Research Article
Research Article
Two new species of Cerapanorpa (Mecoptera, Panorpidae) from the Qinling and Minshan mountains
expand article infoKai Gao, Meng-Di Li, Bao-Zhen Hua
‡ Northwest A&F University, Yangling, China
Open Access


Two new species of Cerapanorpa Gao, Ma & Hua, 2016 are described from the Qinling and Minshan mountains, respectively. Cerapanorpa qinlingensis sp. nov. can be readily distinguished from its congeners by the elongate hypovalves and the extremely developed basal process of gonostylus in male genitalia. Cerapanorpa minshana sp. nov. is characterized by its bifurcated parameres and a cluster of long black bristles on the inner apex of the gonocoxite. The number of species of Cerapanorpa is raised to 21. An updated key to species of Cerapanorpa is presented.


biodiversity, China, Panorpidae, scorpionfly, taxonomy


The single-horned scorpionfly Cerapanorpa Gao, Ma & Hua, 2016, an endemic genus of Panorpidae (Insecta, Mecoptera) in central China (Gao and Hua 2019), is mainly characterized by a finger-like anal horn on the posterior margin of tergum VI in males, and a medigynium bearing two pairs of basal plates on both sides of the main plate and an elongate rod-like axis with a pair of weakly divergent arms in females (Ma et al. 2012; Gao et al. 2016; Gao and Hua 2019). Species of Cerapanorpa are widely distributed in the Qinling-Bashan Mountains and adjacent regions, with an altitude ranging from 1400 m to 2800 m (Gao and Hua 2019). The habitats are cool or humid during their flight period, generally including groundcover in broad-leaf forests, mixed forests, and alpine shrub meadows (Gao and Hua 2019).

The eggs are oval and bear polygonal net-like ridges on the chorion surface (Li et al. 2007; Ma et al. 2009). The saprophagous larvae are eruciform and epedaphic, bearing eight pairs of abdominal prolegs, and usually overwinter as grown larvae in soil cavities (Jiang and Hua 2015; Jiang et al. 2019). The larvae possess a pair of compound eyes consisting of ⁓30 ommatidia (Chen et al. 2012), which almost have the same cellular components as those of their adults although the tiering scheme is different (Chen and Hua 2016). During mating, the male usually secretes a salivary mass as a nuptial gift to attract the female prior to copulation, and uses its single anal horn to clamp the female’s abdominal segment to maintain copulation (Tong et al. 2018).

Cerapanorpa currently consists of 19 species (Gao and Hua 2019), which not only display similar internal anatomy (Hou and Hua 2008; Ma et al. 2011), but also have a strongly supported monophyly by phylogenetic analyses (Ma et al. 2012; Hu et al. 2015; Miao et al. 2017, 2019). The alimentary canals are similar in gross morpholgy (Liu and Hua 2009). The male salivary glands uniformly possess six secretory tubes with similar configuration and size (Ma et al. 2011).

Recently, two undescribed species of Cerapanorpa were collected from the Qinling and Minshan mountains, a well-known biodiversity hotspot in the world (Myers et al. 2000; Tang et al. 2006; Hu et al. 2019), and are described as new species herein. The number of species of Cerapanorpa is raised to 21.

Material and methods

Specimens were collected from the Qinling and Minshan mountains in central China (Fig. 1), and deposited in the Entomological Museum, Northwest A&F University, China (NWAU). Specimens were dissected under a Nikon SMZ 1500 Stereoscopic Zoom microscope. Genitalia were macerated in cold 5% NaOH solution for 3 min and rinsed with distilled water. Wings were measured with a vernier calliper. Adult photographs were taken with a Nikon D7100 digital camera, other images were taken using a scientific digital micrography system, ZEISS SteREO Discovery.V20 equipped with an auto-montage imaging system AxioCam IC. The distribution map was constructed using ArcGIS v10.2 and Adobe Illustrator CC. All photographs were assembled with Adobe Photoshop CS6.

