type locality

Iskanderkul Lake (Tajikistan).

Published (original) locality

Tajikistan: “near Iskander-Kul Lake”.


♀, designated by Warncke 1982: 147, <golden circle> // 15.[VI.1870] // Искандеръ [Tajikistan, Iskanderkul Lake, Hissar Ridge, 39°04'N, 68°22'E] // Halictus palustris Mor., [N]353 [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // Lectotypus Halictus palustris Mor., ♀, design. Warncke [1]982 <red label>, labelled by Yu. Pesenko [ZMMU].


1 ♀, <golden circle> // 15.[VI.1870] // Искандеръ [Iskander] // palustris Mor., Typ. [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // Paralectotypus H. palustris Mor., ♀, design. Pesenko [1]981 <red label> [ZISP].

Current status

Halictus (Tytthalictus) palustris Morawitz, 1876.


Description of male. Blüthgen 1936: 291.


Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, China (Xinjiang) (Pesenko 1986b, Murao et al. 2017).

Figure 23. 

Halictus palustris Morawitz, 1876, lectotype, female A habitus, lateral view and labels B head, frontal view C mesosoma, dorsal view D metasoma, dorsal view. Scale bars: 1.0 mm.

Halictus pectoralis Morawitz, 1876

Figure 24

Halictus pectoralis Morawitz, 1876: 218 (key), 251, ♀.

Type locality

Gulcha (Kyrgyzstan).

Published (original) locality

Kyrgyzstan: Gulsha [Gulcha].


♀, 10.[VIII.1871] // Гульша [Kyrgyzstan, Gulcha, 40°19'N, 73°26'E] // Halictus pectoralis Mor., [N]381 [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // Holotype H. pectoralis Mor., 1876 <red label, labelled by Yu. Pesenko> [ZMMU].

Current status

Lasioglossum (Hemihalictus) subaenescens ssp. asiaticus (Dalla Torre, 1896), replacement name for Halictus pectoralis Morawitz, 1876 (nec H. pectoralis Smith, 1853) (subspecies status according to Ebmer 1997: 932).


Description of male. Blüthgen 1923a: 271, as Halictus proximus (synonymised by Warncke 1975: 96).

The lectotype designation by Warncke (1982: 106) is unnecessary as the species was described from a single female that was directly written about by Morawitz (1876: 251).


Egypt, Turkey, Near East, Iran, Azerbaijan, Central Asia, Mongolia (Hovd), China (Xinijang) (Ebmer 1997, Pesenko 2007).

Figure 24. 

Halictus pectoralis Morawitz, 1876, holotype, female A habitus, lateral view and labels B head, frontal view C mesosoma, dorsal view D metasoma, dorsal view. Scale bars: 1.0 mm (A), 0.5 mm (B–D).

Halictus picipes Morawitz, 1876

Figure 25

Halictus picipes Morawitz, 1876: 218 (key), 244, ♀.

Type locality

Zeravshan River valley (Tajikistan).

Published (original) locality

between Panjakent and Iori (Tajikistan).


♀, designated by Pesenko 1986a: 138, 30.[V.1869] // Заравш.[анская] дол.[ина] [Tajikistan, Zeravshan River valley, between Panjakent and Iori (= Yeri)] // Halictus picipes Mor., [N]369 [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // Lectotype Halictus picipes Mor., ♀, design. Pesenko [1]985 <red label> [ZMMU].


(3 ♀). 1 ♀, the same label as in the lectotype [ZMMU]; 1 ♀, <golden circle>, the same label as in the lectotype; 1 ♀, Заравшан.[ская] дол.[ина] [Zeravshan River valley] // к.[оллекция] Ф. Моравица [Collection of F. Morawitz] // Halictus picipes Mor., ♀ [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // Paralectotypus Hal. picipes Mor., design. Pesenko [1]985 <identical red labels on each paralectotype specimen> [ZISP].

Current status

Lasioglossum (Leuchalictus) picipes (Morawitz, 1876).


The lectotype designation by Warncke (1982: 111) is invalid because he labelled neither of the two females from “valle Serafshan” deposited in ZMMU.

