Research Article |
Corresponding author: Andrzej Antoł ( ) Academic editor: Pavel Stoev
© 2020 Andrzej Antoł, Jan Kozłowski.
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Antoł A, Kozłowski J (2020) Scaling of organ masses in mammals and birds: phylogenetic signal and implications for metabolic rate scaling. ZooKeys 982: 149-159.
The persistent enigma of why the whole-body metabolic rate increases hypoallometrically with body mass should be solved on both the ultimate and proximate levels. The proximate mechanism may involve hyperallometric scaling of metabolically inert tissue/organ masses, hypoallometric scaling of metabolically expensive organ masses, a decrease in mass-specific metabolic rates of organs or a combination of these three factors. Although there are literature data on the tissue/organ masses scaling, they do not consider phylogenetic information. Here, we analyse the scaling of tissue/organ masses in a sample of 100 mammalian and 22 bird species with a phylogenetically informed method (PGLS) to address two questions: the role of phylogenetic differences in organ/tissue size scaling and the potential role of organ/tissue mass scaling in interspecific metabolic rate scaling. Strong phylogenetic signal was found for the brain, kidney, spleen and stomach mass in mammals but only for the brain and leg muscle in birds. Metabolically relatively inert adipose tissue scales isometrically in both groups. The masses of energetically expensive visceral organs scale hypoallometrically in mammals, with the exception of lungs, with the lowest exponent for the brain. In contrast, only brain mass scales hypoallometrically in birds, whereas other tissues and organs scale isometrically or almost isometrically. Considering that the whole-body metabolic rate scales more steeply in mammals than in birds, the mass-specific metabolic rate of visceral organs must decrease with body mass much faster in birds than in mammals. In general, studying whole-body metabolic rate is not adequate for explaining its scaling, and measuring metabolic rates of organs, together with their contribution to body mass, is urgently required.
adipose tissue mass, hypoallometric scaling, isometric scaling, PGLS, visceral organ mass
The slower than linear increase in metabolic rate with body mass, often referred to as a negative or sublinear or hypoallometric mass-scaling of metabolism, has fascinated biologists since at least the time of the publications of
Old data on scaling of organ masses in mammals was summarized by
Here, we used published data to estimate body mass-scaling for the mass of the brain, heart, liver, kidneys, lungs, spleen, digestive tract and its components (stomach and intestine) and the adipose deposits in 100 mammalian species and the mass of the brain, heart, liver, kidneys, lungs, breast muscle, skin, digestive tract, plumage and fat in 22 bird species with a phylogenetically informed method. We address two questions: the role of phylogenetic differences in organ/tissue size scaling and the potential role of organ/tissue mass scaling in interspecific metabolic rate scaling. Recent studies showed that hypoallometry of the metabolic rate is not an artefact of phylogeny, but taking into account phylogenetic information affects the slopes of the scaling (e.g.,
The data sets used in our analyses are relatively uniform, collected by the same people. Data for whole-body mass, fat-free body mass, adipose deposits and sizes of organs were taken from the supplemental material of
Scaling parameters for sizes of organs/tissues were calculated in the R software (
The results of the PGLS and OLS models for mammals with log fat-free body mass as the independent variable are presented in Figure
In birds, water mass scales isometrically with body mass (the slope is 0.99 for both PGLS and OLS) with very narrow confidence intervals (Suppl. material
The slope for BMR in the studied birds equalled 0.67 according to PGLS analysis (Suppl. material
Adipose tissue is metabolically relatively inert: 0.79 kJ kg-1 h-1 as compared to 77 kJ kg-1 h-1 in kidney and hearts in humans (
Lung mass scales isometrically with body mass in both mammals and birds.
Our results show that the mass of the heart, responsible for the distribution of both oxygen and nutrients, has in mammals a slope of 0.92 (PGLS) or 0.95 (OLS).
Liver mass scales in mammals with a slope of 0.89 (PGLS) or 0.90 (OLS) in our analysis, identical to the value given by
Because of the expensive brain hypothesis, linking relative brain size with the life history-based pace of life (
Plumage mass scales isometrically in the studied birds.
The heart, kidney, liver and brain are expensive organs. In humans, these organs comprise 0.5, 0.4, 2.6 and 2.0% of the body mass, respectively, but are responsible for as much as 8.7, 8.2, 21.6 and 20.2% of the total resting metabolic rate (calculated from
In birds, most tissues/organs scale isometrically. Strong hypoallometric scaling of the brain and slightly hypoallometric scaling of a few organs is likely to be balanced by hyperallometric scaling of the skin, plumage and digestive tract mass (if they truly diverge from isometry). In mammals, such hyperallometric scaling was not found. Since compensation must appear because body mass, by definition, scales isometrically with itself, hyperallometry may exist in tissues/organs not studied here, but we did not find strong enough hyperallometry in the survey presented by
The hypoallometric scaling of the masses of energy-demanding visceral organs must significantly contribute to the hypoallometric scaling of the whole-body metabolic rate in mammals, but such scaling only slightly contributes to the same scaling in birds. Taking into account that the whole-body BMR increases with body mass faster in mammals (PGLS slope between 0.71 and 0.74;
Metabolism takes place in cells that form different tissues/organs. Unfortunately, researchers usually measure total body masses and whole-body metabolic rates. Such state-of-the-art results do not originate from a well-developed research strategy but from the ease of taking these measurements. If we want to resolve the still-enigmatic hypoallometric scaling of the whole-body metabolism, we should refocus on body composition and organ-specific metabolic rates.
We thank Karen Isler for providing the phylogenetic tree in a numerical form and Marcin Czarnoleski and Marek Konarzewski for comments on the manuscript. This research was supported by Jagiellonian University DS/WB/INoS 757/2019. Comments of two anonymous reviewers significantly improved the manuscript.
Figures S1–S5. Additional graphs with result analysis and phylogenetical trees used in data analysis
Data type: phylogenetical trees and graphs