Figure 1. 

Distribution map of Cerapanorpa qinlingensis sp. nov. and Cerapanorpa minshana sp. nov.

Terminology follows Gao et al. (2016), Hua et al. (2018) and Wang et al. (2019). The following abbreviations and acronyms are applied: A1, first abdominal segment (and so forth for other segments); T1, first tergum (and so forth for other segments).


Cerapanorpa qinlingensis sp. nov.

Figs 2, 3, 4

Type material

Holotype : ♂, China: Shaanxi Province, Taibaishan Nature Reserve (33°53'N, 107°48'E), 2100 m, 15 August 2016, leg. Ji-Shen Wang. Paratypes: 2♂5♀, same data as for holotype; 6♂10♀, Zhouzhi County, Qinlingliang (33°49'N, 107°45'E), 2050 m, 24 July 2019, leg. Kai Gao; 12♂18♀, Foping Nature Reserve (33°41'N, 107°52'E), 2200 m, 26 July 2019, leg. Kai Gao; 5♂4♀, Ningshan County, Pingheliang (33°28'N, 108°29'E), 2200 m, 5 July 2019, leg. Xin Tong and Peng-Yang Wang; 3♂, Yangxian County, Changqing Nature Reserve (33°42'N, 107°32'E), 2400 m, 18 July 2019, leg. Yu-Chen Zheng.


The specific epithet refers to the type locality, Qinling Mountains.


The new species resembles C. emarginata (Cheng, 1949) in appearance, but can be readily distinguished from the latter by the following characters: 1) wing markings greatly reduced with a faint pterostigmal band (cf. with conspicuous pterostigmal band and apical band); 2) hypovalve longer, reaching the apex of the gonocoxite (cf. shorter, not reaching apex of gonocoxite); 3) paramere shorter, reaching the middle of the gonostylus (cf. longer, reaching apex of gonostylus); 4) gonostylus with an extremely developed basal process (cf. poorly developed).

Description of male

(Fig. 2A). Head (Fig. 2C, D). Frons, vertex and occiput brownish black. Rostrum brownish frontally, sparsely covered with short black setae. Maxillary and labial palpi brownish and darkening towards apex. Antennae black and filiform with 38–42 flagellomeres.

Figure 2. 

Adults of Cerapanorpa qinlingensis sp. nov. A male habitus, dorsal view B female habitus, dorsal view C male head, frontal view D male dorsum of head and thorax E Male abdomen, lateral view. Abbreviations: ah anal horn; ms mesonotum; mt metanotum; no notal organ; pno postnotal organ; pr pronotum. Scale bars: 5 mm (A, B); 0.5 mm (C–E).

Thorax (Fig. 2A, D). Pronotum blackish brown, with 8–12 short setae along its anterior margin. Meso- and metanotum black (Fig. 2D). Pleura light grayish yellow. Legs grayish yellow, with distal tarsomere blackish. Forewing length 13.6–14.4 mm, width 3.4–3.7 mm. Wing membrane hyaline and almost without marking, only with significantly degenerated brown pterostigmal band (Fig. 2A). Hindwing length 12.5–13.6 mm, width 3.2–3.5 mm. Hindwing similar to forewing in markings and patterns.

Abdomen (Figs 2E, 4A). T2–T5 blackish, pleura ivory. Notal organ of T3 very short, not prominent. Postnotal organ of T4 small, hook-shaped and projecting forward. A6 uniformly brownish black, with a brown finger-like anal horn on posterior margin of tergite. A7–A8 elongate and yellowish brown, slightly constricted at base, gradually wider toward apices. A7 with a narrow groove at base.