Description of male. Blüthgen in Popov 1935: 362.


Israel, Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan (Pesenko 1986a, Ascher and Pickering 2020).

Figure 25. 

Halictus picipes Morawitz, 1876, lectotype, female A habitus, lateral view and labels B head, frontal view C mesosoma, dorsal view D metasoma, dorsal view. Scale bars: 1.0 mm (A, C, D), 0.5 mm (B).

Halictus rhynchites Morawitz, 1876

Figure 26

Halictus rhynchites Morawitz, 1876: 217 (key to females), 220 (key to males), 222, ♀, ♂.

Type locality

Shakhimardan (Uzbekistan).

Published (original) locality

Usbekistan: Khodzha-Chiburgan gorge, near Shakhimardan Usbekistan]; Kyrgyzstan: Alay, Kichi-alay.

Lectotype (designated here)

♂, 7.[VII.1871] // Шагимарданъ [Shakhimardan in the Uzbek enclave in the territory of Kyrgyzstan, Alai Ridge, 39°58'N, 71°47'E] // [N]334 // Lectotypus Halictus rhynchites Mor., design. Astafurova et Proshchalykin, 2020 <red label> [ZMMU].


(8 ♀, 5 ♂). 1 ♂, the same label as in a lectotype // Halictus rhynchites Mor., [N]334 [handwritten by F. Morawitz]; 1 ♀, 2 ♂, 26.[VI.1871] // Чибурганъ [Chiburgan] // [N]334; 1 ♀, 21.[VI.1871] // Чибурганъ [Chiburgan] // [N]334; 2 ♀, 28.[VII.1871] // Кичи-Алай [Kichi-Alay] // [N]334 [ZMMU]; 2 ♀, 1 ♂, Чибурганъ [Chiburgan] // к.[оллекция] Ф. Моравица [Collection of F. Morawitz] // rhynchites F. Mor. [handwritten by F. Morawitz]; 1 ♂, Кчи-Алай [Kchi-Alay] // к.[оллекция] Ф. Моравица [Collection of F. Morawitz] // rhynchites F. Mor. [handwritten by F. Morawitz]; 1 ♀, < golden circle> // 22.[VII.1871] // Алай [Alay] //rhynchites Mor., Typ. [handwritten by F. Morawitz]; 1 ♀, 22.[VII.1871] // Алай [Alay] // к.[оллекция] Ф. Моравица [Collection of F. Morawitz] // Halictus rhynchites Mor. [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // Paralectotypus Halictus rhynchites Mor., design. Astafurova et Proshchalykin, 2020 <identical red labels on each paralectotype specimen> [ZISP].

Current status

Lasioglossum (Sphecodogastra) rhynchites (Morawitz, 1876).


The lectotype designation by Warncke (1982: 81) is invalid because he labelled neither of the two females from “Shakhimardan” deposited in ZMMU.


Turkey, Afghanistan, southern Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan (Ebmer 1995, Murao et al. 2017).

Figure 26. 

Halictus rhynchites Morawitz, 1876, lectotype, male A habitus, lateral view and labels B metasoma, dorsal view C mesosoma, dorsal view D antenna. Scale bars: 1.0 mm (A), 0.5 mm (B–D).

Halictus scutellaris Morawitz, 1876

Figure 27

Halictus scutellaris Morawitz, 1876: 218 (key), 238, ♀.

Type locality

Bairkum (Chimkent Province, Kazakhstan).

Published (original) locality

Kazakhstan: Bayrakum [= Bairkum]; Tajikistan: Pendzhikent, Iori.


♀, designated by Pesenko 1986a: 140, 4.[V.1871] // Байракумъ [Kazakhstan, Chimkent Province, Bairkum, Syr-Darya River, 42°05'N, 68°10'E] // Halictus scutellaris Mor., [N]359 [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // Lectotypus Halictus scutellaris Mor., ♀, design. Pesenko [1]985 <red label> [ZMMU].


