Corrigendum: Echinotermes biriba, a new genus and species of soldierless termite from the Colombian and Peruvian Amazon (Termitidae, Apicotermitinae). ZooKeys 748: 21–30.
expand article infoDaniel Castro, Rudolf H. Scheffrahn§, Tiago F. Carrijo|
‡ Instituto Amazónico de Investigaciones Científicas, Leticia, Colombia
§ University of Florida, Davie, United States of America
| Universidade Federal do ABC, São Bernardo do Campo, Brazil
Open Access

Our recent description of Echinotermes biriba (Castro et al. 2018) does not clearly define the type repositories as we only give the acronyms “CATAC” and “UF”. The holotype and paratype workers are deposited in the Colección de artrópodos terrestres de la Amazonía Colombiana of the SINCHI Institute in Leticia, Amazonas, Colombia (CATAC). Additional paratype workers are deposited in the University of Florida Termite Collection at Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center, Davie, Florida, United States (UF).


  • Castro D, Scheffrahn RH, Carrijo TF (2018) Echinotermes biriba, a new genus and species of soldierless termite from the Colombian and Peruvian Amazon (Termitidae, Apicotermitinae). ZooKeys 748: 21–30.
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