Male genitalia (Fig. 3A, B). Genital bulb yellowish and long oval. Epandrium long and broad, with a nearly trapezoidal emargination distally. Paired hypovalves slender, reaching apex of gonocoxite, bearing a column of long bristles along inner margin. Gonocoxite with a small concave area on apical inner margin, bearing two small protuberances on ventral submedian margin. Gonostylus medially curved, with an indistinct median tooth and an extremely developed basal process on inner margin, and bearing a bundle of short setae dorsally on basal process (Fig. 3C). Parameres extending well beyond base of gonostylus (Fig. 3A), curved distally and pointed apically, bearing a row of dense spines along inner margin (Fig. 3G). Aedeagus sclerotized; dorsal valves of aedeagus long, curved ventrally, with distal part pediform; ventral valves short, membranous; lateral process not prominent (Fig. 3D, F).

Figure 3. 

Genitalia of Cerapanorpa qinlingensis sp. nov. A, B genital bulb, ventral and dorsal views C gonostylus, dorsal view D, F aedeagus, ventral and lateral views E terminalia, ventral view G right paramere, ventral view H, I medigynium, ventral and dorsal views. Abbreviations: ax axis; bp basal process; ce cercus; dbp dorsal basal plate; dp dorsal process; dv dorsal valve; ep epandrium; gcx gonocoxite; gs gonostylus; hv hypovalve; lp lateral process; mp main plate; mt median tooth; pa posterior arm; pm paramere; sgp subgenital plate; vbp ventral basal plate; vv ventral valve. Scale bars: 0.5 mm (A, B, E); 0.2 mm (C, D, F–I).

Description of female

Similar to the male in wing markings (Figs 2B, 4B). Forewing length 14.3–15.4 mm, width 3.5–3.9 mm; hindwing length 13.8–15.0 mm, width 3.3–3.7 mm, similar to forewings (Fig. 2B).

Female genitalia (Fig. 3E, H, I). Subgenital plate ligulate, not emarginate terminally, bearing long setae on distal portion (Fig. 3E). Medigynium sclerotized, main plate twice as long as wide, intensely constricted medially. Paired posterior arms narrowing apically, forming a broad U-shaped emargination (Fig. 3H, I). Ventral basal plates translucent, covering two-thirds of the main plate (Fig. 3H). Paired dorsal basal plates reniform and membranous (Fig. 3I). Anterior end of axis bifurcated, extending beyond main plate for half its length (Fig. 3H, I).


China (Qingling, Shaanxi Province).


In the type locality, Taibaishan Nature Reserve, all specimens were captured on the southern slope of the Taibai Mountain, with an elevation of 2100 m. The species mainly inhabits dense herbaceous and shrubby vegetation under evergreen broad-leaved forests (Fig. 4C).

Figure 4. 

Adult habitus and habitat of Cerapanorpa qinlingensis sp. nov. A male, lateral view B female, lateral view C habitat in the southern slope of Mount Taibai.

Cerapanorpa minshana sp. nov.

Figs 5, 6, 7

Type material

Holotype : ♂, China: Sichuan Province, Jiuzhaigou County, Anle Town (33°22'N, 104°14'E), 2400 m, 16 June 2019, leg. Kai Gao and Zhi-Chao Jia. Paratypes: 27♂34♀, same data as for holotype; 1♂1♀, Jiuzhaigou County, Majia Town (33°08'N, 104°05'E), 2100 m, 28 May 2019, leg. Kai Gao and Zhi-Chao Jia; 1♀, Jiuzhaigou County, Zhangzha Town (33°16'N, 103°54'E), 2160 m, 19 July 2019, leg. Ning Li and Lu Liu; 18♂22♀, Gansu Province, Wenxian County, Gaoloushan (33°04'N, 104°42'E), 2200 m, 17 June 2019, leg. Kai Gao and Zhi-Chao Jia.


The specific epithet refers to the type locality, Minshan Mountains.


The new species can be readily distinguished from its congeners by the following combination of features: 1) paramere short and bifurcated, bearing a column of long golden spines along the dorsal side; 2) gonocoxite bearing a cluster of black long bristles on the inner apex; 3) dorsal valves of the aedeagus curved ventrally, with the distal part heel-shaped; 4) main plate of medigynium flat, intensely narrowed at the base and broadened distally.