(5 ♀). 1 ♀, the same label as in the lectotype; 1 ♀, 30.[V.1869] // Заравшан.[ская] дол.[ина] [Zeravshan River valley, Iori] // N[359] [ZMMU]; 1 ♀, Байракумъ [Bayrakum] // к.[оллекция] Ф. Моравица [Collection of F. Morawitz] // scutellaris F. Mor., ♀ [handwritten by F. Morawitz]; 2 ♀, 4.[V.1871] // Байракумъ [Bayrakum] // к.[оллекция] Ф. Моравица [Collection of F. Morawitz] // Paralectotypus Hal. scutellaris Mor., design. Pesenko [1]985 <identical red labels on each paralectotype specimen> [ZISP].

Current status

Lasioglossum (Leuchalictus) scutellare (Morawitz, 1876).


Description of male. Blüthgen 1929: 53, as Halictus scutellaris.

The lectotype designation by Warncke (1982: 111) is invalid because he labelled neither of the two females from “Bayrakum” deposited in ZMMU.


Southern Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, China (Xinnjiang) (Pesenko 1986a, Murao et al. 2017).

Figure 27. 

Halictus scutellaris Morawitz, 1876, lectotype, female A habitus, lateral view and labels B metasoma, dorsal C view head, frontal view D mesosoma, dorsal view. Scale bars: 1.0 mm.

Halictus sogdianus Morawitz, 1876

Figures 28

Halictus sogdianus Morawitz, 1876: 216 (key), 227, ♀.

Type locality

Samarkand (Uzbekistan).

Published (original) locality

Uzbekistan: Samarkand, Dshyuzak [=Jizzakh], Iskander [River]; Kyrgyzstan: Osh.


♀, designated by Blüthgen 1934a: 303, 7.[VII.1870] // Самаркандъ [Uzbekistan, Samarkand, 39°39'N, 66°57'E] // Halictus sogdianus Mor., [N]342 [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // sogdianus Mor., ♀, Lecto-Holotype, Blüthgen det. 1931 // Lecto-Type <red label> // Lectotypus Halictus sogdianus Mor., design. Blüthgen 1934 <red label> [ZMMU].


(5 ♀). 1 ♀, 21.[VI.1870] // Искандеръ [Iskander] // [N]342; 1 ♀, 2.[VIII. 1871] // Ошъ [Osh] // [N]342; 2 ♀, 4.[VII.1869] // Самаркандъ [Samarkand] // [N]342; 1 ♀, 18.[VII.1870] // Джюзакъ [Dzhyuzak] // [N]342 // Paralectotype Halictus sogdianus Mor. design. Blüthgen <identical red labels on each paralectotype specimen, labelled by Yu. Astafurova> [ZMMU].

Current status

Halictus (Vestitohalictus) pulvereus Morawitz, 1874 (synonymised by Ebmer 1988b: 576).


Russia (European part, North Caucasus, Crimea), Cyprus, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Mongolia, north-western China (Astafurova and Proshchalykin 2017).

Figure 28. 

Halictus sogdianus Morawitz, 1876, lectotype, female A habitus, lateral view and labels B head, frontal view C metasoma, dorsal view D mesosoma, dorsal view. Scale bars: 1.0 mm (A), 0.5 mm (B–D).

Halictus trifasciatus Morawitz, 1876

Figure 29

Halictus trifasciatus Morawitz, 1876: 218 (key), 240, ♀.

Type locality

Bairkum (Chimkent Province, Kazakhstan).

Published (original) locality

Kazakhstan: Bayrakum.


♀, designated by Warncke 1982: 90, <golden circle> // 4.[V.1871] // Байракумъ [Kazakhstan, Chimkent Province, Bairkum, Syr-Darya River, 42°05'N, 68°10'E] // Halictus trifasciatus Mor., [N]362 [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // Lectotypus Halictus trifasciatus Mor., design. Warncke [19]82 <red label, labelled by Yu. Pesenko> [ZMMU].

Current status

Lasioglossum (Lasioglossum) lebedevi Ebmer, 1972, replacement name for Halictus trifasciatus Morawitz, 1876 (nec Hylaeus trifasciatus Schenck, 1853).


Male unknown.


Southern Kazakhstan (Morawitz 1876, Mutao et al. 2017). The record from Azerbaijan (Aliyev et al. 2007) is doubtful and needs checking.

Figure 29. 

Halictus trifasciatus Morawitz, 1876, lectotype, female A habitus, lateral view B labels C metasoma, dorsal view D head, frontal view E mesosoma, dorsal view. Scale bars: 2.0 mm (A), 1.0 mm (C–E).

Halictus varipes Morawitz, 1876

Figure 30

Halictus varipes Morawitz, 1876: 217 (key to females), 220 (key to males), 223, ♀, ♂.

Type locality

Jizzakh (Uzbekistan).

Published (original) locality

Uzbekistan: Katty-Kurgan [= Kattakurgan], Dzhyuzak [= Jizzakh], Karatyube [= Karatepa near Samarkand], Urgut, Sangy-Dzhuman; Kyrgyzstan: near Osh.


♀, designated by Blüthgen 1955: 17, 19.[VII.1870] // Джюзакъ [Uzbekistan, Dzhyuzak (= Jizzakh), 40°07'N, 67°51'E] // [N]337 // Halictus varipes Mor., ♀, Lecto-Holotype, P. Blüthgen det. // Typus <red label> // Lectotypus Halictus varipes Mor., 1876, design. Blüthgen, 1955 <red label> [ZMMU].


(1 ♀, 2 ♂). 1 ♂, the same labels as in the lectotype // Halictus varipes Mor. ♂, lecto-Paratype, Blüthgen det.; 1 ♂, the same label, but 14.[VII.1870] // Halictus varipes Mor. ♂, lecto-Holotype, Blüthgen det.; 1 ♀, 20. [VI.1869] // Катты-Курганъ [Katty-Kurgan] // Halictus varipes Mor. ♀, lecto-Paratype, Blüthgen det. // Paralectotype Halictus varipes Mor., design. Blüthgen 1955 <identical red labels on each paralectotype specimen, labelled by Yu. Astafurova> [ZMMU].

Current status

Halictus (Seladonia) lucidipennis Smith, 1853 (synonymised by Sakagami and Ebmer 1987: 326).


Southern Palaearctic and Oriental Regions. North Africa, Israel, Arabian Peninsula, Turkey, Central Asia, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Mongolia, north-western China, India, Nepal, Myanma,Thailand, Sri Lanka (Pesenko 2006a).

Figure 30. 

Halictus varipes Morawitz, 1876, lectotype, female A head, frontal view B habitus, lateral view and labels C metasoma, dorsal view D mesosoma, dorsal view. Scale bars: 1.0 mm (B), 0.5 mm (A, C, D).

Halictus vulgaris Morawitz, 1876

Figure 31

Halictus vulgaris Morawitz, 1876: 218 (key), 250, ♀.

Type locality

Samarkand (Uzbekistan).

Published (original) locality

Uzbekistan: Tashkent, Samarkand, Katty-Kurgan [Kattakurgan].

Lectotype (designated here)

♀, 3.[III.1869] [Uzbekistan, Samarkand, 39°39'N, 66°57'E// Hylaeus [sic!] vulgaris Mor., [N]379 [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // Lectotypus Halictus vulgaris Mor., design. Astafurova et Proshchalykin, 2020 <red label> [ZMMU].


(257 ♀). 26 ♀, 4., 20., 23., 30.[III.1869], 3., 11., 19.[IV.1869] // Самаркндъ [Samarkand]; 5 ♀, 28.[IV.1869] // Каттыкурганъ [Kattykurgan]; 222♀, 10., 11., 24., 26., 27., 28., [II.1871], 23., 24. [III.1871], 1., 2., 3., 5., 8., 10., 11.[IV.1871] // Ташкентъ [Tashkent] [ZMMU]; 1 ♀, 3.[IV.1871] // Ташкентъ [Tashkent] // к. Ф. Моравица // Halictus vulgaris Mor. [handwritten by F. Morawitz]; 1 ♀, 5.[IV.1871] // Ташкентъ [Tashkent] // к.[оллекция] Ф. Моравица [Collection of F. Morawitz]; 2 ♀, 8.[IV.1871] // Ташкентъ [Tashkent] // к.[оллекция] Ф. Моравица [Collection of F. Morawitz]; 1 ♀, 1.[IV.1871] // Ташкентъ [Tashkent] // к.[оллекция] Ф. Моравица [Collection of F. Morawitz] // Paralectotypus, Halictus vulgaris Mor., design. Astafurova et Proshchalykin <identical red labels on each paralectotype specimen> [ZISP].