Description of male

(Fig. 5A). Head. Frons, vertex and occiput entirely black (Fig. 5C, D). Compound eyes dark gray. Rostrum brownish black anteriorly, mandibles, labial and maxillary palps dark-brown (Fig. 5C). Antennae filiform and black, with 38–43 flagellomeres.

Figure 5. 

Adults of Cerapanorpa minshana sp. nov. A male habitus, dorsal view B female habitus, dorsal view C male head, frontal view D male dorsum of head and thorax E male abdomen, lateral view. Abbreviations: ah anal horn; ms mesonotum; mt metanotum; no notal organ; pno postnotal organ; pr pronotum. Scale bars: 5 mm (A, B); 0.5 mm (C–E).

Thorax (Fig. 5D). Pronotum black, with 10–14 black setae along anterior margin. Meso- and metanotum entirely black. Pleura and legs pale yellow with a pair of apical spurs; tarsi darkened toward apices. Forewing length 12.0–12.5 mm, width 3.1–3.3 mm. Wing membrane hyaline, pterostigma and apical band poorly developed, only with dark gray trace at apical region (Figs 5A, 7A). Hindwing length 11.8–12.2 mm, width 2.8–3.2 mm, similar to forewings (Fig. 5A).

Abdomen (Fig. 5A, E). T1–T5 brownish black, pleura pale. Notal organ of T3 semicircular, not prominent. Postnotal organ of T4 small, barb-shaped and projecting forward. T6 brownish black, bearing a yellow finger-like anal horn posteriorly (Fig. 5E). A7 and A8 elongate and uniformly yellowish brown, with basal half slightly constricted and slightly thickened apically.

Male genitalia (Fig. 6A, B). Genital bulb globular and yellowish brown. Epandrium broad basally, narrowing gradually toward apex, with a deep U-shaped emargination between two stout setose lobes (Fig. 6B). Paired hypovalves parallel, only reaching three-quarters of gonocoxite, bearing long bristles along inner margins. Gonocoxite bearing a cluster of black bristles on inner apex (Fig. 6A). Gonostylus shorter than gonocoxite, medially curved, bearing an indistinct middle tooth and a large basal process. Parameres bifurcated and short, not extending beyond the apex of gonocoxite, bearing a column of long golden spines along dorsal side (Fig. 6C, E). Dorsal valves of aedeagus curved ventrally, with distal part heel-shaped (Fig. 6F); ventral valves membranous, weakly developed; lateral process long and curved ventrally.

Figure 6. 

Genitalia of Cerapanorpa minshana sp. nov. A, B genital bulb, ventral and dorsal views C aedeagal complex, ventral view D terminalia, ventral view E left paramere, lateral view F Aedeagus, lateral view G, H medigynium, ventral and dorsal views. Abbreviations: ae aedeagus; ax axis; ce cercus; dbp dorsal basal plate; dp dorsal process; dv dorsal valve; ep epandrium; gcx gonocoxite; gs gonostylus; hv hypovalve; lp lateral process; mp main plate; pa posterior arm; pm paramere; sgp subgenital plate; vbp ventral basal plate; vv ventral valve. Scale bars: 0.5 mm (A, B); 0.2 mm (C–H).

Description of female

Similar to males in coloration and patterns (Figs 5B, 7B). Forewing length 12.7–13.4 mm, width 3.3–3.7 mm; Hindwing length 12.1–12.5 mm, width 3.1–3.5 mm, similar to forewing (Fig. 5B).

Female genitalia. Subgenital plate long elliptical, ending with a V-shaped incision, bearing long setae on distal portion (Fig. 6D). Medigynium small and weakly sclerotized; main plate flat, intensely narrowed basally, broadened distally (Fig. 6H). Paired posterior arms tapering apically, forming a nearly quadrate emargination. Ventral basal plates membranous and translucent, covering approximately three-quarters of main plate (Fig. 6G). Paired dorsal basal plates oblong, weakly sclerotized (Fig. 6H). Axis elongated and bifurcated anteriorly, extending beyond main plate by nearly half its length (Fig. 6G, H).