Current status

Lasioglossum (Evylaeus) marginatum (Brullé, 1832) (synonymised by Blüthgen 1926: 391).


Europe (except North), North Africa, Caucasus, Russia (East of European part, North Caucasus), Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Israel, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Central Asia, Kazakhstan, north India, Nepal (Astafurova and Proshchalykin 2017).


The lectotype designation by Warncke (1982: 116) is invalid because he labelled none of the 222 females from Tashkent deposited in ZMMU.

Figure 31. 

Halictus vulgaris Morawitz, 1876, lectotype, female A head, frontal view B habitus, lateral view and labels C metasoma, dorsal view D mesosoma, dorsal view. Scale bars: 1.0 mm (B, C), 0.5 mm (A, D).

Genus Sphecodes Latreille, 1804

Sphecodes nigripennis Morawitz, 1876

Figure 32

Sphecodes nigripennis Morawitz, 1876: 257, ♀.

Type locality

Shardara District of Turkistan Province (Kazakhstan).

Published (original) locality

Kazakhstan: coasts of Kosaral Lake; Uzbekistan: Khodzhaduk [= Khozyay-Dun].


♀, designation by Warncke 1992: 30, 24.IV.1871 [the original blue data label was damaged] // Косаралъ [Kazakhstan, “Kosaral Lake”, Shardara (= Chardara) District of Turkistan (= South-Kazakhstan) Province, ≈ 41°10'N, 68°06'E] // Sphecodes nigripennis Mor. [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // Lectotypus, Warncke 1975 <red label> [ZMMU].


1 ♀, 21.[V.1869] // Заравшан.[ская] дол.[ина] [Zeravshan River valley] // Paralectotype Sphecodes nigripennis Mor., design. Warncke <red label, labelled by Yu. Astafurova> [ZMMU].

Current status

Sphecodes gibbus (Linnaeus 1758) (synonymised by Blüthgen 1923b: 510).


North Africa, Europe (north to 63°), Israel, Jordan, Russia (east to Yakutia), Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, NW China, India (Warncke 1992, Bogusch and Straka 2012, Astafurova et al. 2019).

Figure 32. 

Sphecodes nigripennis Morawitz, 1876, lectotype, female A habitus, lateral view and labels B head, frontal view C mesosoma, dorsal view D metasoma, dorsal view. Scale bars: 2.0 mm (A, D), 1.0 mm (B, C).

Sphecodes pectoralis Morawitz, 1876

Figure 33

Sphecodes pectoralis Morawitz, 1876: 256, ♀.

Type locality

Shardara District of Turkistan Province (Kazakhstan).

Published (original) locality

Kazakhstan: coasts of Kosaral Lake; Kyzylkum [desert] near Chakany Well.


♀, designation by Warncke 1992: 24, 24.[IV.1871] // Косаралъ [Kazakhstan, “Kosaral Lake”, Shardara (= Chardara) District of Turkistan (= South-Kazakhstan) Province], ≈ 41°10'N, 68°06'E// Sphecodes pectoralis Mor. [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // Lectotypus, Warncke 1975 <red label> [ZMMU].


1 ♀, 28.[VI.1871] // Кызылъкумъ [Kyzylkum] // Paralectotype Sphecodes pectoralis Mor., design. Warncke <red label, labelled by Yu. Astafurova> [ZMMU].

Current status

Sphecodes pectoralis Morawitz, 1876.


Description of male. Meyer 1919: 126, as Sphecodes cristatus sensu Meyer (non Hagens 1882) (see Blüthgen 1924: 475).


South Kazakhstan, Central Asia, China (Gansu, Xinjiang) (Astafurova et al. 2018a, b, 2020).

Figure 33. 

Sphecodes pectoralis Morawitz, 1876, lectotype, female A head, frontal view B habitus, lateral view and labels C mesosoma, dorsal view D metasoma, dorsal view. Scale bars: 2.0 mm (B, D), 1.0 mm (A, C).

Sphecodes rufithorax Morawitz, 1876

Figure 34

Sphecodes rufithorax Morawitz, 1876: 255, ♀, ♂.

Type locality

Bairkum (Chimkent Province, Kazakhstan).

Published (original) locality

Kazakhstan: Bayrakum [Bairkum]; steppe between Syr-Darya River and Tashkent.


♀, designated by Warncke 1992: 24, 17. [V.1871] // Байракумъ [Kazakhstan, Chimkent Province, Bairkum, Syr-Darya River, 42°05'N, 68°10'E] // Sphecodes rufithorax F. Moraw., ♀ [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // Lectotypus Warncke, 1975 <red label> [ZMMU].


(2 ♀, 1 ♂). 1 ♀, Байракумъ [Bairkum] // кол.[лекция] Ф. Моравица [Collection of F. Morawitz] // Sphecodes rufithorax F. Moraw., ♀ [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // F. Morawitz det., Typ.; 1 ♀, 20.[V.1871] // Степь м.[ежду] С.[ыр] д.[арьей] и Т.[ашкентом] [Steppe between Syrdarya River and Tashkent] // Sphecodes rufithorax Mor., ♂ [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // Paralectotypus Sphec. rufithorax Mor., design. Warncke, [19]92 <red label, labelled by Yu. Astafurova> [ZMMU]; 1 ♀, the same labels [ZISP].

Current status

Sphecodes olivieri Lepeletier, 1825 (synonymised by Warncke 1992: 24).


North Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, Israel, Jordan, South Europe, Russia (south of European part), Turkey, Caucasus, Iran, Pakistan, Central Asia, Kazakhstan, NW China (Astafurova et al. 2019).

Figure 34. 

Sphecodes rufithorax Morawitz, 1876, lectotype, female A habitus, lateral view B head, frontal view C metasoma, dorsal view D vertex, dorso-lateral view E labels F mesosoma, dorsal view. Scale bars: 1.0 mm (A–C, F), 0.5 mm (D).

Subfamily Nomiinae

Genus Nomia Latreille, 1804

Nomia edentata Morawitz, 1876

Figure 35

Nomia edentata Morawitz, 1876: 259, ♀, ♂.

Type locality

Jizzakh (Uzbekistan).

Published (original) locality

Uzbekistan: Samarkand, Dzhyuzak.


♀, designated by Warncke 1976: 104, 20.[VII.1871] // Джюзакъ [Uzbekistan, Dzhyuzak (= Jizzakh), 40°07'N, 67°51'E] //Nomia edentata Mor. [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // Lectotypus, Warncke 1975 <red label> [ZMMU].


(2 ♂). 1 ♂, the same labels as in the lectotype // Paralectotypus, Nomia edentata Mor., design. Warncke <red label> [ZISP]; 1 ♂, 8.[VII.1869] // Самаркандъ [Samarkand] // Paralectotypus Nomia edentata Mor., design. Warncke <red label> [ZMMU].

Current status

Pseudapis edentata (Morawitz, 1876).


North Africa, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Central Asia, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India (Astafurova 2014).

Figure 35. 

Nomia edentata Morawitz, 1876, lectotype, female A habitus, lateral view B head, frontal view C metapostnotum, dorsal view D metasoma, dorsal view E mesosoma, dorsal view F labels. Scale bars: 1.0 mm (A, D), 0.5 mm (B, C, E).

Nomia rufescens Morawitz, 1876

Figure 36

Nomia rufescens Morawitz, 1876: 261, ♀.

Type locality

Zeravshan River valley (Uzbekistan).

Published (original) locality

Uzbekistan: “Aykul Lake” in Zeravshan River valley.


♀, designated by Warncke 1976: 106, 5.[VIII.1869] // Заравш[анская]. дол.[ина] [Uzbekistan, Zeravshan River valley, Aykul Lake near Chelek, 39°56'N, 66°49'E] // Nomia rufescens Mor. // Lectotypus, Warncke 1975 <red label> [ZMMU].