China (Minshan, Sichuan and Gansu provinces).


In the type locality, all specimens were captured on herbaceous groundcover in the Panjiagou Valley (Fig. 7C), with an elevation of 2400 m. Suitable microhabitats in the valley are moist and cool during the imaginal flight period, with the temperature ranging approximately from 14 to 20°C during the day.

Figure 7. 

Adult habitus and habitat of Cerapanorpa minshana sp. nov. A male, dorsal view B female, dorso-lateral view C habitat of the type locality, Anle Town, Jiuzhaigou County, Sichuan Province, China.

Key to species of Cerapanorpa (male)*

1 T5 with an anal horn on posterior margin C. bicornifera (Chou & Wang, 1981)
T5 without anal horns on posterior margin 2
2 Finger-like anal horn on T6 shorter and stout, at most 0.2 times as long as T6 C. brevicornis (Hua & Li, 2007)
Finger-like anal horn on T6 longer, at least 0.3 times as long as T6 3
3 Paramere with thin stalk, then abruptly swollen into broad plate from middle portion 4
Paramere slightly broader than stalk, with apical portion lanceolate or slightly curved 7
4 Paramere bifurcated, with subapical branch 5
Paramere unbifurcated, without subapical branch 6
5 Paramere shorter, only reaching the base of dorsal valves, quadrate plate above the stalk, with an L-shaped subapical branch C. byersi (Hua & Li, 2007)
Paramere longer, reaching apex of dorsal valves, and bearing a column of long golden spines along dorsal side C. minshana sp. nov.
6 Paramere exceeding apex of gonocoxite, curved medially at apex; dorsal valve not tapering toward apex C. baimaensis Gao & Hua, 2019
Paramere not exceeding apex of gonocoxite, lanceolate at apex; dorsal valve tapering toward apex C. centralis (Tjeder, 1936)
7 Paramere linear, slightly thicker than stalk, bearing a column of extremely short spines 8
Paramere flat and broad above stalk, prominently broader than its stalk 10
8 Wings with remarkable complete dark-brown markings; middle and hind legs with coxae and trochanters brownish black; paramere curved almost at a right angle basally C. reni (Chou & Wang, 1981)
Wing membrane hyaline, only with faint apical band or without markings; legs with coxae and trochanters yellowish; paramere slightly curved apically 9
9 Paramere yellowish brown, blunt apically, reaching middle of gonostylus and bearing spines along inner margin C. dubia (Chou & Wang, 1981)
Paramere dark-brown, reaching apex of gonocoxite and bearing a thorn at apex and spines on dorsal side C. liupanshana Gao, Ma & Hua, 2016
10 Paramere sinuate or geniculate 11
Paramere straight and lanceolate, or slightly curved medially 16
11 Paramere strongly curved and sinuate in distal half, bearing long comb-like spines along inner margin 12
Paramere slightly sinuate or geniculate at distal half 13
12 Paramere nearly bow-shaped; dorsal valves of aedeagus with truncate apex and membranous apical process C. sinuata Gao, Ma & Hua, 2016
Paramere hook-shaped; dorsal valves of aedeagus tapering toward apex and with large L-shaped apical process C. taizishana Gao & Hua, 2019
13 Paramere columnar and somewhat sinuate dorsally at apical portion; hypovalves of hypandrium slender and dramatically elongate, exceeding apex of gonocoxite C. yanggashana Gao & Hua, 2019
Paramere geniculate at apical portion; hypovalves of hypandrium exceeding middle of gonocoxite 14
14 Rostrum blackish brown to black; paramere with short ventral spines at apex C. nanwutaina (Chou & Wang, 1981)
Rostrum yellowish to reddish brown; paramere with comb-like spines along medial margin 15
15 Hypovalves slender, with sparse stout bristles along inner margins; dorsal valves of aedeagus brawny, slightly expanded apically C. xuebaodinga Gao & Hua, 2019
Hypovalves broad, with dense long bristles along inner margins; dorsal valves of aedeagus elongated and slender apically C. obtusa (Cheng, 1949)
16 Paramere extending to middle of gonostylus 17
Paramere extending nearly to apex of gonostylus or beyond 18
17 Wings only with faint pterostigma and apical bands; paramere with spines from its middle length C. funiushana (Hua & Chou, 1997)
Wings with prominent pterostigmal and apical bands; paramere with a row of short spines on inner margin above basal stalk C. wangwushana (Huang, Hua & Shen, 2004)
18 Wings without markings; paramere extremely elongated, exceeding apex of gonostylus C. protrudens Gao, Ma & Hua, 2016
Wings with markings; paramere not exceeding apex of gonostylus 19
19 Wings only with a faint pterostigmal band; hypovalve elongate, reaching apex of gonocoxite; gonostylus with extremely developed basal process C. qinlingensis sp. nov.
Wings with prominent pterostigmal band and apical band; hypovalve shorter, not reaching apex of gonocoxite; gonostylus with weakly-developed basal process C. emarginata (Cheng, 1949)