Current status

Pseudapis rufescens (Morawitz, 1876).


Description of male. Morawitz 1893: 79.


Turkey, Central Asia, Kazakhstan (Astafurova 2014).

Figure 36. 

Nomia rufescens Morawitz, 1876, lectotype, female A habitus, lateral view and labels B head, frontal view C mesosoma, dorsal view D metasoma, dorsal view. Scale bars: 1.0 mm.

Subfamily Nomioidinae

Genus Nomioides Schenck, 1866

Nomioides parviceps Morawitz, 1876

Figure (see Astafurova and Proshchalykin 2019: 56, figs 51a–e)

Nomioides parviceps Morawitz, 1876: 215, ♂.

Type locality

Bairamali (Turkmenistan).

Published (original) locality

Uzbekistan: Samarkand.


♂, окр.[естности] Самарканда [Uzbekistan, Samarkand, 39°39'N, 66°57'E], 13.VI[1869], lost (also see Pesenko 1983: 168–170).


♂, designated by Pesenko 1983: 168, Байрам-Али Закасп.[ийcкая] обл.[асть] [Turkmenistan, Maryi Province, Bairamali, 37°37'N, 62°09'E], 14.VII.[1]928, В. Гуссаковский [V. Gussakovskij leg.] // Nomioides conjungens m., ♂, Blüthgen det. 1931 // Neotypus Nomioides parviceps Mor., ♂, design. Pesenko [1]980 [handwritten by Yu. Pesenko] <red label> // Zoological Institute St. Petersburg, INS_HYM_0000142 [ZISP].

Current status

Nomioides (Nomioides) parviceps Morawitz, 1876.


Description of female: Blüthgen 1925b: 45, as Nomioides conjungens (synonymised by Blüthgen 1934c: 253).


Asia Minor, Afghanistan, Armenia, Central Asia (Astafurova and Proshchalykin 2019).

Nomioides turanica Morawitz, 1876

Figure (see Astafurova and Proshchalykin 2019: 68, figs 62a–e).

Nomioides turanica Morawitz, 1876: 214, ♀, ♂.

Type locality

Samarkand (Uzbekistan).

Published (original) locality

Tajikistan: Murzarabat; Uzbekistan: Sokh, Samarkand.


♂, designated by Pesenko 1983: 174, 5.[VII.1870] // Самаркандъ [Uzbekistan, Samarkand, 39°39'N, 66°57'E] // turanica Mor., Typ. [handwritten by F. Morawitz] // Lectotypus Nom. turanica Mor., ♂, design. Pesenko, 1976 // Zoological Institute St. Petersburg, INS_HYM_0000131 [ZISP].


(5 ♂). 1 ♂, 28.[VI.1871] // Сохъ [Sokh] // Nomioides turanica n. sp. F. Morawitz det.; 1 ♂, <gold circle> 8.[VII.1870] // Самаркандъ [Samarkand] // Nomioides turanica Mor. [handwritten by F. Morawitz] [ZMMU]; 3 ♂, Сохъ [Sokh] // к.[оллекция] Ф. Моравица [Collection of F. Morawitz] // Nomioides turanica Mor. // Paralectotypus ♂ Nom. turanica Mor., design. Pesenko, 1976 <identical red labels on each paralectotype specimen> [ZISP].

Current status

Nomioides (Nomioides) turanicus Morawitz, 1876.


North Africa, Central Asia, Iran, Pakistan (Astafurova and Proshchalykin 2019).


We are grateful to A.V. Antropov (ZMMU) for assisting during work in the ZMMU and Michael Orr (Beijing, China) for checking the English grammar. We also thank P. Bogusch (Hradec Králové, Czech Republic) and R. Murao (Fukuoka, Japan) for careful review of the manuscript and several comments improved the text.

This investigation was supported by the Russian Funds for Basic Research (grant numbers 19–04–00027 and 20–54–44014), the Presidium RAS programme no.41 “Biodiversity of natural systems and biological sources of Russia” and the state research project AAAA–A17–117030310210–3.


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