Cerapanorpa qinlingensis sp. nov. is endemic to the western Qinling Mountains, and closely related to C. emarginata (Cheng, 1949), which is patchily distributed in the eastern Qinling Mountains. The parapatric distribution pattern of these two species probably provides an ideal model to examine the mechanisms of species differentiation or speciation (an east-west genetic break) in the Qinling Mountains, as previously uncovered by phylogeographic studies (Wang et al. 2012, 2013; Liu et al. 2014; Huang et al. 2017).

The discovery of C. minshana sp. nov. increases the diversity of the genus Cerapanorpa to five species in the Minshan Mountains, including C. bonis (Cheng, 1949), C. baimaensis Gao & Hua, 2019, C. xuebaodinga Gao & Hua, 2019, C. yanggashana Gao & Hua, 2019, and C. minshana sp. nov. Cerapanorpa minshana sp. nov. differs greatly from the aforementioned four species by its bifurcated paramere, the shape of dorsal aedeagal valves and a cluster of black bristles on inner apex of gonocoxite. Only two species, C. minshana sp. nov. and C. centralis (Tjeder, 1936), possess a cluster of long black bristles on inner apex of gonocoxite in Cerapanorpa. However, C. minshana sp. nov. can be readily distinguished from C. centralis by its specific bifurcated paramere and the shape of dorsal aedeagal valves in males.

Cerapanorpa qinlingensis sp. nov. and C. minshana sp. nov. are only found in the high-altitude microhabitats of the Qinling and Minshan mountains, respectively (Figs 4C, 7C). These fragmented habitat islands are cool and humid, generally with an altitude above 2000 m (Fig. 1). Most species of Cerapanorpa prefer these cool habitats, and usually inhabit the ‘sky islands’ of mountain tops in these mountainous regions (Gao and Hua 2019). Compared with other genera (such as Panorpa Linnaeus, 1758 and Neopanorpa van der Weele, 1909), which have a broad spectrum of distribution in elevation (Wang and Hua 2017, 2019; Wang et al. 2019), Cerapanorpa is likely a cold-adapted genus in Panorpidae.


We thank Ji-Shen Wang for critical comments on the early draft of the manuscript. We also thank Ji-Shen Wang, Ning Li, Lu Liu, Xin Tong, Peng-Yang Wang, Zhi-Chao Jia (Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang) and Yu-Chen Zheng (China Agricultural University, Beijing) for collecting specimens. This research was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 31672341 and 31172125).


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1* Modified from Gao and Hua 2019; male of C. bonis is unknown.
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